Sword and Scale Nightmares - What a Boar

Episode Date: December 7, 2023

In 2016, a notorious Polish librarian took flight to the island of Malta after brutally mutilating a beautiful language teacher named Katarzyna Jaroszyńska. Police were thrust onto a dark journey int...o the twisted mind of a brilliant and sadistic murderer. Baffled at the savage crime, detectives must uncover the truth and bring the elusive killer to justice.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5863198/advertisement

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know that myth around serial killers like Hannibal Lecter that they're smarter than everybody and they speak multiple languages and travel the world and have refined tastes? Yeah, that's all nonsense. Most killers are idiots. Complete babbling idiots. Don't be an idiot. Learn to speak multiple languages with Babel. You see, if you're American, chances are you only speak one language. Only 22% of Americans speak another language other than English at home. But you can be the exception. You can be the smart one. Not the dummy.
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Starting point is 00:01:21 This deal is only for our listeners, and you can get started right now with 55% off your Babble subscription. But again, it's only for our listeners at Babble.com slash monsters. Get 55% off at Babble.com slash monsters spelled B-A-B-B-E-L.com slash monsters. on February 3rd in 2016 in a Polish town near Warsaw, a taxi driver pulled up along the walk on a chilly, cloudy day. No matter what the weather was like, he loved his job, because he always told himself he would never be stuck behind a desk all day, every day. Driving a taxi allowed him to meet interesting people. Businessmen and women were his favorite passengers because
Starting point is 00:02:31 they usually tipped well. On this day he quickly pulled over to pick up a man carrying a suitcase. He was hoping this potential passenger would hurry up, but it seemed as if he was having trouble with the weight of his suitcase. It was then that he saw it was bleeding, the suitcase dripping with blood. A little nervous, he asked, what is that leaking out of your bag. The tall young man answered, the carcass of a boar. Welcome to Sword and Scale Nightmares seem out of place at all. In the last ten years, Poland's wild-bore population had grown out of control,
Starting point is 00:04:07 making it hazardous for drivers who may encounter the hairy pigs on the roads. The government also stepped up the hunting season for boars because they tended to carry diseases. Okay, the driver thought, just don't make a mess in my cab. Okay, the driver thought. Just don't make a mess in my cab. The passenger was anxious to get home with his kill. He could make a trophy from its tusks, teeth, or even skull. Or you could sell it for a nice price because he knew that Wild Boar is a staple meat in Poland and often becomes bore sausage. Yum. This man wanted to skip straight to the meal he would use the meat for himself.
Starting point is 00:04:53 27-year-old Kajatan Pizanski was born into an established and respected family and was an excellent student who happened to be an intern at a salacious magazine, the kind of features celebrities and paparazzi. This particular magazine was one of Poland's biggest, and Cajotan felt good about that. After all, his grandfather was a famous journalist. Cajotan's parents weren't necessarily famous, but they held lofty positions as a prosecutor and an architect.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Because money wasn't an issue, they were able to send Cagetans to a university. While there, he earned exceptional grades in classical philology, if you don't know what that is, you're not alone. But there was a time in history where it was a must-have course for Western culture. Philology is the study of language, its evolution, and basically its history. Kajitan loved being a student, and his university friends remembered him as being really social and attending a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:08 parties. But at the same time earning all A's because he was extremely intelligent. One friend also recalled that he was always carrying books and always looked like he was deep in thought, like he was living in his head. You might say that he was a total nerd. Then what better place for this lanky dark haired nerd to work than the library where he could have free and unlimited access to books. He was in the books about ancient history and had a collection of samurai artifacts. about ancient history and at a collection of samurai artifacts. He relished reading ancient poetry like Horus, Catalus, and other Greek and Roman authors.
Starting point is 00:06:52 One of these wrote about hedonistic pleasures and the fleeting nature of time. The next spoke of lude and almost pornographic material. And even the Roman comedian Juvenile wrote about the crimes in the ancient city of Rome simply because there were so many. Having interests in language and ancient culture, in particular, the Romans and Greeks led to an obvious next move. He decided he wanted to learn Italian, so he could go to Rome. So he took his phone and started googling language instructors in his area. He landed on the one who it seemed could match his intelligence and really help him perfect his interest.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Her name is Keterzina Yarozinska Well, just color cat. Her name is Keterzina Yarozinska. We'll just call her Kat. The highly qualified Italian language teacher was born in the Polish town of Radum, about an hour from Warsaw. She'd studied the history and art, before moving to the capital to study applied linguistics at the University of Warsaw. Physically, she looks much younger than her age of 30. She often braids her straight, light brown hair, or wears it down around her shoulders.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Either way, the straight bangs cause her to have the Polish girl next door look, with perfect skin and dimples. She could have passed for 18, but now she was 30. She gets the call from Kajatan, and he sounds pretty impressive over the phone. This will make her job a lot easier. This guy is interested and smart. But she has no idea just how smart he is. And she has no idea and he's interested in more than language and nonfiction content.
Starting point is 00:09:01 She doesn't know he has begun forming a new interest based on a macabre fictional character. And she doesn't realize that his friends have all seen a recent change in his attitude and behavior. So she agrees to meet with him for their first class. 27-year-old library worker, Cajitan and 30-year-old Cat, a language instructor, are about to meet for the first time in Cat's apartment. She's happy to have a new student to learn Italian from her. Cat's boyfriend lives in Italy, and she's planning to go there the next day.
Starting point is 00:10:02 She and her new student share similar degrees, cat with degrees in art and history and now linguistics, and cagetan with degrees in philology and journalism. She's fascinated with his wealth of knowledge in the studies of language, history, and ancient poetry. But what she doesn't know is what his friends noticed about Cajitan during college. He had become increasingly isolated when he was once very outgoing. In conversations he brought up esoteric topics about anything from poetry to ancient weaponry
Starting point is 00:10:42 to food and often held his audience captive. Cat waits inside for her new student to arrive. She looks out the window and she sees that he's walking toward the door and he's carrying some bags. She thinks it's a bit strange but opens her door to him with a big friendly smile. She notices it's not fully reciprocated. The smile doesn't come easily, and when it does it shows up with hesitance. He's even a little nervous, you would say. Cat figures that's just his personality,
Starting point is 00:11:20 shy or timid with new people. She motions for him to come in and they both sit down. Cat isn't the least bit surprised when Kajitan brandishes one of his samurai swords. This would explain the bags that he brought with him. He mentioned them in conversation and seemed so proud of his collection. Cat notices that his face transforms and he's now open and beaming with his beautiful sword in his hand. But she also notices a different expression when he comes closer. What is it? He looks happily angry if there is such a thing. Within seconds he begins thrashing the sword in the air like a little kid, and Cat takes a step back. Hey, put that down before someone gets hurt. Please. But that's exactly why Cajutin is there, to hurt someone. He lunges toward Kat's shocked face and aims for her neck, perfect swing and her head
Starting point is 00:12:31 is hanging to the side with blood shooting and pulses from her jugular. She falls to her knees and he whacks again with total success. Now he reaches into the duffle bag he brought with him and pulls out a saw. This is going to be messy, he thinks. Just the way I prefer. His already black eyes widen and the pupils are nowhere to be seen. As he continues with the robotic dismemberment of Cat with Herkulean's strength. Catitan then cleans himself the best he can and starts stuffing parts of Cat into a suitcase nearby. But the head won't fit. So he puts it in a separate bag. The head won't fit. So he puts it in a separate bag. He wants to enjoy her in his own abode.
Starting point is 00:13:34 So he brings the suitcase with him and heals a cab while the suitcase is secretly leaving the trail of blood. Back at his rented apartment, he looks the suitcase into the building and into his place while hoping that no more blood is leaking from it. When he gets inside, it dawns on him that he really doesn't have time to do what he wants, which is to make a meal made from the meat of his prey. There would be too much prep. You see, Cajitan had been reading up on his favorite topics, Zemurai, Weaponry, Ancient Riding and Poetry, and his favorite movie character, Hannibal Lecter. Catt also didn't know that Cajitan was kicked out of the internship at the prestigious newspaper,
Starting point is 00:14:34 because he went off topic, so to speak. He started pitching far-fetched ideas for stories about Rome and Hannibal Lecter, including themes of famous gourmet meals and rampant crime. Later, he began writing stories and poems about love and murder, one of which was called, Feast of Hannibal Lecter, premeditated murder and famous killers of all kinds, whether factual or fictitious, also preoccupied his mind. But his thinking turned dark when he started researching cannibalism, and combining that with his love of Hannibal. He even wrote a pitch on the moral differences between eating a chicken and eating a human. He was positive. There was no difference.
Starting point is 00:15:24 These things were really analogous. But it was his story called a word on cannibalism that launched him into action. In this piece, his ideas appeared to intensify toward an argument about morality. And Cajitan was on the wrong side, put it that way. In it, he wrote, the first season of Hannibal came to an end,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but it did not leave me without valuable reflections. Namely, what is so wrong with eating human flesh? Cajitan was convinced that humans were no different than animals and have the same primal urges, and that human life was worth no more than that of a pig or a fly. But it was the charcuterie featuring all his ideas that wet his appetite for human flesh. Needless to say, the newspaper, Cajitan was interning for, said, we did not accept any of the proposals
Starting point is 00:16:34 and the trainee moved to another department where he wrote two unaccepted texts. Cajitan was then essentially fired. So he embarked on his ghastly journey to find his first meal. Well, he did just that, and now he was faced with the bloody mess he'd made, and no time to clean up, let alone make a meal out of cat. Back at the apartment, Cajitan worried about what to do next.
Starting point is 00:17:07 The cab driver may have been suspicious and Cajitan was running out of time. So he immediately left the wealthy district of Warsaw and flew to Italy, Italy of all places. The same destination cat was going to take on the very day she was viciously mutilated. While in Italy, Kajatan thought it would be a fine time to visit anatomical theater of the Archeginazio, a place he'd always wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:17:41 This is a large room resembling an amphitheater, where students at Belogna University used to watch dissections of animal and human cadavers. A guide remembered that Cajitan insisted on seeing it. Police canvassed the streets of Warsaw and tracked down anyone who had close contact with Cajitan as well as Cat, her students, her family, and her boyfriend. Soon his profile appeared on a Europe poll website used to capture the worst fugitives in Europe. Newscasters gave strong admonishments that he was on the run, may have changed his appearance
Starting point is 00:18:23 and was deadly, dangerous. Do not approach. The same day, firefighters had to the apartment and Cajitan is already gone. They frantically doused the flames, hoping no one is inside. When they finally enter the Soudi Smoky residence, they cannot believe what they see and smell.
Starting point is 00:18:49 A charred finger here, a half-burned bloody leg in the hallway, a completely black hand over there. Scorched pieces of cat's body were everywhere. They tread carefully from room to room, but can't find the head. Finally, one officer spots a large, rugged backpack that is bulging on both sides. They really don't want to see what's inside, but they have to. Somebody has to. Yep, there it is. There's the head. Somehow, the fire hadn't reached the backpack, and Kat's face is looking upward and horror, covered in spattered blood. Her loose veins and nerves curl from her neck into a pool of bloody entanglement at the bottom of the bag. Although Kajitan had plans to make it to Africa,
Starting point is 00:19:59 he didn't make it that far. After two weeks, long weeks, he was caught while staying at a hotel in Valetta, Malta. By the way, Malta is gorgeous. Small Mediterranean island known for museums, palaces, and large magnificent churches. Baroque buildings that survive through time including St. John's co-cathedral, where believe it or not, hangs the famous painting by Caravaggio, the beheading of St. John. Coincidence? After the vicious killer was apprehended, the detectives breathed the sigh of relief, Dives breathed the sigh of relief, thinking their work was done. But little did they know, what they believed was a conclusion to the shocking chase was really the beginning of their perilous journey into a mind that would unravel everything
Starting point is 00:21:01 they thought they knew about humanity. After escaping from Poland through Germany, then Sicily and finally Malta. Kajatan was arrested at Citygate, Valetta, on February 16, based on a European arrest warrant. The forces working to track him down and bringing him to justice included the Criminal Investigation Department, the Cyber Crime Unit, and the Immigration Police. When apprehended by armed police, Cajitan had a knife and several thousand euros in cash. Cajitan was flown from Malta in a Polish military plane protected by thick security. That was smart since he had already attacked the arresting police officer. While he was detained, the court ordered
Starting point is 00:22:32 that he be evaluated medically and psychiatrically. Even this doesn't go well. During the consultation, he again proved what a menace he was to society at large. When he lunged toward the evaluating psychologist with open hands and tried to strangle her. When a guard intervened he took a glass shard and attacked and injured him as well. From that point he was placed in a straight jacket as demanded by the head of the forensic psychiatry team. If his lack of civility, empathy, and total disregard for human life wasn't evident enough, his answers to why he committed the crime included,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I had to kill someone to eliminate the belief that human life was more than a pig or a fly. Kajitan fully admitted what he'd done and refused a defense lawyer. But what lawyers on both sides wanted to know was his level of sanity, because if he wasn't crazy, his heinous acts seemed unfathomable. At first, psychologists found him to be completely insane. One notable criminologist on the case said there were two options as to the motive and light of mental health issues. One is that he developed a fantasy world as a result of a personality disorder. Personality disorders are conditions
Starting point is 00:24:06 like anti-social, borderline, and so on. The other is that he developed psychosis over a period of time and believed his own fantasy. The fact that there are two completely plausible options, both diametrically opposed to each other, each with varying degrees of responsibility towards the perpetrator, doesn't surprise me. At his 2021 trial, Kajitan's lawyers concluded or claimed that he had limited sanity, but the judge wholly disagreed. Instead he felt the murder was planned and calculated. Psychologists eventually decided that Cajitan did not have a mental illness, limiting his
Starting point is 00:24:52 ability to control his behavior. The prosecutor maintained that Cajitan was looking for a victim and decided it should be a stranger, a language teacher. But he claimed he didn't know her and had contacted her after finding a phone stranger, a language teacher. But he claimed he didn't know her and had contacted her after finding a phone number for a language teacher on a website. He also said he chose her because she didn't have any pictures online.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Another expert claimed that Cajitan may have been obsessed with murder. Since he was also fascinated with the ancient world of crime. His goal was to merge the two worlds. Add Hannibal Lecter to the mix and this is exactly what happens. Interestingly, Kajitan offered another of his own motives. That was that he killed her because he wanted to kill someone as part of working on himself and finding his weaknesses. Good for Cajitan, doing all that
Starting point is 00:25:54 self-improvement. One expert psychologist claimed this could be true and added perhaps the leading motive was self-improvement, meaning an attempt at conquering the taboo about the deprivation of human life. To corroborate this theory, she referred to the statements he made before the murder. He said, we go to fancy shops and know nothing of the journey work that was done before. And the vegetarians keep bringing out the heavy guns against us.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Earlier when writing for the magazine, he pitched a story with the title, how to be a good carnivore. That was followed with a script asking, shouldn't we kill our dinner at least once in our lives to be morally compatible with each other? The full meaning expanded to the idea that we should be allowed to eat meat. Any kind of meat, without exception. So psychologists concluded that Cajitan was not crazy, and the court also found him of sane mind when carrying out the killing. The courtroom was especially designated for someone as dangerous as Cajitan,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and the trial was held behind closed doors. Cajitan was sentenced to life in prison, for killing, dismembering, and burning the body of Cat. He will have to pay 16,500 euros in interest to her parents. If that's any restitution at all. Like most convicts and their lawyers, Kajatan and those hired to support him moved toward an appeal, saying that they never agreed with this verdict. They questioned whether he was sane, as well as what they considered a hefty penalty. As of April 2023, the appellate process has not been completed. In America, Cajitan could have been given the death penalty in such a horrific case, and
Starting point is 00:28:03 as last meal would have been given the death penalty in such a horrific case, and his last meal would have been just that, his last meal. As it is, he will likely not win the appeal, then rot in prison, like the decaying flesh he wished to consume. If you enjoyed the show, please consider joining plus at sword and scale.com slash plus. But if you can't, consider leaving us a positive review on your preferred listening platform. Sweet dreams and good night. Sweet dreams and good night.

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