Tell Em Steve-Dave - #603: The Eel and the Lime

Episode Date: August 4, 2024

Deadpool/Wolverine, the Olympics, cryogenically frozen criminals....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Walt here. And I just want to take a quick moment to hip everyone listening to some of the recent content on the TESD Patreon. Now in the past, I don't think we really pimped the Patreon really hard because, you know, there were concerns about hammering people with the hard cell. But lately, I've been talking with listeners who say they've never sampled any of the shows or content that's available on the Patreon. So I thought we'd be remiss if we didn't do at least a couple of commercials and give people an idea of what we're up to over there. So with that, we are extremely excited about Tuesday, August 6th release. Bri Tries. The podcast where Bri Tries is hand at various hobbies.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Bri and I interview hobby experts in the field of bottle collecting and crocheting. And I truly believe people will be having making hay vibes after they've seen or listened to this episode. I know that's pretty lofty, but let's hear a few clips. Declan, if you would please. So I always have a digging buddy. If you're in a dump, you know, a wall could collapse. It's not shored up right? It could collapse. So this is a dangerous hobby. Could you imagine that?
Starting point is 00:01:05 Like you need a buddy to go look for bottles? Uh, yeah, like I feel like my bench is not that deep as far as digging buddies go. You call up Q you're like, uh, you know, when I go out, be my bet, my bottle. Yeah. I'm like, what are you doing today? He's like, I just sitting around being rich. I'm like, Hey, I got a better idea. Let's go to some privy pits.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You're my bottle buddy. Yeah. In case a fucking wall caves in on me. I'm like, Hey, I got a better idea. Let's go to some privy pits. You're my bottle buddy. Yeah. In case a fucking wall cave's in on me, I need you. We decided we would pick up, get them to show us the location of the bottle dump. What do we want us to do? Get them. Uh, I'm just trying to, right now I'm just trying to figure out. Look at him. He's like a shaman now. Yeah. He's like feeling the earth. He's trying to feel for the glass.
Starting point is 00:01:45 The boy of the earth talks too. It's hard. The sound of gunfire is just so unsettling. Yeah, it really is. Because it sounds close now. It sounds really close. That was real gunfire. Can you imagine one of us gets like picked off and just nicked or something, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:00 If somebody misses their target and all of a sudden we just get hit out there. Yeah. Who would find you? That's why you need a bottle buddy. For instance, the cheeseman's cough cure right there. That's the one of a kind bottle that I dug. That's the cheeseman piece. Yes. As if I heard of it before.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Right. He's the hope diamond. Well, what'd I tell you? if I heard of it. Right. It's the Hope Diamond. Well, what'd I tell you? And if those clips weren't enough to sell you, this episode features for the very first time ever on camera, Giddim's fabled bottle dump. Still not convinced? Then how about this?
Starting point is 00:02:39 For this very special episode, all tiers, including the $5 tier, will get both audio and video of this historic episode of Bri Tri's. So go over to the TESD Patreon now and join in on the fun, as every Tuesday a new podcast is released with an array of TESD Town residents. And I'm very, very proud to say we have never missed an episode drop in the history of the patreon Okay enough of the hard sell back to the show We fall for the same shit time time after time after time.
Starting point is 00:03:41 This sounds awfully suspect. How do you win that though? Like you have to just fucking dropping six beats, man. Tell him Steve, Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell'em Steve Dave, live from the General Store down in Haslett, New Jersey with Walt Flanagan. Hello. And in studio, BQ. Hello.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Here we are, boys. What's up? What's the word? I couldn't find my chair, but I guess it's holding the games. There's your chair. This is a queue? That's a queue chair. Oh, I looked over my shoulder.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I couldn't see the queue. You're okay. You're there. That's behind me. It's in the past. Big news. Big news? Well, not news, I guess, but the big topic would be I had to stop you from talking to
Starting point is 00:04:43 Rupp about it. Deadpool Wolverine. Yes. Seemed like you really loved it from what I see on Instagram. I had a blast. Yeah. Yeah, I got to go to the premiere, very lucky. But who was luckier than me is my nephew,
Starting point is 00:04:57 who came to stay with me for a week. I saw that, I saw it in the picture. Just happened to fucking pick the week where he stepped off the train from Virginia, and like a half hour later, he was on a red carpet. His eyes were like spinning in his head. Oh, so he basically comes from like a town from population of 80 in Virginia and then comes and you're thrust into like the fast-paced world of fucking Marvel Universe celebrities.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Chris Evans was there, right? Deadpool himself was there? We saw them all. We saw them. We talked to them all, but we saw them all. He was most excited to meet the guy who does Hot Wings, Sean. He does a great job. He was excited to meet him. He had no idea who NSYNC was. I didn't know Fatone was going to be there. How old? He's 15. Oh, man. Just a baby.
Starting point is 00:05:44 He was hanging around with all the guys from NSYNC and I was like, you know how happy a bunch of people would be to be who you are right now? He was like, what are you talking about? People who would kill to be in your position right now. He was more impressed with the visual of Fatone's girlfriend than anything else, but of course we all are. Who isn't? Yeah, Izzy's quite a beautiful lady. But yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I loved the movie, man. Loved it. Loved it. Did you, you saw Walt? Yes, I did see it. You saw it? You didn't see it? I saw it.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. I told Walt yesterday, the 60% that I understood, I loved. Right. Yeah. But like, I can tell, like as I'm watching it, I'm like, it's it's so much to take in like so much that I'm like I probably have to see it again Yeah, because there's I know I don't get them all but I know there's references being thrown out I know that's interesting. I know that like I know in the moment that there's fan service being done Yeah, I'm like since I don't know that much about these other characters
Starting point is 00:06:43 sure, you, like the guys in the void and stuff. We're going to spoil it. We're going to strap out a spoiler alert on this so we can talk about it. Should we? Yeah, I guess so. It's been a week, two weeks by the time this gets released or something, right? Yeah. If you haven't seen it by now, shame on you.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah, just skip. But there's plenty of YouTube videos that will explain all the references and Easter eggs and the egg. I should watch that and then go see it again. Yeah, they'll give you a rundown of every little minute detail, even things that I'm like, wow, someone's paying way more attention than I am. Yeah, but it was just fun. It's just a fun movie.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And it's like – except for when Wolverines in it. It never slows down You know Wolverine so did slow a little bit. I mean compared to when Deadpool's in it sure sure That's the only time that I would see it slowed down a little bit And time stopped when fucking Hugh Jackman took his shirt off. I'm like, this is not a human being 55 50. Yeah, I told him well yesterday You know that was a moment where I'm like, she is not a human being. It's 55? Yeah. I told him yesterday, that was a moment where I'm like, she's not going to be thinking about me tonight. She shouldn't. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Not with Hugh Jackman up there. But she was like, how old is he? Because we went to lunch afterwards and I was like, I don't know, he has to be like my age, I guess. And then she's already on her phone. She's like, no, he's younger. He's only 55. When you get into the female equivalent of Wolverine shape, then come at me. Christ, this guy probably worked for a year to do this so that his abs could be on camera for what, 30 seconds? Well, I was talking to one of the producers after the movie and I was like, how did you
Starting point is 00:08:24 get him to get back in that shape? I was like, because he's been in that shape for 20 something years now. It can't be fun. And he said the real problem was like they had to stop down during the pandemic and him and Ryan Reynolds had to stay in that shape during the pandemic. That was filmed all the way back then? Yeah. 2020? Well, whenever the shutdowns was, well, remember there was a whole, everybody had the virus, the testing if one person got sick and they had to shut down at one point.
Starting point is 00:08:49 He's like, those poor motherfuckers had to stay in that shape. They couldn't just eat like everybody else did. No, it was boiled rice and broccoli and bits of chicken and shit like that, he was saying. Yeah. Somebody was saying that he had to wake up like every three hours to eat protein or something because otherwise like he couldn't get into that shape. At this point, can't they just CGI it for him so he can? There's got to be a part of him that's like, no, I'm not coming back unless I'm doing
Starting point is 00:09:17 it, right? Right. Because he had said he wasn't coming back, right? How quickly does that, like if you don't keep up with that regimen, how quickly does it start to like fade away? I mean, I love that you think I know anything about that regimen. My nickname is fade away. How quickly do you think it all starts to like, is it like a week?
Starting point is 00:09:41 I mean, that pristine shape. God, you got to start. I mean, it's gotta be a couple of weeks before you start losing the definition of the bulges on the stomach, you know, I read like, uh, with Brad Pitt and in-fight club, it's like, he wouldn't drink water for a couple of days so that he becomes dehydrated. Then you can see try for fucking 50 years, bitch. Then come at me.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Fucking 50 years bitch Yeah, like it once even drank water the definition started to disappear that's crazy So yeah, I think it's probably a couple weeks before you start to see noticeable changes in what was once Look looked like you're carved from marble to like, oh. How do all those motherfuckers back in Sparta land do it? Because they didn't have that kind of like … If we're to believe the movies, I guess, that that's the kind of shape these guys were in.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Well, I've seen the pictures, the drawings too though. Yeah. And they're drawing like … They're all ripped. They're all ripped and stuff. And you don't think that they, they wouldn't be so vain back in whatever it was, whatever BC it was to be like, well, we have to make these, our warriors look like they're muscular. I wouldn't think it matter.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It wouldn't matter then. There's not, there's no like PR. So it's like- Right. Well, maybe for them, it was just like necessity. Like, I don't even think like even somebody out of shape wouldn't be something that would be no big deal. There was no body image back then probably, I wouldn't think.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I don't know. You don't think there were guys that were judging fat chicks and stuff back in the day? I don't think so. I think they had a lot more things to worry about other than … Fat chicks. Yeah. I think they had a lot more things to worry about other than like – Sgt. C.J. Smith. Sgt.
Starting point is 00:11:28 C.J. Smith. I guess if your life depended on you being able to overcome adversary and enemies and nature, you would probably just naturally be in good shape, no? But like Hugh Jackman shape though? I don't – That's where they were depicted in the drawings that I've seen on vases and shit. Do you think they had a little PR going back then in the old days?
Starting point is 00:11:50 I don't think so. Maybe they had an apple. See, I would be shocked if they were like, make me look more muscular. Did they even know what muscles were back then? Well, they also had nothing else to do besides like work out and there was no trans fat. You know what I mean? It was all just eaten from trans fat. You know what I mean? It was all just from the garden. You're right. So it was easier back then to look like a three-year-old.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Life was probably harder, but yeah, it was probably easier to look a certain way. Yeah. You don't have time to get like – become a couch potato. They're not arguing on Twitter like men do today. That's where our warriors are. Like men do today. That's where our warriors are. The keyboard variety. Change the world one stroke at a time. I wonder though, like, were you allowed to fight?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like, let's say everybody's like, they're getting all psyched up, they're ready to invade whatever country and a guy who's in the same shape as me shows up. Like, all right, guys, who we fighting? See, I don't, I think you're- Are they guys, who we fighting? See, I think you're- You hang back. Well, I think they- You hang way back. I think they're like, oh, this is going to sort itself out in about 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Here's your sword, bro. Good luck. Well, let's say a guy who was injured in a previous battle, maybe does have to, between battles he has to recuperate. Maybe he doesn't have enough time to be working in the fields or picking up rocks and building fucking temples and shit. Maybe he does get a little flabby around the middle. I still don't think that that was anything to raise an eyebrow, especially when they're getting off the boat and they're seeing the two armies are running at each
Starting point is 00:13:24 other. I don't think one of them is like, you know, two armies are running at each other. I don't think one of them was like, Oh, we got this. Look at that fucking guy with the fucking punch. Yeah, no way. I think, I don't think it mattered. Yeah. I mean, the Vikings weren't known for being like, weren't they known for being big burly guys?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Like, yeah. So yeah, probably not. Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember looking up the 300 workout when that movie came out and I was into working out at the time and shit and I read that workout, I'm like, no. The only way that you would do it that you could be fully committed is if somebody's paying you a bunch of money to do it, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Or you're in the hopes of becoming a muscle guy for a contest or something. Yeah, otherwise what's the point? Right, exactly. It's too pure vanity. That's all it is. I mean, I would love to get into good shape again. Snap a finger? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It's got to be something that maintenance can be enjoyable, not like... Yeah, you can't lose it. Yeah, yeah. It's, you know... Yeah, if it's that much, if you don't look forward to it at all, it'll never work. We won't keep up with it. Yeah, especially at my age, hitting that thing where it's not as easy as it once was to even get out of bed, let alone fucking go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Speaking of age, did you hear that Ming-Chen hit the big five-oh? Ming-Chen hit 50 when? The big five-oh, uh, yesterday. Oh shit. I got to text him. Yep. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I was surprised at that and disheartened at the same time. Really? Like what? Yeah. Cause I thought he was 48 and then Walt was like, Hey, you know, it's the big, because we recorded some comic book meant for Patreon yesterday. So Ming was here and, uh, Walt congratulated him on the big five we recorded some comic book men for Patreon yesterday. So big was here and, uh, well, can gradually, can you're congratulated him on the big five.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Oh, and I was like, no, he's 48. Isn't he like even these years have been escaping and I'm like, Ming Chen, little Ming Chen. The boy wonder is 50 50 and he keeps it up. It keeps up that, that childlike glee, that energy. Yeah. That he has, he didn't give a shit. He didn't think twice about potting on his birthday. He's up that childlike glee. That energy. Yeah. That he has. He didn't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:15:25 He didn't think twice about potting on his birthday. He's like, let's do it. You know, if he's ready to go. Yeah. That could be it too. I think, uh, going back to Deadpool Wolverine, I think my favorite moment, favorite line, it just like, and if I was a bigger fan, I think it probably would even mean more. But when Blade was in it and he's like, only one Blade, only ever going to be one
Starting point is 00:15:52 Blade, I was like, that's a nice, that's a nice line to give him. Well, and then the fucking brilliance of just the no, no spoken line, Deadpool just looks at the camera like, you can see the smile that's not there. You can see that like you know like oh boy Yeah, what is this poor sucker doesn't know? But I guess we're gonna you're gonna give out spoilers you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna fucking risk the eye or the internet We're gonna piss people off because we're gonna give out spoilers. Yeah The blade for me by far my favorite thing in the whole movie.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Boy do I wish it just became all of a sudden a threesome and it was just Blade, Wolverine and Deadpool. Like that would have been an unbelievable fucking curveball. It would have been amazing. The reaction to him has been overwhelming. Marvel has to be looking at this being like... But why? Why is this a surprise?
Starting point is 00:16:49 He was fucking awesome. It sounds like a surprise to me. I was going to say, why is this something that like, wow, I didn't think that people would react to Blade this way. He was a fucking... He was the original fucking Marvel cinematic universe star. Why did they not realize that people would fucking gravitate and be so happy to see him back in that role?
Starting point is 00:17:09 It doesn't make any sense. It looked amazing. The white hair they gave him, I mean like that's the movie I want to see, is him. Yeah, this new blade that they're talking about that's coming out, I mean if it doesn't have him in it, now it's going to be, whoever has to play that role now is going to be like, well, I don't want to follow that reaction. I can rewrite the script so him and his son or something like that, you know what I mean, and do it because man, he even said, one of my favorite lines in movies, bar none is him
Starting point is 00:17:39 going, some motherfucker's always ice skating uphill. When they brought that back, I was really like, I just felt joy in my heart, like actual joy in my heart. I was like, oh wow, they get it. They get it. They get it. This fucking guy, when he had the knife up in the same position and stuff. Jesus Christ. Matthew Feeney-Sproat And it's a testament that Ryan Reynolds was like, okay, let's bring him back because I heard they had a fucking miserable time on Blade 3. On Blade 3, he wouldn't even talk to Ryan Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:18:10 He wouldn't talk to the director. He would close his eyes and paint eyeballs on his eyelids and pretend that he was awake while the director was talking to him. He was completely and utterly nut job on this set of Blade – I was at Trinity? Yeah, Trinity was the last one. Yeah, that's why that last shot is so bad because the last shot of the Blade Trinity is him on the slab and then he opens his eyes, but he refused to open his eyes for the camera. So he opened his eyes.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Oh, is that it? Okay. Maybe I'm getting my stories f***ing commingled. refused to open his eyes for camera. Yeah. So they CGI'd him with open eyes. Okay. Maybe I'm getting my stories commingled. It's terrible. It looks so bad, but he just refused to open his eyes. And they're like, come on, just do it. I'm like, do it your way and our way. And he was like, nah, fuck you. I also liked, um, the taking the shots at Fox and Disney and all that stuff, like all that insider.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, and did it in a way, like I thought really what they did with Gambit was so perfect where they spent so much time making fun of him and making fun of the situation around it. But then when the time came, they're like, here's some fucking badass Gambit moments. Him with the cards, him with the staff, him fighting, and you're like, they get it. Like, he gets it. He just fucking gets why it's awesome. But why, what was the thing?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Because I didn't understand the Gambit thing. I knew that there was some sort of story behind it, the actor or something. He signed to play Gambit so many times over the years and tried to get different movies made. He just couldn't get it off the ground all these years later. That's kind of what he was making fun of.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Is he a pretty big actor in Hollywood? Channing Tatum? Yeah. Oh yeah. Pretty big. Oh yeah, he's got a lot of big movies under his belt. The 21 Jump Street movie, 22 Jump Street movie was his, but he's got a ton of them. I didn't recognize him, so I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:20:05 He's seen Magic Mike or is that a different – Magic Mike's him. Yeah. Yeah. But he looked – I mean come on, man. I mean they just showed you – whoever was in charge of that just showed you like, hey, you know what people love? Screen accurate costumes.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. It took you fucking this long to figure it out. And they were doing it as a joke but then then it's like, it's fucking pretty goddamn good. Yeah. I'm sorry, comic book accurate. Right, yeah, I know. And then Wolverine, when he fucking pulls the hood up, I heard like orgasms going off.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I forgot about the hood until he pulled it up and I was like, holy fuck, I don't know why I didn't see this coming. There was like even nodss to comic book geeks. There was the John Byrne name drop. Yeah, the store's name behind them, all that stuff. Apparently, Gatto was supposed to be in it. In the fight scene at the end, there's a woman who runs out of the store and then runs off the left and Ryan Reynolds makes a make a joke about it. Apparently it was supposed to be Gatto at one point. And then because of the shutdowns on set or something, he wasn't able to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Was the shutdowns for COVID or was it for a writer's strike? I think they shot through the writers strike. Oh, okay. Yeah. But man, that fucking movie was four years in the making. That's nuts. Yeah. I read the, I went on Wikipedia and I read all about like all three of them and what it took to like get them made.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It's crazy. Like it started out in 2004 or something. And they finally got the movie made in what was it 2016? I think the first Deadpool. Yeah, it was like the test footage he made of it. Got it made or something, right? Yeah. It was cool in the credits too where he's like,
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'd really like to play that character. He comes off as so innocent during the post credits. Oh yeah, the wrap up for Fox. Yeah, that was pretty cool. That was nice. I thought Johnny Storm was great. What they did with him was great. Great ending.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Like the post credit sequence was him. You're just like, I love that they made them make this movie. Yeah, because I think it shows you the path now. Here's the fucking path. You should go down. All that shit you've been doing, stop doing that. Stop doing all that. It didn't work. Sweet Prince, stop it. Stop it. How do you feel about Downey coming back as Doom? Oh. Oh, you don't want to hear this. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:25 That's not true. I just don't know if it gets my... It just doesn't give me the same boner that a lot of people are getting. I'm just like, I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm sure he'll do a great job, but I can't get... At this stage of my life, it's like, oh, when's it coming out? Oh, seven years. Let me back up again. Let me take my temperature. Right now I don't give a fuck. You don't care. Yeah. Yeah. On one hand, you're like, doom is such a good fucking villain.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I felt that like, ah, why are they going to make them a Tony Stark variant? Like, let's give us… Oh, is that confirmed? It's not confirmed. But I mean, the second I saw that, I was like, oh, they're going to do Infamous Ironman, which was a great watch. I liked that run where Dr. Doom was Ironman. I don't have any insight.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't know anything. Oh, okay. But I just thought like, I see what they're doing. They're bringing him. They're getting us Ironman back, but it's going to be through this. It's going to be Infamous Ironman. It could be wrong. What the fuck do I know? So I think that's cool. I'm excited to see that seven years from now. But part of me is like, oh man, but what about Doom being his own standalone? He's like one of the
Starting point is 00:23:37 greatest villains of all time. But I mean, I've got to figure they know what they're doing. I am excited for it. I'm looking forward to it. Sure. Yeah. I mean, it's not like I was like – I was like all like pissing and shitting on it. I just was like, I just don't care. I can't get the same giant boner that a lot of fanboys – like Meng walked through the door with the boner still about it. And he said people – I don't need no blue tube.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He said people in San Diego, I guess they announced it in Hall H or something and he was like fanboys were like crying practically over it. Oh really? Yes, he said that people were crying leaving the seminar or the panel. Hall H. Like so emotional, overwhelmed with emotion that down he was going to be doomed. All right. That's kind of what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to take a lot to get me there. I mean, Lee didn't get me there and if anybody was going to do it, it was him. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Hopefully it's a good time, hopefully going forward that they make some corrections. Yeah, I think that they've seen the errors of their ways, at least with the money this is making. Yeah. How can you go back now to the shit that they were trying to fucking jam and push that out of everybody's throat now?
Starting point is 00:24:47 Stop. I saw an article the other day that was like my buddy sent it to me. He goes, what do you think about this? I never ended up seeing She-Hulk, so I don't know about it, but the point of this article was just like everything Deadpool did, She-Hulk did first, and She-Hulk did better. And everybody's's – and I was like, oh, that seems like an odd take. Well, yeah, because I guess they were saying that she hulked, danced and twerked and Deadpool dances.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So like – but it didn't upset fanboys when Deadpool does it, does it? No. Maybe you should look into why not. I mean guys our age, we're not fucking going to be fucking upset if we see some twerking. It's just going to be – it's going to happen organically and it has to fucking make sense. It just can't be twerking for twerking sake. Is that what I meant too? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Well, I guess the argument could be like, well, why the was in? Why was bye-bye-bye not for its own sake because it totally fits that character She-Hulk is fucking a lawyer exactly This is fucking Bugs Bunny in the Marvel universe Yeah, he can do he could all of a sudden break out into a dance and it fits the character perfectly. Wow, Walt. You need a job in the industry because of this. Oh yeah, that's pretty funny. But I loved it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I want to see it again. I got the popcorn bucket. Did you? Yeah, I got it. Is that a new thing, the popcorn buckets? Did you get two? I didn't get two. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Get them once. No, no, no. I'm going to give it to get them. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm going to give it to get them. Is that a new thing with movies now? I think so. Because Mary Beth wants to go see Ali and then she's like, I want to go to. Okay. Get them once. No, no, no. I'm going to give it to get them. Oh, okay. Yeah. I'm going to give it to get them. Is that a new thing with movies now?
Starting point is 00:26:29 I think so. Because Mary Beth wants to go see Alien and she's like, I want to go the first day so I can get that popcorn bucket. It looks really cool. Yeah. I think it's a new fucking thing. We fall for the same shit time after time after time. Believe me, I've only now just opened my eyes.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I'm falling down. It took me this long to realize, holy shit, you were fucking sheep being led to the fucking slaughter. But yeah, they're fucking just now convincing people that a limited edition popcorn bucket is worth $50 to buy popcorn in a large soda. Oh, they're really expensive? Oh, it's super expensive. 40 bucks, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh, wow. I brought some Nestle Crunch-A-Bunch and a medium soda. $30? Jesus, man. How could that be? $30. It was like 28 something. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, I usually find that like when I go with Sage, the visit to the candy counters far more expensive than the tickets are. Yeah. It's like, I remember when I went, my mother took me to the movies as a kid, she would throw fucking all sorts of shit in her purse. That's what my mother did too. Yeah. She was like, we're back to those days.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But yeah, I got them, I got them the bucket. I forgot to bring it today, but I did get it for him. Supposedly it looks like a... It's over his mouth. You just put... It looks like it's over his mouth. I get it. It's pretty funny. The one I kept was the Ghostbusters one because it was a trap and they had the purple bucket
Starting point is 00:27:49 coming out of the trap so it looked like the energy and the popcorn went, that one I'll keep. My plan is to get him that one. I was wondering if Mary Beth stumbled across some of my writings. Which writings? Well, this was inspired by Deadpool where I basically wrote an alternate timeline for myself that didn't include her or Sage. How much of a write does she have to be pissed at me?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Is she mentioned at all or is she in a grave? She's not mentioned at all. It's like she was never there, but I'm like banging broads that she knows their names. Yeah, that one might have an issue. That's funny though. Yeah, man, great. I thought every cameo had a point. I'm glad they didn't just stuff people in there, just to have them in there.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It seemed like everybody was there for a purpose. Yeah. I mean, it was definitely, you know, it lived up to its hype. That rarely happens. Yeah. And Disney can look at this and be like, also take this to heart too for Star Wars too. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Well, they haven't even made a fucking Star Wars too. Yeah. Well, they haven't even made a fucking Star Wars movie in years, who knows when they're gonna get back to that. Oh, I'm sure it's coming. Oh, it's definitely coming. Yeah, it's coming. Yeah. All right, yeah, great movie, highly recommend. I definitely wanna see it, see it again.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Again? Yeah, for sure, for sure. Has anyone been following the Olympics? No, we've been working. We're wrapping up the season. So it's that thing where it's like five, only two more days of shooting. That's it, huh? And they're both punishments, one for Mary, one for Sal.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Oh, nice. Oh, so you're- Easy street from this moment on, yeah. But I've been underwater for a few weeks now, so I haven't seen anything. I heard Biles won a ton. Yeah, yeah. I was watching him. I heard that there were – I saw some clips of it because everybody was making a big deal about a satanic opening.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So I'm like, dude, if anybody's into Satan and shit, it's going to be me. So I'm like, fuck. Right. It wasn't a fun type of satanic. Yeah. I'm like, if you're going to do a satanic – call it a satanic opening. For me personally, I like to see satanic – like when I think Satan, I think Slayer and heavy metal Satan. There was no heavy metal Satan in that opening.
Starting point is 00:30:14 So I was just kind of like, well, this is not satanic. Well, it seems like anytime there's like drag queens or gay people involved, they call it satanic. Like there was – remember that big fat guy, that big fat singer? I can't remember what his name was. But it was just like within the past year, they were calling him satanic because he was doing like some sort of like stage show. But like the drag queen of Last Supper. Paul Jay Yeah. And I saw people – Pete Slauson I don't think that's satanic.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Paul Jay – and I'm just like, whoa, this TSD has their own Last Supper image. Paul Jay Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. I thought the same thing. We dodged the bullet. Yeah, but I think that their point was, right, that if you did it about Muslims, it wouldn't fly. So why not, though? I think it would.
Starting point is 00:30:57 They're not as humorous. Oh, yeah. They're not as committed to the gag as Christians are, I guess. Somewhere along the line, their funny bone got worn down. I don't like that. I didn't think it was insulting, but I was like, yeah, but it's not cool either. I was like, it's just – Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I don't get it. Well, it's meant to be provocative, it seems. They're doing it on purpose. Yes. But if you're going to go fucking satanic, go full on fucking backwards masking all of a sudden. Throw in some fucking pentagrams flying around and shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 They have this – they got a cone full of skulls. Like swoop a camera through there. You'll have a fucking goat man fucking shamble up there all fucking walking weird with backwards hooves and shit. Do it fucking right if you're going to go full Satan. Yeah, some red eyes and a tits out. Yeah, something like that. Give me hope. Yeah, to me, you got to go back to 80's Satan. This 2024 Satan shit doesn't work as cool.
Starting point is 00:31:59 It's lame. It's not as cool as the 80s Satan. Oh well. I mean hey, is anything as cool as it used to be, I guess? Shit, man. Let me see. Sam Smith, that was the guy's name. I don't know if you're familiar with him. Oh, yeah. I mean, I know him from pop culture.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I don't really know him from, I couldn't name a song of his, but I've heard of him. Why, he was there? He was in it? No, no, but I remember that this is an article from Billboard that I'm just looking at right now. How the satanic panic is back and how a bygone moral crisis returned with queer artists in its crosshairs. So I guess they're saying that. Well, Sam Smith could wear whatever he wants on stage at his shows and stuff like that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I mean, Bowie did it. It's not like it's original. People are still falling for this shit. Bowie did it years ago. I'm sure there were people before him. But I mean, did we learn nothing from the 80s then? No, it's popcorn all over again. It's popcorn buckets. It's just in a different package differently. It's fucking, it's election season so everybody's got to fucking throw their fucking outrage and like, did you check this out? If you don't – if you hate this, then you got to go this way. If you hate this, you got to go this way.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's just all fucking more orchestrated fucking nonsense. But I don't even – I've never watched the summer Olympics. I'm looking back at my – that's the one I've never actually paid attention to. I'm not really into any of the summer sports. Huh, not the flipping around. No, no. The soccer, the – Oh, the soccer Olympic sport?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah. How come it's not as like sought after a victory as like the World Cup then? I think the World Cup is just for soccer, so maybe people put more of a premium on it, but I don't know. Yeah, if there's a gold medal in soccer, then I'm surprised it's not like as… Maybe it is and we just haven't paid attention. Oh, okay. Yeah, but I'm not a soccer guy.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I'm not a basketball guy. Definitely not a swimming guy. So it's like none of the sports really resonate with me. I couldn't even think… I can't think back to any time I ever watched the summer Olympics. Break dancing. Is that really one? They just added it this year. Break dancing is an Olympics sport.
Starting point is 00:34:12 How do you win that though? Like you have to just- By fucking dropping six beats, man. What are you talking about? But I always find that when you have to, like those sports that you need someone to judge who's the best are fucking very dicey. Because I like sports where you're like, you beat your opponent. I see. You know, it's not, you didn't win because somebody else deemed you the winner. Like you spun on your head more times than the guy before you. So suddenly you're the breakdancing champ.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, I never thought of it that way. That's pretty. Yeah. I liked sports like where you have a clear cut winner or loser and you're not dependent upon a third party to determine or to deem who the best is. But the winter, yeah, it just has more, well, they got hockey, which is the big one for me, but, and winter sports just feel like it's more fucking epic. Snow just makes it feel more like, makes it more, or is there Greece in snow?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is there what? In Greece, is there snow? I've never been to Greece. I don't know. I wonder if they even had winter Olympics back then in Greece. I don't know. I would not know the climate of Greece. I know it's Mediterranean, so it's probably warm most of the time.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, I would think. I wonder if the winter Olympics is something that was made up. So they can make money on TV? So they can make money every other year instead of four years. Speaking of making money, talking spots here boys. Today we're here to celebrate the perfect summer grooming companion that will keep you looking cool even when it's sizzling outside, which it fucking is. So fucking hot out there.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I almost rode my motorcycle until I saw a wall. It's the same thing. It's too much. I got it out, I started it up and then I was sitting on it and I was like, I'm not doing this. It's 90 fucking seven degrees. Uh, we're excited to introduce you to the latest version of the lawnmower family, the lawnmower 5.0 ultra and a new cool color white hot from manscaped and a sea of options to choose from perfect to per from in a sea of options to choose from
Starting point is 00:36:20 to perfect your grooming routine. Manscaped undoubtedly shines. And by now and now by popular demand, they're riding the white hot waves with their new special edition in summer trimmer and white. I can't read today. Step up your grooming game this summer with the lawn mower 5.0 ultra and white hot experience precision like never before with the next dual gen, next gen dual skin safe blade heads and updated trimmer blade and an interchangeable foil blade for peak performance.
Starting point is 00:36:48 These updated blades are not just for show. They're designed to keep you looking smooth and sleek under the summer sun. So I guess they're talking about shaving everything, man. Shaving down, shave your chest, your legs, arms, everything. Your chest. I guess so. I buzz my chest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah. Otherwise it gets too long. Oh wow. Yeah. Like I love it. Like that old, like that old like Italian man, Harry. Yeah. Just my chest. Yeah. Yeah. Otherwise it gets too long. Oh wow. Yeah. Like I love it. Like that old, like that old, like Italian man, Harry, just my chest gets that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:10 So I started getting gray hairs. Like my chest hair is getting gray. Oh, it started to. Just now? Yeah. I was going to say. Last year I just started getting it. Now they're coming in quick, fast and furious.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah. Well, none down below yet. Well, it's coming. It's coming. You don't have to get a Merkin. Looking for a reason to get a Merkin. Or, or you could just use this 5.0 trimmer, shave it bald.
Starting point is 00:37:35 You don't even got to worry about those gray hairs popping out. Pretty much generally what I do. Yeah, me too. Uh, it's like having two trimmers in one, making sure you're always somewhere ready without breaking the bank with those foil blades. It has an LED light.
Starting point is 00:37:50 They upgraded their, infamous is the wrong word here, copywriter. Infamous. Yeah. No more fumbling in the dark. Those tricky spots are now brightly illuminated and the new LED also features a dual temperature function designed to flatter a variety of skin tones. So join the 10 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped for all their grooming needs and get the special edition lawnmower 5.0 Ultra in white hot today. I use it. I haven't used this one yet, but I use the other ones that they gave me.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I'm too hairy now. As I get older, getting too hairy. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code TESD at That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code manscaped, with the code TESD at No more juggling multiple tools or dealing with subpar results. Just efficient, effective grooming wherever you need it. Speaking of gray hairs, it was pretty adorable. We were out eating and my youngest daughter had a lot of anxiety because she found one gray hair. What is she, 21?
Starting point is 00:38:58 She was freaking out and I was just like, oh, I was like, I go, I was your age when I started to get like that. When I found my first gray hair too, yeah, it's probably genetics I was like, oh, I was like, I go, I was your age when I started to get like that, like when I found my first gray hair too. Yeah, it's probably genetics I was going to. And she was just like, I would tell her, I told her the story about how like when your mom first met, she, we would watch TV and I would sit in front of her and I would sit on the floor and she would find all the gray hairs and cut them out because there was like one or two or three in my head and she would just go through them and it was like monkeys grooming.
Starting point is 00:39:28 I said, oh man, I wish we could go back to that and she goes, you guys needed fucking hobbies. She goes, how on earth was that an evening out that she would cut and find the gray hairs in your head and cut them out. Simpler times. We didn't have the internet. Let's see. One more. Using the internet with Alcatraz ExpressVPN is like taking a call on a train or a bus on speaker for everyone they hear. Do you really want the whole train to know about your medical test results?
Starting point is 00:40:00 Well, it depends. If they're good, sure. Or name something you wouldn't want people to know about. There are lots of stuff. There's lots of stuff I don't want people to know about. I mean, most things. Yeah, most things. It's not their business. That's why you need this ExpressVPN.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Not only is it not their business, but I've learned that there are fucking whack jobs in the world who feel entitled to know your business. And like, I know something about them, like those fucking losers and maniacs and all that. There are fucking whack jobs in the world who feel entitled to know your business. I know something about them, those fucking losers and maniacs. Any fight against those creatures helps. This is it, man. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Because all your traffic flows through their servers, internet service providers know every single website you visit. And the US ISPs are legally allowed to sell that information to advertisers. I wonder if I'm constantly getting ads, unless I use this ExpressVPN. It reroutes 100% of your traffic through secure encrypted service, so your ISP can't see your browsing history. It hides your IP address, making it extremely difficult for third parties to track your online activity. Works on all devices, phones, laptops, tablets and and more so you can stay private on the go.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And rated number one by top tech reviewers like CNET and The Verge. I use it whenever I go out. If I'm like at a Panera Bread or a public place or a hotel or something, I always use it just so people can't jump on there and maybe spy on me, personal private business. So protect your online privacy today by visiting slash tesd. That's ex-p-r-e-s-s slash tesd and you can get an extra three months free thanks to slash T E S D.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I have another, what I would call a, um, a gray market ad almost. It's not an official ad, but, uh, I promised them I would, I would do it with, uh, with respectability. This is a Jimmy the hair guy. Oh boy. Yep. respectability. This is Jimmy the hair guy. Oh boy. Yep. His, uh, his girl is a masseuse or I guess that is that what you call it? Massor is a guy who were immediately asked to do this respectfully. Yeah. The word masseuse alone. I guess a couple other people were
Starting point is 00:42:21 not as respectful. Uh, are you tired of living with chronic pain, touch of mana, a mobile massage therapy service, specializing in pain management can help. Michelle, who is Jimmy's girl, brings the healing touch right to your doorstep, whether it's back pain, sports injuries or stress relief. She's got you covered. Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Where was she when I was popping pills? Where the fuck was Michelle? She was probably in elementary school. Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Book your in-home massage therapy today. And start your journey to a pain-free life.
Starting point is 00:42:54 This is like for, I think this is for this area pretty much. This is, this is like the New York, the tri-state area because they live in what, Philadelphia? Yeah. So they're going to go – she'll travel up. She'll travel a bit for you. Call 860-324-0799 or visit, feel better, move better, live better with Touch of Mana.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Nice. All right. Then he immediately asked me if I was still friends with Uncle Lloyd Kelphan. That's it. That is it. What else do I got here? Oh, I have a good Yale story in the butt if you want to hear that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I had an idea I wanted to run past you. Yeah, go ahead. Because I'm rereading Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, which is, I love Chuck Barris, created the dating game. I was like, yeah, but I was thinking, what if we did a dating show for Get Him, where we get three 13 percenters who want to vie for his hand, and we set up and get them, ask them the questions, and maybe go out on a date with them? I feel like this was brought up before, and maybe not on mic, but it was always that feeling
Starting point is 00:44:07 of like then we feel like we're kind of like if something goes wrong, then we feel like we're a party to it then. Well, what could go wrong? I mean, anything could go wrong. Do you really want to like, you have? Well, that's why you have to say, you can't just send them on the date. You have to send a chaperone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:26 To be the hair guy could chaperone. Yeah. Nah, he's too, he's too suggestible. You need somebody with responsibility. You need like Walt. I know. Yeah. I got enough to do.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I don't need now to go on fucking third party dates. We married the guy off. Yeah. You know, like not so much, like even Gatam needs protection in that sense though. Like if some, you know. Oh, she's like, he tried to diddle me. Yeah, there's a million things that can go wrong and I don't want to be like put our stamp of approval on it and they come after TSD because something didn't go the way they
Starting point is 00:45:04 wanted it to or there's just too many things and headaches that I would be like, no. Wow. Okay. If there's too many, I suspect you don't want to hear one headache. Yeah. How about that stage? You are in the front lines.
Starting point is 00:45:19 All right. We got it then. What was your eels theory, my friend? All right. What was your eels? I'll never understand this. Like I get it. You know, you're like, Hey man, I want to put a dildo up my butt, you know, or something inanimate.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yeah. Not like a light bulb or something like a. Like a sex story up the bottom. Sure. Anything like that. But this is a live two foot eel chews through a man's intestines after he puts it up his anus. This country? Nope.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, I didn't think so. No. Whenever you hear these stories, it's never America. Vietnamese doctors removed a two foot long eel from a man's abdomen that had chewed through his intestines after he shoved it up his anus. How would you do this? It was, the discovery was made when the 31 year old Indian national was admitted to the hospital with excruciating abdominal pain.
Starting point is 00:46:18 They found out he had slipped the phallic fish up his backside earlier in the day and had tried to escape. The eel had been through the patient's rectum and colon to escape the abdominal cavity. Oh my God, poor eel, man. And then they did several imaging tests, including an x-ray that showed the eel's skeleton lying inside his abdominal cavity. So somehow he made it into his stomach. They attempted to move it through his anus, but they discovered a large lime that he...
Starting point is 00:46:44 I must have skipped over that part the first time. He plugged it in with a lime? He plugged it in with a lime and he had also inserted – The lime in the cooking. That is rough, man. If you're going to do that, you have to prepare the eel like you've got to pull its teeth. I mean, you must get a girl who's willing to fucking stick something in your ass.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Or a guy. Or a guy, whatever. They're out there. I don't think it's a shocking request anymore to be like, hey, honey, could you take that salt shaker and just shove it up my bum? Right. I think in 2024, it's much more acceptable than it has been in the past.
Starting point is 00:47:26 You can order things online. It comes right to your house in a convenient like use co T E S D. You got a convenient. Like go to Adam and Eve. Yeah. Uh, they sliced open the patient's torso and found the live eel stretching more than 25
Starting point is 00:47:39 inches long and roughly four inches in diameter. The creature and the lime were both removed. And after checking for any additional foreign objects hidden inside the men, they stitched them up and they also performed a colostomy to prevent fecal matter from entering for passing through the cut made by the eel's bites. How does this, this, this makes me think it's not a true story though. This man's medical records should not be released. They don't name him.
Starting point is 00:48:04 They don't name him. They don't name them. Yeah, but these doctors have to release this to the news though. Yeah, but you can't, how do you sit on this? But that's the oath you take. No, they, no, you got to release this to a medical journal, something. Yeah, well it says here, doctors at the hospital told Vietnam News that they've dealt with patients, typically young men. Vietnam News, that's the fake news, man.
Starting point is 00:48:23 This is not a real story. That's fake news, man. This is not a real story. Ben Knoll Typically young men who have put objects up their bum for sexual pleasure. Trevor Burrus That's like called American News. Ben Knoll Vietnam News. Who knows what's going on over there? Who knows what their news is like?
Starting point is 00:48:41 Trevor Burrus I question, Ben, you better not be fucking sending any money to any fucking prince's over in fucking Zimbabwe or anything. Dude, you're going to be so sorry when I get that fucking hair. The hospital has previously removed bottles, cups and adult toys from patients' anuses, but this is the first case involving a live animal. Paul Jay But even the prospect of getting it in there, it's impossible, you would think. It would recoil. It's not possible to get it in there, unless it was sedated.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Matthew Feeney Right. Yeah, like how do you force them in there? Paul Jay Right. Matthew Feeney Well, according to the news, the Vietnam news, this was not the first time an eel was removed from someone's backside in Vietnam this year. This sounds awfully suspect. In March, a 12-inch eel slid up a 43-year-old man's anus. He was rushed to the medical center where the sea creature was removed.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Now, they don't say how it slid up there. Look, unless your asshole is so fucking loose that an eel can just swim in there like it's no big deal. Trevor Burrus But if it thinks it's like a cave, like a rock, it's looking to hide. David Morgan I would think you'd get like a tube and put it in first to expand it. Trevor Burrus Oh, and then put him in the tube? David Morgan And then he goes in the tube and he just goes
Starting point is 00:50:04 right in. I mean if I was going to stick an eel up my asshole, that's the way it would go about it. Oh. And then. Well then put him in the tube. And then he goes in the tube and he just goes right in. I mean, if I was going to stick an eel up my asshole, that's the way it would go about it. That's pretty clever. Yeah. Hey boys. BQ's old timey eel method. Yeah. I think I see a Patreon get the eel tube with our faces on it. Whoa, man. Right? Like, let's say you do have nothing on the level of this fucking nonsense, but you do have a sexual escapade go south that requires maybe you to go to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:50:38 You certainly don't want the fucking doctor to be reporting and like giving out, even if they never give your name out though. This is this should be grounds for dismissal. I would call if I had a golf ball stuck up my ass, first person I call would be get him. You know, you can keep a secret. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 148. I'd be like, I need you to use all those brain powers to get this out of me without leaking to the press. It has to be one of those things where like if you do this and you're like, I need you to use all those brain powers to get this out of me without leaking to the press. Trevor Burrus It has to be one of those things where if you do this and you're like, I can't get it out, I can't get it in, I can't get it out. That's last resort.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I can't believe I have to go to the hospital with a fucking eel in my ass. Because he had to have known. He's like, oh, I have this abdominal pain. Also, by the way, I shoved an eel up my ass followed by a lime. Trevor Burrus How'd that get up there? That's crazy. Are you sure it's mine? X-ray?
Starting point is 00:51:28 Are you looking at? Well, he could say that he put the lime up there and the eel was in the lime and he didn't realize the lime was in there. A two-foot eel? Yeah, like was living inside the lime. He could say that. I don't know that they believe him. I think that's a desperation move. And like he could say like my, you know, from where my village, we believe that inserting
Starting point is 00:51:49 a lime helps hemorrhoids. So get away from anything sexual then. What villages is this from? Well, where is it? Vietnam? Yeah, that's a tiny little village. I think there's a lot of villages in Vietnam. Yeah, I'd want to know where in this village, this particular village, we use the Lyme method. I'm not saying a doctor is going to believe it, but at least it's better than a no story. Yeah. Yeah. I think though, I don't agree with the, like they shouldn't let it out. I think these
Starting point is 00:52:16 stories should be told without the name. Without the name, nobody knows who it is. We don't know who this guy is. Probably a few select people might be like, did it so and so go to the hospital the other day? And now there's this story, he's walking funny. And now there's a story about an eel and a lime. So you might be able to deduce, you might be able to put it together, but for everybody else in the world, they're just like, oh, look at this fucking perv. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Well, also it's like, if someone in our group of friends had an eel up their ass, I feel like we would have had conversations about them beforehand that would put them on the suspect. I don't think it's a surprise when that guy gets out of the hospital because an eel in his ass. Everybody's like, yeah, it was just a matter of a fucking time. Yeah. They're like, only an eel? Well, now there was a lime in there too. Yeah. Yeah. So you know, I don't know if it would be a surprise if you're the type of person that's A fucking time. Yeah, like only an eel? Well, now there was a lime in there too. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, I don't know if it would be a surprise. If you're the type of person that's shoving an eel up your ass, I think you put those
Starting point is 00:53:09 vibes off. Do you think the lime was to block him in so he couldn't get out? I mean, I would have to, I mean, did he think it was going to die in there then? Maybe. Yeah, like why would he want to come out? Then he would just shit it out. Ugh. It's not real. It's not real.
Starting point is 00:53:25 It's a fake story to get clicks. I clicked it, man. I saw that. I clicked that shit right away. Let's see about this. I wonder if they named the guy. I was also wondering, let's say somebody commits a crime, like some sort of, maybe not a rich guy commits a crime.
Starting point is 00:53:53 He would have to be rich. Say he's like maybe a Bernie Madoff type or whatever. Oh, rich, rich. Yeah, like real rich. And he gets cryogenically frozen because he dies before he can go to trial for his crimes. Gets cryogenically frozen because he dies before he can go to trial for his crimes. Gets cryogenically frozen. When he comes back to life, if they ever figure out a way to bring him back, do you think he should face charges for that crime?
Starting point is 00:54:16 How many years? I don't know. Let's say 25 years. What's the crime? Statue of limitations may have passed. That's true too. I hadn't thought of that. If it's less as murder, there's your crime or statue of limitations?
Starting point is 00:54:27 25 years, I think, yeah, you should probably have to answer for it. We've got a thousand years in the future. I think it's like, I don't know, man. You got other problems that can tango it. Yeah, I don't know if that. Then there are a whole different thing. But yeah, I think of, especially if any of your victims are still alive, why wouldn't you? Yeah. Yeah. When you're an oddity from the past, I think that people would be like, yeah, this
Starting point is 00:54:53 is how they did shit back then. Well, couldn't you make the case that that's time served? All those years I was suspended animation? Well, that's what always bothered me about Demolition Man, the Wesley Snipes- Stallone movie. They would arrest people and put them in cryogenic and then unfreeze them in the future and be like, time served. I'd be like, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:55:14 There was just a sleep for 30 years and they're young and healthy and they're in the future. How is that a crime? I don't think it counts. I don't think so. You've got layer take something from Yeah, but a good lawyer can make the case. I like suck, you know time served Yeah, but nothing's look at all he missed nothing's lost All his loved ones are gone. He never got to say goodbye to them. Yeah, what's about a killer? There's
Starting point is 00:55:40 Well, yeah, it's got it. I don't think it could be murdered because murder there's no statute of limitations But anything that's a statute of limitations, it would be like, yeah, time served. Nah, I don't know. I don't buy it. I think you got to take something from them. They went to sleep for 24 years of their own will and then woke up in the future. Well, there's two very famous people- Because they were so rich that they could do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Who I know of that are in cryogenically frozen at this moment. One is Ted Williams, I believe. Just his head, yeah. And Walt Disney, right? No, Walt Disney's not. That's a myth. That's a myth? That's a myth, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Oh, okay. So it's just Ted Williams is the only one we know. Why are there so many myths about Walt Disney? He hated Jewish people. He's cry myth. Yeah. Okay. So it's just Ted Williams is the only one we know. What are some of the myths about Walt Disney? He hated Jewish people. He's cryogenically frozen. There's a lot of rumors about Walt Disney. He can't be a great man like that without that sort of thing. A couple of detractors.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yeah. Yeah. They cut. Then Ted Williams' head developed a crack in it too. Oh, I didn't hear this. They discovered years later. Oh, so it's funny. I think they're still banking on future technology.
Starting point is 00:56:44 So someone dropped it? No, it's just the freezing process didn't go right or something and he developed a crack in his head. I mean, it's been years since I heard this story, but I think they're still like, we just wait for the day that they can fix all of this. Why just the head though? Because he wasn't happy with the body? Cheaper. Cheaper storage. And the idea being like, look, if technology is that far advanced that they could clone you a younger body, they could do that from your, as long as they have your brain. They're saying like one day you're going to be able to take that brain
Starting point is 00:57:19 and put it in a young body. And until then, old just chilling out type thing. It's way cheaper. There's a movie or a fucking prank, a great prank for a prank show of you wake somebody up and you tell them that you're Ted Williams in a new body and that you used to be Ted Williams in a previous life. Oh, you don't think he has his own memories? It's like if everybody ever woke up from an accident or something. And they're going to be like, who's Ted Lewis? Like, unless they live in the Boston area.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Is that something you would like? Let's say you know you're on your way out. You're like hospice care and they're like, look, we're doing this experimental thing where we can basically, before you die, we put you in stasis. Yeah. Then maybe they can try to figure out something like figure out what's wrong with you. But worst case scenario, they're going to wake you up in 50 years and then you'll probably then you'll if they couldn't figure it out, then you'll die.
Starting point is 00:58:20 It's a well, I'd be like, what's up with the 50 year time? Like time limit? Like why not just keep me in there until they figure it out? Okay. Well, however long it takes to figure it out. I'd probably take it. Yeah? I think I'd take it.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Waking up that far in the future? The only thing, you remember Transmetropolitan? That awesome comic sci-fi, but it took place way in the future. It's basically about Hunter S. Thompson in the future, but it's just based on him. There were ghettos where people who froze themselves in the past thought that they would wake up to a future and be like, I'm here. This is great. I'm rich.
Starting point is 00:58:57 They were just like, no, we don't give a fuck. There were slums where all these people from 200 years ago were forced to live because they did. They weren't the celebrities that they thought they'd be. Nobody gave a fuck. Nobody gave a fuck, which I found pretty frightening. I don't want to live without my friends. I don't want to live without my family. But at the same time, how do you not take that chance?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Why not? Just to see what it's like. Yeah. But then again, it was like Ted Williams are going to put his head on a, do you think it's an appropriate body or is it like, hey man, I fucking Hugh Jackman's body. He put me on that. I don't think you're gonna have your choice of bodies I think you're gonna have ones that like Fit medic like, you know clinically they clear all the all them like this is your perfect one for you Mm-hmm, you know, unfortunately, it doesn't look like Hugh Jackman's body
Starting point is 00:59:43 This is the one that most matches and checks all the box that most likely will succeed if we use it. Yeah, I think you're just lucky. You can't be that choosy when it comes to fucking reattaching your head to a body. Trevor Burrus I always assume they clone your body again. And why not? Paul Jay I don't know. I don't know about that because then you got to kill that. Then you got to behead that clone too.
Starting point is 01:00:07 That gets real messy or at least take the cranium out and take that clone's brain out then and put – right? It gets real dicey then. It does get dicey. It does. I thought you were going to say a robot body which makes more sense. That would be fucking dope. Like cyborg or like a metal.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Like Robocop. That doesn't sound fun. You don't feel anything. Wasn't that Robocop's whole fucking issue? He didn't feel anything. He had memories that would come back here and there. Yeah, but he physically didn't feel shit. Right. Like there's no.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That's true. Yeah. You're not going to, yeah, it's going to get take it's going to take some time getting used to. I either bring me back to my dick or throw me in the fucking burner. I don't want to be anywhere without my dick. I, I got a feeling that's good. That, that if you're going to be dealing with a lot more pressing issues than, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:04 maybe, but that's the first one. No way. I guarantee it's not the first one. Oh, fuck that. What are you talking about? No way. Is that the first one? The first one's going to be…
Starting point is 01:01:13 The cue comes out of it and he's like, where are the honeys at? Where are the futuristic honeys? Oh my God. Like, you look down and… Here's a blender. Here's a toaster. Well, you're a robot, I thought. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, no. I don't want to live without my… I don't want to live without my… I don't want to live without my… I don't want to live without my… I don't want to live without my… I Oh, yeah. No, no. I don't want to live without my P-Shit-L. No. Even at that age, even if you're like 80-something? No. No.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Not at all. I would not feel like a man. I feel like a very ashamed of myself without my dick. I take it a lot. You're a robot? Yeah. You know, I feel like a very ashamed of myself without my dick. I take it. You're a robot?
Starting point is 01:01:50 Yeah, I don't know, man. Well, can they give you a robotic one? All right. I'd have to look into that. No. But I really like mine. Well, they can make it look like yours, but then it transforms like a transformer. Oh, prosthetic transformer. Maybe. It depends on how it feels, I guess.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Well, it's not going to feel like anything. You're a robot. You don't have sensation. You don't have nerves. There's no point. There's no point. There's still plenty of good you can do. Fuck that. Oh my God. Everybody who talks to me knows I don't have a dick. Wow. I really didn't realize that this was such a, your whole identity is. Yeah, pretty much. This is pretty much to me.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Even if it didn't work and I still had it, I'd be psychologically okay. I'd be like, all right, what are you going to do? Because I feel like, like as I get older and it it's like at some point, at some point it's going to just stop working. Sure. No matter how much blue chew you take, it's just going to stop working. Yeah. And that's the time that I'll be like, oh man.
Starting point is 01:02:52 But you'll still have it. Still have it. You and your old friend. Probably mad. All those miles you journeyed together. You know what I mean? That's true. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I don't think I'd be able to. If you're going to go out, you want to go out with them? I just want to go out. Yeah. I want to go out like I lived with my cock. Yeah. I think it would just be too humiliating for everybody to look at you and be like, see that dick? That guy used to have a dick. You don't think they're going to be like, holy shit, that's a fucking brain inside of a robot. No one's going to be going like, I wonder what his dick looks like or I wonder what is that lack of dick.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Pete Slauson First thing I would say, did they let that robot keep his dick or is that dick gone? You never thought that about Robocop? You're never like, oh man, really? Jared Slauson Not at all. That one point ever in the history of all three of the movies that I was like, I wonder what is Johnny looks like. I was surprised he never addressed it. No way. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I just wouldn't. Or if he still had it at all, right? Right. Yeah. It was never something that was vital to me enjoying the series or a stumbling block for me. Is that why he's bitter? Is that why he shoots that guy in the dick?
Starting point is 01:04:03 Remember they're going to assault that girl? Yeah. He's like, if I can't have one, no one can. No one can. Is that why he's bitter? Is that why he shoots that guy in the dick? Remember? Wow, I'm surprised at that even with cyborg in like the Justice League. I'm always like they fucking took cyborgs dick That's you know, right? I Me thinks you might have a fixation on Wow, you've never thought that no, no Wow never not once No You tell me every all the ants out there. I'm the only one that was like fucking they took RoboCop's dick This is like the like the conversation I would expect from like a ten-year-old
Starting point is 01:04:41 I would expect from like a 10 year old. I saw it when I was 10. What do you want? Oh, okay. All right. Yeah, we were, we were a little bit older. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't think about it now, but yeah, wow. Um, yeah, you don't see like, you know, people, I mean, that's not always your first question. Like, do they still have their dick? Yeah. You see paralyzed people, you're not like, oh, can they still feel their dick? That's not your first... Well, paralyzed people, like if I see them in a wheelchair, I know they can.
Starting point is 01:05:12 They all can, so some of them can. I think most of them can. If you're like a quadriplegic, I don't think you can feel anything, right? No less than Christopher Reeve, Superman, made it known that his dick still worked. He had to get it out there. Trevor Burrus Do you think that's as true as the eel story? Trevor Burrus Even Superman knew. Trevor Burrus In case anybody is wondering. Trevor Burrus Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Somebody asked him if he still had like a sex life with his wife and he was like, oh yeah. She walks in the room, I leer at her and we get along. You know why he's saying that. So when you're introduced to comics and Charles Xavier rolls onto panel, you're like, huh. Yeah, I'm a little bit like, is that guy getting laid? No, I mean, I would assume he could move it with his mind in a way, but yeah, I would worry about that. I mean, this is not real, right?
Starting point is 01:06:11 This can't surely be. I mean, unfortunately. I don't know. But how do you watch Robocop and not wonder, like, how the psychological effects of having your penis removed? I would think the psychological scars of fucking not having your family anymore and being. Just these little blips coming back to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:28 And they're like, oh boy, what? I'm not saying that's a fucking case. Would be so much more traumatic that that thought of your dick wouldn't come in until many, many, many moons later. I think the horrors of waking up in a robot body and not being able to be the man you once were in terms of your family, everything would be a bit more at the forefront. I don't know. That's just me though. Trevor Burrus I don't see it that way.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Peter Van Doren Obviously not. I'm trying to think of some other like famous robots and cyborgs, but because I wouldn't call C-3PO. No. No. They had to live their life as a man at one point before they became a robot. Like a man droid. Yeah. Yeah. Any other famous ones out there that you've pondered about?
Starting point is 01:07:24 Robocop was always the big one. That was always the big one. They brought that poor guy back without his deck. And Cyborg in Justice League. If I was writing a Cyborg comic, it would open up with him having sex. They saved the right part and then it would log into the agent. There's a very good chance he still does have it because in the comic book you would see bits of his skin in between the metal parts on his legs.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, well in the movie he didn't because they showed what parts of him were left. He was on that board. Oh yeah, yeah. That got you, gave you the creeps, huh? It was the most horrifying thing about that whole process for me. It was like they took the man's penis. I can't believe you guys aren't seeing it the same way. I didn't think that this would never occur to me.
Starting point is 01:08:09 It's not controversial. It may be the dumbest conversation on TSD. It's not controversial. That surely can't be true. There's no way that could be true. I know this much. It won't make anybody mad. I know this much. It won't make anybody mad. What else do I got? That thing that's pretty much all I got. Well, I saw Justin Timberlake got his license suspended. Did he? Yep. That's what happens when you drive drunk.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I could not believe when this first happened, I could not believe the number of people. Well, I guess I can because he's a celebrity. Number of people, hey, man, don't judge him until we find out what happened, blah, blah, blah. It's like, he got pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. Is that like, we know what happened. Yeah, you could still like him and be like, oh man, he fucked up. He fucked up, that's it.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You don't have to, yeah. Yeah, that kind of fucking celebrity idolatry where it's like, well, he could have killed somebody, but still, it's Justin Timberlake, come on. He can't have a couple kills under his belt. Bellatree where it's like, well, he could have killed somebody, but still it's Justin Timberlake. Come on. He can't have a couple kills under his belt. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:09:10 What else is going on? Do you think? No. I mean, I'm just coming up for air, man. And when do you stop? This is it this week, two more days this week. Two more days and then you're done. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And then I have one more tour date at the end of the month. And then, yeah, well then, like I'm working, you know, writing, we're shooting a pilot for something in September, but it's the day that, like it's, it's going to be nice for me for the next few months. I finally get to relax a bit and shit like that. Yeah, I can't wait. I'm pretty excited. I love this show.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I'll do it forever, but like I need it to, I need downtime. You know what I mean? Yeah, so I'm pretty excited. I love this show. I'll do it forever, but I need downtime. You need some downtime. Yeah, so I'm ready for it. You need some downtime? Who may? Yeah. My downtime is covered. I have enough downtime. I need to desperately find some uptime. All right. Yeah, that's it. I'm going to Monster Mania tomorrow. I'm going to finally meet Henry Winkler. Get out of here.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah. Mary Beth, for my anniversary, she sort of orchestrated this. Sherry Hill? Yeah, the one we went to. Yeah. It's a meet and greet? So you had to pay some sort of special price? No, I didn't get the official photo and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I was going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And finally, after, you know, I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I'm going to go to the booth and get a picture taken with them. And I was like, I I was gonna go to the booth and get a picture taken with them and finally after you know 50 years all
Starting point is 01:10:31 right you know okay mm-hmm let's practice a little here okay okay Q is Henry Winkler. Hey! So what are you gonna say what are you really gonna say because you should you he's probably heard a lot of accolades so are you really going to say? He's probably heard a lot of accolades, so are you going to say something that's going to he's never heard before or are you going to play it cool and just be like, I really appreciate your work? What's your game plan? I think my game plan is going to be like, I've been waiting for this moment since the 70s.
Starting point is 01:11:00 And you would think in all that time I'd have something profound to say, but I don't. It's just nice to meet you. You like that? Yeah, it's not bad. It's not bad, right? It's not bad. It's honest. I think are you going to try and get a free photo?
Starting point is 01:11:11 No, no. No, all right. You might have heard this on a show 10 years ago. Are you going to bring the animated cell or whatever from design? If you want to bring it, if you you know, make sure nothing happens to it. Yeah, I could get that signed. All right. He probably doesn't see a ton of those.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Nah. Yeah. I wonder how. He's like, I remember this shit. Did he do the voice for the cartoon? I don't. You know what? He might have.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yeah. Yeah, I bet you that was easy money. Fuck yeah. Yeah. Ever think of an IJ cartoon? They, it almost got made. No way. It was before Warner Brothers got bought out in this last thing.
Starting point is 01:11:52 They asked us to develop an Impractical Jokers animated series. We were like, how the fuck, what are we going to do? We kind of came up with this thing, almost like Muppet Babies, about four kids on St Staten Island. And it was pretty, it was fun, but at the same time when it died, I wasn't like, there's a big loss for the world. It was fun. Cause you know, you can't do South Park era, you know, type stuff. It was a tricky thing to walk, but they did, they did want us to do it. Wow. That was fucking easy money. You can roll in, do your voice. I don't even know if we'd have to do our own voices.
Starting point is 01:12:23 But wouldn't you want to get that fucking easy paycheck? Yeah, of course. You could probably do it in your house. Yeah, yeah, that would be nice. It'd be great if they hired me to do Q. Oh, we're all friends and shit, right? We're all babies. Yeah, we're babies wondering about Robocop's dick.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, we're babies wondering about RoboCop's dick. There's an episode. There's an episode, man. People generally like to fucking complain, but is there anybody out there that has my back on this? I can't believe no one that had this thought, man. It's not fair. Yeah, tweet to tell them Steve Dave on Twitter, or X or whatever, if you are like-minded with Q and have wondered this about RoboCop.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah, somebody help me out here. Tell them Steve Dave.

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