Talking Simpsons - Talking Simpsons - King of the Hill With Andrew Jupin
Episode Date: June 26, 2019Grab a Powersauce and get climbing, as this week's podcast welcomes Andrew Jupin from the podcast We Hate Movies! Together, we explore Homer's disappointment at his health, the importance of six kinds... of apples, the brilliance of Brad & Neil, Abe Simpson eating a man, and so much more as we climb the Murderhorn! Listen now for the podcast with applesaucity!! Support this podcast and get dozens of bonus episodes by visiting and becoming a patron! This podcast is brought to you by the streaming network VRV: home to cartoons, anime, and so much more! Visit to sign up for your FREE 30-day trial and kick a little money back to your friends at the Talking Simpsons Network!
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I heartily endorse this event or product. Ahoy, ahoy, everybody. Welcome to Talking Simpsons, now nearly rectum-free.
I'm your host, the loaded-with-applesauce-icity Bob Mackie,
and this is our chronological exploration of The Simpsons.
Who else is here with me today?
Henry Gilbert, proudly sponsored by Butter Baby Flapjacks.
And who do we have on the line?
This is Andrew Jupin from We Hate Movies Season 9 fan still.
Excellent, excellent.
And today's episode is King of the Hill.
That's what I call breakneck speed.
Mom, a man just died.
Today's episode aired on May 3rd, 1998.
And as always, Henry will tell us what happened on this mythical day in real world history.
Oh, my God.
Oh, boy, Bobby.
Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman got married.
Spike Lee's He Got Game tops the box office. And Craig Kilbourne is eyed as a possible man to replace Tom Snyder on the late show.
So Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman still together, right?
If you, clearly you haven't seen before Sunset or after Sunset, well, one of those two, it's
pretty much Ethan Hawke just talking about his real divorce, but in character as that
But Tom Snyder is dead.
Craig Kilbourne, whereabouts unknown?
He appears every now and then on an ESPN thing.
I think he just wants to not be famous now.
I guess so.
It's funny that he was the first Daily Show guy,
but I guess he was known as the sportsman?
He was once a sportsman.
Yeah, he came off a sports center,
which that's kind of what they originally envisioned
the Daily Show as. So just wanted like a jokey guy who you know he could make just the
easy blowjob jokes with monica lewinsky and there you go and well i mean it was created by liz
winstead and i believe those two had some uh clashes uh behind the scenes that eventually
led to his exit but nobody remembers honestly pre-9-11 daily show doesn't exist in many people's minds that is
true it was just goofing on what like local interest stories basically they'd find like
weirdos yeah just be like oh so you replaced your teeth with rocks from your driveway i kind of want
to go back to that i kind of want to go back to that but uh yeah i was gonna chime in and just
say i don't know if i'm showing my age here but i very vividly remember the craig kilbourne daily show era unfortunately
to my own detriment i think henry and i both started there i mean it was a new company central
show we weren't not gonna watch it yeah we were losers like smithers watching comics
it was that and then a part of my zinger right afterwards well on his late show like he stayed
on for like three or four years and then just straight up left. That whole era, it was him and then Craig Ferguson?
Craig Ferguson aggressively replaced him.
From what I heard, he just cleared the board of most writers.
He's like, we're starting over here.
Craig Ferguson, he got a pretty good deal.
He had a deal kind of like Conan's.
If he didn't replace David Letterman, then he got a shitload of money.
So he got the best of both worlds.
He didn't have to do more work and got paid millions and millions of dollars.
Craig Kilburn, I just remember his last episode he had on like most of his old school buddies.
Because I think that's what he's most famous for now maybe.
Oh, the movie Old School.
He's like the jerk in Old School.
I forgot about that.
But today's guest is Andrew Jupin of the podcast We Hate Movies.
We are both huge fans and he is the third We Hate Movies member of the crew we've had on our show so far.
Hello, Andrew.
Hey, fellas. How you doing?
So, Andrew, we need to know about your relationship with The Simpsons first off.
Oh, my relationship with The Simpsons? Sure.
So, possibly like most folks my age, it was the cartoon in the late 80s, early 90s
that was like sort of,
I wasn't banned from watching it,
but my parents weren't entirely hip to it.
And so it was initially the thing
that you snuck watching,
when like my older cousin was babysitting.
That was the thing.
And then my love affair with the first,
I will generously say 10 seasons of that show sort of blossomed from there. And now it's a thing that, you know, when we internally, you know, when we're in the studio here on We people do. This isn't any sort of original explanation of my
relationship with the show, but that's
just sort of where it's at now.
It's a part of me
will probably accompany me
to my grave. Yeah, outside of
all of you guys being very funny, one of the reasons I wanted
you on the show is because you all speak
Simpsons like we do, so I know
they'd be perfect for the show.
It's the language of a lot
of podcasters. Absolutely. I think that comes with the territory. I think if you're not well-versed
in the Simpsons, then your podcast might not last too long. You might not be cut out for this
industry. So Andrew, because I've been listening to your show for, I guess, eight or nine years,
I know too much about all of you. And I believe
your dad was or is a cop. Is that true? Yeah, my dad has retired, been retired for a while now,
but he for his career was a special investigator with the New York State Police Department.
Well, was he not a fan of the Wiggum jokes? Is that why it was banned from your household? No, you know, I have, it's so
funny you say that. My dad, I have a very vivid memory of my dad. He's totally still with us,
by the way. It sounds like I'm talking in past tense here, but there's an episode. I don't
remember what episode it is, but the gag is Wiggum removes his belt and his gut just explodes out of
his pants. And it's one of like the hardest times
I've ever seen my father laughing, just like in tears, fucking laughing at this cartoon. And as
me and my two younger siblings got older, it eventually became totally fine. And my parents
would often, you know, walk through the room and it was on and it would be fine. But no, I don't
think my dad ever took offense to any Wiggum jokes. Good to hear. So you weren't taping it every day then,
I guess, because you can't like with that kind of embargo on the Simpsons in your house.
No, you know, we lived in a split level ranch, so it was easy enough to sneak the television
on downstairs before dinnertime or something like that and catch some Simpsons. So we didn't have to
like hunker down in the middle of the night with it on barely, you know, above mute or something like that.
Also, we're really, I'm doing a plug for you up front here. We're really lucky to get you on now
because you guys are so busy with a ton of touring this, this summer, you guys are doing it up.
Yeah, totally. Um, we just, we had a big sort of like spring tour, uh, In a few days, we leave for Chicago to do a show.
And I guess I'll just say it here on Talking Simpsons.
We haven't announced it yet.
But this fall, we're going to be doing a bigger West Coast thing also.
Nice. Yay.
I will be there.
Yeah, yeah, totally.
Including, actually, you guys in the Bay Area.
So look out for that.
Info TBA.
I'm looking forward to that.
That's awesome.
And yeah, this episode with King of the Hill,
it was a hard one for me to tell you about.
So we're going to do King of the Hill.
It's the power sauce one.
When you finally did say power sauce, though,
I did recall I had a memory of this episode being called like Homer the Mountain.
And I don't know if that's some like fucking Game of Thrones seeping into my brain or something.
Yeah, when I look at an episode guide, I'm like, what is this one?
And then I remember it's the power sauce one.
So, yeah, it's a John Schwarzwalder episode.
So it's a mix of old timey stuff and then topical references.
Right. episode so it's a mix of old timey stuff and then topical references right yeah this is conceptually
a very weird episode and also like in pacing too this i think has the longest third act in simpsons
history it's it's 10 minutes it's a full 10 minutes it's like a mini movie yeah the way it's
structured which is very strange like it's more often a very long first act that gets up to nine minutes.
But instead, the first two commercial breaks come like five minutes in.
It is an oddly paced one, though.
Really, I actually like where they cut for commercials in both cases are really good jokes to go out on.
And that's a difficult art of finding the right time to leave on a joke
and uh yeah this episode i i it really captures late 90s commercialism too of like it shows how
the show is like growing in its pop culture commentary because power sauce they wouldn't
have made a joke about it in like 91 but by 98 these type of fake health bars really existed
yeah it feels like they've always been with us, but I guess they were a slightly newer product back then.
I guess marketed in a different way.
I very specifically remember my first introduction to them
was pretty much exactly around this time.
I have an uncle who at the time was a big cyclist,
so he was so into the whole power bar cra craze thing and it was like it was actually
he was almost like homer to the extent that there was a period of time where it seemed like that was
all he was eating fifty dollars a day that's a lot homer gets up to there in the episode this
period of time i also remember there uh it was semi-popular these kind of like um calorie goos
oh yeah like a packet full of goo you would squirt
into your mouth because who has time for chewing i guess now that is sort of like what soylent is
oh except you're not running anywhere you're sitting on a computer and eating is not productive
uh this one episode had been on my mind a little lately because i am uh back on my diet and it's
no fun it's uh and i think this comes from the writers they always talk about how much
weight you gain that's why they uh writing on the show because you're just sitting all day and the
only fun you have is eating yeah before iphones we we would hear bill oakley say before iphones
they would just graze on candy all day because they had nothing else to do to kill time but god
that sounds like heaven uh well but then uh but then vacation comes and you're living in LA,
so you probably feel even fatter than you normally would. Just constantly a thin layer of sweat on
you. I mean, as somebody who recently lost a little bit of weight, the very depressing and
frustrating thing is that, of course, everyone has different metabolisms and lifestyles and stuff,
but it is as simple as having discipline and saying,
I've taken this many calories.
I need to burn more.
It's annoying that it's that simple.
I hate that.
Yeah, it's like there's no trick to it.
There's no magic apple bar you have to eat or anything like that.
In fact, you shouldn't eat apple bars.
Apples are a useless fruit.
I'm back on my Chobani kick.
It tells my brain I'm eating something,
but it's just like 100 calories. That's my whole thing is like, if you can just get over the
oral fixation, which I definitely have, both the eating and smoking. So it's like,
before we got on the air here, I just kind of pounded some cauliflower pretzels. So it's like,
all right, that's a thing.
You just ate a thing.
That's fine.
It's actually nothing, but you know.
My thing is just constantly drinking iced coffee all day.
But that's zero calories though, right?
The way you drink it.
You don't have any cream in it or whatever.
And all the vibrating I'm doing will burn even more calories.
Yeah, that's like a whole other set of problems.
Yeah, well, also this plot though comes
from them wanting to find uh mike scully talks about on the commentary they had done so many
homer loses weight or homer struggles with weight episodes they were trying to find a new
into it and i think they did find a pretty novel one yeah and uh this episode is fairly relevant
today because there was a recent news story about the cleaning of Mount Everest because all of these idiots tried to climb it and die.
And they cleaned up 24,000 pounds of garbage and they found four dead bodies.
And I guess at the time the most recent story is like a yuppie couple died climbing it or something like that.
Now, I don't want to sound cruel, but don't feel too bad for super rich people who decide to climb Mount Everest and don't make it.
No, not at all.
I don't either.
I feel bad for their loved ones, I guess.
They're very sad they lost.
But I mean, Everest, it's stupid tourism.
Go on a sex tour.
Why are you doing this Everest bullshit?
I mean, one of my greatest fears is dying in a stupid way because that's all anyone will ever remember yeah yeah i mean just to
have your corpse found by so i just don't want my corpse found in a sad way like yeah there was a
there was a story on npr recently too just speaking of everest it was around the time when they
uncovered all that trash and the bodies and this guy was talking about how one of the towns where the you know it's
like the the base or where you have to go to first before you can start your crazy ascent and the
permits that are issued they're fighting over like how many permits they issue annually and whether
or not they should scale that back but like just to get the permit to climb that mountain is like
fifteen thousand dollars wow yeah it's wild so when you think
about that it's like yeah all right if this mountain is just eating the rich i'm totally
fine with that wow i never thought of it like that uh it's our version of sacrifice except
it's voluntary on their part uh well let's get in the episode itself here. We start with our first McBain film in forever in the show.
Yeah, I believe they lost the rights to the name McBain because there was a real McBain movie.
And actually, maybe five years ago, Riff Trax did a riff of the McBain.
I think Christopher Walken is in it.
Is this the Gary Busey movie mcbain i think i think yeah it could be gary bucey uh
it's it's somebody of that caliber but it was maybe 92 or something where there was a mcbain
and they couldn't use the word mcbain anymore well it was the way they would tell it on the
commentaries it was like fear of a lawsuit even though right they probably win because they had
mcbain in their show before
the McBain movie came out. But I think they were just discouraged from it. It wasn't like they
lost a suit. But I mean, a cease and desist is scary enough. Yeah. I also think that Schwarzenegger
was starting to do comedies after that initial run of McBain parodies. And now at this point
in history, he's going back into action around that's what this time that's what this really reminded me of of eraser era arnold of like i'm back in
these movies i'm shooting people again especially the comment part makes that saying how ripped he
is because i thought people were really saying in the late 90s like you know arnold's getting
older but still a big man he still got it yeah Oh, just to clarify, by the way, I should
say, the movie I was thinking of,
so you guys were right, McBain is
a Chris Walken movie. Yeah, I think Ed Asner
too or something. Ernest Borgman, maybe.
In 1988, Busey
came out with a movie called Bulletproof
in where he plays a dude
named Frank McBain.
The movie is notable
for one reason,
and it's one of the funniest Gary Busey lines of all time.
Like he breaks into a warehouse or something.
And there's something about like a super tank
involved in this movie.
And someone says something like,
who's there or something like that.
And Gary Busey responds very quickly,
you're worse, not Mayor Butthorn.
And he calls a man Butthorn,
which is like the most absurd insult but i just remember
in the in the early days of we hate movies we sort of had this on the docket as something we
might want to check out but it's like so totally obscure but yeah frank mcbain his insult is
calling a man butthorn god i i swear to god i have seen the butthorn clip somewhere. That is a real Buseyism. I like it. I mean, it feels like a proto-Deadpool insult
of just like putting words together kind of thing.
So the last McBane movie they did was in A Star Is Burns,
but it wasn't really,
it was him doing the stand up against the brick wall.
Right, right.
Which is personally one of my all-time favorite uh mcbain gags i uh i always
remember the on top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies you stick mcbain
but but i think yeah it had been like since season four maybe or three of the last time they did a
straight on mcbain is an action film parody like wow that's
that's actually a surprising statistic that they went that long with it they would always refer
back to it like when rainier would be at uh say the kennedy or the quimby compound yeah and they'd
and they'd make fun of last action hero basically ticket my ass mcbain so he was still starring in those films but they
this is the first time they've just done a direct mcbain action movie parody scene
in uh in like six years so let's enjoy it in this first clip
mcbain to base under attack by commie Nazis.
They won't stop me from delivering these unicef pennies.
Go, pennies!
Help the puny children who need you.
Wow, McBain is really buffed up.
You could grate cheese on those abs.
Yeah, but can he do this?
I mean, Homer is naturally drawn to be pretty big,
but when they want him to be even bigger, they find fun things to do with him.
That's just like monstrously big and upsetting, though.
That's a very upsetting visual.
Stomach is a gelatinous material that he can just control at a whim.
It's so crazy the way it crunches and his pride at it while Bart is just disgusted. But this joke comes
not too long after the popcorn on the stomach joke thing, too. That's right. I got to think
eating off of your stomach was the hot thing in the Simpsons writers room in season nine.
They were just all appreciating each other like, you're eating off your stomach. Okay.
They did both jokes, the choking joke and the can crushing joke i guess homer's better at drinking off of his stomach
than eating off of his yeah which i mean that's a good uh that's pretty impressive balance actually
bart should be impressed instead of uh shuddering and yes the commie nazis i really love them it
feels like a great commentary on how in movies then especially the terrorist you face would always be very vague
and ahistorical like to not libel one country or one enemy but always with a british accent yeah
yeah well yeah that was the uh actually that was the villains in the new godzilla movie it was some
skinny british guy from game of thrones he's an eco-terrorist in it it gets away from any political
motivations but he's just he's a he's a snarky British guy.
He's like, I have all the monsters now.
And the UNICEF part of it too
also feels very Schwarzenegger
in that he'd have that kind of like
international partnership kind of thing.
I had never even really heard of UNICEF too much,
except for a Spider-Man comic
that was only published by giving money to UNICEF.
So I bought that one.
They weren't really doing this when I was a kid.
I think this was more from the writer's childhoods
where they would have things like Trick or Treat for UNICEF
where instead of collecting candy,
a little box, which I never received.
I know like March of Dimes,
back when coins have value.
These were important things.
Yeah, those pennies are useless
to wherever he's
dropping them on to it too but it's just such a i mean i so have always appreciated this joke
because i just love the notion of you know when you're in the mcdonald's or the bodega or whatever
and they have the you know donate a penny to unicef just the the notion that all they're doing
is taking the pennies and giving them to a country in need and
that's that's how the aid is being delivered is just so fucking funny yeah you're right just one
to one penny delivery and they just do what you will with these pennies but you know the important
thing is we got them to you it's just such a smart joke and now every action star has to be as buff
as mcbain slash schwarzenegger like not that action
stars of like the 80s weren't supposed to be like in good shape but like they didn't all have the
shot that's in every marvel movie of like here's the guy shirtless he got in really great shape for
this well that's what we were talking about i don't remember if we're talking about it on the
air on on we hate movies or just something we were kvetching about off the air. But just that notion that Chris Pratt's character
in the Guardians movies
needs to be ripped. If anything,
he should kind of be a schlubby
dude. He should be Chris Pratt
in those early seasons of
Parks and Rec.
It seems sort of antithetical to the character
that he's this super cut
guy. Let him just be schlubby.
That character would not have a personal trainer trainer he wouldn't be doing sit-ups on his ship ever like he'd right
yeah but that but you have to have the money shot of your movie yeah even paul rudd had to be
transformed in that way it just has to be done to all of them the changing ideas of what in shape
is it's fun to watch the movies over the times because if you look at the 50s and 60s and before men were so girdled up because all they would do is eat
steaks and drink whiskey and the one scene of them shirtless they were clearly sucking in their gut
the entire time it's it's just really fun to watch that's why i like you now like baldwin's the
shadow is that he does have a girdle on the whole time when he he does shirtless scenes but like he
looks like he's in a 50s movie with his belly button covered up in it or any kind of like later period john wayne
where like that shirt's hanging on by a thread oh yeah and most of his like words are just grunts
or he's he's propped up i i also love the hyperbole of jumping out of a plane while on fire
to break that guy's neck. And that he surrenders.
He's like, I surrender.
Not so fast.
Stamps his neck.
And Marge's little riff is funny.
But they have to shit on her.
I know.
We're all in dumping over Marge in this season.
Season nine is about crap.
I mean, it feels like a very childhood boy thing of just like, my mom's not funny.
You weren't funny.
We also get to that
Marge announces that it's picnic, the church picnic day. She reflects on that Homer is such
a glutton. He eats a bucket of chicken in church, which he didn't say. He reflects on that gluttony
would be a sin if God didn't want that, which that looks very ADR. There's a couple really ADR
lines in this one. I have to wonder what the original joke was. I just remember always being in church in school, going to Catholic school and just being hungry and just focusing on getting that little tiny piece of bread.
I feel like that's intentional. That's I'm fucking with your brain.
I don't care whose body it is.
That's so funny you say that because I feel that was true for a lot of us growing up.
As churchgoers
that thing of like all right just let me make it to the wafer like let me just get to that way like
we didn't even have it wasn't a piece of bread we had like the little like mass-produced wafer things
and that was all you had uh we had like we would do the mass and then we had to go to uh the sunday
school afterwards which was always awful and then
it was like you had to get through another hour before uh you know the possibility of going to
the diner would would rear its head and i remember there was always the the worst sundays were the
ones where you got the wafer and then you sat through sunday school and the the second your
parents came to pick you up they had already been to the diner oh we decided to have a parent's breakfast at the diner and like you fucking guys
you know where we were just sitting in for an hour it was Sunday school you know how abhorrent that
is yeah I mean a home I mean they're not even Catholic so they're not getting any kind of uh
Jesus snack yeah no nothing at all uh although as as an adult now, I don't begrudge parents for wanting to have a meal
without children for once.
But yeah, when they arrive at the picnic,
we get to see a cute little scene of the mafia
and the cops having a picnic as well,
which the mafia is just proudly like,
this is the mafia picnic.
And the designs on them in like their shorts
or him in like the white outfit it
really reminded me of uh you know godfather kind of design on fat tony there oh it's the clothes
are great it's definitely like yeah when in godfather 2 when they go to cuba or something
yeah the the mafia play wear is so great i love that their picnic is mostly just them sitting at
that table with uh martinis which is great and that that Wiggum's not that mad. He got shot at multiple times by the
mafia. They ruined their mustard. The joke's on them. It's a great animation on that mustard
explosion too. I like that shot. And then they arrive at the picnic. Homer parks on the baseball
field, which is a little similar to the joke in the last season where Homer
parked at the arrival at the pier
in My Brother's Sitter. Oh, you know, I thought
you were going to say, they do that joke
again in the episode
where, I believe it's where
it's when Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger
are on it at the beginning. Yeah, he parks
over at the beach. Yeah, that's
right. There are only so many
parking jokes you can do and they're doing
all of them i mean that well by a third it becomes a runner so now i'm not uh i'm not negative on the
repetition homer is in full-on food monster here just like stuffing his face not even recognizing
the reverend we get to see burns enjoying the picnic which is just looking at tv screens of
picnic things while sitting in his uh limousine and ralph and burns together again they uh the all right he's the devil at
the park by by burn would not be the first time burns ran down a boy with his car yes yeah go
back seven years i do like his stance of like you're not it that was funny i like it's such a
it's a nice little animation gag here too if i'm recalling
it right because they have the little um his air conditioning vent in the car has the little
strings so you can see that he's got the ac on oh yeah ralph ralph like pokes his head through
the sunroof so it's like a great burns like just wasting resources joke of like the ac on with the
windows open and and one of his tvs is just of ants
crawling over a chicken leg so it's like he's just getting all the picnic experiences on his television
that's another sliver reference for you kids not really but that's what his original uh wall of
monitors was he's still getting turned on by sliver i think yeah You're not.
The Simpsons will be right back.
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Did I mention that we care?
We're pushing past the max on this week's episode of Talking Simpsons.
And a big special thank you to our guest, Andrew Jupin, for coming on.
We are big fans of We Hate Movies here, and we're so happy to have our third WHM host on this show. Thanks again to AtJupin on Twitter
for showing up on this week's podcast.
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So as all that's going on, it's time to play capture the flag with the kids
run ladies pick first okay i choose todd oh oh oh over here over here um I'll take... Pick me! Nelson. Saving the best for last, huh, Bart?
Yeah, that must be it.
I picked my dad.
Do you want to play capture the flag, Daddy?
Sports on a Sunday.
Hmm, I better check with Reverend...
Oh, just play the damn game, Ned.
Yeah, well, you get a grown-up and so do we.
I picked my dad.
Him? Oh, you'd be surprised surprised he's pretty competitive when he's drinking
Come on dad. We're playing capture the flag. Sorry son daddy's down for the day
Why don't you go capture me some more potato salad, but rod picked his dad. It's a matter of family honor
Flanders is playing. Why didn't you say so?
It appears I will have to find a new fortress of solitude.
Zebra girl, of all things. That's such a weird comic.
I think, I mean, so we are all of the same age range. We're all coddled millennials who were handed trophies just for showing up i never experienced any of this
sort of uh team picking before i think they were trying to phase it out so we wouldn't feel bad
because i i mean we're podcasters we're all we're all of the last pick variety i think
uh i you know i recall in my neighborhood growing up i grew up in total suburb situation and we
actually did play capture the flag quite a bit we had some like wooded area
i lived at the uh you know on a cul-de-sac you know and uh there were several uh instances of
picking teams and stuff like that and uh yeah so some uh some days were harder than others as to
when you were selected in line but uh it's it's it's weird seeing i hadn't watched this episode
in a while and seeing uh someone just mentioning capture the flag sort of brought back all sorts of
little youth memories.
You know,
I definitely went through the getting picked last situation maybe a couple
times in gym,
but not,
I didn't do it a lot,
but that's also probably because I didn't want to compete in those things
very much.
So leave my,
once your pick last a couple of times,
you're like,
I don't think I want to do this anymore. In gym classes it was just like we'll let the numbers decide
count off by four that is the more like um respectful way to treat children but i love
the very realistic homer struggling to get up leaning against something that's a very real fat
guy animation there for sure it's also just, there's a lot of really great visual
gags here and I just love
the idea that they're at this church picnic
and not only is he passed out
from drinking and eating too much
but they just, they draw him without his shirt on
Yeah, I like that touch. Which is just so
it just makes that joke so much better
like you're that fucked up at a church
function but also your shirt
is off, like that's how fucked up you are church function but also your shirt is off like that's
how fucked up you are i just love it he's drunk he's hot he's probably got the meat sweats at
this point so uncomfortable in this shirt while being so meat sweaty and he's he's just resting
against a porta potty which is disgusting too yeah there's trees everywhere yeah i hadn't even
considered that and yeah poor uh comic book guy has to be the butt of the joke.
Though I think in the real world, comic book guy never leaves his house.
He wouldn't go to a picnic.
Well, I think also comic book guy, regardless of going outside, which I think you're right,
he probably would avoid a picnic situation.
He's definitely a dude that is only dropping trow at his home base.
Yeah, yeah.
There's a certain protocol that he has, probably.
You're making me think too much about it.
Wiping procedures, I want to say.
Yes, yeah.
It's another selling out love joy kind of joke of him saying,
damn, just play the damn game.
He's always frustrated with Flanders.
Yeah, yeah.
I also do like that Milhouse takes no offense
and can't tell that Bart is being sarcastic when he says, yeah, I must be.
If Milhouse was smarter, he'd be insulted.
So I guess in that way, he's lucky.
But yes, Capture the Flag has begun.
I have never played this game.
I knew the rules of it because there was a very long episode of Salute Your Shorts that was all a capture the flag game of Donkey Lips
beating the team.
That episode had a condom joke
in it. That's right!
There's a condom joke in
Salute Your Shorts? Yes, I believe
Donkey Lips says there's a balloon dispenser
in the bathroom at whatever rest stop
he stops at when he's doing the...
That's awesome. Yeah, it said that to me as a kid.
I know what that is.
I just remember,
the only line from it I remember
is Donkey Lip saying to Bud Nick,
he said,
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
And then Bud Nick replies,
if I was you, my clothes wouldn't fit.
And then walked away.
Well, Bud Nick does know the Terminator.
I would not get in his way.
Well, you know,
that show was...
I liked that show
as a kid but when i think back of like making fat jokes towards a actual overweight kid uh even
though even if they're a paid actor that just doesn't seem fair like i think i don't feel like
the kid really understands what they're agreeing to and they're making jokes at that their expense
but if they didn't make fat jokes about donkey, then it would be that he's like a disgusting slob
and just smells really bad.
He got a lot of work being that size.
I mean, he's still alive.
He's still with us, I think.
I remember him as like a MySpace rapper or something.
Oh, yeah.
He was 100% a MySpace rapper.
We were just talking about this recently.
We're always talking about
Donkey Lips and Budnick and the rest of the clan on
Salute Your Shirts, but we were doing
an episode on Dude, Where's My Car?
and Donkey Lips is definitely in that movie.
That's right.
He does a nude scene in it.
Not obscuring his genitals,
but he gets naked in the movie.
Yeah, he's totally in some
tighty-whities or something like that.
Which is very
brave of Michael Bauer. Yeah, I know
his name. Okay, I'm glad you said it.
I was feeling bad still calling him just Donkey.
I knew his name, but it was a shame to admit it.
Okay, I didn't remember it.
I believe Budnick was
Danny Cooksey. Oh, that's
right. Yeah, also played Montana Max.
This is now a Salute Your Shorts podcast.
There's only 20 episodes of that.
Danny Cooksey is like
a huge voice actor now.
Wow, still he's at it. I didn't know that.
Yeah, I think because it's...
Listen, if you can fall into that world,
you're fucking set.
You know what I mean?
I think he's transcended. It's like animation and video games.
So yeah,
he's doing just fine.
back to the Simpsons.
It's capture.
The flag is being played and Bart has a plan.
they've got a flag guarded.
Pretty good.
I agree.
Let's surrender.
I have a plan, but I'll need your under surrender. No, wait. I have a plan.
But I'll need your underpants.
All right, but don't lose them.
They're my only pair.
I got it! I got the flag!
Stupid kids.
This isn't the flag
It looks more like
Go dad
I like that they made the underwear gray
They're gray tighty whitey
I feel like there's something going on there
Well if it's his only pair
Then they would definitely
Have at least seen a lot of sweat
So just turn gray for that I do the opposite Well, if it's his only pair, then they would definitely have at least seen a lot of sweat.
So just turned gray from that.
I do the opposite of just, I own too many underwear because I bought, instead of doing laundry a few times, I was like, I could just buy more underwear.
Oh, yeah.
I've kind of done that myself a couple of times.
It's a dirtbag move.
I know.
And Homer is right. Those kids are stupid.
Turn around to see that the flag is still there.
It's right behind them.
How could Bart have taken it from them?
They're so dumb.
This gag reminds me of
have you guys ever seen the
Carl Reiner directed
John Candy
movie, Summer Rental.
A million years ago.
It's a totally underrated Candy movie.
And it's your classic slobs versus snobs situation
where Candy and his clan win a regatta
by hoisting his underpants up the mast of the ship
to get more wind power.
Oh, my God.
It's such a great joke.
Is that the Dan Aykroyd movie?
No, it's Candy, and I want to say Riptorn is in it.
Okay, yeah.
We were just talking about The Great Outdoors recently
because it was on HBO four times a day in 1989
for about eight months.
Well, King of the Hill had a big steak joke.
That's true.
That's where it came up.
I believe the bad guy in the movie, though, is Richard Crenna of First Blood fame.
Oh, wow.
That's a good casting.
Well, so Homer at a church picnic stripped nude from the waist down briefly to take his
underwear off. Consider that
in this situation.
I guess he's obscured from the children
because that's part of the hiding,
but that's really weird.
I do appreciate all of the merciless
tagging they're doing. He's trying to turn
feel a little too
relatable with Homer's exhaustion at running
when he wasn't ready for it.
But they make a good point on the commentary, too,
that Bart's distraction buys Homer several seconds.
Like that.
Not too much more than that.
Homer is having some trouble.
I don't think he can get up.
Let's egg him.
He's trying to turn over.
I love his helpless whimpering.
I love the pronouncement of trying to turn over.
He is like a turtle.
It's very sad. It just is like desperate, like, time out, time out.
But that's also a very real bully thing of a little kid bully realizing,
like, oh, even this adult is helpless?
There's no risk for this adult?
Okay, fuck them.
Let's light them up.
This is truly upsetting for me because what a waste of deviled eggs.
The kids are pelting them with all these deviled eggs,
which also, like, my God, the amount of deviled eggs at this church picnic.
Somebody made 70 of them.
Those are delicacies.
It's a nice extra layer to it, like, that he's getting egged with deviled eggs instead of just raw eggs.
Yep, exactly.
And just the way it gets in Homer, the way the first one hits Homer, like, right between the eyes.
It's so sad the way he just struggles.
It's one of his darkest moments, though.
Next season, I believe, is the panda love,
so not his darkest moment.
We got another year or so, I think, of our podcast.
That was the first commercial break, like that quick in it.
When they come back from the break,
Homer is reflecting on his weight loss,
and Marge is uh they i feel
like this is almost every season nine episode if they have to have at least one thing of
recognizing how long the show has been on and in this case it's marge going like
yeah i know you always try to lose weight nothing ever happens yeah and also just the
the sound of homer pushing his fat down to see the clock like that's really good
yeah i mean she did mention she says you're the one who puts butter in your coffee The sound of Homer pushing his fat down to see the clock, like that's really good foley.
Yeah, I mean, she did mention,
she says you're the one who puts butter in your coffee,
and that is a new sort of way to drink coffee.
Turbo coffee, man, I got to tell you, it's not too shabby.
I mean, what is butter if not just more cream, more condensed cream?
I drink my coffee black, but it sounds like it could be good.
Maybe not every day, butter in your coffee, but hey, as a treat.
Butter makes most things taste better.
So I get that.
It's just a big lump of dairy fat.
Man, I have not heard.
I am a no coffee guy, so I have not heard about this butter thing becoming true.
It's another.
Did the Simpsons predict it?
I mean, every weird food joke becomes reality.
If there's a joke about a food
being too excessive it will become real yeah on the simpsons that's actually in this episode in
like two minutes so that's true yeah but yeah so homer decides he wants to exercise at night
because he'd feel too much shame otherwise which that is how i feel about weight loss too it's
something like the last time i lost a bunch of weights,
the hardest thing for me to overcome and still is of like exercising in front
of other people.
Like it's just,
it's embarrassing.
You don't need to be overweight to feel embarrassed about exercising in front
of other people,
but it helps.
But it's,
but it really is like no fun.
It's hard to not feel judged in that case.
So like you but homer i guess for two
months doesn't sleep or he sleeps like three hours a night they don't explain that but i will say
that i also feel uh body shame and if you want to work out at the gym without that uh especially if
you work from home like us you can find the peak hours to go where only the elderly are there
and they are so out of it some of them it. Some of them can't even find their
way out of the building. I've talked about this.
They're just standing by the turnstile like,
I've seen this before.
Which is great because then
you're definitely showing up everyone
at that gym at that time. Yeah, it's like, I got 50
more years left, pops.
Well, this episode also
came out pre
Planet Fitness, right?
The Judgment Free Zone.
Yeah, and Curves is one of those too.
Curves is the one for ladies.
Oh, yeah, Curves.
Yeah, so Curves.
Or like a Lucille Roberts or something like that.
Homer does have a great joke right here when he's suiting up
and he's telling Santa's little helper not to tell anybody.
And the cat runs out of a bush
and he just says the line,
oh great, now the cat knows.
Oh God, it's so good.
There are a lot of really good little lines like that in this.
I did write that one down.
Yeah, oh great, now the cat knows.
And that Santa's little helper
actually gets some gags.
He's almost never written into the show.
They really forget about his existence most times. So I like
that they realized they could give him somebody for Homer to talk to instead of just saying it
out loud. And also the gag of just being dragged around by SLH is so funny that he's not helping
at all. And the poor, but that Sands little helper knows he's like, no, drag me back outside
now. And he dutifully does it. I hate that. That's the great joke though. It's like no drag me back outside now and he dutifully does it
i hate that that's the great joke though it's like he drags him in because homer collapses
but then it's like no no no take me back out he can't stand on his own but he'll he'll get back
to exercising i i hate when we play uh joke doctors on this show but the joke with the paper
setting homer he needed one more thing he It needed one more escalation, like a pallet of newspapers crushing him or something.
It felt weird when there's not a third joke in a string of jokes, it's just two. I feel
like, ah, something is missing here.
Yeah. Well, and also that guy wouldn't be delivering giant bushels one house after the
other. I hope somebody got fired for that blunder there. But also, I do like Homer talking to the picture and then him saying, like, no, the picture looked good where it was.
He considers just moving it.
But yes, Homer is doing, he finally gets the gumption to do some more night exercising.
And this is where he discovers the power of sauce.
So what will it be, Mr. Simpson? Your usual bucket of ice cream covered with miniature pies? power of sauce. Hey, these power sauce bars look pretty healthy. Oh, yes, that is a new item. No bar contains more applesauce.
A bushel of apples packed in each bar,
plus the secret ingredient that unleashes the awesome power of apples.
They picked the perfect fruit for the power sauce bars.
Power sauce is such a great concept because apple sauce it's it's like
the hyper masculine version of apple sauce which is seen as like a baby food like apple sauce is
for children that's true yeah and so they hyper masculine nice something like that is so funny
six kinds of apples and and also that the secret ingredient is the Chinese newspaper, I'm guessing.
I also just love, I mean, apples have so much sugar in them. So the notion that it's a bar crammed with so much apple,
but it's still supposed to be healthy for you is very funny.
Yeah, one of the shocking things you learn as an adult
is that things like juice is not good for you.
It's like healthy juice.
It's like like wait a minute
what are you doing soda was bad but if i can't turn to juice what do i do water that's when you
infuse that water sir you meo it yeah you just dangle a strawberry near it and then it's healthy
and what also the i love that it's not just ice cream, but a bucket of ice cream.
Like seven Ben & Jerry's things in one bucket.
I couldn't find ice cream with mini pies.
I know there is pie-flavored ice cream or ice cream with pie crust bits in it and things like that.
Ben & Jerry's has actually, on the Ben & Jerry's website, you can read the list.
It goes 15 times pies were put in Ben & Jerry's.
But that includes a lot of limited edition flavors.
But their biggest ones are apple pie, Boston cream pie.
But they are just like chunks.
They're not mini pies.
No, but it did make me also,
the visual gag when Apu holds it up.
Also, speaking of Ben & Jerry's,
just reminded me of the Vermonster, which
I feel like someday
I will try to tackle.
Wait, what is the Vermonster?
I need to ask about this. Oh, really? Oh my god, you guys.
So, do you have
a brick and mortar Ben and Jerry's
near you? We have a couple,
but I've never
seen specialty things there, no.
Oh, wow. So so at least on the east
coast if you go into a ben and jerry's uh they have a thing called the vermonster which is
literally a bucket that they put ice cream in and you know if you sit there and finish it i think
it's like a free t-shirt and a polaroid on a wall or something but it's literally that bucket that
apu is holding up of ice cream and they yeah they call it the vermonster
it melts halfway through at least and you just then you're just drinking that vermonster oh god
that's what those monster size sundaes always disgust me because i just think of them melting
like yep if you look at those lists of the most unhealthy things at any fast food place it's
always the uh the macchiato or whatever the the moulate, just a 2,000-calorie milkshake
that makes you think you're just having a coffee.
Oh, my morning coffee.
That is the secret of Starbucks.
It always has been, of tricking people
that their morning coffee is a milkshake.
I'm constantly in line behind people getting milkshakes.
Or the thing that sucks even worse
is the soy milk that they use at Starbucks.
It's very super
sugary and vanilla-y.
So it just makes everything taste like candy,
but you're sitting there like, well, at least it's soy
milk. I'm doing something. And it's actually
way worse than if you just got skim.
I'm not chewing. This must be healthy.
I like Apu's determinations of low
salt candy bars,
which, like most candy bars, don't have a lot of salt.
It does not make them healthy.
And mostly rectum-free jerky.
Beef jerky is a favorite of mine on the weight loss kick
because you just chew it for so long, it takes forever.
Yeah, your mouth gets tired and you eat less.
Yeah, you have like 200 calories,
but you feel like you've eaten like 800 calories just from wasting time eating this turkey leather, basically.
Homer, now inspired by the power sauce, heads to a certain establishment that definitely confuses him.
What's a gime?
Oh, a gime. What's a game? Oh A game
My it's gonna be sore in the morning
Excuse me, you're doing this station or backwards. Let me show you how to do it like a man
Rainier wolf castle. Oh, I love your movies and your power sauce bars in your taught rip
Hey, hey, hey, that's enough. I'll step over to the abdominator and I will shout slogans at you Push harder Go faster Max Reach over the top
Master your ass
Master your ass
Master your ass
That's a good one
Homer is literally in love with Wolfgang
He is really turned on by him
I mean who wouldn't be
No actually I'm not
Like all those muscles
It's just scary
I am attracted to men
But all those muscles I'm terrified by it.
Yeah, he's a bit too big.
But for a second in my first viewing of this as a kid,
I thought this episode's plot was Homer gets a famous friend.
Like, yeah.
Yeah, that would check out.
And honestly, can you imagine Rainier Wolfcastle, like, at the Simpsons' house?
Yeah, he would presumably have to move in for some reason, which was always a time-honoredle at the Simpsons' house? He would presumably have to move in for some reason,
which was always a time-honored tradition on the Simpsons.
I would love to see that.
Yeah, him being in this episode is just a sort of very, very minor thing,
despite being the action star that started off this episode.
Yeah, and he's the catalyst for Power Sauce.
He's the catalyst for him joining Power Sauce,
but because half the episode is the third act where he never appears,
you kind of forget what a key part of it McBain was to this episode.
He's like doing free personal training for Homer for two months.
Two months he's doing it.
I mean, he also just becomes the, I'm going to pump you up.
He just becomes it so easily.
So that, what's a Geim?
That might be my line of the episode.
Mine is coming up.
Mine is coming up.
I will say that I just, with Geim, that was one of the,
one of my earlier memories of like something seeping into uh uh just everyday use you know if you
drove by one or if you were mentioning one you know you would use the alternate uh the homer
pronunciation yeah it just enters your friend's lexicon of just like oh a guy oh you're going to
a guy that's so and just the way homer so satisfyingly goes like, oh, a guy.
Well, I was just reflecting on this joke recently because on the Conan podcast he had on Bill Hader, and they were just talking about how they enjoy The Simpsons.
And Conan says how he's watching it with his son now, who's like in his early teens.
And Conan saw this episode for the first time recently
really he was reflecting on what a funny joke guy was and it was just so so rare to hear like
you know once you leave a show i don't think writers on conan's level who are that busy
ever keep watching the show after you leave it yeah Yeah. So it was funny for it to hear him compliment the show like that,
but 20 years after the joke was made.
it's interesting that both,
you know,
cause the other show you just brought to my mind saying that,
you know,
here writers talking about still keeping up with it.
I think it's funny that both the Simpsons and another long running comedy
show SNL,
you have that thing where like these waves of writers who have come and
you know, can go back and analyze like what's going on with the show now and talking SNL, you have that thing where these waves of writers who have come and gone can
go back and analyze what's
going on with the show now and talking about the
writing, which is kind of interesting.
I'm in the camp of it's a
bummer that The Simpsons is still on,
but it's kind of cool to think that
Conan or one of these
like Max Tone Graham or one of these guys
could be watching it today
and sort of breaking down jokes
and thinking about story structure
from a thing that they helped totally build up.
Yeah, I mean, well, now the children of Simpsons writers
are writing episodes.
They really are.
Oh, is that true?
Yeah, I think Jeff Martin's daughter.
Jeff Martin's daughter, who is a professional comedy writer,
but she's...
It's not a favor to a Simpsons writer's child.
But she is co-writing it
with jeff martin yeah wow oh that's cool uh you know i think simpsons and they both become an
institution but also as an institution for at least some of their previous writers not all of
them they are welcoming them back and like they're like hey you want to sit in on a rewrite you want
it like on on snl people come back all the time like the
my favorite episodes of recent snl are the ones where john mulaney hosts because i think he just
writes like a third of the show or with his friends like getting getting on sketches he
couldn't get on when he was a lowly writer who wasn't famous you mentioned it before it's come
up before that with old simpsons writers they will have children and interviewers will say, oh, your kids must think you're so cool. And they'll always say, I've heard it like three or four times, no, they watch Bob's Burgers. They don't like The Simpsons.
Oh, that's too bad. Well, so then they do a very just like hard cut to two months later and Homer's in better shape.
He's in realistically better shape. Yeah. Yeah. Well this, okay. This is a key frustration to me in my life of losing weight
too. That like the thinnest I've been in the last 10 years, I still felt like I wasn't thin
and it just, it hurt my, uh, ability to really appreciate. I was like, I lost 80 pounds,
but I don't feel thin yet. Like though I definitely
felt better for sure. And I want to get back to that, that weight, but, uh, that's kind of where
Homer is into the, like, yeah, you work out for two months starting where Homer's at. You're not
skinny. Like you don't get there, but you do, you get results. Like you do get results.
And everybody hits that. Like Homer appears to have hit that plateau where like uh you know you lose a bunch of weight really quickly uh so you're thinking
you know it's like oh wow results and then it kind of like you plateau and you have to sort of
work past that which was always my thing of like but wait a second like that five pounds came off
super fast what are we doing you know which is why i'm just inevitably
back to not uh exercising in any capacity whatsoever not counting calories is fun because
you just eat what you want and uh never and you try not to think about uh your 50s at that point
right i know the muscle homer design is so weird like he has like popeye elbows like the little
points on his elbows
you know it's very weird that's great popeye you're right yeah that's always weirded me out
so when it cuts back to two months later it feels like it's missing a joke like homer says
i didn't even know what a dumbbell was and then thanks for the help rainier and then rainier goes
and that's it like it's really underplayed i don't know what's
what's happening there yeah it feels something definitely feels missing but yes homer is showing
off his new muscles handsome nice muscles care for a rub down well i'm flattered but spoken for
oh what the heck give me your number dad what have you done to your stomach and your chest and your shirt i have
been working out secretly at night and look at me now oh my goodness gracious go ahead try and
grab some flab go on no not there not there either over here i've got some. No, here. Try my foot.
No, not that foot.
Just feel my biceps.
What do you think, you old man?
No, son.
Damn right.
He's sort of like retired football player fit.
Yeah, yeah.
That's what I think.
Sorry, I was bummed rewatching this this morning. Cause I,
you know,
I always appreciate how,
open the show usually is to margin homers,
like continued attraction for one another and talking about their,
their sex lives and stuff.
And I,
I really thought this would have been a nice moment for Marge to have a
kind of,
kind of,
you know, looking at Homer
and it just sort of doesn't happen I don't know if that's because they're
in front of the kids or what but nowhere in this
episode before he starts
his journey you know do you get any
kind of like their sex life is improved
because of his working out situation
yeah I wanted to see that too I guess they don't
really want to give Marge anything in season
well they're about to have the sexy
sex episode in a couple weeks they know what's coming yeah but sorry but yes no i miss that when march has
a sex drive too like it kind of yeah yeah when they take that away from her it definitely feels
like they're they're writing their mom and they can't think of her as a full person. That's true.
As a sexual being.
Though then again, they probably aren't having sex just because
she would have noticed the increase in muscle mass in Homer in the last two months.
I can understand the kids not noticing, sure.
But with a spouse, how would they not see you naked at some point
and notice this stuff right yeah i guess maybe
the joke there is like they just so they don't pay attention to homer in that way nobody's really
that concerned with what he's doing or looking like unless he is acknowledging at first and i
love homer's talking to himself in the mirror because he's... He's going to cheat on himself? Yeah. Or cheat on Marge with himself?
It's very gay as well because it feels like he's playing a man in both situations.
And then he agrees to cheating.
He's like, you know what?
Yeah, give me your number.
I love that.
And his pronouncement of like, no, not that foot.
He has fat feet.
One skinny part of his body.
And yeah, Homer, I wonder how intentional it is that he's threatening Bart by holding him up by the back. that foot like he has fat feet one skinny part of his body and yeah homer i wonder if he how
intentional it is that he's threatening bart by holding him up by the bed it's like oh you thought
i was fat and sad now huh and so they come back to dinner and now homer is just like two fisting
power sauce bars and they are they are just eating piles of gray filth. Yes, yeah. Classic Simpsons move.
Yeah, they're back to the glop.
Well, and another classic Simpsons move
that director Stephen Dean Moore brings up on the commentary is
Homer daintily eats.
He has his fingers sticking out hearty style.
Like he eats on Boy Scouts in the Hood.
Like, it's lights.
Though David Silverman had left the show by this point,
but they were keeping the traditional line.
And he kind of finger acting, is all him. I love his finger twiddles they're just so fun but then homer homer like insults them to their face like he's like this is sloppy you're all fat and ugly
so mean and then he says that like you'll get more actually he's telling march he's not having
sex with her because she's not in good enough shape. That's right. Which is pretty awful. One of my favorite lines in this episode
is the beat between
the spaghetti bar and hospital, please.
somehow packing all the spaghetti into one bar and eating it
causes him to need to go to the hospital.
Five pounds of spaghetti dumped into your stomach
probably is... It's not moving
too fast in there.
Well, and that's another of my favorite
lines in this episode like when you concentrate food you unleash its awesome power i'm told
his little look back with his eyes and like i'm told uh and then he spent all that money on like
a bar making machine to just shove things into bar form i don't think i've ever tried that
if i saw them make food on the simpsons sometimes i'd try it but i never tried to shove spaghetti
into a bar well we live in the bay area where you can make any dumb tech thing and have people
invest in it like the juicero yes yeah we could make what is that the juicero is a thing that
would squeeze bags of juice that you would order separately.
So it was a machine built to squeeze proprietary bags of juice you would order.
Oh, wow.
Because the juice activates when squoze in.
And so if you just bought plain juice, it wouldn't have all the mega nutrients and everything.
But it would turn out that you could push it together with your hands and it would do
the same. Like you didn't need to buy an $800 machine. When you really care about someone,
you shout it from the mountaintops. So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance,
I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you.
Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs.
Weird, I don't remember saying that part.
Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care.
Did I mention that we care?
Yeah, I bet.
You know what?
We got to take, well, we got to get a good look first.
Because it's all about fooling them in the meeting.
But then we could sell them the bar machine that turns any food into the bar to unleash awesome power.
Oh, actually, you know what?
I have the full clip of the unleash awesome power.
I got to hear that quote.
Look at you people.
Bart's a tub.
Lisa's weak as a little girl.
And Maggie doesn't seem to be growing at all.
Now that's just not. You too, Marge. If you you toned up a little you'd probably get a lot more action
Homer stop insulting us and eat your filth food. I mean food. Sorry
I only eat food in bar form when you concentrate food you unleash its awesome power. I'm told
That's why I'm compressing five pounds of spaghetti into one handy mouth-sized
Hospital, please.
Hospital, please.
That is a good long pause there.
And some dialing.
Nice dialing.
He's just reacting to feeling it in hising. Yeah. Nice dialing. Landy's like, hmm. He's just reacting to feeling it in his stomach.
But yes, we return to the game, and that's when we get our big guest stars of this episode,
Brendan Fraser and Steve Weber.
The Steven Weber.
Of Wings?
Of Wings, yeah.
In the Shining TV movie?
He had just been in that a year before this came out, this episode.
You know, they shat on Wings so much.
He was a big man to come to The Simpsons.
I agree. I think he knew.
On the commentary, they're just glowing about
Brendan Fraser. Did they say anything about
Steven Weber? I forgot he was in this.
I don't think they do.
I don't think they say.
Brendan Fraser,
I think when this episode came out, he was
more famous than Steven Weber, but they were
close-ish. And then the next year, episode came out, he was more famous than Stephen Webber, but they were close-ish.
And then the next year, Mummy comes out
and he just leaves Webber in the dust.
I mean, Brendan Fraser seems like a pretty cool guy.
I think he was like in Brain Candy and Simpsons.
He has the comedy bona fides, at least.
Yeah, no, I've always thought is a is a funny guy it's just
funny because this is a a classic case of two simpsons guest actors where they i mean their
voices are just so nothing that i didn't realize who uh was voicing this the brad and neil characters
until i looked on imdb like hours after I had rewatched.
I didn't sit through the credits, and it was like,
oh, yeah, all right, yeah, Brendan Fraser and Steven Weber,
sure, I buy that.
Sometimes you get a really nice guest move
and you can pinpoint that voice,
and these two, it's just like vanilla town.
It is true, yeah.
I'm glad they weren't playing themselves,
but also they don't really have distinct voices.
Exactly, yeah.
And I do love that I think it's uh brendan fraser's character is drawn uh to have a ridiculous pony
too yeah yeah i andy has like a crystal necklace i like that yes totally no he seems to be more of
the belief like he of brad and neil i think brad uh invented it and ne Neil is the one who sells it.
Like, that's the vibe I get from those two.
And yeah, they said that Brendan was a big fan of The Simpsons 2 and wanted to be on it, and then Webber just, you know, he took it.
He was available.
So I looked into, like, what Steven Webber has been up to,
and I mean, after his giant failure sitcom sitcom cursed if you don't do anybody remembers
that cursed cursed i don't think so it was a must-see tv show that came in 2000 right when
it was like almost too late to do a new one of those and the first episode is him being cursed
by a gypsy or a you know romani i should say uh but he gets cursed and uh it's sort of a metaphysical show
where he just has bad luck in episodes but then by the fourth episode the show is renamed to the
steven weber show and they completely drop that premise like he has a line where he's he visits
the romani woman again and she's like i didn't put a curse on you it's not real forget it like
it's just so oh my god that's that's horrible oh i'm looking it up right now chris elliott
wendell pierce wow i i wanted to i checked it out at the time because i wanted to see chris
elliott's new thing it's not good it's not good the curse show has been put on his retooling
actually he was the star of the little known and little seen larry david movie sour grapes oh yeah
that's right what he did after seinfeld what's he gonna do next it's this movie called sour grapes
and stephen weber is the star and well now he's just been in supporting roles a lot like on ncis
he has some recurring guy this is actually when his voice acting career began around this wasn't
his first voice acting role he was actually on Extreme Ghostbusters around the same time as this show.
But he has a lot of voice acting credit since then.
Like he's, I think his biggest role that I saw recently was that on the Ultimate Spider-Man show, he voiced Norman Osborn slash the Green Goblin.
And he was on, before this, he was on Duckman.
Yeah, that's on Duckman.
Yeah, that's right.
All right.
I remember, though, we thought we were on the cusp of a Stephen Webber assance in the mid-aughts when that Aaron Sorkin Studio 60 on the Sunset
Strip show.
Oh, my God.
That's right.
And we were like, here is's Steven Weber's return to television
Here it comes and there it goes
I think that was the last time
they tried to make Steven Weber
a thing as a lead actor
like he
No, I totally remember that show
him being part of that
terrible, terrible show
That was a show that it was a
it was a stark night and day difference
between the pilot and the second episode.
I think if you isolated the pilot of that and you were like,
hey, here's this 50-minute Aaron Sorkin short film or something,
it would play.
Because I remember they did that thing where they aired the pilot
months before the show actually started.
And I just remember thinking,
wow, okay, cool,
this behind-the-scenes of SNL,
blah, blah, blah,
or an SNL-type show,
and then the fall-off
in the very next episode.
And it was funny because at the time,
if you remember,
that and 30 Rock came out at virtually the same time. That's right. And it was like because at the time, if you remember, that and 30 Rock came out at virtually
the same time. That's right. And it was
like, when the ads for 30 Rock, because it
was sort of like the second one to go,
it's like, oh yeah, okay.
This half hour comedy that's trying
to be Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
Okay. What are they thinking?
The thing I remember most from
Studio 60, other than their like um modern major general parody
song yeah is uh that the aaron sorkin guy in the show the writer who's clearly him he has a scene
in it where he basically brags about all of the women he slept with which i i think is aaron
sorkin really saying i slept with these women? Or you're supposed to assume that.
He names real celebrities, too.
Oh, yeah, and also that Brandon Fraser,
his biggest comeback right now is that he was on the
DC Universe original series, Doom Patrol.
He's Robot Man in that.
I've heard good things.
I didn't watch it.
There's honestly too many things right now. There are people that I've seen say that that's a good things. I didn't watch it. There's honestly too many things right now.
There are people that I've seen say that that's a good movie.
Or good television show, rather.
I just, yeah, you're right. There's too much.
I just kind of can't do it.
Brendan Fraser was also on that FX show that was also sort of the basis for,
was it the Ridley Scott movie?
Oh, yeah.
Where Kevin Spacey was replaced by Christopher Plummer.
All the money in the world.
Boy, it's sort of the it's him.
He's wearing like a cowboy hat on the show.
That's the only thing that people would tell you is good.
But, you know, who's watching?
I don't know.
I kind of also have a thing with Brendan Fraser.
You got to feel like the slightest bit of sympathy
because he's one of those like,
what happened to Brendan Fraser kind of guys.
And I guess like, and I only read this recently,
maybe he did an interview recently or something
where he was talking about how
with those three mummy movies,
like he fucked up his back so horribly.
He couldn't do things for a really long time.
And I had no idea.
And I felt so fucking bad for that guy long time and i had no idea and i felt so fucking
bad for that guy no he had a lot of health problems because that which is really too bad
like yeah and well because you also don't think of him as a guy who like when you imagine guys
who do their own stunts you don't think of him either so it's almost like thankless pain he went
through because nobody thinks of him as like a jackie chan style guy
who does all his own stunts yeah yeah there's a yeah the interview that uh was recently with him
he experienced some me too stuff he wasn't a me too perpetrator no no target of me oh that's right
oh i forgot about that yes he alleged that the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Agency had sexually assaulted him.
And that led to a blacklisting of him as well.
That's right.
In the late 2000s.
You guys just did G.I. Joe, actually.
And he has such a distracting cameo in that movie.
That is right, yeah.
But it's totally distracting because he's Brendan Fraser, for God's sake. You see him
in a role like that and you're like, alright, well that's
sticking around for the whole movie.
Brendan Fraser's here, cool. It's a
Stephen Sommers movie. They're mummy buddies.
It made total sense.
And it's literally like, it's less than
10 seconds. It's really unfortunate.
It just leaves you guessing the whole time.
That was back when we didn't know we
liked Channing Tatum and we were just
Channing Tatum.
but yes,
why don't we give a listen to Brad and Neil?
my man,
how you doing?
I thought you'd be here pumping those guns.
We've come up with a killer promotion for power sauce bars.
Picture this.
I love it.
Climb the highest mountain in Springfield.
The Murderhorn.
Are you crazy? That's suicide.
Oh, sure, for experienced mountain climbers.
But you're a movie star, and you'll have the power of Sausage.
Not for all the applesauce and glockenschlabel.
My dad could do it.
He eats $50 worth of power sauce bars a day.
Overshoot the extreme, max the envelope, and so on.
Wow, he's really been paying attention to our slogans.
Brad, a word?
New angle.
Joe Schlub eats power sauce bar, becomes world's mightiest man.
It's believable.
That's what I like about it.
Congratulations, sir.
You're going to be the first man to climb the murder horn.
I am.
No, that's it over there.
Yeah, that's it.
Just to the right of the one you're looking at.
Really good act break.
I love that.
Such a good joke.
I forgot that there was a third mountain,
and then I got excited when there was a third mountain watching it this morning.
That is one of the most ridiculous jokes in the series' entire history,
that a four-mile-high, more than four-mile-high mountain
is right outside of Springfield, and it always has been there.
I have to imagine one of those mountains is Forbidding Widow's Peak for Mr. Plow.
I bet you're right.
Oh my God, that mountain.
He's like, yeah, that's the one.
Just to the right of the one you're looking at.
And I just realized upon hearing these clips again that Homer never agrees to this.
Bart signs him up, and they're like, you you're doing this and he's just like okay well i like that it stays in touch with the core story
is that homer wants bart to be proud of him and now that pride has become too powerful and is
endangering homer's life i it keeps an emotional core in this episode around all the very silly
uh health and mountain climbing jokes and it's
kind of funny because it um my wife was pointing this out this morning when i had this on that
here we are in season nine you can sort of start to see some you know plot ideas kind of informing
these newer episodes like this is you know he's trying to impress bard or whatever so this is him
kind of jumping the gorge again uh like you guys have mentioned this is another him losing weight
situation and also this is like the the power sauce guys their angle is oh or the new angle
when when reindeer wolf castle uh turns them down their new angle is oh wow it's like an average joe
guy doing this which is the exact motivation of uh nasa when he
when he goes to space oh yeah you're right yeah it's uh it's this is when malaise can kind of set
in for a show even when it's still funny like this episode's really funny but you can see repeated
situations because there's there's only so many dramatic situations to put sitcom characters into.
And especially when you have the same comedy writers,
they're funny people,
but the same things are funny to them all the time.
It is funny that 20 years ago,
the characters were asking themselves,
haven't we done this?
Yeah, though once,
I think that's the danger that we'll see
as we go on with these seasons,
that if you ask that too much, you're making the audience ask that,
and they're going to start losing faith in you guys.
My in-canon explanation of that multiple mountain is that they did,
just last episode, move Springfield five miles down the road after the trash thing.
So maybe this is a new mountain compound behind i buy it i buy it
but yes we come back from break to the longest third act in the show's history half of the show
and um it wouldn't be a classic swartz welder thing if there was an old timey gags with abe
and this whole story of abe's is so funny it contains my line of the show okay well i just love that he
he instead of being spot he's sponsored by the power sauce of his time canned flapjacks i love
that in oil and in oil specifically in oil but let's give the line of the show jingle here before
we play it to uh this abe's story That's the joke.
Okay, mountain climbing supplies.
Rope, ice axe,
heart medicine.
John, don't go up that mountain.
You'll die up there, just like I did.
You did?
It was the winter of 28.
The Butter Baby Flapjack Company
sponsored me and a fella named McAllister.
We were almost to the top when we ran low on supplies.
Heroically, I gave him the last short stack.
Then that glory hog took all the supplies and headed for the top alone.
I fell 8,000 feet onto a pile of jagged rocks.
Of course, folks were tougher in those days.
I was jitterbugging that very night.
But that skunk McAllister was never seen again.
My line of the show is the cut from Grandpa falling in the past him saying i fell 8 000 feet
onto a pile of jacket rocks just that made me laugh so hard i 8 000 feet i also love homer's
reaction like you did and uh just about it i'm just up front saying i died on that mountain yes
god damn it that's very funny the whole the whole sequence and yeah though this
is uh when you first hear this gag you never think it's going to come back as something because you
just think like well this is a crazy ape lie yeah like right parts of this story were true which is
shocking in any way that it was at all true but god damn his story is so great i and one of my like favorite running gags on this show
is just like the whatever the exact age of abe simpson is you know the years in which he's doing
things as a full-grown adult uh i just love how they're they just flip-flop that all over
time basically if this happened in 1928 he has to be a hundred in
1998 yeah yeah exactly uh but uh well his his age is question mark as we've previously stabbed
god only knows god only knows that's right yeah uh but but homer is i also love the gag i only
caught it this time homer saying heart heart medicine. If someone needs heart medicine, they should not be climbing a mountain.
That's such a great little gag.
But Homer isn't afraid.
And he has a hat with ear flaps, so he knows he's going to be okay.
He's had several heart attacks, triple bypass surgery.
Or quadruple bypass?
No, triple.
Homer's triple bypass.
Though Marge classified it as a quadruple by the time she he went on the roller coaster
and he did have that uh massive heart attack uh at the end of little lisa slurry as well
yeah he's i mean homer's a death store at all times honestly the amount of exercise he did
should be impossible for his heart in the condition it's in. Right, exactly.
He should not be able to scale this.
He would have died the second night
of doing it.
Not a fun story.
But yes, Homer is
about to climb the mountain
and Power Sauce Bar is there.
And when he reaches the top,
Mr. Simpson here will plant this
Power Sauce flag as an eternal symbol of man's contempt for nature.
Wait, is contempt the word I want here?
Homer, you're the world's greatest hero.
Do you owe it all to power sauce?
That's right, Brad and Neil.
I only eat power sauce.
The bar with applesauce-icity.
Has anyone mentioned that Homer doesn't know anything about mountain climbing and that this is all crazy
Well, yes a number of people but don't worry. We're sending two Sherpas along as guides
Yeah, don't come on get him ship to me don't song took my sip. Oh
Goodbye, everyone. Don't touch my stuff. Dad. Wait, you're not risking your life just to impress me, are you?
Well, yeah.
Oh, cool.
Now get going.
Chop, chop.
Remember our agreement.
He can't fail.
So the Sherpas are speaking an actual language, correct?
I mean, they're being played by, I think, Harry and Dan.
They are.
Or Hank, I think, maybe.
Oh, yeah.
Harry, Hank.
But yeah, they went to the trouble of finding whatever language that is there, speaking and getting a translation.
They tell a funny story that they called producers on a movie that featured Sherpas.
And they were like, oh, we just made it up.
We got to call somebody else.
That's funny, actually, because I was wondering that today.
Is there an
actual thing here what are we saying they you know these these sherpas are quite a stereotype but
yeah i do appreciate that they went to the trouble of getting the real language like that that i do
like all right seemingly the real language I cannot confirm that to be true.
Sharper listeners, let us know.
I also like that Homer refers to them collectively as Brad and Neil.
He doesn't say, that's right, Brad.
He says, that's right, Brad and Neil.
I love Brad and Neil, actually.
By the end of this, I was like, they should have been the next Troy McClure.
These guys should have appeared in more stuff.
But I mean, you know, Brendan Fraser, especially,
not very available after 1998, I don't think.
And Steven Weber, about to star in Sour Grapes.
It is funny, though,
because they are sort of that nice,
like, inoffensive kind of character.
Like, they're just kind of sleazy enough,
but it's not terrible.
And you could see them sort of coming back
and there's another scam
or there's another shitty product
that they're hawking or something.
So that's a good point.
It could have been a nicer recurring gag.
They're not trying to kill Homer.
In fact, the deal is he doesn't die.
But their pitchman lines are so funny
and that works for...
Simpsons love to make fun of products
that don't need to exist
and they're aggressive pitch people. So Brad and Neil would really fit in. works for the Simpsons love to make fun of products that don't need to exist in their
aggressive pitch people. So, uh, Brad and Neil would really fit in, but yeah, they just, uh,
neither of the guys were that available. I forgot to mention, did you guys watch the shining that
he was in? I did not. Oh, I absolutely did. That was a hardcore, uh, taped off TV situation. I've
seen that movie multiple times. wow i as i recall stephen
king put pushed it as this is the better adaptation because it's truer to the book
yeah and what's kind of funny is you see uh why it's totally fine that kubrick strayed from the
source material uh when you're watching these fucking garbage. I don't remember if it was CGI.
I think it was these animatronic
hedge animals
sort of chasing down
Rebecca De Mornay and stuff like that.
It's not great,
but I think it's totally
fine. I was a big
king head in the 90s, so
I was sort of easily pleased, but
it's an okay Stephen King movie.
I remember the big source for me was Twofold,
because like I said, it was a big King head,
a big horror head.
But also, man, Rebecca De Mornay, look out below.
This was the era, though, of all those very, very long
ABC Stephen King miniseries like the stand and it and the
tommy knockers and the langoliers oh the langoliers that's another one that i had taped off tv mainly
because uh two reasons well i guess three aforementioned kinghead two uh bronson pinchow
that's right as the villain wow craig toomey uh and then I can't remember the actress's name, but she is
the wife in the
City Slickers movies, who I also had
a huge crush on at the time.
The only one of those I watched
was The Stand, and it actually terrified
me too much that I didn't want
to watch the others, because
the apocalypse really scared
me. Before 2000,
I was like, the apocalypse comes in 2000,
this is a preview of what's really going to happen.
If they can make The Hobbit into, what, four movies?
They can make The Stand into, let's say, five movies.
Oh, yeah.
Is Gary Sinise in that movie?
He is, yeah.
Yeah, okay.
I think for The Stand,
they left behind, ate their lunch.
They got to the theaters first, I think for The Stand, they left behind Ate Their Lunch. They can't...
It got to the theaters first,
even though they made... He wrote The Stand
way before that, Left Behind Garbage.
That's been a movie twice, the Kirk Cameron
movies, in quotes, and then
Nicolas Cage starred in a real movie
of it. Oh, right.
God, I never saw that, though.
Never buy a castle, listeners no don't buy a castle
it seems cool but then you're left behind the remake doing this uh but i i also love that
that brad says show man's contempt for nature that he makes sure like i his contempt the right
word just nods yep yep it's supposed to be and i i like too that they double
undercut their own story here of marge saying it is insane that homer would be doing this he should
not be doing this like people are saying that yes and and then then bart has what would be the normal
sitcom ending of you don't have to do this to impress me dad but instead he insists he must do this to impress him
i love that so then there's the little gag of homer getting only about 10 feet high and using
all the oxygen that's a great gag but that feels like the more natural commercial break gag right
yeah they could have like messed around with the pacing of this episode in terms of editing
though i'd hate to go away from that mountain joke.
The three mountains joke is really good
to end a commercial on.
I like that one act is all mountain stuff.
It's also just such a great gag
with the tanks, too, because
where are they keeping that many tanks?
It's so funny.
And Homer then
calls into Bart later. He finds out that
he only has four vertical miles left to go,
an insane height.
So Mount Everest is the highest point in the world,
but it's not the tallest mountain.
Is that K2?
Yes, yeah, and that one is over six vertical miles high.
Yeah, but it's just lower at sea level,
so that's why Mount Everest
takes you to the top of the world.
But if you're
all about climbing high, you get more
at K2. I will tell you that
the brief period where I actually used Tinder,
everybody's photo was of them
on top of a mountain with their hands in the air.
So if you climb a mountain, there will be a single
person up there, ready to date.
They might be Polly.
They usually are.
They're on Tinder in the Bay Area.
No judgment, no judgment.
No, sorry.
But yes, the Sherpas then are just dragging Homer around as he sleeps.
That's the secret of it, which there's some great visual gags there.
Somehow Homer's sleeping through being dragged on cold mountain rocks.
Homer is dragged at least three times in this episode, either by a creature, by human, or just by inertia and gravity.
That's probably why he can sleep through it.
He's so used to being dragged around.
I love the gag of they have him sort of dangling as they're sort of taking him around like a difficult, narrow ledge or whatever.
And the mountain lion is like pawing at him.
That's so good.
And how hard these Sherpas are working.
And that when he wakes up, he's like, boy, I got so high with that.
I don't even know how.
And then he's kicking them awake.
And I just love it.
He's like, does he need to kick us? God lazy sherpas his toes will freeze off he doesn't learn their names either
the the show doesn't want to know their names either so so then we get the power sauce update
which is also my line of the show like every word of this is so great it's it's almost uh in the
second one it verges on orwellian how much it's espousing power sauce propaganda.
Wow, look how far I climbed, and I'm not even tired.
Wake up, you lazy Sherpas.
We've got a mountain to climb. This Power Sauce News Break is brought to you by Power Sauce.
Get sauced with Power Sauce.
Our top story.
Homer Simpson has just power sauced his way past the halfway point of the murder horn.
Brad, could Homer have made it this far without the engineered nutrition
of six kinds of apples?
No way, Neil.
Oh, this just in.
Power sauce is amazing.
Oh, God.
This just in.
He power sauced his way up the mountain.
Power sauce is a verb.
It's so good.
So funny.
And that they just have this TV time.
I mean, it reminds me of the commercials that were pretending to be like updates on a sports show or like the halftime show.
God damn it.
It's so funny.
I mean, just power sauce.
And Brad and Neil, they work hard.
They're making the business decisions and they're hosting the show.
They are brand ambassadors.
They were influencers before
their time that's true and yeah power sauce is amazing and the power sauce logo that it's a
wimpy guy holding an apple that is then struck by lightning and turns to a buff arm holding a
power sauce bar so good six kinds of apples fuck it's so funny i a power sauce should have made
more appearances in the show, too.
Should have been their next Buzz Cola or whatever.
Krusty Bars.
I guess it's maybe a thing where this
whole stunt and paying for all
that airtime,
maybe it just sort of busted Power Sauce
Inc. and they had to fold.
You know what? When Homer dumps Power Sauce, it's probably
like, that was our last of our budget.
We spent all this money on his
march up that mountain.
God damn it. So Homer then
wakes up to see that he has been dragged
around and he's not
been climbing this whole time
and he comes to a fateful
Hey, you guys
are dragging me up the mountain.
Brad and Neil were quite insistent you not die.
Frankly, we don't care.
Nobody believes I can do this, huh?
Well, my son does, and I'm not going to let him down.
I'm going to climb this entire mountain on my own.
Then technically, shouldn't you go back down and start all over?
Shut up! You are so fired.
Homer Simpson here.
I've sent the Sherpas home, and I'm heading for the top.
Are you crazy? You'll never make it.
The hell I won't.
You're forgetting I've got my power sauce bars.
Wake up, Homer.
Those bars are just junk.
They're made of apple cores and Chinese newspapers.
Hey, Deng Xiaoping died.
Homer, listen to me.
Turn back now.
Forget it.
I'll be at the top by noon.
Over and out.
I know I didn't know who Deng Xiaoping was in 1997.
No way.
Or 98.
He died in February 97.
So those are old newspapers.
Yeah, but just a year old.
Not even fresh newspapers for power sauce bars.
I think, I mean, I don't know if I'm picking one here,
but I feel like that's my joke of the episode.
Just because that.
When you really care about someone,
you shout it from the mountaintops.
So on behalf of Desjardins Insurance, I'm standing 20,000 feet above sea level to tell our clients that we really care about you.
Home and auto insurance personalized to your needs.
Weird, I don't remember saying that part.
Visit slash care and get insurance that's really big on care.
Did I mention that we care?
It so reminds me of what I always appreciated about quote unquote golden era of the show was when they would make those jokes that those jokes aren't for anybody.
You know what I mean? Those jokes are jokes for the writers.
Just making those references
to the obscure former
leader of China that nobody remembered
that guy's name. I just love
that. It's one of the reasons that
attracted me to this
show. Those
such absurd references
that, yeah, they didn't care.
Go and look it up later if you want
to. You know, oh my god,
just, oh, Deng Xiaoping died. And the
joke on top of that, that like
Homer knows that, and he's kind of
like upset by it a little bit. It's just
all so perfect. The news
is finally hitting him. And the implication
seems to be, if these are Chinese newspapers,
I mean, are they in English?
I don't think so
so is homer reading this uh in mandarin yes exactly i like him having just a small happy
moment of learning something yeah you know while he's in this perilous situation like oh okay cool
it didn't know that it harkens back to the homer who knows every supreme court justice yeah like
that the specific in intelligence of Homer.
I love that gag.
And that is,
what is the gag where he has the line?
not suitor.
It's just like,
Like he knew justice suited.
Like I just,
Oh God.
Those things are what made me fall in love with the show.
and also the line too,
that like it,
it shows that not only is it secretly Chinese newspaper, but how can it be a secret when you can pull out a headline from your power sauce bar? It's also such a great construction of that joke.
Those are prizes. the easy gag is to just say, I, uh, it's made out of Chinese newspaper.
Like as a filling,
that's just a funny thing to say,
but to live in that reality of what that means,
that is the extra work.
They're so poorly made that you can actually just pull pieces out and read
I also do love the line of like Brad and Neil were quite insistent that you
not to die like that.
It's such a funny line to give the Sherpas.
And also the ease with which they cartwheel down the mountain in celebration.
Yeah, vertically.
And their great point to Homer of like, well, you didn't really climb it by yourself. We dragged you.
Shut up.
I would seemingly think Homer got dragged 90% of the way up the mountain. That's my assumption.
And yeah, now Homer loses all faith in Power Sauce.
He only has faith in himself now.
That's why he never eats Power Sauce again
after this episode.
But then we get our, again,
very Orwellian message on Power Sauce updates.
Homer Simpson, defying all medical advice,
has switched to Power Sauce's arch rival,
the VitaPe Peach Health Log.
Doctors say he may not have the mega-nutrients needed to stave off death.
Oh, Dad's gonna die
and it's all my fault. I really need
a good talk or two. Don't worry,
kids. Your father will be okay
as long as he's with those Sherpas.
Uh, Mom?
And the Sherpas are hitchhiking
back to Nepal.
And Lisa gets her one line.
She said she reflected on his arms
or his legs. She said that too.
That's all that she... Well, as
Mike Reese, a former executive producer
of the show, told us and mentioned
in his book, John Schwarzwalder is one
of their favorite writers, but an odd duck in who
one of his odd things is that
he would rarely write jokes for Marge and Lisa.
They'd have to add those into his scripts.
I don't think he's much for the lady.
But this cover-up, the Power Sauce Company is performing right now.
We've always been at war with Eurasia.
Our enemy said Vita Peach.
I love the Vita Peach.
They're killing this man.
The Vita Peach health log.
Health log is good.
Health Log is so great.
And actually,
I was thinking,
just listening to that clip,
it reminds me of like,
it's sort of like this,
both Power Sauce
and the Vita Peach Health Log
are like proto fruit leather,
which we love eating now.
Which I think is,
it's a very disgusting snack.
But when I think of,
especially the Vita Peach Health Log
that's just gross fruit leather
I feel like you have to carve a piece off of it before you eat it
you know my equivalent of the power sauce bars
these days are those
Fiber One bars which
look I should just be eating more fibrous foods
or taking fiber supplements
but what if instead
it was a bunch of sugar and chocolate
that had 10 grams of fiber in it?
Isn't that better?
Minor protein bars with a very similar power sauce logo.
Yes, yeah.
You know, Clif bars are a little nicer.
Like, they're lower impact.
Like, they're not as in-your-face as power sauce.
And there's a guy climbing a damn mountain on them.
That's what I'm going to do when I eat these Clif bars.
It's also just kind of like a nice illustration.
I always like looking at that guy like, that guy's got a good life.
What's his story, you ask yourself?
You don't do that with Fiber One.
Exactly, yeah.
As I root through all of the Clif Bars looking for the peanut butter chocolate one.
His story is he's getting ready to take a dating site selfie on top of the mountain.
The other weird ADR line in this episode is, Barts,
I really need a good talking to.
Yeah, what is that joke?
That doesn't play at all, right?
That's so weird. And there's a strange beat
after it. Of just silence with Barts.
Yeah, well, and his mouth movements
are so off, so it makes
me think it's a replacement line,
which like, I don't know. I have to think there were previous line was funnier than that. Cause
that was just, I guess it's a kind of statement on like, I should be punished or whatever. I,
I don't understand. And it also kind of just loses Bart's emotionality instantly is like,
oh no, I've doomed dad to death. Oh, well. And he never talks about it again.
Yes, Homer is climbing all on his own and he's feeling a little lightheaded.
Oh, air's getting thin, but I'm going to make it.
Oh, getting lightheaded.
No heavy head to carry.
Wait, I'll just take that escalator
It's a return to the land of chocolate, really
It's very land of chocolate
It's the land of lack of oxygen
But it's funny
Even if it's similar to land of chocolate
We get a nice King Kong shot of the Yeti, too
When he picks up Homer
I love
He's drawn like a bumble from the yeah yeah yes he definitely is and then when he
wakes up he's again being just dragged down the mountain yes yeah homer is dragged three times
in this episode i love it the little trickles of blood on him are like they're they're the most
disturbing part of it and it's a nice gag that kind of reminds me of and it's a similar
thing where the joke is coming out of a dream sequence i don't remember what the episode is
but he falls asleep at the wheel and he has that great uh dream about like riding on the bed and
whatever and then it's like him on a bed on the road and we come back to reality and it's like
the car and he's dragging part of a fence behind. That's Lisa's pony. Yeah. That's a great dream sequence.
Oh my God.
Cause he's working nights to afford the horse.
Oh my God.
It's such a great visual gag.
he's clearly.
I mean,
that comes from the writers,
not sleeping any and being tired.
He's wearing a tuxedo in this,
Top hat.
I like,
as all the ways he's being moved up the mountain are very clever.
I mean,
the bumble hugging him and like,
like that's very funny.
Dancing with him.
Yes, yeah.
And yeah, he ends in a bubble singing the song to himself and then waking up.
And that's also when he loses his walkie-talkie
at that point too,
which I guess technically that's sort of a plot point.
But whether he has a walkie talkie or not,
the last scene doesn't really know.
He ever says we've lost contact.
You're totally right.
I already assume he's dead.
but so Homer gets to the top seemingly,
but he sees that it keeps going into the sky and he just,
it's too far.
He has to give up by that.
the peak is unclimbable that there's no easy
vantage point to it you know that makes sense i and then he has a very funny bit of reflecting
on at least he's not going to freeze to death and then seeing a frozen corpse that had frozen
homer learned something from this here corpse
last entry i have mountaineered to the utmost but the peak is unclimbable
we're still that treacherous skunk abe simpson stole my oxygen and tried to eat my left arm
you're dead tell my beloved wife my last thoughts were of her blinding and torturing abe simpson
cheerio my dad's a disgrace just like parts dad blinding and torturing Abe Simpson. Cheerio.
My dad's a disgrace.
Just like Bart's dad.
It's another one of those weird linguistic jokes I like where you did, and this one too.
I had just a fun curveball.
Just like Bart's dad.
And also my last thoughts are for blinding
and torturing abe simpson like not even like he could have said killing abe simpson but yeah the
specificity of like not just torturing but blinding him yeah that's horrifying so now we get to find
out that abe pretty much killed a guy like through i mean through
stranding him it's not like he strangled him to death but left a man to die he stranded him yeah
and also resorted to cannibalism before that man died yes took a bite out of him and stole all his
stuff so he would definitely freeze to death i mean that's manslaughter i think that is a perfectly
cartoonish bite out of his uh he's
like a piece of cake or something yeah i do i i forgot to mention to the mccallister is uh that
is the name of captain mccallister the sea captain so maybe that's his like grandfather
oh right father mccallister's pretty old but uh they they remark on the commentary too how funny
it is that homer goes like ah dead dead body. Let's read that diary.
He goes straight to it.
Hey, we got like two minutes left.
And so Homer is about to give up.
He then plants his flag, which knocks off the top of the mountain, which they say that Brian Scully came up with that very late in the game.
And they were just so happy.
They're like, oh, oh thank god an ending like
we've left homer at the top of this mountain what the fuck do we do and so the idea that he basically
trimmed the mountaintop and made it shorter to then be at the top that that's very clever i like
that a lot so in season eight they ride a rocket house down a mountain this is very rocket house
season nine oh wow totally it's a non-rocket corpse.
Yeah, but their reactions
are pretty much the same.
And the setting, too,
of the snow.
It's got no brakes.
But yes, the Homer
is seemingly doomed.
Hey, wait a minute.
I'm on the top.
I actually did it.
I climbed the unclimbable mountain.
Bow down before me, everyone, for I am your king.
Family to dad.
Family to dad.
Come in, dad.
I'm pretty sure he's dead, little girl.
Here, have a power sauce bar.
It's on the house.
Hey, something's coming down the mountain, fast!
Oh no! He fell!
I can't look!
They do a great job of hiding that corpse.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, and that's when
Lisa gets one more line. forgot she's he's gonna
uh but but before that i marge's reaction is almost a little too real of like i can't he's
falling i can't look like that is what a wife would say to seeing the death of her husband
seemingly falling to his death yeah down a mountain and you can almost feel the like um
julie cavner in the recording covers her
eyes with her hands you can hear it yeah yeah it's really it's really good it's really really good
uh you know that extra acting from julie there on march but uh yeah that the final line from
brad is just to assure a child that her father is dead like he's dead but he's at least giving
with the free power sauce bars that's such a great joke
too on the house as if there would be another scenario in where he's charging her for that
power sauce bar but because your dad's dead it's free oh my god it's so funny uh but yes homer
homer has survived and we get to see a a grizzly corpse sled revealed oh hom, homie, you're alive.
Oh, Marge, I never thought you'd see me again.
Where in the world did you find a sled on top of the... We're too late.
He's dead.
It looks like someone tried to eat him.
What are you looking at me for?
You're all crazy.
Crazy as a...
Okay, here's what I think happened.
Did you make it to the top, Dad?
Huh, did you?
Why don't you tell me, son?
See any interesting flags up there?
All I see is a pole.
Maybe the flag fell off.
Ah, damn it!
Forget about it, Homer.
You made it to the top.
You're the coolest dad ever.
Thanks, Bart.
That makes it all worthwhile.
Is that your wallet?
Good line to go out on.
I do like the symbolism, too, that you completely forget about the capture of the flag by the time he pulls it back out.
But the flag that had humiliated him so much before is now the source of pride.
You know what? I did not connect that until you said it. That's how far away.
That's what happens when this third act is so long, you forget the first act.
Like, oh yeah, capture the flag led us here yeah well also just one of those nice uh moments where it's like homer had the foresight to
bring something that reminded him of bart you know it's a it's those nice like uh fatherly gestures
they give him once in a blue moon but i also like the reality of it is that homer did not tie it on
well and the wild winds knocked it off already though how can march see his wallet that's uh
that's very small i i don't believe that good binoculars it's such a great gag that a abe's
teeth fall perfectly into the bites to reveal that it was him oh that's great though why do
these people even know his relationship to this guy everybody looks at him like they didn't did
everybody in springfield
he'll hear the story that he climbed the mountain he was being very suspicious i guess so yeah but
and and he just runs away and has no punishment for seemingly the reveal of the uh helping murder
this man the running away also is another just favorite simpsons gag of mine like how do we
get out of this situation we'll just have him run either.
The best of that is whenever it's a
you hear a door slam and a car peel
out. This is
also just as great. Not saying anything
and just turning tail and running.
It made me think running away
solved more of your problems because it does
on the show. In a way, you don't have to write
a joke, but it's also very funny for the character
to do that.
But yeah, that was a really funny episode that is a little uneven maybe and also like really uh really long third act in pacing wise but pretty much just ton of funny like
very swartz weldery jokes and with two really good guest stars who honestly could have just
been hank and harry in the same roles but still they did a good job yeah we're reaching the end of
season nine a very long season and they normally run out of energy towards the end of the season
this is a very fun episode they're very punchy i love all of the uh the fun gags in it and also
just the fun wordplay they get out of these characters but power sauce would not make a
return i did check not even like one cameo so it just limited to this episode brad and neil would expire forever and
no power sauce so yes we've seen the first and last of power sauce i want a power sauce jacket
those are cool jackets they're very nice they honestly look like simpsons crew jackets gonna
say the exact same thing yeah like the simpsons jackets uh andrew any final thoughts on this
episode you know it's funny when we were trying final thoughts on this episode? You know, it's funny.
When we were trying to pinpoint what episode I would come on for,
I was sort of bumming, like, oh, man, we're in the back half of season nine now.
And I know that my We Hate Movies cohort, Steve Sadek,
got to be on one of my all-time faves, Homer Simpson vs. the City of New York.
So I was like, all right, whatever you guys got left like let's just do one and this was just an episode you know when i do my rewatches i i have the first
10 seasons on dvd and i'll either revisit there or sometimes like mix and match on hulu it's kind
of easier to make a simpsons episode mixtape on hulu if I'm watching it that way. But I was actually, I just have to say,
pleasantly surprised.
I totally forgot the really solid jokes that are in this.
I remembered the episode.
I remembered Power Sauce
and him climbing the mountain and everything,
but I didn't remember the specific jokes.
It had been a while since I watched it.
And I was just pleased to see that, you know,
season nine, episode 23,
we're still chugging along with some
really solid writing here.
So it was a nice revisit
on an episode that honestly I would
kind of probably skim over
when I'm making my Simpsons
mixtapes like I do every so often.
Yeah, looking forward to Disney
Plus opening up all the Simpsons to everyone
so they can see it's worth going beyond
Season 8. Yeah, I think so too.
Andrew, you're our special guest today.
We'll do our plugs once we're off the air with you.
Can you tell our listeners about We Hate Movies
although they should know about it by
now. Come on people. But in case
they don't, what is We Hate Movies and where can they find
it and support your Patreon?
Cool. Yeah, so totally. We Hate Movies
is a show I host new episodes every
Tuesday. We're a comedy podcast where we take a movie, you know, usually generally a quote unquote bad movie, but we've done some favorites of ours over the years as well. And we use that movie as a jumping off point for just an improvised conversation. We kind of take you through the movie, sort of like we did here today with this episode. Go off on personal tangents, make some really bad celebrity impressions,
come up with characters of our own and so on.
I do the show with three other guys,
Steven Sadek, Christopher Cabin, and Eric Siska.
And we also have a Patreon, slash wehatemovies.
And on there, we sort of offer additional bonus shows.
We have a show called The Nexus,
where it's us going through Star Trek, the original series, and Star Trek, the next generation.
We do an episode a piece each episode of that show.
We cover one of each show.
Animation Damnation is a show where we sort of lampoon bad 80s and 90s cartoons.
We also offer syncable commentaries on there.
We have one coming out fairly soon.
At the end of June, we're going to release a commentary on Independence Day. We also offer, um, sinkable commentaries on there. We have one coming out fairly soon. Uh,
the end of June,
we're going to,
we're going to release a commentary on independence day,
which was a lot of fun to,
to lay down.
So yeah,
WHM for the show.
We're on iTunes and all those places and slash.
We hate movies for the Hardy paywall content that's on there.
thank you so much again,
for coming on and doing the show.
Yeah, thank you guys.
This was really awesome.
Any chance I can get to talk about
one of my all-time favorite shows,
I would definitely jump at the chance.
So happy to be here.
So thanks again to Andrew Jupin.
Please check out We Hate Movies.
It's great.
We love it.
I've been listening since almost the very beginning.
It's a fantastic bad movie podcast.
But as for us, if you want to support our show
and get all kinds of bonus podcasts please go to slash talking simpsons for the low
price of five bucks a month you'll get all of our podcasts including what a cartoon and talking
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including our most recent one, Talking of the Hill,
our entire first season, 13 episode exploration of King of the Hill.
We also have a new-ish $10 tier.
Henry, what's going on in that tier for the big spenders out there
who want extra, extra long podcasts?
If you head up to the $10 level,
you'll get to hear once a month are what a cartoon movie podcast where me and bob break down a
different animated feature film in the same granular and fun talking simpson style it can go
up to four hours long and this month you will get to hear tiny tunes how i spent my summer vacation
the classic direct-to-video movie that we all loved as kids and is the best Tiny Toons stuff, at least animation-wise.
And now it's direct-to-Hulu, so it's available to all.
You can still see it, so please check that out.
And we'll be putting up a free preview of it very soon.
But if you want to hear the whole thing, $10 a month at slash TalkingSimpsons with all the previous ones available to you as
well once you sign up again that is slash talking simpsons as for me i've been one
of your hosts bob mackie find me on twitter as bob servo and check out my other podcast retronauts
that's a classic gaming podcast every monday occasionally on friday you have to go to or look for retronauts in your podcast device and subscribe to it. If you like video games, you'll like Retronauts.
Henry, how about you?
You can follow me on Twitter at H-E-N-E-R-E-Y-G.
Whenever new podcasts go live on the Patreon, you'll learn about them first there,
as well as many other things that are cool in my life.
Thank you so much for listening, folks.
We'll see you next week with Lost, folks. We'll see you next week with Lost R. Lisa.
We'll see you then. The joke's on you.
We borrowed that jar from your table.
So you just shot your own mustard.
Ah, nuts.