Tales from the Stinky Dragon - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Ep. 65 - Slime Spree

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

The party comes into contact with creatures of another nature... the wiggly jiggly kind. Will the adventurers survive this slippery saboteur and rescue Mudd’s Brother? Follow us on social media: h...ttps://linktr.ee/TalesFromTheStinkyDragon Check our our merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/tales-from-the-stinky-dragon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Rooster Teeth Production. What's the word, all you were-rats? Scurry on in to the Stinky Dragon, swallow our latest swill, Calculated Whisker. It's a mixture of vermin's vermouth, two scoops of ice cream, shape-changing choco liqueur, and a drizzle of snitchy stitches syrup. One small sip of this rodential refreshment is one giant leap for rat kind. Previously, our adventurers embarked on Clay's Bramble Boat, bound for Mud's motherland of Witherveins. While aboard, the party pawled around with patrons, played a barn burning game of Euphrates, and bid on some baubles with Bunko, aka Bezzler.
Starting point is 00:00:52 They finally arrived at Mud's hometown of Bub Bayou, but found themselves saying buh-bye to Clay being yanked away by yellow slime. Bring over a Bev and let's dive into this dank drama. I like to think that every time you do this, it's your vocal warm-up for the day. It is a little bit. Me, me, me, me, me. Red leather, yellow leather. Red leather, yellow leather. What if he does vocal warm-ups in bed, but it's like as soon as he wakes up and he's got that voice, good morning, my wife. No, I'm not very coherent when I first wake up.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I wouldn't be able to say much. Hello, wife. I'd like to see that. You just wake up and immediately try and read one of those. It would be awful. It would be terrible. There's no way I can disguise when I first wake up. You can definitely hear it on me.
Starting point is 00:01:47 So we were supposed to have bought all these remaining items, right? Oh, dang it. I didn't do that. I did. I did. I didn't. Should I subtract the gold now? Yeah, go ahead and subtract the gold.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Speaking of that, first, we want to give a big shout out to everyone on social media that submitted magic item ideas using hashtag StinkyDragonPod or posted on the subreddit. We didn't have enough time in the last episode to go down the list and offer each magic item ideas using hashtag stinky dragon pod or post it on the subreddit. We didn't have enough time in the last episode to go down the list and offer each magic item, so we decided to let the players look for themselves, buy some between the episodes, and then let you know what they each bought right now. I got some cool stuff. What did you get,
Starting point is 00:02:16 Barbara? I bought the Voronian goggles. You want to try that? Voro... How do you... It's like a run at it. Just run at it and don't stop. Voronion. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:30 That's funny because I got the Voronian goggles. Well, I don't know how you actually pronounce it. No, no. He's just making fun, but I think it's funny that he... I'm making fun of the fact that we both wanted the same thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But my name is on there. Oh, I didn't...
Starting point is 00:02:44 Shoot. Yep. That goes to Bart. What do the goggles do, Bart? While wearing these goggles, you can see up to 100 feet through all types of non-magical weather, such as rain, fog, or snow. Additionally, your vision is not affected by the fog. I'm assuming that's going to say fog cloud spell.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. It is not the fog cowed spell. It is the fog cloud spell. Correct. Cloud spell. But that fog cowed spell is very powerful. Sounds pretty good. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And then I also bought the drunk helmsman. Before we move on, do you want to read the flavor text on the goggles? Oh, there's flavor text? Right above the while wearing these goggles. What a beautiful feeling I'm seeing in the rain. Nice. What a beautiful feeling. There it is.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I wanted to read it first and then sing it. You guys are so impatient today. My God. We're just, we can't wait to hear your singing voice. That's what it is. You kept it from us, right? With that tepid initial read. What a glorious feeling.
Starting point is 00:03:39 What else did you get, Bart? Similar to the Chipmunks Christmas album, we need a Bart Christmas album. But it's going to be... Hanukkah, Hanukkah, Hanukkah. But it's Jewish. It's just Hanukkah stuff. They did all the Christmas songs outside for Hanukkah. In addition to that, I also,
Starting point is 00:03:57 because I couldn't not buy this, the Drunk Helmsman Drink Up Me Hearties Yo-Ho. It's the flavor text. I will do that first. It's a favorite of pirates and near duels often called the barbaric drunk helmsman activating this rare device will play a boomingly loud sea shanty from the compass and cause any structure vehicle or ship beneath it to shake list and seemingly spin for five minutes bouncing around like a compass needle trying to find north.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Enemies must make a DC-13 athletic saving throw every minute or be deafened and knocked prone. Interesting that it says only enemies and not everyone. I like that. Yeah. That's purposely why I was okay buying it. And apparently it's also banned at sporting events. Oh. So if you go to a sporting event, then.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You take it to the pregame, though. Oh, yeah. And that's provided the pregame though. Oh, yeah. And that's provided by our own Brendan. Hell yeah. I saw that on the list and I was like, I know this is made for Bart. Who else? Who else bought stuff? Go.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I got the, were you saying go to me? I was going to say blame, but we'll just say you. I got the cupcake of hunger. Cupcake of hunger. Delicious looking cupcake that once consumed sends its user into ravenous hunger for the next 10 minutes the user must attempt to eat any food items it sees or interacts with we'll go seek out food if none nearby why would you want that because maybe you feed that to someone yeah it's a trap that's a trap got it got it got it and that was uh created by serbian18 on our subreddit uh and then i got the Elixir of Undying Affection.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Additional plus five to charisma for 24 hours. However, if the party is attacked within the 24 hours, the attacks are always directed first towards the consumer. I don't see a negative for that, considering I'm the tank. Yeah, and that was created by at Gifaruni on Twitter. And I wanted to get the Dim Eris. A player becomes lucky until the end of the day at the expense of minus four intelligence.
Starting point is 00:05:44 But after discussing it with Gus, I realized that the minus four intelligence would take me to zero intelligence. And then I would become in a coma. Yeah. Having a zero intelligence makes you catatonic. You are in a coma. You cannot do anything if you have zero intelligence. Like in Dungeons and Dragons 5, like that rule? Yeah, as opposed to what?
Starting point is 00:06:07 No, I'm saying like, I didn't know if you were just like making a joke at what that is. No, no, no. In the rules, if you have zero intelligence, you are catatonic or in a coma. You're unable to do anything. Nope. Head empty. No thoughts. How to put thoughts back in?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Well, 24 hours. Get intelligence back. I have 24 hours. So you're a very lucky vegetable. For 24 hours. This is gum gum. May not be practical. He's a lucky potato that we take around with us.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Rub him for good luck. Yeah, we rub him for good luck. Who's next? I'll let Blaine go. I wanted to go for the Veronian goggles, but I misunderstood how to acquire them. What if you guys just split them in half and you have veronian monocles could i let you borrow them yeah when if slash when the time comes but i i also don't like mind parting ways i earlier in the auction got the boots of kicking uh i could get the arrow
Starting point is 00:07:02 of misdirection but i want to i want you guys to tell me if this is worth getting before We move on to the arrow. I do want to point out the boots of kicking were submitted by Christine are on reddit Thank you, Christine are the dirt misdirection when I like that arrow misdirection is when you successfully hit a creature with this arrow You have to make a wisdom saving throw dc-15 After they have taken damage from the attack if you score a critical hit with this arrow, the target has disadvantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, they have disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of their next turn. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's 100 gold pieces. Do it. With these, how many arrows do I get? Three. Three for 100 gold pieces? 33.333 repeating cold coins? Cold coins? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Then don't. Save your money. I'm saving my money. Save your money. I'm saving my money. Save your money. I want another arm upgrade. The only thing I want to get, because I feel like I have to get it for John and for Mud, is the monster sphere,
Starting point is 00:07:54 which allows the holder to capture a single monster of CR rating of half their character level, which at this point would be five. That's big animals. When inside the ball, the monster is unable to act or take damage. Being considered in stasis can be used as a one-time summoning where the monster will attack on your behalf.
Starting point is 00:08:10 If you mash A, does it have the chance? No, you have to hold B. Oh, I always hit mashed A. You are in a different universe. Who mashed A? For a Pokeball thing? Yeah. It was like hold B.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Baby Blaine did. Oh, okay. Can you carry this monster sphere in your pocket? Yes. Yes. Okay. Which would make it a monster pocket? Yeah, a monster pocket.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I just want to clarify. Wait, so do you get to keep them or is it just as a way of? It's a one-time summon. So it does. It captures them. But I can't just keep them forever. They're like my little one-time summon. So it does. It captures them. But I can't just keep them forever. They're like my little one shot. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:48 What if you grabbed like a sea creature and then we were in an Arctic battle and then you just. Why would I do that? I don't know. It'd be pretty sad, right? Yeah, it wouldn't be. You would die. If you pulled it out in the middle of nowhere and then you can't put it back in the ball because it's a one-time summon. That's what I'm getting at.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah. This is trapped in the Arctic away from its family. Because the family is the real bummer of that one. Yeah. So thank you to NerdLevel18 on the subreddit for submitting that item. If you guys ever make items that are Pokemon related, I'm going to have to buy it. Monster pocket related.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah. It's Digimon, right? For legal purposes, it is a monster pocket. It's a digital pocket. Okay, so we good? That everyone? Go for it. Woo!
Starting point is 00:09:29 Come, we shall make our way to Bramble Castle to see... Oh, does anyone smell that? Sorry. Suddenly, Clay's legs are yanked out from beneath him. With lightning speed, you see something like yellow slime dragging him by the legs away from the docks toward the wall. Mud! Mud, help me, brother! Help me! Why didn't you do anything? I just want to point out that in this universe, contrary to John, Mud actually has a really good sense of smell.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And so when he said, do you smell that? He totally smelled it. Whoa. I just want to make that advantage on smell rolls. I have advantage. Yeah, and I think Gumbo would also be very smelly as well. What does it smell like? It smells like... Are you asking a man with no sense of smell? I'm getting into character. Oh, I gotta use my character words.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Is it stinky? It's not stinky. It's a little stinky. It's like, um, why am I talking in that accent? I was wondering. It's like, why am I talking in that? We got a beetle with us I need to take a reset on this entire day. Um your machete just say mud a bunch of times That's right there. It's a Scottish right there Everybody has their words that say to get into the voice that they're doing And then Chris just punched himself in the face Uh... Yeah. Badass. And then Chris just punches himself in the face.
Starting point is 00:10:49 He just goes, goom, goom. So it smells like five-day-old nacho cheese. Ooh. Very descriptive. Some might describe that as stinky. You hear a local furball scream out, Jump in, Genisoyl! The Amnusia's back!
Starting point is 00:11:09 People start running for cover and hiding inside nearby buildings. hear a splash and between buildings and trees you can see clay reappear on the far side of town to the north but an amorphous blob of yellow slime is wrapped around his body and appears clay is unconscious oh splat four more yellow blobs of slime emerge from the water and plop onto the wood plank paths snaking between the buildings and trees. It's like the things from Zelda. Big jellies. Yeah, jellies. Are they in more than the Wind Waker? I have no idea. They're another one.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Oh, yeah, there's little walking ones that do the shaki in Link to the Past. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're there. Anyways, let's kill them. They stole your brother. So we still steal their lives. Yeah, it's an equal steal. Sure, you're going to kill them They stole your brother So we still steal their lives Yeah, it's an equal steal
Starting point is 00:11:47 Sure, you're gonna kill them Everyone go ahead and roll initiative then Is there any other wave? We're surrounded by a few, right? There's four Well, actually there's a total of five There's four and then the one that has clay They're all scattered throughout town
Starting point is 00:12:00 And the one with clay is on the far side of town Oh, we're not surrounded by the four Four just landed randomly in the town Correct And one with clay is on the far side of town oh we're not surrounded by the four four just landed randomly in the correct and one grabbed them a fifth grabbed clay yeah so we're not chaperoned by anybody else right now there's no other npcs around us to talk to no uh most of the other npcs like ran inside and they're in hiding after seeing what's happening all right what's our plan no i rolled for rolled for initiative. What? Hold on. I don't understand what roll for initiative is. I am ready to attack. Come with me, brothers.
Starting point is 00:12:31 What did he yell when he got him? Amuseus? Amuseus. Amuseus. Matt, what does that mean? You're one of these guys. I totally know what those are because they are, I'm just, I'm thinking about the best way to phrase it.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Do you ever play this video game called Legend of Zelda? I don't know. Would Mudd know what these are? No, Mudd has not seen these before. I've never seen them in my life. Let's talk root word. Amna. So they either are an Austin podcast or
Starting point is 00:13:01 have to do with memory loss. Is anyone around nearby that is like fighting them or doing anything? All the NPCs went into hiding and jumped into the buildings when they saw the amnesia appear. We have to go get your brother. Turn into an animal. Like a water one. Why would he turn into an animal? I thought they came out of the water.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Here's the thing. They're water based. And I think if I shot them with an electric arrow that would hurt them pretty bad. You have an electric arrow there? No, but I have Gift of the Chromatic Dragon! There it is. Let's go get your brother. Okay, yes, we are doing that.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Okay, well everyone go ahead and roll initiative. I already did. Kyborg already did. Yes, teacher. I also rolled an 11. I rolled a 21. Hold on, I'm remembering where initiative is. Just a second. Kyborg and Bart, what are your dexterities? The saving throw or the...
Starting point is 00:13:49 Just the number. Your ability score. That's the tiebreaker. 18. 20. I rolled a 9. Okay. I'm about to roll a 9.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So, Kyborg, you're going to go before Bart because your dexterity is higher. Yours is a 20? No. Son of a... Ah. Strength and tech's really... 18 and 20. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 From where you landed, you know, as I said, this whole area, it's kind of a marshy land. But there's a platform that goes out and then kind of to the northwest from your position. And there's an amnesia up there at that intersection. It's a good strategic spot. And for its initiative, it has, well, Gum Gum, what do you want to do? How far is it to Clay? He's on the other side of town from where you are. Like how far away to get to him?
Starting point is 00:14:29 You'd have to go across a bunch of planks just because there's like marsh area. So it's like there's a wooden pathway across there. So it's not like you could just go straight. So winding along the path, it's about 150 feet or so. Pretty far. You can jump that. You can jump that. I guess I'll start by raging and seeing where that goes Okay, gum gum gets really angry for some reason some would say is he's got a problem with him
Starting point is 00:14:54 He really needs to learn how to control it, but my brother That's three so we'll see what that is It is a plum I knew it is a flump. Threes are flumps. Our new shirt coming to the store. Is there a creature? He's a three, but he's a flump. Ten.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Sorry, he's a ten. Is there one of those bad guys within 30 feet? Yeah, the one at the intersection away from you is about 25, 30 feet away to the northwest. Okay, I want to make my flump appear next to that one. Okay. And where's the next nearest one? The next nearest one from there, it's actually kind of on the way. There's like a little offshoot to the side, like a little to the northeast from there uh it's actually kind of on the way there's like a little offshoot to the side like a little to the northeast from there it's that one's actually probably honestly that one's
Starting point is 00:15:48 probably a little closer so i'll say 20 25 feet to that one okay well i'm gonna run to that one should i run i should jump to save your brother i mean it's marshland so like if he runs is he running through water and mud there's a path to get there they're all they all landed on paths they didn't okay pop out't pop out of the water. They swamped. Is there a way I could run and jump further and then get to a further one and then attack it? Yeah, there's another one behind that.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Well, actually, there's two behind that further to the northeast that both would be within jumping range. Okay, I'm going to go to the furthest one I can get to and jump to it and then attack it with my axe. Do you think we were supposed to fight these guys? I'll say that the villagers running into their homes doesn't give me the idea that these are welcome. Maybe no one's ever tried
Starting point is 00:16:34 talking to them. All I can do is use information that's given to me. Context clues. Which storyline of Westworld is this? So the one you can jump to that's, like, kind of within range, furthest away, you would be able to, like, circumvent three of
Starting point is 00:16:50 the amnusias and then get to, like, the fourth one that's furthest away but closest to clay. That one's actually kind of on solid ground. That one's not on, like, a rickety wooden path like the other ones. Well, then I'll do that and jump to that and say, if you're not mean, say something now. Right before I hit it. Okay. It does and say if you're not mean say something out
Starting point is 00:17:25 Right before I hit it. Okay. It does not speak to you. Okay. Oh, he's me. I didn't know what was going to come out when I made that noise. I was shocked by that sound. I would never come out again. And I'm recklessly attacking it. Oh no! Don't be reckless. And I just want to clarify something with this reckless attack. I saw someone on Twitter reach out about this. You know, when you reckless attack, it gives you advantage on attacks, and I do
Starting point is 00:17:41 know that that makes you have disadvantage on attacks against you. Someone pointed that out on Twitter. What I replied to replied to them is yeah i've been taking that into account your ac is so low it normally doesn't matter yeah it normally all attacks hit you regardless my ac is a little higher now though for people who who might have a question about that just tossing that in there uh okay i'm sorry so you attack uh with advantage and you have uh what is that a 30 30 believe it or not that that hits. Yeah. Believe it or not. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I don't know. I'm pulling my collar here. This unarmored jelly. All right. So that's a 17 with my rage. 17 points of damage. Yeah. And this is with your axe?
Starting point is 00:18:18 With my random axe of kindness. And I swing it. That's my battle yell. I didn't expect that. And I just like swing it down the middle of it, I guess. Okay. Try and lop it in half. Is that a bad idea?
Starting point is 00:18:30 No, it's going to go. Oh, wait, that might be a bad idea. Yeah, you connect and your axe slices mightily and very cleanly through the amnesia. Splitting it in half, but then the two halves reform into the amnesia. So don't use slash and damage. Oh god. Wait, what happened? He sliced it and it
Starting point is 00:18:52 just turned back into one. It was like a single cell organism splitting. Split into two and then just like reformed into one. So basically like swords and slashing does bludgeon them. It would seem that way. It does nothing to them. Yeah. Nothing lasting. Nothing lasting. Dang it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:08 No knifing. No knifing. I was gonna try one of my new spells that I have, but that involves, like, a slashing. What is with Bart and so many, like, slashing dagger things? Cloud of daggers, has a dagger. Aha! He just puts his hands up and a bunch of daggers come out. Bart's going through a knife phase.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. Guys, if bio taught me anything, this is known as mitosis. Did you have to Google that? I had to double check that I was right before I said it, but I knew it was mitosis. Miosis or mitosis? Miosis results in four, I think. It's different. What's meiosis? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Let's keep going with the battle. With my second attack, I'm going to smash it with my Staff of Flowers. Oh, your Staff of Flowers is actually a weapon as well? Yeah. All right. Or I guess I could use my Rainbringer Staff. I'm going to use that one instead. The Rainbringer Staff.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, go ahead and make your attack roll. Gum-Gum sheathes his axe and pulls out his Rainbringer Staff. Is he going to make it rain? Yeah. That's a 23. That hits.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And I did 13 points of damage with it. Yeah, you bonk it over the head with your Rainbringer staff, and the staff just kind of gets stuck in the amnesia and just kind of like is stuck in there for a second. You got to pull it out free. Don't kiss it. What does that sound like? John races to take his headphones off.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Mike, I think we need Gus to do all the Foley sound effects for this. Well, I guess that's it for me. My floof explodes. Oh, yeah. Your floof exploded. So these things can't be physically hit, it seems like. It would seem that way. Time for magic. What if I exploded one? Maybe?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah. What is explosion damage? Exploding jelly. I have burst mirrors. Yeah, but what's that? What's the designation of that damage? Gustavo? I'm looking it up. I'm looking up the flump first. Succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Interesting. Okay. So what's the dexterity save they need to make? Is it just like my dexterity, which would be 14? It should say at the top. So the saving throw is DC 8 plus your proficiency bonus plus your constitution modifier. So it's 8 plus your constitution is 4 so 12 and your proficiency bonus is 4 so 16 So I need to make a DC 16 dexterity save The dexterity is plus 6 so I need a 10 or better on this roll
Starting point is 00:21:20 17 so that's a successful save and do they take half? No, just so they don't take anything. Yeah, so no damage. The amnesia senses that the flump's about to explode. Flattens itself out and the explosion goes over what would be its head? Question mark? Dude, you should catch one of these flumps. I mean, you should catch one of these
Starting point is 00:21:39 amnesia things. I'm okay. That's like walking out from Professor Oak's lab and just catching a grimer. No, look. But these things can't be killed very easily. Not by the hands of Gum-Gum. But maybe by the brains and head of Gum-Gum.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Whose turn is it? I'm done. You're done? Okay. That means it is their turn. Then after them is Kyborg. Okay. Lucky for you guys, GumGum jumped over so many and activated them all in the initiative list. He pulled Argo. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Argo? An athletic film? You mean Agro? Nope. I meant Argo. What does that mean? It's part of like, uh, like LeetSpeak where, when you were like in like World of Warcraft, you'd say I pull Agro, but it's like, you know, it's like... It's like an intentional typo.
Starting point is 00:22:27 You know, you spell T-H instead of the... T-Bomb. So, pull Argo. Okay, let's see. GumGum's over there, engaged with one of the Amnusias. Congratulations. I keep wanting to call them flumps now. Thank you. Amnusia.
Starting point is 00:22:41 One of them had a flump by it, and the other two got jumped over. So we'll start with the one that had the flump by it. It's going to close in on the party, and it's going to attack Bart. Oh, man. His name is... Bart. Bart. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:02 One of them oozes over closer to the party and kind of reaches out with like a slimy appendage and takes a swing at Bart, hitting a C24. Well, that's a hit. Of course. It hits Bart doing... I'm imagining it's one of those like, you know, those little sticky hands that you throw against the wall. Yeah, that's really good. The worst. It does 17 points of bludgeoning damage.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeesh. And I need you to make a strength saving throw, Bart. Hold on. Let me put my damage in first. 17? Yeah. Strength saving throw? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Oof. That's an eight. Much like those sticky hands, it sticks to your body and starts pulling you in closer to itself. Oh, no. And it's like grappling with you, similar to how it grabbed Clay and pulled him away. You're now being grabbed and pulled in to this amnesia. Okay. I've seen this movie before.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I guess I don't have like a reaction or anything like that. What is your reaction to that? No, I mean like... I know, what is yours though? Ew, ew, get off, get off, get off, get off, get off, get off! Okay, so Bart is grappling with that one that leaves the two that gum gum jumped over do they all roll together same initiative yeah is that indicative of their it's just easier for me okay okay they're like a hive mind no no is it canon or just a lazy dm yeah it's lazy
Starting point is 00:24:20 1 to 50 this one's gonna attack gum gumum. 51 and above. It attacks the party. Attacks the party. One of the ones that GumGum jumped over, turns over, closes the distance to attack party members. Closes in and attacks. Oh, tries to make an attack on Kyborg. It also reaches out with one of its sticky hands. Stop. I hate these noises.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Trying to attack Kyborg, hitting AC-12, which I assume is a miss. Nope. No can do. I assume it's a miss I assume is a miss. Nope. No can do. I assume it's a miss. It's a miss. There it is. You pulled a Chris there. AC 16. Alright. The one that Gum Gum is attacking reaches out
Starting point is 00:24:56 to counterattack against Gum Gum, hitting AC 24, which I assume is a hit. Yeah. It does 12 points of bludgeoning damage. Oh, but you're raging, so you take half of that. Okay. So you take six, and you need to make a strength saving throw.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Not a strength check, a strength saving throw. Okay. That's an 11. Do I have advantage on saving throws when I'm raging? You tell me. Yeah. Yeah, when I'm raging. That's handy.
Starting point is 00:25:20 We're low, 10. 25. 25. Okay, yeah. The sticky hand reaches out for you, but misses. You managed to dodge out of the way. Oh, I forgot to mention. It probably didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I just saw when I leveled up my rage bonus went up plus one damage. Probably didn't matter. Oh yeah. It didn't matter. But yeah, good to know moving forward. So you managed to dodge out of the way. And then that leaves one final amnesia that. Oh, but I want to activate my new rage things.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Whenever I get attacked, I to activate my new rage things whenever I get attacked. I can activate my rage randomizer. So randomize it again? Oh, wait. It's only if I take damage. Sorry. Ignore me. You did take damage. We're trying, Chris. Oh, I did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Then, yeah. Then I want to do that. Yeah, you took 12 points of bludgeoning damage, but your rage is the only one that only takes six. So that's a two, and that goes again. So now the floofs are gone. The flumps. The flumps are gone.
Starting point is 00:26:07 You a cat? You went with it though. John just pushed my 32-ounce water bottle off the table. Why? Because he's a cat. I teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space. Oh, okay. I want to teleport to wherever his brother is, Clay.
Starting point is 00:26:24 30 feet, huh huh let's see if that's within range that is within range gum gum learning nothing engages the final flump into the battle or the final amnesia what about gum gum's character says he learns things fool me once shame on you okay yeah it is close enough you are able to uh teleport over there is that your impression of them so you teleport over to the furthest amnesia on the your impression of them? So you teleport over to the furthest amnesia on the other end of town, and you're over there by that one that's holding clay.
Starting point is 00:26:51 As in, clay is inside of the amnesia, correct? Yeah. Remember Futurama, like those gelatinous aliens who would put people inside of them? They'd be like... Yeah, like that. He's in his own snow globe. Nice. That was that one. That's the other one that GumGum jumped He's in his own snow globe. Got it. His very own snow globe. Nice.
Starting point is 00:27:06 That was that one. That's the other one that Gum Gum jumped over. Oh, I guess Gum Gum's now out of range, so this one has no choice but to close in on the party and attack. It's going to go after Kyborg. Oh, thank you. It closes the distance and lashes out with a sticky hand at Kyborg, hitting AC... Oh, that's a miss.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Hitting AC, nothing uh it's a total miss okay ac nothing and now it's time for the one that's holding clay that gum gum is by it's going to take an attack on gum gum wait there's five of them yeah there's one that had clay that went away and then four that were between you a fifth one strikes out at gum gum hitting ac 23 which i assume is a hit yeah doing oh nine points of damage so you take four this one did split right no it would be absorbed what happens if you slice all the way through though does it make two that's what i did i said it just and they just go oh so like it completely separated just get like cut okay i thought you maybe just, like, opened it.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Kyborg, you are up. Then after you is Bart. Okay. We have two dudes that tried to attack me, and then we also got a Bart that's kind of pinned down. How close are they, like, proximity-wise? They're probably on top of you. Yeah, they're all, like, within melee striking range,
Starting point is 00:28:20 like, within five feet or so. Your favorite distance to be. A melee weapon will really help us here depends uh a hammer i'm gonna do i'm gonna start out with gift of the chromatic dragon before i do that i say should i do like acid cold fire lightning or poison i don't know try anything i mean ice would freeze them liquid-based, but then lightning sounds pretty wicked, though. Lightning! I was trying ice or something.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Lightning! He can't hear you. You're too far away, Gum-Gum. He can't hear you over the thunder. And now I'm going to take a shot at... Shoot. Okay, if I shoot the one that's grasping you, then it might transfer the lightning to you. Do you consent to lightning dance?
Starting point is 00:29:05 It's okay. Bart can take it. Yeah. I'm so beefy and strong. I should have shot at the one that's holding Bart. Aim carefully. A lot of people don't know this, but bards are actually non-conductive. Oh, that's good to know. Would you say the lightning is frightening, Gus?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Very, very frightening. So I have advantage against being frightened. I realize I should have made a more joke that bards are actually very conductive. They love music. There's the joke. The joke is there. I'm going to be a teacher's pet and assume I have disadvantage because they're a melee attack range. Yes, you are correct.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I like him following rules as him being a teacher's pet. 21. Oh, sorry, 19. Yeah, it hits regardless. Okay, so then I do five points. Wait, that's the jump and jab. Sorry. And you said you are attacking the one that has
Starting point is 00:29:53 bark, correct? Yes. So that does six points plus the gift of the chromatic dragon. So six points of piercing damage from the arrow. Oh, yeah. But I also have What happens if the arrow goes through it gift of the chromatic drag shut your face uh 1d4 so that's gonna be think about it even if you're attacking like a big creature like a humanoid it's possible the arrow still goes through so
Starting point is 00:30:15 you still say as long as the arrow makes contact uh two two additional points so it was six points of piercing damage from your arrow and then two points of like lightning damage from the chromatic dragon okay yeah the amnusia crackles with electric energy uh it seems to recoil and pain a little bit oh so something's working there uh it was super effective you know i landed that shot should i just try is the arrow still inside of it uh yeah we'll say that arrow uh like went in and it's kind of like it's floating next to bark now what if he gets yeah it's like right in front of your head it was like gonna hit you between the eyes but it stopped at the last second just multi-attack it just go at it yeah i like to think it would pierce near his stomach and he's sucking in his stomach to where the arrow so is
Starting point is 00:31:01 is are we all within 10 feet who's what's the proximity of this thing? Yeah, they're all within 10 feet. But so are we though? Yes. You guys want to be in the splash zone if I do a bursting arrow? No, stop. Why does everything you do have potential to hurt us? Because I need to free us of these evil monsters. No, just do lightning.
Starting point is 00:31:20 It hurt it. You literally did something, saw that it was effective and went when I want to try something else All right, I try longbow triumph again. Are you taking the same one that has Bart in it? Yeah I'm gonna try to plug it with arrows. That's a 14 and a 22 14 that does hit. Oh, okay. Great doing eight points of piercing damage
Starting point is 00:31:42 Plus d4 doing one point of lightning. Okay. It seems to take a little bit of damage again. And Bart, you have another arrow pointed right at your stomach. You got two of them. So then in that case, it seems like based on his word choice, what I'm doing is it's only the lightning damage that's taking effect. Probably.
Starting point is 00:32:01 So if I burst it. I don't know where that comes into the equation. Go for it. Do it. It seems seems like you're gonna do it either way well i need that's technically the end of my attack unless i pulled out action search now i'd leave it there all right i'll let the magic boys handle this so do i not end up taking any damage no okay is uh am i opening myself up to multiple attacks of opportunity if i try to get away from these guys? Yes, they are all within melee range. You would open yourself up to three attacks of opportunity. Is it worth it? No.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Do it, do it, do it, do it. I'm going to run away! No, no, no. I'm going to do several backflips out of this situation. Why are you adding checks to this? Make me three athletics checks. You got it! Wait, do you get to roll?
Starting point is 00:32:46 What about your belt? Aw man, it's been a while since Kyborg's been a total idiot in an episode. Woo! What about your belt? Are you, does your belt activate? Yeah, you're sick tricks. You can't talk to him, you're on the other side of the- Oh no, no, no!
Starting point is 00:32:57 One, 18, and 11, but I'm gonna roll a lucky. You're using a lucky for a back flip roll? Yeah, I gotta get out of there. Oh wait, yeah, okay. It was a lucky. You're using a lucky for a backflip roll? Yeah, I got to get out of there. Oh, wait. Yeah. Okay. It was a 1 and 18 and an 11. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:33:10 Not good. Okay. Yeah. You, you know, unleash your electric arcane energy into one of the amnesias and decide to make a tactical repositioning in order to increase your odds of doing damage to them. So in order to do so, you do a tactical backflip, but you immediately do a backflip onto some thorns, which pierce your hands and cause you to crumple onto the ground.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Prone. And all three Amnesia seize on the opportunity to take a tactical opportunity on you. If you loved listening to the show, you really should take it to the next level uh follow us at stinky dragon pod on twitter and instagram or join us on the stinky dragon subreddit there you can join in on ongoing delightful discussions about the show including fan art memes polls and more plus if you tag us on social media using hashtag stinky dragon pod or post on the subreddit
Starting point is 00:34:02 you could have an npc named after you in an upcoming episode would you like some examples of that mud's brother clay bramble crack is named after at major clay alfie the purple furred furbulg was named after at alfie kerns 2 maximus pendle gwyn the snaggletooth giant is named after at the max penguin sneko the snuggly aladile is named after at it's a chipmunk named after their gecko. Vat Bundlesby the Religious Frode named after At-Vat-V-Ben. Torethor the Fast Talking Terra Shell is named after At-Torethor. Duh. Algeroc the Spirit of Stones is named after At-Jason-Alger.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Amphibolus the Spirit of Water is named after At-Mmm-Belissa. Genisoyl the Spirit of Earth is named after At-Active Genesis. You see all those? You could have your name up there too. You could be immortalized in the pantheon of NPCs of Tales from the Stinky Dragon. Also want to give a notable shout out to some folks that submitted magical items.
Starting point is 00:34:55 At the Chasmic Cage, submitted Waste of Space Cumberbund that Torthor the Terrashell bought at the auction. At Gifaruni, submitted the Elixir of Undying Affection that GumGum bought. Over on the subreddit, user DNeves submitted drink ideas
Starting point is 00:35:08 that the party drank on the Bramble Boat. Lady Batman 2, aka Christine R, submitted the boots of kicking that Kyborg bought and he loves so much. SirBean18 submitted
Starting point is 00:35:17 the cupcake of hunger that GumGum bought. And NerdLevel18 submitted monster sphere that Mud bought. We want to also give a special thanks to some friends who provided voiceover for characters in the previous episode. Clay Bramblecrack is voiced by Alfredo Divas.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Dr. Ahem is voiced by Micah Reisinger, who's our very own writer, editor, composer. Sump is voiced by Brian Garr. And Bunko slash Bezler is voiced by Christian Young. It's official. The first soundtrack album for Tales from the Stinky Dragon is now available for listening on all your favorite
Starting point is 00:35:47 music streaming platforms. This is all the music from the first story arc includes the Stinky Dragon show theme song by Colomar McGinnis at NiceViolinBoy on Twitter and eight other tracks of music,
Starting point is 00:35:57 themes, songs written by Micah Reisinger, including the folksy tune His Name is Mud. We all know that one. We hope you all enjoy listening to the album, using it in your own D&D sessions, sharing it with your friends. Stay tuned for other
Starting point is 00:36:07 soundtrack albums released in the future. September has us extremely excited. That's making us feel extra generous. Rooster Teeth is offering our biggest discount ever on one-year first memberships. We're dropping the price by $15, which means you can now have a year of first for $45. This is just in time to watch gems like Uno Infinite, Survive Block Island Meltdown, and the Ruby Ice Queendom dubbed episodes. This great deal will also last through the celebration of our 20th anniversary in 2023, where we have lots of fun surprises planned.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It's a limited time offer, so take advantage now. Go to roosterteeth.com slash sign up. Use code FIRST45, that's code FIRST and the number four and the number five, to sign up for one year of first membership for a crazy low price. Oh man, I can't wait to tell people about how Kyborg died. I'm also so glad that your bottle was capped when you did that.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Blaine laughing, he knocked his mic over. It hit his cup of iced coffee. And that's why I screamed because I thought you were about to spill it all on yourself. That's similar from what Kyborg just did. Hey, if you die, you already avenged your family. I was going to say, my arc's over. You guys don't need me anymore. I'm so glad we didn't have to tell his mom about how he died. Does a 12 hit you?
Starting point is 00:37:20 No. Okay, so only two of them hit you. Oh. That was not as good of news as you were hoping. Oh. Wait, I am lucky though, so couldn't I roll to make them re-roll? Yes. You could make two of them, the two that did hit you, you could make them re-roll, but
Starting point is 00:37:35 because you failed your athletics check, you're prone and they have advantage on the attack. No, no, no. Ha ha! Ah! Hold! What is it? The lucky feat is even more No, no, no. Ha ha! Ah! Hold. What is it? The lucky feat is even more cheaty than you thought
Starting point is 00:37:50 because you have three luck points per long rest whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw. Or when an attack roll is made against you, you can spend one roll to roll an additional d20 and you choose which die to use. You choose. So if they rolled on advantage and I made them roll one more d20 and you choose which die to use You choose! So if they rolled on advantage and I made them roll one more I get to choose which one! Gotcha, okay
Starting point is 00:38:10 AHH HA HA HA! AHH! Oh god Oh my god AHH I ROLLED LUCKY! Reroll! I already have such a headache today from the pressure of the rain Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:21 It's like ahhh Okay so you wanna make one of them or both of them reroll? Both of them. And then I want to know what their three rolls were each. So hold on. I need to... Their first rolls had already hit, so I didn't roll their advantage.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So I'm going to do that first. So the first one has a 12. I'm sorry, so that's a 17. The second one has a 13, which is an 18. So are they adding... That's their attack? Oh, I was rolling their wait Yes, their attack roll. You know when you roll with your bow and you have a modifier you add on to it Yes, but what are their three initial rolls? There are three initial attack rolls. That's what I'm saying. 17, 18 and...
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, so one of them doesn't matter cuz it missed. Okay. Okay. He's gone. So it's a 17 and a 12 for the first one. Okay, so he of them doesn't matter because it missed. Okay, okay. He's gone. It's a 17 and a 12 for the first one. Okay, so he's gone. 12. No, no. They have advantage, so 17. Yeah, but I'm lucky.
Starting point is 00:39:12 If he's lucky, he's choosing the 12. Oh, you can choose the die. That's what it says in the lucky feed. Oh, I see. Okay. And the second one was a 13 and a 10, which is an 18 and a 15. I choose the 15. Does that not hit?
Starting point is 00:39:24 No, it's because I'm an AC 16. So you can choose which die for both of them. Yes. Whoa, that's super I mean, technically, he could also roll another dice for each of them and choose that one if he wants, but he's already got choices on both of them that make it so they miss, so he doesn't even need to roll the dice. The lucky feat is for me to make
Starting point is 00:39:40 them roll again, and then of the rolls that they've made, I get to choose which one. Okay, then. All three miss. So all all three of them miss despite the fact you're prone with a boo-boo in your hand because you're up you i'm like putting this down on the ground going oh my plan worked exactly okay we're gonna get a lot of emails and comments about that also by the way did not get out of melee range because you failed that first athletics check so you're still like five feet away from them i think it's very poetic that kyborg has the lucky feet because i think you're also the one
Starting point is 00:40:16 that's gotten like close to death the most probably it's all part of my strategy he's very risky bart you're up then after you is mud is he when he shoots from afar what's the status of everything now there are three that are currently engaged attacking the party there's one in the middle of town that gum gum had been attacking and then there's the one on the far end of town that gum gum teleported to and is currently attacking you're still grappled with by one yes okay could I cast dissonant whispers well you're currently grappled yeah uh so you're unable to cast any type of spell i can't cast even now what is what does grapples restrictions cause because like what like is dissonant whispers a vocal command spell only it's verbal so could i not speak yes you would be able to cast without a um without a check okay in
Starting point is 00:41:02 that case hey pretty mama let me whisper in your ear. I want to dissonant whisper this guy. The one that you're inside of. I want to try to see what the ear might be on this creature and then cast dissonant whispers on it. The one grappling on me. Just draw an ear on it with your finger. I'll cast minor illusion to make an ear
Starting point is 00:41:22 and then whisper in it. Hey, pretty mama, let me whisper in it hey pretty mama let me whisper in your ear i'm serious we just need a bart album but like it's just like covers of all these yeah really crude songs yeah okay so it needs to make a wisdom saving throw and your spell save dc is 15 so it needs to make a dc 15 wisdom saving throw sure it does and i i am casting this at the fourth level. Okay. Actually, I'll do it. It's wisdom modifiers minus one. So it needs a 16 or better. Two. All right. So I'm gonna guess that does not hit. No, no, it fails. It's safe. Okay. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:57 the dissonant whispers takes full effect. So roll your psychic damage. Yeah, and I'm gonna do it at the third level. That'll be 5d6. And that is a 18. Damage? 18 damage. How much damage do these little... Dead little jellyfish? We are befuddling Gus today. No, I have a lot of things I'm double checking.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm also curious because this is psychic damage, so I don't know. Do they got brains? I mean, you can't see. So what do you whisper into its ear? Hey, little mama, let me whisper in your ear. I got something that I like to hear. Yeah, I forgot the rest of the lyrics. Got a sissy body in your head, something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:29 The amnesia begins writhing around in pain at the awful things you're whispering into its ear. And you see it transforming itself into different members of your party. Oh, oh! For a brief second, it looks like mud. It looks like cyborg. Then it turns into a yellowish, semi-transparent version of Bart. Does it actually, like, look exactly like the party members? It looks exactly like you, except kind of semi-transparent and ooze-like and smells
Starting point is 00:42:55 bad. It smells like cabbage and eggs. Then it turns into Bart, then explodes into thousands of tiny little oozy pieces. That's messy. Do these pieces seem to still be, like, moving at all? Or is this just, like, it's inert? into thousands of tiny little oozy pieces. That's messy. Do these pieces seem to still be like moving at all or is this just like it's inert? No, it falls into the water and does not seem to pop back out.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Okay. Tell me if I do my bursting arrow. Bart is like covered in probably little pieces of this thing and like wipes it from underneath his eyes and goes like yuck. Dracks. That's the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Anything else you can do, Bart?
Starting point is 00:43:27 And then... You're free now. I am free now. Isn't throwing performance a bonus? So you would need to perform for one minute. So that is not a bonus? No. So that would take ten rounds. I can drag it out for ten rounds. I got you. Well, I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:43:43 do as a bonus action my bardic inspiration towards Kyborg. The real contributor to this fight. Yeah, so you will get an extra 1d10. Just so you guys know what I look like, I'm going to show you. Take a picture of this for our social. Are you acknowledging my d10? Thank you for the d10. I'm going to need that d10.
Starting point is 00:44:03 This is where I look. What is he doing? He's face down, like in the T posing. He's planking on the floor. But with his arms outstretched. Yeah, that's what Kyborg's doing in the mud right now. What do you say to inspire Kyborg? I say, your butt looks great, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:19 That's America's butt. That's Everwinter's butt. He gives you a little thumbs up. Have you been squatting? All right, is that it for you, Bart? Yeah. All right, a witcher's butt. He gives you a little thumbs up. Have you been squatting? Alright, is that it for you, Bart? Yeah. Alright, Mud, you're up. Then after Mud, back to the top with Gum Gum. Alright, so there's two that are on top
Starting point is 00:44:34 of Kyborg? Correct, because one of them exploded. I cast Wither and Bloom on those two amnesias. Wither and Bloom. Wither and Bloom. Wither and bloom. Ten foot radius sphere centered on a point within range. Each creature of your choice in that area must
Starting point is 00:44:49 make a constitution saving throw, taking necrotic damage if they fail on a failed save or if they get half damage on a successful one. You're not damaged at all, are you, Kyborg? Not at health point. I'm 100% great. Oh, Bart is?
Starting point is 00:45:08 How far is Bart from the pile of kyborg? Bart's in the middle of it all because all three of the amnesias were all... All right, then I'll do it centered on all of them. Bart, on the other hand, gets to roll 4d6 of healing damage. Healing, not damage, healing. Yeah. Healing, 4d6.
Starting point is 00:45:25 No, that's not how it works. Do you have hit dice still? I believe so. Because we rested. You can roll hit dice to regain HP. You can roll up to 4 of them if you wanted. What are my... Yours is a d8, I believe.
Starting point is 00:45:41 It's what you roll for HP every time you level. Okay, so I can roll up to four of those? Yeah. For just healing, depending on how much you're hurt. I guess I'll just do two of them. Does it matter if I do all four? Then you wouldn't be able to use them in a short rest to regain health until you do a long rest to reset them all.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Gotcha. I'll just do two D8s. Go for it. And these other two need to make a save. Constitution 17. Constitution 17. Constitution 17. Thank you. Nice.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I got 12 back. Yay. I healed and I'm going to hurt. Constitution is plus two. So I need a 15 or better. Oh, they both fail. Nice. Taking 15 points of necrotic damage.
Starting point is 00:46:19 15 points of necrotic damage each. Yeah. Both of the remaining amnusias ride around in agony near the party. Kind of looks like they damage each. Yeah, both of the remaining amnusias writhe around in agony near the party. Kind of looks like they're dancing. Oh, dude! What else you got, Mud? Oh, actually, it's with the healing you get to roll your hit dice
Starting point is 00:46:33 plus your spellcasting modifier. So you could have taken even more healing if you needed it. I'm okay. Cool. I now only have... I'm 80 out of 85. Well, you could probably add whatever...
Starting point is 00:46:44 I bet your spellcasting modifier is at least five, so you could probably be at full health. Might as well. Might as well. Your spellcasting modifier is plus three for Bart. Oh, okay, so three. That would be it for Mud, who is going to start walking.
Starting point is 00:46:59 How far to the one that Gum Gum originally fought? The one that he originally fought is kind of in the middle of the village. So from where you are, it's a 70 feet or so, maybe? Okay. What's mine? If you begin walking in that direction, you will provoke attacks of opportunity
Starting point is 00:47:18 from the amnesias that are still near you. Oh, I'm that close to them? Oh, okay. Because they're kind of between you and the rest of the village, so you will have to walk pretty much right between them and right by them to get. I can't go around them at all? Mm-mm. Because, again, you're like on these narrow, it's not like wide open terrain. You're on these kind of very funneled walkways, kind of like piers out over the water.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Okay. Then that's it for mud. Okay. Now we are at Gum Gum, then they're going to all act, and then after them is Kiteboard. Gum Gum, you're up. Okay. So I teleported to the far side away from, like, on the opposite side.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Correct. Okay, how far away is the group of everyone fighting? About 150 feet. 150 feet, okay. I'm going to use my Rainbringer staff. Oh, real fast. So the party's about 150 feet away, but there is that one you were originally fighting
Starting point is 00:48:02 who is by himself in the middle, about, say, 70, 80 feet away. Okay. Use the longbow of gum gum. So I'm, and I'm on the far side of the one that's got his brother, Clay. Yeah, that's how you wanted it, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And so I'm going to, with my Rainbringer staff, use that cast Thunder Wave. Smart. And push that one towards the center of everyone else. Hopefully. Is she more enemy than I am? I will summon lightning. Smart. And push that one towards the center of everyone else. Hopefully. Machine more enemies, I guess. Ehh, I will summon lightning.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Technically thunder. Thunder. Thunder. So it's like it creates a wave of force and the creatures in front of you, which is in a 15 foot cube, so it's only this Amnesia. With clay. With clay. Needs to make a conscious saving throw.
Starting point is 00:48:43 If it fails, it takes thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. Yeah. If it saves successfully, it takes half damage and is not pushed. So what's the save? The save. I know it's a little weird for you because you're not... Yeah. It doesn't have it readily written on your...
Starting point is 00:48:56 Constitution 12. Okay. It has a plus two to constitution, so it needs a 10 or better. Oh, two. So no, it fails. Yay. All right. So then that will do 2d8 2d8 thunder damage so that's 13
Starting point is 00:49:09 okay 13 points okay and it gets pushed 10 feet away right 10 yeah towards the center of everyone else okay yeah it seems like uh the amnusia I keep wanting to call them flumes, I hate you, Chris, gets pushed 10 feet further down on a bridge across, closer into the center of town. And then I, with my offhand bonus attack, I'll grab my Javelin of Lightning and throw it towards that one that was 70 feet away.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Oh, wow. Okay. Where did you get a Javelin of Lightning? I've had it. I don't remember you getting that. Yeah. I think it was in one of our cave thingies with those random chests. No, no, it was, I bought it whenever, no, it was a gift whenever we got the gift after beating the Walrus Village area.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Oh, okay. New Valros? Yeah. They're very sensitive about what they're called. The Walrus Village. Close. That's a slur. I've basically forgotten almost every single time
Starting point is 00:50:03 we get items or we go shopping to add them to my inventory. So I'm embarrassed to say that I don't think I probably have half my items in my inventory. So if anybody's going to be like, why hasn't John used that thing? He's like, it's probably not even in here. Like, if anybody has a good, if anybody wants a project on the subreddit and wants to tell me what items I should have, man, I'd be so happy. Has anyone been taking thorough notes while listening to this podcast? So I'm going to throw out that one, which should hit the
Starting point is 00:50:27 other one. Lightning should be in its path because they're within five feet. So you hurl it and it transforms into a bolt of lightning, forming a line five feet wide that extends from you to the target. And each creature in the line, excluding you and the target, makes a dexterity saving throw and takes lightning damage.
Starting point is 00:50:44 So you're throwing it to try to get the one closest to you hit by the lightning damage, is that correct? Okay. And I assumed I couldn't reach all the way to the far one. Correct. The range is 120 feet and they are further away. Yeah, so I'm hitting that middle one. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:50:59 So first let's deal with that. So make your attack roll against the one that's in the middle. Okay. So I'm gonna roll d20 uh that's a 25 25 so yeah so that's just to verify you throw the the jab it does hit what does that do does it do just normal javelin plus so it it does eight plus my rage which is 11 plus the lightning thing yeah it takes damage from the javelin plus 4d6 lightning, which is the same as the other one. Okay, so your javelin
Starting point is 00:51:28 damage was 8 plus 3, 11. Is that correct? Yeah, 11. Okay, so 11 points of piercing damage on the one in the middle. Now roll your 4d6 lightning damage for the one that got hit with the javelin and the one that's holding clay. Yeah, that's 13. 13 points of
Starting point is 00:51:43 lightning damage. The one in the middle of the village seems frozen in place and getting electrocuted. The one closest to you sees the lightning bolt coming and with seemingly superhuman reflexes, dodges out of the way and takes half that damage, correct? Yeah. So it would just take, I guess, six or seven. Yeah. It gets a little sizzled, but it is still up and it is still holding on to clay. Remember the episode of Pokemon where Ash is fighting someone in a gym and they throw
Starting point is 00:52:11 out like a Bellsprout. He's like, what's this Bellsprout going to do? But that Bellsprout just ends up being like the master thing at dodging stuff and it just fires out the Pokemon. Exactly what I just had in my head when this little thing dodged your little thing. Sorry, that was a long story. Hi, everybody. Welcome to Staky Dragon.
Starting point is 00:52:26 What else you got? That's it. That's it? Okay. Don't you have a power that you can... He's on the other side of the village. You can't talk to him. I can't teleport because I used my bonus action to throw my javelin.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Hey, go, go! You're also face down in the mud. Face down in the mud or on the mud? Okay, it's their turn. Let's see. There's two of them by the party do your worst one of them in the middle and one of them by gum gum we'll deal with the two by the party first yeah they're gonna take attacks on kyborg because he's like face down you mean the the aggressor that's just lying on the floor in front of them they're gonna go for him the first one has advantage it rolls a 15 and a two they're just attacking your butt oh are you well i'm lucky that's like your last one isn't it yes okay so that's that's the two
Starting point is 00:53:19 which misses our first battle of the entire, like, day. The second one also attacks with an 8 and 11, which is a 13 and a 16. He matched my AC. So that hits. Okay, so that one does hit. I was imagining me just, like, moving my body, like, a couple inches here and there to just miss these attacks. And that
Starting point is 00:53:40 does 9 points of bludgeoning damage. I will take your 9 points. You will also make a strength saving throw. About to be grappled. You also have that plus ten. Don't forget. Or the d10, rather. Sorry. That's on rolls he does. Alright, so I'm doing a... I think he could do it for a saving throw, though. Strength. Yeah, that
Starting point is 00:53:55 would be a roll he did. Strength saving throw. That's a thirteen plus moves a d10. D10. Yeah, yeah. If you want to use it. I do want to use it. I'd use it on a thirteen. Yeah. Plus 9. 21! It tries to wrap itself around you and grapple you,
Starting point is 00:54:12 but you manage to evade. You roll around on the ground. No, no, no. It reaches for me, and I clasp my butt cheeks, and I have eight scrap guns. He's getting credit carded by Amnesia. Thank you, Bart. You got it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:54:27 We'll deal with the one that Gum Gum has. The one by Gum Gum, I should say. I don't know why. I can't stop picturing these as just giant floating jellyfish. That's more like the flump. See, you've got flump in your mind, too. What do these actually look like? Like just gelatinous slimes.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Right, exactly. Like no features or anything? Correct. I'm thinking about the dirty bubble from SpongeBob. I'm thinking like if you took a Jell-O snack pack and flipped it upside down. Okay. Just to be clear, they are like a yellow slime. And they also smell really bad.
Starting point is 00:55:00 We should try to remember too that these things could morph into us and probably other people and creatures so we need to be weary. The one by Gum Gum is going to get back up in his face and attack him. That hits AC 18. It does 12 points of bludgeoning damage on you Gum Gum but your raging city takes six. Okay. From the party's perspective, you all see Gum-Gum run up to you guys and rejoin the party. Oh, that's weird. Oh, that's good. Whenever that one hits me,
Starting point is 00:55:32 can I use my unstable backlash and activate my rage thing on it? Sure. It's a one. Shadowy tendrils lash around you, each creature of your choice. You can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a constitution saving throw
Starting point is 00:55:43 or take 1d12 necrotic. I also gain 1d12 temporary hit points. So how many of them are within that range? There's just one. There's just the one that's holding clay. Okay. I'm going to roll. Roll your 1d12 necrotic damage. 10. Alright. And then you also get Roll your temp HP. 1d12 plus
Starting point is 00:56:00 your barbarian level in temp HP. Should I re-roll it or just use that 10? It looks like a re-roll. It doesn't say you gain that yeah oh 12 plus 10 22 22 temp hp yeah so uh the necrotic tendrils lash out slicing up the amnesia that's holding clay uh and it falls to pieces back into the marsh below dumping clay onto the pier in front of you. Cool. And then from the party's perspective, like I said, you see Gum-Gum run back towards you guys from the village. He says, hey guys. Gum-Gum?
Starting point is 00:56:32 You look a little different. No, I don't. Gumbo is squirming in my arms and doesn't like the smell of Gum-Gum. All right, that's their turn. Kyborg, you're up. Oh, already? Okay, so we've got-
Starting point is 00:56:44 Then after Kyborg's bark, the step one. We've got Gum-Gum, quotation marks, you're up. Oh, already? Okay, so we've got... Then after Kyborg's bark. We've got Gum Gum, quotation marks, that just appeared. And then what else do we have in our area? Two of the Amnesias. Okay, what's the action of me getting out of the ground? What does that look like? We'll say as a bonus action, you can just stand up. I stand up!
Starting point is 00:57:04 I rise from the mud. Ben just pointed out that these creatures have a higher intelligence than Gum Gum. Wait, what's your intelligence? Four. So bad. Wow. I'm smart, Gum Gum.
Starting point is 00:57:20 So, uh... Two plus two is four. Whoa! Hey, you learned something new! Kill it! It's not him! It's unnatural! All right, I shoot whichever one is closest to me. I shoot the one that actually landed a hit on the last one.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Okay, that's this one right here. Okay, you make your attack roll at it. With disadvantage, I'm assuming. Yeah, I was about to say with disadvantage. I gotcha, I gotcha. Here we go, 19. a hit on the last one okay that's this one right here okay you make your attack roll at it with disadvantage i was about to say with disadvantage i gotcha i gotcha here we go 19. that hits all right and then i do seven points of damage plus seven points of piercing damage correct i'm so sorry and then i do uh one point of uh lightning damage from the dragon yeah it does not seem happy about that lightning damage at all. But it is still standing. It reminded me
Starting point is 00:58:08 again, how far is he from like everything else? I know I'm within 10 feet. He didn't mention the piercing damage doing. He's saying it probably didn't do anything. Yeah. How far away is what? Like how far away is Bart and Mud? They're right next to you. Can I just explode them
Starting point is 00:58:24 guys, please? It's only a little bit of force damage. I've answered this question three times now. I will not be answering it again. So, how many NPCs are around? Revenge of the DM. Oh, you know what? Actually, because I used my bonus action to stand up, I'm gonna shoot at
Starting point is 00:58:42 him again. Just another attack. Okay. Because I have a second attack. So shoot my longbow triumph. Same one. Yace at disadvantage. Ooh, 13. That does not hit. Farts. I also don't know if it would have mattered if it's an arrow. I have lucky feet. Oh, wait. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Not anymore. Okay. Well, so I missed that shot. Hey, man. You missed a shot if you don't take it. Well, heck, I guess I get it. Action surge! I'm taking an extra roll. Sorry, Bart. Well, so I missed that shot. Hey, man, you missed a shot if you don't take it. Well, heck, I guess I got it. Action surge! Uh, I'm taking an extra roll. Sorry, Bart. Sorry, Bart, I cut you off.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I'm in it. Uh, I shoot at that one again. This is the verbal version of just slamming a door in someone's face. 20. That hits. 12 points of piercing damage. This is doing nothing. Four points of lightning damage.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It sizzles a little bit and you see a little bit of smoke coming off the top of the amnesia that's because that's a bursting arrow kaboom 2d6 force damage for everyone that's 10 feet around me in this or this thing do it five points five points of force damage. Let me in mud. Mud, take it. And myself. That's right. I am with you.
Starting point is 00:59:48 You just exploded yourself. The one that you had been hitting that you just sizzled, the force like blows it apart. Nice. Worse. Splash zone. Oh, Gum Gum hurt. Oh, fake Gum Gum?
Starting point is 01:00:01 Why do you call fake Gum Gum? That one's still alive? Yeah. Okay. Well, then now I... Well, I would aim at that one, but I think he's further away. I'm going to shoot at the other one now, because I have one final attack because of action surge. Action surge.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Okay. I shoot my long-goat triumphant him. Not gum gum, but the other one. The other one. Because you would never shoot your friend gum gum. I'll shoot that one in a second. 28 and 17, so 17. That hits.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Doing. Ah, yes. That that one in a second. 28 and 17, so 17. That hits. Doing. Ah, yes. That many points of piercing damage. Six points of piercing damage? Yes. But more importantly, two points of lightning damage. Oh, perfect. Uh, it fizzles and falls apart. Ha ha! Love when a plan
Starting point is 01:00:39 comes together. I love it when a plan comes together. Hey guys, we killed them all. We won. Alright! Yay. We saved. We won. Alright! Yay. We saved Clay, guys. Yay! Let's get back on the boat. Okay. Yeah, let's get out of here. Wait, why does it want to get on the boat?
Starting point is 01:00:55 Why does it want to get on the boat? Where does it want to go? Wait, why is it... You're not there. Let's get out of here. Guys, I think I'm with GumGum on this one. Why are we still in attack order? What's going on here? Bart, it's your turn. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Do I know this is a fake GumGum? It smells worse than GumGum normally smells. Like, could I see that it's slightly transparent? Yeah, it's also semi-transparent. You saw the one. I saw it, yeah. You had a close look at the one that was going through a bunch of different people. Really quick.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Is he a melee attack of me? Fake GumGum? was gonna move but if it's not they're all you're all like bunched up yeah go ahead sorry bart oh it's all good it's important information to know yeah i could draw him out by moving i i hate to do the same thing twice but i'm just i could i cast a snit whispers yeah if it works yeah i'm gonna i'll do that again um that's gum gum but i know it's big you're trying to imposter my best friend. And for that, you shall pay. Yeah, Bart would really know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So I need to make a wisdom save, DC 15. My wisdom save is minus one. So I need a 16 or better. That's a three. So no. Okay. All right. I will do damage on you.
Starting point is 01:02:03 That is a 24. Hey, you are my friend, Bart. And fake gum gum explodes into yellowish ooze. Real friends don't try to stick on me. Wait. No notes. Bart's still covered in the slime. He's really, it's affecting his charisma and
Starting point is 01:02:26 his ability to think just because he needs a shower real bad. That was real gum gum. It just explodes. Gum gum always smells great so I knew this was the fake one. Real gum gum does not like cabbage. Right. He's a carnivore. So they're all gone.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Yeah they're all gone. Grab up Clay and take him to the party? Yeah. Found your brother. Clay's ruddy fur appears paler and his caramel eyes look dilated as they stare fixedly out into space. Wow. Some of his color starts to come back into his fur and his eyes flutter for a moment. What?
Starting point is 01:02:58 What happened? Where am I? We're at the bayou. Well, we had a mighty battle and everything went according to my plan. A battle? With who? What were those things called? Oh, yes, they're called amnesias.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Oh. Big gooey things. Amnesias. Yeah, there was five amnesias that attacked us and one got a good hold of you. I've taken to calling them bubble butts, though. Yeah. Do you know what these are? Amnesias? Yeah us in one go. I've taken to calling them bubble butts, though. Do you know what these are? Amnesias?
Starting point is 01:03:29 They are bad. They started appearing. And something... I think we lost them. How about I try a cheeky little... Slap to the face. No. Where'd this spell go? Did I get
Starting point is 01:03:46 rid of it? I think I got tired of not healing you guys, so I got rid of all my healing spells. I have some healing spells. You want to try a little something something? Yeah. See if we can fix that noggin? Could I cast Cure Wounds? Yeah. On Clay? Sure. Do you need to roll healing on that?
Starting point is 01:04:01 That would be 12 points of healing. Oh, thank you you i feel really strong full of vigor bart uh then gives him a little gentle slap across the face and go all right tell us what you know clay whoa whoa whoa wait where were we going what were we doing we were fighting jerry's amnesias bubble butts oh but what should we have been doing are we supposed to go somewhere oh god oh no how do we bring him back does anybody else have any spells for
Starting point is 01:04:32 fixing memory or anything I could jump really high okay uh Clay is there a local doctor because I feel like guys uh they've encountered these before because everybody went running. So they might have developed some sort of cure for him. I'm not bubble butts.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Anujas. Anujas. I'm sorry. I'm forgetting. It's like amnesia, but new. Yeah, it's their attack. It's affecting me even. I think we should see if we have a, there's like a local doctor.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Clay, is there like a local doctor? Doctor? Oh, maybe at my house. I think someone can help me there. Let's go. we should see if we have a, as he has, there's like a local doctor. Clay, is there like a local doctor? Doctor? Oh. Maybe at my house. I think someone can help me there. Let's go to your house. Let's go to your house. I think that might have been what we were supposed to be doing in the first place. Do you know how to get to your house, buddy? It's on the other end of town.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Out east. At the Bramble Castle. Have you been there, Mud? Yes, the castle. Yes. So you should be able to take us there too. Yeah. I'll totally guide us. I'll spin in a circle until he tells... No, stop it. Okay. Y'all make your way east
Starting point is 01:05:34 along a wood plank path, all the while your view is filled with a towering citadel of spires built upon what looks to be several foundations of earth, rock, and vines. Eventually you reach the bottom of the earthen foundation, and from here it looks like the citadel is several hundred feet above you, sitting atop this massive hill of brambles and soil.
Starting point is 01:05:52 You don't spot any stairs or trails leading up to the citadel. All you see is a mural etched into the thorny soil before you, and it appears to be rows and rows of faces. A mural of faces? Yeah. Everyone go ahead and roll a perception check. Okay. Also, did the town come out and hail us as heroes?
Starting point is 01:06:08 They were all hiding and watching you guys from slightly opened windows. I rolled a 16. I rolled a 6. I only rolled a 10. What did I roll a 4? I part. Gum Gum and Kyborg, you get a little too close to the brambles and both of you prick your nose on thorns. Oh. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:06:23 You got little nosebleeds going on. Taking 80 points of damage. Would you say the bramble cracked the skin? Uh, mud. He didn't even acknowledge it. Yeah, but Micah gave me finger guns, so that's all that matters. Micah, uh, Micah. Oh, golly.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Mud, you're looking and it seems like the faces appear to be that of furbolgs. Many, many furry-faced furbolgs. And all the brambles seem to connect all of the faces. Bart, something about your bardic background gives you a little more insight. You study the faces a bit further in spot two that look familiar, like mud and clay. Is it like a family tree? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Gotta be. Can we see if there's any other faces? No, that's about it. You already rolled a perception check. Bart points to it and goes, Hey, Mud, when was that etched into there? That looks really nice. It doesn't look like you at all anymore. Oh, time has not been kind to you, huh?
Starting point is 01:07:15 Is Mud's little statue face, is his mouth open? It's etched. Yeah, is his little mouth open? Sure, why not? Okay. I stick my hand in and go. Yeah, is his little mouth opened? Sure, why not? Okay, I stick my hand in and go,
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah, you prick yourself on the thorns. You take one point of damage. It's my metal arm. Oh, okay, okay. No, I'll take the damage. I'll take it. So wait, so we're looking at the citadel. There's no path up to the citadel,
Starting point is 01:07:41 but we're staring at this mural that's etched into the ground, into a wall. It's like a big dirt wall covered in brambles. Big dirt wall covered in brambles with a bunch of faces etched into it. At least your two faces that we could see. There's many faces, but Bart recognizes mud and clay. Okay. Do you think that we need to press these in an order?
Starting point is 01:08:01 Clay, is there any chance you know what this wall is here for or if there's a way to get past it to get up to the hill? Clay scratches his head and says, this seems familiar. I think I've been here before. You have been. This is the way to your house. Oh, do I live up here? Yes, you do. It looks nice. I love this game.
Starting point is 01:08:20 So you don't recall is this our family? Is this our family mural like, mural or something? Did you have to Photoshop me in because I wasn't there? He seems a little distracted. He's staring at the blood on Kyborg's finger. It's a boo-boo. He takes a step back.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Oh, keep that away from me. They both have amnesia. Blood? Does he not like blood? I stick my finger up at him and go, there. Oh, no. He turns around and vomits. Oh, God. Could I cast? Do you not like blood? I stick my finger up at him and go, Oh, no. He turns around and vomits. Could I cast...
Starting point is 01:08:48 Do you not like fingers or blood? What's the thing here? Hey, it's helpful to know everyone's triggers, you know. I can't stand the sight of blood. Okay. Noted. So it's all covered in brambles? Yes. Can I cast Gust and try to blow a lot of the brambles away?
Starting point is 01:09:06 Yeah. And can I cast Gust? You seize the air and compel to create one of the following effects. Harmless sensory effect, or I can create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is neither held nor carried. Weighs no more than five pounds. The object is pushed ten feet away from you. It isn't pushed with enough force to cause damage. But it's a cantrip, so I could just keep casting a bunch of gust.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Yeah. Can I airbend this thing? And the brambles all move in the wind, but they seem to be like they're planted into the dirt wall. They're not just ancillary. They're part of the wall. They can't be blown away off of it. What if I start a fire?
Starting point is 01:09:41 What if you just hack it away with your sword? All right. I bring out my Everybody here who's got sharpie weapons can do a little bit of some trimming. This is all like a beautiful mural. Wait, but then like, I guess I'm just not
Starting point is 01:09:55 understanding what the brambles are. Do they look like they're overgrown or they're incorporated into the art? Incorporated into the mural. That I didn't get. I thought they were covering art. No, no, no. They're all in the dirt wall, a part of it. Are they in particular, the order of the faces? It's like, how many are there and what?
Starting point is 01:10:10 There's many, many faces. You don't know any of them other than you recognize Clay and Mud. Does Mud recognize any of them? Like if this is potentially his family, wouldn't he be able to recognize? You would think. Make a history check, Mud. Don't worry, guys. I'm a plus four in history
Starting point is 01:10:25 19 yeah you recognize uh some faces now that you know bart pointed out that your face and clay's face are on there you do recognize uh some of the faces you recognize uh lord lomish lady sandra and other uh family members i go up and touch my face all right you reach out with your hand and touch your face and the brambles prick at your finger, causing you to bleed a little bit. And as that happens, the brambles crackle as they recoil and an embankment of soil crumbles to
Starting point is 01:10:53 the ground, revealing a pitch black puddle. Cool. Why didn't it do it when I did that? Blood door. It needed a blood sacrifice from the owner of the face. It needed some good blood. Oh, I'm not pure. You're calling me a mudblood? No, I'm saying... You're racist.
Starting point is 01:11:09 No, I would say he's a mudblood. That's pretty good. That's too clever for Gum Gum. No, it's simple as shit. We killed the wrong one! Intelligence is too high! Kill it! Bart goes up and sniff gum gum.
Starting point is 01:11:29 All right, he still smells good. All right, good. He's good. Let's go in that hole. Yeah, nothing bad could ever happen. As you enter, the soil and thorns behind you take shape once again, forming a wall with another crack, leaving you in sheer darkness. Dark vision.
Starting point is 01:11:40 A few seconds later, a bright light shines across your faces, blurring your vision for a moment. Ah, my darkvision! It's like a flashbang going off. Your eyes adjust to the radiance to reveal a palatial hall with loamy soil floors beneath your feet and vine-colored tree branches sprawling along the ceilings. The room is furnished with mossy rugs, firefly-filled chandeliers, and a central, pristine pond
Starting point is 01:12:05 topped with glowing lily pads. As you look around the room, you spot a panoramic window with a view of the whole of Wither Veins. Babayu, Morbane, and Crokemeyer far below you all. A familiar gray-furred furbolg is meticulously cleaning the window. You recognize Sump from the Bramble ship. Welcome home, Prince Mud and Master Clay! So good to see you and your eccentric friends once again
Starting point is 01:12:27 Can I take any coats, cloaks, or armor? How about a beverage or a light snack? I'll take all the above Alright I'll take a nice Americano Wait, is this Bart just disrobes everything? Yeah Bart gets down to his skivvies and just hands it all out?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yep, and then opens his mouth ready to eat. Just a baby. Splendid. I'll take a snacky. Snacky and a drinky. Two snackies and two drinkies. Ba ba womp ba ba. Also, do you have a medic? Yeah, I think Clay might need
Starting point is 01:13:00 some care. Oh, uh, perhaps you would all like to sit down in the parlor and unwind when i bring you some food and drink yeah really quick before you do that what can you tell us about those big yellow uh goo creatures they're called amnesias amnesias well i don't know if you would know that or not i know i what is it what's an amnesia or did they plague you guys like town a lot i believe the npcs had exclaimed they were amnesia, so I think you would know it. Oh, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Oh, yes, dreadful creatures. Seems they have been coming around a lot more lately. Oh, well, Clay got hit with an amnesia, so he's a little loopy right now. Oh, Master Clay, have a seat, all of you. Sit, I'll bring fruit and drink shortly. Bart hops on one of the chairs and he lets his little feet dangle. He is holding your clothes, Bart. Would you care for these to be laundered?
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yes, please. And if you could use a dryer sheet, that'd be appreciated. They get really staticky. All right. I sit down and I'm still holding Clay, so he sits down in my lap. Okay. Is he like a puppet? If y'all want, you can toggle a short rest here.
Starting point is 01:14:04 All right, so let's clarify. Our short rests, you can toggle a short rest here. Oh, nice. All right, so let's clarify. Our short rests, how long are they? We'll say about an hour. An hour. Sump comes back out with food and drink. He has a special drink for you, Mud. He's got some dirt coffee and Salt Lick sandwiches for you.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Nothing special about that. That's just normal coffee. Yeah. He knows that you like it and brings snacks and drinks for everyone. Then, you know, after about an hour, your clothes come back. It seems very, very quick, Bart. And they are in pristine shape. How do they smell?
Starting point is 01:14:31 Not like cabbage. They smell like peat. Peat? Yeah, like fresh dirt after a rain. And they're all nice and warm, right? Because they just came out of the dry. Oh, yeah. Nice, real super warm.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Best feeling ever. As Sump is bringing back your clothing, Clay kind of sits up a bit in Gum-Gum's lap and looks at Sump. Sump, where is mother and father? Oh, of course, how silly of me. You'd be wanting to see them straight away, just up the stairs, Lady Sandra's
Starting point is 01:14:58 with your father in the chambers. She hasn't left his side for one moment. What's wrong with him? Oh yeah, he's dying. Yeah, he's dying. That's why we're here. That's got to be the end part character. Sorry, that amnesia.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Did get grappled. I did get grappled. Yeah. Yeah, I guess we all would just head up. Yeah. You all climb a spiraling stack of soil stairs for what seems like several minutes until you reach a landing platform with three sets of large doors made of willow wood. They're each uniquely
Starting point is 01:15:28 monogrammed with brambles. To the left reads CB, to the right is MB, and in the center a pair of doors labeled SB and LB. Clay reaches for the central doors and turns to Mud. Are you ready, big brother? Uh, sure. Wait, is he still in my, am I still carrying him? No, y'all walked up. At this point he's stood up.
Starting point is 01:15:43 He's feeling a bit better. Right before the doors open, I hand Mud a tissue. The doors swing wide, and inside you find a freckled female furbolg with peach fur sitting next to a king-sized bed, blanketed with silky green sheets. She turns to face you with tear-filled turquoise eyes. Mud, you... you came back? Lady Sandra stands, rushes over, and throws her arms around you. Oh, my boy. My fearless furbolg bug, but what have you done with your hair?
Starting point is 01:16:09 It's not a phase. Well, it's actually quite fetching. I'm not sure what your father... Her head drops and turns to the bed. Buried beneath the silky green sheets, you see a husky furball with faded chestnut fur. His eyes are wide open with a black expression across his face. You can talk to him. Soos seems to think your father
Starting point is 01:16:30 can still hear us. Is our doctor named Soos? You recalled that name. Oh, no. We can't do that. He's a bad man. It's spelled differently. Okay. S-U-S-E. Do I see the doctor in the room? No. Can I introduce myself to Lady Sandra? Sure. Okay. Oh, okay. S-U-S-E. Do I see the doctor in the room? No.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh. Can I introduce myself to Lady Sandra? Sure. Okay. Oh, are these your eccentric friends I've heard about? Wait there. I keep calling you guys eccentric. Eccentric is right.
Starting point is 01:16:56 What does that mean? Bart straightens a bow tie that he's not wearing. I bow before Lady Sandra and say, you've raised a good boy. Mud's a great friend of ours and a hero in many lands. You should be proud of him. We've always been proud of our oldest boy, Mud. She turns her attention back to Mud. Surely you remember Soos.
Starting point is 01:17:14 It hasn't been that long, has it? You used to follow her all around Bramble Castle. Never left her side, it seems. She taught you everything you know about the natural world and druidic arts, much to your father's chagrin. Is any of this ringing a bell? Question. Metagaming here.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Are the brother, mother, and father character of Mud all going to have Scottish accents? It depends on if we get some VO people to try them. Either that or Mud's been lying to us this whole time. You've been faking an accent? Like a weird college kid that just got away from his parents? I just didn't like how I sounded like from the bayou. Oh, no! He wanted to seem more mysterious and eccentric.
Starting point is 01:17:54 He's not French Cajun. He's Scottish Cajun. Scottish Cajun. You hear a voice from behind you ask, Does this jog your memory? And suddenly, grassy vines and weeds burst from the ground, wrapping all around the furniture in the room. Then a frosty shard
Starting point is 01:18:10 of ice whizzes past your head, shattering into a nearby wall in a thousand pieces. And you hear a faint wisp flutter behind you. A shroud of mist dissipates to reveal a dainty, wrinkled, shrimp-like humanoid in flaxen-colored robes standing at your waist. She slaps your butt. Well, aren't you gonna slap your mentor's butt back?
Starting point is 01:18:38 There's a dude with a coma right there. What are you doing? Whoa, what was that? I guess this is Dr. Seuss. Shaman Seuss. Shaman Seuss. You remember. There it is. Slap her butt. Shaman? I think it's Shaman. Slap her butt. Shaman Seuss. She wanted to ask
Starting point is 01:18:54 her to do it. I slap that back. Find out what that butt slap means in the next episode of Tales from the Stinky Dragon. I slap Gum Gum's butt. I'm in the spirit. I don't care that the episode's ended. I slap his-Gum's butt. I'm in so much spirit. I don't care that the episode's ended. I slapped his butt. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I slapped back. All right. I present my butt to Bart. Bart, your turn. Slap my butt. Bart just looks at it and admires it instead. I tuck my butt away. I am uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah. That's everyone's butt. right well thanks for listening everybody we'll be back next time

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