Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S11 Ep 32: Munya Chawawa

Episode Date: August 18, 2021

To end the series we have another first for Table Manners... a Satirist, the hilarious Munya Chawawa on this week's podcast. Munya talks to us about his Zimbabwean upbringing & his love of Sadza. ...We discuss crying over Blue songs, crashing Tinder, Watermelon Daiquiris, his wish to marry Baby Spice & falling in love on the radio. We love his parodies and we love him. A couple of episodes of highlights from the past year are coming up in the next two weeks then we’ll be back with the snazziest series yet on October 13. See you soon! X Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Table Manners. I'm Jessie Ware and I am here with my mum. Hi and I'm Lenny and I'm now a grandmother of three children. Yes you are and I'm very tired. Actually I'm not that tired, I'm not going to complain. You're doing well Jess. You know what, our iPad is currently balancing on a box of gower cottage brownies now i'm not a big brownie fan yeah but these brownies are sensational and two people two separate people have sent them to me as like a birth gift yeah the the beauty of having a podcast that's about food people send you food it nearly sent sam into it drove him to tears he nearly had a breakdown last week he was
Starting point is 00:00:42 overwhelmed yes my husband nearly cried at the amount of edible gifts we got because he found it so overwhelming. Not tears of joy. Tears of sheer overwhelmed-en. Is that a word? Overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Anyway, so I need to just say that I now know the best gifts to give people for pregnancy and for birth. What am I talking about? Right. Post-birth. So Sam became a florist, which was very kind of everybody that sent flowers. Looking gorgeous. But it did look like a wake at one point, but we still love it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 They're beautiful flowers. But the food. Okay. So today Coco Bailey, who did my cover for the book, has I sent her cook meals which I also sent to manager Sarah because I love them the crumble and sticky toffee pudding are fantastic but she sent me a mystic borek have you heard about these boreks right I'm going to show you the borek borek borek yeah they're just stuffed pastry no I know what they are sorry did I say it wrong tomato tomato aren't they darling yes yeah they are but look at these ones mystic barack right look at these bloody things sticky
Starting point is 00:01:49 tomatoes with smoked honey mascarpone aubergine and garlic i don't know which one i'm getting but i'm getting it tonight i'm very excited shout out to also masala wallet down the road who sent me a delicious uh indian last night because they just care that you know the uh their neighbor is okay well it's a bit late for me to have another child but i wouldn't have minded to be honest the conditore and cook cake is the best cake celebration cake in the goddamn world yeah the noisette yeah conditore and cook cake i implore everyone to go and get it i hate the word moist terrible never gonna give you um so yeah yes it's a moist cake that gives a lot and can be in the fridge for a few days is this boring for everybody i feel like i think it probably is darling you've
Starting point is 00:02:36 gone on but your world's been very very condensed to just food and feeding food and feeding yeah which actually has been quite a pleasurable two weeks to be honest i'm no longer gluten-free mom you'll be happy to know god yeah push the baby out yeah had an honest burger after the baby was born good i've had two actually since he's been born because we loved it so much their gravy the honest burger do for the chips is lip smacking good anyway so i'm back with a bang and a bit of a belly that isn't because there's a baby inside and he's sleeping upstairs i think so we may be good to go to do this first podcast with me back in business i've got a bit more energy this time and we are so excited to have this guest you're not as grumpy darling
Starting point is 00:03:22 yeah no i know because yeah yeah i was tired i was growing a human i'm apologizing now for that glasses are very dirty oh you know what thank god it's a podcast because munya is not getting uh an a-class pop star today i tell you so the guest we have today was supposed to be done two weeks ago. My manager, Sarah, rung me on the phone and said, do you fancy doing a podcast with Munya Chihuahua tomorrow? And my waters broke in response and reaction to not wanting to do a podcast when I was overdue. His name should be spoken around the world induction chihuahua
Starting point is 00:04:07 the inducer anyway so i went into labor as soon as um you heard his name i heard his name christ better be careful out there i know listen beware of the power of munya so we decided that we'd wait a few weeks until i'd given birth and the baby was here. And now we are doing one on Zoom because COVID is everywhere again. So we're doing it on Zoom to be really safe. I've actually met Munya on Zoom before. So I'm a bit sad that we didn't get to cook for him. He is a British Zimbabwean satirist. That's if you don't follow him on Instagram, you need to. Because mum, mum i mean you've only recently discovered munya i've been following him i think since kind of i think clara ampho put something
Starting point is 00:04:51 up of him or reggie eights did and i was like who is this joker it was over a year ago but mum which one made you fall for munya the matt hancock parody shaggy it wasn't me it wasn't me it was so funny he's just got such a way about him that doesn't he's observant he's observant but also the pace in which he reacts to a scandal or a topic in a true satirist it's remarkable and he does it all like the editing and yeah he's fantastic we're really excited to chat to him so this is the last episode because we were supposed to do this a couple of weeks ago and then i was supposed to be on a version of maternity leave so we're gonna have a couple of best of episodes after this because we haven't done best of episodes for ages and so i think we've got like over a year's
Starting point is 00:05:39 worth of excellent guests yeah so we've got two episodes of that and then we'll return for, I don't even know what season it would be. What season 13? Season 12 because we're not going to have a 13 darling. Why? We'll go straight to 14. Not lucky. Well, that's unfortunate
Starting point is 00:05:56 because the first transmission date of the new series is October the 13th. So yeah, that's happening. At least it's a Wednesday. Yes. So we will be back on the 13th of October for brand new guests hopefully all in person cooking up delights yep exciting new guests really and I'm off on my holly bobs yeah all right don't rub it in yeah I'm going to Kent Minya Chihuahua coming up on Table Manners.
Starting point is 00:06:34 So we have Munya Chihuahua here. Yeah. Mate, I only meet you on Zoom, apparently. I mean, who knows? Maybe I'm a virtual man. Maybe you are. We just don't know this. Maybe I'm the virtual Idris Elba. I'm the 3D render of Idris Elba.
Starting point is 00:06:50 That's what they call me. The manifestation of Idris. I have to tell you that we were supposed to do this a couple of weeks ago. And I don't know if you know that basically my manager called me on the Wednesday afternoon and said, listen, we've got Munya for Thursday. And as soon as she uttered your name, my waters broke. So now I'm going to call you the inducer. The 12th person that's happened to,
Starting point is 00:07:12 which is just crazy. But I had to cancel my podcast with Mary Berry as well. That is, I mean, congratulations. How crazy is that? But listen, maybe you could like be kind of, you could do some kind of visualization for overdue mothers yeah and pregnant people who who need who need that incentive and they just go listen munya is coming over for tea and then it just makes the job get going so anyway thank you or maybe just have a huge picture of my eyebrows in the maternity ward
Starting point is 00:07:43 oh you think that would make us dilate more quickly? I mean, look, I'm not going to make that correlation here on the podcast, but I'm just saying, coincidence, I think not. Listen, they are beautiful eyebrows. I feel like a little oxytocin is flowing through me now, the love hormone. So I kind of feel like I'm dilating again. I may give birth again. Anyway, we've got you here and it's a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:08:04 My mum only learned about you very recently. I've been telling her about you and she was like, I don't know what you're talking about. And then she saw the Matt Hancock. And I fell in love. With me or Matt Hancock? You, of course. No, are you sure?
Starting point is 00:08:19 Not Matt Hancock sexy dancing? Not at all. It was so clever and so responsive and so observant and so apt and a funny such good fun thank you i mean that that feels like one of the ones that the most mums saw i think because you know my my parents you know they kind of get what i do but they don't really care like it's a different generation you you know? But when the mums at my sister's school were sharing the vids in the, in the mum WhatsApp groups, you know, that to my mum is worth more than say a BAFTA, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Of course. That's like breaking America. Yeah. If Eden's mum is sharing it in the group, then it's like, wow. Okay. Bow down. Do you know what I mean? So that was the, that was the mum, that was the one that I think gained me the most mum followers. That's like when I got on the G.A.Y. jukebox. My brother said, you've made it. So what I want to know, was Matt very keen on the video? Did he see it? Do you think?
Starting point is 00:09:22 Do you know what? I think he did see it because lots of people were joking to me saying that so I know a few people you know family friends who work in Westminster and they said things like you know only sort of like you know smaller jobs but they were saying things like oh it's gone around the whatsapp groups and I heard from one friend who said that one of his family members actually worked with him with a relative matt hancock's that matt hancock said oh do you think people will think i'm not a dweeb now oh no you're like his puff piece his profile which is funny because i think the moment you say the moment you use the word dweeb, I think you're trapped as a dweeb forever. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:09 So his people didn't get in touch with your people and say, let's go further. I don't think they, for some reason, I don't feel like if Matt Hancock wanted to get in touch, I don't think it would be in a friendly way. Do you know what I mean? I think it would be a sniper through the bathroom window. So fortunately that hasn't happened yet. yeah move on to the next one but let's talk about let's
Starting point is 00:10:29 talk about your family so you've got a sister who has children and the mum's groups uh happening your parents are kind of I mean how do they feel about their son now being like a huge satirist I mean to be honest like I said so my with my parents, I think it's, it's funny, the things that kind of, you know, it's funny, the things that they get excited about, or the things that make them feel like I'm achieving something. So when you're when it's about social media, and you're saying, Oh, mom, look at 2.5 million people saw this, or a million people have done this. They're sort of like, Oh, well, you know, that's right. Good. That is where are you from? Where's the accent? Oh, it's all over. It's Der They're sort of like, oh, well, you know, that's right. Good, that is. Where are you from?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Where's that accent? Oh, it's all over. It's Derby, Sheffield, Birmingham, Norwich, Zimbabwe. Just a blend. It's a smoothie of voices. Where were you born? I was born in Derby, but pretty much I just say Zimbabwe because no one can remember things until they're like...
Starting point is 00:11:19 Are you a Rams supporter? No, no, I don't really watch football, to be honest. I'm a bit more violent. I watch cage fighting. No, no, I don't really watch football, to be honest. I'm a bit more violent. I watch cage fighting. Oh, Jesus. Again, men in tiny shorts, you should love it. It kind of doesn't, it doesn't go with your gentle, lilting, sweet, gentle accent.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I can imagine you watching cage fighting, but I mean, it adds a little spice, Munya. I only put on this voice for podcasting. As soon as this is over, I'm back to effing and jeffing and, you know, body slams and all sorts. So your family are from Zimbabwe? So my dad's from Zimbabwe and my mum is from Derby. And I think they met at a university in Wales.
Starting point is 00:12:00 You know, it sounds like a very strange Disney film. My dad was DJing, probably had some sort of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air haircut. And my mum was like, wow, something about the way he plays out the Macarena that really gets me going. Gets the oxytocin flowing. So, yeah, they got together. And I think actually I'm probably a bit of a combination of both because my mum's great with words, I think. You know, sometimes mums use the expression, they say, use your words. I think that's something my mum's great with words i think yeah you know sometimes mum's uses expressionists they use your words i think that's something my mum taught me to do and then my dad is sort of like the the
Starting point is 00:12:30 charisma element almost you know it's a bit of a joker it's quite a serious guy but when he'd have pockets of being very funny and very charismatic those are the things i always remembered it's kind of like fusing the things together but yeah as i was saying with my mum it's like you know she doesn't really understand things like retweets or likes or follows. But the moment she sees like a little cutout of your head in like the Sunday culture magazine or whatever, then she's like,
Starting point is 00:12:53 oh my God. Do you know what I mean? She's your next to bloody Alan Titchmarsh and she's like, wow, this is brilliant. Did they take it seriously as a job before? Did they think that you were going to be something else? I don't think they knew what kind of like money a person could make from
Starting point is 00:13:08 wanting to talk or wanting to tell jokes or wanting to entertain. But by that point I'd already made up my mind. Do you know what I mean? I was so convinced that I was going to do it that I didn't really, I wasn't really listening to what they were saying. And there was just no way that they could convince me to do another job. So I'd already set my sights, and then it's mainly when the presents start getting better, I think. So, for example, when Mother's Day comes around
Starting point is 00:13:32 and you're not buying her a cup from Poundland that says, best mum ever, I think that's when my mum was like, oh, I think I quite like this new lifestyle of M&S truffles once a year. So you started off in, you you were born in derby yeah did you grow up in derby no i grew up in zimbabwe so i was in derby until i was four and the only thing i can remember is absolutely loving the spice girls and wanting to marry which one baby spice baby and thinking in my brain that everything was going to be okay because she would stay the same age whilst i grew up okay and then we were the same age we'd get married but
Starting point is 00:14:11 that didn't happen yeah so hold on you're a 90s baby then aren't you i'm a 92 baby yeah oh my god piss off so annoying in showbiz years in showbiz years i'm a 2000s baby oh really oh yeah of course I mean I don't I don't really care to be honest you know I mean I don't really care about them things so food okay this podcast is about food growing up around well in Zimbabwe what was the what were the meals that were on the dinner table for you so there's only for me in my family there's only really one main Zimbabwe meal because my mum's an amazing cook. So she just cooks all over, you know, my mum thinks every night is master chef finals.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So my dad is the one who he, he would make the traditional Zimbabwean dish, which is sadza. Right now. Sadza is like, you can think of it as almost maize. If it was squashed together, you know? Yeah. So it's like this big mound of like maize and you can use it like um you use it like as like a little dish almost so you've got on your plate scoop it up then you get a bit of veg on it then you get a bit of meat on it and then like a bit of the gravy thing and then you just pop it in your mouth delicious it's a bit like polenta all kind of squished together
Starting point is 00:15:20 no it's like it's more like is it a bit like it's sticky it's sticky it's like it's more like is it like it's sticky it's sticky it's like it's like mash but less smooth yeah it's you know what it's like if mash and rice had a baby yeah but don't i thought zimbabwe mealy meal is what lots of people eat yeah it's like a maze and they eat it with that's part of it so all i know is to make it you've got this powder yeah i think it's a millimil and then you add the water and then it thickens into this you know sadza and that's your carb and that's like your yeah okay lovely did you like it as a staple yeah man i used to love it but i haven't cooked it in so long because i just i never got to cook it because i was so young so it's like i need to just have that i need to know got to cook it because I was so young. So it's like, I need to just have that. I need to know where to buy it.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And I don't know, man, it's just too many memories. If I get it wrong, I've ruined my childhood. Don't do it. So are there any good restaurants? Where do you live now? Now I live in South London. Oh, right. Have you found any good Zimbabwean restaurants in London?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Do you know what? I haven't actually. And I've not even looked right not even looked that's the truth but in London there are more Zimbabweans like I always if I'm out and about and someone comes up to me and they're like I'm Zimbabwean that brings me a lot of joy because it brings back so many memories in some ways Zimbabwe is a bit like a time capsule to me because I've not been back since 2005 that's's a long time. And I haven't been back because I know it's changed. You know, I remember it with a child's eyes. So I remember it as this, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:55 luscious, overgrown, like green, you know, utopia, almost where all the trees were full of flowers and fruits. And our house looked like, you know, our house was, you had a lovely house there because of course my parents thought this is going to be home forever we're going to make our home we're going to buy all the things we ever wanted we're going to paint it and my mum's incredible decorator so when we left obviously all of that goes downhill it's not like england you know if you're in england if if you were to leave the country jesse your mum would be like all right i'll pop in the house make sure it's good you know if you're in england if you were to leave the country jesse your mum would be like all right i'll pop in the house make sure it's good you know just keep everything in check it's
Starting point is 00:17:29 about what it's not like that as soon as you leave people are trying to enter your house you know people are taking tires off the cars you've left there all sorts so if i went back now i i think it would traumatize me because it would be so far removed from this, like, glitz I have. That's the thing that stops me from going back. So do you still have a house there? Mm-hmm. I've got a house. But you're just worried about going back to that house because of what it will be like? Or is it also...
Starting point is 00:17:54 I've seen pictures of it. And? It looks like those shows where they, you know, they have this run-down house and then there's someone who gets to fix it. Our house looks like the before picture. Oh, wow. Right. You know, that's what happens. And I mean, I'm fine because I've got my memories, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Was it Bulawayo? No, it was Harare, which is the capital. Harare, yeah. I want to hear about your mum being this master chef champion. So when you weren't having those dishes in Zimbabwe, what are some of the other memorable dishes that your mum makes? Or is it just because she's trying things out all the time that I think she just should do things like tagine she'll do like a range of pastas she'd be doing curries Thai curries um even her sandwiches were
Starting point is 00:18:35 amazing like I could always tell when my mum was in a bad mood with me or if I did something wrong by the filling of the sandwich so you know if if I wasn't if I was being a good boy or whatever it would be like you know maybe we'd had like a pork joint the night before and it would be in there with the apple sauce and the crackling and then one day I must have really irritated my mum because I went to school and I opened my sandwich and it was bread bread bread it was a it was a bread sandwich she tried to kill me so so so on to lunch boxes did you have packed lunch when you went to school yeah you know I need to tell you this bit a bit of a spin-off story because it just makes me laugh so this is not related to food but so when I moved to England basically I remember my grandparents
Starting point is 00:19:22 was was the house we'd always go to right because they had a staple house based in England so we went there and we just traveled on the plane from Zimbabwe it'd been like a two day journey all in all and we got to the house and um I was like I can't wait to have a shower I was just a young boy right let me get my clothes out got my trousers got my thing I was like all right let me get some fresh pants out you know when you've been on when you've been traveling you're like i just want to feel fresh i'm looking through this underwear drawer and i'm just seeing these shorts now i'd never seen boxer shorts before okay i'd only ever seen y-fronts what are they wearing well they wear wine i'll make it sound like we were wearing loincloths so we went y-fronts but i'd never seen boxer shorts before
Starting point is 00:20:03 so i remember going up to my grandma and being like you know grandma um I think you've made a mistake because you just bought me loads of shorts and no pants and she was like no let me explain in England boys wear boxer shorts so the reason I tell this story is because then I became obsessed like I wanted to have the best boxer shorts I was like these are so cool I'm a teenager now and i remember no never never calvin klein's but i went to this one shop and they were selling these packs of boxer shorts for like three pound and they all had they all had on the the band they all had the word lunchbox on that was the name brand that was the brand so one day i went home with this bag of all these lunchbox boxer shorts I'd bought.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And I was there with my friend and I was trying them on. So I'm obviously, I've got no shirt on. I've got no trousers on. I just got these boxer shorts saying lunchbox. And my mum walked in with my friend there and she went, oh, lunchbox, any sandwiches? And I remember being like, mum, so humiliated that my mum was making a penis joke about her son.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And I could never invite that friend around again. So that is my long story about lunchboxes. I'm really glad that we've got that story and you shared it with us. That's definitely the most fruity packed lunch story we've ever had. So are you a good cook? Well, I was when I was preparing for MasterChef. Did you do MasterChef yeah i didn't celeb i'm gonna be on celebrity masterchef oh when's it coming out in august sometime i don't
Starting point is 00:21:31 know i'm i can't remember what i am and aren't allowed to say but it's like okay fine it's coming out soon in august yeah did you do well on it i'm not allowed to say but what i will say is yeah them judges they didn't know what hit him What I will say is, them judges, they didn't know what hit them. They weren't ready for it. Who were the judges, darling? You know, the Greg Wallace and the John. Oh, it's John and Greg. The Aussie.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Did he get his spoon? Did he get his spoon when he did the dessert? When he makes love to the spoon, when he eats the spoon and he's smugging it. And he holds it like he's one of the lost boys in Hook. And he's like, oh, every mouthful. And then he goes, did he do the nod? Every time you watch him taste your food, it's like watching an M&S advert. You know how everything's all so seductive and sumptuous.
Starting point is 00:22:19 It's like, mate, it's a bit of sweet corn. Come on. How was your presentation? Presentation was flawless. Okay. I mean, look at him, mum. He's presented well, isn't look at him mom he's presented well he's saying i'm really excited it's flawless listen i want to know um did you make friends with anyone on that celebrity master chef is katie price fantastic your new best friend all right okay now i have every belief that if me and Katie Price were on the same show, we would have been best mates, but she wasn't on my show.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I was on the show. I was on a show with Duncan from Blue, right? Do you remember the band Blue? Yeah. The boy band. Sarah, my manager,
Starting point is 00:22:57 who's listening in, she got Lee Ryan to sing at her wedding. He did an original composition. She loves them so much okay good so now when I was growing up I would even perform dance routines to his music and when we would come back from visiting our grandparents there was this one song on their album which I'd always put on to make myself cry did you have you ever done that have you ever put on a song to make yourself cry because you want to just look in the mirror and see how you cry I would do that so now I'm seeing this guy and he's like opposite me and I'm
Starting point is 00:23:29 trying to cook my mash and I'm thinking oh there's so much emotions going on am I going to cry into my mash it was just a roller coaster that is I don't think I've ever put a song on to make myself cry but I'm come on hang on I don't think i have are you telling me your songs are you telling me that when you've you know even when you when you was like a teenager growing up and you're like the world's so hard and you wanted to cry and you couldn't quite force out a tear you'd put on that one song and then the tears just flow miseducation of lauren hill always worked really well with that and also when my now husband yeah georgie paul g toto that went down a corker in portland so yes okay fair enough what about mumsy do you have a song you cry to yes oh elton
Starting point is 00:24:15 john what am i going to do to make you love me oh my mom tell it prayed you tell i think it's when princess diana died no that was candle in the No, he also, they played it on the radio. Yeah. What am I going to, because she was so lovelorn and she died. No, when they split up, I think. Also, you can't listen to Annie Lennox. Why? Oh, no, because your father and I were splitting up when that song was on.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Well, there you go. So we all have songs. That doesn't make me cry. Yes, you do. Imagine that situation. Oh, my God. Where you're now cooking You're cooking for your life And the person who sings those songs
Starting point is 00:24:50 Is stood in front of you Did you shed a tear? I shed multiple tears At this series Did you tell him this story? Yeah I told him And did he cry? He did not cry, he laughed in my face you must have made him
Starting point is 00:25:06 laugh yeah obviously made him laugh about it yeah no he was he was very nice guy let's talk about your new tv show that's coming what in autumn are we allowed to say when oh the channel four one yeah is it complaints welcome yeah that's going to be in autumn time exactly can you explain what it's about um and also are you ready to become like a household i mean you're already a household name but you know that you're you're going to become very very very well known are you quite up for it i feel like you're you're going to become very very very well known be quiet for it I feel like you're not worried about that no I'm not worried about it because you know I thought for seven years ago I was making videos not not the same capacity but
Starting point is 00:25:55 I was creating you know I was buying I was buying my camera just filming putting videos together showing my friends my family imagining what this day would be like you know seven years ago so I've had so many times to live out that that dream in my head that now if it happens I'm kind of like no when it happens I'm going to be like cool I've imagined this whereas if overnight let's imagine the Matt Hancock video is my first video ever imagine how I would be I would be so spun and disorientated i'd be like oh god what's happening my life is falling apart but i've had time to think about it so i am ready and the show is fun because it's like you know how we'll try and do stuff that's topical one thing that's been topical for a few years now is everyone complaining about everything do you know what i had one time
Starting point is 00:26:43 you know i had a few weeks ago so in my demographic in my age group and stuff you know especially if you're like a rapper the first thing you do when you you you know you start to you sign your big deal and stuff is you buy yourself a car you know you buy yourself a nice car that you've always wanted and so rappers will often they'll buy a car and they'll be like yes yo look at the new car man um i've waited ages for this so i don't have a car okay because i don't like driving i like to go on a bike anyway we was walking and um to my local park we saw this car i've never seen a car like it before it was like it looked like someone's it was looked like a really strange shaped forehead it was tiny it was like something mr bean would drive in and so i said to my uh I was like, Oh, let's do one of those car reveal videos because everyone will think
Starting point is 00:27:28 I've got like a, um, a Ferrari and then we'll turn and it'll be this tiny car. So he filmed the video and I put it on my stories and people would message me like, Oh my God, you fooled me or whatnot. Like, you know, this guy's a prankster. And I had one message and this girl said to me, Hey, listen, I really love your stuff usually. But what you have just done is car shaming. You have shamed people with this car and you have shamed people without a car. And I was like, I don't have a car. I just thought car shaming.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It's not even a person at this point. Do you respond to that? No, no, I didn't respond to it. I just laughed at it. I just laughed at it do you think you got the channel four gig because you're very funny and fantastic satirist or because you're very handsome mom look i'm gonna put it out there you are gorgeous you know you're saying that but the thing is i don't believe it and i'll tell you why because when i was single are you single oh i'm not single now because when I was single, are you single? Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm not single now, but when I was single and I was on a dating app, so this was at a time when Tinder was popping, I was on Tinder and I got so few matches. I listen, listen to this. I wrote to the software developers to say, guys,
Starting point is 00:28:41 is there something wrong with my app? That's how bad it was. So I'm not here in all of this handsome business. So how did you meet the new love of your life? So we were doing, I was doing a radio show and it was me and my best friend, Scott, who's still my best friend. Like I took him on when he was just like 17. And then I was thinking, who's this guy, man?
Starting point is 00:29:02 I was thinking, and anyway anyway we just became best friends so one day we needed a guest to because this guy dropped out and i i met this girl before like channel four and i says to her um oh can you please come on the show and just talk about channel four just talk about how cool it is and what new shows you've got so she came on she was great i thought do you know what this would be quite nice having you on the show as a regular because you bring a woman a woman's perspective like we can we can talk dating stories you can give us advice because we're both single so she'd come on the show and then she was dating so every week she'd come in and tell us a new dating story and i was like brilliant this is
Starting point is 00:29:36 great radio and then one day she turned around she said i fancy you i said what she said it out there not on radio not on radio, but you know. This is like a Richard Curtis rom-com right here. This is a film. But she said it straight out. Were you embarrassed? No, because she said it to me, she said it just to me.
Starting point is 00:29:58 He thought Tinder was bugging out. He was happy. Yeah, I didn't believe it. I was just like, hang on, hang on, hang on. I'm seeing all these handsome guys you're going on a date with and I'm talking about them on the radio and now you're saying you like me I said no I know it's because these guys are actually they're just jerks and I'm I'm a polite boy so I was like I'm just the first nice guy you've met but she was like no no because I was so unconvinced that this was real she'd be like oh let's hang out and um i'd say all right after radio i was so hungry
Starting point is 00:30:26 that i just wanted to eat anything and there was this place i'd go and buy chicken wings in brixton there was only one place that had chairs outside and it was the police station so for five weeks she would sit and watch me eat chicken wings outside the police station and i just romance yeah because i just wasn't on it. I wasn't thinking this is real. So it's only after a while I'd been travelling and, you know. Did you get her some chicken wings? No, she was vegan. So she literally just watched me eat chicken wings.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Vegan? Wow, she really liked you, dude. So I was just thinking this is really, you know, really kind of dedicated. And then after a while, that's when I thought, you know what? Let's go on a proper date. And the rest is history. And where did you take her to? A vegan restaurant?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Probably. Probably, yeah, because I'm really good at, I'm very good at planning dates and stuff. Like, I do my research very organised when I need to be. I love it because in some ways you don't rate yourself at all. You're like saying this girl's sitting on a police chair for five weeks watching you eat chicken wings at least she knew she was safe he wasn't gonna jump her she if she's there it's quite a safe place to be you're there and you're like i don't believe
Starting point is 00:31:38 it's a bit when harry met sally i like this and the other way you're like i am the sickest date planner i am such a bad man like i am amazing at this but that's because at the time i wasn't treating it romantically do you know i mean it's not like any girl i date i take to a police station for five weeks before i plan the first day it's not it's not like an initiation i love it we we have lots of vegans listening to our program and and they're a bit critical of us because i'm not a natural vegan have you been critical of you yeah of me because i don't do much vegan cooking i don't know whether your mum's the same i'm used to using meat in most things but i'm trying to be a better person do you now have you adjusted the way you eat and the way you live because you're now got a vegan well I think actually
Starting point is 00:32:31 it kind of worked in reverse you still make a watch you eat chicken wings yeah I mean that's what we do on our anniversary um just to remember our roots but no she well I tried you know I got into corn a lot actually because you did i used to just food i give myself food poisoning at least twice a week even now 100 right now i'm literally literally counting down the seconds that i can run to the toilet so that's just no no no i've trained myself what have you done what have i eaten last night yeah lord knows probably some sort of undercooked chicken um because you want to get that pink line in the middle don't you like a covid test yeah exactly exactly you want your chicken breast to look like a covid test
Starting point is 00:33:18 is what I always say oh my goodness okay I'm really looking forward to master chef now then did you give Greg Wallace food poisoning uh I mean you can tell by my expressions the answer to that question so you know I'll leave it for you to watch but got it basically I actually really like vegan cheese vegan corn mints and sometimes vegan chicken but I'm training so I tend to eat chicken because I think it's more proteinous even though there's probably vegan stuff that's better but haven't you watched the documentaries on netflix mate about how much yeah but you know what i studied psychology at university which is a science although that is
Starting point is 00:33:56 you know many people debate that but what they when you study science you realize that it's quite easy to find research to support any yeah hypothesis so my dissertation I could see 10,000 articles that disproved what I was trying to say but also 10,000 that said you're right so obviously I just put those ones in okay we ask everybody on this podcast what their last supper would be it's a starter a main a pudding and a drink of choice well pudding definitely would be sticky toffee pudding because i mean what what can you say it's great you know the softness of it but where do you get yours from where's your because i'm i'm presuming you don't make suet pudding um you don't need so you need dates dates well have you ever made a sticky toffee pudding i thought
Starting point is 00:34:44 you were saying i make sewage pudding then which also would have been quite accurate to be fair but um yeah what do i do yeah i don't make it but if i go to i basically any restaurant i go to i'll look for it on the menu but there's one place i've tried it which was called i think it was called hawksmoor and that was really good yeah i've heard do you like it with custard cream or ice cream i like it with a sticky toffee sauce and do you not have with custard cream or ice cream i like it with a sticky sauce and do you not have anything on the side like to bring you maybe yeah yeah cream yeah can i just tell you okay have you ever heard of cook they're like frozen meals but like a bit posh okay they make the best cooks sticky toffee pudding is the best freaking great and you can have one in your
Starting point is 00:35:23 freezer all the time we'll send i'll send you one yeah you know i did 66 days no sugar at the beginning of the year that was tough why did you do that because apparently it takes 66 days to change a habit or to create a habit and i thought if i do it then i will be free from my sweet tooth but now i've basically got a sweet mouth yeah well yeah the first thing you said out of your last supper was a pudding so yeah yeah there you go I don't think it's worked that's hard yeah okay so we've got the pudding going backwards then what's your main course main course is going to be so I've only had this once in my life but when it was when I worked for a chef and he made this thing called venison wellington oh it was amazing venison wellington was with truffle mash um some buttered greens and like a i don't know red wine sauce maybe god no
Starting point is 00:36:14 one do you like hawks more it's like meaty stuff okay i don't know if they do corn corn venison do they no no i don't think they do sorry i'm not smiling because I know if I smile they'll come for me. So I'm not smiling. Go backwards now. You're starter. Starter. Oh, man. It's got to be scallops.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Scallops. Yeah. Yes. They're like fishy haribo. You're right. They're delicious. Aren't they? They're a little treat in a mouthful, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:45 With a tiny bit of mash and breadcrumbs. Oh, nice. Oh, lovely. And drink of choice? Probably a watermelon daiquiri. Where'd you get that from? Where have you had one? Let's get it at any cocktail place.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But, you know, people always look at me funny because, obviously, I'm with my pals and they've got these huge beer tankards. And you're drinking. And I'm sat fondling a cocktail glass with my little finger. No, you're like Del Boy. He loved a pina colada. So don't worry about it. There you go. You're fine.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You're fine. Exactly. So, so I just want to know now that, you know, you're working with the likes of Charlie Brooker, aren't you? And like you're doing and you're doing Channel 4 and you're I mean, you're huge. Do you like collaborating with people? Because everything seems so much like it's done. It's you kind of reacting to the story, doing it all really quickly and brilliantly. But have you started collaborating with people and are you enjoying that?
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, 100 percent, man. Have you started collaborating with people and are you enjoying that? Oh, a hundred percent, man. I mean, I, you know, some of my biggest videos in the last month have been collabs. Prior to the Matt Hancock video, like I worked with another comedian called Michael Dapper, who's amazing. He did a lot of comedy. Mo the comedian who's obviously got his new channel.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Well, he's got a channel for show recommissioned, the late night show with Mo, which is every Friday. I think I've worked with him. I'm going to be working with him again tomorrow great yeah man i collab wherever i can but i'm trying to do collabs that really push me to the next level so um uncle roger as well i don't know if you've ever heard of him he just like love him food stuff we've we've filmed a video we just wait what what i'm doing is i'm going on holiday next week so i'm just banking that video for when i'm out there so i don't have to work amazing where are you going going to croatia nice oh yeah it's green isn't it yeah what do you mean it's green on the green oh harry mcguire's there because he couldn't get
Starting point is 00:38:34 into greece could he say yeah yeah well it's good well i'm actually sneaking in as a footballer which is great i've just told are you marcus rashford and they went actually this is which politician would you like to have dinner with parody have dinner with have dinner first and then I mean I'd love to meet Barack Obama say that much I think that would be
Starting point is 00:39:00 pretty incredible but you wouldn't take the mick out of him no no no I go for the baddies that's the truth yeah i i do i do a lot of research i find out what people are feeling because when i do my sketches what i'm actually doing is i'm not really trying to tell people something new i'm just trying to reflect how they already feel so you know and comedy is the best way of doing yeah comedy is a way of kind of when you do comedy
Starting point is 00:39:26 you never want to put you don't want to put someone down you know you only want to elevate or you want to use it to kind of poke fun at the villains but even then you're not being malicious so don't worry i'm a good boy yeah but that's the that is the thing about your style there's nothing it's not mean it's but it's so sharp it was mean enough no no but it's it's not it's it's not kind of peers made me happy you know it's not bullying but it's there's yeah like you said poking fun but there's some there's a kind of a glint in your eye a wink there's you see you get away with it I have to say that your video about Matt Hancock came out before he resigned. And I wondered if that was the catalyst.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Once he saw that, he thought, I'm stuffed. I'm done. I've got to go. Or he thought, I'm a sex symbol. Who needs the Tories? He ran straight to the studio to record a remix with Shaggy. I think that's what's really happened. No one's seen him since, really.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He's busy slow dancing and following her bum. Yeah, exactly. On a honeymoon. But yeah, so who would you like to sit down with that potentially you'd like to have a word with that wouldn't be Barack Obama? So one of the baddies. Who do you think actually you'd have quite a good meal with?
Starting point is 00:40:38 I would be very keen to see whether this guy, Boris, that we see, you know, struggling to put down an umbrella like going this week he was on the internet not even being able to put down an umbrella yeah I just want to see if this is I want to see if this is all an act so it would be dinner but it wouldn't be like a fun dinner it would be like a sort of secret agent trying to really work out what is going on here well listen we we can't wait for the next videos to come out. Can't wait to see you on MasterChef. Can't wait to see
Starting point is 00:41:06 Complaints Welcome. You can definitely come for dinner. Okay, brilliant. I'm happy about that. Thank you. And lastly, mum likes to ask everybody
Starting point is 00:41:13 what their karaoke song is. Do you like karaoke? Well, you sing all the time in your videos and things. Got a good voice. Jessie, it's the power of auto-tune. I can't even claim
Starting point is 00:41:23 to be at your level, so I'm not going to try and deceive you. Listen, listen. Jesse, nothing is the sort of tune. I know a good voice when I see it and I hear it and I think that there is something in there. What is my karaoke song? My karaoke song would be probably a very slow song
Starting point is 00:41:39 by like Omarion, which... Oh. I'm not going to tell you to search Omarion, Mumsy, because I don't want to open your mind to these. Would I not going to tell you to search a Marion, Mumsy, because I don't want you to... I don't want to open your mind to these. Would I not like him? You'd like it. I don't want to open your mind.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You'd like it a lot. You'd like D'Angelo. I love D'Angelo. Yeah. So probably something by a Marion. I'd say a Marion, and he's got a song called Oh. Oh, Mum. Oh.
Starting point is 00:41:59 But otherwise... That sounds a bit rude, actually, if it's Oh. But otherwise, I'd really like you to do that blue song. Oh, yeah. That could be really beautiful. Which one? Which one that makes me cry? Just see if you can hold it together.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Either one. Yeah. Munya Chihuahua, thank you so much for doing Table Manners. You are seeing us out of this series on such a big bang, and we just can't wait to see what else is in store for you. So thank you for doing Table Manners and we'll cook for you very soon. Yes, brilliant.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Thank you so much, ladies. I've loved it. Thank you. Thanks, babe. Minya Chihuahua, he's brilliant. He's so funny. He's actually funny. Really? He's clever, that's why I guess.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You're looking at me like I'm not clever and not funny. Maybe not. Okay, yeah. But you've got to be cleverer to be a satirist, I think. Okay, you know, I don't think there's many people that can be satirists. Like, it's quite a a it's really tricky but Munya thank you so much uh for being brilliant and chatting to us and having a story for everything from first dates outside police stations to um you know sitting watching him eating chicken wings oh they're having a lovely time they're about to
Starting point is 00:43:24 go to Croatia it's going all right for them they're going from strength to strength but yeah it's been a pleasure to do this podcast we shall keep on going with more guests more fabulous guests more conversations around food and hopefully around the dinner table thank you so much to everybody who has messaged in we absolutely love doing it and meeting people like Munya. Like, I mean, it's been a lot. Yeah. Thanks for listening and we'll see you very soon.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And next week and the week after, we'll be back with highlights from some of our favourite episodes from the last year. I hope you don't make a cackle. There is definitely muff diving in there. Good. Take care.

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