Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 60 - Chris von Szombathy

Episode Date: April 21, 2009

Artist and musician Chris von Szombathy joins us to talk about The Soloist, high-speed rail, and Garfield.  We also stuntcast Popeye....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 60 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark, and joining me, as always, is the man that they originally wanted for the lead role in The Wrestler, but couldn't get him, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, because I was too dangerous. It's true. Yeah, they wouldn't have believed you as a wrestler, more like a killer. Yeah, like the kind of believed you as a wrestler. More like a killer. Yeah, like the kind of guy who kills wrestlers.
Starting point is 00:00:49 And our guest here on a, I would say 60s, that's kind of a landmark episode, right? All the tens to me feel significant. Sure. Not that the other ones haven't been, but this feels good. You love the metric system.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Oh, there's no doubt about that. Our guest today is significant. Sure. Not that the other ones haven't been, but this feels good. You love the metric system. Oh, there's no doubt about that. Our guest today is artist and musician, Chris von Zombathy. Longtime friend of Dave Schumke's. Very long. Very long. And I was checked out, Dave has a little book of your art. I mean, little, literally, the size of it is it's a small book. He's not diminishing the importance of your cute little art. And the shoe tree, your shoe tree art is something to behold. I really enjoy the shoe tree stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thank you very much. That's great. Yeah, it was actually, I stole a lot of those from work. I work in a shoe store. Al Bundy styles. Al Bundy styles. And I had the cardboard ones with me. And a little girl was, like I had a bunch of empty ones on the table or whatever the counter.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And this little girl was like, oh, can I have those? And her mom was like, don't take those. Like, what are you going to do with those things? She's like, I'm going to paint them and make faces out of them and they're like you can't have them so should we get to know us sure get to know us were you were you gonna finish that or was there an end to that? I don't think there really was an end to that. Well, basically, she would have stolen my idea.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah, but you stole hers. I stole hers. Yeah, it's like stealing an idea from a baby. So, Chris, tell us what's going on. What's happening in general terms? I just moved into a new place. Wow, is that cool. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Yeah? Yeah, it's so much better than my old apartment. My old apartment was loud, really loud, and I could hear my neighbors farting upstairs. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:55 What was it? In the bathtub? Thin kind of walls? The whole place was thin. It was like it was made out of crackers. I found out, actually I went up there one day to complain to like it was made out of crackers. I found out. Actually, I went up there one day to complain to... It was a brother and sister that lived upstairs.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Were you complaining about the farts? I actually was complaining. I was complaining about a bunch of things. But it's a brother and sister that lived together. Their names were Mary and Joseph. This is great. Which is fucking creepy. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm like, wow, if you have an inbred kid, it will be the son of God. And I went up there and I banged on the door and I was like, look, you guys got to keep it down. And she was like, oh, we'll try. And I said, I know what hour he's gassiest. Did you really say that? That's what I said. Wow. Did not faze him at all.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Did not faze him whatsoever. So, yeah, we found a new place and we moved in. Good for you. Yeah, it's got a fireplace. That's the thing. Oh, really? Yeah, it's got a fucking fireplace. So the last place, were you in an apartment?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Were you in a house? It was like an old house that had been converted into apartments. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's my kind of situation that I'm living in now. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm in a house with kind of the apartments. Yeah, it's, you know situation that i'm living in now oh yeah yeah i'm in a house with kind of the apartments yeah it's you know i don't know man i'm terrible got tired of it it's two and a half years of farting yeah yeah yeah that's uh oh man so where and
Starting point is 00:04:16 you're in an apartment now or i'm in a loft now oh wow i know a fireplace i'm moving up to a deluxe apartment do you have you used a fireplace? Yeah, I use it all the time. Is it wood burning? It's gas. You just turn it on. I set up some pillows in front of it. I had a book of the day. It was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Who are you, Ernest Hemingway? You read a book or you burned a book? I read a book. Wow. I burned a book in the gas what temperature uh do books burn at um the temperature of fury and properness um is that a word properness what i just said i was going for fahrenheit 451 oh yes yeah sorry we're not as well read as you. Yeah, well, I read the cover of it. Archie's 13. But when we, right before we started this podcast,
Starting point is 00:05:18 the background on my computer is Jamie Foxx with his hair parted in the middle and wearing a bunch of crazy clothes, playing the cello. It's a poster for the movie The Soloist. In which he goes full Rita. Sure. And we wanted to say something about that. I think we all can weigh in a quick opinion about this film,
Starting point is 00:05:43 but I think we started, Chris had something immediate. I did have a, because I saw the picture right away, but my understanding is the film's been pushed back. Yes. Has it? Okay. You know,
Starting point is 00:05:52 not that I really care, it already fucking matters. But I was talking to my mom about Jamie Foxx because I don't really care for Jamie Foxx that much. And I mean, I like Robert Downey Jr. I don't really watch a lot of movies, but I thought,
Starting point is 00:06:06 well, it looks like a piece of crap. And so I was talking to my mom one day, and she's like, oh, have you seen that ad for the new movie with Jamie Foxx, The Soloist? And in my head, I'm like, yeah, yeah. So I said, yeah, that fucking movie. And she goes, doesn't it look amazing? I was like, no, it looks like a piece of shit but how many times you've been caught in that kind of thing where somebody says have you heard of this thing and you're like I don't know this person that well so I'm not sure can I make fun of it where are they going
Starting point is 00:06:41 with this that they love it it's their favorite. They want to make fun of it. Because I've done that before. I was watching the OC with somebody. No, not the OC. The Hills. The Hills. The Hills. And I was making fun of it. I was just tearing the shit out of it.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And then I realized the person I was watching it, one of the person I was watching it with, really liked it. Like, actually liked the characters and stuff. And I was like, oh. I've been eviscerating this show for the last 22 minutes. Like, just, oh, yeah, look at this. So what a slut. But, like, really, like, she knew all the characters and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Oh, man, I felt terrible for everybody. Yeah. Including Heidi Montag. yeah including heidi montag um well my thing with the soloist is it looks uh it's like the intermittent windshield wiper movie but with cellos yeah or it's it's pay it forward but with cellos uh and i think the reason they it was supposed to come out last year around like award season. And they pushed it back, I think, because they were afraid it would win too many awards. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:52 They were afraid that it would dwarf the competition. Remember last year when Seven Pounds came out? And like all the time leading up, was like seven pounds is gonna be one of the oscar contenders did anybody find out what the seven pounds meant uh no oh so nobody saw it no because i still don't know anybody who's seen it that's a will smith yeah yeah that's how british people measure weight oh no stone is how they measure weight he's's 2'7 pounds. He's 14 pounds. It's stone. I don't know. I think the thing with the
Starting point is 00:08:30 soloist is first of all, I think some time ago I said my theory about how I didn't feel it was right since Robert Downey Jr. was the one who delivered that speech in Tropic Thunder about going full retard
Starting point is 00:08:45 that he should ever again appear in a movie where somebody is going full retard. I think he goes full schizo. Yeah, but you see the picture and it's easily They're inter-tartable? No, I don't feel good about that. Maybe Downey Jr. doesn't consider that to be full of retard.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah. He's like, maybe even personally, he's like, I have a level. But that's not it. But with this guy, Jamie Foxx, like this week, he said a thing about Miley Cyrus, right? And then he recanted it the next day. On his deathbed. He's got no conviction, but he said on a talk show, he was like, well, I'm like, you know, I do a radio show and I'm like the black Howard Stern.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I'm like, first of all, Howard Stern is enough Howard Stern for all races. We don't need different races of Howard Stern. He's got it covered. And secondly, Howard Stern would never apologize to Miley Cyrus if he said that. Never. Not in a million years. You're no more Howard Stern than I am a Howard Stern. I'm like a white Howard Stern, Dave.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'm like a Howard Stern in a hat. Can you imagine? Good Lord. Anyway, so the soloist. We'll make make a date we'll all go see it's a plan yeah what's going on with you dave um oh last night uh you're kind of under the weather i am a little under the weather so i hope it comes through yeah in my vocal panache. Timber? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Alan Key? My attack and decay. But last night, well, not last night. I recorded Carson Daly last night. There's no reason for that, is there? Oh, was Jamie Foxx on it? No, this British band called The Duke Spirit were were on it and i like them and so i recorded it and i've never i've seen like the beginning of the show now have you seen this
Starting point is 00:10:51 show i've never watched carson daily okay it's uh it's on after jimmy fallon i used to record conan o'brien and so i would catch like the first three minutes i would never watch it but i would but just as kind of a primer for anybody because probably a lot of people haven't seen the carson daily show it's like if they just kind of gave a guy who's not he's not funny or engaging but they kind of still had like the camera crew for an hour okay gotcha so they were like well i'll just put a guy behind the desk and we'll give them that it's only a half hour oh only a half hour. Oh, it's not even an hour. Yes. Does he have a monologue?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Well, he used to. He used to date Tara Reid. And Jennifer Love Hewitt. Oh, yeah, that's right. J-Lo-Who. J-Lo-Who. I like it. Yeah, it used to be in uh new york and it had a studio and an audience and there were like people who would come in and do segments from what i could tell yeah of the three minutes of the monologue i
Starting point is 00:11:58 would fast forward through uh but now it's in la. There's no studio. And he's just walking around on the street and he throws to segments. Oh, that's the new way that they do it? That's his new format. So it's like Zed TV. Sure, yeah. Zed TV. But he's in the segments.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Oh, he's in the segments. Yeah, it's like here's an interview I did with whoever. Who hosted Zed TV? it depended actually oh it was kind of rotating yeah i uh zed tv for anybody who doesn't know is it was a cbc how many years did it run a couple years i think it ran like maybe like three seasons something like that and it was like kind of a bunch of like, what is like short films or music, all sorts of, all sorts of things. Yeah, they had a whole bunch. They had like a film one and a music one
Starting point is 00:12:49 and then another one. Right. On something else Canadian and artsy. And it was on CBC, but like late at night. Yeah. Yeah, it was on like at midnight. And I feel bad for saying
Starting point is 00:13:00 because I have a friend who was one of the hosts of one of those shows. No, you know, and I had tons of friends who had stuff on it. I was on that that as well were you i was on that but i have to prefer i mean i have to say it was a really bad show i could it had the potential to be really good no the idea behind it was fantastic but it seemed like one of those things where like we're gonna do everything with a show instead of doing like one kind of thing like pretty well they were like we're
Starting point is 00:13:26 gonna have every possible thing and so when you would watch it you'd watch like you'd see a short film that you really like you're like i like that and then the next thing would be some like crazy jug band you're like well i don't like that or you'd be watching a short film that you hate and and you'd realize oh it's not that short of a film. That's true. It's a 40-minute short film you don't like. Yeah, exactly. And then, like, somebody, you know, I don't know. It was a good idea until the CBC kind of got a hold of it.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Okay. That's the way I kind of look at it. It's almost like anything on the CBC. No, you're not. With the exclusion of Little Mosque on the Prairie. Surely. I don't even know what that is. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:14:06 So are you a gentleman that is not a regular TV viewer? I don't have a TV right now. I'm not anti- You have a fireplace. I'm not anti-TV. I'm between TVs. I'm not anti-TV, but yeah, it's true. I do have a fireplace.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, just watch that. Well, people buy those tapes when they watch the fireplace. I got a real one. Fuck it. But back to Carson Daly. Please. I was watching his show, and it suddenly became very sad because he doesn't have an audience. He's all by himself.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And he said, tonight's our 1,000th episode, so we're celebrating that. And he's celebrating with no one. And it was like... That was like my thousandth birthday yeah it's like if you're with a girl on a date and she said oh by the way today's my birthday oh my god have you ever had that happen before where you're with somebody maybe it's somebody you know you know somewhat casually or maybe not at all. And you find out it's their birthday somehow through the conversation. Have you had that happen before? It somehow rings a bell.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Has that ever happened to you? Usually, I just miss their birthday. Oh, okay. So you're like, oh, well, happy birthday. Happy birthday from last week. Yeah, yeah. I didn't call you i had a i had an incident a couple years ago with a guy that was kind of worked very short term in the the warehouse i was working in and i guess he was having a
Starting point is 00:15:34 really bad day and you know how you just kind of end up blocking out somebody they start complaining too much and you're just like yeah just you you let them talk but you don't listen you know because they just need something to vent again but then i tuned out and then when i tuned back in he goes and it's my birthday and then i was like oh shit like i really should have been listening to whatever preceded that you know all i caught was him being in a vaguely bad mood and then like five minutes later it was his birthday his birthday yeah so i felt fucking terrible you can imagine how i felt about carson daly yeah no i mean that's what i'm saying um and what did you do do you call him but he would come back from commercials and they kind
Starting point is 00:16:17 of made it into a bit of a like an anniversary show okay like they'd come back from the commercial and uh they show a clip of alicia keys and it would just go back to him on the street by himself saying what a great moment i'll never forget that so nobody so they've taken away his studio i think what they did and they moved him to a new city i think what they did is like it was the kind of thing where oh like he still has a year left on his contract but we don't want to have him anymore what can we do to make him uh just walk away and how much do we have to humiliate yeah and he just wouldn't take the hint that's what i think it is yeah no you're probably dead on that's uh oh man that's sad now i'm all bummed out unless they spun it like it's a new concept that's how how he's spinning it is that how he's spinning it yeah here's a weird thing
Starting point is 00:17:11 that i don't watch uh as just as a general thing i don't watch like anything like american idol or whatever because i don't i don't even enjoy it on that like uh ironic level like i just don't but the the thing that i saw as i was flipping past the channel and i flipped back because it was so out of context was quentin tarantino was on american idol last night yeah so that doesn't make any sense because he was mentoring these singers yeah what is that about i think it was just they... Is he over now? He's done. Quentin Tarantino, that's... No, he's got a movie coming out.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, but I think that must be... That's a sign of bad things if he's got to go and do that. No, I think he's the kind of guy who's down for anything. He once directed an episode of... Well, two episodes of CSI. Okay. One episode of, well, two episodes of CSI. Okay. One episode of The Jimmy Kimmel Show. So he won't say no to anything?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah, and he's directing the new season of Carson Daly. Watch for the part where Carson Daly gets eviscerated. But he, yeah, it was because I think they're doing, it was all about soundtrack songs like famous songs from soundtracks so he's an expert he's an expert on have you ever really loved a woman from Don Juan
Starting point is 00:18:34 to Marco but this is like I mean you know sure okay when Barry Manilow does it yeah absolutely I flipped past it and I saw that and I was like well I guess that's you know, sure, okay, when Barry Manilow does it, yeah. Absolutely. I flipped past it and I saw that and I was like, well, I guess that's...
Starting point is 00:18:50 There was a point in time where I really, really liked Quentin Tarantino. I think anybody who, I don't know, anybody who ever kind of wanted to be a filmmaker at some point liked Quentin Tarantino, I think, who was a boy. You? No. I never liked his films. Not at boy you no no i never liked his films not
Starting point is 00:19:06 at all i never liked his films they didn't have enough farting jokes right or kung fu action that's all the movies see that's all the movies i really uh watch so what would be your favorite movie for like the two together farting jokes and oh that's super easy my favorite movie of all time is police academy 4 citizens on patrol do you know who he's uh playing with i absolutely do actually i uh we talked on the phone actually about this because we were okay because when you guys were talking about michael winslow and you're saying what if he didn't do the sound effects yeah and i can tell you that in police academy 4 there is a scene when he clearly does not do the sound effects oh really yeah um there's a scene which um and nobody's gonna know the fucking character names by me no zed is the one guy i remember isn't zed zed zed yeah tackleberry high tower oh my god you guys are good what about tits
Starting point is 00:19:58 mcgee what's yeah what's her name uh sergeant call. Callahan, there's Mahoney. Mahoney. Who's the bad guy? Yeah, yeah. It could be Commandant Mouser or... Lessard. Lessard's a good guy. Yeah, you're right. Or Harris, Lieutenant Harris,
Starting point is 00:20:16 depending on which movie it is. With Proctor. Are these... Proctor! He's the dumb guy who would always screw up. He's the greatest part of the movie. Watch them again. I got the whole collection.. He's the greatest part of the movie. Watch them again. I got the whole collection.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Anybody who's listening can come to my house. We can watch all seven of them. On my fireplace. They appear at you like a spirit animal. I'm a Mahoney. Now I understand there's a part in citizens on patrol where that's right so uh hightower and tackleberry they're trying to scare the new recruits who's like a big fat guy and two skinny guys oh yeah i think one of them is david spade too he was the skateboarder he was a skateboarder and i think i think he's one of these kids i
Starting point is 00:21:00 can't remember correctly which is weird because i've seen this movie a million times but uh they play like a voodoo chant and uh anyhow they're trying to scare these kids and they have a michael winslow is jones or whatever he does like a machine gun sound with his mouth yeah except that it's clearly a recording of a machine gun he does it into a megaphone is that right uh he might actually there's there's definitely a scene Where he does it into a megaphone One where he's in a police car And the car's getting It's like in the middle of a riot
Starting point is 00:21:32 And so he just does that sound into the megaphone And people run away Maybe it was just single gunshot No it was single gunshot sounds But it was clearly like Yeah it was clearly not a guy's voice it was like a recording of it he's just that good though yeah man oh man you know there's a guy in uh in bc that does uh he's like a localized version of michael winslow and all he does he doesn't do sound
Starting point is 00:22:01 effects in general but he does uh like automobile or he does different airplanes sound effects does this guy have a job doing this yeah yeah yeah he's huge because he does he does like a note for note perfect impression yeah he doesn't do it for like video games yeah no he does it uh he does like a note for note perfect impression of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Which has got to be a lot of fun. And so he plays like motorcycle rallies and stuff. And people apparently, from all I've heard, people like he's a legend in that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He's carved out this niche, but everybody knows him. And he's the, they call call him i think it's called the harley guy is that but his his uh his tagline on his headshot is your eyes won't believe what your ears will see or some weird thing like that like it's kind of like a backwards thing where you're like well that's not either thing that your ears used to. That's a pretty niche market. It's crazy because he does this one really great impression,
Starting point is 00:23:11 but not of a thing. It's of a thing that you're like, you would never think of him impersonating it. But he does it. And he can do a plane and a lawnmower and a car. Just different buzzes. Yeah, different motors. He can do a plane and a lawnmower and a car just different buzzes yeah different motors different motors you can do it there's a hummingbird a bumblebee
Starting point is 00:23:31 uh gray gray yeah yeah oh man i i without even thinking i'd call you that it's a term of endearment i assume uh yes it is uh and uh i want to get to know you there's nothing to know really uh that's all i've all i've been doing the last little while is just working that's that's my been my whole uh etc there's been no i haven't even trying to reach back like several days ago and like literally all I've been doing is just working, and my taxes are all fucked up, so I've been doing taxes. Taxes and working, like an old man. Yeah. And there was a baby at the office.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Here's the thing. Here's the thing that I'm wondering. Do you like babies? Do you enjoy their general existence? Yeah, I think they're all right yeah i prefer i prefer further away from me than closer okay so now why what's that based on do you just find them kind of annoying or what is it i do find them kind of annoying okay fair enough dave i i'm more um afraid i will break them okay so you so you're like, it's like, here's my Fabergé egg.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Oh, maybe you should hold on to that. That's a nice baby. Yeah, I'm not gonna... I don't wanna hold it. No, this is... That is... I'm kind of in between the two. Like, I'm kind of afraid of hurting the kid,
Starting point is 00:24:59 and also I'm kind of just not interested in even having it around. I don't find them outwardly annoying. But my boss or one of my bosses at work brought in her kid for like the last hour of work. It was a super cute kid. And Charlie, who I work with, he's like kids love him. He loves kids. He was just having the time of his life.
Starting point is 00:25:23 But I was just anytime he brought the kid near me, I was like, I just, you know, it was like somebody was offering me a joint and I was a 12-year-old trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Sure. I was just like, nah, I don't want it. Don't put that kid in your mouth. Exactly. Users are losers.
Starting point is 00:25:42 But I feel like... There's no hope with dope? Yeah, well, I definitely feel that. But I also feel like there was a contingent that was automatically into the kids and would pick them up and play with them. Yeah. And then there was kind of another contingent
Starting point is 00:25:59 that just didn't even know what to do with a kid. And I definitely fall in the latter. How old was this kid? 10 months, I think. 10 or 11 months. Too young. Too young for what? To leave the house.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah? Yeah. To stand up. I like them until they can stand up. Huh? I like them until they can stand up. And then you're done with it. Once they get mobile, it's just not pretty anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Really? He was pretty cute. Like, I can say that. He was an adorable little kid. But I just... I don't have a lot of... I have no interaction with children or babies, ever.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Is what I realized today. Like, I'm like, this is my first time that I've even been in the proximity of a baby. Since you were a baby. Yeah, since the other people around me were also... They were my peers. what were the people who are into babies were they maybe parents themselves or maybe had proximity to babies everybody else
Starting point is 00:26:54 what is in the same uh kind of a general social boat that i am like they don't have kids or they're not a lot older than me like we're all generally in the same kind of thing. So it makes me feel like I'm some kind of weird ice man. But I'm not like a cool ice man. Right. You're not Mr. Freeze. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I kind of feel like it's when you...
Starting point is 00:27:22 I'm not good at meeting grown-ups either. So when you meet a baby, it's like... It's just the same. It's awkward. Are you the same way, Chris? Do you feel like it's... Or you just find them just generally, you're like, I'm just not interested?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, I don't know. I'm not really interested in kids. Some people, I really think, is I sell kids' shoes. That's really awkward. This is good. kids some people are really good things i can sell kids shoes that's really awkward kids i just yeah i've never been into kids really in the same way i had a phase but here's the thing like uh when i was a teen yeah so i was into young adult fiction you you but you have interaction with kids on a somewhat regular basis. On a very regular basis, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:08 So that's, to me, that's a whole different thing. Well, I gotta fucking fake it all day long. But you have, like, I'm not around kids ever. So, like, they feel like I might as well have been hanging out with an alien today for all the kind of, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:23 what do kids do, you know? Well, I think the thing with kids is I always said when I, you know, I mean, I've been selling shoes for a long,
Starting point is 00:28:30 long time. That's the best. Oh, man. Well, it's, you know, I went to art school. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:39 I kind of always decided like a long time ago when I was starting to sell kids, people would say, oh, I always used to piss me off and people would talk down to little kids. Yeah. You know, they'd be like, oh, blah, blah, blah. So I I was starting to sell kids, people would say, oh, it used to piss me off when people would talk down to little
Starting point is 00:28:46 kids. You know, they'd be like, oh, blah, blah, blah. So I said, okay, when kids, people, kids, they're like little adults, you shouldn't talk down to them. When I see kids that come to the store, I'm going to talk to them like adults. Sure. It doesn't work. Yeah. You can't talk to them like adults.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And I think that's kind of what... I took this huge shit today. They don't understand. My mom cleaned out my diaper too. When you're at work selling shoes, do you have to hide the arm tattoo? No. No?
Starting point is 00:29:20 I gotta say, kids like the tattoos. Kids like the piercings. Oh, that's you. Because for listeners at home, you have kind of a goatee. Thank you for calling it a goatee. That is what it is. It's a Van Dyke, isn't it? Oh, it is.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Yeah, it is kind of Zapp-esque. But also people can't see that I'm Asian, so partially Asian. So the fact that you call it a goatee is a generous assessment. And a kind one. Oh, no, yeah, yeah. Because compared to your go goatee my goatee is feeling a little emasculated right now but you have a goatee you have like kind of a uh it's a lip piercing and that two lip piercing yes and a big big tattoo on the forearm it goes yeah it's from the so this is probably something kids like a kid would uh unless both of their parents were artist types,
Starting point is 00:30:09 they would never have met somebody that has the look. Kids don't really mind it. I mean, old people mind it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kids point and will embarrassingly ask their parents questions. I'll see them pointing at my arms or pointing at my face. What's wrong with him? Yeah, which is okay because now I can laugh about it because that same thing used to happen to me when i had bad acne as a kid
Starting point is 00:30:27 whatsoever so kids kids like it yeah they do especially if they're young enough they will try and grab on the piercings when i was a little kid i remember seeing a guy at a swimming pool with a giant mullet and thinking that it was the best fucking thing i've ever seen i remember him getting like he got out of the pool and then he like shook his head back and forth and i was i remember it happened in slow motion yeah for me it did in my memory it's still in slow motion kids love mullets oh it was amazing it was like seeing a lion come out of the water i was just like when i was eight i used to go to the hairdresser and i used to always tell her to leave my sideburns because that's the only word the only word that i knew they're related to hair i'm like yeah i
Starting point is 00:31:15 can't leave my sideburns i still can't grow a fucking sideburn no no neither can i man i'm cursed with it you can grow a sideburn okay i. I can grow anything. Yeah, you got it. I am woman. Hear me roar. Yeah. You're like the Dylan McKay of this group. Sideburns. 90210 Dylan McKay?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Okay. Or Dylan McKay from fiction. Do we want to move on to... Overheards. Overheards. do we want to move on to overheard overheard overheard before we start we were talking about
Starting point is 00:31:56 lightning fast trains I don't feel uncomfortable not talking about it now that we had such a dialogue because of course you brought up I don't know how did you bring it up that we had such a dialogue uh because uh of course you brought up i don't know how did you bring it up that obama had proposed like this oh because i was talking to my dad uh about we're trying to okay it's a long boring political conversation but what it came down to the point was i said to my dad they're going to build a lot of trains
Starting point is 00:32:21 in the world and they're going to take us places at super high speeds and he said yeah you're full of shit and uh then i found out on the radio today obama is going to build this super fast uh train network all across the states that's great which is awesome you were saying but he you heard somewhere there was a train that went from new york to shanghai in two and a half hours. They haven't built this train yet. They're not hiding it. But it's a theoretical train. Led by a theoretical reindeer. Do you talk politics
Starting point is 00:32:58 with your dad? Nope. It's just that one conversation? Me and my dad generally we have a very base sense of humor. So most things are kind of a thing? Nope. No? It's just that one conversation? Me and my dad generally we have a very base sense of humor so most things are kind of you know. A lot of fart jokes. A lot of fart jokes. Nice.
Starting point is 00:33:13 A lot of bad humor. We never talk politics unless trains come up. Oh, I see. Okay, so it wasn't a political conversation. No, no, no. Long family of conductors. Really? No, not really. not oh my god that would be amazing um but overheards uh did you become prepared with an overheard you know this is the thing i uh i have zero overheards i have some overseens okay um uh it's funny because when i
Starting point is 00:33:43 guess i've been scheduled to kind of be here for like a month and a half and ever since that time I've been out wandering and looking for becoming observant you know growing a consciousness
Starting point is 00:33:58 growing a goatee to help me and I've come up with absolutely nothing in terms of hearing things sure but in seeing things i saw a couple things which i thought were i mean maybe even the stupid kids who come into your stupid kid shoe store don't say anything overhearable no they don't say any of the darndest things at all no they don't they don't i've had a couple of kids
Starting point is 00:34:25 fart in the last week and that's kind of as far as... Enough with the farts. They were our first... It wasn't the very first joke. Musical instrument. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So, so you're overseens? I got... I got overseen and I got got two actually i think two that are decent decent overseens that ones are good um first one i was at getting off at the stadium sky train station um which for anybody i guess doesn't live in vancouver is kind of close to crackton yeah yeah yeah it's a very cracky kind of... It's kind of, yeah. I've seen a lot of things at that SkyTrain station.
Starting point is 00:35:07 It's probably one of the most weirdly populated SkyTrain stations because it's kind of on the cusp between... Especially if there's a sporting event going on, then it's like hobos and junkies and sports fans! The perfect mix for a weekend party. I was getting off the train to go to the tnt supermarket to buy my asian food sure and uh i'm walking off the train and both trains are in the station so i'm in one heading east one pulled in going west so i'm walking towards the exit and down the other
Starting point is 00:35:40 platform the train uh just pulled in the doors open up and these three russian girls uh run off the train they must have been like 18 or 19 and they're kind of like doing that thing that girls do when they get excited like they're kind of huddled together and running around each other and they're kind of giggling and laughing and i'm getting close and i can and i figured out the russian dogs i figured out the r Russian because I'm walking closer and I hear all this Russian being yelled in the SkyTrain station from one of the trains
Starting point is 00:36:10 and it's like and I'm walking closer and I'm trying to figure out what the fuck's going on because I have my my headphones on yeah so
Starting point is 00:36:19 so I'm walking closer and I'm this Russian's getting super loud there's a guy standing in the doorway of the sky train like blocking it with his feet so it can't close and he's standing there
Starting point is 00:36:32 yelling at these girls and russian and pointing at his dick and the weirdest thing was that when i was walking by i realized i know the dude it's super awkward really yeah and i was walking by i was realized I know the dude. It makes it super awkward. Really? Yeah. And I was walking by and I was like, oh my God, it's Leon. And he was so happy. The look on his face was like ecstasy.
Starting point is 00:36:55 He was so happy. I walked right in front of him. He didn't even see me. In my head, I was like, I should really say something. Could Dolph Lundgren play him in a movie? Were the girls running to his dick? No, I think they're running from his dick. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I've had that before. I heard a news story, or I read a news story. Apparently in Moscow, there's just roving dogs all around the city, and they've learned to take the subway. Wow. What? to take the subway. Wow. What?
Starting point is 00:37:27 That's like that movie Planet of the Apes, except with dogs. Like it starts fairly innocuous. They learn how to use the train system. But they've figured out which cars have the fewest people, so they're always on the first and last cars.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And they know what times of day have fewer people. They're on their reading newspapers with Fedoras. This grind is really killing me. Oh, man. That's beautiful. Where would they go? Like a dog park they go to?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Different parks, different bones. Now that I think of it, it may have been a joke story, but I'm pretty sure it was legitimate. Sounds like my super train. There was a story, though, from Russia. Was that a joke story about the train going from New York
Starting point is 00:38:16 to Shanghai? No, that was a real story about the train going from New York to Shanghai. How could it? Magnets. Super magnets. Super duper magnets. But it's so far away and there's oceans and continents in between. Well, I think it would be difficult to build it. Right. Yeah, nobody's saying this is going to be easy.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It's going to happen. Yeah. But it won't be easy. It's going to take some sacrifice. Wow. Yeah, because there was a story from Russia about a guy with love that he had a spruce tree
Starting point is 00:38:49 growing in his lung. When I first read it, I thought it was a gag story, but then it was picked up and there was actual footage of the guy's, like what had come out of his lung. And sure as shit, it's a little tiny spruce tree. I thought you were going to say
Starting point is 00:39:05 a spruce tree it was taking this subway I was like oh this train is going to be in Russia
Starting point is 00:39:12 this is fucking incredible I gotta go that's what a fantastic advertisement that would be for like
Starting point is 00:39:19 Russia tourism is there's just like a crazy train with spruce trees and dogs right on it. We'll take you to New York in two and a half hours. Come live in a cartoon. Russia.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Soviet Union. Spruce tree takes train. You observe. Graham? Overheard? Yeah, I have an overheard that was just a real kind of quick back and forth between. It was the checkout lady and a customer, I guess, that she knew at Save On Foods.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That's always annoying when they have a pre-existing relationship. And I had my earphones in, but the conversation was going on so long, and I was short and overheard. So I was like, well, let's see if I pick up up anything and i listened to the conversation for like a good five minutes about the baby and whatever and at uh at one point the lady said well i mean the main thing is that the baby's healthy and then the the other lady who had had the baby said uh yeah uh 10 toes 10 hands it was just it was that was it that was the little uh blurb that i sat through five minutes of conversation for so they weren't she wasn't a zoologist talking about an octopus no but i just thought in my head,
Starting point is 00:40:45 wouldn't it be great if she was like, what, is it an octopus? And then you would have still had been wrong. You still would have been off. Unless it was a squid. You're right, they got the extra two tentacles. No doubt about it. Mine is an overseen as well.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Abby pointed this out to me. Vancouver's in the midst of a gang war. Gwar. Yeah, a gang war. We haven't been hit here yet. Yeah, you and I. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Our gang is small time. Yeah. We don't traffic drugs. No. We traffic lar time. Yeah. We don't traffic drugs. No. We traffic larves. Yeah. And love. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, so I saw some gang graffiti. Now, the big gang in Vancouver is the Red Scorpions. Well, the big gang in Vancouver is the UN. The Red Scorpions was like an offshoot gang. Okay. Yeah. Like the League of Nations. Uh, yes. Yeah. That's historically inaccurate.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Like, say, UNICEF. Yeah, UNICEF. And then I saw this gang graffiti in my neighborhood and it's from some other gangs, some more famous gangs. It says the following Crips are
Starting point is 00:42:10 goofs signed bloods That's actually a store where you pick up your Crips supplies Crips are goofs Is that a period in between the R and are goofs. It's got the backwards R. Is that a
Starting point is 00:42:26 period in between the R and the goofs? It's a middle name. And then somebody's name is Crips are goofs. That seems more like kids just That's not really bloods out there making graffiti. No, of course not. No, that's the greatest
Starting point is 00:42:43 non-blood graffiti. But did you ever do that when you were a kid? The hand thing? Oh yeah, with the spelled blood. Now here's my thing. And I can't confirm this one way or another because I'll never know. But that's not a real thing, was it? Is that a real thing?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Apparently it was a real thing. No, I'm moving this microphone too much. The sea walk is a real thing. What? No, I'm moving this microphone too much. Like, the sea walk is a real thing. What's the sea walk? Is that the crypts? The crypt walk. Which is, you know, like, it's some fucking dance thing
Starting point is 00:43:10 that gang members do. And there was a bee walk, too, for the Bloods. They had a walk as well. And then it became a dance phenomenon because everybody likes, I don't know, murder? That's how the Monster Mash started.
Starting point is 00:43:23 The werewolf had a dance and Frankenstein had a dance. Became a graveyard smash. The Bloods gang sign is... The Bloods. It was very complex. It takes so long to put it together. The B, the L, the O.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And you always make a dumb face when you do it because you're trying to figure it out. Yeah. But who would come up with that bloods you know what i would have done if it was my gang i would have gone like this what finger isn't already a finger for a thing i would have been like there's there it is ring finger out sideways this is my like that there like that yeah that's my gang there we go That's not a thing. And now it's a thing. We're drinking a fancy cocktail.
Starting point is 00:44:10 It's the pinky finger. Middle finger is like a new wave kind of give you the finger. You're number one or I'm pointing at something. Pick up that thing. Thumbs up. There's hang loose. There's live long and prosper. And then this. So the ring finger. And there's also, there's Hang Loose. There's Live Long and Prosper.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Live Long and Prosper. And then this thing is the Dane Cook thing. Yeah, the super finger, the Sufi. The Sufi. This is the Shocker. The Shocker. Two in the pink, one in the stink. Come on now.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I got relatives that listen to this. They're in France. Both of my parents are in France well then my parents are in France do you Chris you have another overseen
Starting point is 00:44:49 I do have another overseen this one actually happened to me I passed by yesterday morning and today maybe it's
Starting point is 00:44:57 maybe it's not that funny but I thought I thought there were things that were kind of funny about it I was walking to work and there was these signs posted up on the street corners that had something um i don't remember the first line was but it was
Starting point is 00:45:10 something like uh something about employment and then underneath it said uh prejudice against caucasians whoa and then it had this paragraph written that was like are you a caucasian have you been prejudiced against the workplace like call this number or whatever and i was looking at it and I was like, that's so fucking weird. Has reverse racism or racism, anti-racism has gone so far, people feel so open to make fun of white people now, that it's totally flipped. It's completely flipped. And now white is the new black.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't know if it's completely flipped, given that the richest people in the world are still white right we sure are but we're getting to the point where somehow like it did get there was like kind of a switch somewhere where it became that the only racial group that it was absolutely okay but i guess like well what are you gonna do right like who else are you gonna make fun of make fun of the people who own most of the shit i think we're i think we're still in a pretty good seat i thought it was weird to see a sign was the sign even was it well made taken any of the phone numbers off the bottom no somebody wrote go home you fucking nazi on one of them oh no well that guy's oh no don't bring the nazis into it if you want to go see it it's at uh
Starting point is 00:46:37 seventh and fur okay so what is it it was like he's a lawyer that's taking on cases i don't think he's a lawyer i think it's just some nutcase like he's a lawyer that's taking on cases i don't think he's a lawyer i think it's just some nutcase like he's trying to start a club like so he's not that's what i thought because yeah i thought maybe it's supposed to be like a class act or maybe they just want to get together and talk about it so it's not like it's not like you can't spell class action without class act but it's not like dan mcintosh and associates have you been discriminated because you're white and so it's not that it's it's literally it's just like Dan McIntosh and Associates. Have you been discriminated because you're white? So it's not that.
Starting point is 00:47:07 It's literally... It's just like... Are you tired of other races? Is that basically kind of the message? I think it's about that whole equal opportunity thing. Yeah. Or whatever. I still don't understand how people are so mad about that. There's so many things to be mad at.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And it's always funny when people focus on a thing that you're like, that's the thing? are so mad about that. There's so many things to be mad at. And it's always funny when people focus on a thing that you're like, that's the thing? There's all this other crazy stuff going on and people are like, ah, why do they sell shoelaces that are too big for my shoes? And it all fucks them up. I don't understand it. Okay, listener overheards.
Starting point is 00:47:41 This one actually just arrived. I haven't had a chance to listen to it. This is fresh. Out of the box. Here we go. Hey, guys. It's Brennan calling from Western Massachusetts again. I was taking a test earlier tonight in a big lecture hall.
Starting point is 00:47:52 It was like 400 people crammed in there. And as people were kind of finishing up coming in, this group of guys sits down one row behind me. And one of them goes, he's making a, they're talking about how crammed it is, and one of them's talking to his friends. He goes, oh, if I fart during the exam, you'll be able to smell it. And a girl in my row, like two seats over, turns around and just gives him that, ah, what, look. And he immediately snaps out of the joke and goes, sir, well, I'm just
Starting point is 00:48:21 kidding, I'm not going to do it. Everyone does it. Thanks. Love the show. Hey, I know you were laughing. I like that one. There was definitely a fart involved, so it's got my vote. I didn't know we were voting, but... Yeah, it's like America's Got Talent.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, thanks. I enjoyed it. Here's one more. Hey, thanks. I enjoyed it. Here's one more. Hey, Dave. Hey, Graham. It's Greg from Omaha. Just calling in with an overheard. I was at a concert last night, and in the row behind me,
Starting point is 00:48:56 these two girls between acts were talking about, or one of the girls was telling the other about this recording artist she'd been on too recently, and it went a little something like this. he's this amish rapper his name is matt issue hugh you can't understand anything he's saying but he's so amazing uh that's it for anybody uh who doesn't catch that reference, he is not an Amish rapper. He is a Hasidic Jewish rapper. And not even rapper.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Reggae, I think. That's who he's talking about, right? Matt-ish-u-hu? Yeah. What is his actual name? Matt is Yahoo, I believe. And he is a Hasidic Jew. But it's reggae.
Starting point is 00:49:47 It's not rap, is it? Is he toasting? Is it dub? It might be dub. Is there a chance it's dub rap? I don't think it's... Maybe. But I know it's reggae based.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I can make dub with my fingers. Oh, that's blood again. Oh, nuts. Why did they go with the lowercase b? Thanks everybody for the overheards if you want to call in overheards or anything else related to anything on the show
Starting point is 00:50:13 we have a phone number it's 206-339-8328 it's 206-339-TEET you were looking to me to repeat it and then you didn't have you guys seen that manualist dude on YouTube? The what? The guy that plays the songs?
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah. The hand farts? Oh, yes. That guy's incredible. I want to bring that guy to town. Could you? I want to take him to town. Yeah, you can fucking hire that guy to come play your event.
Starting point is 00:50:39 What would that be like if you hired a guy, he does fart sounds with his hand? How can we get him we get motorcycle noise guy we get Michael Winslow that wouldn't be bad actually what would you call that the monsters of sound effects farts monsters of sound
Starting point is 00:50:57 effects tour yeah and like you just bring him where would you do Thunder Beach Stadium that's the only place with the acoustics to handle it. That would be... I'd go see that show. On the last...
Starting point is 00:51:15 The time before... We're recording this what's the 16th today? Yeah, because you're going away to Halifax, so this is kind of a pre-tape. But we were talking, how did this come about? It was Brendan R. Who might be the same Brendan who just called.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah, and what was the impetus for this? Was it something that we were... No, it was just him. It was just an idea that he came up with, but it's an idea I don't disagree with. He wanted to call it the Griswold family mixtape, which was any mixtape that you put together for a car trip. But then I thought, just one step further,
Starting point is 00:51:56 why not, it's summer. Summer is right around the corner. It is creeping up on us fast. And furious. Yeah, you know it. Tokyo Drift. What would you put on if you had to put together just a summer mixtape? I don't mind if it's called the Griswold Family Mixtape,
Starting point is 00:52:18 but what hits of summer? And this is open to all bumpers to submit what they think would make the best summertime mixtapes. What started it was that he had been listening to Lindsey Buckingham's Holiday Road. From the National Lampoon's Vacation. And then he suggested a bunch of songs that... What were they they were all kind of car travel based
Starting point is 00:52:49 Radar Love by Golden Earring Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles Boys Are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy all songs about roads pretty much my thing is to expand it just into the good time summer hits.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Summer hits. You know, summer fun time hits. So like Sunshine on My Shoulders, Walking on Sunshine? No, you don't have to. But those are two great. Go more literal. I want DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, summertime. But no, anything that conjures up summertime fun, a barbecue, a trip to the beach, some kind of short road trip.
Starting point is 00:53:29 This is the new definition of summer madness. Yeah. Like anything like that, we want your suggestions at But do you have anything for that? What would be you're out in the park, you're out at a beach there's a blanket perhaps you're playing bingo it's up to you each blanket related bingo uh possibly so would these songs that you would pick or would they be songs that you would maybe over here either or because i can think of a couple of songs that you always over here no what are
Starting point is 00:54:02 ones that you would overhear? That first. On the fastest train in the world. I'm thinking, you know that like Ski-Lo and OPP by Not Out of My Nature. Those are songs that... Those are like summertime favorites. People always play those at the beach when they're having their barbecue.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Ski-Lo wishes he was a little taller. He also wishes he was a baller. Yeah, if he was a little taller he would also wish he was he was a baller okay yeah if you had a girl you'd call her um and a rabbit and a hat and a sixth floor apartment and a bath yeah what uh what would you have if it was not sixth floor apartment six four impala right yeah what if i lived in a six-floor apartment? Well, because he's not very tall. He doesn't get much of a view. That's true.
Starting point is 00:54:49 What would you put on a summertime, like a fun summertime mixtape? A fun summertime mixtape? Of your own stuff. Like, of what
Starting point is 00:54:56 you enjoy. Actually, it probably would be the Monster Mash, actually. I'd probably put that on there. That song is never out of place. In my heart, you play it at Christmas, you play it at Valentine's Day. Yeah song is never out of place. In my heart,
Starting point is 00:55:05 you play it at Christmas, you play it at Valentine's Day. I love the Monster MASH. You play it when the clock strikes 12 New Year's Eve. It's always, to me, it's always appropriate. What about you, Dave? Probably Ghostbusters. What if all the songs were just Halloween songs?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Ha ha ha! So, like, mine is Werewolves of London? Yeah. I like that. Theme from The Exorcist. You know what? I do like Summertime, the Fresh Prince DJ Jazzy Jeff. That, to me, is a big
Starting point is 00:55:41 Summertime song. The only time Werewolves of London works as a summertime song is when it works as the greatest summertime song of all time by Kid Rock, also with Sweet Home Alabama. Yeah. Summertime, whatever. But like, you know, I'm trying to think, what's a good summertime song?
Starting point is 00:56:03 That one by Len. Oh, Steal My Sunshine. What's a good summertime song? That one by Len. That was... Oh, Steal My Sunshine. That's very Canadian. Yeah. Super Canadian. But it's super Canadian, but it's also super summer. Like, there's no other time of year that you could ever possibly enjoy that song.
Starting point is 00:56:17 It's not appropriate on Remembrance Day. There's no time of year. And also, there's really no year you could play it other than 1998. That's true. But if anybody has any suggestions, because I want to put together a really good summertime mix.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I want to put it on my iPod and that's all I want to listen to while I'm enjoying the summertime briefly on my walks to and from work during the entire summer. All right. That was pretty good. Cool.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Oh, also, update on my favorite new show, The Greatest Warrior. Yeah. Last, this week, there's a show on the channel Spike TV, which is all very man-based shows. Did you say man-based shows um last week did you say man-based yeah there's very little uh like a like a land-based conflict and that's what this is it's a man-based conflict last week it was uh it was a gladiator
Starting point is 00:57:23 a gladiator versus an Apache Indian. This week it was... This is not a reality show then. No. No. What's the opposite of reality? Fantasy.
Starting point is 00:57:37 This seems like a crazy show. It's partially reality because they take historians and scientists and martial artists and stuff. And they put them in a house. Yeah. So last week it was that. This week it was a Viking versus a samurai. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And samurai narrowly beat out the Viking. What? Narrowly? samurai narrowly beat out the viking what narrowly yeah because uh according to just like they they break it down according to jim uh jim belushi is the commentator on the show if you had told me that i would have watched but uh they break down kind of it's all statistics it's all statistics. It's all science. But the samurai has better armor. So that's why samurai came out on top. Really? That's the only reason?
Starting point is 00:58:31 More or less. Where are they fighting? Just kind of a neutral... On a boat? Because I vote Viking. Yeah, they were fighting on a neutral Norwegian boat. Neutral. It could have been beneficial to either side.
Starting point is 00:58:47 No, it's just in kind of a very neutral arena. It wouldn't benefit one or the other. I'm just surprised they haven't actually turned that premise into an actual show of getting a samurai and a Viking to actually fight. Because that's something that Spike TV would do. Well, they've come as close as is possible without time travel well basically because they that's they set up everything except the actual fight mtv the osborne started because mtv cribs did
Starting point is 00:59:19 an episode at the osborne's house and they're like oh they're so colorful let's give them their own show i think they're just waiting for two warriors to have such a chemistry that they get their own show. Yeah. And they call it Apache and the... I'm trying to think. What's on next
Starting point is 00:59:37 week? I don't know. That's the great thing about this show is every time I tune in it's like a super surprise that I didn't even know it was coming. What do you think it's going to be next? I don't know. A sumo guy and a lion? The guy who invented capoeira. Todd capoeira. Yeah, Todd capoeira.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And a cowboy. With guns. With guns. Do you guys want to do another segment? Yeah, sure. Let's do it. Well, I can tell you that I'm no good at stunt casting, but I do have one stunt cast,
Starting point is 01:00:12 which when I heard this movie was getting made, in my head I convinced myself that this would be the way the movie was going to be when it actually came out this way. It wasn't what I imagined it was. What? Garfield the movie. Oh, that's was. What? Garfield the movie. Oh, that's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:28 So you feel that you know better. I know so much better. As soon as they said Garfield's coming out of the movie. Alright, well let's stunt cast it. I'm confused but we'll play the theme song. Play the theme song. yourself. Are you an actor? Are you looking for work? Stunt casting. Stunt casting. Stunt. Stunt casting. Powder. Danny DeVito. Taxi Cab the movie. Danny Glover. Martin Short.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Danny Glover Martin Short Anyone in the movie Pure luck Stunt casting Okay Okay So you've got Okay so
Starting point is 01:01:13 You before Garfield the movie came out You had already cast it Is that what you're saying? That's exactly what I'm saying Sure When it came out Not even close to your expectations Not even close
Starting point is 01:01:23 And when it came out in my head I was like oh well the movie's now going to be made right because this is the perfect choice like these are the obvious perfect choices okay so don't tell us your choices but who was in the one that was made i know it was bill murray did the voice of garfield and j-lo hue jennifer love hewitt was not one of the characters from the comic strip. She was just a love interest. No, she was the veterinarian. Okay. Who played John?
Starting point is 01:01:51 Brecken Meyer. Who's Brecken Meyer? Am I right? Or was it French Stewart? No, I don't know if it was French Stewart. He played something, didn't he? Oh, he played Inspector Gadget.
Starting point is 01:02:04 That's right. And was it Jason Lee or was he an underdog? Wait, no, he didn't play... No, Jason Lee was in Alvin and the Chipmunks. Wasn't it Matthew Broderick as Inspector Gadget? They both were. He was in the first one. Friends Stewart played him in the sequel.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Wow. I'm looking up Breckenmeyer. Garfield, he plays John Arbuckle. So who is he? Is that a picture of him there in the chef hat? No? What else has he been in? He's been in a couple other things. He's been in Road Trip.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Oh, yeah. He was in Clueless. He was in Can't Hardly Wait. Yeah, maybe. So that's John Arbuckle. That's John Arbuckle. So I'm right about Breckenmire. Yeah, you were right about Breckenmire. But that you were right. You were right about Breckenmire. But that's the thing is that I honestly think my choices are so definitive
Starting point is 01:02:49 that there won't be much of a discussion because people are going to hear it and just go, No, but who played Odie? Just a dog. Fucking dog. A real dog. That's ridiculous. That's not what you would have done at all. That's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay, so how many characters did you cast before we do this? Well, that's the thing. The movie is a very small cast. There's really only three characters. Okay. What are they? Garfield. Garfield.
Starting point is 01:03:12 And then John. John. And then Liz the veterinarian. What about Odie? Not Odie? Well, Odie doesn't have a voice. Or he doesn't think. In your version, would he be played by a dog uh
Starting point is 01:03:26 no he would not be okay wait wait wait what about normal is normal in it yeah what about normal not in my movie okay all right so you you have four actors in yours uh well only three three three there is no od there's no od no od he's got john the veterinarian you get michael winslow to do od no but i'm confused why you're like they had a stupid dog well because he should have been computer animated like garfield it's like when they did the super mario brothers movie and they had yoshi as a real fucking dinosaur like this just looks ridiculous also had also had Dennis Hopper as King Koopa. Wrong go. Okay, so let's take it, let's go back to front. Veterinarian.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Was that a character in the Garfield movie that came out? Yeah. Okay. That was Jennifer Love Hewitt. Jennifer Love Hewitt would be played in your movie by Sally Fields. Oh, okay. Alright. Am I to guess that John is a little older than breckenmeyer
Starting point is 01:04:27 in your version yeah absolutely okay so so if if dave i don't know if it's going to be too much trouble do maybe a side-by-side comparison of a sally field and the veterinarian because i have no idea if that's a good idea who the veterinar no idea who the veterinarian is. Me neither. I assume she works with animals. That's not a character that I'm familiar with. And I read Garfield a lot, so. Yeah, Liz is just a vet. You know, John would always ask her out on a date. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. I would mostly hear him.
Starting point is 01:04:55 But she looked, to me, she looked like John with women's hair. Like Sally Field. Yeah. She's there. Exactly. So then John, by proxy, is played by Sally Field with man hair? With a bald cap. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Is it like that? I want to just play a guessing game now. Yeah, okay, okay. So John is about Sally Field. Don't tell us. Okay, we're going to ask questions. I know, I know. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I have a guess. Is John, does John look like Sally Field, dude, don't tell us. We're going to ask questions. No, no, no. I have a guess. Does John look like Sally Field, too? No, no, no. Is he older? Matthew Broderick. He is, well, I'd say older. Yeah, I mean, he's older. Was he ever on a TV show?
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yes, he was. Because I have a feeling I pictured John in my head And then all of a sudden I pictured I got it too Do you want to say it at the same time? I can't remember his name That's my problem
Starting point is 01:05:51 Then we don't have the same person Wait, wait, wait Like a recent TV show or an old TV show? No I've got the perfect one I got the perfect one Okay I'm not going to be more perfect than mine
Starting point is 01:06:02 Mine was too perfect No, no, but I'm going to guess yours. Yeah, that's what we're trying to guess is yours. Oh, really? That's it? Oh, okay. But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me think if I can think of this person's name.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Okay, you say yours. Okay, on the count of three, we'll say mine. Okay, one, two, three. Harry Anderson. Oh, wow, Harry Anderson. I was thinking of the lead from Third Rock from the Sun. John Lithgow? Okay, one, two, three. Harry Anderson. Oh, wow, Harry Anderson. That's not... I was thinking of the lead from Third Rock from the Sun. John Lithgow?
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yes, John Lithgow. No. No? No, way off. Harry Anderson? Is his closer? Way closer. No.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Well, closer. Okay, I gotta say, definitely closer than yours. Okay, give us another hint. But not based on the actor, based on the actor. Based on the character. Based on the character. He wears shirts. Exactly. He's a white guy. He's got brown hair.
Starting point is 01:06:54 He'd look good in brown pants. He's kind of skinny. Okay, you want me to tell you? Judge Reinhold. Oh, yeah. Not bad. You were pretty close because both were judges so that's um judge reinhold very good yeah yeah yeah i thought see i i automatically in my head i was like judge reinhold john is judge reinhold should be john
Starting point is 01:07:20 but does judge reinhold have the huge drawing power of a Breckenmire? Now say that you had to cast a Nermal. Before we get to the big dynamic, who would you cast? Little gray cat. Do you mean, you're talking like a voice actor now obviously a famous gray gray cat well it have to be it'd probably be somebody ridiculous i would hate yeah okay i would say sarah vowels that wool yeah it's vowel vowelel, Vowel. Singular. Yeah, Sarah Vowel. I don't even know who that is.
Starting point is 01:08:07 She's a regular, kind of, she was a regular guest on Conan O'Brien. She's a, I think she's an NPR personality. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's very impediment. She strikes me as who would play normal. But, okay, so here it is. Should we try and guess your Garfield? No, actually, to tell you the truth, with the Garfield,
Starting point is 01:08:27 I have to say they actually made the right call with Bill Murray. With Bill Murray? Yeah. You know the weird kind of thing about the Bill Murray-Garfield thing? You know about this? With Lorenzo Music? Lorenzo Music, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:39 All right, we don't even have to say it. Think about that. You guys look it up. Yeah, you guys at home, learn it if you don't even have to say it. You guys look it up. You guys at home, learn it. If you don't know it. But who did you have in your mind? Actually, the funny thing is Bill Murray was actually the one I had in mind.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Which is when I heard that the Garfield movie was coming out with Bill Murray it further convinced me that they were making my movie all along. Yeah. I was like, oh, they're finally making it. Besides the fact that Garfield the movie was made, which is weird enough on its own,
Starting point is 01:09:10 is that all the other animals in the movie look like normal animals, but Garfield looks kind of like a cart... He's got giant eyes and there's no way that anybody would think he's a regular cat. So it fucks up the whole thing. Everybody else has regular dogs and cats and then think he's a regular cat. So it fucks up the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Like, everybody else has regular dogs and cats, and then there's this giant fucking cat with cartoon eyes. Well, you can't see the cartoon eyes behind the sunglasses. One more thing before we move on. The guy who drew Garfield. Jim Davis. Yeah, when he drew lasagna. Have you ever seen a lasagna that looks anything like
Starting point is 01:09:48 what he drew as lasagna? He probably is done in the history of artistic depictions of lasagna. The worst drawing of lasagna that's ever existed. Certainly worse than the drawing on the box of lasagna. Let's stunt cast something for reels. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Can I suggest? Go ahead and suggest. Popeye. Popeye, oh, so completely forgetting the Robert Altman effort? Yeah. Okay. Alright. A new Popeye. Okay, so we got Popeye. We got olive oil. You got
Starting point is 01:10:23 Bluto. You got Wimpy. That's it. Little Sweepy? Who's a good famous baby? Joel Haley Osmond. Yeah, Haley Joel Osmond. Thank you. First, Haley Joel Osmond is Sweepy. Great.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Good work, Joel. All right, Wimpy. Okay. He's got to be kind of burger-ish. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Doughy. Dennis Franz. K.V. Sipowitz.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Put a little derby on him, are you kidding me? He's the perfect Wimpy. Is Wimpy really fat? Yes. But has a weenie kind of mustache. A mustache. Bald. Jeff Garlin.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Jeff Garlin's not a bad choice. You know who's got the perfect mustache for it? Although not fat enough. Ethan Hawke. Yeah, Ethan Hawke, you're right about the mustache. If we could just cast his mustache. I think I'm going to stand behind Dennis Franz. Sipowitz for Wimpy.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Okay. Bluto? Bluto or Olive Oil next? I would say Bluto. Bluto. Let's go Bluto. Big. Big.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Angry. Hairy. Bearded. Seth Rogen. Tony Shalhoub. Ooh, too skinny. Ooh. James Gandolfini I like that one best so far
Starting point is 01:11:50 he has done bearded yeah he's totally done bearded he's done some beard work he's done some good beard work who's hairy Robin Williams yeah let's leave him out of this okay oh yeah Who's hairy? Robin Williams? Yeah, let's leave him out of this.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Okay. Oh, yeah! I'm satisfied. Okay. With Gandolfini. Gandolfini. All right. Now, when it comes to olive oil, this is going to be kind of tough because I think really they hit it perfectly with, what was her name?
Starting point is 01:12:24 Shelley Duvall.y duvall shelly duvall very unattractive here's here's who i'm gonna throw in uh right off the top and i don't know her name but the one on um arrested development who played uh the secretary maybe yeah judy greer with with with dyed black hair tied back in a... That actually is pretty good. Can you think of anybody that would be more... Sarah Bowles? In a similar vein, maybe a...
Starting point is 01:12:59 What's Ron Howard's daughter's name? Bryce Dallas Howard? Is that really? I don't know what she looks like. The lady in the water? Oh, her! Yeah. Yeah? Oh, yeah! She's quite anemic. Yeah? That's, uh... I mean, if it's anemic, but you need a kind of
Starting point is 01:13:18 like a... like big eyes. Angelina Jolie. That would be the box office appeal we're looking for she is very skinny she's got big eyes yeah what do you think Angelina it's the wrong direction I'm telling you no what do you think what do we gotta go like um Lindsay Lohan is sometimes dangerously thin yeah yeah yeah that's true what about uh olive oil tall she's tall yeah she's tall oh yeah yeah she's as tall as bluto is and he's still you gotta find a gandolfini heighted lady yeah
Starting point is 01:13:53 uh should we just do this like a soprano's reunion and have polly walnuts be papa um this is a downer thinking about this lady Yeah well no she's tall Big eyes Sally Fields Again it's singular Not in his head There's many of her Oh um
Starting point is 01:14:20 Christine Baranski No I don't care Anne Hathaway. Tall, dark hair, big eyes. She needs to lose 50 pounds. Yeah, I like it a lot. Okay, Anne Hathaway. So now, here it comes.
Starting point is 01:14:41 The big guns. Joe Rogan. Print it it let's brainstorm this uh you know who i'm who my vote no no let's brainstorm yeah i'll wait until you've underbite uh big chin huge biceps no no forearms yeah if they already have the tattoo of an anchor, so much the better. Bald. Someone who, maybe with a speech impediment. I'm going to throw in my vote, and it's really going to be my only vote. Jason Statham.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I was going to say, Jason Statham. To me, he's the role he was born to play. You know who's going to be upset about this? Sergeant Slaughter. He's going to be upset all he wants. This is the Statham Project. I think as long as we never mention his name again, I'm fine with casting Jason Statham. I'm fine with you not mention his name again i'm fine with casting jason i'm fine with you not
Starting point is 01:15:47 mentioning his name again but i'm gonna go see crank too and i'm gonna want to talk about it he's the only guy i've seen actor i've seen in person that actually i got starstruck yeah bye i would fall over if i saw him i wouldn't know what to me in my eyes and I actually froze on the spot. I bet. Yeah. He's got that look. The Statham slash Popeye look. Jason Statham. Blow him down. In Crank. Stars with Amy Smart. Yeah. He was in Road Trip with Breckin Meyer.
Starting point is 01:16:16 It all comes back together. And that's what I like about this show. Feeds into itself. Very nicely. So I think we're at the end of the road here. We sure are. Chris, thank you so much for coming out. Thank you. Well, really, thanks for coming out.
Starting point is 01:16:32 It's a lot of fun to have somebody that's kind of from a whole different area of the arts. I wouldn't even say we're really in the arts, but comedy. I come from a non-humored end of the arts world but you what's something that you can promote whereas people who might uh be able
Starting point is 01:16:52 to go and see your stuff you have a website i know that i do have a website um it's chris vons on probably should uh write it on the web page yeah and there'll be a link to it and look down to your ipod it's right written right there yeah episode title um and uh you are also you are a visual artist and an audio artist also known as a musician. And are you, is there anything coming up in the next little while for you? Everything kind of just came out a little while ago. I'm doing a second book with Drawn and Quarterly, which is a publisher from Montreal, which should be out. What an amazing publisher from Montreal.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Yeah, they're an awesome, awesome group of guys. I don't even know why they're with me but here we are I got the skills to pay no bills you steal ideas from children we should play a song yes
Starting point is 01:17:57 at the end of the podcast yeah absolutely let's do that I brought a brand new one for a record that's going to come out this summer and the record is called uh good for what fails you and your musical endeavor is called audio audio audio spell three different ways three different ways because tony tony tony exactly i like my last name i realized when i had my website set up and all my band names they're all too fucking complicated to spell. Like I have to give everybody a piece of paper
Starting point is 01:18:28 with it written down. Yeah, yeah. That's why Yahoo's so popular. Very easy to spell. Thank you very much for coming out and being part of the podcast. Do check out his website and Audio Audio Audio's summertime release. Could be
Starting point is 01:18:43 part of your summertime mix. It's up to you. Please do write to us at stoppodcastyourself at with any and all suggestions or overheards or thoughts about the podcast. And call us at 206-339-8328. That's 206-339-BRECKENMEYER. And if you're listening to this podcast at this point, you've already
Starting point is 01:19:06 missed Dave's appearances in Halifax, so up your nose with a Halifax hoax. Too bad. But you'll be back and we'll record another live edition of this following your return to Vancouver. Not live, but
Starting point is 01:19:22 live! Yeah. We have a live show actually coming up. I believe it's May... 15th? 15th, Friday, the Friday of that week. I believe it's May 15th. At the Café du Soleil, Dave and I are doing a portion of a fundraiser
Starting point is 01:19:39 for a theater group called New World Theater, and we are doing kind of a half hour live to tape podcast. So that'll be kind of a bonus podcast for all the listeners out there. And again, thank you very much. And I don't know if we've
Starting point is 01:19:58 mentioned the blog yet. Oh, sorry, we haven't. Go to to check out a recap of this episode and every episode and do come back here next week
Starting point is 01:20:10 for episode number 61 of the enthralling series of podcasts that we like to call Stop Podcasting Yourself ស្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រូវតែលាប់ពីប្រ� Thank you. I'm out. Thank you. I'm out. Thank you. Thank you.

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