Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 83. Rosie Ramsey - S13 Ep.8

Episode Date: June 2, 2022

On this week's podcast Ed is joined by podcaster and TV host Rosie Ramsey. Rosie brings all of her Taskmaster highlights and serves some wonderful behind the scenes goss on current contestant and husb...and, Chris Ramsey.Watch Series 13 of Taskmaster every Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4. Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble, host of the Taskmaster podcast. We are, of course, currently chatting about Series 13. And today we'll be chatting about Series 13, Episode 8. It is getting so close to the end of the series it's still all to play for very very exciting it's another great episode i'm absolutely loving this series uh today we will be talking to a special guest about series 13 episode 8 and our very
Starting point is 00:01:36 special guest today is the wonderful rosie ramsey yes rosie ramsey a wonderful podcaster, a wonderful TV host, and point of interest for this chat, she is married to Chris Ramsey, current contestant on Taskmaster, so we're going to be getting the behind-the-scenes goss. Rosie is not afraid of absolutely tearing strips off Chris, so I think this is going to be a very fun chat. this is going to be a very fun chat of course keep watching Taskmaster every Thursday channel 4 9 p.m or catch up on all four make sure you go and watch the episode before you listen to this chat there will be spoilers it's another very funny episode let's just crack on let's do this this is series 13 episode 8 on the Taskmaster podcast with Rosie Ramsey. Welcome to the Taskmaster podcast, Rosie Ramsey. Hello. Hiya. Hello. Hello. Thank you so much for doing this. You're welcome. Thanks for having us.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Very excitingly, you are the first partner of a contestant we've ever had on. Oh, actually? Yeah, genuinely. We've never had anyone on to dish the dirt on a current contestant of Taskmaster. So this is perfect. And I think you're the absolute perfect first partner of a contestant to have on. And of course, wonderful, wonderful podcaster, broadcaster, TV show host in your own right as well. Thank you very much. Thank you. But today you're mainly here to slag off Chris. Yes. And that's my favourite thing.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Forget all of them. Actually, this is my, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. If I could get paid for it, even better. But you never know. Now, when we had Chris on,
Starting point is 00:03:14 he let us know that he'd never watched Taskmaster before he was actually booked for the show. Yeah. Had you watched Taskmaster before Chris was booked for the show?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Never, ever seen it. Never seen it. And I think Chris told you this. The reason I've never seen it is because Chris hadn't done it and wouldn't let me watch the series. I don't know if Chris had told us that. He told us that he had never watched it because he'd never done it, which is perfectly understandable.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I think a lot of comics do that sort of thing. They very rarely admit it. So we respected that from Chris. Yeah. but i didn't know he'd stopped his loved ones from also no no nobody we're not allowed to watch it he didn't tell us about it i i kind of avoided it because i knew that it was a bit of a trigger point for him like i knew because he never it's so his cup of tea it is so so, like, it's so up his street. But I'm really annoyed now because I love the show. I absolutely love the show.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I think, well, I might, to be honest, I might go back to the beginning and watch them all again. You should. Because I know that some of the people have done it and I think that they're hilarious. So I really think I would enjoy it. I think you would, absolutely. And I think it's cruel that Chris has kept you
Starting point is 00:04:24 from the world of Master But now now you can finally fully investigate it as a thing, but I think I think you're right He's he's so he's so made for the show It's so his sort of thing like just planning little games and it's it's something he would do in normal life anyway, isn't it? Yeah, he loves that kind of stuff Like honestly, I don't think people realize how much of a nerd that Chris is. And I mean that in the nicest way. I think he comes across, and I know when he was younger,
Starting point is 00:04:51 he came across like this. He came across like a lad. Everyone thought he was like, lads, lads, lads, Geordie lad, football. He's absolutely the complete opposite. For fun, Chris will do a Lego set and play with a Rub rubik's cube that is his idea of a good day do you know what i mean yeah totally he's such a nerd you are and and you are right and nerd is the right is the right word in that the connotation of nerd for me is someone who gets very enthusiastic about something and he will he will absolutely get giddy about about doing something that he
Starting point is 00:05:25 enjoys and that's that's totally coming across on the show i think and you're right about the the laddie football thing as well in fact in this episode uh coming up later there's uh someone attempts to converse with chris about football and he he loves telling people he doesn't know anything about it i know he really it's so do you know when we get in a taxi? We get in a taxi, right? And the taxi driver's, especially when we're in London, right? The taxi driver will hear the accent
Starting point is 00:05:50 and he'll go, where are you from? We'll go, you know, we'll just live outside Newcastle. You go, oh, bad school. Chris is like, I didn't watch it. And just,
Starting point is 00:05:57 just like, didn't watch it. Don't like it. Shuts it down. Yeah, he just really doesn't like football. But, which is so funny
Starting point is 00:06:03 because all of his friends are massive football fans. His best, best friends go to the match every weekend. They've all got season tickets. And it's just not his cup of tea. But I think it might be like from trauma, from being bullied or something when he's younger. Do you think?
Starting point is 00:06:17 I think that's why he doesn't, honestly, I'm not joking. I think that's why he doesn't like it. I think something's happened that he's never told us about. Oh God, I shouldn't laugh so much at that, really. But there we are. I'll find out. I'll find out. Let me still, though.
Starting point is 00:06:30 It must be really dark if you don't know about it yet. Yeah, I know. On his deathbed, he'd be like, when I was 13, someone hit us with a football in the yard. And ever since, I can't look at them. And that'll be the final episode of your podcast. Are you enjoying this series of Taskmaster so far? Are you enjoying watching it every week?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Love it. I absolutely love it. I genuinely look forward to it coming on. And that doesn't always happen with everything that Chris has done in the past. Well, to be honest with you, no, nid wyf yn golygu hynny mewn ffordd ddifrydol. Mae'n rhaid i ddim ei weld unrhyw beth. Dwi ddim yn gwybod eich bod chi'n ei fodd. Bydd yn gwneud rhaglen. Dwi'n yr un. Ac nid yw'n ei gweld. Nid ydy'n ei gweld. Bydd yn cael ysgrifennu gan fy mab yn dweud, rydych chi'n rhedeg ac mae'n dweud, iawn, iawn. Ond mae'r series hon yn yr un cyntaf
Starting point is 00:07:22 rydyn ni wedi seilio i lawr ac yn edrych ymlaen i'w gwylio. Rwy'n mwynhau'r peth. But this series is the first one that we've actually sat down and looked forward to watching. I'm really, really enjoying it. Has he given you any clues about stuff he's done on the show or are you seeing it all fresh when it comes out? He can't even remember. Yeah. So the episode comes on and obviously it's been edited all together and he can't remember when it was or what it was.
Starting point is 00:07:44 So it'll come on and then he'll just go oh yes i remember this one or you know so we're kind of watching it fresh together which is nice are there any highlights for you so far uh not necessarily something that something that chris has done because you know i'm going to ask you a difficult question a bit in a bit about who's your favorite contestant on the show. But are there any highlights task-wise or moment-wise that spring to mind? Literally, like, I'm holding and laughing because it made me laugh so much
Starting point is 00:08:11 and I had to rewind it about six times. On the task where they have to high-five Alex. Yeah, yeah. And whoever is the third or whatever. Yes. Judy, right? When she ran before anybody else like literally I couldn't breathe I couldn't breathe as soon as Alex said um this isn't a task you don't have to work together
Starting point is 00:08:36 she literally looked left right and just sprinted it was that look wasn't it it was that look as look as if to say, well, why aren't they going for it? Fine, I'll take this then. Because at some point in her head, the idea of being third fastest doesn't mean the third one up. It means from one point to another point, who is the third fastest?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yeah. But I think that's why I love, because I don't think she listens at all. No. She doesn't listen. And neither do I. I'm very much like that. I'm really bad at listening. And like, so not in general life,
Starting point is 00:09:12 just if it's a instruction or something like that, it just goes in one ear and goes out the other. So I don't listen to it. That's why setting this mic up today, bear in mind how many of these I've done, I had no idea what I was doing, because Chris does it and I just kind of look and go, mm-hmm, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So I totally, I'm on her wavelength with the not listening. So, I mean, do I need to ask you who's your favorite contestant? Judy. Judy. I think, honestly, hilarious. But they're all really different, because I think Bridget's great um sophie's really clever yeah and you can just you can tell that she's very very clever oh yes
Starting point is 00:09:50 i don't know if chris told you this he might not have chris always gets really tough and he mentions every week because um him and sophie kind of uh tackle things the similar way yes this is what he said he's like i mean sophie things and he goes she went oxfam you know every week and he's like and we tackle things really similar i'm like right okay but you did not go to oxfam chris it's so dull um but then i think arnold's so funny and obviously chris is coming across really well on the show i think it's a really good group it really is i think you're absolutely right it's uh yeah but it's very funny that judy's your favorite so judy has the approach that you think you might take if you were on the show sadly yes but she's really losing she's not doing great she just doesn't listen at all but her facial expressions just have me
Starting point is 00:10:47 like honestly howling with laughter yeah so funny i don't know like just have mannerisms just yeah i think i've said it on the podcast i think they leave the edit whenever she says something and then react she reacts facially to everything so they just leave the camera on her longer than anyone else yeah because she's always she's always doing something so funny so funny so let's let's talk about this episode, Series 13, Episode 8. We are getting towards the end of the series, sadly. But, you know, it's getting pretty exciting. Let's talk about the prize task, which is the loveliest thing to hold above your head,
Starting point is 00:11:37 which is a tricky one. I'm not sure if anyone covered themselves in glory this week with the things they brought in. Let's talk about Chris straight away, because he was very proud of himself with his untuckable shirt. Oh, the shirt. The shirt. Do you know where he found that?
Starting point is 00:11:55 No. So he had to wear them on strictly. Did he? That's where that came from. Of course. Because he always had to wave in his hands around. Yeah. So they sewed the shirt to underpants and that's where that came from it's basically like a little baby grow really isn't it a man's baby grow it's a man grow um i mean it looked disgusting it looked like something
Starting point is 00:12:21 you'd find in a hospital it's just the fact they were like white pants sewed to his shirt and stuff yeah he didn't it doesn't come up on the show that that's what that's what he had to wear on Strictly I assume I don't know if he mentioned it that will make sense that would totally make sense yeah because if you want to sort of start flailing your arms around I mean I don't I don't watch Strictly all the time but I'd imagine they're just flailing their arms around yeah a lot a lot of flailing. Yeah, a lot of flailing, yeah. A lot of arms up here. Yeah, it's all going on. I thought this would do better. I think it got three points.
Starting point is 00:12:50 But then I think Greg says something at the end which makes sense. So the prize task is the loveliest thing to hold above your head. The un-untuckable shirt is not being held above your head. The arms are being held above the head. If anything, the un-untuckable shirt,
Starting point is 00:13:03 the whole point of it is that it doesn't go above your head exactly terrible it was actually when i watched it i was like this is not you haven't listened to the task at all because that's terrible like that's you saying that who doesn't listen to anything yeah it was it was not he did not do well he did not do well on that one but it was a night look, it felt to me like he'd found that thing or he remembered wearing that thing on Strictly and he thought, I'm going to get this into Taskmaster some way. He's just shoehorned it in.
Starting point is 00:13:32 He's shoehorned it in, hasn't he? Any opportunity he has. Yeah. Probably just wanted to mention Strictly or something. I think he got three points because Greg thought it was a good idea. Because, I mean, Greg used to have material about wearing. He used to go on stage and his T-shirts were always too short.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And if he lifts his hands above his head, his big belly would pop out. So I actually think Greg was really attracted to that as a product. I think in the future, next time Greg does a tour, we might see him wearing one of the Ununtuckable shirts. Maybe Chris knew that though. Maybe, yeah. Sly little dog. See?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yeah, very sly. Judy wouldn't have thought of that. Yeah. Sophie would have done though. She went to Oxford. Sophie would have done that, yeah. Let's talk about Judy. I mean, this is a classic Judy love
Starting point is 00:14:20 absolutely phoning it in prize task. Judy brought in a fan. Oh. Oh, come on. It's so bad. Just so bad. love absolutely phoning it in prize task Judy brought in a fan I think the day because I remember when I don't know if you talk sorry I know I'm a bit behind the scenes I don't know if you know but I remember when Chris got the list yeah so before he'd even started filming he got a list of what he'd have to yes yeah yeah and I'm sure it was written like taskmaster writing. I think they take it pretty seriously.
Starting point is 00:14:48 They give it to you on like a sheet of paper like they would do with the task. I don't think it's folded up, but it's all typed out in the font. Yeah, yeah. All the price tasks, yeah. And I remember when he was choosing all the stuff. I've just got a feeling that Judy might have done that
Starting point is 00:15:01 on a really busy day and not really thought much of it. Do you know what I would do? I'd probably think, well, what the hell is this? Well, it doesn't, right, just whatever. Pick all this stuff and then not realise that actually it's a big part of the show. Huge. This is why it's important.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I think sometimes, I say it's important to watch a show before you do it. Chris hadn't really watched it. He's doing amazingly well. But for me, when I got that, I was like, right, here we go. I know this is important. Let's really think about this it didn't really i didn't do amazingly the price test sometimes i think people benefit from just going it's this this and this because you're trying to show your personality you have to pick something funny and something good in judy's case i don't think she's nailed it there i don't think she did very well though no it was probably a day where
Starting point is 00:15:42 she was doing strictly and loose women and whatever else she's doing. Yeah, that's what I'm... I think it might have been a busy day when she got that letter and she's just picked random shit from around the house. A fan. Why would you hold a fan above your head? The fan classically goes on the face at head level.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And it wasn't good. It wasn't good. But we let you... They were all quite bad, actually. it wasn't good but we let you we were all quite bad actually yeah they were all quite probably bridget's was the best which was the the parasol the lace parasol the little lace parasol um ardle with that and that was ridiculous but i think i think he actually it's about it's prize. And he presented, he knew it was bad. You could see it in his eyes. But he presented it with Judy Love level bullshit.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. Which I thought it deserved a couple more points for that, for the getting to the front of the queue in a museum, for pretending to be a tour guide. I think, but no, Greg was not having that at all. And I just love to see Ardell flail and panic. He's so brilliant. So funny, isn't he't he so funny because he really doesn't care um so he's just nitpicking everyone else he's just he just throwing himself into it it's great it's wonderful to watch bridget's handmade lace
Starting point is 00:16:57 parasol you're right lovely i mean i like anything that gives you an insight into into bridget's life which appears to just be finding things in skips hanging them on our wall and then being given being given a lace but I love I kind of love you do get know the person out because she's like my neighbor and then she's always talking about a sister and her brother-in-law and I love that though I love hearing about people's family yeah and I love that kind of background that you get and she saw quirky and she's absent she's drop-dead that you get and she's so quirky and she's absolutely, she's drop dead gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, yeah. And she's bringing the looks on Taskmaster as well. Yeah. She's always got, she said on this podcast, she said she's always tried to do something like westerny where like a little bit sort of like western film, every look she had,
Starting point is 00:17:43 which actually I suppose the lace parasol matches up to that as well. Yeah. I do get that now you've said that actually yeah that's clever yeah she's okay but i think you're right we're always hearing about her neighbor or her family and it makes it sound like she lives on some sort of commune i'm pretty sure she lives in london no i think she lives in lond and she clearly just surrounds herself with people it's great let's talk about Sophie's teeny tiny trophy from a stand-up competition
Starting point is 00:18:10 I like the trophy and I think the way she presents it very confidently by saying teeny tiny trophy in a very serious and straightforward way was lovely I am surprised it got five points I'll be honest because the rest were all shit.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Well, yeah. That's true. I thought it was quite good, but I think it only got that many points because the rest were pretty dire. Because it is something you could at least hold above your head, as was Bridget's,
Starting point is 00:18:36 which is why they both got the five points. Yes. Yeah. I would have liked to have seen Greg hold the teeny tiny trophy. That would have been nice. It's always funny to see Greg hold something small. Really small. Yeah, really small
Starting point is 00:18:48 because he's huge. But no, we just have to imagine that. It was five points, because as you say, everything else was shit, for Sophie's teeny tiny trophy. Five points for Bridget's parasol. Three points for the Art and Untuckable shirt. Two points for Judy's fan, amazingly. And one point for
Starting point is 00:19:03 Ardell's table tennis bat. Judy. I went for a lovely fan. Yes, Judy's brought in a fan. There it is. Yeah, I mean, the obvious thing to do with that is to hold it aloft above one's head. Well, when you get...
Starting point is 00:19:24 Look, you know how hot you get because you're hot, right? Imagine if, in the most hottest time of your life... I think, oh, I can do with a fan. Over my head. I'm holding it above my own head. Yeah, you know that moment when you're walking and the air con hits you? You hold that fan too high, you are going to untuck your shirt. It's going to be terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Task one, learn Swedish. You'll have a five-minute conversation with the Swedish person in 15 minutes from now the phrasebook and the tablet must remain in the caravan best demonstration of the Swedish language wins your time starts when you first said Swedish it is the return of Fred you will not know this Rosie because it's the first series you've watched. Fred is a recurring character in Taskmaster. We've not seen him for a while. He's been in Taskmaster maybe three times. I don't really know the stats.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Other people do stats. But he's been in Taskmaster many times doing Swedish-based tasks. Oh, so just Swedish. Just Swedish-edish-based stuff all the language right okay just the swedish stuff i'd used to live in the uk i believe uh and has since moved back to sweden uh and was in the horn section for a while uh with alex so he's he always pops in to do a little a little swedish-based task but this is a this is a tricky one and i think ch Chris did what I would have done, which was enter confidently, and
Starting point is 00:20:48 then completely panic. I thought he'd have done better in this one, to be honest with you. Only because he's got a really weird memory. He's really good at remembering things, but something which I don't think many people know
Starting point is 00:21:04 about Chris, but I i know it gets really embarrassed okay so i've that's one of the notes i've made i've i've not seen chris this embarrassed before i mean and it happens later on this is not a good episode for chris i think these are a couple of tasks that he was absolutely dreading being shown um he got he gets really shy in this and like pretends pretends to be asleep no we get he's like he's not so obviously funny but so I'm from a theater background so I don't really give I'll do anything and I'm not really bothered whereas Chris isn, so he gets so embarrassed if he's ever got to kind of make a fool of himself, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He's really game for it and he's doing it. This is the first thing I've ever seen him do where I'm like, you're really up for this. If he'd have done this years ago, I don't think he'd have done half as well. Because I think he'd be too embarrassed. Because he feels uncomfortable when it's sort of outside of his control.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. And, but I think he, I think you're right. I think he's doing amazingly at that. And I think he is throwing himself into it and throws caution to the wind.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I wonder whether this task was quite early on in the filming of the tasks that might have. Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. Cause there's some of them where he's so comfortable and you can tell that I think he's been doing it for a few days or whatever. And it might be the fifth or sixth time but the first few I bet that was quite early on because you can tell that he's just not that comfortable doing it because I thought I thought he was gonna do okay I mean he he knew the word for tired he
Starting point is 00:22:37 needs to say that I thought it started well and then he just seemed to he didn't bottle it but I think he just, he worried himself into, well, pretending to fall asleep, for example, and then managed to say, well, hey. That was quite, well, hey, when you left the room, well, hey. Just trying to, that's what happens when you try and make up a Swedish word, is you end up saying, well, hey. Yeah, I mean, to be fair, that was a hard task, I think.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah. I think that's one of the hardest I think that's been so far. But he was so confident when he was learning the Swedish. Like every time he'd get a question, he'd answer it right and he would go, boom. He kept saying boom after everything, which it's like he'd been forced to say it. It was like hearing no way again. Yeah, no, he says boom quite a lot. Yeah. He's like,'d been forced to say it it was like it was like hearing no way again yeah no he says boom quite a lot yeah like boom okay done something done something he's proud of it's
Starting point is 00:23:32 sometimes sometimes i think it's a shame that we don't video record these podcasts because the look on your face there was so specifically wife talking about a husband there was a lot of love in that look but also just pure hatred of yay says boom quite a lot it's just quite irritating quite irritating it's a look i see on my wife's face on a regular basis yeah all right yeah we get it you're a performer but we're at home now come on yeah no no yeah we get it we get it so he doesn't do great. He only gets the one point, sadly. Luckily for Judy, because Judy doesn't do great either. I mean, she tries, but she invents a new phrase,
Starting point is 00:24:13 which is also the title of the episode, you tuper stuper. There is no, sometimes there is no filter between Judy's brain and mouth. There is nothing. That's why I love her. That's why I love her. no filter between Judy's brain and mouth there is nothing I think she was trying to say you're super too yeah but it came out super duper I think that's how it came out because I was like I think she's trying to say you're super too and it just it's just it's just knackered yeah it's amazing that yeah there's no things just formulate in the brain and we all have nonsense flying around our brain but i think a lot
Starting point is 00:24:52 of people go right well i'm not gonna let that slip out and judy just goes there's a straight pipe just from her brain out of mouth which is absolutely amazing but not good when you're trying to speak swedish uh so it was it was two points for Judy Sophie got three points pretty good I thought but you know she went to Oxford we know we know this she she's you know she's good at learning stuff I'd imagine she goes in quite hard by by telling Fred that she's pregnant I don't know what happened there that was a kid kid from Norway, that one, didn't it? But that's, I mean, that's good. It's like there was an extra bit on the task saying,
Starting point is 00:25:29 reveal something dramatic about yourself. Make it memorable. Yeah. But it turns out there was a phrase in the back of the Swedish book to say useful phrases in Swedish. Useful phrases. And I think she's just learned that bit, yeah. I think she's learned that bit.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I mean, I think they're only useful phrases if you are actually pregnant i don't think they're suggesting anyone should just go to sweden and start and start saying they're pregnant yeah um bridget i mean look this has worked out very well for bridget it's a clever thing to do sure but she finds herself in a good situation she just calls her brother who speaks swedish yeah she's good at doing that bridget she sees so not many of them do it she kind of sees different angles to the tasks doesn't she she does i mean she reads it and kind of goes and i don't think she means to do it i think it's quite fluky i think she just goes like could i do this or and then does it and it works out okay yeah she just thinks slightly
Starting point is 00:26:21 differently i think yeah so she's not it's not like she's you say, she's not trying to think her way around a task. It just happens to be the way that she thinks. It's the way that her brain works, yeah. Yeah, sometimes I would say she just doesn't read the task at all. Sometimes she just reads some of it and then ignores a really important bit. And doesn't she ask just like loads of questions? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I mean, there's something coming up and there's something coming up later actually with Bridget and Alex. It's the first contestant I've ever known for him to just be quite horrible to, or not horrible to, but like snap back at her. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like he clearly, he loses his patience
Starting point is 00:26:59 or he just feels like it's a funny thing to do or he's decided before the series, I'm finally going to snap back at one contestant. And during shoe task he absolutely he was livid at her oh he was wasn't he he was fed up he was absolutely fed up um but i love i love bridget calling her brother i think that works i mean as alex said later on the the actual task was best demonstration of the Swedish language wins. So it doesn't say that they have to demonstrate it. It's perfect. She did very well. But I felt like it maybe should have been a five, but the impressive song from Adel is what won it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 How did he remember that? Well, I was thinking about this, not Swedish, but do you not remember songs from school and things like that? Give us an example. So, I know a French one. Do you know this one? Are you ready? Bonjour, madame. Bonjour, monsieur.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Bonjour, mademoiselle. Je me présente. Je m'appelle Helen Depuis. Oh, no. Rosie Ramsey. Je suis Rosie Ramsey. Rosie, c'est mon prénom. Ramsey, mon famille.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Bonjour, salut. Comment t'appelles-tu? That's a French one. That's fantastic. Yeah. I know a German one as well. I don't think I have a memory. Go on.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Just a snippet. Go on, snippet. A little German snippet. Hallo aus Berlin. Wie heißt du, just a snippet. Go on, snippet. A little German snippet. Hallo aus Berlin. Wie heißt du? And that's it. Yeah, I'm not sure I do, you know. I don't think I've got a memory like that.
Starting point is 00:28:33 None at all. But I think it's even more impressive that Adel remembered a Swedish song from a night where he was clearly absolutely hammered. Yeah. And the song itself is pretty disgusting. It's Let the sick rain down because when the subtitles were on i was like is this is this right or is this the worst song
Starting point is 00:28:56 in the history of the world uh it's the worst song ever but i get that and and i think he was just really lucky that it was yeah task. Oh, very lucky. And he was able to use it. Yeah, exactly. And I think it was quite possibly the most impressive demonstration of the Swedish language because, you know, there was no calling his brother or anything like that. It was just straight memory, a disgusting drinking song.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Agreed. It was perfect. And his accent was good. Yeah, it was. It was. He did really well there. He did do well. Five points for Adil,
Starting point is 00:29:25 four points for Bridget, three points for Sophie, two points for Judy and one point for Chris. We've not deliberately got you on for a bad episode of Chris's, but it's very funny that we have. Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Finds that not Australia Darman can or a Svenske folks music? That they're so roll-lick-to-pour-a-full Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations,
Starting point is 00:30:31 how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future. Task two, stick your tongue out as far as it will go and keep it out until further notice every time alex blows his whistle you must lick the lemon then the sherbet then the ice lolly
Starting point is 00:31:35 every time alex honks his horn you must hold out your tongue in front of the fan for five seconds the tongue that stays out for the longest time wins. This is, I mean, let's talk about this straight away. This is one of, I think, one of the most disgusting tasks that there's ever been on Taskmaster. It was awful. It was horrible to watch. It was really horrible to watch. Even to the extent Alex is apologising for it throughout.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah. In the studio and filming the task. He's giving trigger warnings about all the spit. He seems genuinely upset. I mean, I think there's, for you when you go back and watch it, there's the watermelon task in series one, which I think is the first ever task in Taskmaster.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It goes pretty disgusting. There's a few eating-based ones that are pretty foul, but this one is up there. It's bad. There's something about saliva that's really disgusting and i don't know why i don't like honestly there's just something about it and when it was on the oh it was on the floor it was just pouring out of people's mouths wasn't it god it was pretty horrible i mean and i guess there's that thing as well that as a contestant it's quite humiliating
Starting point is 00:32:43 because you have to make that decision in your head to go, I'm just going to have to let myself dribble everywhere. That's going to have to be it. And there's cameras on, and I'm just going to have to go up everywhere. Just got to go with it. Which makes me think maybe Judy made the decision to not humiliate herself.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's what I thought, you know. I don't think she was sick of it. I think she was just like, I'm not. Yeah, I'm not yeah i'm not doing this i'm on loose women i'm not doing this exactly do you know she's got a clothing line coming out she can't be drooling everywhere like jeez that would put me off buying a clothing line yeah if i saw the ambassador for the clothing line just wearing the shirt just covered in covered in spit um it is it's very funny that i mean it's a really it's a really good task i don't know how alex came up with this one is this like is this a thing have people done this before that you know that if you have to do all of this
Starting point is 00:33:36 then you start dribbling everywhere no idea no idea but it's one of those that i think that people will reenact yeah i think you right. I think you're totally right. This is one for the home taskers for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But definitely lay down a tarpaulin or something if you're going to do this at home, please. For God's sake. Or do it outside.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Wait for the summer and do it outside. Oh, yeah. Do it in the bath. It's probably the best place to do it. So bad. Now, here's something interesting. I'm now fascinated by the length of people's tongues. You're talking about Bridget? Bridget, okay, there's no way her to, surely she was not sticking it all the way out as some tactical thing. So there's a point
Starting point is 00:34:16 where she licks something and it comes out a little bit further. Yeah. And I was like, oh. So I don't know whether that was a clever, it was quite clever by her to just go, this is how big my tongue is. This is how big my tongue is. Quite clever. I think it was initially, but then I think if she knew what the task was
Starting point is 00:34:35 or what she actually had to do, I don't think it helps only sticking the tip of your tongue out. I think it helps like really thrusting the tongue out all the way. We had to stick our tongues out in series nine when I was doing series nine, because we're in the studio for some reason,
Starting point is 00:34:49 we all had to stick our tongues out. I can't remember why. I think we got a bonus point for longest tongue. So I wonder whether sometimes you can see in tasks where Alex has taken the little sort of seed of inspiration from a previous task he's done. Oh, and just added to it. And just added a load of sherbet and lemon.
Starting point is 00:35:05 That's what he normally does. It's going to hurt your jaw, though, isn't it? Was it Chris who did the jaw thing after? Because you don't want to think about that. Because obviously watching at home, you're like, oh, just stick your tongue out and just do it. Yeah. For God's sake.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But then obviously you don't realise that it actually hurts. Yeah, and for that long as well. That long. Judy only lasted five minutes. Ardell only lasted six minutes, 42. Yeah. Which is a shame. But I mean, Bridget, Chris and Sophie, Bridget was 12 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Chris was 14 minutes and three seconds. Sophie was 26 minutes, 20. That is, I couldn't believe that. Your face is going to go numb, isn't it? Yeah. How did she do that? 26 minutes, 26 minutes. I can't even stay on a treadmill for 26 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:48 What the hell? 26 minutes she had her tongue out for? It's crazy. I wonder if maybe, I mean, she's got a pierced tongue. Maybe that's got something to do with it. Maybe it just, maybe everything's less sensitive. Maybe she can't feel. Maybe she can't feel it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Maybe it's just the use of the piece of meat in there now. Oh my God. It's like having a bit of ham hanging out your mouth. All she's doing is wiping a bit of ham on everything when she's licking the lemon. She can't feel it at all. Yeah, I did think that actually when I saw the piercing. I thought the sensitivity is knackered around there. Although, I mean, she wasn't acting like the sensitivity was knackered i mean she had her lamb noise was back uh from earlier in the series greg says that she
Starting point is 00:36:29 sounds like a little lamb and it was back it was back full force during this task uh she really went for it and oh my god i'll give her praise for that she really really went for it and i was like she you can i think with tasks like that when people really stay at them, you kind of go, I bet that she's really good at finishing stuff. Yes. And winning things. Do you know what I mean? Very dedicated, very dedicated.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah, I'd have given up. Yeah. Would you have given up? Or would you have gone more the way of Judy? Or would you have thrown yourself into it a bit more? Would you have let that flob reign free? Oh, I'd have absolutely let the flub go free for sure for like whatever but i don't know if i had lasted 26 minutes no god i don't know how anyone did
Starting point is 00:37:12 no i mean i i would have been fine with the humiliation thing as well i think yeah anyone who saw uh me on taskmaster i think would know i mean mean, I did flob. I flobbed deliberately into a cup of tea I was making Alex, so I've got no problem with flobbing on camera. Oh my god. Did he drink it? Yeah. No, he didn't drink it. Yeah, it was a team
Starting point is 00:37:38 task. We had to make it. It was me, Rose Matifeo and Katie Wicks and we had to make Alex a cup of tea and everything was stuck to the table or everything was made deliberately difficult to make a cup of tea and I sucked the milk out of the jug and gobbed it in into the cup of tea but there was it wasn't just milk that went in uh and then and then he had to drink it we didn't get many points but it was worth it for me horrible so I would have had no problem with the flubbing but I think you're right just the sheer force of will that's required to go for that long it was very very impressive from Sophie and marks
Starting point is 00:38:12 her out as quite the contestant. So it's five points for Sophie beating Chris as she did by 12 minutes. Four points for Chris, three points for Bridget, two points for Adil and one point for Judy. Incredible. Was this both of your favourite tasks? I didn't mind it actually. I mean sure, but lovely, lemon lovely, lollies lovely. I mean I'm just proud of myself that I could still communicate with my tongue out yes oh the standard is wonderful do you want to hear the nasal communication now it was better than her swedish yeah here we go yeah it's crystal clear isn't it let's talk about this task three let's talk about this task three chris's crowning moment oh yeah walk through this doorway wearing the longest shoes and the biggest hat you must open the door and walk through this doorway
Starting point is 00:39:12 wearing your long shoes and big hat within the next 20 minutes bonus point for the most stylish what happened to chris here just what so i've got i've got a little quote from him that he told me last night whilst we were watching it. he said that whilst doing the task he walked past a table of crafts. Loads of things to make things with. And he walked past and he said,
Starting point is 00:39:39 fucks all that. Walked straight past it. It does that to you sometimes. taskmaster messes with your head he couldn't for some reason his brain short-circuited he couldn't work out that you had to make extra things instead he ended up wearing alex's shoes because they were one size bigger than his and he was going where's all the hats where's all the shoes why can't i find and then he finds some hats and he was like oh this must the hats where's all the shoes why can't i find and then he finds some hats and he was like oh this must be where they leave all the hats but if he'd watched the series
Starting point is 00:40:10 before yeah he would have understood i bet that was quite early on well here's here's an interesting thing i watched that i saw this uh this episode and i thought that must be day one because he's saying things like where's all the hats what do you do and he's sort of looking at the task going why are we doing this like he's slightly baffled by the whole thing and i thought that must be the first task he's doing and you know he's not used to taskmaster yet i texted him it was quite late on are you joking no he's he just he just had a mad day where his brain just short-circuited he'd done loads of he'd probably done the you know the sausage spinning and the cement mixer before this He just had a mad day where his brain just short-circuited. He'd done loads of... He'd probably done the sausage spinning
Starting point is 00:40:47 and the cement mixer before this. Yeah, all of that where he's had good ideas. Yeah. Oh, well, that's when I said, you really let yourself down on that one. You really let yourself down. Like, seriously. As if that would have just been it.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah. Like, that is not just it. You know what I mean? Biggest hat. You can't just have the biggest hat. You don't go and find the biggest pre-made hat. This is Taskmaster. You've got to make a hat, man.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Exactly. Terrible. But, I mean, he probably looked the most stylish, I'd say. So I feel like he should have got a bonus point for that because he did look the most normal. Do you not think? Absolutely not. He put a pair of somebody's shoes on in a cowboy hat yeah fair enough
Starting point is 00:41:26 he should have got points taken off him he was really embarrassed by that to be fair he was yeah when it came up he was like oh i fucked this one i'm absolutely not get this one also bad he had the look of someone and i did this a couple of times where you do something really unimpressive or you're like i don't i've definitely not done this right. Something's gone wrong here. And you just hope that it's not going to be shown. That's all you can hope, that it's going to be one of the tasks that doesn't make the edit. And when he had that cowboy hat on,
Starting point is 00:41:53 you could just see him being like, please, please let everyone else have done badly. And when it comes up, when they're showing it, you can just see him tense up. It's brilliant. Devastated. Oh, bless him. Because everyone else throws themselves into it.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Everyone else understands we've got ardle with his big pipes uh shoes and the baby bath on his head this is perfect for ardle this uh this task i think because he loves looking silly yeah and that's the actor in him isn't it yeah totally that's the thing i think the costume actors i think that's the difference yeah so this is one you would have done well in as well like you say that i think this is one that you would have absolutely just loved to throw yourself into yeah I think so I think so for sure Judy of course makes Alex gather gather some stuff if if there's any point where
Starting point is 00:42:36 Judy can make Alex do something for her she does yeah and just makes them gather loads of shoes and hats and tapes them all together I mean even that why didn't chris think to get all the hats he found and put them together to make one big hat i know no idea what happened to him that day what was going on i'm trying to think what he was doing when taskmaster was when he was recording it we did have a lot but he was very much there and in the moment loving it yeah yeah i can't think he must have just had like you say he must have just short circuit of that day and just kind of gone well this is what it is there you go he's probably hungry was it near dinner time yeah it possibly was yeah probably just thought he's very like that you
Starting point is 00:43:15 know he's very in the moment can't say anything in front of him so he if he's been hungry he'll have gone right I'm not whatever I'll just do it and not thought about it and then he'll have gone, whatever, I'll just do it and not thought about it. And then he'll have sat on that stage and been devastated. Yeah. Yeah. Very him. Yeah. Oh, maybe it was me. It was just before lunch. You got to think there's so many things that influence the way people do tasks. Judy's was great, I thought.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It only got two points, but it was accompanied with some classic love bullshit saying it was Vivienne Westwood inspired and that apparently it brings harmony. I love the way Judy start sentences and she clearly has no idea how she's going to end them. Sweet favorite thing. Honestly, it's just, she stammers when she's saying it.
Starting point is 00:43:59 You can just see she's making it up on the spot. You haven't even rehearsed this at all and that's what i love i just think it's hilarious and you can tell when she's bullshitting because her she blinks so slowly she just starts blinking really so harmony and just see greg and alex lose it i think it's the i think judy is the most greg has ever laughed at things a contestant has said yeah he always has to cover his face with his cards because he's laughing so much.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I think, yeah, he's just absolutely losing it every time she speaks. It's great to see. Bridget makes lovely shoes from Pipes and Foam Swimming Noodles, sort of horrific, sort of almost like weird children's character shoes. I love them. Yeah. Yeah, they were very child-catchery, weren't they?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and the colander hat and then yeah she's got a lot going on there and that's where yeah Alex is giving quite a lot of attitude to Bridget there again like every time she's asking questions he's snapping back at her clearly fed up of her bullshit this must have been
Starting point is 00:44:58 after the shoe task which I think was a real tipping point in their relationship so many questions she's got a fabulous accent yeah it's great it's just lovely to listen to when she's talking i love accents so much yeah and um yeah i love listening to her talk yeah she's brilliant um sophie uh i mean greg mentions it she's obsessed with death in this series. I know. It's either, it's death in general
Starting point is 00:45:26 or it's killing Alex or Alex dying is a big part of it as well. Very dark. And she's quite, she's quite not aggressive towards Alex, but like she really goes for him. Like even in the licking task where Alex says, which is the worst one?
Starting point is 00:45:41 She just silently points at Alex, which is a wonderful moment um she's she's really she's she's taking on alex uh very nicely um and this i mean like she creates a whole character it was uh it was sort of a grief outfit it was like a funeral outfit with the black netting and she plays this character yeah it was i think it was great three points though i thought i thought it deserved a little bit more because she created a story around it she created a character and as well she if you go by the task she you know the um the kind of rope thing she had from the yeah roller boots yeah that's the longest yeah i'm sure that was a long i'm sure that was a long and tedious
Starting point is 00:46:20 argument they had in the studio probably um but it was Bridget who brought home the points. Five points for Bridget. Ardell gets four points plus the bonus point for style. Sophie gets three points, two points for Judy. And of course, one point for Chris. And as you say, he did very well to get that one point. Shocking. Shocking.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Do you know what it is, though, that I can understand? With the Swedish task, that was quite difficult. This was not difficult and he really messed it up. He really lost points. Do you know what I mean though unnecessarily lost points not because of difficult just because he didn't didn't understand it and didn't really throw himself into it. But I'm kind of you know what I'm kind of glad this is happening now because the first say three or four episodes
Starting point is 00:47:10 i was i was thinking well this is going to be he's going to romp home with this yeah yeah because he he sort of hit everything perfectly in the first few episodes it was going so well and i thought either he's done this for the whole series and he's the best contestant in taskmaster history or there's an unfortunate thing where all of his best tasks have been put in the first four episodes yeah i'm worried that that's the i'm worried that's the case here is chris ramsey oh this is a horrible caravan there's a hat but it's a regular size hat i'm not having that right i can go places can't i you've had two minutes. I can look other places. OK, I get it. Shed seems to be the first natural point of call. Yeah, if you want a hat.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Is that a clue? Why is there no hats or shoes? Ah, OK, here we go. What was I doing? Oh, God, how many hats does one caravan need? I don't understand. All I've found is normal-sized hats and I can easily go through with them. I haven't got long shoes, I'm only a nine.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Nine's all right. I don't understand what's happening! Oh, for God's sake! There's no fucking shoes! What size shoe are you, Alex? I'm a ten. That's longer than mine can i have your shoes please let's talk about the live task write down five things that fit the category said by the taskmaster your team will receive a point if both players write down the same thing if someone from the other team writes down the same word as you that word must be wiped from the boards the team
Starting point is 00:48:39 with the most points wins you have 30 seconds to write your things you must be still and silent throughout this is this is a tricky one isn't it to get into this you've got to get into the psychology of your teammate to write down the same thing as them but also not make it so obvious that someone else is going to write yeah it was tricky this one actually really chris said he tried to just think like ardle basically he does quite a good job of it i thought he did all right i think because i think they were sharing a dressing room together so i think they got annoyed to their quite well yeah chatted a lot yeah yeah i think chris just thought right what does ardle like and i think that's what he said when he put crisps he was like he loves crisps
Starting point is 00:49:19 that's great that's really good i wouldn't put crisps well he was trying to think of things that Chris likes. Oh, right. That's the thing. Yeah, they were in each other's heads and not in their own.
Starting point is 00:49:31 That's the hard thing. Things with four legs that are bigger than a rat, according to Judy, frogs are... But she didn't listen. This is the thing. So this is like,
Starting point is 00:49:42 when I, when, on the big task at the end, Alex reads it out I don't get it it's not until they start doing it that I go all right now right yeah yeah I think I've got a similar brain where I would have just gone I don't understand what I'm doing we've only got however long and I would just wrote down whatever came in my mind and I think that's what she's done she's not listened properly but I'll tell you this Rosie, you'd be fine. Cause yes, in the edit, it gets read out once
Starting point is 00:50:10 and then they do it. In the studio, it gets read out three or four times. Oh, does it? Yeah, so many times and like people will go, oh, I don't understand that, what do you mean? And Alex will clarify it for them. Oh, right, okay. They'll read it out again. It goes over and over again. There no way that judy had not heard that four or five times and she still
Starting point is 00:50:29 wrote said a frog was bigger than a rat and four legs oh four legs oh birds as well birds god lover god lover and i don't think she's making sorry i don't think she's making it up i don't think she's doing it i think she's genuinely thinks that's what it is it might be the time pressure maybe the pressure gets to her yeah i think that might be it i mean it would it would get to a lot of people i think but when she wrote down birds i mean she knew when she said birds that of course birds don't have four legss. You can see it on her face. She's devastated that she put birds. But also, I just don't think she really cares that much.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So I think she wants to be as funny as possible. Well, there you go. And that's what she's doing. So good for her. Totally. And also, her and Bridget both put penis for things that are nice to put in your mouth and then wiped off penis. Well, I'm sorry, but that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Both of them. Well, that's why they rubbed it off, so to speak. Well, yeah, like, oh, nobody likes putting penises in their mouth. Let's all clarify this right now. I wonder whether it would have been disqualified if they had put it, going, well, obviously not. No one knows that. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:51:47 I'd rather have a pack of crisps, actually. Ardell gets excited. Crisps. It was Chris and Ardell getting three matching words and scoring the five points. From the moment they met, I think they sort of chimed quite nicely because the first task they had
Starting point is 00:52:04 was driving the little cars and scoring the goal and they both seem to they're both like like kids of different ages nine and seven yeah um yeah it's fun to watch them get on uh and they got the the full five bridget judy and sophie one matching word uh and they got three points which i thought was quite generous is that all they got one matching word they only got one matching word. And they got three points, which I thought was quite generous. Is that all they got? One matching word? They only got one matching word, yeah. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And it would have been two if they'd not rubbed penis off. It was 20 points for Bridget taking home the episode. Sophie on 19, close behind. Another solid performance from Sophie. Ardell, another great performance from Ardell. 18 points. Chris on 14 points.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Oh dear. And Judy, there she is at the bottom as per 10 points for Judy, but she couldn't care less. Meaning that Sophie is in the lead with 138 points. Bridget on 132 points. Chris in third.
Starting point is 00:53:01 We never thought we'd see it, 130 points. Ardell with 124 and judy with a fairly respectable 112 um look it's it's still all to play for this is very exciting from as i said when the series started i thought this is going to be chris running away with it in series eight lou sanders basically tore away with it from the off. Really? And then won, yeah. Oh. And she was obviously amazing,
Starting point is 00:53:27 but it does make it more exciting when it gets this close towards the end. Now, Rosie, we've spoken enough about Chris horsing around by himself. Let's talk about the fact that you and Chris do a tv show together on bbc2 yes the chris and rosie ramsey show rosie ramsey show yeah it's so it's so exciting and you you film it like a few days before it goes out right as well yeah we film
Starting point is 00:53:55 it on the wednesday and it goes out the following monday um but yeah we're loving it really really enjoying it really good fun so on on the show you interview another couple right like a celebrity couple yes who have you had so far we've had jamie lang and sophie haboom from maiden chelsea we've had shirley and martin kemp great who were lovely yes we've had craig revel horwood and his partner jonathan amazing and they were so funny so so funny so nice to see Craig in a different sort of being himself being hilarious and being himself we've tried to keep it as on brand as we can for the BBC and they've actually let us which is really good so it's pretty rude pretty risque well I talked to you about this
Starting point is 00:54:40 before we started recording if anyone please go and seek out the clip of lou sanders attempting to read out a disgusting email from a viewer um it's amazing i retweeted it go and go and find it funny it's so funny they should have done that as a task you see yeah just disgusting thing and try and try not to vomit try not to get um incredible right so that's mondays uh on bbc2 at 9 00 p.m and of course the podcast shag married annoyed every friday every friday it comes out and we're going back on tour as well oh exciting so back on tour november 2023 right yes yes that's so far away it doesn't feel why is it when you're promoting a tour, it feels like it's happening next week and it's a horrible feeling
Starting point is 00:55:27 because I'm like, oh my God, but it's not till next year. It's ages away. You've got ages. You've got ages. And I'm just, I'm double checking the dates
Starting point is 00:55:34 and just making sure that as we share a tour manager, I think it's fine. I think we can, I think we can share him properly at that point. Oh, we do. No, you're not having to nail.
Starting point is 00:55:43 You're not having, you better not be on tour. Are you on tour at the same time? No not having to kneel you're not having no no no no you better not be on do it are you on do it at the same time no i'm not i'm not i'm just trying to work it out i won't be on tour then i'll leave it a little bit after that i'm genuinely looking at it going i should plan my tour around when when paul's available i want paul's hours look we could share him we could share him it We could share him. It's absolutely fine. So for tickets to the Shag Married Annoyed Tour, go to shagmarriedannoyed.com.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Rosie, thank you very much for coming on the Taskmaster podcast. Thank you for having me. We always ask our guests to rate their experience on the podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. Feel free to be honest. Go ahead. What point score would you give your experience on the podcast? Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:56:39 I'm going to give it a five. Yes. I've had a lovely time. Thank you. I think you're a great host. Thank you. You've had all of you didn't get any mistakes yes good read everything perfectly thank you remembered all the scores you've
Starting point is 00:56:50 obviously got it wrote down but you've yeah it's all written down and it's great no i've had a really lovely time honestly what a nice morning what a nice way to start my day i've really enjoyed it good i'm so glad to hear it we will add that five points to the tally rosie ramsey thank you very much thanks ed bye there we are wonderful chat with rosie thank you very much for coming on the podcast rosie really appreciated it you've got to watch the chris and rosie ramsey show every monday at 9 p.m on bbc2 uh you've also got to listen to shag married annoyed which comes out every friday brilliant podcast keep an eye out for more stuff she's doing as well. Keep watching Taskmaster, Channel 4, 9pm, Thursdays. We will see you again next time to talk about Series 13, Episode 9.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It's so close to the end. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly
Starting point is 00:58:26 regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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