Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 30. Charlotte Ritchie - S11 Ep.7

Episode Date: April 29, 2021

On the podcast this week Ed is joined by Actor and Series 11 contestant Charlotte Ritchie. The pair discuss Charlotte's time on the show so far and how she feels about an alternative career as a Child...ren's TV presenter. As well as going through the latest episode Charlotte chats about her fellow contestants and asks 'what's the situation?'.You can watch Series 11 of Taskmaster each Thursday on Channel 4 at 9pm.Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster For all your Taskmaster goodies visit www.taskmasterstore.com  Taskmaster the podcast is produced by Daisy Knight for Avalon Television Ltd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Gold tenders, no. But chicken tenders, yes. Because those are groceries, and we deliver those, too.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hello there and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble. I'm the host of it, the Taskmaster podcast. Today we're going to be talking about Series 11, Episode 7 of Line of Duty.
Starting point is 00:00:57 No, it's Taskmaster. Of course it is. That's why it's the Taskmaster podcast. If you've not seen Series 11, Episode go back watch it come back because we're going to be talking about it in detail all of the previous episodes of taskmaster are available on all four go and watch them if you want to show them to your kids and you don't like swearing also available on all four taskmaster bleeped exciting stuff obviously as always for future episodes of the Taskmaster podcast email us taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com ask us questions for upcoming guests I will reveal our next guest at the end of this episode but enough about the future let's talk about the present today's guest is the brilliant Charlotte Ritchie current contestant on taskmaster
Starting point is 00:01:45 series 11 she is absolutely brilliant uh it's going to be great to chat to her see how much she enjoyed doing this series uh whether she has any favorite tasks that sort of thing uh i mean whether we where she's trailing a little bit in the series and i'm always interested to hear from people when they're trailing from the off really which Charlotte has been whether you can still muster enjoying the studio shows when you know what you've got coming up so let's have a lovely chat to Charlotte she's brilliant can't wait to have her on but for now let's crack on it's the Taskmaster podcast TMP welcome Charlotte to the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you, thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:02:28 We're very excited to have you on at the Taskmaster podcast because you're a current contestant in Taskmaster. Today we're chatting about episode 7. Now Charlotte, tell me, was it an experience you enjoyed overall? all well how does it come across to you no um yeah yes it yes it was but it was definitely like uh what's the word uh i think they go on these long journeys in ancient greece like uh what's the word like um oh good it's a really good start i mean this is this is an example of why maybe an odyssey an odyssey it was an odyssey for me yeah I kept thinking Oedipus and I kept thinking don't say Oedipus that's no if I mean there might be some stuff coming up in future episodes uh yeah sort of Oedipal tasks but honestly hopefully it read between the lines it's not a verb but it's there um yeah a bit of an
Starting point is 00:03:20 odyssey for me I think I loved loved it, but I think I had, it took me a really long time. Basically, I knew the show, obviously, and I knew kind of what to expect. And then I think it's one thing to know something and then another to feel it. And I think I suddenly like felt what it felt like to be on it
Starting point is 00:03:39 and was like, this is interesting. So you can literally visibly see me kind of working out like what a lot of the time what's going on for example and also like just trying to navigate I think just trying to navigate through every episode on on like not being scolded by Greg and as a result being continuously continuously burned by him and always be like, how do I avoid this? And I think I do start to lean into it. What I like is that you can see me,
Starting point is 00:04:09 I hope sort of ease into it. And by the end I'm absolutely like, do it, do it again. Let's go, I'm ready. So yeah, I learned a lot. There's definitely that. What the interesting thing about it as well is more than anyone else I'd say, you have that look of someone when Greg makes fun of you
Starting point is 00:04:24 for something early on, you can see behind your eyes that you're remembering all the times coming up that you've done something similar and there's nothing you can do about it and you're like oh well strap strap in then yeah yeah a hundred percent I mean the the the prizes that we bring in at the beginning that's the I mean that from day one I was like oh I've read I've misread this and I I kind of because I thought a lot about them I then was like I can't go through that again so I guess this is it this is me and also knowing that you have then 10 episodes worth of that is actually quite an insane I have that feeling now knowing that there are certain things coming up, I'm like, it's on the TV. Like that is set now. Every week it will roll out, come what may, no matter what I do.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Unless I could do something really, really offensive and scandalous and maybe they'd pull the show. But there's nothing so bad that I'm actually willing to risk my life for. So yeah, yeah. But it definitely was that feeling. Yeah, there's definitely that thing, especially I think it properly comes up in this episode
Starting point is 00:05:25 where Greg decides to paint you as some sort of children's TV presenter. Yeah. And then it's almost like you're finding this out as you go along as well. I think you even say you find out a lot about yourself. I started therapy about a year and a half ago and I think I've learned more from watching Taskmaster than I did in that entire... Yeah, it is fascinating to watch. and I think I've learned more from watching Taskmaster than I did in that entire...
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah, it is fascinating to watch. I think what's so bizarre is that, like, my... I just didn't know I'd come across like that and I've spoken to friends and been like, I'm so, like... And they're like, yeah, that's what you're like. And I was like, how did I not know this? How do you not know that about yourself?
Starting point is 00:06:02 I'm 31. I've had time. But I think, yeah, I think I do sort of seem to fit that bill. And do you not know that about yourself at 31 i've had time um but i think yeah i think i do sort of seem to fit that bill and you know what i'm happy that's fine i've embraced it again i think i mentioned it in another episode like the way i dress in in my sort of taskmaster outfit doesn't do me any favors yeah it's definitely i mean dungarees dungarees you're obviously gonna yeah you either think it's farmer or children's TV presenter, isn't it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And a little lilac top, just something nice and soft. I actually at first wore a yellow T-shirt underneath and I showed my flatmate and was like, what do you think? What do you think? Can I wear this? Is this okay?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Can I wear this? She was like, they remind me of something. I was like, what is it? What is it? And then she took ages and then she went, oh, a minion. Yeah, minions. That was my first thought when you said that.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, it took her a while, but thank God it didn't take her too long and I didn't wear it on TV. Were you a fan of Taskmaster before? You said you were sort of aware of what the show was. Had you seen many episodes beforehand? Yeah, I'd seen a few, but always out of context. Like I hadn't watched an entire series. I think the very first time I saw it was Lolly was on it,
Starting point is 00:07:16 Lolly Adepope, and she was wrapping up an egg in newspaper whilst answering questions. And I remember thinking, this this is good I like this um I didn't think I knew I didn't know I needed to see that and then now that's all I want to watch is her wrapping up an egg um so yeah so I've watched it on and off but I think if it wasn't kind of on then I hadn't sought I didn't know how to and didn't think to sort of seek it out and I think I'm going to start going back now through I did watch a few uh a few sort of in preparation a few more mainly when I was panicking about the prize tasks um so yeah but obviously that was a fucking waste of time did uh did
Starting point is 00:07:57 lolly or I suppose katie works as in ghosts with you as well so yeah did you seek any advice from either of them yeah they they gave me great advice um I did seek it yeah yeah in a panic so I said yes so what do I do now and they were both they were very sweet they were just kind of like you can't really and you like know this you can't really prep that much like you just have to sort of just go with it and um yeah I think I hadn't quite realized how much you need to well just fight your corner yeah i mean it's got it's taken me to like episode seven to say anything it's like come on i'm like shouting at myself but you know you don't know till you know do you and then you know and you move on
Starting point is 00:08:37 it's too late it's too late it's there forever etched in the can yeah well let's let's talk about this price task then um because yeah so you felt like you hadn't prepared properly for these i actually think this is this is one of your best ones so far this series yeah so the prize task is the best thing to hang on a wall that you wouldn't normally hang on a wall um now i i don't know if i was i good at the prize task i don't really know because when i hear something like that my first thought was everything that occurred to me was things that you would just normally hang on a wall
Starting point is 00:09:07 which is just useless. Well when you said it again I thought a person just now and I was like a person and I was like how do you but then they were so strict they were like
Starting point is 00:09:16 oh you can't have people because it's got to be something that you could give to someone. Yeah. I essentially sort of took the brief as like stuff around your house and I think maybe Greg even said you can't just choose stuff from around your house and I was like that is literally what I've done for every single one so I'm so screwed um yeah I was quite chuffed with
Starting point is 00:09:35 this I mean I think this uh this this wall book wall thing could yes it could I think it could take off I think yeah it's it's got legs it so it's a you hang the book on the toilet on the toilet wall opposite you yeah exactly so when you're on the toilet you can read your book and you've got a bamboo bamboo page turner as well you've got a page turner as well yeah which I think I thought of in the moment because actually I hadn't thought about the yeah I could tell that because the bamboo page turner was not pictured so no what I quite liked about it is that Greg you know picked up on the floor of how do you turn the page and you you fought back this time you were like I've covered
Starting point is 00:10:10 that bamboo page turner for once I fucking fought back I thought I'm not I mean the amount of times I see myself go yep and move on I I don't know yeah I did I did i did i sold it better but still to only you know to a measly two points i mean then i think i thought what's the fucking point if i'm gonna fight back and still get two points why am i here just get it out get it over you got four you got four points for this oh did i yes you did very well with this one oh my god you deserved four points for this look at me complaining yeah because you had you had the page turner and you had the catchphrase, of course, for the product, which was hang it, read it, be free. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Hang it, read it, be free. Yeah. Yeah. Quite nice when you say it like that, isn't it? Yeah. Hang it, read it, be free. I mean, Greg tried to add toilet, read, tap and thwack, which is a bit too aggressive, I think.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I think you need to be free. Also, tap and thwack on the it's a bit too aggressive i think i think you need to be free also tap and thwack on the toilet has a completely different like yeah it doesn't you forget what you were originally talking about and you do assume it's something else um so i think that he sort of dirtied that down a bit i think it's much cleaner and more appealing be free yeah it's lovely i mean that's sort of a fundamental life thing to know so if you can get that from a book on the wall you're sailing yeah just playing devil's advocate slightly okay why is it any better than just holding your book holding the book oh because it's more relaxing easy i don't even need to think about that your hands are up you're holding something your hands
Starting point is 00:11:43 are down you're not there's that's better yeah I think also well yeah I think that's it really I mean I can't think of any other better reason you're free you're hands free you could be doing other things I suppose with your head you had other things to do yeah you gesturing I suppose something shocking happens in the book you can go oh my god oh oh yeah I thought. Or if you're chatting to someone else as well, they're in the shower, you're doing sign language, all sorts of things. It's actually really good.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It appeals to lots of different people with different things going on. So yeah, it makes you free. Should have been five points, really. I was happy with the four points there. I mean, Mike's welcome, Matt. I thought it was quite a nice idea at its base because it is basically it's something that you wouldn't normally hang on a wall right
Starting point is 00:12:30 because it is it's classically on the floor yeah so he's thought that bit through the whole point of that is that it's bristled for exactly what he was sort of angry about, wiping your feet. I mean, that's literally the point of it, is what he was so resentful of it for. So, yeah, I think it was, oh, I think that was a, that felt like actually something I would have, that felt like that would have been my second thing. If I hadn't thought of the book, I would have said the map, which actually is a bit of an insult to Mike.
Starting point is 00:13:02 He's extremely imaginative in hisative and creative in his prizes. But then, do you know what? I don't know how much I've been tainted by Greg. I feel like once Greg slags something off, you think, yeah, how does he get in your mind like that? It's incredible, isn't it? And he just decided,
Starting point is 00:13:19 he just decided, he went, I think it feels bad. And then Mike went, does it? And you could tell Mike was then convinced by Greg that he'd brought in something bad immediately like this Jedi mind trick I think he could tell me I had a different name or I wasn't who I was and I'd be like okay yeah of course that makes sense I see that now how could I have been so stupid what a power what a powerful thing taskmaster I suppose the whole point um I thought Jamali was the weakest here was the wall mounted
Starting point is 00:13:44 mini fridge because i'm pretty sure that was the fridge from the dressing room in pinewood yeah it felt like he hadn't got back to them yet and he was about to go out into the studio and said okay find that that then i mean and if something else had been there that would have also got like if it had been the producer he would have gone that that could go up on the wall yeah put the producer on the wall yeah yeah yeah because he tried to argue it that it was like easy to reach for something but there are wall mounted fridges as alex pointed out and yeah also it's just not it's not helpful you don't need a fridge like a foot higher than
Starting point is 00:14:13 no than it would normally be you don't because you know that although it would be helpful while you were sitting down it would be useless at all other times in your life it would get in the way it would be jutting out of the wall like yeah what would you put underneath it you'd have to sort of blend it in with it'll be awful yeah i mean you could sit maybe above it i don't know i think it was it works unfortunately only for that and and only barely and i hope he's listening i hope he's ashamed he won't be listening he didn't doesn't even watch taskmaster that's true i think jamali could have got one point in every single task in the entirety of the series and he wouldn't have given a solitary shit no and what a powerful place to be yeah it's amazing that's that's sort of really I mean that's sort of enlightenment I suppose in a way it's just like
Starting point is 00:14:56 fine yeah move on and it's like okay you can't you can't argue with that I think I definitely had a bit of that approach to points. I mean, at least, and of course I'm saying this retrospectively because I've done diabolically badly. But I do think I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, you get points for that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Like I'm not, and this is going to sound smug, but I'm not competitive. And I think I used to think it was because I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:22 just really, really um and like really just didn't mind I wanted to share but then my my uh sister-in-law said something recently about her daughter about how she doesn't like to said something about like she doesn't like to compete because she she basically only wants to only wants to win so she's not competitive because she like doesn't really take part and I was like right oh god I think that's me like I think I think well if I just do the worst then it can be like I don't even care about it anyway because the thought of not being either the best it's like be the best or the worst if you're going to be the worst really do it so um so isn't that the ultimate in many ways the ultimate
Starting point is 00:15:57 case of being competitive though yeah refusing to take part yeah just in case you don't win it's the worst it's the worst of both worlds. You just, you're uninvited to lots of things. Yeah, I mean, obviously I did take part. And I, you know, I think I've, I've lent in. But I suppose I'm just worried that the sort of shadow side of me is actually controlling me at all times. Being like, don't try because you'll never win. And that would be the worst.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So, yeah, so I've lent into that. I think you're there for the ride, enjoying yourself. And then when it doesn't work out, you're like, okay, cool. Next one. Which is probably quite a good attitude to have. Yeah, it's boring to watch, but fabulous to feel. I think it's boring to watch as well, because we can't wait to move on to the next one
Starting point is 00:16:38 to see how you've screwed that up. Yeah, but you do want a bit of that. I need a bit of chutzpah, but I'm glad to see it coming in. I think the last few episodes, I think I was like, all right. Oh, I think I understand want a bit of that i need a bit of chutzpah but i'm glad to see it coming in i think the last few episodes i think i was like all right oh i think i understand this a bit more now okay cool i'm getting into this now just a little too late yeah slightly too late episode seven um it was uh four points for sarah as well uh for the hand-drawn pictures of herself i think she ever i think she ever thought this a little bit um well i'll be honest she said you would never have a framed picture of yourself on the wall i got loads of posters of myself up so i think it made me feel absolutely awful well then you've
Starting point is 00:17:14 got it informative for her from the beginning um the the pictures themselves were very funny though weirdly i think that yeah that's exactly the sort of thing you would hang on a wall and there's no ego there because they were so horrifying the the renderings of her she had a little frog hand in one of them i just loved the hair the hair is so her hair is so incredible anyway i do think greg said it didn't look like her and i know you're saying that but i i think the essence of her hair was brought forth beautifully by that artist by that incredible artist sarah came on the podcast and she said all of the comments online about taskmaster so far directly to her has just been hair just literally just the word hair
Starting point is 00:17:54 non-stop it is impressive yeah it's beautiful yeah yeah lee went with his wall bed yeah which i guess you wouldn't normally hang a bed on a wall like that, but there are beds that come out of the wall. Did anyone talk about that? They didn't talk about that. I wish they had talked about that again. I wish I'd said that because technically, yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:18 they do exist. And, but I suppose not in that format and not to be used hanging off the wall. I also think that actually it was so, for me, the final moment of the episode as the credits are rolling, when he went into it,
Starting point is 00:18:35 he went into the bed and then he fell asleep and slid and rolled out the bottom was one of the most perfect things I've seen. I laughed so loudly at that. I was like, I don't care, I wanted to win just for that. So yeah, I think he really deserved the sort of overall win and you know
Starting point is 00:18:48 I think it was a good I think it was a good prize generally speaking I can see how technically it was a bit he thought it through but then we get the image of Greg sleeping in the bed and cutting off the blood supply to his legs I couldn't stop thinking about that
Starting point is 00:19:04 so weird it's been stuck in my mind as well i just can't quite greg slumping forward and yeah his legs going all pale and white yeah his legs would go sort of purple yeah quite horrifying actually yeah it'll take a second to all think about that if anyone's listening i think that happens to greg when he just lies down normally. His blood supply gets cut off from his legs. And I'd say that to his face. Yeah, I believe that you would. I've actually got him on the line, Greg. So I can tap and thwack?
Starting point is 00:19:35 You can tap and thwack and slot. I toilet, I read, I tap and thwack. And then you're free. And then I'm free. Task one. Complete these tasks. Most tasks wins. You may not step beyond the line. and then you're free and then I'm free task one complete these tasks most tasks wins you may not step
Starting point is 00:19:48 beyond the line you had ten minutes from when the fuse was lit exciting straight out the gate I loved this task thrilling
Starting point is 00:19:57 yeah also may I say beautifully filmed I thought like exciting I think the production values on this are just a little shout out
Starting point is 00:20:04 I think they're really good it was just like I mean might be because I think uh I've got a big thing about fire so I think I was like whoa I think seeing it over and over again was really deeply satisfying yeah um this big thing about fire how's that how's that sort of manifested itself throughout your life Charlotte well well it it it's been kept it's been kept under wraps for most of my adult life but i used to i always picture this from the point of view of my parents even though they weren't watching but i remember i used to quite often start fires in the garden like not on things but like like in in my head i'm picturing my parents having dinner and like chatting um and then over their shoulder you can see like a nine-year-old me like whizzing back and forth with different bits of
Starting point is 00:20:49 paraphernalia that can be burned and then a big cardboard box that I then would pile full of like yeah this is one particular event pile full of like magazines and stuff just anything that burned basically yeah set fire to it and then like in the background of their conversation realized that like the box is obviously going to set on fire as well and then having to sort of put it out before they realized and but i've always liked it i like yeah i think um it's very odd that your memory your memory of that is almost gonna say no but it's interesting that it's like filmed from a distance yeah it's so it's that's how much acting work you're doing, Charlotte, that even your memories are now a shot like a sitcom. Or is it a sort of self-obsessive
Starting point is 00:21:30 narrativization of my life? If you were to ask me, Ed, to dramatize my life, I'm ready. I've got the scripts. I know all the shots. Oh my God, that's so funny. Yeah, yeah, that's how I see it. I think it's because I'm now an adult maybe
Starting point is 00:21:44 and I'm like, why didn't they know? If they're listening, I hope they feel... They don't know, I don't think. I used to say. Anyway, anyway. I mean, it wasn't dangerous really, but... In your memories, are your parents played by themselves or have you recast them?
Starting point is 00:21:59 So funny you asked that because I... No, they're played by themselves, but they have a sort of... They weirdly feel like... Now I'm thinking it they feel like harry potter's parents yeah do you know what i mean i can't explain it like they're flashes of my parents but then it is sort of harry's mum and dad oh god who knew have you thought about doing therapy coming out now only only through the sort of guise of podcasting. Yeah, well, that's it, really.
Starting point is 00:22:29 That is what podcasting is in many ways. I agree with the fire thing. It was very exciting, especially when, I think, had they done something to the top half? Yes, that fascinated me. And it just went whoosh straight away. An instant explosion, yeah. So good.
Starting point is 00:22:44 My thought, I think this is a classic thing of it being easier to watch it than do it. Because my immediate thought, first of all, it's rare that I spot things. The alphabet thing I spotted straight away. Nice. Early enough that I could have actually used it, I think. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:23:00 That is smart. You should feel good about that, I think. I feel so good, that's why I'm mentioning it. But then also, tell me, if you think I would have actually done this, or whether it's just hindsight, could you have put the fire out? Could you have grabbed the Ribena
Starting point is 00:23:15 and dipped the fuse in the Ribena? And then you've got the whole thing ready to read. Oh my gosh. Take your time. That's horrible. Why have you done that? I've actually just burped out of nervousness that's so funny that actually gave me a proper like that guy in the jinx i don't know if you've seen it where he admits to murdering all these people um that's like a shock to the system
Starting point is 00:23:37 oh my gosh of course you could have done that oh it would have been i think it i'm not sure i would have actually managed it because of like you said i think you say in this episode you panic and go blank right yeah of course you do of course you do yeah but that's not i mean that there are there must be certain people that would have thought maybe you would have thought that in the moment yeah from my perspective there's no hope of that i mean that is that's so far from i i it's not even a uh an exaggeration if i'm put under pressure my mind empties i don't know if it's a survival thing like let's just be quiet for a second to make a bit of room for something good that might come in soon that's what my brain cells are saying and then nothing comes and then it's over and i'm like i've wasted that chance yeah yeah yeah i i didn't even
Starting point is 00:24:23 think of that no no i went blank and then i just said a few things out loud and then like i guess there's also that thing of just keep talking and something will happen i hope it happens yeah yeah you did i mean you did pretty well you completed three of the tasks yeah so i think you eventually attacked the biscuit right but there was a lot of chat about attacking the biscuit before you stood there holding it just talking about what i should do with it just do it just get on with it yeah yeah it was it was um i think also shocked i was shocked by the the sort of lemon going into the thing and i think i'm such a rule i'm so i didn't realize how much i care about rules yeah i was like so does that mean i'm disqualified
Starting point is 00:24:57 because the lemons touch the ribena because the lemons touch the ribena and your your relationship with the fish was heartbreaking thank you i thought that was just the the immediate you had a connection with the fish you embrace the fish and i think you said it's just me and you now it's just me and you now fish yeah that's that's a low point yeah i think i just i think i needed some emotional support and i thought i can just project it onto this fish um yeah yeah that was nice i mean i didn't oh actually i've got a bug bear about this task but before i forget i want to say it now i actually maybe we'll get to it because you might talk about other people but i'd just like to point out that i did sort of whack the xylophone it just didn't get counted. And then
Starting point is 00:25:45 Mike played it and it was counted. I just want to say that. I don't know if they want to reshoot the show or anything. Maybe we could write to them. I'll get on to them. This is the best way of doing it. This is really about you airing your grievances and then we can alter the points now.
Starting point is 00:26:02 We can. At the end of the series we'll obviously add them on. And we'll adjust it for that reshoot the last. Yeah, exactly. We can. Yeah, at the end of the series, we'll obviously add them on or whatever. And we'll adjust it for that, reshoot the last. Yeah, yeah, exactly. We have to go back to the studio for a day, but yeah, it's fine. We can make that happen.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Okay, cool, cool. Okay. Thank God. There are a few things in this task that, I mean, the issue, the main issue for me was Jamali, who refused to drink the Ribena because he says he doesn't drink tap water
Starting point is 00:26:24 and he was given that point anyway. Yeah. He shouldn't have been given the quaffing the Ribena point because I don't think it's a valid excuse to say you don't drink tap water because the government are putting chemicals in it. I actually think there's not a better reason to deny something.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I think of all of the big things you can say, the fact that the government is poisoning you is probably the best thing you can say. Yeah, I know. I mean, I guess that's a sort of, I mean, I'm happy to concede that to him, but obviously I am because you've seen me on the show. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:26:55 You can see everything. Yeah. I know, I know. I mean, it did, it did, it did. Yeah, I mean, it did smart. It was painful to watch that happen. Just sort of know I mean it did it did it did yeah I mean it did smart it was painful to um to watch that happen just sort of I mean sometimes I think that Jamal Jamal he's been so sort of strong on the show I think Greg's a little bit a bit worried like he gets a bit nervous so he was like I'll give you a yeah because he knows he's got his match. Those first two or three episodes, it was like
Starting point is 00:27:26 they were butting heads. They came up against each other. And then I think Greg now respects Jamali. Yeah, he does. For refusing to back down. Yeah. Which is why he's letting them get away with these things now and again. Yeah, which is bullshit. And it's becoming a sort of club that they're in. Which I definitely am not a part
Starting point is 00:27:42 of. Couldn't be. I'm in the car park of the club yeah but Lee had a full Lee had a full meltdown and just decided to attack everything so funny just in case it was really nice to see him do that I like yeah the sort of blind panic yeah he did so he did attack the biscuit didn't he and then that's the first thing he did yeah and then he just then he started attacking everything so it's so frustrating that he actually did the right thing first of all yeah and then it went downhill and then it went so down so satisfying to see though yeah it was lovely i like i like it when people have a bit
Starting point is 00:28:18 of a sort of moment of melting down obviously that is the sort of thing that we're all waiting for yeah that's what you want that's the juice it's great when it's lee as well because he's so yeah respected and such a sort of elder statesman of comedy and yeah holds himself very well and it's very together whenever you see him on anything so him actually having a meltdown and it all going wrong you're like good good actually definitely yeah actually yeah it's about time you had some sort of downfall i think um yeah, yeah, totally. And I think also there was this, I think he's so passionate about the show that it's even nicer to see when he comes a cropper.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's a horrible thing to say, but I mean it. And I think there was a big thing, I think him and Sarah talking about, like the speed or how they found it hard to retain the tasks. And I'm not saying it's an age thing, but that's what they were implying and obviously there I am smug on the on the on the younger side um but
Starting point is 00:29:10 not that I did any better to be fair but they yeah there was definitely a sort of panic of trying to retain the the the words and and that was um yeah he does sort of have a have a moment about that I was actually really impressed by Sarah's ability to work out the code. Like, she's got, she's pretty, like, in terms of working out a lot of the tasks, really smart. Yeah. I think I said wow out loud when I was watching it, which really means I'm impressed. The fact, when she kicked the lemon and she sort of saw the zebra and went, oh, alphabetical, okay. Like a detective. And then proceeded to not really get that many right i don't think yeah that was the that was the really funny thing about it is that she worked out the whole system and then
Starting point is 00:29:53 didn't really use the system yeah it's too late to use the system by the time she'd worked it out yeah so it's you know if she was a detective yeah she's worked out you know who did the murder and then just doesn't arrest them and goes home yes yes like she's just happy with the info yeah to be there yeah um mike was pretty incredible in this i thought it was an impressive impressive performance because he just i don't know what goes on in his world i think he's just done all of these things before i think greg said it like he just looks like he's he's undermined a vole before so he was straight to you've got no chutzpah yeah yes yeah and there's a bit where he bites into the fruit and he's like bite the apple and then he goes no it wasn't an apple lecturine and it wasn't like it was and it was like watching like sherlock in the newer series
Starting point is 00:30:40 work out all of these algebraic little things and like I felt like I was watching a sort of MI5 experiment in a way he'd be quite a good spy actually, thinking about it In the 40s, he'd be a good spy in the 40s Yeah, yeah, he'd stand out a bit now I think Undermine the vole You've got no chutzpah
Starting point is 00:31:02 Your organisational skills are lackluster. Your timekeeping is abysmal. It's winter, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs, mozzarella balls, and arancini balls? Yes, we deliver those.
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Starting point is 00:31:41 See app for details. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. So, task two. Make the best babushka meal.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Each course must be presented in the previous course. Best babushka meal wins. You have five minutes to order your ingredients and 20 minutes to prepare your babushka meal. How did you enjoy this one, Charlotte? Well, I think I enjoyed doing it, but I didn't really enjoy watching it.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I was pretty route one with the whole thing. And I think I just got really excited about the idea of a really big bread. Yes. And then that was like anything beyond that is sort of a bonus, really, as long as there's a big bread involved. Yeah and then that was like anything beyond that sort of a bonus really as long as there's a big bread involved yeah you got from my perspective you got very hung up on the size thing rather than the actual like any cooking any sort of any taste or it so
Starting point is 00:32:58 you basically just went with big bread straight away what's slightly smaller than that what's slightly smaller than that was slightly smaller than that you then didn't take the next step so is the the one that really threw me was when he opened the pepper and there was raw red onion in there yeah well the thing is obviously you've seen it i didn't mean it to be raw it was meant to be grilled but i ran out of time because it didn't turn the oven on yeah there wasn't a time. Which is actually the... And I think I was definitely concerned with the amount of layers that I could fit in. And I thought I've got to prioritise that more than anything. I didn't turn out, get that many.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I mean, watching Lee was like, and actually all of the others really, they managed to get so many interesting layers in there. But yeah, that was my sort of main, my main aim. And then once that, yeah, it was hideous to watch. I also just can't believe he ate it all. I was so happy he did. It was so nice to watch.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But yeah, it was just grim. It was like a sort of, I mean, the egg was the worst. The egg was the worst bit. So grim. Well, I mean, that was, I think a lot of that was Alex's fault for comparing it to, I think, looking into the anus of an animal, right? Yeah. And I thought about that again.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And I thought like, my mind did not go there. No. And his did. And I suddenly saw him again in a new light. There's a lot of revealing stuff in this show. And then when he sucked it out and the noise of it, it was unnecessary i think i think this is a classic example of you not selling what you've done well enough in the moment because
Starting point is 00:34:32 as greg pointed out you were so disgusted by your own meal yeah that then obviously everyone else is like oh it must be disgusting if you know at no point if i'm in a restaurant and a chef might you know bring out a special dish and takes the lid off if the chef then out loud goes oh boy i'm not going to enjoy eating that no matter what it is you just got a chef in your ear going i can't look at that look at that going in your mouth i like the idea of it be funny sort of experience um i a funny experience is what you just described um i i really like the dynamic of every like the sort of personas that everybody put on as their weight as their sort of need the needy waiter was really funny
Starting point is 00:35:19 from everyone and and they all had different shades to them like mine was really reluctant like a sort of work experience waiter chef who like resented being there at all like in any form and then jamali was like really sort of coaxing and like oh there's a bit where he's like like he goes or something like that like really up close and sarah the same sarah mike had these sort of seductive quite like yeah um almost like you know when people sometimes eat along with you by accident, like if you take a big mouth, like people do that with their kids. But if you're an adult and you take a big mouthful and the person opposite you is like, ah, with you. You can't see, but they like open their mouth at the same time. Who does that? whereas lee was this sort lee would drive you insane lee hopping about like right nearby but i just loved i thought that was i didn't expect everyone to be so for the majority of people to be so insipidly like right next to him while he ate it i don't think anyone expected to either it was like they were all drawn in to just watch him really close you know what i mean like right by his mouth and really wanting to him to go through each layer properly and have the full
Starting point is 00:36:22 experience as they'd envisioned if it envisaged it yes it's a good word exactly yeah yeah but you're right they sold they all sold it pretty well um i should have definitely sold it better but i can see with my own eyes what it was so i couldn't i couldn't lie yeah you can't lie everyone can see um i thought jamali's was the best conceptually the full full day set up. Definitely. As he put it. It was brilliant, yeah. Starting with the salmon and eggs. The cold soup was a bit of a mistake, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:50 The full roast chicken, Yorkshire pudding. The trifle in the bag wasn't great. Oh, yeah. It looked like it had gone through him. Yeah, it's like a drugs mule. A drugs mule, yeah. Smuggled the trifle in. Like someone had swallowed it and then
Starting point is 00:37:05 oh yeah it was it was that was really grim actually now i think about it i think the cold soup felt like a bit of a kind of um he sort of checked are you going to eat this and then alex said yes and he went okay cold soup please the worst one in the back i was like that's a little he sort of had enough of of Alex's little snide comments. There's always someone in these cooking tasks when they know Alex has to eat it who just pushes it to try and make Alex throw up, basically. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And I think it was Jamali here. The poor guy. He really did eat it all. Ugh. He's eaten worse things. He's eaten way worse things. It's unbelievable, though. What a commitment.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah. I think this was actually probably quite nice for him bearing in mind in series eight he had to eat flambéed porn but louis sanders burnt a porn porn magazine oh my god he had to eat the ashes wow wow so this was probably a little treat nothing yeah what are you complaining about yeah especially lee's lee's had some really nice stuff in it my my mind went to watermelon straight away i think watermelon was a good shout that's yeah lee's lee's version of big bread um but the pea as well more peas from lee using the pea in a genius way after using it as a helmet for a bee yes of course i want to taste that pea yeah yeah i know there was a lot i had I had peas on Saturday night actually and they tasted
Starting point is 00:38:28 just peas nothing else just me and some peas and yeah they tasted great and then I thought I thought I want actually I did think like how would I as I was cooking them I was thinking how do I get to the best pea and I thought would I go so far
Starting point is 00:38:44 as to rearrange the entire circumstances to try and work out how that pea would taste yeah and actually I'm quite tempted to because I haven't got a lot on at the moment I've got no work coming up and I am thinking do I just do that with a little hundreds and thousands be lovely if yeah you spent your time off just trying to do the taskmaster tasks again in a better way and like sending them in to Alex and going, can I have some more points? Yeah, so sad. The one contestant that just like keeps going, keeps trying them. Yeah, I might do that, you know, you joke.
Starting point is 00:39:15 There's not much going on. Mike's, I think Mike was too logical in what he did because I think everyone else really didn't stick to the course thing. So it wasn't really courses. Oh, right. And it was just, I think everyone just went food and food and food and food. Whereas Mike wanted the bread and olives, then the hollowed scotch, then the chocolate egg for pudding.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Right. Because he got so caught up in that, he only went with three things and it sort of, it didn't have the impact that the others did, which is a shame. No, no. Disappointing. Sarah's looked good sarah's looked the best yeah had the bed of letters with the apple the avocado and couscous it looked like a sort of from a 70s 70s cookbook it it did it really did it looked like a lovely spread the lettuces and like yeah a sort of pineapple and cheese wouldn't have been out of place on that exactly yeah yeah it was nice but well it wasn't nice actually it was disgusting and was it her
Starting point is 00:40:11 fingers or was it alex's fingers in it do you know because you know there's like a shot of like fingers prodding at mashed banana yeah i don't remember that but i couldn't work out whose fingers they were and i was like that's if it's Sarah's, that's awful. Yeah. No, he's already got to eat them and they're prodding away. She got really up close. It was really funny.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I guess it depends if it was filmed during the pandemic or not, right? Because I'm not sure it's COVID safe to pop a finger in a mashed banana
Starting point is 00:40:40 and then get someone else to eat it. That's very true. Yeah, that's very true. And their proximity as well. That must have been pre-CO-covid yeah the things you could do pre-covid don't the turn i mean the whole thing that's i have to say like as a caveat i wore my brain had gone away by the time we came to the studio it had gone i'm not kidding i was like it is often
Starting point is 00:41:01 like cuts to me and i am catching up with what's happening because I had gone away in my brain at that point. And so it's really funny to watch because some of the tasks were a bit more on it. And then the tasks that were during COVID, I'm a bit more sort of panicked and anxious. And then the studio, I don't know what had happened. I think I spent too much time on my own and I was just like, not there. I would be so fascinated in a parallel universe there's me doing Taskmaster having not not had that time away and sitting by myself on my floor in my bedroom and I think that it might have gone a different way I think I'd be competitive but there you are
Starting point is 00:41:40 it was really interesting to watch so you did say during that when you're having to come up with the ingredients the thing that I think sums up my taskmaster experience as well which was there's nothing there's nothing going on here nothing there's nothing in the brain and the only thing that you could think was that you were thinking i'm thinking that i'm thinking yeah and that's such a panic that's such a panic thing to be in isn't it where you're like i can't think of anything and if i think of something all it is like, I can't think of anything. And if I think of something, all it is is that I can't think of anything. I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:08 An avocado. A lime. No. You're going to have to eat it. Yes. A lime. You've got to eat it, right? A kind of tin soup, please.
Starting point is 00:42:16 That's the cheapest non-brand soup you can get. Ask them, what do you have in the back? I've got the word eggs. It's coming to my head. I think I'm going to need eggs. Hundreds of thousands. I don't need that many, just one. I'll be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I think you might have to buy them in the hundreds of thousands. Task three, get out the front gate, setting off the alarm the fewest times. Every time the alarm goes off, you must start again. You must only step on your stepping stones. Your time starts now. And that sound you made while I was reading out the task, I that sums it up really doesn't it yeah it's so frustrating i think you even hear jamali in the studio yeah where where they're announcing what it is oh my god
Starting point is 00:42:53 yes oh yeah so annoying like oh it it it was just oh man and it and it and it took like it was oh i was just so frustrating it's like you can't even there's nothing yeah i know exactly but i know exactly what you mean it's it's very entertaining to watch yeah extremely entertaining to watch especially when you know yeah of course when you know and and i think also like I think at one point I pointed out like, I think there's somebody watching. And when we step on the thing, they press the button. It's like, what do you think it is? Honestly, I'm like, what do you think they've installed a special sensory system that's like underground in the same house you've been doing a task in like five minutes earlier?
Starting point is 00:43:42 You idiot. I do feel quite like i'm looking at a different person i am like what is going on with you charlotte because obviously and also what's the situation like yeah that's the point like that's literally what we're here for what is the situation but like some sort of bad detective being like i think this is going on and it's like these flappy little bits of cardboard on the floor it's like yeah but i i was so frustrated and i also think that you know we all didn't i didn't know the others before so it was one of the few like we just sort of met each other that day so you're sort of navigating
Starting point is 00:44:19 how everybody what everyone's vibe is and like yeah whether you whether you don't be too instructive but not like also i don't know sort of suggest something that it just it just was it was really frustrating i also can't believe we did it for so long a long time yeah yeah but it was it was joy it was joyful when when the buzzer then doesn't go off that's joyful why how quickly that you adapt to caring about something like that you must have found that like how amazingly quick it's like but that with this one more than any other i think was like a experiment from like you'd see for like a 1970s american experiment yeah yeah of buzzers and how quickly people you know suddenly get it's the only thing in their world then to not set that alarm off. And it's a nice place to exist, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:08 Because that being the most important thing you're doing in that very moment is very, well, you're free. Except for just that one thing. Yeah, it's great. It was great watching you guys when it had been revealed what the actual thing was
Starting point is 00:45:22 that was setting off the alarm, that it was words with T. And then very sensibly you went okay we'll count we'll count them and it's one two and you get to two and realize like oh they've really screwed themselves over i'm white coming yeah yeah i think i think i've said in another episode like you do get a taste of how alex feels when you you get that i mean it must be exquisite for him to do these the power high he must be on because i feel it when you know that like something's coming you know that you've not done it right and you watch people endlessly make mistakes it's just like why does that feel so good um yeah i it was it was who who went first
Starting point is 00:46:04 who did we who revealed it or did we both did we find out at the same time do you remember anyway so i think they showed lee and mike do it and complete it and then revealed what it was and then showed you guys yeah yeah um but it's very entertaining to watch but i would have found that more frustrating i think completing it and still not knowing for months what it was. Would you have thought about that a lot, do you think? Yeah. Yeah, I still think about tasks from series nine.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Do you? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm going to think about that thing you said about the fuse going in the Ribena till I die now. I've got a lot of room for sort of obsessive thoughts, so actually's going to be one of them happy happy to help thank you I think what's the situation as you're going to leave many things in the the taskmaster hall of fame Charlotte but what what's the situation they should change the name of the show to what's the situation what's the situation I remember someone saying something about how much of the day should be called what's he doing there then basically it's just an analysis of people being
Starting point is 00:47:08 somewhere and it is sort of if you break it down it is what's the situation but then i suppose almost literally everything produced is what's the situation this podcast is also what's the situation yeah it doesn't cover a lot of bases yeah it really does um so sadly not not points uh for yourself sarah and jamali uh and five points for lee and mike which i i think it's a bit harsh sometimes when it's divvied up like that but i guess it was it was the alarms you set it off 34 times yeah yeah it was fair as a yeah how do you think fair. What do you think I'm going to say? She's rolled over again. I think you must not respect me, actually, Ed.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Considering your world view, I must be right at the bottom of the pile, respect-wise. No, no, no. I'm giving you plenty of opportunities to... Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're trying to bolster me. I'll be a new person by the end of this. Don't you worry about that. I'm beginning my transformation. You definitely don't want to be bolstered, do you? You couldn't really bolster me. I'll be a new person by the end of this, don't you worry about that. I'm beginning my transformation. You definitely don't want to be bolstered, do you?
Starting point is 00:48:07 You couldn't really give a shit. I'm not going to comment on that until the end of the show and we'll see the reaction to whether I win. It's all to play for for me. It is. It is all to play for. Yeah. Are you guys enjoying the task? Really not enjoying it, genuinely.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Because I don't like trying to solve something when I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be solving. Can I suggest something? Lighting up. The studio task. Make your rubber gloves and wellies as heavy as possible whilst wearing your rubber gloves and wellies. You have 90 seconds.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You must only put stuff in your rubber gloves in the first minute. You can put stuff in your wellies after the first minute. You can put stuff in your wellies after the second whistle. Did you enjoy the studio tasks? Yeah, I did enjoy the studio tasks. Yeah, I did. It was nice to do something sort of en masse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah. I think on this one, I'm wearing a skirt, which really hindered me. If I did it again, I'd wear full tracksuit every single time. Yes. I would just be ready to roll.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Like, you know, rolled up sleeves. Let's do it. So I think that that was hard to navigate, which is my own fault. Prioritising the wrong things. And I did it quite enjoy that one. It was so loud. I can't. You don't see it on.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It was so loud. I mean., you don't see it on, it was so loud. I mean. The clattering. The clattering. I felt that there was a din that slowed me down. So yeah, I'm going to blame the din. But you can see the moment where I look across and see that people had the idea of strapping the bucket to their feet. Yeah, it's a clever idea, the Jamali bucket system.
Starting point is 00:49:43 The Jamali bucket system, quite. And then that lovely moment where it all poured out of Mike's bucket. Yeah, I mean, Mike is just a human cartoon, isn't he? So anytime he has to strike a body shape, it's a joy to watch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, pure clown. Jamali disqualified, of course, for taking off his gloves immediately, but then gets a point for the bucket system I think this is another one of these
Starting point is 00:50:07 times where Greg clearly now respects Jamali and wants to give him extra points because I don't think he deserved a bonus point for inventing the bucket system I don't think so either because especially because he immediately took his gloves off
Starting point is 00:50:22 yeah broke the rule straight away he broke the rule do you know what I mean it's black and white Especially because he immediately took his gloves off. Yeah. Broke the rules straight away. He broke the rules. You know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? It's black and white. It's absolutely there. It's on the paper.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He did it right. Well, I don't know. I mean, what do you know? This is why I can't care. Because there is a tiny voice in me that I can feel goes... And I go, shh. That's dangerous do you think there's an absolute an absolute monster waiting to come out right i i'm i honestly suspect that might be true i'm really glad it didn't come out on national television but there's i've hopefully got a long life ahead of me so watch
Starting point is 00:51:02 this space yeah i've suddenly become so competitive um about the smallest thing but the pain it causes you like how do you handle that if i cared about the points i'd be so i'd be so down i just how do you deal with it i'm down all the time down all the time really just just anger pure anger yeah really angry. Well, no, you can see the trophy. I'll just have a look at the old trophy. I've seen it, yeah, yeah. What's that cup on your left? Richard Osman's House of Games.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Oh, yeah, of course. I see this is where it gets you if you're competitive. This is it. Yeah, exactly. It pays off for you. This is the thing. You've actually got accolades for it. And then a lot of people will go, you know, it it actually doesn't matter it's about sort of being funny and having
Starting point is 00:51:49 a good time because you're a comedian and not a professional quizzer oh yeah good point probably should have focused on the other let me show you my awards i think you'll find i am a professional quizzer yeah um you also got the one point uh with 0.95 kilograms which i think is about four forks isn't it it's about four forks four and four and a half forks yeah that's how you measure it um it was a disappointing show i that that actually for me i did watch that and go uh come on like there's something about it being like it was literally lightweight as in it was it was there was no substance to that the fact that it was measured in how much it weighed it felt insubstantial and that felt reflective of the effort that I put in I just thought go again go again get a what get a what
Starting point is 00:52:38 turn back time and just go for it um yeah and I think it added insult to injury that it was that you could sort of physically measure out the effort that I think it added insult to injury that it was that you could sort of physically measure out the effort that I'd um managed to make in that task do you think if if you were to do it again so if they if you know if they invited people back to do another series uh-huh yeah would you do would you do anything differently yeah I think I would I think i think i would um i definitely sort of i would um just just argue back more and i would get try and get more competitive like it is i do feel outraged on my behalf watching it and i'm like why are you taking that line down screaming at the tv my flat nose telling me to just chill turn it off um yeah i think i definitely i'd probably lean
Starting point is 00:53:26 into that more competitive side of it but i did have such a good time and actually like what is quite nice is i mean the studio stuff especially watching everyone else do that all of their tasks brought me so much joy like it is it is a joyful thing isn't it it's the best by far i loved it and everyone's so funny like all of them are so funny on it and for all like and the more we got to know each other the more that everyone's little idiosyncrasies and the dynamics were so much more satisfying and like yeah and then you start rooting for everyone but this is maybe my downfall i thought yeah that's really good yeah great um so yeah yeah i think it that that was that was i really enjoyed that i know
Starting point is 00:54:06 that wasn't your question but i had a nice time um it was it was five points for lee uh three points for sarah two points for mike and then one point for both you and jamali there which means at the end of the episode uh it was lee who came out on top by some considerable distance 22 points an amazing episode for Lee which he needed because he's had a couple of absolute shockers previous to this and then Mike Sarah and Jamali all pretty close 14 points 12 points and 12 points respectively and then nine points for Charlotte bottom of the pile oh dear yeah but you seem pretty chill you seem pretty chill with it especially when he announces the series scores and says oh well done you've got 78 points and
Starting point is 00:54:53 you just sat you sit there and just go like yep come on tell me what that means yeah i suppose that maybe there's a maybe there's a sort of subconscious tactic there that greg wants me to care that i've gone right the opposite direction. Yeah. He's a real puppet master, isn't he? It is interesting. It's been fascinating to watch it, I have to say. Really interesting. So Sarah is now still in the lead,
Starting point is 00:55:16 but the gap is closing. She's on 115 points. Lee 10 points behind on 105. Mike pretty close behind that on 102. Then Jamali and then yourself The gap is big isn't it? I really am losing The gap between top and bottom pretty big
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah I'd agree with that It's a bit of a catchphrase on the show but it's anyone's game apart from Charlotte's Oh that's something no one ever wants to hear in their life which having spoken to you for a while now i feel feel feel confident saying that to you and no you'll take that in the in the spirit in which it was a tent except charlotte yeah yeah yeah there's no realm in which that's a good thing to hear is it unless i suppose it's sort of really
Starting point is 00:56:03 sinister violent games or something like that. If it was the Saw films, then that's fine to hear. Then you'd be pleased to be in the 70s on your points score. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have some emails from listeners. Lovely, this is a great question to kick off um this is from uh caitlin brooks i believe they're filming ghosts season three at the moment which of her ghost cast mates does she think would do well on the show now i'm assuming caitlin is obviously obviously
Starting point is 00:56:39 lolly and katie have both have both been on the show but apart from that the ones who haven't done it who would be good on the show and why? That's a great question. Great question. I think they'd, okay, first I think they'd all be good. Although I think maybe Simon Farnaby
Starting point is 00:56:53 might not worry, not care about the points and be like, why am I doing this? But I think maybe, when we were filming, so I started watching Taskmaster, it came out while we were just finishing series three filming. So I think maybe when we were filming I started watching Taskmaster
Starting point is 00:57:05 it came out while we were just finishing series 3 filming so I think that and I watched it with Kyle we were in the same Covid bubble together
Starting point is 00:57:13 I'd like to make that clear and he watched it and loved it and I think he'd be really funny on it I think Kyle would be great so yeah
Starting point is 00:57:21 I'd root for him I think this is one of the most specific questions we've ever had and so specific i wouldn't normally read it out but it just made me laugh okay um can you please ask charlotte what shirt she was wearing in episode six to me it looked like a black metal shirt but i couldn't make out what band thanks so much keep up the good work phil oh thanks phil and thanks for the encouragement about the work um have you been watching the show
Starting point is 00:57:46 because it ain't good um yeah I I was wearing a it's a great pattern it's not it's not metal it's a Phoebe Bridgers t-shirt but I really I really like the the the sort of design of it and she's great and also i do like metal and so i do feel like i felt like i had misguided that interest there but that that's the true answer for you there yeah i'm behind that jacket listen i love metal right i love it but i do own also a lot of t-shirts in black metal style of things that shouldn't be in black metal style right yeah for example i've got one from a coffee shop that says black coffee but in heavy metal black metal writing it's a lot of fun it's a bit of it's a bit of a um red herring that because it's not a metal band but um anyway there you are yeah lots of interest there i hope that's answered it has answered his question that
Starting point is 00:58:41 has answered phil's question um james in solihull says please ask charlotte how she felt being series 11's catherine parkinson oh yes yeah yeah i've heard this um comparison a lot i'm a big fan of catherine so complimented um yes i think did she have quite a similar experience of not quite realising kind of how dear in headlights she was and then being like, is that who I am? I wonder if Catherine's also had an identity crisis as a result of this show. I might call her. Actually, do you have the details? Because genuinely, I think we could probably help each other out. There were a couple of things where there was one particular incident with Catherine where she brought in these masks that she'd
Starting point is 00:59:27 been making during lockdown and she was very proud of them but then everyone made fun of them and then she was so destroyed by everyone making fun of them that she stopped making them you're joking you're joking for real she stopped really she stopped it's heartbreaking
Starting point is 00:59:43 oh no no no, no. That's really sad. And this is the sort of thing you call television. This is the stuff that's on TV. No wonder everything's falling apart. There you go. That's really funny. That's really sad.
Starting point is 00:59:58 What kind of masks was she making? I have to watch it. I've got to watch it. They're like clay masks. They're pretty good. But yeah, everyone was very mean and now no more masks oh my gosh uh on the podcast sarah kendall rated the contestants from least competitive to most and she rated charlotte the least does charlotte agree and who did she think was the most competitive please also tell charlotte that i love
Starting point is 01:00:18 her in ghosts that's from caroline in wyoming thank you in In America. Wowee. There I go again. Hasn't stopped. Because children's TV presenters are very rarely self-aware though. So they'll say things like wowee but they won't then immediately go, oh God, there I go again. I think it would ruin it.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Imagine all the poor kids so confused by their presenter having this again a crisis on on screen oh my god who am I hi kids boing oh god I'm a scum um what was it Caroline in yes Caroline in Wyoming she I mean I think we've talked a little bit about your relationship with being competitive that you may well be concealing a competitive um persona yeah well I mean that's me sort of hoping that there's something in there there's a fire burning somewhere yeah clasping at it uh I yeah I think I'm the least competitive although I have to say I think you're right that I think Jamali was okay with not getting sort of give or take points. I think he is probably a bit more competitive
Starting point is 01:01:27 because I think it was sort of spurred on by his irritation of Alex. And then I think it would probably go Sarah. Oh, I don't know. Sarah's pretty competitive. She kind of wants to get it. She wants to get it right. More than being competitive,
Starting point is 01:01:39 she wants to get it right. So I would put her up then above jamali in the rankings of competitiveness and then i'd say lee's at the top because he just really he he would say things while he was doing the tasks like if if this if it turns out to be i want this on the record that this is what's right about the task and anyone that deviates is a is a dead man so um yeah he yeah he's the most competitive for sure here on the taskmaster podcast charlotte the final thing we always do is we get the guests to rate their experience between one and five points, as in the style of Taskmaster. Have you enjoyed yourself? And would you please put a points rating system on your enjoyment of the podcast recording experience?
Starting point is 01:02:39 Thank you, Charlotte. I'll give it a nice five out of five. A nice five. A nice five. A nice five. That's good. That's cast some shade on previous fives we've had. Now I'm worried that they were horrible fives. They have to specify what kind of five they mean.
Starting point is 01:02:53 If they've said anything other than nice five, they don't mean it, just so you know. I'm sorry if that crushes your review rating. I will take that nice five, gratefully and greedily. Thank you very much, Charlotte Ritchie, for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you. had a lovely time i've loved it there we have it the taskmaster podcast done thank you very much charlotte richie for chatting to me about s11 e7 that's how i'm going to do series an episode from now on. Keep it nice and quick. Thank you very
Starting point is 01:03:26 much for listening. As always, Taskmaster available on all four. Check out the YouTube channel as well. YouTube.com forward slash Taskmaster. Check out the Taskmaster store.com Check out the bleeps episodes of Taskmaster if you've got sensitive ears in the house. That's available on all four
Starting point is 01:03:41 as well. Just so much, so much stuff to talk about really but we'll do it next week there's another brilliant guest our guest next week is Lee Mack Lee Mack we've completed all of the all of the contestants that's that's it we've done it all five of them will have been on the podcast when we have Lee Mack on so if you have questions for Lee Mack I'm sure you do taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com to get your questions in but for now enjoy yourselves have a nice life I'll see you next week last time it was after the grain hang on I didn't even step on it then. Okay, so what's the situation?
Starting point is 01:04:29 Every veteran has a story. Whatever your next chapter, get support with health, education, finance and more. At veterans.gc.ca slash services. A message from the Government of Canada.

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