Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 754 - Mark Chavez

Episode Date: August 30, 2022

Improviser Mark Chavez returns to talk babies, Harry Potter, and moshing....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka, and he's Graham Clark, and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 754 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark, and with me as always is a man who, um, uh, well, jeez, I don't know. Um, if there was, uh, anybody that could have a calendar that featured 12 months of him, it would be Dave Shumka. What's that supposed to mean i know you're like okay say it say it you're so photogenic you could fill up a monthly count oh i could fill out there's 12 possible photos dave's yeah i'm not such a narcissist that i would need just constantly look at my own face oh no no no, no. No, that you can pull off like a fireman count.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Not necessarily fireman calendar quality, but you know, certainly not. Why not? What's not quality? Will you get greased? I'll get greased. Would you get greased? Look, you have a better chance of like,
Starting point is 00:01:21 I mean, I'm already pretty greased. So can we, let's just do this while I'm already greased and fine. You just, let's just get this over with. Get out the hoses. Let me put my, uh, my big old boots on and, uh, and just the helmet, the helmet and the boots. Everything else. The helmet and the boots and just the hose, you know, suggestively over to indicate how you say my crank. My horn. Our guest today, a favorite here on the podcast, returning guest. He's a comedian.
Starting point is 00:01:59 He is a writer. He is an improviser with the Sunday Service. It's Mark Chavez, everybody. Hi, everyone. Oh, a favorite, really? I'll take that. writer he is an improviser with the sunday service it's mark chavez everybody hi everyone oh a favorite really i'll take that oh i would of course what a nice thing to say um we have you on and and we love it and it's our favorite thing i love and we feel you deserve it so thank you so much uh it's been it's been a little while though um yes you have been on in the zoom in the um in the covet era the remote era it was the very very beginning of the covet era and then i haven't
Starting point is 00:02:31 yeah and i haven't i mean i've seen you both since the one time we re-released video of this show was when you were on and we were it was when someone had an overheard where they someone thought the movie was called it was the movie philadelphia and they got everything wrong about it oh yeah that rings a bell first it's a movie about a person who does not have any illness whatsoever no it was like he had vd and it was tom cruise and and it was called pennsylvania or something i forget vd in pennsylvania yep yep um mark do we get to know us yes yay get to know us he doesn't usually just ask the guest about but mark's an old hand at this so i he's got all corners covered um mark it's been uh it's been a chunk of time and i think in the
Starting point is 00:03:35 meantime you've created a bit of a different life for yourself yeah yeah so in since i've spoken to you um i i uh moved which is the smaller thing uh here but still here in vancouver and then uh i had a baby um and uh his name is cosmo and yeah he's cute it's been so long he's 14 months old already so the we've missed so much like do you want me to just do a day by day people love that right yeah do the calendar i mean you do first i want to hear about this move let's uh let's talk all about this move yeah we left the densest most busy part of or it made me i don't know if the most busy part very dense part of the city uh the west end and i moved all the way out to almost outside of the city still inside vancouver but yes you gotta be just it's absolute you'll lose tons of social status the moment you leave the city oh man you can take an evo there
Starting point is 00:04:31 because it's just yeah there's a there's a big line right on boundary people park their evos and then just walk they take their they get their backpacks and they just start traveling yeah it's crazy like there's this invisible shield um that's where i am so there's lots of evils to get to take back into the city uh yeah and you know um it was a coincidental move um but it worked out well coincidental in that we uh needed you know we need more space um but yeah and we and now we i couldn't imagine raising this child in our uh we were in a studio for about 10 years studio apartment so uh but like i think at the time i uh you had moved there because you guys were gonna get a dog yeah that's right we wanted to get a dog now we don't we still don't have a dog usually you go dog first baby but then yeah yeah easy now let me tell you someone who has two of both dogs easy
Starting point is 00:05:28 yeah but aren't you kind of dealing with with dog problems right now i remember you we were talking about it and you're like i get somebody has to be home with the dogs or else it's just yeah well that was a just a few weeks right right but now uh the dogs are fine and uh can't say the same about the kids. Yeah. Yeah. So what's it like, Dave? Like what's, what do I have to look forward to? Just lots of, well, more of the same, a word a day.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah. It's a word a day. Well, get your kids one of those word a day calendars and they'll be on their way. We have a far side calendar. So they mostly, they mostly want to talk about women with beehive haircuts little nerds turtles deer are big one nerdlings um yeah cosmo my boy he says uh he says all done and he kind of just uses it for any occasion and it usually works like um yeah like yeah when like he's done with something if he's done being held he'll say
Starting point is 00:06:27 all done his little hand signal for it um last night we turned off his sound a little way exactly like little hands up twisting at the wrists um that's what i do at a restaurant too i just push my plate you go twisty rusty and then the waiter comes up says oh sir are you all done oh yes okay take that one all done more yeah he invented his own uh hand signal for pick me up which is the same one for put me down which is just this it's just like his fist kind of moving up and down okay that's like the jackoff it's no it's yeah in a different hand position. That's right. Well, unless you're standing at a perpendicular angle. Sorry, your window's cut off a little bit. I'm just going to, I can't, I got to take my word for it that it's the jackass motion.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I've got to take my own word on this one. Yeah, so that's been my uh that's been my experience i'm just the first year was um uh incredibly uh confronting and strange and uh scary uh and i feel like i'm coming out of that fog a little bit so it's been more fun um yeah well it's a because dave knows this you guys can bond over this uh what is the first year like is it just uh insanity or i definitely remember like six months in thinking oh this has to get easier otherwise people would only ever have one child yeah that's true yeah it it and you the first three months you don't remember everyone i talked to when i was in the first three months they're like i don't remember what we were doing like everybody is like you
Starting point is 00:08:07 it's i think it's just a nature thing they kind of make you forget that um right uh because you don't sleep and you're just kind of like up all night and doing and like every hour is different and and then you ever get nap trapped nap trapped you mean like what's that i don't i've never heard the term actually but is that because you you you have a nap schedule you have to kind of adhere to and you can't leave because no i mean like you're physically the baby is falling asleep on you and you can't get up 100 yeah yeah i've been nap trapped many times sometimes willingly i actually like that yeah it rules i mean that's something i miss yeah what else what other terminology would you guys have that that uh your your single
Starting point is 00:08:52 o's uh confirmed bachelors wouldn't uh wouldn't know like nap trap that's a good one um there any others that spring to mind uh uh back milk yeah back milk yeah tell me tell me again what back milk is about front milk the first milk the baby gets is more watery and they kind of want to they feed until they get the oh boy if i'm getting this wrong it's really embarrassing but it as they the longer they feed like in a session the back the milk that comes out is has more nutrients and so you kind of have to like oh i see them to oh in a session yeah i think it's in i know that like as the baby gets older the the feedings get shorter and so the the milk is more like nutrient packed oh like it's got everything you need for a eight month old kid and it's advertising uh yeah it's muscle milk i i love that it's called a
Starting point is 00:09:47 session yeah it's like it's a i sit in i'm a studio session yeah just go ahead and feed that baby and one and two sessions are weird i would anytime the term session is used i feel that way it can it just always sounds a little off um i'm trying to think of other uh other terms uh um i remember all the ones from like baby the labor the delivery and like the month leading up in the month after i remember like meconium and oxytocin yeah wait wait what's meconium fill me in this weird car poop is the uh yeah i it looks so when i when i first when cosmo was born which i can tell you about because i witnessed the thing um but i changed uh the nurse kind of walked me through changing him
Starting point is 00:10:40 for the first time and she's like this is what you do it's like oh this is the meconium and she took off his diaper and it looked like somebody took like a giant like snowball sized thing of tar and just like crap like i don't know where it came from just like crammed it in the diaper it was so much so it's like that it's like these first hoops they do uh and the nurse puts it in there as a test that's what it is it's a star and she's just like oh let's see you change that diaper now it's actually another you're terrified yeah yeah and it's and it's something that if and i was warned i was told about it but if it's something you didn't necessarily like expect it's it's incredible to behold like is this nor it's like it feels very abnormal yeah and you just wanted to be if i recall you wanted to be in the waiting room smoking a cigar yeah well i brought a thing of whiskey and i had
Starting point is 00:11:28 my carton of cigarettes um i had a suit full suit uh yeah full suit and fedora yeah you were playing poker with some dogs yeah and uh i expected a doctor to come out and say uh mr ch, it's a boy. Congratulations. Yay! But instead, I was in the room while it was happening. It was a C-section, and when they asked if I would like to present the gender, the sex, what is it? What's the difference? Anyway, say if it was a boy or a girl. Present the penis. The penis or the vagina and um the uh they that's your first quiz right there out of the gate what is this i was like i was like what if i don't what if i because if there's just a there's so much information
Starting point is 00:12:22 coming into it i was like what if i did for some reason don't understand what's happening uh but it was very clear um so they're like we're gonna have a birthday soon because like as they were cutting in and every you know there was getting really close and i heard him scream and do you mind if i cut in the doctors had come announce so i and i was sitting like by uh anita's head that's my partner's name not some random like just kind of talking to her and then i reached look up over the the sheet and it's just like there's a baby with an umbilical cord that i followed where the umbilical cord went it's just into this like bloody just crazy yeah open person like it was madness and then i looked up and saw cosmo and he saw he was a boy said it's a boy then he peed right when i said it um and just like boys yeah i've got two girls no p for us interesting yeah it's a big difference uh between that's how you know that's the that's the other thing to look for who's being yeah wherever the fuck they want
Starting point is 00:13:39 right that is the binary piece wherever they want or it doesn't that's true um and like you how do you here's the question how the fuck do you drive home after that that you drive home wild so we were in the hospital for like a two maybe a day or two days and then they're like okay bye and they they put the baby you have a do you have to bring the car seat in like they tell you in our little burden class like make sure you have a car seat make sure you have a do you have to bring the car seat in like they tell you in our little burden class like make sure you have a car seat make sure you have like all this stuff because you can forget a million things yeah so you have your little car seat they pack the baby in and they shove diapers uh between his head and the headrest because he was too small which is a very
Starting point is 00:14:18 common thing to do just like all these diapers like keeping his head firm and they and then you just suddenly you just take this kid home and that was one of the most intense driving experiences i've ever had is driving from and it wasn't even that far but it's like from the hospital to home but was it from the hospital isn't it uh i'm didn't need to stay in the back seat or was she a shotgun no i think she 100 was in the back seat but but uh and then we still do that uh she'll still be in the backseat with him did you stop for slurpees or anything yeah we got we went through the car wash got the car wash i just want i want the baby to see yeah how much fun a car wash is went through the mcdonald's drive-thru got the order wrong had to go back around i would look i want the cosmo to see me yell at the manager no because he's gonna think that this
Starting point is 00:15:10 is fine yeah he does well i don't i wouldn't you want me to look like a pussy in front of my newborn child and she's like yes yes i do um uh yeah so that and then then you're just home and you have this kid and people come over and want to say hi which is really nice and bring food it's really great that's nice what was the what is the best food that you got brought in um oh somebody made this amazing seven layer dip but she also put it in this nice dish that she was like and keep the dish and uh we still have that nice we think about it every time i see it it's so nice i should warn you the dish cursed yeah it's a curse you keep it if you cook anything that isn't seven layer dip in this casserole you will turn into a seven layer dip now can you name the seven layers yes what are they um it's a sloth gluttony beans guacamole
Starting point is 00:16:10 cheese yep salsa uh-huh sour cream which i do not like okay um ketchup uh barbecue sauce yeah barbecue oh i think they sprinkle uh like olives and uh green onions on there and those aren't full layers count as layers right yeah that's not fair that's but then how do you how the hell do you get through all those layers doesn't your chip what kind of chip gets in all there you gotta get toasty those scoops yeah you just you just use like um like uh straw like uh what if like a fried onion straw like long no i don't know it's too many layers have you never had a seven layer dip graham no oh it's like uh is there anything in there you're allergic to i don't think so no i just have never like been to where one
Starting point is 00:17:05 would be like a a grocery store game or yeah i don't know about them this one was good i think she didn't actually put sour cream in it the whole thing was hot so it didn't it didn't have something that shouldn't wow i don't think there was even guacamole it was like some sort of crazy dip but it was like bean based very because it's it's if you ever have one you need you basically you're breaking chips as you go and you're you basically you're breaking chips as you go and you're using another you're using chips with both hands to kind of fish chips out get a spoon in there get a long spoon like it's not it's not like a gigantic deep it's not like one inch layers that's what i was picturing is like like a trifle yeah no it's like a thin layer on top of
Starting point is 00:17:47 each other yeah very thin not like it's not even like uh well maybe it's as thick as a lasagna that sounds like an insult to somebody it's as thick as a lasagna as thick as a lasagna Dens is a Pontiac. So, yeah, and he's, I was over for a barbecue or something where everybody was going to meet the baby, but a couple people had sequestered the baby in a tent. Yeah, he was holding on to two little E-meters. He was changing film well every yeah we had to everything was outside and so there was a little baby tent we had set up to keep him in the shade and yeah and it was around my birthday too but it was like what a ripoff i know oh and father's day is on my birthday now like everything uh i just i don't get i birthday now Like everything I don't get anything
Starting point is 00:18:47 Dads don't get anything Yeah too bad because all those fathers are taking All your birthday presents now Exactly Yeah now you have to get one for everybody Or however Do you guys do anything on Father's Day? We haven't really done anything the worst is that it's like the idea of like oh i'll give dad a day off and like go golf with
Starting point is 00:19:17 other dads or whatever yeah it's not uh that's not what i'm in that's what i'm here for right right golfing with some pals but i also don't want to go too far the other way where it's like it's father's day so let's shower him with attention yes right would you like say a breakfast in bed that's untenable in my life no one wakes up before me oh that's true so you'd have to be already awake yeah breakfast in bed would be at 6 45 in the morning well it's your day everybody should set an alarm what's the appeal i guess it's i guess it's that you're being served and you haven't like that you haven't had to sit up but eating um like a full meal in bed kind of grosses me out to begin with. Like just the crumbs.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Did I talk about watching the movie gray gardens, which I hadn't watched ever before. There's a scene, the, the elder lady in it is fairly bedridden and she makes corn in bed. And I was like, that's it. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Like has the pot boiling. How did she, she has like a hot plate yeah it's wild i've never seen anything like it and the whole movie's about why they can't get home insurance well first of all you gotta stop cooking in bed it was a movie made by state farm uh it had a whole studio like yeah oh yeah state farm uh it turned out quite a few all state all state did they did some pictures geico um have either of you guys ever had to use insurance like what they actually like try and collect car yeah yeah me too um car insurance were they jerks did they jerk you around all over the place or you was it like just take this right off the car it's pretty black and white uh and sometimes it's like sometimes it's like you're gonna have to pay for this or uh you're gonna have to pay the deductible on this or and i'm like it's not that big a problem with my like it's it's just like
Starting point is 00:21:30 body damage i don't care that's the same with my body if it's just body damage but i think there was once where i was hit and run and so i uh like i didn't have to even pay my deductible, I don't think. Just because they were like, this sucks so much. I feel like it was like, instead of 50-50, they assigned it 100% the other person paid. But maybe I had to pay the deductible. I don't really know what a deductible is. Me neither. I don't know, and I don't really understand how like I have health insurance for certain things but that you pay you get paid out regularly for that but uh like i've never yeah knock on wood
Starting point is 00:22:14 i've never had a car thing although did i maybe when i was a teenager i did but also it was my parents minivan so that would have been, the deductible would have been hilarious. That would have been their insurance. Right. Yes. I have life insurance now. Oh, what's that like? It's.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Do you say Patrick or Patrick? No. I said Patrick. Mark's not from Canada. That's true. That's not fair. There was a Canadian commercial with this old man answers the phone. It's Patrick. he just got life insurance
Starting point is 00:22:46 wow that's okay but it's yeah you're in case you know if a hitman takes me down my family gets the money I can provide
Starting point is 00:23:00 special hitman insurance I have hitman insurance let me guess they get 4 insurance. And do they get, let me guess, they get four, 4.8 million. They get 4.8 million. If I'm strangled with piano wire,
Starting point is 00:23:11 they get it. Right. Oh, so it's a specifically hitman insurance. It's hitman, but, and it's method. So like if I'm taken out with an ice bullet,
Starting point is 00:23:19 right. And they can never pinpoint who did it. They get 8 million. Wonderful. Do you have life insurance mark no no so you can kill me and no one gets anything i need to get i need to uh i hate these conversations you should get a tattoo of a of a treasure map on your chest in case anything happens first of all go bury some treasure yeah yeah that's where i've where i've put where i put all my treasure and then like and i just do it like a da vinci code style death where like i don't know if you remember this but
Starting point is 00:23:54 i just saw it recently in a hotel at the beginning of the movie a guy gets killed by someone and then he does an elaborate death where he like makes himself look like leonardo's like moving man he like paints a clue on his chest but it's like it's a clue it's not like a like this guy killed me he like does this so so they bring in tom hanks who can decode this man's anyway that's all i want to die and i want to confuse everyone. Yeah, confuse the detective. Yeah. Think this is a clue? Yeah. And cover myself in symbols.
Starting point is 00:24:29 What is black and white and red all over? A nun in a blender. A book. I'm currently watching Eyes Wide Shut. You said that like I'm binging it i yeah yeah like it's i've been watching it in spurts yeah uh speaking of which that's the movie to watch for spurts and the funniest thing is that anita didn't know it was like a sex movie like you know she never like i don't know what rock she was ever going to, but she had no idea.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And so, you know, when I think of the movie, I think of the iconic masks and sex party kind of scene, right? Yeah. I haven't seen it, but I also think of that. Yeah. Like, as someone who hasn't seen it, I know it's famous for that. Right. So, that scene came along and she was like, what? Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I had no idea. I didn't know that she didn't know that boy. Like, what did you think this was? Uh, but my favorite part about it, I haven't finished it yet. We have about 40 minutes and I've seen it. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Anyway, I didn't remember this, but Tom, Tom Cruises goes around flashing his doctor badge to everyone. Like, like he's a cop. He's like, no,
Starting point is 00:25:41 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:42 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:43 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:43 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:43 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:44 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, i'm a doctor and he pulls out his wallet and he has like this like really small fine print looks like a business card that just says phd or whatever uh and it gets i see that he wants to see that kind of doctor he's a phd yeah he's a phd he's uh he's a oh he's an md this gets me anywhere i want to go i'm actually like an egyptologist yeah uh i don't know what made me think of that i think i haven't seen that movie how long is it three hours almost three hours yeah yeah remember when that was a long movie i know it's like such a normal size i Didn't it have a Chris Isaac song on the soundtrack?
Starting point is 00:26:25 Maybe it did a bad, bad, bad. That was for that movie, right? Is it? I don't know. Well, I know that he wrote one for an erotic movie. Oh. Because he's a pretty erotic guy. Yeah, what else was erotic around that time?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Was Wild Things around that time? Basic Instinct. Wild Things was around. No, Basic Instinct was 10 years earlier. Crash, the auto one, not the other one. wild things around that time basic wild things was around no basically yeah basically earlier though right um crash the auto one not the other one right the one that solved racism yeah yeah the one with uh james spader is that crash yes yeah yeah being his being his all-time weirdest yeah um not that it's weird to get to be attracted to people based on car accidents that's fine if that's your thing great enjoy i remember the music video for baby we did a bad
Starting point is 00:27:13 bad thing had leticia casta in it beautiful french model hubba hubba beach probably no that's the other chris isaac song no um did you ever watch his show remember he had that show the other Chris Isaac song No Did you ever watch his show Remember he had that show The Chris Isaac show yeah they shot it here I once saw him on Robson street And with Abby And she had a she like hyperventilated She was like
Starting point is 00:27:37 It's cause she was with Chris Isaac It's Chris freaking Isaac over here You said you once saw him on Robson with Abby He's on my list. Did he have his hair like all up? Yeah, he had it all up and he was, you know, doing kind of an Elvis thing. Right. He just looked like Chris Isaac.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So here's the background of the song according to Wikipedia. Similar to how Isaac's Wicked Game only became a success following its inclusion in Wild at Heart, the song got most of its mainstream recognition after being featured in the 1999 Stanley Kubrick film Eyes Wide Shut. Oh, I haven't come across the song yet. That's so interesting. Kubrick heard the song as Kidman listened to Isaac's music to liven up during rehearsals. Oh, and then he was like... That's like the most
Starting point is 00:28:26 interesting thing i've ever heard about nicole kidman it's like she's a chris isaac fan yeah apparently like uh stanley kubrick didn't want to film any of it in america so he filmed it all in london even like exterior shots were fake streets and so there's a couple scenes where tom cruise is marching down the street and he was just on a treadmill doing that so it's uh oh wow he's a weird dude what's the uh he's on a treadmill and it's just like green screened because they couldn't get a street oh wow yeah like a like a new york backdrop and uh you know yeah he was just pretending it was cold out and he was just walking it was so hot in london well that i they could make it i don't mind that
Starting point is 00:29:18 um i i like it i like the movie more than i thought i would just fyi yeah it's famously like isn't you know it's one of these things like oh he died before it was finished and the people making the other producer were like no he was finished this is his vision so if it's weird and bad it's his fault yeah yeah what's it about it's i i was trying it's about kind of a bad man who is jealous it's like and get and go and goes on this like wild ride and like like of like being jealous and like going out to like follow his whims i don, I couldn't tell you what it's about. You know, jealousy is like a major part.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Imagine having the free time enough to be jealous. Yeah. Very rich. Um, kind of do anything he wants. What is the significance of the title? Um, I don't,
Starting point is 00:30:22 I think it's like, I don't know. Cause correct me if I'm wrong. And usually when eyes are wide, they're open. Yeah. I always kind of found the name. I always found the title a little bit like I didn't quite work as a, cause it's not like as a little word play or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I never, you know what I would call it? Hmm. Boner dome. Yeah. That's well, if Stanley Kubrick had had lived to the end it would have been called that if he had if he had realized his vision but no they had to he died vision for boner dome is to have tom cruise walking around new york but it's not new york i hate new york why did he not want to shoot in boner dome treadmill 2000 he's on a treadmill see and he's he's a i don't know why
Starting point is 00:31:08 he's just he's an unusual man right um and you know what he's usually right um do you guys see ai because that was kind of his thing that he had mapped out and then steven spielberg made it oh i didn't know that that's i think i remember hearing that but i never saw that either i should watch that i like spielberg i like kubrick ai yeah so that's the one with pretty good with what's his name with hailey joel also hailey joel and then uh jude lore jude laurel and it's it's long and it kind of there's a couple of things that i'm like ah this is spielberg take this is not uh then we could take but yeah it's worth watching if you want to learn about robots in the future if you want to get yourself ready and jude law is a sex bot
Starting point is 00:31:58 is he's a sex bot yeah that's right what's his character name something funny like pleasure p Peter or something Oh probably Yeah Good time Gary Pleasure Pete 5000 I'm part of the 5000 series I really know how to give pleasure
Starting point is 00:32:14 Not as good as the 6000 series But better than the 4 Now What would you like? I can't do that One pleasure please I'm afraid I can't do that please upgrade the software please upgrade um yeah i uh gigolo joe
Starting point is 00:32:37 nice and then leisure suit larry leisure suit larry and then what was the the cab driver in total recall was that robot called oh gosh that's a really like johnny cab or something like that welcome to johnny cab and then like when he when they crash and he's like he turns kind of demonic for some reason he's like oh thank you he's like on fire that's that's a great we're gonna have to write off your robot it's completely fucked would it be great if johnny cab was jiggalo joe ai like some kind of sex cab yeah that's not a bad name yeah sex cab that sounds like something i want to watch you can have sex with any part of this car i'm sure you can i'm sure you can watch something yeah sex cab that sounds like something i want to watch you can have sex with any part of this car i'm sure you can i'm sure you can watch something called sex cab very easily yeah but i
Starting point is 00:33:32 wanted to be futuristic and maybe kubrickian okay well then yeah that that i can't promise you um yeah is there i mean there's probably i know know they're like Brandon Lee when he died, they made the rest of the movie just with special effects with the crow. Like how do, yeah. How does that happen? I'm always so confused. When a star dies in the middle of filming and then they released the movie
Starting point is 00:33:57 using stock footage and outtakes. Yeah. How? Like, I don't know. It must be, they must have like finished shooting like 99 of it or something i just don't get how they did that well i remember when uh that was all the money in the world oh yeah yeah yeah the j paul getty movie with um uh kevin spacey kevin spacey was uh played the richest man in the world
Starting point is 00:34:27 uh and then they replaced him with christopher plumber because uh everyone found out that he was kevin spacey everyone found out that kevin spacey was uh the the things were true yeah um and apparently they reshot that super quick like oh yeah because he is not like he's in it but he's not like uh oh yeah they did a good job of it yeah really good job of it but every scene he's in they have to get everyone back they have to like all those locations yeah well a lot of the locations were i think they did everything on green screen as far as i can tell from what makes uh a ridley scott movie these days right right right since house of gucci oh is that ridley scott yeah oh man he's he's had a weird fantastic career i know i i wish those movies were more fun there was
Starting point is 00:35:19 like those i should love those movies but they just they't have it. They don't even have the flair of being put on in the background. Which one? The Gucci one and All the Money in the World are both kind of the same kind of lifeless. The Gucci one with Lady Gaga. You were struggling to think of her name? I really was. what else what else came through your head before you said gaga i honestly here's honest my honest answer is i have a friend who's a performer named lady rizzo and i was gonna say lady rizzo but um it's not that's
Starting point is 00:35:58 the wrong lady maybe maybe she should be in it yeah what is What is your, I know Dave's is Moneyball. If you have a couple minutes to sit down and watch our movie, it's going to be Moneyball. What's yours of that, Mark? Jeez, that's a great one. I was really sick this week with a stomach flu and I tried to watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It's not that. That's not the one. Moneyball is such a good answer uh i like yeah um geez i would do uh kind of yeah like anything like 80s action is really like i'll do that commandoando and such. Remember Commando? Oh, my gosh. I do.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And the big scene that takes part in the mall is one of my favorite. Terminator 2 for a while I would do. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was the Judgment Day. Yeah. I could just watch that. It was on.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah. I know that yours, Graham, or at least one of them, is Back to the Future. Back to the Future. It rotates. There's Back to the Future. There's Cas Future. It rotates. There's Back to the Future. There's Casino. Oh, that's a great, yes. Recently, The Talented Mr. Ripley. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:37:12 It's very easy to watch. It's beautiful. Have you read it? No. Have you? No. That's our book club. The author did something else too yeah what did they else with the author do uh strangers on a train oh he wrote that yeah the the novel was written in 1955 oh okay and there's more than one ripley book right
Starting point is 00:37:41 kind of like oh is there it's like a character. Oh. Mr. Ripley goes to town. Mr. Ripley takes Manhattan. Mr. Ripley 5, go for it. I think I could re-watch Heat if it came on. Oh, yeah, Heat. I never, I didn't like
Starting point is 00:38:02 Heat. I don't think I finished Heat ever. I think I got out of it when Al Pacino was saying, great ass. I don't like Heat. I don't think I finished Heat ever. I think I got out of it when Al Pacino was saying, great ass. I don't know. Did you see that? I feel like it may have been co-written, but Michael Mann wrote Heat 2 as a novel.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Oh. Weird. It's really funny when a book is the sequel to a movie. That's actually 2010. Because 2001 was a movie and then Arthur C. Clarke wrote the novelization of it. Well, they were writing they wrote them both at the same time. I think Kubrick actually screwed Arthur C. Clarke over because he released the movie before
Starting point is 00:38:43 the book right but he had nothing kubrick though i mean he might have like helped storyboard the book a bit but he's not on the book at all no he's not in the book but i think they were like collaborating to have the two like sort of in tandem i forget i right i knew this 20 years ago but the the sequel book is the sequel of the movie because the book is different than the movie oh sure and then they made the movie of the sequel book oh you know what it was i think it was basically yeah it was that it was that the movie they were collaborating and then kubrick went off and did his own thing and was like didn't tell rc car right like oh by the way the movie's gonna be way different than the book yeah so here are the ripley books okay the talented mr ripley ripley underground ripley's game the
Starting point is 00:39:40 boy who followed ripley and ripley. These were written between 1955 and 1991. Wow. And that's so cool. It's like a whole little like. The Ripley ultimatum. Yeah. And it's like in one book, he's listening to records and then it goes, he listens to eight tracks and on and on. Then he's got a Walkman.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Then he starts a Believe It or Not store. Let's Believe It or Not store. Let's believe it or not store. I want to do my own believe it or not store. Oh, God. Our products will have you guessing. And then he watches Alien and he's like, but her name's my name. Alien, that's another, or Aliens, I think is a good rewatch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm like on this this 80s action deal. There's so many good movies that I could just keep on. But they were all made in the 80s. Everyone knows that. I know. Go back to the 70s. Everything's so slow. Yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:40:36 So slow, so brown. The film is so grainy. Yeah, grainy. So grainy. Everybody's wearing just, you know, monogrammed suits. The punches sound weird. Yeah. Oh, great. Everybody's wearing just, you know, monogram suits. The punches sound weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:52 The foley in Eyes Wide Shut in many movies, it's one of those things that just I can't get past every time I hear it. But that's one where the footsteps are really like, they really lean into the sound of footsteps everywhere. So it's like, like every, you know, and it's like, like every, you know, and it's just like one of the most, it's the most forward sound in the film.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's like, what if, uh, to make that effect, they brought in a horse to make it sound like, but he doesn't, but the horse does it with his mouth. The horse is like,
Starting point is 00:41:21 sure. He's a Michael W winslow of horses i thought it'd be cool to be a foley artist you know when you're yeah the original they break in celery in a box for most sounds and they have like these have you seen have you seen the green knight no is that it's so good i just watched it twice again i watched it twice again i watch it twice every christmas but there's a character in it who's a tree um or he's like a wood man and well that clears it up yeah whenever he moves it just like the foley people are like yeah it's time to shine because they're just like like so much so much breaking celery when we don't move yeah the one that i like is that they
Starting point is 00:42:17 take like um uh what do you call like a towel that's really super absorbed chamois chamois right right take a sham wow wet it and then the one i've seen they slap it against the vinyl car seat and that's supposed to make like a slapping or punching oh sure oh that is i wonder i wonder if that's because there's like like kind of in the the realm of the willhelm scream there's like some really classic punch sounds that are like for every movie for like 10 years. Yeah. They all have the same like, because I wonder
Starting point is 00:42:50 if that's what it is. ShamWow on. When I. ShamWow on car seat. I used to watch Fight Club pretty regularly. Oh yeah. When I owned, you know, 10 DVDs. Cycled between Fight Club and The Royal Tenenbaums
Starting point is 00:43:06 and a pavement documentary. But I would... The band, not the service. Like an educational film. Pavement documentary. Pavement, where you stand. And you could stand to learn more Yeah, so where do you stand on pavement?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Well, let me show you Exactly But there's a part where they're just beating up Jared Leto It's actually my wet dream But it's brutal and it goes on and on and on And i can't watch it and i close my eyes and i just hear a basketball bouncing oh okay and is that is that i just want to destroy something beautiful yeah moment yeah um i had when i had dvds i had um uh a mighty wind, spinal tap, all those, which I, those are definite rewatches. The matrix,
Starting point is 00:44:07 which I watched a billion times, the Royal Tenenbaums and election. Yeah. Those are my, like in college, put it on when I, yeah, it is weird that it's like DVDs.
Starting point is 00:44:21 There was 10 years when people had DVDs andhs's had been so expensive for so long that yeah you would only ever you would have like if you ever rented a movie and lost it blockbuster would charge you 80 for god to send this back to me well no you just like you you just try to like disappear from the blockbuster if you're if you're late if you got too bit you're like i can't they can't know that i'm still here they can't know that i'm alive so no one really i guess some people did like but collecting movies wasn't a thing until dvds and people had like huge dvd collections and that that's kind of gone away, but everyone had the same hundred DVDs from the, from like 1998 to 2006.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah. Yeah. Kind of ending with like Tom Cruise is war of the world. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good, that's a good air. And they can picture his leather coat.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah. There's like a certain coat he wears in it. And it's very of that week yeah totally and it's covered in dust at one point he like kind of it's like covered in um people ash yeah everyone had like no i actually like unbreakable better than the sixth sense there was a big this was the shaman shaman. That's right. And did you know that he was on the cover of Time once and they said the new Spielberg question mark?
Starting point is 00:45:51 So anyways, he didn't live up to it. Which was ending, no. But the question mark, the article is just like, but he's doing a thing. My stepdad had two VCRs. And and so we would every videotape he would he would uh rent he would record but half of them were had anti-copying do you remember that oh they had a mechanism where you could anti-copy so what the anti-copying thing did was it would it would make the video like flash really bad color like you just got a really
Starting point is 00:46:27 poor copy like once they copped on that people could use two vcrs and record what they were watching so yeah half of our collection would and then my brother catalog catalog catalog yeah he cataloged them into categories and there'd be like a little asterisk next to it if it was not a good copy. Oh. Ah, uh-huh. But we had a great library of things. Yeah, lucky you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I can remember like what, there was two movies on each tape and there was Jane Fonda's Workout was on the same tape as Tron. That's what Jane, likeane fonda in my childhood jane fonda was a famous workout person as far as i knew yeah that's how i was introduced to her too yeah but it's like people always think about like kids that never saw any of steve martin's early stuff and they just think that he's the guy from cheaper by the dozen so yeah i mean that at least is the same realm it's not like oh yeah this guy hosts infomercials or whatever yeah danny bonaduce he's the i had some videotapes towards the the beginning when dvds were taking over and uh i had all the had the ace ventura and i had uh
Starting point is 00:47:57 the sequel and i had a lot of jim carrey movies i think i had all the jim carrey movies up to that time and then i had one that was random snippy that's why i remember that i had these cassettes because it was orange the video oh cool actually yeah this is pretty cool yeah there was there was a time when when vhs was became cheap uh and i i had election actually on vhs oh really i had a 13 inch tv with a tape player in the bottom and i would watch dvds on my playstation too so i missed that setup right that sounds like a pretty cool setup pretty great setup well we had some anita had some friends come over yesterday and they left her
Starting point is 00:48:45 some of their music on cd and we were like how are we gonna listen to this because they both musicians are like here this here's our stuff do you uh you have a record player do you have a car we we don't have a record player we get someone gifted us a record player but it doesn't work i don't know why i needed to tell you that. Good gift. Yeah. I was just going to say. It has a seven-layer dip all over it.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Yeah. You can keep the record player. Oh, cool. Thanks. I was just going to be joshing you, because you can't do anything with a record player and a CD. Dave's on the right track. Does your car have a CD player?
Starting point is 00:49:24 It might. It does. Yes. I think it does and then uh and then also i recently came into an uh xbox and a place came into an xbox girl come on shush what where else am i gonna put it it has to go somewhere why not the xbox i mean it happened while i was playing halo yeah how could it not happen when you're playing halo uh and i think one of them might have a yeah function of a function to slide i had the uh there was a flaming lips album called zyrica uh and it came on five discs that you play at the same time and so it was designed like they used they had these um they had these parties where you would play them all in a bunch of cars in a parking lot uh but really i tried doing it at my house with like my computer and a playstation and my stereo and
Starting point is 00:50:28 a friend brought over a thing and you walk from walk around the apartment and it gets, you hear different, and it goes in and out of sync. Oh. But like the whole you have to listen to all five for the songs to be. I mean you can listen to one and you get just one portion of it. But do you get one portion of it? Like you just get the bass line? Yeah, sort of.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Like there's usually more than five elements in the song. So you get a couple things, but. That's cool. And the timing, does it have to be so precise to start them? Yeah, you kind of have to like start them. And then everything starts differently like you hit play on a playstation and like your disk minutes they don't start at the same second but they they count and you can pause one and and sort of
Starting point is 00:51:17 sync them up a bit but they do go in and out of sync right is it as precise as uh uh starting the wall and watching wizard of oz yeah yeah it's that precise okay people used to do that with cars too they would do it they would do it with the wall instead of a dark side of the moon because they were that's what it is such a dork uh dave what's going on with you, man? Well, speaking of cultural touchstones, every night at bedtime, Abby and I switch which kid we read to, but we read,
Starting point is 00:52:03 and Margo is seven, almost eight, and we've been reading a bunch of graphic novels. That's cool. Yeah, like kids' graphic novels. The Dark Knight Returns. We've been doing a lot of Alan Moore. We've mostly been doing some Raina Telgemeier. The Babysitter's Club. Oh club oh yeah the ripley series sure the graphic novels of the ripley series talk about graphic novels
Starting point is 00:52:32 but the clothes are oh clothes are nice all the linen italy uh but they uh uh lately margo doesn't won't sit next to me while i read she just wanders around the room and like brushes her doll's hair and i'm like why do we have to read picture books why can't i just read you a book because you're not even looking in the pictures anymore uh and she was resistant for a while but i was like like so i was like you should read we should read these Harry Potter books. Right. Now I know that J.K. Rowling is a monster. But by all accounts, this came as a shock when it happened.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Because everyone who read these books was like, oh, she's clearly on the side of outsiders. And this is very sympathetic to people who feel like they don't belong somewhere so it came as a surprise to everyone when she turned out to be quite the turf yeah she also kept doing like adding stuff yes she did just kept going back and saying yeah oh this was that and tumbledore is gay she's like the andy milanakis of fantasy uh but she did so i so i was determined to find these books without paying for them i was like i went to or without her getting any money for them so i tried to find them at used stores uh but they i was like oh there's these are the most popular books in the world they'll be easy to find but i couldn't find them and then my brother turns out my brother had the whole series he had all of them that's why you couldn't find them anywhere your brother
Starting point is 00:54:16 so he gave me one of his series of books okay i guess but give it back and uh i started we've been reading the first one slowly because we you know i'm a bad reader and these books are enormous so i uh but i started reading them and which were still on the first one and i gotta tell you so good i wasn't i wasn't expecting them to be uh like i you know i i thought they'd be you know stupid i thought they'd be pretty stupid they get way better too like i read the first three and i was like i am done with this and then i had friends like adult friends who were like no no no no you got to keep going i've read three of them i've read 800 pages of this yeah and and then i read the fourth one which is the goblet of fire and i was like is that the
Starting point is 00:55:17 big one yeah that's a that's not the they get the bigger the biggest ones i think they just get bigger as they go on like yeah i think the biggest one is like the fifth or sixth but right yeah yeah so then i got to the fifth one and i was like oh i love this but it took me it took me so long to get into you really gave it a chance like you really gave it yeah i just like because well the they're easy to read you know they're like fun kind of they're just gonna kind of fly by but like i was like this is but i just was like i i guess i guess they are really like every chapter is like wow this like this whole chapter was like a little uh story in a like in and of itself that like totally had a uh this entirely new world yeah and it was uh like totally had a, uh, this entirely new world.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah. And it was, uh, like I was an adventure just for like 12 pages and then it's over. And then, oh, there's another one. And like,
Starting point is 00:56:14 it's really well done. Yeah. But, uh, I was reading it and Margo was like, so you've, you've read all these before. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And I was like, no, these came out when I was an adult. I think, or at least they became, they were like, they became a phenomenon when I was an adult. Yeah, I read the first one when it came out and I thought, this is, this is,
Starting point is 00:56:38 I was like, this is for kids. And then I understood like it evolved, but I thought it was good. I was just like, I'm not, I don't want to know anything more about these what is the is there anything that you're looking forward to like you say you're looking forward to that is there anything else you're like like these kind of like milestones yeah i mean i i'm just i'm particularly the the reading just because i'm the books we're reading
Starting point is 00:57:00 right now i mean don't get me wrong good night moon is a stellar little piece of work of art as a lot of children's books are um but you know i i'm looking forward to like discovering things at the same time and like you know yeah being a little bit of a similar page i'm i'm looking forward to watching casino with yeah casino's good um yeah i want to show him all the old movies that i love and then realize as i'm watching them why i shouldn't oh my god these are bad for old men and see what they think by the way that that one is one that i that might be my one of my all-time favorite movies yeah country for old yeah well i read the book to your kid then yeah i know you could even like you could
Starting point is 00:57:47 squeeze in more reading time with cosmo if you just put him in bed and then read vanity fair or whatever you want to read yeah at this point yeah yeah it's true no yeah but he likes he likes looking at the pictures vanity fair just reading like a profile of dualipa he's like look at the outfit but at the same time everyone says you know it goes so fast and like he's just he's already like up he's so big now so i'm i'm i'm happy the speed it's going. I don't need it to move any faster. Okay. Good. Even speed.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Good speed. Dave, is yours good speed? Good speed? Yeah. They're good. It goes by fast, but it also goes by slow. Yeah. What was your favorite? Do you have any favorite? Like, I need also goes by slow. Yeah. What was your favorite?
Starting point is 00:58:45 Do you have any favorite? Like I need new like baby books. Do you have any favorites? Um, baby books. Well, you know, written by a baby. Yeah. Written by a baby starring. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Probably goo goo ga ga by Madison. Oh, I love that one. Uh, yeah. Good, I love that one. Yeah, Good Night Moon was good. Did you ever read The Boss Baby? You mean the movie? No, The Boss Baby. That's a book?
Starting point is 00:59:15 It was a book first. The whole book is covered in the first minute of the movie. It was based on a children's book? Yeah, from the moment the baby arrived, it was clear that he was the boss he put mom and dad on around the clock schedule with no time off right he was very particular the funky thing was he never said a single word that made any sense i have these memorized you should do very good if you ever have to if you're gonna audition for community theater or something that could be your piece i will read the entirety of the boss baby, which I have memorized. Do you have a good night moon memorized?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah, I thought I did, but I don't, I don't actually think I do, but I have a lot of it memorized. Do you have a favorite page? Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:59:58 good night, nobody. Good night, mush. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And good night to the quiet old lady whispering hush which by
Starting point is 01:00:06 the way is just so cool and so weird that that woman like appears and disappears throughout is she but also is she a rabbit she's a rabbit yeah but okay but they call her an old lady um rude but like she's sitting she's sitting in the rocking chair then she's not in the rocking chair and sitting in the rocking chair but yeah good night nobody i love that what was the one uh i wish i had duck feet uh that is uh by pd eastman maybe someone in the dr zeus averse uh and then it's about this little kid who wishes he had all these little things different about him. And then so Big Bill Brown wouldn't be mean to him anymore. He would show up. Big Bill Brown.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Is that his name? Big Bill Brown is just like my style icon. He's got the coolest hat, the coolest shirt and sweatshirt. Dave, you're good at this. Do you mind if I called you every night and you just kind of listed off some favorite verses? Oh, yeah. Do you want me to just read to you? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I mean, nothing too scary. I went to bed with gum in my mouth, and now there's gum in my hair. And I tripped over my skateboard, and my sweater fell in the sink with the water on. This is good. This is good stuff. Alexander and the No no good very bad day oh yeah he had such a bad day yeah yeah i'll sleep with gum in his hair or gum in his mouth yeah um anyway so yeah we're reading these harry potters we're we're halfway through
Starting point is 01:01:39 the first one looking up it's gonna take a a while. We might have to make bedtime longer. Which is fine with me. Start it earlier or go later. Start it earlier, please. There's a plaque on a coffee shop in Edinburgh that says, this is where J.K. Rowling wrote. Yeah, and there's a plaque in a different one that's like no uh here yeah it says jk it's actually here a lot of the coffee shops there
Starting point is 01:02:14 graham as you might remember they do claim that she was also there but there is one there is the one that's fair and there's a lot of places that claim that they're the inspiration for different parts of the books. Right. And apparently none of it's true except for the actual real world Hogwarts at Universal Studios. It was based on that. So yeah, reading those. What's up with you, Graham? Not reading anything good at the Mo. On Friday, this past week, you and I, we saw the hilarious comedy of Comedy Bang Bang at a theater here in town, the Vogue.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And the Vogue is an old building so they built it before air conditioning was invented i think were you hot i was sweating so hard really no i think i was like i was behind some people who were really pumping out the heat these heat misers are just radiating heat and then like at one point i i came in the wrong aisle and then i tried to scoot over the wrong aisle and that's usually that's usually not what i do i usually get it right on on the money usually really good at what aisle to come in the money usually really good at what aisle to come in josh not that kind of show i have to say even though i contradict myself day in day out but the chairs when they're folded up had these metal prongs that uh folded in and so they were so i walked across the aisle and hit my knee on every single one of them
Starting point is 01:04:05 oh and uh because there was i was like at one point i was like well there's no turning back now even after three of them i'm like oh this won't happen the whole time and that happened the entire time um yeah so i uh we saw that and then we we went backstage and said hello to everybody and at that point what are we supposed to do backstage paul invites us backstage every time i usually there's cocaine on the platter just don't go backstage no no he says please come back i know he does and then and then i hi to him, and that's fine. But I feel like the obligation to say hi to everyone else, and I admire everyone else.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I want to say hi to them, but I know Paul. Yeah. Yeah. And it was a lot of fun. And at one point, a security guard walked through the circle of conversation, wearing sunglasses, no less, and,
Starting point is 01:05:07 uh, poked me on the chest and said, watch out you. And, uh, I was like, what the fuck is happening? And then I realized it was past guest from a long, long time ago.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Josh Stubbs was a former comedian and he, he was Josh and with me, he obviously wasn't wearing sunglasses the whole night at work, so he found some and put them on. Oh, my gosh. And he and his wife, his wife signed him up to be a security guard. And that's like in their weekends, they are security guards for concerts. So they go to free concerts every weekend and just hang out together,
Starting point is 01:05:45 get to wear a security shirt that says security on it. And get to see a bunch of shows. Yeah, see all the shows. But also beware people in the audience. These security guards are just normal people. You could easily overpower them. Yeah, that's right. Has he seen any trouble?
Starting point is 01:06:03 Did you talk to him about the job? No, I previously you talk to him about the job no he i previously had talked to him and he said that if there's any real trouble he just like he would walk away he'd take off the security shirt and just blend in with the crowd yeah put on a different shirt i um there was also paul was leaning up against the table like when we were talking to him and like three separate times the security yard came through the dressing room and was just like said excuse me to get him to stop leaning against this table which was just in the middle of the route like there was no reason why the security yard couldn't go around them yeah so they were just kept like this is the path we
Starting point is 01:06:45 have to walk yeah yeah yeah and like when when i arrived there was a big line going around the corner and there was also a giant line for the commodore so they kind of met each other which i thought was weird because because the comedy show was at seven o'clock at night and why would the commodore a music venue also have a 7 p.? Well, because they do the reading. They're doing bedtime, so... Yeah, because they're doing six pages of Harry Potter. But yeah, you could immediately tell what line was for what as I walked up the street. One line is people paying to see a live podcast and then this other one is to see this
Starting point is 01:07:24 rock and roll band that I've never heard of and probably never will. Did you ever find out what their name was? I looked it up at the time, but I can't remember what it was. Did you accidentally go to the wrong line and then go to the wrong show and think, like, this is a very interesting comedy bang bang? Yeah, I was like, why am I moshing at a uh comedy bang bang show i like it it is funny people mosh anymore that's still a thing on the table no one moshes anymore when these kids today they're too interested in bitcoin to mosh in a while i could really go for some moshing yeah do you guys want to go moshing tonight?
Starting point is 01:08:05 Did you ever, I liked the moshing when it was like the jump, pogoing up and down. That's not moshing. That's not moshing. What's that? That's pogoing up and down. Moshing is hitting.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Then there's a circle where you body check each other. Yeah, you body check each other and you like, you just, you let the music. But a mosh pit is just like, there's a, there's like a pit of in the like the motion of the ocean is uh making everyone well yeah okay that's a good question
Starting point is 01:08:34 their playstation what's the xbox what's the difference between a mosh like yeah can there be moshing without a mosh pit and is that what pogoing is like but you're also the pogoing is if people are like pogoing in sync it's uh it's a it's a lot of fun usually you just kind of smush together and the crowd goes one way and the other way and you lose your shoe right yeah i was always afraid of losing my shoe. Or having my wallet taken. I lost my shoe at Eye Mother Earth. You hear about that?
Starting point is 01:09:13 Got it back, though. Nice. Did somebody bring it to you, or did you find it? I found it. I just found it. I just moshed my way back to it. That's the way you move around. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Was it Eye Mother Earth? It's like 20 minutes by walk, but if youosh you'll get there three hours on google maps it's like well if you take transit or walking or moshing wash your way to the shoe store i'm to mosh them with yeah there's like the nice the nice mosh pit people will like pick you up if they slam down and you know it's like a positive and it's crowd surfing like that's where people are crowdsurfing did you ever crowdsurf no i was i was on the other side i would help people crowdsurf but i was i never i don't think anybody wanted to have me do it i think it was a weird like this was a weird part of my life where i would ask a stranger to like hey all right help me up help me get me up put like and just some stranger you would put their hands down and you'd step on their hands and they would lift you up
Starting point is 01:10:16 yeah and then you just start trusting a bunch of strangers to do what they do and and they they touch your butt and they move you to the front and then you get down and the security guards are like okay go go around to the back and you get up and do it again and you're like all right cool i love the green apple quick step um anyways concerts are fun should we move on to overheard? Sure. This week, the greatest discovery becomes greatest track.
Starting point is 01:10:54 That's because greatest track is for way more than just discovery. We're the hit show on Maximum Fun that covers all the new Star Trek shows. Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Picard, Prodigy, Discovery, and any other Star Trek show Paramount throws at us. We'll see you next time. Just Trek. It's a new Star Trek podcast from the makers of The Greatest Generation. Hey there, it's Annabelle Gurwitch. And I'm Laura House. We host Tiny Victories, the 15-minute podcast that's about the little things. Getting into the tiny victory frame of mind is about recognizing minor accomplishments and fleeting joys. Isn't it a wonderful day when the first password you try actually works? When it's freezing cold outside and toasty as I'll get out in my shower, my tiny victory is that I turn off the water and get on with my day. We can't change this big dumb world, but we can celebrate the tiny wins.
Starting point is 01:12:00 So join us on Maximum Fun or wherever you listen to podcasts. Let's get tiny. Overheard. Overheard. Well, I can't say enough good things about the way that people are talking out in the world right now. It's great. It's enlightened. It's really we're in the the second golden age and uh you know what we like to do is we like to hear some of that great uh repartee and we like to read or share here on the podcast and
Starting point is 01:12:38 we always love to start with the guest mark would you please yes um thank you graham and thank you dave i didn't do anything well thank you in advance um i uh so the other day i was at the park and there was these like pre-teen kind of teen kids hanging out you love that you have to go to the park now all the time oh my god everything's different. Everything is different. And I've made like parent friends, you know, like, oh, you have a baby. So do we. Let's hang out. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:14 And does everyone else have like, I find people have such weird baby names. Um, yeah. I mean. Oh, oh, wait. You're just Cosmo. Mine's weird. um yeah i mean oh oh wait you're just cosmo but there was these kids there was like older kids like near uh us hanging out and i was just like hanging out with cosmo and um they were and it's like really like it wasn't an argument because they all agreed but
Starting point is 01:13:38 they were just shit talking phones so hard like they were like they're like samsung galaxy is trash man you should fucking die like if you'd be i'd be embarrassed if i had one of those iphone 13 that's what you need i'd hate and like just dropping f-bombs so hard about phones and it was to the point where like i was glad i had an iphone in case things got serious like me talking to these guys get a load of this loser over here okay come over here loser no no look yeah uh but i i was just kind of shocked at just how like emphatic they were about technology like it was very funny apple pays teams to go around this is viral marketing whisper campaign also quite a couple and then just really quickly
Starting point is 01:14:31 um yesterday i was sitting at barney's which is a little place right right next to where we do our sunday service show the and i overheard this guy trying to explain to this other guy the video game portal and i don't think the guy even knew he was talking about a video game but i had less i have less to say about that that's just all it was he was like we heard a portal oh it's interesting i don't mind anyway the uh my kids are like i guess they've heard about yeah iphone. Like, I don't, they'll ask me like, do you have an iPhone 13? I'm like, I don't know. I have whatever iPhone came out two years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:11 That I will use until it is too slow to do anything. And I have to go spend another $1,500. Exactly. I wasn't sure which one I had. I knew I had an iPhone though. And I checked. Okay. It's a 12. All right. I got to play it cool. I'm going to be safe. I'm going sure which one I had. I knew I had an iPhone, though, and I checked. Okay. It's a 12.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Alright, I gotta play it cool. I'm gonna really downplay it. Yeah, I got this piece. It's 12. It's not up to date. Anyway, what are you guys talking about? Phones? Hey, kids. Let me into your rap sesh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Dave, do you have an overheard? to my phone i have oh it's an iphone 11 pro but it's named iphone 34 because i guess i've had 34 iphones iphone and then parentheses 34 so i've either saved or duplicated or something i don't know yes i do have an overheard, Graham, and thanks for asking. I was listening to the radio the other day, and they were talking about Taylor Swift, a popular singer, popular topic on the radio
Starting point is 01:16:16 where they play music, and she's one of the leading music makers, so why not talk about her? And one of the DJs said, oh, she has a new song that's going to be in that movie where the crawdads sing. And the other DJ was like, what movie? Where the crawdads sing.
Starting point is 01:16:44 But he thought she was talking about that new movie yeah which features singing crawdads it's the who's on first of yeah today's generation i thought it was like yeah and i was on his side i was like oh okay so she's in some kind of animated yeah right a sequel to the the princess and the frog um you know that taylor swift i say she goes on too many dates oh that's what people say but she can't make them stay no that's right she can't make them stay and you know that's why i won't date her i don't want to end up in a song no yeah exactly um, because she could really like zero
Starting point is 01:17:28 it in on you by calling it something shumka. Like the way she wrote Style about Harry Style? Yeah, yeah, exactly. We never go out of shumka. Do you remember when she was dating? Was it...
Starting point is 01:17:45 Fuck, which guy was it? Was it? Fuck. Which guy was it? I always get these two guys mixed up. Tom Hiddleston or, um, Michael Fassbender. She was dating. I think he was Tom Hiddleston. And he wore a tank top that said I heart TS. And? And there was like a beach vacation.
Starting point is 01:18:02 He was wearing it in the water. And there were like pictures, like she was wearing it in the water and there were like pictures like she was spending the weekend with like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively and another couple and then this Taylor Swift and her boyfriend du jour it was like but he loved her according to his tank top
Starting point is 01:18:18 yeah the tank top she made him and there were like professional photos of the three couples like hanging out on the porch look I don't The tank top she made him. And there were like professional photos of the three couples like hanging out on the porch. Look, I'm not saying she should be embarrassed, but I would be embarrassed. And same with him. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Yeah, exactly. The tank top. You know what? It's a little thirsty. Yeah. And, you know, don't come after me, Tom Hiddleston or Michael Fassbender. I don't know which of you
Starting point is 01:18:50 is which. Am I? Go ahead. I overheard, courtesy of a couple of gents that I saw downtown whilst I was checking out if we had to stand in line or get ahead of the line or whatever
Starting point is 01:19:06 and it was two it was two gentlemen very drunk and they came up to taz van rassel who was also going to the show and they said this was at 6 30 at night yeah 6 30 night and the guy say hey what's what's playing here and taz is like uh it's this podcast and the guy goes is it any good and uh that's like i don't know i think it's pretty good and uh then he he just bought a ticket they bought tickets just on spec and then he came back around uh because you could you could walk in the front entrance if you uh were on the list and uh taz went in and then he tried to follow him in and taz like or the person there was like no no you can't come in and he's he said like honey i know show business let us in i know show business
Starting point is 01:20:00 we could have just gone in we went to the back of the line yeah yeah just uh just went up and said let me in i said let me in baby i know show business yeah so so that's the that sounds like a bit of a password speaking of uh eyes wide shut where passwords get tom cruise into trouble um you just have to say honey or baby and you can go in yeah my password is password mine's password 69 oh nice good good that's it's fun did uh did taz see them try to go in after him did he witness this i that i don't know but they did come to the show they he saw them in the lobby and what what a great life to just have so much open time to just go to a thing you don't even know what it is i love that they did that i mean i hope they were good audience members
Starting point is 01:20:51 not too wasted i would like to i'd like to be that kind of person yeah i think it's so but i don't i hard to imagine a reality where i'm finding myself outside a theater with nothing to do yeah yeah and just having like well i got time i got time i got cash i came downtown for some reason vancouver's not quite quite the city where you would like go downtown to catch a show who knows what it is like you kind of have to know what you're gonna go do yeah but i love they were just they weren't aggressive in any bad way but they just were like well we've decided and we're to do it and get out of our way, everybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:28 And yeah. And they weren't rowdy as far as I know. They were just audience members of a thing that they had never seen, which was great. That's they weren't rowdy. They weren't the people who came up on stage and tackled the performers. No, that's right. And yeah, I forgot. I didn't mention that.
Starting point is 01:21:44 They were all all the performers were tackled. They're all tackled. Tackled. Yeah. By rowdy's right. And yeah, I forgot. I didn't mention that. All the performers were tackled. They were all tackled. They were tackled, yeah. By rowdy audience members. By rowdy audience members. By rowdy defensive linemen. Yeah, and a rogue security guard. Yeah, who was like, he took off his shirt and he was just a shirtless guy after that.
Starting point is 01:21:58 I'm not security. In fact... Check this out. Now, we also have overheard sent in by people all over the map. If you want to send one in, you can send it in to SPY at And this first one comes from Sarah W. I was walking downtown in Victoria, B.C., and as I passed two young men, I heard one say to the other, We're in the city now. I shouldn't have to say thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:25 That's true. Yeah. Who's going to're in the city now. I shouldn't have to say thank you. That's true. Yeah. Who's going to know that I didn't? I shouldn't. Manners are so rural. That's why whenever, like, I know I'm in the country when I walk by and I tip my hat and I say, ma'am. Yeah. You better say, ma'am, this is the country and you better say thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Not like in the city where you can just get away with none of that. No one says ma'am here. I really wish I knew where they were from. Like where they were coming from. In the big city. In the big city. The city. Also, when I was at the Comedy Bang Bang show, I got in that big line.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I didn't see anyone I knew in the line. And then I got to the very back of the line and my brother and his daughter were right in front of me. And then one second, like I didn't see anyone the whole time. And then one second later, my college roommate showed up and said, hey. And so we were aligned together and then electric horses reading crane was eating pizza oh yeah but my uh college roommate from victoria who lives in victoria said apparently i've been bad mouthing victoria on this show and it's actually very it's actually still live at the dorm you guys went to he still lives in the dorm yeah guys went to? He still lives in the dorm. He's just stuck in time.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Dave, say two nice things about Victoria. Oh, boy. Well, picturesque. And they had some British candy shops 20 years ago. Yeah, I don't know if that's a nice thing.
Starting point is 01:24:00 That's more of a fact. Yeah. Candy's great. Everybody loves candy. Yeah. Come on. One of my first memories of Victoria is they had a Christmas store. Yeah. Yes, they did.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Year-round Christmas store. Why is this going on? I actually really like Victoria. Yeah. I like it too. Good. Great. Off the hook.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Still not. You still haven't said something. Like you said one nice thing and then you said two other things that aren't really like sure yeah right the miniature museum is a place to visit absolutely
Starting point is 01:24:33 there's a bug zoo yeah what I'm really sad to have seen gone it didn't last very long was the V to V shuttle boat that you could take because i could walk around a little bit west and i could walk to coal harbor get on it take the thing all the way to victoria let drops you off downtown get off downtown victoria boom you're and it's fast did you ever how much was it expensive it was 90 what really yeah but it was like in terms of how much time you spent or
Starting point is 01:25:07 saved from like driving onto the i just loved it um this next one came from uh danny f in chicago danny f man from the tim burton movies who then did a live concert, oddly enough. He was in Oingo Boingo. He has every right to do live performing. That's true. That's true. I was waiting in line to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy. The line was very long, stretching into the adult incontinence underwear aisle.
Starting point is 01:25:41 The older middle-aged woman in front of me said to her husband, I can't believe we have to line up in the most boring aisle and her husband said in a correcting tone the most important aisle yeah it can't be the whole aisle yeah exactly snob wall to wallwall adult incontinence. That's great. What other products are there other than, like, poise pads and Depends?
Starting point is 01:26:11 Well, it takes up quite a bit of the aisle because they're such big packages. They are very poofy. And also, like, on the ride home, they like to put some of those adult diapers in your head. Because your old man when i'm older when i'm an older old man my head will be big enough to fit in this chair yeah but your neck is so weak when you're old too weak yeah that's right it's true and your head can't touch the top of the old person's head yeah oh my depends are filled with old meconium
Starting point is 01:26:41 it's your last poops. First poop, last poop. That's how I have to pay my landlord. This last one comes from Ned H. in Pembrokeshire, Wales. There's a beach. Do a Welsh accent, Mark. I can't.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Just do your Tesco ad okay do my Tesco ad there's a beach in Pembrokeshire which was used as a film location in the Harry Potter series and it is the site where Dottie the house
Starting point is 01:27:24 elf was buried spoiler Dottie D dobby d-o-b-b-y you ain't got no alibi you dobby uh in the last few years it's a big sprung up on the beach a little grave a spot on the beach boy i'm I'm all... You're getting emotional. Yes, thank you. You're tearing up, Graham. Yes, I miss Dobby. So the beach, the grave is being a popular
Starting point is 01:27:59 Instagram and tourist hotspot. People genuinely come from all over the world to write messages on the rocks and leave the stones in tribute to Dobby and usually the messages are along the lines like here lies a free elf but recently I found
Starting point is 01:28:16 this Jen I thought you'd appreciate and it says R.I.P. Dobby I think you would have loved the Minion movie R.I.P. Well, thanks for spoiling Harry Potter for me. I can't believe Dobby and Dobby and
Starting point is 01:28:33 Dobbly. Dobbly. And Dobbly. Spinal tap. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one spy pod one like these people have i'm trying to get to be more like an auctioneer yeah it sounds good hi dave i'm impossible best
Starting point is 01:28:59 this is christina and i'm following an overhe. We were at the beach and there were three, maybe six year old girls who were working very hard at building various sand dams and castles around a little stream. And one of the girls said, I don't have time to explain. Just give me some dry sand now. Thanks. Now. I wish she did have time to explain. Just get me some dry sand now. Thanks. Now. I wish she did have time to explain. I would love to know the explanation. I just need the dry sand.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Building a sandcastle is nice, but if you can incorporate some kind of moat or river when the water comes in, oof. There's a CBCc show called like against the tide and it's people making fantastic sand castles where do they make that pei on the beach oh on the beach yeah they make it on the beach that's true where's the place is there like where's the
Starting point is 01:30:01 bay that has the craziest tides in Canada? The Bay of Fundy? Is it Fundy? What's crazy about them? They're just freaking insane, man. Yeah, they're just, just take our word for it. It's insane. Yeah, this is so crazy, man. They just leave without notice, the tide, just go out.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, man, it's so crazy. I love it, though. Yeah, you gotta love it. It's love it or leave it Canada. These colors don't run. Next phone call. Hi, Dave Graham, Impossible
Starting point is 01:30:32 Guest. This is Sasha calling from Vancouver with an overseen. I started getting some very weird targeted ads from Redbubble, that custom t-shirt site. I got two up here on my feed this morning. One was the album
Starting point is 01:30:48 cover for Natalie and Bruglia's Torn and the second one was a picture of Garfield with his arms crossed, standing next to a photograph of a real-life person. In the middle is some text written in comic sans that says
Starting point is 01:31:03 I hate Mondays, but I could never hate her. And the picture in question is of Princess Diana. Okay, thanks, bye. A moving tribute. Is that just like an AI that makes those T-shirt images and throws them down and then fits them out? No, that is a cultural thing that we all know. Garfield loves princess diana yeah it's canon yeah goodbye england's rose do you think jim davis approves of that garfield usage
Starting point is 01:31:33 he doesn't disapprove of anything he wants garfield as far and wide as he can go so you know that's true garfield was especially back in the day was everywhere everywhere yeah phones back a window things you couldn't swing a dead cat nice what was um it's 25 years since uh we lost the old english rose uh 25 years where were you i was interrupted watching um lerechaun 3. Oh. And I never got to see it. Left a big hole in my life. Where are you, Mark? I was in Albuquerque. The next day I flew to New York to go to school at Stony Brook on Long Island for a year. And it happened the night before I flew out.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Dave? I was at a party at my on Long Island for a year. And it was, I happened the night before I flew out. Hmm. Yeah. I remember I was at a party at my friend Robin's house. Okay. And, uh, I think that was the night I accidentally dropped something and damaged a cute girl's toe. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Did you say, sorry, I'm shaken up by this death. I don't know. I, well, at this time in our time zone, sorry, I'm shaken up by Prince of Tanya's death? I don't know. Well, at this time, in our time zone, we had heard she'd been in a car accident. But? But we didn't know until the next morning. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Yeah, yeah. When our moms were sad. Yeah. Yeah, sad event. One of the greats. Here's your everything I know about her has just
Starting point is 01:33:11 become distilled into weird like internet like factoids yes she couldn't run against the other mothers at her children's parents yeah she insisted she run in her skirt.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Here she is running. And she came in second. And she's the best. Finally. Hey, Dave and Graham and possible guests. This is Ben in Los Angeles calling in. An overheard. My wife and I were at a prenatal visit at the OBGYN,
Starting point is 01:33:47 and she was out in the hallway, and there was another couple who had clearly just had a baby out in the hallway, and she overheard the doctor talking to them, and he said, So is Arby's short for something? Well, off I go. Yeah, short for Arby's. Short for go. Short for Arby's. Short for Rose Peabody. Short for something. Well, congratulations, Ben.
Starting point is 01:34:14 We know Ben. Congratulations. Congratulations. Many happy returns. Next year in this room. Hope your baby is just like you in every way. Yeah, yeah. But its own person. Its own...
Starting point is 01:34:29 But I hope one day your baby could give us a ride from New York City to the Poconos. That'd be amazing. Well, it'll be flying cars by then. Give us a quick flight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, that brings us to the end of this here program. program mark do you have anything you want to
Starting point is 01:34:48 plug there's like the sunday service every sunday here in vancouver at the fox sunday service here in vancouver every sunday at the fox 8 p.m um you can catch let's make a sci-fi a program i yeah i'm done with dave and we're working on two. I don't think we can say what it is yet. I was going to ask you. Yeah, so we are. We're in the middle of season two, which has been really fun. But Mark Chavez, Ryan Beal, and Maddie Kelly
Starting point is 01:35:16 are writing a new genre. I don't think we can say what it is, but oh, they're having a lot of fun. They're going to write some instructions some instructions they're gonna write instructions for ikea instructions which are mostly just pictures we've already had some really amazing guests that we've interviewed it's been yeah it's been great so check that out you can find let's make a sci-fi kind of anywhere i think um and it was airing on cbc radio it aired today my mother told me yeah but it's been about eight weeks so
Starting point is 01:35:47 it should be coming to an end soon on the cbc but um cool uh oh yeah it'll be over by the time this comes up yeah um yeah that's about it thanks for having me thank you for being a guest thank you out there for listening to the show we know you have a lot of options when it comes to Canadian comedy podcasts. We're honored that you pick ours. Please come back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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