Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 66 - Kliph Nesteroff

Episode Date: June 5, 2009

Podcaster, ex-comedian, and Archie expert, Kliph Nesteroff joins us to talk college radio, Archie comics, and roofing techniques....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 66 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me is the man who plans on writing a musical based on the life of Judith Light, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, it's going to be called... The Lighter Side of Life?
Starting point is 00:00:42 What was the first line of Who's the Boss's theme song? Show me. No, that's growing pains. Show me that smile. I've been down a... Million roads. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 We can start this podcast again. No, we can't. No, we can't. We must plow forward. And today's guest is... You didn't get the name of the musical out at all. No, no can't. No, we can't. We must plow forward. And today's guest is... You didn't get the name of the musical out at all. No, no, no. Yeah, that was what it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It was going to be the first line of... Oh, maybe let's just call it There Were Times. I Lost a Dream or Two. All right. Yeah. And joining us today, our guest, a very funny man, previously was a comedian, now in charge of the sometimes comedy, sometimes not comedy, but very clip-heavy show, podcast, Generation Exploitation.
Starting point is 00:01:35 But you were saying that there's also, it's called Laugh Tracks when it's on CITR, but not really, but sort of. Well, I took over from last week's guest, Paul Breaux. Right. And his show was called Laugh Tracks, and I didn't want to jar anybody. With an X? Like Laugh Tracks. No, actually, no.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Laugh with two Fs? No, none of that. It wasn't like a comedy club name, but it is one word. Laugh Tracks. May I say I am honored to be on the show now that you've run out of guests. I like the fact that I am on after the shows in which you had no guests first. And now have reverted to this. We usually tape it either on Thursday or Saturday.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So your schedule. That's true. This special Monday taping is very out of the ordinary. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm so tired. This Monday has been a little bit like a Monday TGI whatever TGI lasagna
Starting point is 00:02:31 Did we even say his name? Yeah, oh it's Cliff Nesteroff I didn't say his name I think his name is Lap Trax Should we get to know us? Why not? Okay Get to know us So Cliff,? Okay. Get to know us.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So, Cliff, what's going on? You work. Yeah, let's not talk about work, but... Yeah, let's unwind. Yeah, let's unwind. That's right. It's Friday, guys. Cliff officiates cockfights.
Starting point is 00:02:59 That's his day job. I do. And you know what? Very few times do I need to blow the whistle. Yeah, exactly. There are no rules. The only rule is have fun. The first rule, there are no rules. Second rule, no outside drinks.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah. Or food. So you're going, next week you're going to the Campus Radio Conference held in Montreal. National Campus Radio Conference, which would not be held in Montreal if the 91 referendum had gone the other way. That's right. Well, there were no ground rules. Like 50% plus one didn't necessarily mean secession. I read a survey on the front page of the Globe and Mail or something like three, four years ago.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And the survey was, do you support having another referendum on quebec separatism and it was 51 no 49 yes wow actual results the um there was a survey that was done over the weekend in the paper that said uh what a politician would you rather have over for dinner, Stephen Harper or Michael Ignatieff? And the number one answer across the board was neither. Ouch. I'd rather just have dinner by myself, thanks. Neither of those would be very good dinner guests. No, no.
Starting point is 00:04:20 For our American listeners, Stephen Harper is our prime minister. Michael Ignatieff is our next prime minister, basically. They know. They know. Stephen Harper is a Fox News regular. And Michael Ignatieff used to be a Charlie Rose regular. I thought you were going to say Stephen Harper is a fox-eyed gentleman. But his eyes are kind of like a wolf eyes.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I always think of his eyes as kind of like shark eyes. Okay. Kind of black soulless um and cunning they're all they're both cunning guys those two um but neither a good dinner guest is what i learned yeah would you rather have a shark or whatever michael ignatieff is oh michael ignatieff what kind of animal is he? Something with big eyebrows. Sam the Eagle. Peter Gallagher. Do you mean literally having a shark? For dinner?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Oh, for dinner. Oh, you mean as the dinner? Or as a guest? I thought you meant as the guest. As the guest, you'd probably want whatever has the nice eyebrows. What would be the Michael Ignatieff equivalent animal-wise? Anything but a shark. He's really dark.
Starting point is 00:05:26 He's got like dark, bushy eyebrows, like a buffalo. I don't know. A raccoon's mask is not Phil Hanley. Eyebrows. He does look like previous podcast guest Phil Hanley, especially when you see old, like young footage. I've only got like a five o'clock shadow. Of Phil Hanley?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Of Michael Ignatieff. If you have young footage of him when he's got like a five o'clock shadow of phil hanley of michael ignatius if you have young footage of michael ignatius and present day baby footage of phil hanley phil hanley or a shark i'll take phil hanley i'll take both yeah he's a real sweet guy he is yeah over yeah absolutely he is so i think i'm the only person who's ever heard phil hanley bad mouth another comedian oh really you don't have to say who because this goes out over the internet but it's not a comedian from vancouver anyways okay all right but it was at the back uh backs of yuck yucks during the comedy fest and uh phil hanley leaned into my ear and this is not something you hear out of his mouth very often, but he said, boy, this guy really sucks.
Starting point is 00:06:29 It was a great moment. Wow. Well, so tell me... Getting to know. Yeah, what's... Like, what goes on at a public... Or not public radio, so a campus radio conference? Oh, it just smells like old pizza.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Is it just held in the hotel room? In a dorm room. There's a Pulp Fiction poster on the wall. There is a bunch of dated ephemera on the walls. The poster that has all the beers on it, what I really learned in college.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Geology, Rolling Rock. It's a weird combination of like inept college students with radio shows and then like inept former college students who still have their radio shows and they show up for the conference too no no no what the ones that are the this conference i think is mostly for the heads of each station to go to and then other general people. And when it was in Vancouver, I went to it because it was in Vancouver. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And I think the main reason I went is because they wanted me to host the banquet. So I went to that. And then all throughout the week, they have evening events, like parties and shindigs. The banquet. Are we talking mac and cheese? Independent music. Mac and cheese.
Starting point is 00:07:41 No, I can't remember. I was on stage for most of it. No, they have two full free balls of wine for each seat. Oh, wow. And I think I did a half hour off the top to warm things up. And by the time I got a break to go eat, there was no food left. Oh, yeah. Everyone had filled their Tupperware.
Starting point is 00:08:03 There was no what yeah there was no uh booze left and some i went back up on stage after the next person went up and uh so somebody actually gave me like their glass of booze as they felt bad but uh wow yeah you know it's not that exciting the people are really cool and really fun and uh it's the good the good people from campus radio who have like uh competent shows right right who are amusing and funny and interesting and uh not the uh not the majority of 95 of public and campus and community radio which is yeah not the guys who are like hey we're gonna play a solid 40-minute block
Starting point is 00:08:46 of back-to-back. You're going to play a whole CD while I go and get high, and then the last track's going to skip. It seems like most campus radio, college radio, I guess that's the same thing. Yeah. Community radio, it's all reggae. Almost all of it.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You turn it on, and it's reggae. The weekends, I find, are all world music. Like, you can only find rock and hip-hop. Is this CITR or co-op that you're talking about? Either, yeah. Yeah, that's true. Is reggae world music? Does that count?
Starting point is 00:09:17 Sure. Yeah. Anything you would see on Clip Trip. Clip Trip. Watch music, Clip Trip. Yeah. on um clip trip clip chip much music clip chip yeah i uh i remember like when i i was i was borrowing jane stanton's car and i could only get certain radio stations so i was listening to the co-op radio and it was on like a particular like an hour long trip and the only thing that they were playing were minutes from like a city council meeting and then they had somebody in analyzing the minute but i i feel
Starting point is 00:09:46 like they didn't like it pre-recorded it in a cafeteria analyzing the minute yeah yeah like so it was uh like the minutiae of the minute yes minute minutiae was actually the show but it was the the person would read the minutes from last week's meeting and then that would cut to this guy that sounded like it was recording in a very kind of like hall. There's no insulation at all. And he would interpret what all the minutes, who it was he was speaking and who was, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:14 what it was all about. An hour of that. Wow. The only break from it was when they put in a cart that had promised break a show coming up next. Yeah, it's horrible uh most of it i mean uh why is that though because in because anybody can have a show anybody but that seems like at least then you would kind of get kind of the like the freak show element like you would get some guy who's just gonna play
Starting point is 00:10:42 his own music well you get a little you get a little bit of that like you get a combination of crazy cool and then crazy crazy yeah like you get the crazy cool guy who shows up wearing suspenders he's 90 and he only plays 78s from 1923 because after 1923 1924 that's that's when all went downhill. Yeah, exactly. When Calloway went electric. And then you get 14 guys that play reggae. And then you've got... Actually, at CITR, the only really successful show they ever had,
Starting point is 00:11:20 which is not anymore, was this woman, I'm trying to remember her name. She had a right-wing call-in show on CITL. Oh, wow. And as we know, if you purport those political views, you will be successful, at least in American radio. Anybody who is to the right. It doesn't matter if you're nobody or if you're an established celebrity even better,
Starting point is 00:11:40 like Dennis Miller or Jackie Mason. Because people love to listen to you and they love to hate you. And they phone in and they say racist things and whatever so this uh woman decided to do that on citr which is a station that nobody really gets like the reception doesn't come in but this show took off and people were phoning in and saying you know racist things she became a big hit she got hired away from citr by the National Post and away from the National Post to Fox News, where she is a sometimes correspondent for Bill O'Reilly. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And she's a graduate from the UBC campus radio station. I'm doing that from now on. I've had it. I've had it with these little town blues. Starting now. Yeah. You know what we've got to do with these? You've got to bring your TV show further to the right. Yeah. That's what I've got to do with these... You've got to bring your TV show further to the right.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. You can be lured away to the glamour of AM call-in radio in the States. That's a really good... Wasn't... Nardwar's show was on CIT, wasn't it? Yes, it still is, yeah. That's somewhat successful, isn't it? That's somewhat successful, but he's not on...
Starting point is 00:12:42 He's not a newspaper columnist yet. That's true. He's not on you know he's not a newspaper uh columnist yet it's true he's not on fox he's got a lot of irons and different fires on the much music yeah yeah yeah but like uh he's also been doing it now for 24 years no yeah wow since 1985 but this uh this woman rachel marsden i want to say that sounds like that does sound like a person i don't know i think it's i think that's her name rachel marsden uh she had been she did her show for like six months and then she was on bill o'reilly and it wasn't like she had been like well as far as i know submitting tapes and whatever so she would go on it'd be a thursday night or whatever and she'd be like immigrants exactly how do we get rid of them? And the phones just light up. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Immigrants. We got to build a wall in front of China. Welfare. Let's get rid of it. Oh, the phones have lit up. And refuse to play the reggae ad in the middle of the show. Refuse to. No, you know what she would do?
Starting point is 00:13:42 She would play the first half of the reggae ad, then play a record scratch. Immigrants. Thumbs light up during the commercial break. Spicy food. I can't stand it. Exactly. Wow. So, yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Well, it should be interesting. Now, in addition to your radio podcast endeavors, you also write a blog, That is one that I have not updated in two years. Oh, wow. But because the last post was so successful, I just don't want to see it disappear from the main page or anything even try to compete with it so i left it be okay but i do repost it every now and then without changing it so that the date on top of it is fresh ah um smart well the gen i got i have another blog that i update more often okay but the one that i don't know what generation exploitation if that's
Starting point is 00:14:43 the one you read or looked at yeah the exploitation if that's the one you read or looked at yeah the main post that's on there right now is a history of christian archie comics yeah spire christian archie comics for big in the 70s and it's a history of and that article i wrote it and posted it to the you know like most blogs a blog that nobody reads or cares about except for the person that writes it but i didn't write about sandwiches or my cats or anything like that but anyways tell us about your cat i have none okay tell us about your it was a short blog post there was no photos um but uh anyways i wrote that article history of christian archie comics and then i got an email which at first i thought was
Starting point is 00:15:23 from sean proudlove posing as somebody else but it wasn't it was from a editor at vanity fair magazine and uh asking if uh he could phone me to interview me for an article in vanity fair wow and i said and i said yes sean this is my phone number and uh the guy phoned a couple days later and uh he was the guy from vanity fair and they were doing a thing about archie comics and they interviewed me as an archie comic expert which i was blown away because i didn't uh consider myself but he probably what did he probably google like archie comics plus expert or something and like me or something i think christian because they did devote part of it to that
Starting point is 00:16:07 and that's where my contributions and quotes came in. You're really out there. We should post a link to it because it really is a fascinating aspect of the Archie Riverdale universe. Archie diaspora. The Riverdale universe. Archie diaspora. But the reason I bring that up is as an Archie comic expert,
Starting point is 00:16:35 what are your thoughts on Archie? The marriage? Yeah. I knew before what he was going to. You knew it was coming down the pike. Why was it like pulling teeth? I just had deja vu right there. Well, this is what I don't know yet.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It hasn't been leaked to the internet like Wolverine 3 or whatever it is. X-Men 4. X-Men, yeah. I'm hoping it will be. It's a Zoolander. But I am not sure yet if the storyline is going to be drawn, I am not sure yet if the storyline is going to be drawn, the recent phenomena in Archie Comics of making Betty and Veronica look ho-like and realistic. Yeah, the new faux realism style. What's your take on that?
Starting point is 00:17:17 You know, I have the original faux realism Archie comic, and years before it came out, in 1990, NBC, the national broadcasting corporation company cult um put out a made for tv crotch crunch do you remember do you remember this they put out a made for tv movie yeah i do very well back to riverdale and back again, we've talked. Starring Christopher Rich as Archie. Christopher Rich of Reba fame. Right, right. I always get him confused with the guy who played Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm misguided. He's not the same guy? Mm-mm. He was also in the George Carlin show sitcom that was on Fox. Remember that? What happened with that was on Fox. Remember that? What happened with that sitcom? What do you think? It was on Fox in like 1991.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I kind of enjoyed it. Am I wrong? Are my memories betraying me on that? No, you were 10. That's true. You enjoyed that. He was a recovering alcoholic. He was a cab driver.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he was a recovering alcoholic. Was he? Well, he went to that bar. It was an Irish bar and he wouldn't recovering alcoholic. He was a cab driver. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he was a recovering alcoholic. Was he? Well, he went to that bar. It was an Irish bar and he wouldn't drink there. It had the fat guy from Wayne's World
Starting point is 00:18:30 was on the stool there. It was like the George Wendt lookalike with a mustache. I wonder, maybe I'm thinking of the John Larroquette show where he worked in a bus station.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah, John Larroquette is the recovering alcoholic. Oh man, remember that show? That was horrible. That wasn't too bad. Do you guys remember? Okay, here's the thing about that show.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I remember it very distinctly. It's Marky Post getting her own show. The John Larroquette show, the first season was this, like, it was like a sitcom, but it was really gritty. Like, he was a recovering alcoholic, and he'd lost everything, and he had to manage his bus station. But then the next season, things had kind of brightened up a lot. They didn't talk about his alcohol problem at all anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:09 They introduced a couple more wacky characters. And I think there was a drunk or heroin addict character on the show that vanished and was replaced. Well, it's just like real life then. I love that there was a time when you could have a gritty sitcom, but still have a laugh track. Still have a laugh track. Barney Miller was pretty gritty.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Come on, grab. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's true. That was, there was a lot. Like, I mean, I don't know. All in the Family was pretty gritty. Yeah, 70s were just a gritty decade. I wasn't alive, but I'm...
Starting point is 00:19:43 It was a gritty decade. Appears gritty. Sesame Street's fucking gritty. Yeah. Anything New York based was pretty gritty. Yeah, the 70s were just a gritty decade. I wasn't alive, but I'm... It was a gritty decade. It appears gritty. Sesame Street's fucking gritty. Yeah. Anything New York-based was pretty gritty. Taxi. Yeah. The epicenter of grit.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Isn't true grit set in New York? That's why you had an eye patch, man. Remember when Big Bird dressed up as Serpico? It's infiltrate. So, yeah, what do you think about... Back to Riverdale riverdale yeah yeah and back again or to riverdale and back again christopher rich was archie uh one time snl cast member gary kroger was reggie and by one time you mean like one episode he had a walk-on he He's no Tim Kazerinsky. One time Jim Carrey's spouse, Lauren Hawley, was Betty.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Right. That's right. One time, woman that used to be in deodorant commercials, whose name I can't remember, was Veronica. Sure. And some woman... Sweet Pits. Who was like 1990 version of what's considered hot was Big Ethel.
Starting point is 00:20:44 She had grown up to become sexy. And there's a scene where Sam Whipple, who played the makeup artist on the Larry Sanders show, was Jughead and he's balding and he goes over to Big Ethel's for some reason and she opens the door and she's in a bikini and invites him to the hot tub. And Jughead has a son.
Starting point is 00:21:00 They have sex in that hot tub, right? With his son. Full penetration. Moose is watching. Full penetration. Moose is watching. It's full penetration. It was a shocking TV special. In Riverdale and out again. But there was...
Starting point is 00:21:17 Anyways, they went to Mr. Weatherby's funeral. Where did you find it recently enough to have... No, I have vivid memories because I did not have have nbc as a child we had abc cbc and ctv we had ctv when there were storms not when their weather was clear but uh so i had to phone my grandpa and uh coax him to tape two specials and tell him how to he's got the tape recorder up against the TV. He's bashing it. He was filming it like a kinescope
Starting point is 00:21:51 with a 16mm film. Anyway. The same night, I phoned my grandpa. The same night, the Muppets go to Disneyland. The final Jim Hansen's still alive. I remember that. Muppet special. Was he still alive when it premiered
Starting point is 00:22:07 or was it posthumous? I think he died like a week later. But you knew. You knew this was big. And it needed to be recorded. And then the Riverdale movie followed it. And so I had it on tape and I watched it as you do when you're a child
Starting point is 00:22:23 several times yeah and uh it had a limited run uh but they put out a comic book adaptation of the made for tv movie which was an adaptation of a comic book so they made a movie of the comic and they made a comic of the movie but rather than draw them like archie and Jughead, like normal, they did caricatures, or not even caricatures, but likenesses of Christopher Rich and Gary Kroger. Now, caricatures are like caricatures, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Son of a bitch. But they put out a comic of the movie, and the drawings in the comic are of Christopher Rich and of Sam Whipple.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Right. So they're the archie characters but they're like human likenesses of it right years before this this trend but then they drew in a little crown on jughead's head they didn't but what they did was they had flashback sequences when they talked about the old days and then they were those flashback sequences were drawn by dan di carlo in the normal archie and jughead. What a weird bending of Archie reality. And then the inside back cover was the, since it was a made-for-TV movie,
Starting point is 00:23:32 I'm sure they didn't use this anywhere else, but it was like the movie poster. Like photos of Christopher Rich in an R jacket. Yeah. What a weird, I would like, there's several moments in kind of 20th century entertainment history that I would have liked to be a fly on the wall for. And the pitch meeting for that at NBC.
Starting point is 00:23:53 We're talking the network at the time. What did they have? Cheers? Saved by the bell. Saved by the bell. Quantum Leap was on the horizon. Camp Candy. Camp Candy was keeping the John the john candy fires burning and night
Starting point is 00:24:09 court the whole ubu lineup and then this guy's like hey how many of you read archie comics nobody in the office puts up their hand oh this is gonna be a long meeting. How many of you remember Gary Kroger? Now, if I had done the... If I had directed and produced the made-for-TV movie, I would have put in all the comic book stuff. I would have had... Lil' Jinx. Lil' Jinx. I would have had Lil' Archie.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I would have had the fashion spreads from Betty and Veronica. Oh, yeah, the fashion pages. The fashion pinups. Sure. Outfit conceived by... Moose. I think that would be a better hour of TV. Was it just an hour?
Starting point is 00:25:01 I think it was 90 minutes. I think it was a 90 minute. All I remember was jughead and his son i remember ethel being hot and jughead and his son dancing break dancing his son is jughead's trying to coax his son to impress girls he goes i was shy when i was your age too son just go up and talk to them because now jughead's you know he's inseminated somebody he's had a child yeah i wonder how that happened she probably wooed him in with the throws of burgers. He had burgers on the brain the whole time.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Was he fat? No, he was Sam Whipple. Okay, I don't know who that is. He's a skinny guy. He looks like what Jughead would look like if he went bald. But Jughead's metabolism never slowed down? I think he... There's no scene in the movie. That's the surprising thing. There's no scene where they go past Pop Tate.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Oh, yes there is. That's the whole crux of the film. There's a stack of burgers. Mon Frere. No. The whole crux of the film... I was going to say the stack of burgers. It follows the same formula as every shitty movie of the 70s and 80s. And this is like 1990.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So it's the tail end of this genre of... They should have known better. Movies like Roller Boogie and everything else. I love that movie, Roller Boogie and everything else. Roller Burger, yeah. Roller Burger and everything else. It's like you and me and all our friends. Well, no, we're like there's a gang of kids.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Not a gang like here where somebody gets shot, but a group of kids. Like the Warriors. Yes, where something's going gonna happen to the place where they hang out some evil businessman's gonna buy out and the only parking lot the only way to save it is it is to to save the roller rink as if we roller skate really hard and then we'll save it and then we'll cheer at the end and the businessman will go and then everybody will laugh and then something will fall on his head well in the archie movie pop tate's chocolate shop is under threat of being destroyed and there's a scene towards the end where the wrecking ball thing is there and they're going to crush pop dates and pop tate i think affixes himself to the wrecking ball and is swinging through the air on it, and all the Archie gang lines up. Do you think that's ever worked to stop construction?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Somebody jumps on the wrecking ball? They're like, well, call it a day. Tate's on the wrecking ball. And I can't remember who played Pop Tate, but he was a familiar old character. Now, Jughead didn't get fat, but he did get bald. And once he got bald, he gave up the crown? There's no crown in the movie.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You'd think he would just cover up the bald spot with the crown. Makes sense. How many episodes ago? There was quite a few episodes ago where we actually stunt casted Archie, if it was made into a movie now. David Caruso. David Caruso as Archie. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And I think I remember who else was in it, but it was quite... I think Adrian Brody was Jughead. Adrian Brody was Jughead. That was a good cast. But, so what do you think? Do you think it's a ruse? Do you think it's him choosing... Oh, the marriage, right?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Yeah, because it's a six issue arc. Well, I think it might be a who shot Mr. Burns kind of thing, because they leaked who it is this week, and they said he marries Veronica. Right, right, right. Which means that when it comes out in September, it's going to be Betty. Right. I'm assuming. Why would they intentionally leak it, and everybody's up in arms?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Why would he choose Veronica? What I don't understand is why— I can't imagine the security around there is very good, so maybe they didn't intentionally leak it. I want to know who Lil' Jinx isx is marrying personally if it's going to be Greg or the black kid I want to know if Spooky the Ghost ever gets. Spooky the Ghost we're jumping comic
Starting point is 00:28:34 labels completely. That's true I don't mean to do that in your presence Spooky the Tough Little Ghost. Yeah he's the tough little ghost. Tough T-U-F-F Right. You remember that? Spooky the Ghost he had a Yeah, he's the Tough Little Ghost. Tough, T-U-F-F. Right. You remember that? Spooky the Ghost, he had a little derp, a doiby. I don't remember, but when you said tough, I knew it was going to be T-U-F-F. So, Dave, let's get to know you.
Starting point is 00:28:54 What's going on? You told me you had a stellar few days. Yeah, a lot of stuff happened with me. Did you guys see the spelling bee the other day? Here? No, no, on television. The one from Canada? No, on Washington DC. Good distinction to make, though. Color. C-O-L-O-R?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. But there was a Canadian one. Either... But the Canadians get sent as a representative to the American spelling bee. The Scripps National Spelling Bee, and they get... The same one from Spellbound, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:30 And then they get eliminated immediately. Well, it's tough. All the U's. There's a U, exactly. Mustache. That's going to throw you for a loop. Ours is Mouse-tache. They go a little more advanced than that. But
Starting point is 00:29:45 I was watching it and they now have... Have you ever seen one before? What, a spelling bee? Yeah. Oh, goodness, yes. Alright. Yes. They now have the parents on stage with the kids. They only show the finals on TV. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:01 That seems like a recipe for cheating. That's what I was going to say, yeah. But they're nowhere near the kids. They're just on recipe for cheating. That's what I was going to say, yeah. But they're nowhere near the kids. They're just on the other side of the stage. I'm going to tap my foot this many times for the letter U. 24 times. But I think it must be
Starting point is 00:30:20 so they can't... Well, if the parents are in the audience, they can make signals to them. That's true. Although, you know, anybody who's been on stage before knows that the lights are fairly blinding when it comes to...
Starting point is 00:30:36 We can see them because they film them with lights in the audience. Do they gamble on that in Vegas? They have odds for everything in Vegas. Yeah, I'm sure they do. But who would know? How do you find out? Compulsive gamblers.
Starting point is 00:30:50 But how do you know who wins and loses except for when they broadcast that one major final? Because they don't broadcast the playoffs of spelling business. They got a guy in there with a derby hat and he's calling in the numbers. The tough little ghost is there. It's a big derby episode. Ricky McIntosh from George Washington Elementary is taking the early lead and people are like,
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm out! I'm not to cancel the bet! No, all bets were final. There's kids, they have their stats. Papa's mustache is coming in early. They tell you this is their third time at the finals.
Starting point is 00:31:27 What are the odds of the Canadian kid winning? Terrible. Because the Canadian kid... I've never seen a Canadian... They've never made the finals. The Canadian kid's garbage, if you're listening. It's like soccer. The Canadian kid is garbage. The Graham Clark story.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Here's the thing. Related somewhat to spelling or just word-wise. You see there was a post on the blog page today. It says on the last episode, I said precipitate, which I meant in the context of like a prediction. Like what came before, what led up to, what created this? Precipitate. That is a way to use that word.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And somebody called me out on the blog page. Hey, Graeme said precipitate, a thing that had nothing to do with rain. Do you think that that was a real thing, or do you think somebody's fucking around with me? But nobody actually ever uses the phrase precipitate in reference to rain no that's what i just thought that it meant something like precipitation i didn't actually nobody ever actually uses that but precipitate is a rain reference but it also is the creation of something right that sounds spell it c-l-a-w f-i-p-p-l so who won uh i don't know some kid my pbr cut off before the end wise wise pbr time uh but another thing that happened to me this week is well i guess it technically happened to my friend uh It was my friend's birthday.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Tobin. Happy birthday to you. And we did a surprise party. Oh. And it was... You can see by the look on your face that it didn't surprise anybody. What? Or the real surprise was disappointment.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I think a surprise party at this point in your life is, I mean, if anyone throws a party for you, that's surprising at all. That's true. I don't think I've ever had anybody throw a party for me. I don't ever care for that to happen, but
Starting point is 00:33:39 have you ever had somebody throw a party in your honor? No. Seems like something that happens mostly in fairy tales. But this was Have you ever had somebody throw a party in your honor? No. No. Oh, I don't think so. It seems like something that happens mostly in fairy tales. But this was done... That would be awkward. Somebody threw a party for you? What are you supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Especially if it was like at 8 in the morning. You're like working the room the whole night? Oh, hey, thanks for going the extra mile for me. Unregistered at Sears. Yeah. I hope you didn't neglect any real obligations to be a part of this. I would love it if it was thrown and populated by people I liked. But if somebody's just throwing a party, what if it's somebody you don't even care for?
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's your old boss from a job you just stopped showing up at. Good lord. They go through like your old day timer. They break into your hotmail. Why did I leave it at my old job? It's all of your ex-girlfriend's friends.
Starting point is 00:34:35 We're not even sure why we're here. They're horrible, aren't they, the ex-girlfriend's friends? They know your name and your secrets. Have you guys seen the ghost of ex-Girlfriend's Friends path? Those are people that you were required to know at some point. And then when you're separated out of the situation, you're shocked that you ever had anything to do with any of it.
Starting point is 00:35:02 That seems to be the way. You were being a gentleman. Yeah, exactly. Around those cheerleaders. to do with any of it that seems to be the way you're being a gentleman yeah exactly yeah around those cheerleaders um but from that time i dated this truth from those air hostesses i dated uh but i uh i'm an expert neighbor on many sitcoms well your tv show is uh has a hallway full of models you were saying yes yeah yeah the breakfast show always models always early um but it was the the surprise party was held at a restaurant bar thing chee chees uh yeah it was frenchies and uh we were situated right at the top of the stairs and so when uh he came in we didn't know like do we hide under the table there no one had
Starting point is 00:35:48 a plan nothing was organized vis-a-vis the surprising and so the surprise consisted of us all looking away like we all looked away from the entrance but then we didn't know when to turn around so he just sat down and was staring the same way with you for 10 minutes it was a little late like everyone kind of looked over so he didn't even think it was like a surprise party maybe just a coincidence yeah maybe yeah he walks in he's like what denny's all you guys and then there was a really half-assed surprise was there a was there a cake yeah well it wasn't denny's so complimentary slice of cake there was a really half-assed surprise. Was there a cake? Well, it was at Denny's, so. Complimentary slice of cake on your birthday.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Actually, his girlfriend made a big brownie. Oh, that's pretty good. Yeah. How old is he turning? Is it a significant? Is it 30? No, the one before. 29?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. I don't know. She's trying to cement. She's trying to get a ring. That's what that is all about. Throwing him a surprise. Surprise! It's about time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, exactly. Put a ring on it. Whoever. Thanks. Caleb, was that his name? Something like that. Graham. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:58 What's up with you? Speaking of Caleb, and I think I was. I was at London Drugs yesterday. Oh, with your buddy Caleb. Yeah. Where my buddy caleb worked they had water bottles that were for kids that had names on them and uh the two names the water bottles had names on them not the kids yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly and uh there are two names it was a girl name and a guy name and the girl name was chloe and the guy name was caleb that's it for c that's that that was it those were the two c names well they're sold out come on no no no this was a this
Starting point is 00:37:33 was i'd never seen this display before it was brand new and it was like these color like colorful water bottles and caleb and chloe were your two choices if you had a kid with the C name. Whatever happened to just good old fashioned, useless small plastic license plates? Yeah. Have you ever found a cliff with a K anywhere? No, but that's strictly show business, Dave.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Oh, you have a show business name. Yeah. Like mine. My real name is Mortimer Suspenders. I don't know you well enough to know your yeah um like mine my real name is uh mortimer suspenders um i don't know you well enough to know your real name no we're not gonna do this no okay but uh but yeah chloe and uh caleb that would have been like if you just had like custard and uh cumin like it's not it could have been that obscure. I mean, whoever, whatever kid named Caleb finds it,
Starting point is 00:38:28 cloud nine. But you wouldn't even bother looking if your name was Caleb. I know it's just another recipe for sheer anger at the world. Yeah, I searched many of the time for a Cliff with a C license plate growing up and you end up kicking over a
Starting point is 00:38:44 fucking twirly stand, whatever they're called. Oh, the little whirly gigs? Rotating gigs. I went to high school with a Caleb. Oh, yeah? What an a-hole. Yeah, well, tell him where he can pick up his junior water bottle. But now maybe I know
Starting point is 00:38:59 why. I went to a school with a Caleb. Hippie. Oh, really? Yeah, so that's weird because I've never met a Caleb. Or. Hippie. Oh, wow. So that's weird, because I've never met a Caleb. Or I don't know any Chloe's either. I also went to school with a Chloe. Oh, really? She was nice. Oh, wow. So you guys really would...
Starting point is 00:39:15 I would be banking on the... I'd be like, Brian. Although, I went... I was homeschooled, so I only had two classmates. Yes. So yeah, that was the thing. And I finally saw the Jean-Claude Van Damme at JCVD.
Starting point is 00:39:37 How was it? It was good. It's good. I liked it. It was completely the... Gritty. No, it wasn't. It was totally... I didn't expect what it was good. It's good. I liked it. It was completely the... Gritty. No, it wasn't. It was totally...
Starting point is 00:39:47 I didn't expect what it was about. It's mostly about a bank robbery. Oh. Jean-Claude Van Damme runs a bus station. Yeah. And he's an ex-drunk. To Laura Kedden back again. Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Starting point is 00:40:04 To Laura Kedden back again. Jean-Claude Van Damme to Laura Kedden back again so yeah that was that and then I don't know there's not much I worked yesterday was the only day I had off and I just kind of cleaned the house have you met Jean-Claude Van Damme? no no no
Starting point is 00:40:19 but did I tell somebody was telling me a story about did I tell that story about Dolph Lundgren my friend that was in the meeting about Dolph Lundgren? My friend that was in the meeting with Dolph Lundgren while he was in town? I don't know. This is a story, I can't remember who told me, but it was, somebody was working as like a producer's assistant. And Dolph Lundgren was in town making this movie. And I guess in the first meeting he was really excited about the project. Like he really, he thought he was going to be involved.
Starting point is 00:40:47 His input was needed. And so he was there on the first day. He's throwing out ideas. And somebody said he was eating crackers. And while he was talking he was spitting crackers. He was so excited he wouldn't finish eating these crackers. And so he was spitting cracker dust all over the table. And then I guess between the first and the second meeting, something had shifted.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And he was no longer in charge. He was still in the project, but he was no longer in charge. Dolph Lundgren? Dolph Lundgren. So he shows up for the next meeting in his workout gear. And during the meeting, he's doing stretches. Like he's standing up and doing all these calisthenics
Starting point is 00:41:27 because he's lost interest in the project he's doing like wall pushups and stuff that's pretty much my favorite story when I was he's like I'm just gonna phone it in for the rest of this movie when I
Starting point is 00:41:41 in 1995 or 6 or maybe a little bit later jean-claude van damme was in vancouver a lot yeah and uh like he they shoot a lot of cheap movies here and he actually owns a a condo or an apartment in the wall center and a condor yeah a condor. Yeah, a condor. And a condor man suit. And in like the cheap Vancouver celebrity gossip column, there was something about him. Oh, they compared his dance moves to Ricky Martin. Oh, wow. His Ricky Martin-esque dance moves and then he left this dance club and found a
Starting point is 00:42:27 saw a homeless guy pulled out a $100 bill, threw it at him and told him, why don't you get some nice clothes I would love if he did that to me the thing that's great about the movie and I would watch I was a really big fan of Being John Malkovich
Starting point is 00:42:43 when it came out, I'm a fan of any project that kind of enlists celebrities to play a version of themselves. I find that endlessly fascinating. But the greatest kind of dialogue exchange was, Jean-Claude Van Damme is up for a role, and, like, he really needs the money from this role. for a role and like he really needs the money from this role and uh and then like he hears from his agent that uh he lost the role and he's like to who and he's like to steven seagal and he's like what steven seagal and his agent explains he's promised to cut off his ponytail for the role and so that cemented it that made me laugh so hard because i mean it was just well it's probably one of the best written bits of a movie i've seen a long time especially in a
Starting point is 00:43:34 jean-claude van damme movie oh it's the fact that he allows himself kind of the the evisceration that happens in that movie redeems him kind of a million percent. I had a friend who was strangled by Jean-Claude Van Damme, and not to death, but had his... Jim Henson. Had his
Starting point is 00:43:58 fingers wrapped around the neck of my friend who was working, I'm not sure what his role was on the movie, not as an actor, but he was like a gaffer or something on a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie that was being filmed here, and I haven't seen a lot of his films,
Starting point is 00:44:12 maybe this will ring a bell. I'm a completist. Is there one with lions? Yes. Okay, so it was filmed here, whatever movie that was. Was it the one with Dennis Rodman? That sounds like it.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I don't know, I never saw it, but I know there was lions and Jean-Claude Van Damme and Vancouver involved. Okay. I'd say it's probably a double impact. And they started the scene. And Jean-Claude Van Damme is supposed to be thrown up against a fence of a cage. And there's lions in the cage.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And they're supposed to growl at him. They're real lions that an animal trainer brought in. And during the scene that they were filming, they threw him up against the cage. And the lions growl. And then Jean-Claude Van Damme stopped the shooting. He goes, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. And everybody kind of goes quiet because you listen up when it's JVC, right? JCVD.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Whatever. And he goes, who's in charge of the lions? I don't know. Is that what he sounds like? Yeah, close enough when he yells. Yeah. He goes, who's in charge of the lions i don't know if that is that what he sounds like yeah when he yells yeah he goes who's in charge of the lions and they're silent silence he goes who is in charge of the lions there's silence and he goes the lions aren't ferocious enough
Starting point is 00:45:16 he punched the cage and he then he yelled at like a poor Like script assistant A script girl And he was like Are you in charge of the lions? Are you in charge of the lions? And then he grabbed My friend by the throat And said Who was in charge of the lions?
Starting point is 00:45:35 Oh god Oh god As relayed From my friend That was his anecdote That's pretty outstanding We're not gonna top that No We wanna move on To some overheards Sure Alright As relayed from my friend. That's pretty outstanding. We're not going to top that.
Starting point is 00:45:48 We want to move on to some overheards? Sure. All right. Overheard. So overheards, things overheard in places public and in everyday life. We always like to let the guests start, if you have one. As your hard drive starts to make an insane amount of life. We always like to let the guests start if you have one. As your hard drive starts to make an insane amount of racket. It also makes
Starting point is 00:46:09 a cappuccino. It's a summertime hard drive. Yes, I do have an overheard. I assume many of the overheards come from public transit, no? A good portion of them, but not exclusive. Well, this one's from public transit. I was riding the bus. Ooh, that's one of them, but not exclusive. Well, this one's from public transit. I was riding the bus.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Ooh, that's one of them. Public transit. And it was at the back of the bus where I was sitting. There's the largest group of people at the back of the bus. There was a older hippie. Yeah. Like he was now, he was probably a senior, but still a hippie, right? Sitting there with a blazer and a button,
Starting point is 00:46:47 like a pin-on button on his jacket. And at the back of the bus, there was like a big kind of talkative guy that didn't know anybody, but was talking to everybody. Not a crazy guy talking to himself. No, it's just like a social club. Chit-chat. Yeah. So he was chit-chatting with this one person,
Starting point is 00:47:00 and then it came to a lull. And so that conversation was over, and he looks over at the old hippie, and he goes, Hey, what's your button say and the old hippie who sounded like an old hippie and everything's like well what the uh this button here it says uh volunteers help the world go round oh wow and uh then the big kind of grotesque guy was like, oh, yeah? I used to volunteer. I volunteered for 18 years, stuffing envelopes for the United Way. And then the old hippie goes, huh, far out.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I thought when the old fat like the grotesque guy said I used to volunteer I was sure that was going to be a military like I volunteered overseas stuff an envelope for the United Way
Starting point is 00:47:56 that is far out far out that's way out I couldn't believe that the old hippie actually said far out because like if you're doing that like in a
Starting point is 00:48:04 Jean-Claude Van Damme movie you cast somebody as an old hippie and they said far out. Because if you're doing that in a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, you cast somebody as an old hippie and they said far out, you'd be like, no way, that's not credible. But he said that. And then even this middle-aged woman who was next to me kind of snickered and shook her head in disbelief. Yeah. Old hippie had said far out.
Starting point is 00:48:17 She did the thing where she was drinking booze and she was like, look through the booze, threw it over her shoulder. Don't start. It was Bronson Pinto in a... When I'm walking my dog and he actually pees on a fire hydrant, I will roll my eyes at him for being such a cliche. And then the tough ghost floats by in his derby.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Has anybody seen my doiby? Do you have one? Overheard? Sure. Mine is an overread and maybe this is like sometimes I see something and I don't believe it but then I look it up on the internet and there's a million
Starting point is 00:48:59 hits about this one thing that I've never seen before. But today I saw, I was at my parents' house and I was watering their plants because they're out of town. That's a fun job. Go in and have a popsicle if they got them in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:49:15 They don't. They got old mustard. Next door, there's some construction workers. They're building a house next to my parents' house. And one construction worker had a T-shirt. And on the back, it was like the kind of shirt you would get in Mexico on vacation. One tequila, two tequila, three tequila floor?
Starting point is 00:49:42 In that ilk. All right. And it said, no more stinking tacos. And there was a picture of a chihuahua on a toilet with tears in its eyes. What? No more stinking tacos. Oh, man. It's more sad than funny.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Yeah. But you know that guy found it and he was like, yeah, we're going to get 10 of these. You can relate. The tears, especially. When you say the amount of hits, do you mean like when you type into Google and it says the amount of results?
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah. Because I Googled stop podcasting yourself, which says a lot, like 3 million or 3.5 million. And then the next one down is – Did you have it in quotes? I don't – yeah, I think so. What? And then the next one down was stop pollution, which only has 1 million more than stop podcasting yourself.
Starting point is 00:50:39 But unless you did it in quotes, it's every result that has one of those three words. No, all three words, but in any order. In any order. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think I almost always Google with quotes. I'm that savvy. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:50:52 That I know. Oh, wow. How are your Boolean searches? Graham? Yes? What about you? I was cleaning on Sunday. Not very much, but I was cleaning out.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I was putting some winter jackets kind of in an away area. You're putting them in your vacuum packs? Yeah, exactly. I was going to, you know, because they're sitting out on the front hooks. They don't need to be at the front hooks. Put them away in the back hooks, right? Sure. And then I
Starting point is 00:51:20 was going through the pockets. I found this ad that I had taken out of a magazine over the summer because I remember thinking it was really funny. And it's this picture. It's for a hair restoration clinic. And it's got a picture of this dude on it. And it says...
Starting point is 00:51:39 Glenn Danzig. Yeah, it says, Former frontman of Iron Maiden, Blaze Bailey. And then the little blur it says, former frontman of Iron Maiden, Blaze Bailey. And then the little blurb says, when ex-Iron Maiden frontman Blaze Bailey discovered he was losing his hair, he didn't run to the hills. That's a step away from the heavy music spotlight. And it goes on from there. But I really remember when I read that and thinking that was the funniest use of a... He didn't check, you know, like if it was a guy from the Eagles,
Starting point is 00:52:06 like he didn't check into the Hotel California and hide out for the rest of his life. It would work with any major band. Oh, actually, anybody who's interested can write in their favorite interpretation of something like that, like a band or a famous person connected to a famous thing they did. Dee Snider
Starting point is 00:52:25 said to baldness I'm not gonna take it anymore yeah so you can write that in to stoppodcastyourself at or call it in to our phone number 206-339-8328 but yeah that's a year in the making this overseen it's history in the making. This overseen.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's history in the making. I think I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. It's amazing when you discover stuff in your old coat or your winter coat the next winter round or vice versa. This was literally like, this is from a magazine called Q. It's like a UK. I got it when I was over in the UK.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Quopra is their big... Quopra! Big star. She's on the cover of every magazine. She's huge in Britain. Quopra! This month it's her with a bunch of puppies. English sheepdogs. Oh, we got...
Starting point is 00:53:18 We got called in overheard. All right. Let's have a listen. Gentlemen, hope you and yours are well. Some wonderful call and response graffiti for you. On the way to Rochester to visit my friends, my wife's friends for the holiday, just above a tunnel entrance we saw two things written, Kill Satan, Free LaRouche, in response to lyndon larouche of the american
Starting point is 00:53:48 entrepreneur and anarchist activist uh on the way back someone had very inventively made it into a shopping list uh to-do list including dry cleaners kill satan free larouche get milk wonderful Cleaners, kill Satan, free LaRouche, get milk. That would be wonderful. Hope you and yours as well. Take care. Inventive graffiti. Yeah, clever. Top drawer stuff. Oh man, that's really funny. I really
Starting point is 00:54:18 didn't know where that was going until the end. That's my favorite kind of... It's the Breaking Bad of Overheard. It's the Shyamalanian uh by the way uh season finale last night of breaking bad anybody does anybody you guys aren't a fan of the show i've never seen outrageous what a great it's a great show quite possibly the best on television yeah you've said it before i'll say it again maybe i'll get into it get into it dave i got a summer of nothing to do is that the show where they stop the kids from being bad kids yep boot camp yeah they got
Starting point is 00:54:52 a super nanny they call it a spin-off from another one that was like bad parents and they stopped them from being bad parents no breaking bad's a drama it's not a it's a reality show it's a reality show no no it's a it's a reality show It's a reality show No no It's a It's a scripted You're thinking of some other show But the reality shows are
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yeah pretty Scripted But this is Actually scripted Yeah This is an actual scripted Like a drama And Regis Philbin
Starting point is 00:55:17 Yeah he hosts it Yeah In a scripted He gives trivia questions About Breaking Bad things And Regis Philbin is Oh you They breaking bad things. And Regis Feldman is... Oh, they break bad things? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Paws and candy bars. Bad for your teeth. Any accursed thing. People skateboard through plate glass that's being moved across the street by moving men. Was that the subtotal of the overheads? We only released the last episode today so yeah so that's true yeah there's a a new segment yeah it's a few weeks old it's uh these are the
Starting point is 00:55:56 kind of what would you say like neighborhood nicknames yeah do you want to play your theme or sheila's i you know'm going to vote for my theme. Okay. Who's that guy carrying a flag every day? What do you call him? Flag Pete, Flag Frank. You don't know his name. So you made up a name Yeah I think you should play the Sesame Street People in Your Neighborhood song.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I tried to pass that through. Dave said no. Podcast, CRTC, Music Rights. The hard asses at iTunes. So basically these are the people in the neighborhood that you don't know their name, but they've got some remarkable characteristics. So you've given them some sort of nickname as an identifier. For example, this guy I wrote in today, a guy named Jeff B. There's a man in my local town, Cleveley's in the northwest of England, who looks like a homeless Brian Blessed.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Does anybody know who Brian Blessed is? Yeah, Brian Blessed. British guy. Does a lot of old fantasy stuff and Robin Hood kind of things. Like an actor? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:19 A huge hairy man who strides around town in a very purposeful manner as if he has somewhere to be. He is always carrying a huge 1970s-style portable radio, the kind that takes at least 60 batteries. He cradles this like a baby, and if it is raining, he has it wrapped in a plastic bag. I have only once heard the radio switched on on a Saturday afternoon as the soccer results arrived. I have named him Radio Raheem after the boombox-carrying character from Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Like that. Thank you very much for sending that in. And thank you for dumbing down football to soccer for us, for the listening audience. Yeah, thank you very much. He did the math. He did the exchange. Cliff, you've lived in... You lived on the drive for years.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You've been... Do you have any? You for years you've been uh do you do you have any you can think of off the top of your head off the top of my head are in my new neighborhood which is uh almost like a retirement community there's no gates but everybody's old yeah and everybody except for me owns the house you're like david leisure i am definitely the Marcus Suspicion. The Joe Isuzu. We got our left in the house. Not in the house, sorry. Left of the house. We have a neighbor who's
Starting point is 00:58:34 91. And to the right of the house we have neighbors who have never been into their yard or done anything to their yard other than throw things out of the door onto their yard a lot of chicken bones out there uh well their house has a nickname the residents themselves do not have a nickname their house is crystal meth palace okay crystal meth palace but they
Starting point is 00:58:59 are elderly unassuming asian churchgoers oh wow but in the back there are large sort of tubs and bins and tons of empty bleach bottles and hoses going into tubs sometimes left on for days unless i go over there physically and clandestinely turn it off because i'm afraid my property will be uh flooded flooded with uh crystal chemicals You should be so lucky. Well, isn't like bleach and chemicals, isn't that some kind of... Bleach is part of it, yeah. And they've got like just... I watch enough Breaking Bad to know that.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Exactly. Well, they've got tons of empty bleach balls back there and hanging from one of the trees is a hose from a vacuum that's dangling there. And in the front, it's like a lot of old gardening supplies, like fertilizers, but it's not been opened. Just piles. It's been there for at least a year now. Wow. And tall weeds and grass.
Starting point is 00:59:56 And they also have a bunch of like, what do you call them? Like potters, things that you plant flowers in, whatever you call it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Flower pots? Yes. Damn it. Am I am i right yes you are right but uh with no bottoms in them like they have a bunch that are like shattered and broken and all over their front lawn and then they have a lawnmower ironically in these amongst these tall weeds and just sitting there that's been sitting there for a while so that's the blocks wow crystal meth palace crystal meth palace aka crystal meth that reminds me of like the place i used to live in our landlord lived across the alley from us uh but this guy didn't really he
Starting point is 01:00:30 wasn't in the house very often one time he uh bleached the hedge he killed it poisoned the whole hedge it was a bone white like it was crazy i never seen a hedge turn that color before but he killed the whole hedge and he had these huge steel drums right we had there was a bunch of that you play like no no no yeah yeah yeah he was a no yeah still like industrial steel drums right sure that you would turn oil in uh they were rusted up they'd you know decades old things and then one day we went i just i was out of curiosity went into his yard in the front yard don't do it it was there was uh two in there two giant holes dug in the ground in his front yard nothing was in him but i feel like those drums were destined
Starting point is 01:01:21 for that ground okay i thought you were going to say there was a body. No, no, no. He would only come around once in a while. I only met him once and then I remember there was a rumor that he ate a possum that fell in a rain barrel. He ate it? Yeah, it fell in a rain barrel and drowned and he ate it.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Did you start this rumor? No, no. One of the guys who lived there said they were talking and he had just eaten the possum like the night before. So he actually did eat a possum but not necessarily fell into the – No, yeah. That's where it came from. He definitely ate a possum. He said where did – he was like – he was asking him, have you ever had possum?
Starting point is 01:02:00 And he said, what the fuck? Like maybe he thought like like have you ever played possum sure you know like when the bear was attacking you but then
Starting point is 01:02:10 I guess the details were that this possum had fallen into this rain barrel and drowned and he decided it was
Starting point is 01:02:18 why waste good meat it was an elaborate like trap what do you call the like a Rube goldberg trap to drown possums yeah i don't know that i've heard an a rumor about my neighbors because i
Starting point is 01:02:35 now that i'm an adult i don't know any of my neighbors except the ones that have dogs well what do you talk about when you lean over the fence while you're drying the clothes? I don't. I stare. I peer through Venetian blinds. But when I was a kid, I remember there being tons of rumors about the neighbors. You know in Vancouver there's that house that looks like it's like a fairytale house? Oh, yeah. You know, it's over in the west. The Munchkin House on Camby and King Edward. Yeah, like that was owned by like an old couple, and they no longer, I think they both passed away,
Starting point is 01:03:09 and it's now owned by some. Yeah, it's owned by a witch who has redone the insulation with gingerbread. Do you know that house? It's near my house, and I bike past all the time, but I can't think specifically. I think the roof. The roof is, it looks like, it kind of looks like something out of the Smurfs. No, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:31 It really does. It really looks like something. It's out of a drawing of a Grimm's Brothers fairy tale. And I guess somebody bought this development group or whatever, bought the property, and they redid the roof because it had completely rotted. It was wooden shingles. And they looked all over the world for somebody who did that kind of shingling because it's like a shingling that was done.
Starting point is 01:03:55 It's a weird like textured thing. Yeah, like they're all bent, right? And I guess it was really big after World War I. There was like this real big nostalgia and like kind of a fairy tale thing kind of swept the country like that was a trend and so there were people that knew how to do this they don't exist anymore so they had to experiment like boiling wood and all this stuff like they had to figure it out from scratch and they redid this whole thing but it's it's this crazy yeah yeah it
Starting point is 01:04:21 looks there's there's two houses like that in vancouver that i know yeah yeah yeah there's one on uh king edward and cambion one on the ninth just past alma and then there's also bike tours there's a house if you go way way way up by the university on like like almost near uh alma street way up by the university and there's a house that looks like this. That's what he just said. Which one? Alma. No, yeah, I'm not talking about that.
Starting point is 01:04:50 There's another one that looks like the Adams family house. Oh. It's purple. And it's like, I don't know, it's 16th and something. It's way on the west-west side of town. And it's behind hedges. And it's this on the west west side of town and it's behind hedges and it's this weirdly kind of shaped it like it doesn't look like a construction that you would ever have done
Starting point is 01:05:11 if you weren't like make it like the adams family that's what they look it's got spikes you know it's got like gothic spikes on the top i remember when i was uh it's fucked up when i was younger there was this house on king edward avenue and uh it Edward Avenue. It had this glass front to it. I was like, one day I want to live in that house. My dad was like, that's Ronald McDonald's house. You can live there if you're dying. Oh, man. That's some good stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Someone called in with some neighborhood characters. Hi, this is Lauren from Athens, Georgia. I thought I would share with you a couple of the nicknames of people in my neighborhood. There's a lot. We live in a converted warehouse, so we've got a lot of crazies. But four of my favorites, top four, are, well, there's a guy that always walks around. He's in his mid-50s, walks around without a shirt and with a kind of hound dog, always without the shirt, though, very short shorts. And we happen to know his actual name name but we give him a nickname anyway his
Starting point is 01:06:25 name is lee and we call him shirt free lee and then there's a local prostitute who has dyed platinum hair um angry face and we call her platinum pussy and then we have the three, the little group of three that's always wandering around, a greyhound, a boy, a man rather, and his girlfriend, all of which are really thin, greyhounds of course included, and we call them Slim, Skinny, and Stretch. And then finally we have the local hippie who works down at the co-op and has lots of an abundance of long kind of smelly dreads, but also very big eyes and is always grinning with this kind of dopey, lovely expression and sort of in tribute to R.E.M., the Athens favorite.
Starting point is 01:07:24 We call him smellelly Happy People. And, yeah, so those are four of our favorites. And they're a pretty good crew. Keep up the great work. Talk to you later. Bye. Thanks for calling in. That was great.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I like the distinction of the local prostitute keeping it local. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not some of the out-of-town. Not the corporate prostitute. And the local hippie, obviously, keeping it local. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not some of the out of town. Not the corporate prostitute. No. And the local hippie, obviously, keeping it local. But the local prostitute. I like shirt-free Lee.
Starting point is 01:07:53 That's slick. That was really great. Thank you so much for calling in. That was the title of my pilot. On the last plane that you flew in? Yeah. Boom! Wham!
Starting point is 01:08:04 If you want to call in somebody from your neighborhood, the phone number is 206-339-8328. And also your overheards as well, and everything, all your contributions and collaborations with us. Yeah, and the... Now that you boys have run out of guests, must we have...
Starting point is 01:08:24 Don't sell yourself short. I'm on after you had no guests. No, no, no. So you chose no guests. Every ten episodes or so, we're going to have no guests. Yeah, and you have an intensive schedule. Not just no guests, but double guests,
Starting point is 01:08:40 like return guests. Have you had try? No, we've never had a no no try no try guests i think i got a good feeling about you though yeah yeah this could be the beginning next week no guests um what was the other thing that we established earlier in the uh podcast for submission oh i don't know oh it was the uh based on the uh blaze bailey. Do you have a Blaze Bailey thing? A band? If you had to use a band or an actor or a famous person in a commercial,
Starting point is 01:09:15 how would you connect it? Is it necessarily baldness? Yeah, well, should we keep it to baldness? Yeah, why not? Why don't you come home, Blaze Bailey? If you were going to use any... Like if it was... You can come up with a quick example.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Judi Dench. Dame Judi Dench. She was in Casino Royale. Sure, yeah. And the Quantum of Solace. Don't spend your life in solace. Get your hair transplanted. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:46 If you can come up with a better slogan than that, then you can write it in to StopPodcastingYourself at or call it in 206-339-8328. Did you ever hear Shane Koizan's poem that was a love poem and all it consisted of was Steven Seagal movie titles? No. No's it's really good and i think he used every single movie that steven seagal was kind of like a uh a regional poet slash genius and he was north america's uh slam poet champion champion at some point i never get to see him anymore and it's and he won the big prize on Breaking Bad this year.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Who did he break? He broke a series of coconuts with an axe. Wow. I know. And it made a radio. Well, thanks a lot for coming on and being our guest. Oh, is it over? Yeah. If anyone wants to learn more about who Cliff Nesteroff is and what Cliff Nesteroff does.
Starting point is 01:10:47 My primary blog is called That's old TV from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. And then once a week, I'm on WFMU's Beware of the Blog. And about once a month, I write a huge article for WFMU. Nice. Well, thank you very much for coming in. And it was great. It was great to have you.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Dave, do you have anything that you want to plug coming up? Got any big projects on the horizon? Screenplay you're going to get done? Well, I'm writing. What did I say my pilot was called? Oh, Shirt Free Lee. Yep. Look for Shirt Free Lee as a mid-season
Starting point is 01:11:30 replacement on ABC. ABC this fall. Or this fall, mid-season. After the unusuals. So thank you very much everybody for joining us. If you did enjoy the podcast, please recommend it to your friends. Help it grow. Help it flourish like a flower.
Starting point is 01:11:45 And we'll be back here for episode 67 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. I'm going to go to bed.

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