Tell Em Steve-Dave - #606: Aggressive Relaxation

Episode Date: August 31, 2024

Q is free, Walt and Bry set sail, oasis reunion, Ray gun has hurt feelings, reincarnation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Walt coming to you from the deck of my cruise ship! Yep, I'm on the high seas vacationing, but I'm still so excited about this week's Patreon drop I just had to take a break to inform you that this Tuesday, September 3rd, TESD Game Night returns! Let's hear a few hilarious clips from the episode. Well, it's not the kind of kiss that you're thinking of Oh, but what other kind of kisses there? It's actually the band kiss. Oh, I thought you might keep it simple stupid My job to jump the gun.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Oh man. Now can't you see why I'm so excited? So join up now and get in and all the fun. Right now I gotta get back to cruising. You guys gotta get back to the show. You don't do drugs for a couple years next thing you know. Fucking pussy. Maybe lose that little fucking kangaroo thing you're doing or whatever the fuck that is. We'll take a recess. Juror number 12, please do not buy any magic beans while you're out on recess.
Starting point is 00:01:43 They're so cheap. Tell'em Steve, Dave. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Tell'em Steve, Dave. Hey, Walt. Hey. And hey, Q. Hello. You're here.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Oh, yeah. Two weeks in a row. Not sick You're here. Oh yeah. It's two weeks in a row. Not sick. Looking good. Feeling good. In the middle of a sweltering heat wave. 94 degrees outside at the moment. I thought it was supposed to be like 80s all week.
Starting point is 00:02:15 When I pulled up my little thing said like 94. Yeah. And then all of a sudden it wasn't 80s all week. Yeah. That's all right. I don't mind. This is really my first week of summer. So I'm kind of excited by the heat wave. Enjoy don't mind. This is really my first week of summer. I'm kind of excited
Starting point is 00:02:25 by the enjoy. Yeah. Tour's over, shooting's over. I got time to chill. Now you're just laying poolside? Dude. Enforced aggressive relaxation going on right now. Never have I used the adjective aggressive to describe relaxing. I'm getting there. What is that detailed? It's saying no to every single thing And like even in my own head like
Starting point is 00:02:50 You know when you calm down a bit you start getting like creative ideas and stuff Yeah, I've just been like nope not paying attention to him. Let him fucking marinate Not jotting anything down. I'm just shutting off the the old brain Huh everything on brain dead. Nothing doing nothing for at least two weeks. Should have come to the master for that. I could have given you some tips.
Starting point is 00:03:10 It's only been two days and it's been great. It's been fucking great. It's been pretty wonderful. That's a big departure from about a week ago where you were down. Not just sick, but down. Down. I get down sometimes at the end of a season, the end of a tour, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:26 You think it's like the adrenaline dump, like after all that work, you're just like, whoa. I think it's a little bit of that. And it's just like, it's so much purpose and direction and scheduling and stuff. And like, and then it's like, it's gone. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So it's a little bit of adjustment for me every season, but you know, a little extra because I think this is the last and practical jokers tour. Uh, for years. Like I think this is while the, I think this is the last tour, certainly while the show's on the air. So maybe there'll be like something down the line. So that was that, you know, an extra heavy thing too. It's just being like, wow, like all this fun on the road with my friends is kind of over for a bit. Uh, yeah. So, you know, there's a lot of, a lot of that going on. I missed a crew. Yeah, it bit. Yeah, so you know, there's a lot of that going on. I miss the crew.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, it is a lot. But hey man, fucking whatever, bruh. Well, I need some tips how to turn it all off and go Zen. I'm going to partying tomorrow. I'm going to a nine day cruise. Nine days, I would love to unplug. Leave me in charge.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I don't know how to unplug. unplug. Leave me in charge. I don't know how to unplug. What? Leave me in charge. What's that mean with the dog surrounded by a blazing inferno? Everything's fine. Everything else would burn. I'd take good care of those dogs though. No, no, I don't mean the dogs. How do you do it?
Starting point is 00:04:42 How do you just unplug? I find it difficult to do it to just focus on nothing But you don't drink or smoke weed so right away here But I would start by shutting off your fucking phone while you're on that cruise like don't okay don't interact Okay, so I should see if I can get a refund on the internet package which was exorbitant to say the least $200 for internet on a fucking cruise. And it sucks too, usually. Yeah, it's like pretty horrible, man. Yeah, you know, I wouldn't – I mean, you have
Starting point is 00:05:12 family and stuff, so it's probably good to have that. Okay, yeah, you're right. Yeah, but I would say if the name Gitem comes up, you just let it go. I can't, though, because I have to know why he's texting me at 2 o'clock in the morning. Then inevitably it's always just like, there's a bum sleeping on the couch in the hallway. What should I do? Well, maybe if it's on you to not leave him alone. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Leave the guy alone. Who? Walter the bum? I can't have her up talking to you about fucking the internet. I don't want to get him talking to Walt about anything, about fucking anything. I got to keep my guys going. I'm going on a little cruise myself. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. Very little. It's on the, what's it called? The, uh, sea streak. Yeah. For some reason. Uh, so Edgar has gotten sick recently and he's, I think he's wanting to do stuff with the family
Starting point is 00:06:05 and get together and that kind of shit without going into too much detail. One of the things he wants to do is go on the sea streak for a dinner cruise. I'm like, all right. I don't normally farewell in the water anyway. On smaller boats, I get seasick pretty easily. He wants to go, so I'm like, fuck it. I'll get one of those patches. I'll put it on. Then I come to find out there is no real dinner cruise.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You have to bring your own food. That could still work. Could still work. Last week we were talking about this, a sea, a seas picnic. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like lashing our boat or a jet ski. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So maybe like you, you, you transpose that idea. Would you be the hit of the cruise, this little mini cruise, if you show up with a KFC bucket right across the street from the general store, you know, a couple of buckets underneath your arm? Yeah. And everybody's like, whoa, he's the man. And taters and coleslaw, the works. Could do it.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Could do it. Although they're like, you're not allowed to bring a hard cooler. It has to be a soft cooler. And then like last night there was a Johnson family text chain that was like- Bucket, bro. There's no bucket law. Yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You're right. Well, what if you took the idea that he wants to do, which is go on a boat with his family and step up and get a private boat with a dinner and stuff like that. Pick that up for your family. It's a lot of effort. Yeah, I know. All of a sudden, John's now getting his own fucking personal captain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I'm sure it's just an internet search and suddenly you guys are having private dinners. He's laying out thousands. Yeah. This is dead. I was going a little bit cheaper mode with a little KFC bucket. I think it's $15.99 for three buckets now. I think I like your family plan. I like the family plan Walt's talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. You're talking about $3,000 just for a captain alone. Yeah. Not even use of the crew or the… Think about like the private time with your family, nobody bothering you. You don't have to worry about other families and the way they act. That's a complete hypocritical statement right there. I'm with my family and nobody's bothering me.
Starting point is 00:08:18 How could that happen? Yeah. I guess. Probably a lot of strangers will walk up to you and be like, hey man, can I get a piece of that chicken? Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Probably a lot of strangers will walk up to you and be like, hey man, can I get a piece of that chicken? Yeah, I doubt. See you have a soft cooler and a bucket. Yeah, so that's what I'm doing this weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:34 There was a Johnson Family text chain yesterday that was started by Eric. He was like, well, what if it rains? Eric's in town? Eric just got in town. Yeah. Nice. Nice. Yeah. I was actually going to, I didn't know that you were set in sale tomorrow. Otherwise I would have suggested a hasty game night. Oh, that would have been awesome. Yeah. But yeah, just got here. Can you guys maybe hire that fucking private boat with the private captain and maybe rendezvous with me at one of my ports. Oh, well, yeah. I'll do it quick.
Starting point is 00:09:05 That's not shutting off. No, you gotta say no. Quick game night. You're out on the boat anyway. Yeah. I can just get on a bigger boat that would actually work for me. Even on the bigger boat last, this last IJ cruise, I forgot my little patches and somebody gave me the, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Acid. Yeah. I was tripping my balls off. No, what's that stuff called? The anti-seizing, the Dramamine. Yeah, Dramamine. I thought I wasn't going to make it for the rest of the cruise. I was so tired.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It just made me so tired. I thought you had built up a tolerance to almost all drugs. So did I. I thought I had some kind of constitution. Now you're a lightweight all of a sudden. I know. You don't do drugs for a couple of years. Next thing you know, you're a fucking pussy. I was wondering, do you guys think that I don't really have a whole lot this week? I didn't do anything except, well, we did go to Whiskey Myers.
Starting point is 00:10:08 That's right. Oh yeah, how was it? I was thinking about you guys. Fucking partied on the bus, bro. Really? Yes. Oh shit. All access is included, the tour bus.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Fuck, now that sounds like my type of party. It was. They offered us Dramamine. Yeah. I'm off that shit. That looked like a good idea. It was. They offered us Dramamine. Yeah. Yeah. I'm off that shit. That looked like a nice crowd, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, that was cool. It was awesome. These guys really fucking rock. There was no slow songs, baby. Okay. All fast rocking. Yeah, like all Southern rocking. I've made it a point to say that I normally do not like to go to see bands I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I like to hear songs that I know. I didn't feel that way about these guys. Yeah. Sometimes it's just so driving and so fucking undeniable. You can't stop. Yeah. I would really recommend anybody to check them out. If you like Southern rock, yeah, definitely check them out.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So who is the ant in the band? Jamie. Jamie, yeah, Jamie. And he is? Gleaves. He's a bassist. He's a bassist. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So he probably doesn't have that much power in the band. Why you say that? Gene's the bassist in Kissin', man. He's got the fucking iron fist. I guess, but that seems like the outlier. It seems like, isn't it? Paul McCartney was the bassist. Geddy Lee?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. All right, okay. Maybe I'm wrong. I've always heard that the joke is like, isn't it? Well, McCartney was the bassist. Geddy Lee? Yeah. All right, okay. Maybe I'm wrong. I've always heard that the joke is like, who's that guy hanging around with the band? The bassist. I was insane. Maybe he could do a Tell Him Steve Dave song or something.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I don't really get the answer to the concerts. If they drop a referencing, they don't have to make it about the podcast. Well, he did have a shirt on. He did a TSD shirt on. Yeah. He wore it on stage. Can he get it to the lead singer? Because that's where we start really cooking.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Why is it that the crowd only focuses on the lead singer? I mean, it's not saying anything new. Yeah. I mean, this has been going on since Elvis. Sure. It's everybody else is faceless except the singer. How come? I mean, he's front and center, you know, singing, singing his heart out, perform
Starting point is 00:12:08 it like out, you know, bass is kind of got to stand there and like, you know, the wild man can go anywhere he wants on stage and go all over. That's what sells posters. But, uh, yeah. Yeah. So we, so we went there. We, at first we went out to dinner and to dinner and I couldn't believe that they sell beer. They sell what's called a beer bong.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Have you ever seen one of these? I mean, if it was what it used to be, is it like the tall? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. A tall tube with a little spigot at the end of it. Yeah. I've heard that they never really clean those things out as good as they're supposed to.
Starting point is 00:12:44 How could you? The thing is like fucking four feet long. Yeah. I've heard that they never really clean those things out as good as they're supposed to. How could you? The thing is like fucking four feet long. Yeah, I don't know. I've had people be like, don't get the beer behind you. It's like there's like old beer in the lines and stuff. Yeah, somebody- Not that that would stop me if I was rolling.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Somebody in our party got it. It wasn't me. It wasn't Rupp. It wasn't Walt. It was Get'em. Yeah. For himself Get'em. Yeah. For himself? For himself. 50 ounces of beer now. As a beer drinker, does that sound like a lot to you?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Because it looked like a lot to us. It sounds like a lot to me. Consumed within a half hour. Holy fuck. Well, how many bottles, how many ounces is your average bottle of beer? 12. 12? Okay. That's four. It's not too bad. I have hours a little fast but I could see somebody. Well, you had to get to the show. An hour. He might have milked it a little bit more if we weren't on a time crunch. Yeah, it's notable but I don't think outrageous. Well, I think you also drank that much so you didn't go to DT's on the way to the concert.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It's a lot. It's a lot. Well, I think he's still drinking even when he goes to the show, right? Because they're offering him some beers. You can't say no to free beer. No. No. Not when you get them.
Starting point is 00:13:58 He was dancing. He was scoping out for groupies, which really was, I'm sorry, at a Whiskey Meyers concert seems to be a lost cause. Really? A lot of dudes? A lot of dudes. Usually the women appeared to be with dudes. It was, like Walt said, we got on the bus.
Starting point is 00:14:17 It was the most groupie free bus I think I've ever seen. You've been on my bus. How many buses have you been on? There's no groupies on there either. How many buses have you been on that you could say, you're like, oh wow, this bus had groupies? Well, I've been on Q's bus. I've been on our Southwest tour. Bruce Campbell's bus. There was no groupies. So you've never been on a bus with groupies?
Starting point is 00:14:39 No. You can't have. Remember years ago, over 10 years ago, we were told the one rule really is you can't have girls on the bus. Really? Yeah, Monster Magnet told us that. No shitting on the bus and you don't like girls on the bus because you can't get them off the bus.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Really? And then problems start. More groupies, more problems. Yeah, it appears to be the way. But yeah, we get them with scoping it out, couldn't find any. And they told me they were like, yeah, it's been a good long time. They're all married or have girlfriends or something. I think when you're hanging around with older guys in a band, it's like all that shit's
Starting point is 00:15:16 behind them. Well, it wouldn't be if it wasn't for social media. If there was and girlfriends weren't finding out, believe me, they'd be rock and roll all the way. Now they could fucking look you up, look up your Instagram, find your fucking girl, direct messages. Forget about it. Their social media ruined everything.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Everything. It really did, didn't it? It ruined this country. It ruined everything. I don't know what it's good for. Except for promoting jokers, I guess. There you everything. I don't know what it's good for. Except for promoting jokers, I guess. There you go, I see plenty of that on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Sure do. Cat photos? Yeah, cat photos, but yeah, I think social media just took the fun out of everything. Yeah. Bummer. What can you do? Did you see, I know you were very excited to see Oasis, announced again, back together after 15 years. I saw a lot of people that were excited.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Way back when you were calling me gay in a parking garage for defending my Oasis CD. I was, yeah. I was like, what is this shit? Like did this come with the car? I had no, oh, I didn't know you were a big Oasis fan. Yeah, I love Oasis. Okay. I just saw Liam in the UK.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Is that a, oh no, you know what I was thinking of? So are they just like Coldplay, just another version of Coldplay? No, no, they're not. They're a little bit more street level. Wow, okay, okay, because they fight with each other. Yeah, they're from Northern England. They're a little bit, you know, this kind of, or when they first started, they were kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:50 Manchester street guys, yeah. And anybody I know that knows them says one thing, one of them's a big dickhead, but they're both like, they're in touch with their, they never lost touch with those roots. Okay. And they, who knows how much? I don't know. So you're excited for this upcoming tour? You're going to be there?
Starting point is 00:17:10 I am an Oasis fan. Yeah, I'm excited. I never had posters of them on the wall. I don't have an Oasis tattoo. Right now, there's an Oasis fan out there sizing me up. I'll tell you right now, you win. But I do like them. You know what I mean? I, and I'm excited to see them. To see. Oh, when I was in Scotland, we were doing a panel and there was a guy with an Oasis shirt and I made a little remark about it and you could tell this guy was like, I couldn't have said too much. Oh, in the UK it's different.
Starting point is 00:17:39 No, it's like a cult over there. You don't want to fuck with that. I would have been collecting my teeth from every corner of the room. What's their big song? Wonderwall is probably their biggest. Okay. Is it Champagne Supernova? Champagne Supernova, Don't Look Back in Anger.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, there's a bunch that you would know if you lived through that period in the 90s. The 90s, right? Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. Yeah, I saw that and my first thought was you and that CD that I was worried about getting stolen in Pittsburgh. Yeah, I was talking to somebody the other day about like all these keys getting stolen
Starting point is 00:18:12 and it reminded me of, we may have talked about it already, but when Sal had that hoopty piece of shit car that he used to drive down to Jersey. Put the club on. And he would put the club on. Yeah. Like in suburban Jersey out of Perkins. Yeah. But like without fail every time. The beautiful thing about Sal is like at first he wasn't doing that for effect. Like it was only when his friends started ripping on him that he started doing it for a fact, but like at first it was a genuine thing.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. I was wondering, do you think, uh, people were too hard on Ray Gun, the Australian Olympic dancer, the break dancer. Now I'm reading just recently that her feelings are hurt. She's feeling pretty bad about everybody making fun of her. I didn't see what everybody's talking about. I heard it's really weird, the break dancing moves. I think it was just very pedestrian, very clunky, not Olympic worthy.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Oh wait, I saw like a gif of it. Right. Where she was like folded out. I mean it didn't look like break dancing moves. It really didn't. She said she has like a PhD or a doctorate in like cultural awareness or cultural movement. Well it's a fucking dance that's going to get started in Brooklyn in the 80s. What the fuck's an Australian?
Starting point is 00:19:26 I think so, yeah. I don't know what you would know about it, but I did think that if you're going to put yourself out on – I wouldn't go out on the world stage really for any reason because I don't have any skill that's worth being on the world stage. That's not true. You don't think so? Maybe not in the Olympics, but – Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I might got something else. Yeah. But it's not break dancing. It's not the Olympics. No. They've dropped it already, right? They're not doing it. Yeah, they're not going to do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:55 How do they even make it into it? Are there other dances that made it to the Olympics? It's like the ribbon dances. Like they dance with those ribbons and shit. Oh, yeah. It's not the same, I know. know, they do those ribbons and shit. Oh yeah. You. It's not the same. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Well, it is, it is the same. And I'm just like, even that I'm just like, how is that an Olympic level sport, like running around with a ribbon? Well, I guess it's the, like the jumping and the form and the flips and all that other shit they do. But they didn't do the tango as an Olympic competition or the Macarena or no. I would like to see the Macarena as an Olympic competition. I would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I mean, when there's other sports that are much more worthy that have never been Olympic sports, I don't see how you can make breakdancing an event. Like if you don't have football in there. Yeah. Which is mind boggling when you have the most. Why don't they have football? I think it's too American, but Canada has been playing football for decades. Well, isn't basketball like.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Basketball is a major American. But isn't that like an American thing? Right, but now other countries have real, I mean, they give America all they can handle because they've, but that's how other countries get better at American football though, by turning it into Olympic sport. Yeah. I saw one team, I think it was the Chinese team, there was a lady, she's like, yeah, there she is, there's Reagan.
Starting point is 00:21:27 She was like seven foot eight or something like that. And it's just like all these really little, I mean, they're Asians, so they're petite in nature. And then you got this seven foot eight woman who's just like, they're just throwing it to her and she's just taking the ball and basically like just laying it in. Okay. Just like just putting it in every single time. And it's like, what are you supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Like as an Olympic team, you're just like, fuck, I'm fucked. You got to make sure you got to get that ball stolen before they can get that pass into her. Yeah. I mean, that's what you got to focus. I mean, it's your only hope. The only thing you can do. Yeah. Is try to pressure them so much coming up, you know, once they inbound the ball.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Full core press every time you just do everything in your power to not let them have an easy lob into her. All right. Now we're watching a regular guy says ray gun ruins. Fantastic. Awesome. That is impressive though. Like the amount of arm strength and wrist strength and coordination,
Starting point is 00:22:21 guys spinning on their heads, guys spinning on one hand. And that appears to be what we're looking at here is a breakdancing competition, which is not the Olympics, right? It's just, that's all right. Now there's Raegun. She looks pretty confident in that one photo. She looks confident in a lot of photos. It's misplaced, I believe.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Now we're looking at a picture of her kicked way back with one foot up and her hands up. She's upset that people are kind of dunking on her? I think so. I think it's run its course for her. I think she's like, all right, all right. Yeah. I mean, look, it looks weird.
Starting point is 00:23:03 What do you think was going to... Okay, here you go. Okay, so now we're watching it. We're watching breakdancing. It doesn't look like breakdancing to me. No. What do I know? I don't have a degree in it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Do you think in any way, shape, or form she had any inkling the night before she does her act or her performance that it's going to go viral and that the whole world is going to be ridiculing it? I don't think so. I think she's going to go viral and that the whole world is going to be ridiculing it. I don't think so. I think she's going to fall under the radar. Nobody gives a crap about break dancing in the Olympics. I just got a free trip to wherever that was, Paris. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I'm going to go do my act. I'm not going to win a medal, but I'm certainly not going to be the focus of the entire internet for months. Right, right. Yeah. Can't say that. And also like I made it like the Australian government had enough confidence in me to send me to the Olympics to represent them.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, blame Australia if you don't like her performance. It really is Australia's fault. That's the best I got, Aussie. Don't blame her. You think she's Australia's top break dancer? How else did she get the gig? How else was she sent? I don't know who she knew, whose niece she might be.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I mean she's doing some break dancing moves. It's not like everything's a fucking disaster. No, but like when she's like doing her spinning moves on the ground and stuff, it's pretty lame. Yeah. Wow. What are you going to do if she's got no friends? Because a friend would have been like, I don't know, Ray Gunn. It's pretty lame. Yeah. Wow. What are you gonna do? She's got no friends.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Cause a friend would have been like, I don't know, Ray Gunn. Maybe lose that little fucking kangaroo thing you're doing or whatever the fuck that is. But you know, what do I know? You can't lose a kangaroo thing. That's her signature move in Australia. Yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah. I guess you're right. I don't know. Yeah, that's that represents her home country. Yeah. Kangaroo step. I guess you're right. I don't know. That's that represents her home country Yeah, I guess well Well, I guess the world is wrong and ray guns, right? You know, yep fuck it. Look man. I made jokers wild I had to live with that
Starting point is 00:25:00 Joker's now I like to look as well. I just I just say that for the joke Yeah, why do you think it just they just don't want to see the jokers. No, I like jokers as well. I just say that for the joke. Yeah. Why do you think they just don't want to see the jokers in a different sort of context? Yeah, I think so. And also, I don't know. We didn't really have the budget or the fucking... They cut our best sketches because they were controversial. In retrospect, you're like, oh yeah, no one was coming down the pike. They did the right thing. Yeah. I'm like, that's, no one was coming down the pike. They did the right thing.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, I'm like, that's probably good that they buried some of them. I had a story if you guys want to talk about it. Somebody on the internet either tweeted me or emailed me it, but I thought it was interesting. I want to get your guys' thoughts on it, but it's confirmation that reincarnation exists. Nice. I have four ads today. So do you want me to read a couple ads and get into the story? A little tease? Let's do a little, that's teasing what this story is going to be after one of the ads.
Starting point is 00:25:58 All right. Reincarnation and confirmation that this is not all there is and that we will be back after this ad. Incognito mode. We all know about incognito mode on your laptop or your computer. There's an incognito mode? Yeah. So they're not like what they're not tracking your history and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Who's that? I guess who would that be? Yeah, so they're not like what – they're not tracking your history and stuff like that. Whose day? I guess – who would that be, Gideon? Who would be tracking? The beast. Okay. Government. The government. Oh, please.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Facebook. Advertisers. I was telling Gideon the other day about his love and his affection for the government is fucking sickening. Is it really? I wasn't aware of this. Oh, my God. Uncle Sam could shit in his mouth and call it fucking chocolate and get him and be like,
Starting point is 00:26:48 best fucking chocolate I ever had, boss. Oh no, he's one of them? Oh my God. It doesn't matter what fucking regime is in. If the government tells him it's true, hook, line, and sinker, he buys it and fucking, and it's gospel. Even my mom isn't like that. She's almost 80. She was born and bred to believe in the
Starting point is 00:27:08 government and everything they're telling you is true. Even she doesn't feel that way anymore. Get it, my God. There is no tin foil in his wardrobe. He believes everything that comes down to Pike that the government issues. Any statement, any press release, nope, it's got to be true. They never lie to me. It's got to be a safe feeling. The government loves you that much and is always looking out for you and always tells you the truth.
Starting point is 00:27:37 What a lovely feeling. Somebody has to love me. The government is like made up of people and you trust people that much? If they love me, yes. But why do you think anybody loves you? Because they're looking out for me. Yeah, they're looking out for me. You mean you and everybody else?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah. So they just love everybody? Yeah. So your opinion of the United States government is they just love everybody? They only do things for the best interest of the people. These people. This is why people want them to talk. Right, but this is honestly what I deal with. the best interests of the people. These people. This is why people want them to talk.
Starting point is 00:28:05 This is honestly what I deal with. He's telling me and I'm telling him, I'm like, dude, they don't give a fuck about you. He is just giving me all these instances why I'm wrong and why the government does look out for us and everything is in our best interest. It's like I've never met a person that wasn't on some level out for themselves. You know what I mean? It's like you think that they are existing and they're working the government they transcend that Yeah, okay, and he's not about a political party. It's not because he's he's this was under Trump
Starting point is 00:28:33 This is under Biden. This was under no matter who's in charge. They love him. Yes He if he gets the memo from the government Of what to do or what not to do. You could bet he's fucking following it lock, stock and barrel. But didn't they put out like, didn't the government put out like health, you know, like how to eat, how not to drink, how to stay in shape? Doesn't the government put out all sorts of like personal health info that they think that you should be doing? Oh, an endorse.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Like get him does not appear to fucking he's drinking beer bongs. I don't think that that's in fucking the government's like I Defy you he's not watching c-span 24-7. He's just getting the the most you know He's just getting his news a little tidbits on Twitter or something, but he's not he's talking about the big information So if I said well, I mean what do you mean? They love you they don't so they love you So I'll just forward you all the health recommendations from the US government and I just expect you'll follow them. Not necessarily, but I know they're looking out for me. That's why they're putting those out. That's the big point they're looking out for. He said one of the, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:39 he said that Big Brother was looking out for him during the pandemic by keeping the liquor stores open so that he wouldn't have the fucking shakes and go into a fucking coma without his beer. Because I was kind of mad that they kept the liquor stores open and he fucking put his finger right in my face and fucking told me how wrong I was. Do you want the hospitals full of all people who need that alcohol every night? Yeah. No, I want to know what's going on that all these people need this much alcohol every night.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Well, you know, I – I mean, are there that many hardcore alcoholics out there that like – Oh, yeah. What? Really? Why is there a liquor store in every corner of every neighborhood? I just thought it was casual drinkers. I don't know really any hardcore drinkers except for Get-Em.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Q sometimes. I think that there is a major alcohol problem in America. Even people who say they just casually drink, I mean, they need it. Yeah. And it would be, yeah, they would have, shit would have been 10 times worse according to Get-Em if they had closed all the liquor stores. People would have been losing their fucking mind. You'd be breaking into the liquor stores.
Starting point is 00:30:46 You know, my mom and sister just recently were, they figured out that you can get this stuff called Prosecco. It's like a champagne or a wine or something off of Instacart. They spent hours figuring it out. That's how badly they didn't want to just go out and get the wine and have it delivered to them. During the pandemic? Not during the pandemic. This is recently.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They need to spend hours figuring out how to get wine they like instead of just going to a store. Instead of just going downtown. I don't know why. Isn't there a liquor store? Like she could spit and hit a liquor store in Highlands? If they were like, hey, let's take a healthy 10-minute walk. To get our what? To get our sangria?
Starting point is 00:31:26 To get our wine. Yeah, or Prosecco. Prosecco. Yeah, that's their drink. And you say you don't know anybody besides Gittum? Gittum and my mother and sister. So far, that's who I got. Yeah, I just can't imagine. I just wouldn't have imagined that the government would be like, hey, we got so many alcoholics out there that if we close down the liquor stores, it's going to be a problem.
Starting point is 00:31:51 You get them, isn't that the case? Yeah. That's why they did it, right? Wow. Yeah. Some hospitals will actually prescribe alcohol if a patient is going in for surgery and they won't be able to drink while they're there so they don't go through like DTs, which can actually kill you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:07 That's a nasty withdrawal from alcohol. It's impossible though. For me, I don't know why, I just don't have the makeup to believe the government at this point. It just feels like they had their chance. Yeah. They had their chance. Yeah. They had their chance. I mean, the list of things that they fucked up is pretty extensive.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I'm sorry. Yeah, it's just white noise now when a politician is talking. I think so. Nobody gives really a fuck, do they? I think people do give a fuck. I think that, you know. Well, there are definitely two teams. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Each team, if you're not on a team, then you don't give a fuck. But each of those teams really give a fuck about their candidate. But then there's people who realize there's only one team. There's only one team. There ain't two teams. It's all the same. It's all the same shit. It's all the same. It's all the same shit. All the same shit
Starting point is 00:33:07 Told by a different fucking set of fat Lion lips just telling you. Yep. That's all it is. Yeah, probably Maybe cynical little bit but realist Now you need ExpressVPN That's why you need ExpressVPN. If you're looking for all your late night activities are still a hundred percent visible to a ton of third parties, even if you're incognito, unless you use ExpressVPN. Without ExpressVPN, these third parties can still see every website you visit, even in
Starting point is 00:33:41 incognito mode, your ISP, your mobile network provider, the administrator of your Wi-Fi network, which could be your school, your boss or your parents. I don't think my parents see my browser history. ExpressVPN reroutes 100% of your traffic through secure encrypted service so third parties can't see your browsing history. It's very easy to use. You fire up the app and click one button to get protected. Works on all devices, phones, laptops, tablets, and more so you can stay private on the go. You know, Q. It's unusual that they would say,
Starting point is 00:34:10 they would make a point to hit, keep it a secret from your parents. That means that this is being peddled to a child then? No. To hide their, well why, what other, I mean, I'm sorry, I don't care what my mom thinks about my internet history. Right, but like let's say you're a teen boy. That's a child.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Well, you know, and you're trying to look, trying to check out a little porn. I would think they would have said spouse before your parents. Well, a lot of kids still live with their parents through their 20s, you know? Is their parents checking up on their browsing history? I don't think so. I doubt it. Yeah, I can see some parents doing that. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Does your dad want to take a look at your internet browsing history? No, and I definitely don't want to look at his. Then you tell me that you have to clean it up sometimes? Yeah. He's- All right, get him. Father like son. Let's not give out any info on your dad.
Starting point is 00:35:14 He's just looking for gals about 50 years older than you're looking at. Gilfs. Now his boss got hit by one of those things where it goes, where it copied his contact history and then sends out emails like, hey, look at these photos of us from like 20 years ago and he clicks on the link and it just instantly, like the whole screen just explodes with pop-ups for porno and crap. Gotcha. Good cover. It's what happens.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Dude, I mean, you got to tell your dad to get ExpressVPN. Especially because all he had to do is press one button. It'll hide his IP address, making it extremely difficult for third parties to track his online activity. And, uh, this is a case, this is a case that, uh, he could use ExpressVPN and not have to, you not have to worry about you coming in and sweeping up his dirtiness. All right. So it's always awkward when your son's got to coming in and sweeping up his dirtiness. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So.
Starting point is 00:36:05 It's always awkward when your son's got to come in and clean up the mess that's on your computer. Yes. Yeah. I was lucky and I really had that issue. You'll never have to worry about it. But there's some out there who are listening right now. At some point, their children would be like, oh my God. I did. The girl I was dating in high school, her father got a porn tape stuck in the VCR and he asked for my help getting it out. I was like, oh, I don't want to be involved
Starting point is 00:36:36 in this. What could I do? I had to help the guy. I was fucking his daughter. I had to do something to help him. Did he ask you not to tell him? Oh yeah. It was a top secret operation. That's very... And it was African themed. Really? Yeah. I remember the label had like... I mean you got to remember this is the 90s.
Starting point is 00:36:57 It had like a cheetah print with a bone on it. You know? And I was like, okay, we're good. But think how desperate he was. He was like, please don't tell the family. Did you keep it? Did you tell the girlfriend? Oh yeah, I kept it. Even from the girl? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:12 That's solid. Yeah, yeah. At least now you waited 30 years to tell her about the podcast. He's been dead at least 10 years, so I think it's okay, yeah. And that's the kind of secrets that you can get from Express Meet the End. But that's a man that's not as honest, like like please you have got to help me get this out for Yeah, before my daughter sees it or even go even go that Oh, you've been to it
Starting point is 00:37:32 He was like he more was like I need help getting this out and it and then we just didn't mention what the tape was But it was crazy cuz like he was kind of a he was kind of like a racist dude And like it was a it was a surprising choice of for to see the genre. Yeah. To see the genre. Yeah. Anyway, uh, protect your online privacy today by visiting express slash T E S D. That's express slash T E S D. And you can get an extra three months free express slash T EE-S-D. Now what do we got next? The only other thing he could have done was he would just have to throw away the VCR.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Throw away the VCR, yeah. Yeah, and be like, it broke. Yeah, maybe he rented the tape though, and he had to get it back to the store. Oh, shit, he probably didn't own it. Yeah. And then did it get eaten, the ribbon, or were you able to get it out intact? I don't recall but I don't recall exactly but I think we got it out
Starting point is 00:38:31 Relative like a little crinkle tape action, but I don't remember so it's possible. He could have returned it and got oh He definitely returned it and was like, I don't know worked when I gave it back. You know, what are you going to do? It must have been my daughter's boyfriend. That little pervert. Next one, our next sponsor needs no introduction. You've seen the ad. You've heard us talk about it a million times. I bet you there's a big part of you pun intended that wants to try it. And what are we talking about? Blue chew. That's right.
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Starting point is 00:39:59 They said that's their mission. I still don't know if that's a good idea. I don't think so either. Bluetooth, not everybody needs to be rock hard. I still don't know if that's a good idea. Yeah, I don't think so either. Not everybody needs to be rock hard. At least they didn't say the whole world because I know there are some nations that do not deserve boners. They have abused their boners for fucking – since the dawn of fucking time.
Starting point is 00:40:17 If there was a just God, he would be like, no boners. No boners in this country anymore. I used to turn people to salt. This will not stop until everyone is bricked up like a brick house, till every tent is pitched, till every rod is raised. Yeah, it's a brick house. Yeah. Discover your options at Bluechew and there's a special deal.
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Starting point is 00:40:56 And I take that back. If there's any nation that deserves to be rock hard, I think it's America. We fucking, we deserve it. All the good we do. Yeah. How fucking just we are. Anytime somebody needs a helping hand, there we do. Yeah. How fucking just we are. Anytime somebody needs a helping hand, there we are. Yeah, we deserve fucking all this.
Starting point is 00:41:09 They love us, we know that much. Yeah. Yeah. If not us. Who? Exactly. Who? Definitely. More than deserving. Walt's story.
Starting point is 00:41:23 So reincarnation, believe it? Any possibility of it? Or do you discount it entirely? Or is there any part of you that... My philosophy has been for a while now that I don't know what the fuck's going on. I never will know what's going on. If I think it's one thing, it's almost definitely not that. So sure, I'm open to the possibility.
Starting point is 00:41:45 It would be an incredibly comforting thought to think that like, hey, we're going to get another shot at this thing called life if we knew that we were all going to come back as a different person. Yeah. But most people don't even realize it, but there are a few special ones who remember their past lives and that's what the story is about. That's nice. There's a boy who claims he is a reincarnated Hollywood actor from the 40s and 50s. He's from Oklahoma and when he was four or five, he began having intense nightmares. He would wake up screaming for his mom and –
Starting point is 00:42:32 Asking to see the Hollywood Reporter. Any variety. Did it do buffo business? What are you saying? He kept telling her, I used to be somebody else. Now this would be, because it's either he's telling the truth or the other, the only other option is that he's having some issues, which is scary and kind of like very alarming if you have a child who… I imagine so. It would be very upsetting. It sounds like mental illness if you don't believe in reincarnation. Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:10 But thankfully, you know his parents took him to a lot of good doctors and the doctors are Befuddled by all the facts that he's getting right about this former life. Mm-hmm down to Things that that he could not fake about getting beat up by Marilyn Monroe's bodyguards. Oh, nice. This is a kid who's- He's got hands. Five years old. He was an actor in the 40s or 50s who died in 1962.
Starting point is 00:43:46 The only movie, I only seen his IDMB account, this actor, only has one movie and it's from like 1930. He remembers dancing with Rita Hayworth. Like what fucking five year old even knows who Rita Hayworth is? Like if you could have, that would just be like, that's it, I'm sold. As soon as he mentions Rita Hayworth, I'd be like... Yeah. Unless he grew up in a house where they were obsessed with the golden age of Hollywood
Starting point is 00:44:13 and he might have heard it around. Otherwise, I think a lot of people today would be like, who the fuck is Rita Hayworth? His name in his previous life was an actor called Marty Martín who died in 1964. Now, again, no, this has to be sad, but also it's sad on one hand, but it's also like confirmation that there is reincarnation. So that is that great aspect of it. But those poor parents though, like they kind of get Rob now out of raising a child because now they're raising a 60 year old actor. What is he just the same person in the body or is he just recalling memories?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Like he seems to just only be talking about his past life. You know, it's not what everybody wants to talk about you know Nobody wants to ask him what is can he dance? Let me get that kid a fucking agent Cuz you can't take in the Disney world cuz he's kind of be like I dance with Rita Hayworth good shit about goofy Right would be very deflating if I was a parent I mean is it getting that serious the kid doesn't like Disney. I don't know. I mean, is it getting that serious? The kid doesn't like Disney? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Brian, you on board yet? I have one fact here that just if you're not on board, this will make you a fucking ... get on the reincarnation train wagon. I'm the kind of person that I'll be watching a procedural trial or something and the defense will present their case. I'm like, he didn't do it. Then the prosecution will come and be like, he did it. I'm swayed by both sides all the time. Aaron Ross Powell You wishy-washy.
Starting point is 00:45:51 David DeWolfe You can't get wishy-washier than me. Aaron Ross Powell Easily led. David DeWolfe Followers me. Aaron Ross Powell What's so great about leading anyway? The court will take a recess. Juror number 12, please do not buy any magic beans while you're out on recess. They're so cheap. It's a deal, Your Honor.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I'm going to go steal a pig that shits gold from a giant. Your laws don't apply to me. You're the government. You're supposed to love me. Well, if you aren't a believer, as of now, wait until you hear this little tidbit. Ryan would often, I didn't want to say the kid's name, but now it's out there. Ryan would often ask his mother for true aid. I want true aid.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I want true aid. And nobody knew what he was talking about until somebody stumbled upon it. It was a defunct brand of orange soda. That went out of production In the 50s get out of here. Let me spend the money bunch of money to bring it back Well now you don't have to worry about all those pesky liquor laws, yeah, you're right True aid.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Fine quinch, true aid. It doesn't have the same ring as that. It's so informative. And then there was a documentary about this kid. To go back to the soda, it was discontinued 50 years before he was born. And then a documentary crew tracked down the actor's daughter and confirmed that her father had a craving for orange soda. And it's not like this guy has a lot of internet footprint.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Sure. There's not a lot of… You can't study up guy has a lot of internet footprint. Sure. Yeah. There's not a lot of- You can't study up on him a lot. Right. I mean, he was in basically one movie, it feels like. One movie. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I have already- Wait, what was his name? Marty- Martin? Marty Martin. Marty Martin. He transitioned from being an actor to a talent agent and one of his clients was Glenn Ford. He died from leukemia and the kid nailed that though too.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Wow. There's a lot of stories about this kid online. Yeah. So far his big movie is Night After Night, 1932. Otherwise, that's the only credit he has in IDMB. The biggest thing about him, like it's not even his career, it's about that there's a 10-year-old kid claiming that that's the biggest thing about this guy's career is in 2023, this kid started saying that he was Marty McFlee.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Marty McFly? Marty McFly? Marty Martin? Marty Martin. So what do you do? I mean, if you, let's say you did, you were the kid's parents, like, what's your first thought? I mean, do you?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Well, the first thing I do is go see his internet search history to see if this kid's been looking up all sorts of Marty Martins. Hopefully he doesn't have ExpressVPN. Yeah. I don't know. Is it ruining this kid's life? Is he himself with flashes of Marty Martin? Is he claiming he just flat out is Marty Martin?
Starting point is 00:49:42 Is this going to be a problem though for him growing up though? Are other kids going to start making fun of him? Oh yeah. Yeah. I would say so. You think so? Because this to me would be too spooky. If there was a kid in our class and he was like, I'm reincarnated from an actor from
Starting point is 00:49:55 1940. Right. Like, I don't want to fuck with this kid. This is too weird. You would definitely steer clear of him, but I think in your quieter moments with friends you'd be like, hey, how about Marty? I might, but I would be very leery of some bad mojo. I mean, this guy's got a connection to the afterlife.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I don't want to be fucking with him. Did they ever address the difference in age? In terms of? If this gentleman, if Marty died in 64. Right. And this kid was four years old in? 2023. 2023.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh, I think you're well beyond time and space when you're talking reincarnation. I would say, yeah, who knows? You think you come back and he dies in 1964. You think in 1965 he's in a new house, a new model? I would think so. Why would you think that? You have no idea how the shit works. So you just, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:48 He was just floating in the theater, man. Who the fuck are you? He's a buddy. It's crazy. He's like, well, that's not how it works. Shouldn't he have been in his new body in the 60s? In high school, my buddy Jay's mom was a psychic. She had like a little booth and stuff. She told me I was JFK reincarnated. How is this something that has not come up?
Starting point is 00:51:13 I think we've said it on the show before. I think it's come up on the show before in passing. Yeah. She claimed I was JFK reincarnated. That could fuck you up. It didn't. I don't think I'm JFK. She just said his spirits. I have his spirit. Did she come on to you? He was a ladies man. No, she didn't. That would have been interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I probably would have welcomed it. But no, yes. She told me a few times senior year that- So it wasn't when you were a little kid. This was high school. And do you just laugh that off? There was part of me that was a little bit like, you know, like-
Starting point is 00:51:44 Because that's a pretty cool person to be. Yeah, part of me that was a little bit like, you know, like, That's a pretty cool person. I mean, I was like, all right. Yeah, it's not like your Wilkes Booth. I don't think I've ever felt like him. You know, I never felt a connection to him in that way. You know, you've had headaches though, right? Maybe that's true.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah, you're right. Yeah. So, you know, I don't know. Wow. JFK sitting right next to us. Could you believe it? For all these years. I know we didn't respect it. You should wear your hat. Yeah, it was rough.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah, but what would you do if you're this parent's kids? Well, for one, I'd bring them to a psychiatrist. This kid's parents. Yeah. I'd bring them to a psychiatrist. I mean, this kid's parents. Yeah. Huh? I bring them to a psychiatrist. I think they have. And the psychiatrists are like, it's kind of spooky. Like, he's got a lot of shit right.
Starting point is 00:52:34 This kid's spooking me out. What could you do? I think your options are limited. It's either get the kid on medication or you just live with this weird... Well, isn't that sad though that you put on medication and he doesn't need it if it's true? But how does it serve him anyway? Let's say it is true.
Starting point is 00:52:52 It's only going to make this kid's life harder. Or it could make it easier. In what way? He's a trained actor. Get into the business. He didn't do that great. He did one fucking movie. Got beat up by a man with no body.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Got him touching his ass in a restaurant or whatever. Doesn't sound like he's that great. It's no JFK, I'll tell you that. Apparently he's gotten so many things right. Are we in Overkill? This is an Overkill episode, eh? I don't know if it was Overkill territory, but there's also – somebody also – some haters online are saying he also got 97 facts wrong, though.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Oh, well, that's a lot. 97? How many did he get right? Well, he picked a photo out of this old book. He's like, that's me. Okay. He didn't remember his name. How many pictures were on the page? That to me is strange though. He goes, he kept saying I'm an actor from the forties, but he didn't know the name. And then told his parents brought him an old Hollywood book and he was looking through it and he goes,
Starting point is 00:53:57 that's me, that's me, that's me. And then they looked up the picture and it was Marty. What was his name? Martin. Where's Marty Martin buried? I mean, I don't know, man. It sounds like the parents are... Yeah, like it's like the... What country is this? Like the balloon boy. Remember that balloon boy that they sent up? Yeah. The Heenies. I mean, I don't know. There's a lot of potential though for some know, some money-making opportunities here though to is there
Starting point is 00:54:25 Oh, yeah, and what way people have been running this for? The entirety of the human race like where's the money coming in from you could get a group of people to believe it And if you put them up there and he had enough facts and he came off as spooky enough Yeah, you would get people to be like, holy shit. It's true I mean you see see these these large crowds of people who go to like a, what's his name, John Edwards? Like something like that. And like, we all know it's fake, but there's some people like, they just want to believe so desperately that they let it overtake their common sense. Does it give you hope, Walt, reading this?
Starting point is 00:55:00 It does. Yeah. I think it's so obscure of a person to pick that it almost has to be lens credibility Yeah, it's not like he's doing JFK, right? He's coming out with an obscure Actor that no one's ever heard of was in one movie and that makes me give pause to like this shit It is very very possible And he started saying this when he how old is he now? He's 10 now He was in 2020. So he's probably like seven right now seven. Yeah Jesus he's gonna have like outdated ideas of like society. It's half the country
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's half the country. I don't want to worry about that. That's covered. Mom, you can't vote. Yeah. Yeah. He's gotten some things wrong. Like he said that his father, Marty Mc... Martin. Martin, his father died when he was a child, but his father actually died only six years before Martin died. So he has gotten a few things wrong, but can you give him a breakdown? I mean, it is kind of like – it's got to be a little fuzzy.
Starting point is 00:56:12 The connection to the past life has got to be difficult to channel. That's the question. It's like how many things did he get right? He got 97 wrong, but if he also got 100 right, that's not a bad batting average if you're talking proof of reincarnation I think you got to be batting a thousand yeah yeah need a thousand as to use this proof true aid orange soda true aid orange soda yeah I know I know but I still think like what soda he likes isn't as important as when his father died. You know, it's a bigger deal.
Starting point is 00:56:48 But it defunct brand 50 years before he was born and he's a little kid. Yeah. It seems like it's either true or he's getting fed by his parents. One of the two. Oh, well, yeah. Yeah. I think it's something like that. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I don't know. I thought. What do I know? Yeah. I literally know nothing. I think it gives, there's some nice warm fuzzy feeling though that there is hope out there that we could be coming back at a certain point. Can I float a theory by you?
Starting point is 00:57:15 As long as it's not as half-assed as Gitem's was. It's not. It's a short story I wrote. God, I don't even know if I could still find it, but it was about a guy who found out that we're all, all of us, every person that ever lived, every person on the planet is God. And the idea that I had written was God was alone in the universe, right, and went insane. So he created all this world and stuff to give him something to do, and he just lives all these different lives.
Starting point is 00:57:45 So it's like me talking to you is essentially you're God, I'm God. We're all the same thing. I just, every time I fucking go through a life, I just purge the memories and then start it over again. So we're all the same person with that memories wiped, just trying to entertain ourselves in an empty universe. So we're all like different chapters in the same book. He's like, literally like time and space doesn't mean anything to him.
Starting point is 00:58:09 He's like, this time I'll be get him. This time I'll be Brian. So you under this storyline, you think that when you leave this room, if you're not in our presence, that we don't exist. No, no, no. He's living out the complete lives. Like he is the time and space doesn't matter. So he's literally everyone. He's living everybody the complete lives. Like he is, the time and space doesn't matter. So he's literally everyone.
Starting point is 00:58:26 He's living everybody's lives concurrently. So you don't believe that like whenever you're doing, if you're not around another person, they don't exist. They only come to life when you are in the process. No, no, no, not at all. Not at all. Well, I don't believe that. This is a short story.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I know, but in your story, yeah. Yeah, he was just like literally like every single one of us is the same person, basically what memory is purged. And we're all, and it's all, we're all just interacting with that, with ourselves because we just lost our shit being alone in the universe. And how'd you come, how'd you come up with, what spawned this? I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:58:59 It was a while ago. It was in my late 20s I came up with it before the fire department ended. But it was like not just that, it was like it was every bird, every fucking blade of grass, everything. That's how massive the time scale is with this dude. He's like, I can live every single living thing on this planet, all interacting with each other. And from a distance, it seems like it's society, it's people, it's humanity, but it's really
Starting point is 00:59:23 just this fucking one. Who's the real, who's the, there's no big one. There's no big one. We're all it. Like you live your life, you die. And then, cause time and space doesn't matter. He's like, well, now I'll be a king in fucking England. So he's like, it's just all this history is just all this one guy.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Was this a horror story or a comedy? It wasn't a comedy It was it was not really a horror but it was like kind of like drama Yeah, I was just writing it out. I was just kind of kind of kind of doing the thing poor. Yeah Yeah, he fucked himself because because he did but like it's it's just it's an interesting theory. I always thought so then why would he want to deal with people who So then why would he want to deal with people who, like, he didn't get along with then? Because he is the people that didn't get along. It's just everything.
Starting point is 01:00:11 He's everything. He's just nuts, man. Okay. Yeah. All right. That makes more sense. He's just nuts. He just lost it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 So he created this planet and just populated it with himself over and over and over and over again because the alternative is just floating in black inky nothingness by himself for all eternity. Yeah, that does sound better than that. Than what? That your version does sound better than floating in black ink. Yeah, so we're all the same person. We're all literally not even kind of the same person. We are the same person having conversations with ourselves just to kill time.
Starting point is 01:00:54 All right. Oh, you don't mean like it's all like just some sort of inbreeding thing? No. We're literally the same person. Yeah. What was that mountain family? The Whitakers. It's all masturbation. It's all masturbatory. Cause even when you fuck someone, you just fucking yourself. There's certain guys you probably wouldn't want to be though. Right? Like you wouldn't want to be Hitler.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You wouldn't want to be Charles Manson. Talk to me when you have unlimited time on your fucking hands. You don't think eventually you're going to be like, I don't know. Why don't I start a cult or why don't I try and kill as many people as I can or why don't I be Jack the Ripper or why don't I be like literally there's no repercussions and you're only victims of yourself. So it doesn't fucking matter. By that theory though, what point does he get to where he's like, you know what I want to be? I'll get them.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Worse than his. Unlimited time. Unlimited time. Eventually. I could be a king. I could him. Worse than Hitler. Unlimited time. I could be a king. He was a king. He was a king a billion times over. What better penance for being Hitler? But Hitler is not a... If all of Hitler's victims are just himself, there's real no evil. There's nothing. It's all just fucking the guy moving himself.
Starting point is 01:02:03 What was the name of the story? Oh, I forget I forget that and I forget the name of the guy who realized it. I Got to get anybody else find out about it. No, he really he gained he for whatever reason whatever Safeguards that this God puts up to prevent himself from real firewalls in the in the brain, right the VPN it was a there was a break in it and it got a glimpse of what it really is. He was kind of freaked out.
Starting point is 01:02:32 So then everybody's out to get him? Well, no, because there's no wrong answers. Nothing you do is right or wrong because nothing really matters. That's anarchy, though, then. Anarchy. Oh, anarchy though then. Anarchy. Sure. So they would want to silence him. Like a Logan drone all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:02:52 It doesn't make a difference at all. They don't care whether they silence him or not. Who cares? Who's going to believe him? Much like this kid Ryan in Colorado. No, fucking not. Now look at that. What's more real? You don't even have have true AIDS to fall back on in your story. Well, in my story, the guy was also the guy that created true aid and every single person that drank true aid.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Okay. You know? It's everything. He's everything. He's the bees. He's everything. That's how bored this motherfucking guy is. Let me come back as a fucking platypus You do all even comes back as the animal everything every form of nobody Nobody would choose to come back as certain animals though, you know, like those fucking mollusks or those worms that eat shit No one's gonna be like well, you know what? I was fucking I'm bored I was I was Tom Jones in his last life now. I'm gonna come back and eat shit as a slug. Yeah That Tom Jones is fucking and it's cheering with is just you There is no good or bad Jones is hot. Sure, but you're telling you also the girl that's throwing your panties at him
Starting point is 01:04:07 You're the guy who made the panties. You're the guy backstage running the spotlight. You're everybody. That'd be cool. It would be cool. To find out that you and I are literally, Walter, the same person. The same person. It would be cool, yes, but it would also be like the realization that also that other motherfucker out there that you're like, oh God, I'm also him too. Yeah. Hey guys. You got another ad? I got two more, unfortunately. Let me read this. Hey guys.
Starting point is 01:04:36 PrizePix, how to play. Yeah. How to play. PrizePix is America's number one daily fantasy sports app with over five million active members. Prize Picks is the easiest, the most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. Unlike other apps, unlike other apps on Prize Picks, it's just more like you against the numbers. And all you have to do is pick more or less on a two to six player stat projection and watch the winnings roll in. Get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks community.
Starting point is 01:05:10 So, Walt, you're probably going to know this kind of stuff. Do you think Tyreek Hill will get more than 90.5 yards in week one? I absolutely do. Aaron Jones run for more than 66.5 yards? No. No? Oh, okay. Cook up hot takes with your friends and win real money this football season when you and
Starting point is 01:05:28 your crew run your games on prize picks. Wait a minute, am I ever responsible for that if people lose money? I don't think so. Yeah, you might be held accountable. I sue the guys for that crypto stuff. I really don't know anything about Tyree Kell or Aaron Jones. Don't hold me responsible if you lose a mortgage payment. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Walt's pick's not applicable. Preseason football is underway, but you can also pick more or less on the 2024 season stats on prize picks. Will Patrick Mahomes throw for more or less than 4,300 yards? I think more. More, you think? Yeah. Are you sure you want to commit?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Last time you failed. I know. I know. It's so tempting because he is the be all end all. He's the greatest quarterback. It pains me to say it, but he is better than Tom Brady. Whoa, really? I think he is.
Starting point is 01:06:14 When it's all said and done, he is going to be the – he will stand alone at the top of the quarterback mountain. Whoa. Tom Brady will be right there, like a little bit notch below, but this guy's not there yet. He's well on his way, man. There is no stop in this guy. It feels like he is on a collision course with history, but he's not there yet.
Starting point is 01:06:34 He's not there yet. Part of the thing that Brady possessed is that focus and dedication. This guy might still falter. He might not have it. Yeah, there's always a chance. He's caught in a hotel room in Vegas. You don't know. This guy might still falter. He might not have it. Yeah. There's always a chance. He might be caught in a hotel room in Vegas. You don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:46 You really don't hear much about his dancing brother anymore. Yeah. He kind of quieted that shit down. It's like, yo, asshole. You're saying about me, you're going to fuck this up. Yeah. I've never seen anything like this, especially right out of the gate. This guy was amazing day one.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Tom Brady became Tom Brady probably only. He won Super Bowls but he wasn't a dominant quarterback until at least five years it took him. This guy is just … He's just right out of the gate. Yeah. He's nuts. It's like mental how good he is. Wow. Nice. I just wish that he was on the Lions or a team team I liked. It just fucking sucks that when you have a generational quarterback and it's never on the team I like.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Sorry bud. It bums me out. It's still time. For me? Yeah. I don't know. I think my time is dwindling. Well, everybody's time is dwindling. Trevor Burrus The clock is ticking for me to see my team win a Super Bowl.
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Starting point is 01:08:20 yeah. That's a super local reference, man. Yeah, I know what super local reference, man. Yeah, I know who he knows who he's talking about. It was the station WPIX in New York, Tri-State area, I guess. And, which, PIX is still around, but they used to have this thing where you could call in at certain hours and there were games. Like right after school. Yeah, and there was one game that, the more you said the word PIX, right? It was like, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX,
Starting point is 01:08:43 PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX, PIX It was like picks, picks, picks, picks, picks. Space shooting spaceship. Yeah. If the ship went into the circle in the middle of the screen, if you said picks, it would blow up and you could win prizes. So you'd be there on your phone going picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, man. There's got to be video. It's got to be on YouTube. Yeah. Look up, see if there's YouTube. It's P-I-X.
Starting point is 01:09:02 While you're doing that, get them. I'm going to read our last ad, which I know Q loves. Warmer, sunnier days are calling. Fuel them up with factors. No prep, no mess meals. I had a factor yesterday. Meet your wellness goals in time for summer. Thanks to the menu of chef crafted meals with options like calorie smart, protein plus and keto factor freshness, never frozen meals are dietician approved
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Starting point is 01:10:29 That's it. Yep. So right now we're watching the old picks game that was on channel 11 after school. This is the one I remember like firing. Wow. This is the one I remember like firing. Wow. Your games have come a long way. Long way. I don't know if they're more fun though.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Shit. What year do you think this like early eighties? Mid eighties? Yeah, you're probably eighties. Eight. It had to be eighties for me anyway. Picks, picks, picks. That's, that's what I remember from that is the picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, picks, picks. That's, that's what I remember from that is the
Starting point is 01:11:05 picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, picks, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick,
Starting point is 01:11:09 pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick,
Starting point is 01:11:10 pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick Look at this. What a job. What a gig, huh? It sounds like he's talking over a CB.
Starting point is 01:11:37 It does, yeah. The Marble Man. We'll be back to play more TV picks and have some more winners, but now it's time to return to the Marble Men. The Marble Men. Nice. I don't know what that was. The Marble Men. There's a Spider-Man. Oh, so it must have been the block of those old 60s cartoons.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Yeah. Yeah. It's a Hulk, Captain America, Thor. Those are very limited animations. Awesome. Were you, when you went home from school and you were a kid, were you a go home and watch TV kid or were you a go outside, ride your bike? Probably go outside a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Yeah, probably go outside. I did remember liking MTV quite a bit when they played music videos. Because remember back then, it was real no access to the music. You had to wait for songs to come on the radio, wait for songs to come on MTV and stuff like that. It was fun to have them. It was different back then. That was your only access to it.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I remember MTV being cool, but I liked being outside. The winter was different. What about you? I was outdoorsy, light a bike riding, basketball playing, that kind of stuff. Unless it was a good stretch on the 430 movie that week, if it was Monster Week or something like that, then I would stay in. And also winter, fuck it. I hated going outside in the winter.
Starting point is 01:12:59 The Monster movies, the Godzilla and stuff like that, because we would go see my grandparents every weekend. Every weekend Saturday, Sunday, we would go see my grandparents every weekend. Every weekend Saturday Sunday was spent with my grandparents. So we would put on channel 11 and watch like the Godzilla movies and stuff like that. And you know, because you weren't home, you didn't have all your toys and shit like that. You were with your cousins. So that's how I got into all that stuff. It was the best man. Different. Yeah, it's all different. It's all different. We're dinosaurs. Begs, begs, begs, begs, begs. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Got anything else Walt? No, basically I'm on vacation. Next week. No, I started my vacation yesterday. Oh did you? Yeah. You're here working. I know.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Yeah, I forgot that we're meeting. Working vacation? Oh did you? Yeah. You're here working. I know. Yeah. I forgot that we're reading. Working vacation. Oh, did you? Yeah. That's the one I remember. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Yeah, I see that one too. Yeah, I don't know. I know there's some level of a Broadway show on the ship. Oh, nice. Do you know which one? Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. It's a Broadway adaption of Sary and I Fever. Oh, that'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:14:08 How fucking cool is that? Yeah, that'll be fun. We lucked out. Because sometimes we've seen some shows on the ship that you're kind of like no interest. But this one really- Trust me, I've been in IJ Cruises. I know what you're talking about. Well, this one too, it's like, you know, they're putting the
Starting point is 01:14:25 cast members like in the nightclub scenes. They're not putting ugly cast members in those fucking 70s scenes and those 70s dresses. So that sounds like a fun watch for the middle of the year. I might see that multiple times if it's good, but I'm looking forward to that. I mean, we're not going anywhere exotic. I mean, we're going to Boston, New Hampshire, Nova Scotia. Beautiful. But it's not that tropical kind of like island. No, you're not going on a beach either way. So who cares? But I did go on a beach. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah. When I went out on my other cruises, I suffered. Crabapple poisoning. Yeah, I got the apple poisoning. Well, this sounds like great. I mean, Boston's a great fucking town. Yeah, I've been to Boston. It's nice. Yeah. You're going've been to Boston. It's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 You got to go to Cheers? Check it out. I went to Cheers at another location in New Jersey down in... Yeah, this is like... Down by Wildwood. Yeah. Or what's that called down there? All the way down there?
Starting point is 01:15:19 Cape May. Cape May. There's a Cheers bar. It's called Cheers. It doesn't look anything like Cheers. Yeah. I'm not sure how they get away with calling it Cheers. It's paying for the rights to call it Cheers. Well, the one in Boston, the top level, the original restaurant doesn't look anything like it. They put a recreation in the basement. Now you go down the stairs and you go into Cheers.
Starting point is 01:15:39 But you can't eat there or drink there? No, I think you can. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. It depends. It depends. It depends how close it is to port because I get off the boat and then I can only go to a certain area. I don't know if I'd get an Uber for the Cheers Bar.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't know. Maybe. All right. Well, there's more to do in Boston than just the Cheers Bar. You have a good aquarium. I know if you're into aquariums. Yeah, I would go see an aquarium. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I don't know what I'm going to do. Yeah. Nova Scotia is a tough one It's, canadia. Yeah, what are you gonna do up there? What do they have up there? I think it's a lot of wildlife. Oh, that's nice. Yeah Oh wow, I thought the fires would be involved no no just me and my wife what happened she's hoping to see a whale Was it ever discussed that they would go? Yeah. No. Oh wow. So everything so yeah, everything's perfect They got a dog. They can't get away now
Starting point is 01:16:34 But yeah, this cruise was It's been years in the making because I've had to cancel one time and so there's been a lot of like things that I've Blockades in the way of getting on this cruise finished. So hopefully this one goes off without a hitch. So I have that nagging feeling that we're not going to make it through the nine days. Why? I got this premonition.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Really? Good way or a bad way? A bad way that we're going to have to get off the boat and get a rent a car and come home. I don't know why, but it just got this feeling. Hopefully that doesn't happen. Hopefully that doesn't happen. But boy, every day it gets closer.
Starting point is 01:17:10 I feel I got this feeling that we're not going to see the nine days on the boat. We're going to come home early. Hopefully it doesn't happen though. Hmm. Yeah, man. What a bummer. Don't bring that up. No, I'm not going to mention it.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Keep that on the down low. Wow, nine days. Nine days, yeah. Wow. Do you have excursions planned like for the new discussion? Oh yeah, yeah. We got all the excursions. My wife did all the excursions. I don't know anything about them until the night before and then she tells me what we're doing. It's nice. Yeah, it'll be cool. It'll be fun. It'll be nice to just unplug Q-style, aggressively unplug. Aggressively unplug, man. That's the way you got to do it.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Yeah, so next week, so definitely, so next week they'll either be the space monkeys or nothing. One of the two. Yeah. Cool. Is that it? I guess so, man. Have fun on the trip, man.
Starting point is 01:18:03 That's pretty cool. Thank you. Have right. Cool. Is that it? I guess so, man. Have fun on the trip, man. That's pretty cool. Have a good trip. Tell him, Steve.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Dave.

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