Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 82. Rick Edwards - S13 Ep.7

Episode Date: May 26, 2022

To chat through Series 13 Ed is joined by TV, Radio and Podcast host (and huge TM fan) Rick Edwards. Rick returns to share his thoughts on the latest line up and all the tasks. They make their winner ...predictions and ponder over what they would most like to stick their finger in! Listen to Rick's podcast Eureka! here... podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/eureka/id1612482633 Watch Series 13 of Taskmaster every Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4. Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Howdy and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. I'm Ed Gamble, I'm your host for the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you very much for tuning in. That's right, you've tuned into this podcast. We will be talking about an episode of Taskmaster and breaking it down task by task. I'll have a special guest with me. Today're talking about series 13 episode 7 and we will be joined for this episode by the wonderful Rick Edwards Rick Edwards a wonderful broadcaster that I think that covers off a lot of the stuff he does he's a tv presenter sure he's he's a science buff
Starting point is 00:01:42 sure he's very buff and he likes science that's what i mean by that uh he hosts his own podcast called eureka uh which is like a fun science-based podcast you should go and check that out i will chat to rick a little bit about that during the episode i am sure uh we'll be talking about taskmaster series 13 episode 7 hope you're watching it every thursday channel 4 9 p.m we're getting towards the end of the series, it feels like. It's so heartbreaking, but what a series it's been so far and still very exciting in the league tables. So let's chat to Rick Edwards about Taskmaster Series 13, Episode 7.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Welcome back, Rick Edwards, to the Taskmaster podcast. Hello, Ed. Thanks for having me. You are most welcome, Rick Edwards to the Taskmaster podcast. Hello, Ed. Thanks for having me. You are most welcome, Rick. Again, yes. I feel like if you keep coming back on, we won't need to do all this formal stuff. I'll just be able to go, all right, Rick. And I'll just be like, yeah, what are we talking about this time?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Another one of these bloody episodes, I imagine. We are committed to the format. What's the cycle on repeat guests what's the normal how am I fitting in I think pretty pretty solid I think you're on the on the usual cycle it's it's rare someone will be rebooked maybe on the same series certainly if they're not not a contestant or former contestant I'd say not to rub that in Rick no oh yeah you didn't really say that but but yeah. I've realised that last time I came on,
Starting point is 00:03:08 I think I actually did a sort of, whatever the opposite of a come and get me plea was. I think I basically said, nah, I'm okay. And then afterwards I thought, no, actually, I think I would like to be on that show. Yeah. And sometimes you just feel too sheepish about admitting it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, you love the show. Of course you want to be on it. I don't think you need to be ashamed of that, Rick. Good fun show. Good, solid, weird show. Yeah. Strange is like a prime time show. But that is a prime time show.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah, Channel 4, Thursdays at 9pm. And I think this especially, I think, could be considered one of the weirdest series so far yeah I think that's almost guaranteed like such an odd it's such an odd group like I love the group but they're so
Starting point is 00:03:58 all in like genuine I think I mean Chris Ramsey's quite an odd man he's by far the most safe and that he's yeah he's not he's normal presenting isn't he chris has always been normal presenting he's everything that you see on screen you think well that is that is the sort of the icon of of a british comic in the sort of noughties to now yeah young white man with a nice haircut but then you meet him and you're like oh you're
Starting point is 00:04:25 insane mate i'd say with a specific haircut rather than a nice haircut probably but yeah i know what you mean yeah it's nice now when he started doing comedy it was specific it was a beehive yeah and the and the fin did you ever have the fin i i experimented with the fin uh maybe probably in my school days maybe six or my there's probably some photos knocking around with the fin uh but no i've always just been more of a fan of the just the splodge just let it do what it does yeah and it's sort of i mean it's working out okay isn't it looks all right i actually my um my graduation photo from university me and my best friend have both got fins and it's a real shame it's a real shame that should be quite a proud day but uh yeah you got a fin at the time you think well the fin's never gonna go out of
Starting point is 00:05:20 fashion like we we understand that things go out of fashion but the fin is here to stay of course this is of course it's here to stay yeah this cannot this simply cannot date yeah it's just fin fin uh and then weirdly tom hiddleston um it's an amazing yeah with sort of a big curly perm i mean he looks. He actually arguably looks worse than me and my finned friend. It's a hell of a thing. So you say that they're all odd. I mean, I guess the way they fit together, it's a group that, I think Taskmaster does this generally, a group that you'd never see hanging out together.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Absolutely not. But of all of them, you'd love to see the rap drinks. Just a little camera on those rap drinks, just those five. And I don't know what's happening, but I suspect I'm enjoying it. Well, I'd imagine everyone's sort of gathered around Judy at some point. I feel like Judy's holding court. Oh, do you? Why is that?
Starting point is 00:06:29 I mean, look, we'll come to the task that makes me think Judy would hold court in a little bit. It's the first task of this episode. Absolutely outstanding. Are there any standout contestants for you or within the group? I mean, obviously they're all great,
Starting point is 00:06:44 but is anyone standing out for any particular reason to you so um judy because uh as as we'll go on to discuss she sort of has a kind of magnetism to her that allows her to be one of the great blaggers yeah and i do like a blaggerer like Judy not that interested normally in doing the task particularly is always looking for kind of shortcuts but manages to sell it like she's just one of those people and and I'm sitting there and I'm kind of nodding along and yeah that is a reasonable approach and then you take a step back you go no, no, actually, no, no, it's definitely not. So, yeah, she's a real character.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And then Bridget is just a mad person. Yeah. But like an incredibly, just incredibly endearing. Like I just sort of like that she makes a sound at one point i guess it's yes it's it's where um uh on the on the task where they've made their edible sculpture where alex has revealed that she's got to eat it and she makes a sort of plaintiff like moan just and i don't know my little heart melted yeah it's just magnificent she's sort of like went don't make me eat it and that for me was sort of Bridget in that don't make me do this
Starting point is 00:08:10 I don't want to do this and then Sophie is the one that I probably know the best and she just has a mind that works she's very smart but her mind works in a very eccentric way.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And so everything she does is informed by that. So she's quite, she's endlessly surprising. And I would say Sophie as well, perhaps the most sex positive contestant in Taskmaster history. By a country mile. I mean, honestly. Like no one else is producing that amount of, well, I mean, got to say that amount of clitoris.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It's just, I mean, quite literally, who knew? But she was right. It was educational. Yeah, it was great. Goes over bloody miles. Sorry, what were you saying about Ardell? And then Ardell is, I mean, Ardell's just, Ardell's just Ardell, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:09:14 He kind of, sort of, there's that bit at the start of the episode where he's talking about Dr. Jerry Flynn, his, his puppet, puppet life coach. He says that, yeah, I mean, I should have taken his advice on doing taskmaster. And you kind of, with Ardor, you do wonder if he is constantly thinking that like, no, I've agreed to do this. I'm Ardor Lohan, I don't know, needs to do this.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But here I am. Here I am. Let's gently plod through the whole process gentle so so very gentle uh and then and and then we've and then the archetypal naughtiest comic yeah just just just just is a funny man and so competent so insanely very competent yeah let's talk about this price task on this episode then the nicest thing to put your finger in it makes you think how have they not done this already we're 13 series in how have we not gotten to the nicest thing to put your finger in it's a it's a real beauty as soon as as soon as he says it you think yeah i was i think i was slightly disappointed that we had three reasonably similar
Starting point is 00:10:37 um items in in in finger puppets slash finger monsters slash uh jane norman um but but at the same time i also like greg remember the finger monsters and was uh was seduced by by those little jelly fiends yes i immediately thought i wonder if i did keep any of those i wonder if weirdly there's a little there's an old like walls ice cream box in my parents uh loft that's got some uh little jelly finger monsters um and i should actually call my dad and ask him i mean he's got a lot of things to do but you know if he has gone i'd love to get my finger in one again they were nice to put your finger in because they had a certain grip and they would be they would be tight on the finger but then a lot of fun to wiggle around yeah and and um they also i don't know if you had
Starting point is 00:11:30 this i guess this is just about being young but um i used to try and eat mine quite a lot as well not actually swallow them down but a very pleasing sort of you know they could have been a sweet they could have been a jelly sweet exactly uh and so yeah i think some of mine are a little bit chewed yeah you have to find when you get the box out your dad's attic um i i think yeah i i agree it was disappointing that there were three sort of finger puppet based things but obviously though ardels had the twist of it being dr jerry flynn the life coach who tells him what to do in life which is why it probably did deserve the top marks because it was similar to some other people's but it had a lovely Ardell twist yeah yeah and and just kind of um you know that it isn't true but at the same time if you found
Starting point is 00:12:18 out that it was true you wouldn't be entirely uh surprised you'd be like does does ardle get all of is that actually ardle's agent does he speak to it's even but if you think about it it's even weirder if it's not true because it means that they've the taskmaster have gone you need to bring in the nicest thing to put your finger in and ardle's gone right finger puppet uh yeah Dr Jerry Flynn my life coach and then just settled on that and also I don't think because he's so because because he's so sharp as well when he wants to be yeah I can imagine him not having even come up with any sort of backstory and so he's literally just improvising on the spot when Greg's asking about it yes. He's just fine with that. They're like, yeah, I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So, yeah, he gives me good advice. He's not a real doctor. He's just extemporising. So, yeah, that was, I think, a worthy winner. Yes. It basically turned into Best Puppet, really, didn't it? A little bit, yeah. Sophie's Jane Norman.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I mean, obviously a huge fan of it being called Jane Norman, dressed in Sophie's Taskmaster outfit. But again, this lovely little Sophie twist of saying the finger goes into the brain, so the finger is controlling the thoughts and feelings of the puppet. The being was the centre of the puppet's being. Yeah, it's sense of self or sense of being it's so weird and then just cut to judy like vacantly nodding along to that yeah it's like i don't know what she's talking about stick your head in my bowl of custard i i expected more more foodstuffs, because there is a real, like a cake that's fresh out of the oven.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Basically, the things that your mum would have said, well, definitely don't put your finger in that, normally food. But when you did, incredibly, incredibly satisfying, just plunging it into a Victoria sponge, which will then just sort of deflate. I would... Go for it. I think would have bought in a dessert
Starting point is 00:14:29 that I don't think has been made since 1987, probably, the baked Alaska. Are you familiar with the baked Alaska? I am familiar with the baked Alaska, yeah. So the, yeah, the hard, crispy meringue exterior, and it's been in the oven oven and yet there is ice cream there so you're cracking through the meringue
Starting point is 00:14:50 shell, then you've got a bit of soft meringue and then into the ice cold of the ice cream I just think It's heat to cold as well isn't it Yeah so you've got texture you've got temperature you've got everything you want in terms of something you're plunging your finger into
Starting point is 00:15:04 I think Greg would have liked that as well because i think greg is at the right kind of age he would have had a baked alaska would be familiar with a baked alaska um so that would have been my option food i think is always a good shout with greg especially yeah something like a big baked alaska you'd love that i was gonna say i'd go for something like a big bowl of molten candle wax so you put your finger in you have that initial very sharp just like oh that's too hot and then it cools down straight away and then you've got a perfect little finger shaped sheath that you can take off actually very good that's very good yeah because that sheath is incredibly so you're making your own thing to put your finger in.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, that's creative. That's good. That's better. Thanks, Vaska. You were that is why you were good on this show. One of the reasons. The other thing I thought about was was wet concrete. Oh, yeah, that would be quite pleasing. I'd be one of those people who's made your mark yeah that's great but i'd love the opportunity yeah and so you could sign your name you're still putting your finger in it it's still part of the task right you can oh yeah great idea i love that warm custard was was judy's um and i mean she she immediately seems to make it absolutely filthy within seconds yeah and and i mean the thing is this prize task was always
Starting point is 00:16:29 teetering on the brink of being filthy sure of course yeah yeah talked about and every everyone else is just about managing even though we're talking about bridget's womb sort of keeping it on the right side and then yeah as you say jud Judy's just straight in, really. She's like, no, no messing about here. I mean, I assume that Judy wanted to bring in, like, a bum or something. Yeah, yeah. I was told, no, you can't do that. It's always surprising when Sophie didn't use the opportunity. I mean, it would have been very sort of nethers heavy,
Starting point is 00:17:02 this episode, if Sophie had used that opportunity. Bearing in mind last week, she brought in for the prize task what she described as an access all areas body massager, but it was very clear what it actually was. Right, okay, okay. Access all areas? How many, I mean, how many areas are there? I think it was mainly honing in on one area, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Oh, right okay okay okay because i've just yeah i've got i've got one well i suppose one main area i've got i've got well i suppose i've got two areas and then a couple of supplementary areas a couple of bonus areas as areas um let's talk about bridget's fart putty great choice and the additional story of uh of having to uh having to have a hook um a hook inserted during the childbirth process was possibly one of my favorite studio moments in taskmaster ever just greg and alex just devastated by that story Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:08 the best thing about that story was Greg and Alex simultaneously closing their eyes as it started, just being like oh no, here we go It's the glee with which Bridget tells all the details and just like brazenly, just like the
Starting point is 00:18:23 farting sound and the telling him his watch had come off so good yeah it was really that the store actually very very strong item like i would genuinely love to put my finger in the fart putty yeah and i and i love the story and i loved greg and alex squirming so i thought it deserves more points because it got three points it got the same as judy's custard and it got the same as chirming. So I thought it deserved more points because it got three points. It got the same as Judy's custard and it got the same as Chris's finger monster. I think it was a four pointer for me.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I would say that's right. Yeah, that feels harsh. Yeah. There's a lot going on with Bridget's. Yeah. So it was five points for Ardell's Dr. Jerry Flynn. It was four points for Sophie's Jane Norman. Three points for Judy's warm custard.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Three points for Bridget's fart putty. And three points for Chris's finger monster. Bridget, what have you brought in? Fart putty. Oh, fart putty, good. It's really cold and really feels so good. But also goes... We do actually have a video of it doing that noise. Here we go. and really feels so good, but also goes... HE PUTTING OUT A NOISE
Starting point is 00:19:25 We do actually have a video of it doing that noise. Here we go. HE PUTTING OUT A NOISE It sounds better than that normally. Does it? When I had my daughter, she was induced and the doctor had to break my waters. They used, like, a little hook. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:19:43 But he was really nervous and kept doing it wrong. So he kept going in and out and it was like... Anyway. So I had to try and make him feel more relaxed. I was like, oh, weren't you wearing a watch a minute ago? Task one. Show off. Biggest show off wins.
Starting point is 00:20:03 You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now. This, just hearing this, nearly made me have a panic attack. I can't imagine getting this task. This is the cruelest one to give them ever, I think. Yeah, it's agonising. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I had the same, because you can't help it. When you, and particularly for you, I'm sure, but when you're watching, you're always kind of going, I wonder what I'm doing. I wonder what I'm doing here. And there, I'm just freezing. I'm hating it so much, which is quite, it's weird
Starting point is 00:20:37 because you can see they're all hating it as well pretty much. And you'd sort of imagine, well, comics are going to be fine with it. But no, no. I mean, Ardell's explanation of how frowned upon showing off is where he's from was sublime with the high-vis jacket. Yeah, that was amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It's really sensational stuff. But it's spine-tinglingly, toe-curlingly awful, yeah, it's spine-tinglingly, toe-curlingly awful. Well, it's the equivalent of going up to a comedian and saying, go on, do some of your material then. But worse, it's even worse than that, I think, because obviously you don't want to do that. You don't want to tell a joke to a piss guy in a pub.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But at least you do have some stuff like there is some stuff you can draw on sure but it's not the right surroundings it's not the right environment and this is what yeah yeah agreed agreed but i still think and it so exactly the same scenario you're having a a nice drink in a pub and someone comes up to you and says go on then funny man tell me a joke you're hating it same thing same guy comes over and says go on then 20 minutes show off you're hating that you're hating it more you are yeah that's a fair point that's a fair point and I think I think it's fairly clear how difficult it was I don't think anyone apart from maybe Chris covered themselves in glory here yeah I mean I genuinely thought that
Starting point is 00:22:07 Chris's one was impressive this is and it not somehow he's found a way of doing it where it wasn't humiliating or embarrassing you're just looking at it going fair play Rambo that is a good skill and well done your dad
Starting point is 00:22:23 for teaching you. And he built up to something. There was a bit of narrative in there as well. So you start with the pool cue, lovely. Ending with the ladder. Amazing. It was good. It was like a good showing off skill.
Starting point is 00:22:40 It really shows you how little there is to do in the Northeast if men are having to teach their sons how to balance a ladder on their chin. It's not part of the curriculum up there, is it? I think it must be, yeah. Everyone who's watching Task Force in the North East is just like, well yeah, obviously we can all do that. Yeah, that's not showing up. Yeah, of course. That was year five.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I did a GCSE in ladder balancing. I mean, but the editing of Chris doing all those amazing things and then Ardell coming out proud as punch and saying that he's going to balance a spoon on his chin was just perfect and doing it badly and doing it so badly and then spanking himself with it
Starting point is 00:23:21 like panicking and then just really softly spanking himself with the spoon and saying, that doesn't even hurt. Actually, it does hurt now. Covered in glitter. Also, yes, the editing was fantastic. But my favourite detail probably was the... I'm not even sure if it was glitter.
Starting point is 00:23:39 It looked like those little bits of polystyrene. I don't know what was in his hair and i i really like the fact that at no point did it get explained no yeah i think it said i think greg said glitter but i think it yeah it looked like sort of fake snow or polystyrene or something yeah yeah yeah wonderful stuff wonderful like if there was a sort of option to have just a bonus bit of footage of that 14 minutes of arthur Hamner's life I'd love to see it that really works I think he just went in and sat down you know I don't think he couldn't have been doing anything for 14 minutes well he can't have been thinking about what he was going
Starting point is 00:24:17 to do for 14 minutes because it doesn't take you 14 minutes to come up with well I know that I can't balance a spoon on my chin so maybe that there's a wonderful moment that I think sums Bridget up where I think she genuinely and seriously asks if she can have a gun yes there's no thought in her mind that that request is a ridiculous one
Starting point is 00:24:40 to ask for she just looks right at Alex and goes can I have a gun and then obviously she can't have a gun she asked for an axe as well what was she gonna do i assume it was going to be some kind of um target practice it's going to be firing yeah something there may be uh maybe sort of getting alex to stand in front of a target and throwing an ax at him, which I don't think he would have agreed to. Yeah, possibly not. But yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm not sure. Well, you tell me, is there another contestant that's ever been on Taskmaster who, if they said, can I have a gun? You would take more seriously than Bridget. I think anyone else you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:25:21 that's true actually. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Rob Gilbert or bridget christie asked for a gun you're like oh they actually want a gun they do want a gun they want a gun um so what bridget resorts to her plan b uh with no gun or axe uh is to put some buckets not that far away uh and then try and throw balls into them and miss every single one. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I mean, Alex's question of what's the aim? Are you trying to knock the bucket off the wall or get the ball back? Could have been either. I mean, it was absolutely dismal stuff. And that was, I think in this there was quite a lot of, apart from Chris, there was a lot of plan Bs, plan Cs, plan Ds being added. And Bridget's was very funny and abysmal. Abysmally bad.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And let's not forget, she got two points for this. How? Greg's lost his mind. You cannot give that. Like, the skill's rubbish anyway. Yeah. And she was bad at it.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Well, likewise with Ardell. Ardell got three, Ardell got three points. I suppose there's something, there's something, but there's something charming
Starting point is 00:26:40 about both of them, but they should both have scored very, very, very lowly. They're both one. They're both one point. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Sophie gets five as well as Chris, but Sophie at least threw a lot of stuff at it. She recited Shakespeare, held a... I mean, I thought she would maybe get out of the handcuffs when she was under the water. I thought it was an escapology thing. That was my main criticism. I thought it was also it didn't
Starting point is 00:27:06 quite hang together as a piece i didn't think there wasn't an obvious segue yeah uh but the but yeah escapology got mentioned quite a lot and i was like well that isn't that's not what's happened there no inexplicably she's wearing handcuffs she makes no attempt to get out of the handcuffs she holds her breath and then she gets out uh and that i think if that was what houdini was doing i think people would be quite disappointed i don't think people would have remembered him to be honest if he was just holding his breath for quite quite a short amount of time underwater yeah you know houdini the guy who had the quite long bath yeah the bubbly guy um look look sophie presented it very well I think that wowed Greg beautifully presented so let's let's talk about Judy I mean you said there's a lot of plan B's and season D's
Starting point is 00:27:55 being enacted here I think this was Judy's plan A I think she absolutely carried through with what she wanted to carry through yeah no I think I I think you're right, actually. Yeah, you are. I think, yeah, Chris and Judy have both done plan A. This sums Judy. If anyone said sum Judy up for me on Taskmaster, I'd say, well, watch this. I can borrow a dog at any time. I can borrow a dog. That wasn't even in the original list.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Again, like Ardall's missing 14 minutes, that wasn't even in the original list that's what that's what i you you again like ardle's missing 14 minutes you'd love to see the full judy love list please release the release the judy cut because release the judy cut get it on teat house like buy a map yeah that can be the next live laugh love i'd love to see all of the things just printed on it be so inspirational because look at all the things sold out show she's won an award no specific mention of which award she met mary j blige um she's on a popular mum's what's up group that's one of the best ones yeah she goes to her favorite local west indian shop and gets a discount. It's, yeah. Yeah, it's magnificent.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And you're right, it does encapsulate Judy. So not really, yeah, not really showing off in the way that I think the task was intended. Yeah. But the perfect Judy show off. Amazing. Let's not forget, she can fry four fish fingers evenly at the same time and get some golden brown and then in the studio she punctuates that with
Starting point is 00:29:29 hello, I'm that bitch. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, I feel like four is not that, I wouldn't say this to Judy's face, four doesn't feel like that many. She doesn't know the size of her pan. Yes, I suppose maybe Judy has a tiny pan
Starting point is 00:29:45 maybe i've got quite a big pan maybe that's what we're learning but i think i could probably do six also i i don't you know i don't want to sound you know maybe this is the first time i'm realizing this i don't think i've ever fried a fish finger i think i'm always doing them in the oven right i i had a big um big sort of epiphany when I met my now wife, because I was always an oven guy. And she's like, you're a pussy. You wouldn't be frying these. And she fries them and they are better. Yeah, I'm sure. Obviously less healthy, but...
Starting point is 00:30:18 How many fish fingers can your now wife fry evenly at the same time? Yeah, I'd say she can probably do six as well right okay so yeah well judy can only do four so yeah i mean i wouldn't want to know if you're about to say i'd like i'd like to see a competition no you wouldn't it'd be awful yeah but maybe it'll be prime time channel four in a couple of years. Can your wife go to her favourite local West Indian shop and get a discount? I'm going, no. I think it was really good.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But I would just argue that that could have been footage of Judy in any task. Any time. I've got some great favourites. She gets a lot of emails. That's not bad. The fourth last one was, I have borrowed a dog. That was great.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Hello? That's the kind of life that I live, that I can borrow a dog when I want. I can borrow a dog whenever I want. I've got a picture of it. I've borrowed a dog. I believe you can do it. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category,
Starting point is 00:31:56 and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures. Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves.
Starting point is 00:32:37 At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task two. It's a team task. Deliver a cocktail to Greg. Your cocktail must have the following ingredients. Three different liquids shaken and stirred. One piece of fruit. Quite a bit of ice.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Each ingredient must pass through a head pipe before entering the Taskmaster's glass. Fastest wins. Your time starts now and ends when you have garnished your cocktail with the umbrella i mean hard on the surface but here's the thing i noticed straight away as an observer and i wouldn't necessarily have noticed within if i was in the task doesn't say you have to leave the helmets on that's very true actually one of one of you one of you could pop a helmet off going literally have the other person kneel down.
Starting point is 00:33:26 You could put the glass there, go and get all the stuff and just pour it straight through. And you've done it in a minute, I think. Mm, yeah. Yeah, and if someone had done that, it would have been quite nice as well. Yeah. It's always good when people see the loopholes.
Starting point is 00:33:40 But Bridget was the only one thinking laterally in all of this. Yes. Yeah, the knee bend was well actually the knee bend and then just working out how to maneuver with the helmet on which no one else seemed able to do yeah at all everyone's going in sideways yeah like just madness it's it's that it's that old thing which i think is is is actually true, when they said the Americans spent billions of dollars trying to develop a pen you can use in space and the Russians used a pencil. It's basically the knee bend is the equivalent of that.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I mean, it's another Russian space thing from Bridget. Very smart. And she's normally the crazy one. So it's pretty incredible that she's the only one working out you should go in front ways to the caravan. Yeah, it's a damning indictment of the other contestants for sure it really is but it was sort of it's quite a straightforward task yeah you know in in the scheme of things um and everyone just made a meal of it, pretty much, was my take. They were having fun.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I think Ardell was just having too much fun. I mean, sitting on the bucket and then shaking the cocktail with his ass as the bucket lid was just insane. But I think he was just having such a laugh that he knew there was a better way to do that, surely. It's something that we're even questioning that he'd go do you think he knew that i wasn't the best way to do it i'm giving the benefit of the doubt on this one yeah but it was i mean it was a beautiful moment and uh yeah i don't think i've ever seen again i've never seen that on television i've never seen an established comedian use his bottom as part of a cocktail shaker.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And I'm glad that I have now. Now everyone will be doing it. Everyone will be copying it now. Every panel show. Every bar as well. You go into a bar. Of course. There's going to be so many bars sitting on the buckets.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I feel like, I mean, Ardlin and Chris got two points for theirs because they were they were significantly slower than bridget judy and sophie so they didn't deserve as many points it was the five points to bridget judy and sophie which is great obviously i feel like ardley and chris deserved an extra point for the sort of way they presented the cocktail and the fact they gave it a name the negreregi. It's a good name for a cocktail. Yes, yes, yes. I think Negregi is... Also, I'm not...
Starting point is 00:36:11 No, I am embarrassed to admit it, but I will admit it. When they said Negregi, I just didn't get it at first. I was trying to be too clever. I was going, what is this a pun? What is this a pun on? Like, I know it's Negroni, but how are they getting Negroni? And then in a couple of minutes, I was like, oh, right. Yeah, OK, yeah, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I got it. I mean, poor Greg. So you're not sure who Greg's being referenced to in this task. Judy immediately says, who's Greg when the task is make a cocktail for Greg? By far the standout moment of the episode i think just you know and and again just so judy yeah yeah so because also i mean if if the experience was similar to mine that team task day happens quite late on in the process. So Judy would have filmed quite a lot of solo days on Taskmaster. She's well into the Taskmaster world.
Starting point is 00:37:11 To be asking who Greg is at that point is insanity. How have you got to this point and you don't know who Greg is? You've been sat in front of a massive portrait of him. At no point have you gone, who's that? who Greg is. You've been sat in front of a massive portrait of him. At no point have you gone, who's that?
Starting point is 00:37:26 And also, her defence of it was the most sort of school, school defence you've ever heard. I thought you said, Heg.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I thought, yeah. No, you didn't. Yeah, I did. No, I thought, yeah, I thought you said, Heg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's amazing. And she gets away with it I think by that point they're just like right well that's Judy isn't it no point and that gives the name to this episode Hague I would be interested to see how many episodes Judy has named and whether it's more than the average I think quite a lot of the time it's like everyone
Starting point is 00:38:03 names one or two it's a quote from someone everyone I think quite a lot of the time it's like everyone names one or two is a quote from someone. Everyone gets at least one. But Heg is probably adding to Judy's stack of episode names. I mean, you would assume so. Yeah. Can I actually say who's Greg? No, I thought you said Heg.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Heg. Oh, good. And congratulations to Bridget as well for being the only person of all five of them to work out that knees bend. Task three, part one. Sculpt the most beautiful sculpture. Your sculpture must weigh 150 grams
Starting point is 00:38:44 and be entirely edible. You have five minutes to order your ingredients, then 20 sculpt the most beautiful sculpture. Your sculpture must weigh 150 grams and be entirely edible. You have five minutes to order your ingredients, then 20 minutes to sculpt your sculpture. Your time starts now. Part two, completely consume your beautiful sculpture. Fastest wins. Your time starts now. Tell me, Rick, if you opened part one
Starting point is 00:38:58 and you made your sculpture, would you be preempting part two? Literally, the only thing that i wrote down when i watched it because i thought i'm going to be talking to ed about this so i'll write some stuff down the only things i wrote down were who's greg and i just circled that and uh i think i'm anticipating that's the other thing I wrote down. Of course. I just think you've got to... I was very surprised that no one, that didn't dawn on anyone.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Except maybe it did dawn on Judy, possibly, and we just didn't quite see it. But she definitely made a sculpture that she wanted to eat. Yes, yeah, yeah. She just made a delicious sculpture. I'm not sure it dawned on her that she had to eat. She seemed annoyed when she found that she had to eat it but that's true also they've done it before they've done it with the sandwiches if you have any basic working knowledge of taskmaster why
Starting point is 00:39:54 why would the sculpture have to be entirely edible if someone is not going to eat it whether that be alex or yourself um either either way you've got to make it vaguely nice i think um yes but you panic yeah you panic when you're in the room yeah yeah there was a lot of there was a lot of panic well actually people who didn't panic chris once again produced a very respectable sculpture that was reasonably edible um and and a bit of fun uh judy obviously didn't panic at all uh made i don't know what it was a tower of love i believe she said it was a tower of love well i mean what is that yeah yeah that's not quite good enough, Judy, but yeah, fine. Bridget, Bridget's,
Starting point is 00:40:48 I think was the most sort of, um, artistic in a sense. It was the one I would most expect to see as a sculpture somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. And you can imagine like nodding and yeah, like in an art gallery, nodding at that.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah. That is clever. Yeah. Okay. Hopefully I made those nipples brown then. Yeah. That sort of thing. Um, uh, so that was, that was quite good. And good and it was like you know she sort of cooked it as well I liked I liked
Starting point is 00:41:11 Bridget's um and I I would have thought it was more she made out that it was absolutely inedible but it looked like it was just gonna be sort of dry sort of bready yeah sort of thing and also it was dry she was spitting crumbs but she had a plate of milk there she could have easily drank a little bit of the milk and i just don't think she wanted to eat it she seemed devastated when she found out and found out she had to eat it like you say she made the noise yeah she could have lapped at the milk like a cat she could have lapped at the milk like a cat she didn't think it through god's sake bridget so actually sophie's very artistic as well she really thought it through she compares it to uh l'origine du monde um which i'm assuming is a thing uh and you know
Starting point is 00:41:56 makes quite quite a detailed uh quite a detailed lady's part uh yes with the broccoli bum hole um and she eats all of it this is the thing about Sophie she plays it quite cool sometimes but then will absolutely throw herself into these tasks and she will go for it yeah and she is the only person who made herself
Starting point is 00:42:17 categorically sick from eating her sculpture almost all on the basis I think of the butter, just the huge amount of butter yeah um 100 grams of butter in there yeah or well yeah I mean originally obviously she asked for 500 grams I mean it looked really I that's the one yes, I think that's the one I would least like to have had to eat. There was a big mix of flavours there.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Well, the butter, the broccoli and the basil and licorice laces. It's not a combo you expect to be eating ever in your life. Not really, no. Ardell makes his ballerina out of tofu and rubs jelly on the tutu and gives her an eggshell hat i mean i'd say uh it was very generously scored again this um this sculpture uh task uh i don't think ardle made a completely edible sculpture so i think he failed on part one uh and then i think he failed on part two because he didn't consume all of it. Can, well, I mean, I feel like you probably can eat eggshell.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Like I'm not choosing to eat eggshell, but I'm sure that it's sort of, it's probably doable. But I feel like, I guess it depends linguistically how you approach this, that if you didn't complete part two of completely consuming it, you are proving that it's not completely edible yeah yeah yeah no that's not that's not an unreasonable point um but i i think i mean i i really i love the little one-armed ballerina oh sure i love the ballerina i just thought it failed on all fronts. I love the piece of shit. Yeah, and the moment where he weighs her and he's just got to take an arm off
Starting point is 00:44:10 was quite sort of moving, really. But if I was going harsh on this, I'd say that there were points given for eating the sculpture fastest. Judy gets five because it was just a snack. She just whammed it in. Sophie gets four. She ate the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Chris gets three. Ardell gets two. And Bridget gets one. Chris, Ardell, and Bridget did not completely consume the sculpture. It should have been nought points all round. Chris came very close. Chris just left some crumbs and some uh uncooked pasta
Starting point is 00:44:48 you know you've got to be completely consume your beautiful sculpture right okay all right look that's just me being harsh but also points for the most beautiful sculpture uh it was five points for chris bridget and sophie i personally think maybe chris should have got four i think bridget and sophie did more beautiful sculptures i mean but it's all you know this is all pure aesthetics yes yes yes no i i think you've probably got a point i think it was more more invention perhaps to sophie's and to and to Bridget's. But I did find Chris's pleasing. How many did Ardell's get on beauty alone?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Four. Ardell and Judy both got four, and the rest got five. So it was very generous scoring on the beauty of the sculpture. I think Greg was quite wowed. I do not know how Judy's getting four points for the Tower of Love. That, that to me, like that,
Starting point is 00:45:48 that's a travesty. No, it is, like it's not, she hasn't, she hasn't made a sculpture. She's just piled some food onto a plate.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Tower of Love. That's, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah. But yeah, and I think, I think the fact that she doesn't put much thought into the sculpture definitely helps her on the next part of the task. So it should be balanced out, really, I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see the female genitals celebrated in quite so much detail. Thank you. It really does feel like an evolution from us childishly drawing cock and balls on windows, as I've done, I'm ashamed to say, so many times. I mean, I just thought of the most beautiful thing that I could imagine,
Starting point is 00:46:33 and I wanted it to be educational, like Chris. Yep. What's the broccoli at the bottom? That's the bum hole. Come on. Yeah, of course. You've got a vagina, you've got a broccoli bum hole. Move on. Let's talk about the live task. Build the tallest tower of toilet rolls in front of your spot.
Starting point is 00:46:54 You have 100 seconds. After 100 seconds, you will throw both of your shoes at the towers one at a time from the throwing spot. Whoever builds the tallest tower will throw first. The tallest toilet roll tower after all the shoes are thrown wins it's all tactics like greg says it's like chess and everyone ignores all of those tactics and just does what they want yeah yeah except i think that sophie was really onto something with her i mean you'd think sort of slightly tempting fate by building twin towers but I think
Starting point is 00:47:26 actually that having two separate prongs yeah the prongs on the basis that if one gets knocked down which it does you've still got the other standing very clever I liked that I wouldn't have thought of that myself I would have gone much more down Chris's route
Starting point is 00:47:42 of trying to make quite a narrow target thought that was also good um but his was just too his was too good like you know everyone's going to just delight in taking that down yeah um but it's a genuine thing you know sometimes um you know these these tasks are just uh are just silly but I honestly think that I would like to play that game and I think it would bear repeat plays I think there's probably a lot of tactic in there Interesting you say that because
Starting point is 00:48:12 this is a studio task from the New Zealand series of Taskmaster so this is the first episode of New Zealand series 2 of Taskmaster they play this and it is fantastic on theirs as well. I think everyone ends up missing.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I don't think anyone hits any towers, which is quite incredible. That I couldn't quite understand. The quality of shooting with the shoes was imbalanced. I mean, I'm backing myself. If I'm aiming from really close, with quite a big thing, at quite a big thing, I'm hitting it. If I'm aiming from really close, we're quite a big thing, quite a big thing,
Starting point is 00:48:47 I'm hitting it. I'm definitely hitting it. What was going on with Sophie's Tower? As Chris said at one point, there's a force field. It was just, and everyone was missing. She just got in their heads.
Starting point is 00:48:57 It was pure psychology. Yeah, yeah, which is a lovely element to it. But yeah, I mean, people just kept sort of throwing it so it was hitting the front of the stage, the shoot. I mean, it was a shambles. It was a shambles and heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Heartbreaking from Judy. She had a chance to win the episode and she fluffed it and then wasn't even throwing at Sophie's by the end. Yeah, really baffling, baffling gameplay from Judy. Yeah, baffling. I don't think she fully understood that she could have won the episode at that point, or how to,
Starting point is 00:49:28 but she did come up with, I think, another quote of the episode for me was to Sophie, how am I supposed to kill you with your own shoes? Yeah. By the way, I'm wearing gloves. I'm not touching your dirty shoes, yeah. Chris, yeah, Chris failed. Chris went not touching your dirty shoes. Chris failed.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Chris went kind of route one by building that tall tower and ended up with the one point. Judy and Bridget, the three points, joint fourth. Ardell, four points. Sophie, five points. So Sophie, who was in the lead anyway, takes home the five points she turned into a very impressive competitor she uh takes home the episode 28 points judy so close
Starting point is 00:50:10 for 24 ardle 20 and another bottom place for chris uh and bridget who were real contenders but now it's getting it's getting tight at the top rick yeah and i can't like with chris in particularly sort of think like if i just i don't go into any detail i think about the episode and it's like well chris has done well this has been a good episode for chris and yet there he is languishing and i don't i don't know what i don't know what he needs to do um yeah yeah he's very solid chris but i think maybe he's missing those uh flare moments but having said that last week he had one of the biggest flare moments i've ever seen with the cement mixer so who who knows what's going on there also i mean you're saying a lack of flare moments so guys balance a ladder on his chin well look what a what a mad piece of... What do you want, Les? What am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:51:06 He's all about the flair moments. Sophie is in the lead in the series with 119 points. Chris, very close behind on 116. Bridget, 112. Ardell, 106. Judy, 102. So, I mean, we're episode seven, three episodes left. It's pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It's a classic. It's all to play for. It's not a disaster from Judy either. She's still getting the points. She's over 100 points, which is good going. Yeah, I mean, I suppose you've got to think that the maybe the momentum is with Sophie. Like if I was
Starting point is 00:51:39 putting my money on now, I would probably go Sophie. And if you'd asked me a couple of episodes ago, I probably would have said Chris. if I was putting my money on now I would probably go Sophie and if you'd asked me a couple of episodes I probably would have said Chris I think I've switched but that is an exciting thing that is what makes for a good series of Taskmaster
Starting point is 00:51:56 there is no clear winner at this point because I feel like Bridget could easily swing around and do some have a mad last three episodes and absolutely annihilate the competition having have a mad last three episodes and absolutely annihilate the competition having had a mad first seven episodes i mean i mean mad and competent points wise one of the highest scoring taskmaster episodes ever a few weeks ago she got you know nearly maximum points out of an episode which is incredible um so who knows it's all to play for
Starting point is 00:52:25 uh rick uh of course you have been doing other podcasts despite me asking you not i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you've got your own you've got your own podcast called eureka tell us a little bit about eureka please yes okay soureka is another one of these podcasts. And it's a science podcast, broadly speaking, but also not a boring science podcast. Most science podcasts, they are boring. A lot of science. Too much science, I think.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Too much science is exactly the problem. Too much science, too many boffins talking about science and being uh and being you know square um and so eureka is more like um can we talk about you know I love science and Dr Michael Brooks who I presented with also love science but we also quite like taking the piss out of science and finding science funny and so it's a more it's a more of an irreverent look at science but whilst also trying to answer like genuinely interesting science questions um like should we be scared of an alien invasion or will we ever be able to talk to animals or you know um how many psychopaths do you know etc um but but with a bit of you know just a bit of
Starting point is 00:53:43 fun we're just trying to have a bit of fun with it really and not be yeah and not just be boring boring science guys it's good to open it up to people who genuinely
Starting point is 00:53:52 like science and then also people who want to heat take the piss out of science like your anti-vaxxers etc exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:54:00 and oddly like no one else is really I mean people sort of flirt with it but I think and oddly no one else is really people sort of flirt with it but I think we really go for it and talk some absolute nonsense on it as well so even if you just like stupid stuff and if you listen to
Starting point is 00:54:16 the Taskmaster podcast you do you'll enjoy Eureka it's quite funny and you occasionally learn bits and pieces as well and then you can impress people
Starting point is 00:54:29 by passing off the information as your own and you know there's a lot to enjoy I would argue but then of course I'm biased As ever we will ask you to rate your experience on the taskmaster podcast between one and five
Starting point is 00:54:51 points in the style of the taskmaster rick let's have your score please three oh dear i'm getting a lot of threes at the moment. Why is it three? Well, do you know what? Purely on experience and chat, it's sort of between a four and a five. But just this bad back, it's not really anything to do with you. I've got my back, it's killing me. Oh, mate, I'm sorry. Doing anything is unpleasant.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah, fair enough. So don't take this personally at all. But it's got to be a three. Yeah, fair enough. So don't take this personally at all. But it's got to be a three. Yeah, fair enough. Have you got anything warm on your back right now, like a hot water bottle or a heated bean pouch? Excuse me, a heated what? A heated bean pouch?
Starting point is 00:55:40 You said it with nearly enough confidence to pull that off. The old heated bean pouch. Have you got an HBP on or not? No, I'm going with, I've got some cooling gel on there. Ah, nice. Okay. I'm going cooling, but then I think I might, I don't really know which is better. So I'll just sort of alternate wildly.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Do it on your podcast. What's good for a bad back. Have a bit of fun with it. Yes. Yes, I will actually. what's good for a bad back have a bit of fun with it yes yes i will actually quite a bad episode rick thank you very much well thank you sorry for giving you a three and once again apologies no worries i hope you get your i hope your back feels better and we will see you back on the taskmaster podcast soon thank Thank you very much, Rick Edwards. Thank you, Ed Gamble. Thank you very much, Rick. Thank you very much for coming in, mate.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Wonderful chat as always. Do go and listen to Eureka, Rick's science podcast. It sounds like a lot of fun. Do come and see me on tour. Ed Gamble Electric is the name of the show. I start up my tour again in September. Edgamble.co.uk for tickets. tickets but for now we will see you again next week to talk about taskmaster series 13 episode 8 goodbye Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing.
Starting point is 00:57:18 With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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