Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 65 - Paul Breau

Episode Date: June 1, 2009

Comedian Paul Breau joins us to talk dog attacks, mayonnaise, and our fractured understanding of the camera obscura....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 65, Officially a Senior, here on Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and joining me as always is the man who's going to play Susan Boyle in the Susan Boyle story, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I'm going to play her before she got really pretty.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah, and then Hilary Swank's going to play her after. Yeah. After she's had her makeover. She's got the horse face for it. And joining us here today, our guest on the show, very glad to have a very funny comedian, producer, what did you say, producer, editor, writer, all around guy on Connected Life? Sure, on Connected Life TV, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I would say I would leave out the editor. Okay. I'd leave out the editor part. So you're a producer. Producer, writer. Producer, writer, comedian. And I'm 65. And you're 65.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yeah. So we thought it was appropriate. Yeah, I figured it was perfect timing. That's how we're going to do it from now on. Yeah. It's just going to be. It's going to be mostly cat skills comedians from here i'll keep coming back once a year yeah exactly um and so thank you very much for coming
Starting point is 00:01:32 down thanks for having me um well we like to start the show each and every week with a little segment we like to call get to know us get to know us so uh Paul, what's going on in general? What's going on in general? It's a sci-fi summer. You got sci-fi fans? Did you go see any of these big movies? No. I saw Star Trek.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, you saw Star Trek. Yeah, but I'm not a sci-fi fan. I am a sci-fi fan. I'm not a fantasy fan. What's the difference? I would put like a Lord of the Rings and whatnot. Fantasy's got older swords. Older swords?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, sci-fi has future swords. Harry Potter would be fantasy, yeah? Future swords versus older swords. Harry Potter would be like a fantasy. So you're not a Harry Potter fan, but you're a Star Trek fan? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about you? Do you like it at all? I love the new Star Trek. I thought it was brilliant. But I love them both.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It doesn't matter how old the swords are. I'm down with the swords. So what's the sci-fi? There's Star Trek, yes. Star Trek, Terminator. Oh, did you see Terminator? I saw Terminator. How was it?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Because neither did you. You haven't seen it, have you? No. I blotted it from my mind, actually. No, is it bad? No, it's not good. Was it Terminator 3 bad? No.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh. No. But it's like The Matrix. I pretend that there's really only that one movie. Those other two didn't exist, and that's how I feel about The Terminator. So they didn't improve upon... Not at all. You're telling me that Mick G, the guy who directed Charlie's Angels, couldn't improve...
Starting point is 00:02:57 The creator of The O.C. Couldn't improve the franchise. It's hard to believe. You'd be more entertained just watching Christian Bale blow up on YouTube over and over and over again. Was that the movie that he freaked out on was Terminator? Yeah. Man, what a wang. That's my expression of the night.
Starting point is 00:03:15 When you say you compare it to The Matrix in that you wish there was just the one, do you like the first two Terminators or just the first one Terminator? I love the first two. Okay. Yeah, the first two are all right. The second one being like a masterpiece unto itself. Yeah, both. I think both are fantastic. They are both.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Then the third one, the thing is I never saw the third one until it was like being played on television. Does it follow from the first and second one in any way, shape, or form? That's a good question. I don't know. I'd have to go back and look at the tapes again. Was Arnold Schwarzenegger in the third one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And he was old. So that doesn't make any sense. Was he a governor at that point? He was not. He was around that time. It was the last thing that he made as an actor. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:02 As a civilian. As a civvy. And now he's a politico but uh he you know he's the governator i don't know i just coined that i uh you should tm that you should definitely tm yeah like okay tm that i'm gonna tmi that i'm gonna twitter that twitter it tweet it byob um so wait and the what is the explanation that arnold schwarzenegger's robot guy would age in the third one yeah you're you're you're saying that there's there there is an explanation i don't know because the i don't because the robot has to travel. It can only travel. Only organic material can travel through whatever time travel thing.
Starting point is 00:04:51 What? Because you can't just send a robot through. It has to be. Oh, that's how he went through in the first one and the second one. It was covered in skin. Yeah, but he's a robot on the inside. Yeah, yeah, but the skin's going to age. But it's not the same one from the movie before.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Why would they send back an older skin aged? Because in the second one, he goes in a lava thing at the end and gives the guy the thumbs up. All right. Spoiler alert. If you haven't seen it by now, you probably... You will never, ever know me. But then, so then in the future, they're like, okay, that failed.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So now let's send back an older... An older, more mature... A more mature version. That was the problem, is he didn't know the ways of the world. He wasn't crusty enough. So let's let him have a little more life experience in the future. Just the skin and muscles. And the muscles, and then we'll send him back.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Good times. A couple years ago, probably, there was a National Enquirer or star. One of the tabloids had the worst beach bodies. And one of them was Arnold Schwarzenegger, because he's all old and saggy. Yeah, well, he was Mr. Olympia, or Mr. World, or Universe, or whatever. The problem was he was wearing a leather
Starting point is 00:06:14 jacket at the beach. That's why. A really short Ramones one. So you were saying it's the summer of sci-fi. Terminator, Star Trek, what else? else what else i don't know they they brought out that uh caprica that one didn't go in the theater but uh that's the battle star galactica tv show that went straight to did you watch the tv show yeah i love the tv
Starting point is 00:06:35 show a battle star galactica yeah a battle star galactica yeah uh no i watched the the big like and the 5 000 fans that you have have dropped off already. No, no. Are they sci-fi fans? If they're listening to a podcast, they're probably nerds. Oh, God. In some regard. That's my people.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Oh, yeah, yeah. There's no chasing them off at this point. Great. So you did watch some Battlestar. Yeah, I watched the very... What would you call it? Not the premiere. The pilot.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, the very first one. And I liked it a lot. But it's one of those things. I'm really bad at watching shows on DVD. I know that's a thing a lot of people like to do. But I have trouble sitting down and watching three hours worth of television that's all the same show. So I haven't gotten around to catching up. But I do like the idea of the show.
Starting point is 00:07:25 It seems really cool. It's fun, yeah. We watched it on DVD. I mean, watch one episode a night or watch a couple episodes on the weekend or whatever. It took us a while to plow through it. You bought them, though, right? Is that how you did it? Downloaded.
Starting point is 00:07:37 He's making a downloaded face. I pay my monthly internet bill. So, yes, I paid for them. I borrowed. Yes, yes, I paid for them. I borrowed. Yes, I borrowed them. You deleted them eventually. I put them back into the cybersphere.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Into the ether. I reseated them. Have you ever watched a whole series on DVD from start to finish? Yes. Or at least a season of anything yeah yeah yeah i uh uh all of deadwood deadwood i haven't seen that one oh it's great yeah i heard it's fantastic but the thing is is it's one of those shows where i think um like
Starting point is 00:08:18 maybe somebody uh overheard something at a meeting that they interpreted like oh we're not going to make it to a third season. So I don't know if it goes two seasons or three seasons. I can't remember. But at the end of the final season, it kind of wonks out at the end. And you're like, well, I think maybe they got a memo or something they weren't supposed to get. Well, you know, a friend of mine is a massive Deadwood fan. And he was saying that HBO, which makes Deadwood,
Starting point is 00:08:45 had blown their budget on that Rome. They literally spent like hundreds of millions of dollars on it. And it was a great series. And it was a great series, but nobody watched it, and the whole company almost went under. Because of Rome. Because of Rome, and that's one of the reasons why Deadwood didn't get any love.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But I imagine it wasn't getting great ratings. No, and it was like I really like that they've moved back to this kind of television I know you and Abby are big fans of Lost that's right and I'm a big fan like right now my favorite show is Breaking Bad love it
Starting point is 00:09:17 but it's really the type of show like it's not episodic right so you can't go into it. And that was the same with Deadwood. If you just saw an episode of Deadwood, you'd hate it. You'd hate everything about it. Everything is like that now.
Starting point is 00:09:31 No, I mean, Law & Order. There's no continuation of that. That's episodic. But, like, Two and a Half Men. No, that's nuanced. I don't know what's going on. Have you ever watched Two and a Half Men? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Because I've only seen just like... It's on all the time. It's like The Simpsons. Yeah, but I've never stopped on that channel. Here's my impression of every episode of Two and a Half Men. Okay, Charlie Sheen. There's a new girl with Charlie Sheen, right? She's hot and dumb, probably.
Starting point is 00:10:02 John Cryer is uptight about the whole thing, and his ex-wife is haranguing him about something. And then their son, the dumb guy, Charlie Sheen and John Cryer's son that they had together. My doodads. The dumb kid, he says something dumb and picks up something from Charlie Sheen that's like a saucy adult thing
Starting point is 00:10:23 and incorporates it into his adolescent life. Into his bullpen. Wait a second. You're saying this as if there's something wrong with this formula. No, no, no. I'm just saying like I did, like I watched one episode and then I watched another episode and I locked into the formula right away, which is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I've never watched an episode. I've only seen promos for it. And it just bothers me that everyone seems to be wearing primary colored shirts. Charlie Sheen's always in either a t-shirt or a bowling shirt. John Cryer always has an Oxford
Starting point is 00:10:56 tucked into some khakis, and the kids always in a primary colored t-shirt. Two and a Half Men is a show that seems like it was churned out of something that was called like sitcom tron 5000 where they were like just make a show that's a situation comedy charlie sheen's getting like eight hundred thousand dollars an episode now sure or sorry yeah is it eight hundred yeah i think i think you got the table
Starting point is 00:11:20 prostitutes it's amazing But it's like opposite guys, sassy kid, overbearing mother. Top ten show. Yeah. That's it. Any writers out there, just listen.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It's not that hard. Is there a wacky neighbor? Yeah, there is. She's the one that kind of stalks Charlie Sheen. There's a crazy girl that crawls up the outside. She's like a combination of the one from...
Starting point is 00:11:43 I think she's hilarious. I think she's the funniest character on the show. It's like a combination of the one from... I think she's hilarious. I think she's the funniest character on the show. It's not a horrible... It's not as horrible a show as a show like Home Improvement was horrible. But then again, it's still bad.
Starting point is 00:11:55 But it's not, according to Jim, bad. You guys don't realize that it's sci-fi. It takes place in an alternate universe. I'm not a sci-fi fan, but as Graham mentioned, I'm a huge Lost fan. Which is sci-fi. Yeah, but I only realized that about a season in, and then I was hooked. He was tricked into it.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It was too late. Why don't you like sci-fi, though? What's your aversion to it? Nothing specific. I just have never been drawn into that sort of thing give me something small give me something that takes place on earth well balistar galactica the new one the problem with a lot of sci-fi is there's too much shit to know like when we watch csi everything is always spelled out for you in every episode but like in a sci-fi show they'll be like they'll say a bit of terminology that you have to be up on it's all made up i don't i don't know it doesn't bother you no it bothers the hell out of me when they're talking about a thing i don't know what it is like
Starting point is 00:12:54 currency like oh it cost me 500 glirgon lithium yeah exactly what's the translation between a glirgon and whatever no like yeah like, yeah, like, when I was a kid, I really, really, really liked the original Star Trek. And then I kind of liked The Next Generation. And then I was, like, completely, I couldn't even understand the rest of them because it seemed like it was like watching a manual. Like it was like watching people read out of a tech manual.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Speaking of Picard, did you guys see Wolverine? Yeah. Did you see the end of Wolverine? We don't want to spoil it for anybody, but the creepiest thing I may have seen in my life happens at the end of Wolverine. They did a thing. This is the funny thing about it.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'll try and... Nah, fuck it, if you haven't seen the end of it but you fast forward two minutes if you haven't seen it yeah so you'll you'll be done in two minutes absolutely okay starting now yeah the at the end of the movie you see all the the students that then are featured in the latter movies all join up with uh professor xavier and but professor xavier they but they use this technology in the last one to make uh patrick stewart and ian mckellen look about 20 years younger and it's just basically a software that erases wrinkles on the actor's faces but this software in this case they just i think they
Starting point is 00:14:26 just cgi pat you know patrick stewart and he looks so creepy his face looks like a chinese baby like i was there on the opening night and uh the crowd howled i mean it was just we thought you know i couldn't stop laughing because his it does it looks like a baby's head on an adult's body. You know those really bad Robitussin commercials with the giant baby head? That's kind of like what a floating baby head is. But it's supposed to be the most dramatic moment in the movie. It's supposed to be like the big reveal. Isn't that always the way?
Starting point is 00:15:02 And then you're just, oh, yeah. So anyways, it's worth the price of admission just for that scene, I thought. And little baby Wolverine crying, too. That was another one. That's at the very beginning of the movie. So skip the beginning and the end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:16 That movie didn't do it for me. Oh, it was terrible. What do you mean? Didn't do it for you. No, well, the thing is, I talked about it a few podcasts ago about how, and tell me if you agree with this, there was a scene in The Logging Camp where he looks, the ladies dropped him off, and he looks back at her,
Starting point is 00:15:36 and he looks like Ben Stiller in Zoolander when he goes to work in the mine. Yeah, he does this, like, sassy sears catalog pose where he looks back at her tilts his head a little and he's got the axe over his shoulder body spray wait you bring your own axe to a logging camp yeah this wolverine did byo axe and he also he didn't need to yeah i think he'd say what the hell he has those claws his claws can cut a helicopter. Wolverine's in there with the claws? Yeah. Okay. Not the Santa Claus. I need to re-evaluate this whole movie. What you thought it was... I thought it was the guy who could shoot lasers
Starting point is 00:16:11 out of his eyes. Cyclops. No, that doesn't sound right. Anyways, it was... Good times, good times. There's one movie I remember thinking, like I was really rooting for a movie. Oh, shit. It's a movie called The thinking I was really rooting for a movie Oh shit, it's a movie called The Moon Moon Man
Starting point is 00:16:29 Not Moon Man Moon Sylvania With Sam Lohr Sam Has it come out yet? No Sam from Charlie's Angels?
Starting point is 00:16:45 That Sam guy? No. No, what? Charles. Sam Rockwell. That's what I'm talking about. He was in Charlie's Angels? Sure, he was the villain.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, the Irish guy. He played Crispin Glover. He was? He was the guy that shot, at least I think it was him. Didn't he shoot What's-Her-Name through the window in the apartment? Wasn't he the main guy? I don't really remember the plot of Charlie's Angels. Drew Barrymore?
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. Oh, okay. She was in love with him. He's the Irish guy. He had an Irish accent. That was Sam Rockwell? No, Bernie Mac was the Irish guy. You've got IMDB.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Let's pull it up. You guys haven't heard of the Shamrock Shake? The Mac Rip? God damn. Et cetera. I don't think that movie's come out. Let's pull it up. You guys never heard of the Shamrock Shake? The Mac Rip? God damn. Et cetera. I don't think that movie's come out. No, it hasn't, but I'm very excited about it. It's him and Kevin Spacey plays the voice of a computer, and it's just him on the moon
Starting point is 00:17:36 and something fucked up happens. Sounds great. Imagine that as a preview, what I just said, but visualize it as a preview. Graham, what's been going on with you? Last weekend I went to my friend's wedding in Calgary. I flew in for the weekend. And the wedding was very nice. He was in the day.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And at night I went for a walk to go to the 7-Eleven. In the clouds. On the ground. And I was attacked by a dog. Yeah. It was a hot dog? 7-Eleven hot dog? Yeah, I was attacked.
Starting point is 00:18:14 With nacho cheese. I was attacked by some dog in the neighborhood. It was like a boxer dog. It was trying to bite me. And I fought it off. But he would run away, and then he would come back and attack me again. And this happened like six times. Why did you stay in the same place?
Starting point is 00:18:34 I didn't. I was running. But I was about a mile from my house. Did you have bacon in your pocket? But it would go away and then catch up. Yeah, I always carry bacon in my pocket. How could it catch up to you if it went away six times? No, it would run away into the...
Starting point is 00:18:52 This was midnight or whatever, so it would run away into somewhere I couldn't see, and then I'd take off running, and then he would come running back after me. And then his owner eventually came out, and it was fucking terrible. Have you ever been attacked by a dog before? Not really.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It's very scary. You know what? I had my very first kiss from a dog. It bit me right there. You see that scar on my lip? Really? That one right there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It bit me right in the face. When was that? When I was like five, I guess. Ladies and gentlemen, don't pet a dog when it's eating. That's the lesson i learned from that see now this was this was a uh a dog that you knew no it was just a just a dog just a dog neighborhood dog does this dog yeah i never just eaten just eaten just eaten in the street eating in the street it was in an alleyway i was like hey i'm a five-year-old i'm gonna pet
Starting point is 00:19:42 that dog eating in the alleyway eating it's actually chewing on a bone, a human bone. Eating spaghetti with its girlfriend. Yeah, he was eating spaghetti, exactly. So, yeah, I got attacked by a dog. And that's going to really stick with me, I think, because now several times when I've heard dogs bark, I get a jump. You're twitchy. Yeah, I'm all twitchy.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Twitchy. And at the park the other day, there was a dog that wasn't on a leash and i i crossed the street and walked on the other side that's too bad now your your your whole relationship with the a fine animal has been you're allergic anyway i am allergic um but yeah it was crazy because like the owner came out and chased it down and said like oh he won't bite but i was like well you're incorrect because that's exactly what he was trying to do for the last 10 minutes nasty but i kicked him in the face not the owner the dog you should kick the owner um yeah i guess i could
Starting point is 00:20:38 have hey in the shins maybe should i be no you should have bit the owner i was thinking that i was like i should take a swing at this guy because he's such an asshole we're on here i think i just dropped an f yeah oh yeah you're right sorry when did the the terminology drop uh to drop an f-bomb come into a world war two that was the uh when they dropped the h-bomb and it was two letters away right so what you have to probably do is from now on, you know, no, I'm not even going to go there. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Not carry bacon in my pocket? Yeah, not carry bacon. I always have sex doggy style. I don't understand that. I'm not going to carry anything. That's why I wasn't going to go there. No, fair enough. And then you did.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And then I did anyway. You knew better? I knew better, but then I still went. No, wait. You were right. So that was my big thing. Dave, what's going on with you, buddy? Well, I've been watching this mayonnaise commercial on television.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oh, that was me. You saw it, though, right? Yeah. Have you seen the Hellman's commercial? You're in a mayonnaise commercial? No, no. Oh, I mean, how amazing would that be? Your career is on fire.
Starting point is 00:21:42 My two passions coming together. Advertising work and Hellman's. Hellman's mayonnaise is now playing the organic card. The eat local card. The locovore card. Yeah, the locovore card. And I've never... There's a woman at the very beginning of the commercial that goes,
Starting point is 00:22:01 it's time for something healthy. And you really think that this is going to be an ad for vitamin water. Yeah, or like carrots. From the carrot council. I haven't seen a green giant ad in years. It has been a while.
Starting point is 00:22:18 He's got lupus. A lot of people don't know that. The wolf disease. But he... So the woman goes ah it's time for something it's time for something real it's time for you know like and she goes like helman's mayonnaise and i was like the the logic leaps that you would have to make between the first sentence and the second sentence you know helman local if I go to the... You know, is Hellman's made locally in every major metropolis? Yeah, I prefer to make my own mayonnaise at home.
Starting point is 00:22:51 You can. It's organic. Out of what? Eggs and olive oil. What? Oh, man, that lady was right. What do you do? Do you just mix eggs together with olive oil?
Starting point is 00:23:01 You gotta get a hand blender. Speaking of things you don't hear anymore, I was thinking yesterday, I haven't heard about somebody crazy gluing their hand together in a long time. That's a good call. When was the last time you heard something like that? I used some crazy glue last night, and I was like, you never hear about it. You used to hear about them all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:17 A kid crazy glued his hand to his face. Do you think they changed the formula? I don't know. I don't know. I think it's like Darwin. They killed them all off, and now all the stupid ones are done. That's funny, because that's a good point. I don't know. I don't know. I think it's like Darwin. They killed them all off, and now they're, you know, all the stupid ones are dead. That's funny, because that's a good point. I never thought about that.
Starting point is 00:23:28 You used to hear about them, like, crazy gluing their ass to the toilet. Oh, you know. That's right. It was like, it was a thing, and maybe they've responded. Maybe it's... Maybe they changed the formula. What were you crazy gluing? I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I was trying to crazy glue a plate that Jen dropped, and it didn't work, I've got to say. I'm very disappointed. So maybe they did change the formula. It's not as powerful as they said. It's been a long time since I've heard anyone talk about Michael Nesmith from the Monkey's Mom inventing whiteout. Yeah, that's true. Did that used to happen all the time? Oh, all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Same conversations. Now that you mention it, I do recall hearing that. Oh, you know what? I watched a Pizza Hut. I was watching Pizza Hut commercials on YouTube last night. Right, as one does. Yeah. And there was an old...
Starting point is 00:24:13 Do you guys remember there was a commercial with Ringo Starr? And he was like, oh, should we get the bullies back together again? And then it's the monkeys at the end. That's the big reveal at the end. It's not the Beatles at all then it's the monkeys at the end that's the big reveal at the end it's not the beatles at all it's the monkeys ringo star for our listeners was the drummer in a rock ensemble called the beatles and the monkeys were a four-piece band yes they were the boys next door to the new kids on the block but the thing in the commercial was he says i should get the band back
Starting point is 00:24:43 together and then it's him on the drums and there's three microphones. But John Lennon was long dead when this commercial was made. So the inference, I'm not sure what he was trying to infer. Zombie. Zombie John Lennon. You were talking about the Hellman's commercial. Have you seen the Miracle Whip commercial? the Hellman's commercial, have you seen the Miracle Whip
Starting point is 00:25:04 commercial that is like, they get all these young hipsters and the theme is like, this isn't your father's Miracle Whip. But they haven't changed the formula. Yeah. Is it in a squeeze bottle? Because my dad wouldn't stand
Starting point is 00:25:20 for it. It is in a squeeze bottle now and it works great. My forefathers wouldn't stand for it. Charlie Sheen, John Cryer, and the two dads from my two dads. Forefathers. The upside down squeeze bottle took
Starting point is 00:25:35 way too long to invent. Even for ketchup, we got the ketchup one saved my life. We were all storing our ketchup upside down for the last half of the ketchup bottle. That's the government keeping you down. You reach for the last half of the ketchup bottle. Ah, man, that's the government's keeping you down. You reach for the milk and knock it over because it's that little tiny...
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah, exactly. No, you know, it's like the government doesn't want your ketchup upside down. That's how they keep you upside down. It's the ketchup mob. They want you to keep buying. So what's going on with you?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Well, I mentioned the mayonnaise thing. But other than that, Abby and I went to the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vag, the other day. Yeah. And it was, we have these year-long passes, and we've only been once this year. So we went, and and three quarters of it was closed they're they're putting up a new exhibit how do you know that's not an installation that you're supposed to interpret well it was weird because on the floors that they didn't have any paintings they were just painting the wall like do they need to repaint the white wall every time
Starting point is 00:26:43 but did you do that gag? That's my favorite art gallery gag, is there's a guy painting on the wall, and then there's a guy who's like, I can see the angst in this piece. You know, like the guy that stares at the fire extinguisher in the corner. I do that at the little kid's station where the kids draw their stuff. I say, this kid's got some serious problems. Were you abused as a child? That's a classic gag. That and the booze hand throwing away his booze bottle when he sees a spaceship.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Or something crazy happen. Those are the two classic gags. Yeah, from which all other gags respond. But we, I was actually, one of the reasons I went was because I don't often go in public places where there's a lot of people just hanging out. Yeah. And there's only one floor of art, and it was the Dutch Masters.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So if you're a big fan of Rembrandt or Vanier or whatever his name is. I saw the big poster. Arlunds, I want to say. You're Remy's. You're Remy's. You're Veneer's. Joe Neuendijk.
Starting point is 00:27:50 You're Shellac's. You're Shellac's. Veneer's. You're Neuendijk's. All the great artists. It's the Van Dykes. I was hoping to hear some overheards, but everyone who goes to an art gallery is quiet. Silent and not an idiot.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So Abby and I were the dumbest people there. Probably you provided some overheards. We absolutely did. We were talking about how the paintings were done before the invention of the camera and how amazing that was.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And Abby saw this painting of these books and she thought they were sandwiches. And then we were trying to figure out if the painting was done before the invention of the sandwich. And then later we saw this picture of the baby Jesus, but he looked like an old man. And Abby was like, I think that's a painting of Benjamin Button. Wow. You're right. You probably did provide a fair amount of words. There's another podcast going on somewhere.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, and it's called Intellichat. And it's two smart people. It's all about people at the art gallery. You wouldn't believe what we heard at the Vag. There was a guy talking about sandwiches. On our favorite painting, books, books, stacks of books. We learned about the camera obscura. That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:29:17 That's a real thing. Confirmation. Not just an indie rock band. Is that, well, let's explain what it is. What is it? Is it where they uh it's an optical illusion or something well it's where they used lenses to uh before the cameras were invented they used a lens and like a light to magnify uh and give a whole different perspective and clarity
Starting point is 00:29:38 to things and the idea of the camera obscura is that it everything's upside down and you have to flip several you have to shine kind of the image through several lenses in order to correct yeah because when you bounce it through a lens it's automatically upside but your eyes are actually when you see something you see it upside down but your brain automatically corrects it so you can just turn that off on your brain and also if you hang your head upside down on a couch with your legs up, then it flips the whole thing backwards. If you just bend
Starting point is 00:30:12 over and look through your legs, same thing, same effect. It works great. Should we move along to some overheards? Sure. Overheard. Overheards. along to some over earth sure over heard over heard things overheard in public life everyday life kind of you know you're at the art gallery and somebody's talking this Benjamin Button I got a week I don't know I got a weird
Starting point is 00:30:39 overheard okay well you lead the pack there was a couple days ago on the bus I I travel on public transit. And these two girls were sitting next to me. And they were graduates. Like, they graduated from high school. And they're talking about playing this game that normally you'd attribute to maybe somebody in grade six. Right. Which is...
Starting point is 00:31:00 Pen15 Club. Let me try to remember what it was called. It was Shag, Marry, or Kill. Okay. Have you heard of this game? I've never heard of it before. Marry, Bop, Kill. Marry, Bang, Kill.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So the premise is that they name three guys, and the other person has to decide whether they want to shag them, marry them, or kill them. And I was like, kill them? Couldn't you just ignore them or something? No, that's the rules. Rules is rules. It's like these girls today they're vicious man what what were the guys good lord they went on and on these these girls knew a lot of guys oh i couldn't name not famous guys just guys just regular i think they worked at like a safeway or something because they're like john from produce all right kill him this is the first time I had ever heard of this shag kill and marry
Starting point is 00:31:52 and that these were not attractive women they'd be lucky if John produce would even look at but these weren't kids alone no they were like you know they were adults they were in the workforce. They should know better. They were trying to seduce me. They should marry Shag or kill him or get a GED and get on with your life. Yeah, learn computers. They had a job. They worked with the guy in produce. Or maybe they just hang out at the produce department. Maybe they just go to Safeway a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You're assuming a lot. I think our listeners would enjoy this. Which of the three of us, like you have to pick either Paul, Graham, or myself, and let us know which one of us you would shag, which one of us you would marry, which one of us you would kill. Everybody's going to kill me.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Please, ladies and gentlemen, just kill me. I'm the oldest. I think I'm going to get a lot of married. Yeah, do you think you're marriage material? I don't think I'm shagging material. I think I'm going to get a lot of married. Yeah, do you think you're marriage material? I don't think I'm shagging material. I think I'm murder material. A lot of ladies have said that to me. You're real murder material.
Starting point is 00:32:53 None of us are really shag material. Anything to write home about. Yeah, exactly. I shouldn't be besmirching the character of these two young women. Is there a marry, kill, ignore? I prefer the ignore instead of kill. I would have been happy if they would have... Yeah, kill is a little harsh.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I thought it was a little harsh. Dave, what do you got? This is a piece of call and response graffiti. Oh, hey. I like that. So it's an overseen. It's an overseen. I was walking down the street and saw a mailbox.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Someone had written... There were two pieces of graffiti. Someone wrote something and someone else saw it and wrote something else. And responded. Right. So it's almost like a bathroom stall. Yeah. Someone wrote, Society! Fuck it up, tear it down. And then someone else wrote, society, join the team.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I think it was a sober reply. That society, join the team sounds like that series of ads that you'll see where there's a kid and he's raking a lawn or something. And then somebody will come over and help him they'll be like awesomeness have you guys seen on the Vancouver buses the ads do you guys take public transit yes no you're lucky I do a lot of walking these days as opposed to why and the reason there's a reason for that but there's a big ad campaign about uh air get to know it on the bus yeah worst friggin air i've ever been exposed to it's like you want to just graffiti on that poster because it's like get to know it give me a break i would graffiti it to make it say pears get to know them. Huh? Clever. Nice one.
Starting point is 00:34:45 The fruit? Yeah. But it's spelled completely different. No, I know. It's the genius of it. You don't understand. It's subtle. Yeah, this is how
Starting point is 00:34:53 I move into the shag category is by being artistic. I think it's that voice. My overheard is my favorite style of overheard, which is the last statement in what must have been some large conversation that included all of the bits that would make this last statement make sense. And it's a lady at work. Everybody at work, they talk really loud because it's just kind of the nature, people yell across the room, and
Starting point is 00:35:27 the lady, I guess they were coming back from lunch. You work in a train station. I work in a train station. Yeah, it makes it look like Grand Central something or other. But they walked in the door and everybody was working, and I think like the voice
Starting point is 00:35:44 level outside was very high and so they were very excited but she was the last one to talk in a completely silent room and all she said was you'd know a hickory stick one wouldn't you like that and then there was no response to it like Everybody's like, we're indoor voices now. Was ones spelled O-N-E or W-O-O-N? No, O-N-E. Okay. You would know a hickory stick one. Wouldn't you? That's how she said it.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And so God knows what precipitated that. But it is my favorite one. I wrote it down on a sticky note and made double sure to bring it here for both of your enjoyment. I enjoyed it. You're welcome. Threefold. Do we have any written-in overheards? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Kelvin M. It's an overheard from yesterday standing in line at the 7-Eleven counter. Customer, do you have cheese for the poutine? Clerk, no, we're out. out customer that's the third time today which is uh that's pretty great and then uh well can we discuss that we certainly can i was just uploading the uh the overseen the um yeah so they've thrown back two more times after they failed to get a poutine. But I wonder if they're going back with the same poutine that they bought earlier in the day that has no cheese on it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Is that what's happening? I don't know how you buy poutine at the... Piecemeal. At 7-Eleven. You buy it one bit at a time. Poutine at a 7-Eleven. Yeah, you can do better. Yeah, get your shit together.
Starting point is 00:37:26 You can do better. The, get your shit together. You can do better. The person that guy is talking about. Fuck that guy. This is a great overseen from Miles K. I saw a young guy helping an elderly gentleman down the street, giving him his arm so he wouldn't topple over. The guy was wearing a Nike slogan t-shirt that read in giant white block letters, Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.
Starting point is 00:37:50 He really took that t-shirt seriously. Yeah, like a superhero. Yeah, I like that. A superhero policy. I like when your life is dictated somewhat by the t-shirt that you wear. That's why I've always respected people who wear no freer t-shirts. I'm more of a bum equipment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 What's a good shirt that's slogan-tacular that really... I guess tap out. That would be the new one. Tap out is popular. I'll make you tap out. Yeah. I'll buy really muscular
Starting point is 00:38:23 upper-bodied men wearing the tap outs yeah there's some but like uh oh yeah i just like the idea of your shirt being your credo i like you know for a while there that you know you'd see these uh schools and they'd actually have like juice across the ass of their sweatpants right juicy juicy and i was like what the juice my other ass is a Porsche, whatever. But you're right. It was a little trend. I don't know if it's dead in the water now.
Starting point is 00:38:50 But it was a thing that went from trend to thing that was somehow authorized by school board. Like an actual school board would put their logo over the butt. Yeah, it would be like, Artsy Alderman Junior High. We kick ass. Yeah. And then it would be like artsy alderman junior high we kick ass yeah and then it would be say angel across the ass this is where fart comes out high school all right all right we got some uh listeners have called in overheards let's uh i thought you were to say listeners of color. We've got some listeners of color.
Starting point is 00:39:29 That's doubtful. We use the term ethnic. It's part of our grant money. Hey, Dave and Graham, this is Kevin from Chicago. I've got an overheard for you guys. I was at the White Sox game on Friday, and sitting behind me were two sailors from out of town. and one of them was from Florida, the other was from Texas, and one guy said to the other that Dane Cook is the funniest man alive, and the other guy disagreed, and he asked
Starting point is 00:40:00 why that could be, and the other guy's response was that more people go to see Dane Cook than the Phoenix Suns. Yeah, but the Phoenix Suns are really funny. The Phoenix Suns are hilarious. Steve Nash is hilarious. It used to be that... Shaquille O'Neal actually is kind of hilarious. But, you know, give him his due.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I mean, Dane Cook can play some ball. Yeah. It's kind of hilarious. But, you know, give him his due. I mean, Dane Cook can play some ball. Yeah. It used to be that the Globetrotters were the clown princes of basketball. Now it's the Phoenix Suns. The Phoenix Suns have supplanted that.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And Dane Cook is the clown prince of comedy. Before we go on to the next one, in the first chunk of that clip, did it sound like he had a monkey in the background i think she's a chicago accent no listen to the just the first part again let's do like csi slow it down now zoom it in now just isolate it hey david graham this is kevin from chicago i've got an overheard for you guys i was at the uh white sex game on friday and maybe it was something outside your window or something. Because now it's gone.
Starting point is 00:41:08 You're right. It was just a Chicago accent. Alright, go to the next. What else? Thanks for calling that in. That was great. Hi guys, it's Alex from Los Angeles. I have an excellent overheard. My stepdad's father died recently. He was a good man And just
Starting point is 00:41:27 He was just really A suck So we're all kind of relieved So I walk in To my stepdad on the phone And I hear him say Yeah, this should be a great celebration Of his life
Starting point is 00:41:42 Now how big is the dumpster you got? That's one of those great, like, something like Roddy Doyle would write. Like, it's dark, but, you know, there's lightness in the family dynamic. There's a weird accent. Yeah, that's great. Very, my condolences on your loss. Why are you laughing at that? I'm being authentic.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Dave doesn't understand human emotions. My condolences, too. No, I'm Kirk, you're Spock. Sure. And I'm Uhura. Yeah, you're Uhura. You're the sex appeal. Hey, Graham. Hey, Dave. This is Evan from Chicago.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I haven't overheard. That was pretty great. I was riding the L last Saturday evening, and there were three girls, about like 20, and just terrible. And it was pretty early early but they were just like mammared uh so girl number one says to her friend uh so how about whitey and blacky at mcsadden's that's a bar here and girl number two gives her just this fucking disgusted look.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And she says, don't you mean whitey and darky? And then to girl number three's credit, she says to her friends, maybe you two shouldn't talk anymore. All right. Keep up the good work. Correct. On girl 3s. What did he call the drunken girls? They were shmammered.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Shmammered. Thank you very much for the call. Yes, thank you very much. Please call back. That was your new fave. Yeah, that was some stellar. Shmammered is in the lexicon from now on. It will suddenly, like a bomb, it will start going off in Vancouver. Everybody's going to start using it. It will drop, like a bomb, it'll start going off in Vancouver. Everybody's going to start using it.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It'll drop like an F-bomb. If anybody wants to call in future times, either to give us future times, in the future, for overheard or other related topics, whatever you feel like calling in something for, our phone number is 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 00:44:02 That's 206-339-TEET. Remember last week when we did the phone number? Yeah, there was the pregnant pause. That was great. Listening to it after it happened was even better. Yeah, it kind of seemed like the file was corrupted. It kind of felt like my iPod was broken. But then when we came back, such a relief.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Okay, great overheardsards thank you very much oh also if you want to send in overheards over scenes whatever photos are always appreciated uh our uh you can contact us stop podcasting yourself at um do we want to move on to our favorite new segment. Mm-hmm. Who's that guy carrying the flag every day? What do you call him? Flag Pete, Flag Frank. You don't know his name.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So you made up a name. Yeah. So in this segment, if you're fairly new to the podcast and you haven't heard it before. If you're fairly new to the podcast, you've heard it before. Oh, that's right. But if this is your first ever podcast, go back and listen to the other 64. There's a lot of nuance. It's building like a sci-fi.
Starting point is 00:45:21 We're really, you'll notice that in this episode, we're not so funny. Not true. That's a little harsh. I feel I've been slighted. Okay, I'm going to marry Paul. I'm going to fuck Graham. Yeah, that's right you are. And kill myself.
Starting point is 00:45:36 For doing that. Because I soiled the bond of our marriage, Paul, by fucking Graham. Yeah. It's okay, it's open. Yeah, but I didn't know that he was married, so... You wouldn't do that. No, exactly. I'm a classy guy, like Abraham Lincoln, who would never, ever sleep with a married man.
Starting point is 00:45:59 But this is our new segment that we have about those people in your neighborhood or those people that you encounter at work or in life. You don't know their name. They might be crazy. That seemed to be the threat. They might be homeless. They're almost certainly crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 They might have homes. They may not have homes. They may be eccentric. But they're people that you've assigned a name to because you don't know them. You don't want to know them but they demand your attention name wise and we've had a lot of people write in some very awesome ones that have happened in their lives uh so we'll share paul do you have one um let's see i don't know if this qualifies we have uh this guy that uh drives by on his bicycle at like, you know, 1.30, 2 in the morning
Starting point is 00:46:47 on a fairly regular basis singing at the top of his lungs and not very well. And so we haven't really named him yet. We're thinking about it. But what we've done is, especially if we're actually up, is there's an episode of Family Guy where he's selling back scratchers, and he's like, back scratcher! Back scratcher! So we go, douche bagger!
Starting point is 00:47:09 And then my wife goes, douche bagger! And we scream it out the window at the little prick. So you call him douche bagger. Douche bagger. I like it. Douche bagger. That's not bad. Here's some nicknames. Let me see if I get this.
Starting point is 00:47:27 All right. This is from Emily. What's her last initial? It doesn't say. Just Emily. Emily. Oh, sorry. Emily F. from Texas.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Ooh, Tejano singer Emily F. In April, nearing the end of tax season, there was a homeless-looking guy dressed up like Uncle Sam hired to stand on the corner at the intersection near an income tax preparation business to attract customers. He was usually chain-smoking, but sometimes he was doing a lively jig and or offering pork rinds to passing cars. Really? He was one of the most depressing things I've ever seen. And me and my sister nicknamed him Depressing Homeless Uncle Sam. Appropriate. It's a little on the nose.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It is a little on the nose. But it does convey pretty much everything that you wanted to say about him. We've got one from Andrea A. Has a couple of nicknames. These come from my husband and his brother, who seem to speak almost in codes at times, giving everyone they know some sort of nickname. The first is this old guy who lives in the same condo complex as my husband's brother. And he moves very slowly and watches everyone and everything like some sort of gargoyle sentinel with a walker. They call him Slow Mo.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Which is pretty great. I would have called him gargoyle sentinel walker. Yeah, you would have just, on the nose. Paul, you want to weigh in on that? No, I call him Steel. Steel! S-T-E-E-L-E.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Your spelling today is fantastic. Yeah, thank you very much. L-E. Yeah. Like Danielle? Yeah, exactly. The second is a guy they both worked with at one time. He's a very nice guy from some Middle Eastern country,
Starting point is 00:49:20 and he clearly does not shave or wash or believe in any sort of hygiene at all. They call him the terrorist. What does that have to do with shaving or hygiene? It doesn't really. I don't think it has anything to do with either of them. Probably terrorists beyond reproach, right? They don't want to attract any smelling. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:49:38 They're going to the afterlife. They want to be tip-top shape, right? Sometimes you just don't feel fresh. Ship-shape shop. tip-top shape, right? Sometimes you just don't feel fresh. Ship-shape shop. And the last one is an in-law we see at various family
Starting point is 00:49:49 functions. She has freakishly close set eyes, like an intrapart. That's her words, not mine. And one of them periodically swerves in the wrong direction, so you never know where to look. That is a skill. Hubby and his bro
Starting point is 00:50:05 call her Googie Eye. Not Googly. Googie Eye. Like Googie I am. Googie Houser. Googie Houser. So, you know, I didn't enjoy the terrorist one all that much.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I was offended. As a Middle Eastern gentleman myself. Here's the thing in the last podcast we talked uh we had a listener write in about a guy that they named creepy leg wound guy was a man who walked around with one pant leg rolled up so that you always saw his creepy leg wound. In Baltimore, Maryland. Yes. It says, Hi, I've listened to the podcast mid-listen... I paused the podcast mid-listen to write this.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I'm a Baltimorean, and I have also seen creepy leg wound guy working the intersection near my place. He does indeed pull up the legs of his sweatpants to display his wound. I think he pulls both legs up so that when someone accuses him of showing off his leg wound for pity money, he can always
Starting point is 00:51:08 say, nah man, my lower legs just get really hot. The really sad part is that he's been made aware of the wound care available at our local health care for the homeless and hasn't chosen to go. He says, yeah, I know that part's not funny,
Starting point is 00:51:26 but it's worth mentioning. Dave's giggles would prove me wrong. Indicate that it is funny. I just love the term wound care. Yeah, wound care is pretty good. Alright, I have a neighborhood. This is from... Sorry, who was that last one from?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Swoozie Kurtz. It was from Swoozie Kurtz? Yeah. I can't believe... You know, from NBC's Sisters? That was from Polly R. Polly, that's a great name. That is a great name.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I am enjoying every second that I get to say that name. Jez... Oh, sorry. James A. Sorry, i couldn't read it probably uh i have a neighborhood nickname that comes from the college dorm while attending indiana state we had a roommate who was a bit crazy talked to himself and the like he decided to move out of our dorm to supposedly join the military he sold his stuff to us at rock bottom prices but no one would buy his clothes trunk.
Starting point is 00:52:27 He asked us to donate it to Goodwill. Me and another roommate decided it was time to take it to the dumpster, since neither of us had a car. As we chucked it down the stairwell, of course it broke open. Inside was a dead lobster. We would see him around Terre Haute, and we called him Lobster Love. Lobster Love. They assumed the leap was that the lobster was their caged lover like Boxing Helena.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Ah, nice reference. Nice reference. It wasn't Kim Basinger. Not Kim Basinger. Whatever actress is not Kim Basinger. It wasn't... Mystic Pizza. Jack Nicholson. It was Jack Nicholson it was Jack Nicholson in the role of Wolf
Starting point is 00:53:10 classic Bryce S says how many of these are you going to read I just enjoy them when I was a freshman in college yeah I like reading I have a lifelong love of reading my suit my suitates were pretty creepy.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I can count on my hands and the number of conversations I had with each of them. Sooner or later, I did learn their names. But before I did, I referred to them as Jean Jacket and Pac-Man. Those are pretty good names. I don't know anything about them. Yeah. But I assume one of them wore a jean jacket. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And one of them played Pac-Man. Or was Pac-Man. Yeah. Or married Ms. Pac-Man. What's the... How many more of these am I allowed to read? None? Yes, what's your question, Paul?
Starting point is 00:53:54 What if this nickname... What if there was somebody whose nickname was Gene Gene the Sweater Machine? No? That's enough. That's pretty good. Gene Gene the Sweater Machine? You know, we also have called in... I didn't know that. the sweater machine. No? That's enough. That's pretty good. Gene, Gene the sweater machine?
Starting point is 00:54:08 You know, we also have called in nicknames. I didn't know that. I did not know that. I have a nickname for a lady that I was sitting behind. I went to go see a movie at the Documentary Film Festival, which is great. Uh-huh. But they announced before the movie, they were like, but they announced before the movie they were like
Starting point is 00:54:23 special round of applause for the I think it was the Downtown Improvement Society or association for putting this to good the ambassadors everybody gave them applause and then the one lady from it
Starting point is 00:54:41 talked through the whole fucking movie but she had a comb overover from back to front. And because it was a woman, I called her Donna Trump. Come on! Nicely done. Pretty good. What's your actual question? I was just trying to change the reading.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I had a question on, if you guys have seen down on Granville Street, downtown Vancouver, it's a store, I think it like urban something urban outfitters or something and instead of mannequins they have live mannequins and i was just like you know that's that's worse than you know putting them in the pizza box or selling roses actually putting them in the store and it's like i think outfitters is all about uh you know labor or using sweatshops or whatever. But I'm like, you'll put human beings in your own windows to act like mannequins. Urban Outfitters, I'm not sure which one's those.
Starting point is 00:55:38 American Apparel is the, we don't use sweatshop people. I think that might be the American Apparel, down on Granville. I don't know if it was... Oh, okay. So they had live people in the window. Go there if you like really hot girls working. What's the...
Starting point is 00:55:51 I'm an old man. I went in there and I felt like a pedophile just being in there. Yeah, I don't like going in places where there's hot girls working. I don't belong. That's where you and I differ. Why do you like it? What's great about it? Because I spend money.
Starting point is 00:56:08 In an effort to impress them? No, in an effort to improve our economy for them. For their benefit. So they can have the nice things? Yeah. You buy the nice things so they can have the nice things. So they'll marry or kill me.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I shop at the bay. End of story yeah because i don't feel comfortable ever when good-looking people are around they make me uncomfortable i agree today i was at a place uh breakfast place you get coffee i got like a breakfast muffin and this very pretty girl came in and she kind of just had her way with the place. She got her stuff and was gone before I ordered a thing. And it was still just sitting on the counter. They got away with murder, these pretty people. It's like time stopped for this lady.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I'm sick of these pretty people. Yeah. So there are people who called in these neighborhood nicknames. There's a few. Suck it to me. Hi, Graham and Dave. This is Alex from Los Angeles. I have a creepy neighbor nickname.
Starting point is 00:57:11 There's this guy who hangs out around my bus stop. His name is Ratface Redhead. Now, he's a redhead with a rat face, obviously, who hits on anything with a vagina breath and well it's not this optional anywho funny story about rat face redhead my boyfriend and I started dating about a year ago and on our first date we went down a dirt road and we got a flat tire so we call the tow truck company, and the tow truck driver is none other than Ratface Redhead. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So Ratface Redhead recognized me, of course, because he seems to know everyone. And I really didn't know what to do at 2 in the morning with the guy I just met. So, I don't know. I thought you guys would enjoy that. Love the show. Keep it up. So, wait a second. I want to know how it ends.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Yeah. Did you fix your tire? If you know what I mean. You've got to call back, first of all, with an ending to that story. And second of all, this boyfriend she's been with for a year. A year ago. The oldest trick in the book. Drives her down a dirt
Starting point is 00:58:26 road. Oh no, flat tire. Oh, erection at the same time. That's how they do it. Whoops-a-daisy. That's not a tire iron. It's inversely proportional. It is something the Fonz would
Starting point is 00:58:41 be embarrassed to put a move on a lady. That's how old that is. The Fonz never said the word erection. No, he did. He never had to. He said erection. Sit on it. Sit on it.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I can't think that thumb was. Here's one from my beautiful girlfriend. Hello, boys. It's Abby calling. I'm calling from my work at the moment, and I was pleasantly reminded on my bus ride to work this morning about a local character that I hadn't seen in a while that I have a nickname for.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Now, picture Dennis France, but redheaded. He gets on the bus. I haven't seen him in a while. He used to come along more regularly, but Iheaded. He gets on the bus. I haven't seen him in a while. He used to come along more regularly, but I just saw him this morning. And he's always rocking track pants, which have no pockets, right? But the guy's got to put his wallet somewhere. So he's got one of those men's wallets that just folds in half. And he takes half of it and puts it inside his pants
Starting point is 00:59:44 and takes the other half and puts it outside his pants and takes the other half and puts it outside his pants so it's just hanging on his crotch and i call him track pant wallet crotch and i sing a little track pant wallet crotch when i see him you know what i would call him if it was a red-headed Sibowitz? Sure. Gingerwitz. I like that she said that he had one of those men's wallets. Yeah, like a wallet? Like you mean a wallet? Why are there different wallets?
Starting point is 01:00:15 Like, why do women... You're married. What kind of wallet does your wife have? Women won't fold money? You know what? That's true. My wife has a... You know the holders that bus passes go into? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:27 She fits everything into one of those type of things. Really? She's not a typical woman. But she has a big purse, like a giant purse that fits, you know, you could fit your dog in there. But she has everything in that little tiny thing. Because usually wallets that women have are these compartmentalized books. They have a change purse in them. For some reason, they still have a checkbook
Starting point is 01:00:50 with them at all times. Very cute. That's why I love women. We got another one. Hi, David and Graham. It's Abby's Aunt Sheila calling back. This time I'm calling in response to your neighbor's segment.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And I'll start out by saying that I very much like the theme song, but some neighbors of my own have inspired me to write one, and I thought maybe you could give it a chance and let the people decide. Are you ready? Neighbors, everybody's got them. Neighbors, nobody wants them. But what are you going to do? You can't just say hey fuck you
Starting point is 01:01:26 there's a fun fun game you give them a lame name instead of saying hey fuck you on second thought man fuck you anyway i sent you a photo of some of my neighbors two old birds that always sit in front of the local kebab place. And one always smokes, and one always eats a kebab, and constantly, never stops. And they both have the same matching little white hairdo that makes them sort of look like Bedlington Terriers, if that helps or not. And so
Starting point is 01:02:06 we've named one of them Kebabra, and the other one is Falafro. I hope you enjoy the picture and the song, and keep it up, chaps. Knees up, elbows up, keep the slides flying. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Kebabra and Falafro? Falafro? Falafel. Falafel? Falafel. I liked her theme song a lot. I did too, but that's a lot of effort for me to add music to it. It's true, but it's really catchy.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I'm not capable of effort. Could you just run it as is? It's pretty great. I mean, mine is okay, but that one was really fun. It rhymed. Mine was just off the cuff. It's jazzy. Mine definitely conjures up a Blue Jays feel.
Starting point is 01:02:53 You're a baseball fan. Michael Blue Jays. Michael Blue Jays. Well, thank you, everybody, for sending in the things again. Stop podcasting yourself at or call us. 206-339-83208. That's 206-339-TEET. Do we have anything else?
Starting point is 01:03:15 I don't see why we would. Oh, easy off over there. We'll call it an evening? Why not? Yeah, okay. Well, hey, everybody. Thank you so much, Paul. a, call it an evening. Why not? Yeah. Okay. Well, Hey everybody. Uh, thank you so much, Paul. Hey, thanks for, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Um, what's the, where can people find a connected life? People can find connected life at connected life, And kind of what's a brief dig if you had to kind of encapsulate it. It's short. It's like, you know, six minute episodes. It's like technology, the environment and everyday life, how it affects you. And it's really amazingly shot, and it's short, and it's fun. And I don't watch as many video things on the Internet as maybe I could or should,
Starting point is 01:03:56 but I've really enjoyed watching the ones that I've seen on there. So, yeah, check out Connected Life. Check out Anything else you have to plug coming up? No, that's it. No, that's it. Well, thanks a lot for coming in.
Starting point is 01:04:09 It was a lot of fun to have you here. Such a laid-back guest. Sometimes the guests are high-maintenance. Real uppity, yeah. Not you. Not me. You just float right into this like you've been doing. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Yeah, you've been lemon squeezy since you walked in here. No, no. These beverages help. Yeah, they do really lemon squeezy since you walked in here. No, no. These beverages help. Yeah, they do really oil the ointment. You know what I'm saying, Dave? Dave, do you have anything to say, plug? Hi. Hey, buddy.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I don't know. Well, everybody, thank you very much for downloading this podcast. If you enjoyed it, please tell your friends. That's how the podcast is able to grow. downloading this podcast. If you enjoyed it, please tell your friends. That's how the podcast is able to grow. And check out the blog that Dave constructs each and every week, which is located at
Starting point is 01:04:49 And again, thanks again for listening and come back next week for another enthralling episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself! Thank you.

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