Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S11 Ep 31: Ed Sheeran

Episode Date: August 11, 2021

We welcome back one of our very first Table Manners guests this week.. a relatively unknown - but cracking chap - the one and only Ed Sheeran. Gorgeous Ed joins us over zoom for an almighty catch-up. ...We discuss his wedding food (that I really indulged in), how to drink vintage wine, cups of tomato soup before bed, his wife Cherry’s vegetable garden & teaching his daughter Lyra to have good Table Manners. He’s back with a new banger, Bad Habits and we are here for it. Thanks for coming back Ed, Lennie owes you and the family a home cooked meal x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Table Manners. I'm Jessie Ware and I'm here with Mum. Darling, I can barely fit behind the desk. Is that because of my bump? Yeah. Yeah, it's prominent, shall we say. Yeah. We've got an absolute whopper, Mum. A returning whopper. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:20 A reigning king. I mean, when you look at the shape of you. I know. A reigning king. I mean, when you look at the shape of you. We've got Ed Sheeran returning to table manners, albeit via Zoom. But we've got him. I've put chocolate all over the invoice.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Sorry, I've put... Sorry. Oh, my God. Sorry, it was a bit... You've got it on my arm as well, haven't you? Oh, great. The greatest discovery this week was the Pret-a-Manger chocolate milkshake. And that I can get
Starting point is 00:00:48 Pret-a-Manger delivered to my house. So I basically, I compared the Pret chocolate milkshake to, I didn't say it, but it's a more gourmet version
Starting point is 00:00:58 of the McDonald's chocolate milkshake, which is a big, I'm a big fan of. Now, I've heard, and i'm sure lots of you have that you can now request at mcdonald's a neapolitan milkshake a bit of three like vanilla strawberry and yeah together yeah how revolting yeah i'm not sure i'm into i mean i'm into milkshakes at this stage of the pregnancy but i don't know if i could stoop to neapolitan can
Starting point is 00:01:24 you tell us if anybody has tried it from the um that listens to the podcast and whether it is milkshakes at this stage of the pregnancy but i don't know if i could stoop to neapolitan can you tell us if anybody has tried it from the um that listens to the podcast and whether it is worth trying and don't knock it until you've tried it does it beat the chocolate one this is riveting oh she's yawning all right sorry sorry mom oh god you're making me yawn i'm not making you jesus let's get it out before we've got bloody the biggest bloody pop star in the bloody world coming on i'm ready for bed ed sheeran you've returned to table manners babe yeah keep away could you i'm so happy to be back how are you
Starting point is 00:02:05 guys I'm all right I haven't I don't think I've seen you since your wedding no but I don't really think I've seen anyone since my wedding it kind of we kind of went to we went to Antarctica straight away and then came back and then yeah the world shut down and how have your past two years been mate uh well much like you I became a parent and that's been just wonderful like just just wonderful she how old is she now 10 months now which is mad which is mad she's like getting to the point where everything is interesting her and she is just every word is a vowel basically oh my god she's very advanced do you know what we've been because we've been with her 24 7 pretty much every day i think you know uh she's obviously picking up stuff quite quickly is she a musician
Starting point is 00:02:50 do you think she's a budding musician i mean i know you started early but like do you think she's got it in her in the blood uh i think sport i think more sport cherries cherry yeah cherry was sport i think lyra will be more sport i think but you know she likes maracas and shakers and uh yeah uh my friend johnny bought her a little um plastic piano thing that she bangs so we'll see so you haven't been going to any parent local parent music classes once that it opened up have you not yet no no we missed you could host one the sheerans we missed all of the nct classes as well, obviously. So we haven't actually really...
Starting point is 00:03:27 Cherry's best mate is about to have a kid. So I think that's going to be integrating kids and whatnot. So that'll be fun. But yeah, she hasn't really spent that much time around children, which I think is a shame. But it's, yeah, everything seems to be opening up now and we'll get around. How are yours?
Starting point is 00:03:43 They're all right. Like my son's not very interested in me my daughter's really interested in me my daughter I'm slightly scared has a bit of a voice which I kind of wish that she didn't so I'm going to try and like reign that and I want her to be sporty I don't want her to be a musician I think I think it's from being in the music industry I'm like I would not wish this on my child you know I don't not that not that it's not great I mean I love being but the roads to get into it I would not wish this on my child. You know, I don't, not that, not that it's not great. I mean, I love being in it, but the roads to get into it, I would not want my daughter to tread, basically. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:11 So like, I mean, I say that I don't want her to do it, but I've already made her start piano classes and she's four. I think it's different learning music and doing stuff. But I think the day that also, also, I mean, like I've, and you would know as well, but you're around so many kids of famous people that are in music and you can never get past the last name and i would hate for her to be known as my daughter rather than just lyra you know i'd want her to have her own identity
Starting point is 00:04:37 so hold on and you've probably been asked this on like loads of really trashy things but hun her name is lyra antarctica isn't it yeah and i've got to ask it and you've probably asked she was she was was she conceived in antarctica is that why you know that i know i i know that's proper like uh yeah a bit yeah a bit a bit like that but man you know so part of our reasoning behind it was cherry is the only Cherry that I've ever met. And we go through life and we never meet another Cherry. And that is her, as I said, like with identity, that's her identity. And, you know, we had a few names picked out and that was just on the list.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And yeah, when she was born, it was just like it just kind of suits it, I think, the whole situation. So when I said, babe, do you want to do this podcast again? You said, absolutely. Really loved it. And my eating habits have changed.
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, they really have. They really have. So, and you said, I'm now like a dad and now I don't eat. You said, I'm not a fat bastard anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And so I want to know. No more kebabs. No, it wasn't the kebabs that we were oh yeah he did love a kebab and and also I think I must have had about four portions of your wonderful uh sausage meal yeah how are you by the way I'm fine darling very well amazing what did you eat in Antarctica did you have to cut a little hole in the ice and catch a fish and then so they cook it for you it was a scent it was essentially like a cruise but it was also like a research
Starting point is 00:06:10 basically it was filmmakers had gone on this thing and it was also just tourists like me and Cherry and also scientists so it was uh just a load of people going down to Antarctica and you sort of had a meal every day with everyone in a big dining hall I would the best way I could describe the dining hall is like kind of like titanic you know where everything's like set out really nicely and food it was it was good it was really really good I really enjoyed it usually like I my idea of hell would be a cruise because you're just stuck on uh I actually i took a boat you did one yeah benny and just never left the room but this cruise was like i think because it was
Starting point is 00:06:52 mostly old people and they didn't really care i mean they cared for like a day and they were like oh my god my granddaughters are this and my grandson that and then after a day they were just like yeah where's that nice boy ed and sherry we're here to see penguins but it was good and did you see penguins we did yeah i mean they were the first time you see them you're like oh my god penguins and then the last day you're just like yeah they're just there's a lot of penguins yeah everywhere yeah fun trip but no eating habits have changed uh i essentially just cut out all junk in my life like all junk food but binge drinking boozing smoking like you've stopped smoking yeah well
Starting point is 00:07:33 i occasionally will have a so yesterday when england's won i went out with the guy that owns my record label and i went outside of one of his mates who was having a cigarette and i was like go on then but it's less it's less of a less of a thing yeah so last time we saw each other face to face i was at your wedding where you had an array of delicious food are we allowed to talk about it oh yeah no no of course you can talk about it are you sure of course yeah yeah we had basically me and cherry had our our wedding was a tiny, tiny event with basically no one there. And we did it at night on a random day in the middle of January in like the middle of nowhere. And basically no one knew, no one came to it. We lit candles. We got married. We went back, had a curry. That was it. But the yeah, so the wedding, the wedding party was more of a celebration of us and our friends.
Starting point is 00:08:25 But I'm less like private about it. I just didn't want pictures going out, which I was amazed they didn't. Plus more security. I mean, more people have security. But you have fun without a phone in your hand, though, because it's not like, yeah, Jesse, how did you manage? Well, it was brilliant because I mean, my son was six months. So I just hoped that he was having a good night somewhere. But no, it was amazing. And also it meant that everyone talked to each other. Yeah, there's no like awkward moments where someone just goes into a corner to answer a message. Everyone was just very present, which was good.
Starting point is 00:08:59 My favourite was when Cherry was rather drunk and her Stella McCartney dress was so dirty at the bottom and I'm standing next to Stella and I could just see this dress I mean Cherry that's what a wedding dress should look like my friend uh Josh who wore he wore a triple denim suit it was denim shirt denim jacket denim so he was there and Stella had gone up to him and being like uh oh my god I love your suit. And Josh was quite pissed. And she said, hi, I'm Stella. And he was like, what? Like Stella fucking McCartney.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And she was like, well, yeah. Well, I have to say, I ate, Sam Smith and I ate every stall. We sampled every food stall. And we appreciated it very, very much um I feel like we were like I mean what was your favorite I did enjoy the halloumi I think I had some halloumi bites at the fish and chips stall that was very nice my nando's was delicious I mean I really went for it how's your daughter with her food is she a good eater so we basically well I say we
Starting point is 00:10:03 cherry has done this amazing vegetable garden over the last like three, four years here. And it's really coming into its own now. So Lyra here is basically eating everything that we got. I just was literally just walking her into the house now to get a set of headphones and just picked a raspberry and put it in her mouth kind of thing. Like it's just, it's really wholesome I know I know that's a very like uh living in Suffolk middle class thing but it's uh I'm I'm really happy that she's eating good shit yeah but I think for me um like I was a vegetarian up until I was about 13 and then I was again I was then again again a vegetarian from like 25 to maybe 28 and I think the most important thing is uh balance and um not so the main thing in my diet now is not doing anything in excess so I'll like
Starting point is 00:10:57 if I want a burger I'll have a burger but I won't like have I used to have like a burger and then chips and a milkshake and then pudding and blah blah blah and i'll so i won't have like steak every night of the week but maybe like twice a month i might have beef you know or fish or so it's not like meat every single day basically what are some of your favorite restaurants in london have they changed since we last spoke to you i can't remember which ones you said before but come on give me your top three at the moment has it changed on meat and shake was it meat and shake? What was the one in Tooting you liked? Marmite chips.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Oh man, that is good. No, so yeah, it definitely has. Do you know me and Cherry go to this place called the Iraqi, which is like a sushi omakase place. Oh, nice. There's basically like the head chef and maybe like four or four or five other people and there you there's no menu you don't choose you just go in and they just give you sushi that is incredible and then that's the end there's probably like 20 pieces and then it's it's really
Starting point is 00:11:57 have you done that with um benny blanco have you done sushi park with benny blanco yeah it's it's like that i think i think it's the best sushi place I've been to and I don't I don't want to get like slaughtered for that because I've been to some amazing ones in Japan but for me it is the the best it is the best and we just we just love it so that's our we we go there quite regularly um I would say Gymkhana I've never been there but everyone says it's great. Do you know what? The one thing I wish that they, because they had a fire there and basically have redone it,
Starting point is 00:12:30 but they used to brew their own beer and it used to be Gymkhana lager. I think it's Kingfisher now, but that, the beer was the best lager. And now it's obviously Kingfisher is great, but they need to get the lager back. But that's, we probably go there just as regularly that used to be my i took sam there actually but let's talk about your pub yeah a pub well
Starting point is 00:12:53 yeah i guess so i guess so it's like you call it a bar restaurant bar hangout place i mean it's essentially i bought it uh i bought it set up a chicken shop in it originally and uh then it was work it worked out uh better business to set up a bar and my manager wanted to do it with me so we essentially called it after our two wives so blossoms is cherry blossom and uh liberty is bertie so that's why it's called bertie blossoms um uh yeah and it's good it's called Bertie Blossoms. Yeah. And it's good. It's, it's kind of had like a rocky start. Obviously I opened like two months before.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Great. Pandemic. But it's, it's open. It's opened up now. Locals like it, which is good. And for me,
Starting point is 00:13:38 what I don't like it. Bars is when there's the menus, like 50 things. And you, so I was just like have have a really really good vegetarian option which is this pasta have a really really good meat option which is the steak and chips and then just do a pub classic fish and chips and then there's like nice salads and stuff and some good starters and for me I just I think four really good beers and three
Starting point is 00:14:03 really great things on the menu is what I would want in a bar, basically. Is it stressful having your own establishment now? Because everyone talks about being a restaurateur, which I guess you would call yourself now. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a different game. I think if you're looking to make a small fortune in the food industry you should start with a large fortune basically i think it's uh it's one of those things that unless you have tons unless you're jamie olivora gordon ramsay and you have loads of restaurants i think it's very difficult to have a successful um yeah i mean you have to be really really on it yeah but has it been enjoyable like do you want to go
Starting point is 00:14:43 there when you come to london do you go there for a drink and feel really happy i go there for meetings i take uh i actually took a rapper called queng face there the other day he was someone i've been listening to in jamal edwards and he was like oh let's go for lunch he'd love some advice so i took him i took him there and it's a great place to just go i text uh the girl that um runs it and i'm just like can you just set up a table in the back room and then you can go there. It's really nice. And my mates have been renting it to watch the Euros,
Starting point is 00:15:10 which is really nice. Like all of my schoolmates just like go and rent the top floor and watch the game. It's really sweet. So, yeah. That's so nice. I mean, you've been in Suffolk for a very long time now, but is there anything about London that you miss
Starting point is 00:15:24 or do you get, do you have to come here enough that you don't ever have to miss it? What I love about London now is that I do enjoy being there. Whereas when I lived there full time, I didn't enjoy it. I felt kind of trapped because there wasn't, I was, I didn't really go out a lot, but that was kind of my own doing as well. That was just a weird paranoia of being thinking that people cared more than they did but uh when i uh am now living in suffolk and i dip into london i go to london for like a night and i'll go to one of those restaurants so i'll go
Starting point is 00:15:54 and see a friend or blah blah and then i'll go straight back home and i really enjoy those experiences um yeah i just feel like i'm a suffolk boy I feel like it's this is this is where uh I feel most comfortable and also because I grew up around everyone here I mean I'm talking everyone I mean all the people that work in all the shops in town and people in the pub like I know everyone so there's no weirdness either so it's it's good yeah I can imagine that it's just yeah it feels comfortable and it's like oh there's Ed yeah, Ed, who we knew when he was 10. So that's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And you can just relax. Well, and they don't, yeah, there's basically nothing that they can gain from being weird or not weird. It's just a very casual conversation. Like I can go into the pub and I see people kind of look and be like, oh, okay. Whereas in London, it's a bit more full on. And I guess I wonder whether now having a daughter, because I know that I felt far more protective of my children as soon and aware of. Have you had them papped yet? No, because I don't really get papped.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And also I've got, I think I did something. You can't go out anywhere. Yeah. Just in bed at eight. Oh yeah. Me too, by the way. I love it. Yeah, it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:17:07 But I think I've got like a thing where they have to blur out their face if they are going to get papped. Like I did something with my lawyer that like they would never be allowed to show their face. We've got that in England, but that isn't in America. They can do whatever they want in America.
Starting point is 00:17:23 And then those pictures, because as you know, like it doesn't matter if it's online on the Daily Mail, if it's shared on Twitter, it's shared on Instagram and blah, blah, blah. It's yeah, it's, I find it a very strange thing. Just the concept of a man who you don't know taking a picture of your infant kid.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I find that concept really weird. I remember I was on the beach with my friend's son. And his son was like two and naked, obviously running in the sea and blah, blah, blah. And a pat was taking pictures of us. And I was like, in what world is it all right for someone to take a picture of a naked child? I mean, like, he's not there. I just find it so it's so strange and intrusive lyra got papped maybe like she was like four weeks old and there was a dude sitting outside our well it wasn't even our london but basically the house that i used to have in london is now my manager's office um and he was lying
Starting point is 00:18:17 down in his car um basically hiding and just taking pictures and we were taking lyra for her like first checkup and it's just i just found it really creepy and weird because it's fair it's fair game when it's me I've signed up for it and to a degree Cherry's signed up for it she's she's married into this life and but I just find it weird with kids it's just a bit me too yeah I think it's also people are people are so interested in how you are i mean there's the photo there's the photo thing but also there's like how fans or people that see you perceive you as like a parent and you they will see maybe your child having a tantrum for a second and then they'll be like oh i'd share in the show i can't you know handle they've got a nightmare on that and i find that really like it's you kind of yeah no you're scrutinized and so therefore you like and
Starting point is 00:19:10 there's definitely like there's definitely baby police out there as well like we uh when we were in australia we got papped but we knew that there was a guy following us and we just wanted to take lyra out on a walk so we put like a really really thin like handkerchief over her thing and so many people like oh that's so overheat the baby and all we were doing was for the moment it was also freezing and raining but all we were doing was basically covering her so this boy didn't get a picture but yeah so you and cherry you now go to bed at about eight o'clock and about nine about 9 30 that's like is she an early riser uh what lyra yes yeah and does she still wake up in the night yeah once she she used to wake up sort of every few hours but she wakes up like maybe four and then she'll go back down till
Starting point is 00:19:58 six and then we're up so do you eat breakfast together yeah yeah well we kind of we kind of eat the same thing we kind of i make like a tiny i have like oats like yeah i guess like baby oats or whatever and uh i break up a banana and put in some uh formula milk and kind of mix it all up and then i'll have porridge as well so we sort of yeah so you eat as a family so yeah like i'm always really jealous of the body coaches kids that they eat spinach and they're're like, I've seen it. He's filmed it. He films everything.
Starting point is 00:20:30 We feed. They eat everything. We feed Lyra spinach as well. But Jessie. I hope for you that carries on and she doesn't reject it. And she goes to beige food in about six months. I think that's always going to happen with kids though, isn't it? The only vegetable I used to eat as a kid was peas.
Starting point is 00:20:48 The only one. And cucumber. I once got a cucumber for my birthday. That's how into it I was. Because my parents would never give me more than like a little chunk. And so one time for my birthday, I was like, I want a whole cucumber. And I just had it and just ate it. I love that so much.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So Ed, when we spoke to you last we talked about your Sunday lunch at your mum's house with Heinz uh the Heinz tomato soup yeah do you now have cooked Sunday lunches and people all come to your house um do you know what we did when Cherry was pregnant me and her made a thing of doing Sunday lunch every Sunday. It's just for us, there's not that much time now with doing stuff with Lyra to like chop stuff up. We usually like prep the next day's meal when she's gone to bed, if that makes sense. So yeah, I guess essentially we could do it, but yeah, it's more like not fast food, but things that are easier to make. But are you going to carry on the tradition of the Heinz tomato soup on a Sunday I think I'd prefer a Sunday roast every Sunday I think I think I
Starting point is 00:21:51 don't know tomato soup's like a comfort thing now like me and Cherry will get in from a night somewhere and we'll both have like a cup of tomato soup before my god I've got so old haven't I I just realized I like I like it's not Horlitz, at least. I quite like this idea of you, like, coming back from the Euro final and you two just having a cup of Heinz tomato soup. I think it's very humbling. No clubbing.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I mean, yeah. I don't know how I feel about the clubbing stuff. I feel a bit, I don't really feel like I'm ready to, well, obviously I'm not ready. I'm nine, 10 months pregnant, but whatever. But I wanted to know, so, okay, you you are healthy now there is no more kebabs there is uh well no there are so i would maybe have one once every few months and it's like a real so i think tomorrow we're gonna we have a weekly date night every every friday without fail strict we go and we can't leave
Starting point is 00:22:42 tomorrow so we're basically here and we're going to get a carry-in, basically. Oh, nice. I think that's very important. Now, I have a doner kebab that you need to try in London, Ed. It is sensational. Mangal 2 in East London. They have like, these two boys have taken, boys, men, sons, have taken over their father's business.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And they've kind of, one of them used to work, I think at Noma in Copenhagen or somewhere in Copenhagen. And it's kind of bringing all these like interesting dishes whilst they also have this doner kebab. And it's not like any doner kebab you've tried before. And it's so good. And I feel like you need to go. Can you write these things? Babe, I'm going to give you a whole whole a to z different it's really good meat it's not kind of i mean i like donners but it's not it's kind of it's slightly more like slow cooked okay and it's
Starting point is 00:23:38 just really delicious it's amazing so you need to try that um so have you become an amazing cook ed since you've been you know living with your with your allotment and all that uh i have yeah i sort of took on the role of when jerry had lyra there you know there's only so many things that the man can do to um help comfort the baby but there's lots of things that the man can do to help the partner basically so i was like right what can i do i nappy change that's that's my job cook and clean that's my job wash up make beds do that like i just i learned how to cook lots of lots of things that she likes and i think for it for me helping my my best mate basically as a chef so he would just he
Starting point is 00:24:23 would just send me how to make. Recipes? Yeah, how to make, what was the one that were really good? Nashville hot chicken, but like pan fried. Really good. Oh, Janice, the recipe. Is it straightforward or is it fast? No, it's pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 00:24:38 It's just, it's about the main thing is marinating the chicken for like a day or so in the fridge. And that's like that's what makes it juicy and tasty but yeah that that was good what what else um yeah i guess i guess i mastered the roast i guess i mastered the road in in yeah what is your roast your favorite roast chicken lamb i do chicken i i do chicken and i shove a lemon up its bum i cut i cut a lemon into a shovel lemon up its bum and I cut a lemon into a shovel, lemon up its bum. And then I,
Starting point is 00:25:06 we have a, like a Rosemary plant here. So I go and chop off some sprigs of Rosemary and then shove some Rosemary up its bum and then sprinkle the rest on, put on Rosemary and thyme just that, and parsley sage, just because. Just the two. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Exactly. And so, yeah, i'll put that in for like two hours and then i'll put the i'll chop the potatoes up and then uh boil them and then i'll put them in around the chicken and have it all cooked together and then just make a veg and then that's it it sounds nifty and it's so you don't do the goose fat? Potatoes. Do you know the thing that... We don't really do proper gravy either because what I hate is when gravy separates. You know, when it's sort of like gravy
Starting point is 00:25:53 and then just like white fat at the top. Oh, yeah. Yes. Not for me. That never happens to me. You've gone dead healthy. Yeah. Mate, look at my water bottle.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I know. You've got that is yeah it's four four liters and i just drink four liters every day every day why yeah who got you into this uh when i just being healthy so the guy the guy that helps me so i have a it sounds quite wanky to say personal trainer but i have a guy why it doesn't well i don't because i don't want to i don't want to be all hollywood and stuff like that but i like it you've been working out i've been working out i've been working out and this guy ali who's our mate from school has been coming to train us and uh yeah he basically just said uh all your bad habits
Starting point is 00:26:41 i know sorry fun all your bad all your bad habits stem from like wanting things to do. And he's like, whenever you want something to do, just have a sip of water. And so I just carry this around all day. And if I'm like, oh, do I want some chocolate? And I'll have some water and I'll be like, no, I don't. So what is the song Bad Habits about your four litre bottle of water?
Starting point is 00:26:59 No. How habits lead to you? No, it's probably about stuff that- Other bits and bobs oh my god how how has it been promoting this time do you feel like I mean do you feel like you were touring for so long so when did the last record come out which year um well technically 2019 but I don't class it as a record the collaborations that was just a yeah that was something me and fred the producer made over about a month and put out and it was i wanted
Starting point is 00:27:31 to work with all these people and that was the that was the thing so my last like full promotional tour album thing was divide which was 2017 and that was the last time i've done this many interviews um and stuff but i feel like i don't want to leave a gap like that again. I feel like everything's changed so much. The landscape has changed. It has. You're on TikTok now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Well, I am actually, I probably shouldn't say this, but I actually don't know the login for my TikTok. People tell me to do this video and then i guess it goes up but well babe you still don't have a fucking phone yeah no i don't have you still got a burner no no that was cherry's phone today i called you off no but like i wonder whether you've still got like what didn't you have a burner phone for a bit that i haven't like you know i bought a uh nokia 3310 the new one and then because when it's a new nokia 33 it's really good it's really good but i bought that the great one of the greatest phones ever to we we ever had right so solid but when i
Starting point is 00:28:30 was um because i've been doing promotion overseas and then i come back and quarantine afterwards the government call you but i didn't have a phone they'd call me on so i bought another burner phone so they could check in basically and they called a lot they were like they were really really on me i think they were trying to catch me out, but I was sensitive. No, they didn't. Did they ask you to open your fridge? No. They asked a friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:28:53 could you go to your fridge and open it and shut it to make sure she was in the house? Oh, interesting. I don't know if they have GPRS tracking, but like they certainly on, we did like a-day test to release thing um and on the fifth day i left and then they rung and were like you've left your house so i don't know whether my neighbors are just ringing up but it was like it well i got that i basically got the the all clear on an email just saying yeah you're all clear ready to go and i left and within like half an hour they were like why have you left wow scary big big um yeah right but I mean it are you enjoying it or do you because I feel like you are
Starting point is 00:29:33 one of the most successful famous brilliant talented artists in the world and yet you are doing you're you're doing the work well I think I think I think if you're good if you're doing the work. Well, I think if you're going to do it, like do it properly, there's no like half measures in this industry. And I've always known that there are always artists that work harder than you, who want that. They want the range slot and they want to go on Heart FM
Starting point is 00:29:56 and they will take that from you within an instant. The moment you kind of take your foot off the gas there, you will, there'll be someone newer, younger, more exciting, i mean i'm like looking now like every every single year there's a new person that comes out who's even more exciting and they've got this new song and like oh god yeah no ed's like he's he's old news but this is new one so it's you just kind of have to keep up with with with that and my way of doing it is promoting and i think also you uh you should stand by the art
Starting point is 00:30:26 you make like I want people to hear my tune I'm I don't want to put it out and it goes into an abyss somewhere I'd like really want to I remember there was a singer-songwriter I used to speak to uh way back in the day and he would only he'd only do Jules Hollands he wouldn't what you're doing the one show why would you do the one show and I'm like but you like the songs you write don't you wouldn't you want more people to perform them as much as possible yeah and then more people discover them but man um fair enough but i will say i have realized i don't know if i enjoy releasing music i love making music probably my number one hobby is making music playing live number two hobby but releasing music it's such a it you I used to find it really exciting and now I just find I just find it it's such a tedious well it's a drain on your confidence you basically go this is something I'm really excited about and
Starting point is 00:31:17 then people go yeah yeah I guess and I don't know I find that I like my songs more before they're released. Does that make sense? Yes, totally. Because I guess it becomes a commodity once it's into the world. Well, it's fair game. I started painting and what I love about painting is no one can judge it because I'm just like, well, I'm not selling it. And I do it in my spare time and I might give it to friends occasionally.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But art's an odd thing to be, bear yourself so raw and then have essentially everything torn apart by other. It's a, yeah, I don't know. You just turn into a punching bag for a few months. Thank you. So, Ed Sheeran, the last time you came on, we did a little... Yeah, research. Research. Last time, your last supper was scampi and chips with a battered sausage in Albra. Yeah. Great place for fish and chips.
Starting point is 00:32:23 At the beach. And then you had a baked camembert for starter. Oh, fuck. Apple crumble and profiteroles for dessert, along with a cheese board and a drink of choice that would be wine. Have things changed drastically since we last chatted? Bloody hell. And the thing is, I used to do, that's, that used to.
Starting point is 00:32:42 You were committed to that. That used to be a meal that I probably. That wasn't even a last supper, was it, Ed? It was daily. Yeah. I would still definitely say the fish and chips. Definitely. From Albra.
Starting point is 00:32:54 From Albra. Maybe not with a battered sausage. Maybe just scampi and chips. No, it's my first meal. I've got to go big. Yeah, battered sausage. Yeah, yeah. There he is.
Starting point is 00:33:04 There he is. There he is. So what would be the starter? Would it still be the baked camembert? No, I would say, I don't know, really. I don't know. What is a good starter? Do you know what me and Cherry do when we cook is we open a bottle of wine. We have one of those, like, you know, the plunger things that stops wine going off?
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's basically a vacuum. So what we do at the beginning of the week is we put a bottle of wine in one of those and down. How long do those things last, like to keep the wine good? I mean, it never really lasts more than two days with me. Because you're enjoying the drink. Yeah, but I think about a week. But what we do, our starter is we get like a bag of kettle chips, put them in a bowl and have wine and then eat kettle chips while cooking. I love that. Do you have a little dip and what is the uh what is the
Starting point is 00:34:05 kettle chip is it a slightly salt lightly salted or is it salt and the cider uh no it's the sweet it's the it's the chili one the sweet chili one the red packet yeah that's our like go-to i mean there's nothing like i don't think anybody's ever done crisps for a starter but i totally get it i guess i kind of think of it as an aperitif. Yeah. Before the starter. It's a pre-starter. Yeah. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'd say that. I'd say that. And then I'd say for pudding, I mean, probably profiteroles. I mean, profiteroles are pretty good. They're still up there.
Starting point is 00:34:37 They are still up there. With the apple crumble or not? I don't know what I'd choose. Do you know, I've been, I think a giant Lindor ball, but like this big. Oh my goodness. The ones you get, what do you get them at? Christmas or
Starting point is 00:34:58 like Easter? Yeah, but they lead you on. It's a plastic ball with them in. Oh yes, it is, isn't it? They lead you on. You think you've got a big bugger and you've just got little ones inside. Sohan, would you get this made? Because can you actually get a giant lint ball?
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm sure you probably could. I'm sure you could ask Lindor to do it. Oh, no, you'd probably have to go to a chocolatier and be like, can you make essentially this? My friend Lauren, when we were on tour, there was a guy that wanted a giant cream egg and she bought loads of cream eggs and essentially just like melted bits and made this giant cream egg for him for for his birthday i don't think it was that edible but it looked but the effort was there and we appreciate that
Starting point is 00:35:39 what wine are you drinking is there a bottle a decent bottle everyone should be trying uh yeah there's one i mean it depends depends what sort of wine you want to you want to go for we we drink um this thing called chocolate block that's like a south african wine oh i think it's about 20 quid chocolate block i've never heard of it but i also remember jesus juice that you gave me before pretty great um that was pretty fucking i've um, I've gone through... Oh, you can get it on Waintrose. Chocolate block. And then if you want to go super fancy,
Starting point is 00:36:10 there's one called Silver Oak. It's about 100 quid a bottle. That's like, I think... It's an American wine that's really, really great. Where did you try it? I'm going to sound wanky now, but Courtney Cox's house is like her. I think she did something for them and she basically just has a wine fridge full of it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And it's great. It's really great. And then I'm trying to, someone gave me a Mouton Rothschild and they have the art on it and they gave me a book. And now I've got every special occasion now I'm getting, I'm going back in the years and i'm trying every single year and then i have a shelf i have a shelf basically i write what what i did on the special occasion who i was with and they signed the bottle and then it goes on the shelf and it's got all the all the artwork on and what's fun about it is there's so many of these old bottles that no one sells to anyone because people think that you're buying it
Starting point is 00:37:05 for an investment and you're not going to drink it but so there are these old dudes in France that I drink the bottle and I send them a picture of it empty and I'm like see told you I drink it and it's yeah it's good because that there is that thing isn't it when you get given a bottle but then isn't there like so what's the oldest bottle that you've drunk? Oh, I drunk a Madeira when Lyra was born with my parents and Cherry. It was from 1850. And it was really like, it was tasty, but it was old. Must be like fortified wine. Yeah, it's like port.
Starting point is 00:37:43 1850? Yeah, the oldest bottle of red wine that I've drunk was our honeymoon. We had a Chateau Margot from 1907. And do you remember, did you go, I think I prefer the chocolate block for 20 quid? No, because for me. For me, it's not. I think sometimes people go like wanky with wine because it costs a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And they go, well, it must be this bottle. Like this bottle is the best because for me, I love I love good, good wine at all. I mean, you can have there's like Chateauneuf-du-Pape from Tesco that would stand against any of those wines that I've talked about. In my opinion, I would enjoy drinking all of those. But for me, when it's a special, in inverted commas, bottle of wine, it's about the memory of it, which is why I keep the bottles and sign on them saying, was this night and this. And I had a friend pass away in March and we had,
Starting point is 00:38:39 it was actually, he started the idea of writing on bottles. And I have so many bottles from me and him that I can now look back on and go, oh my God, that was that night. And that was that night. And it's less about the expense of the bottle and where it comes from, more about the memory behind it, which is, I think, what wine is. Wine isn't just like something you quaff that you just get drunk. It's something where you share a moment with someone or some people.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And yeah, I think it's, so for me that the, the old Margo that we had on our honeymoon was, you know, not that drinkable, but I have it on a shelf inside and I'm like, that was the first night on a honeymoon and what, what a lovely experience that was. And, um, you know, and it survived two world wars, you know, it made it through two world wars to be at that place that night night so yeah i like it i like i like i like wine when there's stories around it i love that that's very romantic yeah the biggest romantic absolutely i do something we do um which this is very small
Starting point is 00:39:42 for i but on our christmas tree every year we take a polaroid of the year and then we put it onto the christmas tree and so you've got all like the babies getting older and older and so that's quite sweet and i learned that from erica leonard who's el james because we used to work together and that's a little a little trivia for you so that's good have you have you um written your daughter any letters yes yeah we we uh actually someone on my tour it was actually a really great present someone on my tour gave me a time capsule thing and uh he was just like here and it's it's from 2019 uh and i was sort of like i don't really know what i put in this time capsule and then cherry told me she was pregnant and so i got in contact with all my schoolmates and i was
Starting point is 00:40:23 like can you write lyra a letter for her 18th birthday so we they put put all of them in time capsule and then we wrote her a letter as well and we and we yeah put it in see such a romantic he's a mensch man yeah yeah yeah you are thoughtful so so okay so what's next after Bad Habits comes out which is a roaring success what's happening when's I saw on the Zane Lowe thing that you basically said that he'd been able to hear the whole bloody record so when's it coming are you allowed to say autumn I think autumn I basically I think I I just want to put out a lot more music it's been so long since I've actually been doing anything and and the last thing I put out was a collaborations project of me doing like songs with like Travis Scott and Eminem and stuff
Starting point is 00:41:09 like that so it wasn't anything that my fan base could really really uh sink their teeth into because it was they would obviously like some of the tunes but it's not the me that they know and love so I've got Bad Habits was my different single I'd say Bad Habits was that I really wanted to release it start off the campaign have everyone talk about it because they'd be like what what is this do we like it and I did it with Shape of You and I did it with Sing and then I'm going to be putting out some songs that are a bit more reflective of what the album actually is Bad Habits is about as different different as it gets so the next song that comes out will be like an acoustic tune and then there'll be a sort of like castle on the hill e kind of tune and it's more of a uh just to show the scope of the record
Starting point is 00:41:57 because it's a who's done who's done the record with you is it fred yeah it's fred's yeah fred and fred and fred and johnny and then steve's done a song on there. And Joe, who you came and sang for. So that record that you came to sing for, I think will come after. They basically... Is that going to come out? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was bloody good. I mean, mum, this is how prolific this boy is.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I sung something for you. I mean, it must have been about three years ago. It was around the time of Table Miners I think it was 2017 I put out and then and then I did collaborations
Starting point is 00:42:30 and put it put that out and then I was making this record again and do you know what it's it's more of a down
Starting point is 00:42:39 as you know it's a bit more of a down tempo acoustic record and I when the world was opening up i was like do i really want to be putting this out in the summer summer that england they're in the euros and the people can go to bars and blah blah blah so i thought i thought it was better to put out the bad habits
Starting point is 00:42:56 record and also the good thing about an ed sheeran song is it's pretty timeless so basically you can keep these you've had you will have had these songs for about five years and they'll still sound really fantastic because you're bloody good aren't you so thank you that's exciting so we we have a few more questions to ask you Ed Sheeran uh bad habits uh bad habits at the table do you still think do you think you've still got good table manners what did Cherry Cherry Cherry disagreed didn't she bless her bless her? She came on, do you remember, on the last episode? She kind of went, oh, Ed, you do this thing. Yeah, I think. I can't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I think it's the same thing. I finish and I, but it comes from me being, I'm a like neat freak. Like I'm, I really like tidy stuff. So I'll finish and I'll put my stuff in the dishwasher instantly and then go back and sit down and carry it. And Cherry's like, that's a bit rude.
Starting point is 00:43:49 You're like an American server. No, because I do. They remove it straight away. Well, because I do sit down and finish the meal. But I just, in my head, I'm like, right, done. Dishwasher. And yeah, I can stop. But yeah, that's a bad table manner, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Are you going to teach lyra uh good table manners are you going to teach her how to put a plate in the dishwasher straight away i think that's the first thing you teach her i think that's far more important than like what hand you hold a knife and forking i've been at so many of these dinners where and you must have been at them when they have like all the cutlery and you're like what why can't i just use one fork for it and one knife for it why does it have to be this yeah totally um now my mum would like to ask your final question wouldn't you lenny did we ever ask you your karaoke song oh maybe do karaoke
Starting point is 00:44:37 yeah i love it do you know my uh see jesse everyone loves it no but whenever i do karaoke i'm blitzed like I'm I'm having a great time my go-to is always like baby one more time or uh don't want to miss a thing or um Aerosmith don't yeah or Britney Britney yeah actually I have a video of uh Fred um arriving there's a karaoke bar in Nashville called Santa's it does one one dollar beers and that's it it's just a it's a trailer and you go in and you buy PBR beer for a dollar you can smoke inside and there's it's a carry it is lit and uh I was so good I was singing don't don't want to miss a thing Fred was arriving late that night and he was going straight to the house and we were going to work on work on music
Starting point is 00:45:21 I was singing don't want to miss a thing in the bar and he arrived at the bar and I didn't know he was getting there. So you can kind of see him arriving, me seeing him and yeah. And even when I dream of you. It's so good. I just honestly, Ed, it's such a pleasure to chat to you because I don't see you nearly enough,
Starting point is 00:45:40 but it's always just so lovely to chat to you and speak to you and see how you're getting on and you're still the same old Ed. Thank you. We love you. see how you're getting on. And you're still the same old Ed. Thank you. We love you. Love you guys. Thank you. Ed Sheeran.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Little mensch. Love him. Good night. Thank you so much to Ed Sheeran for joining us love him goodnight thank you so much to Ed Sheeran for joining us on Zoom we hope you've enjoyed this episode
Starting point is 00:46:09 and I'm sure you know Ed Sheeran has new music out because he gets played on every radio station in the world worldwide so if you didn't know just turn on the radio
Starting point is 00:46:17 and he will be on within two songs but yeah new music from Ed and thank you so much to Ed for coming back on to the podcast thank you so much for listening see you next week

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