The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1735 We'll Never Know

Episode Date: June 21, 2023

Drew shares a thread about COVID origins as Adam shares a theory about when smart people say things like "we'll never know". Next, they take a call from someone who wants to hear their takes on child ...YouTubers becoming the primary breadwinners in their family before talking about the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Please Support Our Sponsors:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm John Glover. Emmy award-winning researcher John Glover and I'm Marissa Pinson. Critically unacclaimed TV writer Marissa Pinson. And we're the hosts of the new podcast On Brand with John and Marissa. Join us every week for an exploration of the world's most interesting and iconic brands like Walmart. Do they still have the old people who say welcome to Walmart? No, they got rid of them. You just want more old people in the store? I want every staff member to be over 90. And Heinz. Heinz. Heinz.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Heinz. I say Heinz. I'm a German dictator. And while you learn about these legendary brands, you'll also learn a bit about us. Hey, John, do you still sleep in shoes? I would say probably three times a year I fall asleep in shoes. You told me the thing that you should never look under a Costco chicken. Well, I don't think you should ever look under a chicken.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So tune in every Wednesday for a brand new episode of On Brand with John and Marissa. Available now wherever you get your podcasts. See you there. recorded live at Corolla one studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew show.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah, get it on. Got to get on. Dr. Sport fish, fish, fish, fish,
Starting point is 00:01:23 fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish,
Starting point is 00:01:24 fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, Bend the bar. Dr. Ispor. Fibrosis. Fibrosis. Fibrosis. Anal fissure.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Fibrosis. This gets better and better. Uh-huh. So as I promised, I want to read this Michael Schallenberger thread that was on Twitter. It's about the lab leak. No longer hypothesis. It's now the overwhelming body of evidence that is documenting the lab leak from the Wuhan lab. Should we do a couple calls first before I get to that? Or you want to just go right into it?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Go into it. All right. Get into it. All right. So I'm going to, I want to, this is a little bit of a boring way to approach it, but I really feel it's necessary to kind of read a little bit of this stuff. Hold on here. So I have a thread I copied yeah i want i want to say this
Starting point is 00:02:08 too it and in this new world order it wasn't true in the past but the reason i knew this thing came from a lab from jump street um is a you know it's an Occam's razor type of situation. Like one place works on these types of viruses and the other is a wet market. So what do you think? You're going to flip a coin? We 60-40 for the lab. You're going wet market. The second I hear anyone shouted down for a reasonable stance on something, I agree
Starting point is 00:02:47 with the person who was shouted down. That's my thing is I at least want to talk to them. I just want to hear what they actually know. They're right. The second they get canceled, they're shouted down or called a racist or something. I'm like, OK, well, then they're right. That's that's what it is. You know, it's when you're over the target, you get the most flack.
Starting point is 00:03:07 This is Michael. I'm sure he's going to get flack. Michael Schallenberger on Monday. According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation, the first people infected by the virus, patient zero, include Ben Hu, a researcher who led the Wuhan Institute of Virology gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. Dr. Fauci said, we may never know. Now, answers increasingly look, and I'm sort of editing this down a little bit, sources within the U.S. government say that three of the earliest people to become infected
Starting point is 00:03:37 with SARS-CoV-2, Ben Hu, Yu Ping, Yan Zhu, all Wuhan lab, all involved in gain-of-function. So we have scientists who developed the virus, who also developed the illnesses in November 2019, and they were the closest relatives of CoV-2. Ben Hu is essentially a molecular biologist. She is known as the Batwoman of China who and you researched the novel linkage of SARS-like viruses. By the way, these are people you could have
Starting point is 00:04:11 all seen interviewed on Tucker Carlson two and a half years ago. Right. That's right. Right. I interviewed Li Meng. Li Meng Yu, I think her name is. Li Meng Yan, who was one of these researchers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:26 But how do we know they didn't go during their lunch break down to the wet market and get a churro? We don't know, Drew. We'll never know. We'll never. By the way, when you hear smart people saying, I don't know, or we'll never know, or we don't know, like Fauci, that always means he's lying. Yeah. So I told you, it's a really easy earmark. You know, now, Biden's easier to figure out. He just goes, true story. And then you go, okay, that's whatever, whatever's coming to lie, or he'll go, that's not a lie. Like, that's, that's true. You know, if you hear that,
Starting point is 00:05:02 then he's lying. But when Fauci plays dumb, like when he played dumb about natural immunity and stuff like that, or he didn't know what Jim Jordan was asking, what do you mean marching with black lives? I don't know what you're asking me. When smart people have a million answers, say things like we'll never know, they're lying. Next week, the Directorate of National Intelligence expected to release classified material naming these guys. Two years before the pandemic began, Chinese state-run television altered a video that includes a scene of Ben Hu
Starting point is 00:05:34 watching a lab worker handle specimens. The Wuhan Institute of Research with SARS-like viruses was performed at too low of a safety level, now documented. Blah, blah, blah. EcoHealth Alliance deemed their work on SARS-like viruses as not falling under the gain-of-function research of concern. And yet, I'm going to talk to a guy in about a week and a half who's a lawyer who's got
Starting point is 00:05:56 a bunch of FOIA documents, and he has hinted that gain-of-function research by the EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak may have been a counter-espionage operation to study what the Wuhan Institute of Virology was doing. Interesting, right? Then it makes sense. Yeah, yeah. Then it kind of makes sense. Like, oh, that's what they were doing. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It comes into focus. In any event, we now have patient zero. They're in the lab. Chinese government went to hide it. They installed very extensive HEPA filtering systems after the leak and then shut down everything and prevented access to records. And yet we still were able to figure out that these guys were the first infected well before the wet market developed. Yeah. They weren't forthcoming with any information.
Starting point is 00:06:42 For some reason, we all were instructed to believe China on everything, which is bizarre because if they, you know, I think if they said, you know, believe Sweden or believe Italy, I'd go like, okay, all right. But China, no. I showed you the graph of what they claim happened with lockdown. This is their graph. Flatline, it just evaporated. Virus went away. Of course that wasn't true. They should not be believed.
Starting point is 00:07:14 They've been ripping off our intellectual property for 50 years. I mean, why? They'd be the last nation in the world you'd believe. Or maybe North Korea. I don't know. But the point is this this we based lockdowns on them that's what we did it's not it's not their fault it's not fauci's fault it's not biden's fault or whatever it's cnn's fault that this whole thing is cnn's fault it's all the new
Starting point is 00:07:42 york times editorial board all board that demanded a lockdown. Why the fuck do they have an opinion? I listen, it's all their fault. And then it's our fault for listening. That was my, that was how I got myself in trouble, Adam.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I, I felt the press, I use the word hoax. The press was hoaxing us to create a panic. Not that the virus was a hoax or that the government was hoaxing. Press was hoaxing. Yeah, they were to create a panic not that the virus was a hoax or that the government was hoaxing press was hoaxing yeah they were to create a panic to capture eyes but it is it is funny so i was uh i walked out of the studio the other day i walked into the room and cnn was running the whole you know trump's getting indicted thing and and there up on the screen is Peter Strzok the former
Starting point is 00:08:27 FBI high-ranking FBI member what he ran over there at the FBI but that's the guy who was let go from the FBI for lying under oath and that's the guy who was wrong about Russian collusion for three years. And now he's back. And I, we don't even have the sound up, but I'm like, I, I know what he's saying now. I don't get what CNN is doing.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Why would you have the people who are wrong about the last Trump thing? They don't know. They literally don't know it yet. Do they not know it? They don't really know it yet. They don't know they're wrong about it. They don't know it yet. They literally don't know it yet. Do they not know it? They don't really know it yet. They don't know they're wrong about it? They don't fully understand what happened. You talk to your friends about it. They don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, I guess. They don't know. That's the people they're listening to. The people also don't know. The guy was let go by the FBI for lying. He was a patriot trying to help protect. Right. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:28 From a populist. And now then he was wrong about everything else. Wrong? How dare you? What's the evidence he was wrong? I don't know about that. Well, there's a Mueller report. Oh, that wasn't completed properly.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah, okay. I guess. It's just a weird, you weird – as I've said, whether it's the aforementioned New York Times editorial board or the LA Times or the USA Today or Peter Strzok or whoever these people, don't ever listen to them again. That's their punishment. They're not going to do any prison time. Their reputation should be destroyed. their reputation should be destroyed. And I don't get, like, you know, let's talk about this for a second.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I never really. People don't do enough profiling, you know. That's for sure. So we had,'ll give you a very, very good example. When I do we did my show, we're doing my show ACS a month ago and we had the guest was a white rapper from the south who was uh you know very very into as white a rapper from the south as you could you could picture i wasn't you know big fan because that's not my genre but seemed like an interesting guy you know i mean so i had a dream that night that he didn't come in. And it was such a dream that when I woke up, it was sort of half in my head. And when I was talking to Chris, I said, this guy canceled, right?
Starting point is 00:11:19 And he said, no, he didn't cancel. I said, oh, I guess it was a dream. It was a dream that he canceled, but he didn't cancel. And then Chris said, no. And then I guess it was about 15 minutes before the show or something, and I said, or maybe a half hour before the show, I said, Chris, did you reach out to those people, make sure he knows the time and he's on his way and so on and so forth? And he said, no. And I so on and so forth and he said no
Starting point is 00:11:45 and i said why not he said no we tell everyone the time and they show up 10 minutes before we tape i said no but this guy's like a southern white rapper guy like i he did the profile i i he made me a nudge or something and and he goes, yeah, well, okay, I'll reach out. I said, yeah, yeah, because I just feel like it's going to be late or something. And he reaches out, and the guy, people say he's canceled. And I said, yeah. And then they kind of do what they always do. How would you know?
Starting point is 00:12:22 And I was like, listen, there are plenty of people that are booked on the show you know what i mean and they're they're comedians and like i was in the hall here an hour and a half ago and uh we're we're slated to start at 1030. It was like 1021, and Emmy said, oh, something like, I said, Drew knows 1030, right? We're starting at 1030? And he goes, yeah, but I haven't heard from him. And I said, oh, okay, he'll be here at 1027 or whatever. Pattern, pattern. When you book Joel McHale or Orny Adams or Adam Ray or Brad Williams or something, it's like, yeah, Brad Williams.
Starting point is 00:13:11 When I come in at a quarter to one, Brad Williams is going to be sitting in the back eating a sandwich waiting to do the show. Like I know who's showing up and then who's not showing up. And it's even a further refinement of your sort of pattern instincts. I'm normally here at 1020. So at 1021, you went, just double-check it. I was here at 1024 or something, but I'm normally here at 1020, which is really interesting. All right. So pattern, pattern, pattern, because then you can predict, predict, predict, right?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah. And have judgment, make conclusions and plan. Yeah, and most people are weird that way, that they kind of like sit around and, you know, there are guests that I'll single out. I'll go, did you tell this person they needed to be? And it's like, just tell them the standard thing. And it's like, yeah, but the standard thing is not the same for certain people,
Starting point is 00:14:02 and others don't need it at all so there's that so then when it comes to covid or you know the trump collusion or whatever it is once you've established yourself as a bullshit artist i'm like okay now i'm not i'm not listening to that guy yeah anymore i would listen to michael sch Schellenberger and Vivek Ramaswamy or whatever, and I'd go, okay, those guys speak the truth. And then Hillary Clinton's got a take on where the virus emanated from, not listening at all. Would you?
Starting point is 00:14:40 No. Would you listen to, like, Kamala Harris go, okay, here's what I know. I have an instinct. Would you listen to like Kamala Harris go, OK, here's what I know. I have an instinct. It would be I wouldn't listen to what you know when Gavin Newsom is going to try to explain to you what causes homelessness or something or what the problem is with the homeless population in California. I wouldn't wouldn't listen at all. Would you know?
Starting point is 00:15:07 But but if Bill Maher had a take, I would listen and then i would go maybe he's right maybe he's not right but i would i would listen why don't we why aren't we digesting that you know i mean why aren't there more so i'm walking around going we got this white southern rapper coming in and i'm all up on edge like where is he what's going on and everyone's just sort of looking at me going he's coming in 10 to 1 you know and it's like why why is that not trickled down or how come people don't i know everyone's been yelled at it's it is everyone's been yelled at not to do it. I would argue, yes, that is a big piece of it. In fact, you and I used to talk about this maybe 25 years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:58 We cannot judge. Can't judge. Can't judge anything. You're not allowed to judge. No judging. And this would include some judging right it also yes it also went on for a long time it also removes this crazy individualism that everyone thinks they have well that's something we talked about for 30 years i put
Starting point is 00:16:19 people into groups yes that's your polar bear theory. It's easier to put people – well, first off, it's impossible to get to know everyone one-on-one. You know what I mean? Yeah. But if you tell me the profession and I'll tell you whether I'm going to agree with these guys politically or not easily yeah i just did a corporate gig in florida it was for for guys who do asphalt do all the big highways and the roads and everything like that they don't agree with you they'll run a business yep they'll have to deal with the government. And they all have to make payroll. I knew exactly where they'd come down politically.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. And I always say the same about airline pilots. I know exactly where they're at. Now, get me the local Chicano studies teacher at the junior college and the chick with the four names. We're not going to agree. Now, I don't know Yolanda personally. You know what I mean? But I do know in advance, and I'll be open to agreeing with her,
Starting point is 00:17:35 but I know where she's going to come down. Yeah. You have a high probability, high index of suspicion. People should do that. And then you'll know where the leak came from. People would argue, though And then you'll know where the lab leak came where the leak came from. People would argue though that you'll avoid your lot. No no not necessarily. You just know what you're getting
Starting point is 00:17:52 you know what you're walking into that's all. Yeah I had a there was a the guy was a white rapper so I thought maybe there's going to be some issues with tardiness and so I told Chris get a hold of his camp half hour before the show, in which they explained that he wasn't coming in. But it wasn't because he was a white rapper.
Starting point is 00:18:13 They should do away with that stereotype, which I always think is funny. All right. Let me tell you about my good friends over at Angie. Let me tell you about Angie homeowners. You know, it's a lot of work down a home, whether it's a everyday maintenance repairs or dream projects. It can be hard to even know where to start. All you need is Angie. You're home for everything home. Find a skilled local pro who will deliver quality and experience Over 20 years of home service experience. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app,
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Starting point is 00:19:15 That's A-N-G-I dot com. A-N-G-I dot com. That's Angie. Let them do all the heavy lifting. All right. You want to try to take a call here? I do. One, two. Talk to Dave, 39, Texas.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Dave? Hey, guy. Hi, guy. Just a long-time listener, first-time caller since, like, 1997. Wow. Love you guys. Love that you're still going at this. You are.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I would love to get both of your takes. I've got a seven-year-old that watches these YouTube shows, and it's all these kids. I don't know if you all have much older kids, but they get all these toys, and they're playing with them, and it's literally their family recording them as they play with these toys. And then they get millions and millions of dollars, or they just do these ridiculous skits. And my wife and I pretty much cut it out but I would
Starting point is 00:20:09 love your take on these kids in these situations you know where are we going to see them in 10 years are they going to be you know on rehab shows with you Dr. Drew like Adam it's your take you know it can't be good for them. I can't imagine. You know, I, I gotta say almost every, this guy's huge on YouTube thing, young or old, where they go, you got to watch this guy, whatever. I'm never impressed. Like I never go, Oh, this guy's going to be hosting his own late night show in a few years. He's going to take over for Kimmel when he retires or something like that like that it always feels a little flash in the panty to me and like it doesn't have like these people aren't true talents but maybe they've captured some zeitgeist in the
Starting point is 00:20:56 moment you know yeah um so it always kind of feels that way you become the Tom Shales of the YouTube generation. I know. You're a critic. But I will say this. I am so insanely jealous, insanely jealous of anybody who earns anything in any family. For me, speaking me personally if i had parents that had money or things or an ex-wife or something that was a super successful whatever or a kid that did a youtube thing that generated you know 1.7 million dollars yeah i would be i'm insanely jealous of all that wildly insanely i can't explain to you when the burden is 100 on you to pay for 100 of everything 100 of the time it fucking sucks it would be so fantastic
Starting point is 00:21:56 if anybody and i'm talking about my family my immediate family my extended family if anyone had anything i i would be over the fucking moon. Over the moon. And, you know, when people do that thing, they go like, well, you know, most guys aren't secure enough to have their woman make more than them or something. Bull fucking shit. Try us all out. Try us. Try us out.
Starting point is 00:22:19 How about your kids did it? By the way, that's an urban myth. Like, I don't know any guy who doesn't want his woman to go out there and crush it. You know what I mean? You fucking think Megyn Kelly's husband is pissed off that she makes $7.2 million a year? Are you fucking nuts? It would be the best thing ever. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Could you imagine? Ugh. Or just, you know, oh, my parents died, but they left the condo in Maui and we can go there for a vacation or something like that. Anything. Not only that. Anything. There's another layer to it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 My wife has started to make some money lately and I'm just so pleased for her. Yes. How she's engaged. She's doing stuff. She's interested. She's building. I'm like, oh, I love it for me. I love it for her.
Starting point is 00:23:03 No, my kids suck money. They don't make money. I love it for her. No, my kids suck money. They don't make money. They obliterate money. Everyone around me destroys money. I just want, it would be awesome. It would be the greatest thing ever. Anyone. Now, you know, to be fair to, you know, my lot in life,
Starting point is 00:23:24 I do know your Jimmy Kimmel kimmels and your dr drews and your mark garrigas's and they can catch rides on airplanes and they'll buy a nice dinner and they'll give you some free legal advice and they'll let you stay at their condo at hudson yards and stuff so there are but those are all my relationships that I've cultivated. Like somebody meets somebody else that has something. It's all – So let's talk about it a little bit though. So you're sort of equating it essentially with child star stuff. And we all know that children that got involved in television at least didn't typically end up so well.
Starting point is 00:24:04 What those adults will tell you about their childhood experience were two things. One was, my mom was abusive and she was the one that put me in this and that was part of her abuse and dad was horrible. So it's always back to what the family health or ill health rains down on the child. ill health rains down on the child. But the other thing they will say is that they were around adults living with adults with adult kind of attitudes too much, too early. Like they should have been with their peers, with the kids. But these YouTube kids are. They're not going to a studio and filming all day.
Starting point is 00:24:38 They're just opening presents that the parents buy and then film. And naturally, I like – back to the Arnold thing, which I want to get back to a little bit more today, I like seeing him mess around with his hot tubs and driving his big vehicles and stuff. That's the equivalent of somebody of a certain age watching another person of a certain age enjoying opening a present or something.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I understand the allure. The only thing I would worry about really are the parents that produce this stuff, are they okay? Two, do the kids get severely spoiled by all this, which is a term you never hear anymore, by the way. Yeah. Spare the rod. In Adam and my day, it wasn't about the rod. It's that if you got anything, you were going to be spoiled. Well, if you were spared the rod, you were spoiled. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:27 That's true. Remember the rest? Yes, yes. And then number three, who are these parents that put these kids in these situations? It's probably not the kids for the most part. So just concerns. I agree with you. There are concerns.
Starting point is 00:25:42 We'll see. We will see. Yeah, I'm not particularly worried about it. I'm not particularly worried either. Because they still go to preschool. They still hang with their peers. Whether this will give them an overall inflated sense of themselves or something that goes bad later, we don't know. We just don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Well, look, you want to talk about Schwarzenegger. Yeah. What people are missing from that uh equation meaning his experience yeah maybe you're missing it a little bit no it's I think what I want to talk about next but go ahead tons and tons of downtime tons of alone time tons of walking alone through a forest woods and just in bed staring at the pictures of the guys in underwear over his bed. Right, right. Just tons of quiet time.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Time to think. Time to dream. Time to create. And I had a ton of that as a kid. of that as a kid and i i look at it a lot of the a lot of the time is maybe the motivating factor for certain things in my life i was not stimulated at all i i know but i bet you had this was the topic i wanted to talk about i i bet you had the same drive that was underneath all of Arnold's stuff, which was, I got to get out of here. I got to get out of here.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So that time quiet was spent thinking, how the fuck do I get out of here? What are these guys? I'm going to be like that. They're going to get me out of here. Got to get out of here. Well, I wanted to get out of – I literally wanted air conditioning. Right. I wanted to get out of my sweat box i was sleeping and then
Starting point is 00:27:26 fine air conditioning yeah which was uh food and food yeah food and air conditioning were like my two motivating factors pretty substantial i got to get out of here feeling yeah but he's also he was being beaten by his father and so it added to the urgency I had lots of downtime though. Lots of quiet time. Lots of not, no stimulation time. Yeah. And you were thinking that most of the time, how do I get out of here? How do I build a bike? How do I, you know? Yeah. I mean, I was in North Hollywood, so I knew I had to get out of my house. I didn't need to leave California. Now I think, how do I get out of California? But back then, it was just time.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I mean, I really do think that my kids and many kids, all kids, there's just so much information and entertainment, stimulation thrown at them that they don't really, they're in kind of consumer mode. They're not in crate mode. That's true. They're in, they're in, you know, they're in the mode, the powers that be want them in that mode, right? Right. They're in the mode you were in as a kid when you went to the movies. Yeah. Just sat there and ingested other people's art, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:56 but then you left the movie and you had to go create something, build a fort, do something, you know, occupy yourself. You know what I mean? Yep. And when you're in a constant consumption mode versus creation mode, the part of your brain that creates is going... Atrophy. To atrophy. Yep. The exact word I was looking for.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yep. Why wouldn't it? Or if not atrophy, it's certainly not developed. Back to the reps. Back to the reps. The weird, quiet, Schwarzenegger's life was so quiet and so devoid of stimulation and entertainment and what have you that he was forced just to lay on his miniature bed like I had and just look at pictures and kind of dream, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:51 My kids, you know, I used to say this about your kids a million years ago. I go, 20 years ago, I was like, they're going to live in a smaller house than the house they grew up in, statistically. That never existed historically in this country. I mean, not that it didn't happen, but what I'm saying is there's no goddamn way as an adult I was going to live in a smaller house than the house I grew up in because it's not possible.
Starting point is 00:30:22 There's no 400-squ 400 square foot houses for sale. They don't exist anymore. They have Sears made a gardening shed that it could have moved into. But what I'm saying is my kids, your kids, are staring down the barrel of downsizing, essentially. Like, they're probably going to lead a life where they live in a smaller home than the home they grew up in. And, you know, there were my kids grew up in their house has six zones for air conditioning. They're going to live in a place that has two zones for air conditioning or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:30:59 They may not care, but I'm just saying that is kind of a first historically. And this country was always built on, you know, oh, you know, I didn't, you know, I dropped out of school when I was 15 to work for the railroad, but my son's going to college. You know what I mean? And better for the next generation. We lived in a small home with a one bedroom, but they're going to live, you know, not anymore. So they're going to have to deal with that. And I don't even know what the implications are other than they're going to have to deal
Starting point is 00:31:35 with a life. You know, my son's in Japan right now. He is? Yeah. Doing what? Nothing. Earning? He's got a big deal he's closing with Mattel.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I mean, it's a school trip. He's doing nothing. He's spending my money. What do you mean? What's he doing in Japan? He's eating sushi off a naked woman that I'm paying for. Is it a school trip or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. It's not everybody, but I don't know, 10 people. I don't know how many people. Good for him. The point is, yeah, but when he's 26, he's probably not going to be able to afford a trip to Japan for 10 days, right? Okay, so that's versus what I grew up with now funding a trip to Japan. Yeah. Although I've never been to Japan, but you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Yes, everybody else does it. So everyone else goes to Japan. I stay and work. I go to Huntsville, Alabama and do a matinee show. They go to Japan. So that's a reality, and they're going to have to deal with it. And maybe it's fine.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I don't know. We're going to find out. We sure will. Hey, one quick thing before we go out. One of the things about the Arnold thing that struck me interesting, which was that so often – I dealt with a lot of physically abused adults when they're hit a point where they were big and they stopped the parent in their tracks and threatened the parent back and scared the shit out of the parent. Because now you're dealing with a 6-foot, 210-pound, 17-year-old. Arnold didn't seem to ever do that. No.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Kind of interesting. But he left. But he made himself bigger and he got the hell out of there before he did. Yeah. All right. Go to, going to be in Monterey this Friday doing stand-up at the Golden State Theater. Not in Japan. Go to for all the live shows, because I'm going to be everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:40 What do you got, Drew? Check out the streaming shows at, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 3 o'clock. You will like these people I'm interviewing. So, until next time, I'm Adam Perl for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo. Stream hit blockbusters that will have you laughing during popcorn summer movies on Pluto TV. Go on a hilarious journey with Tropic Thunder or join Queen Latifah in the beauty shop. Plus, Pluto TV has hundreds of channels with thousands more movies. Available on live and on demand.
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