Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 74. Sarah Kendall - S6 Ep.7

Episode Date: March 31, 2022

On this week's podcast Ed is joined by comedian, actor and Series 11 Champion - Sarah Kendall! Ed and Sarah discuss their thoughts on Series 6 - including fan art, kitchen hazards and who Sarah thinks... is her biggest competition. Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Daisy Knight for AvalonTelevision Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Howdy there, it's Ed Gamble and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. We are chatting about Taskmaster series six episode seven getting to the real crux of series six now and we're absolutely loving going through these old episodes and picking them apart today's special guest to join me in this in this
Starting point is 00:00:58 archaeological dig through the history of Taskmaster is the wonderful Sarah Kendall yes Sarah's my special guest, absolutely wonderful comedian, writer. Go and watch Frayed when you get a chance. It's absolutely fantastic. Sarah was, of course, champion of Series 11. She's absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to talk to her. So let's get on with it. Series 6, Episode 7 with Sarah Kendall. Welcome back, Sarah Kendall, to the Taskmaster podcast there's a reason sarah that you are champion of series 11 yes yes there is the other the incredibly random scoring process and how's how's it been going being being champion are you uh are you enjoying the
Starting point is 00:01:42 tour of the world been going well well actually ed actually, Ed, I have reached what I can only call the most aggravating level of fame, which is people walk up to me when they're drunk and say, why do I know you? And then it's the worst form of fame. It's a rung below D-list where they kind of remember you and they don't know why. It's like, it's just a lot, it's a rung below D list where they kind of remember you and they don't know why.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And then I have to go, um, was it, uh, would I lie to you? Was it a taskmaster nine times out of 10? It's taskmaster. Yeah. Then they go on to tell me they're up their favorite contestants. Um, and then the really embarrassing thing is when I go, is it taskmaster? And then after a while we figure out they actually just know me socially because they met me like at the Phoenix Bar in 2011. Although this is better than the last time we spoke, because the last time we spoke was sort of right in the aftermath of you winning Taskmaster.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And you said that most people would come up to you and just say hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah's that's the other thing uh and what was aggravating about that was that I had particularly bad hair at the time because I had my post frayed haircut and now now my hair has grown back um I'm I'm sort of people aren't doing the hair joke as much now that's kind of weird now I've become an even more distant memory because I think there's been four seasons of Taskmaster they just don't know who i am also the hair i mean the hair is looking absolutely magnificent sarah i've got it so much i know i know i think it's such a feature now that almost people would not mention it because they'll be like people mentioned that
Starting point is 00:03:19 must mention that a lot so i think people have probably reined it back in it's great i mean i i do feel very fortunate i it's a good head of hair um but when i bet if people do compliment my hair i feel compelled to tell them the bad the the downside to having a lot of hair like i start talking about my sweat problems my general hairiness people don't want to hear a middle-aged woman tell them about their general hairiness i I'm like, mate, Jesus Christ, getting ready for summer's no fun. You know, like wink, wink. And then they're like, okay, we're done here. Where do I know you from?
Starting point is 00:04:01 So let's, I mean, let's chat, let's chat about series six. How do you think you would have fared against people in this lineup? So let's chat about Series 6. How do you think you would have fared against people in this line-up? Because obviously you're champion of Series 11. Do you think there would have been anyone in Series 6 who could have beaten you? Were they in the same team? All of them. All of them.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It would be a doddle for every single one of them. I'm very intimidated by Russell Howard's competitive um competitive sporty just his general sportsman vibe um yeah i know i know a couple of comedians who are also sort of semi-professional sports people and um they're they're built differently there's a champion there's a drive to succeed and a discipline there which i um i want to emulate and i can't but i like being around it but i don't want to be around it too much it's a bit it's just a bit much you know they're just winners they win i'm describing winners i find winners exhausting i i think may yeah russell's always a threat i think in this series i feel like russell and lisa would have put up a good fight against you i don't think they necessarily would have beaten you actually lisa would destroy anyone to be honest um this is good she's good she's so good she's so
Starting point is 00:05:09 good um i feel like you're really doing yourself a disservice if you don't think you could have beaten asim um because asim's great he's wonderful but i really do think a bag of marbles could beat asim at taskmaster i do see shades of myself in him though like i do like when you go i haven't got a plan what i have is a terrible plan so i'm going to double down on the terrible plan which is basically my is pretty much my recollection of taskmaster um the the absence of a plan b so doubling down on a catastrophic plan a uh so i get that i don't really feel for him when he's like totally down on a stupid idea i'm like yeah i know he's wonderful he's such good value and he's very sweet and he does try really hard but i think you could have beaten him is what i'm saying maybe and alice
Starting point is 00:05:55 alice has also got she's got the slight she doesn't read she didn't read the task properly um in one of it so i kind of when i was watching that i the one thing that i was really um careful about was i would read the task like a dozen times before i put the card down so i think maybe i i'd maybe trip her up a couple of times because i get the feeling she might go okay time starts now a little too soon a few too many times yeah that definitely happens this episode we'll we'll talk about that later she absolutely loses her mind does alice she did yeah proper yeah so let's crack on with talking about this episode. First up is the prize task, which is the scariest thing from your kitchen.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Quite straightforward, but also quite offbeat, prize task wise. Now, when you first saw this, Sarah, was there anything that sprung to mind in your kitchen that you thought you could have brought in? Are you in your kitchen now? I can see your kitchen behind you. I am in my kitchen um alice's thing that she brought in i've got this thing that um so garbage day is a tuesday and there are certain items that have gone off on like last thursday but i've left them in my fridge going well i don't want it stinking out the garbage bin bin yeah classic right so right now in my fridge i could get you a half a tuna mayo sandwich that went off i think last wednesday that's pretty that's pretty potent
Starting point is 00:07:32 i should have just walked you sort of went to get out of your seat you went to get out of your seat there sarah let's go have a look oh yeah look at that oh my god look at the oh mate look at that. Oh my God. Look at the tuna. Oh dude, it's gone like black. Yeah, I know. It's like Marmite. It looks like a Marmite sandwich. Don't put it near your face. Oh, it smells so bad.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It really smells so bad. The smell. Fuck. Oh, that is. It's really hard to listen to this. Ready? I'm going to bash the pen against it. Ready?
Starting point is 00:08:10 All right. Oh, my God. Did you hear that? Yeah. That's better than Alice's ham, to be honest, because Alice brought in old ham. I think she was stitched up a little bit with the production there. They showed a picture of ham that didn't look off.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I think if they had shown a picture of really off ham, I think it might have not been that bad. Sandwich going back in the fridge? Well, it's Monday. Tuesday is garbage day. I said that. It's going in the garbage tonight. Feels mad to take it out of the fridge
Starting point is 00:08:39 and then put it back in though, doesn't it? It does though. But do you ever do that? Do you ever go, I'll just leave it in until garbage night? Oh yeah, totally. That's the thing, right? It ever do that do you ever go i'll just leave it in until garbage night oh yeah totally that's the thing right no it would do that yeah for sure because otherwise you don't want to stink out your bin but i would never get it out on a podcast smell it nearly wretch and then put it back in the fridge that's just me well you work in
Starting point is 00:08:55 entertainment i think you would so we can leave it at that okay yeah you're you're above that yeah okay very entertaining um you also in your kitchen look like you've got a couple of potential tim vine kitchen cupboard doors there i laugh so much at that mainly because of how mean greg was like yeah it was i get it like i i get those things that you you know i mean and also tim vine you know he hasn't got a hell of a lot of hair on head so i think a hinge that sticks out on a bald head it's a bit more painful yeah a little little bit painful um also i liked that the thing is one if you bring in the cupboard door as the prize once it's divorced from the kitchen it's not really scary anymore is it because it's not
Starting point is 00:09:37 going to bump his head what what i needed to see was tim vine bumping his head on it and then i and you know and that the way balding heads because there's no fat there it's just skin over skull and just the little tear of skin right near the skull that'd be pretty bad do you imagine Tim Vine's head being like a sort of 90 year old man's head with like crepe paper skin Tim Vine is it the opposite of Sarah Kendall you have the Sarah Kendall skull and then you have the Tim Vine he was already blonde so that's already pretty fair but he's a balding blonde guy I mean you can't get further apart on the hair spectrum that's true um I agree a video of him at home bumping his head on the kitchen
Starting point is 00:10:17 cupboard would it be because I'm obsessed with Tim Vine at home anyway I just want to see a 24 hours in the life of Tim Vine at home i like lisa's thing about um the the blender as well i just think things like that probably more than a dozen times a day what if i just stopped cutting this and cut my finger instead what if i um slammed my ear in the kettle i don't know i'm just constantly thinking about things like that like imagine if i just stuck my finger in that oh that'd be really painful. Like I get where she's coming from. By accident or that little sort of thought where you're like,
Starting point is 00:10:50 I could just do that now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If I just went a bit mad for a nanosecond and just went, yeah, what the hell? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I liked, I liked that the way she sold it was very good. Essentially she just brought in a blender, right? But the fact that it had that, that story and the fake finger as well, really added something yes i am i would bring in a mandolin if i was going down the same path as a mandolin yeah but we threw ours out so it's one of those boards it's like a cutting board it's got a slightly raised blade and it's what you'd use to thinly slice maybe a potato or a or an onion or something like that and i was slicing potatoes for potato
Starting point is 00:11:31 doping was easter sunday last year and i basically you see my thumb slightly raised there my thumb went under the potato and big huge chunk just hanging off um and i had to have eight stitches in my thumb oh wow imagine if that had been your bellend right if i'd been slicing potatoes with my bellend like normal yeah that would have that would have been so awful if that's my bad i would have deserved everything i would have got i think they would have been well within their rights at the hospital to send me home. Yeah, we're not stitching that up. Here's a needle.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Here's some thread. You do it yourself, buddy. I always think stuff like that. Imagine if that was a vagina or a bellend getting caught in that. I know. What is that? Do you think that? No, I don't think I do, you know.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So every time you see something dangerous, you think, imagine if that was a vagina or a balango. Imagine if my tits got caught in that, yeah. Asim brought in some fan art of himself, which he has up in the kitchen. I loved his fan art. I love any fan art, any fan art. It's terrifying, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, when you get the dimensions Just a bit wrong But you're still almost there It's like a sort of Like an alternate universe version of him Yeah totally Like another parallel him In another reality
Starting point is 00:13:00 That's what I find a bit frightening about it Do you ever get people on Twitter doing fan art And you're like that's actually pretty good yeah so I don't when whenever I get one that's like from clearly someone who's a very talented artist clearly what they're what they're doing is they are good at art they like to draw things or they like to paint things and they have happened to land on you in some of the things that they're painting so that makes sense the scary ones are when they can't draw for shit because they've they've obviously gone i'm going to draw ed even though i cannot draw and those are the ones you want to watch out for do you know what i think is interesting though i think if you couldn't draw and you started drawing a sarah you'd end up with an ed discuss yes we've of course we've talked about this that uh we're basically the same but with
Starting point is 00:13:45 different hair um yeah so yeah so you're saying that i'm you gone wrong and i am you gone wrong so a bad drawer is sitting down with you would end up with a sarah i'd go oh my god who drew this picture me like that's meant to be me yeah great i love that what yeah we're like multiverse we're the multiverse spider-man yeah that's good i love it yeah um i also like that assims was covered in food stains as well so you knew that's right it's meant to ward him off going but to the fridge but it's splattered in peanut oil. Yeah, you went and got the thing from the fridge though, didn't you? So good. I really liked Russell's because it was a good interpretation of scary.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Having the doggy cam in the kitchen that his girlfriend uses to spy on him. It's exactly the sort of thing that my wife would do. Really? We've got burglar alarm cameras and stuff. Yeah, she'd think it was hilarious to look at one of the cameras and then send me a screen grab of it she would absolutely love to do that do you have cameras in do you have that sort of setup we've got but we've got burglar alarm cameras yeah so i think technically she could do that she'd have to make sure that i was going to be
Starting point is 00:14:59 in the kitchen but it's not like a 24 hour uh yeah yeah feed oh okay that's great though um the first thing i was thinking though i don't know why whenever people have got things like doggy cams and stuff i always just think why what part of it being a dog don't you understand like i'm so confused by the amount of attention people lavish on their dogs these days There's just no version of that that I can identify with from my upbringing. He had a dog. It's just a dog. You don't have a camera to watch it. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:15:34 This is exactly the sort of thing that I should have predicted that you'd get angry about. Yeah, I'm so sick of people and their dogs. I've had it. I've had a gutful. So yeah, I think the doggy cam, it's scary in that you'd be scared sick of people and their dogs i've had it i've had a gutful good so yeah i think that i think the doggy cam it is it's scary and that you'd be scared to do whatever you wanted around your flat
Starting point is 00:15:50 because you know that someone's always watching that's what i found scary about that i would definitely get busted picking my nose deep like a deep exploration nose pick which is what i like if no one's watching and i think there's gold to be recovered i'll go for it you got to get in there right yeah i do that when i'm driving when i'm driving is the worst time for that i think do you know what i think is the difference when when i'm driving i do it with the thumb and then for some reason that's acceptable but the index finger no way you can do a thumb thumb's okay if you're driving i think that's understood with motorists yeah that a light exploration with the thumb you can accept that yeah perfect it's good it's good
Starting point is 00:16:34 to get these rules out there yeah um well it was five points for russell uh four points for asim three points for lisa two points for alice and one point for Tim's dodgy kitchen cupboard. Alice, may we start with you? The scary thing that I've bought from my kitchen is some ham that I left out in the sun. Are you ready to see Alice's smelly, sweaty ham? Yes. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I don't think there's anything scarier than biting into a sandwich that's been left out to more than room temperature and the ham has changed state. I'm sorry, there is something scarier than that. Is there? Werewolves being attacked by a bear was what I was... No, but I think you know what's going to happen there with the ham sandwich.
Starting point is 00:17:15 That's a ticking time bomb. You don't know. I'd rather take my risk with a bit of minor food poisoning than having my face bitten off. Task one, knock the bales off the stumps. You have a maximum of one over. You must make your attempt from behind this stump. No stumps may be moved.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Fastest wins, your time starts now. Cricket fan, Sarah Kendall? As an Australian, yes. I didn't have cricket nuts in my family, but it was just always there. It was like the white noise of my upbringing. I was always aware of what the results were and who the cricketers were.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And I must say that I know it wouldn't have been the clever way to do it, but I absolutely would have chucked all six balls in quick succession. Yeah. I just would have had a crack at it. I think you've got to. The ball's right there, right?
Starting point is 00:18:04 The dream is to do it. The dream is to rustle it. I think you've got to. The ball's right there, right? The dream is to do it. The dream is to rustle it, right? Oh, my God. That was the most thrilling television of my life. There, I've said it. I've said it. The fact that before he did it, he said, I'll get it in one, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And then he did. It was incredible. I mean, I've always had a lot of time for Russell. I've always liked him a lot. But I liked him so much more for that. And also, even the way he bowled, he didn't look like he was going to be great. Like there wasn't like a kind of,
Starting point is 00:18:46 he wasn't doing anything that kind of suggested, oh, he's going to be a really good bowler. He just kind of did a very. There were no flourishes. No, it was just a very kind of loose, loosey goosey kind of, and then bang, he just got it. Oh, I just, thrilling, thrilling television. Five out of five.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Loved it. Utterly thrilling. And I know that. I came hard. We interviewed Rusk for this podcast, and I believe that moment came up as probably his favourite moment in the whole thing because you've got to be pleased with that, even though he was wearing those glasses,
Starting point is 00:19:15 which he massively regrets. But it even made the glasses seem cool. The whole thing was just fantastic. And that, for me, would have been the absolute wet dream of how what i would have done is gone i reckon i'm gonna get it in one and then all six balls would have gone over the fence like that's how that's how that fantasy would play out with me can i tell you what i genuinely would have done and i've seen this episode multiple times and i still have the same thought and I would have been disqualified because I don't think I would have grabbed the stump from one end
Starting point is 00:19:49 and just hoid it at the other stumps and you can't move any of the stumps but you're not allowed to move any of them but the first thing I would have done would be just whip that stump and just try and get it like catapulting towards the and not to knock the bales over would have been awful
Starting point is 00:20:04 because I'm just brute. Yeah, yeah, well, I understand. Like also, there's also that part of you that I find undeniable is that we are working in a televisual medium that you want it to be visually arresting. Like you're kind of like, it's not a podcast, it's television.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So you don't want to do something that might look a bit spectacular. Do you know what would have been amazing? And I wouldn't have had the presence of mind to do it on the day, but to pick up the largest ball and then throw it at Alex's dick. Imagine if you'd done that. Imagine if you'd done that. You'd sort of go, oh, just select the ball and then just throw it at his bell end.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It's the awful thing, isn't it? Because it's TV, you feel like no one can get hurt or nothing can go wrong. We had to do a task in Series 9 where Alex was in a wheelie bin and there were five wheelie bins and we only had a certain amount of things we could do to find
Starting point is 00:21:00 out which wheelie bin he was in and one of them, I think you're allowed to throw a pan at one of the wheelie bins and I got the pan. I i got the pan sir and i'm not joking i threw it as hard as i could and it's it when people watch it i was like people think this is hilarious and the whole audience went like oh because he couldn't he wasn't in that wheelie bin luckily, but if he had been, that could have, it was so aggressive. That's so funny. I'm sorry. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:21:31 That's okay. I love doing it. I love doing it. Tim thought it through a little bit more. I think he did try the balls, but then he started to think about it and he got the rope and he tied it to the carpet and then tied it around the stump and pulled the carpet that was good that was really good it was i mean his was of the ways
Starting point is 00:21:53 to play it i'd say russell's was the most exciting and then tim tim's was the like yeah that's like he's read the thing and he's outsmarted the question um and that was really quicker obviously but yeah he uh he took his time but yeah fair enough four points um because no one else got any points because i know i loved both yeah yeah but lisa getting the oil drum that was really funny that was really well that's the thing asim and alice failed but then if you're gonna fail you want to fail like an absolute punk right and yes and that's it's another one where Lisa got a cob on. She'd just given up on it. She knew what was going on.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And she was like, well, I'm going to knock him over and I'm going to cheat while I'm doing it. And it was brilliant. Yeah, it was really funny. That was the one that had me laughing the most. It was just also the way she disappeared and reappeared with an oil drum. Yeah. There was something about that kind of disappearance and reappearance with the prop you're like oh an oil drum okay yeah okay yeah
Starting point is 00:22:49 and then just steamrolling over it was perfect what we found out about elisa in the series is she's amazing at taskmaster she's absolutely brilliant she's inventive she's very clever funny but she has a certain level of patience for things and if anything crosses that line she's done yeah it doesn't matter what's going on she's done she will not she will not be made a fool of just yeah get it done which is great yeah i think that's really uh impressive because i'm i will tolerate something being dreadful for a very long time. I'll keep, as evidenced by many of my tasks, I will keep trying and drilling down into failure. Yeah, and mine, and mine.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So it was nought points for Lisa, nought points for Asim, nought points for Alice, four points for Tim and five points, of course, for Russell Howard. Difficult not to be impressed, I suppose. Because you were all so delighted by Russell's skills, you will have missed his outline, which was, call me when I'm needed. I've never done that before.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It was exhilarating. It's a lot easier when there's no batsman. Task two. Draw a picture of the contents of this box. You may not open the box or look inside. Also, you get a bonus point if you can name the person represented by the contents of the box. You have ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Your time starts now. This one made me feel gross, Sarah. Would you have got David Attenborough? Were you watching it going David Attenborough? I tell you what. I think I would have given it a good go and I tell you why, because obviously Tim was going to get it that was built for him
Starting point is 00:24:29 Russell got it as well and here's why I think Russell got it because Russell did Mock the Week for so long I've also done Mock the Week a lot you spend so long sitting there with those scenes we'd like to see every week with similar categories, desperately trying to come up with anything, just going like, see every week with similar uh similar categories desperately
Starting point is 00:24:45 trying to come up with anything just going like right things are little to hear on a nature program david attenborough atten how can you attenbrad hatton hatton bra like he would have thought of that at some point at some point it's just like deconstructing every single word so i think i could have given that one a go see the wet bra would have been what would have thrown me off getting it correct because I'd be going, right, the wet this bra is wet for a reason, so it's probably not David Attenborough
Starting point is 00:25:13 because it's... I think that might have tripped me up with the word thing. The wet thing is, and I don't think will ever be beaten, I think it is the weirdest joke that's ever been on television. It was so funny. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah. No explanation ever. No. You know how when someone becomes knighted, they are wet? You call them wet. You call them wet Lewis Hamilton. That's not a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I loved it. So funny. It was wonderful. But in terms of getting the answer, I think it might have thrown me. I think. Everyone's painting is obviously a range of paintings. This is a very art-based challenge. Lisa, just this was one of the ones where it was just lisa and her element i think yes yes and just being able to draw perfectly yeah being able to draw is definitely i mean that's going to help you out enormously can you draw not not really i i think i i'm i'd be somewhere in between i think i'd maybe three points on this. I could certainly draw better than Assim, I think.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Assim's was pretty bad, as was Russell's. Russell's hat was, I mean, for that to be a pictorial representation of a hat, yeah, that was maddening. I think that that's the same guy who could bowl, who could do such things with a ball, and that's what happens when he picks up a pen. Yeah, it's mad, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:26:46 It's the random nature of genius. And hands, the random nature of hands, I suppose, as well. I mean, Asim guesses flashlight, so I don't know what was going on there. What was that? Imagine if you went to a Taskmaster task and they put a flashlight in a box and said, guess it. He must have known that it wasn't going to be a flashlight.
Starting point is 00:27:09 But again, I saw, I saw big elements of myself that the first thing he did was sniffed his hand. He touched it, went, what's that? And then had to sniff his hand. I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:19 the first thing I did when I got the sandwich out of the fridge was I'm going to sniff it. Yeah. So I, I feel like I remember, I got the sandwich out of the fridge was I'm going to sniff it so I feel like we all remember I really get that kind of what's that I'm going to smell I'm going to lick it I'm going to put it in my ear
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'm going to really throw myself into this oh I love him absolutely love him Russell's drawing absolutely awful as well but he got David Hutton bra so it was a bonus point for him as well. Who did the walkie at ET? Was that Tim?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah, that was Tim, I think, with the weird breasts that he'd drawn as well, I think, hadn't he? Yeah, he'd drawn the weird bra, hadn't he? Oh, yes. Yeah, two pieces of cloth on a string. So great. It was so great yeah there's like beige sort of beige triangles hanging off a line yeah but then i think if i had to draw a bra i'd struggle yeah it's rare i'm rarely called upon to draw a bra i'll be honest alice did a very uh very accurate painting it was very good actually I thought that was good her drawing
Starting point is 00:28:26 with the lines with the actual box which was not what was asked for but I think it's a little bonus that deserved recognising she looks to me
Starting point is 00:28:35 like she's got a bit of art school there's something about her that's a little bit art school to me artistic for sure I think and very precise
Starting point is 00:28:43 as well it was good very precise it was one point for asim two points for russell four points for tim four points for alice and five points for lisa bra man hat sorry what name you saying but i'm just no i was just saying bar Streisand, but... Bar, bra, bar, bra. Hat, bra, bra hat statue. Statue, bra, hat. What does a wet... What does wet bra mean?
Starting point is 00:29:11 It's bra, bra, wind bar. Fur bra. Like Ursula Andres you think of, maybe. Mahatma bra Gandhi. OK, my guess is Margaret Thatcher. Hatton Bra. Hatton Bra. David.
Starting point is 00:29:30 David. Hatton Bra. That's my guess. David Hatton Bra. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. We can wait for clean water solutions.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from Indigenous voices. We can demand more to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task three.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's a team task. Part one, write down as many obscure animals as possible. You have three minutes. Your time starts now. Part two, guess the animals your teammate has on their list. Your teammate must only use mime. They may not write anything down or show you the list. You have 10 minutes. Most animals guessed wins.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Your time starts now. Now, I'll be honest with you now. Let's talk about this straight away because i love it so much i think this features one of my favorite moments in all of taskmaster history and it's it's the moment that asim realizes what he's done by making up all those animals. And they're reading out that he has to mime them. And he does this tiny little look to the camera that is so real and so honest and is a split second, but encapsulated within that is everything. Yeah, I think it was almost on the word anorexic
Starting point is 00:32:03 with anorexic elephant. It's literally when they're going, your teammate must act all those animals out and you just see him go look to the camera like fuck it's the reason why the office is such a good show it happened in actual real life it was absolutely incredible yeah he dead panned into camera i mean yeah he dead panned into camera and he didn't mean to because he'd he'd he was he was thought he was being smart and silly and coming up with blue dog three-eyed raven anorexic elephant and eight bollock cat and then he had to act all of them out and what's really funny about it is he does it quite well he was really and they were cracking through i mean i don't know whether that's the trick of editing, but they seemed to be cracking through it at a pretty decent pace.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yeah, I mean, they had 10 minutes and, you know, they got eight right. Actually, that's not that impressive. Now you've said that. It's not that impressive, but bear in mind that the other team got 11 and they had actual animals to work with. Although I'd never heard of a liger. I thought that that was a joke from napoleon dynamite oh no it isn't napoleon dynamite but it is it's also an animal i thought i thought
Starting point is 00:33:13 napoleon dynamite had invented a liger and drawn the picture of a liger i didn't know it actually existed yeah so so were you so that did you look it up or were you just surprised to find out that oh that was the moment 10 years after 20 years after seeing that film that i went oh it's an actual it actually exists i thought it was like a it was like a mythical animal like a dragon that's what i thought i that's what i thought was happening in napoleon dynamite so then when i saw russell howard go Liger, I thought, oh, he's seen Napoleon Dynamite. He loves Napoleon Dynamite. He also loves Napoleon Dynamite.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And then Alice has heard of it as well. I was going, hang on a second. Yeah, I had the same thing with Piranhas. I was like, I thought they were invented for James Bond. Couldn't believe it. Yeah, yeah, no. There it is. Yeah, and there they they are and other people have
Starting point is 00:34:07 heard of them but i did think i i gotta say like uh i think i would have interpreted the thing the way asim had interpreted it i would have been making up animals but it's obscure animals it doesn't it doesn't say mythical animals or animals that you've come up with they have to be real obscure means real just not not the difference not the go-to animal i would have read the task seven or eight times and then gone ah obscure but hearing the task the first time like just watching it on tv i would have gone ah make it up but you're right i would have read the task a couple of times what is it it's fantastic tv but then what do we call obscure i suppose like the the non-obscure animals you know be like cat dog cow if you've been raised in a society where they have no okay fair enough look fair enough i'm not going to get bogged down in this which i would have if i had
Starting point is 00:34:59 been playing it on taskmaster um are you saying that i'm gonna get i'm gonna get cancelled for saying that a cat is not an obscure animal essentially yes that's where i'm going with this i'm gonna try to argue that most people have never heard of a cat yeah yeah um team funk do very well but russell does make sounds which i thought was interesting i believe it said the teammate must only use mime and russell was doing sounds so i feel like there should have been a point off there being a grumpy goose i think i saw a sim do a bit of noise as well i think he did a sort of almost like abc or i think he did he did a little bit of a prompt with one of the well give the guy a break he had to my mate bollock cat you know exactly look
Starting point is 00:35:42 i was not i wasn't going to get caught up in the technicality of that because I thought he's really, yeah, he's got a mountain to climb here. But they did it. I mean, they did. I was just so impressed. Yeah. It was three points for Team Funk and then two points somehow for Asim, Lisa and Tim.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Blue dog. Three-eyed raven. Three-eyed raven. Three-eyed raven. Anorexic elephant. Anorexic elephant. A bollock cat. A bollock cat. Er, dodo?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Laser beam turtle. Got your proper task now. Oh, fuck. Got your proper task now. Oh, fuck. Guess the animals that your team-mate has on their list. Your team-mate must only use mine. Your time starts now.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Task four. Wearing the sweatband around your head at all times, tuck as many items in the kitchen inside your sweatband as possible. Then make a pancake with a diameter of at least nine inches and eat the whole pancake you have two minutes to tuck things in your sweatband and then eight minutes to cook and eat your pancake most kitchen items successfully kept inside the sweatband wins your time starts now weird task difficult and weird i feel like i would have gone okay in this one i would have at least I think I would have got three points and above I think I would have done well
Starting point is 00:37:07 So are you good at making pancakes? Is this why you're confident? No, I think I would have instinctively I mean the hundreds and thousands was absolute, I mean that was a fantastic getting in terms of numbers of things in a headband
Starting point is 00:37:22 but I think I would have just also done the pancake and eaten the whole pancake and singed my esophagus and got an ulcerated throat as a consequence. Like I would have done it. I would have, you know, I thought that was also great with the spoons, like the spoons that were like, there was like a measuring spoons that were like six on the one thing. Yeah. Yeah. You've got to go for for volume of thing i think uh yes yeah so that i i think i would have done that bit well but then when it came i guess what they were hoping for with the task was that people were gonna end up putting things they needed to make a pancake
Starting point is 00:37:55 in the sweatband and then they couldn't use them i would have completely done that do you think you wouldn't have left a whisk for yourself or anything it would have all been all been in the in the sweatband it's hard to say because i don't know well like i don't know if you had a similar thing when you when you were doing your tasks but i would be reading the task again and again and again and then eventually they'd go you're gonna have to do time starts now and stop reading the because i was so obsessed with getting it right so i think maybe i would have made that mistake and then thought about, like, I still would have been thinking whilst the director was going, Sarah, time starts now. Is my guess.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I never used to reread. I pretty much just used to read it once. And I'd pick it up during the task if I was suddenly confused or I'd go back and flick over. Yeah. Never multiple times to start with. You're a good 25 years younger than me. So that is why. That's true, actually actually that is why that has happened that way i did have to read it a couple of times to get it in my head um but yeah i think i think i would have put all the necessary
Starting point is 00:38:57 implements in my headband in in haste yeah in my haste but you can you know i would have made the pancake with my hands and just eaten that glob of shit this is another one where lisa just proves she's very efficient and there's never chaos when lisa's around everything she does she means there's never a panic there's never a flap and she does incredibly well here she puts the things in her headband she makes a pancake she manages to eat three quarters of it she smashes it basically she was so good and even uh running it under cold water i wouldn't have thought of that i would have thought no the pain is good let the pain work to to fuel you on to greatness is what my stupid brain would have been thinking but she just like the tap water i was like oh yeah that's really good well done i liked Tim Vine cooling it down with Nutella. That was good.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I mean, him and Russell were just making, they were adding things to it. They were flavouring. Russell put banana in the batter, which I've never seen before. Why did he do that? That made it a bigger task. It made it huge.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And then both of them had four eggs in it as well. So I think Russell out loud said, it's sort of like an omelette. Not really. No, it's nothing like an omelette. It's like a cake. It's almost like a cake that you make in a pan, Russell, not an omelette. That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And Alice lost her mind. She just lost her mind halfway through the task. Oh, my God. I don't know what she was doing. It's sort of iconic. It was like a scene from Flashdance or something. Yeah. She's shaking her head around like going crazy,
Starting point is 00:40:23 like some sort of dance film, and then had to be sort of shaken out of this fog so you're not you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to keep everything in it's amazing well i think one like a spoon fell out and then something else fell out and then she just started shaking it out as you say like some sort of it felt filmic like a kind of moment where the cooking just took over and she got lost she got lost in the dance of cookery and uh and then they were like but those part of the task is to keep them in your headband she went oh okay like why did she think the headband was there she thought she'd put it in take them all out and then cook the pancake didn't make any sense
Starting point is 00:41:00 i did laugh a lot at uh at tim vines did he have a garbage bag? was there a garbage bag in there? or no, was it kitchen roll? I think he was I think he stuffed some garbage bags in there his vision was completely obscured and he made the thickest pancake out of the lot of them it was incredible, but he did pretty well
Starting point is 00:41:22 he got five points as well and he always throws everything at it, that's what i love about him yeah he is the opposite to lisa and that leads is very calm and just gets on with it and tim immediately flaps and just throws everything he can think of at the tasks and it's it's great to watch it is it's so i i really i i genuinely i was watching all the tasking, oh, what would I do? And the answer is always the same. My mind would go blank and then there would be some panicked thing that I just committed to because there was no other choice available.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And then I'm like, that's what this show is. That's kind of, I suddenly had this sort of eureka moment where I'm like, oh, that's what the show is. It's watching a mind in blind panic generally I love it I love it it was really what was the sims I'm trying to remember what a sims was what was the sims uh well he made a pancake he managed to eat half of it but it was so hot he had to squirt an entire can of squirty cream into his mouth and it was incredible Russell's Russell's observation that in almost every task that Asim's done squirty cream into his mouth and it was incredible russell's russell's observation that
Starting point is 00:42:26 in almost every task that asim's done squirty cream has made an appearance because last last week uh he had to make a snow globe and he used the squirty cream so he must have got through you know a can a can of task that was just it was oh man for someone to oh, this is so hot. And then for the... Just pouring out of his mouth. While you're next to a tap. While you're next to a tap with cold water that famously not only cools things down,
Starting point is 00:42:55 it doesn't produce like volume that gets bigger as soon as it hits your mouth as well. Maybe just do that. Yeah, it was amazing. Rather than using squirty cream like it's a fire extinguisher.
Starting point is 00:43:05 What was the score that Asim got for that? So he got three points because he did eat some of his pancake. Alice did not eat much of hers at all because it was raw. And also she shook the thing out. So it was two points, which is quite generous, really. And Russell, Tim and Lisa all got five points because they all made pancakes and had a good go at eating them. Alex whispered to me,
Starting point is 00:43:26 you'll be interested in Alice's reaction, because she totally loses her mind. I don't know. I really thought I'd understood it, but I don't know what the bit was where you were supposed to just shake until everything fell out of the headband. Yeah. All imagined, all of those things.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Weirdly, you managed to leave in there a whisk, two spoons and a spatula, which are the things you need to make a pancake. Yes. Live task. Get an egg as close to the centre of the target as possible. You must stand on the spot while taking your turn. You must roll two of your eggs.
Starting point is 00:43:57 The person whose egg is furthest from the centre of the target after each round is eliminated, the person in first place goes first. Now, this is wheresell immediately undoes all of the cool points that he's earned doing the cricket earlier yeah he was so full of confidence that he tried to do a little unnecessarily flick of the egg and smashed it on the floor it was the most fabulous bookend to an episode that had started on such a high and as you say it was just meant to be a slight flourish of i'll just choose this
Starting point is 00:44:26 weapon and uh boom and and what i loved was that he still scooped it up and threw it like that was he gave it a good go so obviously your reaction your reaction to the cricket earlier was huge and then and then this happened did this undo your come it uh did it undo my calm? No, I came again because I like seeing people fail. And if you want to know, I come harder at people failing. I didn't know what answer to expect, but I'm glad it was that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like nothing better than seeing somebody who's a bit puffed up show off and then fail. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Crash and burn. Yes. Oh, that's right up my street thank you very much that was great master yeah yeah that was great but that was also the sort of thing i can definitely see myself doing like yeah that was very me oh and i mean i think i would have been yeah confident i mean, like, right, what egg am I going to... Oh, I've sat in all the eggs. So it was one point for Russell. Lisa, this isn't really up her street. She just got it done. Sitting out on the bench. Lovely two points.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Three points for Alice. Four points for Tim. And Asim bringing home a five, which is rare and always exciting to see when assen can deliver the five points very exciting that was a hard one that was also like any of those games where you're um there's no consistency each time you have a turn so you're sort of each time is like the first time you can't kind of go oh my last throw i can kind of deduce i need to be harder or softer because you had a different object every time you couldn't take anything that you right so you couldn't take anything from the last turn that
Starting point is 00:46:09 those those ones are quite tricky my only thought with the ostrich egg was try and roll it end to end rather than on the side to see if that would sort of slow it down but then i guess it's a bit more unpredictable as to where it's going to go yeah Yeah, I see what you mean. I see what you mean. But I was awful at all of those tasks like that. Any sort of throwing and aiming task in the studio, I was just dreadful. Did you have a live audience? You did, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yes, yeah, we did, yeah. So we had pandemic silence. Yeah, the audience really changed those studio tasks. Like they're really fun because they go crazy for them yeah yeah whereas yeah when in the the non-audience uh ones it always felt like it was sort of like a black mirror episode or something from saw just when it was your turn and you could just hear the muffled sneeze of one cameraman yeah you feel like it's being broadcast in living rooms across the country for sort of like businessmen who've paid a hundred thousand dollars to watch normal people experimented on yeah or or they're or it's not being filmed none
Starting point is 00:47:16 of this is being filmed this is like a social experiment where there are cameras at you but nothing's being recorded and we just want to see what you do when you think you're on a tv show it's a satire on desperation yeah yeah yeah like yeah completely uh so ours was just like a silent studio where we all had to stand a long way away from each other um and do things to silence like even if you won there would be the same silence as if you had lost like it was exactly the same I quite enjoyed it I quite enjoyed yeah sapping all of the values out of it and just going this is just a thing you either lost or you won there's really no there's no emotional response to it I guess that that added pressure of trying to make the audience laugh has gone as well so I'd imagine it's quite quite relaxing incredibly relaxing it just felt like like I'm still surprised
Starting point is 00:48:06 that any of it went to air because it didn't feel like it was happening at the time. The five points did not help Asim in the episode. He still came second bottom, just beating Alice. And then Lisa, Tim second. Tim's doing very well here. And then Russell wins the episode with 21 points. Lisa still in the lead in the series as it shall remain.
Starting point is 00:48:32 We had a couple of emails for you. Would you like to answer those? Yes, go. Jenny from Devon said, since the brilliant series 11, what is the moment from your time on Taskmaster that gets commented on the most? Love the podcast.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Thanks, Jenny. The one that gets commented on the most. It's weird. There's not, I think the one that I'm haunted by is the golf course. With the golf course where I sent my teammates into hedges for like 28 minutes and Lee and Mike finished in three, they did theirs in like three minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And I had sent mine into sand pits and they were falling over and I just could, I couldn't come up with the right configuration of words to help them. I still think about that. And I still think about how and I still think about how badly that went and how long it went for and feeling the fatigue of my teammates because it was a hot day and they were blinded um yeah and I just couldn't help them my brain couldn't figure out a way because you could help them because you were the one telling them exactly where they needed to go the only person the only person who could help them was you which is so unfair because i could
Starting point is 00:49:48 not help them that is what is you did not have the skills i did not have the brain power to do this i love that charlotte richie running like she was a muppet and uh and then activate jamali i believe Activate Jamali, I believe. Activate Jamali. But also the way she fell into the sand bunker. It was so funny. Yeah, like when you think there's another step and there isn't another step, so your legs straightened out. I mean, everything about it was just, I'm haunted by that, which is not the same as the task that people talk about the most. But that's the one I think of.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Whenever I think of Taskmaster, I think of that and feel ashamed. One more email. This is a great email from Lily in NYC question for Sarah series 13 lineup is Bridget Christie, Ardlow Hanlon, Chris Ramsey, Judy Love and Sophie Duker out of the five who do you predict will be your biggest competition on champion of champions I think it's going to be between Bridget and Sophie yeah biggest competition I do I do I think it's going to be between bridget and sophie yeah biggest competition i do i do i think it'll be either of them i think it could be bridget bridget is also a sporty person and you've got to watch the sporty people yeah yeah that's so if if bridget wins that series then you're you're going to be pretty pretty scared during champion of champions that she's coming for you i think that there's a mental discipline
Starting point is 00:51:06 that sports people have. Morgana won Series 12, so you're definitely facing Morgana. Yeah. How do you feel about that? I don't know. I'm trying to remember if I've met Morgana. I'm pretty sure I've met her socially.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I think you two are gonna get on like a house on fire i think you're gonna you might come to blows and i don't know how long that fight would last i think you versus you versus morgana is going to be amazing to watch i think do you you think it could come to blows no no i don't think so at all you're both great fun uh but you're both you're both champions for a reason and i think if bridget ends up in that lineup it's going to be the most insane champion of champions of all time i think that could turn into a cage fight really see that's okay that's now that is i mean i think okay so i think i think bridget could be the sleeping giant that That's my feeling. That's my feeling. And I think Sophie Duker, I think, could also... I think she's going to be really good.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I think she's going to be really solid. I mean, I know that in the champion... What is going to be awful for me is doing champion of champions. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not looking forward to having my authority questioned and that's what's going to happen. I'm going to have, and that's, and it's going to be devastating. Um, I wouldn't want to face any of them.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I think that they're really, they're really, yeah. Um, but the thing that I have got working in my favor, I'm trying to think of the thing I've got working in my favor. What have I got working in my favor? Let's end it there. Sarah, thank you very much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. I had such a wonderful time. We always ask our guests to rate their experience on the Taskmaster podcast between one and five points
Starting point is 00:52:56 in the style of the Taskmaster. Please give us our score, Sarah Kendall. Okay, I'm going to say four. And the reason why it isn't five is on me not on you i think i'm i think i talked about bellends too much um so i think i want daisy to chop out maybe one reference to bellends okay one one reference to bellends will go so when you're listening back to this listener um do bear in mind that however much sarah mentioned bellends there was one more than that great and then when that has happened my enjoyment will be a five thank you very much bye bye bye
Starting point is 00:53:41 thank you very much Sarah that was a really fun chat we'll be back next week of course with chat about
Starting point is 00:53:51 series 6 episode 8 our guest next week to talk about series 6 episode 8 is Dave Gorman the cheat
Starting point is 00:53:58 will he come back and apologize for all of his horrible cheating he didn't last time he was on the podcast
Starting point is 00:54:03 I find it difficult to believe that he will be any more apologetic this time. But thank you very much to Sarah and we're looking forward to chatting to Dave. We will see you next week. Goodbye. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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