Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 136. Sophie Duker - S9 Ep.7

Episode Date: June 29, 2023

To pick apart episode 7 of series 9 Ed is joined by TM Champ Sophie Duker! As well as discussing all the contestants performance the pair chat Champion of Champions and make some Series 16 predictions...! Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmasterVisit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's winter, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs, mozzarella balls, and arancini balls? Yes, we deliver those. Moose? No. But moose head? Yes. Because that's alcohol, and we deliver that too.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster Podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble, the host of the Taskmaster Podcast. And today we are talking about Series 9, Episode 7. Another classic episode from the best series of all time. And we are joined by a special guest. Of course, we are the brilliant Sophie Duker, a Taskmaster Champion.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Soon to appear in Taskmaster Champion of Champions, of course we are uh the brilliant sophie duca a taskmaster champion soon to appear in taskmaster champion of champions of course because that lineup is now complete uh and i'm sure that will be uh all recorded soon i don't really know how it works but we're very much looking forward to seeing the clash of the titans the third champion of champions uh before we chat to sophie i will remind you that i have written a book called Glutton, The Multicourse Life of a Very Greedy Boy. It's my life in food. And that is available to pre-order from wherever you pre-order your books from. If you want a signed copy, pre-order it from Waterstones. Thank you very much for that in advance. I greatly appreciate your custom. But now let's hear from Sophie Duker about Series 9, Episode 7.
Starting point is 00:01:44 your custom. But now let's hear from Sophie Duker about Series 9, Episode 7. Welcome back, Sophie Duker, to the Taskmaster podcast. Hey, it's me! And it's not just you, though. Would you like to describe for the listener who you're joined by on the Zoom today? I was having internet difficulties before the podcast so I decided to add a touch of whimsy to my unreliable internet status with a puppet that Taskmaster fans might remember from the show. Yes it's a wonderful puppet of you wearing your Taskmaster outfit. Yeah she's in a little trackie. Her mouth is constantly open. It can close close well that is how you the last the last time your
Starting point is 00:02:27 internet froze that is the exact face you were making when the internet froze mouth wide open i feel like that's the worst position to freeze in no i think there's worse like you you were smiling at least it was it was it was a nice picture you know there's there's worse. Like you were smiling at least. It was a nice picture. You know, there's definitely worse ways to freeze than that, I think. Thank you. But we're fingers crossed. Hopefully it's all going to work out for the best this time around. Yeah, I'm excited about it. I'm going to put my little puppet me down.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Little puppet me. Now, absolutely delightful to have you back on the Taskmaster podcast. Before we talk about Series 9, Episode 7, I feel like we should talk about Champion of Champions because we now have a complete Champion of Champions lineup. I'm sure the listener knows what the lineup is and I'm sure you know, Sophie, I'm sure you've been keeping tabs. Oh, I know, I know. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, big time, big time. I've been on tenterhooks to find out the full lineup and it was not a surprise.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah, not a surprise, I'd say, but a brilliant lineup all the same. Dara O'Brien, Mae Martin, Morgana Robinson, Sarah Kendall and your good self. Firstly, are you excited? Are you excited to be going back into the house? I'm so excited. I feel like the, oh God, oh god i was gonna say such a little
Starting point is 00:03:47 simpering sally comment but the worst thing about taskmaster is that it ends yes and you have to go back to your normal life you've got the head if you're one of the good ones but you've got to go back to adapting to just like not having as much fun in almost every aspect of your daily life yeah and yeah to have another opportunity is what is wonderful um what i would say is it does feel i felt more pressurized going back into champion of champions because it's obviously a lot less time in the taskmaster house yeah yeah um and i don't know if you saw my champion of champions but i did manage to screw it up royally um do you think you can handle the pressure i think right so champion to champions is different
Starting point is 00:04:25 because as you said less time also the people that you're doing it against are actually good so it's kind of it's kind of a uh you're like i think there are times when you might have like rested in your laurels and been like okay at least i won't be the worst person on here yeah but i think there will be a real not to be the worst champion i think there'll be a real fight especially with that group not to just not to be the worst yes well i would say it's actually the the most dignified thing you can do is be the worst in champion of champions that's that's how i feel okay all right that's an interesting well so far it's a little bit like sabotage okay me and Bob Mortimer so far
Starting point is 00:05:05 are the bottom of Champion of Champions. And I think that's because Bob really didn't throw himself into it as competitively as he did the series. He was just there for a laugh. I unfortunately did throw myself into it and lost in a blaze of shame. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I think going into the live task, whoever won the live task, because it was five points and then no one into the live task whoever won the live task because it was five points and then no one else got any uh whoever won the live task won the episode and i so if i'd won the live task i would have won the episode but i did so badly in a couple of the tasks that i did not deserve to win the episode okay i agree with that i've not seen the episode i did your news of your shame had reached me good just general shame you don't know why I was like yeah I knew that you'd not succeeded in champion of champions but
Starting point is 00:05:50 out of respect I decided not to watch it also because I didn't want to catch your bad vibes my bad vibes absolutely not no do you have any predictions in terms obviously that's a fierce line up competitiveness like just general capabilities I feel like all of them
Starting point is 00:06:06 are good all-rounders yeah i feel like so for a while i felt like sarah kendall was like the main competition i think i might have said this before on the podcast but dara's a machine yeah dara's an absolute he is a machine i feel quite strongly that dara should be prevented from winning at all costs do you think if you all club together you can stop dara i think so i think we should get a sort of like net and trip him up um yeah i uh so i i think i've seen like the least i'm not really familiar with morgana as competitor well she's great and also i think she's probably she's probably the most unpredictable on the lineup so if she if she has a good episode i actually don't know whether it's going to be one episode or whatever but um she she could take it on a good day but the consistency of dara and may yeah i feel like they're quite solid juggernauts.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They're quite like, we're going to get points. We're going to get points. We're going to get points. We're going to get points. I feel like Kendall has like quite like flashes of genius. Yeah. And that's very,
Starting point is 00:07:17 that's very important. I, I, I, yeah, I, I feel like I don't know what the system will be like either because I have real,
Starting point is 00:07:27 I want me to talk about the episode we're talking about. I have real bones with the Taskmaster's point system. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. So you're making that public now before you go into Champion of Champions. So that could be a dangerous tactic.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It's absolute. It's crazy, Tam. I understand what the show is. Yeah. a dangerous tactic. It's absolute. It's crazy, Tam. I don't... I understand what the show is. Yeah. The points. But you won. How can you disagree
Starting point is 00:07:54 with the points system? You got the most points. You won your series. I think, and this is something I should probably not make public before I go into January Champions.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I think I got most of my points when I objectively won the task right when it was like undeniable when it was like under five seconds yeah you've won the task but when i think when there was like an ounce of subjectivity the boot of the taskmaster came crashing down on my tiny little head yeah so it's impressive that you won then really yeah yeah because do you feel like he was against you in some way i think i feel like he had an axe to grind is that what you say a bone that's the phrase yeah but both both work bone to grind he had a bone that doesn't sound as as pleasant does it that sounds that has other connotations yeah yeah let's have a an axe to pick yeah yeah that's nice yeah we like that
Starting point is 00:08:43 um look well we can't wait we can't wait to see it. I think it's going to be a well-thought episode, regardless of who wins. Can I ask a fashion question? Please. Did you have, like, a little flouncy hairdo for your champion of champions? Did I?
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah. Did you, like, revamp your look? No, I didn't deliberately revamp my look, but it was filmed sort of during a lockdown um so I did not have a chance to have a haircut so my hair is naturally flouncy okay so the thing that I'm insulting was not intentional no that was not intentional uh but my outfit was I wore a sort of pale blue 70s tux I like that a lot I really like that style uh which I was very happy with. But no, the hairdo was not a deliberate look at all.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I loved the tuxedo and your hair was notable. It was remarkable in the sense that you felt like you had to make a remark about it. Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. Let's talk about this episode then, Series 9, Episode 7. The episode's called A Cuddle. Had you seen any of Series 9 up until you watched this episode, Sophie?
Starting point is 00:10:00 I, honestly, it was so, so long ago that you won Taskmaster that I think I had watched some episodes, but the details were hazy. So I'm not sure what like the story was across across your series but it was such a great episode it made me want to go back and re-watch the whole thing you're such a great gang and yeah it was it was a lovely gang of people and yeah I'm annoyed we're not hanging out all the time now we we hung out a little bit after the series you know that's really it's a bit of a motley crew that you wouldn't expect to see out and about on the town together what what kind of activity would you love to do to get you back together the gang back to regular irl hangs bowling paintballing bowling would be great as
Starting point is 00:10:40 well paintballing feels quite like quite a violent choice for a group of friends. Is it going to be you against a mystery team? Are you going to finally be on the same side or would you like to competitively paintball with Baddiel, Wicks, Matt Affair?
Starting point is 00:10:53 I think Joe Brand would just sit in the bushes and snipe. Yeah, you can't operate a firearm in the general direction of Joe Brand. No, she's a legend. She's a national treasure.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'd take Baddiel out straight away though. Oh yeah. Three headshots take that badil that's for the drawing task wow what activity would you like to do with your um saucy twister yeah that would work yeah it's not sexual it's just messy it's a bit i mean twister is saucy in general right yeah but you get
Starting point is 00:11:26 you get cramped i think what you like i think if it was like a sort of uh mix between um splashing i don't know if you're familiar with splashing it's sort of where you roll around and food in a sexy way right they're like jelly twister because i don't want to wrestle ardolo hans yeah but i would like to sort of maneuver myself over him while we were both suspended in like a large trifle. That's what I'd like to do. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Well, I'm sure there's certain sections of the internet that would absolutely pay for that. series nine episode seven uh let's talk about the prize task the best thing that you've taken from somebody else's house yes yes a tricky one it was a tricky one do you do you have anything that you've ever taken from somebody else's house oh yeah loads of stuff I stopped doing it but I feel like if you've got a busy bathroom when you go in like at a party or just because you know you're fixing someone's I don't know pipes you go into the bathroom you sit down and then there's loads of stuff and you're like i just i want some of it you take like a little marble like sometimes people have little um pots and marbles yes you just take a little marble yeah i suppose if there's multiple
Starting point is 00:12:53 things and they're not going to notice yeah it's a good comic but once which is bad like one next to the toilet yeah i feel like i got really into it and I had to leave Did you ask or did you just No, to be fair I was pissed so that is I was lightly inebriated but I felt really bad about it How pissed were you that you went to someone's toilet during like a party or something presumably and started reading a comic book and got into it
Starting point is 00:13:21 How were we in there for? I think I was probably in there for like 6- minutes yeah which isn't a long time no that's a party yeah that's fine yeah you can get through a lot it's just it's just words and pictures i was engrossed in the story well i feel i i mean i really messed up with this one um and i'll tell you why it's not obvious how much i messed up so obviously i took some stuff from Greg's when I was uh over at his over at his uh place um it was during the summer uh and it was actually me Greg uh and Mike Wozniak uh were over at his and um we were in Greg's hot tub on uh on his balcony um and drinking rose uh and then i thought this is my opportunity i hopped out of the hot tub and i just like what you're describing sounds like a homoerotic fan
Starting point is 00:14:11 fiction yeah one of the best flavors of fan fiction but sorry i'll let you continue i was just like this sounds like a fantasy that a taskmaster fan aka me would have yeah for sure um well you know it didn, it didn't go that far on that occasion because I was too busy inside stealing all of Greg's stuff. Now, I didn't really know what to do. At one point, I thought I'd maybe
Starting point is 00:14:34 take all his spoons. That'd be quite funny if you go to your drawer and there's no spoons in there. But I just grabbed whatever I could. What is cut out of the episode, because I think it was too complicated to put in the edit, is Greg knew that I'd done that he worked it out
Starting point is 00:14:48 and I'd left my swimming trunks at his house because of when I got changed after the hot tub and put them on the radiator and for the entire episode right up until the end of the episode Greg was wearing my swimming trunks in the studio
Starting point is 00:15:04 underneath his trousers and just suddenly went, I'm a bit uncomfortable, I'm a bit itchy actually. Then he stood up and pulled his trousers down and he was wearing my swimming trunks. That is one of the best bits of television. Who cut it out?
Starting point is 00:15:21 That's incredible. I think there is an extra scene on youtube where davies pantsed himself and revealed that he was wearing your boxer shorts your jerky radiator dried stiff as a ball swimming trunks thank you sophie oh sorry not boxers yeah yeah um yes and then after the studio someone from production said oh do you want to take your swimming trunks away with you said absolutely not they're greg's now i don't know yeah we're not the same size so god knows how he sat there wearing those swimming trunks that have netting in them it must have been being pushed through like play-doh factory it was thank you for the visual yeah no worries that's my job i think that anyone who listens to this is going to go back to that episode now
Starting point is 00:16:06 and be just staring at Greg's crotch. Yeah. Just like looking at the crotch, the upper thighs, being like, can we detect? They're long records. Yeah, they are. They're really long records.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah, it's mad that he did that. I mean, it was very funny, but yeah, gutted that was cut out. That is so sad. But worth it. And also annoying to find out he knew what I'd done. Like, I thought I was being so sneaky. I think you, I thought you should have won the five points on that.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Oh, thank you very much. I really, really did. I was like, it's, it was beautiful. Also, you took three things. Yeah. You had like a build. Yeah, I thought the build was good. They were Greg's. yeah uh you had like a build yeah they were yeah they were greg's i i like to to steal from the taskmaster himself yes yeah i've i've and of course the second time i've sold them from the
Starting point is 00:16:55 taskmaster himself what was the first one series five i under instruction from mark watson stole a pair of greg's trousers when we were doing a gig for the most high octane item and then Mark took them into the studio. So, you know, I will always steal from my friends if it means making good TV. But yeah, I thought the build worked quite well. I was happy with that. But I was beaten by David Baddiel,
Starting point is 00:17:22 who brought, the setup of the fact he was at Buckingham Palace, that's exciting, right? That was exciting. But then he took one sheet of toilet paper that could have been from anywhere. It's not like there was a crest on it. Yeah, this is where I got... I was like, I don't believe that that piece of toilet paper
Starting point is 00:17:39 has seen the Queen. I don't think he claimed it was used. Okay. I had difficulty believing his story. Yeah. I'm sorry. I apologize. I don't know if this is treason.
Starting point is 00:18:00 No, that's... No, I don't think David Baddiel's a member of the royal family. I think you can accuse David Baddiel of lying. I think that's fine. Also, I, as someone who's taken stuff from toilets, want to know the motivation behind it. Because surely you'd take a whole roll. Yes, you would.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Or you'd take something with a crest on. You'd take something that is obviously from Buckingham Palace, right? Yeah. I feel like the only reason you would take a little bit of toilet paper is if it was the greatest toilet time of your life. And you'd used every other square and you just wanted to keep the last one as a reminder of how hard you had to wipe. But it didn't even look like good toilet paper. I think they said it was Andrax. But you would expect like 50 ply or something in the royal household, right?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. I also think that if he did go to Buckingham Palace and he did get it from there, they didn't put him in the good toilet. No, no, no way. I think Buckingham Palace has got like 70, 80, loads of toilets. Yeah. You're not using the Queen's en suite
Starting point is 00:18:57 if you get invited to Buckingham Palace. Yeah. The Corgis probably had better toilet paper than Badil, got his hands on. He was in the guest annex. Yeah, for sure, for sure. Well, look, if it is true and he did take that, it's good that it's taken from Buckingham Palace.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I think that is a great thing to submit as a prize. That is the best place that something was stolen from. I've not seen Greg's abode. Yes, it's very similar to Buckingham Palace. Okay. Yeah. Massive with a hot tub. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You know, like the hot tub that they have there. King now, of course. Just in case you need remembering. Yeah. Greg's the king. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah. I like that. Katie Wicks also beat me with a Taskmaster trophy that she took from Kerry Godleman's garage. Now, how do you feel about this? Because you feel like I should have won. Why don't you think Katie deserved more points than me?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Okay. I liked the Taskmaster thing. Yes. But I thought that to have two trophies in play, it's sort of like you don't want to see the... I don't think the... I feel like they shouldn't interact with each other. It would sort of rip the fabric of space.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I don't think... Yeah, like in Back to the Future where you're not allowed to see yourself. Yeah. I feel like it would just... Have you ever... Has your trophy ever met another trophy? Well, so my trophy,
Starting point is 00:20:22 I did... Interesting you should say this, Champion of Champions, my prize task... Oh, no.... oh no was but listen there's very good so it was the bringing the thing that makes everyone say wow that really is great um so i brought in my trophy but i said we've all got a trophy so i sent my trophy to space I sent it up on a weather balloon and it was filmed on a GoPro and went up to the edge of space basically
Starting point is 00:20:48 and then came back down again. I feel like that's enough. That's enough to bring in a trophy in, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's incredible. Yeah. I mean, you absolutely smashed it. You added another literal dimension to...
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yes. I knew I had to do that because I knew what I'd done during absolutely smashed it. You added another literal dimension to... Yes. I knew I had to do that because I knew what I'd done during the film task. So I very much needed to send something to space, bare minimum. But this taskmaster trophy hasn't been anywhere. And I don't want to be rude to Kerry, but I feel like her garage isn't as good as space.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Whoa, okay. All right. I like... Yeah, it was a bad garage it looked like someone would have been tied up in the corner um yeah the cat box i just thought we've seen it before it's not something that like we've all seen the trophy we've all wanted the trophy yeah the only way you can get a trophy is by winning it yeah through an arbitrary point system on a televised game show yeah that's the only way anyone gets a taskmaster trophy really coming for the point is by winning it through an arbitrary point system on a televised game show.
Starting point is 00:21:47 That's the only way anyone gets a Taskmaster trophy. Really coming for the point system today. I just felt angry about the toilet roll. I don't think a single square toilet roll. I think if he'd snatched it out of the Queen's fingers. Did you say butt? Butt. If he'd snatched it out of the Queen's butt,
Starting point is 00:22:04 do you reckon that would have been five points if he'd if he'd snatched out the queen's butt and was still allowed to partake in the show i wow oh yeah yeah if he'd snatched out the queen's butt i'd have been like yeah five points five points yeah um rose matafayo brought in a pink cowboy hat she stole from the If he'd snatched it out of the Queen's Bar, I'd have been like, yeah, he gets that. Five points. Five points. Yeah. Rose Matifeo brought in a pink cowboy hat she stole from the Taskmaster house, but she'd added some bits, pictures of herself wearing the hat. Now, this is a classic Rose task in that she starts to present her prize task
Starting point is 00:22:37 with confidence, and then within the course of her monologue, she completely loses faith in it and ends up with her head in her hands. It was really... It was cute. Yeah. It didn't deserve more than two points.
Starting point is 00:22:52 No. I like that it was crafty. Yeah. I like that she did that, that she added things to it. But also, I think, great idea to steal something from the Taskmaster house.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah. But steal something we recognise. This is true. What would you have... I would steal... What do I want from the Taskmaster House but steal something we recognise this is true what would you I would steal what do I want for the Taskmaster House the cow's too big the cow's too big
Starting point is 00:23:13 Linda's too big maybe the little weather vane oh yeah do you reckon you'll get the weather vane that would be good or one of the
Starting point is 00:23:21 Sony pictures the knocker would be great there's so many pictures in there you could easily take one of the one of the pictures the knocker would be great there's so many pictures in there you could easily take one of the one of the portraits down or something i'm not sure that you could like keep it on you for without being detected by all of the cameras no true and then also i think they'd be really angry about that yeah yeah also they'd set it up so yeah i think it was a good idea poorly executed it is probably the item that I would most like to have. Yeah, it's a good item.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah, and we actually see Rose use that later on in the series. We see the day that she used the pink cowboy hat and then clearly panicked and just shoved it in her bag at the end of the day. I mean, this is Jo Brand, a ceramic phrenology tattoo bust. Claims she took it from Sigmund Freud's house. Everyone gets excited and then she has to admit she borrowed it from her friend Betty and she asked before she did so.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Oh, what? Actually, when I was watching that battle, my girlfriend was like, I knew she took it from Betty's house because that's my friend's mum. No, what? Yeah. No way. She's like because that's my friend's mom no what yeah no way she's like betty's theo's mom it's like it seems like a i don't know i've never seen anything like it before it's pretty cool but i was like i've received it's a standard head that a lot of people have but she was like yeah that's betty's i knew she took it from betty's house that's great. That's a scoop. Well, I mean, it's Series
Starting point is 00:24:46 9. We were watching it the other day. I've never heard that before. I didn't know anyone knew who Betty was. So it was one point for Jo Brown, two points for Rose Matafayo, three points for me, four points for Katie Wicks, and despite Sophie's protestations, five points
Starting point is 00:25:01 for David Baddiel. With a bit of toilet paper that he snatched out of the Queen's butt. There you go. Sophie's Protestations. Five points for David Baddiel. With a bit of toilet paper that he snatched out of the Queen's butt. There you go. Sophie's holding up some toilet paper. Some toilet paper that I plucked out of Camilla's fanny. Where's my five points? Where's my five points, Taskmaster? Well, you never know what the prize task is going to be
Starting point is 00:25:19 on Champion of Champions, so you might well end up having to bring that in. Joe, what have you stolen from someone's house? Er, that. LAUGHTER It's a ceramic phrenology tattoo head. Right. Whose house did you steal it from and how can we make it entertaining?
Starting point is 00:25:35 LAUGHTER Sigmund Freud's. Oh. Oh, fuck it, I wish it was. LAUGHTER It's from my friend Betty's house. Oh, fuck it. I wish it was. It's from my friend Betty's house. Yeah, and I didn't steal it. I asked you if I could have it.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Task one. It's an egg task. Get an entire egg into one of those metal things. Highest single score wins. If you get an entire egg into one of those metal things without the egg breaking the score is doubled you may not move the chair or the metal things and you must release your egg while on the chair you have 10 minutes your time starts now seems pretty straightforward this one i think yeah it see like i i think it's one of those tasks where it's like there's obviously a practical way to do it but the vibes of the metal things just felt bad yeah it was a weird like i think that was the first one we did on location as well
Starting point is 00:26:31 and it was just you had to walk up across a bit of scrub land to get there and those horrible metal things yeah it felt a bit it felt a bit yeah it felt a bit like something really bad would happen if you didn't get the eggs in the hole yeah it was a bit like true detective but what people kept doing it felt like everyone just immediately released their eggs yeah so everyone just chucked their eggs immediately you've got to give it a go i think i think you've got to give at least one a go throwing it in yeah how many eggs did you chuck i think i chucked all of them i chucked most of them and then obviously I thundered over to get another egg stepped on the thing that the eggs were being held in
Starting point is 00:27:11 and just knocked them off turned into a clumsy little toddler but at least I spotted that there were scores written on the things which is more than Rose did Rose put them all into the metal frame next to the chair that had minus five written on it and which is more than rose did rose put them all into the metal frame next to the chair that had minus five written on it uh and didn't break them so got the double point so she
Starting point is 00:27:31 got minus 10 which is a disaster and i could yeah i can see you're really relishing even at the time i was like absolute result because i didn't think i'd done well because i tried to i used the rubber glove yeah yes yeah yeah yeah yeah. But you did, yeah. Isn't it? That's the thing about Taskmaster. Even if you think you've done badly at the time, you can always rely on someone else fucking up. I think the delicious thing about,
Starting point is 00:27:53 like, I think the thing is that if you think you've absolutely smashed it, like you found the loophole, you don't want to be too keen. Like you're sitting there and you're just like, well, not everyone's going gonna see that there's a little metal thing under the chair so i'm just gonna sit here and like because it's you feel so cool when you do something and you just don't have to do the work that the other people do
Starting point is 00:28:14 yeah and i think that's what was happening for her she was just like so nonchalant she was like yeah but it turns out she screwed it up completely, which was joyous. I mean, Jo does exactly what you'd expect. Jo's in this situation, just aimlessly throws them. Just chucks it, yeah. Yeah, just a lot of chucking. But her and Katie both worked out that they could use pipes. Yeah, did the pipey thing.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Which I wish I'd worked out. Yeah. I mean, you didn't have a technique. No. No, I stood on the chair. have a technique no no i stood on the chair that was my technique you stood on the chair you threw the eggs katie got it and didn't didn't smash the egg crucially as well so wrapped it up completely and then used the tubes to get it into the thing she wanted to get it into so she got 12 points um whereas joe used the pipes but then just sort of didn't just didn't care and just started randomly throwing eggs around she looked like she was having a good time she did have a good time but it was katie who was like i'm just here to have a good time yeah what's your tactic just have fun have a nice time
Starting point is 00:29:21 that's what I like about, I feel like Katie Wicks radiates hope and joy. Yes. And if that's your tactic in Taskmaster, you will occasionally succeed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she did here. It was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Now, what do we think about David's technique? I hate to sort of lay into David because we've already discussed his toilet paper. I've already talked about his toilet paper mischiefs. But this idea that releasing the egg means that he's cracking the egg and then he can just take it wherever he wants and puts it in i think it's good and clever do you i do i do i like seeing the like the sloppy egg all over his hands i like that he like I think he should have done more of like a I think he should have made a more a moment of the releasing
Starting point is 00:30:08 yes I release you where because I think that would have like cemented it yeah um and I feel like Greg initially was like this is absolute bullshit like Greg initially yeah somewhere along the line like the set it was like yes an egg, an egg is an egg and a shell is a shell. But okay. Well, this is interesting if then, cause you got the point. So we now have to take their definition of egg, which is the egg is the thing inside the shell, right? Yeah. So if you look back at the task, you have to get an entire egg into one of the metal things without the egg breaking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:42 So if we're no longer considering the shell part of the egg, and I guess if the yolk doesn't split in the thing, surely the people who even broke the shell throwing the egg in should get double points because they've not broken the egg. Do you see? No, I do not see. That was absolute gibberish. If you, gibberish.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Was it pronounced gibberish or gibberish? It's gibberish. It's important to get that one right when you're accusing someone of speaking it. You're speaking absolute gibberish if you gibberish is it pronounced gibberish or gibberish it's gibberish it's important to get that one right when you're accusing someone of speaking if you're trying to say that if you threw an egg and the shell broke you should get double points because you didn't break the egg itself you broke that you broke the shell what do you think happened on impact inside the metal thing well we don't know because we didn't check because the definition
Starting point is 00:31:27 of egg even within the Taskmaster production team has changed between the task and the studio if we're allowing if we're allowing David that the egg is the egg
Starting point is 00:31:36 and not the shell then we need to go back and we need to see whether the yolk broke on impact when I threw the egg in the metal thing I think
Starting point is 00:31:44 I feel like you're grasping at the shores. Well, I would have got 20 points if that was the case. Yeah, if you hadn't broken the yolk, which you definitely did because you lobbed an egg at a metal thing. You know what I would say? When Badil cracked the egg, put it in his palm, that yolk definitely split. Oh, well, this is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah, it was like an eggy mess it was like he was a soldier yeah kind of gets dunked in eggs yeah and he was just kamikazeing through his hand pierced the egg the yolk was in two bits i was like that's why i liked it i was like look he's it's all messy yeah i like a bit of yeah he did break the egg then he broke the egg he broke the shell and the egg i think there's a case for dethroning the deal, but I don't think it's based on you perfectly landing. A completely intact yolk in a metal bin from about 20 metres away. No, fair enough. Well, Katie's tactic was just to have fun,
Starting point is 00:32:37 and it did pay off for her this time. She got five points. I got the four points. David, the egg liberator, even though he worked out that technique, he did not work out that there were points on various things, so he didn't go and find the highest point one, which is fairly classic David. Joe gets two points.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And Rose, not having a good episode so far, one point for Rose. Thank you, sir. Not particularly. You did all right. You constructed a tunnel. Yeah. You got an egg in the one with two points.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You've got to feel some joy in life, constructing your own tunnel. I have a lot of joy in my life, just not standing on a bit of fucking wasteland. Katie, I thought that the quiet robot came out at the beginning again there. What's your tactic? Just having fun.
Starting point is 00:33:25 In fact, you had lots of tactics, didn't you? So I didn't understand what was going on, that's why I started just throwing. And then I understood, and that's when I protected my egg. She was the only one who successfully protected her egg. Really? It didn't smash? Her egg did not smash, and she threw it into the tube,
Starting point is 00:33:39 bearing in mind that the leader so far is Edward Ten. Her tube was worth six points. The egg survived, so she is Edward 10. Her tube was worth 6 points. Yay! So she gets 12 points. Task 2. Forge the best Mount Rushmore. You have 10 minutes to write your shopping list and 30 minutes to forge your Mount Rushmore. Your time starts now. How did you feel about this
Starting point is 00:33:59 task, Sophie? I got very scared that I would not have known what Mount Rushmore was when you first heard it what was your instant thought what did you think I was like I thought I was I thought it was like a American sitcom Rushmore no that's it's a Rushmore's a film about Mount Rushmore I don't know if I've actually not seen it but i was just like i was like it just sounds yeah i've heard of the it just sounds like it's like an american like fraser yeah yeah i don't think i mean i would have i would have asked someone on the production team
Starting point is 00:34:36 but what if they wouldn't have they wouldn't tell you well then i'd have done really badly in that task. What would you have done then? Okay. I think, Matt, I just have done a really scary mountain. Like a really, you know, maybe like a black run. Yeah. Like some crags, maybe like a little volcano where you could throw the one ring into it.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I don't know. I think I just have done a little base camp camp maybe like some sherpas taking people up is it a mountain well yeah it is it's a cliff big cliff yeah but you know it probably was a mountain until they carved loads of fucking faces into the side of it um but look look i mean i would have loved to have seen you do about rushmore not knowing what mount rushmore i wasn't sure maybe i would have remembered yeah but possibly um i found this quite difficult like i kind of panicked because some of these creative ones when they're like do this and you've just got no ideas you've never even thought about something like this but i was kind of happy with what i came up with no one else did it my own version of mount rushmore things that were important to me you it was and i i say this i think you're a
Starting point is 00:35:50 pretty wholesome guy thank you but i think it was the most wholesome i've ever seen you yeah it was adorable everything you like i think you really adopted the wix philosophy on this one because you were like I just want to have I just want to have fun just have a great time yeah you put you sort of like uh first okay so first you did a picture of your lovely wife yes although at one point during that I did say natural blonde which which didn't I didn't enjoy myself saying that when I put a hair on, I went natural blonde. Which is kind of a gross thing to say. Why did you say that?
Starting point is 00:36:30 I don't know. You know, when you're doing Taskmaster, it's like verbal diarrhea sometimes when you're commentating on what you're doing. I thought you said actual blonde. No, I didn't say actual blonde. I said natural blonde, which sounds like something a man in the 70s would say. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:43 She's not one of these women. Yeah, not one of these liars. She'd be in a boxs would say. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's not one of these women. Yeah, not one of these liars. She'd be doing a box of dyes. That is impressive, though. Yeah. It wasn't a good representation of a natural blonde. No, I don't think so. It wasn't a good representation of a human woman, but...
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah, certainly not my wife. My wife does not look like that, but... No. Yeah. Look, the thing's important to me, apparently... Secondly... My wife my wife pizza and music heavy metal yes heavy metal and pizza i don't know is pizza that important to you or is it just something that you it was to represent food i think and i thought that would be the easiest
Starting point is 00:37:15 food to make out of clay that's that's true yeah yeah yeah it was and then you just sort of did gray face which there was a lot of gray face going. There was a lot of grey face going on in this task. There was a lot of grey face. But you didn't offend anyone. No, that's true, yeah. I found out stuff about you. It's really important to you that your partner's a natural blonde. I feel like you did a person for the heavy metal.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I did Ozzy Osbourne, yeah. Oh, Ozzy Osbourne. It was supposed to be Ozzy Osbourne, but the way the clay worked out, it looked like I'd given Ozzy Osbourne dreads. So it didn't quite work. Yeah, that was the most, yeah. I'm glad I know it was Ozzy Osbourne.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. And then I just went mad with glitter and gold paint and I put an owl on top of it. Yeah. You said that so, you were like, yeah put an owl on top of it. Yeah. You said that so, so you're like, yeah, now I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:10 do you like cows? No, the owl was on top of the mountain. So the, the owl wasn't there to represent that. I love owls. The owl had just happened to flow, fly over and was sitting on top of the mountain. Even though it was the daytime and I was living trees.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yes. Okay. I think I'd sort of panicked about my idea and didn't think it was good enough. So I just went mad with it and thought if I cover my face with something and then plonk my head in clay, then at least no one can accuse me of not making an effort. Yeah. And I think you did that very well. But I think that because you were like throwing like sprinkles on it, glitter,
Starting point is 00:38:39 I feel like your Rushmore didn't have the like natural majesty of the Potato Girls. No, true. I mean, it's so weird that they both ended up using potatoes, but I thought their two were the best for me. Even though Rose's didn't really look like Mount Rushmore, but she carved four faces out of potato. I thought
Starting point is 00:39:00 it looked amazing. Yeah, it looked like those totem poles. Is that something that they have in new zealand like the big blocks with the faces on them or is that a different part of the world greg references easter island oh yeah yeah i think that is it yeah um but i thought they looked amazing like i thought they looked so cool they didn't really look like the president's fine but um katie obviously uses mash uh any artistic task you can guarantee Katie's going to do well
Starting point is 00:39:28 I think she's got such a distinct style artistically as well and it looked fantastic, what did you think of that one? I feel like potatoes are a weird thing to think you can use because I think of mash as being quite not that malleable gloopy and a bit yeah
Starting point is 00:39:44 I don't know what I would have used maybe like a sort of Because I think of matcha as being quite not that malleable. Gloopy and a bit, yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I would have used. Maybe like a sort of a bean? A big one. Oh, have you ever made hummus? Yes. Okay. And you know, like when you make your own hummus,
Starting point is 00:40:00 it's not like the hummus in the shops. No, it's thicker, isn't it? It's bad and thick. I would have made some homemade hummus and use that because it's also got little chunky bits yeah of course because if you don't have like a like a industrial blender then it's going to have like chunks in it so that yeah that might work really nicely for a mount rushmore thank you we'll never know you'll never you'll never know and you wouldn't have known what matt rushmore was anyway so i doubt you would have got to the hummus thing you would done your own version of frasier by the sounds of it um but it looked i just the the texture she added and the
Starting point is 00:40:35 uh the little contrasting shading as well was was very impressive uh she got five points for that um joe only gets three points it's the lowest lowest score of this task for using a tarpaulin and getting crew members to stick their heads through. And Greg says it just looks like a bin bag with loads of people trapped in it. What did you think of Jo's? I thought Jo, I liked the production team getting involved. They all looked really willing to be there.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's nice to see their little faces. Yeah. willing to be there uh it's nice to see their little faces yeah they sort of looked like a um like a like it was sort of like halloweeny vibe it looked like a ghost yeah like a little ghost yeah ghost ghost borg it didn't it wasn't giving mountain slash sexy cliff no sexy is sexy cliff how we're gonna defy mount rushmore now yeah wait are they are they good presidents or bad presidents on there well i think they're all i mean all precedents yeah if you look back in history there's the you know none of them are going to be uh are going to have a clean sheet i don't think yeah washington was he all right or not oh i think i think not
Starting point is 00:41:40 oh oh well i mean i think he's I don't think he's the worst. No. No, the worst was the last one. What, bad boy Joe Biden? Mr. Trump. Yeah, Mr. Trump was the worst one. Yeah. So luckily he's not on Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But yeah, I think probably they were all up to no good to some extent. But no, I got what Joe was trying to do but david sort of did a better version of it so i felt a bit sorry for her in that instance not that she gives a shit i mean yeah yeah joe joe's was not good and we have to we have to be honest about we have to be honest about that it was was charming. It had great people involved, but it did not look... It didn't look like anything. No, right. Whereas David's actually... He got the positioning right of the heads.
Starting point is 00:42:33 You know, he had that amazing bit of polystyrene or whatever it was. He painted it. He did a parking sign. He did some foliage. This is a rare win for David Baddiel. A, just to win a task is rare, but also that he put thought into it
Starting point is 00:42:45 and his vision actually carried through to what was presented on screen. Yeah. I feel like I've not seen loads of Baddiel over the series, but I feel like, does he go with like a personal, like a memory? I felt like he'd been to Rushmore. Yeah, I'm sure he's been to Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like the level of specificity, he was like, oh, I get to tell people about that time. Because because the parking was just such a like it's a very dad thing as well to think about where the parking would be and he was like off off camera yeah but it was three points to joe four points to rose four points to me which rose hates by the way whenever she thinks she's done something well and i get the same points than her as her she said she told me she'd prefer to get no points and then I get points because she just thinks it was an absolute travesty that I got the same points for that you can see it in the studio where she looks at me I think there's some real great moment I think there's a moment
Starting point is 00:43:41 when um Rose looks at you there's also a moment know we're going to get there in the final task, where you realise that even though people like Joe, Brad, Rose, I wouldn't say are necessarily always competitive. Yeah. It's just a real like, just a sort of animal. Yeah. It's a role. It's like, I would say, for a contestant that's doing well.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Katie gets five points and David gets five points as well. Forge the best Mount Rushmore. You have ten minutes to write your shopping list and 30 minutes to forge your Mount Rushmore. Your time starts now. Oh, God! Forge. Does it mean forge it as in, like, become a blacksmith for half an hour?
Starting point is 00:44:25 I mean, clay, I suppose I could make just a big lump of clay. You need, like, thousands of... Billions of years, really, to forge a mountain. I'm so bad at building things. Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, Trump. LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Let's talk about that final task. Task three.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Part one, join your hands together so your palms are touching and each finger of one hand is touching the equivalent finger of the other hand. Your hands must stay in this position for the entirety of the task. Now turn the task over. Part two, put the most gold rings on this drumstick. You have five minutes. Your time starts now.
Starting point is 00:45:03 This was day one, Sophieie just as a little uh okay little uh piece of information there you can tell if it's day one on this series uh by the big spot on my forehead oh you had a little uh a little friend i had a real big it was a big old friend um where on the face was it it was on on the forehead like just above my just above my left eye i think um absolute stonker so if you if you can i think i've tried to cover it up with something because the gentlemen don't get makeup on taskmaster so i had to i had to find some in the dressing room and try and cover it up myself um i's because you're a man of the people i cannot wait to re-watch it's gonna be you like you're gonna have like a plaster like nelly or a bit of potato yeah or
Starting point is 00:45:53 i've tried to put my hair over it but you just see it pop out now and again it's uh it's a real big boy um so this was day one uh this i i loved this task because this felt like a weird escape room is what this one felt like. Yeah, I do like the weird escape room style ones. And I did like, even though I was furious when this happened in my series because it was a similar thing where one of the things you needed, a duck in this case, was hidden on your body. And it was in like these stupid work boots that I'd been given
Starting point is 00:46:20 just before the task to keep me safe from my own stupidity. And just seeing Alex pat everyone on the back yeah the kiss of death it was kiss of death if you were a repressed English gentleman is a pat on the back because he hates hugging he hates physical contact so the fact he did that should have alerted me to the fact that he was doing something sneaky but you can see on my face I'm absolutely delighted to get a cuddle and that's all you want on your first day of Taskmaster you just want a bit of reassurance you're like you're doing okay exactly gonna be all right yeah the ring on the back just led to again one of just the most classic David Baddiel moments of making the decision to
Starting point is 00:47:02 put the drumstick onto the floor and then try and sort of oh no slap drop the ring onto the onto the drumstick that visual that is it i think he's i mean in almost every like he started off talking about a toilet that he'd been on and then he ended it up squatting over a drumstick. Squatting over a drumstick. Why would you not think to just take the ring off? It's clearly not going to be on there with super glue. You can just pull the ring off your back and put it onto the stick. Because I felt like he had,
Starting point is 00:47:36 no, because he felt like he couldn't use any of his hands. He uses his mouth. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But you could wiggle it off. You could brush it against the wall. You can get it in, you can get it on top of the hand and then yeah just just question i think what was best about him
Starting point is 00:47:50 deciding to do that is that he wasn't very good at it so he's just like oh no like if he'd done it perfectly it'd be like well this is your preferred method you're gonna drop a ring onto a stick if that's what you're asked to do but it was just like it was clearly so he was like why would you make me do this very specific thing? No one asked you to do that, David. There are so many other ways of doing it. Yeah, it was painful to watch him just keep missing with that ring. And in the end, he only got the hula hoop on.
Starting point is 00:48:16 No, he did. He got the ring on the top. It was on the top. And so one of mine was the hula hoop balanced on the top. So I would argue that, you know, the hula hoop is on the drumstick. It's just on top of the drumstick. And a lot of people got Alex's, well, Joe and Katie got Alex's ring off. I wish I'd spotted that by essentially taking his full finger in their mouth
Starting point is 00:48:40 and then removing the ring, which is a bold choice. Yeah, it was a very physical task for Alex. I don't know. I liked making Alex do stuff that he was uncomfortable with and I don't know if I'd have sucked his finger. I just, it feels, because if you've got that wrong, I mean, maybe he'd tell you before it was in your mouth, but I just feel like if you were like,
Starting point is 00:49:06 oh, like, I think I'd probably think it. Yeah. And then not say anything. Because if I was like, can I just suck the ring off your finger? You're like, no, no. But also it feels very pre-COVID. Yes. Yeah. I was thinking about him.
Starting point is 00:49:23 How did he prep the hand? Yeah. He must be washing. Surely he's washing his hands. But if he's like, if he's, if he's sweating a bit from the hands and it's going to be a little salty finger. I don't know how many contestants say, no, I'm not going to say that. I was going to say, I don't know how many taskmasters contestants can say they know for sure what Alex tastes like. It should get cut out. It should get cut out. And will it?
Starting point is 00:49:49 I don't know. No, it won't, especially because you built it up as saying that you were going to say that, but you didn't want to, and then you said it anyway. I think that's all staying in, unfortunately, Sophie. Yeah, absolutely amazing that Katie and Joe both did that. Katie gets three rings in total. Yeah, I love this.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You can see the vigour with which I'm knocking the top of that box off and I'm getting into the beans. Yeah, you found that, yeah, was there a ring actually in the beans or was it in a little side box? It was in a match box that was wrapped in cling film and then put in the beans
Starting point is 00:50:19 which was wrapped in cling film and then that was put in the box. So yeah, you just had to get through a few layers. It was like a horrible pass the parcel. rose uh rose not to amp up your clear rivalry but i feel like i'm not sure she got that particular one or she just sort of like threw it on the ground got frustrated yeah i think i didn't notice it until later yeah yeah i think uh i think she couldn't be she didn't have time to get to the to get to the ring inside that one um but i remember distinctly doing this on the first day, then waking up in the middle of the night afterwards
Starting point is 00:50:47 and going, why? Because I didn't get Alex's ring. So my first thought was obviously Alex was wearing a ring. And I was like, I could have got everyone on the production team if they had a gold ring. Oh. To put it onto the drumstick. I could have had like 10.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I could have had 10 gold rings on there. Yeah. You could have had a double Christmas carol. I could have had like 10 I could have had 10 gold rings on there yeah you could have had a double a double Christmas carol I could have had a double Christmas carol it was I got five points anyway so I can't complain about that but before I knew I'd got the five points I I was livid with myself for not thinking outside the box on that one um but I got the three I enjoy the day after regret because you regret not building on something that you didn't even do in the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You were like, yeah, I got step one. No, the only step you got was getting in the room and participating in the task. It was five points for me, five points for Katie, three points for Joe, three points for Rose, and of course, one point for David. Possibly the least erotic piece of film I've ever seen in my life. But that really backfired on Alex Horne because I thought it was weird when he started hugging people because he doesn't like physical contact.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I didn't like doing it. You were creepily good at putting, sneaking things onto people's backs. I had practised that task and I was very nervous about doing it. Yeah, you didn't like the ladies taking the rings off your fingers with their mouths, though, did you? Didn't like that one little bit. I was smiling and looking uncomfortable. And sweaty. You were quite sweaty.
Starting point is 00:52:16 What's this? That was the only bit I enjoyed. Let's talk about this. A legendary live task. Read the Taskmaster's mind the taskmaster will choose a card you must state if that card features a horse or a laminator you will receive one point for every correct answer in a row so this wasn't just points in the task as in this would didn't then go five four three two one based on the amount of points you got this was series points this was this was phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah. This was, I think, one of the best Taskmaster tasks I've ever seen. Just, I mean, it's Joe Brand, obviously. Like, me, David and Rose get through this very quickly. When Katie did it and she got five, I remember thinking, well, that's incredible. I've never seen anyone do anything like that. And then when Joe sat down and got 13 in a row.
Starting point is 00:53:07 It was, yeah. And I think at the start, Alex was like, well, you'll need to get 11 to tie. Yeah, yeah. It was... Which, which? It must be, but she was so surprised by it. There was lots of conspiracy theories floating around as well.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Maybe she could see the reflection in Greg's glasses. yeah she'd worked something out were we telling her and we definitely weren't by the way you can tell at the end we're trying to block Greg's mind which goes out through the front of his face yeah yeah yeah yeah um but just incredible I think she was as surprised as anyone I think but of course out of all of us it feels like Jo would have the mind reading abilities it was beautiful I feel like Greg was getting actually quite perturbed while it was happening and I think he I think he thought it made him look like he was cheating he was like oh yeah like this little apology um yeah it was it was yeah I thought Katie was gonna take that yeah for sure gonna walk it didn't even seem like Jo was
Starting point is 00:54:06 taking a time over it I didn't feel like she was like anguished how am I going to get the seventh one am I going to get the eighth one she just kept saying horse laminated horse yeah it was it was incredible it was incredible to witness it I mean obviously I think it took so long in the studio to get to that point I think she was never in in anguish over it but she'd you know she took her time a little bit with it so they had to really edit it quickly um but it was an honor to watch Jo Brand defeat the odds and and get 13 in a row 13 serious points I just also loved having you all up on stage like that. It looked, I just, it was like you were sitting so close together. And just having you and Greg and Alex all up on the stage. I was like,
Starting point is 00:54:52 look at them, look at the series nine gang. It was. Yeah. Good gang. Yeah. Now David got nought somehow. How'd you get none?
Starting point is 00:55:02 None is almost as impressive as getting 13 in a row I think yeah well you can't read minds can he? No that's he can't read his own mind me and Rose both got one which was a shame I went in very quickly and hard with it because I thought if I get loads right in a row it'd be much
Starting point is 00:55:19 cooler if I'm just being like yeah whatever and then I got one wrong almost immediately. And that was it. Katie got five points, which we thought was good until Joe came along and got 13 series points, but it wasn't enough for her to win the episode, which is still Katie's to take home with 24 points.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Then Joe got 22. I was on 17, David on 14, and a rare bottom place for Rose on 11 points, meaning at this point, very close in the series. I'm on 118. Katie's on 117. Joe's on 115 now. Joe's a contender at this point because of that final live task.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Rose on 113. And then David on 89. now Sophie before we go we should talk about the series 16 lineup briefly yeah now I'm going to read out the lineup and then I want all of your detailed thoughts yes Julian Clary, Lucy Beaumont, Sam Campbell, Sue Perkins, Susan Wacoma. What do we think of this lineup? I think it's a really good lineup. I think they feel like they're all going to turn into creepy little freaks.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I don't see any of them doing well under pressure. I think the person that I imagine to do the most well under pressure is maybe Sue? Perkins, yeah, definitely. She seems quite capable. She wears glasses. she can talk really fast if she needs to yeah uh so i'm like great um lucy beaumont i think it's gonna be an absolute delight yes yeah she's wonderful i don't know she's gonna i don't think there's anyone i think is going to be bad at tasks. But I think that there's less killer instinct, I'm assuming, in ink.
Starting point is 00:57:10 There's less killer... gibberish. Gibberish. I think that the people who are going to want it the least, maybe Susie. Maybe Wakoma. And I don't know if Lucy's going to be super competitive. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:57:28 That's not the vibe I get from her generally, but you don't know. Taskmaster does weird things to people. Sam will not care. Sam will not care. Will just care about doing the sort of most offbeat things possible. Yeah. He's got a wonderful mind,
Starting point is 00:57:41 that man. I'm very much looking forward to seeing him on the show. And I don't really know about Julian Clary. Obviously, we all know Julian Clary and his work from across the years, but will he want to win this? Will he be competitive? I think, I mean, when you've got a lot of achievements,
Starting point is 00:58:00 I think that winning Taskmaster is kind of like, it's the only, only like you can't really control it is that controversial you can't really control whether you win Taskmaster so in a way it's the most it's the most impressive thing that you could have correct because so few people have won Taskmaster I think if you're Julian Clare you're like what Everest is there left to climb yeah yeah maybe that's what Mount Rushmore is there so i think i think and also i think if you agree to do taskmaster at a certain point in your career you're like let's do it let's really go for it yeah unless you turn out to be really bad straight away and then you sort of give up
Starting point is 00:58:35 yeah then you can just yeah just really just disassociate from the whole thing um but very much looking forward to seeing that lineup do you have any predictions on who might win but very much looking forward to seeing that line up. Do you have any predictions on who might win? I'm going to put my money behind. I'm not going to pick Sue because I think she's the bookie's favorite. Yeah. And I want a high return.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Can you tell I've not gabbled before? I want a high return from my little investment. I think I would say Lucy. You heard it here first. Lucy Beaumont is going to win it. Lucy Beaumont. Excellent prediction. Thank you so much for coming back on the Taskmaster podcast, Sophie.
Starting point is 00:59:16 We always ask our guests, of course, as you know, to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. We hope you've enjoyed yourself, but what point score would you give your experience today you know what i think it's a three okay yeah talk me through that i felt humiliated that i didn't know what rush war was yeah fair enough so i wasn't even on the show and yet i've had to like you sort of made me do like a play-by-play of like how i would have embarrassed myself yeah what i would have done how i really put you there didn't i yeah yeah i was like i'm
Starting point is 00:59:48 sorry yeah and i could even though i had you know the quite frankly mediocre hummus innovation oh no that was good i enjoyed that but you didn't know what mount rushmore was you thought you might not have known i would have panicked and i you know what I actually would have done and I would have tried to do like a funny I would I maybe done like a mountain in motion or something like it was a rush like because I was like because I wouldn't have been sure what it was that I've tried to make it not something that was important to me but like a wanky play on the name um it worked you never know might have worked um purely for getting to discuss I think most of the
Starting point is 01:00:26 three points are from getting to discuss that amazing studio task three points look I'll take it I've been scored worse anything you want to plug before you go
Starting point is 01:00:34 my name is Sophie Duker and I have a website and I just want to plug my existence my continued existence in the world I also have a show called Wacky Racist
Starting point is 01:00:43 it's going to be massive at Hackney Empire later this year. So please come and find the details on my website. Fantastic. Thank you so much, Sophie. Thank you. Thank you so much to Sophie for coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Always a brilliant guest. It was wonderful to chat to her, even though three out of five is not great as an episode score. But I always feel like if there's some internet issues that always knocks a point off at least for me uh but lovely to chat sophie we will be back next week of course to talk about series nine episode eight with another fantastic special guest thank you very much keep watching taskmaster keep listening to this podcast pre-order my book from waterstones or wherever you order your books from. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Every veteran has a story. Whatever your next chapter, get support with health, education, finance, and more at veterans.gc.ca slash services. A message from the Government of Canada.

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