Tell Em Steve-Dave - #601: Raw Doggin'

Episode Date: July 14, 2024

The Git ‘em verdict is thrown into question, Walt & Frank 5 go on a road trip, Bry and Q go to Orlando, Wikifeet, Hawk Tuah girl....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, my name is Chuck Staten and you might know me as the producer of Tuesdays with Stories with Mark Norman and Joe List or from the Tell them Steve Dave podcast where I've done a lot of video work and hosted some shows on the Patreon over the years. But today I'm here to tell you about my podcast, Fun Bearable with comic Ray Harrington and improv player Brad Rohr. We're celebrating our 100th episode of our podcast live at the Comedy Connection in East Providence, Rhode Island on Sunday, July 21st. So if you're in the New England area, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, anywhere, come
Starting point is 00:00:29 on out. It's going to be a lot of fun. Our live podcasts are more than just a podcast. There's video elements, there's improv stuff, there's sketch stuff. Sometimes there's prank stuff. We always want the audience to walk away feeling surprised, to say the very least, and it's going to be a great time. The show is sponsored by R.I. Food Fights,
Starting point is 00:00:46 the best food organization in Rhode Island. The show is also sponsored by Tracy's Cream and Sugar, my coffee shop of choice in my hometown of Warren, Rhode Island, right on Main Street. So go to for tickets for our show, the 100th episode of Fun Bearable on Sunday, July 21st at the Comedy Connection in East Providence, Rhode Island. The best way to explain it I think is that I'm Doc Brown, you're Marty McFly, and when this baby hits 88 miles per hour you're gonna see
Starting point is 00:01:13 some serious shit. Actually that's not a great metaphor. We're not traveling in any way or ramping up speed. Doesn't really apply. But I can say though, I like again, I'm not on Team Git-Em. But they called his feet meaty. Like he's defending Ron like he's sucking his cock. Tell him Steve Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell him Steve Dave number 601 boys. It's been a little while since we sat around the table. Yeah, it has. So the last time was not 600 but 599 point whatever it was. Was that two weeks ago? Yeah, a couple of two, three weeks ago. All right. We're here now. Now we're here. When the other side is
Starting point is 00:02:39 600 and I got to tell you the word on the street is everybody liked it. I have yet to see any dissenting opinions What do you say? Well sure? If you look for hard enough you'll find it you'll find those people who are not happy you said it But they are tired of me sucking get him stick Really? Yeah, it's too bad because we're entering a whole new era of get him dick sucking. I don't know, man. I'm a little pissed off at him as it is right now. So I get him.
Starting point is 00:03:10 He already already. Yeah, ready. I'm done. I'm fucking questioning my, my decision to go to throw the court, to throw the trial in his, in his trial in his favor. We have a limited room in this office, right? Yeah. So, when we record, we have a lot of people in the room. And no windows still.
Starting point is 00:03:35 That's what we're working on now. So we tend to put some of this, I don't know if you noticed, when you got here, we throw some stuff out in the hallway, some extra chairs, some boxes. And yesterday I had some stuff out there and the, do you remember when we talked a couple months ago about one of the Ron's and how I would, if you had the scenario, if he was, if there was a fire that get him started in the airport plaza and Ron perished in the fire, I said that I would not pod anymore. Yeah. I remember this.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. Well, I really have to rethink that decision. You're back? Of course. I was informed today that he overheard Ron complaining about us putting stuff in the hallway. Yeah. To who?
Starting point is 00:04:23 To the super. Didn't even come to you first. No. Oh. And this fuckwit is like, well, there's a lot of stuff in the hallway. Like he's defending Ron, like he's sucking his cock. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Instead of being like, instead of seeing me, I'm mad. Instead of being like, yeah, I want to jerk off. He's like, well, Ron may be in the right on this one. And I'm like, fuck you. Yeah. And I really feel like, yeah, now'm wishing that now I had done none of those. Went through all those mental hoops to make him win the fuck and he should have did it on his own if he was going to win. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Wow. That's what happens when you mess with the law, man. It doesn't turn out. So wait, did you pull everything in from the hallway? No. That's still out there. Fuck him. Fuck him. If he wants to now go through legal channel or go up the ladder and go to the lady that we pay rent to.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You know, all right, then maybe we'll leave then. If I can't put the shit out there once in a while. Once in a while. It's not like you're putting like garbage out there. No, it's just wheeling that shit out there. Yeah. Yeah, it's not very neighborly. It's petty.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah, it's a little petty. It really is. And's not very neighborly. It's petty. Yeah. It's a little petty. It really is. And then, and then this guy is not, is just like, Oh, we can't, we can't block Ron's entrance, bro. Yeah. Me and Ron think this. You really are annoyed. I see it in your eyes. I told them, I was like, well, he's on the shit list now and you're about fucking within a millimeter of fucking being on that list too now if you want to fucking defend them so badly, maybe you go over there and work for him. Shit man, I thought I was having a stressful day. This is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:54 You had no idea what was going on over there. Yeah. See how he treats you over there. See if he'll fucking throw a trial in your favor. Yeah. I can't help but notice that the $5 jar isn't set up either. How many weeks did he have to get the jar ready? Quite a while. Yeah. I can't help but notice that the $5 jars and set up. How many months, how many weeks did he have to get the jar ready? Quite a while. Yeah. Didn't happen. So what's
Starting point is 00:06:11 he up to him and Ron just pow wow. I don't know what he's doing. Caught him sleeping today. Me and Jeff get out of here. Yeah. Walked in on him sleeping. Sleeping where? Right on that fucking right where Thomas sitting behind you Wow Tom, Ilosavsky's in the room We're recording some Sunday Jeff shows after during business hours Yeah, two o'clock at what two o'clock in the afternoon It's been nothing. That big, weepy speech he made at the end out the window. Yeah, it feels like, yeah, he's like, oh, I cried a little bit. Yeah, I'm good for a while.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I can go back to my old ways. Definitely. Wow. Notice he didn't put a bike out for himself. Yeah, what's going on over there? You can finally talk and this is it. He's not even looking up. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oh, shit. I don't want to spend the whole episode complaining. Okay. Yeah. I want to hear about this trip you took, man. Some stuff had to have happened. You really haven't said anything about it. Uh, well, we mean the Franks and the Flanigans took a trip to Minnesota. Um, it was a good trip.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I don't know if anything happened that was all that pod worthy in terms of like, oh, well, this got fucked up or this got fucked up. It was cool though that an aunt reached out to us on the road and hooked me up with, hooked us all up with a backstage tour of the NFL Hall of Fame. Oh, nice. Holy shit. Awesome. 25% of your group was like, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:49 The other 75%. Yeah, three fourths of the tour was probably just like, what are we doing for three hours? We're going to look at old jerseys and cleats. Weather helmets. Awesome. No, such a cool and like, I can't even imagine how many millions have been pumped into the Hall of Fame by the, I mean, NFL's got it. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And like the stuff that the public doesn't get the chance to see. Oh yeah. Is staggering. Like what? Give us a peek of the scenes. There was a brace that Peyton Manning wears that he wore when he was on the Denver Broncos and there was a little secret compartment in it and when you unzip it, there were all these rosaries and like Catholic charms that he would pray to so he wouldn't injure that
Starting point is 00:08:42 leg that had already been injured already. Oh wow. Yeah. And they don't have that on display? I don't have that. I wonder if that's because it's too hot button. Let's not mix religion and football. Well, it's a little weird to believe in totems and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:08:58 He's looking at good luck charts. He thinks God is looking over him. He thinks God is watching the game and being like, all right. Why wouldn't he? He won Super Bowls. It's so fucking narcissistic, man, as to be almost unbelievable. No, I would think that somebody who's not playing in a fucking touch football game brain is narcissistic, but when you're the greatest in the game, you might be like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:09:22 maybe God had a hand in this. It's like Scientology to me. Because the people that are in Scientology that we see are like the famous ones and the rich ones. And it seems to all work out for everybody in Scientology. I bet you there's a whole bunch of people that Scientology ain't working out for. Yeah. I think that shows a lot. I got to see Tom Brady's Super Bowl winning jersey with the grass stains and his cleats. And I thought-
Starting point is 00:09:46 Is it like when I went to Graceland and they let me touch stuff or they let you hold it? They have a strict no flesh can touch any of the artifacts. They adhere to the strictest museum rules. And so like- Yeah, I had to wear white gloves. Oh, okay. Yeah. I guess I could have wore white gloves, but I didn't do the white gloves.
Starting point is 00:10:11 The aunt who showed us around touched everything, but he let me smell it though. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, that's nice. How did it smell? What did Tom smell like? Yeah. Remember that movie with the guy from the, who played, he played Rorschach in Watchmen? He was also in Bad News Bears.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Remember he put the underwear on the face and his wife caught him? Oh, yeah, Kelly Leake from Jackie Earl Haley. What was that really fucked up movie where his wife walked in on him and he was on the computer jerking off and he had a pair of underwear on his head? Yeah, I don't remember the movie though. I can't remember the name of it. Yeah, well that's what I thought I was going to have. I thought I was going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Jerk off with Tom Brady's jersey wrapped around my face. He's got chocolate on your head. The girls of Frank waiting outside the bathroom. Walter, are you, oh, oh, he's not ready guys. He's not ready. You're a fucka-dare. I'm doing something. So as Cleats saw some Detroit Lions gear, was told that helmets and the chemicals or what helmets are made out of,
Starting point is 00:11:26 modern helmets, are breaking down constantly. And it's just the challenge is that they want to revert back to their plastic form. So they get sticky and they're just, at some point they're not gonna exist anymore. Hel some point, they're not going to exist anymore. Helmets, the old helmets like players wore. Like, oh, this is Brady's helmet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But in about a hundred years from now, it'll just be a puddle of plastic. Oh, wow. I wonder why. I wouldn't have thought that the plastic would break down like that. Yeah. It breaks down.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And he said, if you, if you were able to touch it, you could feel how sticky these, these helmets are from the sixties. Really? Because they're just breaking down constantly. They have a strict temperature that they have to have the building at.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Sure. Uh, lighting has to be a certain, uh, fluorescent color, not fluorescent, but you know what I like. So it doesn't damage anything. Um. No UV, no UV in a probable air. Yeah. Um, it was awesome though.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That was, that was really fucking dope. And it was like, I want to thank him for, I don't want to say his name and I want to get him in trouble in case he didn't, you know, get the, the wherewithal or the proper channels to let, let us go down here. Sure. Probably did though. Probably did. Came in on his day off too.
Starting point is 00:12:41 That's nice. Yeah. That is nice. What did, was he all a go? Had Frank Five? Was he like? Well, you know what his title is? Curator. Oh, curator. I got to take it from Smartfan and give it to this guy now. There can only be one.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm only Ken Smartfan. Take that gun out of your mouth. I knew this day would come. Goodbye world, goodbye home Steve Dave. Oh wow. He rocked out on the trip too. Oh yes, Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks. Oh, whoa, they performed together? Together.
Starting point is 00:13:21 That had to be sweet, man. Well, they performed in Chicago at Soldier Field We were seated probably in Ohio. We were so far away So it was like watching two little sticks Yeah perform, but when you watch the big screen, I guess you could see them perform but Billy Joel's got a fucking lot of hits every song plays is recognizable Yeah, it's stunning cuz I wasn't that versed on my Billy Joel, but like a man can play for two hours and play a song that's recognizable.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Not many artists can do that. Yeah, I've seen it at Madison Square Garden a few times and it's like, you're right, it's like hit after hit. Some nights you go and it's not even the same songs and you're like, this guy could just fill it. And you know how big a fan Jeff is of Stevie Nicks. Oh, is he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 A massive Stevie Nicks fan. He was in love with her when he was in high school. I understand. Oh, I didn't know that. I didn't know he was in love with her. He was like … A gypsy? Who was that dude that was stalking Jodie Foster?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Oh, dude. He was just one step below that. He was all in on Stevie Nicks. he was like, how was Stevie Nicks? I was like, should I tell him that she wasn't as up to par as Billy Joel or should I just be like, she was awesome? Well, I know what you should do. I'm guessing it's not what you did though. I was honest. I was like, you know, for her age, I said she did great.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And he fucking defended her like a fucking mother lioness. Like he was. But what you said was nice. Right. But he was like, he's definitely better than Billy Joel's voice. I was like, if I'm being honest, I thought Billy Joel's voice is better at this point. Little Children is the name of that movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And yeah, of that movie. Oh yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And yeah, check that movie out. That's a fucked up movie. Well, that's where he's jerking off in the car too. Like he's all, that was, that was filmed on Staten Island. Was it? Yeah. That is a bizarre movie, man. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's really good movie. Yeah. But, and, uh, we went to the Mall of America. It looks a lot like the American dream mall. Yeah. Have you been there to Mall of America? I've been there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 We've gone on tour a few times. Yeah. I told you when you went, it's just a mall. I didn't really feel, but American dream. You're right. It looks a lot like the American Dream Mall. Have you been there to Mall of America? I've been there, yeah. We've gone on tour a few times. Yeah, I told you when you went. It's just a mall. You didn't really feel it. But American Dream, you're right. It's the same. And American Dream's only an hour away from me.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, bless, because I just drove from there. We shot there all day today. Why didn't you grab me and pull me aside harder and tell me that? Well, because the second I opened my mouth, you just started ripping on me about it, telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. I never said that. So I just thought, you know, go enjoy the fucking Mall of America. I never ever said that.
Starting point is 00:15:54 All I said was, you know, I don't know how long these balls are going to be around and I want to see it before it closes. And you're like, definitely I could see that. You know, like, hey, but you know that the American dream is exactly the same thing. I think I tried to tell you out of it by saying it's just the mall. Don't go. But all right. All right. Did you buy anything?
Starting point is 00:16:12 I brought a t-shirt at the Hall of Fame and I brought a hoodie at the Mall of America. But we had to travel like gypsies. Was that bad? I shouldn't say it. You can't say Romani. Yeah. I was told by gypsies to use the term gypsies. Was that bad? I shouldn't say. Oh, don't say Romani. Yeah. I was, I was told by gypsies to use the term gypsies. So, you know.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. We didn't have a lot of room. That's why you're defending those lucky charms. You got a lucky charm around your neck popping out. Yeah. Some, some lady gave me this. I was delivering mailed. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah. So I, I don't know. I thought it was weird. She came out of nowhere and gave it to me. So I thought it was a sign. Could be. Sure. But that was, I thought it was weird. She came out of nowhere and gave it to me. So I thought it was a sign. Could be. Sure. But that was it though.
Starting point is 00:16:48 That was the trip. We saw Mary Tyler Moore's statue. Oh yeah, we saw the Mary Tyler Moore statue. Oh yeah, had a look. I don't remember if I've seen it. I didn't think it would be that impactful, but it really was. Like once we got there and I was just kind of like, uh, man, we really are taking a far out of the way jaunt
Starting point is 00:17:06 for this statue. But then when I walked up on it and I saw it and I was like, and it's right at the corner where she throws the hat up in the air. You could look in the walkway and see where she might have stood and threw the hat up. That's some powerful shit. What feelings does it, what does it bring up? I used to watch that show with my mom every Saturday night. Oh, without fail.
Starting point is 00:17:31 That was, that was her show. We watched it together and yeah, that, that show gives me like that, especially that song, love is all around. There's no need to fake it. You're going to make it. Yeah. That's that song gives me good sunny vibes when I hear that song. So it was, yeah, that's, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Were there any spots on it that were inappropriately rubbed down? No, I've seen some statues that have been violated. Yeah. But I think that, um, if Minnesota doesn't have an armed guard on 24-7, then they're negligent by not doing that. But yeah, that's it. It was awesome though. It's a good looking statue.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And it was so fucked up. I blew the fucking party away. We're walking back to the car and we're just walking by a building. And I was like, damn, that building looks like the exterior of where she worked. And then Frank Googled it and he goes, holy fuck, it is the exterior where she worked. I was just like, daddy. When we got back in the car, I couldn't stop talking about it. I fucking called that building.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Nobody even had to point it out to me. He was a crush, some major puss that I broke. That's impressive. All the in headboard that you make. We went down to Orlando, Q and I. Yeah. Yeah. Although Q, I have to say he abbreviated his trip without telling me. I did tell you.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I texted him. No, you told me you were going to come a day late, but you didn't tell me you were leaving a day early. Well, I was always leaving Sunday. No, a while back I said, what are your dates? And you gave me the dates. And then on Saturday night, you're like, yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I was like, oh fuck, I would have skipped out a day early too. You still could have. No, it was too late by then. I couldn't change a flight anymore. So what'd you do? You were alone? No, no, Marybeth went. So why don't you, yeah, so what's the harm then?
Starting point is 00:19:19 You're in Orlando. Yeah, it's 95 fucking degrees out, fucking 100% humidity. Yeah, it's pretty hot. From where we are, it was about a 15-minute walk to a Wawa, and I was really thirsty, but I'm like, I don't want to take the walk. It's too much. They don't have any liquid in them? No, they do.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It was all Pepsi products, though. Yeah, I kind of like Pepsi stuff. We did Space Monkeys, and I thought it turned out pretty well. According to what people said, they enjoyed it. Wow. I mean, I'm not surprised. That went well. They always give the people what they want. Saw Tiffany perform.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's wild. It was listed as 9 o'clock to 10.30, so I was like, all right, one hour and a half of Tiffany, I don't really need that much. There's really one song I want to hear. I think we're alone now. Yeah. So we went to Mary Beth and I went down there about like 25 minutes into the show and she sang, she finished up one song. Wait, you weren't afraid that she might open with it? No, I didn't think so. That would have been a mistake on her part, I think. Because where
Starting point is 00:20:23 did she go from there? But we went down there and she finished up one song, she sang another song, and then she sang that one. And it was really only like a 45-minute set. So we got there pretty much just in time to catch what we wanted to sing. Yeah, did she bring in the house down? People were digging it. People dug it.
Starting point is 00:20:42 But strangely, it was really weird. After she was done, she went out into this little area. It's like a hallway where the entrance to the banquet. The way it was set up was the way Jiggy set it up. What are we talking about? Yeah, maybe we should. Let me back it up. Jiggy does something called Taste Funny every year.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Well, for the past four years. It's like a food comedy festival in Orlando. Food comedy festival. He has comedians there, he does stuff where he cooks and shit and they have like games and a disco night and themes and family dinners and all kinds of stuff and it was, what he did that I thought was genius was it was all in the one hotel. Like you didn't have to go anywhere, like we didn't have to go anywhere. We didn't have to go anywhere to do Space Monkeys. We just walked downstairs and – Well, Q had to because he stayed in a separate hotel because he's fancy.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Oh, how come? Yeah. He does. I'm fancy. He's fancy. No. I'm fancy. He's too fancy now.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I'm sure it was just an overbooking. I don't know. I didn't book the hotel. They just took me to a hotel. But it was right next door. Yeah. I think that they just didn't want me staying in the hotel with with all the all the peeps all the peeps But I didn't ask what's tough for you I mean look let's be a hundred percent honest about it like you can't stop and talk to every fucking person
Starting point is 00:21:55 When you're trying to walk from like your room to the car to go get something to eat Yeah, you know and that's gonna happen to you. Yeah, that happens. Yeah. But yeah, but I didn't ask him to. We just did it because you know. But it was a well-oiled machine. Everybody seemed to have a great time. It's like if you take like the hardcore cruise people and then you distill them down into the hardest of the hardest core, that's these people. Yeah, like I recognized every single person that I saw.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Everybody's recognizable pretty much. Oh, nice. And they all started watching when Jiggy – during the pandemic because Jiggy went on Zoom and was doing like cooking shows and comedy and stuff like that. So they all got into it at that point. So this is something they've been into for like a couple of years now. Yeah, this is the fourth one. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was happy.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I think it was happy. I think it was happy. Yeah, it was funny because Tiffany was supposed to be on Space Monkeys and then I think we lost her somewhere around the time we found out that my feet were being rated online by sex freaks. There's a whole website called WikiFeet that just puts up photos and rates people's feet. Ooh. And somebody in the audience brought it up that I'm on on wiki feet
Starting point is 00:23:07 And there are hundreds of photos of my feet. It is fucking from IJ IJ this that the other thing. Yeah, and like and there's reviews and how do you rate as far as pretty fucking? Very high. Yeah, they called that they called his feet meaty meaty meaty and fat Apparently so I say when I think of meaty and fat. Is that good? Apparently so. Let's see, when I think of meaty and fat feet, I think Fred Flintstone. That's what I said. Or get him. Oh, get him. No, get him.
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's like another plane of existence. Like, fucking, that's a different species. Yeah. And then we got into that and then that segues into this and to that and to that. By the time we asked for Tiffany, I think she snuck out the fucking back door. I think so, yeah, because it seemed like she was going to come on and then we were talking. I had this story I wanted to read, a message from OnlyFans that was really vile and disgusting and I'm not sure if she caught wind that I was going to talk about it. How would she know?
Starting point is 00:24:02 What's up? How would she know you were going to read it? Because I warned people several times. So Q, if the reviews weren't that kind, would it bother you? It wouldn't bother me because like when they told me that I had this thing, I was sitting there going like, well, I can't have a high rating. I have giant hairy hobbit feet. I was like, nobody's going to give me good ratings, but apparently thick, meaty feet are what people are looking for.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Really? What kind of feet aren't people looking for? I'm afraid mine might be those. Um, I guess. It depends. I think, I think that there's a, like your feet would be somebody's cup of tea. There are so many people out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like, cause there are like Paris Hilton has like a size 13 foot or something crazy like that. And people are still into her. For a long time, I was wearing the wrong size sneakers for like 15 years of my life. Too high. He's like a fucking Chinese child with his feet bound. So I really fucked up like during the growth years. So it really, it really did a job on my toes. Well, you never know bro. You never know. Wow. There really are a lot on my toes. Well, you never know, bro. You never know. Wow, there really are a lot of shots at those feet.
Starting point is 00:25:11 But then we were saying maybe I should start a feet OnlyFans. Why not? But then Brian suggested that it looks like my career is on the down. It could look like it was on the down tick. Yeah, but if you wait until the other side when you're like, you know what, I need some extra cash now, then you got to strike while you're at your. Yeah, while my feet iron are hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And you could, I mean, technically you could advertise during the show. You could go barefoot in some things for whatever reason. I mean, obviously you're doing it here. You're wearing sandals and stuff, so you could keep it going. How much do you think he could earn? If it was. $10 a month. If it was. That's reasonable.
Starting point is 00:25:45 10 grand a month. No, $10. No, let's say $4.99 a month. You don't want to. $4.99? Yeah. You think $9.99 is. I think $9.99 is acceptable.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I think you'd get 10 grand a month though, from all these subscribers. Really? Yeah, absolutely. For that, for the toes, for the little piggies. Yeah, but eventually you're going to have to up your game. Just like, you know, how there's like some, you know, porn stars stars like well, I do women. Yeah, you know and then eventually, you know Suddenly my toes are like A whole lot other areas to probably depends on how much I make
Starting point is 00:26:26 And then it's not even toes anymore, it's just in your mouth. So I'm just sucking dick from out of there. I'm like, I tried to warn you. Shit, that only took a month. Why didn't you warn me? You didn't tell me about the mall, did you? I thought you knew. So what did you do I thought you knew.
Starting point is 00:26:45 So what'd you do for 4th of July? Dude, I ended up doing nothing. I ended up sitting in my yard. Well, my parent, I ended up going to my parents the night before, got home late and then watched Staten Island blow itself up. Just kind of chilled out in my yard. Didn't really do anything. Brian went to a picnic.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Oh, he was partied. Yeah. Brian Rupert. Brian Ruper a picnic. Oh, it was partied. Brian Rupert. Brian Rupert. Oh, how'd it go? Excellent. It was a very elegant evening or afternoon. I can say though, again, I'm not on team Git-Him because he was there and he didn't talk to me. He was holding court with all the other strangers.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Complete strangers. He's telling stories left and right. He's the king of gab. And I'm sitting on my phone for about a half hour not talking to anybody and then Brian came and then as soon as Brian came, then Gideon came over. Then he graced us with his presence. Otherwise, he was all about Rupp's friends.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Wow. You've got big tongues. Well, I mean, it's happened before. You guys have done it to me before on the road, remember? Years ago, like you guys would just pile around together. And that's why, remember I wanted to get a fourth on TSD? Oh, yeah. Tryouts.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And then Debbie's like, well, maybe that is because of you, then, if that keeps happening over and over again. I was like, I don't know. Your wife's always there with a wise word for you. And I was like, you think so? She goes, no, it's probably them, they're jerks. They're jerk-offs. Yeah, and all of a sudden he was like,
Starting point is 00:28:14 oh, then he found some topics he was willing to talk about with me and Bry. Otherwise, he couldn't pull himself away from Rupp's friends that he fucking met once, if at all. Wow. Were they ants? Did they know who he was? No, they don't know. Oh, so he was making friends? At the expense of me?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Well, you know, you have a family. He's got nothing. I mean, I think he should... Yeah, but like, come on, I rarely ever go out. While I was testing it, I was stunned. I was like, no way when I saw him there, I couldn't believe it. Cause like I was on the fence cause I'm like, ah, fourth of July traffic, blah, blah, blah. But I'm like, you know, it's Haslett. It's not that far.
Starting point is 00:28:55 It's not that I can take back roads or whatever. So when, when I got there, I didn't see Walt's car out front, but I went back and uh, there he was shocked, pleasantly shocked. What was I doing when he came? It was on my phone. What's that? It was just on my phone going just like, well, I wish I had someone to talk to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And I'll get him to talk to me. What about Rob? You're going to talk to Rob? Well, he was busy frying up, or not frying, barbecue, burgers and dogs and corn dogs and all sorts of food and everything. I couldn't go, but like, hey, can you talk to me? Yeah. Make your friends talk to me? Make your friends talk to me. One of Rob's friends said something really, I didn't talk to him for the rest, I didn't actually talk to
Starting point is 00:29:37 any of them for the rest of the party. I wasn't offended, but I was taken aback. I went out there to get a, just get a plate and a napkin and one of the guys looks at me and he goes, you know, you look like you got a big dick. I heard that. Who said this? Was that some guy? It was just some guy.
Starting point is 00:29:52 It was just like one of Rupp's friends. You heard him say that? I heard him say it and at that point I said to him, I thought like I fucking wiped the flop sweat off my fart. I was like, boy, I'm glad my wife didn't come to this barbecue. She might have had a wise word. Because it was so weird and so out of place and so bizarre that I would have been – I would have had a hard time being like, why would he say – like trying to explain why a stranger said that.
Starting point is 00:30:20 All of a sudden now I know I would be in the crosshair. I was like, why would he say that? Right. Yeah, yeah. It's not your fault. But I mean, did you feel bad that he didn't say it to you? Why? Because why you think he didn't think I did? He's telling people that he thinks. Maybe that's why you were so alone. Maybe next 4th of July I'll put a sweat sock down here.
Starting point is 00:30:43 You keep hanging around. I wasn't annoyed or irked. I just thought it was weird. It is weird. Yeah. It is weird. Maybe they're having a conversation about big members. Perhaps, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I don't know how you approach me. I've only had a few barbecues in my life, maybe one. Maybe that is barbecue at a quick, maybe, how do I know? Maybe that is something people talk about. It's obviously because there's hot dogs, there's phallus foods around, maybe. You've had more, you've had a lot of barbecues. I don't remember ever having this conversation. I was going on a rubs house.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I didn't know what kind of party it was after that. Yeah, cause I was going to be, I was going to invite, you know, um, my mom and, and her boyfriend over for a July 5th barbecue and I was going to be like, so Joe. If you look to me. Everybody's face just like turns white. If I were at that barbecue, I would immediately put a cold compress on his head and help him lie down. I'd be like, this isn't the Walt I know. Yeah. Something's gone tragically wrong. But overall though, it was a very nice afternoon and yeah, it was nice. It was sweet.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Nice. It was hot though. As you know, you're- Yeah, it was hot. It poured like around 11 o'clock on Saturday night like wrath of God rain. So heavy. So we kind of put a damper on it, but it was hot. It was hot. You know what else is hot? Tell me.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Meandis. Meandis is hot, but so is Bluecho. Bluecho. Yeah, we haven't done a show in a couple of weeks. We got some ads here. Okay. All right. Our next sponsor needs of weeks, so we got some ads here. Okay. All right. Our next sponsor needs no introduction, although I just did introduce them.
Starting point is 00:32:29 You've seen the ads, you've heard us talk about them a million times and I'll bet you there's a big part of you pun intended. See, it's a whole big dick talk on this fucking episode that wants to try it. We're talking about Bluechew. This isn't your grandpa's blue pill. This is the one, the OG chewable tablet for better sex. Bluechew is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra
Starting point is 00:32:48 but at a fraction of the cost and in chewable form. The process to get it is simple. Sign up at, consult with one of their licensed medical providers and once you're approved, you'll receive your prescription within days. Blue Chew tablets are made in the USA and prepared and shipped directly to your door and the best part, it's all done online. That means you don't have to go to the doctor, no awkward conversations. And you can take them any time, day or night. So you can plan ahead and be ready whenever an opportunity arises. Bluetooth desperately wants you to have better sex.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So discover your options at And now I have to do the endorsement, which I fully endorse Bluetooth. I've used it several times and it, uh, even if you don't need it,, we were talking about how like your, uh, it's like a, it's like a boner time machine. Yeah. We go back in time to like, God damn that shit's rock hard. I don't have to really wait that long. I wonder why you're getting pointed at it at barbecues and stuff. I'm just talking about BlueChu the whole time. They say there's nothing sexier than confidence and Bluechew can help you give confidence
Starting point is 00:33:46 where it counts. Bluechew wants the entire country rock hard. Well, I don't know about that. Yeah. I mean there are some people that – They should be – They should not be hard. They should be castrated instead.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yeah. That's the mission. They will not stop until every man is bricked up like a brick house until every tent is pitched, until every rod is raised. Discover your options at Yeah, I have to agree. I have to say Bluetooth. Let's cut that out of the copy because there's plenty of guys that don't deserve boners. We've got a special deal for listeners. Try Bluetooth free when you use the promo code TESD at checkout. Just pay $5 shipping. That's Bluetooth promo code TESD to receive your first month free. That's
Starting point is 00:34:20 for more details and safety information and we thank BlueChu for sponsoring the podcast. Number two, Raycon. Damn, we got some good sponsors this week, man. You may have heard us talk about Raycon's everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys but at half the price? Sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on a pair of Raycons or even if you have and you're in the market for another pair because they're just that good, now is the time to check
Starting point is 00:34:48 them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. With Raycons everyday upgraded everyday earbuds, you also get active ergonomic design, multi-point connectivity that lets you pair two devices at once and active noise cancellation. Let me tell you something about Raycons. You can't stop it from pairing with shit. Yeah. Like I put them on and like suddenly I'm getting Sage. I have to turn Sage's Bluetooth off. I got to turn Mary Beth's Bluetooth off.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It's that good. They're that good. Yeah. Remembers. Uh, they're available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. Uh, I prefer black. I don't really need something to match my skin tone.
Starting point is 00:35:23 You got the blue ones. Yeah. You got the blue ones. Yeah. I like the blue ones. One, you got the blue ones? Yeah, I like the blue ones. They're the ones I use. 32-hour battery life.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I had them in my ear while I was leaving you eating dust in Orlando the other day. Oh, did you? You took off. I could see the plane. I was like, God damn this guy. Now I'm here for another day. Yeah, I will say this. He flew me down there first class.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Did he? Flew me on the way back, coach. And I was like, did he do that because he knows it, cause like, he didn't want to hear it. Like on the way back, he's like, what are you going to do now? He's like, it felt a little bit like, you know, you don't want to, you don't want to be like, what the fuck dude, but yeah, that was funny.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Huh. Yeah. I got some extra leg room out of it. I didn't even get that. Damn. Oh. Uh, new active noise cancellation, new weatherproof and sweat resistant, uh, ear things, you know, the rubber things, uh, earbud tap functions to
Starting point is 00:36:13 reduce discomfort when using them. Uh, I listened to them on the plane myself. Yeah. Uh, because there were, there's a lot of kids going down to Orlando. Holy fuck. I was on the, on the way on the plane back with a dance competition and it was insane. It was like being in a zoo. Yeah, it's too much.
Starting point is 00:36:30 So I got those Raycons right there. There's two types of people that go to Orlando, children and really old people in wheelchairs that you got to fucking wait for the whole time. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycons, there is truly no better time. Their upgraded model will blow you away. You're going to ask yourself why you didn't check them out sooner. They offer a 30-day happiness guarantee. What are you waiting for? Go to slash TESD today to get 15% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right. You get 15% off and free shipping at
Starting point is 00:36:56 slash TESD, slash TESD. We got two more, but I'm not going to do four in a row. That's a little bit too much. That's too much. I got season 11 of Impractical Jokas premiering this week. Do you? Yes, season 11. Once again, if any ants out there have that Nielsen box. Oh, I was wondering, I actually wrote it in my notes.
Starting point is 00:37:21 If you found out that I had a Nielsen box, but I didn't watch IJ, would you feel hurt? I would. Would you? Not hurt. Even this late in the game when it doesn't really matter that much, would you still feel hurt? It doesn't really matter anymore. I wouldn't be hurt, but I would be like, it's such an easy way to do me a solid.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Why wouldn't you take it? I don't understand. But hurt's not the right word. No. Disappointed? No, I would just be like, I would say it to you. I wouldn't like to say it. I feel like you can't fucking just program it to watch it for me. Because isn't each Nielsen like 30,000 people? Yeah, it counts for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:37:59 That's a lot of wrong people that could be watching if you would just get your act together for me. Just for the, just for the, just act together for me. Just for the hour. Yeah. Just do it for the hour. Yeah. So any ants out there, we already signed for season 12, so there'll be a season 12, whether there's any more after that or not, who the hell knows, but would love to go out on top if we do go out. So please, Nielsen.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That's the best way to go out. You go out on top. Yeah. It's been a while since we asked for something. Yeah. We never asked for anything. I thought, I don't know. I'm not really into, oh, do you ever do what they call raw dogging on flights? No, but go on. I'm interested. It's this weird practice where people don't do anything on a flight. They
Starting point is 00:38:46 sit there and wait. You don't read, you don't listen to anything. You don't watch, you don't sleep. You just sit there and you wait. And there's like the group of, I mean, there's people that do it from, you know, as little as like, you know, an hour flight. Somebody was like, just raw dog to 14 hour flight. I was reading this and I was like, my God. Trevor Burrus It takes some discipline. Trevor Burrus It really does or just like – I mean, what do you think about for 14 straight hours? Trevor Burrus Probably a lot of different things. Trevor Burrus Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I never did it though. I can't do it. Trevor Burrus I need the – you know. Trevor Burrus Some sort of distraction. I mean the Orlando flight was only two hours and it still felt like 10. Trevor Burrus Yeah. Trevor Burrus The goddamn jet blue, man. Normally they're good but this plane was hot. I mean, the Orlando flight was only two hours and it still felt like 10. Yeah. The goddamn jet blue, man.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Normally they're good, but this plane was hot. Yeah. I think there was just no way to keep up because I was on United and it was like- Same deal. It's just when it's 100 degrees outside, there's only so much of the plane. I was raw dogging it on the way back from Minnesota because it was an 18-hour drive back. Yeah. We had to do it in two days.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You refused to talk to Frank. We're all talking, bro. No, my wife was like, don't fall asleep. It's so rude if you fall asleep. And I was like, okay, I won't fall asleep. And at a certain point I was dreaming while my eyes were open. Like I know I was up. I mean, my eyes were open, but I was dreaming and I wasn't in the car. Finally,
Starting point is 00:40:06 my head just went down and I was sleeping. Were you driving? No, no, no. I wasn't driving. Why did you have to get back? Frank had to go to work? Frank had some appointments that he had to get back for. Are they all driving because you don't fly or are they all inclined to drive? They don't like to fly either. Okay. Yeah, they haven't been on a flight in quite some time either. Right. Yeah, they're not flyers and they are not comfortable with flying either.
Starting point is 00:40:33 They might if they push comes to shove. I think they will do it because Frank said he was going to go to Key West at one point and they fly in there I believe. But yeah, I think it's uncommon. You're right. Now I miss Key West. You're right. Now I'm SQ West. Yeah. Fuck, it must've been hot down there though, if it was that hot in Orlando.
Starting point is 00:40:52 We almost went to SeaWorld on Sunday and I looked at the weather and I was like, I can't do it. It's just, it's like, it's 95 fucking degrees out, man. Like I don't understand how these people do it. And you see, it's funny, like when you're, when you're on your way to Orlando, everybody's chipper and upbeat and fucking psyched and shit. And then like when you're on your way back to Jersey, it's like the parents look like they're like, I wish
Starting point is 00:41:10 I never had kids. Why the fuck did I have kids? I'm blaming them. It looks horrible. Walt, I know I'm not normally in the sports, but this caught my eye. Bill Belichick. Oh, and his young gal.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Whoa, what's going on? 23. What? Good for him. Yeah. And Belichick. Oh, and his young gal. Whoa, what's going on? 23. What? Good for him. Yeah. And he's 72. Whoa. Well, she's an intelligent young lady.
Starting point is 00:41:32 She's an adult and it's not my place to question a woman's decision. She can do what she wants. She can do whatever she wants. She's strong, young woman. Good for him. You have to give her her own agency. She landed the best coach of all time. Sure. Good for her. Good for her. Here's a picture of, I mean.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Whoa, she's pretty. Yeah. Oh yeah, she is. You think Belichick's going to go out with a Bowser? I think that, no, I don't think he'd go out with a Bowser, but I do think your standards probably go down a little bit when you hit 72. You know what I mean? Not when you're Belichick. Not when you're Belichick.
Starting point is 00:42:11 No. You know, they've said that he is a certifiable genius. Really? Yeah. Who said that? All the sports writers and all the sports casters. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Does he? Now, is that just the final, like, you know, not the nail in the coffin, but the final piece to be like, yeah, he's a genius? Yeah. Yeah. That's the first thing he's ever done that I'm really impressed by. Yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Now, my question is, if I don't already, at what point do I start looking that ridiculous with a young wife? That's passed. It's passed already? Yeah. I know at some point, I mean, I was with a young wife. That's passed. It's passed already. Yeah. I know, I know at some point, I mean, I was. No, that's, that's really extreme. That looks like grandpa. Yeah, that looks like grandpa. Um, and he could be a grandfather.
Starting point is 00:42:54 What do they talk about you? What is it? Well, she's a cheerleader. She's a cheerleader for the team, right? Um. No, not for that team. For a different team. I think she was a former cheerleader.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Uh, well, she's a football fan. Maybe that's why they talk about football. Okay. So wait a second. How intimidating it would be for a football fan to talk to Bill Belichick about football because you know you're going to sound like an idiot. Look at those fucking tights she's wearing. You think he gives a fuck? He's like, yeah, whatever. How much he knows about football. She goes forth and down? He's like, yeah, whatever. How much he knows about football? She goes fourth and down. He's like, yep, maybe fourth and down. She's wearing that. He doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You don't think he's just kind of like, he's just like, he quietly tries to like go to, I'm going to have to use the men's room. It makes the exit, the Irish exit out. So he has to have to talk to her the rest of the night. I do not believe that's the case at all. She says something stupid about football. She's 23, she's probably saying stupid shit about life. I was going to say, like, I came in today and I had just read something about this tall guy on the Rangers, and I, like, mentioned it in passing
Starting point is 00:43:57 and it was immediately cowed. And we'd immediately been like, shut up, stupid, you don't know anything. I was like, shut up. So imagine her. Imagine her like so afraid to walk on eggshells to talk about football with Belichick. Because the man has more football knowledge in his fingernail clippings than she has in her entire body. That has got to be so intimidating.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Then she's got to go to bed with him after like maybe fucking up the entire evening if he's out with his friends and she says something stupid about football. Yeah. He's like, oh, I apologize. I don't think anybody's thinking about her football knowledge. No one, including Belichick. He just wants to know if she's on a period or not. The only question he has for her. If not, explode job week. Oh my God. You know she's worn those rings. Oh, he's super wore rings?
Starting point is 00:45:01 Oh, without a doubt. The first move he made was like, you want to try them on, baby? I would be so disappointed. How many does he have? He allowed her to wear the ring. She doesn't deserve to wear the ring yet. Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. What she's doing?
Starting point is 00:45:14 Come on. Come on. 72. You got blue chew. He must, right? He's got blue chew and look, he's a genius and all, but he's also not the most well preserved 72 I've ever seen, you know? No, you've seen, I saw Kevin Bacon who was about to turn or just turned 70.
Starting point is 00:45:32 This is a guy that does not look like 70. Yeah, I just saw him in the New Beverly Hills Cop. Yeah, he doesn't look 70, does he? Did you see it? Did you watch it? No, I didn't watch it. It's pretty fucking good. That's what you were saying.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It is way better. Any interest? Axl Foley, right it. It's pretty fucking good. That's what you were saying. It is way better. Any interest in it? Axel Foley, right? Yeah, Axel Foley. What's that? Netflix? Netflix. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I would watch it, though, but I didn't even know there was one. Yeah, it just came out last week. Dude, it is... How come it didn't get theatrical release? I think it's Netflix was like, well, they made the movie, so they're not going to do it in the release. They could have, though. I think it would have made a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It's really funny. And it's nice to see Walt Axel Foley catching up with him at 63 years old. Yeah, he's got problems, but he's happy. He's doing what he loves. He's not depressed. Life hasn't fucking kicked him around. He's not on a planet fucking talking to no one drinking blue milk. He's not on a planet fucking talking to no one drinking blue milk He's not like Indiana Jones fucking wishing he was dead like he was he was still axle-full and he had some lessons to learn He did a strange daughter But he learned his lessons There you go, and it was like holy fuck people remember how to make fun movies Yeah, and well like I tell you I tell you you know what I you know what lesson I learned watching the new Beville Hills cop
Starting point is 00:46:45 You can't go home again. Zero lessons. Oh, wow. I learned nothing. They didn't try and fucking make me see anything, anybody's point of view. All they did was make a fun fucking movie with characters that you like. No lessons. It wasn't just one teeny lesson.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It wasn't a single lesson. It wasn't a single lesson. They didn't want to teach me anything. It was amazing. Get him a saying and there might have been a lesson. What was the lesson? Wasn't it parents should be parents and children should be children? Oh, that's not it though. That was Axel's ride, man. That wasn't a lesson. Yeah. It
Starting point is 00:47:22 was like, dude, I watched a movie. I didn't feel judged at all. It was lovely, dude. There's nothing better than watching a TV show or a movie or reading a book or an article or anything and not getting a lesson. And just enjoying it. Just enjoying it. Yeah. When did that sort of like peter out?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Like Stephen King is one of the worst offenders. I can't even read his shit anymore. All I know is that I've made this TV show for 14 years and we've strived to never have a lesson taught at all. And I think we've, I think you might walk away from a practical joker dumber than when you started watching. That's a fucking promise. But I, I, I heartily endorse the new Beverly Hills. Not perfect. You got to overlook some you know Mm-hmm, but it's still rocking the Detroit Lion stuff. Oh, you know Everything that you want to see you're gonna see okay, you're gonna see it's great
Starting point is 00:48:13 It's great the music like every song from the first two movies is in the first ten minutes. They want you they're like, welcome home. You remember the neutron dance? Here it is. Shake down anyone? Here it is. Here it is. The heat is on. You got it. Yeah, it was really fun. I endorse it. Good job, Netflix. Thank you. Good job, Netflix. More sports talk. The Oilers lady who flashed. She, they found her and she got a deal with a Playboy. Um, which I think it's just online now. Yeah. I'm sure that, uh, that 15 minutes is really coming close to the end. Well, how are the Oilers doing?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Well, they lost the Stanley Cup finals. So, yeah, so her, if it's not over already, I'm sure it's, it's absolutely the clock is ticking furiously close to it. There she is flashing. Okay. There she is just with her hat on. Wait, that first photo was from the Playboy spread. First photo is from the Playboy spread.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah. And it's just her and a white wife, wife meter and some, uh, some skates. She's lacing up. Nice work. Yeah. Good for her. She took advantage of all the while the heat was on at its maximum. You're right. You're right. I gotta get those feet out. You could be putting on skates. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:38 With your bare feet. But like I'll do they'll be like sandals skates. So you see the topography of my Your nips popping through the shirt, giving the double middle fingers. Oh yeah. What's with the middle finger? Yeah, let me see that. Why so angry? I don't know, it is kind of aggressive, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Who should give him the finger to? Hopefully me. Yeah? What's up? Fuck you, that's the way I like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't say anything nice to you at all. Yeah, yeah, tell me I suck. Speaking of viral sensations, Walter, tell me I suck.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Speaking of viral sensations, Walter, you're familiar with the Hawk Tua girl. I just learned about that. I, you mentioned that at the barbecue. The Hawk Tua girl? Yeah. Oh, you just found out about it, Kip? I just found out about this. Yeah. She has a, she has a deal with UTA.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Now for- Does she really? Yes. Now I'm, I'm really torn on this. Okay. Because on one hand, I'm like, good for her. She seems to have a good personality. She's very big. She got plucked out of obscurity.
Starting point is 00:50:37 It's not the first time it's ever happened to somebody. But at the same time, I can only think of people who fucking go crazy like writing and working and doing anything they can to get a manager or an agent and all they have to do. Oh, she may be getting her own reality TV series soon. Get them to pull that up. And they're like, Hawk to it. That's all it took. Now, if you don't know who we're talking about, I'm fucking be really surprised if you didn't.
Starting point is 00:51:04 There was a man on the street interview and they were asking questions about like sex That's all it took. Now, if you don't know who we're talking about, I'd fucking be really surprised if you didn't. There was a man on the street interview and they were asking questions about sex and shit and he asked this girl what her finishing move was or what her best move was in the bedroom. The one girl that he asked originally was very mousy and it was her friend, the Hawk Toa girl's friend, and he asked the question again, but to the Hawk Toa Girl, and she goes, oh, you just gotta go Hawk Toa and spit on that thang, she goes,
Starting point is 00:51:34 and laughing like crazy. And that's all it took. Yeah. But on any other given day, it might not have happened, it just happened to be at the exact moment where the internet took notice. Yes. If it was a day before or the day after, it probably is an obscure thing that nobody ever
Starting point is 00:51:51 sees. It's just so random. How do you get a reality show off that? Is it that they met her and they're like, okay, this girl is more than Hawke to it? I'm sure. Wasn't her father like a preacher or something like that? No, she said he wasn't. Oh, it wasn't? Yeah. They got to move the production quick like that? No, she said he wasn't. Oh, it wasn't? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:05 They gotta move into production quick because by next week she might not be remembered at all. Yeah. Good for her, man. What are you gonna do? Good for her? Yeah, why not? Care to have it?
Starting point is 00:52:17 You gotta wonder like why is it, why? It is a good question. Why did that take over the world? Oh my God, Gideon just showed me that if you want to book her for your event in Ohio, it's 30K. Why? Go there and be like, huh? I don't know, to be the hot tour girl, I guess. That is, she's putting it so, I'd love to hear what her experience is like, because
Starting point is 00:52:38 what conversations are you having? Well, isn't this the Bill Belichick thing all over again? No, not at all. Why? What conversations is he having? The conversations are completely beside the point for Bill Belichick, I think. I think it's getting like one more bite of that firm little apple before you die. His ex was for it though.
Starting point is 00:53:03 She said that she wasn't against the, even with the age difference, she's 64, the ex. What is she going to say? She doesn't want to sound like a bitter, chrome? Bitter old lady. Jealous, bitter. I mean, I don't think anybody would take her to task if she were like, look, he looks kind of foolish. You know, everybody's saying. Yeah, but she's classy though.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah. I don't know about being classy classy like the hook to a girl Fucking knows what's gonna hit and not hit anymore. So if you have that She should strike. I just like wiki feet. She's got a strike while that irons hot do it We live in this era now where it's like everybody has got their own TV channel and shit like that So it's like if you have an opportunity to make some money off a go for it So I say it sounds like she's got good advice and I wait I think I'm you TA Are you yeah?
Starting point is 00:53:54 Look at you. You and Hawk toa. That's all it took. You're probably treating her better than they're treating me All they do is fucking force me to go to work for another year. What are they doing with this girl? Let's see here. All right. I warned everybody. Got two more spots here. Two more ads. Security stolen. Stranger danger. Going online without ExpressVPN is like leaving your kid with a nearest stranger while you go to the restroom. They're probably not a kidnapper or serial killer, but why would you ever take that risk? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I don't know about this copy sometimes. Anyway, why everyone needs a VPN. Every time you connect to an unencrypted network in cafes, hotels, airports, your online data is not secure. I think about that a lot when I sign up. Do you go on to public Wi-Fi? I'll do it in hotels, certainly. Yeah. Well, you really don't keep anything on your phone though. You don't keep a lot
Starting point is 00:54:51 of pictures or stuff. What would they get? Or in the cloud or whatever, stealing your cloud stuff. Oh, is that what they do? They get your cloud. They can get you- Yeah, they can access your phone somehow through the cloud. But anyway, any hacker on the same network, this is why we're talking about this, can gain access and steal your personal data, passwords, bank logins, credit card details. It doesn't take much technical knowledge to hack someone, just some cheap
Starting point is 00:55:14 hardware is needed, a smart 12 year old could do it and your data is valuable. Hackers can make up to a thousand dollars a person selling personal info on the dark web. Whoa. You know, out there. ExpressVPN stops hackers from stealing your data by creating a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Uh, it's easy to use. Just fire up the app and click on one button to get protected. Uh, it's super secure. It would take a hacker with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past Express VPN encryption, a billion, a billion years. That's a long time.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Well, yeah. Uh, I use it all the time cause I don't want somebody stealing my stuff. So if I go to, uh, you know, like Barnes and Noble or something or Panera bread, I set it up because you don't know. I don't know. Cause I sit next to you.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You don't, just like we were, um, when we did a space monkeys that we talk, spoke to a lady in the audience, I don't know where she's talking about how she had this only fans and it was like bondage and S and M and paddling asses and don't know where she's talking about Hushed, this OnlyFans, and it was like Bondage and S&M and Paddle in Asses and all this interesting stuff she was talking about. But just to look at her, you'd be like, I don't know. I don't know what she's into. That's the thing. The guy next to me might be a hacker. Yeah, you don't know. God damn it. So secure your online data today by visiting slash tesd. That's slash tesd,
Starting point is 00:56:27 and you can get an extra three months free. That's slash tesd. And then finally, no, lastly, meandis. Oh, here we go. That's what I'm wearing right now. That's what I wear all the time. I even brought a pair for Sunday Jeff today because I told him I would bring him a pair, so I got some for him. Nice. He's going to try them on the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Yeah. So you should sign up for Patreon. Their micro modale fabric is breathable and comfortable, especially the ball caddy with its special pouch to help you avoid bat winging. It says here, if you feel comfortable, talk about your experience with the brand. How comfortable are they? Any funny stories? I don't think I have any funny me undies stories. Just stories of reliability. I remember going down to, um, going down to, uh, wildwood.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It was hot as hell. And I was walking and I just had my bathing suit on. I was getting all chafed and shit put on some me undies. No chafing. No chafing. No chafing. No chafing. Chase be gone. They got style for everyone.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Me undies has a cut for every guy's butt over 10 different styles, ranging from boxer briefs, jock straps to our special pouch underwear called the ball caddy. They keep you from bat winging ever again. These cuts come in a hundred different colors and prints ranging from black to all over black, all to all over. Has unmatched comfort with that super soft micromodell fabric. It's breathable, stretchy and comfortable. Responsibly sourced so you don't have to worry
Starting point is 00:57:52 about slave labor or any of that kind of shit. And problem free philosophy. If you're not happy with your first pair of undies, it's on MeUndies. Summer is here. Be prepared with MeUndies. Get 20% off your first order plus free shipping at slash tesd. That's slash tesd for 20% off plus free shipping.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Meundies, comfort from the outside in. All right. That is it for the spots. Nice. Back to the show. Back to the show. Oh, I felt really old the other day. I saw was um, I Was at Chili's with Marybeth and you know, they have TV screens up there and I saw a An ad for hair replacement like hair, you know thinning hair and hair replacement and it was Frankie Muniz doing the ad Malcolm why does he have to do? I guess he's losing his hair. No, but Why does he have to do that? I guess he's losing his hair.
Starting point is 00:58:45 No, but why does he have to do those commercials? Oh, like why is he with that? Well, you would think, I don't know, Fatone does all that kind of stuff too, and he's all right. Yeah, yeah. Maybe, I guess, yeah. Yeah, I mean, if somebody says, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:58 they come up to you, maybe after, you know, IJ, you know, they come up to you and they're like, hey, we're gonna give you this obscene amount of money for this commercial. Yeah. You might be like, fuck yeah, why not? Fuck yeah, I'll do it, yeah, yeah, yeah, they, they come up to you and they're like, Hey, we're going to give you this obscene amount of money for this commercial. Yeah. You might be like, fuck yeah. Why not? I like obscene amounts of money.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah. Yeah. But God damn it. I'm surprised he has a number that they could, that they could reach because of, because it wasn't that chill like a mega hit for years. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Started rewatching it. It's okay. Oh, I remember the father being on a, being fucking great. The father's on top. Yeah, the mom's pretty good too. The mom's pretty good too. Did you watch Malcolm in the middle? Oh yeah, it was good. I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I'm just surprised that he's like, yeah, I need the money enough to, or you guys could pay me enough to. Yeah. You see all kinds of weird people on commercials. Shaq is on every commercial. Shaq, I learned something interesting about him is he essentially cold calls brands and is like, I want to be your spokesman. And then they're like, all right, let's work out a deal.
Starting point is 00:59:52 That's why he does so many commercials because he loves it. It's his favorite job, as I was told, is being a spokesperson. So who knows? Nobody would ever pay me to be a spokesperson. You don't think so? I don't think so. I don't know. Who and why?
Starting point is 01:00:08 What about those four ads we just did today? No, I mean anybody would have podcasts to get that. I mean like the face of a company. Oh, I think, yeah, I think it's just a matter of time. No, I don't think so. Maybe if I start losing my hair. If you start losing your hair, then you can bump Frank Immunoz out of the box. Yeah, I could take that. Vivica A. Fox, she's another one I saw doing for a car repair commercials. I'm like, this is an actress. She's a good actress. I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Hey, you know what it is? What do I know? It's just money, dude. It's just fucking money. That's all it is. There's a number. There's a fucking number that you'll see me up there being like, hey man, but I don't think anybody would ever give me that number. Well, you won't do it for 10 grand a month for WikiFeet. Well, I didn't know I could get 10 grand.
Starting point is 01:01:02 There has to be a way to position that so it seems like I'm joking, but the money's very real. But the money is. The money is right. Right and tight. You okay, Walt? Yeah. All right. What happened over there?
Starting point is 01:01:18 What's what? I don't know. You're plumbing. Yeah. It looked like you just had your energy level just. No, not at all. No. It looked like you were rod dogging again. I got a little fat news. No, not at all, no. Okay. Looks like you're rod-dogging again. I got a little fat news. We haven't had fat news in some time. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Boom, ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-ba-boom. Boom, ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-ba-boom. I don't understand much of the world. NYC holds Fat Beach Day to create accepting environment for plus-size community, a space for people to be themselves. Now I've gone to the beach. I don't think I've ever been like, what's that fat person doing here? Well, usually they would be saying that about me.
Starting point is 01:02:04 That's the thing. I am overweight. I'm what they're talking about here. Fat Beach Day events are appearing across the United States aiming to create spaces for the plus-size community to gather. We're going through something culturally that impacts us every day on an individual level and a systemic level. People love using the word systemic. They think it makes them sound smart. Yeah. Well, uh, we're really trying to open up a place for people to be themselves. Now, I don't, I don't, I just don't get it. Underwood, a plus-size model and artist had a history of being bullied for a
Starting point is 01:02:37 wait since middle school. This led her to start a blog at age 12 to document her experiences into fat activism. Fat. Tivism. Fat-tivism, yeah. And they're very excited that they're creating this space for folks with bigger bodies to have a good time. I'm here to tell you, I don't give a fuck how fat you are. If you go to the, just go to the beach. It doesn't have to, everything doesn't, I was, when I was on Jet Blue, it had an ad for Pride Month, but specifically for disabled people. I'm like, so now we're categorizing not only straight and gay and whatever else comes with
Starting point is 01:03:12 LGBT plus stuff, but we're also saying disabled and gay. I thought the whole idea behind this world was everyone's supposed to be coming together, not like further dividing and subcategorizing. When did you get that idea? Why did you get that idea? I think I'm off on that. Yeah. I mean, there was only one end result for this constant breaking down of identity and that's to further break down till you get to there.
Starting point is 01:03:40 But hey, man, you know what? I'll tell you what, I'm here to support disabled pride, but yeah, you're there for it man. Yeah You know, I have nothing against them, but I'm like, why are you so special? Why the fuck does everybody need to be so special all the time? For Christ's sakes chances are you're probably not special Many of us are not everybody special called it fucking years ago ants god damn ants Tell him Steve Dave

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