The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1821 3rd Hand Brain Poisoning

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

Today, Adam kicks off the show talking about the difference in vapes pens, the effects of nicotine, and they explore the faux dangers of 3rd hand smoke. Plus, Dr. Drew dissects the good and bad of cen...tral versus individual authority, and they weed out the liberals from the left. Please Support Our Sponsor: The Jordan Harbinger Show - Available everywhere you listen to podcasts

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. Good news. We're doing the Comedy Fantasy Camp again. Jay Leno's going to be there. I'm going to be there. John Lovitz is going to be there. Caroline Rae is going to be there. Many, many other big comedians are going to be there. February 29th through March 3rd, tickets are going to go fast and it's all going to culminate at the world famous Hollywood Improv. So come and join us at the Comedy Fantasy Camp and work with the pros. Get your tickets at Globally, humans are facing massive problems
Starting point is 00:00:36 that are widely ignored by governments and the media. Like personal space invaders. I've had it with these couples that sit on the same side of the booth. Yak mouths. Stupid stick figure the booth. Yakmows. Stupid stick figure bumper stickers. Almond milk. You cannot milk an almond.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Hi, I'm Jennifer. And I'm Angie. We call her Pumps, and we're the hosts of I've Had It. Pumps, tell the listener where they can find us. Apple, Spotify, Amazon, or wherever you get your podcasts. Nailed it. See you next Tuesday. your podcasts. Nailed it. See you next Tuesday. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on. Got to get on it. Dr. Drew's Ford versus Ferrari. Driving down the Champs-Élysées. Towards the... Arc de Triomphe. All right, Drew, I've got... Here's what I ask you in your medical profession. I was screaming about this on my podcast the other day, but I think it's part and it's parcel, part and parcel of where we're living and how we're floating and everything that I'm dealing with all day, every day.
Starting point is 00:01:58 All right. I'm ready. Okay. I spoke to a woman who found a vape pen. Oh, yeah. And then I said, well, is it pot vape or is it tobacco vape? Right. And they said, well, I hope it's pot vape. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, Jesus Christ. But no, I know. But this is how effective that group is. Yeah. Right? Again, let's state it. Nicotine, harmless. Causes a dependency, but its harm doesn't hurt you.
Starting point is 00:02:28 In fact, it might help you lose some weight and whatnot. Harmless, may even reduce certain neurological conditions down the road, but harmless. Tobacco, deadly. Tobacco itself. Tobacco, not the nicotine, the tobacco. And vapes only have nicotine. And cannabis on the developing brain is well known to have some problems, particularly with the concentrations that are out there today. So there's the facts. women who lived on the west side santa monica venice beach beverly hills whatever the west la if you asked in this town 100 women a vape pen was found in your child's bedroom your 15 year
Starting point is 00:03:17 old's bedroom would you like it to be marijuana or tobacco and i say tobacco, but nicotine, it would be 88% would say they prefer it be marijuana. And I would say- 88%, which means somebody's done a magnificent job of brainwashing people. Yes. Oh, yes. So I've had this conversation with many women. And they're like, yeah, you've got like three times the nicotine of a... I said, nicotine is not bad for you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 You have coffee. Yes. Nicotine. Caffeine. Yeah. You have caffeine. Yeah. Do you drink caffeine?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yes. Okay, why? It gives me energy. Well, that's what nicotine does. It's inert. It's the delivery system. It's the smoke. And they just go.
Starting point is 00:04:14 So I was arguing with this person. Well, let me just say, they're in a panic about two things. The vape itself, I've noticed of that 88%, probably 70% of those don't even distinguish about what's being vaped. It's just vape, vape, it's vape, vape. And they run these PSAs where it's like it destroys your organs and your brain. No evidence. So I say, listen, the nicotine is not bad for you and there's no smoke. So you're not getting the bad component of smoking.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So it's inert. Whereas the pot does affect you. So you should hope it's the nicotine. And they said, well, if it's not bad for you, then why have I seen so many commercials and so many reports against it? And I was like, exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:06 That's what they do. And they said, I've seen so... I used to pass a billboard that said 55,000 people die of secondhand smoke every year, except for none of it's true. Then they went to thirdhand smoke. They tried that one. I forgot they got to thirdhand smoke. They tried that.
Starting point is 00:05:22 They got thirdhand smoke. You guys know what thirdhand smoke is? tried that. They got third-hand smoke. You guys know what third-hand smoke is? Ash trays. No, no, no. No, no, Drew. Oh, I thought that's what it was. Second-hand smoke is, you know, you're cocktailing and someone's smoking at the bar. That's second-hand smoke.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Third-hand smoke is your roommate smoked in your apartment and it got into your bathrobe. Yeah, yeah. Into your curtain. Yes, they talked about the ashtrays, the curtains. They didn't talk about the ashtrays. Don't be a fucking idiot. The ashtray has cigarettes in it. It permeates.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Why are you going back to the ashtray? Ashtray is where cigarettes would be. Third hand permeates clothing and drapery, and you're somehow affected by the drapery that smells like your roommate's cigarette smoke. I mean, your roommate- You're getting cancer from that. Your roommate moved out nine months ago, but the curtains in the bathroom still smell like the cigarette. But the smell is giving you cancer. That was their confession.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Third hand. Okay, so this person says, well, why would they make all this stuff? Why would they say all this stuff? I was like, they say shit all day, every day. They said AIDS was an equal opportunity killer. That AIDS killed heterosexual people as well. I don't know what their fucking game is, but they lie all fucking day. Monkeypox. You can't say.
Starting point is 00:06:45 But at least that comes and goes. The vape thing is burned into the psyche of every woman in California and they are praying that it's just pot. The one thing that would be harmful. So great job, everyone. You've done it. You've poisoned their
Starting point is 00:07:01 brain, like you said, vape. You actually did the brain poisoning, not the vape. You said you run all these fucking PSAs about vaping, and now you've done your job. You've misled. And by the way, the purveyors of disinformation and misinformation, that doesn't count. That's nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You've got a whole bunch of dingbats that think the wrong thing, but that's not misinformation, and that has nothing to do with misinformation nothing they're the good guys there's good guys and bad guys you're a bad guy they're good guys you told everyone there was something called third-hand smoke only good right only good it's like the guy we talked about last show the tax guy they could release those records Then COVID comes down the pike and you guys mount up and freak out the same chicks that you just freaked out over vaping. And now they're going to enforce the laws of the house. And here we go. It's on.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Now, this is, by the way, this is undiscoverable by people. That's undiscoverable. That's not noble. It's not noble. by people. That's undiscoverable. That's not noble. It's not noble. No human being you've ever met or heard of, no celebrity, no sportscaster, no
Starting point is 00:08:10 athlete, no one's ever had secondhand smoke written down on their death certificate. You've never turned on Entertainment Tonight and go, famous singer Anthony Newley dies of secondhand smoke. Famous politician. Nope. But yet, we all think it exists.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And it doesn't exist. They made it exist. Remember I brought you an article? And this whole thing, I'm like, why would you lie? Why would they lie? That I don't have the answer to. They want to scare you from not, they want to scare you into doing what they want you to do. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Whether it's good or bad. Whether it's right or wrong. They want you to do it. They'll just say it'll kill you. Right. And you'll listen because you're feeble right your mind is weak and you buy this stuff whether it's the food pyramid or the fucking vape or all things covet or secondhand smoke does it ever enter your mind that maybe this is bullshit
Starting point is 00:08:58 ever someone that grew up uh doing their homework next to someone that smoked two to three cigarettes a night, I always told people, secondhand smoke, bullshit. Well, I did, if you remember, 20 years ago, I brought in an article that was this long article accumulating data from all sources. It said, finally, we have concluded, we've shown conclusively eight cases of lung cancer. I was going to say seven.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, from secondhand smoke. Yes. And they had to stretch themselves to make that conclusion. So yeah, it might happen, not worth, not 55,000 people, not worth billboards all over the place. But here's the really interesting thing about you. Thirdhand smoke. See if you can find a commercial for thirdhand. It's really interesting, but you brought this up. So JAMA yesterday published an article. So every article that's ever been written on vaping nicotine has shown it is as good as or superior to every other smoking cessation mechanism out there. And I'm here to tell you it works and it works well. And I've been saying that for years and there's data after data and the conclusion of every study
Starting point is 00:10:11 is needs more study needs more study needs more study they can't say it they can't say it so they came out with the study a couple days ago it was actually a couple days ago yeah death study published in jam i was reading I actually was reading it two nights ago. And it was comparing Chantix, which is varenicline, nicotine- That's the pill. The pill. The pill, vaping, which they didn't call vaping. They called it like, they had some euphemism for it
Starting point is 00:10:41 because they couldn't say vaping nicotine. And then nicotine replacement gum okay uh the gum inferior the the open the study with chantix reticulant is the established way to do it the conclusion of the study the vaping is this is the best they could do, non-inferior to Chantix. Oh, they say non-inferior. Non-inferior to Chantix. Right, which means superior. At least as good as.
Starting point is 00:11:14 At least as good as would be another way of saying that. Oh, man. And they can't even say it. And then, needs more study. Yeah, needs more study. And this was going to be the definitive study. It worked in every fucking case. To be fair to them, they're like, oh, we don't want to get kids started with the bubble gum flavored whatever. That's the argument they make.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Of course. Nobody wants that. That's different than should it be used to help people stop tobacco, which it should. It is a little that they just go, I don't want kids vaping. You know what I mean? But listen, I got news for you. There's a McDonald's on every corner that takes food stamps. So you're going to have to coach your kid up in terms of what to avoid.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's out there thing. There's plenty to engage in that's unhealthy. Oh, we have a Mayo Clinic thirdhand smoke video. Oh, no. So good. What year is this from? Do you know? 2017.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Born a second. Oh, it's recently. Thirdhand. Recent. Wow. I would have put it in do you know? 2017. Oh, it's recently. Third hand. Wow. I would have put it in the 90s. Yeah. No, no. They were doing secondhand smoke for the first two decades.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It is bad for you. So is secondhand smoke, which is smoke you inhale from someone else's cigarette. And now there's thirdhand smoke to worry about, especially for children. And I'll say, do you smoke in the house? Oh, doctor, I will never smoke in the house with the grandkids. I will go outside in 40 degree below weather before I would smoke with the grandkids. I said, that's wonderful. When you come back in and they sit on your lap, do they say, grandma, you smell like smoke? She says, yes. I said, well, if they smell it, they inhale it. If they inhale it, they absorb it. Dr. Stephen Kopetsky says there are about
Starting point is 00:12:42 3,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, and some you have to inhale. But smoke also produces toxic residue on surfaces, and if you touch it, your body can absorb it. More research needs to be done on the effects of the hand smoke, but... Everyone's feeling is that if they get those carcinogens in their body, over time that's going to cause some problems. Everyone's feelings. Cancer and damage to blood vessels, which increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. For the Mayo Clinic News Network, I'm Vivian Williams.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So they invented something called third-hand smoke. 3,000 chemicals, huh? No, there are a lot of chemicals. You're in the smoke. You inhale it. So you smoke out on the patio and then the kid gets in his little truckster and starts pushing himself around the patio.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And all the smoke, all the toxins that settled on the patio get kicked up. Which you forget. By the way, these same people don't say anything about leaf blowers. Right. When you walk down the street, there's a fucking plume of soot in the air. In your face. In your face. In your face. Now, no problems with leaf blowers.
Starting point is 00:13:49 No problemo. But you're forgetting something. They started making the case at one point that secondhand smoke was worse than cigarettes. Remember that? That was the mayor of Thousand Oaks or whatever. Then that's the one we broke down. Drew, turn your mic toward or do something with it. The wire keeps, the wire's all tangled up in my mind.
Starting point is 00:14:13 All right, but you don't have to touch it is what I'm. I do because it keeps pulling away from me. Okay, I've never had an issue with this. All right, third hand, no. Secondhand smoke being worse than firsthand smoke was floated by the mayor of Thousand Oaks, who I famously had my argument with. Yeah. Don't remember breaking down that guy's game film.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Because they were the one that wouldn't let you smoke in your – Now, he – okay. They didn't want smoking in any outdoor public spaces or sidewalks or anything of that and they would get you if you're driving in your car and smoking or something is that with the window open maybe you know and um so the mayor of calabasas maybe um well he first claimed that Dana Reeves, who was the wife of Christopher Reeves, who died of lung cancer, even though she didn't smoke, died of secondhand smoke because she worked as a cocktail waitress for two years when she was 22. OK, so there was that piece of hard hitting evidence. And then I told him he's an idiot. evidence and then i told him he's an idiot and then he said then he then he said that um he said that asthma you know adolescent asthma is up this is the other part that i had a great
Starting point is 00:15:33 discussion with him about he was explaining to me that asthma amongst kids is up like 40 percent then i said yeah but smoking's down 60%. So. Yeah. How's that work? How's that work? Yeah. And he went back and repeated it again later because that's how fucking dumb he is. He's a lawyer. So the lawyers just think they can throw shit out there. Lawyers have a kind of a weird arrogance when they're talking to non-lawyers.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Like, I'm just going to go out and say gravity doesn't exist. That's fucking dull. He's not going to be able to defend that. You know what I mean? And then they, they, I've run into many lawyers where they end up looking like idiots with, with the argument. This guy looked like a fucking idiot. So his argument was Christopher Reeve's wife who hadn't worked in a tavern for probably
Starting point is 00:16:20 35 years because she's married to Christopher Reeve, died of secondhand smoke. Asthma was up in teens because of secondhand smoke, even though smoking was down 60%. He repeated that and then floated the theory about secondhand smoking more dangerous than smoking and then uh kept citing experts you know the cdc says and the cancer society yeah yeah the experts remember yeah remember the experts everybody fucking idiot and i don't know i guess he went back to just being a shit lawyer but he he was he was arguing with me and you know it's two things. They get into this thing. Oh, you want everyone to go to preschool and smoke cigarettes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And it's like, listen, I don't want to rely on your shit data to pass another rule. I don't want to rely on you and the people who agree with you who cook data for a living to take away yet another liberty from an American. Is that good? I'm not anti-mask. I'm not pro-COVID. I'm not anything. I'm anti-you using shit cooked data to infringe on the freedoms of another American. And you never stop chipping away at it.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's what I'm against. I'm not for COVID. I'm not for cigarettes. In this great state, you're going to have bridles on your car. Oh, that's the new one. You can't go above 50, 60, wherever they want. They'll decide how fast you'll go. Listen, I used to be very agnostic about a lot of rules and surveillance and, you know, Patriot Act and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I was like, look, if you're not doing anything wrong, you know, what do you care? I couldn't imagine what they would do with it. Listen, I am telling you that Canada is a glimpse into the future, especially if you live in California. But it's a glimpse. Canada is what every blue state wants to be. And what Canada wants and what they have and what they've done is they'd like some electronic version of your money and some sort of electronic access to your car and electronic, you know, access to your home and how long you can run your heater and how much water you can
Starting point is 00:18:51 use and how much air conditioning you can run. And it's all under the guise of, you know, saving the environment or whatever. But then when COVID comes out and you don't get vaccinated, you will not be able to use your car and they'll turn the fucking heat up in your house to 9,000 degrees and cook you in your own home. But that's what they want. And by the way, they're not, I'm not having to read the tea leaves. That's what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's what they want. They wanted every single person to get the COVID vaccination or not return to work and be shunned from society, not be able to use transportation or hospitals or travel or whatever. That's what they want. Justin Trudeau cut the Canadian truckers who were protesting. He cut them off from their money and he arrested people who brought them diesel fuel in their convoy. Yeah. OK, that's what they want.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah. I don't know why. It's not that I think they're evil per se, but that's what they want. That's where they want to go with this. I don't want this. And I don't know why there's something wrong with me. Listen, move to fucking Cuba or Venezuela. Well, not Venezuela anymore, but go to China.
Starting point is 00:20:08 If this is what you want, then that's what it is. I don't want that. We are the opposite of that. Canada is like five to eight years ahead of California in terms of what they want, and this is how they're going to do it it's total state control and they're not going to have to plead with you to turn down your air conditioning during summer or only you know use your washing machine during not don't use it during peak hours they're not going to have to ask you for they are going to do it yeah for you and they keep passing they keep floating these bills of like, I got the thermostat control bill and now we have the car bill. And by the way, your car won't be able to go faster, 10 miles an hour faster than the posted speed limit.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Every single one of these things starts with, what's wrong with that? So we don't have people speeding or whatever. That's where it starts. Yes. It will quickly get to you. You've used up your carbon credits with your automobile, which is gas consuming. You must either switch to an EV or we'll now electronically shut your car down for three days and we'll get you some credits built up and then you'll be able to get back in your car that's 100 there's no scintilla of anything in me that thinks anything
Starting point is 00:21:33 different that that's all these people want it's all they talk about there is no having to kind of peek behind the curtain there we had covid they shut the beaches we had covid they shut down restaurants we had covid they shut down outdoor dining that's what that's what they want now why we want it why we go along with it why it's not disgusting that i cannot answer well it's the brainwashing right they've been properly vaping you better hope it's pot. Right. So they're brainwashed. Yes. So Bill Maher recommended a good book. I suggested everybody called Cynical Theories.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Cynical Theories. Really good. And what people need to understand is that there is a prevailing belief that people are being trained into that the truth does not – the truth is a human construct. Therefore, it doesn't exist. Truth can be anything anybody wants because it's in your head. It's society. It creates everything.
Starting point is 00:22:27 So truth does not exist, which is patently false, but that's the position they take. And that two, they're the good people, Trudeau. I'm the good guy. You're the bad guy. You want to fight being good. What's wrong with the red and red? It's good. You help other people.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I'm good. You're bad. What's wrong with being good? It's good. You help other people. I'm good. You're bad. That's the fundamental setup. And the other setup is that all good is imbued in central authority, right? So central authority is good. Individual autonomy is bad because you're bad. You must want individual autonomy because you're bad. That's why you want it because you were bad. You must want individual authority then because individual autonomy because you were bad. That's why you won it because you're bad. And me, I'll be the authority.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I'll tell you what's good. Me, Justin Trudeau, and my cronies, I know what's good for everybody and I will do it for you. Why isn't, where's the left on this? Why aren't they, they used to just go nuts with shit like that. Yeah. That was the,. Yeah, that was the,
Starting point is 00:23:32 you know, that was the that was the 70s. We were just fought against that. Yes. Well, I'll tell you in a second. First, I'll tell you about my friend Jordan Harbinger. On the Jordan Harbinger show, you'll hear amazing stories from people that have lived them from spies to CEOs, even an undercover agent who infiltrated the Gambino crime family. You're about to hear a preview of the Jordan Harbinger show with Jack Garcia, who did just that. My career was 24 out of 26 years was solely dedicated working undercover. I walk in, I'm in the bar. Now there's a barmaid there, good looking young lady. She's serving me a drink. What would you like? I usually, my drink was give me a kettle, one martini, three olives, glass of water on the side. I finished the drink. The guys come in. I'm going to go, go in my pocket, take out the big wad of
Starting point is 00:24:15 money. Bam, I give her a hundred out. If you're with the mob, I say, hey, Jordan, you're on record with us. That means we protect you. Nobody could shake you down. We could shake you down, but you're on record with us. For more on how Jack became so trusted in the highest levels of the Gambino organization, check out episode 392 of The Jordan Harbinger Show. Well, like Dennis Prager always says, it's the left is never never gonna join us but um where are the sort of progressives and i'm trying to think the other word that i'm i always liberal i try to weed out the liberal from the left yeah yeah because i think of myself as liberal. Yeah, me too. I think of Bill Maher as liberal.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I think of you as liberal. I think of Mark Garagos as liberal. And by the way, we used to fight the right. Joe Rogan is liberal. We used to fight the right. I think of all these people as liberal. I think Dave Rubin would think of himself as liberal. He just told me that yesterday.
Starting point is 00:25:19 He did. I think all the people you call hard right, MAGA, whatever, something, label, all think of themselves as liberal and are liberal under a bygone definition of liberal. We have to say classical liberal because that's – because, you know, they don't know what you're talking about anymore if you say liberal. Right. Now, the question is, is how did so many people sort of sign off on this buy into it why is this attractive um it's and you know a lot of like i saw seth mcfarland arguing with bill marb i think you don't well why don't you listen to the experts or they have news people as you listen to you know and it's like you didn't you didn't learn anything at
Starting point is 00:26:05 all no nothing nothing about the last few years with every major story like what were the major stories you know what you know covid um lockdowns six feet yeah well everything covid that they got wrong but they got wrong hunter biden laptops and they got wrong, but they got wrong Hunter Biden laptops and they got wrong George Floyd and they urinate tapes, urinating Russian and Russian disinformation. Yeah, yeah, they but they they got Kyle Rittenhouse
Starting point is 00:26:36 wrong. I mean, they got every they got every the kid with the red hat hat on with the Indian the American guy. Yes. Yes. They got that wrong. Nicholas Sandman, I think his name was. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:50 They fucked up every story. So no. No. By the way, 10 minutes ago, there were like three migrants drowned in the Rio Grande and the Texas National Guard prevented the Border Patrol from saving them. Yeah. Lied. Yeah. They were dead.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Nobody prevented anyone. How about the guys whipping the Haitians with the, lied? The horse whips, yeah. Okay. What else does one need to get wrong before we can at least question some of these news entities, right? Mm-hmm. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, indeed.
Starting point is 00:27:31 And then it's like, then what happens is they accuse us of wearing a tinfoil hat because... Because we don't go along with it. Right. Well, I question it. Yeah. Well, I question it. Yeah. I question all of it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 All right. One more. I just lost a job. Somebody said didn't like my medical opinions and had no idea what they were. That's the other thing. Mm-hmm. What exactly did I say?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Well, I just didn't like it. What? Exactly what? Yeah. And then you get a bunch of empty slogans, anti this, anti that. It's like,
Starting point is 00:28:09 no, no, not anti anything. Nope. Nope. Nope. I, I,
Starting point is 00:28:12 I, I'm so interested in who becomes the arbiters of, of these things. You know what I mean? Like, I don't like this guy. I don't want, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:22 I mean the first, uh, the first time I tried to get into Sundance, the guy just announced that he doesn't like me. So that'll be that. I'm not going to watch a movie that's 90% on Rotten Tomatoes that everyone loves. No, not getting in. I'm surprised the uppity didn't get anywhere, even that.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Well, by the time Uppity came about, they were already sort of on a roll of rejecting my films from Sundance. He's a pretty right-leaning guy, right, himself? Yeah, well, Willie has a son who's a professional skeet shooter. Willie likes to shoot. Willie's in Texas. I'm sure they'll hate Willie's politics. And so it doesn't matter to them.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Now, Willie's also a race car driver. And just about everybody involved with that sport is, if they're not right wing, they're conservative in the sense that they don't live in a world of ideas and feelings. They live in a world of tens and hundreds of a second and they live in a very real world. So I know who every one of those guys are politically because they live in a real world to your point about a college so the racetrack is is the antithesis of a college campus yeah it's a bunch ideas no one wins no one loses and who get racing is a couple of couple of bad outings and you get fired to your point about guys that do that kind of work as well as using their hands,
Starting point is 00:30:08 I'm starting to see that kind of bubble up in discourse now. I think the feminine, what do we call it, the female brain, female way of looking at things or something has gotten into the discourse. The thing, the 50 years, well, I'll be chicks ideas is in now. But I'm starting to see the other stuff come up about people need to use their hands. People need to do some, people solve problems. It's starting to happen. You, if you use your hands and you work in that world, then it is essentially like taking
Starting point is 00:30:39 your brain and going, you know, like, like, you know, okay, hear me out. Yeah. If you work in a world like I used to work, you know, boxing coach in the morning, carpenter in the afternoon, you know, guess, guess who was never fat? Yeah. This guy, because all I was was on my feet all day, every day, telling, moving. Can't be fat. But you also, when you're on your feet every day, putting metal together and solving problems, you know, everything's a problem solver.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I mean, you really think about it. The plumber, like, comes to the house and he goes, maybe it's the trap. Could be the trap's clogged up. Also could be a vent situation. Maybe I'll get up on the roof, see if something's obstructing the vent. Are you on a, you know, you're on septic? Yeah. When's the last time you had the septic check?
Starting point is 00:31:36 Maybe it's overflowing septic, the leach tank or something. Boom, boom, trump, trump, sup, sup. No feelings. Just a list of possibilities. Here we are again. Well, if that's what you do for a living or you put metal together, wood together, sup, sup. No feelings, just a list of possibilities. Here we are again. Well, if that's what you do for a living, or you put metal together, wood together, whatever, your brain gets the same workout your body gets, only in the pragmatic department. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Right? Yep. So all the people who do that for a living, their pragmatic brain is totally toned up the same way as if you just did 100 push-ups every day. Every day. That was like your job was to do push-ups. You know what I mean? Your job is to be pragmatic, solve problems, do it as quickly and as safely as you can,
Starting point is 00:32:13 but not throwing out. Safety is not paramount. It's part of the equation. The other equation is how fast can we do it. So what happened? So your brain's always tuned up. How fast can we do it? So what have you?
Starting point is 00:32:23 So your brain's always tuned up. And so thinking about vaping and third-hand smoke, never enter that brain. Your kooky, lame, dumb shit ideas can't, you know, have them. You can wear a mask. You can have your popcorn, but don't nurse that popcorn. You can bask up in between bites. That kind of kookiness doesn't enter those brains. Just like they don't get fat.
Starting point is 00:32:49 They're on their feet. They're moving. They're constantly calculating that way. So all the retarded kooky chipthink ideas can't find purchase. They don't take. That's how it works. And that's why, as I've said to you a million times, as we take people from the farm and the barn and the factory and we move them into the cubicle and onto the campus, you get more and more nut job thinking. You understand?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yes. And that's what we're experiencing. Used to be 80% of people worked all day with their hands and wood, putting stuff there. Now it's 10%. A lot of fucking nut jobs to deal with now. That's where we're at. It's a direct connection. Thank you. All right. Naples.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Most of the shows are sold out. Off the Hook Comedy Club. That'll be tomorrow and Saturday, but there's a matinee on Saturday that might have a few tickets left. You go to for all the live shows going back to Vegas. What do you got, Drew?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Subscribe to my Rumble channel. Check it out, the Dr. Rumble channel. So, until next time, Adam Corolla for Dr. Drew. Say it! Mahalo. Hold on to your jingle bells. Pluto TV has all your holiday favorites for free. Enjoy Christmas classics like Scrooge with Bill Murray or Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. Plus, dive into festive channels like Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime or Hallmark Movies and more.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Download the Pluto TV app on all your favorite devices and start streaming holiday favorites on live channels and on demand. With thousands of free movies and TV shows, Pluto TV is your home for the holidays. Pluto TV. Stream now. Pay never. Hold on to your jingle bells. Pluto TV has all your holiday favorites for free. Enjoy our season's greetings category with nine holiday channels, including holiday movie favorites by Lifetime, Festive Fireplace, Holiday Lights, and Hallmark Movies and more. Download the Pluto TV app on all your favorite devices and start streaming holiday favorites on live channels and on demand.
Starting point is 00:34:54 With thousands of free movies and TV shows, Pluto TV is your home for the holidays. Pluto TV. Stream now. Pay never.

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