The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1706 Why Adam Watches TMZ

Episode Date: April 14, 2023

Drew learning about the death of Raquel Welch leads to Adam explaining the reasons why he watches TMZ. Next, a caller asks what we can do to bridge gaps so people can work together and another caller ...has questions about his muscle spasms.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get on it. Doctors, board for six and special. Seven. Seventh master list. Sixes and sevens.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Yeah, I want to talk a little COVID stuff for a second. Six and special. Seven. Seventh master list. Sixes and sevens. Yeah. I want to talk a little COVID stuff for a second. But before I do, Raquel Welch died. Oh, she did? Yes. She had dementia and then died like a couple weeks ago. And they didn't announce it until just today. Oh, I think I heard she died a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Is that right? Yeah, I hadn't heard it until just recently. Yeah, you kind of caught me off guard because you hit me like... As though it's new information. It was new to me. No, I'd heard on TMZ, I think. I watch TMZ every night. Really?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah. Why? I find it entertaining. Why? I find it entertaining. I also find it to be a format that works well with exercise. Oh, yeah. I, by the way, think it's kind of a – I have no quarrels with it. It's sort of a genius show.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But it's not something I would – it's not appointment television for me. Sorry. It's not something I would, you know, it's not appointment television for me. Sorry. Well, you see, what I've figured out is if I shadow box and or row sometimes 20 minutes of vigorous shadow boxing is about right for me. Yeah. shadowboxing is about right for me. And TMZ minus the commercials is right at 20 minutes. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And so if I put TMZ on, I didn't even have to look at the clock or set my clock or anything. I just do the TMZ episode. You know what I'm saying? And the first break is always like 10 minutes exactly. And that's fine. Then you get a little 30 seconds while I fast forward to the next segment.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And I'm back on. And it's a 20 minute shadow boxing workout. So it works sort of practically that way for me. Do you learn anything from tmz yeah well i knew raquel welsh died and you didn't that's true and she's been dead for but i'm not used to you a month i'm not used to you spending time doing things that don't like show you something well i have two modes I have read interesting things and watch interesting things and learn something mode. And then I have watch sort of nothing modes to create thoughts about society, you know, and TMZ.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You know, and TMZ, well, you know, it'll basically tell you what happened in this today and this, you know, what what's going on with the royal family or whatever it is, which which then does come up in conversation with people. If you do a daily podcast as well, you end up, you know, Raquel Welch, you make a little note, you know, probably didn't make a note. But. Oh, so what happened is, is they reported her death on two fifteen. Yeah. You made a noise. Well, I was thinking February 15th. Huh? Interesting. Oh, right. Yeah February 15th. Huh. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Oh, right. Yeah. 2-15? I guess. Okay. Yeah. 2-15 is February. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. But it seems- No, it's been a while. Sorry, I said a month. Two months. I just thought I shortened it for you. Yeah. The cause of death was today.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Okay. That's what I said. That's what happened. That would explain this but um yeah some of this stuff is entertaining but some of it is a little informative and then some of it reminds me to make fun of katie perry or like whatever whatever that it is yeah and then a lot of it is like you know ben affleck sold his house for $61 million in Bel Air, you know. But it's all kind of falls under the sort of
Starting point is 00:04:29 semi-interesting, but maybe a little junk food, but also I will look, I will watch TMZ and I will watch Real Time with Bill Maher. And I will watch them for two very different reasons.
Starting point is 00:04:46 But I will then come in to my studio with thoughts that I got from TMZ, some stuff I want to talk about, and some stuff from Bill Maher I want to talk about. But they're polar opposite. And I don't even know anyone who would say, I watch TMZ every day, and then I watch – on Friday, I watch TMZ, and then real time. I do, just because I like the crazed variety of stuff. All right. That makes sense. So I'm a hero.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Anyway. Want to take some calls? A caldine. Well, I'm going to do a little COVID talk, but let's take some calls for it. Get it on first. Okay. Let's talk to – Line four. Get it on first. Okay, let's talk to... Line four.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Oh, wait. I hit three because I've been on hold the longest. Dave, 45, Phoenix. Hi, guys. Hi, guy. Dan, it's yours. Thank you for everything you do. And I guess what I want to say is just the way things are going right now in our country here,
Starting point is 00:05:47 going after political opponents and putting them in jail and doing all these various things, no matter which side of the aisle you're on, it just feels like we're going towards a very scary place. And people really kind of seem to be hating each other. And it seems, I don't like to talk about it, but it seems like a, God forbid, a civil war kind of type world that we're heading towards. And I just want your advice or support on what we can do to bridge that gap between people who don't agree with us, but to sort of learn to, I don't know, go to a place where we're not going to, God forbid, end up getting violent with each other, you know? I don't think there go to a place where we're not going to, God forbid, end up getting violent with each other, you know? I don't think there's likely to be that kind of violence.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Do you? No, but no. I don't either. I think a Michael Malice-style divorce of states is more probable than that. Yeah, and it won't even, you know, I don't think it'll be a formal declaration. It's just at some point, all the taxpayers are just going to move to Florida and Texas, and then California's going to go, hey, man, what about us? We need money.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And then we'll go, well, get your shit together, and then maybe people will move back. But I will say this. It shall be impossible to bridge the gap. And here's my take on what the gap is or how the gap works. This is based on living with your mom, I suspect. No. No. I didn't live with her very much.
Starting point is 00:07:18 No, but I mean having been exposed to that. No. No, this isn't. This isn't. I will say that you go, oh, the right says this and the left says that. And everyone does this equally. And and so there's enough blame to go around. That seems to be the Fox News says this and CNN says that. And there's enough blame to go around. this and CNN says that and there's enough blame to go around.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So then we're talking about sort of bridging the gap. I don't think the gap is bridgeable as long as people on the left are calling people on the right evil. If they stop calling them evil and started calling them wrong, then there's a bridgeable gap. And it is so. Don't believe me? Okay. You got Fox. You got CNN.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, Wolf Blitzer, nobody calls them evil. They go, I disagree with that guy. Or I think he's an idiot, or he's wrong. No one says Wolf Blitzer's an evil, you know, Hitlerian, you know. I mean, look, when I say nobody, I just mean it's always going to be general populace. You know what I mean? That's not what gets hung on them, right? Yeah. Tucker Carlson is evil.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I mean, that's not what gets hung on them, right? Yeah. Tucker Carlson is evil. And as long as we're going to go evil versus wrong, we're going to have a big problem with bridging a gap because you don't negotiate with evil. You negotiate with wrong. Evil versus wrong, though, is Trump derangement. Yes. That's where that came from. Well, it's not only Trump derangement. It's just general derangement. Yes. That's where that came from. Well, it's not only Trump derangement.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's just general derangement. And it also means you're having difficulty making a point. That the argument may not be won if you try to have an argument rather than just calling somebody a bad person. Right. So Ron DeSantis in Florida has very different thoughts about governing than Gavin Newsom in California has. OK.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Ron DeSantis doesn't want schools closed during covid or Ron DeSantis wants no state tax or Ron DeSantis wants anti-union or whatever, whatever it is. And then Gavin Newsom has very other very different thoughts. Yeah, we would be the opposite of whatever Ron DeSantis his thoughts were and whatever. We could have him debate those ideas and we'd see who comes out on top or gavin newsom can call ron desantis a dictator right and then that'll be that right now you don't have a debate with a dictator evil dictator an evil dictator so freedom then there will be no bridge gapped on the other hand i think the problem with the bridge with the gapping of the bridge or the coming together is, Dave.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, most of the left's ideas are shit and they don't work and they're fully aware of it. There's no reason in hell anyone on the left thinks our approach to crime mitigation, our approach to the homelessness, our approach to development economically, and there's no graphic, there's no numbers that exist that says that's an effective way to govern. Nothing. What they do have is that person's a racist who disagrees with how we govern. Now, the reason they have that is because they understand their policies are shit and ineffective. So the problem is, is how are you going to get them to stop calling other people racist and hit Larian and start focusing on your
Starting point is 00:11:26 on their policies and the answer is never because the policy is shit and they know it do you think why doesn't Gavin Newsom talk nuts and bolts against DeSantis uh come to California we're free to love that doesn't mean anything. Start laying out some numbers. Hey, Ron DeSantis, we had more people come to California from Florida. Oh. Oops. Oops.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Hey, Ron DeSantis, a U-Haul costs $5 to come from Florida to Los Angeles, but from Los Angeles back to Tallahassee. Shit. Let's talk homelessness, Rhonda. Oh, fuck. Fuck that. Oh, boy. Let's talk about new businesses.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Let's talk about businesses. Freedom of business to do business. Oh, fuck that. Well, let's talk about school achievements or test scores. He's got nothing. There's nothing. So he just calls them evil. And then they go, we can't talk. Yeah, we can't talk because you're calling one side
Starting point is 00:12:30 Hitlerian or racist or whatever it is. And so there's never going to be a dialogue. But there could be a dialogue if their policies got better. Then we could actually debate the policies. They don't want to debate the policies for good reason. Plus, it's been so successful just to have these ad hominem attacks. Yeah. They've had the government on their side.
Starting point is 00:12:56 They've had the big tech on their side. Yes. Help it all out. Yes. Press on the side. It works. Yes. Why would they stop?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yeah. and listen, I will make you this promise. Gavin Newsom can go on Tucker Carlson's show for an hour any night of the week he wants. Yep. And he's more than welcome. And I'm sure he's been invited. But he's not going.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Why not? Why isn't he coming back on your show? I'm sure he's invited there show? Because his policies are shit. Because he can't defend his policies. That's why he's not coming back on this show or his show or her show or whatever. Is that just because you're mean to him? I wasn't mean to him. I just disagreed with things he was lying about.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That's all. Okay. When people are calling all these things Hitlerian, you know, that's what leads to, you know, because people always think, you know, you fantasize, if I was in World War II and I had an opportunity to take out Hitler, you know, that would have been, I would have done that. And you have people growing up hearing all this stuff, and God forbid, we don't know exactly what caused the crazy person to attack on a Christian school last week, but it's quite possible that hearing all this Hitlerian talk and thinking, hey, I'm going to take out these Hitlers.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I'm going to do these things. Save the country. Their warped minds. Save the country. They can't believe it. So the kids are where I get nervous. There's for sure the vulnerable can be affected by all this. But that's not our big problem.
Starting point is 00:14:22 can be affected by all this, but that's not our big problem. Our big problem is that people are voting without any understanding of the policy or what they're voting for, and there's no conversation about it. So it's only this mudslinging, and that's not helping the Americans make decisions. Ben, what's going on with the mayoral race in Chicago?
Starting point is 00:14:43 There's no results in yet. When are they voting? Right now. Oh, and they don't have any polling? We're getting numbers about how many people are showing up to the polls. That's been updated recently, but no results yet. They don't have exit polling, huh? It's kind of weird, right?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yet, yet. No, I get it, but it's late enough in Chicago where this new world order data starts trickling in almost immediately. Well, now, is this Bruce Jenner again? Are you seeing something here? Are you suggesting something? No, I just want to know our— Well, you're saying a pattern. Isn't it odd that they haven't—
Starting point is 00:15:21 Oh, no, I don't know enough about Chicago and politics to know if that's – I just know that – I know certain things. Like speaking of that killer from the Christian school, where is that manifesto again? Because we usually get to read it. Oh, sure. We don't get to see it this time.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Why did DeMar Hamlin drop dead on the field? It's the same thing. Yeah, there's usually stuff's available immediately. You can't handle the truth. Yeah, I think there's an element of that. All right, so I don't know, Ben, what'd you say? You put some graphic up there that I couldn't read, but
Starting point is 00:16:02 we're going to find out whether Chicago is going nuttier or they're steering toward the light a little bit. Okay. Hold on a second. Given the California experience, there's no telling how that will go. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:21 All right. Aaron, 47. Aaron, 47. Hey, guys. Thanks for having me on. Hi, guys. Hey. Can you hear me? Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Great. Okay. Hey, Dr. Drew, I had a question. With you being a medical professional, I had a question just with the duty to warn. I know you guys are in California, but I think Tennessee and California kind of have the same laws just in terms of, you know, if we believe a reasonable threat
Starting point is 00:16:52 and believe the person, you know, is able to follow through on that, we've got a duty to warn, which is great. And I guess this all comes up just in light of all the stuff that's happened here in the last week. But I guess my question is, are you aware of any kind of like mechanism anywhere that takes the duty of the
Starting point is 00:17:10 Warren like to the next step? I know that I know that, you know, people will engage law enforcement, law enforcement will engage engraged person. But are you aware of any kind of mechanism that takes it to another level in terms of like, you know, all right, you can't go to a Dix now and go buy a handgun? And, you know, I know you're not a legislator. I was just curious just because, you know, you talked to a number of people. I just wonder if you're aware of anything like that. So vulnerable people. So I think your question is vulnerable people who have a tendency to violence, can we interfere with their ability to buy a weapon?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Is that the question? Yes, I guess so, yes. I don't think so. The duty to – yeah, duty one is really duty to protect, right? When you've had a serious violent threat and you only then have – and it's quite a cumbersome process – are allowed to alert the people for whom the violence might be directed. Right. Right. And so it's – look, we have people all over the streets who need our help and we're not allowed to help them.
Starting point is 00:18:20 That's all you need to know. Yeah. And that's the sad reality. I don't know how many different laws – I would look into this one of these days. How many different laws interfere with our ability to help people that have lack of insight, anosognosia, but brain diseases are real. And when people are in those states, they don't know what they're doing. And just like dementia, they don't know what they're doing. And yet certain illnesses, you're not allowed to get near it. Even if you have – listen, remember the kid that shot up the theater, thought he was the Joker?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah. He was seeing a psychiatrist and I haven't read the story but I guarantee you that psychiatrist alerted everybody and tried to get in the way of it. And there are committees after the West Virginia shooting, same exact thing, acute mania, kid shoots everything up. There's these committees at universities that are designed to these sort of assessment committees. I guarantee you they got in the way of that psychiatrist. Oh, he just thinks it's a joke. What's the big deal? He's living his best life.
Starting point is 00:19:15 We know when people like to get violence. Freaking listen to us when we have a concern. But they don't. Yeah. So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:24 All right. Yeah. That's not. I appreciate that. All right. I suspect that yeah. Yep. Yeah. All right. Yeah. That's not, I appreciate that. I suspect that was probably it. Yep. All right. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:19:30 speaking of the manifesto. Yeah. What is that? We're not going to see it. We're not going to, we're going to find out what took down DeMar Hamlin before we see that manifesto. That's my prediction.
Starting point is 00:19:44 You know, there's parts of those manifestos. I was listening to someone speak in front of Congress. Many of them include sort of soft targets. So gun-free zones. So this school is not a gun-free zone or this school has a guard with a gun or whatever. And then this is gun free zone. So attracting people with guns to your gun free zones because nothing's going to come back their way.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Turns up shots fired, which is totally the thing. It's totally the thing I makes more sense than anything I've ever heard in my life, which is you're going to rob this liquor store or that liquor store, that liquor store. The guy has a gun, that liquor store. The guy doesn't have a gun. Which liquor store are you robbing? It's pretty's pretty straightforward. Not only that, but you think that transgender girl that said now is happier, better off because somebody didn't intervene to do something with her mental health first? You think that's good for her?
Starting point is 00:20:55 Mm-hmm. Yeah. I know. We obsess with guns. All right. Let's talk. You want to talk to line one? I do.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Okay. Let's talk to brian 46 ohio brian oh hi guys hi guy how's it going fellas good so i was just curious for the last couple months i've been having this like weird twitch on my left bicep, you know, and I've had like muscle spasms and stuff before. But like this one just seems to be like recurring. And there'll be like a lot of times I'm just like laying in bed at night and I'm like having a hard time falling asleep because I'm just sitting there like laying on my side. And like my left bicep will just be like twitching, twitching, twitching. So is it like a repetitive contraction like bump, bump, bump, or is it fasciculation like little worms under the skin? I'd say more like the first one.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah. Have you changed your workout pattern lately? I wouldn't say that I have. Medication, changes in your fluid intake, anything of that sort? Nothing really comes to mind. Okay. So it's probably nothing, but you ought to have a doctor to look at it. I mean, there are neuromuscular conditions that are associated with little different than what you're describing.
Starting point is 00:22:23 So I don't think it's one of those things. But, of course, the responsible thing is get it checked out. Also, things that hit the nerve root and the cervical spine can do this too. So if you have a disc problem or neck pain or anything like that, that can kind of set you up for this sort of thing. Okay. Cool. Yeah, I have noticed a little, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:22:44 my neck maybe feels a little off lately. Yeah, I have noticed a little, I don't know, my neck maybe feels a little off lately. Yeah, so someone ought to check things out and see if there's something pushing on the nerve up there. All right? Okay. All righty. Thank you, fellas. Thanks, Brian. You were talking about another show, another episode.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You wanted to examine something. I do. I do. Oh, yes. Come on, Drew. Write shit down. No, no. I was going to do something else first. Oh, yes. Come on, Drew. Write shit down. No, no. I was going to do something else first.
Starting point is 00:23:08 But yes, let's go to that. That was gone to the dustbin of history. Which is a video. We were talking last show about how we, you know, you can't trust anything the press says and everything has been manipulated and really just how, let's call it what it is, dishonest. So much of what went on during COVID in particular was, and Adam and I were on the Gutfeld show three months ago, something like that, two months ago. And something Adam said started making the rounds and I sent that in and here it is.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I sent a tweet out two and a half years ago that said this is killing old people and sick people and the rest you got played. And who's getting played next time? And I was pilloried for that. And I had some celebrity friends call me and say, take the tweet down. And I said, no, I'm not taking it down because I'm right. They want to turn the page. They want to shut down schools, ruin kids, get people deplatformed, fired, disgraced amongst other colleagues. And now, oops, we were wrong. Well, turn the other cheek and turn the page.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, that's not how life works. You went out of your way to harm people. Many of them were called journalists. They should be falling on their sword. It is disgusting what they did. People always say, well, then what's the punishment for the journalists who were wrong about everything? And the answer is never listened to them again, because that's the best punishment you could ever give to a journalist. Just everyone ignore them.
Starting point is 00:24:35 There you go. There you go. And please follow suit. Sagely words, sagely words, well-framed, well-stated. And please, everybody listen to those words and act accordingly.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Cancel your newspaper. Cancel all your newspaper subscriptions. Do not read their shit online. Just don't click through. Those headlines are all BS. Don't do it. Don't do it. I mean, Twitter is probably a better place to figure things out and to
Starting point is 00:25:05 hear what's going on and to you know hear something like news not not journalists well i think you have to have forget about politics and forget about pandemics. When I have an idea to do something, I go, I think this is a good idea. I like this idea. I don't call my dad and ask him what he thinks of the idea because I don't value his opinion. And I don't call most of the guys that went to high school away.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I call you. I call Mark Garagos. I call Matt D'Andrea because he's from a sort of different world. I call a large – a group of different people as long as they're dudes because I need some accuracy. But I – I suck at this one. I will. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But I find I have four or five people from different sectors and I go, here's this idea. Here's what I'm thinking. Now, tell me what you think. And I have said to just recently about one of these ideas when I was talking to my friend Matt, I said, tell me what's wrong with it. You find why. Why is this a bad idea? You go ahead. Maybe even if you think it's a good idea, figure out why it's a bad idea and come back at me with it. And then I get everyone's input.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And I go, now I have a clear vision of this thing. You can do that with a lot of stuff. You can kind of go, now, if you watch the view, then you can't do it. Because there's something wrong with all of them, and they don't have a diversity of opinion.
Starting point is 00:27:00 But you can go, what's Bill Maher think of X, Y, or Z? Or what does Alex Berher think of X, Y, or Z? Or what does Alex Berenson think of X, Y, or Z? Or whomever, wherever, and the guys that got the Twitter files. It's why you can't silence people. You need all kinds of opinions. We are responsible.
Starting point is 00:27:21 We can listen to these things and make our own decisions. But here's the caveat. It's not people that agree with you. It's people whose opinions you value. Yeah. So I constantly go to people whose opinions I value and I go, tell me what's wrong with this idea or tell me what your take is. The more different than my thinking, the better, right? As long as it's somebody who I think is, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:49 sane and has interesting ways of thinking about things. And if that person for you is joy, Bayhar, then that simply means you're listening to people you agree with versus challenging your points. That's, that's what I'm saying. Yes, I agree.
Starting point is 00:28:06 All right. Good note to go out on. Really quick, though, before you end, notice, note on myself, I had to drop in a sexist would say. Where that came from, I thought, why did I say that? And I thought, oh. That's on Gutfeld. Not on Gutfeld.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I can't trust people to understand it's a joke. All right. Unless you have to put a, hey, it's a joke, guys. Yeah. A sexist would say this. They can't even understand humor right now. Yeah. Weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Our people would. I just felt that impulse. I worry about it generally. All right. I still don't really have any women on that list, but I get it. I have some of mine. Yeah, I do too. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Vegas coming up. Oklahoma City. New York City Yeah, I do, too. All right. Vegas coming up. Oklahoma City. New York City. Huntsville, Alabama. Monterey. Go to for all the live shows. What do you think, Drew? In fact, I'm better than you.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I have women. I have ethnic diversity on my list. I'm just better. No, no, no. I am better than you. No, no, no, no. Go to Dr. I got Armenian. Go to Dr. I come Armenian. Go to Dr.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I come for the pods and Dr. TV for the streaming shows. So until next time, Adam Crow for Dr. Sand. Mahalo.

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