Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 56. *Series 12 Winner* - S12 Ep.10

Episode Date: November 25, 2021

On the podcast this week Ed is joined by the Taskmaster Series 12 winner! So before you start listening make sure you have watched the final episode and then enjoy Ed having a chat with our newest cha...mpion!  Catch up on all episodes of Taskmaster on All 4 https://www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster  Download the Taskmaster App at Taskmaster.tv  Order Bring me the head of the Taskmaster https://taskmasterstore.com/products/bring-me-the-head-of-the-taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com  Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster  Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Daisy Knight for AvalonTelevision  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster Podcast. An exciting day today in Taskmaster Podcast Towers. It is the final episode of Series 12. So this is the last time we will be talking about Series 12 on the Taskmaster Podcast. And what an amazing 10 weeks it has been. A really, really excellent series.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And today we are talking to the winner of Taskmaster Series 12. So if you don't know who that is yet, if you have not watched the final episode of Taskmaster Series 12, stop listening now because I'm about to tell you who won and we're about to speak to who won so three two one okay all those losers should have gone now so I can tell you that today of course we're speaking to Morgana Robinson the champion of series 12 uh a very worthy winner an excellent winner uh is Morgana and we're very happy to have her on the podcast. I cannot wait to speak to her.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I've never met her before, but I have been watching her over the last 10 weeks. I'm a huge fan. I can't wait to speak to her properly. Look, it's been an amazing series. You can, of course, catch up on the whole thing. Go and watch it again. It's on all four, along with every single other episode of Taskmaster. Go on to the taskmasterstore.com.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Buy yourself some goodies. Keep watching Taskmaster. Go on to the taskmasterstore.com, buy yourself some goodies, keep watching Taskmaster on YouTube, start watching old episodes of Taskmaster because after this week we will be back talking about series 5 of Taskmaster so we can just enjoy series 12, that's finished and then we can go all the way back and watch series 5 ready for the podcast episodes on that. More details after we chat morgana about who i'm going to be chatting to next week but for now it's her lap of honor it's her crowning ceremony it's well deserved please welcome the champion of series 12 morgana robinson we are now joined on the taskmaster podcast by the winner of series 12 of Taskmaster it's Morgana Robinson yeah so excited
Starting point is 00:03:09 to have you here Morgana congratulations on winning Taskmaster thank you were you were you excited to grab the victory yeah I had a tingly bum good I'm glad to hear it that's what not a lot of winners say that don't you when you're appreh, don't you get a tingly bum? I don't know if I do get a tingly bum. What do you get when you're excited and nervous then? I think butterflies in the tummy, like quite traditional butterflies, they sit within the stomach rather than on the bum. Yeah, mine go all the way down and sort of tickle me in my bits and bobs.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, a tingly bum. You know Gabby Best? Yes. me you know gabby best yes yes so when if we ever got successful enough um to have a production company we always used to we would say we call it electric bum um because because we get we get electric electricity running through our bottoms when we get really excited or we have a good idea which isn't very often that's good so you can so people could tell if you were in public and having a good idea because you'd be like wriggling around or jump up very quickly because of the electric bum exactly yeah oh that's good well i'm glad you got electric bum it shows that you cared about uh cared about taskmaster did you
Starting point is 00:04:18 did you go in wanting to win no but by the end of it i was absolutely furiously ferociously competitive it's weird it really brings it really brings it out in you doesn't it yeah i mean i for me when i did it was very much there anyway so it wasn't so it didn't need to be brought out um it was it was on the surface did you win i did you can see the little see the trophy behind me in my Zoom window. Fuck off, I've got mine up there as well. And I'm sorry to say that my gas man saw it. And he went, oh! And I said, you fucking tell anyone I'll know it.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I'll get in so much trouble. You ruined it for the gas man. Yeah. Well, look, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's very exciting to have you here. Pleasure. And again, congratulations on winning. Were you a fan of Taskmaster before you did the show?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Had you seen the show, Morgana? Yes. Yes? Yeah. Well, you didn't know that I won the show, so you can't have been that much of a fan. I'm going to say that now. Hang on, I've got a sneeze coming.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Oh, no. Oh, I'm right on the precipice oh god sorry sorry for everyone who is listening i've got a terrible head cold haven't i a gamble yes morgana's got a cold she's already warned us that she might have to have little blow breaks where she blows her nose also what you should know is she's wearing one of guz's coats that he gave her uh as a sort of like as a nod to guz for this recording, but also she's very warm. So this is going to be, it might pass out halfway through the episode. It's really, I mean, it's, you could, this is a sort of skeed number.
Starting point is 00:06:00 He does do a good number in sort of long, very warm looking coats. But as you know, Greg from Taskmaster has the AC on. It's like, I mean, it's Baltic, isn't it, in the studio? It is. And all the girls are shivering, and he's sat there, and he won't budge, he won't budge on the temperature. So it makes sense now why girls are wearing these fucking coats every week. i didn't know that was greg who dictated the studio i was like you know nadia can we have i can't remember if her name is nadia but i like that she should have been not it not you can we
Starting point is 00:06:35 have it up a little bit no no greg likes it really cold oh does he right i see see i i always find it quite cold in studios but i guess maybe greg's dictated the temperature of studios across the board not just taskmaster he's in control he has the thermostat in his pocket yeah he ranks all acs out of five as well that guy's crazy um look i didn't we we nearly nailed you down on this but were you a fan of taskmaster before you did the show? No, Ed. No, I'm not. I've seen it on the ad breaks, and I thought, well, that looks fun.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm not organised enough to work out how to use the telly, let alone. I mean, look how long it took to set up the Zoom. But we did it. We're here. It's all good. Did you even, so when you were asked to do Taskmaster, did you check with anyone that you knew who had done it that it was fun or did you just say yes i will do it based on the ad breaks yes no um um oh god i can't remember anyone and no but no because my mate gabs yeah gabby's like you've got to do it's brilliant she loves it she thinks it's brilliant and if she thinks it's great i'll do it so based on the say so of Gabby who has not been on Taskmaster yeah she just enjoys the show
Starting point is 00:07:46 you yeah yeah exactly she's mate with Lou Sanders Lou Sanders loved it she's brilliant and she says
Starting point is 00:07:52 it's really fun like yeah and all like the crowd's nice it's a nice crowd yes you know it's a friendly
Starting point is 00:07:58 friendly peeps we're gonna go we're gonna go through the this episode this final episode and chat through it and uh see what you remember from you've already told me that you don't you you don't remember anything your memory like a sieve so it's gonna be a good chat about it do you remember any any particular highlights from the series is there any tasks that you're particularly proud of? I've got to say the closing one. Yes. The closing game where, you know, sort of the psycho mermaid.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah, we will talk about that in detail a bit later. It's very good to see a mermaid. You won't know this because you're not a fan of the show previously, Morgana, but I did a mermaid-based task as this because you're not you're not a fan of uh the show previously morgana but i did a mermaid based task as well fuck off yeah so we're on the same page with this but i dressed alex as a mermaid i need to see this don't i what series is this series nine um i dressed alex as a mermaid and sprayed uh water out of i put funnel boobs on him and sprayed water out of one of them Oh god So it's good to know there's another mermaid
Starting point is 00:09:09 in the Tarzmosa Cinematic Do watch it, it's very erotic He's got a sleeping bag tail and he genuinely hated it because the water was freezing and it was February What were you dressed as? I was just myself I was just wearing my normal
Starting point is 00:09:26 clothes is it yeah so look i feel like your mermaid was uh a lot more impressive you put a lot more effort into your mermaid did you ever did you have a little tinfoil tail i was so proud of that no it didn't have a he didn't have a little tinfoil tail like i say i think yours was way better uh and terrifying i mean we'll talk about it more later, but I genuinely found your mermaids quite eerie. Yeah, but kind of sexy, aggressive sexy. I just think they could have done a few more extra cutaways on the tail. Because they did the cutaway at the end of you shuffling off with your feet,
Starting point is 00:10:02 which I think that shot was there to undermine the tail. i don't know how you feel about that yeah a little bit yeah i noted that clock yeah yeah so i don't want to make you angry about your experience on taskmaster but felt like they were trying to undermine your tail a little bit slightly yeah yeah slightly yeah so other than the mermaid can you remember anything else that you did on taskmaster that you were proud of the sliding over the floors yes the discs i thought was genius yeah i think that was the the getting the red chair into the into the tower that's the one yeah so the slidey over the slidey over the floor thing was very satisfying it was it was brilliant you slid over you were the only one to realize that if you slid
Starting point is 00:10:44 it wouldn't count as a step so you could keep the dots on the whole time i fucked up still because that's classic morgues still fucked up because i did it wrong and i had to start again the task and then you immediately jumped off and forgot about the rest of the task do you remember all of them yes i've watched all i've watched all of this series twice because i get sent the series early and i watch it as a fan first i get excited and watch all of them back to back. Do you? I do. And then when we discuss it week to week, I watch it again as work and research.
Starting point is 00:11:12 So professional. You know the one I really like? I always like the ones up on the stage. They're really fun because you're all together and you're doing a lot of laughing. There's not as much laughing when you're on your own so when you're in with everyone buckets the forks in the buckets weirdly cathartic just chuck it chucking stuff yeah yeah that was good i think
Starting point is 00:11:37 it's been particularly strong this series with those tasks at the end the live tasks uh because there was the um chucking the darts the big board of balloons which was awesome i don't want to talk about that you didn't enjoy that one no i didn't like that it's really really disappointing um what's about the big what about the big balloon the big balloon yeah i can do about that yeah talk about that one you enjoyed that one that is one of the tensest live tasks i've ever seen oh i thought it was gonna use my face um it was it was um i was sweating in that one a bit like i am now in this jacket um i thought you held yourself quite well together in that one compared to desiree and greg who both look like they're about to have heart attacks
Starting point is 00:12:20 they exploded so much desiree in slow motion reacting to that was absolutely incredible i just yeah it was it was unforgiving yeah i tell you what the other one i really really didn't like actually was the the ribena drinking without your mouth trying to keep your mouth open whilst drinking a pint of ribena of the most unflattering of all i don't want to see the interior of my body on television that's not right yeah that one felt like it was designed for no one to come out of it with any dignity no surely that's against the law being able to see the back of someone's throat like that that is not that is not a new trailer. You feel like they should have to blur it out? Yeah, pixelate
Starting point is 00:13:09 my tonsils, please. Yes. Yeah, that was a rough one. Apart from Desiree, again, we're going to talk about that a little bit later. Straight in, no lube, wasn't it? Like a Dr. Water. Absolutely, like a Dr. Ribena. She was amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Did you enjoy doing past master i haven't even i really loved it the games bit is amazing isn't it you spend a lot of time being cold though there's yeah i remember sort of oh god freezing there was a lot of that i get i guess it's like because you some people get the summer don't they yes yeah exactly yeah yeah we got you know like we were in the middle of the winter so yeah it was because some people get the summer, don't they? Yes, yeah, exactly. We were in the middle of the winter, so it was a cold start a lot of the time. A very cold start. Look, you were brilliant. You could tell you were enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 From the first episode, I was very excited to see what you did for the rest of the series because it was calling Alex a little fucker straight away in the task we had to find him and throw the ball at him i think ed gamble between her teeth i was like i thought people would hate me for winning because i've won by one point so i won by a bee's dick and that bee's dick was was the little fucker point and i thought that's going to come back and bite me yeah well who knows what point it was a point's a point right but the little fucker point and I thought that's going to come back and bite me yeah well who knows what point
Starting point is 00:14:26 it was a point's a point right but the little fucker bonus point was very well deserved it was a great start you kicked the series off with a bang you absolutely deserved it and also it's good that you won by one point I think it's nice when it's close and there's clearly a lot of love amongst
Starting point is 00:14:42 the line up as well everyone seemed to get on really well yeah more fluttery bum that way isn't it yeah more electric bum yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's clearly a lot of love amongst the lineup as well. Everyone seemed to get on really well. Yeah, more fluttery bum that way, isn't it? Yeah, more electric bum. Yeah. It did seem like you all got on really well. Were you aware of that? I've got a crush on everyone. You've got a crush on everyone.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I've got a crush on everyone. I don't know who to begin. Oh, it's just everyone's gorgeous. Yeah. Had you met any of them beforehand? Um, I don't think so. So it's your first time meeting them, but I guess you're aware of their work, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah. So the first time meeting them, do you, I mean, I was going to say, do you have any favourites? We're not going to do that. Oh, don't do that to me. Sophie's choice, isn't it? Sophie's choice between Alan and girls. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I have like, like sort of vague fantasies of walking through a rose garden with Alan Davis. Do you know what I mean? And sort of holding hands. It's all very, very above board. Yes, just hands, yeah. yeah yeah just holding hands and um and smiling and stuff maybe a cheeky cuddle but that's about it but like how lovely would that be
Starting point is 00:15:53 yeah so it's the rose garden with alan yeah holding hands where are you going with desiree in this in on these fantasy days out i mean i, I think I'm going bumper cars. Yeah. Dreamland, Margate, let's go. Yeah, it's got to be that. I'd love to go on. Yeah, I'd love to. I'd love to do some like smutty old poker night with what's her face? Old Corrin Mitch.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Do you know what I mean? I'd love that. Now this smutty thing, that's something you've added to Victoria's character. I think you did that during the show as well, where you referred to her as smutty or something. Yeah, all those late-night poker games, do you not think that's the reality?
Starting point is 00:16:34 They've got some terrible shades, haven't they? I think they're sort of like those 90s Oakleys things that they wear. Yeah. They get some really cool sort of vintage Celine, sort of big, sexy shades up your game a bit. Do you know what I mean? You bought Victoria the, was it the robe to play her late night smutty?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. Velvet robe embossed. Yeah. With the initials. Yeah. VCM. I mean, fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And then, and then some sort of like velvet, velveteen slippers to match. For her late night smutty poker games. Yeah, baby. So that's what you're doing with Victoria. Where are you going with Guz? B&Q.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You'd have so much fun all along the aisles. You'd just be like, you could literally go anywhere with that man. Yeah, I do agree. I think i've said this on the podcast before i would watch him do anything i think he's so lovely isn't he isn't he incredible yeah he's brilliant he's really good such a charming little bastard well we're about to see him be charming in this first prize task of the final episode of series 12 the uh prize task was the most magnificent floppy thing did you enjoy doing the prize tasks in general morgana no he ranked me so low on every single one i don't think i got you know what i lost all respect for him when he gave me two out of five for um vick reeves's hair beard hair i was like you know what
Starting point is 00:18:04 that was it that was i think i went silent for five minutes after that to cut it out of the out of the show but i was like i was on now i was like nah that was like that was a particularly harsh that was a particularly harsh one so out of order still angry can you tell yeah absolutely and you should be hold on to that anger hold on to it the only i think i said this on the podcast the only reason why i would have thought that greg might have marked you lower on that is you were clearly at work doing a job and then you remembered you needed to get a prize for taskmaster and the first thing that was to hand was vick reeves's beard hey back off i've got a lot of thought
Starting point is 00:18:41 and effort i brought fucking tweezers, actually, so back off. Okay, I'll back off. Point made, point made. I'll back off. Yeah, put your foot off the camp pedal. Because that is not fair. I brought my own. You don't just have tweezers in your bag
Starting point is 00:18:59 and had a little plastic pot. Yeah. You know, I kept from a yoghurt or something. I was, you that was that was i had a lot of thought good right okay well there you go i apologize for what i said i take it back and he ranked me i think he gave me two out of five yeah what a terrible ranker and you didn't fare much better with the most magnificent floppy thing here uh sadly um you brought claud Claudia Winkleman's fringe.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And I've written down here on my notes, Morgana, I've written, I think this was better than it got given credit for. Thank you, Edward. Because I really, I liked it. I thought it was good. I like the idea of you having a wig box. Yeah, no, I have. Do you want to see?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah, I want to see the wig box. It's a bag, really. Wig bag's fine. Amazing peek behind the scenes here. We get to see Morgana's wig bag. It's a much bigger bag than I was expecting. I'll put
Starting point is 00:20:01 a wearer wig for the rest of the day. I'm not a drinker. Oh, Cheryl Cole oh great there you go so yeah that's my wig bag I've got a shit ton how many wigs
Starting point is 00:20:15 how many wigs have you got Morgana I couldn't say I mean endless you should come over see this is how fun my house is yeah
Starting point is 00:20:23 wigs as far as the eye can see that's great so so for people I mean obviously this is how fun my house is. Yeah? Wigs as far as the eye can see. That's great. So for people, I mean, obviously this is an audio medium. I just need everyone to know now that Morgana has a cold, is wearing Guz's coat, and is wearing a Cheryl Cole wig. I thought the Winkleman's fringe was great. I think it deserved more than two points, certainly. It was a good interpretation of the floppy category.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Right. But always in the prize tasks, and in any task, even if you've done badly or Greg doesn't like what you've done, you can always rely on Victoria to swing in and come bottom. With a cheeky one. With a cheeky one for Victoria. He was mean to Victoria, wasn't he? Wasn't he mean?
Starting point is 00:21:08 He was. Does he always pick someone and pick on them for the whole of the series? Is there always a sort of like... Yeah, there's normally a patsy. Is there? Yeah, I'd say so. Who was it on your round? David Baddiel.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, poor David. But David Baddiel helped that situation by being by far the worst contestant I've ever seen on Taskmaster. He was very funny, a lovely man, but absolutely incompetent at everything he was given. Bless him. They're the ones
Starting point is 00:21:40 to watch though, aren't they? Yeah. I mean, he absolutely made that series, I think uh he was brilliant and look victoria's been absolutely amazing but i think earlier on she she had a prize task that was like a she was trying to do a joke it was the uh the uh something with loads of layers and she had the farmer with the chickens he doesn't like puns does he he doesn't like puns but when she found that out you can change the doesn't like puns but when she found that out you can change the price tasks along the way so when she found that out she should have changed
Starting point is 00:22:10 this battlefield earth one because this is another pun and it was never going to work and she just sat there dreading it for the whole thing and she said it doesn't say anywhere does it doesn't say oh you can change everything last minute no one says that to you you know i was told that morgana i was told that if you want to change anything you can change it i mean there's a chance i was told it but i've forgotten but yeah i yeah he doesn't like puns he really and that's that and i've yeah i've had to i've really learned my lesson there because i had a few puns I've had to, I've really learnt my lesson there, because I had a few puns.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Did you? Yeah. You know, like, if I had my time again. Yeah, I would, yeah. Did you ever get really embarrassed? Like, I don't get embarrassed very often, but when I do, it's like, oh. But because of a task?
Starting point is 00:23:02 If you're not funny, it's terrible, isn't it? Oh, yeah. Like, you haven't been funny. Oof, what a stinger yeah all the time i mean certainly within taskmaster i probably didn't get embarrassed because everyone's just embarrassing themselves all the time aren't they really that's that's the that's the that's the dream i think the the worst thing in taskmaster is when you do something and it's sort of fine but not that good and it's like three points oh average medium like yeah yeah yeah you're extra extra medium yes exactly yeah that's that always embarrassed me you i'd rather do
Starting point is 00:23:32 something absolutely terribly absolutely i'm with you on that one so victoria did very well here in that case the battlefield earth on dvd quite a few shit shows, yeah. Shit show after shit show. But it was one point for that. Yeah, very harsh on your wig for two points, because then the next two things got four points. Alan's model of himself with a floppy surprise. Guffy cardigan. Basically, Alan and Gus just brought stuff of the,
Starting point is 00:24:05 just pictures of themselves, dolls of themselves, versions of themselves, me, me, me. Sweeping up the fives left, right and centre. Yeah. I'm teaching the children of today. Do you feel like there's children watching, taking this all in and thinking it's all about me? Next time I need to show and tell at school,
Starting point is 00:24:28 I'll just bring a picture of my bum hole or a painting of my crotch or whatever. That will give me 100%. So you think what children will take from this series of Taskmaster is that when they go into school they should take a painting of their crotch yeah
Starting point is 00:24:52 don't do that kids, don't take that lesson that's what Uncle Greg is fucking teaching everyone Uncle Greg is teaching children to bring in paintings of their crotch is he yeah okay uncle greg is teaching children to bring in paintings of their crops is he yeah okay um guz brought in a blood pressure monitor yeah and he he knows what he's doing doesn't he because he was ready to defend this before anyone criticized it so before anyone said anything he
Starting point is 00:25:20 was going no no no i can explain i could explain and then he did that amazing riff about looking after family members and uh and the silent killer and all of that and he's just he's got patter that's just smooth operator i know he's got a lot of swag i mean i just i'm not really listening to what he's saying if i'm honest like yeah absolutely five for you don't even know what's going on. Five for you, Gus. Just look at him and he just oozes five, doesn't he? Yeah, he's got five written all over him. He only got four in this scenario, though.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Who got five then? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Desiree, actually, that was magnificent. Yeah, Desiree with the air... I've never heard air dancer. I would always say, you know, those wibbly wobbly things that blow up. I thought it was like a sort of giant sillyibbly-wobbly things that blow up.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I thought it was like a sort of giant silly willy. A giant silly willy, exactly. You know, we could call it a giant silly willy, one of those things that wobbles around everywhere. But Air Dancer is a much more refined and nice name for it. And it's the clear winner, really, isn't it? 100%. No, he did, apart from me, he rated everyone well. He rated everyone appropriately um I I don't know I I felt like the model of Alan with a floppy surprise probably was
Starting point is 00:26:34 more of a three pointer for me with on a previous series of Taskmaster series four Noel Fielding brought in something similar adult of doll of himself that had a knitted penis. Did that get five as well? I can't remember what it got, but we've already seen a knitted dick on Taskmaster, so I feel like that should have been a point off for that. Yeah, well, there you go, an unoriginal bringer-inner. Yes, an unoriginal bringer-inner. Even though it did make alex's mouth water which i think is the weirdest and sauciest thing alex has ever said that still put me off my pudding
Starting point is 00:27:09 i don't think about i don't never want to think about alex's mouth watering for honest in any scenario call ellen's knitted willy is there no scenario that you would be fine with Alex's mouth watering all sorts of things are going through my head now I'm too head coldy for this please so it was five points
Starting point is 00:27:37 for Desiree's air dancer four points for Alan's model and Guz's blood pressure monitor two points for your Winkleman fringe, and one point for Battlefield Earth on DVD. And as Victoria said, she wants to weep. My magnificent floppy thing is a blood pressure monitor. Can I let me explain, if I can, please?
Starting point is 00:27:59 If anyone can talk this up the rankings, it's you. Thank you, thank you. Before this fairly cheap invention yeah there was aunties and uncles up and down this country who were there like oh i have a strange feeling in my chest pa dead finished and because of this now they are able to monitor and find the silent killer that's what they call it in the medical world don't they it's true find the silent killer for it strikes and takes them out the game he He sold it well. Oh, my God, he sold it well. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:27 You ever worked in sales? Yeah, I have, by all means. You are one silver-toned devil. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations,
Starting point is 00:29:03 how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Or we can learn from Indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from the earth or we can demand more from ourselves at york university we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow join us at yorku.ca slash write the future task one was drink all this drink with your mouth open your mouth must be visibly open throughout the fastest wins your time starts now and your mouth must be open when alex blows the whistle you've already told me you absolutely hated this one and hated showing people the back of the back of your throat yeah yeah um i i liked you doing this a lot it made me laugh because you started doing it
Starting point is 00:30:20 and then you looked really surprised that you couldn't do it you you i think you thought you're going to be able to do it straight away yeah but not straight away i think you thought it was going to be way easier than you then it actually ended up being you look so surprised you look right down the camera and you're like i can't i can't believe this isn't working i don't you know what i just think there were this This was not my favourite. And actually, he was absolutely right. What did he call me? A paralysed heron.
Starting point is 00:30:51 He was so spot on. I think that's why I didn't like it. You didn't like it because Greg was so incisive and you looked like a paralysed heron. Yeah, it's certainly not a task to come out of with dignity unless you're Desiree, who did it in such an elegant way. She just picked it up like it was a shot. It was just straight down.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah, it was like a cartoon. It was amazing. It was incredible. And I think sometimes... Very talented woman. She is. She's amazing. And quite often on the show,
Starting point is 00:31:24 there's just these hints to her backstory that you don't normally see she's so together and so sort of in the moment and then suddenly you'll be like oh desiree can neck a pint i know right yeah but i just sort of just a little sort of gaze into her student years yes exactly yeah she was i mean i i'm really glad someone did it uh like that you you did a pretty good job apart from looking like a paralyzed harem but that wasn't against the rules uh you took three minutes uh victoria yeah you took three minutes you got two points again lowest well who do you think the lowest was oh vicky yeah of course she uh she tried several methods um including a big paper funnel so i think she thought she could put the funnel in then it
Starting point is 00:32:14 would pour straight down her neck she sort of like a foie gras goose method don't she thought she could do that. But in the end, she thought she should try and trick Alex and poured the majority of it onto the floor. It wasn't a great effort from her. Now, Gus... Why did Gus get really freezing cold one? No one ever explained why it was it was an
Starting point is 00:32:47 admin error apparently just slow him down i reckon i think guys his main issue it wasn't it wasn't the temperature of the drink i think it's the fact he still he tries to talk whatever he's doing he had a mouthful and he was still trying to talk and to talk his way through. Those are awkward silences. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. But it is very funny that he was given the super cold drink. And he said it gave him a heart murmur. That was worrying. I also, yeah, I know he's putting on the old heartstrings. I don't listen to him.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's not true. I think he hid my half of it in his beard. He just sort of sponged it all up. Do you know what I mean? Iforia had that beard yeah it would have held it would have hidden a multitude of sins yes it would have been amazing if she just turned up one day with a full beard oh my god the lights it um a good effort from guz but yeah the beard the beard may have been cheating uh the super cold drink made it tricky for him. Incredible from Desiree, we've established that.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And Alan used straws. Do you ever watch things back and kick yourself that you didn't think of them using the straws? Oh, I can't remember. Ed, I'm really sorry, you've got the wrong girl and I can't remember anything. You are absolutely not the wrong girl on this. You're the winner. Yay!
Starting point is 00:34:03 I won! I win, I won! I win. I won. I forgot. Was it afterwards, when you'd won, was there any awkwardness in the green room afterwards? Oh, no, it was we had a lovely party. We had a right old, lovely old knees up.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And I even gave Alan a cuddle. Did you not alan sorry greg oh okay do you not give alan a cuddle greg a cuddle yeah i forgave him for all his terrible ranking and um yeah we had it we had a lot of time we had a lot of them those little they were doing little miniature uh miniatures you know like on the airplane i don't know why is it a covid thing maybe it was a covid thing maybe it was a covid thing yeah you're only allowed miniatures yeah we had like 12 miniature roses each when you cuddled greg did you feel how warm he was and then realize why he has to have the temperature down so low yeah jesus christ yeah big warm he's like yeah he's he has to have the temperature down so low. Yeah, Jesus Christ. Yeah. Big warm.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah, he's just like a sort of really angry radiator. But cuddly though. His word's not mine. He says he's got a body like a dropped lasagna. Those are his words. His word's not mine. No, I've heard him use those words before.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I know you didn't say that. When you cuddled him, did he say the thing, don't cuddle me, I've got a body like a dropped lasagna? Well, I've worked with Greg a lot, so I've heard him describe his body in all sorts of different ways. How else has he described it? There is one. I mean, dropped lasagna comes up a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Dropped apple crumble comes up quite a lot as well. A lot of tray bakes. he uses tray bakes a lot oh bless him and it's a lovely body i like it and you know what i like lasagna dropped or otherwise um alan used the straws i'm not sure if the uh alex seems to be suggesting that the straw might have been cheating but um i don't know i feel like your mouth's not closed if you've got a straw got a straw in there yeah because you've got a tiny little circular round opening so exactly you always clear you clearly always got it a little bit something's going on yes exactly so i'm glad i'm glad they let
Starting point is 00:36:26 that go they didn't disqualify him um it was victoria with the one point uh you with the two points not a strong start to the episode here as well so it didn't feel like you were on course of victory in this episode which is i didn't want to make it too obvious yeah okay good this was a deliberate thing i thought it was held back so i just thought you know a strong finish is what they want yeah Alan three points four points for Guz
Starting point is 00:36:50 and of course five points for Desiree for necking that like it was nothing ding dong incredible wow
Starting point is 00:36:57 I don't know what the hell's going on I read that task and I was like y'all don't know me and then back like I was, I basically walked into a room, slammed some sugar and was like, where's the task? Like, that was great.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I was so enjoyable. I don't mind telling you, it's left me a little unsettled. Task two. Part A, using your whole body to make individual characters, describe the taskmaster. Your description must be a minimum of 20 characters long. Most vivid description wins. You have 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Your time starts when the whistle blows. Part B, work out what your teammate's task is. You must stay in the caravan and not communicate with your teammate in any way. After 10 minutes, you must write down what you think their tasks were. Best guesser wins. And then for girls, lick a chocolate button, stick it on your forehead and then transfer the chocolate button to your mouth without touching it with your hands or leaving the chair.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Your time starts when the whistle is blown. It's a big task. It's a complicated task. And yet again, Guz is not needed in the team whatsoever. He was like a sort of, like an appendix, wasn't he? He really was. You don't really use it, you don't really need it but every now and again it sort of kicks off a stink and you have to like cut it out. But Gus
Starting point is 00:38:14 this happened a lot with Gus in the team tasks even when I think you were the one who was slightly sidelined in the riddle task. You know what they cut out of that? Go on. This was so outrageous. i didn't just sit there like they didn't like they made it out they had a big jar with some fart gas in it and they said this is part of the riddle so i literally i would smell it i would gag i would
Starting point is 00:38:43 smell it and i got and trying to work out what was to and they cut that whole thing out they made you smell fart gas yeah and I must have gipped a hundred times and they cut it out so all that agony was for nothing that's really unfortunate
Starting point is 00:39:00 I think, yeah sometimes with the teams of three it's difficult to work out how to do it without making an advantage. I feel like making you smell fart gas and Guz licking a chocolate button is definitely the way to go because it really just wastes everyone's time in a spectacular way. Yeah. I loved Guz having to do this.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I mean, he was useless in the riddle task anyway. He was more useless than you were. Oh, my God god how terrible was he he was so brilliant we got the longest task of all time yes yeah he took a long it was like two hours wasn't it
Starting point is 00:39:35 I mean it felt like two hours sitting in that stinky old caravan for two hours having nothing to do apart from smell farts laughs laughs I think it's mean that they cut that out um but guz had something to do in the riddle task but didn't i mean just kept saying there's been another revelation in the lab which is quite the catchphrase oh dear did you enjoy doing the
Starting point is 00:40:04 team tasks? Yeah, loved it, loved it. Oh, yeah, because you get lonely sometimes, don't you, all day on your own? Yeah. With just you and your makeup artist. Yeah. This is the team task where you were spelling out a description of Greg. Yeah. And you went with tall, sexy, a little bit a little bit no no no no i said no don't
Starting point is 00:40:27 hate don't don't get don't get in the twist i said tall grumpy tall grumpy and a tiny bit sexy tall grumpy flirty and a tiny bit sexy yes did i have to flirty i think so they just added flirty that's what i've got here um and i thought thought the body shape of the letters, that was great. That was really good. I thought you did a great job. I mean, yeah. And Desiree completely missed that they were supposed to be letters, ruining it for you.
Starting point is 00:40:58 So it was four points for you guys. And then Alan and Victoria got five points somehow. I don't know why they got five points maybe because at least victoria guessed that it was that it was alan doing letters and desiree didn't even get victoria brought a fucking clipboard and a pen all right did you not have a clipboard and a pen well i, I didn't see Desiree with one, so that was unfair for a start. Florid didn't even know that was a word. Is that a real word?
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah, I think it's a real word. I certainly wouldn't have picked it if I was trying to get across a word to someone by using my body. I would have gone with quite simple, short words. I wouldn't have plumped for Florid. Fucking hell. I mean, I thought that's something they put in the toothpaste
Starting point is 00:41:46 And Victoria of course Thought that Alan was spelling Caring Uncle Minpicked Which is also the name of the episode Oh should we all get tattoos Of Caring Uncle Minpicked What do you imagine Caring Uncle Minpicked looks like I think he's got like a staff that he wears
Starting point is 00:42:07 That he walks with And a really long beard with maybe a couple of beads on the end Maybe in raster colours Yes, yeah, yeah And he's got like a ghetto blaster Yeah And he's got some Bermuda shorts He's very chilled out
Starting point is 00:42:22 Super chilled Yeah And Are you imagining Santa Claus on holiday? some Bermuda shorts. He's very chilled out. Super chilled. Yeah. And Are you imagining Santa Claus on holiday? Yeah. Or it was or it was like what's his name?
Starting point is 00:42:36 King Arthur on acid. Yeah. Nice. So sort of medieval sort of medieval with you know like 60s vibes. Glastonbury. Glastonbury. Glastonbury medieval.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, Glastonbury backstage. Jon Snow. The TV, you know, the news reporter. Not the Game of Scones guy. Game of Scones, yeah. Good old caring Uncle Min picked. I think it's mad that they got five points but no matter how many points they got
Starting point is 00:43:09 they always lose because every time they do a team task together they add it in the old person poppy music it's so ageist they've cut me out I used to stick up for them a lot there was a part
Starting point is 00:43:24 halfway through that task where you went, got it, got it. But that was getting that he was being a letter. Ah, it wasn't when you realised that he was using the classic, well-known phrase, caring Uncle Min Pit. That was effectively me saying he's describing the taskmaster because I think of Greg as caring Uncle Min Pit. A lot of people do. Yes. Let's describing the taskmaster because I think of Greg as caring Uncle Mindy. A lot of people do.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yes. Let's talk about task three. Propose to Alex in the most irresistible way. You have 30 minutes. Your time starts now. A classic way to end a series, something like this. Everyone did something pretty good, almost everyone. And Alan confessed that when he proposed to his wife,
Starting point is 00:44:03 he was on snuff. I don't know if that makes a difference. I mean, have you ever tried snuff? No, because I'm not an 18th century nobleman. I know, where would you even get snuff? I mean, how old is Alan? I mean, you say you're protecting him with the old person. Off the dark web.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah, he's got snuff off the dark web. Ye old the dark web i think you have to go to a dock to buy snuff i can't believe it snuff um so obviously this i mean let's let's talk about yours we've mentioned it briefly but um this played right into your hands i think morgana did you know exactly what you were going to do straight away as soon as the task came up? No, no, my initial, I asked the team what his favourite food was. And my initial idea was to fill the tub with hot dogs
Starting point is 00:45:00 and get in there naked and ask him to marry me that way. So that's the journey I nearly went down. That's the road I nearly travelled along. And it's only been an episode since you last got naked to give yourself goosebumps, stripping off and pushing yourself up against the dome outside. Disgusting. What a slag
Starting point is 00:45:26 anything for a couple of bonus points yeah exactly um so it was initially the idea was to get in a bath full of hot dogs is that what the team told you alex likes that's his favorite food is hot dogs yeah and i just thought oh thought, oh, God, no, all those E numbers and self-dates or whatever. So I thought, no, I'm going to change my tag. So, yeah. And then I just thought I was thinking about sirens and stuff like that. And then I thought, oh, and I looked around and I found it and I managed to find a green, that was a green screen outfit.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Oh, wow. I was wearing that green thing. That was just one of the, you know, what they wear for green for green screen yeah and then there's tacky plastic flowers that you have in it in in that tiny green room you can't even call it a green room can you that little box they put you in yes yeah and there was some really like horrible plastic flowers i thought oh they're perfect that could be sort of seaweed in my hair then Then there was that. I mean, it all just came together. And then a bit of green face paint, some cling film.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And yeah, I just raided the kitchen. It was fun. It's a sort of Blue Peter element to it that I've really enjoyed. Yeah, it was proper dressing up, wasn't it? It was like, yeah, getting all the stuff together, getting the costume together. And it's great.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It works. They did a lovely job on the edit. Andy, of course, playing the guitar. Can anyone fucking play guitar? Like this, you know, in the 30 seconds before. Because it... No, not everyone knows that it really is. They're really the sticklers, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:46:58 For the time and everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's actually real. So I think we had half an hour for this one. You did a great job but yeah that is Andy C playing the guitar underneath an umbrella there and my
Starting point is 00:47:12 poem was second to none yes yeah it was amazing I thought it was really good do you remember it now hang on yeah okay no hang on lobsters are red oceans are blue I won't give you crabs Hang on. Yeah, okay. No, hang on. Lobsters are red. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Oceans are blue. Yeah. I won't give you crabs if you let me marry you. Yeah, it's lovely. It's beautiful. It really was. As Greg said, immediately suspicious meeting anyone, and the first thing they tell you is they won't give you crabs. Are you going to take the mermaid character forward?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Are you going to maybe pitch something? I think so. This is a start of something very special. I think it should be. I found the mermaid, as I said, quite unsettling and quite scary. But strangely sexy. Yeah, maybe that's why I found i found her unsettling because i was scared i was scared by how sexy i found the the terrifying mermaid i think that must have been it yeah
Starting point is 00:48:11 very much deserved the five points anyway here's what i think about greg's scoring in this task i think he got carried away because it's the last task of the series and i think he was too generous with everyone else how do you feel about that, Morgana? Do you agree? One hundo. I think Guz's was excellent. Making the bed, lighting the candles. Then the twist was there was a horse's head in the bed
Starting point is 00:48:34 covered in a smarter ketchup. I mean, he's so good, isn't he? He's so good. I think it was absolutely amazing. But I don't think it deserved the five points. I think it was mermaid five points. Really, Ed? Yeah, for sure. And then I would go Gu points. I think it was Mermaid five points. Really, Ed? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And then I would go Guzz four points because it was pretty good. Desiree's was great. I think she did a lot of prep for it. I really liked the little song. Why Won't You Marry Me, Alex? Because I have no gag reflex. I enjoyed that.
Starting point is 00:48:59 That was stunning. But guess what? I think it's three points. I'm with you, actually. I'm fucking with you. And Alan, now this is where I'm going to get really controversial. He made Alex huff some Vicks Vaporub and then he was stood there wearing a wig next to a cow, right?
Starting point is 00:49:17 That, for me, is two points, Morgana. It's not four points. I think it's crazy that that was given four points. I mean, I think he'd lost his mind by then. I think he wanted to go home didn't he i wanted to go home the ac had gone up by one degree and he wasn't thinking properly four points for that for alan is great i mean i guess he was sort of not really points yeah there's no way that is only one point less than your moment. No. No. He's lost the plot.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And Victoria didn't do anything. How many did she get? She got three points. Oh, for goodness sake. It's a one-pointer, isn't it? Yeah. Although it was quite sweet. Everyone's got ideas above the station. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It was quite sweet that she couldn't hypothetically propose to anyone because she loves her husband so much. I know. Do you believe that? Do you think she was panicking in the studio and trying to get more points by saying she loved her husband? Yes. She had an argument that morning.
Starting point is 00:50:23 She felt guilty. That must be it david's been in the you know he's having a problem with the coffee and they just you know she slammed the door and walked out the house and thought i've got how am i going to remedy this oh i know i'll have to say that i love him very much um on taskmaster which will be shown months after we've recorded it but then you can take that as an apology for the argument about the coffee. Exactly. It was three points for Victoria, four points for Alan and Desiree,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and five points for both you and Gaz. It's disgraceful scoring, but there we are. Absolutely atrocious. How does he sleep at night? It's unbelievable. On his back back I think a true drop lasagna shut up
Starting point is 00:51:18 lobsters are red I said lobsters are red, oceans are blue. I won't give you crabs if you let me marry you. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. What sort of crabs? Itchy ones. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Morgana? Yeah? I really appreciate everything you've done, and I will think about it. Thank you. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. The studio task, which I've said this already, this series. I think they've been so strong.
Starting point is 00:52:10 God, they were good. How much fun. Oh, I mean, I think you've had a really good run of them. And this one in particular, I think, is the most I've laughed. The animal noises, for me, was the highlight of the whole series. Yeah. Sorry, I thought your eardrums had fucked. The animal noises for me was the highlight of the whole series. Yeah. Sorry, your eardrums are fucked.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Sorry about that. It's all right. My favourite animal noise was Alan's. Alan's wow monster. Yeah, how did it go? Do you remember how it went? Wow! It was... He's a closed book, that one, I tell you.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Yeah. So I just thought it was absolutely a really fun task. And Greg was amazing at guessing. Really, really good. He was always catching Victoria out left, right and centre. Yeah. That was clever, wasn't it, when she scooched around the back? There was so much going on in that moment
Starting point is 00:53:03 where she walked all the way around the back and sort of that there was so much going on in that moment where she walked all the way around the back and walked from where desiree was with really heavy steps she still knew yeah and then it didn't he still knew it was fucking victoria but the look on desiree's face when victoria stomps from where desiree is outrageous outrageous she was absolutely Outrageous. She was absolutely horrified. There's so much going on in that task. It was brilliant. I will be re-watching that one because the wow monster just incredible. What did he
Starting point is 00:53:34 call her? Old something. Clumpy Steps. What was it? Old Clumpy Steps. Yeah, I can't remember that bit. But it was so good. And beatboxing. Literally Victoria's saying she didn't know about beatboxing that was unfair actually of course it was victoria's second scary monster on the phone task as well she did her little
Starting point is 00:53:57 lovely to see that uh make a reappearance um you and guz both got five points uh for that task um alan desiree and victoria got three points and thank god you got five points because that's what did it for you that this episode was won by guz desiree very closely behind then alan and you're in fourth place in this episode, Morgana and Victoria, of course, at the bottom, which means the series, Victoria, 121 points, way above her, Desiree, 161 points, the same as Alan, 161 points, 167 points for Guz, and on 168 points, the winner of Taskmaster Series 12, Morgana Robinson.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Beep, beep, ding dong, ding ding, honk honk! We've got some emails, Morgana. Would you mind going through some emails briefly? Not at all. How lovely. So this is from Pavel in Poland. Have you made these up? No, honestly, I haven't. We've got listeners all over the world. Pavel from Poland?
Starting point is 00:55:16 Pavel from Poland. Because obviously Pavel didn't know who was going to win. So he's emailed in to say, whoever wins Series 12, who do you think was your biggest competitor it's a great question morgana you mean like who was like the biggest danger to my to your victory yeah yeah i think guys just because the charming just the charm because he could charm his way into five points anywhere. Yes, I agree with you. He's like top of that queue at the club.
Starting point is 00:55:51 He's going to get in with trainers on. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, totally. He's going to sell that ice to the Eskimos. He was my biggest danger and my largest area of concern. I think you're right. And that's borne out in the scores. He was only one point behind you at the end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Add a cool coat and you know I'm in traps. I think Desiree was also a pretty good competitor. I think she was in with a chance of winning even though she got the same as Alan. I don't think Alan was ever going to win to be honest because he just didn't care did he? I don't know. I think he didn't have the winner's
Starting point is 00:56:24 edge and obviously Victoria was never going to win but I think he does Alan's cool, calm and collected though, you know like the older horses often win because they've got they've got, you know, experience they're cool headed they're calm
Starting point is 00:56:39 they're not frothing at the bit yes, no he wasn't if there's one thing you can't accuse Alan of it's frothing at the bit. Yes. No, he wasn't. If there's one thing you can't accuse Alan of, it's frothing at the bit. Okay, let's hear another email. This is from Sally in Brighton. Lovely Sally. This is actually, we talked about this earlier.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Dear Ed, if you have Morgana on the Taskmaster podcast, please ask her if she's a fan of Lou Sanders. Sometimes I feel like they have a similar chaotic energy. Oh, that's lovely. Yeah. You know what? We have lots of mutual friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And I'm sure we'd get on terribly well. And someone else has said that to me before, but I've never actually met her. I saw her on the bike once. I was on the bus and I saw her on her bike. She a lovely basket and everything yes she's got a lovely bike i've seen her on her bike before um yeah she's she's great lou and i i do agree that energy wise you probably occupy the same the same space yes you know when they cast people you know they get they get the the old one the there's the you know the thingy one, the something one.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Are we the... What are we? Chaos. Ultimate chaos. Ultimate chaos. And you both won, so there you go. That's obviously... That works in Taskmaster.
Starting point is 00:57:55 There's a method to our madness. Exactly. Okay? It's all a front. Underneath the bubbling fucking chaotic world there's a very cool consistent beast yes exactly the cool consistent beast
Starting point is 00:58:12 this is from Diane in San Diego go on Diane from San Diego what you got girl not a question where's your shirt from where's your shirt from where's your shirt from episode 5 well it's not a question
Starting point is 00:58:30 she said it's not a question but if you have Desiree Guzz and Morgana on please tell them I want to see more of Rodney Rodders and Rod
Starting point is 00:58:37 the commentating trio don't fucking start that went down like a fucking that was excellent wasn't it I really enjoyed that that was a great
Starting point is 00:58:43 great it was a you know I do think excellent fucking yeah Guzz Ball was excellent wasn't it I really enjoyed that it was a great great it was a excellent fucking yeah Gus Ball's great isn't it yeah
Starting point is 00:58:51 I mean it was wonderful Diane said it made her laugh for days which is great oh thanks Diane I mean Gus Ball was another example of
Starting point is 00:58:58 Gus being absolutely useless in that his role in the game was to have things thrown at him. We loved it. We absolutely loved it. Now, Morgana, thank you so much for coming uh onto the taskmaster podcast um at the end of the podcast we always ask our guests to rate their experience on the taskmaster podcast between one
Starting point is 00:59:36 and five points in the style of the taskmaster so have you had a nice time if so how many points would you give it this is your chance to score something finally after all that disgusting scoring from greg i have had a delicious time and i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give taskmaster five very sexy points yes good excellent i will take that i will take that to greg and let him know no we don't give him to greg and to alex okay great i'll give the five points to alex thank you so much for coming on the on the show morgana you've been absolutely wonderful and congratulations again on your victory ding ding beep beep honk honk well there we are what a lovely chat with morgana uh she's great fun isn't she i'm very happy that she won although to be honest it could have been any of them i was a big Well, there we are. What a lovely chat with Morgana. She's great fun, isn't she?
Starting point is 01:00:25 I'm very happy that she won. Although, to be honest, it could have been any of them. I was a big fan of all of them. And if any of them won, I would have been happy. I mean, look, Victoria was never going to win after week one, was she? But what a contestant she was, as they all were. We'll be back next week, though. We don't have time to dilly dally and remember how good series
Starting point is 01:00:46 12 was we've got to crack on because we are talking about series 5 of taskmaster we're continuing with our history eps i'm calling them historical eps i don't know i'm calling them actually uh but we will be chatting to nish kumar next week about series 5 episode 1 he was of course in Series 5, an absolutely amazing contestant. So we'll be chatting to Nish next week about that first episode of Series 5. We've recorded it already.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I'm just going to put that out there. So you can't get your questions in for Nish. But do assume we'll be chatting to a few more contestants from Series 5 and some other people who love Taskmaster. So get your questions about Series 5 into us on taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com get yourself onto all four start catching up swatting up on series five and we will see you next week goodbye Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing.
Starting point is 01:01:59 With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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