Taskmaster The Podcast - Ep 85. *Series 13 Winner* S13 Ep.10

Episode Date: June 16, 2022

It's the last episode of Series 13 and of course Ed is joined by the worthy winner! They discuss highs, lows and how it feels to take the trophy! There is also a discussion on who they'd be more intim...ated by in the next Champion of Champions. We hope you have enjoyed Series 13 as much as we have! The podcast will return next for a deep dive in to the brand new Champion of Champions episode. Watch Series 13 of Taskmaster every Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4. Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster Visit the Taskmaster Store for all your TM goodies!taskmasterstore.com Visit the Taskmaster YouTube Channelyoutube.com/taskmaster Get in touch with Ed and future guests:taskmasterpodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It is a happy day and it is a sad day because this is our final episode discussing series 13 of Taskmaster and what a series it's been. It's created classic moments every single episode. Every contestant has absolutely nailed it in their own way it has been a lot of fun but it is now over it's over we're here to talk about the final episode of Taskmaster series 13 and of course our
Starting point is 00:01:38 special guest is the winner of this series and if for some weird reason you haven't watched that final episode yet and you are listening to the podcast stop now go and watch the episode then come back and listen to this because we will be talking to the winner i don't want to spoil it for you we'll be talking to the winner and i'm about to tell you who it is the winner of taskmaster series 13 go away if you haven't heard it sophie duker the winner of taskmaster series 13 is the wonderful sophie duker she was always a contender all throughout at the beginning i think we all thought chris was Sophie Duker, the winner of Taskmaster Series 13, is the wonderful Sophie Duker. She was always a contender all throughout.
Starting point is 00:02:07 At the beginning, I think we all thought Chris was going to run away with it, but he dropped the ball a couple of times and Sophie pounced. She has been an extremely good contestant. So looking forward to talking to her about Taskmaster Series 13, Episode 10, the big finale. It was a very exciting episode. Before we chat to Sophie, though, I will remind you that next week on the 23rd of June,
Starting point is 00:02:30 Taskmaster is not over on a Thursday because it is Champion of Champions 2. Next week, 23rd of June, 9pm, Channel 4. Make sure you watch that. We will not let Taskmaster stop. But enough about that. Let's talk about this. Series 13, episode 10 of the Taskmaster podcast
Starting point is 00:02:46 with the wonderful Sophie Duker. Welcome back to the Taskmaster podcast. It's only the bloody winner of Taskmaster series 13, Sophie Duker. It's me! That's funny. Hey, hooray! Hooray. Hooray. Hey, hooray! Hooray.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Hooray. Also, R, because it's over. Yeah, R because it's over, but huge congratulations, Sophie, on winning Series 13. Thank you. I'm lucky for some. That's so exciting.
Starting point is 00:03:18 The other four sods, but not for me. Yeah, exactly. I'm lucky for them. Now 13's your lucky number. This is incredible. I feel like i feel like it was a deserved win very much felt like a two horse race i'd say from episode one yeah i think i mean i think i lagged behind in the early episodes i think chris was like
Starting point is 00:03:37 yeah i'm just gonna get the high school anyone's ever got ever yeah it felt like that and then also i thought bridget i didn't know which of the three of us had won, to be fair, but that's because I'm bad at maths. I think if I was good at maths, I would know that Bridget was not. Well, I felt like you were all trying to calculate it because there's a very funny shot of Chris right at the end before they announced the winner.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And he is sat there after the studio task and he looks like he's about to find out like the gender of his child or like something seriously like something massive in his life is about to happen and he looks so like nervous and excited and it really I think it really meant a lot to him I think it's fair to say I'm so delighted that I've snatched that from the jaws did it mean did it mean as much to you were you did you go in absolutely wanting to win I think that yeah I think like not yeah how did I put this yeah I did yeah I did but I mean I don't
Starting point is 00:04:36 think I did I don't think I approached it in the way like I didn't look under the desk I didn't swat up about it because I sort of tried to be like, pretend that it wasn't happening. So I was still just like, well, you're not good at this, are you? But I think I more just wanted to win in the moment. And then when it was like, oh, I could win this whole thing. Then it became just almost unbearable to be in my body. But like the last three episodes, it was like, but but it was there were like nice distractions along the way like really wanting judy to win an episode which unfortunately oh no poor judy i really like because quite quite often when that happens that where someone's not
Starting point is 00:05:18 doing well in a series and the whole narrative is around whether they're going to win an episode are they going to an episode it does happen so going to win an episode. It does happen. So series nine, which is the series I was in, David Baddiel was dreadful at Taskmaster, really bad. And then I think the penultimate episode he won. And it really felt like it was like the producers had somehow made this narrative where he finally won an episode. It's nice to see it is totally random because the narrative suggested that Judy should finally won an episode. It's nice to see it is totally random because the narrative suggested that Judy should have won this episode and she came bottom again.
Starting point is 00:05:50 She came last. I think it is completely random, but I also think there was an episode she could have won. I mean, you've probably spoken about this. You've discussed this. We have. And she threw it away, literally,
Starting point is 00:06:02 with her shoes. She literally threw it away. But I think there's Gloria in being the best loser and Gloria in being Judy. It's pretty incredible. I mean, yeah, let's talk about this now. Judy is the highest scoring loser ever on Taskmaster, which is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And I would not have had her down as that, seeing some of her efforts in the task, to be honest. But yeah. I think she was sort of like spectacular in her bullshit i think like the way she was bad was sort of admirable like even in this we'll get about when she's talking about that how she saved the ducks lives i mean like in that particular instance i don't think it worked for anyone but the sort of thread of bullshit that going through i think that's if I think if that's something that people are scored on,
Starting point is 00:06:45 which it isn't, then she won that. I think regardless of how Judy did points-wise or placings-wise, I think she will go down in Taskmaster history as one of the finest contestants because she has made me laugh so much throughout this whole series. Her bullshit this episode, we will get into it, was not as good as it has been in the previous nine episodes. I think think greg has become inured to it so it didn't quite work as well as it has done previously um but sophie we're not here to talk about judy we're here to talk
Starting point is 00:07:15 about you the winner of taskmaster series 13 do you have any particular highlights from your series anything you're really proud of that felt that if they were going to do a little show reel of you as a winner what do you think should be included oh um i feel like the licky tusk yes it's something that i do not i don't want shown ever again yeah uh someone tweeted about it and said sophie duke's slobbery tongue which they capitalized as if it was like its own format like bake off is one of the most disgusting things i have ever seen on television um but on on the flip side it's also got me a lot of interested dms from queer women so we're recording this in pride month i feel like a champion of that alone i feel like yeah obviously you know what some people aren't into some people are really gonna dig so you know and i think we'd
Starting point is 00:08:22 all like to see at least a pitch document for sophie duke a slobbery tongue uh i'd like i'd like to see that on channel four maybe it's an all four exclusive but i what what would you see the the show actually being sophie duke a slobbery tongue is it just you licking things around the world is it a travel show oh i mean sure i think the tongue should have its own sort of persona like maybe it's like a like a character that comes on like someone like it's like where's sophie's slobbery tongue gonna go today and it's like you were in bratislava um so yeah i think the tongue is more its own like the paper clip it's just like an anthropomorphic big tongue like and this is a very deep cut for entertainment television don't scare the hair which was yeah
Starting point is 00:09:05 yeah yeah it's just it's a it's a tea time family show where a horrible dripping tongue ruins everything perfect perfect well at least put together the pitch document we would like to see it did you feel quite competitive towards the end? From a viewer's perspective, it felt like, as a group, you were all actually getting on so well that it didn't feel competitive. It felt like you'd all gelled enough
Starting point is 00:09:34 for it to not feel tense in the studio. I think it was tense, but only because none of us can count. And I think there's a really nice moment that I don't think is in the episode where we all stood behind our easels and held hands and i raised our hands to the sky because we were just like yeah we just love each other they're just little cute i was just like when i when i started watching the episode and i saw ardal in his little jacket i was like i miss these guys yeah my weird taskmaster family so i think everyone did have a lot of affection but um
Starting point is 00:10:07 yeah i think chris definitely wanted to win yeah i think he's very open about that yeah i think he's quite he's quite open about that i think i think bridget wanted to i feel like bridget could have won but she did quite she sort of pushed when she did well i think she when i when she did well i feel like she got the full five points. She's very good at Taskmaster, I think, when she can be bothered to read it properly, when she can be bothered to read the task properly. And I mean, there's a task coming up later, the cycling task,
Starting point is 00:10:40 which really crystallizes Bridget's main issue and the reason why she didn't win, which is simply that sometimes she read a rule and thought, that's stupid, I'm not doing that but which is not the way you win taskmaster you have to follow the rules to an extent um let's i mean let's let's talk about the episode um you know you said you'd get on with everyone but you know if you feel free to slug people off if you want okay um the final prize task of series 13 the finest family heirloom um before we get into this gotta say absolutely lovely to see arell wearing the leather jacket from earlier in the series oh such a little gem I think it's good I doubt he's taken it off since
Starting point is 00:11:32 episode 10 because he's got so many compliments on it not just like I think Greg said something nice about it during the show but like just as he was walking through the corridors he like had like a different swag about him. It was disgusting to see. It felt like that. I think Greg mentions that he gets a bit more of an attitude when he's got the leather jacket on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Was he sort of walking through the corridors
Starting point is 00:11:56 flicking fingers to people, going, hey, that sort of thing? Was there a Fonz vibe to Ardell that day? I mean, was there a Fonz vibe to Ardell that day I mean was there a Fonz vibes I think he just I think I think what it is is that I feel like there's been some great looks on the show but I feel like the boys look like um just a sort of like they just rolled into and out of River Island and then I mean that is that is so true I don't. I mean, the looks on the show have been pretty incredible, but it's all been you, Judy and Bridget,
Starting point is 00:12:29 have all been bringing the look. Your earrings on this episode are absolutely incredible. Chris, I think, is exclusively dressed by an app. I think he just... LAUGHTER It's efficient. He's an efficient boy. It's efficient.'s an efficient yeah yeah i think he's i genuinely think his podcast is sponsored by an app that dresses him um but now arnold's put the leather jacket on you can see yeah a little bit of confidence yeah i feel like for arnold he felt like he was at the Met Ball and that is but what's the theme what's the theme if Ardell's wearing that leather jacket
Starting point is 00:13:11 uncertainty no he was certain about it actually no I take that back we were all certain about the jacket the jacket looks great I just think it's like maybe hope maybe we were dressed as hope let's talk about these these heirlooms that people have brought in um let's talk about yours first the the rice cooker yeah now i you sold this so well i think this might be in terms of the prize tasks the one that you've sold the best you had this whole thing that you brought in about your family and about the there's rice at home uh and these perfect examples and I was there you I was transported back to your childhood I thought it was an amazing presentation um I would question electronics as an heirloom it doesn't quite sit sit well sit well with me you're like I should have pat tested it I I still use it. I want it back. I still use it. I think it's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:07 I feel like you're picking holes where holes should not be picked like a certain red jacket and man on the show. People are bringing in decomposing human matter onto the show. Yeah, that's fair. Have you, so is this something, you have received the rice cooker
Starting point is 00:14:22 from the previous generation. Is that, is it, how many generations does the rice cooker from the previous generation is that is it how many generations does the rice cooker go back um i think it's uh just the one see i wouldn't necessarily count that as an heirloom yet yeah all right i mean judy's okay i'm not gonna judy's blood goes back to judy also don't don't think it's judy's blood what she does she cut herself i know there's other ways she could have got the blood she could have menstruated into a cup and put it that's so much for judy it's not judy's blood she like wrung the neck of a chicken it's it's a fake heirloom do you so do you think it's more effort for judy to cut herself
Starting point is 00:15:06 than it is to wring the neck of a chicken yeah oh i don't know maybe what i don't know maybe one of our kids had a nosebleed it could not be blood it could be red food coloring yeah well look it only got two points anyway uh so if it wasn't her blood it probably would have got naught points i felt like it should have got more because the bullshit was terrible this time and it made me laugh so much it felt like judy was trying to do what you did when you were presenting the rice cooker so you had all this amazing emotional stuff this family stuff and you did you said it in such a sort of measured pointed way and then judy tried to copy your speech rhythms but was just spouting nonsense
Starting point is 00:15:46 it's like if they want more blood then i guess they don't need this expired early also she's not even the first person to bring in her own blood to taskmaster as a prize task alice levine did it in series six brought in her own blood what was the category? I cannot remember what the category was be a big old creep all I remember is that Alice brought in blood her own blood in series 6 so it's not even original
Starting point is 00:16:15 and it's a mad thing to do but we loved it anyway and look the rice cooker I was merely playing devil's advocate I think it's a good family heirloom but if you want to keep the points you have playing devil's advocate. I think it's a good family heirloom. But if you want to keep the points, you have to prove to me that you pass it down a generation at some point.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You've got many, many years until you need to think about that sort of thing. But someone else in your family needs to get that rice cooker at some point, Sophie. Okay. Otherwise, the points are being taken. I'm taking all four points. What? What? No. Right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And then, and I'm giving them to Chris. okay otherwise the points have been taken i'm taking all four points what what no right yeah okay and then and i'm giving him to chris so you know this will be 20 we're 20 30 years away from this cool yeah i'm gonna give it to my baby nephew okay he's alive he lives in america he could use it as a boat when the floods come
Starting point is 00:17:02 perfect this is great great um chris gets four points as well which i would question for his antique italian coffee table um i thought it i mean i like the idea of it playing the godfather music when you open open it but we didn't hear it in action we didn't see it in action so it's quite a boring coffee table really i feel like chris really banks on the promise of something happening when you open it yeah like like i think i think this might have been episode two when he had the briefcase which was amazing yeah but it was all speculation yeah it was you figure if you're halfway down the road with that um coffee table it's not playing the godfather it's playing like the sopranos straight in a skip straight in a skip for me
Starting point is 00:17:44 actually if it played the sopranos that'd a skip straight and a skip for me actually if it played the sopranos that'd be a nice surprise but without the music that is nothing so and we didn't hear the music so i felt like four points was very generous but i think greg was in final final mood i think he was giddy he was giddy he was happy he was giddy yeah he was generous ardle brought in a biscuit tim with his granny's birth cert in. Bullshit. You don't think it had his granny's birth cert in? No, no.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Bridget opened up her weird, horrible, necro-mancer box of pregnancy tests and regret. Ardell could have propped up the birth cert. Yeah, he could have propped up the birth cert. Yeah, he could have propped up the birth cert. I don't even think there were biscuits in that. I think Ardell had eaten them. I think he was just like, bring in the tin. Yeah. I know that you and my granny were...
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, quite possibly but it was worth a few points for birth cert at least, which I've never heard anyone do before for birth cert. People generally don't try to be cool about their natal information. My birth cert. I got my birth cert. My DOP.
Starting point is 00:18:56 My PASI-P. Bridget, I mean, I know this is real because Bridget's told me about this box before. She mentioned it when she did Off Menu. A box with her kids' hair, teeth and positive pregnancy tests. I mean, can we talk first of all about, I think this is the only time Ardell has got his interruptions wrong. As soon as Bridget starts speaking, Ardell interrupts her
Starting point is 00:19:20 and it's the only time where you see a bit of fire in Bridget's eyes and she's like, I'm about to smack this guy down. And she does perfectly well because he tries to, it tries to trick her, corner her, and say that she doesn't know what DNA stands for. Don't fuck with Bridget's knowledge. She knows it immediately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah. I, I, I wanted to Google that because I didn't know if it was right. I think it is right. But I would have just been like oh dynamo for apples and I bet people would have applauded because no one
Starting point is 00:19:53 knows what it stands for we know it's acid nucleic acid deoxy no one would have applauded you saying apples at the end Sophie yeah okay fine apple acid I'd have just uh yeah i'd have i'd have prompt it yeah she knew it to the syllable she knew it yeah uh and it's great i mean it's
Starting point is 00:20:13 terrifying she keeps this box but also i thought you'd be you'd be more on board with this because you're a lot of your taskmaster series has been quite sort of not not gruesome but you've done a lot of sort of uh you're quite death obsessed i'd say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah obviously killing alex you love to you love to talk about killing alex uh you when you had the big hat and the big shoes it was a an entire funeral scene that you created yeah i would have been i don't think i can say this the thing about Bridget's children is that they are still alive I mean just the the uncanny and the macabre and you know teeth and teeth and hair
Starting point is 00:20:53 and all of that stuff I think it may be too scary too real I think the sight of a positive pregnancy test for me is terrifying so I was just like yeah don't do this i don't keep anything that's got piss on it as a rule as a rule you're not anything if you're not pissed on anything that you've liked enough to keep yeah but if it's if i get a drop of piss on some clothes
Starting point is 00:21:17 i can wash those i'm not putting it in a box and keeping it in my attic have you ever kept your piss so you say um have i ever kept my piss or you get all the tricky questions on the taskmaster podcast yeah i'm trying to think if i've ever pissed on no i was thinking when i what i would keep if i was if i got bitten by a snake and i had to piss on my hand something that i think has been proved not to work if you get please anyone listening to this if you get bitten by a snake don't piss on your own hand you are wasting valuable time the poison is doing its work okay sorry yeah a jellyfish i'm not rash i'm not acting rashly i've been bitten by a snake If I was bitten by a jellyfish I would piss on everything Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:07 But you're just supposed to piss on where the jellyfish has stung you You don't piss on everything That's not how it works I'm sure I would piss on things and keep them Has someone pissed on a house party? On a bed? They just sort of went and pissed on a bed and you're not gonna throw out a bed are you people piss in beds all the time you're washing it i guess i mean all i'm saying is i'm fine with the pregnancy test if bridget
Starting point is 00:22:35 has maybe just given given it a quick wipe over after um her box of horrors got five points it was four points for ardle ch, Chris and you, Sophie. And Judy got a disappointing two points, I thought. I thought she deserved maybe three for bringing in a vial of what she claimed to be her own blood. But as we've established, she just wrung a chicken's neck. Just wrung a chicken's neck. Bridget. The most precious thing that has been handed down is DNA.
Starting point is 00:23:03 My proudest achievement, the thing that is most precious... Excuse me, can I just... And I hate to interrupt so early. Oh, no, that is very rude. He just... He made me say the whole word for search, so I think the least you could do is... LAUGHTER DNA. What, deoxynucleic acid?
Starting point is 00:23:21 CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Oh! Oh! In your face arnold task one identify the liquids most accurately identified liquids wins you have 10 minutes your time starts now a lot of liquid chat on this episode so far um now this is another one of those tasks that some for some people it's slightly too gross you can see people look a bit upset about this and they don't want to get stuck in you i mean talking of the slobbery tongue get that involved again you just throw yourself into things like this yeah i love it i think i don't know if it's too it's probably not too early to say this because this is the last podcast episode of the series uh i think my tongue won me taskmaster yeah tbh tongue master i think this tongue master i think this little guy is what i was surprised at how
Starting point is 00:24:16 good i was at this task if i do say so yeah well i mean huge shout out straight away for lychee juice. Yeah. Where the hell did that come from? I mean, Judy got it as well. She mentioned lychee. I wouldn't be able to pick a lychee out of a lineup, let alone by taste. How often are you having a lychee juice or indeed a lychee? Rarely. It's a sometime food.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I think they're kind of a bit like eyeballs so while they are delicious don't often want to schlub one into my mouth no fair fair you never you never forget your first it's what they say in the light community too well it was incredible uh you and judy both got both got lychee juice uh which is great but you really threw yourself into it and you are a rule follower. And I say this, this is a compliment. You're such a rule follower. You added rules where there were no rules.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And it said if you open, you can open the tire, basically, but you can only push on it with the chopstick. But you were trying to open a valve on a bike tire using chopsticks in the traditional manner. How long were you trying to do that, do reckon i think over half the time but also he didn't say anything like it looks like he's been like oh sophie you're having a bit of a you know that it he just did he just watched me do it yeah of course because it was absolutely hilarious he knows he knows what's happening there he's doing the edit in his head as he goes along we're gonna cut back
Starting point is 00:25:43 to sophie and she's still trying to twiddle the valve off using the chopsticks yeah i felt humiliated because i don't know how to change a bike tire and i ride a bike so i was like this is right yeah now you know ineffective you know you don't do it with chopsticks right yes i do know that now um and ardle even tried to say that you got you got an advantage because alex told you you're not supposed to use the chopsticks to open the valve i don't think that was an advantage i think that he took pity on you yeah which i'm grateful for yes absolutely um i mean look everyone gets at least one right i think bridget gets two and she's the least. And then Ardell, Chris and Judy all get three correct.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Judy just looks absolutely disgusted by the whole thing. Yeah. She's not done well in these tasks where you need to be messy. She's not going to get involved in that for too long. Yeah, she doesn't like stuff her nails getting on them she was just yeah but i like how she sprayed it on spray that horrible vinegar on alex's wrist yeah i love that she's used alex at every given opportunity i think her dream would just be walking into every task and going alex you do this for me yeah yeah i mean that happened
Starting point is 00:27:00 in a later task which all that was, Alex helps. Where's Alex? Chris obviously throws himself into it and asks if balloon juice is a thing. That's one of his guesses, is balloon juice. But to get pickled onion vinegar that quickly as well, that is a man from the North. I was like, yeah, that's a real, I was like, yeah, straight in. I didn't know what that was for quite a while.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I think I knew it was vinegar, but I was like, I don't know, the different types of vinegars. I'm a down south kombucha girl. I was like, this is fermented. I was like, is this tea? Strawberry kombucha, I think it might be. Bridget just, I just watch Bridget do anything, to be honest. She's panicked and relaxed all at the same time in everything she does.
Starting point is 00:27:50 And still, I think, and it's coming up later, I don't, Alex is ruder to her than he's been to any other contestant ever, I think. Do you think so? Yeah. What did he say to her in this one? So there's one coming up in the bike one, where she manages to make him stop and then she just really takes ages doing stuff and he's like, yeah, he's in that time well.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And he would never do that to anyone else. Just little snipey little comments under his breath. It's a lot of fun to watch. He's set up. He's tired. He's tired of Bridget. No, yeah, I mean, yeah. That's. He's tired. He's tired of Bridget. No. Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, because it started... That's why it's indicating. Yeah, it started with the shoe task where Bridget asked 140-something questions and that's when he really started to lose his rag and I wonder whether all the other times you've seen it came after that or on the same day. Yeah, I feel like that might have been a thing
Starting point is 00:28:42 because he is just like, there is an order to this and if you deliberately yeah exactly completely because i'm guessing the bike task was on the same day as the shoe task wasn't it yes it was and probably came after right um yeah it did do you want to know a fun fact about the that day for me yes please uh on that day i nearly shat myself yes thank you uh i want i don't know i i got sort of like seconds to spare i had some bad eggs in the morning and shat myself while still miked in the toilet for about 40 minutes all the liquids left my body yeah um and then i had to do some of the most physical tasks of the series on that day um yeah so i hated it every single time that we
Starting point is 00:29:43 did that day i I absolutely hated it. Sophie, you couldn't tell. At no point when I was watching these stuff did I think, Sophie's just shat all the liquids out of her body. Yeah, I had to lie down for like two hours in the grass. It was a bad time. Let's finish talking about this liquids task. Ardell names the three main liquids, brandy, water and milk.
Starting point is 00:30:06 There's a shot of ardle in this that i think sums up his entire um his entire existence on taskmaster and just his general attitude where he's uh got soup on the end of his nose and he just grins inanely i think it's perfect i want that as a poster on my wall um he's such a delight um it was a very good task for you uh you guessed four correctly. You got the five points. Ardell, Chris and Judy all guessed three correctly. Four points for them and two for Bridget. She got three points.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And you were reckless with the balloon pop. You were more reckless than I thought, especially as you thought it was vomit. Really and truly, it could have been classed as vomit because once it burst, it started to mix with all the other stuff and that's really what vomit is. That's what vomit Realize that your nose was such a powerful weapon and you're asked like she straight. Yeah Genuinely impressive. So a very cautious woman who was only choosing to use one sense
Starting point is 00:30:59 Did pretty well. Yes by stark contrast Ardell Just seemed hungry. Balls? Mozzarella balls and arancini balls? Yes, we deliver those. Moose? No, but moose head? Yes, because that's alcohol and we deliver that too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. See app for details. I talked to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Let's talk about this one then. Task 2, return of some ducks as always classic taskmaster motif get the most ducks in alex's basket you may only hold one duck at a time if alex rings his backward bell you must walk backwards until he honks his forwards horn alex will pedal as far as he can until you say one of the magic words if you say a magic word alex will rest for 10 seconds all the magic words are single use magic words alex will cycle
Starting point is 00:33:05 around the circuit for 10 minutes your time starts when alex honks his horn let's talk about what you did because it is a stroke of genius sophie duca thank you so much the arrows changing the arrows so you got him locked in a little spiral in a little loop he couldn't do anything tornado i mean not a tornado like a very like a small man going on a big bike very now now i've said that you're genius i'm gonna say something else now sophie and i'm not sure you're gonna like oh oh boy in the last task where ardle accused you of getting an advantage because of something Alex said. And I don't think that counted, right? Here, I think you got an advantage that no one else got. When you got in Alex's way, Alex said under his breath, I have to cycle in the direction of the arrows.
Starting point is 00:33:56 That is not anything that's stipulated in the task. And it's not something he said to anyone else. And I think that's what gave you the idea of switching the arrows around. he said to anyone else and i think that's what gave you the idea of switching the arrows around now i think you took the i think you took what you were given and you ran with it and you thought very laterally and i think still if i was given the information i have to go in the direction of the arrows i still wouldn't have thought to do that i think the reason he said that is because i was blocking his path and he was trying not to kill me or run over me. And I think that
Starting point is 00:34:28 because I showed the ingenuity of actually blocking him is why he said it and consistently blocking it because he couldn't just turn around. Judy blocked him. So I think it was the strategy. He didn't say it to Judy.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Judy was blocking him and he didn't say I have to go in the direction of the arrows. And I'm certainly not saying if he had said that, Judy would have done what you did all i'm saying is very impressive but i think you might have been given a slight advantage to come up with that impressive thing potentially maybe it was it maybe it was wonderful to watch very fun thank you but then i did not shit myself again i think a victory
Starting point is 00:35:06 the boys i mean the boys did it quite straight down the line uh you know much like their dress sense it was uh it ardle just shouted as many words as he could none of which were a magic word he somehow hadn't realized that all of the magic words were written on the back of the tiny ducks i did not realize that either to be fair you just don't spot these things when you're in a panic right i completely don't spot them you don't he did he did well for a small boy he did well for a small boy uh chris just absolute classic chris ramsey just really went for it just Just did it in quite a basic way, straight down the line, but really threw himself into it
Starting point is 00:35:47 and ended up getting the five points because of it. It's pretty impressive. He is knackered after that, as is Alex. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's an athlete. He is. He's an athlete. I mean, he's an all-rounder, Chris.
Starting point is 00:35:59 He's an all-rounder. I feel like he's been quite willing to be physical, though, and quite good at the physical stuff throughout the series I think we could probably put together a good compilation of all of the sporty stuff so there's this running obviously there's the game that he invented
Starting point is 00:36:13 and sausages which is I'm never going to stop thinking about sausages crawling around with the balls very physical I was saying he likes being on his hands and knees he's a grafter he's a pickled onion man from the north now you found a really good uh a really good get around with the arrows both bridget and judy also found very good ways of getting around it and thinking laterally but both of them
Starting point is 00:36:45 completely threw it away by then cheating Bridget removed the basket which is one of those amazing moments in Taskmaster where you see that and you're like of course
Starting point is 00:36:54 of course just removed the basket of course yeah but she was the only one who thought of it but then she just ignored it and started putting two in
Starting point is 00:37:03 at a time because she read it the first time and went what you can only hold one at a time because she read it the first time and went, what, you can only have one at a time? That can't be right, can it? Of course it's on the rules, Bridget. It may not make sense.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's silly, but that's the whole point of the show. You can't just ignore things. So frustrating. That was heartbreaking. That wasn't, as Greg said, that wasn't fun to watch. But I think, like, I don't think, I don't think that happened to me at any point apart from, like, the tank, which Bridget did as well, I think. Yeah, I think, don't think that happened to me at any point apart from like the tank which bridget did as well yeah yeah i think yeah did that but you were reading things and
Starting point is 00:37:31 taking them into account on that one it just slipped out of your mind bridget reads things takes them into account and then decides that they can't possibly be something she needs to stick to she sticks to the rules that she feels like she should be given um but it was brilliant to remove the basket worth it for that i mean judy's performance in this task i made me cry with laughter at the end um the chain coming off brilliant idea just break alex's bike what's he gonna do um and then getting on the bike herself and then just that final shot of her throwing up like gang signs at the end just straight down the camera like just alex
Starting point is 00:38:06 terrified bike broken just perfect so chaotic absolutely amazing yeah it was kind of like classic bullying it was just like there's a kid playing a game you decide to play but then you start yeah i mean it was just yeah and then you're like just like we're friends and like alex is broken it deserved 1 million points i think i think it should have got 1 million points and then the series to judy um we did get that amazing i mean you mentioned it earlier this amazing torrent of bullshit that she just came out with about holding the ducks close to her breasts and looking after the duck and all of this and i feel like i mean a lot of people said they're not real judy i feel like genuinely in her head they were real ducks on that day they were i think they were i think i mean i feel like
Starting point is 00:38:55 you feel the ducks i love the ducks i didn't i think just seeing something that's more innocent than you when you're in something that is that is just like, you're like, I'm the adult here, this duck. I don't like the big ducks, but the little ducks, I'm just like, the flock. Yeah, the big ducks, I agree with you. I don't like the look of the big ducks. No rubber duck should be that big.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Creepy. Creepy stuff. Creepy, arrogant. Bridget got 148 ducks but was disqualified absolutely heartbreaking Judy got 90 ducks disqualified again heartbreaking so um Ardell got 48 by playing it straight down the line three points well done you got 61 ducks four points and Chris amazingly just by throwing himself into it got 65 ducks 5 points this is I mean really
Starting point is 00:39:48 really distills what this series has been like you and Chris almost neck and neck for the whole thing really Joggy Duckling No Goose Head boy
Starting point is 00:40:04 Head boy. Head boy? Architecture. LAUGHTER I hate you. I absolutely hate you. Oh, God. Still looking for the magic word? Yeah. OK. This is absolutely horrible. Ten seconds.
Starting point is 00:40:34 You're a psychopath. You're a psychopath. Let's talk about task three, the final pre-recorded task of series 13 of Taskmaster. And it's a good one. Record the best multi-track song about your team. You must record all six tracks with your voice or body, and each person must record the same number of tracks.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Most powerful multi-track song wins. You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now. Let's talk about the boys' team, or the Tungsten Diamsten diamonds as they were known. It was nonsense. It was nonsense. The track was not,
Starting point is 00:41:10 I mean, I think Greg was very generous giving three points for this because it was absolute nonsense and shows to any future contestants in taskmaster who might be listening, never use a task to call back to a previous task because it might not be shown. Yeah, it was the, what? do you not do you not do you genuinely not remember this task i don't think we did it i think they i
Starting point is 00:41:35 i think it was something that the boys did and did weird so they were like let's strike this for the show the record we didn't do anything with an overview so it's genuinely like in the studio we just thought that they were making that they were making it up but i think actually it is a task that they did that we did not do that they dropped before they got to your team day yeah i mean it does sound like they're having a breakdown but some of the lyrics as well blood's thicker than water but our team juice is thicker than blood what are you what are you talking about that is horrible i thought maybe balloon juice it was hot it was nasty and also it was like as if we look at taskmaster as like a sort of um vessel for like homoerotic content which i like to do i felt like it was sort of meant to be a love song to greg but ardle was just like hissing chris like for about 70 of it
Starting point is 00:42:26 it was just like chris chris chris i mean it was mad i mean look the song itself was fine it was quite catchy chris got into a bit of a flow at the beginning that broke down but you know it was there for it was there for a second um but it was nothing compared to the house queens um absolutely astonishing work from all of you guys uh especially i mean when you when you're actually listening to it you've got judy doing a really nice melody there you've got you spitting some pretty some pretty hot lyrics over the top and then when you break it down and just hear that bridget bridget is whistling like some 1960s folk singer it worked i did i don't know what bridget is doing in that she's just whistling away and the dancing is insane yeah i mean the dancing i think like when we're
Starting point is 00:43:21 recording it and we just watch you to record your bit by yourself so I think the whistling and the stamping I think they might even have been recorded separately yeah yeah so like it's not even I was just about to say like she was stamped for the bits when she wasn't whistling but I think it was literally just her standing there doing like a dance to music she knew would be there but wasn't that it was yeah because that was literally just her standing there and doing like a dance to music she knew would be there, but wasn't. Yeah, because that was one of her tracks, I guess. So you had two tracks each.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah. And then the whistling was, it was just. Crazy. Absolutely crazy. I mean. But essential in the end. Absolutely essential. It really added something.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And I think it sums up that last studio record of taskmaster when everyone's lost their minds a little bit when when they showed the footage of bridget walking in the pedometer task and put the house queen's track over the top of it and and you cut back to the studio and everyone's crying everyone's just crying with laughter because you'd all lost it by this point it's the final task you're knackered you're sad it's over and just in tears yeah we did a celebratory uh bridget dance at the end which i think you can see before we cut out lovely really nice also i still think bridget's quite annoyed about it i still i still don't think she thinks oh look at the funny look at the funny way i walk i look at the funny way i'm dancing she sticks by it i think she's pissed off about it but i think yeah
Starting point is 00:44:46 bridget's brain is incredible um by which i mean she knows what deoxynucleic acid is but also her brain sometimes doesn't work so she's just like stop making me out to be some sort of buffoon um but you know yeah incredible no it was it was five points uh to the house queens plus bears uh and three points amazingly to the tungsten diamonds i do not think they deserved it i think it's because it was the last task they got a generous score task master things faster we're gonna cook you some pasta we're gonna take you to the other room and beat you till you need a plaster. Oh, Greg, what you doing? Why you sitting there on that throne?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Cos when the house queens come into the Taskmaster house, you're gonna be left all alone. One team, one dream We all scream for the house queens One team, one dream We all scream for the house queens Answer the house queens one team one dream we all scream for the house queens enter the house queens let's talk quickly about the live task um draw a life-size self-portrait your nose must be poking through your nose hole at all times most accurate accurate self-portrait wins. You have 200 seconds.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I mean, the way Judy starts this, Judy is scribbling with the abandon of someone who knows they're never winning an episode. Yeah, I think she was just like, let's go. Let's go. Let's just scribble something out. Let's do this. Let's just, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it sort of came together. More than Ardels together more than Ardels
Starting point is 00:46:25 more than Ardels Ardels was an absolute disaster I couldn't see what was happening but I was like when she started I was like this is she's
Starting point is 00:46:33 but then it sort of had a vibe who starts with the body was that the body it was the collar of her top she was just sort of she was wildly scribbling and then
Starting point is 00:46:45 she thought i'll start on features after a bit of prompting from alex and greg um but it was mad and then obviously i think she knows that she is at her best when she does something terribly and then has to justify it afterwards yeah and that's exactly what she did but greg wasn't buying it today it was two points for judy ardle a well-deserved one point an absolute disaster um four four points for you which i actually thought was quite generous i um as i said all right one of your eyes was floating off the side of your head yeah but at least i had eyes i think it was i don't think okay maybe you're a fan of like the trad the trad methods of illustration, but I think that might be it. Yeah. I knew what I was doing. Yeah. I think I'm too much of a
Starting point is 00:47:30 traditionalist. Yeah, exactly. It was very, it was very Picasso actually. Um, and Bridget and Chris, I thought Chris's was the best. I'll put that out there. I thought Chris deserved the five points. I thought maybe Bridget didn't deserve the five points as well. Uh, but, but that's me. I love the trad, I love trad forms of illustration, you know? You love the old masters. I love the old masters, like Chris Ramsey. The old taskmasters. So it was five points to Bridget and Chris,
Starting point is 00:47:55 four points to you, Sophie, two points to Judy, and one point to Ardal. That means you win the final episode of Taskmaster with 22 points, closely followed by Chris on 21 Bridget on 18 Ardle on 15 Judy on 13 and that is the exact rankings of the series in the end Judy on 142 highest scoring loser ever which is pretty good going Ardle 153 Bridgetget, 157. Big jump up then to Chris on 170. And Sophie, you are the champion of Taskmaster with 173 points.
Starting point is 00:48:31 How do you feel? I mean, incredible. It's like when I watched it and your head goes gold. I don't know if this happens to you. The round count was like, this is... It's the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life it was i think i just i felt like i was on america's next top model except not you know just another hideously exploitative
Starting point is 00:48:56 terrifying format i was like this is i licked the head yeah i I mean, it's a wonderful moment, isn't it? It is. Well, it was. It meant a lot. My little brother was in the audience. That was nice. He was like, no, you got a first. Now this is your job.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Yeah, it felt good. I'm not going to lie. Did you have a rap was there a big rap party afterwards was there a chance for you to take the trophy around the rap party did you all celebrate um so i said my brother was in the audience he came backstage and congratulated me and it was also the first time i met my little nephew because of coronavirus and they live in america so we were in the dressing room and my brother was like what is this show and his his uh baby immediately attacked greg just like immediately ran at the
Starting point is 00:49:56 trophy smacked it to the ground and now greg has like a hole in the back of his head like he's like oh my god yeah he's still intact the trophy's intact but a child in the back of his head. Like he's like, Oh my God. Yeah. He's still intact. The trophy's still intact. But a child, like the pure innocence and like knowledge and virtue of a child saw the taskmaster's head and knew they had to destroy it. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:50:15 yeah, yeah. So that's, that's what happened. Then there was a lovely party. Oh, great. Which is,
Starting point is 00:50:20 which is nice we've got some emails now obviously these emails have come in before anyone knows you've won but we're going to ask these questions anyway
Starting point is 00:50:39 we've got a load in this is a great one from Des in Sidcup dear Sophie do you own a wardrobe yet no no come on surely you've got to get yourself a ward you're a taskmaster winner don't let the side down you've got a you've got a proud tradition to keep up get yourself a wardrobe yeah i'll get i'll get a wardrobe i'll get a wardrobe i haven't done it yet i will
Starting point is 00:51:00 i'll take my winnings and i'll buy a wood i just it feel yeah fine what like what do you want me to say i'll go i'll go down to home base thank you thank you i've got i've got a question for you before we go to the uh other emails um of course one of the things that you know you think about when you're when you're playing Taskmaster is if you win, one of the actual prizes really is you then get to go and do Champion of Champions. Yes! Which is extremely exciting. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yes, you can't wait. Good. I'm glad to hear it. I won't wait. Obviously, you've got Sarah Kendall uh you've got sarah kendall and you've got morgana robinson and you so far in this lineup for next champion of champions yeah how do you fancy your chances against those two so i didn't watch that much morgana's series because i was like i gotta stay away from i can't be too close to the stuff so I don't know that much about how Morgana was but I hear just kind of great like kind obviously you gotta be you gotta be kind of great to win taskmaster I watched Sarah Kendall's series
Starting point is 00:52:15 and I was intimidated like I remember the moment where she like some like sugar or salt like flew in the wind and she tasted it and she was like that's sweet during a team task and i was like yeah she's pretty formidable yeah um so i think out of the two of them i think at the moment sarah kendall feels like the biggest competition yeah i think she's very consistent um sarah kendall but so are you i'd say that you're very consistent as well morgana it depends which morgana turns up on the day uh she is wildly creative uh and i think i think she's she's always a always a terrifying opponent i think um but it's good it's already shaping up what what a great lineup already for champion of champions three uh so we'll look forward to that let's um have some more questions this is from
Starting point is 00:53:00 anna in the isle of wight uh dear sophie who was a more baffling teammate bridget or judy the three of you make a wonderful team and the high five task was so much fun to watch who was the more baffling teammate for you sophie that is a tough a tough question anna from the isle of wight um i think that i found possibly equally baffling but I found Bridget's lack of a competitive spirit most frustrating because she reads the tasks so slowly and also will just like I feel like you can predict the way in which like Judy's going to say something mental because Judy's like, I want to sing or like, I think we should twerk on Alex. But when like Bridget's like, I think,
Starting point is 00:53:51 yeah, I think I should wish. I don't know. I think, yeah, I think it's just sort of impossible to know how to react, but also to, yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:58 it's just sort of a, yeah. Yeah. I completely get that. Especially if you're going after it and you're like, come on, let's do this task. And Bridget's like, is like well just like just offer it in her own world which works for her on multiple occasions as well i must say it is an advantage i think bridge edges it on
Starting point is 00:54:15 baffling yeah i think so this is a great email i've never read an email like this this is from kim in michigan i just wanted to pick a bone with ed and also greg about this one sophie brought in a wand massager for the most relaxing prize task and those are definitely not intended for one body part as you suggested they were originally made as a non-sexual massager for sore muscles and are still often used that way i will now go and unpause the podcast and finish the episode so there we go i've got to apologize to you sophie apparently for suggesting that the wand massager uh is only is only intended for one body part i would however suggest that when you brought it in you knew exactly what everyone would think and that's why you brought it in i like people to feel relaxed i'm not gonna i think i don't know i wouldn't want to
Starting point is 00:55:04 cheapen this podcast by implying that something that people might use one massages for is the main reason i brought it in yeah yeah there was a clear brief and i responded to the brief yeah and that's all i'm gonna say on it what you want me to be like yeah i brought in because i wanted whoever want to wank themselves with it i wanted someone to take my take my fries and stick it in their protected protected regions and i wanted to buzz buzz buzz and sorry my description of masturbation is horrible and that's why i yeah no i just wanted them to relax I apologise for having such a dirty mind and assuming that those massages are intended for one body part
Starting point is 00:55:49 and they are still used for multiple body parts. I would suggest that I bet people buy them for multiple body parts, realise what they can do with them and then it is only used for one body part. No one's going back to the full body massage after they've done it after they've done it in the one part okay i will accept that this is an email from kerry in chicago uh hi ed and sophie long time listener first time caller my family and i had a general question about series
Starting point is 00:56:18 13 of taskmaster which we'd like you and your guests to answer do the contestants get any time before filming starts to give the Taskmaster house a once-over to get the lay of the land, so to speak? While specific items in rooms may change, it does seem like people very often know a specific item they need is in the shed or something else is in the living room.
Starting point is 00:56:37 So is there any time given to let the contestants familiarise themselves with this strange new environment or is it something that just happens as they go through the process of completing tasks thanks love the podcast sophie great question lovely bit of triv well you will know this i mean it might have changed between series you don't get specific time to walk around uh i think maybe you do get i think you maybe you do get shown it very very quickly once at the start at 6 a.m on the first day but not in any detailed way of like,
Starting point is 00:57:05 this is what's here. It's just like, this is a house. That's the garden done. And I think you just build up a knowledge as you go along of what's in what room. I'm going to, I think it also like,
Starting point is 00:57:14 there are a few tasks that don't make the edit. So you might have used like a length of rope and know that it's, know that it's there for the next time. Yes. I think that's true. I think, I don't think it has changed i think they still have the same thing where um where one of the andys i think it was
Starting point is 00:57:29 andy andy c for me takes you around the house before you do any tasks and goes this is the lab this is the you know this is the this is the caravan this is the garden this is the shed or whatever so you know where you can go and everywhere you can go because obviously there's like a little production office where you can't go and then there's your dressing room there as well so you do get a little look around and it helps knowing the show i'd obviously seen every episode of the show before so i knew i knew where everything was um but in terms of items i think you pick it up as you go along so you might look in the shed because you know you can get stuff in the shed and see a roll of tape and it's not helpful in that
Starting point is 00:58:08 task but then two tasks down the line you suddenly need a roll of tape so you can go straight there it's just about being observational the tape task yeah you've just got to keep your eyes open which some contestants are better at than others I think this is our first question from Croatia this is from Ivana in Croatia
Starting point is 00:58:24 hi Ed and Sophie I've got a big big fan base in Croatia yeah yeah I thought so than others i think this is our first question from croatia this is from ivana in croatia uh hi i've got a big big big fan base in croatia yeah yeah i thought so um my question is was there a task that you were really looking forward to people seeing and was there a task you were dreading being shown um what are my faves fave tasks cool photo liked it liked getting uh alex's stickers tongue out and be a little pooch um also thought i look quite cool in the pedometer task and i thought that the um task with all the uh not children stuffed toys the task with all the stuffed toys i was like i climbed a tree unfortunately chris did it as well so i was like i'm i'm intrepid so i was like i was quite proud of those um the potometer one was great as well because you put it on the end of the drill and it flew off that was a great that was a great moment
Starting point is 00:59:15 i think universally in the crew no one wanted me to do that but i knew it would look kind of cool. I found, I think, oh, wait, there was one that I was like, I just, I hate the,
Starting point is 00:59:31 I think the performance ones just made me feel sort of ill. Even though they're fun to watch everyone else. I just was like, please don't make me go back to my comedy improv days of doing a rapper, Alex, or like a freestyle in the house queen the house queens was joyful because we by that time i had my sister queens with me it was good so i was like we're all in this together and objectively bridget looks more stupid but i felt anything before me yeah i completely understand that because it's it's you know part of your job right so yeah if you if you do it badly it's like you're doing your job badly whereas if you
Starting point is 01:00:10 do a pedometer wrong it's not like it's connected to something that is actually your life i actually walk quite a lot in my life so uh yeah that was that felt personal for me you use the phrase there um oh don't make me do a rap at Alex. The task was to not have a rap battle with Alex. It was duel, do a duel. So you weren't being forced into doing the rap. And I do remember you looking markedly uncomfortable in that task as well.
Starting point is 01:00:36 It was so horrible. But I think the thing that if I was going to, I was going to reassess my strat, strategy for champion of champions, I think i'm quite a verbal person i think i'm just like oh you want to fight me with your mind um and people are like no i just want to just want to fight you um so i think that i would uh be more in my body to avoid having to in doing the tasks because i think that i was like, oh wait, this is some sort of crossword puzzle. I was like, what's the linguistic trick
Starting point is 01:01:08 that the taskmaster's trying to do? He's just stuck a code word on a duck's ass and it's not actually that deep. So yeah, I think that that's how my strat would change. Well, don't change your strat too much because this strat won you Series 13. Thank you so much for coming back on the Taskmaster podcast, Sophie Duker.
Starting point is 01:01:43 We, of course, always ask our guests to rate their experience on the podcast between 1 and 5 points. I can't remember what you gave us last time but please now in the style of the Taskmaster please rate your experience on this podcast today between 1 and 5 points.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I feel the first time I wouldn't have given you the full 5 because to be honest it wasn't a five out of five experience. But this podcast, I feel joyful. I've won the series. I've won the episode. I get to reminisce about the happiest moments in my sad, tiny little life. It's an absolute five for me.
Starting point is 01:02:21 This will never happen again. Thank you very much. It will never happen again unless we're champion of champions, series three. We're going to get you back on for that, I'm sure. Thank you very much, Sophie Duker,
Starting point is 01:02:32 for coming on the Taskmaster podcast and congratulations for being the champion of series 13. Thanks so much to Sophie for coming in, a deserved and wonderful champion. I'm sure she will do great work touring around the world with the trophy,
Starting point is 01:02:50 as is the responsibility of all Taskmaster champions. Thank you very much, Sophie Duker. That's the end of Series 13. It seems a shame to say goodbye, but don't forget, next Thursday, you get Champion of Champions, 23rd June, 9 p.m channel 4 make sure you tune in for that we'll be chatting about it on the podcast and then straight after
Starting point is 01:03:09 that we will be getting back into series six where we hit pause and then seven and then eight and then nine and future series of taskmaster basically my job never stops and i don't know if you know this i do some other stuff as well but this this is it now, mainly just talking about Taskmaster. And I love it. Thank you very much to Sophie Duker for coming on the show. Thank you very much for listening to the Taskmaster podcast throughout Series 13. We hope you stick around for all the other episodes. I've been Ian Gamble. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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