Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 27. Rick Edwards - S11 Ep.4

Episode Date: April 8, 2021

On this week's podcast Ed is joined by TV's Rick Edwards. Rick is a TM super fan so the pair go over historical Taskmaster moments and share their thoughts on tonight's episode. Keep it fast, keep it ...slick, keep it good!You can watch Series 11 of Taskmaster each Thursday on Channel 4 at 9pm.Watch Taskmaster Bleeped on All 4Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster For all your Taskmaster goodies visit www.taskmasterstore.com  Taskmaster the podcast is produced by Daisy Knight for Avalon Television Ltd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster Podcast TMP. We are chatting about Series 11, Episode 4 today. I'm your host, Ed Gamble. Not much lead into this. I just sort of want to get on with it. We've got a brilliant guest. It's Rick Edwards.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Television's Rick Edwards. I mean, of want to get on with it. We've got a brilliant guest. It's Rick Edwards. Television's Rick Edwards. I mean, the guy's done loads of stuff. You might know him as the host of Impossible. But did you know that it's impossible to find a bigger Taskmaster fan than him? That's right. He knows his stuff. So we will be talking to him about this current series,
Starting point is 00:01:01 specifically episode four. If you've not seen it, pop yourself on all four. Give it a watch. If you've not seen it because you're like, oh no, are they going to say some rude stuff? Don't worry. You can go on Taskmaster bleeps on all four as well. Watch that with the whole family
Starting point is 00:01:15 without fear of hearing anything about anuses. There you go. I've said it now. There is no Taskmaster podcast bleeped we say it here we say it like it is anus bum um rude farts so let's hear from rick edwards about taskmaster series 11 episode 4 welcome rick edwards to the taskmaster podcast Thank you for having me on the Taskmaster Podcast. Ed Gamble.
Starting point is 00:01:48 We're very excited to have you here. I'm presuming... Don't sound it. Well, I am. Look, I'm... Mate, I'm absolutely... That's better. That's much better. I was going to build... I tend to build my excitement throughout the episode.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Ah, oh, OK. So we're starting small. Yeah, I like that. So I'm going to sound really excited to say goodbye to you. Which I'll come across badly, if anything. Okay, so we're starting small. Yeah, I like that. So I'm going to sound really excited to say goodbye to you. Which I'll come across badly, if anything. It's not a classic way of conducting a conversation, is it? No, it's all start miserable.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I'll tell you my favourite bit, the end. God, I love the end. God, I'm going to be so pumped to see the back of you, Rick Edwards. I'm presuming, Rick, as you've agreed to come on this podcast, which we're very happy about, that you are a fan of the television show Taskmaster. Yes, I am. I mean, on the basis that I think it's quite hard not to be a fan of the television show Taskmaster
Starting point is 00:02:36 if you've watched it. So I accept that there will be people who haven't watched it. But if you've watched it, it's a lot of fun. It really is. And I would say, without getting too serious on your head, I think at the moment it's a particularly nice antidote to all the bloody misery. It is, it is.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I mean, I'm trying to imagine the sort of person who wouldn't enjoy it and it's the sort of person who doesn't like joy, maybe, someone who's anti-joy. Yeah, so who are the big anti-joy guys out there? I mean, I'll be honest you sort of wonder if Greg wasn't a taskmaster would Greg like the show yeah that's a good point that's a good point I mean I have to when I I've always loved it but um probably until I was on it I held back a little bit of enjoyment for it oh out of sort of resentment that you hadn't been asked on pure
Starting point is 00:03:25 bitterness yes yeah yeah i can see that because they have cycled through now like all of your peers i suppose like everyone's been on most most people have been on yeah are there any are there any like real big hitters that you think are sitting there seething that they've not been invited well i think i think there are people who have been invited who there seething that they've not been invited? Well, I think there are people who have been invited who are seething for other reasons. I mean, all comedians have a bit of seething, don't they? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But specifically about this,
Starting point is 00:03:54 if you're sitting there and thinking, it is unfathomable that me, with my great standing within the comedy world, have not been invited on this show, there must be some people thinking that. Are you seething that you haven't done it, Rick? No, I don't. I think there's not...
Starting point is 00:04:11 I mean, I'm not a comedian, I think is the main thing. And I'm also not a comedy actor. And there's not been many... There have been a few, but there's not many people who aren't comedians or comedy actors. So it doesn't feel like... Don't get me wrong, I would love to do it um yeah i'm not getting my seethe on here that wasn't a very sort of security swear at me saying and here's my piece why i should be on the show it's mainly i think
Starting point is 00:04:36 it's richard osmond is pretty much one of the only the only people and then of course the the new year's special they do the new year's special but you can't you can't say that into account really you can't be you can't be bitter about that one i don't know i think you can be i could yeah i mean i could try if you really want me to okay by the end of this podcast i'll be fuming throughout sort of the history of taskmaster do you have anything that sticks in your mind as a favourite series or a favourite task or a favourite contestant? When you think Taskmaster, what do you think of?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Favourite task is difficult, isn't it? Because there's just so bloody many of them. Favourite series, I think, is probably... Hang on, it's series five it's series five is where you've got bob mortimer who's probably my favorite ever taskmaster contestant yes but in a broader sense he might be my favorite ever person so i think that's the thing bob's obviously like everyone says he's great on taskmaster but then if you push them on it's like oh he's great in everything of course that's that's the thing name me something that bob isn isn't great yes yeah are you going to tell me that bob isn't good
Starting point is 00:05:47 on what i like to you okay good luck um uh so yeah and also not only have you got bob but you've also got nish in that one and i really uh i just i like the level of sort of antipathy between Nish and Greg, just how annoying Greg finds Nish. Well, Nish is like a child. Exactly. As a friend of Nish, it was joyous to see him be the Nish that I know on television because he's obviously so smart. But we don't talk about politics when we chat.
Starting point is 00:06:22 He doesn't go on amusing left-wing rants when we're chatting on the phone. He's just an absolute goofball. So it was lovely to see that. Yeah, I think it is. Yeah, and very, very pleasing seeing that get under Greg's skin. Yes. So probably, yeah, I think Five is probably my favourite series.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Five's a solid choice. is probably my favourite series. Five's a solid choice. And yeah, I think Bob, probably favourite contestant. And then favourite... I mean, I do always, and this is such a small thing, but I do always like thinking about Rod Gilbert's creepiest thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Where he's hidden in Greg's cupboard and filmed him sleeping that is that is too good that's one of the best things I've ever seen on television genuinely and actually recently
Starting point is 00:07:19 Daisy in the quiet cocktail is just it's just poetry just the rage and her having to shout I love this or whatever
Starting point is 00:07:35 it was it gets me I'll tell you something that haunts me genuinely haunts me is you and that bloody chickpea yes i've haunted a lot of people's nightmares because i mean it was all i would say it was all fine very funny and until you you made out with the the hummus and i'd say as a man who really likes hummus and it genuinely makes me gag thinking about that and i've ruined hummus for a lot of people your horrible grin it's like that that yeah sorry i'm not in any way suggesting that is one of
Starting point is 00:08:13 my favorites one of your worst but that that that is something that's stuck in my head in an unpleasant way you horrible man yeah i mean they they when i suggested that they were quite sort of taken aback as a production crew i think because i came up with it fairly quickly as in i said i want to take the chippy on a date uh and they were like okay that's a good idea it's like and then it can get run over and it can be hummus and they were like great really fun idea and i was like and then i could be topless in bed and i could snog it and they were okay well you can do it but that you've sort of ruined your own idea there a bit and and and also you've be topless in bed and I could snog it. And they went, okay, well, you can do it, but you've sort of ruined your own idea there a bit. And also, you've got to think that they have heard a lot of madcap stuff
Starting point is 00:08:51 as the production team on Taskmaster to get them to be slightly taken aback. You've really gone beyond. Yeah. Oh, man. I don't know what it is about me, though. I think it just has to be disgusting i was like i've got to leave a lasting impression well you've you've absolutely listen if that was the aim you've you've you've nailed it yeah you couldn't have done anything more abhorrent
Starting point is 00:09:15 it's like my stand-up i've never i'm never comfortable with gentle whimsy i always have to end it with like and then my dick farted. So what are you making of Series 11 so far? How do you think it's panning out? I am really enjoying Series 11. And as soon as I heard that Jamali was doing it, I was excited because I know Jamali. And he has a very specific attitude to life and everything. And I was very confident that would sort of work quite interestingly within the Taskmaster world.
Starting point is 00:09:59 As in it would butt against it. Yes, definitely. And seeing that play out exactly as I'd hoped is very, very satisfying. It really is playing out exactly like that and continues to, I think, yeah. So we've had four episodes so far and I think he's antagonised Greg and Alex
Starting point is 00:10:17 more than any contestant in Taskmaster history. I would agree with that. And that was always going to be the case. If you've met Jamali, there is no way that you can imagine he's going to do anything but what he is doing. Yes, it's great. He's either yanking their chains
Starting point is 00:10:32 or he can't be bothered. They're sort of the two states. But those are his two things. Yeah. It's either just nah, nah, nah, or deliberately sort of poking. It's fantastic. He's promoting the show.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So the other night, he plugged Taskmaster during the show itself and said, oh, I'm a bit late plugging this, but you can catch up on 4OD. And I left a comment saying, it's called All 4 now. And he went, well, I'm not watching that. I don't like that name.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I like 4OD. I'm not watching All 4. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing I'd watch. Just not bothered. Whereas when I was on it, I was like every two days. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing I'd watch. Just not bothered. Whereas when I was on it, I was like, every two days, I was like, don't forget Taskmaster's coming up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's my favourite thing I've ever done. Please. But that's sort of what everyone does because it's true. You can see everyone's having an absolutely fantastic time and is really keen for people to see it because it's so fun. And with Jamali,
Starting point is 00:11:23 you're like, I don't imagine Jamali's ever watched this no um really uh or would i mean i don't know if you've noticed jamali promote anything but it is always in in that vein it's hard to say half i mean quarter half a cheek if anything yeah he's i don't think he had watched it. He told us on the podcast that he's watched clips, but he, to his credit, said he doesn't think that Taskmaster is marketed at the Mandem, is what he said.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah, I think that's probably true. As he calls it, Task Game. Yeah. So let's get into this episode. The price task calls it, task game. Yeah. So let's get into this episode. The prize task up first, as per, is the craziest thing. Yes. The craziest thing. Obviously very open to interpretation.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't think, before we get into the specifics, I don't think anyone brought in anything that i was genuine i genuinely thought was crazy or that i was impressed by yeah i i think i would agree with that although i was quite taken with the sort of slightly um like the thinking man's crazy uh of mike wozniak with with the bin and the and the loo roll like i was like, you are right. That is actually, that is a crazy thing to do. I think I enjoyed that because I don't think it's necessarily crazy. But within Mike's persona, I can tell he thinks it's really crazy. So it made sense for him to bring it in.
Starting point is 00:12:59 So I think that sort of hit the brief in a weird way. Yes, yes yes yeah i didn't um yeah i think i was with greg on uh on on lee's weird uh sort of anatomical swing costume i didn't think it was crazy it just felt a bit sort of kind of market somehow yeah i mean i'm sure i've seen a t-shirt of that and i'm just like yeah that's um yeah that is that is rubbish it's rubbish but i don't think it's crazy it felt like he googled crazy things and that was that came up in the shopping bar at the top yeah but i think that you wanna yeah i totally agree and i think you need to swipe across a bit until you get to something two scrolls at least two scrolls. I mean, even just to cover your tracks.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, so that not for me. The Melting Angel faces I thought was probably creepy rather than crazy. I think it was a really good creepy. Yeah. I think you're right and I think the way Sarah
Starting point is 00:14:04 told the story you could tell she wasn't necessarily behind it as a crazy thing because she kept saying the word crazy within the anecdote yeah you know we were a bit drunk and the night was getting a little crazy and then it gets even crazier no one says that on a night out where you've had one glass of wine you go god i feel crazy no it's it's where you're you're really trying to push the idea that the thing you've bought in does fit the brief yeah when i'm not sure but it you know it was it's sort of um it was unpleasant i certainly give it that yeah but that's not that wasn't the prize task it wasn't most unpleasant thing well no but i mean in fairness what are you um what are you bringing in i mean it's a good point i don't i really don't know what I would have brought into this.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Like, I would have thought about it for a long time. I probably, you know, I would have ended up doing something like the melted angel faces and just go on, just say that's crazy. Just say crazy a lot, yeah. Crazy paving. Crazy paving's a way to go. I can imagine. Well, crazy, I don't think they're're gonna go for crazy paving no it's
Starting point is 00:15:07 too on the nose i was i wondered if they're they're difficult though they are they feel quite exposing yeah like you can see people are a bit like uh whereas what you want is just you know i mean is jamali bothered of course not no of course not you brought in a picture of a baby smoking kids smoking you're just like whatever like You brought in a picture of a baby smoking. Kid smoking. He's just like, whatever. He brought in that kid from the tabloid newspapers 15 years ago. He doesn't care. I wondered if I might have bought in.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I think this could have gone. This is the sort of thing where Greg is either going to absolutely hate it or really or go for it. absolutely hate it or really or go for it which is maybe a sort of spreadsheet um with a comparison of the prices of property in London and the price of the property anywhere else in the UK because the only thing I can think of which is consistently like I genuinely do think that's crazy when you whenever you talk to anyone about it they're like yeah no that is it is crazy I had a one-bed flat in Labrador Grove and then I bought a mansion in Bolton or whatever it is. I like that in the same way I like Mike's
Starting point is 00:16:10 in that I can imagine you saying, that's crazy, looking at that. Yeah, I think I could do that. Yeah, I could sell it, I think. But Greg might hate it. He might hate it. And it's certainly as a prize, I think it's a spreadsheet,
Starting point is 00:16:23 it's a price comparison website. Because I think's a, yeah, it's a spreadsheet. It's a price comparison website. Because he would, I think he'd role play that with you. Yes. Where you'd show him the spreadsheet and then he'd see how he reacted. But I think Greg knows, I think he knows property prices. I think he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:16:36 yeah, no, I know. But yeah, but would he agree? I think he would have to concede that it is, it is crazy. I would,
Starting point is 00:16:42 I would maintain it was crazy. Yeah. And I think it probably is a word I've used i would maintain it was crazy yeah and i think it probably is a word i've used about it as well i think i i think that's a an interesting way of doing it probably i think better than than a lot of the i mean charlotte's was crazy in that she said she was at all four presidential inaugurations in her lifetime i didn't i yeah, it was. I feel that the act of claiming that was crazy, wasn't it? Which is interesting. The thing itself, I just didn't...
Starting point is 00:17:12 I still couldn't quite understand what was going on. Yeah. But I suppose that's crazy, right? Yeah, and it's true. It's true. I mean, even the last photo of her at Trump's, I still couldn't quite work out whether any of it was Trump's I sort of I still couldn't quite work out whether any of it was
Starting point is 00:17:27 true I was just all made up I think wasn't it I mean even that's quite damning that when Alex said the Trump one was real people were still like was it as if she was in second row at Trump's inauguration smiling what a reveal
Starting point is 00:17:43 it'd be fantastic what do you mean there have been seven inaugurations since she's been born Smiling. What a reveal. A bit fantastic. What do you mean? There have been seven inaugurations since you've been born, four presidents, and you've been at four inaugurations. Yes. So we've got photos of Charlotte at each of them, which are up for grabs, is that right? Yeah, I have them.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So the first one here, Clinton's one, you can see her there. Where, where? Where? Oh, that little kid who's been superimposed. Oh, God, the disappointment's so crushing that this is fake. Hey, well, I'm confused. Is the story true but the picture's fake or the whole thing's fake?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Charlotte is really there, but all of those old bastards have been superimposed on her. Task one. Get all of this banana in the bottle. You may not break the bottle, the bottle may not leave the lab. Fastest wins. What are your thoughts straightaway, Rick? Would you have enjoyed doing this? a bottle you may not break the bottle the bottle may not leave the lab fastest wins what you thought straight away rick would you have enjoyed doing this i i think so i think it's one of those where i'm i'm backing myself to uh come up with a strategy quite quickly yeah um and i think i
Starting point is 00:18:40 know that heat is the key and i mean sort of i of, broadly speaking, I'm using a similar approach to most people. I don't think I'm doing the... Was it Charlotte who was sort of nibbling and then feeding in? I don't like bananas. So this is going to be a problem for you. Yeah, so I'm not going to be getting... I don't mind handling them. I don't even mind shoving them in a smoothie.
Starting point is 00:19:05 But I will not eat a banana frozen or otherwise just in its natural form. Got you. So it's going nowhere near my mouth at any point. But yeah, I think, yeah, I'm just, the jelly is obviously a problem. But I think you're fairly quickly getting rid of that with a bit of hot water yes well you're a man you're a man of science so you're bringing that in straight away i think i i'd like to think so yeah i always feel sorry for the people who don't ask for the one bit of kit that's going to be very handy so most people are using a funnel and then you're just you're just the one goon who hasn't bothered to ask if you can have a funnel
Starting point is 00:19:45 so you try to use the old hand funnel. I always found that difficult though if I was doing a task and you'd ask for something and Alex would get it for you straight away, be like, yes, and it would be within reach. You're like, oh, someone else has done this already. Yeah, yeah, it's a tell, isn't it? Gone route one again.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah, oh, brilliant, yeah. I've got an average mind i think yeah you've got a defrost i mean jamali defrosted the banana uh sarah microwaved the banana as well i think that's what you've got to try you've got to soften the banana immediately right yeah there's there's no i mean i suppose that there's a there's an argument for very finely chopping the banana. I think it's too labour-intensive. Chopping a frozen banana is a nightmare, isn't it? Yeah, even if you're not fully defrosting,
Starting point is 00:20:35 I think you want to take the edge off, certainly, if you're going to start manipulating the thing. There was a nice moment, think where sarah uh said it's so simultaneously so hot and so cold yeah it just made me think of the uh yeah sort of baked alaska yes yeah tasks um so jamali really jamali really summed up the attitude uh that that you were talking about i think um in that he discovered the padlock just comes straight off and everyone else i think lee was like oh my god the padlock comes off jamali just took it off didn't even look at it and threw it to one side didn't even
Starting point is 00:21:14 reference it yeah it's really um it's quite joyous isn't it because i would have been first of all going down the Charlotte route of going how long is it going to take me to go from 0-0-0 to go all the way up but it definitely would have it's obviously a thing that it's part of the task that is going to be tricky potentially but not to
Starting point is 00:21:41 Jamali, Jamali just get rid of that and off we go yeah dismissive dismissive of everything apart from the hoover which was madness that using trying to use a house hoover to suck jelly out of a bottle look i i'd never i've never tried that but i think i'd know instinctively that that wasn't going to work. But then, for me, that's where Jamali's genius comes in because it's not that he just doesn't care. I think he does know that that is a funny thing to do.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yes, yeah, for sure. He's playing it down, of course, but he knows that that is not the thing to do. Yes, yeah, yeah, for sure. He's playing it down, of course, but he knows that that is not the way to do that. And he's doing it anyway. When he says, oh, yeah, sorry, have you got an industrial hoover? I meant, sorry, you've given me a dice in here. I obviously meant industrial.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I obviously meant an industrial jelly-sucking hoover. Yeah, what have you idiots given me? It obviously meant an industrial jelly-sucking hoover. Yeah, what have you idiots given me? Lee, obviously, he didn't go with the microwave, I don't think. He went with trying to suck the banana until it was defrosted. Yeah, which is actually quite a distressing image. So much so, in fact, I'd sort of forgotten that,
Starting point is 00:23:04 and that tells you something. I'd sort of forgotten that. And that tells you something. But I didn't, I've aimed to forget that. Again, it's the sort of, and we'll come on to it, I think the subsequent task is a better example of this. But those moments where you just, for some reason, your brain doesn't arrive at the very obvious um way of doing something and then you have to watch as four other people do it oh yeah and then and then you're the guy sucking the banana you know that's you're like okay here it comes i'm gonna start sucking that banana in a minute and they've definitely left that in the edit yeah will i this will i think of the microwave
Starting point is 00:23:40 this time i don't think i will now poor old mike he must have been thinking i know what's coming because he took the bottle out the lab one of the only rules which is yeah i mean i think again you'll be able to uh give me a a sense of this but i imagine that in the the sort of the excitement and the stress of the um of the task starting it is quite easy to do something really i mean you've seen it you know like happens literally hundreds of times someone just do something that very obviously breaks one of the clear rules totally without without noticing just Just happens. And then he probably would have remembered that. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:28 It's brain fog. He would have remembered that in the middle of the night as well, I think. I think he would have woken up and gone, oh God, I should have taken a bottle out of the lab. Yeah, that's the kind of thing that you and Greg will bully him about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Bad luck, Mike. Also, but we get more Wozniak catchphrases in this task. Skin time, for example. Yeah, yeah. Skin time. Skin time is good. It took a little while also but we get more Wozniak catchphrases in this task, skin time for example skin time is good, it took a little while to get there between him and Alex but when they did, oh beautiful
Starting point is 00:24:53 yeah didn't he say I've not heard skin time before and Alex said well you just said it I was just repeating what you said also in the studio TikTok came out as well, which TikTok you don't stop is genuinely one of Mike's life catchphrases, which he will say around the place, TikTok you don't stop, for no reason. Is it motivational? What's the purpose of it?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I think he's G-ing himself along. He'll just go, TikTok you don't stop. Yeah, yeah, okay, come on, we can do this, we can do, TikTok, you don't stop. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Come on, we can do this. We can do this. TikTok, you don't stop. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Okay. He's not Joe Wicks, is he? And then Sarah's horrific image of trying to shove the banana into the eye of the bottle's penis seems to be what she was saying. Yeah. Yeah. That was unpleasant, the eye of the bottle's penis is seems to be what she was saying yeah yeah that was um that was
Starting point is 00:25:47 unpleasant visually and verbally um because it does she does sometimes put me in mind of like an officious nurse like he's just trying to get through patients so you know if you had to go and have a delicate area looked at she'd be like done if you're too aggressive yeah if you had to go and have a delicate area looked at, she'd be like, done. Too aggressive. If you had to have a semi-frozen banana forced down the eye of your penis, you can imagine that Sarah might. Well, yeah, you have got a bit of a chesty cough and we're trying a new...
Starting point is 00:26:20 There's another way of reaching the lungs. We need to get potassium to the lungs stat i think she'd have the she'd have the record at the at the doctor's surgery for getting through the most patients in a day yeah yeah i can believe that and also imagine with uh maybe mike as an orderly just bellowing uh tiktok don't stop. Just a really, you're like, those two as a team. Oh, wow. What a team for this new and bizarre medical technique.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Skin time is the wrong time. But what you saw there was a man who thought it was jelly o'clock and TikTok. He should have stopped and checked his watch. And seen that in fact it was stay in the-the-room time.
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Starting point is 00:27:44 Task two, team task, put the bag of salt on that table over there no one may move while holding the bag of salt if the bag of salt touches the ground at any point you must return to your standing point if any bell touches the ground at any point you must return to your starting point you may not touch the rope or your belts fastest wins complicated as mentioned yes and also one just i mean we may as well talk about it straight away so tricksy so tricksy but the the the reveal of the tricksyness is beautiful it's it's really lovely it really is uh particularly because i think i think jamali first notices but then as as greg points out sarah's reaction to the uh to the sweetness is perfect she sells it perfectly she really does um and uh yeah i don't know i you kind of. You know that this is the sort of thing that Alex does,
Starting point is 00:28:47 but I think it's very hard to ever sort of get one over him and spot it immediately. It just doesn't, particularly because of the stress. Yeah, I think with the stress and because this task was so complicated anyway. You didn't need it, yeah. No, there was so much going on in that task. It was enough to watch them. Yeah, if you were doing it and he said, you've got to do all of this, you're like, complicated anyway you didn't need it yeah no there was so much going on in that task like it
Starting point is 00:29:05 was enough to watch them yeah if you were doing it and he said you got to do all of this you're like well that's the task right there's enough there visually yeah uh it's not there surely he's not gonna put the bag of salt under the table and put sugar on the table that would be outrageous and mean but there we are and yet sometimes he is outrageous and mean. He is a really mean, horrible guy, actually. Mike and Lee are a great team. I do like them as a team. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:30 They're a pair of oddballs, but they're very different sorts of oddball, I would say. But they do. And it's true that Mike in particular looked like he was having the time of his life on this task. I mean, I know that the sun was out. It was nice. But he just looked like, well, this is a fantastic way to do some quote unquote work. Yeah. It was always like because of the situation, it was like Lee Mack was taking his enthusiastic dog for a walk. Yeah. Yeah. very much like that, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah, in fact, that is the dynamic between those two people. And it's not a criticism of either of them. No, not at all. It is lovely to see on Taskmaster when people think they've nailed it and to have the rug pulled out from under them though no matter how much i like them as a team i loved seeing their arrogance absolutely destroyed yeah it's it's uh it's one of the the purest joys in in taskmaster um that the sort of uh what's the absolute the classic of that is Joe Wilkinson
Starting point is 00:30:45 and the potato throw. I mean, listen, I've known Joe for many, many years. Very good friend of mine. But I've rarely been happier during a moment of taskmaster. Because his
Starting point is 00:30:58 whole world just comes crashing down as Greg just slowly zooms in on that transgressing foot. Yeah. God, God. I'd sort of forgotten about that. That's brilliant. Yeah, so any of those.
Starting point is 00:31:13 There's also a wonderful moment, which sort of reverses that, but going back to Series 5 with Nish, where with the task of getting the basketball through the hoop without touching the basketball with your hands, and the video shows him flicking it in with his foot first time and everyone loses it. And then the actual reality of it is he spent about an hour and a half trying to do that.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah, I think I remember this exactly. It's 54 goes. Yeah. And he calls the ball a racist, I think. Yeah. Because when it went in first time according to the the edit I was angry because I was like this this is not Nish this doesn't sit well with me that Nish can do that first time he's never going to shut up about this and then I was like oh no there we go true to type 54 goes and he called the ball erases yeah what sort of definitive Nish. Yeah, sums him up perfectly.
Starting point is 00:32:07 If you were on Taskmaster, Rick, and you had to be on a team with anyone from any Taskmaster series, what one or two people might you pick to win? I'm thinking to win rather than just for a nice day out. Oh, to win. I mean, I don't want to inflate your ego, Edward, but you were a very strong Taskmaster contestant.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So you definitely, I mean, you're 100% in the running. I think... Just that I don't want to, you know, pop my own ego, but I tend to take a backseat in the team situation. I was on a team with Rosemaster Fair and Katie Wicks, and I would say i was probably the most useless person on that team yeah interesting i'm look i i'm good for morale i'd i'd throw in a few you do need that you don't
Starting point is 00:32:56 stop yeah yeah but hold on i'll go to the source for that yeah of course i wonder i'd say well i'll tell, keeping it on this series, I'll tell you what I don't want is obviously Jamali. I'd love to be doing it with Jamali, but definitely not on his team. I mean, maybe Catherine Ryan. Yeah. Another very, I think I'd be looking for, yeah, it's funny, isn't it't it on the team because it's just your you want someone who's taking the lead I don't think I want to take the lead particularly
Starting point is 00:33:31 because I feel okay a bit uh it's a lot of responsibility isn't it so someone is gonna yeah maybe maybe maybe Catherine and then maybe, yeah, Catherine Ryan. And then Wozniak to do his TikTok, you don't stop motivational material. That's a good choice because you've got Catherine in the lead. You're willing to just get on with it. I'm just dog's body. Dog's body. And then Mike's there for morale TikTok, you don't stop.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Decent team. So, of course, Charlotte, Jamali and Sarah got the five points because they spotted that it wasn't salt on the table
Starting point is 00:34:10 and nought points for Lee and Mike very sad horrific horrific deception bad episode for Mike
Starting point is 00:34:18 so far two disqualifications in a row yeah yeah that's a tough I hadn't even really gauged that but yeah
Starting point is 00:34:24 I mean he feels like he's he can take that though he feels like he's in a row. Yeah. Yeah, that's a tough one. I hadn't even really gauged that, but yeah. I mean, he feels like he's, he can take that though. He feels like he's quite an upbeat kind of guy. Oh, yeah. I think he absolutely took it. He takes it in the prize task as well if he brings in something that Greg doesn't like. He's like, yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah. Yeah, I accept that. Yeah. Just as I was having a little victory parade, a tiny little voice went, this tastes sweet. Task three. Get the sheet of loo roll as far from here as possible.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Only this sheet of loo roll must touch the ground. The loo roll must not break at any point and the loo roll on the tube must stay on the loo roll holder at all times you have 20 minutes now i my first thought with this was obviously to take the loo roll holder off the wall was yours the same rick i'm gonna be honest no no i think i would have been one of the um one of the other three which is really disappointing to be in the Draper Club. My big hindrance would be that I think I'm a rule stickler and I think that constrains my thinking a bit. And so I would immediately just think, well, you can't just take that. I would think that was vandalism.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Particularly, I have to say, the way that jamali did it obviously which was initially to ask for a screw driver i'm just going no just snap it the thing is i i relished any opportunity to vandalize the taskmaster house so i would have i would have snapped it off straight away i would have loved it just to be a naughty little boy is is great. Yeah, yeah, that's not, I sort of wish that that was me and I was more of a maverick spirit. But I think, do you know what? Hosting a quiz turns you into as well. Even, I mean, I've got it, it's latent within me anyway, but now I'm a real like, well, that's not, no, that's not really,
Starting point is 00:36:19 no, no, you've got to do it within that time. And you've got, no, no, no, it's not. It's actually not, no, no, you said it was no no it's not yeah it's actually not uh no no you said it was plural it's singular that sort of thing is i mean i hate myself but um yeah yeah so i think i'm yeah i'm draping i'm i'm draping there's only there is only so much you can do with draping as was very um um adequately demonstrated by by the drapers you just cannot you cannot get that far yeah and it's quite tricky i mean it would have i think yeah if i tried to drape which like i said i think i would have worked out to take the holder off off the wall i would have tried something similar to lee
Starting point is 00:36:56 basically so lee obviously asked a woman to drive away with it uh and then i mean easy he easily would have won if there wasn't that reveal of him messing up again two tasks in a row poor lee um i would have yeah i would have checked to see how long an uber would have taken i would have tried to get alex sometimes has his car maybe get alex to drive you somewhere in his car with with the loo roll but i mean i felt so bad for lee accosting that woman and for nothing yeah Yeah, one of my favourite Taskmaster things is where a member of the public or just a random person is involved, particularly when it's a lady who looked so mortified
Starting point is 00:37:38 slash terrified slash uninterested. I mean, there was a lot going on. Yeah. She wasn't happy. The one thing she wasn't was happy. Not even for a moment. Not even a flash. Yeah, it's always nice. What was the name of the lady that Nish and Mark Watson sung to?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Rosalind. Rosalind, exactly. Exactly. When, you know, that kind of thing pleases me intensely. Where people look a bit baffled by the whole situation. Utterly baffled. But at least Rosalind was hired, right?
Starting point is 00:38:18 Rosalind knew she was coming into a TV show. This poor woman in the car just was trying to get to work or, you know, go about her day. And suddenly she's got Lee Mack, but she didn't recognize Lee Mack straight away uh accosting her and saying would you take this loo roll somewhere yeah if someone did that to you if you didn't know what was going on and someone stopped your car and said please take this loo roll as far away from here as possible what's your first thought evidence that it's evidence yeah yeah I'm thinking it's some
Starting point is 00:38:41 kind of criminal endeavor that I don't want to get involved with yeah of course um yeah and particularly i don't think it's helped by the fact that it's lee mac either i'm sort of thinking well this has got to be a stitch up i don't uh if it was almost if it was just a random person i'd be more likely to take it with lee i'm just like no no no no you're having me on it there's definitely something going on here um but yeah the i think the technique was right he obviously just messed up by by taking it off the holder very good very good technique uh the the holder thing is unforgivable yeah i suppose that that is another perfect example of just immediately uh stymieing yourself without realizing um i might have panicked and just run with it, see how far I could get.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Well, that was kind of Jamali's approach, although Jamali's approach was much more Jamali than that. I think the best bit of Jamali's approach was after he threw it the first time, an okay throw, he then inexplicably sort of tethered it so it couldn't go as far like i just i couldn't but no idea behind that so he could get it back quickly and then
Starting point is 00:39:53 give it another go but by doing that he did but he yeah did yeah he screwed up all his future attempts yeah yeah yeah i mean total total madness um madness. And then the kind of, yeah, fairly sort of low-key realisation of, oh, I can just go over there myself. Just walking. And then just having a walk. But again, like you, 100% are running. You're thinking, oh, I can get some really good distance here. Jamali is strolling, as he said, getting bored,
Starting point is 00:40:20 dropping it, and then strolling back. It's sort of, it's a perfect microcosm of jamali's approach i would say yeah i think i think you've got to give him some credit in that he didn't just throw it over and then go that's done because that would have been what i expected that was the i don't know if you remember the paul chowdhury uh in series three there was a task of getting three of your items of clothing as far away from each other as possible. And his first thought was to throw his shirt over that fence and then just leave it there. That's my Paul Chowdhury classic moment.
Starting point is 00:40:50 It makes me laugh a lot. And Jamali almost did that, but then obviously it kicked. He wanted to win. So he obviously, he had that extra thing of jumping over the fence. I think it's just that he knew, because he asked Alex how much time was left.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And he goes, he had quite a lot of time he thought he might as well I think if Alex had said you've got four minutes he's not doing anything just back to the dressing room yeah but because he had yeah because he basically had all of his time left that fine well it paid off this up it paid off because he got the five points for 363 meters it's always worth bearing in mind when you're doing a task i think that everyone else could mess it up yes to give you the five points uh yeah and obviously sarah went for drapey drapey technique uh with the buckets and boots uh yeah which looked stressful as well yeah she managed it all of the all of the draping efforts looked very stressful um exactly except except mike's mike's although he didn't really have a have a plan it was quite
Starting point is 00:41:56 just i found it quite soothing just watching with his pva glue and it just like it's just you know and he's just piecing it together and and then it and then it and then it snapped and it was but it was all like it was quite it was quite gentle yeah yeah uh whereas with um charlotte and the fortifications uh with the with the the tape and and and the ladder and i just it felt a bit um yeah it was anxiety i felt worried her, yeah. Whereas Mike seems to just be having, every time he does a task, a lovely day out, like he says. Exactly, exactly. And you feel like, yes, he maybe would rather be out on a nice post-lunch walk,
Starting point is 00:42:35 but he's equally happy doing what he's doing. Even though it was another disqualification for him. Every single pre-film task this week, Mike Wozniak has got zero points. Yes, it's very, very, very poor. Yeah, really poor stuff. He's been fine with it. Absolutely fine with it.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Whereas if that was me, I would have been thinking, well, this has cost me the series early on, episode four, and I've thrown the series away by getting zero points in all the tasks. But he seems fine with it. But there's some, I mean, you are a competitive man, aren't you? on episode four and I've thrown the series away by getting zero points in all the tasks but he seems fine with it yeah but there's some I mean you are you competitive man aren't you yes and I don't think Mike wasn't it's a competitive man at all no I don't think he is he just wants to have a nice time what a guy I if I could have children I'd want Mike to be their father. So... Just picturing that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 It's pretty horrible. The baby's got a moustache, hasn't it? Yeah, and amazingly, the baby is getting birthed by Sarah Kendall. Yeah, weird. And you know where it's coming out of. I mean, basically, you've got yourself on a police watch list. For nothing. I thought this sugar- sugar salt incident wasn't gonna
Starting point is 00:43:45 get me any more annoyed but that i could kill you alec it's two in a row the studio task um write down what five things are in the bowl under the table and how many of each thing there are you must look at the task master throughout the task one of your hands must be in the bowl and the other must be holding the pen throughout the task you have two minutes most accurate answers wins this was fun i thought yeah i i always like ones where you have to um it sort of engage intensely with greg yes yeah because that's that that adds a real frisson yeah definitely definitely um and and it was just a nice, simple sort of parlour game task. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I have to say I would back myself there. It doesn't feel like it's a difficult task particularly. I think you've got to have a system, haven't you? You've got to have a system. When you say you back yourself, I mean it's difficult to know unless you're actually doing it. Do you back yourself at feeling... Are you good at feeling things?
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yes, I think I'm excellent at feeling things. Yes. I'm sure that I have done at some point in my... I mean, I was going to say life, but it's probably a career, which says a lot about my career, but something where I've had to sort of feel something that I can't see and identify it. That's something that you've... I'm sure you've probably done that as well.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Oh, I'm sure. I think that's perfectly possible. I think that's the final round in maybe 80% of ITV2 panel shows, right? Well, exactly. And it's normally, you know, it's Beppe from EastEnders and he's naked or something. You know. Good round. I don't know if they haven't done that.
Starting point is 00:45:24 You're guessing a bowl of grapes and it's actually Bebe de Marco's genitals and finally round of applause for Michael Greco of course
Starting point is 00:45:35 thanks Michael thanks for being here thanks Michael yeah and what a booking how's your career going would you say
Starting point is 00:45:42 well someone just mistook my jam sauce for grapes and I didn't get to say a word. So yeah. Not bad. So yeah, point being, I think I would be, I think I would have done well. And I think you just have to think about how you're,
Starting point is 00:46:01 you've basically got a filing system down there, haven't you, where you're getting rid of the things that you've already inspected. Yes. You know, I think it's doable. I do think it's doable. It is doable. And I think, weirdly, even though he was doing really badly,
Starting point is 00:46:13 we'll go back to Mike again. He threw this away by saying weird things. Premature conker, dead jellyfish. Yeah, I think at this point he uh it's it's not been a good episode for him points wise and he's just gonna he's gonna have some fun with it and he has had some fun with it he's had a little giggle hearing uh someone say premature conquer yes i firmly believe that no one has ever said premature before um and it's nice when people come up with entirely new concepts for sure um uh i mean he got two points lee also got lee also got two points um sarah stormed through with four
Starting point is 00:46:54 points there it was the five points for jamali another five pointer for jamali uh and three points for charlotte the final uh episode uh scores It's another victory for Sarah Kendall. I think it's three victories out of four. She's a very, very capable contender. She is. You've got to say it. I can't... It's too early to call, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Probably. It's a big lead. So now she's got 78 points in the series and the next person down is Lee Mack with 58 points. So she's 20 points ahead in the series after four episodes. It could. There is time to reel that in. There definitely is.
Starting point is 00:47:38 But someone's going to have to really up their game. They are, but you know... And it's not entirely clear who that would be. Yeah, not yet. Before this episode, you would have said Mike, but what an absolute drop-off in form. Yeah, but I suppose that's the thing with him. Quite unpredictable.
Starting point is 00:47:54 It could just be back on. Yeah. Could be back on next week. It could just be... You never know with the way the tasks are edited and the order they come in, because we might have had all of Sarah's good tasks, they've just all been lumped in the first four episodes,
Starting point is 00:48:07 and that might have been all of Mike's bad ones in this episode. So it's too early to call. If you had to call it, Rick, if you had to predict a winner based on what you've seen so far, who are you going with? Well, yeah, I mean, it's Sarah, isn't it? Because of the lead. It doesn't quite feel unassailable, but it's not far off.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah. And Mike is probably the closest. Yeah, he's the only person that I would imagine could reel it in. Jamali, obviously, absolutely no chance. Or interest. Charlotte, I don't... I've just realised that we got through this entire chat without mentioning keep it fast, keep it slick, keep it good.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah, great catchphrase. That's actually... Somehow there's a rhythm to that that even more than TikTok you don't stop that sort of gets me quite... Yeah, it's a good... Keep it fast, keep it yeah, here we go. Keep it slick, keep it good.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Almost my fingers start clicking without me. And it really appeals to Greg, that sort of thing. It puts me in mind of when I supported Greg on tour, the first gig we did together, backstage, I can't remember what the theatre was, but backstage there was a picture of a man, a picture of a woman and a picture of a big key. And before we went on stage,
Starting point is 00:49:27 out of nowhere, he touched the man, touched the woman, and pointed at the key, and said, touch him, touch her, massive key. And that became the catchphrase for the entire tour. Touch him, touch her, massive key. See, I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. Keep it fast it fast keep it slick keep it good that's excellent
Starting point is 00:49:47 that is excellent amazing that that catchphrase has come from Charlotte who I don't think in any of the four episodes has kept it fast kept it slick or kept it good well it's why I think it's important that she comes up with it because it is her that needs the most help like if she can get that
Starting point is 00:50:04 rhythm going then maybe there's a fight back comes up with it because it is her that needs the most help. Like if she can get that rhythm going, um, and then maybe, yeah, maybe, maybe there's a fight back. I'm sorry to, um,
Starting point is 00:50:15 say I haven't listened to this podcast, the first for the first episode of this series. Um, but I did want to ask you what you would have done with your one hand because it's one of those like some of the tasks it's very hard to figure out what you would what yeah i do or how would you approach it but with something like that you're like hmm i think i said that i probably i mean i would have panicked definitely um probably would have done something similar to lemac and try to cook something but i think i would have tried to actually cook something hot or try to make
Starting point is 00:50:46 something good. Try to cook something hot is, I mean, I'm giving you a lot of points for that. You're coming out with third degree burns. Yeah. Yeah. Almost.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I mean, I think I would have been relying on the taskmaster house having like a camping stove or something like that. Yeah. Well, that would have been, well, that would have been sensational. I was, I think Richard Herring said he would have had a w that. Yeah. Well, that would have been sensational.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I think Richard Herring said he would have had a wank, so... Yeah, I mean... LAUGHTER Do you know what you would have done? And is it that? Well, obviously, yeah. I mean, we were all thinking it. No, I haven't tried this but
Starting point is 00:51:27 i wonder if i might be able to um juggle with one hand no i think that would look quite good almost like the uh uh jamali's cushion spin yeah i think got slightly disrespected. I think I looked quite difficult. It did. But, yeah, just a one-handed, so two balls. I know that I can do it sort of without looking. I'm an only child, obviously. And so I can do it without looking, but it's sort of in your peripheral vision. But I think it's possible. I do think it's possible. And I think that that would have looked excellent.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. Even if you just have a couple of rounds of it. How quickly do you think you could have got Michael Greco to the Taskmaster house? With one hand, that's difficult. Rick, thank you very much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. We always ask our guests to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points. I don't want you to feel pressured to give the full five.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Not everyone does. I don't, I don't, no. Thank you. Four, isn't it? pressure to give the full five not everyone does you know i don't i don't know thank you um four isn't it i feel i feel like it's four i mean you know it's been it's been a very fun episode i feel like we've we've had an easy chat i feel like you've done your research i i'd rate you five but the general experience four points i'd be happy happy with that. I think four is... I don't know what I'd be looking for for a five. I suppose maybe that's a bit unfair, but I'm not...
Starting point is 00:53:10 Do you know what it is? You forgot, well, maybe you haven't, but you haven't really built up your excitement level. Well, we're not at the goodbye yet. I mean, do you know what? If the goodbye is solid enough... Right, well, here we go. ...then we might get up to a five.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Well, Rick Edwards what a wonderful time we've had here on the Taskmaster podcast you've been an absolutely incredible guest and I'm very excited to say goodbye five nailed it thanks Rick
Starting point is 00:53:42 what a fun chat Rick's a lovely man very funny and really knows his stuff when it comes to Taskmaster. We will be back next week with another brilliant special guest. Don't know who that is yet. Keep an eye on my Twitter and I will announce the special guest so you can get in all your questions to taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com. In the meantime, if you've got any general questions, send them to that email address, taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com in the meantime if you've got any general questions uh send them to that email address taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com and i will do my best to answer them but for now keep on watching taskmaster thursdays 9 p.m channel 4 all four to catch up and for the bleeps episodes
Starting point is 00:54:17 we will see you again next week goodbye so many catchphrases have been invented in this series. I don't know where to start. Keep it fast, keep it slick, keep it good. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from indigenous voices.
Starting point is 00:54:40 We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future.

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