Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin - Dr. Joe Dispenza

Episode Date: May 17, 2023

Dr. Joe Dispenza Dr. Joe Dispenza is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the most sought-after speakers in the world. His expertise is the intersection of the fields of neuroscience, epigen...etics, and quantum physics. His books include You are the Placebo, Becoming Supernatural, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, and Evolve Your Brain. ------- Thank you to the sponsors that fuel our podcast and our team: House of Macadamias https://www.houseofmacadamias.com/tetra Get a free box of Dry Roasted Namibian Sea Salt Macadamias + 20% off Your Order With Code TETRA HVMN Ketone-IQ https://hvmn.me/TETRA Use code TETRA for 20% off at checkout  Leisure Craft Saunas https://leisurecraft.com/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tetragramatine. Okay, okay, so when I was a kid, I loved fevers. Having a fever. Having a fever for me was really, really being in the crucible. It was something where my body would change its physiology, its temperature. My brain chemistry must have changed and I got super lucid. You know, out of body, very interdimensional and I remember very specifically, intentionally not taking the aspirins in the medications
Starting point is 00:00:57 when my parents came in and said, you have a fever, I would intentionally not take them so that I could have these mystical moments. And some of them really had to do with being aware that I wasn't the guy that I thought I was. There were other aspects of me that existed simultaneously. And I kind of put that as just a dream that was a lucid experience fast forward to my life now. I actually think those are truly other dimensions that we have access to and to live in.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Those mystical moments really, that are transcendental of space and time. I would have never thought that as a kid, but my experience now is that I actually believe it's the the truth. I never thought of this before you said that. That I think of fevers as a natural reaction in the body to fight something that's going on. And I never thought of the mental aspect of it as maybe having some purpose. But now hearing you say that I wonder,
Starting point is 00:02:05 is that part of the genius of the way the human works is that we can see things when we have a fever that we can't see otherwise. Interesting. I think that may be the truth. I used to call them fever dreams. Yeah. And I know so many musicians who've written their best songs,
Starting point is 00:02:24 Willie Nelson wrote three of his best songs with 105 fever in one dreams. And I know so many musicians who've written their best songs, Willie Nelson wrote three of his best songs with 105 fever in one day. Yeah, I totally get that. Yeah, amazing, amazing. And so I'm just thinking, it'd be interesting to look into what it could be, what is it telling us? And again, never thought about it before. I thought about the fact that it happens,
Starting point is 00:02:47 but I never thought about, oh, this might actually be an intentional thing. This is a feature not a bug. Yeah, yeah. And what is the latent system in the brain? Yes. What is that latent system that's, that once activated, opens the door to other dimensions
Starting point is 00:03:04 that there must be some brain chemistry change, there must be some change in mind, there must be some suppression of certain common neural activity. Yes. And I really, let's go, let's talk about this. When we look at our functional brain scans of people that are in the midst of a lucid moment, a mystical experience, let's just call that that. You have different brain waves, right?
Starting point is 00:03:34 And we're just kind of interacting and we're talking right now and we're in beta brain wave patterns. You know, the brain's got to create meaning and order between what's going on in our inner world and what's going on in our outer world. And there's a lot of sensory information that the brain has to integrate. And so the meaning between the inner and the outer world through our senses causes our brain to have a certain level of awareness. And that's called beta.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You get kind of dreaming. You get kind of imaginative. You kind of relax a little bit. And kind of the voice in your head stops talking to you that default. And the brain kind of sees in pictures and images. It's an imaginary state and that's alpha. And so that's when our inner world is a little bit more real than our outer world. So in beta, our outer world tends to be more real. And that's a good place to be when you want to learn, when you want to create. But we've discovered that when people really can get super, super relaxed, to the point
Starting point is 00:04:29 where their body is resting in a light sleep. It's kind of a sleep, but the person's conscious and awake, that's theta. And theta is a very little activity in the thinking brain. So the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind opens wide open. And what separates that is the analytical mind, and that's where you can reprogram something, right? Because the doors are open now. So in Theta, you're in a hypnotic state and you're suggestible to information.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So suggestibility is your ability to accept, believe, and surrender to information without analyzing it. And you think it's the truth. And it actually programs that autonomic nervous system, that automatic system, to make a pharmacy of chemicals that support the very thought that you're thinking. So when theta, then, in that hypnotic state, hypnotists can program people to do certain things,
Starting point is 00:05:18 because they're actually in that very suggestible state. What we discover, though, is that when people can get into the state where they're relaxed in their heart, it's the best way that I can describe this. And the body feels safe enough that it can move out of the moment of survival where it's always trying to anticipate the next moment based on the past that it's preoccupied, that if the person can really relax into that present moment, the body starts feeling really rested and starts to trust. And the person's eyes are closed and there's music filling the space.
Starting point is 00:05:53 They forgot about the person sitting next to them, they forgot about the pain in their back. And they take their attention off of everything physical and material. And they begin to just open up to energy, to frequency, and become kind of a level of awareness that's transcendental of anything material and physical. We would say we are pure consciousness. There's only one other place information can come from when it's not coming through your senses, and that's from this field of information. So to answer your question, we started seeing the brain going to these super arous states. And the arousal wasn't pain. The arousal wasn't fear. The arousal was an anger or aggression. The arousal was ecstasy. And the autonomic nervous system, right there, we're talking about a fever now. That area of the brain is extremely hot, and it moves into these very, very elegant,
Starting point is 00:06:54 very high states of gamma brainwave patterns. It's not a little gamma, not a lot of gamma, not a whole lot of gamma, a supernatural amount of gamma. The whole autonomic nervous system is oscillating at a very, very fast coherent frequency. And like tuning fork, the autonomic nervous system starts moving into resonance and to order. And somehow a latent system in the brain opens up and now that person is like a radio receiver. They're transducing information from the field into profound imagery and epiphany, a
Starting point is 00:07:30 download and understanding of vision. Some integration happens in that moment and they're in a world that tends to be more real than they're out of world than they're having a full on sensory experience without their senses. And that subjective experience being captured objectively in the amount of energy in the autonomic nervous system, not only the amount of energy, but the amount of order the autonomic nervous system
Starting point is 00:07:54 is touching every single cell in the body. And so now the nervous system is sending coherent information to all the cells in the body. And that feels like love, that feels like access to, that feels like bliss. So in a sense, the way the fever occurs when a person's in that heightened state where the autonomic narcissism is really hot, and the body's really hot, I think it mimics that kind of state where a person can really start connecting to information that's
Starting point is 00:08:21 beyond their senses, that they're in that world of half awake and half asleep. They're in that place where the doors wide open. Is this different than the dream state in sleep? Yeah. Yeah. You see the gamma brainwave patterns and the person is extremely awakened, like the arousal that's producing that feeling, the vexacy of bliss, is actually causing the put all of their attention on whatever is going on in their mind, you know. And so, in a sense, their inward experience is rewriting circuitry in the brain. And the end product of an experience is an emotion, but the emotion isn't the emotions we're typically used to.
Starting point is 00:09:07 This is order, this is coherence. The best way to describe it is love or pure love or excess of your bliss or whatever you want to call that. And so when the person comes back, I believe, to three-dimensional reality, their spectrum of what they perceive is broad. And we don't see things how they are. We see things how they are, we see things how we are. Right? And so now their brain is wired actually to perceive a little bit more of reality,
Starting point is 00:09:30 a little bit more beauty in reality, a little bit some veil, some conditioning, some illusion. So the outside, the outside isn't changing, we can just see it better, We can see it more clearly and some of our self-talk or story is removed to get closer to heaven on earth. Yeah, and so the person who's had a turbulent past that has been abused, that has had series of traumas in their life, and those emotions cause them to remember their past, in that moment, the body is feeling so amazing that it's literally dragging the body right out of the past to the person that somehow has some type of upgrade in their biology, some type of transformation, some type of healing, some type of, the story is no longer the same story. They're not telling that story because the
Starting point is 00:10:26 emotion has been removed. They see it from wisdom. They look back at their past and they say, I actually don't want to change anything in my past. I would have never got to this moment if I didn't have those experiences. And so there's a forgiveness that takes place from the past. And now I think the person starts really, really seeing a greater aspect of reality. Are the memories held in the body? Oh, okay, let's talk. Oh, I'd love to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Okay, so the stronger the emotion, that we feel to some problem, some condition, some experience in our life, the more altered we feel inside of us, the more we're changed, that change in our emotional state captures the brain's entire attention. And we start paying attention to whatever it is in our outer world that's causing us to feel that way. We get a very narrow focus. And you get a very narrow focus. And the brain actually takes a snapshot, and that's called the long-term memory. And so then people think neurologically within the experience,
Starting point is 00:11:35 and they feel chemically within the boundaries of that emotion, how you think and how you feel creates your state of being. Now, the problem is, is that information I was wired in a brain, but every time they remember the event, every time they review the experience, they're producing the same chemistry and their brain and body as if the event was occurring. So their bodies reliving the past experience 100 times in one day, okay? So take a thought and a feeling, take an image, a memory and a motion,
Starting point is 00:12:11 take a stimulus and response, and now you're conditioning the body to actually live in that emotional state 24 hours a day. Now the trauma's not just in the brain, the trauma's actually in the body, and the body is the unconscious mind, it's the objective mind, it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that that person is fabricating by memory and by thought alone and the body is believing it's living in that same life over and over again, so now what's the relevance of that?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Well, the epigenetic model of reality says the environment signals the gene, okay? If the unproduct of an experience in the environment is in emotion, as long as that person is living by the same emotional state, they're signaling the same genes in the same way, because the body is believing it's living in the same environment. Genes make proteins. Proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body. The expression of proteins is the expression of life. Somehow they could actually probably down-regulate certain set of gene expressions that cause
Starting point is 00:13:16 them to head to a genetic destiny. So the question is, okay, how about that person who hits the rock bottom? And now nothing in their life is making that feeling go away. No drug, no, no, no, sports car, no vacation, no wardrobe is making that feeling go away. And this is that kind of moment of reckoning where you actually start looking at yourself. You start observing who you are, right? So, if that thought and that feeling, that image and that emotion, that stimulus and response
Starting point is 00:13:50 is conditioning the mind and body to live in the past, is it possible then to be defined by a vision of the future? And begin to fall in love with that vision of the future to such a degree that your body is so objective that it's believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment, and could you signal new genes in new ways to change your body and time could you stop down regulating certain genes in the body and start up regulating genes into a new body. And our data shows that that's absolutely possible. Amazing. It's amazing. And even worse than the personal bad event in our society that
Starting point is 00:14:32 can trigger us in that way, because our species has been around for millions of years, we can react to someone insulting us like we're being chased by a lion. You know, it's like the life and death aspect is, so we have oversized reactions to lesser stimuli in our world. Yeah, what was once adaptive? If you were being chased by two racks, that was really adaptive. Yes. Has now become very maladaptive. Because when you turn on that response and you can't turn it off, and living in emergency
Starting point is 00:15:09 for that next tent of time, no organism can live in emergency. You're tapping all the body's vital resources. And so in time, then keep our bodies knocked out of homeostasis, knocked out of balance, because that's what stress is. And so the default is always prepare for the worst. Now, think about this. If you're preparing for the worst, you're imagining the worst case scenario in your mind, and you're actually feeling the angst, the fear, the worry as if it was occurring.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And that thought and feeling that stimulus and response is actually conditioning the body to become the mind of anxiety. Keep doing that over time and you'll program it subconsciously and you'll have a panic attack. Try as you made a control it with your conscious mind. You can't. Your program did subconsciously. So the problem with this is that the arousal of those hormones become very addictive. There are rush of adrenaline that causes us to go on alert to get ready to pay attention to get stimulated in some way. And so then I think people start to look for the problems and conditions in their life to reaffirm their addiction to that emotion. They need an enemy to feel hatred. They need something in their life to feel judgment,
Starting point is 00:16:26 and if their enemy died, well, it's just easy just to find another one, because it's really the feeling that's keeping them. So, we become, we become, in a sense, addicted to the life we don't even like. And so then, because of the size of the neocortex in the human brain, we can make thought more real than anything else. The frontal lobe does that. So we can turn on that stress response just by thought alone. Now if those chemicals are addictive, and you can turn on that stress response just by thought alone,
Starting point is 00:16:58 you can become addicted to your own thoughts. And it's a scientific fact that the long-term effects of the hormones of stress down-regulate genes and create disease. So that means that our thoughts could literally make us sick. So the fundamental question is if our thoughts could make us sick, is it possible our thoughts could make us well? Why not?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah. I mean, they could make us sick, why not? Yeah, of course. And the belief in that has to come with information. And you have to reason with that. You just can't say, I'm going to think positively. And I hope my disease will go away. This is changing everything.
Starting point is 00:17:35 This is changing more than just that. So then say you're not going to complain. Say you're not going to make excuses. Say you're not going to feel sorry for yourself. Say you're not going to make excuses. Say you're not going to feel sorry for yourself. Say you're not going to judge others. Have that intention. First two hours goes really well, but the body has been conditioned into the familiar past, into the known. And it's the mind. And it starts influencing the brain saying, Hey, you've got the perfect reason to judge this person. Or tomorrow is a better day to start, or this doesn't feel right.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You respond to that thought as if it's the truth, it leads to the same choice, leads to the same behavior, creates the same experience, produces that same familiar emotion, and you say, this feels right. What's interesting about this is when I hear you talk about it, it sounds like this is for a small group of people who have terrible problems, but what I'm hearing is this is the default position of most people in society. This is how we live. You're describing how we live.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yeah, that's 70% of the time we live. So we really have two options then. Rick, we could live in survival, we could live in creation. Now, when you're in stress, in you're in survival, it's not a time to create. It's not a time to learn. It's not a time to open your heart. It's not a time to be vulnerable. It's not a time to trust. You're protecting. Yeah, you're in the protective mode and it's time to run, fight and hide. So the best way to divide people is to keep them in survival and keep them in stress because you just don't trust in that state. So then,
Starting point is 00:19:10 okay, so what does it take to break an addiction? Addiction is something you think you can't stop. Or you're doing something and you know it's not good for you and you're doing it anyway, right? Yeah, or you might not know you're doing it. And I think in most people's cases, they don't know this is what they're doing. Yeah. So then now you decide I'm not gonna be this way, but the 95% of who we are by the time when the middle of our life is a set of hard, wired thoughts and beliefs and perceptions, automatic habits and behaviors and those emotions that we've become addicted to
Starting point is 00:19:43 that keep us in the familiar past. So now you can use 5% of your conscious mind to go against 95% of that default that's automatic because you thought the same way. You made the same choices. You did the same things. You created the same experiences. You live by the same familiar feelings and emotions every single thing. Your life should stay the same because you're staying the same. And nothing changes in our life till we change, right? So it just turns out that disentangling from those programs takes an enormous amount of awareness, and it takes an enormous amount of energy because just like craving any addiction, you have to be greater than your body, and that's what change means.
Starting point is 00:20:23 to be greater than your body, and that's what change means. To be greater than those familiar emotions that keep us anchored to the past, and by the way, when we feel those emotions, it causes us to remember the past, and the research hunt and brain function, and memory says 50% of that narrative, that story you tell isn't even the truth. You're making stuff up, and people are reliving a miserable life they never even had. Just to reaffirm the fact that the problem in their life they had to embellish to say how difficult it is for them to change. And so it makes sense then that if a person wakes up and runs through the same routine
Starting point is 00:21:03 and I have no problem with routines, I have routines that I love to do that bring me joy. But if the routine is reaching for yourself first thing you do, and the one that's 86% of the Western world, and then going through the same routine behaviors that you always do, and you keep doing that over and over again. A habit is redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts, behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition. You do something long enough. I happen to know when your body knows how to do it better than your conscious mind. Now, here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Now, your program then to predictable future based on what you did in the past and the body on autopilot like that, programmed into that future. the body is dragging the mind into that future based on what they have done in the past and We lose our free will to a set of programs and so if the familiar past is the known and the predictable future is a known There's only one place where the unknown exists and that's the sweet spot of that present moment and and to change then Is to be greater than the body as the mind conditioned emotionally into the past and habituated into that future. You gotta, in order to change,
Starting point is 00:22:11 you gotta get greater than that in order for you to begin to produce some type of change in your biology. So it starts by getting into the present moment, being in the present moment without the baggage or the past, and then when you're in that state, you can plant a seed for the future that you want to bring forward. Right. Because otherwise, how could you create something new from the known? Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It just can't exist. So the person sits down to do their inner work and the moment they close the rise, they start getting frustrated. And they start getting angry, they start getting impatient. And they start self-dou start getting impatient, and they start self-doubting, and then they listen to the voice, I can't do this. Because that's what the emotion is, driving the person to get back to the known, get back to the familiar, you know, the safety there, the unknown you can't predict it, right? So people give up on themselves and we're actually curious to see what happens when you actually go past that point. Yes. When you settle the body back down into the present moment, it's a rouse, all its frustration.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You tell it's no longer the mind. And you take your attention off that person or that problem or that memory or that thought and you are curious what's beyond that thought. That's the unknown. And the act of doing that over and over again is like training the animal. It's like taming beast, right? And the person says they're sitting there and they're working and all of a sudden they start thinking, oh my God, I got so many emails and doing so many places, we all know,
Starting point is 00:23:35 there's so many things to do. And most people get up and say, I'm too busy to do the inner work. Okay, well, what if you caught yourself and you executed a wheel that was greater than that program and settled the body back into the present moment and showed it that in the unknown, it's not scary, that not being certain, that it's unpredictable, it's actually cool to be there. And you keep working with your body like this, like training an animal. Every time you do that, that's a victory.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And sooner or later, the body surrenders to a new mind and when it does, there's an enormous liberation of energy. We go from particle to wave, we go from manner to energy, and literally we are freeing the body from the chains of the known. And the person then, relaxing into the unknown and realizing nothing, scary is going to happen to them. No, it actually feels good. It feels amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:24 And energy moves, we see this, so much of our data, energy moves right into the heart, and once it makes it to the heart, we know exactly where it's going. It's going right to the brain. And the heart acts as a creative center and it's informing the brain that it's safe to create again. The brain goes right into these beautiful coherent alpha brain
Starting point is 00:24:46 wave patterns and the heart is the creative center and it's saying think of a new possibility. Become aware or notice something that you're unaware of and see it as a possibility that you maybe actually want to experience in your future and of the thought in your mind becomes the experience in that imaginary state, you start to feel the emotion of your future before it happens, and you're giving your body a sampling of taste of the future. Keep doing that every single day, marrying that image in that emotion that thought in the feelings, the most in response, you could actually condition the body,
Starting point is 00:25:19 become the mind of the emotion of the future. Now, you wouldn't be waiting for your healing to feel grateful. You wouldn't be waiting for your new relationship to feel love. You wouldn't be waiting for your success to feel empowered or your wealth to feel abundant or mystical moment to feel awe. That would be living by cause and effect. This is really you causing an effect.
Starting point is 00:25:40 The moment you start feeling grateful, your healing begins. At the moment, we start feeling abundant, we begins, right? The moment we start feeling abundant, we're generating wealth, the moment we feel empowered, we're connecting to a future. The moment we're in love with life, we're in love with ourselves, we create people in our lives that way.
Starting point is 00:25:55 The moment we're in awe of life, we're going to have a mystical moment, you know, and that's causing an effect. So then you get up from doing that, then the creator of your life should see evidence in those synchronicities, and those serendipities, and those coincidences and those opportunities,
Starting point is 00:26:14 so you nod your head and something innate and you wake awakens and says, I actually am a creator of my life. I forgot, I'm too busy believing that I'm the victim of my life. Now, I actually, oh my God, I'm actually believing that I created some of this. Well, now it's no longer work.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Now it's fun. Now you do it because you want to measure the effects of you at cause. And how long can we maintain this state of being our entire day independent of the conditions going on our life independent of the needs and emotional addictions and habits of the body independent of time our life, and the pendant of the needs, and the emotional addictions, and habits of the body, and the pendant of time. Practice that as an experiment,
Starting point is 00:26:49 and you should see things coming to you in your life in a known way. And that's the mystery, right? That's where it gets fun. Ketone IQ, a drinkable dose of ketones, discover more physical and mental potential. Discover ketosis without fasting. Ketones improve metabolic health and appetite control. It's used by top performers for gentle, long-lasting energy. ketone IQ
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Starting point is 00:29:54 So our goal is to reprogram ourselves to get past the old programming that we didn't sign up for. We didn't sign up for, we didn't program ourselves intentionally before. We made up stories based on, I feel bad, so it must be because of this, we make up a story to explain it, and then we live with this false belief that this is what's causing our pain
Starting point is 00:30:23 when we can really think our way out of it. Sure. Well, two things. First of all, I think that's a default. I think that's built in. I think we're programmed to be victims in our life. You say to someone, why are you feeling this way? Why are you acting this way? They'll say, I am this way because of that person, that circumstance, that condition in my life. What they're really saying is that circumstance, that condition, that person is actually controlling their feelings and thoughts and anything that controls our feelings or thoughts or anything that controls us, we are victim to.
Starting point is 00:31:00 So when things are good, we feel good. When things are bad, we feel good. And when things are bad, you feel bad. And so just, there's a lot of agreement in the program of being a victim, that something or someone is doing it to us. And so you can make an excuse, you can blame, you can complain. It all makes sense for people who are living by that same energy, that same emotional state that will share the same information, because they're feeling the same emotions and energy. So that's normal in our lives,
Starting point is 00:31:28 but it makes sense though, then if you actually are to experiment with your life, if I change, is it possible that my life changes? Okay, so let's demystify it. And make it really simple, your personality creates your personality, that's it. Your personality is made of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. So the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life. They're the creator
Starting point is 00:31:56 of it, not their boss, not their acts, they're creating their life. Okay, so if we agree with that, then in order for you to create a new personal reality, then you would have to change your personality. In order for you to change your life, you would have to change, okay? So then how do you change is a really good question. Okay? You better start thinking about what you've been thinking about and decide if you're going to accept, believe in surrender to that thought or not, right? So if you've been thinking that way, the majority of your life, then it's a hard, wired circuit, firing, wiring over and over again becomes more automatic.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And you never know that voice is there until you step out of the known and you decide you want to change it, then I can't, all of a sudden, it becomes a very loud voice in your head, or I'll start tomorrow, whatever that is. Okay. So then it makes sense, then,
Starting point is 00:32:43 you would have to become so conscious of that unconscious thought that you would not go unconscious to it and you're waking that you would never let it slip by your awareness unchecked or unnoticed. Okay. Now that takes energy and awareness. Okay. But if I've been behaving in the same exact way and I just become a habit and habit is when you go unconscious, then you would have to catch yourself every time you started to speak in a limited way. Every time you started acting a certain way, you'd have to become so conscious of those behaviors
Starting point is 00:33:14 that you wouldn't go back into the habit and go unconscious. And so the question is, how many times do we have to forget? Until we stop forgetting and start remembering that's the moment of change, right? Okay, so then people feel the same emotions every single day, it just feels like who they are, but they never really are aware that they're just feeling guilty,
Starting point is 00:33:34 or unworthy, or sad, or whatever. It's just the way they feel, okay? So now, you want a new life, you can't take those feelings with you if you want to be happy. It makes sense you're going to have to leave those feelings beyond and literally stop feeling that way and start feeling another way. And if you react to the same people and the same problems in your life,
Starting point is 00:33:52 you're going to feel the same way. You're the same personality because those emotions are going to drive the same behaviors and same thoughts. And your personality is going to stay the same and your personal reality is going to stay the same. Okay. So then the word meditation, I looked it up. It means to become familiar with, to become so conscious of those states of mind and body that you actually don't have to go unconscious and you could change, right?
Starting point is 00:34:16 And that's because of the size of the neocortex in the frontal lobe, we could actually have this idea of metacognition. We can separate ourselves from the program. And that consciousness is us not being unconscious. And it takes consciousness, it takes awareness, it takes energy to do that. Okay, so still, if you still don't believe this though, but could you then learn a way to think differently
Starting point is 00:34:39 and fire and wire new thoughts in your brain and install hardware? And with intention and with attention, start deciding what you do want to believe. And a belief is just the thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardware and your brain, could I have the intention of installing a new belief? Could that be the new voice in my head? How would greatness think today? How would an unlimited mind act today?
Starting point is 00:35:02 So then if you said, how am I going to act in my zoom calls with my kids, with my ex, with my coworkers, with my well, is there a greater way that I could behave in this day? What does the what does greatness look like? What would love do? And you actually close your eyes and rehearse the action. There's so much compelling data to show that the act of mental rehearsal changes your brain to look like you already did it. To look like the experience has already happened. Now, the brain is no longer a record of the past.
Starting point is 00:35:38 You are priming the brain for a future behavior. Keep firing and wiring, installing that hardware. It becomes a software program and you start to behave as that person. No different than the person who's playing an instrument or rehearsing a dance or reviewing their lines as an actor or an actress or a sports figure rehearsing their moves. The brain actually changes so that it looks like the event has already occurred. Now you have circuits in place to use. Okay, now here's the hard part.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Okay, so I wanna be happy in my life. I gotta, I wanna be grateful in my life. I wanna feel more creativity. I wanna feel more love. Okay, am I gonna wait for something out there to change? To take away this lack or emptiness? Or can I actually generate this feeling on my own if I stop practicing feeling anxiety and frustration?
Starting point is 00:36:35 I stop feeling sad. Now this isn't positive thinking. This is actually deciding what you want to teach your body emotionally to feel every day. Programming yourself. Conditioning and programming on. And if you said, I'm not getting up until I'm in love with life, all the game is on. Right. Now you got to really open that heart of yours. It's you're making a commitment. Commitment with intention.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And when you assign meaning behind any act, you get a greater outcome. And to me, the creative process is getting lost in the act until it creates the experience right in that moment, right? So the person who's practicing, feeling gratitude, who's practicing, feeling love for no reason at all, and they can become so familiar with the old self that they can become so familiar with a new self, or it's not going to become familiar with. And teach your body to feel that way and actually give them the tools to check the feedback if they're actually in that state where the heart is in balance in order to give them
Starting point is 00:37:38 the feedback to let them know the rain is in more order, more coherence. If you kept thinking that way, you kept acting that way If you kept thinking that way, or you kept acting that way, you kept feeling that way, I would guarantee you your life would have to change in some way and what we discovered in our research is that so many chronic health conditions go away. Like stage four cancers, like blindness, like deafness, like lupus,
Starting point is 00:38:03 like multiple sclerosis, like muscular dystrophy, like spinal cord injuries, strokes, rarigenetic disorders. The person, I know that's hard for a lot of people to accept, but we have the data they show, the person's a different person, the disease exists. The old person has a disease, and now they're reborn as a new person and the new person doesn't have that disease. They'll tell you it's that I'm not that person any longer. I'm somebody else and they're biology. So in the way the disease was a program as well. It was the disease was programmed. I see. Yeah. And so now they're actually they're
Starting point is 00:38:44 when they're feeling that elevated emotion, something really profound happens. You don't feel separate from your dreams. Yes. I mean, how could you feel separate from your future if you feel like it's already happened? That's when you stop looking forward and get ready because the experiment gets really interesting. That's when you start seeing these unknown events or downloads
Starting point is 00:39:06 or whatever you want to call it, you start to see so many more things you are unaware of. So, to answer that question, for me personally, if you asked me two years ago, if I thought that I would be seeing the type of changes in people's health or changes in their life like I'm seen right now. I'd say maybe once or twice, but now my belief in what's possible has changed so dramatically, so dramatically in witnessing common people. Like you and I doing the uncommon, they're not monks, they're not academics, they don't have 40 years of devotion There are just people that are pragmatists saying how do I do this and I think science?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Is the language to demystify that process so combine a little quantum physics with a little neuroscience though Neuroendocrinology little psycho neuro immunology mind-body connection will epigenetics Electromagnetism build a model. This is what we're interested in. Build that model of understanding and that information causes people to become aware of possibilities that they are unaware of if they didn't have that information. So information, the right information, if they learn that information, they understand that learning is making new connections in your brain. Okay, I understand that, so I'm going to learn this stuff. If remembering is maintaining and sustaining it, then let's do this.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Let's build the model of understanding. You retreat from your life. I retreat from my life. We'll build the model of understanding of new possibility with new information. Okay, now that I've learned this information, I got to remember it. So let's teach it back to each other. Let's build the model. And let's make sure there's nothing left to conjecture, to superstition, to remember it. So let's teach it back to each other. Let's let's build a model and let's make sure there's nothing left
Starting point is 00:40:45 The conjecture to superstition to dogma. Let's let's understand exactly what we're doing and why So then as you exchange that information and remind yourself of what you've learned You're reproducing the same level of mind and mind is the brain in action. So now you're installing neurological hardware In preparation for the experience the more you understand what you're doing the more you understand why you're installing neurological hardware, in preparation for the experience, the more you understand what you're doing, the more you understand why you're doing it, the how it's easier. Okay, so now, give people numerous opportunities to overcome themselves,
Starting point is 00:41:14 numerous opportunities to connect, give them the information to wait and give them the instruction on how to. If they get their behaviors to match their intentions, they get their actions equal to the thoughts, they kind of get it worked out and they get their mind and body working together. They're going to have a new experience. No.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Experience enriches circuitry in the brain. No. It's not philosophical any longer. It's not theoretical. It's not intellectual. Now, now, the experience is actually reinforcing the philosophy, the moment those networks of neuron string at the place, the brain makes a chemical. And that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion. And now, the moment you feel elevated, the moment you
Starting point is 00:41:51 feel unlimited, the moment you feel grateful, the moment you feel free, you are teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood. So now the information is not just in the mind. Now the information is in the body and you're embodying the truth of that information, and you are literally changing your biology. Okay, if you've done it once, you've got to be able to do it again. So, if you can reproduce and experience over and over again, sooner or later, you're neurologically and chemically. Neural chemically, you're going to condition your mind and body to begin to work as one,
Starting point is 00:42:22 in unison. And now, you are literally becoming more innate. It's becoming more automatic. It's becoming more second nature. You're mastering that knowledge now. It's that you're moving into a state of being. You're becoming that knowledge. And so when a person actually reaches that point, there's a dramatic change in their physiology and their biology, it makes sense then that there's less of the past left in their body. So I think it is going from philosopher to initiate to master, from knowledge to experience the wisdom, from mind to body to soul, from thinking to doing to being, to learning with
Starting point is 00:43:02 your head, applying with your hands, knowing it by heart, to believe, to being, to learning with your head applying with your hands knowing up my heart to to believe to behave to become and I think that journey people make that and they and they can stand in front of an audience of 2,000 people and They're the example of truth. They're on the stage saying I had stage 4 cancer. It was in my bones. It was in my liver It was in my lungs and and I'm As surprised as everybody I'm looking at this person, they don't look vegan, they don't look buffed, they don't look young, they just let go a cryo-normal person.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And they're telling the story and you're looking at them and they're the example of truth. They are the four-minute mile and the collective. Amazing, yeah. The collective becomes aware of a possibility. Everything's still possible until someone does it. Exactly. And then when you start seeing several people do it,
Starting point is 00:43:50 we don't even think it's impossible anymore. Yeah. And it's so beautiful that you're demonstrating, that you're collecting a group of people who have these experiences so that we can all see them and understand what's possible. It's unbelievable to me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I'm literally changing my belief in that moment. This person sometimes they're diagnosis, their condition got worse. They lost everything. They had a lot of doubt. They had a lot of fear. They had a lot of pain. They could have just stopped doing the work, but if they did, then they wouldn't believe it was possible. And they showed up and I said to them,
Starting point is 00:44:29 why sometimes did you do the work three times in one day? No, they were not doing their meditations to heal. They were doing their meditations to change. And when they defaulted back to that disbelief that they couldn't heal, that's when they instead of staying there They said I got to change my belief They wouldn't get up until they were in a different state of being and it was the overcoming process That was the becoming process. They they became somebody else that their their health condition was their teacher
Starting point is 00:45:02 They would have never become that person, right? So they stand in front of an audience and I'm looking out at the collective and everybody's leaning in. They're listening to truth. And you see the pet scans and there's no metastatic cancer in the bone. I'm scratching my hand.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I'm so different because of these people we had a guy with muscular dystrophy like I've never seen that condition ever change. He walked into a week-long event and as he came in in a wheelchair and walked out, he walked out. I could not believe my eyes. So just like a infection could spread amongst the community and create disease. I think health and wellness can be as infectious as disease. And so you get a group of people and you start seeing people break through a certain level of consciousness or unconsciousness and they're telling their story to 2,000 people. Now everybody in the audience is looking at thinking, if that person can do it,
Starting point is 00:46:07 I can do it. So not only is there a footprint in the quantum field of the new possibility that exists, but now there's evidence in three-dimensional reality. And now, a sooner or later, someone in the audience is going to relate with that person and you're going to start seeing more and more of that realized. Leisure craft. Builders of handmade custom sonas, hot tubs, and cold plunges. Constructed from the finest cedar, pine, and maple woods, barrel sonas are the most efficient sonas shape,
Starting point is 00:46:51 sustainable and eco-friendly, family-owned since 2004, outdoor and indoor sonas, hot tubs and cold plunges, solid Canadian construction built to survive outdoor weather, hot or cold. You'll feel safe with leisure crafts, five-year warranty, an investment for generations to enjoy, beautiful, timeless pieces, for better health and ultimate relaxation. Explore the entire collection at leisurecraft.com. That's leisurecraft.com. Is there a typical time frame it takes to reprogram the brain? I have seen it happen in one instant.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Really? Yeah, and I've seen it take for some people seven years, some people 12 years. And it's really interesting because many people say, God, this sounds so right. I believe in this information. I saw the testimonials. I saw your scientific data. I believed it was possible.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I just never thought it was, I never believed it was possible for me. Oh, that's just a really defining moment. Because if you literally really take that on, that means you got to show up for me. Oh, that's just a really defining moment because if you literally really take that on, that means you got to show up for yourself. You got to get out of the bleachers, you got on the plane field and the beauty behind that is that means if you're showing up for yourself and you're believing in possibility, then you got to believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you better be believing in possibility. And so it was the constant choice to show up for themselves and believe
Starting point is 00:48:52 in that future over time that they actually became that belief. Right. And so I mean, I think there's that that gives people permission then to try it out for themselves. permission then to try it out for themselves. Are there any other mystical experiences from childhood you can share? Just fun to talk about. Well, let's talk a little bit about the mechanics of it because I think it's kind of interesting and we can lead to some of those fun things. Great. So one of the things that I was interested in and still and very interested in is really understanding the mystical and word mystical just means unknown, right?
Starting point is 00:49:29 Something that's outside of the known, right? And that's usually, you know, any unconventional like that is you step out of convention, you're always considered a little bit of a heretic or a little bit crazy. But when I had those mystical experiences, and then as I got older and I had them in college at certain moments, especially if I studied really hard and pushed myself past the point where I really wanted to stop it, I just went all further and I had to fall asleep and I would I would have a very mystical moment. When I started really saying okay if I have those I've had those experiences and I have no enough people who have, what is it in the brain that's actually doing this, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 So when we started looking at the brain scans and we started seeing those areas and gamma right around the autonomic nervous system, super hot, really hot, and the lights were out and the mechanism, the neocortex, you know, that what plugs us into three-dimensional reality, the autobiographical self, gone. Wow. Just shut out. And something was happening that was in an altered state, right? So the area that we've started seeing really hot
Starting point is 00:50:37 in the limping brain was the pineal gland. And that tiny little pine cone shaped gland, that's like about the size of a pine nut that sits right in the corner of the third ventricle, somehow is always that area was always very active. see what is it about this little mystical center? And I didn't want to just study people that study DMT or I didn't want it to be too spiritual or too, for lack of a better word, 60s or hippie, I wanted it to be like, I want to study the scientists that were like spent their whole life looking at this thing. I have no idea about any of that stuff,
Starting point is 00:51:20 but what did you discover? And so it turns out that inside the Peniglain, there's these tiny little crystals and the Robohedron in shape. They're six side very geometrical. And the articles that I started reading in discovering said that the Peniglain was a neuroendocrine transducer with piezoelectric properties.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Now, I know that's a lot of big words. So instead of just shelving it, I looked up the word piezoelectric properties. Now, I know that's a lot of big words. Instead of just shelving it, I looked up the word piezoelectric. I learned it in college physics, I just forgot it. And what really is is that when you apply a mechanical stress to a material, the mechanical stress changes into an electrical charge, it becomes electrically activated. So these tiny crystals that are sitting in the Piniagland, they're stacked up on top of each other, they're very geometric, and they have Pioselectric properties. If you compress those crystals, the compression of those crystals creates a polar charge
Starting point is 00:52:18 on each end of the crystal, a positive and negative charge, and when you have a positive and negative charge, you have a magnet. And a magnet has an invisible electromagnetic field. You can't see it, but it exists. Okay, so now there's a principle in biology that says endowment. You don't use it, you lose it. Pneocrystals are there and why haven't they gone away? They're in most vertebrates, homing pigeons have them so they can navigate to North Camillians have them to pick up infrared frequency to change their color by releasing melanin in the in the pineal lens. So we have them too. Like so why do we have them and they haven't gone away? So if you compress those crystals, the application of that force creating that
Starting point is 00:53:00 electromagnetic field causes that that field to actually expand as the crystal expands. And then as the crystal can expand any longer, the field reverses, and it exerts another field against those crystals, and it compresses the crystals again, and all of a sudden, this little radio receiver, that's sending out signals of frequency. Okay, so is it possible, then then that that's the brain's radio receiver that could actually pick up frequency and transduce, and the word transducer was in the article, transducer is a TV antenna
Starting point is 00:53:39 that's going to take the information on that wavelength of that frequency and the information in a wavelength of that frequency, and the information in the encoder, the scramble it into imagery, and a profound experience. So then I started looking for, are there chemicals that are derivatives that could be released, that alter brain function? Okay, so I had to go through a bunch of articles.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And, well, you know, serotonin, melatonin are the common pineal neurotransmitters. And serotonin is what gives us our experience of daylight and wakefulness and consciousness. And melatonin is the kind of a nighttime neurotransmitter, and that's that kind of dreaming chemical. So is it possible then if the pineal gland actually could connect to energy and frequency
Starting point is 00:54:26 like a radio receiver and pick up frequencies that are beyond our senses, beyond visible light, our experience of the spectrum of light, would melatonin still be melatonin or what could it be an upgraded version of melatonin that fits into the same receptor sites as serotonin melatonin carrier, completely different massive nut words, is it possible that the physics of the field connects to the biology of the brain and body through this little radio receiver? So we started seeing these areas getting super hot. The pinion going to get really hot and was thinking, this is where the tuning fork is picking up the signal.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So then, how are you measuring this? We're looking at real-time quantitative EEGs. We're looking at 38 compartments of the brain. So we actually are getting really good at being able to predict when a person's going to actually go into the state. They move way outside of normal and say to us, we know they're open to information.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So there are metabolites of melatonin that melatonin is already in antioxidant, but now it produces two very powerful antioxidants, very, very powerful antioxidants, anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-heart disease, anti-stroke, anti-neural degenerative, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial. Take it, tweak it again. Melatonin already causes you to relax, but now you're going to really chill out. Your brain will make a benzodiazepine, that's valium, right? Shut off the survival centers in the brain. Same chemical found in hibernating animals.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Melatonin already causes you to go into sleep, but now you're going to go into a very, very deep sleep. And hibernation is no sex drive, no appetite, no preoccupation with the environment, kind of a lower energy, hormonal centers, and our body kind of just go into stasis. They just kind of shut off. Same chemical found in electric heels. Okay, that's a, that's a high amplitudes of energy in the nervous system. We're seeing these high amplitude of energy in the nervous system and then the most powerful hallucinogenic non-demand so that tri-
Starting point is 00:56:36 tri-methyl triptomine, that DMT, right? That very powerful chemical. This is happening by the radio frequency is changing. The most important thing is that when the frequency that is actually connecting to the brain, now how do you do that? The brain's got to be coherent. The whole entire brain has to be synchronized.
Starting point is 00:56:57 It's got to be, it syncs in the brain, links in the brain. Stress causes a disintegration of those networks. This is when the whole entire brain, the whole brain is dancing to the same music. It's the same symphonies playing in the brain. Now, when the brain is that coherent, it could read a signal. The more coherent the brain is, the more it could entrain to frequency. When we see these profound changes take place in the person's brain in that state, and we see these areas amplified, they're having a very full on sensory experience, as I said,
Starting point is 00:57:27 without their senses. They're having a vision, a transcendental experience that seems to be more real than the very world you believe is real. And that inward event somehow can change the biology of the body in a matter of seconds. So if we take the blood, the plasma of those people who have that interaction with energy and frequency in that aroused state, we take that plasma and we put it in the presence of a cancer cell,
Starting point is 00:58:02 a uterine cancer cell, a breast cancer cell, a pancreatic cancer cell. It'll take 70% of the mitochondrial function right out of the cancer cell. In other words, cancer cells need to multiply and move, right? So the mitochondria, the energy centers, the cell, so you're taking 70% of the energy out of the Celsius, dramatic change in cellular biology. And so the information, somehow that is in the blood, that wasn't there before, that is now there,
Starting point is 00:58:38 is not coming from any exogenous substance, the person not ingesting anything, and we're finding this robust pharmacy of chemicals in the body's nervous system that actually work better than drugs. They work better than any pharmaceutical. And I keep asking the scientists, where is this information coming from? It's coming from within us. And in seven days, people who move through a process of true change and transformation, they engage fully.
Starting point is 00:59:11 They immerse themselves in the process. At the end of seven days, they're blood and their genes will look like they're literally living in a whole new life and a whole new reality. And the amazing part is the seven days. That's, we sure are dated as scientists and they cannot believe that those changes are happening in seven days.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So for me, the mystical moment can be anything that causes me to have a change in my perception of reality. After I wrote an article for a scientific magazine to get back to your question. I was a young guy and I had just gotten the article accepted and I was just looking at all these derivatives of melatonin. I was asking why are they there and could it be related to that transcendental moment. So here's the story. So I had just put my kids the bed, and I had just cleaned everything up,
Starting point is 01:00:07 and I sat down, there was a fire in my living room, and I hear the kids kind of in the other room, and I was saying, hey, come on, I'm gonna come in there, and they kind of settled down. And I sat on the couch, and I just started looking into the fire, and I think one of the cool things about gazing into fire is that there's no predictability. There's kind of a way that it's just kind of causes you to be present. So I kind of was looking into fire.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I thought about all the things I had to do the next day. And I said, I don't want to think about any of that. I want to think about what I want to think about. And so I was gazing into the fire and I was kind of half awake and half asleep and I kind of closed my eyes and I started thinking about this article I had written and I thought what was talking to the pen you glad I said where are you anyway and I kind of fished around in my brain just with my awareness and I said, oh, in the moment I locked into it, it was like a screen opened up and I saw this beautiful, beautiful image of this gland with its mouth open and this white milky substance flowing out of it. And I just thought, whoa, it could be my opinion one. And then the scene changes and I see this amazing, beautiful timepiece with a crystal glass surface.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And I'm just, this is, I'm lucid now. I could see the, I could see the very details of the glass and the colors and the shine. And there's Roman numerals on this timepiece. And all of a sudden, I see the hands of time, the two arms of the clock start rolling backwards in time. As it's rolling backwards in time really fast, I'm thinking to myself, oh, the pinial gland is like a biological time piece that we can move forwards and backwards in time. I'm in there I am. I'm standing above myself
Starting point is 01:02:01 and I'm a nine year old kid and I'm laying in bed. And now while I'm having this experience, I'm the nine year old kid again, I forgot that I had this moment. Now I'm reliving the moment. I had the covers right up to my nose. And at the same time, I'm standing next to the bed, looking at myself as my present self. And I'm viewing some aspect of my past self so I traveled through time. And I saw a dimension, a space. And my mother had just left the room and she said to my father, he's burning up. And I thought, when she left through my thought, yes, and I had the aspirin in my flannel pocket of my pants there.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I had my hand over it and I thought everybody's finally gone Here we go and I close my eyes and I'm watching myself and I'm living the experience at the same time Me, so I'm outside of time right linear space time and I'm watching this kid And he's trying to figure out time I'm watching this nine-year-old kid look at time like cubes on a three-dimensional checkerboard and I'm trying to figure out how when you change, how everything changes. I'm in this very deep contemplation
Starting point is 01:03:17 in this mystical place as a nine-year-old kid and I'm watching myself as my present self. And I look at this kid and I fall in love with him. And I think I'm still doing that. That's of course, that's me. And I knew in that moment, I fell in love with that kid that he was gonna become me. Or I became some aspect of him,
Starting point is 01:03:41 a right and evolved version of him. And the moment I fell in love with him, I knew that I was connected to him and somehow he would find me. I don't know how else to describe that, that my love was gonna draw him to me who I was in that present moment outside of time. And I just had this incredible understanding
Starting point is 01:03:58 and compassion for who I was. All of a sudden, here comes the timepiece again. And I look at it and it's just luminous and all of a sudden I see the hands of time move forward and I start moving forward in time. I'm traveling through time like in three dimension, in three dimension reality we travel through space. Yeah. We travel through space and we experience time, right? In the quantum you, you, there's nowhere to go. There's no space. So you don't go anywhere. You travel through time and you experience dimensions or spaces.
Starting point is 01:04:28 So I start seeing the hands move forward and time and next thing, you know, I'm on my ranch in the Northwest. And it's a beautiful autumn evening. And it is freezing cold and the moon is out. And I'm wearing this very long cape and I'm barefoot and there is a prism of frozen grass in front of me and the light is coming off the prisms of grass and the whole thing is magical and I am like an upgraded version of myself like I'm the exalted version of me. And I'm walking through the pastures, walking towards the stallions, and I feel incredibly noble. I feel really
Starting point is 01:05:15 amazing. And my feet on the ground somehow was wasn't painful, it was pleasure. I was part of the whole, I was, I was wholeness in parts. And I was connected to everything. And the cold was just, I loved it. I wanted more of it. The night was rich and I was walking across my yard into this area where I had these big basalt stones. And I walked on those stones.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And when I had moment, I touched the stones, I knew they knew me and I knew I knew them. And there was this kind of exchange. And I moved over to this fountain that I had built with my brother. And I looked at the fountain, I laughed and I thought of when we had built this thing together and how much fun we had. And all of a sudden I see this radiant woman that's maybe 10 inches in height and she's
Starting point is 01:06:02 glowing in light. And now remember I was feeling pretty good at that point and she looked me right in the eye and she sent me this thought. And I felt this level of love that I had never felt before in my life. And on that, that energy was, there's always more love. And I thought, oh my God, like here I am thinking I was doing pretty good. That was nothing compared to what I just felt there. And she looked at me and I turned around and then I for what am I doing here? And I saw my present self moments before washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was standing outside of my house as my future version of myself. And I was looking at this guy watching dishes
Starting point is 01:06:46 and I'm watching him doing the same thing. He's trying to dovetail concepts and ideas and he's trying to figure things out and he's sincere and he's fallen in love with him. He's, yes, he has strengths. I see his limitations. I see everything about him. I fall in love with him.
Starting point is 01:07:01 And while I'm watching the dishes, I forgot, but I had this really weird feeling like someone was watching me, so I set everything down. I tried to look out the window, but I thought, I got 10 dogs on the property here. Someone'd be going off if they were somebody out there, you know, so I went back to watching the dishes and I had that chilling moment.
Starting point is 01:07:19 But I think the interesting thing about the whole thing was that the feeling that I felt from that interaction with that being lasted for two weeks. Like the feeling in my heart that heat, that fullness, the experience that somewhat seemed outside of this dimension of space and time. Yes. I still had the feeling of that feeling. I started questioning what is real. Yes. What is real is that maybe we're not linear beings living a linear life.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Maybe we're dimensional beings living a dimensional life. And I think when the doors of dimension open to us and we get a glimpse that there's an infinite number of human eyes that are existing simultaneously. I think the game changes. I really do. So the mystical moment for me is something that I've been working really diligently and demystifying. So those derivatives that are from melatonin, I speculate are the very derivatives that
Starting point is 01:08:17 fit into the same receptor sites as serotonin and melatonin, but melatonin can't be melatonin because that's the function of the wavelength of visible light. This person's now how their eyes close and they're interacting with a frequency that is not visible light. Melatonin can't be melatonin. Now it's got to be an upgraded version.
Starting point is 01:08:35 So, and then when the brain cranks on like that and it opens up, the effect of their interaction, how energy is informing matter, is actually causing the body to be lifted by a greater frequency. And so we've seen blind people say in that moment, we've seen a deaf people here. I know this sounds crazy. We've seen in a matter of moments someone in a with a LS in a wheelchair just step out of that wheelchair, spinal cord injury, someone's back on their feet again. It's somehow their interaction with energy and frequency
Starting point is 01:09:06 is giving the body an upgrade. And you can't get the upgrade from inside the virtual reality experience. You have to get the upgrade from outside of it. And so the mystical is something that we work really diligently on experiencing, because that is the unknown. Yeah, and it's only mystical
Starting point is 01:09:23 because we don't understand it. That's all it is. Exactly. And it's only mystical because we don't understand it. That's all it is. You think that these, the things you're talking about are very revolutionary in our current time. Is it possible that some of these things are lost information that's ancient? Yeah, so I think that it is, and I don't want to,
Starting point is 01:09:50 at all, sound egocentric in that, because I keep saying to the scientists, I can't believe this is the truth. I can't believe this is the truth. I've been so hypnotized in condition that I thought it was outside of me. And here we are, we're taking people, they haven't even meditated before. In fact, you're gonna do really well because you're gonna do exactly what we ask you to do
Starting point is 01:10:15 and it's gonna evolve, right? So in seven days, novice meditators, there's so many upregulation of so many metabolites. There are so many epigenetic changes, so many lipids in a means changing in their body. In seven days, these are novice meditators. At the end of seven days, their blood looks like an advanced meditator in seven days. To me, it's mind-blowing., you do a study, a drug study. A drug study is about at its best, 25% cause an effect. 25% of the people get affected in a
Starting point is 01:10:56 really good way. Our data, when we look at the effects is between 75 and 85% causality. It works three times better than any drug. And again, the person's not taking a drug. So for me, I cannot go back to business as usual. I cannot say. And there's no downside and no side effects. Yeah, there's nothing except the person changing, right? And somehow their interaction with frequency and energy, I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Come on, we're perceiving less than 1% of reality. And at best, when we're conscious, we can appreciate the sunset. But what about that other 99.99% of the atom that's information that's energy, that's nothing? We're unaware of it. There are dimensions that we're not aware of, right? So when people start interacting with energy and frequency,
Starting point is 01:11:44 frequency carries information. The more coherent that autonomic not aware of, right? So when people start interacting with energy and frequency, frequency carries information. The more coherent that automatic nervous system is, and you can get it by your heart or get it by your brain, we've kind of isolated both ways. When people start getting entrained to energy and frequency, crazy things happen. I mean, crazy stuff. So we have, again, this is important to know
Starting point is 01:12:02 because if we don't know it, we're unaware of it. And if we're unaware of it, it doesn't exist for us and we make the same choice, right? We can't engage in it if we don't see it. Exactly. So we took these people that actually can demonstrate brain and heart coherence. We discovered that the more relaxed you can get in your heart, the more you'll get awake in your brain, the more gamma you'll have in your brain. Relaxed in the heart and awake in the brain is speaking from my present state of ignorance,
Starting point is 01:12:34 the extent of our research that that's when you're not your animal, human self that's living in stress and survival that's in a program and unconscious. So you get people to get relaxed in their heart and awake in their brain, and you get them collectively to come together. In resonance is when things appear to be resonating out of order and separate, all of a sudden start to entrain and resonate in order. Human beings do that same thing. So you get 1800 people together, and now it's not about you any longer, it's about
Starting point is 01:13:05 healing somebody else. And if it's true that it's not matter that it's emitting a feel that's the feel that's actually informing matter, change the information in the field, could you change matter. So we do that. And we put these random event generators through the entire room, all around the room. And a random event generator generators like a sophisticated coin toss So if the more you toss a coin the more you're gonna get a 50 50 percent heads and tails So these are machines that are programmed randomly to go heads heads heads tails tails heads tails tails tails tails head head head like that
Starting point is 01:13:39 But it's 50 percent of the time right and it's programmed that way. It's a machine, right? Okay, and there's it's sensitive to electromagnetism, so set them up around the room, and now get a group of people come together, and get a collective network of observers to have a very specific intent. They're no longer about you, no longer about me. It's that someone's mother there,
Starting point is 01:14:00 that someone's brother, that someone's kid, that someone's best friend, and could we actually stretch the model and see if we change the field we could change matter, right? And we have data to just show that that's possible. When we look at the random event generators during that time when everybody gets intentional, random events become less random and more intentional. Unbelievable. Almost 100% of the time, the machine behaves abnormally right during that window where everybody's coming together. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:14:34 And so then it is collective networks of observers that determine reality. It's not the number of people. It's not the amount of energy. It's the most coherent signal, right? So brain and hard coherence is your Wi-Fi signal. And when you're in your heart and you're out of survival and you're present in that moment, how much further can you extend the model? So the person heals themselves of cancer. The next question is, can we heal another person? Now, we do these coherence healings and we have people stepping out of wheelchairs, people having dramatic changes in their vision, their eyesight, and they look like you and me. And the people
Starting point is 01:15:15 that are doing it are opening their hearts and they're getting beyond their identity. That's the only way I can describe it. And that's my definition of creation. When I forget about me, I'm in a good state, right? So get everybody doing that at the same time. You see these machines that are programs. It's amazing to behave. I've normally every single time. So no, incredible. So you need to know that in some way, I said the scientist from Harvard the other day. Tell me tell me how that's possible. Tell me how these non-local changes are happening. We take twins. Identical twins, we said,
Starting point is 01:15:51 in separate rooms, ones having a transcendental experience and meditation, the other one's watching a boring documentary, unlinkable in the Atlantic Ocean, and the one who's watching the boring documentary, their heart and brain are behaving like the person who's watching the boring documentary, they're heart and brain are behaving like the person who's having the transcendental moment. How do you explain that? You cannot explain that without understanding
Starting point is 01:16:14 on some level we are all connected, right? And that's a good model for us to believe in. Absolutely, it's beautiful. Let's talk about the difference between meditation while you're measuring versus not measurement. Benefits, positives and negatives. Okay. So when we use the model of meditation,
Starting point is 01:16:44 my interest is to make it practical, to demystify the process. We were talking earlier about that process of unlearning and relearning, of breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing in yourself, pruning synaptic connections, sprouting new connections, unfiring, unwiring, refiring, and re-wiring, deprogramming and reprogramming, losing your mind and creating a new one, unmemorizing emotions that have been stored in the body, then reconditioning the body to a new mind and to a new emotion. Meditation is that inward process where we have to disconnect and dissociate from everything outside of us where there's nothing but you. That's really when there is nothing but you, when you are aware of nothing but you, that is a very delicate moment of a critical moment between ordering chaos and the brain. So to become familiar with an old self and become familiar with a new self, okay, let's admit at the hardest part about change, is not making the same choices the day before.
Starting point is 01:17:40 The moment you decide to make a different choice, whatever it is, it's going to feel uncomfortable. You're stepping out of the known into the unknown. It's unpredictable, it's uncertain, it's unfamiliar, right? It's that place where possibility exists and most people in the unknown is very scary place. Stress is created from, can't predict something, you lose control of something, you have a perception that something's going to get worse,
Starting point is 01:18:01 that's the unknown you run, right? So for the most part, then the unknown is a scary place. That present moment tends to be the unknown. And if people can relax into it, their veneer begins to broaden and they can now be present. And they're not preoccupied with trying to anticipate the next moment based on the past moment.
Starting point is 01:18:21 That's the default, right? So we use meditation really to remind ourselves of who we want to become. Really, and the imagination and the process and giving people the science and the information to be able to do that and practice it is really the, then taking, then rehearsing your lines inwardly, rehearsing your moves and your behaviors and get out now, and you can't be in that state. And then five minutes later,
Starting point is 01:18:45 default, and go back to the old personality. Your life will stay the same because you're the same personality. You got to be able to maintain that modified state of mind and body really well. You got to get so good at doing it with your eyes closed. You got to be able to do it with your eyes open. That's the game, right? That's the game. We use meditation in that way as the first model. Okay, so we know to change is to be greater than your environment,
Starting point is 01:19:09 to be greater than your body and to be greater than time, to be in the present moment. Okay, so what does it mean to be greater than your environment? Okay, you wake up in the morning, and if you're not being defined by a vision of the future, we, for the most part, can say that you're left with the memories of your past. Why? Because your environment is made up of objects and things and people and body and places.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Okay? So you have a neurological network for all your kids, for where you live, your cell phone, the places you lived, every part of your body, your identity, everything in your environment that is known to you was mapped neurologically in your brain. So your brain is a reflection of everything known in your environment or your brain is a record of the past. It's an artifact, right? So because you've experienced every one of these people and every one of these places,
Starting point is 01:19:58 and objects, and things, you have a neurological network associated with it, the end product of experience is emotions. So I mean, how do serious bad experiences with your best friend, you'll have a neurological network associated with it, the end product of experiences and motions. So, I mean, how to series of bad experiences with your best friend, you'll have a series of emotions that are associated with them. So, for the most part then, the moment you see your friend, you're gonna think equal to everything you know about them. And you're gonna feel the same familiar feelings
Starting point is 01:20:19 that you felt about them and how you think and how you feel is your state of being. And as long as you're staying in the same state of being because your environment is influencing your thoughts and feelings, it's no longer that your personality is creating your personal reality. Your personal reality is actually creating your personality, right?
Starting point is 01:20:38 And so it makes sense then, then, in order for you to change your response to your friend, and how you think about them has to change in order for your life to change, okay? So the environment is very seductive, and most people have become very reliant, become hypnotized, and to needing something out there to happen to make us feel in emotion, that's the program and the virtual reality experience. We need, in the simulation, we need an event to occur. And the end product of the experiences, the emotion, nothing wrong with that. And it feels great in three-dimensional reality, okay? All right. But what if you're going to sit and be defined by a vision of the future?
Starting point is 01:21:18 And you want to create, okay? So it would make sense then that you would have to close your eyes and disconnect from your environment. And you do that to close your eyes and disconnect from your environment. You do that. You have less stimulation coming into your brain and now your inner world can start to become more real than your outer world, okay? And then you're sitting there and you've got to be able to be greater than your body. Like it's wants to get up, it wants to lay down, it wants to quit. Okay, you got to know that that's your body just being an unbridled horse. You got to work with it, you got to train it, and you got to keep settling it down. That's the victory right there. That's overcoming the
Starting point is 01:21:50 animal self. Okay, so you got to be greater than the body. And it would make sense then that in a meditation then, in order for you to focus on really you, you couldn't be focusing on your body or your pain or whatever. You got to get beyond it. And if you're really interested in creating something unknown, you couldn't be living in the predictable future as the brain is living in as an anticipation machine. And you can't keep recalling the past because that's the known as well. So the familiar past is the known, the predictable future is the known. Okay, we said earlier, the unknown is the present moment, okay. So we use meditation as a great way to get beyond your body, your environment
Starting point is 01:22:30 and time. And we discovered that when people take all of their attention off their body, all of their attention of off all the people in their life that they identify with no longer be that identity, all the objects and things, all the places they need to be, the places they've been, the places they're sitting, they forget about time in and of itself. When they become nobody, no one, no thing, nowhere, and no time, that is the moment they become pure consciousness. That is an elegant moment where they're aware of nothing but self. That is the door into possibility right there. That is the unknown. We discover that when people move into the state there are dramatic changes that take place in the brain. When we live in stress and
Starting point is 01:23:18 survival and we're aroused and we're trying to control and predict everything in our life, we shift to our attention from one person to another person to another problem, to another object, to another thing, to another place, to another meeting. All those neurological networks in the brain that have been individualized related to those knowns, like a lightning storm in the cloud starts firing out of order. And when the brain is in coherent, we're in coherent. And as you said, we get very obsessed. We get very single-minded.
Starting point is 01:23:42 We get over-focused. Your brain goes actually into a very aroused, not beta brainwaves. They'd high beta brainwaves. Three times as high as normal beta. Now, you're obsessing and you're analyzing your life and your problem within that emotion and you're actually making your brain worse. We discovered that when people take their attention off their body, their environment and time, and open their awareness, just simply relax, relax, and open up, and change their brain waves, and go from baited
Starting point is 01:24:13 at alpha to theta, and kind of rescue them steps to be able to practice and practice opening up that door between the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and keep working on their analytical mind. just mind, the subconscious mind, and keep working on their analytical mind. If you're able to do that, and we can use that as a model, we can see dramatic changes that take place in the brain. So we take a group of people, hundreds sometimes, sometimes more, and we do quantitative EEGs to put the 36, 38 stations on their brain. We measure the brain before they come to the event. We put them through seven days of intense training.
Starting point is 01:24:47 We measure the brain at the end of the event and there's dramatic changes in modulation, just orderliness in the brain. There's coherence in the brain. The brain seems to be way more balanced. Okay, so when you're frustrated, when you're impatient, when you're judgmental, your heart beats way out of order. Okay, so if we practice start feeling
Starting point is 01:25:05 heart centered emotions, could we make your heart beat more orderly? The answer is yes. And so we do measurements of HRVs. We measure what, before they start a meditation, if they're gonna create, they gotta be in their heart, they can't be in survival. So let's measure to see if you're able to sustain that.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Not just for five minutes, let's make it a skill. Let's see if you can do that for 20 minutes or 30 minutes or 40 minutes. Get really good at doing it with your eyes closed, let's do it with your eyes open. Let's try that out, right? Okay, so now if we do that properly, we also draw blood on a thousand people,
Starting point is 01:25:43 or 800 people, and we draw blood at the end to see if there's changes in their in thousands of metabolites, over 2,800 metabolites. But let's take some people and let's measure their brain in real time during a meditation. Let's see what's going on in the inner workings in their brain and let's look for certain specific patterns that can be correlated. Now, I've learned so much in looking at real-time brains. Really, I know the music now that causes people to move into that beautiful, beautiful state of receptivity.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I know the sound of my voice. I know the words now that actually can get people further along into that. I'm saying that, like, I've discovered anything that anybody else but you just reading the data. We're just looking at the data. You know, I'm that's kind of another funny thing because people say to me, you tell me meditation can do this or that or you tell me that I say, actually, I'm not saying that anymore. The data is saying that.
Starting point is 01:26:40 They're not saying that. I can't even say this is pseudoscience anymore. My scientists that we work with were doubters. They were huge doubters. They were like, this is not possible. And now they're all in, they have a little closet in the lab where they all go to meditate. I mean, they see it as medicine.
Starting point is 01:26:59 That's how they see it. They've done the studies. So we look at these brain scans in real time and so many interesting things happen where there's coherence in the brain. And this is kind of your world, right? So, if you get things coherence and they're in a closed system
Starting point is 01:27:22 and waves are orderly, when they interfere, waves start bouncing on other waves and they get resonance. And resonance is just a greater level of order where things are more complex and there's more systems within order, right? Keep doing that. And obviously, you get the brain firing in a level that's outside of what's normal. Like the amount of water in the brain when this occurs, the data says, you use about five or four or six percent of our brain when we're just hanging out talking, you feel your legs, you listen to what I'm saying at one time.
Starting point is 01:27:59 When you see this moment where they hit this point of resonance that creates this coupling in the brain, you're looking at this kind of coupling in the brain. You're looking at 25, 26% of brain fully hooked up and online, right? So the person is having a very, very elegant moment. So we look at the real-time scans and we look to see how we can teach it better, how we can find the right way, find the right music, find the right words. And of course, it's a never ending process of discovery, which I don't know what else to do, what else I would be doing, but it really is pretty well to see. So we measure the microbiome. And we have such an amazing community of people because you got 1,000
Starting point is 01:28:39 people in the study, 800 people are giving a microbiome sample before and after the event. And our data, just on the microbiome, just in terms of what's possible and what can change. In seven days, you'd have to change your diet and you'd have to do a lot of really, really big things, lifestyle-wise, to see some of these changes in the phylum of microbiomes that we're discovering. And again, it's incredible data where the correlation between cancer growth and microbiome, there's changes in that and response to cancer treatment
Starting point is 01:29:13 with certain microbiomes and inflammation. And we're just seeing these great changes taking place. And the idea that microbiome is kind of like the body's really influencing the mind. It's influencing the microbiome was kind of like the body's really influencing the mind, you know, it's influencing the mind to do certain things to keep a community of self-ecosystem. The ecosystem, and they're in order or disorder, right? So in this case, somehow the mind is influencing the body, right? You're seeing the mind change those microorganisms for greater sense of hosting, a greater sense of balance. We've worked with gene expression, no doubt,
Starting point is 01:29:53 you can change your genes in four days. We did a study on telomeres, and we found out that three out of four people, if they did meditation five out of seven days a week, that there would be some lengthening in their telomere. So three out of four, that's pretty good. So these days. Are all the tests that you're doing based
Starting point is 01:30:13 on guided meditations? Yeah. It's all guided meditations. So yeah, and so, the one we run our events are, and do you know, okay, really simple. There was a Harvard researcher that took a men, a group of men in their 70s and 80s to a monastery north of Harvard, and she asked them to pretend that they were 22 years younger, right?
Starting point is 01:30:34 Not reminisce, but actually pretend that they were 22 years younger. Think differently, act differently, feel differently. She put pictures of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy brothers, you know, and Nacking Cole and you know, created the whole scene to remind them. And then she did a bunch of measurements on them. You measured their height and their weight and you measured their cognition and their finger lengths and toe lengths, their gait, the range of motion, they're a host of different biological tests on them. Then the end of five days in the monastery, she remassured everything.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And their fingerprints were longer, their toe lengths were longer, their brains worked better by 60% cognition improved by 60%. Their gate was changed. They could see better, they could hear better, really significant changes. So we think of this seven day event like those men going to the monastery.
Starting point is 01:31:23 You can become anybody you want to be. Right? And all you have to do is believe, behave, and become. Right? So, we do seated meditations. It's important to get really good at getting beyond space and time. You got to make your inner world more real than your outer world, and we got to practice getting really good at that.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Okay? But then, if you can open your heart sitting down, and you can open your minds sitting down, let's practice it standing up. So let's go out and take 1800 people and get on a beach, some more in Mexico at 6 in the morning for the sunrise. And you got 800 people opening their hearts and greeting the day as the upgraded version of themselves, the greatest expression of the divine. Right? And then get in that state standing up like you would do sitting down, now open your eyes, and now it's rehearsal time. Now you've got to embody this person. And how would you walk if you knew that you could heal in one hour? How would you walk if you knew you could change your life in one hour? And
Starting point is 01:32:19 so people go fully, fully in. And so now they're, they're practicing embodying the energy, the emotion, the behavior, the posture, the feeling of who they want to be in their future. And we have different walking meditations that are guided based on whatever we're working on, right? So, so then let's, let's stand as it and walk as it so that you get in the habit of walking like that in your life and get real good at doing it with your eyes open, right? So you can practice, right? And on the stage here, okay, so what about the mystical? So we see that the greatest number of mystical changes happens when people lay down. And if I can keep them in that world between when they're half awake
Starting point is 01:33:03 and they're half asleep and kind of touch them here and there, bring them back a little bit and then breathe a little bit and get them right there and keep having them focus on different things. While they're laying down, they'll have a profound moment. So we do as much as we can in seven days and really spending a whole time in the monastery to practice becoming who you wanna be. So when you return back into your life, you don't default at so quickly and forget. And it's so much easier to forget this stuff
Starting point is 01:33:34 than to remember it. So the last thing about the brain scans, we did some FMR eyes in San Diego last year. And it was really cool to see the neuroscientists talk to me about this because he was showing us a part of the brain in seven days that actually grew in volume. In seven days, I know it's crazy for me to even say this. And it's that part of the brain that is the default system where you actually can catch yourself thinking about or predicting the next moment in the future. If you keep practicing not doing that, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:10 and you can keep practicing returning back to the present moment, you'll actually build the muscle. You'll actually build whole new volume, whole new real estate of neurons in your brain that gets you better at that. And what we discovered is when you don't expect anything, the unexpected is going to happen. We know that now, to be the case. And when that unexpected happens, if you look at the brain states in the FMI rise, it looks a lot like a person having a cellist
Starting point is 01:34:37 that I've been experienced. They're varying a very, very altered experience. And then the modulation in the brain is just more orderly and more synchronized in what sinks in the brain, links in the brain, so the person is more integrated, the more whole. So, again, we have so many things we're interested. We have a language scientist that studies transformation, and we're looking to see when people tell their stories of their own transformation and healing. We were looking at the algorithms of language and the word feel it or felt it. It's such a number one word for people to either have a very somatic,
Starting point is 01:35:17 like I felt it in every cell of my body, or a very emotional, or very psychic experience of some emotion that was different than the emotion that they typically feel, you know, a very familiar, unfamiliar feeling like that. So, it was probably like a feeling of coming into themselves that they haven't known. Do you know what I'm saying? I imagine even though it's a feeling they haven't known. Do you know what I'm saying? There's a, I imagine even though it's a feeling they haven't experienced before, there's a familiarity in coming into being who they really are and real themselves.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Well, that's a great conversation. And so I'm kind of a mystic. And I mean, one of the things that I really believe in is one is, you know, wholeness. And I think we are wholeness in parts, we're part of the whole. And I think the divine lives in every even being, I think the divine wholeness one this one day said, what if there were many instead of one. And this journey to answer the question, who am I? Or is there anything else but oneness? Is everybody has got to the point where they're so separate from everybody, everyone, everything everywhere at time, not
Starting point is 01:36:29 connecting longer, that they have their own free will to create reality the way they want, and answer the question, is there anything else but oneness? And that's the never-ending process of discovery. So I feel like in those moments where people have those ineffable I feel like in those moments where people have those inevitable feelings, that familiar, unfamiliar feeling is a remembering that they came from source, that they came from pure love, they came from wholeness, they came from undivided wholeness, they came from singularity, zero point, universal mind, unified field, whatever you want to call that, invisible field of energy that's connecting and governing all of this material physical world and and so we noticed that when people put a lot of attention on opening their awareness to nothing and they're aware of nothing
Starting point is 01:37:15 But themselves that workshop that place is such a profound place for possibility to exist. And that place where it's themselves may not be themselves singular. Yes, yes. You know, it may be, I am part of this whole. Yeah, yes. No, that is exactly what it is. We just said, I suspect of the whole. We just had someone send a really great testimonial
Starting point is 01:37:44 and she said, I never knew it. But I am, I am wholeness. I am that. Like I, I know that. And I think the beauty behind this is nobody so special to be excluded from it, right? Yeah. But when you, when you have that moment where I think everybody
Starting point is 01:38:04 has to on their way back to source, sooner or later, going to run into it, I think the biggest treasure is that you realize that feeling is, you didn't get it from anyone or anything out there. It came from within you. I think that's where we stop looking for it out there. And I'm a sudden, and I see this, and after so many week-long events, and I look at people and they're walking meditations and their eyes close and tears of joy are rolling down their face, and I look at them and I know nobody's making them feel that way but them.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Like imagine the freedom we have when we're not relying on anyone or anything, do them when you're happy with yourself, you're happy with everybody. When you're in love with yourself, you're in love with everybody. I mean, that moment, that person is actually worthy to receive. They are worthy in that moment to receive. I mean, I think the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving in that and practicing that connection every single day to what part of my limited self My willing to surrender to get closer to that greater self that a place of source or oneness and wholeness and I think it's a good journey How does the unfold and continue for you like at the time of the placebo book? That was your first book. Yes third book placebo was your third book. Yes, that's the first one I read Well tell me the whole history of the books.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Oh, gosh. So I wrote a book called Evolve, your brain, the science of change, your mind. I think when you, you write your first book, you write to your greatest critics, a lot of neuroscience, a lot of heavy science, it's about the science of change, your mind and plasticity, really. Then, you know, after I wrote that book and after some documentaries, a lot of people asked me, how do you do it? Right? And so I wrote the second book called some documentaries, a lot of people asked me how do you do it, right? And so I wrote the second book called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,
Starting point is 01:39:49 How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New. Great title, I love it. And that's a practical application. I think it's a time in history where it's not enough to know. I think it's a time in history to know how. So finally, people are interested in the practical application. Okay, so then we started doing measurements
Starting point is 01:40:04 right around that time. The only reason I did measurements, Rick was because I was watching people step out of wheelchairs and I was just kinda like, how? Okay, like, what is that? And then I started looking at the science of the placebo and I got super fascinated with the idea, oh my God, I am so programmed. I am so programmed into needing something outside of me
Starting point is 01:40:23 and these people are doing it without us. We started doing brain scans and HRVs and gene expression tests and immune regulation test trade trade what a certain Emotion for an elevated motion rear immune system gets stronger a lot stronger, you know So we started doing all these tests, you know just because I wanted to see if you understood the science of the placebo what it is, it's conditioning as expectation and assigning meaning to things. Do you really need the sugar pill or the saline injection or the false? It's the belief. It's the belief.
Starting point is 01:40:52 It you are actually selecting a new potential in the quantum field that says I could get better and if the doctor really works it, you could actually get optimistic, you could get grateful. You combine that clear intention with an elevated motion, you're changing that person's state of being. And the body will begin to anticipate the event and make the exact pharmacy of chemicals equal to the substance they think they're taking. They're making their own antidepressants.
Starting point is 01:41:16 They're making their own anticarcinogens. They're out in their own morphine. They're on dopamine by thought alone. Okay, so you need the sugar pill or any. And the right ones, not the guesstimation. Exactly. So you need the sugar pill or any right ones, not the guesstimation. Exactly. It's the ones needed. The exact pharmacy of chemicals. Just to study. Remind me to tell you about the study after I finished this. So we started seeing the brain scans. We started seeing people of Parkinson's and all kinds of things change.
Starting point is 01:41:38 We started doing all kinds of experiments. And then now my last book was becoming supernatural, how common people are doing you on common. And that's really kind of a look into the seven-day week-long events. You know, we've done almost 40 of them now around the world. And really give people some of the tools and some of the applications of what we've done. But here's an example of the placebo. We did a study just recently where we took a 70 meditators, a week long event, and divided them into two different categories. In one category, we had these people at the end of certain meditations,
Starting point is 01:42:17 focused on five proteins and five gene expressions that could actually be enhanced, and they were actually real genes and real proteins. And then we asked the other 35 or so to focus on these 5 genes and proteins, and four out of the five were made up genes and proteins, they just made up names that didn't exist. But there was one that was common to both of them, right?
Starting point is 01:42:44 So when we measured the effects of the people who actually had the intention of elevating the genes that did exist in the proteins, this one particular one that we studied first, this is called Serpentine A5, was elevated in 100% of the people. They had no idea what the gene or the protein was. They don't know the molecular formula, they don't know how to make it, they're intellect, and they were instructed to not look it up.
Starting point is 01:43:17 They were just, there was a little short course in gene expression, and that's what they were told to do. Okay, so the order went in, and when they put in the order order and there were five real substances, we didn't measure the other four yet, we're still looking at them. But the one that was common to both of them definitely went up. When we put in the fake order, four out of the five that didn't exist, the auto-nomeric never system said cancel the order and it decreased the amount of Serpentine A5
Starting point is 01:43:45 in the other studies. So there is this innate intelligence that we cannot overlook. And I said to the scientists, let's think about this, okay? Is it possible then if we could raise this and person doesn't know what is, they can raise the dopamine levels? Could they raise the growth hormone levels? Could it be a change in your estrogen levels,
Starting point is 01:44:07 their immunocomapial levels? Is there, if we understand this, what couldn't it work for, and the people don't even have to know what the substance does, they can just be told what to do, and the autonomic nervous system creates a pharmacy of chemicals to match the orders or the intention. So I don't know where we're going with it, but it was interesting to see that yes, there is some type of assignment. Once accepted, that innately begins to produce amazing pharmacies. Would you say all illness is psychosomatic? pharmacies. Would you say all illness is psychosomatic? I would say that the majority of diseases are lifestyle. I would say the majority of health conditions are habits, choices, and behaviors. I think a very small percentage is actually inherently genetic.
Starting point is 01:45:05 But if you think about this, some stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of homeostasis, when it's knocked out of balance, knocked out of order. The stress response is what your body and it neatly does return itself back to order, right? So that's in a neat mechanism of the autonomic nervous system to maintain order, but if you're being chased by T-Rex, it's not a time for order. It's time to mobilize all the resources for the danger, and that's when the body moves out of balance. Okay, so you have physical stress, traumas, injuries, accidents, falls, you have chemical stress,
Starting point is 01:45:34 pesticides, pollutants, hangovers, you know, allergies, whatever, toxins, and then you have emotional stress, right? Encyclological and emotional stress seems to be the difficult one. 75 to 90% of every person that walks into a healthcare facility in the Western world walks in because of emotional and psychological stress. So it seems like the psychological and emotional component to things somehow causes the body to regress back to a past pattern to a past state.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Okay, so it makes sense then, then if you have three types of disorder, physical, chemical, and emotional, then it must mean you have three types of order, physical, chemical, and emotional. Now, the reason I'm telling you this is because we've had numerous people come to this work where the cancer treatment, the chemo wasn't working, the drug trial wasn't working, the radiation didn't work, the surgery didn't work, the five different diets that they were doing didn't work, and some of them were physicians, some of them were researchers, some of them were single mothers, you know, it didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:46:42 But the bottom line is they realized that nothing was changing because they weren't changing. And so, when nothing else works and you're doing all the right things physically, and you're doing all the right things chemically, you're taking your vitamins and your herbs and all that stuff and you're eating and making a knife, but nothing's changing. There's just one thing left, and that is that emotional response because a lot of people that do this work and they say, okay, I get them to practice, I'm going to become somebody else and they really work on it. In the beginning, they noticed their pain levels drop.
Starting point is 01:47:13 They noticed they're sleeping better, it's with the night. They notice that they're digesting food better, but they still have their disease. The condition is still there, but they don't say it didn't work. What they say is, what happened I changed about myself in order for a two work. So, what it typically is, is their emotional response. And remember, the emotion is the unproduct of the experience in the environment. So, if they react to their ex in the same way or to their coworker in the same way. Sooner or later, you're gonna realize
Starting point is 01:47:45 this isn't loving to me, because I'm signaling the same gene. So now it gets very practical. Now they're not saying, okay, let me do my meditation to heal. They're going like, oh my God, I gotta remind myself that when I get in the presence of my ex, what would love to do?
Starting point is 01:48:02 Like what would be a greater way to be? How could me think? What piece of knowledge, what piece of philosophy, what piece of information could I apply? And let me rehearse how I'm going to be so I can have a different experience, evolve my day, evolve my experience today, right? So now they start practicing doing it more for the practical application of being able to manage their emotional state, right? Because the default back, the one hour of a great meditation against the 16 hours of living by the same emotion,
Starting point is 01:48:34 they can't expect that they're not saying it isn't changing. They're like, no, no, no, no, it's me. Oh, God, it's me. I've spent majority of my day, I forgot again, okay. I gotta remember, I gotta to remember. I got to remember and also I don't forget, right? And so the chronic health condition will change a lot of times in the beginning because the person is starting to self-regulate and starting to bring their autonomic nervous system back in the balance with their meditations. But if they get up and they're in traffic
Starting point is 01:49:01 and they're angry and they're judgmental and whatever else, unworthy, you can guarantee then the remainder of their day, they're back to that old personality. So as people begin to overcome the emotions, I think when you master your emotions, you master your creations. I think that's the way it is. And I think when you overcome the emotions that are connected to the past, a memory without the emotional charges called wisdom, and you're ready now, you're ready for a new game, you're ready for a new opportunity. You know that you know now, and you're response to the memory or to the condition
Starting point is 01:49:34 no longer has that emotional charge, you got the wisdom now, and now the soul's ready for the next adventure, it's ready for the next dream, the next creation, because you can't go to that future if you're hanging on the emotional, the pound of care, how positive you think? You could say I'm healthy and wealthy and free,
Starting point is 01:49:49 I'm unlimited, and that thought is gonna stop right at the brainstem, and the body's saying, no, you're not, you're miserable, you're unhappy. It's not gonna make it into the body. So then what is the state that you get your body into that it can receive information? And we discovered gratitude just happens to be that emotion because the emotional signature of gratitude, when you receive something, when you just receive something, when something
Starting point is 01:50:14 favorable is happening to you or something amazing just happened to you, the emotion you feel is gratitude. So the emotional signature of gratitude is something just happened, really wonderful, or something is happening to me really wonderfully. So it's signature is receivership, right? So get a person to get beyond their hatred, their impatience, their anger, their suffering, and stop feeling those emotions, start feeling gratitude. The body is so objective in a state of gratitude that actually believes the condition is changing when.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Now, so the body starts moving out of that state of imbalance. So I can't say that every disease is created in a certain way. I can say that you can have a gene, and we've seen this for a certain health condition, and never signal it, because you're managing your inward state so that you don't signal that gene by feeling that same emotion. And I think if you can program it to work for you if you keep practicing it. I think the last thing I want to ask, this is a good one. I'm excited about this. I can't wait to hear you.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Is there a limit to what we can train ourselves, or program ourselves to be able to do? For example, by location, levitation, no all knowledge. Are there any boundaries to where we could go with this? I'm a pragmatist. I'm a very practical person. I think it's a never-ending process of discovery. I think it has to be methodical. The person who truly really says, okay, I created this health condition,
Starting point is 01:52:09 I have to uncreated it. That's a chilling moment when you have to do that by yourself and nobody's believing in you, but you, right? And if you don't show up, it means you don't believe in you. So you gotta show up, right? So that has a enormous amount of energy and awareness, But let's just say the person goes through a process and they start healing themselves. As I said, the experience of healing yourself produces a new feeling, a new emotion, that's the end product. You love yourself more, you feel
Starting point is 01:52:38 it blast, you feel your life, you're looking at beauty now in life instead of pain, right? So a lot of times when people have those transcendental experiences by their own personal transformations, next thing is, can we heal somebody else? And we now know that we can. In fact, I was with the scientist the other day and I said, when in your lifetimes, did you think you'd be talking about coherence healings and the effects on inflammation, on pain, on insomnia, that work just as well as a drug and the person is even being touched,
Starting point is 01:53:13 they're like we can't believe it. Okay, so let's get a group of people together and give them the science about quantum physics, about how matters created. And see if we could really have them change the field and if they could change matter. Now we have, as I said, we have so many testimonials, there's so much great data on that. We know that it's insanely powerful. Okay, so COVID happens and now the group people say, all right, let's evolve our model. In the quantum, there's no separation, right?
Starting point is 01:53:41 So do we actually need to be in the presence of the person to do the healing? Can we evolve our model a little further and do it remotely? All we need is a target. We need an image. We just need a symbol and we can collectively connect, beyond space and time, to that person's field, right? Is it possible then that we could produce those effects remotely? And the answer is yes. Of course. Of course. And we have the data now. We have the data to suggest that's possible. Now, here's the important point. You can't truly believe or even ask the question until you have the experience. Yes. Because the experience then opens you
Starting point is 01:54:23 up to something you never would have thought of because without the experience you're unaware of it, right? So the experience now has caused people to go, oh my God, we're actually healing people remotely. We've got the data, we've got the gene expression, we've got the microbiome now, we've got all this crazy data, like the answer is yes. Okay, so then let's keep building that model even further. For the next. And let's see, do I think theoretically it's possible?
Starting point is 01:54:48 Levitational, disappearing and reappearing? I theoretically, absolutely. Are we that good yet? No. But is it possible? Yes, it actually is, in fact. So then I think we have to, if we're going to go to the moon, we got
Starting point is 01:55:06 to get really good at the process and keep stretching the model. So what we do know is we do these advanced follow-ups to answer your question. And I build a model that's way outside of that model that they're typical used to, but these people are not just going down the slopes. Once a year, they're actually going down the slopes every day. So, they're doers, and they do the work. Let's build a bigger model. Let's see if we can produce the same biological changes. As a result, that we just need one.
Starting point is 01:55:35 We just need one, and one means it's possible. And of course, so theoretically, my interest is to be able to see how far I could evolve that model in my lifetime. Fantastic. That's a great. I'm excited to see where I'm ecstatic with where you've gotten so far and I can't wait
Starting point is 01:55:54 to see where it goes. Yeah, me too. I mean, as I said, I keep telling a scientist like I can't believe this is the truth. And not in a way that I've discovered the truth. Just that we're discovering a part of the truth that I think is really so valuable. And so then the person who participates in their own treatment now by managing their emotional state,
Starting point is 01:56:17 by managing their own thoughts and catching themselves speaking in certain ways, I don't think we have any idea where we're going. Here's an example. I was interviewed for this documentary a little ways back and I can't keep track of all of the healings, you know, but I they send them to me because to me that's feedback that we're making a difference, right? So I'm doing this documentary and the interviewer had just been with the scientific team and she said, and have you heard of this woman's own so who Who grew her a thigh right back? I know this is insane. And I'm on camera and I was like, what?
Starting point is 01:57:08 I'm like, I can frown and scowl. And I was like, what do you mean? No, you didn't hear about it? You don't know, I said, I don't know. What are you talking about? No, she grew her thigh right back. What do you mean she grew her thigh right back? She grew her thigh right back.
Starting point is 01:57:22 I'm on the camera. Like, I love her. I love her. Because now my belief is too much. were thyroid, but she grew her thyroid back. I'm on the camera, like arguing with her, because now my belief is too much. It's just some like, no way. How is that possible? Then that bothered me the whole day, like I kept thinking, how in the world could this person grow in other thyroid? So I hear the story that she had a lot of really intense symptoms, you know, with a thyroid condition. She went to the doctor, big tumor on there,
Starting point is 01:57:51 took the tumor out, and the doctor said you're gonna be on this drug, which for the normal, for what's natural, that's the truth, you study normal, but somehow she just was not gonna accept living on a drug for the rest of her life, that somehow she was going to work on changing that outcome. And so she did the work every day, and she just the right personality type that got fully into it.
Starting point is 01:58:17 And then she just started having all these symptoms. And she went to her doctor and the medications that she was taking were driving her values way too high. So the doctor said, come off your medication just to see what your values are. So she comes off the medications and her thyroid values are within normal limits. So the doctor says it's really great. And then, you know, in a matter of time, how could that be? So they center for a scan and there's the thyroid, right? So regeneration.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Reload. Like, because I think the information about everything physical and material is in the field, and that the information about a thyroid in terms of frequency and energy exists in the field, then it's the field that creates matter. So is it possible that you can change information in the field, a pattern, a blueprint that could actually cause a hologram to appear in three-dimensional reality? So you have an experience like that. I watched the testimonial 10 times.
Starting point is 01:59:29 I had to watch it because I could not believe it. I watched the testimonial of the kid that came to the event with muscular dystrophy in a wheelchair. I watched it 50 times. I kept, this guy was so incredibly full of life. He was so authentic. He was on his feet. He was saying, I'm on my feet. My balance is next level. I have no doubt. I had a tiny doubt. I have no doubt now. It's possible. I have no doubt. Like this, he had his moment, you know, he had his moment. So
Starting point is 02:00:06 like this, he had his moment, you know, he had his moment. So I had to watch that, that particular testimonial over and over again, and I never got tired of watching. I heard it differently every time I listened to it, I was changing my belief. I love when the scientists run the same study five times in a row, or five different ways to try to disprove it and we keep getting the same outcome. I know, I know they're changing their belief in that moment. So I think, I think if you have human testimony, there's nothing like a good story.
Starting point is 02:00:39 And you have science that's actually supporting, you can make your brain work better, you can make your heart work better, you can make your genes switch on, you can strengthen your immune system, you can change your microbiome, you know, we have, you could change energy and the feeling, change outcomes, you know, and you have that kind of evidence and science and that evidence and testimony, I think evidence is a lot of voice. I think people are looking for that right now. And so we only do the best with what we think is available. And to become conscious of what's possible and see that form in a mile.
Starting point is 02:01:12 But I love that you get to have that experience of disbelief, of like, that can't be. Yeah. I love that. I love that. It keeps me up at night. And I'm fantastic. It's fantastic. And that causes me to ask greater questions
Starting point is 02:01:27 about scientific studies that we want to do. And boy, you should sit in on some of those conversations in the scientific studies. And just really, really, I want to know how is this possible? I want to know how it's possible. Why is that important? Because the mechanistic model needs an upgrade. It no longer has the same value at once had, there's got to be a new model that's put into place. So what's the side effect of this? Well, we're talking to the medical school at the university that we're doing our research with or asking us, how do we teach this to?
Starting point is 02:02:08 Doctors how do we bring this into the operating room? Do we have intention? Do we elevate our state? Can we connect to the patient? Can we can we hold an outcome? You know like God bless us if this is, if this model actually changes, there'll be care introduced back into healthcare, you know. It'll be something else and again, we're just kind of at that infantile state, but I think each experience then causes us to change
Starting point is 02:02:39 our belief in what's possible. And I think it builds on itself. Yeah, it's beautiful. I want to ask in the placebo book, you told the story of an accident you had where you rebuilt your spine. And you didn't have you as a teacher to guide you to do that. How was your life that allowed you to make the choice of not listening to the
Starting point is 02:03:08 surgeons who only know one way and to believe that you could heal yourself and you did? How did it happen? Okay, so when I went to undergraduate school, it was pre-med, and my head was very much into the academic world. But I started doing yoga and martial arts instead of doing traditional sports that I had done my whole life. I just because I just ran into a couple people that were just a little different and somehow it worked for me. And so I just started reading a lot of different sex and it opened my mind up. And I was passing through, I was taking the Abnormal Psychology class.
Starting point is 02:03:51 I was passing through the lecture hall there. And I saw on the cork board, when I used to put those things on the cork board, learn why you sleep. And I was just like, I just ripped that thing off when I thought I'm taking 21 credits a semester, 19 credits a semester, I'm nuts. If I could learn how I could sleep, it would help me out. And so it was about hypnosis and how to program
Starting point is 02:04:17 your mind. And I had two, three different college roommates that were subnambulous. They were sleep talkers and sleepwalkers. I mean, they were deep-stake guys. They were the odds. They would talk to each other while they were sleeping. Unbelievable. And I was reading all these books on hypnosis
Starting point is 02:04:33 and I thought, I bet I should I can hypnotize these guys. And I should hypnotize these guys all the time. And it was just, we were just turning this fun thing. And I read every book on hypnosis. And so when I went to graduate school, I thought, I picked up the book, Autobiography of Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogi, I'm gonna have to drive down to Atlanta.
Starting point is 02:04:50 And when I was reading that book, I was interested also in the idea of being able to go through graduate school, go to class, and instead of my mind wander, I wanna pay attention, 100%, and I wanna learn everything in the class so I don to pay attention 100% and I want to learn everything in the class so I don't have to study. So I can do things that I want to do, like get my black belt and do other things and do yoga and so I started practicing really programming
Starting point is 02:05:17 my mind to pay attention and to learn so I didn't have to take notes and I would review the lectures in my mind and I practiced that way so I read a reference before the test and I was good and I was able to have other time to do other things like things I wanted to do. Great idea, by the way. No, great. I got better at it as I did it and I realized that you could do it. So then I decided that I wanted to do something with hypnosis. So I went to the hypnosis motivation institute in North Cross, Georgia, while I was going to school and took my father would have killed me if he knew this, but I took my student loan and I put it towards this,
Starting point is 02:05:53 this was getting clinically certified. And we're four levels. I was only the first level. I wound up doing all four levels till I was a clinical hypnotherapist. And then I basically just had a great way to practice while I was going to school. And I started working in this holistic healing center.
Starting point is 02:06:13 And I started working with fears and phobias and learning and memory and gifted and talented kids and bulimian and everything you could imagine. Alcoholism smoking, and I started seeing like, people changing like in a matter of seconds. And I was just kind of like, what the hell, like what the hell? But at the same time, reading Pramahansa Yogananda and some of these spirits, I'm like, is there any guys doing some type of hypnosis where they can actually program their,
Starting point is 02:06:39 their mind and body to do things? You know, how does the sanswamimy stay buried under sand with his head down for three months? What's happened in there? I had this interest in the mystical east at that time at 1920-year-old kid. At the same time, I had this strong interest in the mind and psychology and all that other stuff. I started doing yoga like three hours a day, like from four in the morning till seven in the morning, I was crazy. And I just wanted to really figure out what the yogis knew, the breathing, the whole bit.
Starting point is 02:07:11 And so I went through, I got my martial arts, black belt, I had a yoga studio and I moved to San Diego. And then I just got exposed to a whole world that I didn't really know about. And I started doing trathlons. And I was in this trathlon and I was in the biking portion of the race. And the police officer was kind of like, like, agon, me on, he was waving me on to make the turn. And but he had his back to the oncoming traffic.
Starting point is 02:07:40 And I was passing these two cyclists on the turn. And because he has back to the oncoming traffic he didn't know that there was a four-wheel drive Bronco going and so when I made the turn the moment I made the turn I got just catapulted out of my bike by this car going 55 miles an hour and so I landed on my back and I broke six vertebrae in my spine and so the typical procedure for that is Harrington Rod surgery. The problem was the top vertebrae, the aetherathic vertebrae was more than 60% collapsed and the neural arch where the spinal cord passed through had kind of broken like a pretzel.
Starting point is 02:08:18 So I had, you break those columns of the vertebrae, the volume goes somewhere. So I went back on my spinal cord and I had a kind of compression of the cord, so the hip screw shading pain. I couldn't feel it. Really, I felt pain in certain places, but I had a lot of sensory and motor problems at the time, but I mean, I did hurt in a lot of places. And so the typical surgery is the screw off,
Starting point is 02:08:43 just cut off the back parts of the entire vertebrae. In my case, it would be the base of my neck, the base of my spine, and then take these stainless steel rods and administer them into the spine as you drill them into the, into the matter. It could canna-leaver the spine off the cord and, and then you could hopefully function. So they said, you might be paralyzed the rest of your life. You're definitely not going to be able to do anything you used to do you know i'm twenty something you're all kid and i'm just thinking oh my god my life is over as i know i was very active you know and
Starting point is 02:09:15 and very doin living a great life in sandy a go you know and and so we got four opinions from four of the leading surgeons in southern californ two in Palm Springs, two at Scripps Hospital in San Diego. And definitively, they said having 10 rod surgery or you probably won't walk again. So I just remember watching this one doctor, watch me take my time in not making the decision as quickly as he thought I should. And I think in the 80s, you really didn't tell a doctor, no. You just don't say that. So luckily I had this sweet, sweet Italian father that was just supportive of whatever I would do.
Starting point is 02:09:55 So I had all my friends around and I was getting my last opinion from the surgeon and he was like, yeah, maybe we can put eight in stainless steel rods in your spine instead of 12 inch and maybe leave them in for a few years and take them out and put four in stainless steel. And I was just like, oh my God, and I said to the doctor, don't you think that would limit motion and my thoracic spine? I was doing yoga and martial arts.
Starting point is 02:10:18 He said, oh, you don't have any motion in your thoracic spine. And I looked at him and I was a moment, something clicked and I was like, maybe you don't have any motion in your thoracic spine and I looked at him and I was a moment something clicked and I was like maybe you don't have any motion in your thoracic spine, but somehow I thought oh my god I don't know if I want carpenter in there kind of Putting things together. Now I'm not saying that having to run surgery isn't indicated, but this was me Yeah, no, it's very interesting and so so he said something that you not knew not to be true Yeah, he said you don't have any motion in your thoracic spine. He was about a hundred pounds overweight, 200 pounds overweight.
Starting point is 02:10:48 And then I just thought, oh my god, I can reach back and grab my ankles. I went my back was super flexible. I was very into yoga. So something clicked and I was like, I know a lot about the spine. I just, I can't do this. And so I had one night where I had to make a decision because if you wait past this point then they have to cut you open from the front and the back and it was just a crazy thing. So I think the worst of human suffering at times is in decision. So I was weighing what I knew
Starting point is 02:11:13 against what I didn't know really and I couldn't find any evidence of anybody doing it. And you know you're in trouble in your life when all your friends and these were doctors and people that I knew were surrounding my bed. You know when you're in trouble in your life when people patch you on the shoulder and they say, we know you'll make the right choice. Which really means I'm so glad I'm not you. That's what that means. And so for me, I was just, I was like, I just decided. Like, I saw so many amazing things and seeing people with in self-inhabitnosis heal from all kinds of things. I saw so many amazing things and seeing people in self-inhabitnosis Heal from all kinds of things. I saw instantaneous changes in people's mind and body and I was just like I
Starting point is 02:11:53 Got all the dice. I got a roll the dice right now. I don't know if I was young enough or arrogant or something about me He was just and of course I thought I had seen enough you had seen enough things that didn't make sense to the, that wouldn't make sense to the doctors. You saw it happen. So you had enough experience. Luckily, you took off that flyer and luckily, you studied hypnosis and luckily.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Yeah, yeah. It's like you, you were in the right place at the right time for this thing to happen. Yeah, and then I checked out of the hospital and the doctors thought I had a head injury. They really wanted to do a brain scan. I mean, they thought I had something wrong with me. Because you wouldn't do the surgery. Right. And so I thought two things. Okay, there's an intelligence within me that I know that's way more intelligent than me that's giving me life.
Starting point is 02:12:50 It's present with me all the time. Maybe I'm not present with it. I know the body can heal, but I know that in this case, if I heal in the normal way, I may or may not have all my bodily functions back. But what if I could give this intelligence a template, a design, a plan. If I can give it some orders and stay really present with it and make sure it knows exactly what I want.
Starting point is 02:13:13 When I'm clear, then I'm going to surrender it this creation, what I'm creating. I can't do this. I'm going to surrender it to a greater mind. Could I possibly reconstruct my spine? I know this was kind of crazy in the 80s, and then I thought, and I'm not going to let any thought slip by my awareness that I don't want to experience. Now, that sounds theoretically really easy, but when you're in crisis, you tend to focus on all the things you don't want to have happen, and all of it, instead of all the things
Starting point is 02:13:40 you do want to happen. So, I started the process, and I thought that it was just this mirror that I had to look into that was present. And I would reconstruct with a trowel, like I was building a wall, I reconstruct every vertebrae. And in my mind, then do the next one. And everyone was different. I studied the shape of each one. And then I would start off with and my mind would go to, what if you're living in a wheelchair?
Starting point is 02:14:08 Should I sell my home? What do I do about my practice? And then I would say, you're focusing on what you don't want to have happen and set up what you do. And I start all over again. Because that's not what I wanted to see. I wanted to give it the right thing
Starting point is 02:14:22 and I wasn't present, right? So, and then we get angry, then we get frustrated, and then we get worse. And it would take me hours and hours to go inward and reconstruct it. And when I was done, it was never satisfied. You know, so I was always bothered. And so six and a half weeks of doing this, I was a mess. A six, it was a darkest night of the soul of my life. And six and a half weeks I wasn't noticing anything.
Starting point is 02:14:53 And all of a sudden, I went through the entire rehearsal in my mind without breaking my attention from the start to the very end and it felt like I just hit a tennis ball in a sweet spot. Something that I was like, oh, yeah, like whatever that was. And from that point forward, it got easier. Because it was taking me three hours, two and a half, three hours to do it. Because every time I lost my present moment, I'd start over again. I didn't know that I was learning how to be present in the process and And paying attention is being present, right?
Starting point is 02:15:25 So if my attention wandered, I wasn't present, right? So I figured it was omnipresent, so I had to be present with it. So I kept starting over again. And then if I got frustrated, now I know or impatient, I was made a brainwave pattern and I was making myself worse. So after six and a half weeks, I just realized that nothing was changed. I kind of didn't care any longer if it was going to work or not. I just kind of relaxed into it. And what took me three and a half hours, took me 45 minutes. It was just I was somehow was firing
Starting point is 02:15:52 and wiring the whole time. And then I started noticing like changes in my legs. And the moment I noticed the smallest, the smallest, smallest, tiny, tiny change. The moment I noticed that I knew I was on something, then I was like a dog on a bone, I was like, okay, now I'm going in with more intense feedback. Yeah, as soon as I got the feedback, I was like, oh my God, I know I was something happened. And I was patient with myself and I forgot,
Starting point is 02:16:18 didn't wanna focus on that, I wanted to focus on whatever I was doing. And then I started imagining, oh my God, I would love to get on a surf board again. Oh my God, I'd love to see the sunset. Oh my God, I'll never take lunch for granted again with my friends. I want to, if I could sit on a toilet again,
Starting point is 02:16:33 if I could wash myself in a shower, my God, like I was selecting possibilities and I was excited. And I was emotionally embracing. I think my body started believing it was living in that future reality in the present moment. And then 10 and a half weeks I was on my feet. Like it was living in that future reality in the present moment. And then 10 and a half weeks I was on my feet. It was just like something happened. And I was, I had this big cast that it had made for me.
Starting point is 02:16:54 And I, when I, I just remember the day I just decided to walk. I just knew it was the day I just got up and I went over to my buddy who was sleeping with his wife and bed and I tapped him on the head. He jumped out of bed and I said, I'm going home today. I want to go home." He was like, wow. So, during those lonely nights, during that dark night, I just made a deal with myself.
Starting point is 02:17:18 The deal was if I was ever able to walk again, I'd spend the rest of my life studying my body connection and mind over matter and that's what I did. And then I think, you know, after initiation like that, after a wake-up call like that, I couldn't go back to small talk any longer. I couldn't go back to things that I just I wasn't the same guy anymore, you know, so incredible. And so I just thought, is there anybody else that ever had anything like this besides me and then I started studying spontaneous remissions? And I started studying people that were treating conventionally
Starting point is 02:17:50 or unconventionally, that were staying the same or getting worse from chronic health conditions and also they got better. And here's the weird part. I started traveling to countries to talk to these people, you know, and really listen, I thought I was going to hear about a diet. I thought I was gonna hear about a diet. I thought I was gonna hear about something in particular
Starting point is 02:18:08 that was common to all these people, some type of whatever. And none of that mattered. It totally had to do with their mind. It totally had to do with their mind. And so then I thought, well, wait a second, let's find out the common things. Once I know the common things, why don't we teach it to people and see if we can produce the common things. Once I know the common things, why don't we teach it to people
Starting point is 02:18:25 and see if we can produce the same effects. And so I realized that they were what the four things were and how they changed. I thought if they worked on those people who should work on other people, and what about people that are well? When they started changing, and instead of waiting for a disease or diagnosis,
Starting point is 02:18:41 could it begin to change their lives in some way if they change. So that kind of started the journey and nothing happened for a period of time. Then it started happening in the stories of transformation that are happening right now. It's wonderful to see that other people are having the same experience and it's becoming kind of a new normal, not. Kind of a new way, you know, so that's the exciting part. So for me, I don't know if the worst thing that happens to you is the best thing that happens to you.
Starting point is 02:19:13 I don't know. Yeah. Amazing. Thank you so much for doing this. It's such a pleasure talking to you. I'm going to go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach.
Starting point is 02:19:32 I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the beach. you

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