Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 38. Maisie Adam – S3 EP.5

Episode Date: June 24, 2021

On the podcast this week Ed is joined by comedian and TM fan, Maisie Adam. The pair discuss the final episode of series 3 which involves more cheating from Dave Gorman and more cash and gongs from mon...ey bags Murray. The pair chat about their attractive (and unattractive) relatives and try and get to the bottom of who Paul Chowdhry really is. Vote for Taskmaster at this year's TV Choice Awards https://awards.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk/vote Get tickets to Ed's Touredgamble.co.uk Pre order Bring me the head of the Taskmaster https://taskmasterstore.com/products/bring-me-the-head-of-the-taskmaster Watch all of the Taskmaster on All 4https://www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com  Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster  For all your Taskmaster goodies visit www.taskmasterstore.com    Taskmaster the podcast is produced by Daisy Knight for AvalonTelevision Ltd Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Gold tenders, no. But chicken tenders, yes. Because those are groceries, and we deliver those, too.
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Starting point is 00:01:07 Maisie Adam I know Maisie Adam as a brilliant comedian I've done Mock the Week with her many times I've done Hypothetical with her I know Maisie Adam as a big football fan she knows her stuff when it comes to football she often tries to engage me in conversations about that
Starting point is 00:01:23 it's incredibly one sided so hopefully today we can have a chat where both of us know what the hell we're going on about because we are talking about Taskmaster I'm obviously a big fan Maisie also I know a very big fan of the show uh so it's going to be an exciting chat uh we can find out what she thinks about this lineup on series three uh and indeed uh lineups throughout time of Taskmaster not anything else um but I bring exciting news before we get on to that because Taskmaster has been nominated for a TV Choice Award yes it has been and and as well it should be it should be winning all of these awards and you have a chance to help it win the TV Choice Award 2021 for Best Entertainment Show. It's decided by the public. Voting closes at midnight on Friday 25th of June. So if you're listening to this on the Thursday or
Starting point is 00:02:11 Friday that it's come out, it's very soon. It closes at midnight on Friday 25th of June. Get voting. To vote, you go on to awards.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk. That's awards.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk that's awards.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk and vote for Taskmaster in best entertainment show and then the other categories are up to you but go and vote for Taskmaster in best entertainment show in the TV choice awards Maisie Adam also does a brilliant podcast called that's a first uh with Tom Lucy that's them chatting to special guests about first times uh I've been on it go and check that out it's had amazing guests on it as well so don't That's a First with Tom Lucy. That's them chatting to special guests about First Times. I've been on it. Go and check that out.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's had amazing guests on it as well. So don't take that as an indictment. But for now, let's go and chat to Maisie Adam about Taskmaster Series 3, Episode 5. Welcome, Maisie Adam, to the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you very much for coming on. Thank you for having me. This is very exciting. Very, very exciting to have you on. Obviously, you yourself are yet to be on the show Taskmaster, but we've heard you're a big fan, which is why you're here. Big, big fan. I really respect that you are doing this chat with your trophy in the background always
Starting point is 00:03:26 always do it it's i mean it works less for you because you know you uh but it really rubs in uh when people have lost do you think if um we weren't doing this over zoom because of covid and we were doing it in person do you think you would have brought it in well i do take it with me everywhere yeah everywhere yeah yeah one of the good things about the lockdowns has been that i haven't had to take my big bag everywhere your big taskmaster bag everywhere yeah yeah it's a see-through bag as well so everyone can see what it is on the bus and stuff um yeah i do it's probably my proudest item that i own when you say a see-through bag i'm really imagining you like you know the bags that you put your loose peppers in when you go shop just a grocery bag just everybody occasionally's like i think i saw red gamble
Starting point is 00:04:08 on the tube yesterday with a grocery bag with a taskmaster trophy in it he's got a trophy in his loose peppers bag the guy's gone mad the guy's absolutely lost it it's good it's good to get out early maisie that you're a fan of Taskmaster because I think sometimes when people see that it's uh not a former Taskmaster contestant they dread that we're going to be having a conversation where you're like well I've just seen it for the first time seems like a cool show seems like a cool show where the majority of the podcast is you explaining the format yeah exactly and they go well sounds nice good luck to them good luck to them when do we find out who's won but i think i actually think there's not many people like that because taskmaster is a genuinely popular show amongst comedians i think most comedians do watch it oh yeah definitely definitely it's i think it's one of the few shows where uh it's it's liked for the program as much as it is
Starting point is 00:05:04 for the for the like taking part like i watch it and i have just as much as it is for the taking part. I watch it and I have just as much fun, I think, had I been on it. Oh, good, because I think some comedians just watch it and have seething jealousy when they watch it that they've not been on it. I will say this. Obviously, you were great on it, But watching Paul Sinner on it and watching him do so excellently badly in a lot of the rounds was quite cathartic for me.
Starting point is 00:05:33 As you may well know, Ed Gamble, I went on the chase before I became a comedian and went up against Mr. Sinner and he stopped me from winning. Okay, my share was minus 300 pounds but had I I don't think that counts as a share Maisie but but this is the thing is my plan was to take the lower offer and just get the get all the money that everybody else had worked really hard for yeah so had I won had I gone through I'd have come away with 12 grand because it was like 50 odd grand split four ways and Paulul sinner was classic paul sinner and
Starting point is 00:06:05 very good at his quiz questions and stopped me from winning me the little student maisie adam didn't win and it's heartbreaking i've obviously watched it loads of times oh you're the one that keeps racking up the views on youtube i also really like that you clearly are mortified that that happened to you but you bring it up quite a lot. So now just the legend of you losing on the chase. I mean, I would have brought it up if you hadn't. Well, it's also, I don't feel like we could talk about a programme that features Paul Sinner with me and me just sort of hope it doesn't arise.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I'd rather address the elephant in the room. But no, it was very, it felt like I got my revenge watching Paul do so badly on a lot of those tasks so I think that was maybe a favorite of mine good I'm glad to hear it so apart from apart from uh enjoying seeing Paul Sinner on series eight because he was very bad and it made you feel better about the fact you were terrible on the chase just made me feel better about myself do you have any other like favorite taskmaster moments or series or contestants or anything like that what if someone says to you maisie tell me about taskmaster what what are you dipping into to explain okay um as in like my favorite moments yeah i think well straight away i like the anything that involves the like making a song
Starting point is 00:07:26 or making uh like any any um sort of hit music that like your thing of the the taskmaster theme tune great with the crying baby yeah very very good um of course james is over my shoulder yes do you remember that over my shoulder it's't get that doesn't get many shout outs i mean i love it it is really good and once it gets stuck in your head it really it really stays there yeah i think i quote it at least once a week um yeah just over my shoulder it's getting colder so many things wrong with older uh into something about a boulder. Yeah, something about a boulder. He really goes for it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I think something that always makes me laugh was there was a round where they've got to eat a watermelon, but they've got to open it first and everything. And Rasheen did classic. I don't think she ate it until the last five seconds. She just assumed it would be a ready-to-eat watermelon. like did classic I don't think she ate it until like the last five seconds because she just assumed it would be ready to eat a ready to eat watermelon but then by
Starting point is 00:08:31 stark contrast Romesh comes straight in most people have like even tried to cut in like Tim Key smashes it on the table Romesh just fully like throws it up in the air and lets it just sort of decimate all over this room um even that I think that round there's there's always a round that seems to involve a room
Starting point is 00:08:52 that room that's sort of covered in um sheets like uh Christian Christian Christian Bale in uh American Psycho sort of that uh that vibe isn't it you feel like somebody's going to enter with a chainsaw um yeah i mean that's obviously an absolute classic one that and that's that sums up task master doesn't it that all the different approaches and yeah and yeah what would you would you be someone who went for it maisie in that situation say with the watermelon would you storm in there and smash it on the floor and just go hell for leather or would you be trying to cut it up into chunks i have this a lot in in life i like to think that i'm that sort of person that will just go in quite pump give it a go and actually i'm very very stressed i'm very stressful a lot of the time so i think i'd be more rachine in that situation and i'd go in thinking
Starting point is 00:09:42 it's going to be one thing and then the moment it's remotely off script to what I thought it would just send me into complete meltdown I wouldn't know what to do um I look I love it so much I love as well the stupidity of the point system that's for me like the sort of uh there's no sense to it does and and uh i was thinking i think greg would heartily disagree with you there i think he would say it makes absolutely perfect sense all of his points but i say i have one big disagreement per episode oh yeah yeah yeah and the and genuinely there was one i think you've probably discussed this before but the most heartbreaking one when it came to points was joe wilkinson and the potato yes of of how cool that was and how if you look at that um selection of taskmasters who would you have down to get a potato in a hole in one straight away so uh it's like a red circle
Starting point is 00:10:42 isn't it as like a green yeah and then he then you've just got to throw a potato into the hole without stepping on the red. Look, you say it's a logical scoring, Maisie, but he stepped on the red green, so he didn't deserve the points. It's actually the most logical scoring there has been on Taskmaster ever. It was the way it came about as well, though.
Starting point is 00:11:00 All the other contestants are like... I think Catherine Ryan at one point ties a string around a potato and sort of tries to lasso it into the hole. Yeah, it's a good method. Oh, it's terrible. People are attaching a funnel to a crutch and trying to snooker cue it in. And then Joe, who of course is the one you'd least expect to do it so well,
Starting point is 00:11:24 and I don't think he'd be too offended at me saying that i think a lot of people would say that but he just goes in straight away and it's so jubilant and he's so happy and then they replay it and it's like he steps over by what like an inch an inch is an inch you're not allowed to be on the you're not allowed to be on the red green at all this is the thing you you would be because you would if you were on that team you would have so voted against it wouldn't you yeah of course i would have done of course i would have done and you know what if that was me in that situation i would say look it's a shame but i don't deserve the points i've stepped on oh would you how i'd gamble Of course we are talking about series 3 today
Starting point is 00:12:17 Series 3 episode 5 The final episode in series 3 Only 5 episodes Do you remember watching this one go out at the time series three yeah yeah and i i think as well i remembered it because it was sort of um uh i'd i'd never this is this will sound bad but as in i hadn't really come across paul chowdhury before this is a lot of people's first introductions to paul chowdhury which is absolutely amazing and for i think like the first three episodes i wasn't
Starting point is 00:12:51 sure if paul chowdhury is a character act yeah because he's so weird yeah such a weird guy such a weird guy and then i actually like met him like maybe a year after Taskmaster went out and I was like oh I'll finally get my answer still I'm still not sure to this day if Paul is a character act or not neither is he so no one actually knows that's the thing I'm like I don't think you know he's got no idea we had him on the show last week and it was I'm no closer to knowing yeah every time I listen to the Paul Chowdhry episode to sort of maybe like come on here with an answer about it and i was like he's still i don't know and as you said i don't think he knows um but um yeah in this particular episode he does a few sort of classic poor
Starting point is 00:13:36 childry things of saying saying a joke that's so bad it sort of kills kills the conversation he's got a very somehow it really works for his vibe. It's got a spectacular skill of doing that, of just telling... I mean, I wasn't even going to talk about that, but now you brought it up. It's that joke of Rob Bucket. Rob Bucket, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, he says he's got an advantage because he's called Rob Bucket. And it kills the atmosphere so stone cold dead. That is a skill to be able to do that in that theater as well yeah um yeah you could hear a pin drop and then there's one later where like they've got that round where they've got a bluff how many donuts they've put on the stick and uh he just sort of like takes a second then goes i feel like a bit of a donut up here and everyone just sort of takes a second and goes, I feel like a bit of a donut up here. And everyone just sort of... With the Rob Bucket one, Greg was like, oh, bad joke, and sort of made a bit of fun about him.
Starting point is 00:14:32 This one is literally ignored and just sort of carried on. Everybody else goes, yeah, all right. It's too close to the end of the series for them to draw attention to that. They're like, oh, no, come on, Paul. I really, really like it. I mean, you think when they're all on stage with with with greg and alex alex should be the really strange one but with paul paul was giving alex a run for his money in sort of weird vibes Well, let's talk about the prize task of this series. Yes. And the prize is a photo of your most handsome relative.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Uh-huh. Now, Maisie, if you were asked to do this, do you know who you'd bring in a photo of? I was thinking about this. But this is a get, like, I think too literally. I just started going through my whole family and literally sort of um almost putting them in a hierarchy of attractiveness and then how fits your family yeah yeah exactly and then i was watching it and like people were
Starting point is 00:15:38 actually sort of thinking really outside the box like bringing their cat or bringing something but um i think think I've got... Oh, I have to be careful because I don't know who's going to listen to this. But I won't say which side it is, but I think one side of my family is very attractive and the other one definitely at the back of the queue when the looks were handed out. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I think if it's that clear, then they know. They know. They know. Well, then it's not me that said it, is it? No, exactly, yeah. You already know. Yeah. then they know they know well then it's not me that said it is it you already know yeah obviously I'm still very excited to come
Starting point is 00:16:13 to their wedding I wish them all the best next year there's going to be lovely weddings but maybe don't do the photos maybe don't bother with the photos just one side. Just one, yeah. Just, I can't say which side.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Can we, okay, now can we get one with all the fit family in? But I think that's definitely, I've got, yeah, I can't say which relatives they are, but I've got some relatives that are very, very attractive. Yeah. And some that really aren't like the the parent from the side that is unattractive i go oh really looked out there because if it was the other one absolutely bloody nightmare it'd be so you've got you've got a good a good selection
Starting point is 00:17:01 of photos that you could bring in for that prize task yeah this is why have i gone down this alley the question is have you got any attractive relatives and i've more gone in on how many ugly relatives i've got if that was the thing bringing your ugliest relative i'd just bring in that whole side let me point it out um no but i've got i've got so i've got a an uncle who looks very like he's got um like, he's a bit of a silver fox. He's got flowing, my Uncle Richard, he's got flowing silver hair. He's very tanned. So now we know that whatever side of the family
Starting point is 00:17:34 Uncle Richard's on is the attractive side of the family, right? But the other ones are fine. The other ones are okay. But just not as hot as Uncle Richard. The other ones are beautiful on the inside. That's not the prize, is it? Bring a photo of your most attractive relative. Of the uncle with the best personality.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Brackets on the inside. Yeah, yeah. The other side of my family have a very kind heart. Great, so you bring in a picture of Uncle richard i bring in a picture i don't i don't know what i do all my relatives are really horribly ugly no no they're not no no i i think i think the things with with al murray here so let's talk about al first i think there's a certain thing where if you bring in like an old black or white black and white photo everyone looks good in the. Everyone looks good in the past.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Everyone looks good in the past. You know, especially like if, you know, working during the wartime in a suit with like slip back grill cream. Oh, we dropped that one in, didn't it? Like that was going to try and up the point. Like you can't really slag off somebody who worked in the war off their looks, can you?
Starting point is 00:18:39 It wasn't really the forefront of their mind back then. The thing is, I would slag off this guy because it's just because it's in black and white and he's got a slip back hair. That guy's not attractive. back then the thing is i would slag off this guy because it's just because it's in black and white and he's got a slick back hair that guy's not attractive this is the thing you could you could put a black and white filter on anybody and slip back the hair with a bit of cream and they look 10 out of 10 um i think the most shocking bit of that round was that dave gorman is somehow albeit very convoluted, is somehow related to Cary Grant. Yeah, very tenuous,
Starting point is 00:19:09 but the fact he brought in the family tree, you can't deny it, is clearly the best one that's been brought in. Cary Grant's fit as fuck, isn't he? He's really fit, yeah. I reckon Al Murray was probably a bit annoyed about that because he thought, I've gone old school, I've brought old school,
Starting point is 00:19:28 I've brought in the slick back black and white photo of, was it his dad, was it his grandad? His grandfather, yeah. You thought you'd got the back of the net there and then someone rocks up with Cary Grant. And in comparison as well, Al Murray's grandfather next to Cary Grant, you can really see the disparity there. Sorry, Al.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I'm not saying your grandad was butters or anything but he's no carrie grant is he i'm sure your granddad had a lovely heart yeah we all know which side of the family he'd be on if he was related to maisie and he wouldn't let's just say it wouldn't be uncle rich's side. Oh no, no. Oh God. Worst thing is, my mum is always like, if ever I do a podcast, she's just discovered podcasts and she's always like oh, if you've been on a podcast always let us know, we love to listen to it in the garden. She's going to absolutely lose her mind
Starting point is 00:20:18 at this. God. And is Uncle Richard her brother or? Oh, not say it. No. I'm not clarifying. I'm not clarifying. I've got myself too deep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh, no. Let's talk about, let's release the pressure on you then, Maisie. Let's talk about Paul Chowdhury. Let's pile the pressure on Paul. He went with, I mean, this is another Chowdhury joke. Very poor Chowdhury. Very poor Chowdhury joke. His father's son, i.e. himself.
Starting point is 00:20:52 The thing is, though, the picture he brought in of himself, he is way less handsome than he is now. This is the thing, is you're like, I can understand you being like, if I was an absolute looker in my day,'ll bring in that but um it's sort of just quite a awkward school teenager yeah definitely also when we're talking about the most attractive relative um you kind of want to
Starting point is 00:21:18 be judging them knowing they're all of an age where it's appropriate to attract to judge their attractiveness it felt a bit wrong to be looking at his school photos being like oh yeah fit um is that i can work out how old he was in that photo i i assumed like i i assumed of age is what i assumed yeah but he did also look simultaneously sort of 12 and 32 yeah that's true didn't it? So no idea. But I think it says a lot. Again, don't want to be offensive here. This is a running theme for this podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm just going to end up backhanding compliments everywhere. But I think it says a lot about what Paul thinks of his family's looks, if the best looking thing he brings in is an adolescent photo of himself. I think it either says that photo of him like as a teenager in a leather jacket when he was like yeah you know absolute lady killer at high school fine but that photo was a lot of things a very lady killer it was not he look he looks he looks better in the taskmaster studio. He should have just brought in a picture of himself from now. Because I know the guy works out. He's pretty ripped, is Paul Chowdhury. He could have brought in a lovely topless photo of him all oiled up.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I know one exists. Oh, God. Really? I'm sure. Come on, of course. You've met Paul now, right? That tash has got muscles itself, hasn't it? That tash looks like when people flex with their arms out.
Starting point is 00:22:49 That's just what his Tash is doing. Exactly. He could have brought that. Look, it was one point, but I think that was a harsh score for Paul. Yeah. Yeah, I do. Especially when he was lumped with Sarah Pascoe, who brought an actual animal.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Don't get me wrong, Paul's photo wasn't fit, but I wouldn't put it in the same category as a cat. Yeah, I think you are more related to yourself than you are to a cat. Yeah, and fitter than a cat. Paul Chowdhury is fitter than a cat. Yeah, I'll go on record and say that. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Fine. Chowdhury is fitter than a cat. Yeah, I'll go on record and say that. Good. Fine. Now, Sarah. So Sarah brought in her half-sister, she claims. Her mum's cat, Pebbles.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Nice cat. But handsome. I wouldn't ever call a cat handsome. And I have a very cute cat. You have a lovely cat. However, I do find myself relating very much to Greg at this point because I am very much not a cat person. Not a cat fan, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Whereas I can already tell that you were probably quite sympathetic to Sarah's argument. Yeah, I wrote Greg's harsh on cats and having got a cat recently, I do believe that Pebbles could be considered a relative. For goodness sake. I need to stop myself being one of those people though like where you're just like yeah i am you're too in deep i sat next to you at mock and you showed me pictures of your cat
Starting point is 00:24:16 yeah um like it was a newborn child well look i what i do avoid is the whole sort of the cat's my baby thing i think of him more like more like a cousin who's come to visit. Ed, you'd put it in a high chair in the photo you showed me. Oh, yeah, the high chair photo with the bib on and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. You're feeding it going, here comes the train, choo-choo. And the bonnet, the bonnet I had.
Starting point is 00:24:41 The bonnet didn't help your cause, I have to say. You've got me banged to rights they're amazing i'm so sorry um but i think that should have been one point i think it was a good try from sarah and very on brand for pasco as well so on brand so on brand but it was probably one point but we we both agree i think paul deserved a couple of points especially as he was doing so badly anyway we need a poor child pity point yeah he needs a poor child pity point and sure it doesn't get more ofury pity point. Yeah, he needs a Paul Choudhury pity point. And sure, it doesn't get more of a pity point than at least just putting him one point above a cat.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah. I mean, that's not a confidence boost. He needs a confidence boost at this point in the game. It's the last one of the series. Just let him know that he's at least fitter than a cat. Or, you know, at least maybe the same amount of points as Rob Beckett got for bringing in a picture of James Earl Jones because his mum lied to him and said that he was his uncle.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, that actually, that was a real piss take, that. Yeah. He does look like him, though. To be fair, he really does look like James Earl Jones. And I forget that every time. And then as soon as it pops up, I'm like, wow, he really does look like James Earl Jones. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That was a bit fatter at school people said he looked like james l jones and i said to my mum mum people say they're like james l jones and she went oh that's your uncle she's just lied i don't know i think she thought it was funny darth vader would have been very different voiced by you there rob Fader would have been very different voiced by you there, Rob. Luke! I'm your father! You're a member of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Task one. Move the water from bucket A to bucket B. You must not move the buckets. Most water moved wins. You have ten minutes. Your time starts now. Now, straight away, I was going to say, out of all of the Taskmaster series, there's always one location where you go and film like out of house tasks so you have a day at this location
Starting point is 00:26:30 this has got to be the most depressing one they've ever had you can see how cold it is it looks so horrible it's just like you know that steam that's coming out when when you speak it is freezing and the and the task involves carrying cold water that is i imagine one of those filming days where it's really hard to pretend you're having a fun time well i don't think many of them did actually even try and pretend i think sarah's the only one really across this whole series who really throws herself into everything with a smile on her face yeah yeah rob seems rob seems very pissed off immediately. Rob goes from bad to worse as well. He's already not happy about the conditions, but then, of course, the method that he chooses
Starting point is 00:27:11 puts him in an even worse state of being. The going with the colander is just bonkers. It's so stupid. He got like five steps away. Yeah, absolutely rubbish. Absolutely rubbish. And he farted because it was so cold. I mean, he wasn't in a good way.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Farty ice pop. The notorious FIP. The FIP, yes. What would you have done, Maisie? Did you have an instant thought when you saw that task and you thought, I know exactly what I'd do? Well, they had like, was it a colander peas sellotape but yeah the key the key is though i think and alex says it at the end is that at no point in the task to say you have to use that
Starting point is 00:27:55 stuff you can go and get other stuff you can grab whatever you want to do it this is the thing is it would have been horrible but i think i would, like, had a big swig of the water and carried it in my mouth. Yeah, exactly what I would have done. So I would have done that sort of, yeah, just storing it, big, big gulp, and then sort of power walk between the two. Like a hamster. Yeah, yeah, like a hamster.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah, I would have sprinted. No one was running enough for me. Like, Rob was certainly no urgency from him at all. He was so annoyed and he just sort of wandering to and fro. Yeah, yeah. Let's talk about Paul very briefly. Paul, actually, it's such an indictment on Paul that when he does something that's sort of reasonably good
Starting point is 00:28:37 or semi-intelligent, everyone's so amazed that Greg's like, I thought it was going to be a car crash, mate, but you genuinely did fine. No, he actually did all right, bless him did all right um poor old paul um he's probably still depressed about coming in at the same same level of uh attractiveness as a cat as a cat yes that's enough to throw you off surely um no he uh he he he did okay and then I think obviously Rob was not in the best head space for it
Starting point is 00:29:10 and I think that resulted in him not being in the best physical space for it with the farty ice pop but he still got the four points Paul got the three points Sarah I thought did not deserve the three I mean she managed it but she did not the three points. Sarah, I thought, did not deserve the three. I mean, she managed it, but she did not deserve three points.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Did she go for the, was she carrying it in coconut? Coconut. Coconut pieces. She absolutely panicked and went with the most vegan thing she could have done. It wasn't, again, no logical thinking there, but you do just panic when you're presented with these things. Yes, yes. But, of course, she got three points because she asked alex to help he refused and then we saw him helping al murray for 80 pounds
Starting point is 00:29:50 uh was it 80 because i think it ended up being 80 pounds yeah and al murray when when he was when he did this this is the most shocking thing is he opened up his wallet and was like oh i've got the i've got and he said i've got 115 pounds here so that was the biggest um learning curve from this is that al murray carries around 115 pounds cash with him i don't think i've ever had that much cash no but this is 15 pounds to walk around with i know it doesn't age well in a pandemic does it no this is in 2016 and you know i really feel like we've moved more to a card based system now maisie i don't know to walk around with. I know it doesn't age well in a pandemic, does it? No, this is in 2016. I really feel like we've moved more to a card-based system now, Maisie. I don't know about you.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, exactly. £115. I mean, Al's sort of thing is that he is sort of like every British dad, but carrying £115 in cash because he doesn't, presumably, doesn't presumably is that Al's thing I'm just laughing now imagining telling Al Murray now going
Starting point is 00:30:48 no Al of course your thing is like being every British dad oh god no this is by the end of this podcast I will have just
Starting point is 00:30:56 burned so many bridges I entered this podcast thinking I'm really passionate about this show and you know I'd love to be on it one day. I don't stand a chance with the end of this because I've just slagged off everybody.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Well, no, as long as you don't slag off Alex or Greg, you'll be fine. Yeah, both great guys. I just think both of them, not only handsome, but incredibly intelligent as well. Yeah, fitter than a cat. I think Al actually thought outside the box and I think it was a good thing to pay Alex to move that bucket but it is something he's relied on a lot over the series being Moneybags Murray
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yes And poor Sarah did not which I think Alex has been trying to make up for now since that happened because weirdly there's times where he does help people who ask yes always women he if a woman asks him for help he panics and always says yes oh my god that's so that's that's hilarious and i wonder whether that goes back to this mistake of not
Starting point is 00:31:56 yeah helping out now i look like a sexist so now whenever the woman is just like, hello, I'd like you to just do this task for me. He goes, oh, okay. Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I'm not bad. Now let's talk about Dave. He, I mean, he tried multiple things and, you know, it looked like he was going fine. Obviously he did take the colander, which was a silly idea, but he was siphoning the water with the hose.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Quite a silly idea but he was siphoning uh the water with the hose quite a good idea he was running and throwing himself into it and got 7.8 centimeters until it's revealed that yet again dave gorman has cheated if you're gonna cheat do it like al murray and in front of all the cameras just go you know what i'm carrying around a wad of cash and i'll give it to you if you help me whereas he like did his challenge and then it was literally like whilst he was walking off set wasn't it he just sort of like dropped dropped his tea in yeah also very insulting to think nobody would clock that because it's tea you've completely changed the colour yeah of your he was willing for people to believe that it was his breath or his sort of mouth that had made the water that colour.
Starting point is 00:33:07 He was more happy with people thinking that than people thinking he might have cheated. And that's worrying. At least, though, he admits it this time because he still refuses to admit that he cheated with the pee. And when he refused to admit that in the studio, it was actually quite tense, I thought. So at least this time he knows that he's been caught red-handed
Starting point is 00:33:27 and he buckles and lets everyone know. And what a legacy to leave within Taskmaster, being the only person to cheat and refuse to admit it. To cheat twice, yeah. To cheat twice. Well, actually, we had him on the show. There was another time he cheated as well, I believe, and got away with it.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Does he still deny that it was cheating? The first time, yeah. Yeah, to this day? Yeah yeah. Incredible incredible that's why that's why like when we when it happened when that thing happened with Joe Wilkinson and it was done in a replay and it was like oh it doesn't really count this was also shown in a replay of him of Dave dropping the tea into the bucket and I'm like, one is a replay of being very sneaky and another one is some poor bloke who doesn't realise how big his toes are. Like...
Starting point is 00:34:11 Moneybags Murray. This whole series has been like watching how Donald Trump would do things. I mean, you have been throwing money around. How can she do that? And it's gross the way he gives it away to you, you have been throwing money around. How much is it now? And it's gross the way he gives it away to you like you're a little mouse.
Starting point is 00:34:29 It works. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs and mozzarella balls, yes, we can deliver that.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task two. It's a team task. While wearing one of these hands over each of your hands at all times,
Starting point is 00:35:23 communicate to your teammates the names of these books films and tv programs you may not raise your voice most correct answers wins you have 10 minutes your time starts when the whistle's blown charades over a river essentially incredible incredible um again rob went into this with a stinking attitude he did he this episode does not shine well on teenager vibes yeah yeah he is not he is not a nice boy in this episode no he's very much giving off the energy of a teenager on holiday that just thinks it's stupid he's on this family holiday he's really like not
Starting point is 00:35:59 and and also he's paired up with the most enthusiastic so Sarah's on the other side of the river trying to guess and shouting. Rob doesn't even know it's Sarah. He goes, what's your name? Yeah. I wonder how quickly he realised it was Sarah. Did you think it was a woman? I'm guessing this is the first team task they had to do
Starting point is 00:36:20 because you don't know who you're going to be on a team with when you arrive for team day. They don't even tell you that it's team day so i think yeah that must be the first task they did on the team day so then across the river they're trying to work out who yes who each other are which is very funny but i don't know who i'd be in that situation because i do get annoyed like rob does i think i'm but i think i'm enthusiastic like sarah but if i was doing a team task with someone and they were supposed to be guessing stuff i was doing and it was that difficult because it's a really hard task and they got distracted by a dog i would be livid i'd be swimming across that river over the edge wouldn't it oh you know i'd throw myself into the river
Starting point is 00:36:58 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah again that's the thing i like to think in that situation i'm a sarah but i actually think when the time would come i'd be a rob we're all one of them we're either a sarah or a rob exactly exactly i think i'd be my patients would wear very thin if somebody as you say lost the attention span because a dog called nelly went past so it is impressive though that they get any because it is really hard and they did have to do it properly because they didn't have the advantage that the other team had which we'll get to shortly um so i think it's very harshly scored the fact that they're very harshly scored but i would say sarah did the majority of the legwork for that team because sarah just resigns herself
Starting point is 00:37:42 to just shouting any film regardless of what the clue is that Rob's giving her, just shouting. Basically, she just reels off IMDB across a river, doesn't she? She's just going, Gone with the Wind, Sound of Music, Batman, just over and over again until eventually, of course, they get... I think they got, like, seven or something like that.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, they got seven out of 20, which is very impressive. That's really good. As far as I can work out Rob only mimes one of them and that's all single ladies and then the lion
Starting point is 00:38:09 the witch and the wardrobe it's just pathetic he's so angry and pissed off to start with yeah he's not getting into it at all it's not even that
Starting point is 00:38:15 hard to mime but he's not he's not even entertaining the idea is it disgraceful it's quite difficult to take somebody
Starting point is 00:38:23 seriously when they're having a mood when they're in a bit of a mood when they've got two massive foam hands Yeah It's very difficult to take them seriously Of course what happened with Dave, Al and Paul is
Starting point is 00:38:35 of course as always happens every series of Taskmaster someone bumped into Ben Fogel The fact that Ben Fogel was there doing a photo shoot on the riverbank and was also I guess he recognized Dave I guess he knew who Dave was because that's why he was willing to do that but it must have been a bizarre thing to have been asked that's so mad that's so mad um I've actually bumped into Ben Fogel in the middle of nowhere as well as a kid yeah I was like
Starting point is 00:39:04 when it happened as in when I was watching a kid yeah I was like when it happened as in when I was watching Taskmaster and I was like have they just bumped into Ben Fogel I was shocked for about two seconds and then I was like well it happens to the best of us actually happened to me as well Hyde Park I was about 10 years old on a holiday down to London and um my little brother was in a pram and he'd like cut himself and was having an absolute tantrum and my dad didn't have like any plasters for it or anything. And then he just bumped into Ben Fogle and Ben Fogle was like, do you want any serviettes?
Starting point is 00:39:30 And he was like, yeah, OK. Is he like some guardian angel? Yeah, Ben Fogle just attended to my little brother's knee, just dabbing him with some serviettes. And my dad was just like, thanks, Ben Fogle. We all just carried on. Ben Fogle appears when you need him most. Yeah, it really does.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Proper guardian angel. I mean, I'd like to hear from maybe the listeners if you've ever bumped into Ben Fogel at a time when you needed him. Do tell us about your Ben Fogel intervention. Do get in contact. Taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com. It won't be relevant when we do the next series,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but I will, every episode, read out a new Ben Fogel anecdote, if you do have a Ben anecdote. So it was five points for Dave, Al and Paul, and zero points, very harsh, for Rob and Sarah. Very harsh. Hello! Hello!
Starting point is 00:40:18 Who's that? Who is it? I don't know. Who are you? I'm all right, how are you? What's your name? What's your name? What's my name? Why doesn't he know my name?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Gone quiet, hasn't she? Task three. Do something that looks brilliant when sped up or slowed down. You have one hour. Your time starts now. Now, these are always quite high pressure these sorts of tasks i think yeah yeah um did you have any thoughts about what what you might want to do um i i think i would find mine fun but i don't think anybody else would so i often like end up
Starting point is 00:41:01 in a scroll hole on instagram and a lot of the things I end up watching are people who do a renovation of a house and it's all sped up. And so you just see something that would normally be quite boring, but it's done really, really quickly. I'm not saying I would have renovated the house, but maybe tried to paint the wall.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And I think that would look cool if over time I'm painting something on the house but I think I would find that entertaining everybody else would be like I'm just watching a lady paint a house I think it would have to be you'd have to be doing something particularly impressive that looked good when it finished and this is the thing is I'm not I'm not I'm not good at art so it's not like I could do a mural or something um yeah I don't oh god I don't know what I'd do my favorite thing about this round though is it's and again this is probably quite a boring perspective to have on it but the way that they've edited like who they show first and who they show at the end yeah
Starting point is 00:41:59 I really wish that they'd sometime mix it up because Dave Gorman just blows a balloon up. Yeah. And it's fine when you've not seen anybody else's video. You're like, oh, that looked cool. But had you watched Rob Beckett shopping stuff with a cricket bat in midair or Paul Chowdhury doing his kicking a football up in the air and running around the house to then catch it,
Starting point is 00:42:23 if you watched all of those, or Al's amazing gong thing. Yeah. And then it just went to Dave Gorman. He blew a balloon and it popped and some glitter came out. It's very nineties that I think Dave's is very, it feels like a nineties like indie video or a modern art piece. You'd see that sort of played on a loop in,
Starting point is 00:42:40 in the museum of modern art. Yes. A hundred percent. Yes. Very much. But it, and the fact he's wearing sunglasses when the balloon pops, like, yeah, good. Yeah. loop in uh in the museum of modern art modern art or the tape modern just yes very much but it and the fact he's wearing sunglasses when the balloon pops like yeah good yeah good fun nice idea but the glitter looks less impressive than i think he expected it to to the extent that greg said were those biscuit crumbs that's not what you want to hear after you biscuit crumbs
Starting point is 00:43:00 just completely showering himself in oat crunch um so yeah he got three points which i feel like it's a two or three point effort i was i thought three points was generous considering what everybody but that's that's what i mean is i i kind of wish that they showed it not because they tend to do it of like it gets more ridiculous and funny and i get that from an editing perspective this is what i mean by it was quite a boring take but like by the end the video that is shown last is probably the most sort of quirky or funny but i do i would quite like to have seen dave's in like fourth you know in chronology and when you think oh it's dave's gonna be mad they're showing it this way and then it's just him quite seriously blowing up a balloon
Starting point is 00:43:45 at a little box. Yeah. Al reenacted that lady who hits the gong at the start of a movie. Great. What's Dave got? Oh, he blew a balloon and he was wearing sunglasses. Let's talk about Al briefly. The problem with this one is very funny,
Starting point is 00:44:00 and a gong in slow motion is great, and it references that at the beginning of films. But he's used the gong in slow motion is great. And it does, you know, it references that, the beginning of films. But he's used the gong before. It's too much gong content. Went very gong heavy. Went too gong heavy. And especially in a five episode series. So it would have only been maybe two episodes ago
Starting point is 00:44:17 that we last saw him with a gong. And the fact is, last time he was using a gong, he was just wearing his pants, which is a way bigger play than dressing up as a gong. He was just wearing his pants, which is a way bigger, a way bigger play than dressing up as a cave woman. Yes. So I feel like maybe
Starting point is 00:44:29 he should have just gone all in and just gone pants again because who doesn't like to see a slow motion flesh ripple? I do think you're right. To be in a five episode series and feature two gongs, that's quite,
Starting point is 00:44:42 maybe he's like, maybe, is he like a gong fluencer? Maybe he's trying to get a gong deal. Maybe he owns that gong company. Maybe he's like... I bet if you re-watch it and when all the credits come across the thing at the end, it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:55 if you would like a gong, please visit Al Murray. Yeah, Al Murray, the pub gong lord. He's like every British dad, isn't he? Every British dad with a gong. That's his thing, every British dad. You mean to tell me your British dad doesn't have a gong he's over gonged it for certain I suspect what might have maybe happened is that that task
Starting point is 00:45:16 was on the same day as the surprise Alex task so they hired the gong in for that and they probably had it for the day I don't think you can hire a gong by the hour and he decided to use it again. He could hire a gong by the hour. He carries £115 cash with him. He just got the wallet
Starting point is 00:45:34 out again and was like, have you still got that number for the gong? I'll have it again. He's got so much power, that guy, in the gong world that he could hire a gong per bong. He could go in there and go, can I have one bong on that? He'd be like that he could hire a gong per bong he could go in there and go can i have one bong on that you'd be like yes mr murray gong per bong um let's talk about sarah um who builds the robot that dances now it was a lot of fun huge fan of this sure but and it gets five points but it's but the specific thing that they wanted to do
Starting point is 00:46:06 is something that looks brilliant when sped up or slowed down. Does this, is this any better sped up or slowed down? Does it have any relevance to the actual robot dancing, whether it's sped up or slowed down? I wager, Maisie, that this is just as good at normal pace. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. Maisie that this is just as good at normal pace 100% 100% when somebody brings out the robot moves
Starting point is 00:46:29 on the dance floor it's impressive nobody's ever gone that's great but can you do it double time yeah you know
Starting point is 00:46:36 yeah I like your robot moves but can you do it in slow-mo no we like it's very much a real-time gimmick is yes and i liked it i liked it
Starting point is 00:46:48 very much i thought it was good but it didn't deserve the five points if you're asking because i just don't think it had anything to do with the speed of it no no and also like she made the the robot and it was it came to life and they danced for a bit and then they danced for just that little bit too long without anything really happening um i kept watching it being like go on what moves next what and then it would be another move and then okay what moves next and then i thought maybe like oh he's gonna burst out of his box and something or i don't or i don't know or like overpower her and the robot takes over the world. They just sort of flossed for a bit. For me, it's a three-pointer.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah. Not as piss-taky as Al with his gong, but also not as impressive as Paul or Rob's, I'd say. So let's talk about Paul. He only got three points for this, and I think that's so harsh. I think this is the best one. Really hard done by. Really hard done by.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Kicks the ball in the air. He speeds up and slows down in the same frame, which no one else does. No one else ought to do that. And the ball goes up in the air. He speedily runs around the house and then controls it when it comes back down. It's really good. It's very clever. And not just for Paul.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's not clever for Paul Chowdhury no this is one of the few rounds where Paul not only deserved the point but not even as a pity Paul Chowdhury point it was as you say nobody else did a film
Starting point is 00:48:16 where it was sped up and slowed down his film was in a league of its own it was totally in a league of its own but he then ruined it by the I'm good at keeping it up joke afterwards oh yeah that's true yeah it was really good until he went full pole childry he ruined it by being himself um so i think we yeah we're both in agreement that should have been the full five points but also i do have a soft spot for robs
Starting point is 00:48:41 as well i think he went in the direction that I would have done, which is just smashing stuff up in slow motion. Everyone loves it. Everyone loves it. It's always good fun. I've watched so many watermelons be smashed and I'm still surprised each time that that's what happens. I don't know what I'm expecting each time, but yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:49:00 The flower, love it. Yeah, it's like Fruit Ninja Live, wasn't it? It was great. Yeah, yeah. Although, tell me if I'm wrong, Maisie, great the flour love it yeah it's like fruit ninja live wasn't it it was great yeah although tell me if i'm wrong maisie i would have liked to have seen some custard or some yogurt maybe involved in this yes some wet products wet products before the flour as well so that then when you're drenched in like yogurt or custard you then whack the flour open and you become like a sort of thick paste. You said that so passionately.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Thick paste. You sort of bast yourself. Yeah. This is all the funny when you know that Al is the only person I've ever met who knows someone who owns a gong shop. This is the second time the gong has appeared in Taskmaster.
Starting point is 00:49:46 She's gong mad. Yeah. the second time the gong has appeared in Taskmaster. She's gone mad. Yeah. She's gone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it. Okay, let's talk about the live task. It's a classic live task, this.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Place one or more donuts on your stick. You have 100 seconds after which the person with the lowest unique number of donuts on their stick wins. In the event of there being
Starting point is 00:50:04 no unique numbers, the game shall be replayed until there is a winner winner takes all would you have enjoyed this macy no not in not in the slightest because it highlights that thing that i think a lot of comedians have where they all think they've got the cleverest idea or something right and then it's literally part of the game is it's demonstrated to you that you've all had the same idea and that really really pardon my french fucks with me i like to think that i'm the cleverest in the room or that i am the wittiest or that i i've got the best game plan here um because also you're quite competitive as well. I'm pretty competitive too. We've worked together on Hypothetical.
Starting point is 00:50:47 We've seen how competitive we are. Yes, very much so. And I think that whole thing that I think you can see that Al Murray has it and Dave Gorman in that they each time put one donut in fully believing that they are the only one capable of doing one donut. But they have the same... Al Murray and Dave G they have the same, Al Murray and Dave Gorman have the same mind.
Starting point is 00:51:09 This has been established again and again over this series. Yeah. They both, for the most flamboyant clock prize task, they both brought in a microwave and an oven. Yeah. You know, they think the same. So really, they should have been trying to outthink each other, but then I guess the other one would have done the same thing. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:23 They're just mirroring each other's brains the whole time um but it's very much like that we they used to play like um part of my degree was like I did a drama degree that like worked with kids and a lot of like the time this game you'd play if you had like a group of 20 kids you'd all stand in a circle and you had to like say a number yeah and you try and count to 20 but like everybody else saying a number and if you both came in with the number at the same time you had to start again and it was a way of like calming them down and getting the like concentration ahead and it was so infuriating because everybody wants to be the person to say 20 and winning for everybody so you can get everybody really calm and you've got
Starting point is 00:52:06 them up to 18 and then somebody goes 90 and then straight away 18 of the kids will go 20 and it was just infuriating and it just this gave me flashbacks this donut game yeah every time i don't know what it is about some parts of human nature but every time that that would have been reset i'd be like i'm doing one donut again i'm doing one donut but they said this is what al and dave did they both stuck with one donut rob won in the end because he also held his nerves so that was the tactic rob went with two both times and sarah and paul changed allowing rob to rob to win yeah um mean, Paul going from one to five is so funny.
Starting point is 00:52:47 He had no idea what to do, did he? I also really like that Greg Davis didn't understand the game until the very last minute where it was down to two people and Greg was like, well what if Rob's got three doughnuts?
Starting point is 00:53:04 And Alex was like, yeah but that won't be the lowest unique number. I now understand the game. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think it's difficult, isn't it? Because I watched Sarah put three, and I was like, oh, that's too safe. That's too safe. You basically just have to go with one or two. I mean, look at me now.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I'm still being competitive I didn't even play the game you didn't play the game it's been about six years since they did play the game it's been in my head every day for six years what I would do every day I'd change my mind no go one go one back yourself no go two be safe
Starting point is 00:53:38 so Rob wins the five points which secures him not only the episode but also the entire series. The series. Yeah, very impressively, Rob takes this episode. Always good to win the last episode and the series. The coolest people do that. Oh, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I was wondering when. I was wondering when it would get shoehorned in. So the series scores as follows. Rob wins with 87. Dave second on 81. Al just below... He must be kicking himself. Al, again, just below Dave with 80.
Starting point is 00:54:15 They're the same brain. Sarah, 72. And Paul, of course, coming rock bottom with 66. I mean, it was always going to happen right from the beginning. And the fact it's only five episodes means it's very difficult to turn around. Yeah, yeah. Do you try and guess from episode one who you think will win?
Starting point is 00:54:32 Because I would never have guessed Rob. I would never have guessed Rob from episode one. I thought Al Murray would win. I think he was definitely who I would have picked to win from the first episode. No, Al. Oh, Al, yeah. You can sort of see, though, as it gets a bit further on,
Starting point is 00:54:47 that Rob is very competitive, and in enough of the tasks, he threw himself into them. Yes. And was quite sort of giddy and enthusiastic. But obviously there was the element of him just having a kid and not getting much sleep. So occasionally he was in a stinky little mood. But no, he won. And I think, you know, I think he deserved to win. Yeah, yeah, yeah. leap so occasionally he was in a stinky little mood but no
Starting point is 00:55:05 he won and I think you know I think he deserved to win yeah if Moneybags Murray had won by chucking money at the situation I think it
Starting point is 00:55:12 would have damaged the show I'd have been absolutely raging if I was on that with Al Murray and he won after chucking cash
Starting point is 00:55:21 bringing out the wallet yeah quick stat for you Maisie Paul Chowdhury after bringing out the wallet. Yeah. Quick stat for you, Maisie. Paul Chowdhury is actually only the fourth lowest scoring contestant. So I would have had him as the worst. Who's the worst? Katherine Parkinson, Series 10, is the worst.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Lowest average of 11.8 per episode. Oh, God. And then the other two before Paul are David are david and charlotte ritchie yeah do what i would have had an issue there as well but yeah yeah but david baddiel is really like almost the other end of al and rob in that he just doesn't give a flying f about about how he does on it but I think he would have done if he'd understood what it was or what the hell was going on half the time. Yes, you're sort of aware a lot of the
Starting point is 00:56:11 that series with David Baddiel, a lot of the time you're looking at it going, did somebody else drop out and he came in last minute and had like five minutes in the briefing room to understand the format of Taskmaster. Well he didn't even have that, every time it would cut to a task he'd turn to me and say, well, I don't remember doing this one.
Starting point is 00:56:28 So he had no memory of doing any of the tasks. He didn't really know what Taskmaster was. He hadn't watched any episodes of it previously, which is all to his credit. He's one of my favourite contestants ever. Maisie, thank you very much for joining us on the final episode of Series 3 of the Taskmaster podcast, chatting about the numbers get very confusing. What we always ask our guests to do is to rate their experience
Starting point is 00:57:03 on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. Do you have a point score for your experience on the Taskmaster podcast, Maisie Adam? Yes. So I was going to go with four because it's been exquisite, but I did decide from the very beginning, if you shoehorn in your win, I'll dock you a point. And you did shoehorn your win in at the last minute. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:57:27 But I'm going to change it back up to five because I think I've offended that many people on this podcast. And I don't want it to go against me if perhaps I could go on it because I think it's a great show with lots of talented people on it who work very hard and are very lovely and also incredibly attractive. And I'm sure all of their extended families are. So five, if not more, if there were more, I'd award more.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah, five. Lovely. Well, that's absolutely fine, Maisie. We'll make sure that that filters through. Yeah. Oh, God. Oh, dear. I've definitely offended Paul Chowdhury and half my family. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 We know which half. Oh, no. Maisie, Adam, thank you very much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. Goodbye. Thank you. Well, there we go. What a brilliant time it's been chatting through this series. And thank you very much, Maisie, for coming on and rounding it off for us.
Starting point is 00:58:25 We will, of course course be back next week we are moving straight onto series four there is no hanging around here at Taskmaster Podcast Towers we are going to be straight back in there chatting through the first episode of series four with a special guest keep an eye out on my social media on the Taskmaster social media for our special guest announcements and And of course, you can get your questions in to taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com. So if you have any questions about that episode, series four, episode one, taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com.
Starting point is 00:58:55 And do not forget to vote in the TV Choice Awards for Taskmaster in Best Entertainment Show, awards.tvchoicemagazine.co.uk and vote for Taskmaster. Thank you very much for listening. We will see you again next week. Goodbye. We'll see you next time. See app for details.

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