Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 724 - Adam Buxton

Episode Date: February 1, 2022

Podcaster Adam Buxton joins us to talk British stuff, fancy dinners, and plastic bags....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 724 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who I rarely see this early in the day, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup. So yeah, we're recording this at the crack of 10 a.m. in Vancouver. That means you've been up for six hours already? No, I...
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yes, I have then. Fine. Yes, I've been up since four. I've been... My dang coffee machine went off too early and woke me up with the aroma of Folgers Crystals. And what else is going on? It's funny that you have a coffee machine that can grind beans, but you still insist on using Folger's crystals.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, that's true. But I put the crystals in the grinder because I want them to be coming out super fine. I want to be able to see through them. What is that? Delightful. Our guest here on the podcast, first time guest to the podcast. I know I've done a bunch of research on him. He's done all sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I've hit the books. I've learned he is a writer. He is a podcaster. He is an actor. And he's our guest today. It's Adam Buxton, everybody. Hey, how are you doing? Good to see you, Dave. Good to see you, Dave.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Good to see you, Gray. And this is very exciting. I'm a longtime listener. I'm one of those people that often messages you to say that you saved them during the pandemic. And that's, yeah, made life tolerable. I mean, the nurses, they're the real they're the real heroes. We're like we're we're frontline podcasters. I refused to rattle pots
Starting point is 00:02:08 and pans for the nurses because I said, come on guys, what about stop podcasting yourself? So I tried going out and rattling some kitchenware for you guys. When I hear the rattling pots and pans, I know it's for me.
Starting point is 00:02:24 People are still doing it two years in here. They are? Not as many. Well, at seven o'clock you go out and if you're maybe people are just
Starting point is 00:02:32 taking out their recycling actually. Because that's what I'm doing. Or somebody who's accidentally dropped a pod off of their balcony. Yeah, there was a bagpipe guy going
Starting point is 00:02:40 every day for a while. Yeah. And last summer I had a marimba guy down the alley. Are you sure it wasn't just someone with their phone turned up very loud? Yeah. pipe guy going every day for a while yeah and last summer i had him a rim guy rimbo guy down the alley are you sure it wasn't just someone with their phone turned up very loud did it sound like that um adam well let's get to know us Adam you are wait a second you don't play the actual jingle while we're recording no this is
Starting point is 00:03:11 this is behind the scenes you're getting to see how the uh sausage is made they just inserted that in post yeah I want you to do it live for me I'll I'll sing it. Here we go. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, boop. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, boop, boop. Get to know us. Yeah. There you go. Was that the same marimba ringtone? This guy would be out there with the marimba. Every night of the summer, he'd be playing. I saw him in his backyard playing.
Starting point is 00:03:37 A marimba is like a fancy xylophone. It's a fancy xylophone. And he played it with two mallets in each hand. Oh, wow. He was good. xylophone the fancy xylophone and he played it with two mallets in each hand oh wow so what would be your what would be your instrument if you were out there making music for the frontline workers oh you know uh folk guitar like a nice nice folky maybe a mandolin um dave you've got a ukulele or a mandolin don't you yeah i've got a ukulele or a mandolin, don't you? Yeah, I've got a ukulele, but that's not, I mean, the frontline workers hate ukulele. I'll tell you what nurses and frontline workers love is those Brazilian instruments that go.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yes. What are they called? The honkers. You know, imagination is limitless as to what it could be called. Honky drum. Adam. Yes. Thank you so much for being our guest.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Thanks so much for having me. You are someone who we hear so much from people. You've been very kind to us on your show. And we get so many messages from people saying, I heard about you from Adam Buxton's show, and I'm so glad I did. Or I listened to it, and what is he thinking? That kind of thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:50 He's truly lost it. And Graham apparently did a bunch of research. I did none. So I hope you're nice. Yes, I'm very quite far right. i do a show in the uk that is it's very edgy i push a lot of buttons i get angry i've got low tolerance for immigrants that kind of thing sure yeah yeah and you've got hot takes on everything sure i've got quite a lot to say about uh the vaccine which is bullshit by the way exactly mandate this i say
Starting point is 00:05:26 so we'll get to that later on but that's yeah that's mainly what i'm known for in the uk being we get a lot of messages like adam buxton turned us on to you ben shapiro turned us on yeah that's right god i love that ben jargamel ben shapiro and gargamel could totally they could hang out they need at the same table um i uh you've you've done it all you've you've uh been on tv you've been in movies you've been you were in both of the sing movies this i only realized uh because i've seen the first one i don't know why i've seen the first one but maybe maybe because I'm a Seth MacFarlane completist. He plays a mouse in it, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yes, that's right. Yeah. What was it like working with him? We were all in the room together. Myself and Scarlett Johansson and Matthew McConaughey, Seth MacFarlane. It was incredible. We had a wonderful, wonderful time together. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Did you have any input into the sing to McDonald's Happy Meal toys? Because they are garbage. I didn't know they had them. I should explain for people who've never heard of me. I'm out in the countryside in the east of england outside a town called norwich in norfolk ah norwich yeah and uh we're sort of in the middle of nowhere really i'm 52 years old a father of three with a beautiful wife and a beautiful dog uh a privileged life and i'm more or less totally disconnected from reality
Starting point is 00:07:07 and what's happening in in the world so i didn't must be nice it's pretty good yeah my son goes to mcdonald's still i haven't been to mcdonald's for a long a long time so i don't know there's a lot of exciting developments there there's a lot of exciting developments there. There's a lot of new stuff you got to try. Well, what kind of toys have they got? Have they got figurines of some of the characters? Because I'm... Yeah, they're figurines of... We only got one so far.
Starting point is 00:07:34 They're all over the place these days with their Happy Meals. I guess because movie releases are all screwed up these days. Yeah, and the latest James Bond only played in theaters. And so his Happy Meal was weird the james bond happy meal is sad james bond figurine you fill him with water and then you squeeze him and he cries yeah uh but uh no the one we got was uh the elephant from sing and it has a little button you push and the hand holding the microphone goes from the side to the face i'm singing i'm not singing i'm singing i'm not oh yeah okay that's dynamic i'm uh the character i play is an angry proboscis monkey dance instructor
Starting point is 00:08:19 called klaus any sign of him in the Happy Meal? Maybe. There might have been some proboscis monkey in the McNuggets. Delicious. I was surprised to learn that they still have toys because I thought it was now that you got books. You can choose. Does anybody choose book is the question. to learn that they still have toys because i thought it was now that you got books you can
Starting point is 00:08:45 choose you can choose does anybody choose book is the question those toys are so bad sometimes that we will choose book and then you know what if you do it through the app they don't they ignore that and they just give you a toy so the shumka family are going into mcdonald's and saying yes we'd like the book and salad option, please. Yes, we'd like Bonfire of the Vanities, if you have it. Well, actually, they have the book adaptation of Sing 2. The novelization. They've got the Underground Railroad and some quinoa.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And some quinoa. between guns uh but you were in the first sing movie but you played a different not the same character different character right i mean i am in i'm not identifiable in the first sing movie at all i'm told that i am in it but i couldn't even pick myself out if if you played me the movie right now i think my voice was heavily uh slowed down to make me into a big gorilla man but okay in the sequel i have a larger part and i think you could recognize i sound a bit like this johnny come on are you a bad at dancing i'm improvising this dialogue now yeah yeah yeah come on johnny tippy toes tippy toes let me see your tippy toes no that's no good johnny i'm going to kill you i don't say that that's too much for the kids oh man that was that was a glimpse onto uh the the work of a voiceover
Starting point is 00:10:19 artist my god yeah i'm no charlie demers yes charlie demers was if popularly a slug but he got typecast and then he was only getting slug rolls yeah yeah and uh slug snails i want to ask you uh dave but graham please chip in uh with your insights obviously about the editing process if that's okay for this podcast because a large part of my life as a podcaster is spent editing i'm one of the people that does quite a bit of post production i know a lot of podcasters will just record a conversation and then leave it more or less as is uh with as is and sorry or whoever they might have on them yes that's the level i'm operating on and uh but i but i edit quite a bit and i even edit things like noises and vocal tics and stomach gurgles and things like that and i wanted to know what your policy was
Starting point is 00:11:23 well uh first of all, I asked the guests, get a second microphone pointed at your stomach. I want to hear that gurgle. I want a stomach gurgle track. Just for the old spank bank. You put the stomach growls on auto-tune, right? So that everybody sounds good. Yes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's actually, you wouldn't recognize it, but that's my role in Sing 1. I play the stomach gurgle. Yeah. Can we take that again? That was my stomach gurgle. And no,
Starting point is 00:12:02 I, particularly in Zoom, these remote ones, i edit tons of stuff out like most like the little bit of lag between yeah people talking or like when people misjudge the lag and two people talk at the same time and then one person says i was saying oh i was just gonna like when when people are talking over each other one person always says oh i was just gonna say blah blah blah well i cut out them saying i was just gonna say and i just have them say it nice yes but yes i do get rid of lip smacks and uh but that's just in the mainline episodes if you listen to the bonus episodes oh you're getting nothing but lip smacks yeah and i usually eat a whole uh hollandaise uh yeah he dips a peach in hollandaise and belch loudly and that presumably is something that you started doing
Starting point is 00:12:57 after receiving angry angry messages from no no uh this is something i do just because i care yes yeah it's penis for who you were it's penis yes that's how you pronounce it dave look at it on a piece of paper it's obviously penis as in panacea uh no it's uh i the it's because I'm listening and I'm like, well, I could take that sound out. So I will. I mean, I could also not. And then I would save myself eight hours. What about if you've got a guest who has just got eccentric mic technique or a very pronounced vocal tick or mannerism. So, for example, if they are very close on the mic and they are breathing quite heavily or something, I'm doing the snore breathe.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I've never actually had the snore breathe before, but you know the kind of thing I'm talking about, like loud vocalization. I will even it out if I i can but it's also just like i'm a big control freak and uh this uh this pandemic has forced me to relinquish some control and accept the things i cannot change and whatever how about you are you uh uh freakazoid like me yes i am it's one of the reasons i like listening to the podcast because i do relate to so many of uh of the things you both talk about and certainly i relate to that control freakery with the you know the the possibility of being able to tailor a conversation and tweak a conversation just to make it right and to make it flow and smooth and enjoyable. It's too much to resist because it's fun listening to podcasts.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You know, I like listening to you guys and I appreciate the fact that there is it. It always sounds pretty good. and I get very frustrated listening to those ones that have been recorded on a phone or they're in a car or, you know, the sound's just hard. Yeah. And then also I did get messages. When I used to be on social media, I'm not anymore, but when I was on Twitter and I was doing the podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Oh, you've got to come back to Twitter. It's great. Yeah, Twitter's doing really fun things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got gotta check out what's happening on insta tiktok's blowing up bumble is a lot of fun we miss you oh okay well that's good because i've got some i've got some fairly radical ideas about trans rights so i thought yeah i thought maybe twitter would be a good place to get into those conversations. Play the track.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Hot takes. Yeah. You know, we had that sound later, but that was pretty close. But yeah, when I was on Twitter and I would play, you know, I would upload an episode that maybe had a guest who was eating. That was the big thing. I didn't, it didn't really occur to me and i used to eat myself like sometimes i would bring snacks along myself this guy's a freak well you know like when we were recording face to face in pre-pandemic times which i've just
Starting point is 00:16:19 started doing again now actually but i would bring along some you know nuts biscuits whatever i thought it was polite the loudest the crunchiest things you could get your hands on well also my my co-host chews gum through the entire 18 waking hours of his day yeah graham you're in insomniac do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and chew some gum? Yeah, sometimes. I'll treat myself to a quick chew. I usually take it out before I fall back asleep, but not always. Do you really?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Do you sometimes wake up and you're like, I'm going to be up for a while? Yeah, have a quick gum. Check my socials. You know, see what's going on on television. Do they still do color bars? check my socials you know see what's going on on television do they still do color bars on television is the national anthem playing at 2 in the morning
Starting point is 00:17:14 that was my favorite when they would they play it and it was like it was like a sign like Graham go the fuck to bed we're not doing any more programming you got to see oh Canada get out of here It was like a sign like, Graham, go the fuck to bed. We're not doing any more programming. You got to see O Canada. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:17:28 But they don't do that anymore because everything's cable, right? Yeah, it's a shame. Everything just rolls on and on and on because people need entertaining 24-7. But I heard you talking about your chewing gum habit the other day on the podcast. Your giant ball of gum that you're imagining at the end of your life and i've never heard you chewing at all uh that's the magic of dave yeah okay yeah i also chew tobacco at the same time so you can really hear my spittoon yeah we're big you probably wouldn't know though how much tobacco we consume on an average show
Starting point is 00:18:06 because what graham chews i i have like three or four cigarettes going at a time yeah uh and uh what other tobacco product do we have uh snuff we do snuff we do snuff is that what where you just keep wearing your lap no that's where you sniff it oh Oh, okay. And, you know, and then I also just like, I like to do a tobacco mask before. Sure. Well, is that just the leaves of the tobacco? Yes. Right. Wet leaves.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's not like you're not taping cigarettes together and strapping them across your forehead. I mean, if I'm desperate, desperate yes that is what i will do but like in the lady gaga video for telephone oh yeah she's got the she's got the cigarette sunglasses you can't have those in prison yeah exactly you'd be the richest person in prison if you had those how about if you if one of your guests farted? Oh, we keep that in. Only if it's right directly to the mic. Otherwise. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:19:14 We have a three microphone policy. We have voice, gurgle, and fart. No, I don't know. I've never noticed. If it was a funny fart. In mean, in the studio, they... We have a pretty tight studio in here, so we would notice there. I watched a bit of a movie called Talk Radio. Have you ever heard of Talk Radio?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Yeah, with Eric Boghossian. The 80s movie? With Eric Boghossian, yeah. And he... That's all he does during his radio show is he just chain smokes. And I was like... And farts. And farts all over the place
Starting point is 00:19:46 he's always chain smoking and eating a six inch foot long six inch foot long that doesn't work the math doesn't it doesn't work at all well i had i was doing i did a podcast um last no two years ago yeah in 2020 uh and this the setup for this is slightly melancholy but don't worry i won't dwell on it um my mom died and um oh jesus sorry jesus and then uh i was talking with joe my comedy wife on the podcast and we had a sort of emotional chat and he was being kind and supportive and i was uh opening my heart to him about how i felt in the wake of my mom's death and then i went off to the loo while we were recording i said listen man i just gotta take a p lb right back so off i go and then when I listened back to the recording, Joe did a massive fart while I was out in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And and he said on the mic, oh, man, I've been holding that in for ages. Hey, I'd cut that bit out, obviously. But then when I edited it, I thought, actually, you know, this episode is fairly low on laughs. So I'm going to keep their fart in because it is funny. I'm going to loop it. I'm going to put it to a boss. It overbeats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I told Joe that I was going to do it because I didn't, I didn't think it would be, um, cool to, to just spring his fart on him as it were. But, um, people, a few people got very upset and said that was appalling. Yeah, you should have cut that out. That was shocking. I don't want to hear Joe's 52-year-old man fart. Well, you know what? Yeah, I want a young, sexy fart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, that's right. Bring me, why is the name that i thought as a young person vincent d'onofrio the young smooth vincent d'onofrio part vincent d'onofrio he's in he shoots his face off in full metal jacket right okay no spoilers and he's the guy you want farting on you. Yes, yes. He was also, for a long time, he was the guy on Law & Order. One of the Law & Orders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And he would always figure out a mind trap to put the suspect in. Yeah. So then they could catch them at the end, catch them in their own game. But it was probably the weirdest of the Law and Orders. I'm not here to rank. Yeah, was that criminal intent? Yes, criminal intent. And it was weird because they would put all the criminals in a tent.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah, it was weird how literal it was. Yeah, okay, great. Now what do I do? They would easily break out. I've never watched a single episode of any of the law and orders or indeed um csi or any of that franchise oh wow well i'm missing out if you if you look for something like if you're feeling sick if you're having a sick day law and order is really good company for a sick day or if you one day you wake up and you want to watch a thousand episodes of something yeah that's right i think do they have law and
Starting point is 00:23:11 order uk oh i'm sure they do i feel like it rings a bell and i've i've it's weird seeing like actors have to put on the weird like robes to be lawyers and they also have to wear wigs don't they and the judges do you know adam does sit this one out we're going to talk about your country you know go ahead i was going to ask you about that actually i like it when you do um impressions of british people and when you know charlie demers is one of my favorite guests on on spy pod and when he does his english accent that makes me laugh quite a lot because it's quite And when, you know, Charlie Demers is one of my favorite guests on SpyPod. And when he does his English accent, that makes me laugh quite a lot because it's quite unusual as an impression for someone outside of the UK to do. He does this sort of voice, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's it. It's a sort of cheeky, chimney sweet barrow boy. Boys, and it really makes me laugh. No, you were, before you got here, you were like, I mean, I'll say it. You were four minutes late to the. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. About Graham and I got it all out of our system.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, we did every British thing we could think of like okay yes he's as bloke is a few minutes late he's gonna be chuffed when he gets here excuse me jim jim taru i called you a geezer yeah geezers only but do you do what what are your accents though come on hit me with the accent give me the full brit this will be dave's. Well, I know, I know, I know. Is that me? Yeah, it's you. Well, I know, I'll recognize it. I know it's the one. It's a 40p.
Starting point is 00:24:53 This is a man who's dying. That's just noises, though. He doesn't know any specific. A whisper bar is that a kind of chocolate bar whisper yeah whispers yeah w-i-s-p-a i don't know if they still make them well they still sell them at this one convenience store here in vancouver but they may be from the original oh that's the release there's a grocery store here um um good tesco it's like what's going on about grocery store here.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Tesco. What day is going on about grocery store now? And they have a little section that's just British stuff. And it's like steak sauce and. Mushy peas, I feel like. Yeah, mushy peas. And for some reason, cherry Coke. Cherry Coke. I mean, that is not a quintessentially british
Starting point is 00:25:47 drink is it the cherry coke is surely american no we have it here as well but that's what confuses me but it's like it definitely comes in a british can huh uh you know shaped like pamela anderson what's a british can how are they different to other cans? It literally just says the price in pounds. Okay. Yeah, and it also opens with a can opener. That's the difference between your cans and ours.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Key. How about you, Graham? Have you got a good Brit impression? Oh, I think i do right now who are you both channeling for me it's uh posh spice yeah for me it's begby begby begby's scottish isn't it oh yeah that's right i forgot that movie doesn't take place in england oh boy did either you guys see the sequel to that movie yes it's funny what are your thoughts grimy is the word yeah it was grimy and it was like i know like i like the characters from the
Starting point is 00:27:00 first one but i didn't ever want to know what happened to them next did they it was it was the book did the book have a sequel uh or was this a direct movie sequel i only watch movies and that's why i flunked out of english i know i never read the book but i know a ton of people that movie was huge in like the alternative oh i loved it as a teenager i loved it and the soundtrack was huge and so everyone bought the book yeah and it was here we go porno is a novel published in 2002 by scottish writer irvin welsh the sequel to train spotting okay book describes the characters of train spotting 10 years after the events of the earlier book didn't need to say that last sentence um you both saw the movie
Starting point is 00:27:52 yeah it's it's not this is the first time i've spoken about it publicly publicly since seeing t2 in 2017 yeah it was i don't know like i think people always think they want to catch up with the characters but then when you see them they're just older they're just older what movie characters would you want to catch up with uh i'm not gonna lie uh the gorilla from sing uh i just hope he landed on his feet yeah his hand feet his hand and also his big dangling arms i'd like to catch up with whoever survived um the thing john carpenter's version of the thing i'd like to see oh yeah i'd like to see if um kurt what's his face made it kurt russell russell uh that's that's another one i haven't seen but that's on my i have it uh ready to go i hear it's very good it is very good do you like horror films dave um no but i
Starting point is 00:29:00 you'll watch a classic i guess i I don't like, yeah, I don't like the slasher films or, but I like, uh, you know, a little bit of tension. Oh, well, you want to talk about attention?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Woo. Did Dave ruin his computer? That was dense. No, this is just, it's just, that's just floor. Okay,
Starting point is 00:29:23 good. I heard you talking on another episode about the fact that you'd seen alien for the first time not that long ago which is one of my favorite films i think i watch it every year and have done since i was about 10 is that your most watched movie or do you have one that you watch even more than that i think that must be my most watched movie i've seen groundhog day quite a few times appropriately i was gonna say or have you or have i i've seen i do like re-watching movies with nail and i it's another one i've seen quite a few times i've only recently saw that i only saw that within the last two years
Starting point is 00:30:05 did you enjoy that yeah i enjoyed it was very very funny uh was that grimy it's pretty grimy yeah it's got some grimy elements to it especially their apartment at the beginning of the movie is all grime is grimy but it's fun it's fun grime and yes yeah uh but it's a strange one like i went to america not that long ago and was talking to some american comedians and one of them i won't mention his name but he is quite a well-known and well-respected comedian said oh i know who's talking exactly yes i know the guy he said oh no i crystalia it's D'Elia? It's Chris D'Elia, isn't it? It's Dave Chappelle. And he said, oh, with Nell and I, I didn't get it at all.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I didn't think that was at all funny. And I just thought, you what? You what, mate? You fucking what? What did you get out of there, mate? What the fuck did you just say, you fucking nonce? That's what I said. Nonce is a good one.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah. Yeah. No, I thought that was great. And I only saw the thing like a couple of years ago, and I thought it was so good. And even though the effects are kind of old they still were like cool to watch they weren't like like bad uh green screen and stuff like that from like the early 2000s has aged so poorly but like the thing is like you
Starting point is 00:31:38 still watch it and it's you you can enjoy what's going on yeah when i saw alien it was the the sets are amazing and it's uh it's a little bit grimy too which is makes it cool because you're like you're so used to seeing space things being all like glimmery and and uh you know uh reflective metallic and there's just like you know no one's scrubbed down this space station for a while. Yeah. What's the point? It's just going to get goopy alien. Why? Why do I keep scrubbing down the spaceship? But then there are some times that it's just the aliens,
Starting point is 00:32:13 a guy in a suit. The alien is a guy in a suit, but you're not that aware of it because, uh, riddles the director, the Riddler keeps him fairly well. The Riddler himself keeps him fairly well hidden. The Riddler himself.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Keeps him quite well hidden in the shadows. So, you know, I think he was aware of the limitations of the guy in the suit. So he didn't want to make... Yeah, there's one part where the guy does jazz hands. Yeah. There's one where he's having a smoke. Well, exactly. The thing I always remember about is it space balls mel's the mel brooks movie where they have a little yeah alien spoof and the alien busts out
Starting point is 00:32:53 of someone's stomach and he he has a little top hat and a cane and starts dancing uh away from the table which is it is very good because it is that's the worst part of the actual film. The build up to the chest busting is amazing and terrifying. But when the actual thing pops out, I don't really know why he hasn't gone back and George Lucas style tweaked it and made it a bit more realistic. But it is. It's still absolutely ridiculous when the alien pops out with its little metal teeth yeah it's clearly just someone
Starting point is 00:33:30 holding it underneath the table and waggling it left and right hey guys I'm an alien I never saw I don't think I saw the like the redone Star Wars is I saw them when they the Redone Star Warses.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I saw them when they edited Jabba the Hutt to have a scene where he was walking around. Yes. It's very stupid. That was the stupidest thing I ever saw. Like there's one bit where they're in Mos Eisley and they are next to the Millennium Falcon and Han Solo is talking to him. And at one point he moves over Jabba's tail. Like he, in the original footage they shot, he would have moved through Jabba.
Starting point is 00:34:18 So they, so they digitally just made him raise up a little bit, step on Jabba's tail, and then come down again, and then they made Jabba, digital Jabba, go, oh! Like, oh, you stepped on my tail! Oh, that's disrespectful! I love that, because, yeah, they're
Starting point is 00:34:36 walking around just, like, having a chat. It's like, Jabba had the whole thing that's scary about him, is he, like, this slimy thing that just sits still, and everything's there within reaching distance. Yeah. But then when he's just like hanging out uttering in the in the mandalorian uh or the book of jabber is it i can't know it's the book called boba fett which i'm watching at the moment and very much enjoying but there's quite a lot of jabber action in that the jabber siblings turn up and they're your siblings yeah yeah sister and cousin can't remember and they're being carried on a big platform by loads of uh
Starting point is 00:35:16 hut slaves oh so they they they move too slowly they move slugs, so they need to be carried places. Is that kind of it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. That was a good effect. The original Jabba. That was pretty gross. Did they... The one... The silliest part of the Star Wars movies for me is when Luke has Yoda in a backpack on his back. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And it's clearly just walking a puppet around. Do they do anything with that? Well, they do variations on that with Baby Yoda. There's lots of Baby Yoda fun. I mean, have you seen any of the Mandalorian, for example? Yeah, I've walked in and out of the room. Lots of being watched. I don't have the Disney Plus. Ah, right right you don't have disney plus so does that mean that you haven't
Starting point is 00:36:11 had the pleasure of getting back with the beatles back with the who's the beatles oh the beatles i thought you said the Beeples, and I was like, maybe that's only UK. The Beatles made the fab four. I haven't, but I stand firm in my statement that I don't know if I like the Beatles or not, because I was just told to listen
Starting point is 00:36:40 to them, and they're the best for my whole life, so I don't even know. That's a part of me i haven't explored i and i i have seen it and i uh do like the beatles and uh don't even question it but i don't know if i need to see any more eight hours documentaries of them you only watched it the once but i was gonna say about baby yoda so. So you're not sufficiently committed to have weighed into the ridiculously passionate argument online about whether it was appropriate for Baby Yoda to eat some alien eggs. He did eat a bunch of eggs. I heard about that.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Was he like sitting down at a space denny's or what was he doing all these eggs raw eggs they would transport a frog lady was transporting some some frog spawn she has a name gwendolyn it's best best frog lady and um you know yeah ribbita or whatever she was i paused for a while and all i came up with was ribbita and do you know what it was great thank you so she uh hires the mandalorian to transport her and a canister of frog spawn to her home planet where she'll be reunited with her husband. And she says that the eggs represent the last of her kind. So the stakes are high. And Baby Yoda can't resist just going over to the canister and snaffling a few while they're in transit.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And the Mandalorian catches baby yoda every now and again says stop eating the eggs it's the last of her kind uh but they're delicious that's why they're so delicious baby yoda keeps snaffling them and it's a sort of running joke about he can't resist chomping on the on the um frog. But people were very upset online for all sorts of reasons because they felt that it was making light of people who have difficulties having children. They have fertility issues, maybe. And they felt that maybe it was making light of genocide.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh, Jesus. Yeah, he is wiping out a race i mean he doesn't wipe them out there's still some left i'm glad to say oh okay but he does oh he doesn't eat the last of the last no he doesn't eat all of them but he doesn't lick the plate no he doesn't scramble them up and but if imagine that you were in a vehicle that was transporting the last of a species, but it was in a tube and they were Pringles. You'd have a few. Well, because once you pop, you can't stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:39 The Pringle, I know, it's not looking good for the Pringle civilization at all. Just that guy with the mustache. That's so funny that there's a controversy about Baby Yoda, because I thought everybody loved Baby Yoda. Yeah, I think it's weird. I've never heard of people getting mad about any Star Wars thing. Yeah. Especially on the internet.
Starting point is 00:40:03 He's pretty much cancelled for a lot of people baby yoda well it was only a matter of time you know the internet falls in love with something and then they look into their past and uh yeah there he is eating die a hero or live long enough to eat a bunch of frog eggs hey i wanted to ask you a question that i'm i'm um i made a couple of notes about things i wanted to ask you guys is this okay should i okay yes please am i sure yeah sure it's your show now am i being too forward no no no this is the we're i'm excited all right good um i wanted to ask you, what do you mean when you say horny? Because I think horny means something different over here than it does in Canada. When do we say horny?
Starting point is 00:40:54 All the time? All the time. Like, oh, it's so horny. Yeah. It's all horny this year. Yeah. We mean it in terms of being horny, being like. The state of being horny. Randy, I of being horny randy i guess that's
Starting point is 00:41:08 something you maybe say over there picture a guy that's like got cold sweat all over his face and he's trembling because he's so turned on that's horny that's horny to me yeah okay what do you are we using it wrong well you just use it in very strange ways in that case because uh yeah no we say like horny uh a synonym would be randy um yeah sex sexed up jizzed up no no jizzed up i mean that sounds like the but we will definitely we'll say like yeah we're horny for pringles as well like yeah yeah that's true just uh you know we're lusting after whatever and graham and i are kind of the two horniest guys you'll ever meet yeah it's true it puts a lot of people off the show but the people who like it really like it
Starting point is 00:42:05 yeah but like people can tell like we're you know we're fully dressed but people can hear the nipple clamps we've got on clang clang rattle big bang yeah and my uh the gurgling of my stomach it's a horny gurgle okay good well i'm thank you for clearing that up i just wanted to okay cool how many questions the horny gurgle. Okay, good. Well, thank you for clearing that up. I just wanted to check. Okay, cool. How many questions do you have?
Starting point is 00:42:30 And what number was that? Question number one, horny. That was question three of 50 questions. Horny. Horny. Horny grumbles. That was one of the great vaudeville acts. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Horny grumbles. I one of the great vaudeville acts uh-huh horny grumbles i loved his um episode of wtf that's right i forgot he was on wtf come back horny well they had to repeat it recently when he died that's true you know you've made it if uh your episode of wtf plays after your death boy the wtf guests are dropping like flies. Yeah. I know. He has to do less and less work. He can just repeat
Starting point is 00:43:09 more or less the whole back catalog every week. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever had a guest who's died and you've repeated their episode?
Starting point is 00:43:17 No. Huh. I don't think so. Oh, boy. I might pop off fairly soon. Will you repeat this? Yes. Yeah. Why? Just Google. Well, exactly. Google Atom Bucks oh boy i might pop off fairly soon will you repeat this yes yeah why just google well exactly google adam bucks and they find his old episode it's still there you want me to do we have to do
Starting point is 00:43:32 a 10 minute intro but like oh adam was he meant a lot to us uh he i always remember him wearing a hat and uh sitting in front of some keyboards yeah Yeah. Sitting and having a microphone. Boy, that's one thing I'll cherish is his SM7B. And he had overprepared with too many questions. But still, what questions they were. Anyway, use the Mack Weldon coupon code DEADADAM this week and get yourself some cheap underwear. The one I keep hearing is for Noom. Do you ever hear ads for Noom?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yes, I do. I got asked to do a Noom ad for my podcast, and I passed on it because I thought it was a diet thing, but it's not exactly that is it it is a thing yeah it's like they do it they they use your brain they're they're supposed to it's like uh we're gonna hypnotize you then or is it's like nutrition through psychology yeah like uh if you um have feelings about your mom you should eat cauliflower instead of fondue, chocolate fondue. If you have any feelings about your mom, go straight for the cauliflower.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I bought all this chocolate fondue, though. I was under the impression that it's the finest thing you can eat. Have you ever had chocolate fondue, either of you? Yeah. It rules. the impression that it's the finest thing you can eat have you ever had chocolate fondue either of you yeah it rules it's just like chocolate melted and you dip fruit in it yeah yeah it's the best it's what fruit do you dip like uh like a melon or a strawberry or like a cut up banana um anything that'll go on a skewer basically is is fair game in the fondue world um you wouldn't do fondue now because of the pandemic that was if we probably put a big dent in the fondue we had uh we had fondue at christmas the cheese fondue oh yeah i don't like cheese so that is that's more or less ruled me out of the whole fondue world but you can get in on the chocolate
Starting point is 00:45:45 this is your chance to get in chocolate but i've got too many other sources of chocolate yeah that's true fondue is tipping it over a little sure you've got your whispers your flakes your terry's chocolate orange yes the best oh okay now look you've queued me up for another question here we go here we go all right mate so look i was gonna say uh i've made notes on some of my favorite stop podcasting yourself guests and episodes you got your obvious ones alicia tobin peter judaki uh charlie demers brent but how old is brent but is he older than me or am i the oldest person on stock podcast i think you might be your age maybe yeah no he's in his 50s no we've yeah we've definitely had older uh jimmy pardo yeah jimmy pardo born in the 60s
Starting point is 00:46:42 oh yeah good well i was born in the 60s pat Oh, yeah, good. Well, I was born in the 60s. Patrick Stewart was on. Yeah, sure. We had... We had the old lady from Titanic. Yeah, we had Noah from the Bible. He's 900 years old. Red Skelton. Red Skelton was on one of the early episodes.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Dino Archie. I love Dino Archie. Go back and listen to the red skeleton episode he just died yeah it's very muddy epson from uh i think from wizard of oz or maybe the beverly hillbillies or maybe both but james hartnett episode 717 you were talking about sweets or candy, as I believe you call it, and sweets that you've never tried. You mentioned Toblerone. And there's a couple of things I just wanted to cross-examine you on. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Clear the air about. First of all, thing one, you said Toblerone didn't have nuts. You're pretty confident about that, Dave. Description on the packaging is smooth Swiss milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat. So you got nuts in that almond nougat. I never had one. I knew it. You also said, and this is more important, that they weren't nice.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I think you both agreed that they weren't nice. And I object. You said they were. I have no, no leg to stand on. I've never had one. Have you not? No, because I can't eat nuts. Can't eat nuts.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yes, mate. Of course. My, here's Toblerone. It's fine. It's not what I'd reach for. It's always in a duty-free store. And the triangle shape is hard on the old cheeks i was gonna ask what's your favorite triangle sheet shaped uh food doritos
Starting point is 00:48:32 oh doritos that's good pizza slices pie slices well they used to have they used speaking of um confectionery they used to have a thing called a pyramid in this country i don't suppose they ever had that over there did they no tell me more i want to learn all about pyramid pyramid i don't think you would have got on very well with it dave oh i see it if you think that the toblerone is uh unwieldy and painful in the mouth then the pyramid would present an even greater challenge although i think the deal with the pyramid was that you could bite the top off. It's a bit like a cream egg, but a triangle shaped one,
Starting point is 00:49:08 um, with mint inside with, uh, yes. Like mint cream. Ooh, that actually sounds really nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I was pretty, is that like a Christmas time food or all year long food? They used to do it all year round. I think, uh, how big, oh, you know, I think. How big? Oh, you know, a meter. No, it was about...
Starting point is 00:49:28 It was about the same sort of size as a Cadbury's cream egg or that kind of thing. But they do sell Toblerones that are about a meter long. Yes. I've consumed many of them. But that's a Christmas time thing thing you can't get a total around
Starting point is 00:49:47 any day of the year can you no you can get them literally i for years they were only in airports yes that's right they're in airport food uh but now you can get them anytime you want you can get anything anytime you want like the the cadbury mini eggs are now year-round eggs. But you know what you can't get? Mint shake at a McDonald's. That's still only on St. Patrick's Day. The shamrock. Mint shake.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Is that nice? No, but it's something different. The shakes were different when I was a kid. I feel like the shakes were better. Everything was better. Everything was better everything was better in the fucking old day yeah what about they used to do your canadian accent oh i'll do my canadian hey oh hey i am tony fans over here yeah oh hey sorry buddy oh everything was oh you
Starting point is 00:50:41 want i'm gonna i'm gonna escape to the moose barbecue. Oh, hey. Good luck. Yeah, exactly. In Canada, moose barbecue is you. I was stopped by a Mountie for failing to finish my poutine. You got us. You got us nailed. Let's go to Tim Hortons for a cup of syrup.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Have you been to Tim hortons have you ever had have you been to canada no i'd love to go if you come here we'll go to tim hortons how about that yeah yeah man where are you are you in vancouver or are you in where are you we're in vancouver yeah oh we'll take the skidoo to the uh tim hortons yeah, we'll hunt grizzlies and we'll drink Slurpees. That's a big thing in Canada. And yeah, we'll
Starting point is 00:51:33 what else is a big Canadian thing? Oh, we'll take you to the Prime Minister's house. Yeah. We'll sit around and be reasonable about things. We'll try to be as reasonable as possible. Well, boy, we'll have a convoy of truckers going across the country. Do you know that our prime minister still does not reside in the prime minister house that they have? He still lives in his own pad.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Cool. That's weird. I couldn't imagine the president being like i'm not gonna live in the white house i'm gonna just live my sisters used to live in the same apartment building as him and as trudeau yeah and the previous tenant of their apartment was sarah mclaughlin oh wow so that was like melrose place vancouver Hell yeah. For a time. Did they take the pictures of him all blacked up? No, they didn't have a camera, but he, every day, that was him every day. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He gave plenty of occasions to get those snaps. He really did. If it wasn't blackface, then it was some sort of fun Jamaican accent, presumably. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's one of our best and brightest yeah look he's not without his problems he hasn't been having uh lockdown booze parties though like uh
Starting point is 00:52:56 like our one oh yeah yeah not that we know of but no your guy's great we love your guy yeah he's a party guy he's a party guy. He's a party guy. He's got messed up hair. He's like a rascal. His hair is the best. He just looks like a little kid that an adult has done. Yeah, he's been tousled. That's his USP. That's what he wants everyone to think,
Starting point is 00:53:20 is that he's an adorable, tousled little Muppet. Yeah. Actually, he's a contemptuous um part no of course sure but but was he uh is it one of his things is that he kind of would look like a bumbling idiot and people thought that was endearing is that part of his his ability to like i remember him getting stuck on a uh zipline yeah and then that being like everybody's like well he's at it again this yes there is a there's a part of the british psyche that loves that i think eddie the eagle uh anything of you know anything a bit tragic and loserish um i think some brits really respond to it and think yeah come on and boris had that and we are
Starting point is 00:54:10 told that he used to deliberately mess up his hair before press conferences because he was aware of the effect that the tousled mop and he would come out in like little pajamas with the bottom flap and his knob hanging out that's right oh look at his little knob hanging out this guy's little little boris knob hanging put it away but no no put it away this guy fluffy pubes as well like his head on his head that's nice stop yanking on it stop yanking on it we're doing a press conference but listen we got sidetracked Toblerone I'll just tie up that loose end um I mean this is very boring it doesn't need tying up just to say that I sympathized with all your uh objections the painful shape,
Starting point is 00:55:05 et cetera, but it is a great, great thing. That is something I've discovered in the last few years, the joy of Toblerone. And the way to handle it is just to, you know, I like the giant one and you just bite the top of the triangle off and you just let that melt in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I'm not good at letting things melt in my mouth. Do you have Aero bars over there? Yes. Aero bars, they're filled with bubbles. Love it. And the idea in the commercial is you take a square of them and you just let it melt on your mouth and the bubbles pop. Beautiful. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:39 No, me neither. I have to eat the whole bar in 10 seconds. Nom, nom, nom, nom. Yeah. And it's even one of those chocolate bars that has segments, where it's like, this is how many is a serving of. Yeah. I don't like it when chocolate bars have that,
Starting point is 00:55:56 because then I feel pretty bad about how many segments they have. Oh, I'm not supposed to eat it all right now? But no, I'll go out and get a meter long toblerone uh maybe for out my wife will get me one for valentine's day beautiful and you can get them with your name on as well like a kind of uh you know a name placard from the un yes They are the little triangle. I'm representing Samoa. I would like Samoa, please. All right, I'm going to go now. I'm not going.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I was just retiring after that Samoa comment. Great. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Well, this past week, first of all, nothing is going on with you, man? Well, this past week First of all, nothing is going on with me Here's a little story Last Friday I was driving my kids to school And as I was driving them to school I said
Starting point is 00:56:58 Hey, what would you like for dinner tonight? Because I had no idea what we were going to have And they said, one of my kids said artichokes okay and i was like great steam up some artichokes dip them in butter perfect my other kid said chicken bones which is what she calls chicken wings chicken bones and so i was like okay fine it was like a messy finger dinner we We'll get some chicken wings. We'll get some artichokes. We'll get our hands dirty. And they said, oh, but we want this to be fancy.
Starting point is 00:57:31 They said, I want us to have dinner at the table. At the table, silver dishes, bring out the silverware, bring out the thing. What do you call that when you unveil? The cloche. The cloche. Yeah. What do you call that when you unveil? The cloche.
Starting point is 00:57:44 The cloche, yeah. Dave, sidebar, what music do you play in the car when you're driving your children around? Popular music. Popular music. It's not like they don't go like, put on Disney radio or whatever. No, no. There's three pop stations in the city, and I rotate between them. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Although on Fridays, CBC, from like 8 like 8 30 to 9 as i'm driving them uh they will pick one artist and do the what they call the essentials okay and last week it was daft punk and we just listened to some daft punk fun that's fun that's a fun way to pass today it was neil young and i'm i'm very anti neil young at the moment yeah i'm pretty huge spotify yeah i gotta my uh allegiance lies with the streaming site keeps like uh with you know quietly ratcheting up the amount of money that it costs every month yeah reg and giving less and less to the artist and giving more money to joe rogan yes but he he's you know he's had to make do without for a long time so it's true yeah uh anyway so
Starting point is 00:58:55 we're driving they say they we want these foods we want it fancy we're we're gonna dress up we want to wear nice clothes whoa and and i was like oh do i have to dress up and they're like yes you have to wear a suit you have to wear a suit preferably black tie but if you so uh is this for a special occasion or is this just no no this was just friday it was they decided this is what it's a special Friday's a special occasion. Yeah. Yeah. And so I started, I made dinner. And it's, I'm like deep frying the wings. I'm, you know, I've got an instant pot making the artichokes.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm like melting butter for the dip. I'm doing so many things. And I'm like, I don't have time to get dressed up. I'm just wearing like corduroy pants and a shirt. And so when I'm done, I'm like, I race upstairs. They're like, dad,
Starting point is 00:59:47 you have to go put on a tie. And so I just put on a white shirt, a tie and a tweed coat. That sounds pretty good. That sounds fancy enough. And I come downstairs and they're, they started laughing at me and they say, you look like Mr.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Bean. Oh man. and they say you look like mr bean i was hoping we wouldn't go a whole podcast without mentioning mr bean of course it's mr oh man they burnt you so good yeah it's like the whole day was just a setup for this. Yeah. It's artichokes and chicken wings and beans. They weren't even, they weren't even dressed up themselves or anything. No, they all got dressed up. It was very nice. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:38 that the, uh, and I looked in the mirror and I was like, you're right. I'm, this is what Mr. Bean would wear. Time for other jokes.
Starting point is 01:00:47 One. So do you have, like, over in England, you must have, like, the next few seasons of Mr. Bean before we got them. I don't know what's going on. Speaking of characters I'd like to catch up with yeah that's true what's been up to now right he's all he's gonna be all depressed that he's having a midlife crisis how old was he in like at the height of his fame i would say he was in his late 30s or about 40 yeah about 40 seems right to me okay so yes with the height of his fame i never saw the movie no and i remember reading an interview with rowan atkinson like years and years
Starting point is 01:01:33 later that he said he was tired of playing mr bean but he hadn't played him for like a solid decade or something but maybe he gets a lot of requests, you know, put a turkey on your head, etc. Do some of the greats. Yeah, bounce up and down on a bed. Yes. Yeah. Well, he did. He did been at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. Oh, just the opening ceremonies, not the swimming, not the diving.
Starting point is 01:02:01 He didn't do any actual events. No. Although they should allow one celebrity that's right it's just some random celebrity he could be the mascot we've got tom scarrett is in the relay race we got to pick one celebrity and we're going with tom scarrett um uh yeah he said i'm i'm tired of playing mr bean i want to be mr bean but he's a spy yeah i think we talk enough about johnny english that dave i think we should watch johnny english we should watch all of it yeah i bet john English is good. I bet it's really funny.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Adam, have you seen it? No, I've not seen Johnny English. They did a series of adverts for a bank over in this country as well. So those were on quite a lot. Mr. Bean or Johnny English? Johnny English, yeah. Oh, okay. And it felt like all the johnny english i needed really was
Starting point is 01:03:06 just the the bank ads yeah okay yeah all i've ever seen is the poster i don't think i've even seen a trailer i've i'm i'm seeing the headlines right now adam buxton thinks he's too good for johnny english yeah well you know i maybe i'm missing out. I've never seen Sister Act, and I'm told that that is an absolute peach. I hear Sister Act 2 is even better. Oh, really? She's back in the habit. She's back in the habit. Did you know that the second Lord of the Rings book was going to be called Back in the Hobbit?
Starting point is 01:03:38 You didn't know that. I don't know that you need to see Sister Act. I mean, that's fine. Yeah. It's cute. It's like, what's the one? Ah, crap. I was going to say the one about all the singing,
Starting point is 01:03:57 but then I was like, it's not called sing. It's called, what is the one with Anna Kendrick? Oh, Pitch Perfect. Pitch Perfect. Pitch Perfect. It's like that. It's like a fun singing. If we can put this into your terms, Sister Act is like a nun version of The Full Monty.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Yeah, there you go. Where all the nuns dance naked. Very controversial in this country. We've been having quite a few retro movie watching nights. Well, we had a lot of them during the lockdowns. But more recently, we've been on a kind of, what's the word? You know, insalubrious? No, undernutritious.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Boy, is that the word? Oh, oh man i hope that's the word can i get uh language of origin uh unedifying um basically like no no brain required big action movies okay yeah we had con air the other day nice and that was a hit everyone enjoyed con air i hadn't seen it i forgot dave chappelle was in that and uh there's using con air yeah yeah he's quite good he was he's all young and um and groovy and not cancelled. Yeah, these were the pre-cancelled years. Robin Hood's Men in Tights. Exactly. It was good fun. So then the following weekend, there was pressure on to repeat the success of Con Air with a similar movie.
Starting point is 01:05:39 I did some Googling, and I was assured by the internet that a film i would enjoy just as much was under siege with steven seagal ah yes and i'd seen under siege before years and years ago in the 90s probably when it came out and i thought yeah i think it was fun so we sat around and watched that dog shit i mean it is absolutely unwatchable more or less he's a very he's a mysterious character steven seagal isn't he as a movie phenomenon because he's his whole delivery is so weirdly low-key and his whole thing is just to talk like this the whole time regardless of what's happening hey i'm in a meat locker on a on a warship could you please let me out because i'm worried that tommy lee jones is gonna take over the nuclear bombs oh that's right. Is he the cook in that one? He's the cook. Sure he is. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And he's also an ex. I think he used to be, he used to do some kicking and punching. He's like an ex Navy SEAL or something. He's an ex kick punch. Yeah, there you go. But he was a maverick, I think. And so he got busted down to cook. To cook.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah, that's right. so he got busted down to cook to cook yeah that's right and then the the only reason all my friends saw it was there's a scene where uh they've hired a stripper that's on the boat and she pops out of a cake and she's not wearing any top so that was big for uh but also that that so she's there the whole time they're under siege like yeah yeah that's what are you paying her an hour like she's got oh she's getting siege pay don't you worry about that you gotta let her off the boat like this is a terrible gig like you're doing one sexy dance and then you're stuck on a boat yeah oh yeah you mean if things had gone according to plan yeah yeah because well in in actual fact she ends up being quite an important part of the
Starting point is 01:07:45 ass-kicking yes yeah and um proves that there's no i never doubted her for a second sure sure um well those that like genre of movie called van damme um was a, they were never good. Like Con Air is, is they got like famous people to be in Con Air. And then there was just like, you know, Steven Seagal, Jean-Claude Van Damme,
Starting point is 01:08:14 and it's like a handful of other people who made like bad on purpose. But they don't think they were bad on purpose. I think everybody that's making that kind of movie thinks this is good this is going to be good the poster's great steven seagal definitely thinks he's doing good work i think i read uh brian cox's autobiography recently you know him he plays logan roy in succession oh yes yeah. And he, in fact, I made a note of it. He was talking about Steven Seagal. Steven Seagal, he says, because he was in a film with Steven Seagal, The Glimmer Man.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Okay. And I think more or less the first chapter of the book by Brian Cox, he says, Steven Seagal is as ludicrous in real life as he appears on screen he radiates a studied serenity as though he's on a higher plane to the rest of us and while he's certainly on a different plane no doubt about that it's probably not a higher one he uh i can't remember where he heard it, but he would say that he was invincible, right? And he said to some guy that he could kick his ass at like a bar or something like that. Anyways, it was a stuntman and the stuntman kicked his ass so fast, I think he punched him in the face once and he dropped like a bag of hammers.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Apparently he's quite an accomplished blues guitarist. Yes, that's true. Yes. He sits around and he's got like a big tent dress that he wears. Yeah. I love him. He's a big guy. And if you Google him these days, it looks as if someone's used a black Sharpie to draw a widow's peak and a goatee.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yes. Over a photo of an old guy can you imagine meeting somebody that all of the music they like is just uh like famous guys side bands yeah it's just like put on keifer sutherland's album yeah yeah bruce willis's album 20 odd foot of grunts. Have you heard the new Duchovny? And of course, what was the, were they called the box cutters?
Starting point is 01:10:34 Um, who's the, Oh yeah. Box masters. Billy Bob Thornton, the box master. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:40 And that's one of my favorite YouTube clips is him going absolutely mental at Jan Gomeshi on Q. Yes. Because that was his most famous thing. He wasn't being sufficiently respectful to the other members of the band. He was asking. He had all these questions about being a Hollywood celebrity. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Yeah. And he just went all he gave him the silent treatment oh and guess who uh guess who whose side i'm on well exactly things have changed i remember i used to think oh poor jan gomeshi and of course now it's like i just watch it and enjoy seeing him squirm yeah he's uh I didn't realize he had made it that far across the ocean. I thought that he was Canada only problem. Internet, mate. We get it all. Do you get Kevin Bacon's band?
Starting point is 01:11:38 Because the Bacon Brothers, they're good. The Bacon Brothers, yeah. Wow. I didn't know Kevin Bacon had a band. Oh, yeah. who else have you got you got 20 seconds from Mars
Starting point is 01:11:49 30 seconds 30 sorry House of the Dog is that one of them what Keanu Reeves was Dogstar Dogstar
Starting point is 01:11:58 but he only played bass yeah Michael Cera didn't he have a band oh yeah he may have played with mr heavenly for a while and it's only blokes then are there any female actors who yeah i think they know better
Starting point is 01:12:13 no no there's zoey de chanel and oh yeah she and she and the guy yeah and scarlett johansson did an album of tom wait's cover that's right yes Why good, actually? She's got a very good voice. Well, she's in Sing, too. You have to have a good voice to be in Sing, too. Yeah, that's right. Graham, what's going on with you? Really not much. But here's the thing that's really, really got me flummoxed in the last couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Is Vancouver, effective, I don't know know like midway through january no more plastic bags you go into the store you the plastic bag no longer an option you could some places have paper bags some places that have nothing at all how do you auto autoerotic asphyxiate yourself i do it with ziploc bags now or tobacco leaves yeah tobacco leaves exactly um but yeah they don't uh no place has plastic bags anymore first of all that's what i use as garbage bags so now it's they're dwindling now in my uh apartment there's only so many left and i feel like it going to start some sort of black market for plastic bags. Someone posted a thing about how they, it was on a rainy day, they use a plastic bag to cover their bike seat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:33 And that that was stolen. I don't know if I believe that. But. Like people, people steal bikes, but now I have to lock up my plastic bag. But like the stores that had plastic bags bags they didn't just run out of them so they've got stashes of plastic bags somewhere and if i was a if i was an employee of a place that had it i would steal them and sell them just on craigslist like i'll sell you 25 uh i'll sell them per quarter so i'll sell you 25 for a quarter or uh 65 if you buy 50 cents or
Starting point is 01:14:06 something like oh you could just go down to the seaside graham and you could pluck a few of those plastic bags from the sea remove them from the nose of a dolphin yeah but maybe the dolphin likes it up there the dolphin is actuallyerotic, asphyxiating himself. Well, what about... They're a very horny creature. With that bottle nose, sure, they get up to all sorts of stuff. I heard when I was growing up, and we were learning about sex education and...
Starting point is 01:14:44 What do you call it when you try not to have a baby? Contraception. Contraception. I heard that dolphins could just like turn off their reproductive functions and just have sex for fun. Turn off the spunky tap. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:15:04 They're more advanced than we are. It's time we all acknowledge that the dolphins they're existing on the steven seagal plane way above but so like going to a store now there's no where you go in and like oh i just need to get a cough medicine but i here i'm here i'll buy a candy bar i'll buy oh yeah there's no more of that because i've done that and it's like one like a banana in my pocket i've got uh i've got to just carry the milk freestyle i've got like an orange yeah i why i live close enough to a store that i sometimes go like oh i just need to up something. I don't need to bring a bag. And then I'll be like, okay. I'll be like, oh, whoops, I bought four things.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And like, now I have to buy something flat to act as a tray for me to like carry these things. I will have one of your pizzas. Yeah, I'll buy a ream of paper. It's never been a problem for me because I've always been a backpack nerd. I've always been a backpack nerd. I've always been. backpack nerd. I've always been a backpack nerd. I've always been. So, because I cycle everywhere. So, I always have numerous bags accessible at all times.
Starting point is 01:16:15 I'm always prepared. Plus, I'm a bags for life guy. So, I mean, we've got about a thousand bags. Do you have bags for life over there? Surely you do. No. Oh, right. We have bad about a thousand. Do you have bags for life over there? Surely you do. No. Oh, right. We have bad boys for life.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yeah. I mean, that's the dream. But at the moment, we've just got in the supermarkets. And this was about 10 years ago they started doing these. um instead of a plastic bag you could buy for two quid or a quid or something like a fairly tough shopping bag that presumably that was supposed to last forever and right uh but the problem was that you always forgot to take them to the store and then yeah well we have like just yeah you buy more and more of them yeah okay there you go tote bags but yeah it's definitely uh yeah it's i mean now i've got tote bags a plenty but yeah i forget to bring them basically every time i leave the house
Starting point is 01:17:18 yeah and uh yeah so it's it's something i'm off uh It's caught me off guard, and if anybody out there knows a hot tip of where I can get myself some plastic bags, do let me know. Yeah, and they're also... Coffee cups, they're now charging you for, but they haven't outlawed them. No, but you know what? I'd gladly pay more. I love a coffee cup. But you can't reuse a coffee cup and i that's a like you can't take a starbucks one into another coffee shop and say fill this up i feel like they won't do it they'll make you get a new cup so you're not carrying around your chili flask
Starting point is 01:17:58 or whatever it's called yeah we don't keep our chili flasks with us. I usually have a chili flask in my garter belt on my leg. So I could just take a quick swig of chili when I'm at the mobster's funeral. In your utility belt. Who's that eating chili in the back? Gargling chili. is not me uh do you guys want to move on to some overheards yes hi i'm jesse thorne america's radio sweetheart and i'm jordan morris boy detective our comedy podcast j Jesse, Go, just celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was a couple months ago, but we forgot. Yeah, completely.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Our silly show is 15 years old. That makes it old enough to get its learner's permit. And almost old enough to get the talk. Wow, I hope you got the talk before then. A lot of things have changed in 15 years. Our show's not one of them. We're never changing and you can't make us jordan jesse go the same forever at or wherever you get your podcasts
Starting point is 01:19:14 prepare yourself for the greatest pro wrestling podcast spectacular known as a back-dropping audio showcase that helps you understand the world of pro wrestling podcast spectacular known as Tides and Fights. A back-dropping audio showcase that helps you understand the world of pro wrestling with a lot of love and no toxic masculinity. Featuring host Daniel Radford. Time to kick butt and chew gum.
Starting point is 01:19:38 And I'm all out of butts. Lindsay Kell. I'm a brutal Brit and my fists were made to punch and hit. And Hal Loveland. I was doing brutal Brit and my fists were made to punch and hit. And Hal Lublin. I was doing the voiceover this whole time. Hear us talk about pro wrestling's greatest triumphs and failures. And make fun of its weekly absurdities.
Starting point is 01:19:57 On the perfect wrestling podcast. Tights and Fights. Every Saturday, Saturday, Saturday on Maximum Fun. and fights every saturday saturday saturday on maximum fun overheard overheards a segment where um to the lucky few sometimes you hear something that's oh so wonderful and it's so worth it to share it with friends or with us and uh you know we we appreciate everybody for reaching out with their overseens their overheards etc we always like to start with the guest adam would you please lead the charge okay i was really racking my brains for a vocal overheard something funny that someone said but i'm not good at hearing those things i think
Starting point is 01:20:45 because i say so many stupid things myself most of the time also you live out in the country by yourself i live out in the country that's a factor but you know if someone says something daft um i'm usually thinking yeah fair enough i agree uh so it doesn't nothing much strikes me as ludicrous. But one thing I did overhear the other day was a noise. And I recorded it for you. I was on a train heading down to London. A couple of days ago, this was. And it was in the middle of the afternoon.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I feel as if I've got my train routine absolutely nailed these days. I always travel at, you know, like the quietest time in the afternoon. I have that privilege to be able to organize my days the way I want. And so it was a lovely, quiet train. I was looking forward to a couple of hours sitting there and um tapping away at my laptop and catching up on some work i get on the train and there is a bloke a geezer a loud fucking geezer a yardie he wasn't a yardie chav he wasn't a chav imagine a biggie a biggier um a bigger beefier danny mcbride okay oh yeah late 20s short hair though no mullet blue jeans big black kind of snowboarding jacket or something
Starting point is 01:22:20 like that right and he is sat there he's got a table to himself in a in a otherwise more or less empty carriage but it was the carriage that i was going to sit in because it was more or less empty and he is playing with a phone app that i think is a it was a dj app or something and it was one of these things where like it plays a beat you can select the beat and then presumably you can lob in samples and just switch around from clip to clip i don't know what but he the guy was not using headphones and he was blasting out these loops at top volume so i went and um stood just behind him actually i wasn't even behind him i was at the other end of the carriage and and i recorded the uh the sound just to give you an idea of what
Starting point is 01:23:14 we're dealing with here and i sent a clip to dave have you got that clip dave holy shit good song 35 more seconds so that sound or variations thereon was going on for the entire journey that's insane i was just thinking what am i gonna do because this is uh this is terrible and this is uh absolutely disastrous
Starting point is 01:23:58 and i couldn't i i tried putting some headphones on and i could hear it through the headphones I tried putting some headphones on and I could hear it through the headphones. I would have went up to him and said, hey, you got any glow sticks? That would be my. I would have been like, oi. Yeah. So I was going to ask you, what would you do in that situation? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I would write my member of parliament. I would try to get that. That should be illegal. Like they should be. Police should be knocking people out. Yeah. Like just beating people up. But it's something that happens more and more.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I've noticed is people just not using headphones for devices. Yes. So I was in a restaurant the other day, in fact, and there was a guy dining on his own. And this was a fairly nice restaurant, but he was on his own and this was a fairly nice restaurant but he was on his own he had his uh laptop on open on the table he's snaffling away at his food and he was watching a sitcom with the volume right up um and joylessly listening to this thing and no one was really saying anything this was not in this country actually well i say the other day this is a couple of years ago i remember but it stuck with me and i just thought what the hell is going on there and i'm too much of a weed
Starting point is 01:25:16 to say anything and also i'm worried that it's my problem to an extent as well like i'm worried that like i'm just a old uptight fart man and i should just calm down no you're you're in the right it's you're still a young fart man okay yeah i uh i was having dinner with past guest uh emmet hall a couple years ago and there was a guy kind of same thing at like the other end of the restaurant playing either music or some kind of video game thing and emmet to uh his ultimate credit went up to the guy and said hey man we're all trying to eat dinner here and uh the guy was so shocked and shamed that he turned it off so you know i think probably there's at least a small contingent that don't know they're being
Starting point is 01:26:02 awful i do love the idea of doing it in like a super fancy restaurant and just having your laptop open watching big bang theory as somebody asked somebody else to marry them let me put on some marriage proposal like one of those fancy restaurants where they like you have multiple courses and then between the courses the waiter comes by with those little scrapers and scrapes the crumbs onto a little plate. Can I scrape the crumbs off of your laptop, sir? Would you like me to wipe the smears from your laptop screen? Shall I spray down?
Starting point is 01:26:39 The soup on your laptop screen must be. There's a couple of pubes that i could remove very easily keyboard there if you'd like yeah that's the sort of um it's the modern mr creosote you know mr creosote from monty python's meaning of life with his giant yeah yeah the giant guy who eventually explodes but now he wouldn't be eating he'd just be watching uh yeah big bang theory and laughing away the thing is my dad who is no longer with us but so he was um well he must have been in his 50s like in the 1970s and he was definitely someone who would go out and challenge everybody like that and i think in the 70s certainly in the
Starting point is 01:27:26 uk there was still an idea that some things were not done and you couldn't get away with them and you better not try and my dad definitely saw himself like these blokes playing on the roof exactly what's the noise in there that's right my dad would have been with the with the cop in uh going into saville row and going now this is just it's it's not necessary that's what the cop keeps saying about the shops the shops around here it's not it's not fair to the shops it's just it's not necessary just keep turn it off it's not but my dad would have just gone up to the bloke on the train and said turn that filthy racket down nice and that would have been the end that was his standard line for anything that he didn't like
Starting point is 01:28:18 noise wise would turn that filthy racket down? Unless you were playing tennis and then he'd say, put that filthy racket down. I was thinking of various things that I could do. I was thinking, apart from, you know, I could have easily just gone up and said, excuse me, I wonder if you could turn that down a little bit. It's quite loud. And he might have been absolutely fine. But nowadays, you always think like there's a possibility that it might go bad.
Starting point is 01:28:55 And I don't know if that's the hill that I... You've got all that knife crime over there. Yeah, a lot of knife crime. I'm always scared that the person will freak out if I tell them hey you're bothering the worst for me is movie theaters because the it needs to be dark and then someone has their screen and it makes it too bright yeah yes and i've been on a lot of buses and trains where somebody is wearing earbuds or headphones and you can still come
Starting point is 01:29:22 you can hear it coming out of that like uh you can hear the beats or whatever so the oh the best is when people now have a little uh speaker a little bluetooth yeah that's right you can hear their stuff they wear around their neck like a st bernard they go pair up to anybody's phone yeah please i i'm dying I need Lady Gaga Dave do you have an overheard? Yes Sort of barely I was walking the dog the other day Through a neighborhood
Starting point is 01:29:56 And as I was walking A Porsche Someone parked their Porsche Sports car Right outside their house and this kid, this like eight-year-old girl, jumps out of the passenger seat and the dad gets out of the driver's seat and the girl goes to close the door and the dad
Starting point is 01:30:19 just says, push by the door, not the glass, love. Thank you. And it was just like such a what the evil guy in like an 80s movie would say it's just like i'm tearing down the youth centers i can build a parking lot uh but be very careful with my porsche yeah and you know that porsche isn't making it to the end of the movie with my porsche yeah and you know that porsche isn't making it to the end of the movie oh yeah the cement truck's gonna fire some cement in it or a bunch of seagulls are gonna come by and poo all over like just like having kids and having to make sure that they like handle something the right way and not break it oh how old is she again. About eight. The idea of just being like,
Starting point is 01:31:05 oh, you got to push it by the door, not the window. This is how Porsches work. Yes. What do you and Abby do with your Faberge eggs? Do you just keep them? Do you only bring them out for Easter? Boy, the kids are like, they want to do this baby Yoda thing
Starting point is 01:31:19 where they dress up like Grogu. What is the most valuable thing that has been destroyed either by your young children or your dogs oh the dog my old dog uh ate like one of the back when they had those ipod ipods that were uh just like the size of a pack of gum yes oh yeah yeah yeah like a like a usb stick a memory stick yeah yeah yeah he chewed one of those he chewed a pair of glasses that was probably that happened to me as well that is very distraughtening isn't it uh the kids the kids it's just a bunch of little stuff it's just like, you're just dragging your hand along the paint of the wall. Like, that's going to look bad. But today, you know, it's not noticeable today, but over time.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Yeah. You're just going to wear down that part of the wall. Yeah. It's just going to have fingerprints. Yeah. It's a lot of smudging. Yeah. The kids are just like slowly ruining everything yeah
Starting point is 01:32:25 and then yes of course it starts out with uh it starts out with pieces of hi-fi equipment headphones glasses etc things like that being ruined and then eventually it's your marriage it's your bank account it's your philosophy it's your will to live kids i don't know no my kids are angels yeah uh and playing the outfield that's why i'm totally i think it's cool to have a porsche and drive around your kids in a Porsche. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you ever been in a Porsche? I've never been in a Porsche. Graham?
Starting point is 01:33:09 Oh, I go in Porsches all the time. I break into them, I sleep in them, and then I leave. I don't take anything. I just want to sleep in a Porsche. Also, it seemed odd to me. It seemed like the kid, like you're not supposed to have your kid in the front seat yet, and this car only had front seats. Cool. That's a weekend dad. Yeah. You'll just have to sit in my porsche no child seat for you yeah uh so yeah that's barely an
Starting point is 01:33:34 overheard how about you oh you want to hear barely an overheard boy oh boy here it comes um i'm lucky today that the the crazy construction in the basement is not happening right now because there's been an ongoing sewage. The whole building smells like sewage situation. And, uh, they dug up one of the, like one of the hallways, they dug it up and I thought that was the end of it, but then it started getting worse and worse. So they're like, uh, they're chiseling away the laundry room. They've got a huge hole going on in there.
Starting point is 01:34:05 And I can hear the guys yelling back and forth the whole day. And I wish that they'd give me something juicier than this. But it's two guys. And the one guy was yelling to the guy outside. And he said, where's the shovel? And the guy said, I'm using it. And he said, for what? And then he just a long pause for shoveling.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Yeah, exactly. What do you think i'm doing with a bus this has your landlord sent out a thing saying please nobody go to the bathroom for the next few weeks yeah could you use the could you use the supplied jugs and ziploc bags that we've left in front of your door yes the reusable shopping bags and you can see why i'm in a i'm in a real bind here because uh that's what i'm using well i i sympathize that's grim but one of the things that happened to me after getting covid which i did last year in sept, I got the Delta variant. One of the most aggressive forms of COVID. How'd you like that?
Starting point is 01:35:12 I didn't like it. And it was overrated, I thought. And it laid me out. And I just had the booster as well. booster as well and the combination of the booster and covid was bad and i immediately lost my smell and taste and it hasn't fully come back yet at all and it's come back in a sort of mutated uh form but i can't like i can i can taste certain things like mainly things that are bad for me so like sweets and biscuits fine not too bad um toblerones toblerones great stuff you've got really bad taste in podcasts yeah exactly uh but i can't really smell anything obnoxious.
Starting point is 01:36:08 So, and you might think that that was a good thing. Like I do, I'm in charge of the bins here at Castle Puckles, but so I don't smell all the bin juice that I used to smell and used to make me. Oh yeah. So that's nice. But one,
Starting point is 01:36:24 one obnoxious thing i can't smell anymore which i really miss is my farts adam i apologize it's not that sort of podcast it's not that short a show but you know what i say uh and i say this to all of our guests that have had their smell ruined and miss their farts. Do it into a jar. Seal that up. Save it. Yeah, like that lady from 90 Day Fiance. She was making so much money.
Starting point is 01:36:54 Yeah, but then she ended up in the emergency room. But you know what? When she stopped doing them, they became collectibles because there was only going to be so many of them. Yeah. They're like BB babies. They're NFTs. They come out of your ass. collectibles because there was only going to be so many of them yeah was she what was bbp they're nfts they come out of your ass was she uh so was it her breath no her farts and she was selling them online and uh obviously
Starting point is 01:37:18 there's like some market out there for it but yeah by making it a limited run uh you know the one that i bought now all of a sudden has a value i'm lucky i didn't know yeah yeah yeah yeah i did on the ground floor yeah would it survive though like i mean would it if you apparently it does it does yeah like a fine wine so you could uncork that thing in 20 years and you'd still get the your fart cellar yeah wow maybe i should do that because at the moment i i get a weird odor which is like electrical burning so there is always the possibility that i am a robot and i am finally smelling my blue smoke come out? My nipples start spinning. Now, we also have overheards sent in to us from all over the map. If you want to send one in to us, send it in to spy at
Starting point is 01:38:17 And this first one comes from, who is this from? Russ in Calgary. from who's this from russ in calgary uh this is uh an old lady uh with a pulled down face mask to facetime loudly with her friend so it's not just young kids with their with their crazy music it's also the seniors are getting it in the action uh when she couldn't hear she turned up the volume and her friend asked her to repeat what she had said so she said loudly for the whole waiting room to hear the cauliflower I cooked last night was overcooked, but I'll make a better one on Saturday when I have company over.
Starting point is 01:38:52 So that was just a run through cauliflower. Cauliflower news. Just a dry run. I, uh, yeah. My problem with cauliflower is if I make, uh,
Starting point is 01:39:02 you know, half a head of cauliflower, I'm not going to make the second half of it yeah well you know what you can do with the second half is you can give it up your ass no sorry you could give your daughters them and they could bring them to school as a like a bisection of a brain yeah that's true they're brainy i only recently got on board with the whole cauliflower board with the whole cauliflower project um you had like a like a uh well you have no taste no that's true it's a perfect time that's true i should know but i got on board before i lost my taste and smell and i thought wow this is great i but i think i avoided it because it was so brain
Starting point is 01:39:40 brainish yes yeah i didn't like it and you know i i was very much a broccoli person and then tried some uh cauliflower tremendous haven't looked tremendous yeah like you can get like cauliflower wings at some vegetarian restaurant oh they're so good yeah uh i'm i'm loving it sorry dave no i'm just gonna say i've always loved as a kid i always remember watching tv shows and they would be like oh kids hate broccoli like no broccoli's always been fine with me yeah yeah cauliflower is good too and cauliflower seems to seems to be cauliflower can hang around quite a long time, I think. So you're talking about like using half and then not being able to use the other half. I've had the same sort of situation, but even after a week or two, yeah, it gets a little brown, but you can still bake that stuff or roast it or whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:41 My problem is I just like have amnesia. I'm like, when did i buy this was after something's been in my fridge for two days i'm like oh this is it it has liquid in the bottom of the bag well that's because it's water it's not just oozing hey speaking of sell by dates i was clearing out the fridge today i was exciting and uh like because i opened the fridge and two of the shelves just spontaneously collapsed they they had previously yeah they'd been held together with uh gaffer tape or gorilla tape in fact and today they gave up the ghost and i thought okay fair enough time for a bit of a clear out.
Starting point is 01:41:34 And so I went up to the top shelf where all the condiments and the sauces and the pickles, et cetera, have been sitting there four years. Yeah. Cleared all that stuff out. But as well as the miso paste and the harissa paste and the tahini and the capers were some jars of pickled gherkins and the best before date was december 2021 so what do you think throw away or keep keep keep absolutely i just i just tried some barbecue sauce that's six years old over the, uh, over the date. Still works. Still works. Still delicious. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Do you bring barbecue sauce when you moved? Yes. Moving is like the ultimate fridge cleaner router. Yeah. I'll bring condiments. I'll bring them. You know what? Wherever I move next,
Starting point is 01:42:19 I'm going to bring all the condiments with me. Got some, uh, got that barbecue sauce still. So I'm not not gonna throw that out um is that something when you look at a new place you're like okay do we have room for my old condiments yeah yeah yeah i look i go right to the fridge and then i look under the sink in the bathroom see can i stash some here um next overheard is from angela in toronto this is my husband gave me this overheard
Starting point is 01:42:47 he walked past two ladies today and he heard one of them say i forgot how therapeutic therapy can be i mean it's a fair point a little bit because sometimes i don't know if you guys uh have had or are in therapy i had a little bit uh had um some yummy yummy therapy um 20 yum yum yum yum yum yum had about eight months worth and uh i have to say by the end of it, I was not finding it therapeutic. Yeah. I tried BetterHelp. I did that. I talked to some guy. What's BetterHelp? It's a website where you can get connected to a counselor as opposed to a doctor or somebody that's like a registered therapist, but it's cheaper than going in person.
Starting point is 01:43:41 All right. So you get like so many appointments a month or whatever. I talked to some guy in Massachusetts. in person all right so you get like so many appointments a month or whatever uh i talked to some guy in massachusetts and uh and was it any good or was he just sort of going yeah yeah okay yeah it was have you tried packing the car and have it yet exactly he kept asking me how how i like these apples and i was like i'm tired of answering this question so it was that and then you started crying and then you were fixed yes i started crying and thought your fault yeah
Starting point is 01:44:12 have a lobster this last overheard comes from Shannon in North Carolina. We went to my brother-in-law's for Thanksgiving. They have a three-year-old daughter who was put in a timeout. After a few minutes, she said, I'm done being an asshole. Wow. I'm rehabilitated. That's right.
Starting point is 01:44:42 Wow. That's the dream that every parent has. The thing that they hope at least one of their children will say at some point yeah that's something that's what you expect to say after eight months of therapy yeah that's what i wanted from therapy. I wanted them to tell me. Basically, I just wanted to know, like, am I a dick? Am I just imagining that I'm a dick or am I actually a dick? Well, look at these splatters and we'll see how much of a dick you are. Oh, wow. They're doing that. They're doing.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Did they do that on Better Health health they had a bunch of yeah yeah roar track test and yeah the old joke you know where you say a bunch of dirty things and they're like you have something wrong with you and you're like you're the one that showed me the dirty pictures yeah yeah the vaudeville routine yeah vaudeville routine of a therapist and their patient live on stage in addition to overhears that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one spy pod one like these people have. Turn it up. Bang it, mate. Metal, metal, metal. I think he must have thought,
Starting point is 01:46:14 oh, the rest of the train's going to be digging this. I'm like the fat boy slammer. Yeah, I'm the lost chemical brother. Yeah. All right, here we go. Hey, stop podcasting yourself. I just saw a car with a bumper sticker that said, my other car is a buff horse.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Love the show, bye. Save a cowboy, ride a buff horse. I don't know that I've ever seen a non-buff horse. I was just gonna say they're all they are a scrawny horse that's the thing about horses they you don't see too many out of shape ones do you they're doing all that running they eat low calorie hay hey what are you running from horses hay is the answer oh yeah um uh i was just last week or the week before I talked about watching the movie Jeepers Creepers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:10 And in it, he drives a car and he's got a license plate that says like it. Look, they thought it was beating you when they read it at first, but it's be eating you. but it's be eating you and uh my brother brought up the fact that at some point jeepers creepers had to wait in a lineup at the dmv to get his vanity license and had to like don't you they they make you explain what it means yeah yeah yeah so jeepers group was there and he's like i eat i eat them um but i do beat them as well so uh you can read it both ways we've already given out that one beating you would be munching you is that okay what about your scrumptious? Is that possible? What about num num? All right, next phone call.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Hi, Dave Graham and possible guests. This is Erin calling from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with an overheard. Tonight at dinner, my third grade, my eight-year-old daughter was doing her homework. third grade, my eight-year-old daughter was doing her homework and she said to my husband and I, I know you guys probably don't know what this is like, but it's really
Starting point is 01:48:32 hard being smart. Alright, goodnight. I've always assumed it is, and I continue to not know for sure. But not while doing your homework. I would think it would be pretty easy while doing your homework. would think it would be pretty easy while doing your homework yeah that's true that's the one place where smart people really get to shine
Starting point is 01:48:48 homework and such um your kids hate homework right yeah my kids are well one of them the lady she um you have a lady kid oh yes uh she's 13 sorry i said that in a really revolting way which i regret it's all right we're here this is better help you can say whatever you want yeah thank you um but she's pretty good she's academic she just she's sort of on top of it she's one of those she's probably like that lady's daughter saying, you don't know what it's like to be this smart. But the boys, yeah, not so much. They struggle with it.
Starting point is 01:49:36 And I do feel sorry for them because, oh, yeah, it was torture. I mean, what an amazing gift to be academically confident enough to say you don't know what it's like to be smart that would be great yeah i mean you'd be a twat but uh yeah what a wonderful twatty life you'd have but you could also say to her you don't know how great it is being dumb yeah it rules the fiend dumps laps while you're like shoveling paste into your mouth yeah smoking a ciggy here's your final phone call hey dave and graham uh and guests uh last time i didn't say guests and maddie kelly got mad at. I've got an overheard here. I was hanging out with my daughter
Starting point is 01:50:27 and her older brother, who's about 11, 11, 12. And he was sort of, you know, we were hanging out in the living room. He's off in his own universe with headphones on and with his iPad doing whatever. And all of a sudden, he kind of just lets out a big, dejected sigh
Starting point is 01:50:43 like, I just got Rick rolled. It's still out there. Well, off I go. It's good to hear people are still out there Rick rolling people. And people are taking it hard. I like that this kid's upset about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:04 It's like it's a retro thing now it's like oh yeah the kids are getting back into rickrolling they want to smear it off ice each other yeah sure they're planking they're raising money for alf chocolate raining chocolate raining yes friday friday gotta get down on friday they're mentosing sing nom noming nom noming that's right ken has uh ken has pizza yeah sure um what's the other one uh uh uh all your base are belong to us saying yes yes epic fails um there's a lot there's a lot to draw from. Did you ever go through an epic fail watching phase? I did. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Yeah, absolutely. And I'd go on one again. You know what? As soon as this podcast is over, that's what I'm going to do. But I started to feel bad. I started to think like, hmm, I don't think I can trust YouTube to screen out possibly fatal epic fails yeah yeah sure i've been watching the yeah most of my epic fails were on faces faces of death and i watch faces of death together we watch live leak uh epic fail yeah we uh every sunday dave and i get together we watch our
Starting point is 01:52:19 favorite fails and faces of death yeah someone's being decapitated epic fail electric chair massive pwnage happening um well that brings us to the end of this podcast. Adam, thank you so much for being our guest. And thank you for being so kind as to shout us out and be very nice about our podcast. It means a lot. So thank you. Yeah, and we see your name so much in these emails. And people are like, you should have him on the show. And then we've asked you a few times and you always say no you wouldn't want little old me
Starting point is 01:53:05 and we got the feeling you you were gaslighting us yeah that's right we were being rickrolled we were being petrol lantern no i i i uh i just i love listening to the show and i just didn't want to come on and be boring so i don't know if that's happened or not but you weren't boring at all this is a is so exciting. You're so dynamic. I love your guests. And I'm always so amazed by how funny and quick they are. Dino Archie, I think might be my favorite.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Just the sound of his laugh cheers me up and cheered me up so much during the, uh, but his laugh, his, his laugh is he's laughing at us. Cause we're great. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:44 Well, that's true. That is true. I mean, you we're great. Okay. Well, that's true. That is true. I mean, you're consistently great. I love it. And we bring the best out of our guests, no matter how boring they're worried about being. All right, good.
Starting point is 01:53:54 Yeah. No, thanks so much for having me on. I really appreciate it. It's very exciting to meet you in real life, and I will continue to listen. Where can people find your podcast? My podcast is called The Adam Buxton Podcast. Took me ages to think of that.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Yeah, we were going to call our show that. Yeah. It is a combination of conversations with comedians, British comedians, but also other odds and sods, strange people. I've had... Well, I had Paul McCartney on. What? Macca. Macca.
Starting point is 01:54:34 That was really exciting. And people like Laurie Anderson, she came on. Oh, yeah? If you know him, he wrote Remains of the Day. Oh, my God are this is dynamic it's it's um very uh hard-hitting intellectually um weighty stuff as you as you imagine but no it a, so it's there. What else?
Starting point is 01:55:09 I don't think there's anything else that that's the place to start. If you've got any time for that, then, then there's a book and an audio book and a whole load of other stupid old crap. You don't have time for that. Make time. But yeah, thanks so much. Thank you so much. And thank you.
Starting point is 01:55:23 And also to you. No, no, no. And you out there for listening. Thank you so much. And thank you out there. And thank you. And also to you. No, no, no. Thank you. And you out there for listening. Thank you for listening. We love you all very much as a group and individually. And come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:55:55 Artist owned. Audience supported.

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