Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 7. Rose Matafeo

Episode Date: November 26, 2020

This week on the podcast Ed is joined by award winning comedian and fellow Series 9 contestant, the wonderful Rose Matafeo. The pair discuss their competitiveness, the infamous 'Fish poster' and how ...they work well in escape rooms. As well as this they chat all things Series 10 - mini robots, talking backwards and marble runs but who will be victorious in the series? Listen in to hear Rose's prediction.   Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com  Visit the Taskmaster Youtube channelwww.youtube.com/taskmaster  For all your Taskmaster goodies visit www.taskmasterstore.com   Sales, advertising and general enquiries:dknight@avalonuk.com Taskmaster is on Channel 4 Thursdays at 9pm and you can catch the family friendly version Sundays on E4 at 6pm. Taskmaster the podcast is produced by Daisy Knight for Avalon Television Ltd   Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's winter, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs, mozzarella balls, and arancini balls? Yes, we deliver those. Moose? No. But moose head? Yes. Because that's alcohol, and we deliver that too.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. it's taskmaster podcast time of course you know that already it's episode seven of the taskmaster podcast you know exactly what this is of course you do you're not just dropping into this for the first time now are you surely uh it's ed gamble i'm your host and i'm also increasingly drawing closer to the point where i'm no longer the Taskmaster Champion. It's a horrible feeling but I am
Starting point is 00:01:07 loving this series so much. I'm very much looking forward to seeing who is going to be crowned the new champion but let's not will the end of the series because this was episode 7 of Taskmaster Series 10 I say this was episode 7, this is not it now. That has already been on
Starting point is 00:01:24 Taskmaster is on Thursdays 9pm, channel 4 I say it every week there must be some people who've done it by accident please don't listen to this if you've not seen the episode pause this now, I'll give you a second right, they've gone can't believe there's people out there who would listen to this
Starting point is 00:01:39 and not watch the main show they can't be, they can't exist so, go and watch the main show then listen can't be. They can't exist. So, go and watch the main show. Then listen to this, because we will be picking apart. There will be spoiler warnings. We'll be picking apart, dissecting, discussing, chatting about Episode 7, Series 10, Taskmaster. Very special guest this week,
Starting point is 00:02:00 the wonderful Rosematter Fayo, my, not not enemy friend yes friend uh from series nine uh of taskmaster where we were both competitors in that uh very good friend of mine uh but definitely butted heads on more than one occasion both very competitive people i'm sure that will come up during the episode uh if uh you have um little kids and you want to watch Taskmaster and you're a little bit worried about swears and seeing um bums or around the front um I can assure you there's none of that but if you're worried about the swear bits uh do watch the show on E4 Sundays at 6 where there is a family friendly version also if you want to buy
Starting point is 00:02:43 some presents taskmasterstore.com or if you want to buy some presents, taskmasterstore.com. Or if you want some more content, youtube.com forward slash taskmaster. That is all my official admin done. Let's get into it. Episode 7, Series 10, Taskmaster. Let's chat about it with the wonderful Rosematter Fayo. See you on the other side. Rosematter Fayo, welcome to the Taskmaster podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Hello, hi, that was an introduction, that was an introduction. Thank you so much for having me, I'm really excited to be here. I was considering saying your name with more of a flourish like Greg did on every episode of Series 9 of Taskmaster. He did. Rose Matafeo! He really enjoyed it it he took his time yeah he did love it um uh no it's a real privilege to be here i heard that you've you've had nish on the podcast right i i got tweeted saying that you he had a bit of chat about how competitive we are
Starting point is 00:03:41 which is well yeah it's stupid it's fair would you say would you say i mean when it was established that me and you were going to be on the same series nish and my girlfriend were both absolutely devastated because they knew that it would be it would bring out the worst in both of us it was gonna potentially break up a friendship i think yeah but thankfully it didn't but no yeah they were really scared there was a lot of chat there was a lot of chat on the text threads about how awful this is going to be and how insufferable we would be the thing is that nish is such... Would you say he's not a competitive person? When he knows he's not good at something, he'll be the opposite of competitive. He'll deliberately be worse
Starting point is 00:04:31 and just screech laughing every time he messes something up. He'll be a chaos element. Yes, exactly. Yeah, that's true. We did invite him into the escape room fold for a brief time. That is a mistake. And he was actually not bad there yeah no because he's he's the chaos he's the chaos element he also when we've played board games with nish before as well he won't take it seriously enough it's quite frustrating but you
Starting point is 00:04:57 know he's an entertainment value he's a he's got entertainment value and that's what we'll say about nish yeah exactly. Yeah, exactly. But I can't imagine anything worse than being on a team in Taskmaster with Nish. I think that would be my worst nightmare. Oh my gosh. I'd kill him. I'd kill him. I'd actually kill him.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It'd be the first example of like a proper crime on Taskmaster. It would be awful. They'd be like, well, we can't edit around it because it happened. Like we know it happened. May as well show it. We'll have to censor it quite a lot. But we'll have to do it because we have to explain why he isn't in the live shows.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So, yeah. Yeah, they'd have to open with that task, right? On that series, they'd have to be, welcome, here's your competitors and there'd be an empty chair and you'd have to open with a team task where you killed nish kuma and then just carry on with the rest of the series i'm zooming from prison yeah or just i'm a little cage
Starting point is 00:05:55 just they still want me in the just a little cage yeah yeah they've agreed to let just me come in a little cage uh fill in prison sort of a portable prison because they want the banter yeah and uh yeah or just i send a lawyer to we were competitive i'd say but when would you say would did we come closest to breaking up the friendship i think well uh maybe a couple times i so first time I can remember is when I in the team task when the thing fell off my head I've never seen someone look so disappointed
Starting point is 00:06:52 in me disappointed angry and like trying to hold it together because the camera's on us and you can't actually you can't actually just go what the fuck was that but the thing is is that when you looked at me with utter disdain in that moment what what kind of gets us through that is that i understand
Starting point is 00:07:11 because i would be doing the exact same so i think i think when two people are intensely competitive they also respect the behavior of that other person when someone else fails them so then and then but i think true competition i think i think every show like it's it's a mini competition to win that episode and it's like as the as the show goes on and you know you tally up each episode that you're winning because we won individually like we won quite a few episodes yeah by ourselves right and i think i think it's it's just before it's just before the live task that's when it's like yeah like yeah have a good one out there like the fun stops the fun stops immediately completely stops because
Starting point is 00:08:02 because like and i think maybe you and i really go into our own heads like before the life task being like oh this is where i could either redeem myself or this is where i have to defend my position and we would take it so seriously and and so i think that's when the friendships could have i think if either of us had a complete uh sense of humor failure in those moments can i can i tell you the moment that i think that we genuinely nearly not that we genuinely nearly came to blows because i think it was you who was the angry one but i was enjoying you being angry a lot uh it was whenever broadly the situation was whenever you were so proud of something you'd done and you couldn't wait for it to be shown on the on the show uh and then when it didn't necessarily go down as well as you're expecting which i think
Starting point is 00:08:49 everyone feels but it was the serenades when we had to do the self serenades uh and you were so proud of what you'd done i think we got the same amount of points uh or i did better than you but either way you you were, I think we got the same because I was like, hey, we got the same. We both did well. We got the same.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We got the same. And you were so angry that we got the same. I was angry. I was angry because I feel like, I mean, in retrospect, I shouldn't have been angry,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but I do feel like I composed an entire song, played an instrument. You did some sort of genre, kind of your heavy metal business etc and uh i think you you i mean i i would still say that i i think in my opinion mine was it didn't deserve to be equal so i what here's here's what i like about that sentence is you started it by saying in retrospect i shouldn't have been and then you went on to say that you still feel exactly the same way i mean i can't lie there's no smeller sweeter as my little chicka teeter I'm hoping that it's okay. If I order out,
Starting point is 00:10:07 okay. I think, I think, um, as you started talking about that, about like, you know, you think you did well in a task and then you realized you didn't.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Well, I had more with that with prize tasks and, and I think I threw hissy fits. I threw massive hissy fits, um, with prize tasks because. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. I yeah i well you did as
Starting point is 00:10:28 well but not as much as me and um uh yeah and i think that's where i let myself down ultimately in the entire competition your your prize tasks quite often you'd start big with them you'd be like i've got this but you can always you could hear that tremor in your voice where we knew you weren't behind it. So you'd be like, I've got this guys. And then halfway through explaining it, you'd get halfway through a sentence and Greg would be staring at you
Starting point is 00:10:54 and you'd just go, I don't know, and put your head in your hands. Oh my gosh. Because Greg, I mean, when I, look, I'm not going to try and, the whole point is to try and justify something to Greg. And when he's looking at you with those little cards in his hand, with his, you know, sitting low in that fricking throne, looking all stroppy. It is literally like trying to, a gesture trying to impress a little king or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Like a petulant king. And so I think i always lose confidence because i don't i don't know i mean some of my prize tasks were quite bad but i think the codex i was like look man if you don't think that's an exciting thing to find in the middle of a field then we will never never the twain shall meet we will never see we our opinions are fundamentally different now normally at this point i would say what were your highlights what were your low lights but because you're you we've naturally slipped into a conversation about low lights did you have any highlights for us i had so many highlights i mean oh the entire thing was a highlight really i think
Starting point is 00:12:03 do you mean like in tasks and yeah sure like a task where you thought i've absolutely nailed that it's gone down as well as i'd hoped well done rose yeah i think that the so my song task my theme tune task was my favorite but it was also the one that caused me most amount of mental decay because ever since i did it from the moment i i recorded i laid down that track when we filmed that i started getting and i almost think it is and i'm probably misdiagnosing myself but it is a form of compulsive like ocd that i couldn't get that song out of my head for i guess like the all of the months in between we do the task and the live shows. To the extent where I couldn't, like, go to sleep and it would be in my mind.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Having that song go through your mind constantly is hell. So, sorry, that highlight turned into a low light. Classics. But it was a highlight because once I saw it, it was like a weight had been lifted i was like it's out there now i can be rid of this demon but um it belongs to the public now it's uh yeah so that was certainly a highlight but i think um i think rubberber Egggate was just a highlight, personal highlight for me.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It was like a Shakespearean tragedy. And it just had all the highs and lows. It was almost like it was written, you know? Like, for me to throw that pool noodle that close to the line, then for, like, David Baddiel to somehow, that rubber egg going back and forth, like, the entire thing felt like it was scripted perfectly. Yeah, that was amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So that was a true highlight. So let's kick off with the prize task like you say never really your favorite category uh shout out for some of my favorites of your prize tasks uh fish poster obviously fish poster was great and how do you how do you feel that it's one of your sort of uh the lasting things that people talk about is just the way you pronounce fish because you're from another country oh it's no it's more shit oh it's like the amount of shed things i have i it's all people say to me shit shit oh is it in the shed like and and what's so amazing about that moment and and and television is that there is no like you know usually we'll know where something like a like banter is gonna go like you're you're you know what's gonna happen that is just a pure example of me truly
Starting point is 00:14:53 not knowing why greg was looking at me like i was an alien like i just when i was saying shed shed shed there was nothing about me that thought that was funny. No, because fair enough, fair enough, Rose. Absolute kudos to you because that's just the way you say shit. It's just the way I say shit. But it is funny. Oh God, it is. It is funny. And I, and look, it's taken me years to admit it, but sure, it is funny. I have got a funny accent. I'm from a funny place but um but no i uh i enjoyed
Starting point is 00:15:26 the fish poster i mean i tried i tried relatively hard on the price test but not as hard as i could have but fish poster um you got so angry at me the idea that there were new zealand fish because you think that you thought that fish could just swim anywhere do you know how long it would take national a swim? You can't nationalise fish. You absolutely can. So many fish, so little points. So the prize task this week was best thing that is bigger at the top than it is at the bottom. Yes. I love any prize task where it's very clear that Alex is starting
Starting point is 00:16:00 to run out of basic things to ask them to bring in and is just walking around his house looking at things, trying to work out what category things to ask them to bring in and is just walking around his house looking at things trying to work out what what category he can put them in i mean i mean kudos to him he still delivers he still constantly delivers on it um i want to say um uh just early props for captain budwash now Now, let's get into this now. Captain Budwash was the best prize that Daisy's brought in, which is not hard because she's, you know, as a group, this lot have been terrible at prize tasks.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But Captain Budwash is so lazy, it's almost inventive. And I loved Captain Budwashwash i loved his tiny little face i loved his big pirate hat i think he was absolutely robbed i want justice for captain budwash that should be five points i 100 agree justice for captain budwash because it fulfilled everything about the task it had a personality yeah it had a concept it had at least something to say do you know what i mean like it was she went a step further like to name it to like like i think i think it's i think it's more it's really inventive to just invent to not to almost ignore the the the task and you she could have created anything anything incredible that was
Starting point is 00:17:26 wider at the top than the bottom the fact that she went with captain budwash which i believe is such a kind of concept already that i i would not hesitate to say that it was something that daisy had already had yeah so probably in a folder something you know like in a in a note on her phone being like yeah well that's gonna I'm gonna need that some at some point um so uh yeah I I loved Captain Butterfly I want to say um I mean they all looked quite weary when
Starting point is 00:17:53 they were like like putting their prize tasks in they didn't and I think you know we would go hard on trying to sell our prize tasks quite well and I I honestly think
Starting point is 00:18:03 that these these lot could this lot could pay to do that a bit more definitely i do love johnny i do love johnny saying it's uh with this one a toilet to be like it's a big part of all our lives it's just the sweetest thing ever the whole i think johnny i think johnny deserved one more point johnny got three points for bringing in a toilet i johnny deserved one more point johnny got three points for bringing in a toilet i think he deserved one more point for the story about his dad using a victorian toilet saying that i'd shift a bike i think so because that's a phrase i'm going to use from now on i think i think i mean cornetto was just a fucking disaster and Richard Herring deserved,
Starting point is 00:18:46 he deserved to, he deserved everything he got with that. But then part of me, yeah, I didn't, Acorn was, it was interesting. It was interesting. But that was where Greg was really relaxed.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I think it took everyone by surprise that he gave that four points yeah yeah it may be bigger at the bottom than it is at the top but it's an acorn and i i just don't i i got the sort of the beauty of nature and what katherine was trying to bring to it it was a very katherine prize task it was very innocent yeah and uh and she was really trying her hardest but i don't i think any other week any other series that would have got two points oh my god can you imagine if either of us brought in an acorn for our prize task in our series we would have been shot like we would have been marched
Starting point is 00:19:38 off the set yeah it'd be ridiculous oh and yeah i I enjoyed Moan's one. I think it was really good, inventive. Yeah, it was, but I also think he, it's the sort of thing that smacks of, he'd planned to bring that in at some point and he just needed to find the right category. That's true, but I think Greg appreciated it because he's a slave to the stage, you know? He loves a bit of standup
Starting point is 00:20:02 and it reminded him of his former life. And he went, ah, those good old days where i tread the boards with a with a trusty old microphone having supported greg davis on two national tours uh i'm just here to say he has never said oh i love treading the boards i love stand-up i can't wait oh my, what a man. Let's get on to the first task proper, which is, I mean, it's a fairly pithy task. Get to the finish line clutching chicken number two. Chicken number one must pass the start line aboard the remote-controlled car.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You must stay on the office chair at all times. If you touch the mini robots, you are disqualified. I mean, Alex, what's going on man what's going on at home um i would have hated this task i think i would have truly hated this task even trying to read it i was i was a bit sort of i was a bit confused by what you're actually supposed to do uh they picked up fairly quickly i mean let's start with the one it was so fast it was almost like they'd they'd use graphics i i didn't it was like they'd fake it and see with cgi because it was so perfect the fact they alex mentioned this they move off at
Starting point is 00:21:11 the same speed uh he does it without even thinking about it he's like all right yeah of course this this is how we do it it was actually sexy he did it so easily so quickly i was like jesus christ that gives me a tingle it was fast and the furious vibes it was um it was the confidence i think you know what honestly a lot of it was to do with yeah having that confidence to read that wordy task throw yourself into it with total confidence that you're not going to um uh fuck it up yeah and then nailing it but i think that's moan's um he it's his um strength and his weakness because you know if it pays off that that's what happens with this kind of task where you go oh yeah i can do this and then another task i think it's it's like the confidence he doesn't think about like he didn't think about the technicalities or something so yeah but in this one it was it was sexy it was cool um it should be gift yeah we stand
Starting point is 00:22:11 we stand on and a chicken on a on a robot that's the first time everything's been on the taskmaster podcast so well done i ship it man i should but you're right it was it did remind me of the final task of our series because he did it so confidently I was assuming they'd have to go back to it
Starting point is 00:22:31 and say here's what you did wrong but they didn't it was just perfect they didn't Richard and Johnny just like two old men
Starting point is 00:22:39 who've never been on a wheelie chair before it was wild Johnny was all over the place at one point Johnny told the remote control car to be quicker as if he wasn't a wheelie chair before it was wild johnny was all over the place at one point johnny told the remote control car to be quicker as if he wasn't in control of it oh it's so sweet though it's just so sweet to see these men trying um and uh sort of ghost of
Starting point is 00:23:01 christmas future so it's a dark one um i think um i think they ended up doing it honestly i think i would have done similarly similarly to those two it's really sweet when two people are neck and neck in times for doing shit like to be being equally shit at something that's actually that the jeopardy of that is actually more exciting sometimes than when people are neck and neck at the top you naturally naturally root for the underdog, right? And so when there's a competition to be the most under of the dogs. Yeah, it's tough to, it's really tough for the show like Taskmaster to root for the underdog.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah. It really is. Tell me if you think, would this annoy you or would anyone be able to get away with it? When it says that chicken number one must pass the start line um aboard the remote control car and get to the finish line clutching chicken number two do you think with chicken number one you could reverse it over the start line then do it back again right at the beginning and that counts as it passing over yeah i was thinking about i thought
Starting point is 00:24:01 someone would try and do a sneaky sneaky one like that i mean but that's a risk as well you know what i mean like sometimes it can pay off and sometimes it can't so i think it's kind of it's i don't i don't think i would have tried anything tricky like that i think you would have i think you would have definitely i think if it was the first day so on the first day of our series when i was filming tasks i tried as many tricky things as possible and i think maybe only one of them made it in it was the when you had to throw something into the bin and i kicked the bottom out the bin to claim that the lid the lid was shut um and i again i caught greg on a good day if you catch him on a good day he'll let you get away with that sort of stuff if he's in a mood with you absolutely not fuck it's wild well
Starting point is 00:24:45 it's so funny also like i tried to do because i never like tried to do tricky things because i was scared that i would be told off which is like an attitude i take through every aspect of my life um and so but i think um the one time i tried to do a tricky thing was the lat the last the lasso thing um lesser if i don't fucking want to get into that but you know we'd move the line further forward yeah but yeah like the the stupidity of the fact that i didn't even move it like i still tried to make it slightly hard for myself so i would move it just a little bit and then throw it and i tried it about four times and i was like looking back at that i was like what are you doing like such a head girl never be able to i'm to i'm i know but i mean to be honest
Starting point is 00:25:26 with the task like that i couldn't really i barely understood it so it's like just follow it to the letter yeah i think i mean to be honest yeah i think i would have done the same utterly wild for katherine to throw the task in the bin like what the hell and like i mean adjust the confidence like it's such also such a specific task as well like you want to read that task again yeah and be sure you're doing it right uh and the fact that she did she mess it up in two ways in terms of well she she got hit by the robot and yeah she got hit by the robot but she threw the task in the bin and then yeah and then of course she had to get the task out the bin to read it again but she just it's such a perfect way of messing it up like she seems to attract disaster a lot of the time Catherine she just finds the
Starting point is 00:26:17 the one way you can truly mess up a task and does that straight away it's a talent it's a talent if anything it's kind of cosmic uh and then it's it's upsetting that daisy and um uh daisy mariana and katherine did so poorly on this one both disqualified but uh and then of course uh muwan got the full five points because he was the quickest johnny got four points and then richard got three and then obviously no points for katherine or daisy good episode for muwan so far really good and now it's time to hear from our bff bonus fact finder alex horn Alex Horne. Oh, hello there. It's Alex Horne here,
Starting point is 00:27:13 your BFF, bonus fact finder, recording this in the Taskmaster Caravan. I can prove that with a couple of sound effects. This is a noise of the curtain twitching and this is a noise of the oven door shutting. Okay, a real treat for the ears there. Today's bonus fact is all about the location of the little robot task where the contestants had to sit on an office chair and guide robots around without hitting smaller robots. A lot of fun. And that task location has made it to number one in my coldest locations chart over the ten series of Taskmaster. The top five goes like this. At number five it's the Scout Hut
Starting point is 00:28:08 used in series six for things like making a parachute. At number four it's Chesham Football Ground from series four where the likes of Hugh and Noel scored goals with plastic bags. At number three, it's the horse riding place where we made them ride a horse and paint a horse. It was snowing when Romesh did it. At number two, it's the Buckinghamshire Railway Museum from series eight. A lot of people's favourite task was when they had to hide from me and I had to bob up and down with a torch in my head. Of course, the coldest was Printworks, where we filmed the little robot task. The hottest, in case you're wondering, was Frencham Ponds, where Aisling Bea took her trousers off, where Nish Kumar threw things into things,
Starting point is 00:28:58 and where Bob Mortimer made a urine-based graph. Thanks, everyone. See you next week. OK. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost almost anything.
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Starting point is 00:29:48 Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. In the safe, you may speak into this microphone and they will hear your message played backwards. You only have 10 minutes to open the safe and record your message. Most accurate description wins.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Now, let's get straight into this. I know for a fact that Richard Herring is genuinely upset by how badly he did at this. Really? To the extent I don't think i got the scoop i was speaking to him the other day he is yeah like i don't know if he'll ever admit it publicly so i'm gonna do it for him he's genuinely devastated about this he can't believe he did it so badly in the same way i think he's upset about the live tasks that involved words as well that he didn't
Starting point is 00:30:43 win i think he prides himself on his use of language he's an oxford graduate and when something goes wrong yeah exactly he's a word he's famously a wordsmith uh and when he records such a bad backwards message that it causes daisy cooper to scream milkies over and over again it's um it's it's i think everyone has that one, right? Where you think that you should be good at something and you're not. You'll never get over that. I think Richard will never get over that. But I think that's the beauty of the competition, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:16 There is a message advantage for having two people trying to decode a message than just one person. Because you've got someone a sounding board you know yeah there definitely is and i think greg would have taken that into account if they'd done anything of worth the team of two if they'd if they'd shown a glimmer of competence in this task he would have said well there's only two of you so i'll give you one point i'll give you two points but it was not it was nonsense the stuff richard was doing doing it by letters is crazy yeah it's wild and then milky milky milky's milky's and get just getting stuck on a milky's loop it was insane i think we knew
Starting point is 00:31:58 how this task was going to go in the sense that what the context you're providing about richard you know being a wordsmith and and you know really really trying to kind of over complicate this task and in the fact that when daisy approached the task with confidence because she listens to ghost recordings i think that is just the example of you know two people on different wavelengths man and i do not think they will ever come together and create something truly uh cohesive because i mean that was the funny i was just like what what's funny to me i was i was like that shows shows how mad i am and since i was like oh yeah of course what ghost recordings i was like totally on her level there i was like well yeah and i know what you mean there the relationship is becoming increasingly
Starting point is 00:32:47 strained uh and i think daisy again looked genuinely angry after they showed that task her impression of trying trying to order in a restaurant abroad by just saying milkies she looked there was anger in her eyes it It was utter anger. I thought the other team did really well, but I especially think Mouan did really well because I think he gave them every component and it was there and they said it out loud, but they just chose to not go with all of it. He gave them Greg, he gave them Lam,
Starting point is 00:33:21 he gave them Cushion, but they didn't go with all of those elements, which is why I was surprised that they all got three points i felt like moan should have got four points for doing the description and having it all there for them and the others should have got three but that's just me well that's pretty unorthodox though right that wouldn't have been that's a pretty wild that would have that would have created chaos if our team task if one of us had got one more point than the others that would have been horrific and that would have been the end of our friendship uh well i think i think i should have got um one more point in the uh in in the buckaroo team task
Starting point is 00:33:58 for playing a wonderful donkey well look yeah but that's just out of pity it's a pity point out of humiliation because you know you can't undo that you will take and that's the thing is that we know you will take it at the end of the day it will take a pity point so um no i i am i think that they i mean i i honestly wish that it was a lamb kebab just because it sounds like johnny was just really excited about giving a lamb kebab in the safe yeah but um but ultimately they did very well and uh i think i think they're a good team and i think they're a gentle team and i think it's quite swift i do like i love johnny and um and um katherine's dynamic very chill yeah i think what we're finding out interestingly this series is johnny is probably more chill than people were expecting him to be on this series of taskmaster he's chaotic
Starting point is 00:34:45 and very johnny vegas yeah but i don't worry for his safety a lot of the time apart from when he fell off a ladder in an earlier episode he's chaotic good he's chaotic good the funniest thing the thing that i howled with laughter at this episode was greg describing john Johnny as looking like someone who this had to go well for him. Yeah. Like, that was the best thing ever. This is just so... Like, that's the most horrible thing you can say about someone. This has to go well for him.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Because if not, we don't know what will happen yeah but um but yeah no props to them for for yeah i think they did they did well i think i would have really i would have struggled to do things backwards because i actually don't really understand how that almost works like how a word sounds backwards i know how it's spelt backwards. Mawaan, I think, got the right idea in doing it word by word and really thinking through the syllables. And it came out sounding all right. So maybe four points for all of them I would have given.
Starting point is 00:35:54 But they went with three. And then nought points for Daisy and Richard as they deserved. Hello? Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Task three, make the longest marble run, AKA a task you would have absolutely loved. I would have loved this. Okay, so there's so much to say about this one. I think, I think this is a really exciting one for me because i think it uh it highlighted some people's strengths and some people's weaknesses right so i think uh with oh my god i'm sounding like an absolute nerd here i'll go with strength first daisy i was really impressed with daisy's and i liked her confidence in it because daisy
Starting point is 00:36:43 got um daisy was second right she got four points for that yes uh with Daisy's and I liked her confidence in it. Cause Daisy got, Daisy was second, right? She got four points for that. Yes. With 10 seconds. And that's, I think it was just so impressive and it was so competently put together. So I really enjoyed that.
Starting point is 00:36:56 I, I thought Johnny, Oh my God, sweet Johnny. This marble will power an house for two minutes who needs wind it was it got me like him yelling that got me excited yeah and that is it was just the sweetest thing i've ever seen and for it to um kind of um uh not go the way he do it was quite it's quite heartbreaking richard like so what the fuck was he thinking what the actual fuck was he thinking a massive
Starting point is 00:37:33 like crap in the concrete like surely that's the thing you smooth up like come on man and also he said he said when it got stuck in there he went oh i knew it was gonna get stuck in there so we'll just put a like put a bit of cardboard over it or something because i would have gone with a similar instinct of going outside because you got more space yeah yeah no i agree i i probably i probably would have gone outside i probably would have tried to start something from the top of the caravan uh or the top of the house uh and just to get a really big slope on it to try and make it roll all the way down the garden or whatever um but i was so happy for katherine that she nailed this because she's not done amazingly on she's been brilliant i mean i absolutely love her as a contestant but she's had some big failures and this was such a sweet victory for her. Her marble run was genuinely beautiful.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Like it's quite peaceful. I could watch that as I go to sleep. Also, just my highlight of this particular episode, I think, is Daisy finally proving that she has the spirit of a four-year-old child because there's a shot of her running up to the French windows just and then saying where can i start my marble run and it is the most childish thing i've ever seen in my life
Starting point is 00:38:52 that's the sweetest thing i know i love her energy what i wanted to say about this before we did move on is that that that line in the live um you know element when they they're talking about the task afterwards and stuff and and them hitting up mulan for for technically his not being right yeah i think it's so funny because had that happened in our series we would have been literally screaming at each other like it would have been we would have been screaming like there was no like it just it just shows like every cast is different but like they were so composed about it and i i would have like you would have yelled at me and i would have been screaming back and it would have been utter chaos and i think uh i i just it just it just it just entertains me to think
Starting point is 00:39:43 that they dealt with it with such composure yeah but yeah no um but no well done well well done this is a great I really it was a really good task yeah it was let's of course uh Catherine won there 32.4 seconds way ahead of Daisy with 10 seconds got four points uh eight seconds 23 uh for old uh old silly richard um and eight seconds 10 uh for for enthusiastic johnny um it didn't power the house for two minutes it didn't even get three points uh and moan disqualified uh nought points which i think i was devastated to see it because it was an inventive way of doing things but i think it was a correct disqualification agreed agreed fear but harsh for fear uh let's discuss the studio task uh briefly we've talked about studio tasks on our series
Starting point is 00:40:33 already i mean this is just insane now it feels like they've they've had a full breakdown at this point communicate to the task master the item on your card you may only make noise you may not use any actions or words it was i think i mean i think it was one of the most entertaining life tasks i've seen and that it was genuinely the competition was was um was fair holding umbrellas that was really strange but i thought they were gonna i thought they were gonna put them up to be honest and hide behind an umbrella but then i remembered we were working in the medium of television i think i what i want what i want is is every i want so many screenshots from the faces that they made and that's out of context it just seems like the most avant-garde sort of terrifying like art piece.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And it was, it was just truly spectacular to watch. And I just, I enjoyed who, who clearly were like quite like front runners, like Daisy just nailed it. But Johnny was fantastic as well. But it was just so funny because,
Starting point is 00:41:40 I mean, is it because they can read what Greg would, how Greg would interpret it? Because there's so much like, it's kind of arbitrary, but what Greg will understand, what Greg will like, as we said, he's an incredibly unpredictable man. But I think they got to the heart of him, like, and got into his brain quite well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And I mean, Catherine's dolphin was wild. I think just to talk on daisy and johnny because they were top two uh briefly before we move on um i just i think neither of them have got and this is to their credit have got a filter or and this is why they're good i think they're just they are in public how they are behind closed doors. They are basically their animal selves. So they just, they can just release that from within them. And there's no, there's nothing. Whereas like Catherine, especially, I think it's quite well put together.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And it tends to unfurl, but she really tries to hold it together all of the time. Whereas Daisy and Johnny don't care. They just let it, they just let it rip. And I think that's why it worked here. Yeah. I think I'm, I think there is with Johnny and Daisy, it's like, they are,
Starting point is 00:42:51 there's no ego. They only, they are the, they are the, the purest form of what they are. And these, these others are trying, they're kind of being held back by,
Starting point is 00:43:00 by, by, by that. Yeah. Totally. It was, it was, it was beautiful. it was beautiful it was beautiful i enjoyed it i love a compilation CD of all those sounds a donkey a mule i don't got a fucking clue final episode scores uh it is uh it's a loss for richard i don't i'm not sure he's come bottom so far uh
Starting point is 00:43:27 daisy on 11 points again she's normally up there catherine with 13 and it's a draw between johnny and moan meaning it's tie break time um now we only had i believe one tie break on our series rose and it was on the last episode the series really ended with a lovely damp squib um it was actually what i really i think i've said this on the podcast before what i absolutely love about this is i won that tie break it was uh make the toy stay down the pop-up toys stay down the longest with you choose a condiment and you've got to yeah stick it down um and i won that uh and then i think the next day so we had the wrap party and then the next day you texted me going oh um i asked the producers and you won all the tie breaks out of me and you uh so you would have won that anyway and i just love the idea of you
Starting point is 00:44:22 cornering the andes at the wrap party going yeah but what how did you pick that tie break that how did you pick that time because i did okay this is and i'm going to look at the text i would have said andy told me i did not ask and he told me no i'm going to find the text. Andy told me at the wrap that I didn't win any of the tie breaks and I was like, oh, you know, that's a bummer. But I mean, look. That conversation has never happened where someone said I didn't win something and then you've gone, oh, that's a bummer anyway. Life's short, isn't it? Life's short. Just relax.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Let's have a drink. No. Okay. Ed, honestly, honest to God, it broke my heart not to win the series. It utterly broke my heart. But there was a moment in the last episode, and I think it was a real step up and a level up in maturity for myself and my own personal development and growth, in that, quite genuinely, I was like, there is no one I would have rather have lost to than you. And if I had have lost to someone, anyone else, it would have been, I would have not dealt with that at all well. But knowing it was you, that was part of me that went, I'm, I can live with that. And all it's created is that the fact that I came second, I'm the people's princess and I'm the underdog.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So, so in the eyes of the public I'm golden so apologies you're just you know yeah sure you've got the pride you've got Greg's head in your living room
Starting point is 00:45:54 yeah well done you know I've actually got other things I've got lots of other things you know to put up in my room so I'm not I'm not bitter about it at all
Starting point is 00:46:03 so that's just you know so you know and the people listening not i'm not bitter about it at all so that's just you just you know so you know and the people listening know i'm not bitter about it at all okay well thank you so much to the people's princess self self-claimed people's princess yeah self-appointed people's princess uh oh my god in the series the series is close i mean our series was pretty close all the way to the end but uh daisy's in the lead with 116 uh closely followed by johnny on 109 uh mwan and richard now in neck and neck on 106 points uh and catherine lagging
Starting point is 00:46:43 behind on 90 do you have do you have any predictions this is obviously episode seven so we've only got three episodes left who do you think is gonna pull out in front I think days I just think Daisy I think Daisy Emma won I think I think uh I think yeah part my gut my gut says Moana because I think he is truly talented and I think things are either going to pay off for him massively or bite him in the ass. But the thing is, I don't have any predictions because prize tasks can dictate this competition so much.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Oh my God, I'm speaking about this like I'm an ESPN. Did you just hear me really just dictate this competition and you know you never you never can know so uh so i am i have truly no predictions i think it's um and it's good to not have any predictions because uh you know you don't want your heart to be broken but i mean i don't know i'm rooting for all of them i actually genuinely and that's a really lovely thing about this cast is that I am rooting for all of them. And if any of them won, I'd be thrilled. So I don't know if you are the same,
Starting point is 00:47:52 but do you have any predictions? Now, at this point? I mean, it is so close. I mean, Daisy's doing very well and she's kind of consistently done well, although a little bit of a drop I've informed from both her and Richard this week who are both doing consistently well
Starting point is 00:48:10 so I mean as I think Jess Knappett said last week, it's anyone's game but Catherine's which feels harsh but true harsh but fair harsh but true look,
Starting point is 00:48:25 I would love a Catherine comeback and a victory. I think that would be the greatest story Taskmaster's ever told. I would absolutely love that because I think she's great. So, you know, fingers crossed. All right, I'm just going to predict Catherine. There you go.
Starting point is 00:48:44 So we've got some emails rose from listeners how much did being a new zealander hinder your task masterness i was disappointed in the reception the fish poster got it was the perfect prize cheers scott and i'm imagining that is scott from new zealand i'm just gonna to say that. Scott from New Zealand. Yeah, I know him well. How it helped or hindered? Well, I think it helped in that I think, you know, sometimes people find New Zealanders charming because they're all quite sweet and adorable
Starting point is 00:49:18 and have really cute accents and all that. So that kind of possibly, that charm potentially helped with with greg at some points i think it hindered and i think well i think there are huge ways it hindered in the sense that i we've got we do not have the fucking empirical system or whatever um with whatever i what is it called imperial imperial i don't know we we we talk we talk in centimeters and meters okay not inches and fucking yards and stone or some ancient bullshit like that okay so that that hindered me a lot when things would be described in inches because i just truly don't know how much in inches
Starting point is 00:49:58 and obviously that was my that was what killed me in that last task and episode. Well, it kind of was, but you didn't use all the bricks. It would have been the perfect height if you just used all the bricks, I think. I, what was I thinking? I don't know if I found all the bricks. I don't, I don't want to talk about it, but yeah, no. So I think it hindered me. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I mean, I think also my Kiwi enthusiasm for things could hinder me a lot in that Greg didn't like that as well. Me being enthusiastic about life and joy, you know. But I think that's, I don't think that's to do with nationality more than it is to do with the youth. I think Kiwi takes against the young people quite a lot. That's true, that's true.
Starting point is 00:50:44 But no, I think ultimately it didn't hinder me to too much um but i do think the fish poster 100 didn't get enough credit uh as as an iconic iconic thing that belongs in a shed and and so many new zealanders who watch this show hit me up being like you were robbed you were robbed for that you do not understand the ways, our way of life. So, well, I don't know if you've seen any of the, the recently broadcast New Zealand series of Taskmaster, but every prize task, everyone brings in a fish poster. Yeah, it's, I started a trend.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I started a trend. Yeah. We had lots of questions asking if you would go on the new zealand taskmaster uh and whether that whether doing the british one would help you on the on the new zealand one i think it would give me a bit more confidence but um no i don't think i think i would i would do incredibly like like it's very similar i think it would be fun because i know i mean i know every single person on that show you know every single person in the country master basically yeah i mean all
Starting point is 00:51:52 of those people i'm very i'm very uh close friends with um really and especially paul i think it would be very fun very fun to have paul williams as my taskmaster i think um yeah it'd be very cute but no i uh i i think um uh yeah yeah i think it would be i think it'd be great i mean i'd love to i mean i would love to have a second chance yeah uh but then also you know what it would feel like though you know when you're and you go back to your old school like just a couple years after you graduated and you kind of come and you like see an old teacher and you're like, Hey, yeah, cool. And you just feel odd and you feel quite old and you're like, people have moved on. This is not my space anymore. So.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. I think that works out. I agree. I agree. You'd still do it though. So. Oh, cool. Completely. It's cut to me doing it too. Oh, completely. It's cut to me doing it. We've had an email from Portugal, from Claudia Silva. Hello, everyone at Taskmaster Pod. Rose and Ed, did your friendship ever recover after that Fierce series or are you even more competitive now?
Starting point is 00:52:59 I think, if I may, I think we're just as competitive, but I don't think it's ramped up but i don't think it's i don't think it's ramped up and i don't think it's wound down i agree i agree i don't think it's settled any it's it's not certainly not progressed our like you know friendship in that regard like i think it's progressed our friendship just being friends for a long amount of time but i think it's um it's it hasn't changed the way we um approach escape rooms it hasn't approached changed the way we approach board games which we both really enjoy um partaking and I think yeah it's changed nothing I think I think it's it's just all it has done is is
Starting point is 00:53:36 formed a deeper understanding and perhaps respect for the other person's competitiveness and also I think I think we've done we've done so many escape rooms together over the course of like a few years right and i think i think i understand you a lot better as a person and especially a person in an escape room now with the shared experience that we've had and i think we know that we can rely on each other in an escape room and there are some people you know there are there are there are members that kind of come and go, you know, in the ones that we've done in the past, in the many countries we've done.
Starting point is 00:54:12 But the core group does often remain the same. Yes, absolutely. I think it has not yet broken up that friendship, and I hope it doesn't, because I have really few other friends who like to do escape rooms with me and i i really need it in my life i think our when we're on a team together i think our competitive nature is to our credit 100 that's why we play co-op games instead of yeah
Starting point is 00:54:38 if we're against each other if we're against each other our competitiveness doesn't ruin the game for us but it ruins it for everyone else it's so true but who cares rose thank you so much for coming on the taskmaster podcast i feel like we've uh we've buried the hatchet we've uh we've mended some old wounds um still uh there is still a festering wound of the self-serenade which i don't believe will ever be sutured uh but we're just gonna have to leave that where it is we'll have we'll leave that we'll leave that one day i'll redeem
Starting point is 00:55:25 myself i'll get my revenge one day and good luck to all of these competitors this year and how would you rate your experience on the taskmaster podcast from one to five points please four points i knew you were gonna do that why why would you not why would you not give it five points because there was some we haven't we haven't completely buried the hatchet okay we're not there was some there was there was a bit of animosity between like that we brought up some other tasks like it's brought up tasks now that i'm thinking about of how i mess them up yeah and um yeah i don't i'm not i'm not leaving in an emotionally a great place but i enjoyed the experience and that's probably the right that's exactly how i approached um task
Starting point is 00:56:12 master you know emotionally not well but look back on the experience fondly well i suppose at least four points is the second highest you can get, which is very you. So thank you, Rose. Thank you for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. Goodbye. Bye. Well, there we go. Another wonderful episode of the TM pod, aka Taskmaster podcast with the brilliant rose matter feo uh lovely to catch
Starting point is 00:56:48 up with her lovely to have a chat uh and next week another exciting special guest for you to send your questions to how do you send your questions in you send them to taskmaster podcast at gmail.com that's how you do it any question you have for me and my special guest next week remember taskmasterstore.com for all your christmas prezzy goodies taskmaster on youtube is youtube.com forward slash taskmaster and also remember to watch the show thursdays at 9 p.m or if you don't want front bums 6 p.m e4 sundays just leaves me to reveal that my special guest next week will be Richard Osman
Starting point is 00:57:29 that's right it is Richard Osman from one of the earlier series of Taskmaster so that will be very exciting to chat to him about how the show's come on how he feels being a forefather of the format and also probably
Starting point is 00:57:43 I've interviewed Richard for podcasts before I'd imagine he'll pick apart the format and also probably i've interviewed richard for podcasts before i'd imagine he'll pick apart the format of this podcast as well so we're very much looking forward to that if you have any questions for richard about his series about taskmaster in general do get in contact taskmasterpodcast at gmail.com but for now it is, and we will see you next week. One day he went to the big city, met a tall old man named Greg Davies. He said, I'm going to put you on the TV. Success will be ours, there are guarantee. We'll get five guys and girls to play your game, who will all be of varying levels of fame. Alex shook his hand and the deal was done. Yeehaw, Greg, now we're going to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So that's the story. Truth be told, how little Alex, poor little soul, was so. That's the tale told by me of how Taskmaster came to be. Yeehaw! tale told by me about how taskmaster came to be. Yeah! You can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Goaltenders, no. But chicken tenders, yes. Because those are groceries, and we deliver those too.
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