The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1922 A Feminine Centric Society

Episode Date: October 2, 2024

Dr. Drew starts off the week overlooking the Mobile Bay, while Adam shares his theory on society's stance on history, and religion. Then, they try to figure out why young men are falling behind in lif...e, and discuss the issues and changes with motivation today. Leave us a voicemail: OR Click the microphone at top of the homepage,

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Starting point is 00:00:35 and there's an ad free audio and video version of the Adam Perola show that's going to be waiting there. In the near future, you'll even be able to watch ACS Live unedited as we record it, participate in the show via live chat. That'll be coming up very soon. You'll also get an ad-free version of the Adam Corlew and Dr. Drew show. You'll also get an exclusive to my new podcast, Beat It Out, where I share unpolished ideas with my comedian buddies. The first series of episodes is going to be J. Moore. You'll get all this and more for the low, low price of nine bucks a month of pittance
Starting point is 00:01:16 for all we're going to bring you. Subscribe now at slash sub stack and I'll see all of you in our new speak easy called sub stack. Recorded live at Corolla one studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew show. Yeah, get it on. Got to get on it. Drs. 445666 expert. I like that one. New edition, new sound today. What's going on? So I was just telling you before the mic's
Starting point is 00:02:00 heated up that I'm looking out over the Mobile Bay here in the great state of Alabama but the thought bubble other than reading about the battle for Mobile Bay a late Navy engagement with the armored vehicles doing running the mines here in Mobile Bay you remember the Minotaur and the Monitor I think that was that what it was called the The Monitor was one of them for sure. First off, okay, true. Wait, wait, wait. Armored vehicles? Armored, armored, well it's a Navy battle. Yeah, so don't say armored vehicles. Nobody thinks water. Alright, armored ships. What is your profession? Speaking to people. Alright, you can't look at a bay and then go, I'm thinking about the battle of the bay with armored vehicles.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Okay, fair enough. Fair enough. You sound like Rommel in Africa. Well, it's weird that that's what I was reading about is that the way they use these armored boats, submarines, I don't know what to call them. They were sort of half submerged. The vessels, vessel will work. Navy vessel, I was trying to get, what I was trying to get to. Mary Mack and monitor.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Mary Mack and monitor, yes. Why don't we have Minotaur? That's not, well monitor and Minotaur's not that far off. If I were you, I'd worry more about the work, use of the word vehicle. I agree. Yeah okay go ahead. But with the point I was trying to get to which I find interesting is why aren't more people curious about history? Why don't the first thing you do when you come to a new play is just read a Wikipedia at
Starting point is 00:03:40 your fingertip. You can read two minutes read a little bit about what's happened here. I have a theory. Wait before you do, one of the things that triggered me was at the front desk, the southern gentleman said, well, you know, this was the battle for Mobile Bay here and we celebrate our veterans past and present. I was like, oh, I hear you. I understand what you're saying. Now what is he saying? Confederates, confederate veterans as well as present veterans.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Oh, well, you went down on the present part, like that was the issue. No, no, previous, previous and from the past. No, you said past and present. Oh, I'm sorry. Like the present was the problem. You know, that's my fault. I was meant to do that. I'm actually I'm more worried about that than the fucking vehicle comment because
Starting point is 00:04:31 I thought I did the other way. Well, this because I'm becoming part speech and life coach. If I were to retell that story, I would say here in Mobile, Alabama we honor our veterans present and the past Down on the present like I was like what's the beef with the present? Yes, I did. All right. Anyway, Drew you're worthless I did work the curiosities why people don't do that in and we've gone the other way where it doesn't matter Who gives a shit? I'll tell you why people don't do that. Give me the theory. I just figured it out Even though I hadn't thought about it
Starting point is 00:05:20 The the past What the past represents is We're going to be part of the past real fast real fast and It's sort of scary to look at well, this is how people lived 150 years ago because now you can imagine world 150 years from now where there's depictions of you sitting around looking at your iPhone 13 when they're on their iPhone 189. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And so it definitely... It's in their head. It's implanted in their brain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The chip, right. Neuralink. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the chip, right, neurolink. Yeah, so history gives you a sense of vulnerability in a way, like, oh, these were men and they were alive and, you know, especially when they do that, like, George Washington was 44 when he crossed the Potomac and like, Jesus
Starting point is 00:06:22 Christ, I'm older than he is, was when he did it, you know, now, you know, like, and they talk about history and you have to shift it to yourself, you know, and then where are you? Yeah, but most people... Hold on, hold on. All right, go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. But there was also a very strong sense of religion. So you could kind of go,
Starting point is 00:06:47 well, I guess I'll see George Washington in heaven then. You know what I mean? Like, there was a strong sense of like country and patriotism, but religion, you know? And so you kind of get rid of country and you get rid of patriotism, and there goes half the history. get rid of country and you get rid of patriotism and there goes half the history, but also it makes you mortal, like fast, if you're an atheist especially. You're like, hey, you got a little bit of time and then you're gonna be history, you know? And these people were religious, and I think when you're religious, I think it's easier to look back at these times. And plus, you study the Bible, you know, you went to about history, you know, you're basically just looking at the Old Testament, the New Testament, you know, so it's history, history, history. Atheists aren't interested in the history part, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:37 and it's also women aren't as interested in history. Oh, that's interesting. Well, they're just not. They're not as interested in history. Oh, that's interesting. Well, they're just not. They're not as interested in history. It's not even a... I don't think it's a knock. I'm not saying it's a knock on them. They're just not per capita that interested in history or as interested as males are, right? So now you have a more- It's really not military history. Are they battle for mobile bay? What's for dinner, right?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Oh, yeah. No, no, zero military history, zero. But, and I factor that in. Well, first thing, once you back out military history from history, you've backed out 70% of history. I mean, there's no history where it's like, oh, a guy woke up and he walked and he picked some fruit and he went back to his hut. It's a battle.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's a battle. It's a conflict. It's a something. History has forsaken all that and they've moved to this sort of cultural history and Colonializing and all the battles. Oh, that's just white guys. Well what they do what they what what women do is They commit to memory some story about a suffragette who stood up against the man or something in 1907 and you know that That kind of that kind of thing, but but they're okay. So let's try to break it down
Starting point is 00:09:16 Who really is into the history the most and that would be men Women really aren't into history and listen you can argue with me, I've never met a woman who's into history, ever. Well, you met Kelly Osborne. She's very into it. She told you. Just World War II battles. Just World War II.
Starting point is 00:09:39 All right. So I don't know any women who are into history. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say women are who are into history. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and say women are less interested in history. But by the way, it's fine because every woman I've known has been more into dogs than me. So does that make me a bad guy
Starting point is 00:09:59 or does that just make them more into dogs than I am? But I'm more into cars. Okay. I mean, I'm not assigning a judgment to this. A little bit, they should be more into history. But either way, women aren't into history, fine. Atheists aren't really into history. Atheists are a little more here and now, for the most part. That's interesting. For the most part. Why wouldn't you be here and now? This is
Starting point is 00:10:33 this kind of it, you know what I mean? Like I'd be I'd want to be in the moment as an atheist. Okay, So now you have religion on the way and religion's on the way out, right? Yeah. And we've become a more sort of feminine-centric society, more female teachers. Well, it makes sense that if there's a lot of female teachers, a lot of female administrators, a lot of females in government, there's going to be less of an emphasis on history. Certainly the kind of history you're talking about, that 70% part. Oh, no, I'm just saying, Drew, are you hearing me clearly?
Starting point is 00:11:17 No, because they brought you cultural history. They're the ones that have brought that. No, I'm just saying in general- They've been trained in have brought that. No, I'm just saying in general. Everything with that stuff. No, there's there's history stuff if it needs to be pulled out for grievance, but not they're not into history. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:34 That that's not you cherry picking shit for grievances is not you being into history. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. So they're just not into history overall as much as men are to a great length. And I would say, yes, since 70% of history is talking about battles, then they're really out. I mean, I've done the math for you. 70% of history is battles and they're not into battle history, then they're not into history., then they're not into history. All right, so you got that.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Did you ever get that Ulysses Grant book on audio? That one I recommended to you? God, you will love that. I'll love it. All right, so now, Drew. Yes, sir. Now we're getting to the point where we're tearing down statues.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Like we're actively going after history. Right. Now who are these people? A bunch of religious folk? Who's tearing down the statues? Bornegan's? Jehovah's Witnesses? No. Chumblewum. Shakers? You know, like who? Quakers? Amish? Amish shaker, who's going after him? A bunch of fucking atheists. Okay, there's my point. Okay, so the more non-religious people you have and the more feminine centric culture and society you have, the less we're gonna give a shit about history and then the more we're gonna get fucked up
Starting point is 00:13:06 by not knowing our lessons of history and how these assholes acted and what they're doing. And that's why you have AOC talking about, you know, First Amendment, we gotta take a look at that. You know, we can't have a bunch of people willy nilly talking about stuff that could be wrong about. Well, the other thing I thought was kind of interesting that has been going around X last couple of days I saw was a sort of biography, a mini-mini biography on the founding fathers
Starting point is 00:13:42 pointing out that they were the Gen Z of their age that essentially when Hamilton wrote the federalist papers, he was like 24. Oh yeah. Madison was 23 or something when he was writing the constitution. So it's crazy when you realize how young these guys were. Yes. And the point is not only should we learn from the mistakes of what these assholes did to quote Adam Corolla, but we should be inspired by what they did as well. Well you're acting
Starting point is 00:14:09 like it's the same group it did the same thing. You said we should figure out what these assholes did and we should also be inspired by them as well. Not them, a different group of... I mean look... No no but I'm trying to say you ran it together like the founding fathers were the assholes and inspiring. Well, to some, Thomas Paine was inspiring and an asshole. Oh, so is that what you mean? So you do mean that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Oh, you're talking about the founding fathers. Oh, the founding fathers, okay. Well, I'm talking about that generation. I'm saying look at, or look at whatever period of history. It is gonna be things for inspiration and things that we'll learn from and yeah No, I I agree. I was just trying to draw a delineation between the founding fathers You were seeming that was fucking up my speech again. I kind of was yeah, which is a good a very solid assumption But this one one time I was not yeah
Starting point is 00:15:03 Which is a very solid assumption, but this one time I was not. Yeah. Well, one of the assholes I'm referring to are the modern day people that are learning lessons from the earlier days and and thinking they're smarter or more evolved or somehow wiser than that people were, which is always a mistake. And so now we have to have these people get up there like John Kerry and AOC and stuff and start belly-aching about free speech which is can you imagine well that you ever saw that was so crazy the reason government there are government officials saying things out loud now, Newsom, Kerry, AOC, that you never ever would want an elected, in quotes, official to say.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, the thing that I always circle back to because it's hard to find examples of stuff but they want to clamp down on free speech because of dangerous misinformation. I mean let's disagreeing with them meaning having a disagreement. I know but I'm Drew I'm saying what they're saying I'm not I'm not I'm not sub subtexting stuff I'm just saying I'm not subtexting stuff. I'm just saying that they say, that's what I'm saying. They say that they do not want this mis or disinformation to get out there because it could be dangerous to people. Which is their common, it's a refrain.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And I think people sort of, you know, from a general sort of architecture of an idea go, well, all right, I don't want a bunch of misinformation and disinformation out there because I could see how possibly that could hurt somebody, you know. And if, you know, somebody took to the internet said there's a tsunami that's hitting Santa Monica in 10 minutes and sent everyone into a panic and cars started crashing into each other and people started looting or something, then I think that's kind of what you think, you know what I mean? And then I think what they would think is like, well, during COVID, you don't want people drinking aquarium cleaner and killing themselves, right?
Starting point is 00:17:32 And you go, okay, but we just went through COVID and I'm curious what AOC got right. And I'm curious what information she wanted censored. And I'm curious if now it turns out that that information she wanted censored is correct or not, and what she wanted was correct or not. And since it's patently obvious now that she's the one with the lower batting average than what she wanted censored, then why should we
Starting point is 00:18:11 listen to her about censoring and and how would how is it knowable? That's my question. Who knows what Ivermectin affected has on, right. So I don't trust her, but I also, it's not a spiritual thing. I will take the top five things she said about COVID, and I'll take the top five things she wanted censored about COVID and I'll bet the top five things she wanted censored about COVID are five for five and she's O for five. So why her and then where does she get the chutzpah
Starting point is 00:19:01 to actually talk after a long reign of being incorrect about almost everything. Right. And you know, the way you lay it out, the logic you're using makes me immediately think about the contribution of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yes. In other words, you said, you know, you don't want people drinking an aquarium cleaner or whatever. And I thought, oh yeah, that's how they think if one life is too many So if they're they're willing to sacrifice your first amendment privileges that are given to you by God, which they don't believe in To save the possibility of mean man having a bad effect on somebody
Starting point is 00:19:44 they don't by the way, they don't really do, the one life too many thing is a little dubious coming from the people who love abortions. This is the freezing sort of present moment. They love abortions and one life is too many, which makes me laugh. Also, they let homeless people just languish and die on the streets every night.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And they send tons of money to make it a war. I do not believe that. But all right, we have a... So weird. Weird, but once you realize they don't believe almost anything they say. Well, I think they do. for what you believe, Drew. Okay, okay. I can come up with it. We're going to table that conversation because that's a big conversation. Well, I just want to say it's a chick think move. It's what do they believe overall
Starting point is 00:20:45 versus what do they believe in the moment when they're arguing with you? Those are two totally separate categories. When I'm arguing with someone, I believe what I believe when I believe it, and they've asked me five years later, I'll still tell you that's what I believe. They believe something in the middle of COVID,
Starting point is 00:21:06 and they believe something else after COVID. They have different beliefs. So they do believe it, but they don't believe, you know, they believe there's a bill that says don't say gay out of Florida, probably in the moment. But do they believe it now? I don't know. All right. We got an article about young men falling behind. Falling further behind. Falling further behind. Yes. Well, look, how else is this going to go? It's impossible to go any other way. All right, here we go. Yeah, America's young men are falling even further behind. That's according to the Wall Street Journal. Men in their 20s and early 30s are much more likely than female peers to live with their parents,
Starting point is 00:21:55 say that they're aimless and isolated. And this goes to a variety of people. More young men are not in the economy. More young men are not in school. There is a plummeting degree of Acceptance rates for men going to college high school boys going to college And so I'm bringing this up just to ask what you think are the issues You know plaguing young men these days and what might they be able to do to turn it around Well, there's some young men sitting across the classroom. Do they have an opinion? I'd be curious. Yeah. Just curious, just to get a little input here.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Byron, what's plaguing young men? Shit's expensive. Too shit is expensive. That's expensive. OK. Yeah. Therefore, you don't go out and work. You stay with your parents.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Well, no. Take for example, my girlfriend and I went to Skankfest this weekend and I packed a bunch of lunches and food and things like that. So hold on a second. So hold on a second. Slow down. So you're how old now?
Starting point is 00:22:55 29. And you got on a plane with your girlfriend? We drove. You drove. You filled a tank of gas, very expensive. Costco, yeah. And drove and stayed at a hotel. Yes Imagine 29 year old Adam doing that
Starting point is 00:23:09 What would that have been like for you Adam? Could you I guess you probably did a little bit of that. I Could do a little When I was 29, I probably what flew on airplane once or twice, never coast to coast. I could go on a road trip. I would go to Vegas and stay in a room with like five people. Right, you'd go with five dudes, and you'd divide the gas five ways,
Starting point is 00:23:36 getting out there, right? Yeah, yeah, but I could do it. That's because things were much less expensive then. You know, stuff was much less expensive. Obviously gas was a buck 30 a gallon or a buck 20 a gallon. And what was your hourly wage? When I was 29? Um When I was 29
Starting point is 00:24:04 When I was 29, I made 20 bucks a class teaching boxing and I taught four or five classes a week and then I was also a carpenter and I charge 15 bucks an hour I think is is what I Now do you imagine in those those activities? hour, I think, is what I made. And what are the rates now, do you imagine, in those activities? Well, I would say a carpenter is making 40 to 50 bucks an hour now.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And if you taught boxing classes, I imagine it'd be 80 bucks a class, or 65 bucks, or 80 bucks, or 100 bucks. So let's just say two and a half times these days. No I mean the math, if you use the gas and the rent and that kind of stuff, it kind of pencils out. It's about sort of the same. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah, but just sort of poor and poor. I mean, there wasn't, we didn't have technology so you couldn't go online and find the cheapest hotel and book it a month early. And you couldn't do any of that stuff. You had to sort of analog it. But what I'm getting at is what is making it, if it is, I do believe it is more expensive. I'm just doing a little exercise here to try to see how is more expensive. I'm just doing a little exercise here
Starting point is 00:25:25 to try to see how much more expensive, but what is making it feel much more expensive, do you think? Well, I don't, Byron's answer's nonsensical, because being more expensive is not really a hindrance in terms of motive. But I hear that a lot. I get a lot of why bother,
Starting point is 00:25:44 because there's no hope anyway kind of thing. I'm always just at my parents' house. Yeah. I don't know about whether or not it's more expensive now or back then. I didn't make that comment. It just feels really expensive to me now. No, no, no. Yeah, but why is that? I'm not judging. Why does that lack?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Why does that hurt your motivation? Right, I'm not judging you. The question is where's the motivation, not why is stuff expensive? And given that things have always been sort of expensive, given certain wages, why now does it feel defeating? And I have a concern, particularly, it seems worse in California. Yeah, I think California is probably the worst. And like I'm going around the country this week and I saw people
Starting point is 00:26:28 doing shit. I was like, Oh, this is, we're coming back. You know, I felt like pre COVID kind of enthusiasm and people working and doing so I felt kind of good about it. And it's, it's been that way in Southern Florida all the way, all the way across. But I'm wondering if they break it down by ethnicity. I wonder if it's white males. Well, look, look, we sort of declared a fatwa on heterosexual white males, you know, about 20 years ago, we decided they were the enemy and we didn't need them and they should be held back and people
Starting point is 00:26:59 needed to do stuff. And there were the reason these other people so it would make sense that that group would feel a certain amount of dejection yeah and and thus be unmotivated. That's what I see when I go around. Look a lot of it is plastics and environmental whatever and hormones and testosterone, deproduction and sperm countdown. I mean, there's a physiological aspect. You and I have never really factored that one in. Yes, we have. I've said there's always a physiological factor, which is number one.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But I'll tell you what's really going on here, Drew. Really enlighten me, sir. What's really going on? I mean a lot of it, okay, a lot of pot. Yes. A lot of... That's a big piece. Pot's a big piece.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I agree. And that's also lowering testosterone. Living a life where you can go home and watch you know 80 inch television with 5,000 channels on it or use your phone you know there's just not that big a departure between people that have stuff and don't have stuff in terms of life-led. Yeah. You know? Yeah. It's not as big a chasm as you think. Where it certainly was it used to be. Used to be big. I would reckon I put in a lot more work days than people around me who put in a lot more fun days than me.
Starting point is 00:28:44 So I didn't have that. well I couldn't have fun days when I was poor, you didn't get paid. You just, there were no fun days. There was no Airbnbs or Ubers or whatever. There wasn't anything. You sat home with no air conditioning and it sucked. And so, hold on. You, okay, let's look at this.
Starting point is 00:29:06 One simple category here, all right? Half of the reason I became successful and was highly motivated was air conditioning. I was gonna say that. Air conditioning was a- Air conditioning was a- In your car and in your home. Tired of fucking sweltering all summer, laying on top of a futon with a fan going, sweating in my truck with a vinyl seat and the windows open on the 118. And I would argue automatic windows on the car is a part of that whole phenomenon. So having a
Starting point is 00:29:45 air-conditioned that worked, windows that went up. Okay well let's just put this down. Okay. Yeah. Discomfort. Discomfort. Yes. Meets, okay. So what causes, okay, what causes a focus or an unyielding desire to work yeah okay discomfort yeah versus opening a magazine and seeing a Lamborghini in it going I want that car right all right so those those are the two motivational factors, right? I want this Lamborghini, but instead I'm sitting in my apartment sweating my ass off with my roommates, right?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. All right. You can kind of remove the, I want that Lamborghini from the young man's quest these days. Well, but even then, even then it seemed insurmountable. You just want to get out of the heat. No, I don't know what you're talking about, but I wanted the Lamborghini
Starting point is 00:30:58 and I wanted to get out of the heat. Which one motivated you more is my question. Now you can remove the Lamborghini, Drew, so we don't have to relive all of this Now you can remove the Lamborghini, Drew, so we don't have to relive all of this. You can remove the Lamborghini from today's Young Man's Quest. Young Man's Quest today is they want experiences. They want to see movies.
Starting point is 00:31:17 They want to eat edibles. They want to go to the whatever, Skankfest. Do you know what I'm saying? Mm-hmm. They want to go to the whatever, Skank Fest. Do you know what I'm saying? They want to do, they want to go to the concerts. They want to have the experiences. They don't want the stuff, they want the experiences. Now, they have their phone.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Once you got your smartphone, you're about 80% there. I mean, you know, Elon Musk may have a two trillion dollars more than you, but with a smartphone you're at about 70% of his life. What the fuck's Elon Musk doing right now? He's sitting somewhere just banging away on his fucking Apple phone, just like you could do for free sitting in the back making nothing. So you've got the smartphone, you're about halfway there.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You got air conditioning, you're closer. You have a flat panel TV that's 65 inches with 5,000 channels and YouTube and whatever your YouTube shit is, and your free daily podcasts and all the other forms of entertainment, you're pretty much there. We're removing the part where you go to the Mediterranean
Starting point is 00:32:23 and you're on the yacht But these guys are on a yacht in the Mediterranean and they're staring at their fucking iPhone Mm-hmm. You're really by the time you got your music your YouTube channels your Entertainment your edibles your flat panel TV your car with the air conditioning that works every time you Turn the key or press the button You're pretty much there in the that department plus. I think some of these guys have figured out Being successful just means you get sued a lot the fucking government comes after you and you get hassled a lot it's just it's not even really worth it anymore that's right and
Starting point is 00:33:07 maybe you get fucking mugged on the street with your Rolex yeah yeah I oh you why you certainly aren't admired for having anything nice but but I would say in fact you're condemned and there's no prestige you people want to know why you don't pay your fair share right and. And I would just, I was just arguing, let me just add one little wrinkle to the, your positive being, I want a Lamborghini and negative being, I want to get out of the heat. What my point was that eat for you at age 20 and the Lamborghini must have set felt a million miles off in the distance.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Very unlikely. You could probably take it off the table in terms of motivation because you just wanted to fucking get out of the heat. You know what I'm saying? Well, I'll replace Lamborghini with BMW M3. I can remember looking at my car and track magazines going, oh man, one day. Oh man. But the sticker on an M3 back then was $42,000. And I probably made $27,000 a year or something. It was definitely more than my yearly income.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So it wasn't really, but getting out of the heat and out of the truck and into something like that, that sounded pretty enticing. All right I'm gonna be at Zanies in Nashville and I'm gonna be taping a live show there. That'll be October 10th and then Potstown PA, Soul Joles doing stand-up there October 11th and 12th. You can go to for all the live shows. What do you got, Drew? Subscribe my YouTube channel. Subscribe Rumble. So, till next time, Amcroll Productions saying, Mahalo. I love reality TV on Pluto TV. Same, and I love that it's free. Shhh. It gives me the freedom to watch Bravo's Real Housewives Vault Channel.
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