The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1822 Hips or Lips

Episode Date: February 2, 2024

Today, Chris jumps in to wrap up the week with some news, as the guys decipher the transition of the ecology flag, Dr. Drew shares his time hosting the Podcasting Hall of Fame, and they discuss the re...cent health concerns with Jay Leno's wife. Plus, their take on Pauly Shore wanting to play Richard Simmons, and a special message from the elusive man himself! Please Support Our Sponsors:, use code AD30 for $30 off orders of $150 or more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. Good news. We're doing the Comedy Fantasy Camp again. Jay Leno's going to be there. I'm going to be there. John Lovitz is going to be there. Caroline Ray is going to be there. Many, many other big comedians are going to be there. February 29th through March 3rd, tickets are going to go fast and it's all going to culminate at the world famous Hollywood Improv. So come and join us at the Comedy Fantasy Camp and work with the pros. Get your tickets at Oh, that's just me, Perez Hilton.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Drinking all the tea that goes on in this world. And with the way social media is, I just can't get enough. I'm obsessed. It's like every day something new and scandalous comes out and I want it all. I'm the OG of entertainment gossip. And if you are like me and have an unrelenting thirst
Starting point is 00:00:59 for all the drama that's flying around, you should listen to my podcast. The Perez Hilton Podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board-certified physician and addiction medicine specialist,
Starting point is 00:01:21 Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got to get on it. Dr. Drew's board certified believer. What's going on? Chris Max Pattison here with some breaking topical news. Also, I was waiting for this part of the week to get you in here to review the Hall of Fame
Starting point is 00:01:44 induction that Adam missed. I saw it. Was not out. And you guys very kindly sent a video that froze up, didn't run. So we got Adam on the phone. Yeah, I saw. And I forgot the award. Credit to you, Drew, for I know you were juggling a lot up there.
Starting point is 00:02:01 How did you forget the award? I forgot to bring it in. I have it here. I have it here at my home. Oh, in your the award? I forgot to bring it in. I have it here. I have it here at my home. Oh, in your home. But I forgot to unpack it this morning. He accepted it on your behalf. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Kind of. No, we don't have to play this whole thing. It's a little all over the place. You get the part where this thing freezes, which is funny. Not my accepting. So he's thinking that I'm here to present Adam Carolla with his induction to the Hall of Fame. And I thought, at no point did he say, hey, would you accept it on my behalf? No, no, I'll send a video.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Thanks, Adam. So I was thinking about giving the video shit and giving him shit for not being here. So I went around a couple rounds that way. I'm going to keep my comments very short because he didn't feel sufficiently invested to help us out here this evening. We'll see how short his video is. I can't wait to see that. But I talked a little this morning, if you were at that event,
Starting point is 00:02:54 about his and my, how we got together and how that happened and the serendipity of all that. And we talked a little bit about the sort of chemistry or the magic of partnerships when you find the right partnership. It says 10 minutes before the video. The comedy is, before this, I go, I'm going to keep my comment short
Starting point is 00:03:11 because people are talking for a while. And it's funny, we get into a whole technical problem here, and there's an old guy sitting right down to my right, and he goes, I thought you said you were going to be short. I was like, touche, I will be. And that's why I wrapped you were going to be short. I was like, touche. I will be. And that's why I wrapped it all up. That's why I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:28 we're out of here. Okay, I'm done. So we filmed the video here. Because they wanted me to sit there. They wanted me to sit and wait for them to fix it. I'm like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:36 they had a technical issue. There's an audience out there. You can't just sit there and just wrap this up. And then Adam kindly got on the phone for a second. Right before he was about to go on stage.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Drew just cold calls Adam and goes hey we have a technical issue. Please accept your award. Just puts the speaker up to the microphone and Adam's like uh hi. He says thank you whoever the fuck you are. It was great though. They loved it. Yeah I was in Colorado
Starting point is 00:04:00 about ready to go in some funky part of Colorado and go up on stage. And when you called, I thought you were just calling to say hi. Yeah, I could tell. I thought you were back in L.A. Yeah, I mean, why would you think I was at a podium? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You know, I didn't – I was a little uncomfortable with the whole proceedings. I didn't think about it that much. The fact that you were receiving something? Yeah. The whole thing seemed weird to you. I don't know. I've never thought about, is there a plaque? Is there something that goes along with it?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Is that big, about a 12-pound award? Yeah, I like an award. We actually got stuck at the security because of it. But I don't know why. I gave it no thought. Is this your usual mindset when you win something or you are honored with something? I have things that I separate in my brain that are important to me. And then there are things that aren't important to me,
Starting point is 00:05:07 but it may be important to others, I might think about driving in my Trans Am race or something and winning an award for that, and I'm very proud of it, and I'll think about it. And then there are other things that I don't think about at all, and you can't get me to think about them. And somehow the Hall of Fame podcast thing, it's like I was told, I never thought about where the ceremony was.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I never thought about who. I never thought about the gift. I was Saturday night. I was in Colorado doing shows. They never entered my mind that night was the ceremony night. And so I have no idea why I think about certain things. You'll appreciate it. Usually if it's some accolade that doesn't have to do with driving or something physical.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I just forget about it. So when this thing all – when I came off stage, the chick that was responsible for the whole thing had her hands and she was crying. And I go, relax. It was better this way. It was more interesting. It was funny. Come on. Give me a break. She goes, but Adam.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I go, oh, my God. Do not worry about Adam. He will be fine. My God, that is one thing you do not need to worry about. Agreed? I never had any thoughts about it before or after. Right. I didn't have any thoughts.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I still have no thoughts. Right. I knew that for sure. And going up there, I was – before that, except – or maybe it was after that, I was talking about what quality makes a good podcaster. I said, if you ask Adam, he'd probably say, A, low self-esteem. And they're like, low self-esteem. I go, yeah, A, low self-esteem. And they're like, huh? Low self-esteem. I go, yeah, yeah, I got that too. And an impoverished childhood.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And then you got the start of a good podcaster. I always tell everyone that Emmy's mother-in-law over there, Olga, when she said, years ago with her car, she goes, and I've said it before but i she said i want to sell this car what do you think it's worth i go i don't know what you pay for it and she said you bought it for me okay i had no i completely scrubbed it yeah now it probably scrubbed it because it fell under the heading of me doing something nice or something so i i i scrubbed it and i would never thought about it except i think about it now, not because of the effort, but because she had to inform me that I bought her a car, which I'd completely gotten out of my scrub from my brain, which is feasible. But most people would
Starting point is 00:07:39 remember if they bought someone a car. And I didn't. And I literally had no thoughts about it. So I'm able to take good deeds and accolades and scrub them. Yeah. Almost immediately. I do something similar. And when I have to write a bio or something, it's hard for me to kind of have to go look at notes and things, figure out what's happened.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. I don't, sometimes people bring up TV shows that I did and stuff like that. I have no recollection of doing that. Speaking of TV, Leno's wife, I guess, got having problems. Has he ever talked to you about that? No. I was going to reach out to him though, because I just sort of found out about it before I hit the road. So he's filed for conservatorship, right?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah. Very good. Very good move. Super smart. Yeah, filed her a dementia diagnosis. And the fact that she's alive, it's just that's the way you do it. That's what you do. Mm.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. For some reason, Susan heard the story. I said I got moved by it. Then I was like, what? Because you want me to put you on conservatorship? She could qualify. We could do it a little sooner if you want. We could do it now. That's what I'm saying. She'd meet the threshold.
Starting point is 00:08:57 There's some criteria there. Yeah, well, it was weird. I was talking to Melissa Newman, Paul Newman's daughter. I asked about Joanne Woodward, still alive. She's got to be 90-something, right? I think 93. Diagnosed with dementia well over a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Wow. She's still here. I was going to go visit her that day. I spoke to her. Crazy. Crazy. Yeah. I definitely want to reach out to Jay. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Well, speaking of Leno, so he was on Piers Morgan. Yeah. And he did an interview from his car garage. And, yeah, he said he's done doing political jokes. Because? Nobody laughs at them anymore? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Here, we have a clip of it. Okay. I stopped doing politics and my act altogether because, you know, when I did the Tonight Show, the idea was you made fun of both sides equally. And you get those, you and your Republican friends, well, you and your Democratic buddies, you know, and they'd both be angry. And I go, oh, that's good. You know, they both think you're supporting the other guy.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Now you've got to take a side, and people are angry if you don't. And I find what I would start to tell a political joke, they want to know the punchline before, is this pro or against? So I just stopped doing it. Really? Because I just want people to come and laugh and have a good time. Yeah. Not me.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I got shit to say. I don't care how much you spent. I don't care how much you laugh. Yeah. I'm not here to dance for you. Laughing is a foregone conclusion. We got to get something done here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Well, I think Jay, Jay's a guy I most comedians care about. Jay's a very thoughtful guy. Like one time I went to I did The Tonight Show like 10 years ago. Maybe I can't remember. I said, I can't. There's some kind of joke about like my wedding ring or something. And I go, no, I wear a wedding ring, Jay, all the time. I mean, unless I'm traveling.
Starting point is 00:11:10 That's a different story. And then after the show, he was like, do you take the ring off when you're concerned? Yeah. I go, no. He has, when he found out I was getting divorced, he was like, you know, you okay? You know, he's kind of sensitive.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah. Very sweet. And he's sweet, you know. And so I don't think he, I think he's tuned into the audience and doesn't want to put them in some sort of position. Yeah. Which. Opposite of Adam Carolla. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Adam's leaned into. Leaned into the audience Carolla. Right. Adam's leaned into the audience. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just like, if someone goes, you can't say this or don't do that. You know,
Starting point is 00:11:50 I just think I look to me. It's like, is something funny or is it true? I mean, remember I'm the guy who sat in Maui where the world's worst brunch, because I had to argue with nine dingbats about leaf blowers, right? Now, does it ruin that? Yes. Did it ruin my brunch? Yes, it did. Was I a pariah at the table? Yes, I was. Was I right? Yes, I was 100% right. So I'm always willing to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Do you think the audience thinks you're right or they're just like, never go to brunch with him again? Yeah. Well, that's what the audience would think. If something's funny, and I know it's funny, then I'm right, and then I'm saying it, and that'll be that. You know, I just had a weird thought. Tell me if there's anything in this. That maybe his concern, you know, you and I are very concerned about freedom to do things. And he is so financially free, maybe when you have that kind of financial freedom, it doesn't, other freedoms aren't as impactful. Yeah, it's a good thought.
Starting point is 00:12:55 He's also, you know, Jay likes being liked. He likes that station in life. You know he he just cares what people think of him which is that's hard these days well it it it can affect your performance right and the things you say and i think he's been comedy so long he's seen so many different eras of audience and has changed his act accordingly. Yes, I don't know. There's nothing in our lifetime like this in the present moment. I mean, the 70s was a facsimile of this in that it blew. It sucked when many of the same ideas were flying around.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah. Right? I mean, nothing like this. Well, it was different. It was Watergate and Vietnam War and that kind of stuff. And there was sort of a side to be on that was kind of clear cut, a little more clear cut. I don't think there was much brainwashing then, too.
Starting point is 00:14:06 No. But who knows? Now everything's in question. The side to be on is the nut job side. So you have to think that women and men can both give birth. You have to think that if somebody identifies as a woman, even if you have a cock and ball and beard, you can just walk into labor. You have to think that if somebody identifies as a woman, even if you have a cock and ball and beard, beard, you can just walk into laser.
Starting point is 00:14:26 You have to think that way. You have to think patently insane things. You have to. The truth doesn't exist. Truth is a construct. So everything's on now. You have to think that the end of the world is nigh and in doom and gloom, even though they've been saying this shit for 55 years and nothing ever happens history
Starting point is 00:14:45 doesn't exist to them so they don't know i'm just saying you you have to you have to believe that when you get grub hub during covid you need to wipe down the bag you need to believe in third hand smoke as we previously discussed like you need to believe that aids kills as many heterosexuals as gays, and you need to believe 50,000 Americans die of secondhand smoke every year. You need to believe a bunch of patently crazy bat shit information. That's what you need to believe in order to be on the good side. Chris is making eye contact. When we were growing up, all you had to do was think that Richard
Starting point is 00:15:25 Nixon was a dick and the Vietnam War should be ended. And ecology. And the world was coming to an end with acid rain. Yeah, but you didn't have to go out and march or anything. You just didn't have to do anything. You just have to go, Nixon's a dick
Starting point is 00:15:41 and Vietnam, they should wrap it up and bring our boys home and then you're fine then your work was done they didn't have a laundry list of 7 000 kooky pieces of information you had to get in on do you remember the ecology flag yes what would that look like it looked like it looked like an eyeball yeah and like a circle the line like a like an omega on the side kind of organ ducks colors but it was also green and white stripes
Starting point is 00:16:10 I don't think it was stripes but it was organ duck color well first off there's probably 15 of colors I'm sure there were the original one was the colors of Brazil the Brazilian flag green and yellow on that blue The original one was the colors of Brazil.
Starting point is 00:16:26 The Brazilian flag. Green and yellow. Oh, I think. On that blue. Oh, maybe it's the blue. Anyway, it looked like an eyeball of the line going through. Right. All right. While they look for the flag, I'm going to tell you about G Defy Shoes.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Comfort meets innovation. Look at that shoe, Adam. That's why I brought him in here. You tell me that is not a substantial shoe. That is a lot of thought and clinical study put into there by UCLA. Other companies get the run-of-the-mill memory foam soles for five decades. No, G-Defy has patented and meticulously designed the shoe. Feel that?
Starting point is 00:16:59 How substantial that is? Put it on, man. That's when you really feel it. And you get a little height out of it, too. Yep. They boost the biomechanics of shoes, foster movement, isn't just shock-absorbing. It gives you – they don't put money into the athlete endorsements. They invest in the construction of the shoe and building it in such a way that it has
Starting point is 00:17:16 clinical utility. It takes the pressure off back, hips. Don't just take my word for it. Check out the testimonials and hold the shoe. You'll know – right, Chris? Tell me that's not a substantial. It's nice. And I'm seeing that 85% less knee pain.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yep. Wow. Yep. Lots of good study out there. Right, Emmy? That's right. Visit because your feet deserve more than just another pair of shoes. And here's a little extra love for our listeners.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Use discount code AD30 for an exclusive $30 off orders of $150 or more. Yep. You heard that right. A little gift from GDefy to your feet. Visit, that's for $30 off, $150 or more with code AD30. Experience the miracle that is G-Defy, where comfort meets innovation.
Starting point is 00:17:59 All right, Amy, I don't know why, because Drew keeps bringing up what's old and new again. But back in one of those computers, there's a Partridge family clip from 1974. Lori's given a speech. We never really fleshed it out. Which was the speech on? Well, it's 50 years old. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So, you know, lest anyone think this shit's new. Right, right. It's award season. We should be paying attention. Yes. So, you know, lest anyone think this shit's new. Right, right. It's award season. We should be paying attention. Yes. They're always talking about the same shit. That's the other thing people don't study. You guys, you haven't heard this before?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yeah. This global warming, ice age, ecology, you know, Al Gore, just whatever. I was deep into it at 19. You were into it, yeah. you know, Al Gore, just whatever. I was deep into it in 19. I came home from college and announced that, A, oil, we had 10 years max of oil left, number one. B, dams and phosphates were going to destroy the infrastructure.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Acid rain would ruin it. He threw soup at the Mona Lisa. That's right. If I had thought of it, who knows? But here we go. Here's Lori. Yeah. In the 1974 Homecoming Queen of San Pueblo High School,
Starting point is 00:19:15 Miss Lori Partridge. Thank you very much. I want each and every one of you to know that I am not the least bit flattered to have been chosen to receive this dubious distinction. I am appalled at such customs and traditions that judge people by labels. Labels of race, creed, color, appearance, and even sex. Oh, even. People are people, and they must be judged by their merits, whether they are lawyers or teachers or basketball players.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Huh? Now, I had a lot more to say on the subject, but I think you know what I'm talking about. It's simply that people are everything, and that women are people. Sounds like Kamala Harris. All we ask is to be treated that way. People are everything. I apologize for using this context as a form of my views, but it's time that someone spoke up.
Starting point is 00:20:24 There is one other thing i cannot accept the title of homecoming queen because it stands for so many things that i am against monarchy even therefore according to the rules i hereby decline and turn the crown over to the first runner-up your new homecoming queen and Is there going to be something special about it? Yeah. It's a dude. She puts the crown on a guy. So, do you think any of this is new?
Starting point is 00:20:51 This is 50 years old, a bitch is complaining about shit, and a dude crashing the party. Now, back then it was a dude. He didn't say he was a woman. It was just a dude. Yeah. Now, the dude would say he's a woman. Yeah. But this is 50 years older.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I was there, man. I remember it. People are people and people are everything. And women are people. So women are everything. And I would have added in all the ecology stuff in my youth. Yes. I added in all that.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And then a little bit of John Lennon would have crept in. We got a dream of a place, you know. So disappointed by adults. Yeah. Well, we haven't changed. Disappointing. All right. So this is 50 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah. All right. What's she talking about? Talking about the same ship. When Kamala Harris talks, that's what she says. People are everything and everything is people. And women are people too. So that makes them everything
Starting point is 00:21:45 and everything's everything and you know we can't how can we go on when women and people and race and black and white
Starting point is 00:21:52 and ecology and women that's what we do this 50 years old oh see that's the flag I remember yeah that's yeah the green and white stripes
Starting point is 00:22:01 that's right you're right yeah yeah but they also just had a symbol. Like they had just... It was just that big... The big eyeball.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yes, the big omega. I've seen both versions, but one of them had the flag stripes. Yeah, so we had a flag. And then we basically got rid of that flag. We got a gay flag. Yeah. Yeah. So that's what we got.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Or maybe it's the same flag that went gay. Maybe the flag starts sucking dick. Transitioned. And transitioned. So that thing's a mouth. It is kind of a mouth. It could be an anus. It depends.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Hips or lips. It's an orifice. Hips or lips. That's what I say when I cruise. Eucosal surfaces or mucosal surfaces. That's right. That's what I say in my profession. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:43 So the ecology flag transitioned and is now gay. And that's the gay flag. Don't have to put the gay flag everywhere. Because we need to be recognized because the trans community needs to be proud. First off, the whole gay pride. Listen, you suck a dick, suck a dick. You don't have to be proud of it. I like pussy. Aren't be proud of it i like pussy
Starting point is 00:23:05 singing about it no i'm not proud of it just who we are why should you be proud of being gay or trans or why are you proud of any of this shit or are you proud of being black or are you proud of being hispanic you know what are you proud of just fucking go about your way you fucking idiot you narcissist idiot. And it's fucking you up, too, by the way. It used to be anathema to sort of the American thing, which was we're all bonding around an idea. Melting pot. And not just melting pot, but you're just all that gets put aside on behalf of this common philosophy that we all adhere to.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Anyway, what's up there? What's up? So real quick, I just want to get your thoughts on. Yeah. Hey, what's up there? What's up? So real quick, I just want to get your thoughts on, so Pauly Shore has been pushing this biopic where he is Richard Simmons.
Starting point is 00:23:51 He acts as Richard Simmons. He even made a short. They played it at Sundance. And it's been getting a lot of traction. They put it up for free on YouTube. And he's in love with Drew Barrymore. And he's in love with Drew. Well, yeah, maybe that was a little publicity stunt. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:24:03 But he's gotten a lot of acclaim for it. The only thing is Richard Simmons has publicly said, I didn't approve of this. Please just leave me alone. I'm trying to just live my life quietly. So now Pauly's having a lot of trouble getting people to be on his side now because Richard has publicly said, I don't want this. Get on his side?
Starting point is 00:24:22 But Pauly's like, look, we don't need his approval to make a biopic of him. So he's still going through with it. So I just want to get your thoughts on what you think of that. I think you could get sued that way if you're not careful. Well, he's honoring him. It is kind of uncanny how much... That is weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah. Do we have any outtakes or any footage? Yeah, it's on YouTube. The whole thing is? It's a 10-minute short. You can do a biopic on anybody. You don't need them to sign off. But you can still get sued if you
Starting point is 00:24:52 have an impact that they don't like. Everyone can sue everyone all the time. Right, exactly. But there's plenty of precedent for doing biopics and docs and stuff like that. I made a Paul Newman doc. We didn't get the approval of his family or anything.
Starting point is 00:25:11 We just made it. So you can do that. The same way you could use footage from Butch and Sundance in your doc if you talk about it and it's not longer than 40 seconds or whatever it is. There's rules. Guidelines. talk about it and it's not longer than 40 seconds or whatever it is. You know, there's, you know, when you, well, when you make a movie or a doc or whatever, you have attorneys that are kind of like the same attorneys that when I worked for Comedy Central, they had attorneys, you know, and we'd say, oh, we're going to, you know, Crank Yankers was called Prank Puppets or something at the beginning. And then attorneys are like, oh, that's not going to crank yankers. It was called prank puppets or something at the beginning. And the attorneys were like, oh, that's not going to work. It's to this day one of the craziest arguments I ever had.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I just remember the long discussions you had about underpants. That, to me, was the craziest thing ever. They'd say, like, you can say underwear, but you can't say underpants or something. I don't know. It was all nothing. But you would consult with an attorney and you'd go, can we show clips from the Richard Simmons show from the 80s? And they'd go, who owns it? And they'd go, Viacom owns it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Well, you should clear it with Viacom or you can use Fair Use if you're talking about it. They have attorneys. Like every attorney goes, don't patent attorneys and things about it. You know, they have attorneys that just, like every attorney, goes, don't patent attorneys and things like that. They go, don't do this. You can't do that. And then you run it. Then you make it.
Starting point is 00:26:32 All right, we have a little clip. By the way, I talked to a woman who went down to Texas for you, allegedly, from Libsyn and testified in the patent case you took. Do you remember this woman? No. Okay. I don't think so. But, sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:51 All right. Here's a bit of the end. What's my first rule? Like yourself. Your weight doesn't matter. If you like yourself, you're gonna be fine. But I've been where you are right now. Pretty good invitation.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Oh, yeah. And where I'm right now, is I just love myself. Every part of myself. And I think I can show you how to get here. Please welcome Richard Simmons! Richard Simmons, beloved icon, right, by both straight and proud gay people. And Emmy actually reached out to Richard's team to see if he'd come on.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And Richard responded to Emmy. What the dude? Drew, if you'd like to do the honors. Thank you so much for your offer. But right now I'm not doing any shows, radio or TV. And I have to tell you, I love Adam and Dr. Drew. They are so smart and clever. I did meet Dr. Drew once and he was very kind to me.
Starting point is 00:28:01 He was on my HLN show for like a very brief period. And you're very kind. And he was lovely. He's exactly who heLN show for like a very brief period. And you're very kind. And he was lovely. He's exactly, he's Richard Simmons. He's exactly who you think he is. But he is, when he's out in public, he is always on. He's Richard Simmons, you know what I mean? And I think he feels he has to be that or else he wants to be left alone.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Right. Kind of interesting, right? We know people that have to be, they have to be that. Dag was like that, I thought. A little bit. A little bit. Like he would turn it on, but then off mic, he just could be a lot more mellow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 But Dag would be like prickly. Like all of a sudden, I go, where'd that come from? It's like. He's insane. That's where it comes from. I tell people all the time, he's insane. That's where it comes from. I tell people all the time, he's insane. That's why.
Starting point is 00:28:48 If you'd have said I would love them, I still do. You can love insane people. Yes. I have the people I know. And listen, first off, who cares?
Starting point is 00:28:59 And Polly, I always thought that Polly Shore had some sort of vehicle in his future that would make us look at him in a different way. Like a serious actor or whatever. I can see that. I sort of felt like he's going to have some sort of sling blade moment or something where he comes out with something and people are going to go, you know what? I mean, like...
Starting point is 00:29:29 I can see that. Like Brandon, what's his name? Brandon, who's the... The guy who played the way... Frazier. Yeah, yeah. Like, you know, 80s... Strangely, they were the partners
Starting point is 00:29:37 on the Spiral Dome and stuff. Yeah, yeah. He's doing Tarzan and... Oh, God. Dudley Do-Right and shit. You know, those bad, shitty 90s hackneyed whatever. But they come out at some point. Or Quentin Tarantino gets hold of John Travolta, who's doing Baby Makes Three, Part 7. It's even Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Yeah, except for Burt Reynolds never liked that role and didn't want it. In Boogie Nights? Yeah, he was pissed off about it liked that role and didn't want it. In Boogie Nights? Yeah, he was pissed off about it. I thought he was pissed off he didn't get an award for it. No, he wasn't happy. I think Burt was a straight guy and was pretty uptight. He just didn't like in this porn world things. But yes, like Burt Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Like Burt Reynolds. I mean, it goes on and on. And I always thought that Molly Ringwald would have some sort of big resurgent whatever. And that Pauly Shore, not as much as Molly, but like would do something that was substantial. I was going to say that was the word that comes to mind for me for people where i have that feeling it's like they're more substantial than people know right wouldn't you say i don't know how substantial polly is but i think that's why you're having that feel but i i did feel like there was just a role for him yeah that was the opposite of brother-in-law or father-in-law or
Starting point is 00:31:04 whatever in whatever the fuck that's just the opposite of well thein-law or father-in-law or whatever the fuck. That's just the opposite of, well, the fucking kooky shit he's done that would make people go, oh, look at him. Same to Brandon Fraser. Yeah. Except that guy's nuts. Brandon? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Oh, is that right? Yes. Uh-oh. There's something wrong. Uh-oh. Well, he disappeared for a while because of the, during the Me too movement right like he he something about the golden was it the golden globes i'm gonna make up oh be careful
Starting point is 00:31:33 i'm like a video log of i i could fill the grand canyon with all the crazy conversations i've had with women. Yeah. And it's like, well, he was at the Golden Globes ceremony, daytime function party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. And the guy runs the Golden Globes, like, come and put his finger up his ass. You know what I mean? And I'm like, he's wearing a suit, right? Yeah. And the suit has a jacket that hangs down below, and there's a room with 500 people having brunch.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah, well, he was assaulted. He wasn't assaulted. I don't know if this fucking guy did. The guy did it, 73 at the time, been married to the same woman for 41 years. He came up and smacked him on the ass is what he did. No, he says he was assaulted.
Starting point is 00:32:30 How would one physically, sexually assault somebody in a sea of human beings fully dressed? He says he put his finger in his asshole. You don't need to know that part. He's damaged goods.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And when people are damaged and you come up and smack them on the ass, it gets translated into trauma. Yeah. Which has happened with Terry Crews as well. But the people don't do it. They just argue. Well, he could put his, he could get around to suit trousers and get. First off, the guy's 70-something years old. It's in a group.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It's in a sea of humanity in a ballroom during the day. This reminds me of your... All I do is argue. One last quick joke was how your grandmother used to see rape as a violent crime. Somebody brought that whole scenario up the other day. Do you know this?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Oh, Chris. It wasn't my grandma. I don't think it was my grandmother. You were fighting with her about it or something. She was lecturing you about it. Now, everybody was lecturing everybody during this period of time. The 80s? No. Wasn't that long ago?
Starting point is 00:33:42 70s. This is not back to the 70s. Okay. Grandma in the 70s? This is not back to the 70s. Okay. Am I in the 70s? I was nine. Okay. Fucking idiot. Listen to me, Drew.
Starting point is 00:33:51 We would talk about this on the air. In the 90s, about. No, it wasn't about the 70s. You go back to the 70s. Everything that's bad is from the 70s. That's now how it worked. They started saying, you're not a rape victim, you're a rape survivor. You're a rape survivor.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And I kept questioning that, right? Yep. And then they'd say, you're not blind, you're seeing impaired. And I would go, why are we fucking with the language? Why are you guys fucking with the language? It's 1995. What are we doing here? Now it's a full-scale assault on the language.
Starting point is 00:34:22 That was them just testing the waters on fucking with the language. Yeah. And they started explaining that rape was not a sexual crime, but it was a violent crime. It was about control. It was not. It was not about sex. It was nothing to do with sex. Not a sexual crime.
Starting point is 00:34:40 It was a violent crime. And that was all in the same time as they were launching rape survivor versus rape victim and then the only thing that ever made drew laugh is i would go it is a violent crime and it is no different than any other violent crime it's like if you went into 7-eleven and pistol whipped the guy behind the counter and stole all the money and then came. Right. But other than that, other than the coming, there's only one sexual component to it, which is you coming at the end. At the end. But other than that, it's no different than like if you set your house on fire to try to collect the insurance while your wife is in there and then you came. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:35:24 You jacked away to the front porch. Right. And it would always end up with a white collar and arson and aggravated assault but you would have to come on a lintel.
Starting point is 00:35:32 True love. That joke. So good. The only thing that makes it sexual is you coming all over the place. Other than that, other than that, there is no component to it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's a violent crime. It's about control. Remember the about control part there, which is like, I don't know. Maybe the guy's just fucking weird wiring and he's horny, but it's control. And the thing, too, is they just go, it's about control. It's about control. It's about control. See, we lived through it.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Kook jobs defining shit for us that doesn't exist. Because they would go, it's all about control it's all the rapes all about power and i'd be like i'll bet if the chick volunteered to suck his dick consensually he would take it he wouldn't need the control he wouldn't have to break into the bedroom at night like you know what i mean like i bet he would or half the rapist would take that deal at least okay not half i think that's pretty much i'm speaking of control it's them controlling Half the rapists would take that deal. At least. Okay. Not half. I think that's pretty much. And speaking of control, it's them controlling the language.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And by the way, now it's full effect. Oh, yeah. The bird is in full flight. It was just experimenting. We just renamed all the birds. It was just leaving the nest in the 90s, and I was yelling about it. Yes, you were. Because I saw where this was going. You have a crystal brain caught up on it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Thank you. All right. Is that right? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. You're in Naples tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But it's sold out, so just the matinee tomorrow. Oh, but it's tonight and tomorrow night, huh? Yeah, today's Friday, so just the matinee tomorrow. Oh, but it's tonight and tomorrow night, huh? Huh. Yeah, today's Friday, right? Okay. All right. Just go to for all the live shows, going back to Vegas and stuff. What do you got, Drew?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Everyone, please subscribe to my Rumble channel, the Dr. Drew Rumble channel. Check out that streaming show. So, until next time, Adam Kroll for Max Apata and Drewski saying mahalo. Hold on to your jingle bells. Pluto TV has all your holiday favorites for free. Enjoy Christmas classics like Scrooge with Bill Murray or Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. Plus, dive into festive channels like Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime
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