Sword and Scale - Episode 160

Episode Date: April 23, 2020

Never before have so many of us been forcibly cooped up in our houses for this length of time. COVID-19 has shaken up our routines and our state of mind. During this quarantine, we’ve seen ...an increase in drug and alcohol consumption, in stress-levels and exacerbated mental illness, loneliness, hopelessness, all of the things that breed conflict. In this episode, we’re starting with a broad scope, talking about all of the attempted acts of domestic terrorism happening on the outside while we sit at home in our own little bubbles, but also the turmoil happening inside homes right now.We're joined by Charles Adams from the KPRC 950 AM and iHeartRadio show The Truth with Charles Adams to dissect the psychology, legal and political issues behind the recent COVID19-related crime wave.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sword and Scale contains adult themes and violence and is not intended for all audiences Listener discretion is advised I get corona I get corona at the end of the day. I'm not gonna let it stop me from parting Hello and welcome to a very special episode of Sword and Scale Season 7 episode 160. Show that reveals that the worst monsters are viruses. Well yes, we have decided to drop everything and scramble to make a surprise episode that we're calling the corona crimes episode or COVID crimes or Chinese Communist party crimes depending on how you look at it. Stay tuned. This episode is gonna go viral. We are living in an unprecedented time, a time that will undoubtedly be memorialized in history textbooks. Some of us here in the United States have been quarantining for well over a month.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Many of our nation's people are deemed essential workers, while others are being laid off indefinitely, or having to change their entire routine to accommodate working from home. While Oprah is dancing around in her kitchen, pretending like she cooks her own food, and a hodgepodge of other celebrities selfie themselves, singing John Lennon's Imagine from their ivory towers, millions of others do not know how they'll pay their bills
Starting point is 00:02:22 or feed their families or get their medicine. They lie awake at night knowing they won't be able to get up to go to work to make money in the morning. Huplessly awaiting their trump check. They're growing and festering anxiety, lingers, and builds on itself day after boring and builds on itself day after boring, uneventful day. Look, for a lot of people out there, their job is inexperably linked to their sense of self. Their chosen profession isn't just a bi-weekly paycheck, but instead part of who they are. When they're told they can't be that anymore. For weeks, or even months, with no end in sight, the whiddling away at their sense of self-worth
Starting point is 00:03:05 becomes intolerable. Everyone right now is dealing with at least some level of stress and anxiety, and I wouldn't be surprised if all of us end up with at least some mild level of PTSD after this is all said and done. I'm willing to bet that some of you have a new sleep schedule that looks something like 5am to 2pm. Am I right? A diet of frozen pizza and alcohol? You know, alcohol sales have increased something like over 50%. Day drinking has become the new national pastime. Fuck it. No rules, right? After all, it's the end of the fucking world. But of course, it really isn't.
Starting point is 00:03:47 There is going to be some end to this eventually. But there's so much uncertainty in the air. We have no idea how long this is going to last, how it's going to affect the economy as we continue to remain in quarantine, and how long it will be before we recover as a society and come back to some sense of normalcy. Sadly, and worst of all, how many of us will eventually die from the virus? I'm scared to death about my mom, who lives down in Florida by herself. What if she gets sick? What then?
Starting point is 00:04:23 How do I get down to see her or help her? Each one of us is dealing with questions like this, and we're all being told different things by different news outlets. With death ranges estimating from 100,000 to 200,000, and recently Dr. Anthony Fauci has re-estimated around 60,000. But that's after we were told it could be as high as 2.2 million just weeks ago. The uncertainty is as enraging as the lockdown itself, because we don't see an end in sight to it. So with an increase in alcohol consumption, and possibly other remedies, paired with dysfunctional
Starting point is 00:05:02 stressed out families being forced to remain in close quarters for a long indefinite stretch of time, you can imagine what might happen. Hell, a lot of us don't even like each other already. Now imagine being forced to be around each other 24-7 in those cramped quarters that most of us call home. I'm not talking about Oprah, of course, in her 22,000 square foot palace with a pantry that's larger than most kitchens. I'm talking about every other person out there, trying to deal with this, and feeling so forgotten, ignored, and alone, yet cramped and imprisoned with those we call loved ones. While crimes like burglary and even DUIs are falling rapidly for obvious reasons,
Starting point is 00:05:50 police officers everywhere are responding to an influx of domestic calls, but that's not where this ends. No, the FBI has gotten involved in several cases involving domestic terrorism related to COVID-19 and elsewhere. People are encouraging others to lick toilet seats and spit on food in the grocery store. Real nice people.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Of course, we knew that already. We knew people are us. There's a lot going on right now. Maybe you're trying to avoid the news and distance yourself from all the negativity and uncertainty. And if that's the case, you may not have heard about the many COVID-related crimes that have plagued the country, ranging from domestic terrorism to murder suicides. When we think of domestic terrorism, we think big, catastrophic things. The El Paso, Pittsburgh Synagogue, and Orlando nightclub shootings come to mind pretty quickly, along with the Boston Marathon bombing, of course.
Starting point is 00:07:19 The news media and politicians absolutely live by this sentiment. We hear it all the time. Never let a good crisis go to waste. On March 31st, Eduardo Moreno, a California train engineer at the port of Los Angeles, took his opportunity. He was operating a locomotive near the USNS Mercy. It may remember it. It's that huge naval hospital ship that was deployed in support of America's efforts against COVID-19 to New York. It's a big white massive monstrosity
Starting point is 00:07:55 with red crosses all over it. And at the time, it was docked at the port of Los Angeles. At Naval Base San Diego, the USNS Mercy's engines are on and sailors are loading it with supplies, preparing this floating hospital in case traditional hospitals get overwhelmed. It's a case of let's be prepared in case we really do need this and in order to do that, you need lead time to get a ship like the mercy ready to go. Sure, the Marines can keep unauthorized personnel out of the massive vessel, but what can they do about a train from entering? Yeah, you heard that right.
Starting point is 00:08:31 In 44-year-old Eduardo Moreno's mind, the little that there is to it, this ship was shady to him. People needed to know what was going on inside this thing. So at around 1pm that Tuesday, Marino decided to shoot his shot. A California Highway Patrol officer witnessed Marino speeding the train up and intentionally trying to derail it. Well that's exactly what he did. He smashed it through several chain-link fences, sliding it through a parking lot, where it came dangerously close to hitting several unoccupied vehicles. But comically, the locomotive finally came to rest just 250 yards from the USNS Mercy, a slight miscalculation in Moreno's algebra. Eduardo Moreno was taken into custody as he attempted to flee the scene, and he was
Starting point is 00:09:34 promptly interviewed while his home was being searched. When the California Highway Patrolman who witnessed the event made contact with Moreno, he immediately began spouting off seemingly random remarks like, Moreno admitted immediately that he had committed the crime, obviously. It's kind of hard to point the finger at someone else in this kind of scenario. He told officials that he had been suspicious of the mercy hospital vessel since it docked at the port of LA. He for some reason thought that its presence was indicative of an impending government
Starting point is 00:10:19 takeover. He thought it was strange that they turned out their lights at night and wouldn't let anyone in. Don't we do that in other places though like our homes? Mind you, this is at least a year after literally every Silicon Valley company has banned Info Wars. So a lot of good that did. Moreno claimed that he knew this event would cause media attention. Hopefully bringing to light the supposedly sinister reasons the USNS mercy is truly docked at the port. While this is now in the hands of the FBI, apparently he told FBI agents when he was questioned later, he did it out of the desire to wake people up. Marino stated that he thought that
Starting point is 00:11:03 the USNS mercy was suspicious and he did not believe that the ship is what they say it's for. Video footage captured from inside the train's cab showed not only the train derailing and smashing in defenses and other barriers, but also showed Moreno himself lighting what looked like a flare, possibly in an attempt to ignite the train wreckage. If this locomotive had successfully crashed into the mercy ship, innocent non-COVID patients and medical staff would have undoubtedly been killed. A Eduardo Moreno is now facing up to 20 years in federal prison for carrying out this bright idea. This failed act of domestic terrorism has not been the
Starting point is 00:11:46 only attempt made by those trying to take advantage of this strange time we're all living in. There has been a lot of talk including an official address by the Department of Homeland Security regarding white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups trying to weaponize the atmosphere COVID-19 has created for our country. At the forefront of these conversations has been an app called Telegram, and a man named Timothy Wilson. Timothy Wilson's life came to an end here after a slew of gunfire inside the gated enclosure
Starting point is 00:12:20 of a self-sourage center on Wilbur Parish Circle in Belden. All we were doing was sitting here, we heard a shot, then we heard another shot, then we heard it, bam, bam, bam, bam, we just got up and looked up the window, and they were right over there. Now we see was a bunch of FBI's and bunch of people and fatigues and stuff,
Starting point is 00:12:38 and then that's about all we knew and we see one guy on the ground. Well, we just heard like a lab boom first. I thought it was like a transformer, blue, or whatever. And then all of a sudden, it was just several... Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like a firecracker. The FBI had been tracking the 36-year-old Missouri man for months, having identified him as a, quote,
Starting point is 00:12:58 potentially violent extremist. People like Wilson have been using the app called Telegram, which was established back in 2013, but has been present in the media for the past year pertaining to extremist groups using it to communicate. Just a few hours before he made his terrorist attempt in the Kansas City area, Timothy Wilson was posting anti-semitic messages on a few different white supremacy groups inside the telegram app. The app itself facilitates cloud-based instant messaging, encrypting everything sent back and forth between users.
Starting point is 00:13:34 But you know, once you've made your way onto the FBI watch list, there really isn't any such thing as private communication anymore. They're gonna find out what you're doing. On March 24th, the FBI discovered that Wilson was planning to carry out his plans that very day. But he had to stop at a storage facility to pick up the car bomb he was planning to use to blow up a hospital.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Because why wouldn't you want to blow up a hospital? A bunch of innocent sick people to further your cause? Instead of picking up his bomb, however, federal agents met Wilson at the storage unit and arrested him. He was armed and the agents were forced to shoot him, injuring him, but not killing him. But he later died at the hospital. It's unclear whether this was the same hospital in which he was planning to murder a multitude of people. But
Starting point is 00:14:32 that would be the irony that we're used to in this life, wouldn't it? People working near the storage unit remember seeing all of the agents flood onto the scene where the takedown took place. I asked him what happened, he said, oh, I can't talk about it. And then, then I started looking out and it was like one of those shows on TV with black SUVs and it was federal, you could tell. And there was people wearing like,
Starting point is 00:15:00 it looked like hazmat stuff, like white outfits and masks and stuff, and I had no idea what that was. We don't often hear of voiled terrorism plans. There are surely a multitude of them that we will never hear about. We'll never be formally released by the FBI. But it's a good thing that this one was caught at the right time, and Wilson was apprehended before he could cause mass chaos and grave harm to our healthcare workers and patients.
Starting point is 00:15:28 The unnamed hospital Wilson planned to attack wasn't the only potential plan he had in mind. No, no. This guy was full of ideas. He had a car bomb that he knew he was going to use, but theoretically he could take it anywhere. He could blow up any number of locations filled with groups of people that he knew he was going to use, but theoretically, he could take it anywhere. He could blow up any number of locations filled with groups of people that he didn't like. He apparently linked this final plan that he was literally hours from carrying out to
Starting point is 00:15:55 the COVID-19 pandemic, stating to an FBI source that quote, if I contract COVID-19, I would conduct a loan will attack and try to take out as many as I can during that time. But I don't want to sit in a hospital bed and die doing nothing. Yeah, this guy wanted to be productive like most of us can't be right now. Again, the irony, if the government were to issue martial law in these seemingly pre-apocalyptic times, Wilson also stated that he would want to take out high-value targets, possibly referring to another neo-Nazis plan to target former presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke back in late 2019. Now the FBI says Wilson kept changing his intended target at one point he was looking at targeting
Starting point is 00:16:50 a predominantly black high school another time a mosque or and then a synagogue. And then finally when the coronavirus struck he became so agitated he escalated his plans and decided to attack a hospital full of virus victims. His plans didn't just stop there though. Last fall, back in 2019, the FBI noticed that Wilson was having conversations with other white supremacists elaborating upon his desire to kickstart a revolution by not only inciting violence on minorities in schools and religious buildings, but also by bombing bridges and substations.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And finally, by attacking the power grid with mylar balloons, you know, the kind that you buy for kids birthday parties at the dollar store, very similar to the scene from better call Saul, where Mike does the same thing. For those of you who don't know mylar balloons and power lines do not mix. Listen to this audio captured by a man in a controlled setting touching a power line with just one mylar balloon. Okay, here's a mylar balloon again, making contact with two wires. That blows the fuse causing an outage to an area. If these balloons were used strategically by groups of people with extremist views, we'd have big problems on the power grid.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It's scary to think how many people actively plan to do these kinds of things, the kinds of things that Wilson had in mind. People out there could be planning these things right now. In fact, by telling you this, I may have given some of you ideas, which is unfortunate. And the FBI certainly can't track all of these people. Let's just hope that some of them acquire a little more smart than Timothy Wilson had before they do something stupid. This man, Timothy, lived with his grandmother, who seems completely shocked by his actions of her lovely little grandson and declined to
Starting point is 00:18:54 talk with any media sources. Neighbors and those who knew Wilson also seemed to be taken back mentioning how quiet and subdued. It's always the quiet ones. If the message sent to and from Timothy Wilson on Telegram, talking about his plans and beliefs wasn't enough, shortly after his death, his Facebook name and user name that he used on other platforms, Wherewolf 84, a reference to a Nazi wartime plan developed back in 1944, was also being used on two separate neo-Nazi websites. Several posts he made right before he was killed by the FBI referred to COVID-19. If you don't think this whole thing was engineered by Jews as a power graph, here is more proof of their plans. As part of research on hate groups, a professor of computer science at Elon University began following the postings of Wehrwolf 84 and soon noticed that the other users on one particular
Starting point is 00:20:20 platform Wilson frequented were mourning his death online when the news broke. Most of them are pretty vile, it's stuff you know, nobody would ever want to read. And the folks on the chowers were discussing that it was him and being sad about it talking about what a great racist he was. Ah, yes, he was a great racist, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:20:42 What an interesting thing to dedicate your life to. Maybe interesting isn't the right word, maybe a simple minded, futile disgusting, maybe those are better words. What is the legacy that Timothy Wilson left behind on this earth? The praise of a group of idiots online and a dumb failed plan to hurt innocent people. For those of us that don't know your voice, which is very distinguishable, can you tell us your name and who you are? My name is Charles Adams. I am a former police officer and former judge who has a robust criminal defense practice in the Houston, Texas area. I am also the host of a talk radio show
Starting point is 00:21:50 on an I-hard talk station in Houston, and I am a local television personality. Perfect. So we're going through this COVID-19 thing. I like to call it a happening because I don't think there's much of a precedent as to what this is or we've never been through something like this before. So I just call it a happening and whenever there's a happening like this, it seems to truly bring out the worst in people. I think we've saw a lot of it the past weekend. We saw a rash of officers being shot in straight incidents, you had the mass shooting in Canada,
Starting point is 00:22:27 the worst in their history. I do think as the government makes it clear that law enforcement is standing down and public safety services are not as available as they were prior to the pandemic, and as criminals become aware of this new revolving door for the criminal justice system, I think it will only incentivize crime and I think it's going to get worse for all of the good citizens and better for the criminals. And that's a horrible thing. I mean, to me, that whole thing is absurd, the fact that these politicians are going on the airways and basically telling the public that they're not going to police certain things,
Starting point is 00:23:05 they're not going to enforce certain laws. Doesn't that just incentivize people doing bad things? Oh no, it most certainly does. And then when you hear these crazy stories like out of Los Angeles where a guy gets caught stealing a car, released, caught stealing a car, and then released, it just begs the question as to how are these outcomes that are acceptable? And we have our government and a complicit media largely trying to convince us that it's the humane thing to let people out of jail and prison that have no business being let out. You know, you had an individual being held for murder in Harris County, Texas, given a personal recognist's bond, which basically means you sign a piece of paper and you get told to let out. You had an individual being held for murder in Harris County, Texas, given a personal recognizance bond, which basically means you sign a piece of paper and you get told to leave.
Starting point is 00:23:51 You've also seen some just very crazy results that don't jive with the criminal justice system. People say, hey, as a criminal defense attorney, how can you be advocating against these things? I think there's everyone plays an important function. But when I see something like one of my personal clients and good friends, the hip-hop artist, Bunby from UGK, he was home-advated. He got in a shootout in his house with an armed robber. Then armed robber pled guilty. He was recently released from jail awaiting sentencing on a bond that cost him $500. It's insane to me, this guy's already put guilty, but because he claimed he had asthma,
Starting point is 00:24:32 he got to go home before he hopefully goes to prison. That's not how it's supposed to work for anyone. And it just creates an environment that is dangerous for everyone that obeys the law. It's nuts. We've discussed some crazy stuff people are trying to pull off on a large scale right now. But what about all of us who are trapped in our homes and bad relationships, or the kids who are stuck in their houses with abusive parents? What about one of the biggest issues affecting us as a society, whether there be a pandemic or not, domestic violence.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And of course, mental illness, which already runs rampant during these difficult times, made worse by self-isolating. All I can think about are children like Gabriel Fernandez, who saw school as a safe haven away from his abusers, only to have that safe haven ripped from under him. All of these children are forced to wake up every single day, knowing that no one can save them. No one will see them. No one will call child protective services for bruises and scrapes all over their bodies, because they're being hidden away from the world, for an undefined length of time.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And the entire world says that that is the way it needs to be. Imagine being that small, that powerless. When we come out of this quarantine only to discover that many children, countless children, have gone missing or dead, what about all of those adults that are victims of abuse in romantic relationships, the ones that already feel alone and unheard and unable to talk to anyone. It's an awful thing to think about, but it is the reality that we're going through right now. There is no escape for these victims. In the present world, we live in. Interestimated about half of the world's population is now living under some form of
Starting point is 00:27:08 lockdown, and while home may be the safest place to be, it's not the case for everyone. Across the globe, women and children who suffer from domestic violence have no escape from their abusers during quarantine. Activists are already reporting a rise in abuse cases. In Hu Be, the heart of the initial coronavirus outbreak in China, domestic violence reports more than tripled in one county alone during the lockdown in February. Activists say they received 175 reports up from 47 during the same period last year. One anti-domestic violence charity in China says as many as 90% of cases during this period are related to the pandemic. The risks are not limited to homes where violence
Starting point is 00:27:52 was already a problem. On top of the stress caused by social isolation, fears around job security and financial difficulties are increasing the likelihood of conflict. All of these things, compounding together right now, uncertainty, fear, financial stress, the stress of being on lockdown with your significant other, and for some, the new responsibility of homeschooling their children
Starting point is 00:28:15 is all too much to handle. While with decisions to shut schools of sports clubs and youth centers to curb the spread of the virus, child protection agencies are also concerned about child abuse. Young victims often have no one to turn to and social workers can't make home visits. However, governments are taking action. Australia has announced a $100 million fund to tackle domestic violence. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says there has been a 75% surge in online
Starting point is 00:28:43 searches for help. In England and Germany, there are calls for the government to turn empty hotels into safe houses. Oddly enough, there hasn't been a whole lot of talks surrounding domestic violence. Violence against children and the increase in calls to crisis hotlines over here in the United States. There's a good chance we may not realize what a huge issue this has been until the lockdown has lifted
Starting point is 00:29:09 and we can examine what has happened over the last few months. In the next case, which will be a wild ride, a Florida woman, of course, has already been recognized as missing and things are not looking good. It does not seem likely. She will be found alive. Fifty-one-year-old Cretchen Anthony and her husband, 44-year-old David Anthony, mutually filed
Starting point is 00:29:47 for divorce on February 28th of this year. The couple seemed to part ways as amicably as possible, but not even one month later on March 23rd through the 24th, friends and family reported receiving some strange text messages from Gretchen. In the first message received by a friend, Gretchen said simply that she was at Jupiter Medical Center being treated for COVID-19. Another person received a similar text from Gretchen on March 24th, one day later, claiming that she was being transferred from Jupiter Medical Center to a CDC-approved task force
Starting point is 00:30:26 in Belgrade because she had, quote, an acute case of COVID-19 and was being placed on a ventilator. Here's the problem with that. This is why sirens began going off in the heads of Gretchen's family and friends. There was no record of Gretchen having been recently admitted to that hospital or even treated there. Furthermore, there was no nearby CDC approved task force in Belgrade. This center simply does not exist. They did, however, find Gretchen's mini-cooper parked in the Jupiter Medical Center parking lot. Why would her car be in this parking lot, with no sign of her in the hospital, and no record of any treatment at this location? Could it be a hospital administration error? No, that never happens. Even worse,
Starting point is 00:31:20 cadaver dogs went crazy at her home, but she was nowhere to be found. Gretchen's family officially reported her missing on March 26th after last being seen on March 20th. When police were finally able to enter her home, they found some in a spacious evidence. Police say Gretchen Anthony was last seen here at her Jupiter Home March 20th. Police say they found blood inside the home, but so far there's no trace of Gretchen. Police found what appeared to be large bleach stains on the floor of the garage leading out toward the driveway. Even now you can see white stains on the cement by the garage door.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Police also found red stained towels in the washing machine, broken glass, and blood stains in the master bedroom. A witness told police she got a suspicious text message from Brechen Anthony stating she had the COVID-19 virus and she was at Jupiter Medical Center. Brechen's friends and family noted that her soon to be ex-husband, David Anthony, had some, quote, issues. And they were worried he could have done something to hurt her. No one could locate David either. And paired with the blood found in the home, the bleach stains on the stones near the garage
Starting point is 00:32:30 door, the broken glass, and the red stained towels in the washing machine, it seemed more and more likely that a domestic dispute had occurred, ending and someone's death. Let's rewind though, for just a second, just so we can solidify in your minds exactly how much of a creep David Anthony actually is. Just a week before Gretchen was reported missing, David was arrested by the Riviera Beach Police Department for approaching minors.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And I'm not talking about the ones with a flashlight on their heads. Police say David Anthony was approaching young girls, approximately 15 years old, pacing back and forth and sweating profusely. His truck's license plate was altered with black tape, which police say he blamed on his 12-year-old stepdaughter. That stepdaughter is the daughter of his missing wife, Gretchen. David Anthony had taken black electrical tape to intentionally change one of the numbers on his truck's license plate while he scoped out young prey.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Gross. Can we, for a second, revisit the fact that he was pacing and sweating? It doesn't end there as creepy and awful as that behavior is. An officer says Anthony at first ignored his instructions to stay outside of his truck and had to hold him at gunpoint until back up arrived. Then they say Anthony lunged into his truck and repeatedly slammed the door on the arm of the officer trying to drag him back out. A sergeant eventually subdued him with several strikes to the throat.
Starting point is 00:34:09 He was holding a blunt object. Along with David Anthony's long list of past criminal history, this is direct confirmation, just one week before his estranged wife went missing, that he has violent tendencies. Now, let's fast forward. A witness told police that they had a texting conversation with David Anthony on March 25th, one day before officers went into Gretchen Anthony's home. They asked him if he had seen or heard from Gretchen recently
Starting point is 00:34:38 and this is how he responded. I ran into her randomly Saturday morning. She mentioned something about going to the beach he responded. One can only speculate that these bogus charges were the ones pertaining to his assault on a police officer after they attempt to do arrest him for hunting young girls like the predator that he is allegedly. This conversation the witness had with David Anthony places David at his estranged wife's house, the same morning neighbors heard screaming coming from that house. When police
Starting point is 00:35:25 censored Gretchen's home on March 26th, a neighbor came out and asked an officer very matter of factly if they were there to investigate the attack that had taken place that past Saturday. In the early morning the neighbor recounted, they heard what they described to be a blood-curdling scream coming from Gretchen's home. It was a woman's scream. The neighbor then remembered that the woman yelled, No, no, it hurts. The Monday following that weekend, another neighbor told police that they had noticed someone
Starting point is 00:36:02 was inside Gretchen's garage, cleaning, and some sort of chemical was escaping from beneath the garage door down the driveway and onto the bricks. That would explain the chemical bleaching outside the garage door. This was confirmed when police tried to enter the garage from inside the home and discovered that a key had been broken off inside the lock. The garage floor was wet and bleach stained, just like the stones outside. When will these idiots realize that bleach is not what you use to clean up?
Starting point is 00:36:41 It's a dead giveaway, pardon the pun. Surveillance footage was quickly obtained from the neighbor's homes, revealing a truck that looks just like David Anthony's, driving up to the home and leaving several times over. Wonder what he was doing, maybe just checking in on the cats, who knows. A lot of neighbors had similar things to say
Starting point is 00:37:06 No one in a nice neighborhood ever thinks something like this will happen close to them or to someone that they know It's shocking it's shocking. It's it's so disturbing You don't expect that in your neighborhood. I just keep thinking about the little girl It's very shocking we're in a very safe, quiet neighborhood. And nothing like this ever happens here. It's a shock. I mean, it's a really quiet neighborhood here.
Starting point is 00:37:34 A lot of families live here. There's still hope. There's still hope. I guess, right? As long they don't find a body, it's like... It's a possibility. The hope that Gretchen maybe found a life continued to dwindle.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Went on March 27th, both David Anthony's cell phone, along with Gretchen's phone, were paying off of cell phone towers all the way over in my home state, Texas. Together, both phones, just traveling, going on a road trip in the same general area. Then someone called the police department to report that on March 25th, they had purchased women's jewelry from David Anthony directly.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Quincidental timing? Probably not. This person recounted that David told him that a family member, maybe his mother or stepmother, had passed away from COVID-19, and that's who the jury belonged to. David was paid with a check which police confirmed he did indeed cash, possibly outside. One day later is all it took. They found David Anthony and apprehended him in New Mexico. This timeline has surely gone much quicker than the arrest of Laurie Valo, both cases lacking any bodies. Maybe David Anthony thought he was using this pandemic and all of the changes to our daily life to his advantage, hoping it would more easily allow him to pull off a murder. Well, pandemic or no pandemic, you can still spot dumb from a mile away.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So that backfired, and he has been officially charged with second degree murder and kidnapping. Sadly, Gretchen's body has still not been located. I believe there was a man in Florida that was locked up for murder. Got released and murdered again just last week. It was Tampa, Florida. I think he was actually locked up for heroin possession and then got out of committed murder. But you've seen that. You saw that in Harris County and this is it new. Right, there's been this push for bail reform across the country and doing away with cash bail.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And obviously when you set bail, one of the prongs is the defendants ability to pay. But there are two other prongs and it's the safety to the community and whether or not they'll return for court. And they are no longer considering those progs, and we're being forced for this narrative, that everyone has to be assumed innocent by the world, which is not true. You have the presumption of innocence in the courtroom, into the jury, but we don't have to turn off common sense, and say,
Starting point is 00:41:04 hey, this guy murdered seven people according to the jury, but we don't have to turn off common sense and say, hey, this guy murdered seven people according to the police, but let's let him out on a PR-bought. I know that sounds absurd, but that's the kind of stuff we've seen. It's just this new revolving door. You have the Skynt Harris County on probation for burglary. Probe show has actually deferred to judication probation. They file a motion to a judication, which is a a motion to a vote because he picked up a murder charge. He then bonds out on the
Starting point is 00:41:29 motion to a judge and the murder commits another murder and then takes off. It's insane. And it's the, I mean, it's just new narrative of the far left that is victims interest don't matter. The community's interests don't matter, it's just trying to be quote unquote as fair as possible to the criminal defendant.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I want a fair system, but I don't want to ignore public safety. It's nonsense, and this pandemic has just given them an excuse to double down on this new narrative. And that's something I want to talk about, too, because there seems to be an over-polititization of this event in particular. It seems to be that there are these bloodthirsty mobs out there trying and dying to blame someone for the virus, whether it be Trump who lets face it as the most common target, or certain political parties, or the World Health Organization, or the Chinese
Starting point is 00:42:26 Communist Party, or even those who enjoy a nice helping of batsuit every now and then. I do think that a lot of the culpability lies at the feet of the CPC. They threaten the doctors who made the initial outcry. In March, they disappeared, the physician who made the initial outcry, in March they disappeared, the physician who is the head of the Wuhan, the largest ER in Wuhan, they have done a lot to suppress information. They were aware about human-to-human transmission far before January, but on January 14th they told in the WHO repeated that there was no evidence of transmission between people, and they were well aware. I mean, there's evidence that the Taiwanese CDC told both the WHO and China about the flu-like transmission of the disease. So there's been a lot of
Starting point is 00:43:21 lies by China, both in the number of people the mortality rate the transmission rate and just everything else and of course the WHO is Complic and repeating their lies you may have heard some Discontent about the world health organization Well, if you're wondering why it is because they have repeated Misinformation which doesn't help any of us. They first told us that human to human transmission of the virus was not a thing. They refused to call it a pandemic. They said masks wouldn't protect us. And they refused to acknowledge the early warnings from Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Pretending like Taiwan doesn't even exist. Seemingly in an attempt to do all of China's bidding and spread their political propaganda throughout the world. The World Health Organization seemed to be more concerned with what the virus was called than the fact that it was spreading and running rampant back in late January and early February. And I do think that it's time for scrutiny over the head of the WHO. He actually has a history in Ethiopia of covering up cholera epidemics and he's just not the
Starting point is 00:44:32 right leader. But it doesn't help when Trump just to get a sound bite says I'm going to cut the funding and said he should say we need to investigate this. We need to force a change in leadership. We need more transparency. And of course the left on the other hand is acting like they didn't spend the month of January accusing Trump and about half of February, accusing Trump of being a xenofob because of the early steps he took to limit travel between our country and China. But both parties failed us. Our government has failed us at the federal level, the state level, and the local level. It's very hard to have people who haven't missed a single check telling us how we need to live, and we need pragmatic solutions. We need masks,
Starting point is 00:45:16 we need eyewear. We need to do things to protect ourselves and live with the spread, but we also can't have a continued complete shutdown of our economy unless the government's gonna find some real solutions for the working man and woman, which is not what it's doing now, right? So why are we so concerned about making sure everybody on the doll gets a check when they haven't missed a check? Why are we so worried about giving a tax break to the ultra wealthy, the post-monetary, which they did, just because of this pandemic? Why are we loaning money to small, quote, unquote, small businesses that are national chains
Starting point is 00:45:55 while so many real small businesses are being left on the cold by both the government, and it turns out by Wells Fargo and Chase and other banks who are in fact shuffling their applications to the ones they can make more money on or have more relationships with. It all comes down to small businesses and working professionals and working families. People that built a life, so they made more than 75 grand last year, are just completely left out of the cold. Are there solutions like a moratorium on commercial and residential leases, a moratorium on mortgages and car payments where you're not throwing the money away, you're just extending it. Say, hey, don't make a payment for three months.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Or if you're going to have a income solution, why not make it universal? Why look for so many reasons to cut so many people that actually pay taxes out? Because really it's just a benefit for people that don't pay income tax Yeah, how the hell does that make any sense? And then the flip side you have California in Chicago And I get that people that have entered this country are legally are suffering and they're human beings But again, why are we creating policies and plans and funds for them when so many Americans are getting nothing?
Starting point is 00:47:11 And they're just suffering. It just makes no sense to me. Well, this sort of environment that you're describing just so many issues with so many people in discontent during this event, it seems to have this secondary effect of stirring up conspiracy theories, some wilder than others. Why do you think that is? I think people want something or someone to blame. And we see that for a lot of mainstream Americans and they're shouting and screeching at the other side of the ideological aisle. But there are also those that want to look for more novel things to blame, the 5G tower.
Starting point is 00:47:47 There is no doubt in my mind that cell phone towers and cell phone usage are responsible for spikes in brain cancer and other horrible things in you. I don't think it's great for us. But there's also nothing to suggest that they are either creating or exacerbating the coronavirus COVID-19 situation and yet still people are burning towers all over the United Kingdom. You know, I think that China lied. I think it is pretty clear at this point that the laboratory in Wuhan near the wet market didn't employ the appropriate safety protocols. It was recommended that they had this level 4 but instead they went with level 2 and it's probably was released from them playing with viruses that come from those bats that don't exist in Wuhan.
Starting point is 00:48:38 They exist 900 miles away and of course you had a lot of the patient zeroes because of more than one I think it was like 41 that had no contact with the wet market Ernie one that went to the wet market, but they can trace it their contacts back to the lab So what likely happened was that it escaped Accidentally from this lab in Wuhan, but it wasn't created, right? It wasn't some targeted Virus designed to destroy the world economy some targeted virus designed to destroy the world economy. But there are other things where I think these conspiracy, I do think China, when I say China,
Starting point is 00:49:10 this isn't a denigration of Chinese people, especially not Chinese Americans, but the Chinese government lied about a lot of this and oppressed their own whistleblowers. And we should be asking our government to hold them to account. They won't because everyone's pushing this false narrative they had nothing to do with it. But when you see that and when just regular people can see that they're being fed misinformation by both their government, the mainstream media, the world media and China, then you know, it's gonna spark this lizard people
Starting point is 00:49:46 crazy and Alex Jones craziness It gives it you know, it gives them some reason to kind of validate their beliefs and it spreads and then you see stuff like the liberty protests in Michigan and Texas and you know across this country. Yeah. Like the missionary governor, she's going way too far. You know, she's just absolutely being ridiculous. But that doesn't mean some measures, some pragmatic measures aren't needed. But then you have these protests, they're actually being set up by people not attending the protest.
Starting point is 00:50:19 They're being set up by a centralized organization that benefits from the disruption and is supporting you know, I mean, so that's how conspiracy theories end up, you know, because you take a nugget of truth and then you expand upon it. And it's, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. And I think we're going to see some horrifying crime, some serious crime over the next few months. Well, I disagree with you there. I do think lizard people exist and they mostly follow me on Twitter. But this lockdown has not just created an environment of boredom, and also what someone would perceive an environment of greed.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I don't agree with that either, but in terms of those people that just want to go to work and make a paycheck. But there's this constitutional issue here as well, and you know, you're a scholar of the law. Does the government even have the power to order American citizens to self-quarantine and self-isolate if they don't want to? Now I think they absolutely do. I think that people are mistaking, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:23 there are vehicles in our jurisprudence, in our code, the federal code, even in our constitution, to allow the government to act in times of emergency. And this is a battle. And we can discount it. It's easy to say, oh, this is just the carbon cold, just floating up. There's no one that knows anything about this or has witnessed anything, any of the results of this, that just dismisses it as the carbon-cooled or the fluid. But I do think you're gonna continue to see people push back.
Starting point is 00:51:56 The question is, what's the appropriate pushback? These protests where you have a bunch of people without any PPE all scrunched up together It's kind of have the same result as the religious institutions that refuse to cancel their live in-person sermons and you actually had a legal victory in a district court and either can tuck your Kansas where they overturn the state's prohibition on in-person religious services. The governor of Texas, Abbott, actually dialed the restriction back because of a threat of litigation. But then we see that, and then we see people dying from going.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You know, I'm a Christian, I believe in God. But any pastor that is insisting on large groups going to their church on Easter Sunday was just, was far more concerned about the economics of Easter Sunday, the biggest day of the year, money-wise, for all churches. Then that pastor was concerned about its parishioners or the people in the community generally. And you know, there, there are going to be all kind of legal arguments and it's going to go straight to the Bill of Rights and the freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. I do think at the end of the day it'll all end up at the Supreme Court and the Supreme
Starting point is 00:53:16 Court will facilitate it and I think some of it might be expedited. But no one is arguing for the long-term sacrifice of individual liberties. Beyond what we already have, right? I mean, we have a war on drugs that isn't a skydive, and we have this never ending war in the Middle East that's destroying so many American lives. There are problems that we need to fix. But asking people to wear a mask is not... I saw a tweet this weekend that drew the false equivalence between the government requiring
Starting point is 00:53:45 a mass to be worn and the founding fathers. You've seen person after person try to draw this absurdist analogy between the lockdown and the Holocaust or the lockdown and communist Russia under Stalin. And it's all just insane. But, you know. I've had to unfollow a lot of people that just went down that path and seemingly with no end in sight just couldn't find their way out of it.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It just keeps escalating. It's true that, you know, a lot of these people gathering to go to mass on Sunday, just because it's part of their routine and part of their faith and their faith could be killing them. But there's also this phenomenon that occurred and you were talking about it earlier, where virtue signaling was sort of responsible
Starting point is 00:54:38 for a lot of this and possibly has cost a lot of lives. Back in January and early February, when this first broke out and not a lot of lives. Back in January and early February, when this first broke out, and not a lot of people knew what was going on, and it was just starting to spread, but we knew it was coming from this place called Wuhan and China. It was called the Wuhan flu.
Starting point is 00:54:56 And that led to all this virtue signaling in Italy with the Hugga Chinese campaign, and then the Chinatown events with Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco and Mayor de Bllasio and New York City encouraging locals to come out and gather. Well you had it here in Houston too, as Mayor Turner as well. And you know what happened in Italy and it's a lot of those people not paying attention to stories. Like when you mentioned mass, there was in Washington DC the diocese there, the pastor giving people communion turned out to have COVID for two weeks while he was doing it He is and
Starting point is 00:55:30 Sick and thousands of people this happened in February, but people aren't paying attention and yes, it's exactly right It the virtue signaling by many on the left That you know obviously anyone attacking a Chinese American or any Asian person You know, obviously anyone attacking a Chinese American or any Asian person, because of this virus, physically it is just to discuss me human being looking for a reason to be violent. But like I love Milan, it's one of my, it's a very industrial city, but it's one of my favorite cities, and I'll solve follow the news from there, and it was awful. You know, doctors sobbing about having to turn, you know, take people off of ventilators so they could use the ventilator
Starting point is 00:56:08 on someone else. They eventually had to develop a policy in northern Italy of denying any health care to people over 80 years of age. And then it went in Spain and it actually was at 65 years of age. And doctors and nurses just sobbing about it. And then we have people here saying, oh, look at all these doctors and nurses doing TikTok videos. That means they're not busy. This is all a lie. You know, telling people to go hug people at the onset of a pandemic is so unbelievably irresponsible. It's insane. You know, it's very similar to in Houston where you had
Starting point is 00:56:44 your county judge and your mayor say hey, no y'all I'll go to the rodeo. It's fine. It's different from these other cities or mayor can't trail in New Orleans who held Mardi Gras despite other cities like Austin cancelling things. Yeah, and her then at the end of it Well, you know if the federal government would have told me I needed to cancel it I would have been the leader to cancel it that was literally that's her quote It's like well if you were an actual leader you wouldn't need to be led It's the idiocy everyone looking for the circle to blame people and it's disgusting, but yeah, I mean right I get wanting to discourage
Starting point is 00:57:21 ethnic hate towards Asian people courage, ethnic hate towards Asian people over this, but the only people that were being hateful towards Asians over this were already filled with hate and rage and bigotarian racism as it before. It's not like this COVID-19 changed people into races that weren't races, but on the flip side, encouraging people to be unsafe because they put politics over people which is what so many politicians on both sides have done during this is just insane. Think about how many people in San Francisco might have got sick because Nancy Pelosi was telling them to go hug and hang out with people. Right. It's nuts. Well also DiBlasio in New York City and and his health administrator health minister
Starting point is 00:58:05 I forget what her name is you're absolutely right There is a lot of blame to go around a lot of people dying to blame someone for this thing which at the end of the day is a virus and We're all just trying to do the best we. Charles Adams hosts a show on KPRC here in Houston and I Heart Radio called The Truth with Charles Adams. Where else can we find it, Charles? You can find it on Apple. You can find it on, they recently just got it up
Starting point is 00:58:37 a couple of months ago everywhere. I Heart's kind of weird about wanting to be jealous about their content, which is so stupid. But you can find the truth everywhere. You can find me at Big Angry Law. Instagram is really my social media of choice. I think it's more authentic. But I did kill my Twitter account
Starting point is 00:58:52 and then resurrected. That's also at Big Angry Law. And you can find me on my wife's true crime podcast, Clustin, as her color commentator. But obviously it doesn't compare to this thing. And you can find me on Charles Adams show several times, and probably several times in the future as well, hopefully. So thank you so much Charles, thanks for being with us, and you stay safe out there.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And thank you so much for having me, sir. Let's circle back around for a sec. COVID-19 is causing all sorts of problems right now. There's no question about it. Aside from inter-familiar issues arising in homes, there are two types of attacks on the American people occurring right now. The large-scale domestic terrorism that threatens us every single day, and we just talked about, and another type, which is by far more disgusting, and really shows you what humanity is all about. How it rears its nasty ugly head during times of crisis. Some of you probably remember this audio vividly from the beginning, back when the quarantine
Starting point is 01:00:28 procedures began to be put in place all over America. I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day I'm not going to stop me from partying. I haven't been waiting. We've been waiting for Miami Spring Break for a while, about two months of how to strip a plane, two or three months. So where's that happening, how's it going to get time? Whatever happens happens.
Starting point is 01:00:44 It's really messing up with my screen break. What is there to do here? Although then go to the bars or the beach and they're closing all of it. It's really messing up. I think they're blowing it way out of proportion and they get to doing way too much. We need to refund. There's more serious things out there like hunger and poverty. We need to trust that. Yeah, I mean we've been playing this a long time ago and it was kind of up in the air for so go but like we're here I just turned 21 this year so I'm here to party so it's kind of disappointing but we're just making the most of it we met these other people in our little Airbnb spots so we're just hanging out with them and trying to get drunk before
Starting point is 01:01:22 everything closes. Absolutely iconic in a no good way. I bet half of you can picture these people's faces. That's how much this video has been circulating on social media. These kids have made a name for themselves as a bunch of fucking idiots. By acting so cavalier and self-important during a pandemic that is literally affecting almost every single human being in the world right now, that this video will probably follow them and anything they choose to do in life for the rest of their lives. Of course there's the other side of stupidity that people actually believe that the sales of the Mexican beer by the same name have tumbled due to the pandemic.
Starting point is 01:02:10 In fact, that's not true at all. If you think that, then you fell prey to fake news put out by a PR agency. I've seen more corona commercials in the last week than I have the previous entire year, mostly trying to push their new Corona seltzer on us. And just so you know, they're not a sponsor, but hey, I wouldn't mind. Hit me up, Corona, mykatsornscale.com. In any case, soon after all the negative attention seekers and cloud chasters on social media
Starting point is 01:02:41 entered the arena, along with a whole bunch of out-of-touch celebrities. Avaluise, who had been on Dr. Phil several times for her selfish behavior and desire for fame, good or bad, posted a video to the newly popular and quickly growing TikTok platform, a platform that I refuse to ever be on, with text over the video that read Corona Virus Challenge. Oh, what could this be, I wonder? A new social media challenge? They're always so smart and good for society. The video depicted her licking an airplane toilet seat, which in turn encouraged others to do similar things.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I'm here on Spring Break and I flew all the way down here because I just wanted to do some blow and catch a dick, but this bitch corona keeps cock blocking me. So you know what I did? I was tired of her getting all of the headlines. I was tired of her getting all the press. So what I did was I licked a toilet seat on my sugar daddy's private plane on my way down here to go viral because I fucking hate old people and it's their fault that we can't go on the beach and catch a fucking dick. It's unclear whether she believes all the things she says or if she is genuinely just seeking fame by any means necessary. Either way, if coronavirus were a person, that person would be Avaluise.
Starting point is 01:04:11 The TikTok video, which has now been removed, caused a slew of other similar videos to be produced, including another negative attention seeking self-proclaimed influencer named Lars. You might remember videos of him that surfaced back in the summer of 2019 scooping ice cream out of a container in a grocery store licking it and then putting it back. He jumped on the bandwagon once again and posted a video to Twitter depicting himself licking a public toilet seat and captioned his tweet, retweet to spread awareness for the coronavirus smiley face.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Soon after posting this video, Lars claimed that he had tested positive for COVID-19. The irony. Play stupid games wins stupid prizes. His Twitter account has now been suspended. Your bail is 50,000 straight. This is a copy of a criminal complaint, restaurant after David. It didn't stop there though. These antics were beyond the world of so-called influencers. A district judge read charges and bail information
Starting point is 01:05:26 to 35-year-old Margaret Cerco. As she sat in the back of a police car in Hanover Township, Pennsylvania on March 26th, he came right up to the police vehicle window and read to her directly, as press surrounded him and everyone tried to make sense of what she had just done. Circo entered a local grocery store, Guaradish, and went on a mission.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Intentionally coughing and spitting on everything she could make contact with. She raced around spitting on meat, fine cuts of beef, pork, chicken breasts, everything. And then produce. She spit on a rutabaga. Actually, I don't know if that's true, but it's funny to say it. She spit on everything she could see as fast as she could while yelling, employees of course tried to stop her but it was too late. I first thought we went to the fact that we're just going to have to throw all this food. It's so hard to get right now. I mean, produce hasn't been too bad, but the price of produce is going up quite a bit. And when it comes to all the different grocery items, it's so hard. So right now it's the worst time in the world. We've thrown food away. I don't know about you, but I'm the kind of person who hates to throw away any kind of
Starting point is 01:06:55 food. I actually try to eat everything on my plate because I hate throwing away food. That's how I was raised. And probably explains the extra pounds I have on me. All of that meat though, all the bakery items, the produce in this small supermarket had to be thrown away. And it amounted to well over $35,000. Not including the 12 pack of beer that Circo attempted to steal from the store on her way out.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Our crew came in around 4 o'clock this morning. They have all worked so hard and They they've been here ever since they're almost done now. Everything was totally clean totally disinfected. Everything is very safe I spent most of my time walking around yelling at them to go home Just to get them some time off But as soon as this happened yesterday, they all jumped in, they did everything they possibly could to get the product out, and then get the case emptied, get the case clean,
Starting point is 01:07:53 and then sanitized. We just took out our life all its own, and we've gotten contacted by a newspaper in London. People have called from Germany asking if they could help, a lady asked if she could buy gift cards from this from Georgia It's amazing. This little grocery store was lucky This I would argue is a form of domestic terrorism misdirected attempt at a prank my ass look at some point people have to start taking responsibility for their own actions
Starting point is 01:08:21 You're gonna do something like. You need to pay the consequences. If people all over the US did this, we could face massive food shortages, starvation, death, and would be worried about a lot more than just toilet paper. Margaret Cercot was charged rightfully so with two counts of making a terroristic threat and one count of threatening to use a biological agent. And then another count of criminal mischief, all of which are felonies on top of several misdemeanors for retail theft and disorderly conduct. You can't just do whatever you want because you think it's the end of the world.
Starting point is 01:09:05 There are consequences, and there should be consequences. This unfortunately has not been the only instance of people coughing and spitting to spread the virus intentionally. In fact, back in January, there were videos all over Twitter of residents of Wuhan spitting on elevator buttons or handrails, even on each other. To spread the disease in some weird sense of protest against their liberties being restricted, sad to say this is not an unfortunate cultural phenomenon. It's a human phenomenon. It's been happening right here in the good old USA in the past several weeks.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Kingston Mass, police arresting a man after witnesses say he was coughing and spitting on food at the grocery store. Cell phone video right here showing people inside the store holding the man down until police could arrive. 65-year-old is accused of intentionally coughing on produce. Stop and Shop says it threw out any potentially infected food, then sanitize the store. Shoppers, of course, left and disbelief. Did somebody would even think to do that? It just blows my mind right now, especially with what's going on and everybody should be bonding together and be respectful of each other and try to stop the spread of this awful thing that's going on right now.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Police say there's no indication the man has COVID-19, but he was taken to a nearby hospital to be evaluated the store has since banned him for life. This was a 65 year old man. Doesn't he fall within the most at risk range? To make matters worse, if these people had actually tested positive for COVID-19, and their antics at the grocery store had gotten someone sick or even killed them, they could face murder charges. Governor Phil Murray of New Jersey
Starting point is 01:10:57 spoke out after a New Jersey man was arrested for intentionally coughing on a grocery store clerk and yelling about having coronavirus after she asked him to step back. The deputy attorney general Jeffrey Rosen released a memo for law enforcement heads and United States attorneys that stated, the statutory definition of a biological agent such acts potentially could implicate the nation's terrorism-related statutes. Threats were attempts to use COVID-19 as a weapon against Americans will not be tolerated. It's like yelling fire at a crowded movie theater or bomb at the TSA checkpoint
Starting point is 01:11:40 at the airport. If you're dumb enough to be thinking about pulling off a stunt like Margaret Circos, think again, you could face serious prison time. Aside from the simple fact that instilling terror into other people or intentionally infecting someone with a virus that could kill them, is absolutely heinous and despicable. First of all, on the enforcement front, just to prove that there are both knuckleheads out there, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we see them and we're enforcing behavior. Chargers are being brought against a defendant who got into a dispute with an employee of Wegmans,
Starting point is 01:12:20 coughed on the woman and told her after doing so that he had coronavirus. He then refused to cooperate with the police to either give them his name or his driver's license for more than 40 minutes. A summons is being issued for terrorist threats, harassment, and obstruction. This is not an EO violation per se, but it demonstrates active law enforcement in the steps that we are taking. I want to give them a NALOPEN Police Department a shout out and the MAMATH County Prosecutors
Starting point is 01:12:52 Office a shout out and this Pat knows better than anybody, as Jared knows better than anybody. We are up and down this state and we will not take any non-compliant behavior. Never mind a gree just behavior like this. So thank you. This is a difficult time for everyone and we're all aware of that because we're all going through it at the same time. You're not special just because your feelings hurt a bit. Stay inside. Order your goddamn groceries. Keep your surroundings clean. Wash your hands.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Don't touch your face. Don't do stupid things. Don't win stupid prizes. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that 2020 hasn't been entirely demolished by this virus. In the meantime, relax and listen to your favorite podcasts. hasn't been entirely demolished by this virus. In the meantime, relax and listen to your favorite podcasts. Maybe download the new SNS app and give it a five-star rating.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Do things you normally wouldn't have time for. If you're not required to be working, remember that time you thought you could be a famous author? Get started writing that book. How about that? Or that screenplay? Or, hell, even start a podcast of your own. Don't be one of the dumbasses we have to talk about here, spitting on lettuce. Because there's thousands of healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, delivery people, truck drivers, police officers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and all sorts of other people out there, putting their lives at
Starting point is 01:14:33 risk right now for your safety and the safety of all of us. And your selfishness does not come before their health and safety. That does it for this very special episode of Sword and Scale the COVID Crimes episode. Very special thanks to Charles Adams. You can find his show called The Truth with Charles Adams on iHeartRadio or iTunes or anywhere else you can find a podcast. If you're in Houston, you can listen to him at 11 p.m. local time on KPRC 950 AM. I will be on that show tomorrow night to discuss more COVID-related news. If you're bored throughout the pandemic and want to check out some really great Twitter
Starting point is 01:15:39 accounts related to COVID-19, please check out Jennifer Zeng, who has been reporting about COVID-19 since the very beginning and exposing all of the lies behind the veil of the Chinese Communist Party propaganda. You can find her on Twitter at JenniferATNTD. There has also been a lot of great information coming from Ian Miles Chong at Stillgrey and the elusive Mr. Mediker at Mr. and Ty Bulley. And if you're still bored and want to see a really funny Twitter account, it's called Bad COVID-19 Takes and features a lot of tweets by the likes of Bill Mitchell, Eugene Gooh and Candace Owens who have been getting it wrong from the very beginning. I'm just hoping not to end up on that Twitter account as well. Until next time, you guys, please, please stay safe, stay indoors, stay healthy, and we'll see you
Starting point is 01:16:36 right here next time. 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1%, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1%, 1 %, 1 %, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Thank you. you

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