Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 72 - Adam Lisagor

Episode Date: July 18, 2009

Adam Lisagor of You Look Nice Today joins us to talk clowns, kid magazines, and Nickelodeon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 72 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and joining me as always is the man who is the first guy ever to point out that Nick Nolte and Gary Busey look somewhat similar, Mr. Dave Shumka. I don't want to take credit for that, but I kind of felt I was the first guy.
Starting point is 00:00:44 The first guy I knew of. You should hold on to that. Sure, sure. Story for the grandkids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next up, Josh Duhamel and Channing Tatum. I don't think they actually do look that much alike. No, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:00:57 If anybody else seconds it, you're the first guy who said it. Right. Joining us today, a very funny man all the way from Los Angeles, co-host of the You Look Nice Today podcast, also an inventor of an iPhone application. Not THE iPhone applications. You wouldn't really call it that. You're not supposed to call it an inventor.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Really? Yeah, something else. Developer? Developer works. It's fine. The birdhouse app. The voice you're hearing is a person named adam lissagor hey thanks for joining us what's up everybody um i also i think i should call out that i recognized the gary bucey uh gary bucey and who was the other nick nolte the bucey nolte similarity early very early on in my life. Like before I was even literate. Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I think that's a pretty common one, right? Yeah, big teeth, blonde. Yeah, but what people don't know is Dave was the first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You may think that it was you, but you actually, oh, a big dead man, too. Yeah, well, thanks for that. The whole world does.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Then shall we get to know us? You betcha! Get to know us? You betcha! Get to know us! So, Adam, you're up here in Vancouver, hanging out with friends, enjoying our summer. No, I'm friends with my family. They're all nice people. That's the way to be.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Friends and family, one and the same. You don't come to Vancouver often, per se, but like a couple times a year uh is that fair to say no once a year once a year i i worked up here for a few months back um in 2000 i'm gonna say 2006 i worked on a movie here um and i lived here in in the yale town area of vancouver for three months and i got to know it yeah it's uh it's pretty well right right pretty well call back sorry please um it's very uh if for people who aren't from vancouver yale town is kind of our very upper kind of it's like upwardly mobile up but singles lots of singles and couples but not kids yuppiesuppies. Yuppies, I guess you would say. Definitely yuppies. Very wealthy.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I was not comfortable there. No, no, no. I was not wanted. But I did... But you stuck it out anyways? Yeah, the living situation was extremely comfortable. Nice places down there. Really nice place, right on the water.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Great restaurants. You love boating. I do. I really enjoy... Boating, seafood, whatever. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Brunch. The trifecta. I do, I really enjoy Boating, seafood, whatever Yeah Brunch
Starting point is 00:03:26 The trifecta So is anything You've just been here a couple days Has anything magnificent happened? Have you done anything interesting in the city? Not at all, should I make something up? No, well yeah, please I mean if you feel
Starting point is 00:03:43 I don't How was the flight? Rough? If you mean rough as in I was in coach, yes. Oh, okay. Have you ever traveled not in coach? Yeah, only when the job has paid for it, you know? What's it like?
Starting point is 00:03:59 Have you ever flown not in coach? Really? Yeah. Wow. I once flew Lufthansa class whoa and it was so you got your boomerang afterwards is that leftanza it was an overnight flight and uh they give you pajamas not at all is it they give you a a set of pajamas and i i i was the only one who didn't belong in first class and i i had like this it's so exciting yeah yeah everyone else going to bed
Starting point is 00:04:26 i'm like bring me more food more of everything yeah where is lufthansa from why did i think it was australia what's the one that's from us the only airline with a perfect no crash record or something but it was recently the silent you and invisible you. Right, yeah. So it's a phonetic anomaly as well. Did you say Qantas recently lost their record? I feel like they accidentally flew into a bird or something. I blame steroids for breaking all these new records. By the time we release this podcast, they'll most certainly have crashed. What if that happens?'s not going to...
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh, what if that happens? We're going to be on a list. So, like, what happens in first class that doesn't happen in Coach? Like, I know the food's better. I assume that. Are there different movies? No, it's all the same. It's all the same crap.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It gets every movie ever. But now they actually, like, the seats recline into beds. Really? Wow. Have you been on a flight like that? Yeah, I flew, what is it, Singapore Air maybe to Shanghai like a few years ago. Wow. And it was just so super luxurious and really nice.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Adam and I are ballers. Yeah. I'm just a shot caller, which I'm not even sure what that means. Have you ever been on an airplane? I've been on many, almost exclusively in coach. One time I was bumped up to not coach, but it wasn't first class. The business? Yeah, business.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Business is nice, too. Business was okay, but I feel like I still haven't figured out what first class is all about. It's? Yeah, business. Business is nice too. Business was okay, but I feel like I still haven't figured out what first class is all about. It's not on every flight. What, first class? Yeah. It's never been on hardly any of the flights I've ever been on. I fly the Greyhound of the Skies. Okay. Greyhound. Yeah, Greyhound. The Greyhound of the Skies. My whole life I've heard people refer to it as coach, but no airline calls it coach. Don't they? No. Well, maybe they do.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Because the only times I've ever heard it called coach is from American television. Yeah. So I assume that it's an American term. Yeah. So you hear a character say, you're flying coach, and then the audience cheers because they think Craig Dean Nelson is coming in. They think Craig Dean Nelson is making an appearance. I usually fly dauber.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It's slow, but friendly. Isn't that what daubers work? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bill Faggerbacky or something. Who now is Patrick the Starfish. Sure. SpongeBob SquarePants. Really? Good yeah good for him yeah he did all right he's no jerry van dyke that's what uh that's what happens in uh hollywood city of dreams um so yeah is it do you have plans for anything i know you said you have a uh
Starting point is 00:07:20 isn't a nephew yeah a little nephew my sister's little guy is here. He's 19 months. So cute. Did you say he's so cute? I just think that's a cute age. Yeah, that was weird. That's weird. Anywhere between 13 and 18 months, I'm bound to say so cute. No, this kid is awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Is he cute? Super smiley. Yeah, I mean, I could show you a picture but i'm that would be creepy because he's already isn't it like a few right yeah no he's pretty awesome he's just super smiley and today today we went to um the this little water park actually big water park in grant granville island yeah oh you've been you're familiar god loads of kids loads of kids only market behind there they have is there a hose the kids spray other yeah it looks like a fireman yep yep there's a there's three of them that you can that the kids point at each other
Starting point is 00:08:15 and uh everything goes off and all the all the hoses and and fountains and everything go off and on sporadically so they add it's really smart what they do, whoever designed this water park, because they add the element of entropy. What did you say? So boring. Surprise. Oh, yeah. But the funny thing, if you watch,
Starting point is 00:08:37 if you've ever seen the kids play in that, is that they're all wet, because they're all in this pool, and then a kid will spray another one, and that kid will freak out. Right? Because he's like, ah, I'm getting water on me. New wetness. Yeah, brand new wetness.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Additional wetness. Uninvited wetness. It's very funny. Yeah, kids do not like the element of surprise, but the entropy. Now, these hoses, are they before or after broses? Pauses to take a drink. Thank you. Well, I knew the reaction was going to be huge.
Starting point is 00:09:13 There's no need to tag that one. Dave, what's going on with you, buddy? Well, my lovely girlfriend, Abby, who is also her own person. Correct. She entered this Regis and Kelly contest. Wait a minute. Is it a contest where you guys dress up like Regis and Kelly and show how much you love the show? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And there's no prize. The prize is that you get to express your love for Regis and Kelly. There's no contest. It's the natural curve. No prize, no contest. In fact, they don't even ask you to send them in. But, no. Is Regis still alive?
Starting point is 00:09:58 Yeah, Regis is alive and kicking. He plays on a soccer team. Okay. So, Abby sent in her stuff. But what is the contest? Okay, the contest is they spin a wheel. Okay, they call you up. Oh, the postcard thing?
Starting point is 00:10:13 But it's not postcards anymore. You email in your picture. Oh. And at the beginning of this contest cycle, they said, send in your picture of when you first get up in the morning. Breakfast shows love that kind of stuff yeah so uh you send it in and then they call you and they show your picture and then they spin a wheel and they ask you a question about yesterday's episode so abby sent in her picture and she
Starting point is 00:10:40 she records every day's episode and then she watches it at night. And they'll be like, Jim Belushi was on yesterday. He talked about his favorite soda. What was it? And then his brother overdosed on what? His favorite soda. Also his favorite soda name.
Starting point is 00:11:04 But every day Abby notices that the people that they call, none of them has sent in a picture of themselves first thing in the morning. It's all just like, this is me at the Brooklyn Zoo. I'm hugging a monkey. It's just their favorite picture of themselves. But you know why that might be. I guess nobody wants to see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:26 The TV audience doesn't want to see that. So it's probably just prudence on the part of all the producers of the show. I think Regis produces it. I think Regis goes through all the emails. Right. What's that guy that sits over on the side? Gelman. Gelman.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He produces it, doesn't he? And Art Moore is below Gelman, apparently. I don't know what the roles are, but they're all impeccably dressed for behind-the-scenes TV people. That's true. It is New York, though, right? Right. Isn't that how everybody rolls there? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. So what you're saying is they're like, we're putting the call out to people that give us their picture of them waking up first thing in the morning, and they've never followed up on it. Do you think it was a thing that Kelly wanted to do and Regis was like, I don't want to do that. And she's like, well, I'm going to do it anyways on the air. I don't think they know what they're saying. Yeah, especially when the words come out of their mouth.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Do they really know what they're talking about? God, I am so biased against this show. I know. I've never watched it once. Well, no, I thought what you were going to say is, how are we any different? No, no, not at all. But yes, we're late in the day, that's how. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But they... And broke. So she's been watching this, and occasionally I'll see a little bit, but usually I leave the room while she's watching it. And then yesterday, she was watching, and they did an episode that had people who were celebrity lookalikes, and they had a Sean Connery lookalike who was wearing a kilt. Was he bald Sean Connery? Yeah, old Sean Connery.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Okay, yeah. Lots of guys like to think they look like him. They had a Robert De Niro lookalike who was kind of, it was pretty good. Was he on the show or these are photos? No, no, they brought the people onto the show. They had a Bette Midler who wasn't really Bette Midler. It was actually Bette Midler.
Starting point is 00:13:19 But she was kind of crazy. She was probably older than Bette Midler. She does a spot on what Bette Midler will look like 10 years from now. She does a good drag Bette Midler. Do you think Bette Midler ever does that? Like a drag drag Bette Midler. Bette Midler dresses up as a man dressed up as Bette Midler. Yeah, I think she does that.
Starting point is 00:13:42 She probably does that. In the bathhouses. Yeah, exactly. She's huge on the bathhouse circuit. And then they brought out this guy who was... Already enjoying it. Who is it? Like Freddie Prinze Jr. or something? Who was a Brian Dennehy lookalike.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Wow. Who looked nothing like Brian Dennehy. How many parties do you think he books in a year, being a Brian Dennehy lookalike? Nearly one. At Regis. Brian Dennehy, if I'm not mistaken, he was the dad in Tommy Boy.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah. So maybe there's like a Tommy Boy thing, like similar to the Lebowski Fest or whatever, Tommy Con. And he does, like they can't get the actual Brian Dana Hays, so they get in the lookalike. But he doesn't, if you're not going to, like, first of all, Brian Dana Hays is not big enough to have a lookalike. And second of all, the guy did really look like him. It was a generic white haired guy. It's just a guy who's down on his luck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I guess you probably get aftrophies. He was in FX. The movie FX, wasn't he? And maybe FX2, the sequel? Yes. Didn't he? I feel like that's probably got a pretty big cult following. I don't know. I think he was his generation's Tom Berringer.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That was then turned into a television show. And a channel. In Canada, I think he was his generation's Tom Berringer. That was then turned into a television show. And a channel. In Canada, I think, though. I think it was a Canadian TV show, The Effects. Did you ever see it? It's only like the first half hour. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Of the television show? No, no, no, the movie. There was a television show based on the movie. What's the gist of the movie? It was, would you like to explain it? Go ahead. Are you sure? Yeah, sure. I've seen the whole
Starting point is 00:15:25 movie so i feel that much more qualified why don't you just jump and then you you finish it okay so the opening credits roll okay brian dennehy's name comes up sure in fx i think one or both of them is a is a cop one of them is a cop one is a cop he uh He is part of a special unit that makes robotic clowns. Yeah. One is a cop. One is a special effects technician. Oh, like in the hard way. And they were teamed up.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I think the chief may have made the call on that one. He was originally teamed up with a makeup artist. That didn't work out. The chief was like, I'm writing this script. up with a makeup artist. That didn't work out. The chief was like, I'm writing this script. But so like, yeah, there is a robotic clown in it at one point. I think he fires bullets out of his
Starting point is 00:16:12 mouth. I'm not sure what the robotic clown does. But this guy throws off the criminals using special effects from movies. Most modern movies do not want people to like clowns. Yeah, by and large. There's very few positive clown movies.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Did I ever tell you about the movie I worked on? It was like the circus scene, and I was in charge of the extras tent, and it was all clowns. I may have heard this. I don't know if our listeners have. It was all clowns. They were all professional clowns. They put out a cattle call, like, calling all clowns, send in the clowns like they were all professional clowns like they put out a cattle call like you know calling all clowns
Starting point is 00:16:46 send in the clowns so they the clowns like when they weren't clowning and stuff were standing out
Starting point is 00:16:56 in front of the the extra tent smoking and they were talking the hot topic of conversation I couldn't
Starting point is 00:17:03 fucking believe it it was like a gary larson comic they were all talking about how much they hated stephen king's it oh yeah it's bad for the profession that's what they were saying they were like ever since that it we've been quiet we were crawling crawling back i can totally identify with this my dad's a dentist and and dentists fucking hate it whenever there's a movie about the evil dentist. Dr. Giggles? And a number of, let's see,
Starting point is 00:17:29 Little Shop of Horrors. Was there a Robin Williams one? Or Steve Martin? There could have, yes. I think it was called The Dentist, maybe. Teeth. It was called Teeth. Oh, you're right. There was one. Novocaine was it called? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And then there was the was one. Novocaine, was it called? Yes. Novocaine. Yeah. And then there was the other one. Marathon? Marathon Man. Marathon Man. Sure. These are not good for the profession of dentistry. No. But It was not either.
Starting point is 00:17:57 For dentistry? For anything. Yeah, for any profession at all. Except for Tim Curry. Tim Curry's acting career. He was the clown yeah yeah and he but that's the only way maybe a Harry Anderson Harry Anderson I think was no wait it was like Paul Reiser or something like that is it
Starting point is 00:18:16 possible the Paul Reiser the clown be scarier wait no no no he would go, this clown is scary, not so much. Paul Reiser. Author of Couplehood. And Babyhood, which is not a thing, really. He just wanted to capitalize on the success of Couplehood. He's the hood guy. Paul Reiser, the hood guy. Gray Gray. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:48 What's going on? Can I get to know you? Yeah, sure. Why not? What is it to know you? Well, complex. Here's two things. And they're not really about... Well, one of them is about me.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I am realized yesterday. I went to go see Bruno. Popular film. Popular film that's out now. Have you to go see Bruno. Popular film. Popular film. It's out now. Have you seen it? No. How was it?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Oh, sorry. Sorry. Go on. No, it was okay. Feel free. Yeah, it was okay. It was... The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It's just not true. Turns out. Well, how was Bruno? I feel like a lot of people in the theater really hated it. The girl that was behind me kept saying, oh, wow. That was her thing. Every time that something remotely shocking would come on, she'd go, oh, wow. Well, I never.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah, so she clearly didn't know what it was going on. But when I was going into the theater, there was a poster that correlated with a bus ad that I had seen. There was a side of the bus had an ad that said, this is a bus for humans only. And then it said, Sector 9. And that's it. You know how you see those ads that are kind of the ads
Starting point is 00:20:02 where they don't tell you what they're advertising? The teaser ads. Yeah, like who gives a shit about that? I always end up breaking down and going, I've got to find out what the thing is. So that was the thing, Sector 9, some movie that's coming out. But I didn't put it in my head. I only saw that ad on the bus a couple times, and I was like, I'm going to resist it as long as I can. And this one revealed itself to me naturally, unlike the last one, which was for, I think it was like, I'm going to resist it as long as I can. And this one revealed itself to me naturally,
Starting point is 00:20:25 unlike the last one, which was for, I think it was the, remember it was a car commercial with people staring in a window and they were all creepy, and then it turned out they were staring in a car window. Do you know what I'm talking about? It may have been a Canadian commercial. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adam's shaking his head.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Not really. They had these series of really creepy dudes staring at the camera for like 30 seconds. There was the guys who, it was like a horror movie scene. But he would get distracted. Before he could kill people, he'd get distracted. He gets fascinated by the car and he's staring
Starting point is 00:20:57 in the window of the car. That was only revealed in the second round of commercials. The first round was just him staring at you and I was like, I'm not going to look it up. And then I did. I went on the internet, and I felt like such a sucker. I like the ones where it's like a stunt, and they're like, hey, want to see the rest?
Starting point is 00:21:17 No, thanks. Go to Figure out how this went down. So I got that off my chest, which was great. That was a great way. Oh, it was Sector 9. Are you going to see it? What is Sector 9?
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, it's good. It's an animated. No, it's not animated. It's not? No, no. It looks good. So it's not animated. No, it's a big sci-fi deal where the aliens take take over and it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So it's not animated. Oh, shit. So I only saw the poster. It really hasn't revealed itself. No, there's all sorts of intrigue. I think they're setting it up as the Cloverfield of 2009. Maybe 2010 even. Both. The 118 project.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Was Cloverfield disappointing for you guys? No, I liked it a lot. I haven't seen it. So it remains a possible disappointment, but it's now been elevated a notch by Adam saying it was good. Okay, but I brought up the idea of disappointment. So you... A little bit disappointed?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah. Yeah. The other thing was the other other night you remember how like uh a while ago we were talking about how like if law and order has a guest star who's famous you automatically know they're the murderer which one was this uh it was carol burnett so it was like the whole it was the only half or the only hour of television i had gotten to watch for the past like four or five days so i was really kind of trying to savor it and then at one point they knock on the door
Starting point is 00:22:49 and carol burnett answers and i was like ah fuck like it was only five or ten minutes in the whole episode was ruined she still terrifies me though just because she was i don't know if you guys were uh of age to watch annie the movie ann, when it was a big children's movie. I was a boy, though. I think I was introduced to that movie at the age of three or something, and she was Miss Hannigan, the drunk who was presumably a child abuser,
Starting point is 00:23:16 a swindler, and then with her partner, Tim Curry, who we had the second mention, Tim Curry mention of the show. Even with Carol Burnett's shining comedy career she's a legend another shining mention
Starting point is 00:23:30 and her she's something of a Stephen King of comedy Stephen Queen of comedy I don't know Stephen Queen of comedy she terrifies me is the point I'm trying to make a little shop of horrors yeah so she she could go ahead and be a murderer and in a law and order any day didn't she have in that
Starting point is 00:23:55 episode another semi-famous person who was like her uh nephew a matthew lillard? Yeah, it was Matthew Lillard. And that was, when I saw him, I was like, okay, well, I know that he's the murderer. And I kind of breathed a bit of a sigh of relief, because I'm like, well, he still might not be. There might be somebody that one-ups him. Maybe he's the husband of the murderer, but then when she came on, it pissed me off so much. And it was SVU, too, so there was like a molesting element involved yeah um they yeah what they got to do is bring on two semi-famous people who are roughly the same amount of famous mark ruffalo and a david chokichi
Starting point is 00:24:38 way famous sir um but they did low and a uh no i i forgot i think. A Mark Ruffalo and a... No, I forgot who I was saying he was. I think a David Chogachy and a David Charvet. Who's David Charvet? He was also on Baywatch. Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:54 He was the other David C. They had lockers with their names. Nice. Of the actors. A Nicky Cat. A Mark Ruffalo and a Nicky Cat. Nice. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yes. Nicky Cat. I think he has real neck tattoos. actors but a nicky cat a mark ruffalo and a nicky cat maybe oh yeah yeah yes yeah nicky cat i think he has real neck tattoos yeah really i saw him he's a badass i saw him uh in vancouver once when i saw the live a mighty wind he was there yeah oh cool i didn't know he wasn't on stage he was uh in the audience i assumed he got uh comped he was on on parker posey's guest list i didn't see the guest list i'm just these are assumptions one makes yeah yeah yeah see a nicky the neck tattoo really does does that automatically put you in the badass uh i would think so yeah or the super... I don't. Do you? No. Dave? Yeah, you don't have it. Oh, I have a tattoo.
Starting point is 00:25:48 You don't? Yeah. It's a ribbon on your back. I have a tattoo that asks an important question. Why? Why not? Why so serious? I think it's a timeless question. Yeah, I don't...
Starting point is 00:26:05 Neck tattoo, go. I don't know. I don't know anybody personally that has a neck tattoo, but I've never met a guy with a neck tattoo where I felt that I wanted to get to know them. Like, I feel like it's a very certain breed of person that has a neck tattoo. Nobody's ever surprised me.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Like, by having a neck tattoo, and then being quite engaging. Soft spoken. I feel like if you're Nicky Cat and you have a neck tattoo it's because you were trying to prove something to yourself. You're trying to prove that you're not Hollywood or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That you don't really
Starting point is 00:26:37 want to be an actor. It's just they're forcing it on you. What's the deal with actors who don't want to be actors? Because that seems like a thing you could probably wriggle out of pretty easily they give you ample opportunities to not be an actor but then when like i don't understand because i mean i don't want to be an actor but i don't go to auditions the odds of me becoming an actor extremely low the money is so good it's just so enticing that's probably it i and also being treated like a like a prince yeah i yeah i would i would be an actor
Starting point is 00:27:11 i think i have i've good skills at the skin yeah no that's not the case i got a zit today oh well they can cover that up in post really good skin uh yeah right it's got a good glow on it. It's sweat. The extent of my acting is I'm really good at the made you look sort of thing. Well, I'm looking off into the distance and neither of you are turning because there is no distance. Although I was tempted to in the back of my head.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I almost caught you. Next time. If there's any agents out there, that's my specialty. That's what your headshot is? And every time they hold up the headshot, they look over their shoulder? What is it he's looking at? He's good. He's good.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Get him on the phone. Made you look. The movie. Yeah, behind you. That's the sequel. So, yeah. I don't think i've ever been but bruno was like that's the first time i've been in a movie where i think the people that liked it really liked it and the people that didn't like it did didn't just go uh like i've never seen a movie clear out so fast at the
Starting point is 00:28:18 end of the movie usually there's some lingering people i was the only one still in my seat so behind you was the oh oh, wow, girl. Yeah. What was the, can you get a sense of what does the approval of the movie sound like? Is it like a raucous guffaw, like a dumb laughter? Yeah, big guffaws. Yeah. Like kind of like just an acknowledgement of like, if I, yeah, if I, this is the type
Starting point is 00:28:42 of thing I've been waiting to see on screen. It was that kind of style. And then there was a whole row of, I think, I'm pretty sure they were theater actors. Because when we got in the theater, we were sitting in the seats in the end, and then this lady came in and she sat down in the chairs and she said, Oh, Lance, these chairs are bouncy. And then she just said that sentence about 18 times. It was a warm-up exercise.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah, so we got up and moved to the other side of the theater. Oh, Lance, New York is unique. Unique is New York. So, yeah. But, yeah, and then at one point somebody tried to leave and went out the emergency exit. Did the siren go off? No, but he just walked out into the but you could tell that it was an accident because his jacket was still on his seat oh he didn't come back uh no his friend went out the back with his jacket but uh in the middle of
Starting point is 00:29:38 the movie just like did the kind of the push open so it happened really fast but i could see that there was sidewalk outside and that was the end of him uh yeah what do you do do you convince the people i bought a ticket but i walked out the back and they're like no way you're trying to sneak into the last 15 minutes of bruno we've seen this scam before beat it did you have anything else? Did I talk about Carol Burnett on there? Yeah. All right. You worked it in. Good.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Let's move on to the oft- Off-celebrated. Yeah, never imitated. Overheard. Overheard. All right, overheards. Things overheard in lineups, in life, restaurants perhaps. Location, location, location.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It is all about location. And we usually like to start with a guest. Adam, you have an overheard? I wouldn't mind. Yeah, mine's not very good. Actually, I've got two. One is a real quickie. Oh, sure. They're both, one is at a restaurant. That is a location so I was having a drink with my
Starting point is 00:30:51 dad we got some take out and the table next to us the waitress goes up and she says to the table of guests how are you folks doing today?
Starting point is 00:31:06 And the man of the party says, we're good, how are you folks doing today? And this flusters our young server and she says, well, you can't call me folks because I'm only one person. And then then you know you ever have you ever overhear one of those conversations where you're just
Starting point is 00:31:30 after every person speaks you just say please stop talking don't don't don't don't don't don't okay shut up shut up so I don't know like I feel like I have a particularly low threshold for um for that kind
Starting point is 00:31:48 of thing for just for people saying things when nothing needed to be said especially older people middle-aged people who don't know the subtlety of not saying right whereas like the the waiter could have just said i'm fine thank you yeah she could have played it off it's anna with a wink oh it was a good joke. It was a good joke. It was a good joke. We all had fun when he said that. But then he came back. She said, no, you don't need to call me folks
Starting point is 00:32:10 because I'm only one person. And then he said, I'm going to call you folks anyway. Oh, no. So there were three more after the thing. And it became super advantageous. Was he a single dad? No, I think there was a lady there. Maybe he was trying to impress.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Oh, wow. And she's just trying to get the tip. There is nothing quite, I can say that, there's nothing quite as mortifying as being with somebody who is hitting on the waitstaff. That is the most uncomfortable seat to be in. Even more uncomfortable than the waiter or waitress being hit on is to be the person who's like, I'm not. I don't. I wouldn't. If I was just me, I would just order the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And that would be the end of it. And do you say something? Well, no. You give a look or maybe you go, no, I mean. Exactly. That's all you can say. No, I mean. No. You wait for the waitress to leave and you go, that was weird, right? No, I've done that before where I've gone up to wherever the waitressing station is and I'm apologizing for my friend.
Starting point is 00:33:10 He's an asshole. No matter how much he tips you, don't go home with him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If he tips you a lot, it's all he has. Should we go around and then come back to your other overheard is that the best way is the other one better no it's far worse oh okay well deliver it now then oh let's get it oh let's get it over with uh so then we uh we're out later my dad and i again at a bar father son bar yeah you know vancouver ended up with my dad. And with Mark. His name's Mark.
Starting point is 00:33:46 You guys should know that. That's kind of cool that you and your dad were hanging out having dinner and then decided let's go to a bar together. That's pretty cool. My mom's at home being grandma with the little one. And your dad's being Mark Lissacore DDS. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:02 You're really on it. Well, you said dentist before. I think that no matter what country you're in, it's DDS. Yeah, I think there are some other alternatives. I don't know that well. Is that doctor of dental surgery? Might be. Okay, so we go out to hear some jazz.
Starting point is 00:34:18 We want to go hear some jazz because that's what you do with your dad. I don't know. That's what I do with my dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He likes odd time signatures. Yeah, that's right. do with my dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He likes odd time signatures. Yeah, that's right. Exactly. There were no odd time signatures. Maybe accidentally odd time signatures going on in this bar, but
Starting point is 00:34:31 and so there's, you know, at a jazz place in Kitts, which is where I'm staying, you get an older crowd, and they're generally you know, they're older and they're weathered you know they just they just live they've lived a lot of life and uh there's there's the older guy
Starting point is 00:34:50 who um you know he's he's making the rounds and saying hi to all the ladies and he's a regular clearly there's probably his name is doug or something and i just hear d say, I love it! And I just love that. When an old guy says, I love it. Because it's like, I can't say I love it. No. Only Doug can. Only somebody of his generation and waistband height.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And carriage. Yeah, can say I love it. I love it! So, Doug loves it. For me, being old seems like it's a really, like, fun time recreationally. Because it's all the things I like to do with none of the pressure to do anything more physically active. Sure. You know what I mean? Like, I always feel if I'm not doing something physically active, I ought to be, because someday I won't be able to.
Starting point is 00:35:43 But once those days are effectively behind you, you're never going to feel that stress again. It's kind of nice. Just going, sitting on a bench for three hours, no stress to go walk it off or go for a jog. Yeah, totally. Live it up. It's going to be great. I'm going to be a great shut-in.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I'm going to have my meals delivered. Do you have overheard? Yeah, I've been going through a real dry spell. You say that you struck oil in the dark house. But today, I had two. I'm only going to tell you one. Yeah, save it up.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah. In this economy. Right, exactly. I was at the liquor store today, and I bought these beers that we're drinking. Delicious. Half of them uh graham and i go have these for any of you new listeners we're dutch yeah yeah and in our wooden shoe choices as well and while i was waiting in line this uh old guy uh maybe yeah like mid-60s. Kind of homeless. Certainly rough.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, odorific. Yeah. He had two cheap six-packs. I don't even know the brand. Wildcat. Dude Beer. TNT. There were red cans. Ooh. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Molson Extra? I do not know. He had two six-packs and one tall boy of Tuborg. Wow, fancy beer. The Dutch beer? Danish beer. Danish beer. Beer of kings.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Sure. So he had these two six-packs and the tall boy and he the guy behind him in line asked him uh oh that's weird that you you only got the one tall boy and he said oh yeah and he pointed at the two six-packs and he said for me for me and then he pointed at the tall boy and he said for her oh and then it got sad oh for me for me for her of course she left 20 years ago oh no he didn't say that yes he did oh man that was a heartbreaking but then i got it went up at the end so i guess i drink hers oh hey yeah he's got a good sense of humor yeah yeah he's like hawkeye pierce he can make jokes even in the hardest of times yeah he's like a famous character hawkeye pierce
Starting point is 00:38:11 uh gray gray yeah stop it david i don't like you in that way um do you have an overheard i do it's not great but i enjoyed watching kind kind of the theatricality of it. Sell it. It was when I was walking home two days ago, and I passed by a guy up at the liquor store by my house. There's a regular – it's not always the same dude that's asking for change, but it's a regular hangout for people who ask for change because there's a liquor store and a bank. And so it's places where money – Because when people get out of a bank they have pockets full of change yeah yeah exactly um but you know people feel guilty or something i guess when they just take out you know a hundred dollars from a bank and some guy's like can i have one you know 160th of what you just took out of that. And they're like, no.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But there was a guy, somebody had tied their dog up outside, and the guy was talking to the dog. He was talking to the dog, waiting for responses. That was just my favorite style of talking to dogs, where he's like, where's your owner? Well, where is he? Where is he? Which one is he? He tied you up out here i can't believe it and then
Starting point is 00:39:27 the dog started kind of like barking and sniveling and stuff and then he started saying this dog is crazy you're crazy which i like because he turned it on the dog before the dog could turn it on him that's what we call projection in the mental health field. That guy's crazy. That guy needs help. What's the difference between sniveling and sniffling? Sniveling is when you're, please don't punch me. And sniffling is when you're like, please don't take away my Kleenex.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I think. That's a great joke. Do we have listener overheard? We do Do you want to read some? Yeah, I have one that I thought was funny From our regular contributors now Was it Bobby and Kate? Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:21 God bless them Oh, I like them Alright This overheard comes from Bobby and Kate? Yeah. God bless them. Oh, I like them. All right. This overheard comes from Bobby and Kate, who it seems that they get around. They overhear a lot of stuff. Eavesdroppers, you might call them. Yeah, they're busy.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Do you think they're busy, or do you think they're not busy enough? They should get busy. Yeah. What if they play that just before they have sex? I assume they're a couple, right? They're not brother and sister. What if they play that just before they have sex? If that's like... I assume they're a couple, right? They're not brother and sister. I assumed they were a couple until now.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Play what before? You saying, now go have sex. Or whatever you said. Get busy. Yeah, get busy. What if that's their safe word? Didn't Arsenio Hall used to say that? Get busy?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Let's get busy. And then Mike... His posse would play. I want to say Mike Wolfe was the leader of his posse. That's a guy that we know. Yeah, but it's a very common name. Yeah, I guess. All right, this is Kate.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Works at a day camp and overheard the best conversation between two seven-year-old boys uh we were in the middle of playing a game and the two boys were not paying attention at all instead one boy was doing the splits and the other was crouched down face to face with him the boy crouching any broken bones the boy doing the splits. No. The boy crouching. Does it hurt? The boy doing the splits. Maybe a little. Which I like, because at that age, it still wouldn't hurt as excruciatingly. To do the splits. Yeah. But you wouldn't break a bone doing the splits. You might
Starting point is 00:41:55 dislocate your wiener. Yeah, exactly. But, so yeah, I like that. It had a high, kids say, the darndest things factor. There's another one that was an oversaw but it was pretty involved. It had to do with a phaser.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Did you read that one? No, I don't do the reading. Oh, should I read it then? I didn't do the required reading. Is that enough of an appetizer? There's a phaser involved somehow? Go ahead. Okay, alright. Is a phaser involved somehow? Go ahead. Is a phaser the same as a taser?
Starting point is 00:42:28 Yeah. Is it the Star Trek phaser? Star Trek phaser, yeah. The kind Eddie Van Halen uses on Ain't Talkin' About Love. Which one is that? The second one that you said? Okay. This is Aaron H.
Starting point is 00:42:43 He is currently living in Toronto, originally from BC. I was in Vancouver in May. I got on the C bus at Lonsdale Key in North Van and sat down. Soon after, a trio of interesting folks sat next to me, two guys and a girl. The first guy and first girl were classic nerds. However, it was the second guy that got me truly observant. He was wearing super tight black Jordache 80 style jeans, a leather trench coat, and work boots.
Starting point is 00:43:09 What caught my attention? He had a phaser from the original Star Trek on his belt. He was also acting rather strangely, which didn't strike me as odd quite yet. Anyhow, we cross over to the terminal in Vancouver and I proceeded towards the Skytrain to head east. It so happens that this trio of nerd and I proceeded towards the SkyTrain to head east. It so happens that this trio of nerds is heading in the same directions. As they walk behind me, I hear them discussing the new Star Trek movie and it's
Starting point is 00:43:32 becoming clear that they are on their way to the film. Thus the phaser? Question mark. Anyhow, I sit right behind the second guy with the classic phaser on the SkyTrain. They get up before me to get off at a station and an empty mickey of R&R falls out of the phaser nerd's leather trench. Yes, the nerds got hammered at 3 o'clock p.m. Sunday to go see Star Trek.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Wow. I thought that's pretty epic that he followed this nerd posse and there was drinking. Someone say they were a trench coat mafia. Well, if only one guy wears a trench coat, is it a mafia? He's the leader, right? That's true, yeah. If there's only one guy with a trench coat, he's obvious. He's Don Trenchcoat.
Starting point is 00:44:15 So, thank you very much for those sent in overheards, etc. Okay, we have some called in overheards. Now, I'm a little... I don't quite remember all of these but we kind of uh a lot of them seem to uh straddle a few different segments so these may be overheards but they also may count as uh neighborhood nicknames oh so like people are just throwing out wild shit just hoping like if I throw out ten things
Starting point is 00:44:46 they'll pick me for one. Yeah. But also, maybe our segments are too similar. I don't think overhers... Well, maybe you're right. Okay. Let's have a listen to this one. Hey guys, I'm
Starting point is 00:45:02 living in Toronto. It's Mike Fly. My girlfriend just went to London for like seven weeks, Diana Francis, and I think you guys all know each other, which is awesome. Needless to say, it's my first night when I went grocery shopping alone, took the dog with me to the metro, and I overheard a little kid today in the line standing with his dad say, Daddy, who's the ugly lady on all those magazines?
Starting point is 00:45:32 And that's the legacy that Michael Jackson leaves behind. Oh, man. There you go. Great podcast. Out of the mouth of babes. I don't think that's the legacy you left behind. I don't think so. That's stopping short of... There's a generation gap.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah, the magazines, they'll wither and go away. Yeah. Garbage. But Michael will live forever. Everlasting. Have you ever seen... Somebody gave me a stack of old, from the 70s, old gossip magazines
Starting point is 00:46:02 because they thought I think it was funny or whatever. And all of the stars in it, there was all sorts of day-to-day scandals going on that I had no idea. It was like, look who Jack Nicholson is with. But stuff you would never know because you don't care to know. And you just kind of see Jack Nicholson as an actor
Starting point is 00:46:22 and kind of maybe his scandals of bashing a golf club into a car. What magazines were these? They were like old. They're not even around anymore. Like they're not. Because it's basically the same as it ever was. Same as it ever was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But there was a time where gossip magazines weren't around because tabloids would have stuff about Tammy Faye Baker but then half of them would be about Batboy. Right, yeah, that's true. Well, People Magazine, well they were still trying to sell themselves as respectable at that time. Because they were about people. Right. I used to read People when I was a little kid. You had human
Starting point is 00:46:59 interest stories. That's true. What magazines did you subscribe to as kids or get as kids? Oh. Go ahead. Boy's Life. I got one called World, which was like a young version of National Geographic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Nature magazine. Yeah. I got a nature magazine called Ranger Rick. Okay. Okay. And you got Boy's Life, which is also... Sort of nature-y.y yeah like it's activities but it was mostly to be honest for the catalog of shit you could buy from the pub tents yeah hovercrafts pub tents and hovercrafts um that should have been the name of the magazine. Also, I had a subscription to Elf Comic Books.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yeah. I had a Muppet magazine. Oh, yeah. I remember Muppet magazine. I don't. Really? No. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I had a foldout on my wall that was Crocodile Dundee only with Kermit the Frog. And they would do one of those a month, if I recall correctly. Always. It was always Crocodile Dundee. It's just different Muppets doing it. I got my hair cut today. And they had... The place I get my hair cut, they have...
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's mostly women's magazines. and a couple men's magazines. You know, porno. Sure. But they had Mad Magazine. Mad. Yeah. Oh, wonderful. And it was the issue with the Watchmen, the Botchmen.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Oh, yeah, totally the Botchmen. And there were just little things little things i i didn't know i would remember like they had um david cook the american idol and he was holding up a previous issue of mad magazine and he was all angry fake angry about it right right right i forgot about that yeah it was like and then there was like letters to the editor that seemed to be from real people but you don't know yeah yeah um is is what do they still have things like i mean clearly they probably mad still probably has the fold in at the end yeah and back do they still have a spy uh the lighter side no because that was my favorite they do yeah the lighter side uh they don't still have it with the retro like the guy with the doctor was um they had they showed the old one and uh and then they took the same panels but they put
Starting point is 00:49:34 modern bubbles coming out of their mouth so they would say oh this is what the sketch was like 40 years ago that's kind of clever yeah i like oh and so they updated the language that they were using is that well no no it was it was like uh completely different subject matter and it would be like edgier because i uh i'm mad at it i remember always thinking because there were like only so many setups that they had in that it would be the guy in his underwear at the doctor the the patient is Kaputnik oh was he
Starting point is 00:50:06 who was doctor I don't know that was a segment I was going to propose at one point was just saying what movies are out now
Starting point is 00:50:14 and what the mad name of the spoof would be yeah okay of but Botchman I wouldn't have come up with that
Starting point is 00:50:22 that would have been like an all night kind of running through things I wouldn't have come up with that. That would have been like an all-night kind of running through things. I don't know if I would have come up with it that quick. But in any case, put that on the back burner. Sure, sure. Another over-erd. Hi, it's a podcast myself.
Starting point is 00:50:38 This is Nick Daniel in Chicago. I have two things for you, a neighborhood nickname and an overseen. First thing is that my apartment's gym, there's this guy who's always working out there every day I go, and after every single rep he goes, and when I just came back from there and he was wearing a Rebel Pride shirt. I haven't thought of a nickname for him. I think I just trust the experts, which are you guys,
Starting point is 00:51:09 see if maybe you can think of something to call him. Second, I have a tablet PC, and it has a writing recognition program, so if I write stuff on the screen, it shows up as words and text. It has this correction thing where i was actually searching for stop podcasting yourself in the google field and it comes up instead with stop godfathering yourself so you might get a kick out of that stop godfathering yourself i love that podcast stop i usually godfather myself in the shower so the guy was asking us to come up with a nickname for a guy who wears
Starting point is 00:51:50 a rebel pride shirt and goes oh he goes I thought it was two different guys I think it's the same guy it wasn't a fart noise that guy was making it's hard to tell that guy needs a new phone.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Rebel Pride. Rebel Pride Parade? Rebel Pride Parade's not bad. Yosemite Sam. Yosemite Sam's good? I like that. I think I like Yosemite Sam. Rebel Pride Parade, if there was two of them working in conjunction together?
Starting point is 00:52:23 Yosemite Sam was a rebel. I believe so. He looked like the UNLV running rebels logo. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. How about Jerry Tarkanian? Here's one. Gentlemen, it's the Minnesota Call You Too Much bumper, KT. I don't know if this counts as an oversteam or a weird person in your neighborhood,
Starting point is 00:52:49 only I'm going to go with an awesome person in my neighborhood because I just saw a gentleman about my dad's age, my dad's in his mid-50s, rolling through the parking lot of our local grocery store on the back of a grocery cart, kind of like you would want to do if you're a little kid. And he definitely had the expression of a little kid, and he was definitely somebody's grandpa.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It was great. I love it. That was great. You know what that reminds me of? That reminds me of a scene in a movie where the guy is bored of his life. He's in a rut. And then he's out shopping. He's just doing something very kind of commonplace.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And that's the first step. Yeah, yeah, yeah. To feel good. Yeah, right? It's Robin Williams or Falling Down, maybe. Yeah, or American Beauty. Like a remake of Falling Down called Falling Up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:47 That's kind of... The Jerry Tartanian story. And a couple weeks ago, we asked drunk listeners... Oh, yeah. We wanted our number to be your drunk dial number if you got drunk and felt that you needed to talk to somebody in the middle of the night to leave us a message.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah, and this is one. I think it's kind of an overseen, or an overheard. And a drunk? I forget. Hey, how's it going? So I meant to call you a couple hours ago when this initially happened and it was fresh in my mind, but now I'm super wicked wasted. And I know that you guys had
Starting point is 00:54:31 a request for wicked wasted phone calls, so calling you now, I figured like it would be a good time. Gosh, I got super drunk. Anyway, that's not part of the overheard. Here's the overheard. I was on the ferry from Vancouver to Victoria, and we're waiting for the passenger unload thing, and there's this little kid, and he's, like, sitting there, like, staring me straight in the eye while he's doing this little dance. But the dance involves, like, this little pelvic thrust,
Starting point is 00:55:05 which was, like, kind of cute in this, like, weird little kid kind of dancing in a weird little kid kind of way. It was kind of funny. And then his dad looks over at him and is like, what the fuck are you doing? And the kid, like, turns around and is like, ah, he's stuffed. But I thought it was pretty funny. I was already laughing at the kid dancing with the little pelvic thrust
Starting point is 00:55:27 that's staring me straight in the eye while doing it. Like, ah, you're kind of cute. You're kind of funny. Dad's just like, what the fuck are you doing? There's my drunk rendition of an overheard. Thank you so much. I really enjoy it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Thank you for sending in your actual drunk, delightfully drunk overheard. She was wicked wasted. Wicked wasted. If you want to call us with an overheard, the phone number is 206-339-8328, 206-339-TEET. Or write us at stoppodcastingyourself at But you just listened. You saw how much better the calls were. But you don't get to hear as much of my uninterrupted, dreamy voice
Starting point is 00:56:08 when you hear the calls, so make up your own mind, listeners. Here's the thing, that when you were talking about being at the hair cutters, and there was porno available... There was not, actually. But there is sometimes at... Have you ever been to a barber where there is... At the real classic places.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. There's one place I wonder about. Which one? It's called Jack. Yeah, that's right around the corner from my house. And it do. Or at least it did. And they don't cut your hair.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It's like a... The name implies everything you need to know. They've got sports paraphernalia on the wall. It's like haircutting for men. Yeah, men with more power. But on the internet, there was pictures of famous pop singer Lily Allen had posed in some British magazine topless.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And I was like like how come that seems very kind of blase thing to do in Britain but over in America that would be the shock of the century if an Ashley Simpson or Jesse Simpson were topless in a magazine don't they have a section in the
Starting point is 00:57:20 London paper just for the oh yeah and uh if you're like in germany you will see and uh you'll see boobs on the front page of every paper right yeah it's just so funny like because i saw that today and i was just thinking like do you would only get that and it would only be like a c-level celebrity that would be doing that and it would be on the front page like it wouldn't be incidental in a magazine.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Like, oh, here's Lily Allen. She happens to be not wearing a top in this photo. No, it would be, here's Ben Stiller's wife from Meet the Parents on the cover of Playboy. Yeah, exactly. Terry Polo. Yes. Good call. Do we...
Starting point is 00:58:03 Do we want to pose topless? Do we have anything else we want to do? The one thing that a couple people wrote in about things that I've grown too old for. Oh, yes. Which is a segment that has seemingly struck a chord with... Yeah, it's really picked up steam. It really was the little segment that could.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Okay, so this last segment it's a little segment that started out in earnest and then it really like people, it was about earnest. Yeah. It started out with me for anybody who this
Starting point is 00:58:39 is the first time listening to the podcast or didn't hear those episodes was I was having a conversation. Is this segment getting so big that it actually needs a theme actually needs it might need a theme song fairly soon okay uh maybe the next week if we keep getting things then i guarantee a theme song okay um but it was charlie demers and i uh were discussing how much we love the lion king and then we're like how old was that we assumed that we were 11 or 12 when it came out and then we looked up and we were both teenagers when it came out. And that's when it dawned on us that that, coupled with some other things, were things that I held on to for too long. And I'm not talking about things like comic books or video games.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Just weird things that really, you should have been well beyond them. And yeah, and I wasn't. And so I put it out there, and we got some things. We got some listeners. But you have one, you said. Oh, I totally got one. Yeah, I didn't know I was answering to that. I was going to answer the same.
Starting point is 00:59:37 No, I got one of these two old four things. I was, because it would be nickelodeon i like i watched way too much uh nick like friday night snick we didn't have that in canada so you'll have to really this reference is but totally shows yeah yeah okay so are you familiar with like a well first of all ren and stampy i mean that was that that's i wasn't, I wasn't too old for that. Nobody's too old for Ren and Stimpy. No, that's true. No, it's funny. Powdered Toast Man?
Starting point is 01:00:08 Sure. It's still funny. Oh, I had a... So, okay, for Christmas that year, I got a calendar from my parents, a Ren and Stimpy calendar, except it was manufactured poorly in China, and the character transformed into Powered Toast Man.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Completely useless superpower. Powered Toast Man. More useful than powdered. Yeah. Well, it was the sprinkles that made him great. Oh. I didn't know they delved into that. Yeah, he flew backwards.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I wasn't familiar with the delving. But that was the thing was random snippy you were too old for no it was like the secret of mount secret alex mac right oh yes right larissa olenek oh you're familiar yeah we're both familiar okay oh yeah i like um her her last name seemed very comforting to me. Olenek, yeah. It seemed very Eastern Bloc. Olenek Kaputnik. Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. I thought 10 Things I Hate About You was going to be her big break, but it was her swan song. It didn't happen for her.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah. But she'll always be right there in my heart, pointing to my heart. Cutie patootie. Interesting. What about a so you know as a as a 15 year old i probably shouldn't have been home on a friday night watching what was what was the melissa jonah hart thing she did clarissa explains it all right yeah was that one of them i that was i would i would i watched that show i mean just because it was
Starting point is 01:01:40 yeah you're not above it no ferguson her little brother ferguson for breath wow in detail yeah yeah yeah oh he's worse the worst you could quiz him all that all that the kids sketch show all that that sounds atrocious there was a that was nick cannon no his was no that was a different one this was um wow who's the who's the girl the the uh actress there's an actress who got her start on all that she's a skinny white girl uh-huh kirsten dunst she was an american she's on tv now i forget she's american pie mina savari we're not gonna you know we'll just let's forget let's forget it shannon elizabeth we're gonna forget it. But yeah, we got one from David S. Specifically, this is the first time
Starting point is 01:02:31 that we've ever had somebody specifically say please don't say my last name because he's very embarrassed. Maybe his last name is Shumka. It could be. It's David Shumka. A few years ago, I went to see the Tigger movie. I had free movie pass.
Starting point is 01:02:49 It was a hot summer day, and there was AC. I cried at the Tigger movie. Please, please, for the love of God, do not mention my last name on the air. And when the lights came up, I realized I was the only adult in the theater who wasn't under duress there because some ankle biter had dragged them into it. Wow. What did that... We're the only time I've noticed this.
Starting point is 01:03:10 So, yeah, the Tigger movie. Realizing that you found it... Did you guys cry at the Tigger movie? I've... You know what? I found it trite. Yeah, yeah. Saw the ending coming a mile away.
Starting point is 01:03:22 A little on the nose. Anything else? So this is... Andrew L. Yeah, saw the ending coming a mile away. A little on the nose. Anything else? So this is Andrew L. says, I am a huge Transformers fan, and in the wake of the shit-tastic Revenge of the Fallen, I went and downloaded all of the Beast Wars series and the Justice League of America series. I am 23 and cried two times in the first season of Justice League of America.
Starting point is 01:03:43 This segment is turning into, what did you cry at? I think if you cry at a thing, and you're too old to be crying at that thing, that well falls within the parameters. There's no reason a 23-year-old should be crying at Justice League of America, but it hit him.
Starting point is 01:04:00 It hit him on the right some part of his soul. I think I remembered something I cried about. Because we talked about, after I saw Up, we talked about the last thing we cried at. Did you see Up? Yeah, and I cried like a baby. Man, oh man, that is a cry-tacular film.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Sure. I think the thing previous I cried at, I said it was Forrest Gump, but it may have been the Ricky Gervais movie Ghost Town on a plane. Really? I think I fought it off, but I was very able to cry at that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Man, when you said Ricky Gervais, I thought you were going to say the Christmas special that followed the series extras. Yeah, totally cried at that, yeah. Because that extras thing, I saw it at, because it takes place around Christmas time, and I saw it around Christmas time, and I was devastated. So sad.
Starting point is 01:04:55 But I don't cry, though. I think I have a problem. See Ghost Town. Emotionally. You've got to see Ghost Town. I've seen Ghost Town. I didn't cry at it. It is a weeper. I don't think it is a weeper. No, I don't think so. I think you're the only person who cried at that movie. Yeah, you may be cracking the mold on that one. Maybe I was on the plane and I had an allergic reaction.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Were you holding an oxygen mask over your face? Were you afraid you were going to die? It was going down, yeah. I cried on the plane on the way to Vancouver, actually. Did you? Yeah. During a movie? Season 4, Episode 4 of The Wire. Oh, really? Yeah. What happens on that one? cougar actually did you yeah during a movie uh season four episode four of the wire oh really
Starting point is 01:05:26 yeah yeah yeah what happens on that one oh don't be too explicit because i've never no no no spoilers here but specifically the character dookie do you remember the character duquan duquan weems dukey uh uh he's in the he's in the he's in uh prez's classroom presbo presbo looski he's in Prez's classroom Prezbo Prezbaluski He's in Prez's classroom And he doesn't Everybody's eating lunch except him
Starting point is 01:05:51 And then Prez gives him his sandwich Right Gives him some change for the soda machine Oh wow And he just looks at him He says thank you Oh my god Burst into tears
Starting point is 01:06:00 These are good kids These are good kids Yeah Yeah wow Huh wow See I haven't even seen this show. I'm getting a little... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You got to watch it. No, it's honest to God. Like I was saying when we were eating dinner earlier, that I went to go rent the wire, got distracted, ended up renting man on wire, enjoyed it immensely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Next time it's going to be bird on a wire. Yeah, exactly. Is that Goldie Hawn and Mel Gibson sure why not do you want to wrap this up it's hot in this here amphitheater Mr. Lissagor
Starting point is 01:06:34 where would people find you where's time to plug some shit plug whatever you want to plug you look nice today podcasts I do with my good friends Merlin Mann, Scott Simpson. Very funny podcast. Very, very funny.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Hot Dogs Ladies and Monsters podcast. Sure. With Jordan Jesse Go. Might as well plug that, too. Sure. On Twitter, Lonely Sandwich. That's at Lonely Sandwich. What else?
Starting point is 01:07:01 I do an iPhone app birdhouse and you can I'm just gonna you catch me at the haha hole Tuesday Fridays
Starting point is 01:07:11 I suck at that I sucked that sucked let me do it again well that's not a real place no it's not a real hole and I'm not a real funny person
Starting point is 01:07:19 chuckle monks you look nice today you're the quiet one yeah you're the George Harris and it's a great, great podcast. I just listened to a whack of episodes this week. To study.
Starting point is 01:07:30 To study. I was studying up. I'd heard it before, but I wanted to bone up. Make sure you didn't miss anything. Yeah. And enjoyed it immensely. It was very sweet of you to do that. Well, thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Dave. Yeah. You and I are going to be performing together. A live version. Oh, it's going to be performing together. I wouldn't call it a performance. Oh, it's going to be a performance. You don't know what I have in store. All right. I'm making us matching costumes.
Starting point is 01:07:52 I'm a 33 waist. If we did the podcast in matching outfits, think about it. Okay. Okay. It's July 28th. The Biltmore Cabaret. In Vancouver. In Vancouver. In Vancouver, 5 o'clock, 8 p.m.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Be there. Say 5 o'clock? $5. $5. 8 p.m. So come to see a live taping of this here podcast. I wish I was going to be here for that. I really do.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Oh, we'll do live ones again. Yeah. Okay, next time you're here. Okay, schedule a ones again. Yeah. Okay, next time you're here. Okay, do it. Schedule a special one. Yeah. Schedule. Why don't you give us your itinerary?
Starting point is 01:08:29 We've been threatening to do Monsters of Podcasting up here, and you guys should definitely be on the bill. I don't even have to check with the other guys for that. For a confirmation? No, no. We accept. Yeah, we accept. If you want to write to us,
Starting point is 01:08:45 stoppodcastingyourself at But why bother when you can call us at 206-339-8328. Things we're looking for. Overheards, as always. If you want to share anything that you feel you're too old for, either in written form or in phone form. Think of the song we could get out of it.
Starting point is 01:09:02 We want you to be the one that you lean on into the ghost world. When you drink and have no one else to call, please call us and leave us a message at 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 01:09:18 And please check out the blog that Dave creates each and every week to accompany this podcast at and come back next week. Tell your friends if you enjoyed the show. It's how the show is able to grow. Come back next week for another enthralling episode
Starting point is 01:09:35 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Thank you.

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