Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S6 Ep 6: Noomi Rapace

Episode Date: May 29, 2019

Super star actress and all round amazing lady Noomi Rapace, tells us all about her upbringing on a Swedish farm, how she grew up on cornflakes & toast before moving to London and joining the foodi...e crew whilst bonding with mum over their shared love for leopard print. We chat in great detail about the greatness of eggs, truffle salt and how to throw a Bondesque cavier party. And I may attack her on her 'guilty pleasure' food. Love you Nooms, what a woman! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Table Manners. I'm Jessie Ware and I'm here with my mum. Hi. Today we have... Really excited. A big film star. A proper big film star. Someone that I think caught everyone's attention when she was Lisbeth Salander. In Girl with the Dragon...
Starting point is 00:00:21 Say it again? Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but the Swedish one. Yes. And I met her when I got a call to do Graham Norton. And on the sofa was this actress. And I was like that awkward person on the end of the sofa because you join at the end of singing. They were a bit awkward. It's just, it's always a bit awkward
Starting point is 00:00:41 because you kind of join a conversation and you're at the end. And Numi kind of leant across and everybody and kind of just said i love you and she made me feel so special and uh we became friends from then and have been kind of whatsapp buddies for a good few years and so i thought we should get her on and she's absolutely game for it and i think actually she definitely wants to be on it after her best friend said that she was obsessed with this podcast so I thank you to her best friend who told her to definitely do the podcast I hope we don't disappoint darling well we've had a bit of a strict guideline on what she can and can't do no because she's preparing for a new film which I'm really
Starting point is 00:01:19 excited to ask her about yes so we've gone it's a it's a healthy lunch yeah and it's the start of spring i don't know that salad nice was is a start but we're doing a salad yeah we're doing a salad with sirtuna so a fresh sirtuna salad nice was and then we've got for pudding which i wonder whether she will be able to have because it's sugar there's no sugar yeah there is because didn't you put the stem ginger syrup in gosh that no i didn't put so because didn't you put the stem ginger syrup in? Oh, gosh, no, I didn't put so much. No, I just put the stem ginger in. It's our favourite cousin, Elizabeth, in Manchester. Her tropical fruit salad.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Which involves a Brexit kind of... What do you mean a Brexit? Well, tinned lychees. Darling, it's not Brexit. I almost had to import them from China. Oh, right. I'm telling you you nothing to do with brexit those bloody lychees i couldn't find them anywhere people where did you get them then on
Starting point is 00:02:10 ebay amazon oh my god had to have them set i honestly my purple footprint what color is your footprint it's a carbon carbon footprint purple i didn't even know what footprint color it was but i know that i have made a big carbon footprint by getting those in the box was about two feet wide oh geez i know terrible oh god and they're only tin light cheese but they are delicious in the fruit salad and it's with stem ginger stem ginger and it's just a winner and then i've got some crumb fresh if she wants some with it yeah um so we to be fair i've been eating cake for the past three weeks since people have been coming in to sniff a newborn.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And we've got some of that rum cake if she wanted. Oh, what, the Bahamas? From the Bahamas, yeah. She's not going to have rum cake if she's training for a thing and she's not allowed gluten or... It might be her treat for the day. Anyway, Numi, is it rapace or rapace?
Starting point is 00:03:04 It's my reflux baby. Either or, coming up on table now. We have at the dinner table, Numi. Okay. I say rapace, it's rapace. No, rapace. Rapace works. I mean, it's French. Rapace. Yeah, it's repasse. No, repace. Repace works. I mean, it's French.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Repasse. Yeah, it's repasse. And thank you for being here. Thank you. And being patient because we did cancel this because I thought I was in labour. So I apologise for that. But now we have a newborn at the dinner table with us.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Prior to this, we always ask people if they don't eat anything. And basically, Numi, bless her, apologised but said she had quite a few things she wasn't eating because you are training for a part yeah so we've done quite a strict i'm not gonna it's not a show stopper today i'm not gonna lie sorry mom i think we went into presentation mode the presentation mode is beautiful but it's like basically we've been a bit i'm very boring these days i don't drink i don't eat i don't bit i'm very boring these days i don't drink i don't eat i don't it's hard to be social because i don't drink when i'm filming basically when i'm
Starting point is 00:04:10 working i don't i don't drink is that just to lose weight no no no no actually i mean it's when i'm when i'm stepping into a role and a character i kind of need to go into a specific place and I and um some characters some roles just it doesn't work it doesn't you know because when everything I do I kind of do 100% and I go really far in so when I'm partying I'm like okay I party and I'm after like six in the morning and not every time obviously but like um I just need to like it's a concentration thing I think you know so have you ever had a character where you've been like that character's a boozer and that character likes to have a little drink and i'm gonna fucking drink um because that character is a drinker when i was younger i mean yes i my actually my very first film um no second film which one was it it's awful it's the closest
Starting point is 00:05:01 it's like a romantic comedy oh my god i'd love to see you in a romantic comedy. No, no, it's in Swedish. No subtitles. You can't find it. But basically, it's called You and Me. And it's like a kind of stupid love story. But anyway, I convinced everyone. I was like 22, 23.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Convinced everyone it was a really good idea to drink. There's like a scene when everyone kind of... It's like a high school class kind of reunion party and i was like i think we should drink for real and everyone got so shit faced and if i mean did the scene work out well it's so bad it's horrendous and when i saw it i was like this is the worst idea ever and throughout that shoot i kind of went like kind of method and i was like whatever the character had to do i did yeah and it's the worst film i've ever done but like I feel like Lispeth yeah would have drunk yeah yeah I mean I did but you didn't were you like I did drink sometimes but kind of on my own in my own dressing room like
Starting point is 00:05:54 a little shot that's only vodka you like yeah not wine no you know what I really like wine but I think I'm allergic I get really kind of hot red cheeks yeah my sister gets that too my face itching and next day I wake up and my hands are swollen okay so stick to the vodka what do you have with your vodka? Russian? Or Finland? What's the Swedish drink we'd have? Oh we have snaps
Starting point is 00:06:22 Snaps so you wouldn't have that? No that makes me puke. Did you used to drink that when you were a teenager to get drunk? Yeah. Was it peach snaps? No, we kind of basically drank everything we could find. I grew up on a countryside, like on a farm. Yeah, where did you start out?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, so basically I'm half Spanish. My dad was Spanish. I didn't know that. Yeah. You look Spanish, actually. But I didn't know him so my and my mom i mean basically it's kind of funny so he was this flamenco singer like gypsy like spanish gypsy and he came to sweden he had lots of women my mom was one of
Starting point is 00:06:58 them she was like mad in love with him he cheated on her with this other woman made her pregnant came back to my mom made my mom pregnant so two babies are coming two weeks apart and he took off and my mom and this other woman became friends basically so i grew up with my half brother his mom his brother so it was this weird little hippie community um until i was like four five and then And then my mom met this Icelandic man and we moved to Iceland. So I kind of became Icelandic Swedish Spanish. Where does your name come from? That's like a hippie name.
Starting point is 00:07:33 My mom made it up, I think. She heard it somewhere and she was convinced that it means the savior or the lucky one. And then I did this film with Guy Ritchie and he came to me, he's like, Nooms, you know what your name means? I was like, yeah, it's the lucky one. He's like, no.
Starting point is 00:07:47 What did he say then? He was like, look it up. And next day I came to set. He's like, did you look it up? I was like, yeah. He's like, it means pleasure. The one who brings pleasure. From prostitutes, maybe.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Back in the days. You're really close with your sister aren't you yes your sister now lives here yes yes and you're like kind of best friends yeah she's amazing she's my she's a personal trainer like my my my husband exactly yeah does she train you she does so at the moment for, for your role, are you getting trained by her? Because I know that you'll take it seriously, the training stuff, right? I mean, it's a bit strange. I'm in a situation where I'm prepping two films at the same time. Oh, God, right. How are you going to manage that?
Starting point is 00:08:40 No, no, we're not filming at the same time. So basically, I'm flying to Iceland on Friday. I'll be in Iceland for a week to prep this icelandic film then i come back to london for one day to my lovely assistant i'm sitting here wonderful agnes fabulous bright pink yeah she's stunning um she's gonna repack so i'm going to iceland looking at like a farmer and basically packing like farm gear because the film shoots on the countryside. I come back to London, then I pack for New York. I go to New York to shoot Jack Ryan.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Which is this Amazon show. Jack Ryan? Yes. Now, I've seen the books. I've never read them. John Clancy. Okay, yes, John Clancy, yeah. So are you in the first series? No, I'm second.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You're in the second? Yeah, with John Krasinski. And it hasn't come out yours no you're one because you haven't shot you've shot some we've shot some of it we're doing shooting um just for a few days and then i go to then i have press for this film coming out called um stockholm yes i've read about that that's with um ethan hawke ethan hawke and it's the basis of like where stockholm syndrome came from yeah wow so what's your part in it about are you allowed to talk about it yeah well this is coming up it's coming up yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:09:49 she's um a normal kind of quite um gray um hard-working mom a mother of two in the 70s takes place 1973 in stockholm she works in a bank and Ethan's character comes in and he takes basically takes three people hostages and puts them in the bank vault
Starting point is 00:10:10 and then you fall in love with him I fall in love with him yeah but I would as well he's a good kisser he is a good kisser yeah
Starting point is 00:10:16 I mean he is gorgeous I'm obsessed with hold on I'm getting this wrong after Sunset before Mid have you seen these films that he was in
Starting point is 00:10:24 with Julie what's her name? Oh yes, Deppley Oh yeah, I don't know how to say her name Julie Delpy Yes, of course Oh my god, it just brings me back to feeling like a complete wanky student in Sussex University
Starting point is 00:10:39 and wanting to talk about this idea of falling in love on a train with a stranger. But is he quite... So he's a good kisser. But you know what's funny? He's an amazing actor. Who was he made to?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Was it Uma Thurman? Yes. They have two beautiful kids. So if you don't know, my mum's a massive gossip, and I kind of try and pretend that I'm not, but my mum will be asking the gossip bag questions. Okay, okay, okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I mean, first of all, he's just a wonderful person and actor. I loved working with him. And we had so much fun. So I'm seeing him next week. We're starting to promote this film. Oh, that'd be fun. What do you think? The press junket bits, just kind of exhausting.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Because you just answer the same questions. Yeah. I mean, you start kind of having those games sometimes when you just i mean i try to to always uh find a new way of answering things and be honest to not yeah it is but at the same time like i don't do a lot of interviews i do very i'm very selective and i don't i avoid a lot so the journalists i normally speak to are quite well prepared and right kind of want to have a conversation more than yeah more than just gossip stuff is it fair to say that girl with a dragon tattoo was basically the thing that launched you to a worldwide audience or do you
Starting point is 00:11:55 feel like there was a film before I mean I forgive me like that's where I yeah learned about yeah yeah but like your son how old was he then um when I shot it he was like five six and then like it's just kind of gone mad for you since but I don't know I'm putting words in your mouth um yeah I mean it totally changed my life in one way but at the same time I've I've been working since I was 16 yeah so I kind of stood quite yeah acting and left my family when I was 15 and moved to Stockholm crikey yeah I've been on my own like I've been like a kind of an adult since I was like 15 so when it when it all hit me and like everything kind of exploded I was just like I know who I am I know what I want to do and I'm not easily seduced by things so I feel like I've
Starting point is 00:12:44 been kind of doing my own, really keeping it close to my heart and my choices are very much mine. And, but yeah, I mean, everything changed and I divorced. That was kind of, you know, the movies came out and then I got my first like kind of English speaking movie, Sherlock Holmes. Didn't speak English though. And my English was so horrible. Your English is amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Your English is perfection. Oh no, thank you. It's wonderful. It's getting better. Because I didn't really go to schools and stuff. I was like so, I went to this like Rudolf Steiner school. Do you know what that is? Yeah, that one down the road.
Starting point is 00:13:19 All the kind of lefty, like the kind of champagne socialists all want their children to go to but in sweden it's for free so so it's basically kids without money and troubled kids that don't have families that goes there and they teach you in a different way don't you you don't have any books but when i grew up it was different i think it's slightly different different countries but with no exams no tests no books you're out playing basically from um until you're like 30 i couldn't really read and write when i was like 13 14 i'm not kidding i'm presuming your son is not in a rudolph stein or is it would you did you like it for me i was very wild what is he trying to feed from your boob oh Oh my days. Should I breastfeed him then?
Starting point is 00:14:07 But like, did you find him? Oh my God, it's so weird. It feels like he was just around. My son is now a man, a young man. He's tall, he's like hairy legs. He's really strong. So I had an argument with him the other day. And he just like lifts me up when he's shy. He like throws me up and walks around with me in my house.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And he's like, are you done? Are you done? Are you going to keep going? Can I put you down? He's like super annoying so you're like best friends yeah yeah we're good friends did you have him when you were quite young yeah yeah i did everything when i was really young i got married when i was 20 bloody hell yeah and then how old were you when you had him? 23, pregnant, 22. I was pissing about at Visions on Kingsland Road at 23. Like, I was not thinking about having a baby. Are you cool to your son? Because I feel like I'm going to be never cool to my daughter or my son.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I mean, am I cool to love? Yeah, I think he, I mean, he respects me. That's the main thing. But he's also, you know what? We are very, we are quite similar. So when we argue, we argue the same way. And he kind of lies like me. Sometimes when he's like, I can see you lying.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And he's like, I'm not. I was like, you're lying like I lie. So, you know, I see my own face. I know it. Yeah, I know it. So basically, but I think he likes hanging with me, which is nice, but he also been very angry with me when he was younger. When I left Sweden, I broke up the marriage
Starting point is 00:15:31 and a lot of things. So we've been going through a lot of different chapters and I've always tried to be really honest with him and with my flaws and my weakness and when I've been unfair to him and shouted mean stuff and when I've been like unfair to him and shouted mean stuff and like when I'm you know when he when I said when I take it out over him but the main thing you know what I was going to say is like when some some of my films especially when he's younger he didn't want
Starting point is 00:15:56 to see them he was like absolutely not I'm not going to watch you and I was like can you not see this film he's like no I don't like watching you and he said he's for him it was really weird to have his mommy on screen or on the telly is it because he didn't like seeing you be somebody else maybe and he doesn't so when i did this film called dead man down who was with me and colin farrell and isabel hubert okay um and i have this scar on my face and i it's a scene that's quite violent and my son saw a bit of it and then he was like i think he got anxiety because there was someone was like kind of violent to me and he after he's like he never wants to see that film again like he doesn't even know he's like 15 he watches like everything and that's still the film he doesn't want to see better all his friends fancy
Starting point is 00:16:41 you because you're so beautiful she's's cool. And she's cool. Look how she looks, Jess. Look how you look. I know. Look at her. I know, Mum. Give me a break. Three weeks in. Come on.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I love it. Look cool. No, she always looks cool. I know. Thank you, Mum. I want to know, when did you move to England? And why did you move to England? So I was married for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And then I realised that that chapter was over, that we kind of needed to break it up. So I divorced and I had to kind of leave Sweden. I felt like it was time to move somewhere else. And it was basically between New York, L.A., London and Paris. I couldn't really see myself live in L.A. I love Europe. So it was basically between New York because of work, New York, London and Paris. Couldn't really see myself live in LA. I love Europe. So it was basically between New York because of work, New York, London and Paris. I don't speak French. So it came down to New York and London. And it would be very cruel towards my ex-husband and
Starting point is 00:17:36 my son to be that far. So London was like, I didn't know anyone. Basically, when I came to shoot Sherlock Holmes, I've never been to London. I didn't know anything about England. So I came to shoot Sherlock Holmes I've never been to London I know I didn't know anything about England so I came here did Sherlock Holmes went straight into this other film Prometheus so I stayed there for one year living in Hammersmith in this like house kind of lost I didn't know anyone I was like coming out of a divorce was very isolated like in a very strange place. My mom was like with me when my son was going back and forth. And then I just fell in love with the city, to be honest. I was like, I want to be here. It's such a great mix of cultures, of people,
Starting point is 00:18:17 like people coming and going. It's a really good connecting point for me because I can go everywhere. And I just love London to be honest you know I'm obsessed with leopards so if you came to my house I have a whole rack of clothes she's wearing this beautiful leopard print I love leopard and I mean I have my assistant who packs my bag it's my favorite leopard sex's my favourite. When we go for a leopard section, it's like basically shoes, coats, hats, dresses, pants. Yeah, I did it before it became popular.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Oh, fuck off. Yeah. Oh, sorry. You're always one. Pioneer of all footprint. Pioneer, but I've always done leopard, you know, because it's glamorous. Yeah, when it was in and when it was out.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's glamorous. It's timeless. It's timeless and glamorous. It's timeless. I'm with'm with you yeah but okay so not because people can't see noomi's got like a kind of it's almost like it's going to do like a kind of cycling she looks like the tour de france it's you see it's played it's actually for willie yeah but maybe it's it's a giovanni it's like my friend Divine's... Wow. Riccardo. No, this is Claire Whitekeller. Oh, is she the new designer? She's the new one.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And this is menswear. And I saw it and I was like, oh my God, I love it. Can I have it? But is it mensportswear? Yes, it is. For cycling? I mean, it's...
Starting point is 00:19:36 Do you think that it's padded? It's usually padded inside. No, I don't think it's actually... So she can go and do the Tour de France, Mum. I think it's just... It's fashion. It's fabulous. It's fashion. It's fabulous.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's fashion. Fashion. So is your son stealing these clothes? You know what's funny? Because you always wear, you wear like really sporty, like sporty luxe kind of. All colourful. Like I do like, you know, one I go for,
Starting point is 00:19:59 like all red or all blue. And for years my son was mocking me. He was like making fun of me. He was like, what are we doing today? Pink. And now he comes home and we're going for dinner. He's like, mum, mum, mum, what colour are we doing? So now we're colour coordinating.
Starting point is 00:20:12 You are a cool mum. Where do you like to go for dinner? We go to Lalo a lot. Where's that? Lalo is the place in West London, right? And they do music there, too. Yes. Oh, it's lovely.
Starting point is 00:20:22 There's, like, four floors. In the basement, they have a little stage that you can perform yeah we should set up a little thingy for you there they have a little screening room as well and it's really like nice cozy friendly it's beautiful it's like a mini version of soul house but more private nice and i love it it's delicious yes yes we should go can i take you oh my god i love it you're in mom because she won't she won't let you go once you're in I know I know what it is
Starting point is 00:20:48 we're bonding we can do leopard prints you can do your matching leopard prints we're going to leopard together oh god yes but what I want to know
Starting point is 00:20:57 because you've invited me many a time to your house for a dinner party yeah you are a host like you like to host right
Starting point is 00:21:03 I do you've got this beautiful is it an apartment a house it's like a barn yeah you are a host like you like to host right I do you've got this beautiful is it an apartment house it's like a barn it used to be a blacksmith wow it's really cool yeah so I feel like you're always doing dinner party I mean when I'm in London and it's a way for me to meet all the amazing people that I want to see at the same time but also I love introducing new people to each other so basically if I have a friend, I'm just like, oh my God, you would get along with this other person.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And then I throw all these people that some, you know, come from like very different backgrounds and different countries, different, you know, professions. I love to mix people. And do you cook? No. No, I don't mind that. You're a hostess.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So what's the food? Do you get takeaway? Yeah, I don't mind that. You're a hostess. So what's the food? Do you get takeaway? Yeah, I do takeaway. We have this amazing, beautiful Persian place up the road. Sometimes we do like, you know, just big trays of slow cooked lamb and stuff. And then I have friends that are really good. So sometimes I'm a bit cheeky. A bring a dish.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. But I do say, do you want to come and should we cook together? Cook together. In verticals, they're going to cook. yeah I'm like no no no no no but I do say do you want to come and should we cook together and then this end of my kind of me kind of helping out in the kitchen when someone else is is doing the hard work and like have you ever had any shockers where you've been like I thought that that was going to work with these people and it just has not no not with people but with food I did this Icelandic so because I grew up in Iceland and I love Icelandic food, but it's not, you know, it's quite simple. And they eat kind of weird stuff. I don't even know what their, yeah, what's their kind of cuisine?
Starting point is 00:22:30 They eat like everything from the lamb, basically everything. Like lamb sausage, lamb, like blood sausage from lambs. And they eat the whole face of a lamb. It's called svid. And I really like it, you know. Why? What does it taste like? It's like, it's super lean muscles. Like, all the small muscles.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Like, if you eat ox cheek and, like, stuff like that. Yeah, that's nice. I like all of it. Like, ox tail. I like all of this stuff. All right. Basically, I was hosting this big dinner in my house. It was, like, 25 people in my house.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Some Icelandic people. Some from Sigur Rós. You know the Icelandic one? Yeah, amazing. So, the Icelandic people came. They loved it. And then, you know. They're, like, chowing down on the ox they're like chowing down on the oxide yeah and then i don't know i think no edward ending for was it i think he was there did edward enninful enjoy the no he did not people didn't really
Starting point is 00:23:18 and i was like well you should it's really good it's really good trying to convince people to at least try it. But basically the safer dishes that we had, they were like empty, but like all the big weird lamb heads were still there. Were they actually all lamb heads on the table? Yeah. Oh my God, like a kind of... Like a Tudor feast.
Starting point is 00:23:40 She sounds like she runs a salon rather than a dinner party where people come together. It's almost like a private member's club at your house. It runs a salon rather than a dinner party basically it's like a private members club at your house it's kind of yeah but i mean you because i grew up on this farm and it was nobody around it was so empty so isolated i lived like an hour from my school and really poor i grew up on cornflakes and milk like basically morning lunch breakfast like dinner everything was cornflakes like or some or toast with like butter um so to have a situation have a life now where i can invite people i can host stuff and i can you know bring good people together can be surrounded with a lot of like lovely human beings it feels like a gift you know what how many people do you like at a dinner party? Because I like to have lots of people.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I mean, sometimes we do just like around 10, 15, but sometimes it's just like, I mean, Agnes, what do you say? We've been doing like almost 35, 40. Yeah, two big, long tables. Yeah, I like, yeah, I like, if you're gonna do it, you might as well have a few over. Oh, mum, you say this and then you look like,
Starting point is 00:24:43 you complain as soon as before they come. You're like, I'm so tired. But I don't help. You're the one that's choosing people. Look, my brother's in charge of laying the table. I'm in charge of... What do you do? Jessie doesn't do much.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I bring the people. I bring the talent. I bring the talent. I'm kind of like you. I mean, I do cook, but like... Jessie can cook. My mum's a better cook. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's... I'm very jealous of you because i never had i grew up without there was no one around me that really cooked so you know i don't really i didn't see anyone do it you know what i mean i cooked too much i think no but it's nice like my lately appreciated it no it was good but so so with your sister did you because your sister lives here and, you know, looks after your son. Lives with me. Lives with you.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And her boyfriend, Lamar, who is my friend, we're like all like, we're a little unit. We're a family. Was that, was that, were you kind of always the one that kind of looked after her when you were, is she younger than you? Yeah, 15 years younger. She's way younger. Oh, wow. So I was, the year I left, she was born.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So we never lived together. And then I came home, I came back to the farm just to see her. She's my first love. She's the first person I felt like I love her to the end of time. When she was born. That's so sweet. I remember looking at this creature and I was like, I love her and I will do anything for her forever. And that's still how it
Starting point is 00:26:05 is and so even though you kind of left Sweden when she was born when no I left the farm I moved to Stockholm I was still in Sweden oh okay oh okay got it got it got it but it's it's like eight hours away so it's far yeah it's a schlep yeah but like so when did she when did you start living together so we come from our family slightly dysfunctional so i mean she's i took care of her a lot when when she was um four five six because i i mean our family went through like a tricky time and basically um we were always very close she was like my little baby and then she I was like meanie mama for her and then when she was 14 15 she was nine when my son was born oh right so she started like hanging with us in the summers and then when she was 14 she started taking care of him when I was filming
Starting point is 00:26:59 in her like in summer break and Christmas and whatever so I kind of planted a seed in her head I was like when you are 18 you going to come and live with me. I'm taking you away from this misery. And then her dad had a total different plan for her. He kind of went to her to take over the farm. And I just said, I know, I will pay her more. I will hire her. This sounds like a book.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of stories in there. So when I moved to London, I just said, she was already living with me and taking care of my son when I was working. And then we moved here and she loves London and she's more a London girl than she was ever a Swedish girl. Do you miss Sweden? No.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Not very much. I miss people. I miss some friends and family. Do you go back there a lot? Not a lot. Do you try and avoid No. Not very much. I miss people. I miss some friends and family. Do you go back there a lot? Not a lot. Do you try and avoid it all the time? No. I mean, I go when I have to.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So I'm launching Perfume. Yes. Let's talk about your perfume. It's the coolest. Have you got it on? Have you got one of the necklaces on? No, not today. How did you think, oh, I want to do Perfume?
Starting point is 00:28:00 I always work with Perfumes for my characters. So my characters, I make playlists, listen to music, and I wear a very specific fragrance for each one of them. Oh my God, that's so cool. That's how it started. For each character? Yeah. Which has been, you think, the best character perfume
Starting point is 00:28:17 that you actually, as Numi, quite likes? Have you liked all the perfumes? No. Sometimes I do. Because sometimes you play a character and it's like, she's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:28 I did, I played this girl called Nadia in The Drop. Yeah. And she's like this kind of Brooklyn girl. She's not really, or from Queens. She doesn't really have great taste in clothes.
Starting point is 00:28:41 She only wears like some cheap, like, you know, Victoria's Secret or something like a bit. But I don't go out and buy so I was working with Assy Glasser this perfume um perfumer in London and she made fragrance for my characters back then I never wore perfume ever when I because I didn't like the female ones they were so sweet and like flowery and sticky and vanilla and like oh so I went my I bought my first fragrance when
Starting point is 00:29:06 I was like 25 and it was a male one so I mean I kind of wanted to do something that's unisex that and it's we work with a layering concept so all you can mix them all so it's basically a toolbox for that you can play around with and I have so many personalities in me you know in the evening if I go out for dinner I go out dancing I feel a certain way maybe you want to smell a bit sexy and a bit like kind of more provocative and and kind of you know if you if you walk past someone you want that person to remember your smell and be like what was that and daytime if you go for a meeting with a producer maybe you want to be a bit more sophisticated a bit more um cool and like not so in the face you know I mean so we kind of created a box
Starting point is 00:29:46 that you can play around with and it's yeah and what's the name of the perfume ncp um it stands for now collective products because everything is now and we are a collective and we create products makes sense yeah and Yeah. And so it's launching in July? June. June at Selfridges. Do you think we ought to eat something? Yeah, I'm starving actually. I am.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I'm very excited. It's a very basic salad niçoise because, okay, so for this role you are avoiding a lot of things. So this is like, you're avoiding gluten. Gluten. Who tells you to go on this?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Is it a nutritionist? Yeah, I'm working with a nutritionist, but after conversations with the director, I'm starting this movie called The Secrets We Keep. It's about a woman who, it takes place 1959 in Louisiana. And I'm this European woman
Starting point is 00:30:44 who's married to an American we have a son who's seven we live a pretty normal life he's a doctor I work with him at the clinic I'm a housewife but like does a little bit of work looks very normal
Starting point is 00:30:57 and then one day she sees this man and she totally freaks out and she starts following him comes home it's weird and then her husband is like trying to figure out what's happening with her She totally freaks out. And she starts following him. Comes home. It's weird. And then her husband is like trying to figure out what's happening with her. She's fallen in love with this man. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:31:11 She's traumatized by bumping into him. And you realize that he is someone from her past. And then she starts telling her husband that she was in a work camp, that she survived the World War II. So there's flashbacks to her in a war work camp in in the war so are you playing a jewish woman no she's a gypsy she's a gypsy so basically the flashback scenes i need to i'm too strong i'm too muscular so i need to drop weight um to look lean and fragile like you've been in a concentration camp
Starting point is 00:31:46 she was in a work camp slightly different because we wanted to avoid everything, I've been working really close with the director who's amazing we've been working on the script for months to change everything we've seen before we kind of want to avoid and so it's
Starting point is 00:32:02 been a really creative, I'm a producer on it as well so who it came from it's been a really creative i'm producer on it as well amazing so who it came from it's me i want to drop weight and but mainly drop muscles i look too healthy and too strong so yes no gluten no basically very lean and three meals a day lots of cardio not too much protein because then the muscles like protein no no dairy no alcohol i mean i love bread i think my favorite thing but i can't eat bread i just i i mean i just can't so it's a lot of things i i need to avoid that sucks yeah but i'm pretty you just wish that you can like put on weight for one thing you can just eat no i would love to put on weight for something you need to get a role like that like bloody christian bell's gone from being the machinist yeah and being like these like
Starting point is 00:32:47 but it's dangerous you have to do it very yeah that's the thing because if you do it too steep and too aggressive you can you can mess up your metabolism forever and you and you can't recover from it it's quite sensitive you know if you just stop eating um you your body wow sorry it's because you're hungry babe because you're not eating anything a fucking bit of tuna smells nothing like the best thing in the fucking world all you've got is lemon water sorry oh yeah because i'm trying to not give you sugar either because that's like you're just avoiding that yeah yeah yeah no fruit i don't eat fruits no berries no fruits no that is good to know because we have a fruit salad for after
Starting point is 00:33:26 so you can't have that no I have a coffee I love my coffee I can make you a coffee absolutely black coffee yes okay so I'm gonna ask you
Starting point is 00:33:34 right so you like Lalo where else would you eat in London I love seafood I love oh I love Scots I love Scots Scots is so romantic
Starting point is 00:33:42 the Wolseley I love Wolseley what will you eat at the Wolseley I love seafood seafood I'm a big seafood oh I love scots. Scots is so romantic. The Wolseley. I love Wolseley. What will you eat at the Wolseley? I love seafood. Seafood. I'm a big seafood. Oh, I love caviar.
Starting point is 00:33:53 The caviar house next to Wolseley. I've never been there. Oh, I can eat caviar just with like spoon. Just spoon. Is that like quite a Swedish thing though? It's Russian, isn't it? Yeah, but like I'm really getting my Russian. But like, so what will you have it with?
Starting point is 00:34:05 Like a blini? Yeah. Or you'll just have that. I mean, eggs. I love eggs. So if I needed to like, pick one thing, she would laugh now.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Eggs. Eggs are your favourite thing. I love eggs. I love eggs. More than anything. They're the best thing in the world. So versatile. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I could do like, poached, scrambled, omelette. I mean, baked, boiled, like every, oh, I'm a big obsessed. So like, okay, eggs are not the hardest thing to cook. No, I can do that. So what do you cook in the morning?
Starting point is 00:34:30 I'm good with omelettes. I can do an omelette. What's your toppings? I love truffles. I like, I love black truffle. So in my trailer, the only thing I bring with me everywhere is truffle salt and truffle oil.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I fucking love truffle salt. Oh, it's so good. It's the best thing in the world. I've got some truffle oil here. You could put a bit of that on your salad nice was, but I don't think it's going to taste that great. No, maybe not. Oh, my days.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Can we? Oh, wow. There's quail's eggs. So we've got your eggs. We've got your tuna. Oh, this is like. This is fine. This is going to do you.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Okay, fine. Good. So eggs, you were fine good so eggs you were gonna tell me you make an omelette so that's like an omelette what's in your omelette did we say oh truffle truffle i love truffle um spinach um i mean i love salmon smoked salmon fine um but like normally don't really you don't cook that but yes fine it. You are not a cook, are you, Noomi? No, spinach, onions and mushrooms are my priorities. No, I don't eat cheese.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Really? Oh, I love it. Have you ever had a caviar party? No. That would be quite expensive. Yeah, I mean, it would be fun though. Do you eat caviar? I mean, I think I eat anything. I don't think I've had the chance to eat caviar.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I think I get that cheap fish, the cheap fish roast that I get from Stockholm. You bought some in Russia. Oh my God, I have a caviar story for you. I was with this dude, I was dating this dude. Yep. And then basically we've been like maybe for five months or so. And he shot, he had a job. He did some shoots in Russia.
Starting point is 00:36:02 He knew I loved caviar. So he came back and we met up and i came to his apartment he was like and i kind of when he was away i was like i'm not feeling this like i know i will end this like i need to end it it's like fine i'm not in love with him and then i came to his apartment he was like surprise and he had like this a big jar like five like almost a kilo caviar it was like oh like 500 grams like I hope you didn't dump him before you'd eaten no and he was like I have this present for you and he was like really and I was like I don't yeah and I was like I can't be with you no more and he was like you said it
Starting point is 00:36:38 before the caviar he was like basically like handing it over was it almost like an engagement ring it was a commitment and I panicked and he started crying and they became like Like handing it over. Was it almost like an engagement ring? Caviar. It was a commitment present. And I panicked and he started crying. And they were like, it was so awful. Maybe he didn't like caviar. And then he was like, but do you still want the caviar? And I was like, yes. Oh my God, you heartless cow.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Heartbreaker. It was so awful. And I went over to my friend's house and I was like, I just broke up with him and we're going to have a caviar party. Oh my God, you heartless cow. Yeah, I know, that was pretty awful. But it was a long time ago. I love that.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Yeah, that was my caviar party and we were basically eating so much caviar, the three of us, me, my two best friends, like with big spoons. Poor bloke. Poor bloke. Where is he now? I don't know, I haven't seen him in a long time.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Crying into caviar. Oh mate, it's gone. Are you being serious that you told me to make a tropical fruit salad? I don't know. I haven't seen him in a long time. Crying into caviar. Oh, mate. Are you being serious that you told me to make a tropical fruit salad and she doesn't eat fruit? I didn't realise she was eating fruit. I'm really sorry. That was terrible research for me. Sorry. I'm really sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:37 No, but I should have told you. I mean, I normally do. She can have a coffee. It's just now. Yeah, I would love a coffee. It's just now, actually. Okay. Because I don't eat anything sweet.
Starting point is 00:37:44 We'll put it out and everybody else can have a bowlful. This was delicious. Oh, it was. It was just very simple. Do you like the quail's eggs? Do you think they taste different? No, but they look nice. Yeah, they look pretty.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. Normal eggs are the best. I mean, all my days. So I did a party for like an egg party. I love that you say, oh, my days. An egg party. All my days. I did an egg party for my... It was my I love that you say, oh my days. An egg party. Oh my days. I did an egg party for my,
Starting point is 00:38:05 it was my sister's birthday a few years ago or something. And me and my son went to Whole Foods and bought, I mean, we bought a big, what was that like? Ostrich egg or no, no, no. What could it be?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, the big one. It looks like my head. Can you get that in office? Goose eggs. Like the size of my head. I'm not kidding. So we had that. We had goose.
Starting point is 00:38:28 We had... How long does that take to boil? I mean, it was like... So we cooked, like, we had like 10 different kind of eggs. And the whole table was like... It was just eggs. Was she a big fan of eggs? And that was her birthday party?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So instead of getting you a cake for your birthday, just scramble up some eggs and that'd be job for good then? Yeah, with some big truffles. Would that be your last supper? Yeah, 100%. Okay, but you're allowed on this show, you're allowed a starter, a main, and a dessert, and a drink.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So you're not going to go egg on starter and main? No. I feel like I know what this is going to be. Okay, okay. Starter, I would do... Yeah, starter I would do like an omelette with caviar and... No, maybe I would do... No, so this is what I would do.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You can have whatever you like. You don't have to hold back. I would do salmon with scrambled eggs and nice bread. And caviar. Yeah, and caviar. I would do that. We just put that into your i love lobster so for me i would do lobster with uh truffle truffle butter wow where have you eaten
Starting point is 00:39:34 that um so i mean i there was someone cooked someone made it for me in new york i was like a house it's dinner um in in in a house actually are a sweet girl? No, I like salty and fat stuff. I love nuts. Okay. So my dessert... You could have some nuts for your dessert if you want. Are you not eating nuts at the moment? No, it's too many calories, you know.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Mate, I feel for you. See, that's how she looks like that and I do. Have another glass of white. No, too many calories. I can't ever be a fan. have another glass of white no too many calories if you know how people are stockpiling things for brexit so what would you have to stockpile if you thought there was going to be a shortage vodka truffle oil and um nuts you sound kind of like you should be james bond or something like basically women of mystery aren't you like are we ask every guest um if they think they have good table
Starting point is 00:40:34 manners and if what's their worst table manner in somebody else so please new me okay tell us um i don't i mean the thing is like i i was raised by wolves i was no but i was like so i didn't like honestly when i first came to um when i moved um and i came to sweden and i went to stockholm when i was like 15 the first time i was in an escalator first time i went to like a nice restaurant i didn't know how to start with the cutlery, I didn't know how to behave at all. So I've been studying people throughout the years, like just collecting information from others. I'm envisioning you like, not that, please don't take this the wrong way, but the Julia Roberts scene in Pretty Woman when she gets the cutlery wrong and she kind of flings a snail and she gets a slippery little sucker
Starting point is 00:41:25 so many times I'm like looking at hers I was like oops okay I'm just like sliding down and running you learn on the fly I learn on the fly everything basically so do you think you've got good table manners no but I'm quite observant I read others and I kind of lay back and I'm a bit like kind of
Starting point is 00:41:41 become a watcher until I know well it's been a pleasure having you on thank you for agreeing to this and I feel like we need to of become a watcher until I know well it's been a pleasure having you on thank you for agreeing to this and I feel like we need to shout out your friend who convinced you
Starting point is 00:41:49 no doesn't convince you but encouraged you to Georgina Graham well thank you praising you loving you Georgina Graham
Starting point is 00:41:56 thank you Georgina Graham thank you so my mum has left me so i'm doing the outro on my own today actually i'm doing it with my little newborn sidekick my son so numi thank you so much for being on Table Manners it's always a pleasure because she's always such a pleasure to be with and so enthusiastic I mean bless her she was enthusiastic that a salad niece was but that's probably because she hadn't bloody eaten all day I'm sure my mum would say something now about how beautiful her skin is so I'll add that and how young she looks and fabulous her outfit was and how I don't make any effort and I look like dog's dinner and should make more effort and put a red lip on.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So apologies, Mum. She does look like a bloody star, though. She puts her aviators on as soon as she goes out. She looks like a star. And I look like a mad woman at the moment. But yeah, no, Noomi, thank you so much for being on this. And everyone, check out Stockholm, which is coming out in June. And also sniff her gorgeous perfume
Starting point is 00:43:07 that's coming out in Selfridges in June as well. I'm quite looking forward to our caviar night out with mum and Numi both dressed in leopard print. That was their bonding was over leopard print. I love it. But Numi's wearing like designer leopard print. My mum's in good old M&S. Can't go wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:29 But yeah, thank you so much for listening if you are enjoying our podcast please go and rate it we only accept four or five stars I'm not gonna lie people do come up to me more and tell me how much they love the podcast and I feel very proud but yeah please share subscribe like rate and tell a friend Thank you.

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