Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 732 - Tim Blair

Episode Date: March 29, 2022

Tim Blair of Tallboyz joins us to talk sad VR, Winning Time, and loose pants....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 732 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and with me as always is a guy who cannot put down his cookie, you can't make him, Mr. Dave Shumka. I'm done though, I'm done. I did a lot of like pre-show kind of like... Carb loading. Making hands, kissing babies, just so I could get the cookies out of the way before the show. You have an afternoon coffee as well,ham yes yeah do you do you just drink coffee you don't like a little sweet treat oh uh no i do i was on a show last night and there were donuts
Starting point is 00:00:55 backstage and i brought one home and i ate it this morning so that felt like a that felt like enough i think i know but i have a coffee in the morning is on its own and then I have breakfast, and then the afternoon coffee. Well, that's a little fika. That's what the Swedish people call a little fika. You gotta get out of your work desk. You don't have fika at your desk. You get up, you socialize, and you have a sweet treat with your coffee. That's fun. They're more evolved than we are. They're disgusting. Our guest today, first- time guest here on the podcast uh he is part of a hilarious sketch troupe called tall boys and they will uh if you're in america
Starting point is 00:01:33 they are broadcasting on the fuse network starting what's already started uh it's already down there if you want to watch it you can watch it now uh please welcome to this to the show tim blair everybody not to the stage to the show hey what's up hi tim hi everybody uh hi mom what's going on oh yeah is your mama big she just listens to every podcast i do uh yeah she like any podcast yeah yeah it's it's uh i i love it it's so great so yeah yeah that's so cool i guess we got it we gotta be on our best behavior yeah yeah she'll she'll send me an in-depth report of of how you guys did treating her son you if you could cc me on that email chain that would be appreciated um that is so sweet i love that yeah it's super nice
Starting point is 00:02:26 is is her last name blair as well no she's a lamey lamey name's lamey yeah yeah hello thank you for listening we love you does your mom listen graham yeah she does uh my mom and dad i mean not every episode or maybe they do listen to every episode but uh well hi mr and mrs hi mama my mom and dad uh and my mother boy sometimes i i don't know i don't know how she gets these podcasts because i tried to break her iPod. But she seems to be finding it. So, hi, Mom. Hi, Ms. Shumka. Hi, Ms. Shumka.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I only hear about it when it's like, oh, you are talking about the most awful things. I was like, we were talking about giving women the right to vote. What's your problem? She's old-fashioned is what I'm saying. Oh, yes, she is. Yes. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Well, should we get to know us? Yeah. Get to know us. Tim, thank you very much for being on the show. You, this is amazing. I can't believe you're three seasons deep in a television show on cbc that's uh that's like a huge accomplishment yeah you know yeah like a lot of shows you know they can go for a season and then that's it two seasons is the real that's the benchmark that you've made
Starting point is 00:03:57 it but three seasons holy shit well i'm a bit worried that like i feel like this happens so rarely especially with canadian comedy that i I wonder if the network forgot we're on the air. If somehow we've just flown under the radar. We're like, okay, let's not make too much noise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Like they just have an ongoing payment system that nobody's paying attention to. Yeah. Are you on any like posters or billboards anywhere? Not currently. We were on our first scene, our first season, but now, yeah, no no it's all yeah the promotions department is definitely forget yeah absolutely yeah
Starting point is 00:04:32 it is funny it's only like the only people on that type of uh advertising are like you know tv or radio stars and real estate agents those are the two subgroups of people you can have on the side of a bus or whatever did you ever get your picture taken with the real estate agent the real estate yeah after i bought my first house it was incredible yeah congratulations on on that so uh you you make your home there in toronto yes graham graham graham graham it's everyone's dying to know how tall are you boys yeah that's true how tall are these boys uh well well collectively we're 25 feet and two inches tall there's four of us but i mean wow the tallest is six nine and then the shortest is 5'11 1⁄2". So, I mean, it's above average, not incredibly tall.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I'm right in the middle. I'm 6'1", but I usually have an afro. So, I sit around 6'3". Yeah. That's where they would draw the pencil on your marking, your height wall. Yeah. And when I was in college, I was on an ultimate frisbee team and the team name was lanky but only two only two of the guys were really lanky but that all it takes is someone
Starting point is 00:05:52 with who's like freakishly lanky or absurdly for you to all get lumped together because yeah most of us in the group aren't that tall but the six nine one we're like oh those they're all tall it's kind of like yeah it rubs off yes yeah and uh six nine that's huge yeah it's a huge height yeah he's lebron lebron james's same height i so we like to compare him to lebron james a lot and it's not great for his self-esteem can he palm a basketball yeah i don't think he can. He should learn, I think. Tiny hands, tiny little hands. He can palm a golf ball, yeah. Just barely. Yeah, tell our audience at home what Tallboys is.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Explain yourself. Okay, all right. We're a sketch troupe. We're four guys, Vance Banzo frank owen gulet abdi and myself tim blair we've been doing sketch in toronto for the last six years or so uh uh and then tall boys is the uh on screen version of our stage stuff i feel like i'm doing such a bad job but yeah we don't usually make our guests like sing for their stuff yeah but i'll do it i'll dance i'll do whatever it takes
Starting point is 00:07:11 i'll palm a basketball um yeah so you guys uh you guys were a sketch troupe in toronto before this tv show and then am i right that bruce mccullough from the kids in the hall yeah they he spot you or does he the one that linked it up yeah uh he worked with our producers um and yeah they saw us at toronto sketch fest one year and approached us about like you know if we had any ideas for a show and i remember guled the tall guy the tallest guy uh i gotta be specific uh he was the one who had the conversation he got all the he talked to them but he didn't get any info like a card or exchange emails just like oh that'd be cool we're interested and he like ran backstage to tell us and we're like oh that's awesome and they're like oh they're gone and who wasn it oh i don't i don't know i got no clue um that's so exciting that that that whole like
Starting point is 00:08:09 finding out that you're gonna get a show and the first like episode and all that shit must have been so exciting or is it terrifying i have no idea exciting and terrifying but it's also like because tv is such a long production schedule where it's like oh we found out we're gonna do a show that's nice and then it's like 10 we found out we're gonna do a show that's nice and then it's like 10 months until your first episode there's a lot of waiting in between of like where where it's tedious but it's it's been a roller coaster it's been a great ride uh yeah oh i think on them and when they make the movie when they make the biopic of tall boys they'll just go like you got a show and then the next scene it's on there you got a poster next to a real
Starting point is 00:08:45 estate agent and they'll use uh you know like cg to create the tallest member yeah yeah it'll be andy circus on stilts yeah i would i'd want him to play all of us because i feel like he does have that range so many different characters i i consider myself a a golem type individual uh so i think he could really nail my didn't he direct a movie recently yeah what was it something something good too or big i can't remember i know that he appeared as uh it was venom oh yeah oh venom too yeah that was it yeah a masterpiece yeah something good or venom i love venom 2 i'm yeah it felt like it it came out of the early 2000s it was perfect uh yeah i saw venom but i never saw venom 2 but i didn't feel at the end of venom like i need i got what goes on from this end like whatever more story what's the continuing story of venom what what you say it feels like the early
Starting point is 00:09:45 2000s what uh what does that mean to you uh well just like uh before movies had to be good uh or like sure or like there was because i feel like yeah you know marvel's changed everything this cookie cutter cutter plot of where they're like all the marvel movies i think are fine at least like yeah in terms of i just wish they were longer yeah yeah and venom venom i think it was like 90 minutes venom 2 and it was didn't they just doing a bunch of wild stuff uh just venom talking to tom and they're like yeah it's almost like a romance movie about venom and tom like falling back in love with each other it's great and then hardy yeah tom hardy yeah okay yeah um what uh of those early 2000s movies uh what's your favorite of the like superhero ones because there was like they tried they took a swing at the hulk they tried
Starting point is 00:10:38 they tried they tried who's the first eric bonner eric bonner then they tried a edward norton one and there was two ghost writer yeah i think ghost writers might be my my favorite the second ghost writer is so funny and so like it's just bizarre off the wall yeah like the guys who directed crank i think were the guys who directed ghost rider too. But yeah, that's a good pick. That's a solid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 What about you, Dave? I mean, I don't know what to tell you. Uh, I never saw the, like, like those fantastic for Jessica album movies.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Oh yeah. Those looked good. Um, there's a new kind of like version of wordle uh because there's like people are expanding the wordle universe yeah there was a i saw there was a basketball one of a few weeks ago where you try to guess a basketball player i played hurdle where it's like you hear a bit of a song and oh really yeah oh shit i can't find the name of the one i was looking for but is there was a movie one and it gives you the weekend not the singer wow the
Starting point is 00:11:55 weekend it came out the weekend like it was like may 24 2002 name the top five movies and it tells you what they earned how many weeks they had been out, and then everything else you kind of have to piece together based on it. And I was like, okay, that was definitely Attack of the Clones was one of them, and the first Spider-Man. Nice. And then the other ones you can kind of go through and get hints, and you lose points the more hints you get.
Starting point is 00:12:27 through and get hints uh like and you lose points the more hints you get yeah and there was this the number five movie was uh you can click on the tagline it'll give you the tagline the tagline the tagline was enough is enough oh is it the jennifer lopez film you know i was like yeah is it the jennifer lopez movie enough i was like i didn't want to guess that. You can click the name of the top star, Jennifer Lopez. Oh, yeah. The promo department for that movie was like, enough. Enough is enough. I tell you that I watched that movie
Starting point is 00:12:56 less than a month ago and it is the wildest. The last scene is basically Home Alone. She booby traps everything and it's and she gets a haircut she gets a short haircut so she can be on the on the offensive is that the and now when she's been sleeping with the enemy no no it's uh the river wild is what you're thinking
Starting point is 00:13:18 of oh um yeah what's the gist of enough i don't think i will i've seen it so jay i just remember the commercials jaylo cuts her hair short and she like trains at boxing yeah yeah she's been terrorized enough she's been terrorized by her ex-husband and he he's like quite uh he's rich so he's able to like hire people to find her whenever she goes and then there's just a point where she can't take it anymore so she goes like you say dave trains at boxing she like does uh i was gonna say capoeira but maybe she does some capoeira uh the bar method and uh then she does the bar method yeah absolutely she do pilates she's doing pilates did bar method um and then yeah she cuts her hair really short and then she goes sneaks into his house and sets up all these booby traps so that when he comes home she's got the but with j-lo they're booty traps yes yes tm i do like home alone in someone else's house that's a
Starting point is 00:14:21 cool yeah yeah yeah you're on their turf. And like she hides all the guns. He goes to find his gun and a secondary gun and his tertiary gun. All gone. No, not the tertiary gun. I would have. She didn't like replace one of them with a gun that has a little flag that comes out when you shoot it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Again. Enough. Have you seen enough, Tim? No, I have not seen enough. It's the most 2008 movie that you can okay i'll watch i mean i i just hearing about j-lo getting revenge it does seem like right up my alley yeah i want to see you kick some ass tim how old of a guy are you i am i'm 26 okay so early 2000s was that was your little boyhood yeah that's what that's when every movie that i saw was good so i mean it's a sweet spot for me yeah yeah yeah uh what was your favorite movie from that era as a kid i mean this is pre-2000s but as a kid my favorite movie of all
Starting point is 00:15:19 time was free willy it was like yes one that just watch every day. Like I've seen it probably definitely more than 50 times. I want to say 100, but that seems absurd. I don't know if I, I feel 100 in my heart, but if you were to quiz me on that movie, I don't think I'd know enough about it
Starting point is 00:15:36 to respectfully say 100. Did you have the DVD? VHS, yeah, yeah. VHS, wow. Had to rewind it and come back. there was like a michael jackson music video at the end what he wrote like a song for shamu or something yeah that's great and then there's a whole uh there's a bunch of sequels i was big into the first one's the best but then i think there's like four or five free willy movies same willy and everyone or are they
Starting point is 00:16:05 different i i feel like the whale definitely died yeah probably in real life but it was it was supposed to be the same willy he like he's there's one where they're out on the open ocean and he's like started a family and then poachers come and like try and find willy yeah it's a good time enough yeah i didn't know there were there was like free willie 2 the naked mile free willie 3 band camp yeah i love how the kids mind will just lock into one thing and then that just becomes the story they want to hear yeah over and over and over again um yeah free willie's a good one that seems like a proper kid movie experience but were there effects in it were there like effects that maybe don't hold up or was it all no he mostly wore
Starting point is 00:16:54 prosthetics he was anti-circus and has the look in a big suit yeah that's the thing i wonder i feel like the the the famous jump over the child that had to be a fact there's no way they really got a whale to jump over a boy i believe or or they get the boy to slide under a whale that's the other oh yeah yeah just expand it in post put him in a bubble underwater um what dave what was your favorite movie from the early 2000s? Oh, um Yeah, I was a grown up by then but not like mature, so it was probably The Royal Tenenbaums Nice, that's a good one
Starting point is 00:17:38 I watched it a million times back then but I don't go back to it for anything. Yeah. How about you? Enough. I was glad that this would come around to it because I was like, oh, I've watched it a hundred times.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I couldn't tell you most of the plot. Oh, so the number three movie, do you think you can guess? Based on the tagline? The tagline, days never end, nightmares are real, no one is innocent. I got this off the tagline. No one is innocent. What? Say it again.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Days never end, nightmares are real, no one is innocent. Wow. Innocent. Shit. The days never end is the key part of that one that's from the early 2000s it's from 2002 opening weekend may 24th 2002 days never end yeah it feels like it should be obvious but i i yeah i'll give you the director okay uh christopher nolan oh memento no damn it i was gonna say groundhog day before that um insomnia
Starting point is 00:18:50 oh yeah i wouldn't have seen that yeah and then i didn't get i couldn't possibly have gotten number four it was um uh the tagline was the spirit of the Wild West lives on. Nope, can't get that. Tell me the top star. Matt Damon. Nope, can't get that. Next star, James Cromwell. Is it Legends of the Fall? The answer is Spirit, Stallion of Cimarron. Oh, that's, yeah, that was.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah, unanimated. Oh, that's, yeah. That was, uh. Yeah, unanimated. Oh, okay. Um, yeah. Where did, Tim, did you grow up in Toronto? Are you a plant? Yeah, yeah. Born and raised in Toronto, around downtown-ish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I've been here my whole life. Nice. I'm never leaving. No, I might leave. I don't know. Yeah, no matter what happens you're gonna be there yeah yeah i'm going down with the ship yeah what a lot of people outside of canada don't know is that toronto slowly sinking yeah into lake ontario yeah yeah the scene tower gets
Starting point is 00:19:58 shorter and shorter every year is toronto island is that like a fake thing made out of dirt yeah yeah it is a man-made island yeah yeah but it's nice um they've got like little cottages on there it has its own like village oh cool so toronto could sink because they moved all this dirt out of it to make an island yeah yeah and when they say you know that phrase like real estate is the only thing they're not making more of they did they went and built their own island yeah um is it on toronto island is it like is there amusement park rides or am i thinking of some other place there is there they're like yeah it's centerville centerville it's a it's a center themed amusement park they've got a maze uh and uh yes the maze you just go down the middle of yeah there's definitely some rides it's good i went there on a lot of it
Starting point is 00:20:53 was a um school field trip thing elementary school like once a year you're guaranteed a trip to centerville and then like once you hit like middle school you there's like sleepover camps they have there got some ghost stories on center island oh shit there's a lighthouse where someone died or something yeah it's good time when this was built five years ago yeah yeah true there's no yeah yeah he was just he was just an old guy he He just wasn't filling OSHA regulations. Yeah. Yeah. It's funny because like we would go like one of the classic field trips is the opposite of a new place. It's like a ghost town or like an old timey place that doesn't exist anymore where they're still doing like butter churning.
Starting point is 00:21:43 That's the one I went to almost every year. Heritage Park, it was called. And that's all you know. It was it was yeah people dressed in pioneer clothes you had to sit in an old school house and answer things with a chalk thing oh it's late just like trying to make you grateful for school as is now yeah yeah that's not so bad i guess i don't mind homework as long as I can use a pencil. Yeah, I mean, field trips were great. I feel like the only field trip that I'm trying to think of one that didn't work, but I think all the field trips I went on were were knocking it out of the park. Tim, do you have an all time favorite field trip? I all time favorite stuff. I know. Speaking of ones that didn didn't work i had a i had a big issue with being on time
Starting point is 00:22:29 in school as a kid growing up and i remember one day i showed up and i was late on the day there was a field trip i was in like grade six and everyone above like grade grade four to six had all left the school i was the oldest kid in school and had to play with a bunch of uh third graders all day and it was and it probably was a great field trip i don't know where people went but i've i if that like was one thing that made me like oh i got it i gotta be better i gotta change uh yeah yeah that idea of like oh the bus is leaving at nine o'clock with you on it or not. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Dave, what was the worst field trip you ever went on? I mean, I don't really, I think I loved them all because you didn't have to go to school. Yeah. Yeah. But I think I told this story once of we went to the aquarium and we had like this worksheet to fill out and I dropped mine out the window of the minivan on the way there and i was like on purpose like you like oh no no i was
Starting point is 00:23:31 like oh weird there's like a weird you know you're in a your friend's mom's minivan your head's against the window and you're like i can fit stuff in between the window and the... Wait, did you have to take... Did you have to find your own way to get to field trips? It depended on the field trip. Sometimes there would be everyone on a bus. Sometimes parents would have to volunteer to drive some kids. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 There's a... Yeah, Heritage Park. That was a yearly. Sometimes the zoo. We'd go to the zoo and have to fill out that same kind of worksheet. Yeah. Yeah. And then the Glenbow Museum, you would go to the Glenbow and see their ancient samurai costume.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah. And I'm trying to think if there was a bad one. I don't think there was. Oh, no. There was one where we went to see the, like, aviation museum in northern Calgary. That sucked. That sucked. That was boring.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I remember the zoo was nice. We went to as a kid a bunch. But then in, like, high school, we went on a field trip once to the zoo in philosophy class, I guess. I don't know how it related to philosophy but that was i think i did enjoy the zoo a lot better as an i guess i wasn't an adult but as a teen as an adolescence yeah more than childhood what was the philosophical what was it what was i guess it's bad to look at animals in cages i don't know i guess it's well that's the thing about philosophy it's all you get to decide you gotta you gotta come up with questions yes i mean it's sort of what you're left with
Starting point is 00:25:08 with after free willy oh absolutely i guess yeah very true philosophical movie we gotta get them out of here one thing i like about the toronto zoo is they've got a lot of free range peacocks that are part of the zoo but they're just not in a cage they just wander around like pigeons and it's fun and yeah that's where it's like all right more zoos should be like this let's get rid of all the cages just walk around yeah yeah exactly let the animals interact with one another yeah there's only tigers there but yeah yeah there was a raccoon i remember that they have like a raccoon exhibit but they get out and a raccoon was in another exhibit that they were trying to remove the return but yeah the raccoons got into the garbage exhibit again yeah um yeah i feel like the zoo when i was a kid there was all these different zones there was
Starting point is 00:26:05 like rainforest zone and uh you know like reptile zone yeah there's the canadian zone and it was a real snore fest yeah i mean the it was jarring going from smell to smell true when you're like you get into the rainforest zone you're like wow this smell smell really sticks to you here that it is what a tour of aromas yeah that's amazing i remember i think there was a my cousin worked at the zoo uh for a while and he told me about there's a an orangutan at the uh at the toronto zoo that died because a kid tried to throw it a sandwich and it like fell in the moat that separates this the animal and and the orangutan went to get it and drowned oh that's horrible yeah so sad well you've really brought it down here yeah
Starting point is 00:26:58 that's i mean just for a sandwich yeah i would die for a sandwich yeah not on purpose but i if i saw a kid drop a sandwich in the water. Graham, I remember when you wrote all those, your first album of ballads. Yes. Had I would die for a sandwich. Yeah. There's a, remember Harambe? Do you guys remember Harambe?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't remember him fondly i mean i don't remember him alive like i wasn't a famous gorilla to me before yeah that's true um so uh you're you're in toronto and uh like you were saying you're gonna stay there no matter what uh would you would you for real move and if so where i think it would be nice to move at some point uh uh where i don't know england i want to see i got family in england so i feel like that's a safe call i don't know yeah like uh like we talk in london or we're talking like yorkshire or something oh yeah i don't want to see any of those little towns just just the city i they've got so many like tiny villas yeah yeah yeah stonehenge yeah
Starting point is 00:28:19 i'm out wait stonehenge oh yeah that's eng's England? That doesn't feel right in my brain, but I know that is true. Yeah, going to England, like, have you visited ever? Yeah, a couple times, yeah. What was, like, your favorite food over there that we totally don't have here? I just like that they call chips crisps. That was fun. That's funny. I think I like the chips.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. Yeah. that was fun that's funny i think fries chips yeah yeah um like late at night the big thing is as far as i know is getting a curry after you've been drinking all night you go get a curry or a kebab there's uh there are options on the table but i feel like in canada the go-to is like pizza if you're drunk like pizza's where you go but over there gotta get a curry gotta get a curry so uh yeah oh england is really cool london's really cool i always feel like i'm dumb because i don't have the cool accent that they have yeah graham that's not why you're dumb it's because free willy landed on your head i do i find it weird how like british
Starting point is 00:29:29 people can do i feel like they're better at doing like american canadian accents than we are vice versa like it only works one way but i think it's because their accents so out there that you know they just have to pull back like so forced when i feel like american stride yeah yeah yeah i reckon it is but yeah that would be a cool move um where you want to move i want to move to kokomo yeah yeah yeah i want to go to kokomo um or something like chattanooga or some really you know that kind of uh silly name place would be a lot of walla walla walla walla would be a good one guam guam guam's good guam's really good um what about you where where you want to move dave um i'm good where i am man just dig dig a hole
Starting point is 00:30:27 bury me here um yeah well that's cool and i approve and i hope you get over there someday with your family rooted there can you get a british passport as well i yeah i do have one my mom like grew up and yeah i got some cousins there so i'm i'm a citizen it was a safe safe answer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fair enough that's a good answer though safe answer but good um yeah i i feel like the i was also told my cousins that popcorn isn't big in british movie theaters they don't do popcorn there as much where it's like just curry again just curry yeah yeah you got to get a kebab but my cousin being like thrown off how loud it was a snack it was when she came saw a movie here where it's just like and i i don't notice it too much because
Starting point is 00:31:18 i feel like i'm always watching big action movies but it is it's quite audible yeah it's a weird that that uh stuck around for movies because it is the loudest possible snack or you know maybe pop rocks are a little bit louder but yeah brittle some kind of peanut brittle that you have to smash well what do they do what do they eat in the movies in england she was talking about like trail mix and fruit snacks or something. I can't, I can't even remember.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I was so thrown. We have dried peaches. Yeah. That's only if you go to see the movie with your mom, she's going to personal. Yeah. I was in a bag. They just loosen.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Just pours it into your hand. I was in a, I i i backpacked in europe and actually in 2002 that's how i remembered attacking the clones and spider-man uh i don't remember enough being in the theaters over in europe but uh i did see some movies and every movie gets or at least in switzerland every movie had an intermission. Oh, no. Then you go to the lobby and you get an ice cream or a beer. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:32:31 That's very civilized. Like I can't, now I can't make it through a movie because of just watching movies and being able to pause and go to the bathroom. They do need to have intermissions yeah theaters now for like a three-hour movie come on man oh absolutely yeah and i feel also you know you get to check in with your friends you came with build excitement what's gonna happen in the next half yes yeah and you get reinvested i went and saw what is it called the hateful eight hateful eight full and they had an intermission built into that movie and it was perfect everybody could go to the bathroom like you say everybody's discussing
Starting point is 00:33:10 what what could happen next and uh who did you hate the most who was the most hateful for you number six for me you know uh you know why six was afraid of seven uh because you hate nine yeah because seven hateful eight um yeah uh like i haven't been to a movie theater i've only been once since the everything started have you been back have you got into the movies again are you still just at home i i've been back uh yeah yeah i've been actually since the last lockdown we just had another lockdown in like january so i haven't been back then but i did i watched uh i i i had a i got a virtual reality like oculus headset oh hey eaters in there i watched the matrix movie in vr in a vr movie theater it felt like a good time it felt appropriate the new matrix 4 how what what is happening so you wear this thing on your face yeah you stay in your home
Starting point is 00:34:11 yeah but it looks like you're in a big theater with a big screen but you're and you're just have it on your face for hours for i did have to do an intermission that was the one thing where it's like it really started to weigh on my skull but other than that it it almost felt like i was in the theater do you have to stay upright or like if you lie down do you end up looking at the virtual ceiling yeah you do yeah i guess you could readjust the the position wherever you want but yeah it was like yeah staying up just sitting in the chair it was is there a lobby can you get virtual popcorn i think that there is yeah you can throw popcorn and drinks and tomatoes and stuff the screen it's wild that's cool that's just what's gonna happen that's gonna
Starting point is 00:34:50 be everyday life what's that called uh i think a big screen big screen it's like an app called big screen okay yeah yeah do you do any other virtual reality things like games or tours of art museums i i i yeah i i've been big into like sad stuff in virtual reality oh cool tell me about it yeah an anne frank vr experience my friend told me about you get to be in the attic and like go through the um the journal and stuff and then they also have like a surviving 9-11 dock on in vr and it is cool aerial angles you get to watch it from different it's it's if that's so far what i've used vr the most for i love sad vr yeah yeah but how does i'm very dumb about this stuff. Is the Oculus something connected to the computer or is its own thing? Yeah, it's its own thing.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It's one of the few where it's like all in its headset, where I think most other VR stuff you need a computer to run programs are. But Oculus, it's like owned by Facebook. So they're stealing your information. They can have it. Yeah, it's its own thing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I don can have it yeah it's its own thing yeah yeah yeah i don't care and it's it's cool it's hard to cry in vr because the the tears just pool at the bottom of the glasses but it's it's interesting it's a very moving experiences yeah wow because
Starting point is 00:36:19 the only things i've seen with vr are videos of like people doing something but you can see like the whoever is taking a video of this person with a vr mask on it's also they're like you can see what they're doing on the flat screen tv and the videos i all see are of guys like jumping and they smash the flat screen tv because they don't realize they're in a room still yeah you totally forget your sense that like you're yeah absolutely that's just i've punched the wall a couple times playing things uh where yeah you just you get too into it um yeah i guess like because that's what they're shooting for is meta and you'll have a character that you are inside of meta yeah i really don't see it taking off but well as someone who has it and like i i rarely use it i don't know it's it's so yeah yeah it's so
Starting point is 00:37:14 cumbersome and yet to be there for like like people who game and like to play video games i feel like you're playing for hours at a time and you can't with vr you just get sick yeah you're getting car sick alone in your room like it's not a good time but like in if it is the metaverse do you get to pick what character you are like can you soup up your character to be like a real beef yeah there's a lot of in the facebook one it's pretty limited the meta metaverse but there's so many other apps that are doing the exact same thing that facebook is trying to do that have existed way before where yeah you could be anyone and i do think it's interesting where it's like i feel like it because yeah you can soup yourself up but when you got the vr goggles like you can't see yourself you're it's a whole pov kind of thing yeah that's why like mirrors are super big in a
Starting point is 00:38:04 lot of these metaverse games so that people can like turn around because you want to see what's the point of being whatever if you if you can't tell yeah yeah yeah trying on some personal uh slacks some personal slacks personal slacks uh going shopping would be a thing that you could you'd pick out a thing and then they just send it to you. That feels like, you know? Yeah. Oh, so you're imagining you shop, you virtually shop and then your pants show up. Yeah. It'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I guess if you could try it on in VR, if you like had your body. Yeah. Have like an accurate. Yeah. But you, Graham, would always pick one of the costumes from The Masked Singer. Yeah. His body. How do these shoes look on a giant slug?
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. Boy, that Masked Singer. We're just, we're so in the Hunker games right now that. Oh, absolutely. Didn't someone's head fall off during their singing recently and give it away? I have no idea if that's true, but i do love the visual of it falling off and rolling into the audience into the audience yeah um have you ever seen the mass singer tim just only the clips that have made it onto uh like twitter and stuff i haven't sat down and
Starting point is 00:39:23 seen i feel like i'd be filled with existential dread watching a full episode but maybe it's a good time i i was expecting to say well i've only seen it in virtual reality i pretend i'm in a giant theater with a bunch of people we're all laughing um yeah there's a a new uh kind of competition show that's America's Got Talent, but it's America's Got Talent Extreme. So it's them outside, like, watching a guy do motorcycle tricks. And Simon Cowell's still there. And I'm like, well, he doesn't know anything about extreme. Because it's him and a wrestler and then a stunt driver guy okay yeah well he's just
Starting point is 00:40:08 there to be mean and british i feel like that's the big that's pretty extreme yeah yeah he seems like he's impressed you guys heard tony honk broke his uh leg tony honk tony honk tony honk he broke his leg yeah it's a bad one bad one. So this is going to be bad. I know this sounds like a joke. You guys heard about, uh, Tony Honk. Now he's,
Starting point is 00:40:32 uh, Tony like, um, yeah, I, uh, well, I'm glad that I know at least one person who's like been regularly in virtual reality
Starting point is 00:40:46 when you go to see a movie how do you pay? Do you pay through your computer? In the app there's stuff that you can pay with but I yeah it was I pirated it but
Starting point is 00:41:02 yeah your mother's listening uh i but i i bought a i bought a uh a matrix 4 limited edition build-a-bear for my roommate so i i'm paying the which else he's get the money at the end of the day so i feel did you did you was this something that was delivered or did you have to visit the workshop it was delivered but i would yeah it'd be pretty fun to from the ground up design yeah there's a build a bear workshop in the mall and i'm so glad my children don't ever go to that mall and know that it exists oh you're keeping them away from it. Oh yeah. Yeah. Cause I feel like it's not their choice to go to that mall.
Starting point is 00:41:47 No, no, exactly. That's why we do. When we go to that mall, I, I park on the other side, but I always felt like with build a bear that you can't,
Starting point is 00:41:59 you have to build it regular. You like, they give you a bear and then you have to put a costume on it, but you can't just cover the bear in all eyes. I't think they'll let you or will they let you do that i i really don't i feel like they i think they can't stop you i don't know if they'll let you but i don't think they could stop you yeah you have to build a regular it's not like squarespace where you have to build it beautiful squarespace use promo code stop podcast yourself build yourself a website yeah and uh you know send us the results i guess let's see if we care website that's all eyes i'd go to
Starting point is 00:42:35 that yeah um dave what's going on with you man Well speaking of watching things I'm out of things to talk about But We're doing a little bit of traveling And we're pre-taping some stuff So At the beginning of this pandemic I was like I had no time to watch anything I was working I was taking care of the kids
Starting point is 00:42:59 They weren't in school And there was no Chance I could watch anything and then eventually i was like okay i've got a little bit of time maybe once a week i can find an hour and i'm gonna dig into a show that i've heard is really good and i never uh got into uh the leftovers i finished so i had already watched the first season when it came out like eight years ago and then i started watching so i re- already watched The first season When it came out Like eight years ago And then I started watching
Starting point is 00:43:26 So I re-watched The first season Started watching The second season And then gave up on that So that's the But I may revisit that Okay
Starting point is 00:43:34 So that's How many seasons total was it? Three Oh so you don't have much Left to go if you need No no This is like Three ten episode seasons
Starting point is 00:43:41 Oh yeah And that's the one It's by the people Who did Lost right? Yes It's's uh damon lindelof joint uh starring the uh what what's the word to describe justin theroux i don't know the beautiful human specimen yeah justin theroux yeah um yeah i only ever saw like a teaser trailer for it and it was on Showcase
Starting point is 00:44:08 no it was on HBO oh maybe they replayed it on HBO through Showcase so I stopped watching that but I did start watching I mentioned on the show F1 Drive to Survive the Formula 1 TV series and I uh i wouldn't say i've
Starting point is 00:44:29 given up on that yet but i started about six months ago and i'm still on season three yeah oh yeah season four just came out today and you're like maybe maybe maybe i'm gonna catch up to that one day but is it good enough to actually watch like f1 races or is it the show's better because you want like the documentary kind of part behind it is it is like they do it's compared to watching other sports it does get into a lot of just like who's an asshole oh nice oh perfect and like the drama my problem is i can't tell any of these skinny european boys apart i don't know the difference between uh you know charles leclerc and pierre gasly can anyone help me i don't but those are those are great sketch sketch names oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:45:22 put them in the pocket use them use them at your yeah wow i get all the french guys mixed up i certainly get the spanish guys mixed up esteban ocon and uh so i don't i forget the other guys i get the northern europeans mixed up miro heiskanen and nico hulkenberg okay but you know enough to tell them what part of europe they're from but other than that it's yeah yeah um i think i may have mentioned a hockey player by mistake there uh but uh so that's happening but i've just discovered a new show just started and i am all in on hbo's winning time do you know the show yeah i haven't heard of it at all is it new it's brand new it's about the 1980s los angeles lakers okay it stars john c reilly
Starting point is 00:46:16 oh doing john c reilly things is he is it funny is this a funny show it's no i mean it is it's you know rye okay sure but it's a it's not it's a drama it starts like the opening scene is magic johnson getting hiv oh i mean i i mean getting the test results okay okay okay hbr okay really uh and then but it's like the thing that's weird about it is like uh so that's the first scene and then uh john c reilly is the guy who buys the lakers uh dr bus and he uh like the first thing in the first scene he looks at the camera and starts talking to the camera. And you're like, okay, it's the kind of show where John C. Reilly gets to narrate it. And that's great.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And then there's the next scene. A different person looks at the camera and narrates. And you're like, what? What's happening? So it's a weird reality where. They're all Malcolm in the middle? How does this work? They're all Malcolm in the middle and then you know they do uh kareem
Starting point is 00:47:28 abdul-jabbar goes time out and everything freezes except for him he can still walk around um and it's it's really good at like they i think use that to uh to kind of translate 1980s basketball to just someone who's watching. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like catch you up on details. But at the point that our episode is coming out, I think three or four of those winning times will be out. And I guarantee I'll be caught up.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Nice. I think I heard about the show in like, right? It was in that Adam McKay article of why he's not friends with will ferrell anymore because i think will ferrell wanted john c riley's role and like oh yeah john c over will and now they don't talk oh shit this was this particular project that yeah yeah i think i feel like it was this is the one yeah that rings a bell maybe i'll watch it to see if it's worth losing Will Ferrell over I mean I'm pirating it oh yeah we
Starting point is 00:48:26 yeah Will Ferrell would have been fine in it I guess it's like not funny but it is but like if it is
Starting point is 00:48:36 if it is if it was Will Ferrell it would feel too funny I think yeah he is one and it would also feel like he did a basketball movie already
Starting point is 00:48:43 yeah what is it called oh yeah true it would be too like he did a basketball movie already. Yeah. What is it called? Oh, yeah. True. It would be too much of, well, I totally forgot about that one. I was thinking King and Scream for a second. Yeah. And it was a retro basketball movie too.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't want to get typecast as the basketball guy, which makes sense. But I do love the idea of like make of any sports TV show and you know this about me yeah yeah you know game hang time the
Starting point is 00:49:12 TNBC morning show now do you only like a fictional sports show or do you like like your formula one I like everything there's a good show includes actual just watching sports or is that is that a different does that have to be i do also like to watch sports okay okay that's why that's also why
Starting point is 00:49:31 i haven't been able to watch any tv shows because i'm like well sports are so good yeah are tim are you streaming anything uh uh yeah yeah i've been watching i just watched this new show bus down uh on uh pirate uh oh god i paid for it um but it's it's like in chris red from snl a bunch of uh comedians jack knight sam jay it's pretty fun they they work behind the scenes in a casino good time oh fun kind of always sunny vibes yeah um and is it like comes out every week or do you just dive in all at once they six episodes streaming binged yeah yeah i watched three last night i'm gonna watch another three tonight we're done with the season moving on yeah you gotta live your life you can't let that trip you up yeah um yeah there was a sports one that i watched the first season of and i was like content to be that's fine i don't need to see
Starting point is 00:50:33 the next season called last chance you yeah yeah oh yeah it was good yeah was that a football one yeah it's about a uh school that has an amazing... Or a junior college? Oh. Because I watched the basketball one, and it was a junior college of guys who were like... Oh, there's another sport. Yeah, it's also Last Chance U. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah, I only watched the football one. And it was a lot of... It's good. Like, they get into, like, these people's personal lives and why they, what's holding them back from being in the, like, major university. Yeah. Yeah. It's sweet. It's a sweet show. I recommend pirating it.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Don't give those streaming services more than they deserve you know did you ever have you ever i used to pirate stuff uh a lot and i once got an email from my service provider being like hey don't fire it stuff we know you're pirating things it scared me but i also feel like hey come on i i pay a lot of money to use your internet lines. Why don't you keep your mouth shut? You know, you hear about people getting a message of like, I have footage of you masturbating or something to your... Keep it.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah, exactly. I wish somebody said that. I was like, what kind of title are you going to put in the email that people are going to open it to see me like yeah great we're whacking it yeah i always feel like if anyone has footage of me i'd be like that's i mean clearly they did something wrong yeah to acquire this footage how did their life end up this way?
Starting point is 00:52:26 I wouldn't want to get my hands back on some tape, you know, study my process. Yeah, that's true. It's so rare to be able to reflect.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah. Especially when you didn't know you were being filmed. I mean, I've watched myself in the mirror, but that's only in the metaverse.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Yeah. And I look like mark zuckerberg doing yeah dead-eyed uh yeah uh well that's good it's good that you go i uh just finished the television show euphoria and man is that a stressful show every have you seen it have you seen it i have not but i've no i follow the discourse on twitter i feel like i've known everything that's happened yeah one of the most we did about shows so yeah yeah i like the memes yeah good lots of good memes it's very memeable uh it's good it's great but uh yeah don't don't watch it just before bed because uh yeah you'll get stressed out oh it's stressful about it uh it's about uh the lead characters like a drug addict and uh she's kind of not she's in between trying to stop and also just keeping on doing it and then all the other characters keep making increasingly bad decisions like teenagers do
Starting point is 00:53:44 i mean i never made a good decision as a teen and i'm surprised that i'm here you know how much does like high school actually like play in like do they ever have to worry about homework no is it more about their debauchery it's about you're exactly right it's about their debauchery there's no there's very few scenes that have in the classroom which is is like, you know, they are all the characters are like, they're not made up to look good. Like they just look very natural. But yeah, you're right. It's there's no school.
Starting point is 00:54:15 I forget what movie I was watching. I watched some movie that was like a and the main character you see her in her early childhood. And then you see her like as a 20 year old. You're like, you see her in her early childhood, and then you see her as a 20-year-old. And you're like, you missed all of school. My childhood was so defined by being bored and frustrated in school for hours and hours every day. I felt like Degrassi did a good job of painting how boring school was. Like there were a lot of classroom scenes with Mr. Radich. Yeah, there's a scene in a ferris bueller's
Starting point is 00:54:46 day off where a kid is asleep in the in class and he's drooling so much yeah i never i don't i never fell asleep in class but i always love the idea of drool being part of sleeping is that only if you're like leaned forward do you drool or do you guys drool it's a mouth open thing i was a big i've i've i've nipped it in the bud but growing up i was a big drooler i'd fall asleep on public transit a lot and mouth open drool on my shirt it was bad how do you think it's just a mouth thing yeah like what steps did you take to combat that i i think to sleep with my i think i you can't have your jaw to relax. Cause I think if your mouth is open, you're, you're,
Starting point is 00:55:26 you're just, you're great. You're, you're generating saliva. Yes. And then it gets to a filling point where the brim of your lip can't contain it anymore. But it just spills somewhere. But I don't,
Starting point is 00:55:36 but if you're asleep, you're relaxed. There's nothing you can, I can't imagine what I would do to like change my face while I was sleeping. I'll do a sleep on a fist under the chin so resting my head it's a headrest but it's also like the pressure to keep the mouth shut uh yeah yeah but and then do you find that you're you fall asleep when you're smelling some like mouth-watering waffles or something oh yeah yeah the drooling is what
Starting point is 00:56:01 triggers it yeah it's total pavlov's bell i hear a bell i start salivating i fall asleep i was dreaming about all you can eat yeah deep dish pizza um graham what's going on with you well during this pandemic uh i i like to buy the majority of my clothes at a vintage shop or a thrift store. Especially like... What's the difference? Well, vintage is like curated. It's expensive thrift.
Starting point is 00:56:34 It's expensive thrift. And it's a good place to buy one thing, like a cool jacket. You wouldn't build an outfit out of them because you'd be paying basically what you'd be paying for something brand new um so but i go more often i go to the thrift shops than vintage shops like macklemore yeah i go exactly exactly him and i that's i've never felt more close to uh an artist ever that i was like oh it feels i feel very seen and uh and you know where is macklemore now where is he now when we really need him well macklemore sorry macklemore and ryan lewis yes everyone forgets ryan lewis but macklemore and ryan lewis they're the it's a duo yeah if it
Starting point is 00:57:17 wasn't for ryan lewis macklemore would just be singing over silence i mean yes you gotta think about yeah that's true yeah if yeah and if they uh broke up then you'd have to pick a side you'd either like i want the music or i want the rapping yeah i mean we all assume ryan lewis was doing the music but he was just i mean the music was already done like any live performance he's just kind of standing there yeah, uh, like I like to, I like to find a hot deal at the, uh, thrift shop,
Starting point is 00:57:49 but because of COVID, a lot of the thrift shops have closed the dressing rooms there. And in one case, the one that I was at a couple of weeks ago, the dressing room area was gone completely. They had like turned it into a different part of the store. So there's no way to know how anything fits. Like you can put on a shirt or a coat and see how that fits.
Starting point is 00:58:14 But pants wise, you, uh, you're in a danger zone. So I, I trust the tag. If it says it's, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:22 whatever dimensions and I'll like be all i i buy it and if it doesn't fit at home i'll take them back so i oh you can you return stuff to the thrift shop yeah as long as you have it and the and the receipt oh i guess if they're not letting you try it on that's kind of yeah exactly so i've bought you know i've bought jeans that have been hilariously small and uh ones that are like way too baggy and so there's a couple jeans that i settled on being like they're not perfect but they'll do i can hold them up with a belt like they turn out they're too big but they look fine they're not anything special have you ever done the shortcut where you uh try them on around your neck?
Starting point is 00:59:06 No. Is that, and that equals your waist? Yeah, there's like one of these like human body, body hacking things. I think if you, is it, no, it's like half, like you grab it like the belt buckles on each side and then if it if they touch around like if it feel feels good around your neck then uh it should fit your waist okay okay well maybe i'll do that next time because what's the return policy for these thrift stores do you can do you just have to thrift it back or no yeah can you get money back like yeah you have to thrift it back or no? Yeah. Can you get money back? Like you have to, you have to thrift it back into the system.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah. And somehow you get your money back. But yeah, you can take the money out too. And I've taken back a couple of things that just were, you know, fine in the store, but then you get home and you're like,
Starting point is 00:59:58 I can't pull this off. Um, but okay. Yeah. Like, you know, it's, it's hard when it's so hard to imagine what you look like in
Starting point is 01:00:07 something and like you know if you're putting on a shirt and you know buttoning it up you're like well i would never wear this shirt over top of another shirt so i have no idea if it fits properly um and yeah like and also you're just freestyling in the store where everybody is also trying on stuff in front of the three or four mirrors that exist in the whole store. So it's a bit of a minefield, but I got a pair of jeans that I've been struggling with because they're too loose. And I have a belt, but I feel like the belt's doing a lot of heavy lifting holding all the things together but uh something unprecedented happened i uh this week i was at the dentist and getting a checkup where's this guy this uh the dentist and i was wearing the the baggier of the two jeans that I own.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And so they've had a lot of trouble, like, getting the right tension on the belt so that it feels like it's going to happen. Speaking of tension, I don't know what's going to happen next. You know, dentist chairs, they have like a layer of plastic that's kind of sticky. Every detail. Further and further on the edge of my seat. So I sat down. And the dental hygienist was like, Okay, I'm just going to lower you down.
Starting point is 01:01:34 And my pants really stuck on that stuff. The chair started pulling my pants down. I can't even imagine how that would happen. So, yeah, there was just enough tension that my jeans and the chair. So, yeah, slowly I was having my pants pulled down. Luckily, I had enough, a long enough shirt to cover that. It had breached the waist. Were they coming down in the front and the back?
Starting point is 01:02:04 Yeah, they were coming off like there was when they sent you back up did the the chair put the pants back no unfortunately i had to i had to wait until uh in between the uh did you notice did she would she did she use any tools on it no she at one one point, at the dentist, they'll give you some stuff like a toothbrush or toothpaste. So when she looked that way, I managed to squirm my way back into the pants enough that I would be able to stand up and yoink them up. But yeah, it was touch and go there. It was touch and go there for a minute. Was there any discussion of maybe giving you some kind of penis canal yeah there was there was time yeah putting a crown on my penis uh
Starting point is 01:02:52 filling in that one cavity right in the middle of your penis oh yeah piniers yeah yeah yeah at the dentist they were nice enough to put like that bib on my face and then also on my crotch the lead bib for your x-ray yeah so that's what i've been up to uh yeah being on the brink of embarrassment i mean horrifying if it pulled down my pants i'd never be able to go back to that dentist the orthodontist says you need head gear and penis gear yeah they've prescribed me suspenders like these are medical suspenders you can buy it's just floss yeah yeah exactly that's pretty good craig yeah it was uh it was a lot of fun um what's the situation with those pants you keeping those pants? You keeping those pants?
Starting point is 01:03:45 I'm keeping the pants until I find a suitable replacement, which I haven't been able to, because the things that are my size are all, you know, Kirklands and whatnot, things I'm not ready to take a step forward on. Oh, you should go to my pants guy.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Who's your pants guy? Oh, you got a tailor? Pants tailor? Oh yeah, you gotta go to my pants guy, Johnny versace versace finest pants cinched just right oh yeah they'll cinch them cinch them and squinch them um well do you guys want to move on to some overheards i guess so i kind of want to talk about pants falling down at a dentist.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Hi, I'm Biz, host of One Bad Mother. Whether you're a parent or just know kids exist in the world, join us each week as we honestly share what it's like to be a parent. I signed my stepson up for a camp that is actually in another state. I feel really stupid, and I don't think we're going to get the money back. And then he found out that the car manual is a book about cars, so now he's reading our car manual. We have...
Starting point is 01:04:53 So join us each week as we judge less, laugh more, and remind you that you are doing a great job. Download One Bad Mother on and yes, there will be swears. Hey there, beautiful people. I'm Travelle Anderson. And I'm Jared Hill. We are the hosts of Fanti,
Starting point is 01:05:17 the show where we have complex and complicado conversations about the gray areas in our lives, the things that we really really love sometimes but also have some problematic feelings about yes we get into it all you want to know our thoughts about Nicki Minaj and all her foolishness we got you you want to know our thoughts about gentrification and perhaps some positive question mark aspects of gentrification we get into that too every single Thursday you can check us out at listen you know you want it honey so come on and get it period
Starting point is 01:05:51 overheard overheard's a segment where lucky lucky you you've heard something or seen something so funny out there in the world that you can't wait to share it and this is the place to do so uh if you want to send one into us you can send it into spy at maximum and uh tim you haven't overheard yes i do uh i was on the please lead the lead the way i'd love to i was on the subway last night and i was just getting on and i saw these two guys they were arguing uh and this guy's talking about he was like saying oh so if you have a party you're having a good time uh the music's loud someone the cops come tell you to turn it down you listen to them but when they leave you can turn it back up because it's just a bylaw and bylaws are
Starting point is 01:06:43 different from normal laws you can break them whenever you want this guy was like the other guy was arguing with me wasn't quite on the same page i don't know what they're talking about i feel like it might have been a mask related thing but the guy was talking about the bylaws had a mask on but he did take it down specifically to cough into his hand at one point uh so yeah i don't know what angle he's coming from oh yeah i love it bylaws they're not real laws yeah he's gonna enforce them somebody in like a penny or something like that it's like by the time they come around to enforce a bylaw it's too late yeah yeah yeah exactly that incident happened weeks ago by the time of bylaws. We need a minority report for bylaws.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Somebody got a loiter over there in 12 days. When Abby, my wife Abby grew up in Switzerland and they have a lot of very persnickety people over there. Yeah. And one time their neighbor called the police on them for vacuuming on Sunday. Wild. Well, you know what? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, I say. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:01 We gotta leave this spill till Monday. We gotta wait a day. Leave the chips. We're not gonna risk it. The police came by and said, we can't do anything our hands are tied it's a bylaw uh dave do you have an overheard no uh the closest i have is I was I haven't overseen and it's just a headline that I have Apple News on my phone against my will. Yeah, me too. Apple News is telling me what's going on in the world and it'll just pick a newspaper or
Starting point is 01:08:40 a website headlines and feed them to me and this one kind of made me laugh. It's from The Atlantic. And the headline is, How I Made Myself Less Unpleasant. And then underneath, there's the little description thing that says, Olga Kazan says that she never really liked her personality
Starting point is 01:09:00 and other people didn't either. Well, it sounds like she just sucks yeah she she sucks and she knows it and everyone knows it how i made myself unpleasant i just stopped speaking less and yeah suddenly my company wasn't so bad yeah people liked me uh the more i disappeared yeah the less i was, the more people really enjoyed me. And I kind of learned to deal with that.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, I think that was a great overseeing. You said you didn't have one. I think it was great. Oh, thanks. Well, yeah, we're running on fumes here, but next week you all are going to be blasting these overheards up your asses. Sorry, Mom.
Starting point is 01:09:52 My overheard is courtesy of a thrift store I was at recently. Nice. Two, let's say, 20-something gals was walking into the thrift shop. And the woman was saying to the other, no but it's Jenga like it's a personalized Jenga. Wow. That would be good.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Different traits about your life. Every block is like you know. My personality sucks. Drives a Porsche. Every block is like, uh, uh, you know, uh, personality sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Drives a Porsche. That's my whole personality. And whatever piece makes the tower comes down.
Starting point is 01:10:36 That's what you change about your life moving forward. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, now we also have, uh,
Starting point is 01:10:42 overhands that have been sent in, uh, like I said before, if you want to send one in, send it in to sby at And this first one, very cute, this first one. This is from Amber in London, Ontario. My overheard comes courtesy of my seven-year-old daughter. She asked me why she wakes up at the same time every day, even though she doesn't have an alarm clock.
Starting point is 01:11:03 So I explained circadian rhythm an hour or so later while she we were doing some cleaning she told me that she needed some rest and uh she said matter of factly sometimes i need to get under the covers in my bed even though i am not in the mood to sleep it's part of my canadian rhythm oh that's cool that's fun right that's a little kid saying something pretty cute. Yeah, I don't know where the word... Is circadian like a person's last name? Or is it... I think it's a circle thing. I used to think it was circadian when I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I thought it was like a cicada. They sleep for like 17 years. I think it has to do with a circle. But maybe I'm wrong. No, I think you're right. It's like... I think it's what your rhythm of the day kind of is it's actually named after andy circus oh shit yeah circadian rhythms
Starting point is 01:11:52 um this next one comes from marcus marcus from fresno i was replacing a door uh placing a door closer is that what's a door closer? What's a door closer? A handle, I guess? Momentum? I was replacing a door closer at a staffing agency where everyone in the office was on a Zoom meeting. It was very quiet until one of the ladies said, I'd rather die than do arts and crafts. Where was this?
Starting point is 01:12:28 This was in... An old folks home? No, in a staffing agency. So, like, secretaries and... Is this a British person who's using these terms? Staffing agency? Fresno! The door closer at the staffing agency!
Starting point is 01:12:44 In the car park. You guys like arts and crafts? You guys? I prefer arts. You prefer arts than crafts? Yeah. Okay. Because I'm more passionate.
Starting point is 01:12:56 That's right. And there's more interpretation. I'm a craft guy. You're a craft guy? I like a glue gun, a hot glue. Anything with hot glue? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Hot glue gun. That really,. Anything with hot glue. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hot glue gun. That really, yeah, that brings me back. You know when you touch it when it was still too hot, but that would stick to your finger? Oh, man. It's fun. Yeah. It is fun. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 01:13:14 It's fun. It's fun putting the new cartridge in. Oh, man, now you'll want to do some glue gun. Yeah. You'll go buy a glue gun. Do you call that a cartridge? The, like, tube? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Yeah. Is it a clip a magazine a glue magazine yeah yeah a clip a slug this last one comes from Sean in Brooklyn on the train sitting between two tough looking guys one turns to the other and says man that Iron Maiden lunchbox has got to be
Starting point is 01:13:46 one of the best investments i've ever made these are tough guys even their lunchbox is tough yeah these are some real lunch pail kids i guess they're garbage pail kids yeah but uh man that's adorable i mean if that guy thinks that it's I hope it's like an actual Iron Maiden, too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the torture device? Yeah, torture device where you can cook meat inside. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Oh, that would be good. Oh, yeah. Put half of the, like the low slices of bread in the spikes and have it close in and make a little sandwich. That's, yeah. A little cheese toastie, if you will um yeah uh i assume it's the band but maybe not he doesn't say specifically and also does this guy think uh buying a lunchbox is an investment that that's what investing is you buy yeah buy something give
Starting point is 01:14:41 it to you well they do say that about like a thing that you'll own for a long time and you'll like repair it instead of buying a new one yeah and maybe he was losing a lot of money on lunch just having loose lunches that he couldn't keep track of at least showing up to work with just half a sandwich just a handheld i bring my lunch in my hands and then i lose it and i have to buy lunch so it's really this is a good investment yeah i get that i get it now now in addition to overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 844-779-7631 That's one. Ugh. Spy pod one. Like these people have.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Hello. I'm a high school teacher and I take the bus so after school I'll often overhear some strange conversations. Today I was on the bus and there were two teen girls
Starting point is 01:15:42 who were chatting and they started talking about making out with boys. And one of them said, well, all boys I've ever tasted taste the same. And the other girl was like, no, they taste different.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And the first girl was like, Oh wait, no. I remember one dude I kissed. He tasted like lettuce, exactly like lettuce. And I could not stop myself from laughing. All right. Bye. Uh, wow. Lettuce. Exactly like lettuce. And I could not stop myself from laughing. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Bye. Wow. Lettuce. He was green. He was giant. He kept saying ho, ho, ho. I mean. There was a crunchy noise when we touched it.
Starting point is 01:16:19 We met at a salad bar. I don't know that. Maybe. Yeah. I don't know that maybe they yeah i don't know mouths taste different i never even thought about it i feel like there's there's a uh there's an like there's an ed sheeran song on the radio now that mentions what your someone else's mouth tastes like and i'm just disgusted by it yeah it was like old tuna it's just yeah it tastes like worthers these are these are the different variety of taste of mouth but now i when i google uh ed sheeran taste of your lips
Starting point is 01:17:00 there's like multiple songs where he mentions tasting his partner ew stop it edger keep it to yourself and in watermelon sugar harry styles is like taste like strawberry it's like no it's summer's evening you know it doesn't it doesn't though you're doing it wrong like i don't like hearing a song about summer outside of summer it's like christmas carols like i don't so i can't listen to that song because he's like on a summer's evening get out of here yeah you come back to me june 21st uh yeah let's hear another another ed Ed Sheeran song? All right, here we go. Hello, Dave and Graham and first-time guests.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I'm Isaiah in Des Moines. This is not how I sound. I can't sound normal on the phone. I'm realizing. This isn't a good one. I overseen a sign with one of the things burnt out and it was for
Starting point is 01:18:12 Simpson's College. Simpson's Yeah, that's it. Simpson College. And one of the whatever's was burnt out and so it said Simpson's On College. And I know only assholes one of the whatevers was burnt out and so it said simps on college and I know only
Starting point is 01:18:28 like assholes like use like simp but like it could be a dwarf knockoff I thought that was something you could use I thought that was somewhere you could go with this isn't good I'm upsetting my cat I'm just testing
Starting point is 01:18:44 this phone out I'm just testing this phone out. I'm just testing this phone out. It's the first call. Yeah. This is my inaugural call. Yeah, first time guest. I'm a first time caller of phones in general. Yeah, phones.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah, I just smashed a champagne bottle on the phone. For instance. Well, we wish you the best and also your cat we wish you and your cat yeah and we wish you a merry christmas but don't sing that around graham oh i get so pissed like if you heard the monster mash in february you'd be disgusted oh yeah well even we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year you're like why are they singing about the new year right now? You tune out that one line. You make people sing that song right up until midnight on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And then that's it. It's gone. And then and a Happy New Year. Okay. Final phone call. Here we go. Hi, Mr. My name is Claire from Philly.
Starting point is 01:19:50 And I overheard two people speaking and one person said she loves women. Can you believe that? That's all I got. That's all you need. Yeah. Well, you know who loves women? Ed Sheeran. Just the way they taste, though. that's all I got that's all you need yeah
Starting point is 01:20:05 well you know who loves women Ed Sheeran just the way they taste though of course I can believe someone loves women yeah
Starting point is 01:20:14 Ruth Bader Ginsburg number one all time yeah all time great number two Eve
Starting point is 01:20:20 the rapper number three Delta Burke oh yeah oh speaking of musicians i was uh i googled i googled tim blair and there's another tim blair from the past that was a rapper called tim dog you were of tim dog yeah he like faked his death or something like that something weird happened around his day oh shit well now i'm gonna have to really do a deep dive on tim dog you're gonna do a tim dog deep dive but he's dead would you take up the
Starting point is 01:20:51 mantle of tim so wait this dead guy faked his death i don't believe yeah suspicious yeah i wrote he he was like really big on the east coast west coast beef from what i remember of stumbling upon the wikipedia yes yeah years ago when i googled myself hello uh but so i feel like there's it it's i don't i don't know if i would be able to take up the mantle because i don't want to inherit the beefs you may have started right yeah that's a clever thing to do if there's like a uh east coast west coast beef just be like i'm dead i died and i'm not please don't no one come and kill me because i died now i'm more like a north and south guy and so don't yeah don't mind me now i'm more of a heaven and hell beef guy
Starting point is 01:21:37 yeah it's weird that east west coast have beef have beefs, but north and south, it becomes a civil war. Yes. There's so much more tension. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Well, I never want to go to war with America or the Arctic. All right. Yeah. So, you're just going to stay in the middle of the continent. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Anyways, I was wondering if that you'd found that but you did because everybody googles themselves once in a while and sees who else yeah sure yeah it's also an australian journalist but i but i don't know much about okay i think he has my my i used to his picture used to come up when you google me but i i think it changed are you top top google like if you google yourself i yeah i think so but i also i don't know if it's just because google knows your preferences but am i top uh when i when you
Starting point is 01:22:30 when i google you yes the your picture comes up on the right but the first uh the first result on the left is uh tim blair's blog from the daily telelegraph in Australia. Oh, yeah. Right. No, that's me. That's me. Yeah. Oh. Got a lot of opinions on Australian politics. Yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 This Australian Tim Blair? Ooh, he can get it. Well, that, I believe, brings us to the end of this here show. Tim, thank you so much for being our guest This was a treat, brand new guest And it was so much fun Yeah, splendid, had a great time This podcast rocks
Starting point is 01:23:15 Oh, thank you We're pretty splendid, thank you So, Tall Boys, seasons one and two You can see on fuse uh television is season three going to be on that as well yeah yeah they'll all be coming out shortly and then in canada you can check them up on cbc gem all there nice and uh yeah congratulations on your success in that field it is not an easy field to to succeed at so kudos well thank you appreciate it and uh and people can come see us in edmonton this saturday yeah we will be you know at uh the uh winterruption festival yeah put down your old uh gretzky jerseys yeah put down your old Gretzky jerseys. Yeah, put down your spec script for a version of Winning Time about the 80s Oilers.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I think that's not a bad idea. That's not a bad idea. That actually sounds pretty good. And Graham, don't you have a date coming up? Not this weekend, but next weekend? I'll be in Winnipeg at the uh the wonderful rumors comedy club oh no wait that's that's yeah that's in april yeah april like thursday to whatever yeah yeah april the thursday yeah april the thursday look it up uh rumors comedy club uh and uh thank you uh to our guest
Starting point is 01:24:43 and thank you to everybody out there listening please use your best judgment when doing anything at all and come back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Audience supported.

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