The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1916 Direct Line to Unhappiness

Episode Date: September 18, 2024

This week, Adam and Dr. Drew start off by recapping the recent presidential debate, from the moderators to the candidates talking points, they then dissect the creation of hoax media and deepfakes., the guys react to the health impacts of loneliness and they take a voicemail on getting back into the dating world at a later stage in life. Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at top of the homepage,

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I love reality TV on Pluto TV. Same, and I love that it's free. It gives me the freedom to watch Bravo's Real Housewives Vault Channel. I'm totally free to watch Bad Girls Club. I'm free for Jersey Shore. Love and hip hop, I'm free all day. Survivor, I'm free all night. With hundreds of free reality shows, you are totally free to watch what you love on Pluto TV.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Pluto TV. Stream now, pay never. Hey fans of freedom and open discussion, I'm heading over to Substack and there's an ad-free audio and video version of the Adam Perola show that's going to be waiting there. In the near future, you'll even be able to watch ACS live unedited as we recorded participate in the show via live chat that'll be coming up very soon. You also get an ad free version of the Adam Corleone Dr. Drew show. You also get an exclusive to my new podcast beat it out where I share unpolished ideas with my
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Starting point is 00:01:39 Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to The Adam and Dr. Drew Show. Yeah, get it on, got it on, got it on, took it, got it on, Dr. Drew's board-certified position, specials. What's going on there, Drewsky? Oh, you know, just another week. You know, we haven't really talked to you and I about the debates and how wonderful the debate
Starting point is 00:02:04 sort of management was, how the debate... What do you call the people that moderate, the moderators? The moderators. How great the job the moderators did. Well, you know, I think there's a bigger, there's a bigger, slightly more insidious part of this that people may be glossing over, which is something that you and I might have difficulty, I know you and I have difficulty with, but it's a for instance, I'll couch it this way. So people go, well,
Starting point is 00:02:36 what happened with the debate? And they go, well, I think Kamala Harris won, you know, and they go, okay, why did she win the debate? Well, she was able to successfully not answer questions and then fend off and then it's like if you read the transcript Trump said eight thousand things about the border about migrant crime or about taxes or about about the economy Oh, whatever Mary's whatever all of it of it. And she was able to navigate successfully. So her sounded good. Well, she won the debate through successfully navigating the debate to not address any of the stuff that was asked of her. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And so here's all I'm saying. And then people go, well, she won the debate. And you go, oh, OK, yeah, she won the debate. But it. Oh, okay. Yeah, she won the debate but it's sort of like I Have a client he's he's guilty of murder But we're able to we're able to prove that the arresting officer said the n-word in 1979 and we got it from his phone and my clients black and now he's free because I beat or you know We accused him of evidence tampering because there was tainted evidence even though it wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:49 real, it was just a lab technician or whatever, but we got it and he's on the streets and he's free. I won, we won. And you go, well you did, okay, yeah, it's true, you won. Well, you won the case. You won in the only measurable way that we're really deciding, freedom or incarceration for your client.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yes, you guys won. So there's such a thing as my client's innocent and I put up a robust defense and we used technology and experts and he's now a free man, where he and God Intended he be and then there's a version of and there's tons of this in society. It's like well the guy didn't You know the I see with the voting irregularities we're suing, you know, we're getting a thing I mean how many attorneys are one cases that they know they didn't win
Starting point is 00:04:43 I mean, I wasn't guilty of or it didn't bring They sort of sort of hold themselves up for admiration for having well Look, I think it was I think it was Eric Holder, but I can't I cannot remember but it was a african-american high ranking politician or appointment or something like that. And somebody, there's a clip of it somewhere, Kyle. I think it was Eric Holder, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But somebody said to him after the Mitt Romney Obama thing, they said, you know, you, you, you implied or accused, you accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes, you know, you, you, you implied or cues, you accuse Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes, you know, but he pays his taxes. Is that that okay with you? And he goes, Hey, we won. Right. And I was like, Oh, okay, we want what Carville's been saying that the object to win, win at any cost.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Right. So she won the debate, except for we don't know anything about her policies. That's how she won the debate. Well, here's an interesting thing that has come of it, which is every, it's interesting and maybe it has to do with the internet now and maybe it's a good thing. They did a lot of fact-checking Trump and Trump lost and Trump lied, a lot of Trump lied. Every time somebody, let's just say some progressive or left-leaning or whoever's a fan of Kamala Harris, right? They go on the internet and they say Donald Trump is nuts, he lied, and he accused Kamala Harris of saying it was she endorsed inmates getting transitioned by whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Being paid for by the state. Paid for by the state, right. And then they put that out there. That lives on the internet for 10 minutes. And then a video of Kamala Harris being interviewed saying, I support the transgendering of inmates comes out next to it. So they stop making the accusations because they get swatted. Oh, interesting. See what I'm saying? Yes. Every time somebody says Trump
Starting point is 00:07:13 said there were good people about somebody puts the actual video up there. Trump said it was going to be a bloodbath. They put the video out there. So in days of yore, you got to just keep going right well but there's Scott Adams was going on this morning about the technique of Creating a hoax and he was saying you have you can't just put the video up anymore or just Tell people what the hoaxes are you have to go? Here is their technique in this particular hoax how they they got it to stick. They cut off this part of the video. Here's the whole video.
Starting point is 00:07:48 In other words, it reframes the whole thing. Or they took this out of context. Or they're mind reading. If he says it's a bloodbath and he's joking, whatever, he means that that's his real thoughts. We don't know what's really in his mind. But it's like these are, it's mind reading. But these all are techniques
Starting point is 00:08:06 that they use to get people hypnotized. Look, it's not really mind reading. I will say this. I think this should be the rule in terms of cheap fakes, as they now call them, videos that are sort of out of context. Out of context in another way. And by the way, if you're looking for that video, it doesn't necessarily have to be Eric Holder,
Starting point is 00:08:25 but somebody like him, when he was interviewed about Mitt Romney's taxes and him lying about it, just said it worked. Now, here's what I think needs to be the rule. Because people, if we have any kind of sincerity left at all, just any dignity, just any dignity at all. But okay, forget about that. Forget about dignity.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Forget about dignity. For those of you who are being misled, this shall be the rule. When the person is talking about this subject at the beginning and then in the middle they say something that gets pulled out of context and then they but they then go back to the subject then it refers to that subject. If they move on then maybe it's not. So what Trump does is Trump which Trump does all the time, he's talking about cars, he's talking about China, he's talking about tariffs, he's talking about Mexico, you're going to bring those cars, China's going to take those cars, China's
Starting point is 00:09:34 going to take those cars, and they're going to move them into Mexico, and then they're going to sell them cheap to us, and I'm going to put tariffs on it. And then he stops, he pauses, and then he goes, I'll tell you, if I don't win this election, it's going to be a bloodbath. And then he goes, if those cars come in from Mexico. Okay, well, yes, he didn't say, it is true, he did not say, if I don't win this election, it's going to be a bloodbath on account of these cars. He just said bloodbath and then went back to the car. So assume when it's sandwiched in a subject,
Starting point is 00:10:09 that's the subject he's referring to. And the exact same thing happened with injecting bleach in UV light. That's what he was talking about. Then he got into his sort of semantic, do you inject something, sterilization or whatever, and then he got back to the UV light. That's the subject he was on.
Starting point is 00:10:29 So I would say if you're looking for just some intellectual honesty, whatever the subject is, if you're saying, you know, I'm a huge Mets fan, and it's fucking Mets, I mean, they break my heart every time. Oh, I'll tell you, I'm gonna kill myself. If those Mets don't finish more than, oh, Drew said he was gonna kill himself.
Starting point is 00:10:55 You know what I mean? It's like, no, no. He's talking about the Mets. He's talking, it's in the Mets. He went back to the Mets. He didn't talk about the Mets, then say he was going to kill himself, and then talk about his impending divorce. It was sandwiched in between the Mets' thoughts.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yep. Bloodbath is in between the car talk. Yep. So, now, not for Kamala Harris. She understands it, and she's just lying, which is just a weird place to live, for me. But for you, who are just at home trying to interpret what well did he really did she really? She's been through four years of Biden doing it can all the time and it working and I guess so. Oh we have Harry Reid Eric Holder black simile. It's my fault
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, Harry Reid. Which got god bless. They named the McCarran Airport after him now. I don't know if you're aware of that true It's kind of funny did see that what happened to poor McCarran? I know to be some guy who settled, Nevada 1871 the proud McCarran pioneer why now he stripped of his airport rides. Yeah, so it's now Harry Reid Airport, but Here's a vid Just so you know, this has been going on for a little while when we're talking about trust we need to look no further than the person that Mitt Romney wants to
Starting point is 00:12:16 my friend the republican leader wants to be president of the united states he's refused to release his tax returns as we know. If a person coming before this body wanted to be a cabinet officer, he couldn't be if he did the same refusal to Mitch Romney does about tax returns. So the word's out that he hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years. The word's out that he hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years. Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't. We already know from one partial tax return that he gave us, he has money hidden in Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, and a Swiss bank account.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Not making that up, that's in the partial year that he gave us. Mitt Romney makes more money in a single day than the average middle class family makes in two years. Yeah. Well, not the video I was asking for, because I was asking for the video pretty clearly where I said they asked Harry Reid, or I said the other name, James Holt, Eric Holt, but they asked him, do you regret lying? And he said, but that's the setup. All right, we have the second one. And he said, oh, we were setting the table with that one. Right. All right. Well, put it on the screen there, Kyle, the setup and the response. Then we have the response
Starting point is 00:13:38 to that. I guess if you're going to be a, you tell me, but I guess if you're going to be a politician, that's part of the game. Like you were like, it's like, just guess if you're going to be a politician, that's part of the game. Like you were like, it's like just like if you can be a lawyer, you're going to have certain, you're going to be defending people because they just deserve a defense even though they're guilty. I think I would stop listening to you, but I don't think this is the vid. Well, here we'll try it. We have not paying his taxes with no evidence. Let him prove that he has paid taxes because he hasn't. No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers, no one would help me.
Starting point is 00:14:10 They were afraid the Koch brothers would go after them. So I did it on my own. So no regrets about Mitt Romney, about the Koch brothers? Some people even called it McCarthyite. Well, they call it whatever they want. Romney didn't win, did he? Reed is. All right. And now he's got an airport named after him.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Wow. But he just just lied. At least he actually looked a little embarrassed and ashamed of himself. I'll give him that. He looked like a little coy. Well, he's got asked an actual question by a reporter. Seems so long ago, right? Yeah, so quaint so yeah I mean, it's been a while that that tape is ten years old with that Dina bash. Yeah. Yeah, I think so Yeah, yeah. So there you go. Yeah, it's what reporters used to ask some questions particularly on their own side
Starting point is 00:14:58 That guy's on that would you know? Hey Reed was a famous Democrat. Well to be fair She's to be fair, to be fair... I'm reacting to that more than anything. Just seeing Dana Reid ask a follow-up question. I mean, Dana Bash. Yeah. Yeah, I know it is. It's weird going into the way back machine. And seeing people do their job the way they always did.
Starting point is 00:15:21 That's the craziest one about the compilation of Biden and his truth-stretching about his academic accomplishments. It's really just the news montage calling him out on it is the part that seems alarming today. That was just ABC, CBS, that was just the part that seems alarming today. That was ABC CBF That was just a nightly news right anchors just saying he's lying, right, which you wouldn't see today All right, we got some articles that Loneliness is the first topic Oh Kyle Scott I do yeah, so out of the UK
Starting point is 00:16:03 We have an article why loneliness Loneliness Puts You in the Health Danger Zone. It's according to the Office of National Statistics, around a quarter of adults, 27 percent report they have felt loneliness always, often, or sometime. There's a taboo, the study goes on to say that there's a taboo for admitting to feeling loneliness, which admission is an intimidating hurdle. And what they're finding is that you will have physical and psychological health impact based off of having isolation and loneliness, which is something that is happening not only in the UK, but I think also here in the United States. No, didn't make it here, they appointed a czar, a department of loneliness or
Starting point is 00:16:51 something. Oh yeah, I remember that. Yeah, in Europe and maybe in the UK. In England, yeah. Well, let's see if we can break it down. Does England exist anymore? We don't use the word England anymore. She said UK. No, you're right. You know, loneliness is in the eye of the beholder. I used to feel lonely, I could remember, on a Friday night if I wasn't doing anything at home, you know what I mean? Adolescent, like young adulthood though, right? Adolescent. Yeah, it was lonely, kind of met a little anxiety and a little depression, not really anxiety,
Starting point is 00:17:28 just kind of depression, everyone else having a good time, and I don't got anything to do, and I don't know where to go, and this sucks, you know what I mean? And it used to, for me, was very powerful Sunday nights. Sunday nights, I was looking down the barrel. You know the problem with schools, it starts at eight in the morning and the problem with
Starting point is 00:17:53 construction is it starts at seven in the morning. So when Sunday night came around, you were just right down the barrel of that alarm clock, you know what I mean? Like I felt like if I could have had to be somewhere by noon, I wouldn't have had that depression wash over me. But I would know. It was dread you'd get. I knew the alarm when I was working construction. I knew that alarm was going off at 6.15 the following morning
Starting point is 00:18:18 and I hated it, you know? And then I would sit around on a Sunday night. It would be like six o'clock and I would try to rally people. Come on, let's go do something. Let's go see a movie or something. Ah, I'm staying in. I remember kind of this depression. It just carried over from school into.
Starting point is 00:18:37 How did you pay for the movies? We had a few, well, there's a few things. We did a fair amount of sneaking in. A fair amount of sneaking in. A fair bit. How would you do it? Is it like a back door or something? It varied from theater to theater.
Starting point is 00:18:55 The one at the Glendale Galleria, they just had an exit door down in the parking lot. You could kind of go in and go up some fire stairs and go around the back to the theater level. And there's ways to get in. The other one in Sherman Oaks, which wasn't at a Galleria, it's like people entered one door and just exited the other door and you just slide in when they exited. Or for my buddy Ray, I would sit and wait for someone to leave. Ray wouldn't do that. Ray would see someone getting at the drinking fountain
Starting point is 00:19:29 and bang on the glass. And the person would be at the drinking fountain and be like, yeah. And he'd go, hey, come here. And the person would be like, yeah, get here now. And the person would be like, okay. And they'd just come over and open the door for him. And I was like, I thought we're gonna sneak in not yell at people to help aid in a bet this this criminal behavior of ours
Starting point is 00:19:52 Well, we also on the way. It was like thank you We had a in my apartment we had a centipede machine I think it was centipede video game, and my roommate wanted to put it on free, the setting, and I was like, look, we got enough freeloaders hanging around in this place, eating our food and smoking pot and doing whatever. You want to play, you got to charge,
Starting point is 00:20:19 we're charging a quarter. And at the end of the month, there'd be $51 worth of quarters in that bucket. And that was all fun money. I wasn't going into the college count or anything. But I worked full time. I mean, I worked 50 hours a week. Was the movie attempts not in high school? No. When I was in high school,
Starting point is 00:20:45 it was Sunday night, Sunday night, you just had to stay home. To go to bed. There was nothing to eat, there was nothing to do, there's just go to bed. But now, you give me a Friday night off, I ain't lonely. I'm enjoying my solitude, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:04 And I mean, part of it is just literally just Yeah, you know what I mean? And I mean part of it is just literally Just chemical, you know what I mean? I'm older. I've done enough stuff. I've Been there and done that I travel a lot, you know, I'm happy to be parked on my sofa Yeah on a Friday night. So and it so and and also Loneliness when you're sedentary and doing whatever is is not good but if you're exercising and engaged in something and on some sort of project path or something you don't feel you don't feel lonely when you're engaged in an activity, per se. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So- Purpose, what you're talking about. Yeah, like you're doing something that day. Even something mundane, like I'm washing my car. Like has anyone been lonely washing their car? You're sort of lonely when you're sedentary. And every song that talks about that is like sitting home alone, nothing to do, nothing on the TV.
Starting point is 00:22:11 You know what I mean? It's like it's just that sitting home alone thing. So I would argue that if you're lonely, you should get out and engage in activities more and then you would tend to meet people while you're in that activity. People don't do it, and plus you don't realize how many people are sort of incapacitated. A lot of people really just can't get around and it's a big deal. What do you mean incapacitated? I think they're massively obese, like the whale, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Or they have orthopedic problems or they're just have advanced age or or they are just severely depressed and they you know can't motivate. Yeah. It's hard for people it's hard and when you say go out and engage I mean of course but where what how do you know where do I start? The longer I'm on the planet the more I realize you just got to wake up every day and kind of fight yourself. Oh just gotta fight yourself every day. Well, exposure, this is the thing. We're in the world of avoidance of any discomfort when exposure is how you build resilience and regulation. And skills too. How else do you get a skill? Like I'm saying, you have skills you can go out and engage, but people that have never done that
Starting point is 00:23:25 or don't know really what it is or don't know how or aren't good at it or whatever, it's like, ugh, it's hard for them. I mean, imagine how you were as an adolescent. That's how they are as an adult. Yeah, I was as an adolescent. I didn't know anything, I didn't have anything. I didn't have any skill.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It was weird. It's weird not possessing a skill. It's helpless. Yeah, it's a helpless feeling. And I do think it's a lot of what ails us these days. Lack of exposure or loneliness. It's a skill. The subject we're under. I'm always on this. No, no, but we're on loneliness. No, I'm on the last verbiage. The skill, I think, is a lot of our problem. We don't need it anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Because we have all the electronic stuff at our fingertips? It's like, you know, you had to be a cobbler, a baker, butcher, candlestick maker. It just had to. To survive. Well, a woman needed to, well first thing, I mean look, you may have needed to hunt, skill number one. A woman may have needed to know how to render fat, make, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Churn butter. Salt food for the winter and stuff. I mean there's a lot of stuff, engagement. Things to do, yeah. Yeah, I would argue, here's what I would say. I would say if you said, what is a metrics that you can measure somebody's happiness or loneliness or whatever, you can only use
Starting point is 00:25:06 one. You can't, I mean, you can use one. You could be times a year the person masturbated or times a year the person went to the opera or something, whatever it is. I would say The frequency of ordering Grubhub, frequency of ordering food to your home, direct line to unhappiness or lack of something, purpose or something. I think there's just a straight line. To your point, the UK health service now has what's called social prescribing where you can get activities sort of paid for by the health insurance and this author I'm gonna screw up her name right now think of it a second I was interviewing the other day was saying that she started birdwatching and then initially like
Starting point is 00:25:58 through four people at the birdwatching group now it's a hundred and so just by going out and do this simple thing, they started talking about it online, built other interests, built all these relationships, meaningful activity. There's, there's, if you make an effort and start something, there's a lot these days you can do. Point is. Agreed. All right. We have a voicemail from Michelle Miller. Miss Alliteration. Hey, my name is Michelle. I'm calling from Kansas. I'm 59 years old. I've been divorced forever and I have two grown adult children out of the home.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And I'm trying to figure out the best way to get back out into the dating world. There has to be a better way than online dating. And I just would look for any help, advice. My dad used to say I was intimidating because I'm so well-educated. I think I have a lot to give and I'd like to share the rest of life and fun and adventure with someone. Being so well-educated is not a strike. No. I would like to Dismiss this thing. I'll file it right under there with oh man Couldn't handle his woman making more money than him right ever just a general It's just wish of every man I've ever met Intimidation which is his partner made more money now
Starting point is 00:27:19 their partner Would a possibly dump that guy right or be be way less forgiving in terms of who's doing what, when and what movie we're seeing and what we're eating tonight for dinner. So we wouldn't want that part of it. But if it was just the part where your partner made more and there wasn't all the other baggage that came with that, which there would be if a woman did that,
Starting point is 00:27:43 which there isn't when a guy does that, then if it was a relationship I had with my ex-wife, which is I make all the money, she does whatever she wants all the time, then yes, I would sign up for that as a male. Wouldn't you? And every guy I know would do that, right? So the book I was talking about is called The Connection Cure. I remember now the author, I'm blanking on her name, but Connection Cure is where that's talked about, that this is this loneliness problem,
Starting point is 00:28:09 this lack of meaning problem, and that they're looking at it as a health issue now. Social prescribing. Education is not gonna turn guys off. No. Now, there may be some things that come along with that education that may turn the guy off, perhaps.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yes. Yes. It goes in the category, if he can't handle me, man, I just speak my mind. Yes. Yeah, I'm just honest. That's all. People can't handle it. It's not because you're honest.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Right. People can handle honesty. And just the way they can handle educated. Right. Right. So now But she doesn't want to go online. I Don't particularly look there's the old-fashioned way is to just have friends and talk to them about their friends Did you have to again this back to your original point? You got to go out and do it You got to do stuff. You got to go out
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yes, you know find activities and show up and it could be frustrating but do stuff, you gotta go out. You gotta find activities and show up. And it could be frustrating, but do stuff. And you can pay matchmakers and things too, that's the other thing. I don't think there's any shame in 2024 of paying somebody, you know, look, I don't think there's a shame in paying a headhunter for a job that you want.
Starting point is 00:29:26 You know what I mean? You go, well, how about gumption? How about you roll your sleeves up? How about you do it the way your grandpa? I don't know. Or pay somebody and they find you a job. We're sort of dealing with a world market, you know what I mean? Both for relationships and for jobs.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And how do you know it? How do you come to know what's there? Yeah, it used to be limited to sort of your immediate neighborhood. You know, now can be anywhere. Yeah, who knows if Mr. Wright isn't sitting four states over somewhere. So I would say... And a lot of guys are going, well... But I would say don't be dismissive of any one thing like I don't want to use the internet I don't know why we use the internet. Why not? Why not find a dating website over educated middle-aged women? Who've been divorced forever, you know dot-com, you know
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, what's wrong with that? Absolutely Alright, let's see. I'm gonna be in Salinas tonight at the Salinas Sports Complex, and then next night, tomorrow, Vegas, two shows over there, Kimmel Stand-Up Club, passing in Ice House coming up, that's September 22nd, maybe Drew and his lovely bride come out for that. Right on. What do you got, Drew?
Starting point is 00:30:38 and also sign up for our Rumble channel, subscribe, but ask Dr. Drew. So, until next time, Adam Kroll for Dr. Drew, saying, mahalo. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me. And TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone, and it's free. I love free, and I love Jersey Shore.
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Starting point is 00:31:20 Pluto TV, stream now, pay never.

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