The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1712 Mike Comes Into Money

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

Drew tells Adam about the unaired pilot to 'All the Family' with a different cast. Adam remembers the episode where Meathead came into some money and demonstrates how an episode over 50 years old accu...rately predicted the future of today's political climate. Please Support Our Sponsors: Enter ADAM

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get it on. No choice, we've got a mandate, get it on. I'm Adam Corolla, that's Dr. Drew over there, board-certified physician. Yeah, I've got something to talk to you about. Drew.
Starting point is 00:00:31 What you got? It's funny. Go back. I've been watching Love Boat, of course. Okay. But I've also been watching a little bit of All in the Family. Yeah. And, you know, we've talked about it before because it is – people think whatever's going on now is new. It's not.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's old. And All in the Family is 50 years old plus. Yeah. Yeah. And you just tune into an episode and Meathead, Rob Reiner, represents everything you disagree with now. Except for he was saying it back then. And we were talking about how it was interesting that there was only one person in that group who had a job. I think taxes and was paying taxes and paying a mortgage and keeping the
Starting point is 00:01:32 lights on and the place that all the other people were living. And, and he was the heel of the, of the show. He was, there was an interesting wrinkle in it. I, I guess I was watching a documentary about
Starting point is 00:01:45 it and uh they were talking about the original pilots and things uh and in that pilot uh you've got like sally struthers and sally struthers yeah and uh rob ryan were not the original uh daughter and son-in-law and they tried a couple of them and it really was interesting watching all that footage but the wrinkle was that and they they slid it in kind of carefully which was that archie had white privilege because it was his brother or brother-in-law i guess it was that got him his job down on the docks. Right. So he could get a job. Therefore, he was somewhat guilty of privilege by being able to house everybody, which is kind of interesting wrinkles by today's from today's perspective.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Right. Yeah. It was also kind of funny about juxtaposed to good times where the patriarch of good times, John Amos didn't have a job. The whole seven years that show was on every, every single episode started with him coming through the door going, you know, in Florida,
Starting point is 00:03:03 his wife going, did you get a job down, down at the docks or anything? He go, no, they said they ain't hiring door going, you know, in Florida, his wife going, did you get a job down at the docks or anything? He'd go, no, they said they ain't hiring black men. You know, and I was like, that's what they said. But also he wasn't trying to get a job as an executive chef. He was trying to get a job on a loading dock. Yeah. Could you imagine that narrative today no no it's it's like he was trying to get a job
Starting point is 00:03:31 unloading trucks and they were just going no for seven years he couldn't find a menial you know task labor job crazy right yeah yeah um so um this episode i'm watching meathead gets some money from some uncle who died right some uncle died and left him like $275,000. Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. $275. Which in 1971 was considered like a chunk of change. I mean, if anyone had dropped off 300 bucks at the Corolla house, that would have been cause for celebration and way more money than I ever saw. And there'd be a lot of discussions about it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So he's dropped off. He opens the mail and there's a check for 275 bucks. Right. And he says, what can I do with this money? And he says, you know, maybe I'll buy Gloria a winter coat. And Archie says, how about you kick it over to me because you've been living for free for all this time in my house. And Meathead says, I'm going to donate it to the McGovern campaign, who was a guy who lost in the landslide to Nixon,
Starting point is 00:05:04 and then goes on to explain why he needs to give the money to the McGovern campaign versus the guy who's housing him and paying for his food while he goes to college. Now, there is a conceit, which is he's going to pay him back after he finishes college. I don't remember that part. He kept saying, when I finish college, I'm going to pay you back. But my point is, is you got $275 in your hand right now.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. And you want to give it away to a presidential campaign. Yeah. And we're supposed to side with the guy who has the money and won't give it to the guy who's housing him and feeding him. You got to get what's his name back? The producer writer, Norman Lair. You got to get him back and have the conversation with him about what he was thinking during all that, how he perceives all that.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Now, he really interesting, right? He feels that way right now norman does so he's exactly the same interesting hasn't changed well what's rob reiner done well rob has become meathead right he's become meathead. But he's died in the wool. I mean, it's taken it to the grave for sure. Hmm. But I'm sitting around and I'm going, it seems like the guy who doesn't work and doesn't contribute, if he stumbles on to $275, that's not even his money.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That's the guy who's been housing him and paying for his food for three years you you would think right i would think but then there's magical thinking drew well you think like a dude yeah i i really i would love to hear that when you interviewed normally or did you thump on him pretty good? No, no. We were talking about his mom never liked him. Right. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But just to kind of these sorts of economic questions, it is a denial of the basic structure of ownership, frankly. Isn't that what's in there? Yeah. Yeah, it is yeah it's sort of it's sort of when we're speaking on a previous show about sort of the kind of disconnect and confusion and not knowing how to train a dog um A lot of it is the whole sort of gender confusion thing, which is to say not that gender confusion or blurring the lines of gender has anything to do with black kids riding in Chicago and beating the crap out of people. Chicago and beating the crap out of people, it's there to serve as a kind of a metaphor for nothing is knowable anymore. Nothing is real. So if you start with a kind of premise of nothing is real, then I start saying, hey, where are the dads where's the discipline you know where where why aren't these families intact who these kids have parents where are they and you go nothing is real
Starting point is 00:08:31 yeah and we have morbidly obese people talking about uh diet isn't real exercise isn't real everything is perspective yeah yeah everything is subjective literally what's right and that's that's the old not critical race theory but critical theory generally which was everything is subjective and political and nothing is objective and in fact objectivity is to be avoided because that's the product of old white male thinking yeah i. I don't know if Ben can find, maybe you can find that, uh, all in the family clip, which is,
Starting point is 00:09:09 um, it aired. It was the most recent airing one. It's, it's basically meathead runs into some money. And this is, Oh, Mike comes into money is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah. My problem of whether Archie Bunker saying to Mike Meathead, hey, how about you kick some of that money over to me? And everyone's laughing at Archie. And I'm agreeing with Archie is basically the same as my wife's friend saying, Matt Damon, just shut up. And I'm going, what do you mean? I agree 100% with Matt Damon.
Starting point is 00:09:52 You know what I mean? Or Little Miss Sunshine, when the dad is saying, you know, don't eat ice cream and waffles for breakfast. You'll get fat. And everyone's yelling at him. And I'm like, but what or la unified you know whatever open the schools what what is it i don't know drew that what is going on there's something i are leaf blowers they're bad for the environment they're bad for the people
Starting point is 00:10:20 are using them and they're it's not enforced because it's all mexican army and they don't like the optics of it the same way they don't enforce selling hot dogs on the stairs of the staples center because it's going to be a hate crime because it's all hispanic i i know these things what what is your argument what is going on it's all subjective it's all political there's no argument all right do we have uh let's see if we have this uh let's see if we can play this clip i think you'll find it kind of interesting going back in time i mean what 1972 i mean it's 51 51 years old now they'd been on the air emmy you gotta check now all the family which how what number episode is this had it been on the air a year two years i it's 1970 maybe point is is meat has been living there rent free for a number of years at this point go ahead and play the clip sorry
Starting point is 00:11:21 pot up the sound beautiful beautiful winter coat How much is that going to take? I don't know. How much? Around $80. $80. Well, all right. What are you going to do with the other round? About $200.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Well, that I'd like to use for something really important. Like what? Like giving it to the McGovern campaign. Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding, Art. It's a real emergency. Don't you see that the election's only two weeks away and they need the money desperately? Do you mean to say that you give $200 to them people
Starting point is 00:11:58 and forget all about it? Oh, wait. Forget all about it. Maybe he does do it here. Sorry. He's such a good actor, Carol. Do you mean to say that you give $200 to them people and forget all about your own family here? here sorry and he's such a good actor carol you'll give 200 to them people i forget all about your own family here oh i'm doing it for my family because i
Starting point is 00:12:10 want to keep us living in a democracy what the hell are you talking about i'm talking about the fact that the republicans have over 30 million dollars all right all right pause it drew wants to keep us living in a democracy have you you heard that one recently? Yeah, exactly. The Republicans are trying to ruin democracy back then, 50 years ago. 51 years ago, Ben. 51 years ago, there was an attack on our democracy. Ben's parents hadn't met yet. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Back then. They. All right. So what happened? Nixon got elected and then he got impeached. But what happened to the democracy, Drew? It got ruined. Well, we're still trying to ruin it.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Now, go back. I'm sorry, but you have to go back about two minutes before where we start. Look at Rob Reiner's hair. Oh, my God. That was actually. All right. Bob Reiner's hair. Oh, my God. That was actually. All right. But go back at the beginning because Archie's saying I want the money.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah. At the beginning? Yeah. That's back to the coat. That's the coat. No, you got to go back. Oh, all right. It's before this.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Sorry. Just got to find. This isn't the whole episode, is it? Now, yeah, I got to figure out five minutes before this thing picks up. But the gist is guy who's been living. This is season three. Yeah. This is the end of season three.
Starting point is 00:13:43 This guy's been living there rent free for three years. The guy, by the way, Archie's's not wealthy he works on a dock yeah and or drives a cab and he's saying to the hippie guy how about you contribute to the home you're living in yeah does that make sense and and but who's the who's the antagonist in this and who's the protagonist? Well, the antagonist is the guy who works and wants his money. So there's something really interesting in this dynamic because you and I came from the generation behind Rob Reiner's generation. And it could be argued that during sort of Rob Reiner for about five years forward from there, that generation, there was a lot of living at home, hippie type stuff,
Starting point is 00:14:39 not working does sound familiar, you know? And then I'm wondering if the parents sort of reacted to that and then took it out on us and took it out on the next generation with a little more expectation. You know, I'm wondering if the Gen Z will kind of be more like us. It'll be interesting, right? Or even maybe a little behind Gen Z, after Gen Z. Yeah, put the clock up, Emmy, please. Let me, I'll let you find that clip.
Starting point is 00:15:10 We'll talk to Andy over here. Andy, 44, Tennessee. I am here. Hey, guys. Hi, girl. I know. Look, this will be my last Chick Speak, I hope. I'm fangirling a bit, so please bear with me.
Starting point is 00:15:25 So I have been listening to y'all well since Loveline. I mean, I was young probably before I should have. And I just want to bring up and see what you guys' opinion is on the fact that I think all of this
Starting point is 00:15:42 is playing out. I mean, I said the powers to be when I called because you can point definitely to the government, but really the people with the big money. I think this is all going exactly like they want it to. And it is ironic that I don't know if it's ironic, but that I call in while you're talking about an episode from roughly the 70s, because I guess I had this realization when it came out about Biden's new campaign being run or not run, but influencers were involved. You guys heard that or what? Yeah. Yeah. So ever since influence came out that that word itself got on my nerves, and I couldn't understand it. I feel like they don't do anything, really, so that's always been on my nerves. But then when this came out about Biden having these 23 influencers out, I said, that sounds like steering.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I mean, I have a history, you know, background in real estate and property management and and i typically work in metropolitan areas which are poorer and i can tell you nothing ever changes there ever and i just feel like we are literally coming about circle on purpose yeah i uh thanks the line's a little crackly so i'll put you on hold um let me just make sure I understand what she's saying, which is essentially that it's serving somebody's motivational interests. Yeah, but here's a very sad testimonial. Micro or macro, right? The fact that people like you, sensible, intelligent people who, let's say,
Starting point is 00:17:36 lived in the state their entire life and guys like me have lived in the state their entire life and Mark Garagos sitting in the state entire life and mark garrigos sitting in the state for entire life the fact that three times a week and as it pertains to los angeles or chicago or whatever it is the fact that three times a week we have to have this conversation where we go are they trying to destroy everything on purpose yeah like right and i, just let's go macro. Let's go macro. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Micro. Let's go micro. Imagine if you and I just spoke on a routine basis and you were going, is my wife trying to burn my house down on purpose or is she just falling asleep while she's smoking? Like, I don't know. I don't know what she's every every time i see her and i told her well you can smoke but but smoke outside you won't fall asleep on the mattress while you're drinking and she was outraged and then she said she wanted me to go outside you
Starting point is 00:18:39 know or whatever and it's like but you you're genuinely and earnestly saying to me constantly, I don't know. She's trying to destroy our family because she's met somebody new and she wants to move on. Or does she really think this is a good way to be a mom and a wife and to run a household? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Could you imagine you saying that constantly on a micro level? Because that's the conversations I have about
Starting point is 00:19:11 Los Angeles and California and many other states and cities is like, are they trying to destroy everything? That's weird, right? It certainly is. Forget whether or not they're trying. They have succeeded. Well done. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And then you go, well, maybe they are trying to destroy everything so they can take power, do something new. And then you go, but would they really do that? You know, and then it's again, it's it's bad when forget about being the mayor, being a governor or being the president right yeah let's just say you ran a deck a decorative box factory in gardena yeah and people your employees like kept asking is he trying to destroy the business right is he trying to destroy the business i'm sure i bet there are businesses out there where people have those sorts of conversations. And guess what? On the business world and the sort of private sector world, there are consequences.
Starting point is 00:20:12 The problem is there are no consequences for long periods of time with government. All right. We have this clip. I inherited $500. What? What's that? You inherited $500? All right, we have this clip. Ain't that interesting, Archie? If it wasn't for his Uncle Alex, Mike would be in Poland right now. He's the best. Out of respect for the dead, I ain't gonna say nothing. Michael, this check is only for $275. Yeah, well, it explains here that they took out the difference to recover my uncle's back taxes. Oh. Gee, almost half. I don't believe it. Wow. I'll
Starting point is 00:21:14 never do what I live to see today when a meathead would have a tax problem. See, that's the difference between you and me, Arch. I don't mind paying taxes if I know that the money's gonna be used for good things. But do you know what Nixon's gonna do with my money? He's gonna use it to buy a bomb and blow up a Vietnamese village. That's for your protection, buddy. You want them gooks riding the subways with you?
Starting point is 00:21:37 That's right, Arch. That's every Oriental's dream, to ride the IRT. Oriental? Well, $275 is a lot of money. Are we gonna save it or spend it? Oriental. Right. Oh, Arch. Oh, boy. What about your landlord, which happens to be I?
Starting point is 00:22:15 What about living here free, room aboard for two years? Not to mention the depreciation on your bedroom up there. Arch, I've been keeping a record of every penny I owe you, but don't you remember the deal? I stay here till I finish school and get a job, and then I'll pay you back with interest. By the time that happens, I'll be rooming with your Uncle Ali.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Hello, Rick. Arch, Arch, believe me, if there was an emergency here, I'd give you this check without thinking twice about it, but right now, I'd like to use the money for something special all right special there you go yeah we're not paying the guy he's been living with for free for two years and he's a 30 year old adult when it comes time to pay that ledger he's been keeping he'll be right on with interest. Now, the point is, is in this equation. The guy who's been paying for the able bodied, educated adult for years is the antagonist in this setup. And he's wearing the black hat and the guy wearing the white hat
Starting point is 00:23:27 is the guy who lives there for free yeah who got free money from his uncle yeah that's that's matt that's matt damon just shut up do we ever find out what he was studying i don't know i don't remember i don't know it really didn't feel like engineering you know what i mean no no it wasn't a stamp he is he is destined for academia the way they have it kind of set up right yeah i'd be i'd be good he's the guy making he you wonder why things are messed up right now on college campuses? There you go. Right. Take that mentality, which is... That guy. Probably that guy. That character. That character, which is
Starting point is 00:24:10 I don't pay the guy who works hard at the dock anything. Now I have some money, but I'm still not going to pay him because I'd like to save it for something special. I want to buy my wife a fur coat.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah. Well, special. I want to buy my wife a fur coat. Yeah. Well, special. Send it to the McGovern campaign. That was special. Well, I want to buy her winter coat and whatever's left over, he's going to send to a politician so we can save democracy. But he's not going to pay the guy
Starting point is 00:24:41 who's... The guy, by the way, they're about to eat in a minute. And guess who bought that food? Sociology is what he what he studies. Oh, interesting. That's so interesting. Did he ever graduate in the eight? Yes, he did in the eight seasons or I don't remember him getting a job.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So the question is, is when did he graduate and then like I wonder how old this character was supposed to be but my point is this this is 51 this is 50 plus years old right yeah I was a small child and I would watch. He became a professor. See, I told you now he's an administrator. Yes. I would sit there with my mom and my mom would nod when meathead was talking and shake her head.
Starting point is 00:25:41 When Archie was on my mom, who was sitting in her mom's flop house, not working and not paying her mom and grandpa, not paying her parents' rent, of course, agreed with Meathead. Yeah, of course. I actually did, too, back in the day. I was fully bought in, fully.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Didn't think about it this way at all back then no young people are not thinking the way you think today right by the way his graduation was a season uh season finale of season four season finale of uh season four so they kind of kept it in real time you know they don't they didn't do what the simpsons does which is you know lisa sim Simpson is nine for 37 years. You know what I mean? They realized they couldn't have him be a student for nine years without coming home with some degree or looking like he wasn't studying. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Very interesting. All right. You can go to for all the live shows because Vegas and Oklahoma City and New York City and Solana Beach. And, oh, boy, we're going to Nashville, Huntsville, Monterey. Ooh, Monterey. Pasadena, Portland, Oregon. Pasadena, the ice house? Yeah. Oh, I'm going to show up at that.
Starting point is 00:27:03 July 13th. Honolulu, Hawaii, coming up September 8th and 9th. Ooh, doing some stand-up there. All right, Drew, what do you got? Go to for the family podcast, and of course, We'll send you a notification when we go. It's usually Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 3 o'clock. Check it all out.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Appreciate it. What's up? Until next time, Adam Kroll for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.

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