Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S9 Ep 15: Joe Wicks

Episode Date: May 13, 2020

In between his daily PE lessons, we managed to lock down the king of quarantine, Joe Wicks AKA The Body Coach to join us on Table Manners and what a joy it was! Straight out of A&E and onto the po...dcast, Joe chatted to us about his lockdown routine, his newly appointed teaching assistant (his wife!), his gin collection, nothing beating a burger and chips, his brand new book ‘Wean In 15’ & we discuss our shared mutual respect for the Moana soundtrack. And I reinvent the pronunciation of Quarantine as I've obviously been having too many Quarantinis !!!! To top it all off, he even serenaded us with his guitar! This is a good one, enjoy! XProduced by Alice Williams Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Tapermaners. I'm Jessie Ware and I'm here watching my mother eat her lunch. What are you having mum? Chili con carne. So you're having chili con carne. I can hear everything. You have like the best sounding headphones because if I'm not hearing your wine gulps, I'm hearing you put your lippy on. Who are you putting your lippy on for today mum? Joe Wicks. What a guy. What a guy. The nation's sweetheart. Everyone loves him. He's raised over £200,000 for the NHS from his PE lessons in the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:34 He's brilliant. And when he's not doing that, he's bringing out hugely successful cookbooks and body plans. And now he's gone into weaning. Weaning 15. I mean, it's just the most genius title. It's a gift from the gods that he could go from lean in 15 to wean in 15. That is almost like it was meant for him to be, like he was the chosen one. Do you think, Mum? I don't know, darling.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Is that weaning his child? Yes. It's just, it's so neat. It just slots in like a perfect puzzle. But his child is two. Yeah, but he wrote it when... I hope she's weaned before that. I think she is.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And I think she eats things like greens and stuff. So I'm interested to see how he gets her to eat things like spinach. But yeah, Joe Wicks is coming on. We've wanted to have him on for ages. I know. I'm interested to know how he goes from somebody who seems like you know man of the people joe wicks joe blogs normal guy into this kind of um healthy eating almost like a kind of jamie oliver for people you know when he he makes it accessible dieting but in a
Starting point is 00:01:37 very uh fun way and it didn't feel intimidating yeah and I think his recipes are really fun. And, you know, our cousin, Emma, always uses his book for his recipes. Love some. Mum, so what week are we in now? Well, I've been here for eight weeks, darling. That's all I know. Do you know what? Do you remember Emma, who used to live next door, Jessie? So she came round and she said she exercised at night
Starting point is 00:02:03 because it's so busy, you know, out. And she told me she was so miserable last week, I'm going to do this, that she went off to Wimbledon Common and said that she hugged a tree because she just felt that she needed to touch something. That's amazing. So I thought maybe I'd go out and hug a tree today well so so this week poor Joe was in hospital which everyone knew over the weekend he's so uh thoughtful that he managed to fit in two nights day at the hospital over the weekend so he could still do his PE class on the Monday which I thought was very very generous and thoughtful of him but his um he's had this bloody hand what did he do to his hand he's had this thing on his hand
Starting point is 00:02:46 the whole time when he's been doing the PE. Apparently he fell off his bike. Oh. Yeah, fell off his bike, hurt his hand, got an infection in his hand and it like flared up.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And bless him, his wife stood in as the kind of, who, by the way, shouldn't look like that after having given birth, what, like three months ago or something? She looks insane.
Starting point is 00:03:07 She looks like she's never had a baby in her tummy ever. It's amazing. Anyway, Jo Wicks, the body coach, coming up on Table Manners Special Circumstances. I'm just not used to seeing you without your legs. I am in my living room. This is where I do my workouts for the Body Coach PE workouts. I do the one for seniors.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Do you? Oh, I've done a couple of those. Have you done those? Yeah, I do, always, every day for 10 minutes. But it's very good because it's really only five minutes because you have a minute rest. Yeah, you rest each time. How are you? the hand the hand's good i've got a dressing on i had an infection so cut a long story short i fell off my bike i broke my hand and they put some wires in the in the hand um and i've been doing all these p with joe workouts and it got
Starting point is 00:03:58 infected so it was basically my hand was trying to explode it was so much pressure it was like throbbing um so i was in hospital for two nights on like codeine and morphine and high as a kite. And now I'm home and I'm back, got the wife. I've recruited the wife as teaching assistant. She was so good. She's great. It was a last minute thing.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I was laying in bed and I was doped up on morphine. I said, Rosie, like, I don't think I can do it. I'm in so much pain. And they told me I can't move this hand and get it hot and sweaty because there's wounds. And she said, oh, don't worry, darling. I'll do it with you like and I just thought it's so amazing because she's not she's not into like camera work she's not a fitness professional and so for her to step up and do it I just thought what an amazing wife to be there for me when I because she knows this
Starting point is 00:04:36 means so much to me these workouts I don't want to let anybody down but she's pretty fit isn't she well she she's a mate she's one of these people she's genetically like she looked amazing after about three weeks after the baby i mean she's just sometimes women just genetically just change you know but she has been getting into fitness the last few weeks she's been really training hard so it was almost it was just random i asked her i didn't think she would be up for it but she has been training so she doesn't she does look in incredible shape at the moment but my so joe my husband's a personal trainer, but I don't listen to my husband because obviously I know better than him.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So I go and put you on and it really pisses him off. So does Rosie go and do another person's workout or does she actually listen to you? Well, I've caught her doing other YouTube workouts, but she does do some of mine. Who's she cheating on with you? Who's she cheating on with? I think she does some fitness blender ones
Starting point is 00:05:25 or there's a few other YouTube that does good fitness content and some yoga-y type stuff. But I always say, look, as long as you're exercising and you're feeling positive and confident, it's all about mental health. I want Rosie to be energised and happy. And if that means doing a workout with me, great, if it's with someone else.
Starting point is 00:05:39 But I do love it when I come down and she'll be in front of the TV with a pair of dumbbells and Marley being the bouncer and Indy's like sitting around or playing in the living room. So it's just about, you know, when you're a parent, you've got to just fit it in, haven't you? Even if you do a couple of squats in between, like a bit of craft time, whatever you can do is positive, really. Yeah, I know. But so I don't know if you know much about this podcast, but we just talk about food quite a lot. And, you know, I've I've been following you you know what an American told me about you first and it's this producer called Benny Blanco and it was years ago I was in New York writing with him for my record and he's um he said have you heard
Starting point is 00:06:17 of this cool guy called the body coach and I was like don't know who you're talking about anyway he was like look at him his Instagram's insane and like the americans were going crazy for you because of the midget trees and was it used to call the midget trees yeah i used to call broccoli like midget trees um when i started doing my videos but it's weird you say that because i i haven't had much success in the us i didn't you know i don't i didn't sell many books there i had a little bit of a pr trip and i went to new york and stuff but i've heard of that name. I feel like I've heard of that producer before. Benny Blanco's like a massive producer.
Starting point is 00:06:51 He did Diamonds. He did Ed Sheeran's record before, this one before last. He's had his own songs out and he was so, he was so enthralled. That's hilarious. He thought you were the most hysterical, brilliant person
Starting point is 00:07:01 and then it'd be like Lucy B and stuff like this. And so I was like, I'm going to watch this um and and then I followed you and I felt like your your recipes were so accessible and brilliant and um and the workouts were great and it was kind of it just it made a lot of sense to me and a load of my mates and you know my cousin mum's niece Emma she's obsessed with you um and kind of uses your your cookbook religiously and I just feel like this the PE with Jo it's just been such a I mean obviously it's a terrible time what's going on and but it's been such a wonderful extension of your personality how generous you are
Starting point is 00:07:39 how brilliant you are and I don't know how does it feel to be doing the PE with Jo as opposed to kind of I don't know books and it does it feel different well I think I've definitely made a shift in the last year or two to a bit more kind of the fitness side of things I've obviously came from a personal training background and I loved all the boot camps and one-to-one stuff but I really kind of became known for the lean in 15 videos and the Instagram account where I was sharing my recipes and then the books came after that but i think as i've realized you know food's important it's very important and i love that but i really also believe in the power of exercise for mental health and so i've been
Starting point is 00:08:14 doing a lot of content on youtube for the past nine years trying to grow my youtube channel and with the school stuff specifically i've spent four years visiting schools i've been all around the uk i've done a UK tour. I partnered up with Children in Need and done another tour. So I've got a lot of experience of going into schools and trying to engage and excite young people and exercise. So basically what's happening now, this is my dream come true.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I visualised this. I envisioned this happening. I just thought it was going to take me 10 years to achieve and it's happened in six weeks because all of the press and all of the coverage and every single teacher and school has put it you know put it on their newsletters and so it's kind of a manifestation of my hard work and my belief that I think that families and children should exercise together and it's really good for them yeah I yeah I absolutely agree it is fun and
Starting point is 00:08:57 you can see even my son who's just started walking he's trying to do the squats and it's just it's they're giggling if not if i mean he's not bless him he's and there was that amazing instagram post that you put up of the little boy that had just come out of brain surgery and i was just sobbing and he mum did you see that yeah i did it was just amazing he was trying to do them but i mean he'd actually only been out of surgery like hours and he was doing his exercises in the morning well you become like everybody's friend really yeah and you've united people and everyone does everyone talks about doing joe wicks in the morning well those stories they really move me you know when i see
Starting point is 00:09:37 that like i'm very sensitive anyway by nature but it's an amazing feeling to read these wonderful messages and see these videos of children and you know hearing stories the most emotional thing i've ever experienced was a woman sent me a message a few weeks ago saying that she her husband left her for another woman and she was felt suicidal and she was hiding it from her daughter but then when the lockdown lockdown came on she couldn't hide it she was crying every day and she said do you know what i need to stop this i need to turn my life around so her and her daughter tuned into the first ever PE with Joe workout and they've done it every single day and she's now gone from being suicidal and depressed
Starting point is 00:10:12 to being so happy and positive and loving the workouts. They do it every day, Monday to Friday and even on a Saturday and Sunday, they do reruns of the workouts because they want to feel that buzz that they get. And so that is the power of transformation through fitness where you can be at the lowest of the low, thinking that you are so depressed and so vulnerable and so upset,
Starting point is 00:10:29 but you start introducing 20 minutes of exercise a day with your daughter that you love, and then suddenly you're a new person. And that was the most powerful message I've ever read, to be honest. Oh, amazing. What was it like? Where did you grow up? And what was it like eating around the dinner table?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Have you got any siblings? I've got, so I was born in Epsom in Surrey. My mum was very young when she had me. She had my brother at 17. She had me at 19. So she didn't have a lot of education around food and nutrition. It was a really, you know, really manic upbringing. My dad was in and out of, my dad's a drug addict, a heroin addict.
Starting point is 00:11:02 So he's been in and out of rehab all my life. So, you know, I talk about this openly. my mum pretty much raised me and my brothers but dinner time was really mad it was like chaos it was you know shouting swearing it was like picnics or we'd have pasta and we didn't eat together there was no there was no structure and so i really i've made a big effort now with my family to sit down and really connect with food and sit down and enjoy the process of cooking together because it was something i missed out on um but yeah i had a really unhealthy diet my mum used to go to iceland you know we were on benefits and stuff so it's like two for one in iceland bar and get them free wagon wheels and ice gems and just bread and peanut butter and
Starting point is 00:11:38 nutella it was all always junk food and i definitely think that affected my behavior because i was really i had really bad bad attention issues and I was pretty naughty. And I think food, you know, knowing what we do now, food has a massive impact on our energy and our behavior for sure. So so I mean, you've done I was saying that it's almost like a gift from the gods. Lean in 15 can turn into wean in 15. I mean, somebody wanted you to write that book, Joe. Do you want to see a copy? I've got the first ever copy in my hands here yeah let me see it so this is my new book wean in 15 and it's really funny because my brother nicky a few years ago said when we have kids you've got to do a book call it wean in 15 just for fun because it would be amazing and we sort of didn't really think much of it but
Starting point is 00:12:18 as the time went on and we went along and you know went on to have kids i really became passionate about how do i get my little baby eating healthy food? And it's daunting, it's nerve-wracking, it's a bit, you know, it's a bit kind of, you know, there's a bit of anxiety around it. And so I wanted to, I thought, who do I go to? Who's the person with the information? So I partnered up with an amazing nutritionist
Starting point is 00:12:37 called Charlotte who specialises in infant and child nutrition. And, you know, we got together, we said, what's the latest research? What can we do to spread this positive message and get families cooking so there's a hundred recipes for babies and toddlers and it goes through everything like um you know allergies choking and gagging um creating like a nice environment role modeling all the things you need to be a confident parent because once you've got the confidence and you enjoy the process you actually
Starting point is 00:13:01 really enjoy winning it's not something to be frightened of okay i know that i know that you get i've seen indy eating bloody greens which is very impressive because my daughter will look at them and pick out like oregano and be like that does she any naughty stuff well look firstly she's not a sort of kid that will eat like a bowl of steamed greens but i've learned a new trick right which is roast it so like if you roast kale with a little bit of olive oil and some paprika or you roast some cauliflower with some curry powder and cumin or you know um anything kind of a bit of spice they love it so it's about taking the vegetables that you wouldn't necessarily want to eat because you know boiled veg aren't tasty are they like even as an adult so we put them into like curries and we put them in our omelette and stuff and we we make it creative
Starting point is 00:13:42 and fun but yeah she's she's an adventurous eater for one reason one reason only i've been a consistent chef because i've always challenged her i've always pushed her to try new things like i don't crack if she if she um if she rejects something i don't quickly run and give her a peanut butter and toast or a bowl of cereal i'm always like look if you're not hungry darling you don't want it now let's go and play for an hour we'll come back and nine times out of ten when she's worked up her appetite, she will try the food and enjoy the food that we've given her because it's more of a timing. It's like, I'm not in the mood for it right now,
Starting point is 00:14:11 but it's very easy as a parent, obviously, to crack and say, oh, I'm just going to go to some yogurt and some fruit because she'll eat that. And I'll give her a little packet of crisps or a little chocolate bar just to keep her going. But I actually believe in just focus on the meal time. If you avoid snacking, then your children get to work up a real appetite um so that's a massive thing but yeah she look she eats chocolate she eats um easter eggs and we had a lovely advent
Starting point is 00:14:34 calendar and you know i i love giving her chocolate i love giving her a little scoop of ice cream her face lights up but it's about not making it a daily habit because it's so easy to do isn't it yeah so what would be your dream meal then if you uh you know start forget i mean i'm sure it probably would be slightly healthy but like starter main and pudding and drink of choice you and rosie me and rosie right yeah wherever i go in the world if if i if i can get my hands on a burger i just i just love a burger and chips is for me it's my ultimate like dinner I just think it's amazing how many times do you have that a year oh loads like once a week like every weekend but a good but it does it's nice yeah he'll do like healthy ones though he does okay yeah my life revolved listen my life revolves around my family but it also revolves around food like I love food we love eating out we love going for dinner we love cooking food so yeah my whole life revolves around food um i'd have
Starting point is 00:15:26 truffle arancini and like crispy calamari with like sweet chili dip like as a starter then i'd have yeah a really good like product proper quality gourmet burger with truffle parmesan fries and then my dessert would be something like a chocolate fondant with like vanilla ice cream wow I feel I mean I saw I feel like I feel a bit stalkery now because I feel like I know your life quite well um but I know you spent a lot of time in Santa Monica because I think do you have a place there is that yeah I spend a few months there so we have a place in Santa Monica so we spend the winter there like we go for three months of the year so I don't have a US visa we just go on tourist visas but I love it and my mum and dad and my friends use it as like a family holiday
Starting point is 00:16:08 home but when I'm there like I completely switch off like no one really knows me there we can walk along Venice Beach and skateboard together and be so chilled so I do a little bit of content but I'm not working it's really my family time when I go there have you ever had a cocktail at shutters yeah I've had a cocktail shutters yeah. Yeah, I love Shutters. It's my favourite. I know all of the nice restaurants in Sandwich. We've been there so much, so I know all the coffee shops. Yeah, Mum's dream is Cosmos at Shutters, and the lobster roll is just like, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:16:36 So when did you two become, you're obviously foodies, when did you get into food? When I came out of my mother's womb. Straight away? I made her nipples bleed because I was such a greedy cow. Born hungry. Yeah. I mean, I just, I got into eating and therefore had to learn how to cook to be able to eat all the nice stuff that I liked.
Starting point is 00:16:55 So, but my mum's always been an amazing cook. So. What's your favourite cuisine? What's your favourite kind of, you know, world cuisine would you go for? You know. I thinkranean for me yes i think so too yeah like lebanese kind of otto lenghi greek kind of turkish you know what i've been doing in the morning all the time during lockdown i've been doing otto lenghi like a version
Starting point is 00:17:16 of otto lenghi's like they're blistered cherry tomatoes you just shove them in the oven really high with a bit of um the era chili and lemon zest cumin garlic and then you just blast it so they get almost burnt and blistered and really really sweet and just having that with yogurt and it's so delicious i mean my daughter wouldn't touch it with a barge pole but sounds nice i just wondered jett so are your parents still together now no my mom and dad um they separated probably like 15 20 years ago when i was a bit younger so i was a teenager when they separated but yeah i mean we look we all get on well now my dad's clean you know he's off he's off the drugs and he's he's a really good father you know it's just it was it was difficult when I was growing up but we've got a great relationship I'm really close to my family and friends and it's one of the things that I don't really look
Starting point is 00:18:11 back in and kind of have resentment I'm just like look that was what it was and I love you today and you're good and you're a good parent to me right now and that's that's how I am really that's I'm an optimist you know so I don't really hold things against people. They're probably quite young, aren't they? Because if your mum had you young, then I bet your parents are still young because you're young. Yeah, my dad turned 60 actually last week. So my dad's just turned 60 and my mum's, I think she's 54. So yeah, they're quite young. Crikey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Are they nearby? Yeah, my mum lives in Epsom. My dad's in Surbiton and I'm in Richmond. So you've got Epsom, Surbiton, Richmond. So we're all about half an hour away from each other. We're quite close. I wanted to know, how did you learn to cook? Because, you know, you grew up saying, you know, it was a lot of Iceland meals. But who taught you to cook?
Starting point is 00:18:58 And when did you discover kind of healthy food? I'd say it's probably like university, probably like 20, 21 years old, where before that it would have been like, you know, a frozen pie and like pop noodles on toast and stuff. It was just pretty super noodles. I used to have super noodles and beans on toast, like super noodles on one slice and then beans on toast on the other one. But I just, I just kind of got into healthy food. I suppose when I started studying nutrition and doing sports science, I realised that if I wanted to be like fit and strong and energised, I need to eat healthy food, I suppose when I started studying nutrition and doing sports science, I realised that if I wanted to be fit and strong and energised, I need to eat healthy food. So that kind of took me on a journey into nutrition and realising that actually food can make you feel
Starting point is 00:19:33 really good and energised and it can actually make you train harder, get leaner, feel better. So yeah, that was the kind of time. And then really with Instagram, when I started my recipes, that was when I started properly cooking because I thought i need to share new recipes i was constantly like thinking like what can i do today i've done i've done a stir fry i've done a phyllo pastry pie now i'm going to do a risotto and so because every day i tried something new i forced myself to learn how to cook but you were pretty ahead of the game with the way that you like the way that you offered up content you were pretty much like the origin one of the originators in my eyes it was so snappy and I mean it was lean and what it was it was it lean and 15 because it was the 15 seconds of Instagram that you showed
Starting point is 00:20:17 the thing the idea was the idea was essentially 15 because in 2014 when I started the Instagram you could only post 15 second videos. So it was a 15 second video showing how to cook a 15 minute meal. So lean in 15. So it's all about, you know, healthy fats and protein and carbohydrates to create a really quick recipe. And the simplicity and just the timing
Starting point is 00:20:38 and the fact that people that even if you couldn't cook could really get a bit of confidence from it. That's why I went on to sell, you know, 3 million books, because I was a guy in my kitchen with my iPhone who was teaching himself to cook. And I gave people a bit of confidence and I gave them a little bit of entertainment at the same time. I made it silly, I made it fun. And that was why it grew. I think if I tried to launch the same thing today, I would not have sold that many books. It was the right idea at the right time, where people's attention span was 15 seconds people just spent attention span today it's probably two or three seconds so it's very hard to get people engaged but i mean i just did you
Starting point is 00:21:15 have someone help you with that bloody idea or did it just like did you just think because it's it's what like branding departments must just be like we need you could just see how many people tried to emulate the joe wicks kind of phenomenon it was it was quite amazing people think that i had a big team and i had like some big marketing degree but look i did a degree in sports science i was a personal trainer and i i didn't have two two coins to rub together i was skin you know i didn't i didn't have this brand but what i did have was just my personality and i had an idea and basically i wasn't the first person doing video meals. There were other people doing video recipes. You had Tastemade and Tasty doing those over-the-top videos,
Starting point is 00:21:52 but they didn't have a face and a name and a personality. So I did it in my style, which was lean and 15, no wallet, bosh in with the midgetries. And I caught people's attention and then it just kind of snowballed. It became became once I got the book deal and I was a household name then you know millions of people knew about that but I think really now my main impact and what I've achieved and I'm really proud of is what I'm doing now like this moment in time now with the PE with Jo is what I think is my greatest achievement because I you know getting people to cook is one thing but getting people to get off their bottoms and exercise and have fun and engage in fitness is really tough and you know I've had 50 million people do my workouts in the past six weeks and that's amazing it's incredible
Starting point is 00:22:31 I mean mum mum's even you you got a bike didn't you in lockdown mum yeah I've got an exercise bike but that's because I'm not really going out Jess much I know but it's still it's like it's difficult so I bought an exercise bike and I do your workout and I just done pilates this morning on zoom do you have any do you have any um individual clients still no I used to do one-to-one and I love that and then I did the boot camps but as I got busy online so I released like an online fitness plan it's called the 90-day plan so as I launched that and I started getting people sign up to that then I started doing like less personal training and then I would hand over my boot camp to a friend and I sort of gave them the
Starting point is 00:23:07 business and then then it kind of just almost overnight it went from zero to a hundred so fast because I'd post a transformation and a testimony and then like 10 people would sign up and then the next month it would be a hundred people then it was a thousand then before you know it it was you know a hundred thousand or six now now actually 600,000 people have done it. So it took a long time. But once it happened, I could stop doing the personal training. And it's now just all digital. So, Joe, you're really busy during the day and you've just got the kids into bed.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And that's when I reach for a bottle of gin and tonic. Oh, me too. I love it. Oh, do you? I thought you'd do about 20 squats instead just to feel a bit more energized no no i've got a massive gin and tonic yeah i've got a cupboard above my fridge which is every amazing gin you can imagine so i've got um yeah like brockman's i've got hendrix i've got um flamingo tears monkey 47 i i love a good gin so i have a gin and tonic oh i love my new thing is pims and ginger ale nice that's amazing so pims and ginger ale is a lovely little summer drink great you know
Starting point is 00:24:10 what i've got another one for you now i don't know whether you ever liked peach schnapps when you were younger does any of you i think you're the fizzy stuff no it no that's schlur um okay like so i whenever i was on holiday it was like the done thing when you were like 15 14 to drink peach schnapps but anyway this is going to make it sound less chic than it is but this thing called rinquinquin my friend uh it's it's from france and it's this amazing peach liqueur that you can have and it's almost like a kind of an aperitif so you have it on the rocks or you can have it with a little bit of tonic and it's kind of like if you like Aperol spritzes or like a bit of a Pimms it's such a good drink that and like it's really nice when like sun's
Starting point is 00:24:54 going down so Rinquinquin I think you should get it's really good oh lovely I'll check it out do you do you like American food what's your favorite cuisine for a takeaway well I'd have to say Italian I love yeah if I think of the food I've been to Sardinia and Italy and Rome and stuff like you can't beat a good pasta can you with some like parmesan or some burrata and some you know truffle on the top I think I think if I have to if I was gonna have to choose one cuisine for the rest of my life it would be Italy Italian food yeah and what's your best pasta dish my favorite pasta I'd say I actually really love a really simple I mean I can't get hold of actual real truffle but you know you get the truffle oil so I do like a nice um just mushrooms and kind of
Starting point is 00:25:35 cherry tomatoes and then some truffle oil through some like tagliatelle with a bit of um parmesan on top that's quite nice oh sounds great just rosie cook so rosie i i mean i've always assumed like the chef role so i've always done the cooking i love it i love getting dinner ready for her and stuff because i've obviously been doing my instagram but i've actually got a partnership with gusto now where i we get the recipe sent so since we've had the gusto recipes come we kind of do 50 50 because we like cooking together sometimes i'll do indies like get indy ready for bed and then rosie will do the gusto recipe or i'll come down and I'll have a little go on it. So it depends.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I think nowadays it's more sort of 50-50, I'd say. Do you remember what you cooked for her when you were trying to woo her? Well, I think when I was trying to woo her, we mainly would go out for dinner. I think I would take her to like, we went for a nice restaurant in like Sushi Samba, and took her to Zuma and that. That's one of my favourite restaurants. But I think I probably just, I'm quite, look, when I do my cooking, I like to do simple things, so a nice little simple veggie risotto, or a nice like chicken curry, something that's going to be quick and easy that we can enjoy. Do you think you've
Starting point is 00:26:34 got good table manners? I've got better, I mean, I think socially now, like when I go out for dinner, I really make an effort to put my phone down, because in the past, you know, I've been so, I say this a lot, like to become a social media entrepreneur, you have to be antisocial. I would have my phone on me all the time and I'd be texting and tweeting. I've learned now to actually put my phone down. I leave it in my pocket or in the car. So when I'm having dinner with you, if I met you for dinner, I'd be with you. I'd be talking to you.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I wouldn't be jumping into my DMs and replying to people. Oh, Jesse, take note. Mum, I'm still building that. Hold on a minute. My son's just woken up. One sec. I'm just going to get my minute my son's just woken up one second I'm just gonna get my um my husband to get in one sec do you feel I mean maybe you don't know because obviously
Starting point is 00:27:17 you've been a big household name but is it do you feel like people feel like they can come up to you quite easily because you're so approachable and is that sometimes quite intrusive or do you always feel like people have like a respect and it can keep a distance? I think because I'm not a TV celebrity who's come from, you know, a reality show or, you know, a TV show and had a big TV career. I think when people do see you, they do feel like they know you because they follow your stories and, you know, they follow your journey in such an intimate way. But whenever I meet anyone, I've always got time, I never see it as a nuisance, I always say thank you because the people that meet you that say hello mainly are saying thank you for your recipes,
Starting point is 00:27:53 thank you for your PE with Joe, thank you for your lovely YouTube workouts, it's helped me get fitter and healthier. So for me, I actually really enjoy meeting people. But yeah, I mean, it's not as much as you think. You know, I'm not, I don't know, maybe when I go out after this, I'll be more recognisable and there's going to be more people. But beforehand, I can still walk around Richard and I get the tube to London.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I knock about with my friends. Nothing's changed really other than if I'm out, people might have a little selfie and stuff. But you let your hair down when you're out. Well, I normally do, but it's so long. My hair at the moment, do you want to see how long it is? Yeah. I haven't had a haircut. You're not going to do the quarantine,
Starting point is 00:28:27 you're not going to do the shave, quarantine shave off thing? No, look at him. It's gorgeous hair. It's beautiful hair. It's beautiful. It's too much. It's his crowning glory. If you cut that off, he probably can't do his exercises.
Starting point is 00:28:39 He'd be like Samson. Yeah, I'll leave it for now. But I think I'm just going to get to the point where Rosie might have to give me a little trim. Gorgeous. But I just, I just are you because you know a lot of your workouts are quite hip like you know they're high intensity training um do you I feel like you're doing this Monday to Friday yes you're getting a bit of a break at the moment because you're not getting a break you're still telling everyone what to do but like it's you know you're not having to potentially do all the workout because of the hand but you just sometimes like i can't do another HIIT training session i just can't i can't do it
Starting point is 00:29:09 i don't get to that point because this is like i've done this for so long and i i get so much enjoyment out of exercise and so for me like if i wake up and feel a bit flat and i do have days where i wake up and for no reason i've got this little cloud over my head and i think why am i feeling like why aren't I happy right now? And if I register that thought and I feel that, I just quickly go downstairs, do a little bit of exercise. I know it's a method that always works for me. So I do a little 20-minute workout. And for me, you know, I feel better.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I'm happier. I'm nicer to Rosie. I'm more patient with Indy. I'm just more hardworking. I'm more productive. And so for me, exercise is not optional. It's a non-negotiable thing that i need in my life and i've always had it from such a young age and so that's what i
Starting point is 00:29:49 really want to share i want to try and inspire people that do have kids and that run businesses with a you know really ambitious that you can still be healthy you don't have to it doesn't have to be one or the other you don't have to be really successful and ambitious but also unfit and out of shape you can have both and that's that's what i believe in the short workouts you know the 25 minute HIIT workouts is enough to get that you know you use a lot of energy if you're doing exercise most of the day and you're doing your you're doing your seniors you're doing your pee in the morning you're doing so much exercise do you have to keep your calories up god imagine if that would be for me and you mum oh we are two calorie deficit oh it's a nightmare that would be perfect someone
Starting point is 00:30:26 said to me you need more calories no one's ever said that to me well one thing I don't do is I've never been a big fan of kind of promoting calorie counting I've never tracked it myself I don't know how many calories I eat but I do know I focus on portion sizes so you know three meals a day normally and I do obviously on days I exercise I'm filming a lot i might have a bit more on days i'm less active i have a little bit less but there are days when i completely blow out and eat everything in sight but that's maybe once every couple of weeks or once a week it's not like every day and i i'm able to get up in the morning and go right i'm going to work out today and get back on track whereas a lot of people that you know experience emotional eating will
Starting point is 00:31:00 do it every day and they go oh i can't stop and then it becomes months and months and that's it that's the cycle you've got to try to break and try and you know have a day of relaxed eating and eat what you want but try and the next day get back into cooking healthy food again um joe i feel like you've got probably such a busy day ahead and so we're going to leave you but we've got a couple more questions um firstly what are you having for dins tonight oh that's a good question so we've got um a gusto. It's actually a roasted pepper risotto. So you chop the peppers up, you roast them in the oven with some seasoning,
Starting point is 00:31:31 and then it's just a simple sort of vegetable stock risotto. And then you just put, at the end, you put the roasted red peppers on and some crispy fried onions. Oh, nice. That sounds great. Wow. And then what's your karaoke song?
Starting point is 00:31:43 My karaoke song would probably be, I'd say, take that, you know, Back For Good, take that. Oh, sweet. Oh, you're so romantic. That's a tune, isn't it? Yeah, it is a tune. Lovely. I just didn't think that you were going to...
Starting point is 00:31:59 That's a great song. Gary Barlow. But which part are you taking? Well, I just sing the song on my as a solo if i was going to do a duet with rosie it'd probably be um two hearts phil collins oh wow two hearts living in just that one amazing that's phil collins isn't it yes yes oh two hearts i love that what would be your karaoke song i mean is it one of your own or would you sing someone else oh my god um i i hate karaoke because of the fact that it's just boring if you're a singer um but i think i'm you know
Starting point is 00:32:29 what we've asked this question to quite a lot of singers and loads of singers have said a rap song and i um what's it um salt and pepper a shoop came on the other day and i was like i know all the words to this so i'm gonna say shoop salt and pepper um that'd be good so yeah but um can i change my answer i've just decided yeah i would sing moana oh we love you're welcome you know moana you're welcome with a rock you're welcome it's my favorite song of all time and when the rock drops that rap at the end i'm like rapping along with him like this is so good oh my god have you seen that duane did you see that um post that duane johnson put up and he was just like, she doesn't realise that I am Maui. And so
Starting point is 00:33:07 she's watching it with him and he's like, I saw it. It's amazing. Moana is the best Disney. That song gets me so lit. I love it. The whole soundtrack's amazing to be honest. Yeah, I love Moana. I think it's the best one. Jo, you are amazing. You're an
Starting point is 00:33:23 inspiration. I um we speak on behalf of everyone across the world really i mean you're brilliant and we love you and thank you so much for doing this because we know that you are so so busy yeah i'm keeping all our spirits up yeah you really are you're with your lovely buoyant lovely warmth and sunshine in the morning oh what a lovely thing to say i've loved having a little chat with you both. And I love food and I love talking about inspiring people. So the fact that we've got to talk about the things I love is amazing. And I hope to get to meet you both in real life one day.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Oh, yeah. And we'll cook for you. Yes, please. I have one more question. You have a guitar on your wall every day in your living room. And I want to know, do you actually play the guitar? Of course I play the guitar living room and i want to know do you actually play the guitar of course i play the guitar i'll show you right now if you want yeah come on oh no i don't want to flare the old infection up i'll prove it hang on a sec oh come on come on
Starting point is 00:34:14 and let me see because it's been looking at me for six weeks oh and it's in tune is it in tune we're hardly in tune? We're hardly in tune. Oh, hang on. I haven't played for a while. Mate, you're just like, you're perfect. I like finger pick for indie. That's bloody good. Oh, mate.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I can play a little bit. I've got a lovely guitar. I've got a Fender Strat which I love. See that one there? That's a Telecaster and I've got a black Fender Strat which I love. So I'm all or nothing. I do like hours and hours and then I leave it for a few weeks. So I've got to get back into it really. Were you in a band? No, I just love, I just always wanted to play guitar for Indies. So I can play all the chords and stuff, but one thing I haven't got is rhythm,
Starting point is 00:35:05 so I can play every bar chord under the sun, and I understand chord progressions, but I just always do the same strumming pattern. I can't break out of the strumming pattern. You just need a few, have you had lessons before? I've had a couple of lessons, yeah, but again, I'm just not consistent with it. Oh, I forgive you, Joe.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You've got a lot on at the moment, so it's all right. That sounds better. I need to get a photo of me with a guitar so i paid guitar to jesse where on her on the zone now you just need to learn wildest moments and you're like jobs are good and you're away um look thanks so much um look after yourself look after that hand um and thanks for everything you're doing it's wonderful good luck with the book thank you very much girls have a lovely day take care Good luck with the book. Thank you very much, girls. Have a lovely day. Take care. Joe Wicks, he's really lovely.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Sweet, lovely bloke. Yeah, I've got a lot of time for Joe Wicks. I think he's a really lovely bloke and I think he's doing really wonderful things. And he's definitely the one that taught me how to do a pizza with a tortilla. And I'll thank him for that forever. Did it today for lunch for the kids loved it did you yeah I really like that that was really nice I feel like um even though I didn't do the workout today I've had a my my fill of Joe Wicks and optimism and um positivity he's like he's such a little sunny person yeah enthusiastic
Starting point is 00:36:24 but I wished I woke up in the morning and think, core, I feel a bit missed. I just want to have a big cup of coffee. He goes net sizes to regenerate himself. Mum, I dare you to do that for the next seven days and see how you feel after it. On my own? Fine.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Lucky you that you can just work out anytime you want. Oh, how fat. That's really what I want. Right. Well, anyway, what are you going to do now, Mum? Have a glass of wine? The doctor actually told me I was balmy last night. Oh, you are balmy.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I said, thanks for talking to that balmy woman. And he said, you are a bit balmy. We've got, darling. Yeah. We've got lots of emails about the podcast and our book people using yes take it away mum i think i better read this one thank you so much for lifting my spirits tantalizing my taste buds and filling me with warmth and good humor as i walk to and from my job as an nhs physio appreciated now more than ever keep going both of you especially lenny massive virtual hugs
Starting point is 00:37:28 much love to you all oh thank you thank you that was from allison allison golvag yes thanks thank you allison and thanks for keep working during this awful time at the nhs and someone here just a quick note to say a massive thank you to jesse lenny and alice our wonderful producer i'm late to the table manners podcast started listening six weeks ago but i've caught up quickly and can't wait to listen to mel and sue never write reviews but went through a really tough few months and the only saving grace i had at times is listening to Jesse and Lenny while walking up and down in my isolated garden honestly there are so many this is just one for Maria Lewis who says just want to thank you for being so flexible and adapting the podcast
Starting point is 00:38:15 these special circumstances I really loved it and it's so nice to have some things carry on as normal thank you all um there's somebody who has requested that we get joe wicks on the program so that's good that was hon who's this james wow they're in for a treat james there you go we sorted you out and then oh someone said shabbat shalom naomi joff from finchley she's in finchley with her husband and three daughters and wanted to let you know that i've just risked three of my most precious eggs to try out your canadal recipe to go with the last of the soup left for seder it's in the fridge now so i'll let you know how they go down for supper tonight sweet oh mum melissa hemsley who's like health guru yeah our triple threat
Starting point is 00:38:56 brownies yesterday her her boyfriend did them for her he says they're better than her black bean ones and she said that he said he's done about 20 brownie recipes and ours were the best but to be honest I know that we probably shouldn't say this but I'd actually put a bit less sugar in them I don't think they need as much sugar so there you go um but um so whilst we are doing special circumstances I am promoting a record uh I'm sure I wonder what it's going to be like when the record comes out but I presume we'll probably be in some form of lockdown. So thank you to everyone who's been messaging me about my new music. It's really lovely to hear.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And I've got plenty of choreography dance moves for you to all learn at home whilst you're bored. But yeah, just to say a big thank you. Can we just have a quick update on Normal People? Well, I'm obsessed with them. I want to be a teenager again i want connell to treat me like shit i'm bereft that it's finished i'm bereft that it's finished and i think it's just a brilliant perfect piece of tv it's just the best tv that they've had on frasers how magnificent to be able to make something feel so slow and unrushed. And it's like a 25
Starting point is 00:40:05 minute episode, you know? Yeah. That's pretty amazing directing and the script, everything about it is so perfect. Yeah, but the story was good and I loved the book. Yeah, but they could have messed it up. No, I think it was just as good. I just loved it. But I'm kind of stalking him now. No, I am too too he's a singer mum he sings I know I saw him sing it was great with the piano anyway um thank you so much Jo Wicks thank you for all listening we will be back next week if we can find some poor bugger who's in lockdown to have a chat with us they're all still in lockdown so they're all there for the taking Paul Mescal we're coming for you Daisy Edgar Jo, don't go hiding from us, baby girl.
Starting point is 00:40:47 We're coming. Yeah. Let's have them both on at the same time. Oh, mum, I saw this, like, Vogue, I don't know, they were doing, like, some kind of promo for the thing, and there was flirtation. I guess if you've had to have sex with somebody so many bloody times. She's got a boyfriend, darling.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Oh, no, don't tell me this. He was in Game of Thrones. No, I don't want to hear this shit. I want them to go out in real life. I think Paul is single, though. I've got my eye open. Why do I go, oh, like I can run away from my beautiful husband and my darling children.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Oh, for a night, a lustful night. Anyway, all right, well, thanks, Body Coach. And thank you. And I'm not saying anything else but Jesse, Paul Muskell. No, you didn't just do that. And on that note, we are absolutely shutting the shit down. You are. Bar me.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Oh, my God. Never, ever, ever do that again. get.

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