The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1705 Average Age of Porn Exposure

Episode Date: April 12, 2023

Adam breaks down the 2023 Mayoral Election in Chicago. Next, they take a call from a guy who caught his 16 year old daughter watching porn and Dr. Drew explains to him the average age of pronography e...xposure. Finally, they take another call from someone who has found a "Wow Wow Wubbzy" example for adults.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. Got to get on the show. Dr. Drew Torpedo. What's going on? So I wanted to play that video for you in just a minute, but
Starting point is 00:00:25 I mentioned on the last show where you're talking about not listening to journalists ever again, not believing the news, which I could not feel more strongly about. But pendulum is in my mind a lot these days. And we were kind of talking about that a little bit. Well, I think I have something
Starting point is 00:00:42 maybe for that. Yeah. And figure it out. Chicago's having their mayoral race, right? Yeah. And one guy is to the left of Lightfoot. Lori Lightfoot, sorry. I can't even conceptualize what that would look like. I don't know what that would look like either. Lightfoot. Lori Lightfoot. Sorry. Yeah. I can't I can't even conceptualize what that would look like.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But I don't know what that would look like either. But he is described a, you know, he's a school union guy and he's a defund the police guy and he wants to tax and then use the money for social programs. You know what I mean? the money for social programs, you know what I mean? And then the other guy is a little more law and order, a little to the right of Lori Lightfoot, and wants more cops and more because I think violent crime went up like 62% in Chicago over the last four years. So Lori Lightfoot, I mean, it's bizarre. It's bizarre that we debate everything.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You know, Lori Lightfoot gets to Chicago. Chicago just stands as a metaphor, as a sort of modern city in modern times, let's say. And so you get somebody in there and you go, all right, well, we like her because she's black and she's a lesbian. And we like the idea of us living in modern times in a modern city. It feels progressive. And I don't mean that as a pejorative, but it feels like the future, you know, feel like
Starting point is 00:02:24 this is a way forward. This would have been been unacceptable 20 50 years ago you know but now we like it we like the notion of it by the way i don't know anybody who doesn't generally sign off on that notion that that gay good black excellent just the more diversity and inclusion we can represent the better off generally speaking we like right well now i don't like it because i it's all it feels like you're not getting the most qualified person for the job but the general concept of what's wrong with having a black quarterback for this, you know, football team in the South that never had good. And by the way, it's kind of interesting. I never really thought about this.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Nobody, nobody I know who has any thoughts about, oh, it's a black pitcher starting the seventh game of the World Series or a black quarterback starting in the Super Bowl. They have no thoughts about it because it's a meritocracy. Yeah. Everyone wants to win. Yeah. The white, rich, old owner of the team, he wants the black guy in there. He wants the best guy in there. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But then you appoint Kamala Harris and we're dubious. You know what I mean? And now it's like, oh, you're racist. It's like, no, I'm dubious. I don't think she's the best pitcher. The black guy starting in the World Series, they have figured out that that's the best guy to start this game. Yeah, period. Over three white guys.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yeah. I don't care. Yeah. I'm completely with you on this which she's always said the sports is the final sort of frontier the final sort of scale in all this right so but but they hire yeah laurie lightfoot they elect laurie lightfoot and then she's progressive and she's down with the causes the progressive causes and she wants to not support the police and she's not really law and order and whatever the progressive agenda is, you know, and then they get the progressive D.A. in there.
Starting point is 00:04:33 He wants to go easier on the crime, you know, whatever. And then now we have 62 percent more crime or violent crime. Yeah. OK. Experiment done in my mind by the way at at the beginning if you said uh hey we'd like to incarcerate less people and have more programs to rehabilitate take the cops and pull them back and put community ambassadors or something if you said that to me 15 years ago i wouldn't't. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. All right. Yeah. We did the experiment. Yeah. It didn't work.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I was with you 10 years ago when you said, look, homeless people, they need treatment. They need places to, we need housing for these people. I would have went, yeah. Okay. Makes sense. Okay. It doesn't work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Okay. So first off, I'm just saying it doesn't work. I'm not arguing with you over race or policies. I'm just going, this is not effective. That's certainly the way you've applied it. It doesn't work. Right. So now they got, you know, they had a runoff or an election or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Lori Lightfoot didn't make the top three. Right. So people rejected her version of governing the city. Well, now there's a guy to the left of her and a guy to the right of her. And the guy to the left is black. And I think there's a little element of you have to replace a black person with another black person now, which is a weird sort of another racist thought that's going on now. And the guy to the right of her, of course, is not a right winger. He's just to the right of Lori Lightfoot.
Starting point is 00:06:12 He's like, look, crime's an issue. Safety's an issue. People are fleeing the city and we're going to get law and order over here, which we did the experiment in New York 25, 30 years ago. We already did it. I don't get it. It's just we got stiffer with more cops and stop and frisk and stuff and crime, boom, just went down. By the way, the people that benefited were the black people in the city who were getting shot.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But okay, I don't know why. All right, so fine. So now we're going to decide who's going to be mayor. And if we decide on Brandon Johnson, who's progressive and to the left of Lori Lightfoot, then we will go, oh, all right. All right. You wanted more of this. Or just like we did in California. It's like people are fleeing California. Businesses are leaving California. It's homeless schools or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And we want more Gavin Newsom, which I don't know why. But at least we've declared who we are. You know, we went, here's who we are in California. And we want homelessness or schools or crime or taxes or we want more of all no we should we must no we don't want more of it but we will tolerate all of it in the name of having our guy in power and everyone else should just flee, which they're doing. Right. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Tax base going with it. Yes. I don't know, Ben, where where the thing where the race is now or where it's at. It's I guess it's pretty close. I don't know. This is this is as of now. This looks like the as of the voting. No, because remember,ie lightfoot had been right
Starting point is 00:08:05 had been eliminated votes that eliminated her right so now it's between two of the people all right so go ahead so i think what it is i want to take some calls in just a second here because some interesting stuff up there but but i i think what both of you take issue both of us take issue with is not the concept, but the mandates. Mandates, just like vaccine mandates. Mandates always have, I can't think of a single mandate that doesn't have really awful unintended consequences that are either not contemplated or certainly aren't weighed against the benefits. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:43 contemplated or certainly aren't weighed against the benefits. One of my questions as it pertains to that would be, how did we get to the point where we're celebrating the black gay woman as mayor? How did we get her? Mandates? I don't remember mandates getting us here. It's just sort of social pressure and change and exposure, right? I mean, there was a book years ago against racism. I think it was just called Exposure.
Starting point is 00:09:11 That's how you just, people meet people and they drop their bullshit. As I was laughing about, listen, everyone. In L.A., we have Mark Ridley Thomas. He's celebrated for being like the first black L.A. council person or whatever. He just got indicted for taking money and grift from USC. The head chancellor over there was a woman so we have the celebrated black man as the first black man
Starting point is 00:09:50 and then we have the celebrated woman as the first female and then he was taking money from her she was taking money from him and support the kickbacks and stuff where is your proof that women and black people are not flawed when it comes to politics i i
Starting point is 00:10:08 show me the graph or as flawed as white men i think as flawed as white men and there was just this big story out of california where like i don't know the fresno police union leader, whatever, was dealing in fentanyl for eight years. Female. Yes. They're capable of making bad decisions, people. They're not magical unicorns? No. With rainbows flying out of their ass?
Starting point is 00:10:36 No. No. Just as electing Barack Obama to do two terms is not going to help you if you're black, Barack Obama to two terms is not going to help you if you're black. It doesn't also guarantee that he can't be bad at his job or corrupt or Kamala Harris can't or she could be good at her job or can't be good at her job. It's an individual thing. It's just, yeah. It's a skill thing.
Starting point is 00:11:00 We want people skilled. We want people smart. We want people good at the job. Right. Yeah. So the pendulum swinging well it's swinging for there's a a group of people on one side that sort of knew which way the wind was blowing early and often for the last decade. I would include myself in that group. I was on to everyone's bullshit immediately.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Dogs on a plane or COVID lockdowns or whatever this diversity thing is or whatever school unions. I was just like, okay, this is all bullshit. Like I was on to it early. you know i was just like okay that's all bullshit like i was onto it early then there are people on the other side hardcore that'll never be swayed they just whatever it there's no amount your mom yeah my mom yeah there's no amount of times the la times or the new york times can be wrong that would ever convince them to go, I don't know if I believe what's coming from these newspapers. They could be wrong a thousand stories in a row and it wouldn't bother them and it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:12:13 sway them. And Gavin Newsom could run California into the ground and it wouldn't matter to that group. Here we are. To that group. But the group, and I'm not saying right or left because I don't want to confuse the subject, but the group on one side that would include me was on to the bullshit early. The group to the harder other side will never be swayed.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It doesn't matter how much evidence comes out. Look, Fauci is a saint to them and they have a candle. And it doesn't matter if videotape comes out of him in a hot tub with a bunch of Chinese leaders laughing and like smoking, lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill. You know, it doesn't matter. That's just they they believe what they believe. That's it. But there's a larger group in the middle. And the larger group in the middle in numbers is bigger than both smaller groups on each side combined.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And that larger group in the middle is just what it is, just a large middle group. Just what it is, just a large middle group. And what they do is they go, oh, Russian collusion and there's a Steele dossier. And hey, I was watching ABC tonight and I saw the ladies from The View and then I heard CNN and then I was looking at the USA Today and then Reuters said and then they go, oh, this is OK. There's a thing, you know, we got our thing. And then it doesn't come to fruition. And so then a few of those people from the middle, they start moving over into like my group, you know, and then they do it with climate change, you know, climate change. Greta Thunberg says we have six weeks, you know, before the whole thing goes up in flames. And they hear it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 They hear it. They hear it. And then they start. It doesn't really happen. And then why all these guys flying privately? If there's so much. And then they go. They start to drift into my camp a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And then, you know, then it's, you know, January 6th. And then it's, you know, the aforementioned Kyle Rittenhouse story and all the stories, you know, of Jussie Smollett. You know, the middle. OK, so you take Jussie Smollett. far left side of the extreme are like, maybe it was a hoax, but maybe it wasn't. But even if it was, it still speaks to a bigger problem. We have whatever, whatever the people in my group basically had their arms folded the whole time, like, you know, day two, like this is dubious. I don't know if I buy this.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And then the people in the middle just got whatever was spoon fed to them by good morning, whatever, or USA Today or L.A. Times. So they but now a few of them have now moved, drifted off into the arms folded, eyebrows raised group who always had it that way. Then it's all right. It's Hunter Biden's laptop.'s laptop okay people people on one side russian collusion thing was hacked i don't even know if it exists who knows who planted it rudy giuliani could have planted that thing people on the right are like uh tony babalinski just did a long interview with tucker carlson he seems to be pretty credible to me and who is 10 for the big guy like who's the big guy?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Blah, blah, blah. We need the arms folded party. Right. And then there was the whole middle. Now, the whole middle at the beginning stages were like 51 former security experts all signed off to say this was a hoax. And I can hear what
Starting point is 00:16:01 NBC is saying. Twitter just pulled down some guy's account who said it was real, you know, and they went, oh, they took the Washington Post story or the New York Post story off. They took their countdown for false claims and fact checkers. Oh, well, let's see what the fact checkers had to say. Well, they said it was Russian collusion. This may not be his laptop. And OK, those people, where have those people gone? They've drifted over into the arms folded group.
Starting point is 00:16:31 So what's happening is the bigger middle, which used to just hang out and was like, look, I don't want to be bothered. I just want to get on with my life. get on with my life. And by the way, if I turn on NBC News tonight and the anchors explain to me that had all the earmarks of Russian collusion and the 51 and James Brenner signed off on blah, blah, blah, then yeah, then I believe that guy. Where are they now?
Starting point is 00:16:58 They've drifted over. And so that's what's happening. Yeah, that 50 security experts. You see those guys interviewing now, the ones that are willing to be interviewed. They just go go well i we just said it was the earmarks of all and the goddamn interviewers if i were interviewing those people i go hey if i took 10 medical experts and the 10 of us said yeah we didn't examine that guy but everything we hear about that says that has all the qualities of pneumonia or fill in the blank diagnosis we would be saying
Starting point is 00:17:25 that's pneumonia right that's what we're saying and you gotta you gotta then ask the guy why would you say that what's your motivation for telling us because we obviously think you're telling us that is pneumonia right not saying that we're always right you're saying that's pneumonia why would you do that no one ever asked them that question. Ever. No, I know. It's fucking ridiculous. It's the death of journalism. By the way, whenever we talk about this pendulance and your clairvoyance and stuff, I always
Starting point is 00:17:52 think of you with, and I'm going to say Bruce Jenner because I'm specifically talking about the long past in like 1992 when we were talking about it. 96? Yeah. It's still a long time ago it's we're closing in on 20 years ago no no we're closing on 30 years ago oh my god 30 years ago shit yeah you said uh i don't know what's happening to bruce jenner but you guys seen him lately he's turning into a chick we were like what what are you talking about what does that mean what do you
Starting point is 00:18:21 our thing the crazy thing about that moment was all of our just like we're not just disbelief that you would say that but what are you talking about what would that even be we didn't even know but it was no thought about that i didn't know what it was either i was just like he's turning into a chick and people are like what does that even mean he's the world's greatest athlete and i'm like i don't know he's married i know he has children for christ's sake he has endorsement deals and i was like yeah i know but he's still turning into a chick people are like what see that's the shit that no like you can't see that your brain will let you see that normal people like me uh so my brain won't not let me see i get it i get it but it but it is another point on the scale of
Starting point is 00:19:08 you know it wasn't mandates that got us to the part where we now understand who caitlin jenner is and what she's up to it's like we're fine with it it's cool we're good right but back then even a physician myself didn't really quite i mean i i actually taken care of some transgender patients but didn't really know what you meant when Bruce Jenner transitions. I think a lot. So here's the problem. Then we'll take a couple of your phone calls. Your judgment, people's judgment is clouded by,
Starting point is 00:19:48 who'd want to turn into a chick? And the guy's 45. Why would he want to turn? And then like, I have kids. I'm married. What if I turned into a chick? That would ruin my life. What would that take?
Starting point is 00:20:03 My wife would leave me. I don't know. But that's an educational problem, right? So you just go, you take your shit, just like you did with Fauci. I said, he's compromised. He said, why would he want to do this? He doesn't have no motivation to lie or to deceive, you know what I mean? Plus his track record I had. And they do it with Barbara Ferrer and they do it with Gavin Newsom.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's what my mom would do. These are good people that are trying to save people. Why would they lie to anybody about it? You know what I mean? It's like a lot of like, why? Why? And my thing is, stop trying to figure out if they would or if they wouldn't. Just look at what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Look at the facts. Bruce Jenner in 1996, maybe it was 1997, was turning into a woman, according to me. Now, you could go, what's in it for him? He's going to lose his endorsement deals. I'm not factoring any of that in. But what about his wife? I'm not factoring. I'm just looking at him.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I'm looking at Fauci not taking a stand on Black Lives Matter rallies and marches and go, he's done. And you're going, but what's in it for him? He's a good guy. And I'm like, I'm not factoring that in. I'm just looking at what he's saying, which is easy and hard to do. Easy and hard, yes. It is easy and hard. John, 45, Northern California.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Hey, good day, guys. What's going on? Taking my call. Yeah, go ahead. Quick to the point, 16-year-old daughter, sophomore, went into her room. She was kind of doing her makeup, but grabbed her computer, and she was kind of watching pornography while in there. So I just kind of grabbed it.
Starting point is 00:21:41 There was a little bit of a struggle for the computer. I said, 3D, we can talk about this later. And that was kind of it, and that was a couple days ago. I don't know kind of how to address it because I'd like to circle back, but I really don't know how to. Was it something startling she was watching or just sort of standard old pornography? It was standard old. It's Skinamax, but just pornography, right?
Starting point is 00:22:05 So, yeah, nothing, I guess, weird or sketchy. So the reality is the average age of exposure has dropped from 11 to 9. Ugh. So, yeah, that's just the world that these kids live in. in and even if you put every lock you possibly could on the structure of what they have access to, other kids will still send them shit when they go to school if you give them an hour of phone time. And it's pretty hard to have no phone time. So it really becomes – and we don't know the full impact of all this yet.
Starting point is 00:22:47 impact of all this yet. You worry that certainly kids are more apt to get off into addictive sort of preoccupations with pornography, that kind of thing. I think the way to approach this, and again, I'm not your doctor, I'm not giving you specific advice, but how I would approach, let's say this from my daughter, is, look, I know this is commonplace for you kids. I don't think it's good for your brain. It worries me. I hope you're not having difficulty controlling how much you watch this stuff. But it's like tobacco. It's just not good for you at your age, and it just worries me, that's all.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So that's why I'd like to contain it. If it were good for you and it was a glorious sort of cultural experience, why would I have an issue with it? I don't care. But it's not good for you, and I hope you're okay. Do you have any trouble with this? Do you have any questions? Try to turn it into an opportunity for a lot of questioning and for coming to you with questions. And it's hard.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It's difficult. You'll be very embarrassed. These are tough conversations. But you've got to frame it as it's not that I'm telling you how to live your life. It's I want to protect you from things that I think could be damaging to you. Okay? Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I got it. Just like if you found her doing drugs. And then you've got to decide, is there a problem? Is there not? You know, some kids, they can't stop watching this stuff. They have preoccupation with it. And if that happens, then you need professional help at that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:17 We're an uncomfortable but pretty ubiquitous John and your good dad for just asking. Yeah, and not making a big issue out of it. Just going, hey, I got to contain this right now and then we'll talk. But the best outcome would be you have an opening. I hope you'll come to me when you have questions or is there other people you – or you talk to your doctor, whatever it is. Just please don't rely on your friends. Maybe come to us when you have questions. Or your mom, whatever. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Dan, 38, Delaware. Hey, guys. Thanks for taking my call. I really appreciate you guys for the last few years being the voice of reason amongst this craziness. Oh, man. Oh, boy. I actually found you guys through your mom's house, of all things. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But I feel pretty strongly about a lot of things you guys talk about, so I've got a million questions. But the thing on my mind now is about the Wow Wow Wubbzy, and I've always kept that garbage away from my kids. And so when you bring up this You're Cool song, it reminds me of things I hear on the radio and that go
Starting point is 00:25:29 along right with that. And the example of is Alessia Cara has been playing on the radio since 2015, and some of the chants in the song are and you don't have to change a thing, the world can change its heart. Chant it over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And then the refrain is, no better you than the you that you are. No better life than the life we're living. No better time for your shine, your star. Oh, you're beautiful. Oh, you're beautiful. So it's mashed. It's just like empowering.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Well, let's talk about this because it's kind of interesting. It's interesting because i'm surprised that people want to listen to those platitudes you think adults would not need that you know what i mean and what we were worried about with the wawa wubzi was the effect on the developing mind right and so i'm guessing that sort of later adolescent males and females listen to this as sort of a affirmation kind of thing. You know, people do affirmations.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I'm not sure it's as bad as Wawa Wubbzy. I'm just surprised people are taking into it. It's just so empty. Well, Wawa Wubbzy was, you spell it that way? W-B-B, I guess. The problem was it wasn't that you were cool. It's that you were the coolest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Which I don't, you know, you just take your general high school population. I don't think there's room for everyone to be the coolest. You know what I mean? Grammar school. This is a kind of an interesting time we're living in because as we have declared that everyone was the coolest we have also gotten rid of best sense of humor you know class clown best looking and all that kind of stuff so we do have definitive ways to measure who is the coolest but we did away with it is that right those don't that doesn't exist i talk to my kids all the time like what do you got for class clown what do you got for like best athlete best physique or whatever
Starting point is 00:27:29 and they're like we don't do any of that anymore but why would you need to do it if everyone was the coolest well you it would confront that that's the problem everyone would be the class clown and everybody yes of course you couldn't. All right. So it's insane. The affirmational stuff is sort of OK. I don't have a problem with it. I I have been screaming for a long time that the Michelle Obama type Oprah types, you know, even Biden, both Bidens. I mean, Jill Biden and Joe Biden, this weird kind of we're at our best when we're together. It's a Kamala Harris thing. I mean, Joe Biden is pablum-oriented, right?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yeah. And Kamala Harris is pablum oriented. Right. Yeah. And Kamala Harris is pablum oriented. And the problem with being pablum oriented is it's not all positive pablum. Yeah. So what it is, is has side effects. Well, no. Here's one. Oh, I will give you Joe Biden pablum.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. Right. Yeah. No, here's one. I will give you Joe Biden. Pablam. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah. Joe Biden. Pablam is united together. We can't be stopped because every young person deserves a world class education and everyone's voice needs to be heard and everyone needs a seat at the table. And white supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces. They're both bullshit, right? They're both pablum. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:29:15 White supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces. That, too, is pablum. Michelle Obama would say that. It doesn't mean anything the same way everyone deserves a seat at the table doesn't mean anything. Other than we can all universally agree that white supremacy is bad and that kids would be nice if they had good health care and world class meals or an education. OK, it's still both Pablum. And the problem with the Pablum peddlers is they don't just stick on the side of positive pablum. They swing over to the negative pablum about white supremacy and being the most dangerous and the rhetoric of, you know, whatever the Trump stuff, you know, tyrannical dictator, you know, whatever, whatever this stuff is. They swing hard both directions.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yes. And that's where the problem. And attacking. Yeah. Yes. So interesting's where the problem comes. Inspirational and attacking, yeah. Yes. So interesting. God, I've been doing television a long time. I was just flashing on the fact that I was on Oprah in like 2000. And I was very tired of the empty platitudes.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And I was commenting at the time on the quarter life crisis. There's a quarter life crisis going on. Right. And I went in there and said, no, it's not. Right. And I went, look, people have depression. They have developmental issues. They have challenges. It changes hard. Life is hard. She was offended by that. She sat back. She sat back in her chair and went, all right, smart guy, you tell me about it. Then hung me out to dry completely. And I
Starting point is 00:30:44 thought, this is hysterical, but all right, I can talk. And I started talking about it. And she went, oh, I see people with their spiritual outlook on life have breakthroughs every day on this show. And I thought, oh, she buys this bullshit. Yeah, she does. And all the dingbats who are free to watch TV at noon on a Wednesday, they buy into it fucking hard. I think people are coming, speaking of pendulum again, I think people are understanding change is hard.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And it's not, you know, just to go do something, man. You live your best life. You got to make a million small choices that are good and keep developing. Sustain change is as hard as making change. All right. Go to Coming to Vegas, Oklahoma City, New York City, Huntsville, Alabama, and Monterey.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Just go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? Dr. for the pods. And we heard a friend, Dan, came in from your mom's house. You can find that there. It's After Dark. And then also the streaming shows. Picking on Wednesday, you'll like the show we talk about COVID with Dr. Kelly Victory.
Starting point is 00:31:50 DrDrew.TV. That's it. Until next time. Adam Kroll for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.

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