The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Big Picture, Lots of Trouble

Episode Date: January 3, 2025

Adam and Drew discuss the "Tune Out" factor in todays society and take calls on anxiety, Alanon and abortion...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Drew Show. Love it. Love it too. Like I say, they always do the, you know, classical music makes you smarter. So why are we dumping, why are we pumping the retard music into every single public space?
Starting point is 00:00:37 Unless we're trying to make people dumber. Good to see you, Dr. Drew. Yeah, Adam, good to see you as always. Question, so I brought this up with you before, this service dog business. I told you, I told you at first I wanted a service goat, and I need you to sign off for it. I have hypervigilance disorder.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It makes it difficult for me to fly and be around stupid people. So I now, now you've switched it. Oh. I now. Need to go down a plane. Now you've switched it. Oh. I want to service Pelican. I thought that, I was really hoping for you to go all the way to Crow.
Starting point is 00:01:13 No, I want to start with Gilligan. Okay, Gilligan the Pelican? Well, I just call him Gilligan. People find out he's a Pelican. If you say Gilligan the Pelican, they go, no. If you go, can I bring Gilligan the Pelican with me to your party? They go, no.
Starting point is 00:01:30 But if you go, can I bring Gilligan? They'll go, yeah, whatever, bring a French. And then, so I leave the Pelican part off. And I found it opens doors, number one. Number two, he knows he's a Pelican, or doesn't. Either way, calling him Gilligan the Pelican is not gonna work, he responds to Gilligan. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:50 And by the way, what's your dog's name? My dog? Yeah. Rex. Do you call him Rex the dog? Or just call him Rex? Call him Rex. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Point made. Truth be known, I was just too funny to bring up Ras. Well, I went ahead and went to rest. I want a note for my service pelican anyway. Okay, got done and done. And he's going to be on my shoulder. I'm making a note here. Well, you're a doctor.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the service dog thing is going insane. Listen, we need to design a little vest for him. I mean, we've got to figure that shit out, but we'll get a little vest for the service pelican. I can pick up a pelican vest. I probably have a few laying around. Yeah, yeah. Chris, Max Patta.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Do we have any pelican vests laying around? I think I saw some in the back. Yeah, I got some. Yeah, we got some for you. Yeah, I got suede. I got, I have a Berber. But it's gotta be sort of state sanctioned service animal. Yeah, I got a corduroy.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's sweet. It's a burgundy corduroy. Special occasion? Yeah. Stepping out. Yeah, I think there's a box back there. I don't know if it's marked Pelican Vest, but I'm sure there's some laying around.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, I saw like a maroon one back there. Yeah, I have one in my car too. All right, anyway, Rex. Yeah, Rex, so we got a puppy, right? And this dog is active. And uh- Rex's or the puppy? Yeah, Rex is the puppy.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Rex is the puppy. And so, you said, we call him Rex the dog. I call him Rex the honey badger. Oh really? Because Rex doesn't give a shit. He is like, doesn't, have you seen that honey badger video? Yeah, this dog is just
Starting point is 00:03:26 like that. He just just barrels into everything. They're vicious. Honey badger vicious. This is the vicious dog. He just doesn't give a **** He just just just goes ahead. Whatever. Yeah, let's just noggin do the talking. Absolutely. And so is he chewing on stuff? Okay, let me say this. I have raised a German Shepherd puppy before it died at about six months of age. What? Oh, that's right, yeah, you forgot about that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Oh my God. Yeah, it was my mistake for daring to love. I literally, if anyone wants to know anything about my life, daring to love. I literally, if anyone wants to know anything about my life, I spent my entire youth begging my parents to get a dog. Could I please have a puppy? And my mom's thing was like, hold on, I'm in my bedroom yelling freak out, staring at a bio-rhythms wheel.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I can't, I can't. My mom wasn't, my mom, she didn't say it, but she's like, we're not gonna take care of you guys. Imagine a puppy. Want you to imagine that. Imagine a puppy in that house. No, impossible. And slow down, let me get this straight,
Starting point is 00:04:36 your mom didn't take such good care? She wasn't neglectful? She wasn't one of them helicopter moms. Okay, check. I wasn't sure about that. Well. You never mentioned it. She was kinda of them helicopter moms. Okay, check. I wasn't sure about that. You never mentioned it. She was kind of like a helicopter mom. If you're picturing the helicopter,
Starting point is 00:04:50 they were pushing. Flying away. No, pushing off the decks of the plane. Saigon. In Saigon, when they're literally pushing them off the decks of the aircraft carriers, trying to get the hell out of there. Got it.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So she was that kind of helicopter mom. But no, she didn't, and then my dad, who doesn't want to do anything for anyone or any creature on God's planet equally, said, yeah, we'll get you a dog as soon as I get out of this apartment. And then we got a house, but the dog never showed up. And at a certain point, I just, I was broken.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You can break people in a few years. And I just stopped asking for money, dogs, food, you know, whatever. And so I moved on and then at a certain point, I found myself living in a house, making a lot of money and saying, wait a minute, I'm 33 years old. I've never had a pet dog. I've always wanted a pet dog. Why shouldn't I have a pet dog. I've always wanted a pet dog.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Why shouldn't I have a pet dog? I've always wanted a German Shepherd puppy and now I'm gonna get one because why can't I enjoy things and have things? Where's my puppy? I'll do it for myself. I'll heal my inner child. And I'll get it and I'll name it after my beloved
Starting point is 00:06:01 just deceased grandfather, Latsy. And then the dog died. my beloved just deceased grandfather, Latsy. And then the dog died. Oh. But in the interim, it was the worst two months of my life. I got the dog at like three months, four months, and made it, it lived for like three months, chewed on everything, cried every night, shit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And I swear to God, I have twins, not nearly as much difficulty as the puppy. The puppy's taking out here, right? Well, here's the, now, here's the caveat. I did not hire a heavyset woman from Guatemala to come take care of my puppy, as I did with the kids. You had to hand off the puppy
Starting point is 00:06:46 the way you handed off the kids. Yes, that's what I'm saying. I had to take care of the puppy, but I am telling you now that a puppy is every bit as much trouble as a kid in the raising, if not more. I swear to God. It's the same stress kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:07:03 because you know, sleep and getting up and always thinking about it and after. Yeah, and it's this thing too where it's like, they go, you got to put the puppy in the crate, put something familiar in the crate, and you're laying in bed and you hear the thing crying. And it's like, all right, come on, it's gonna stop. And it's like 20 minutes, and then it's like 40 minutes,
Starting point is 00:07:22 and it's like, it's hour and a half. It's not stopped crying, and then eventually you get up minutes and it's like, it's hour and a half. It's not stopped crying and then eventually you get up and now you've fucked up the whole cycle. So I tell people, do not get a puppy. I got my dog Molly when she was a year old. She was completely house trained. She had no fucking bad habits, didn't chew on anything. She's a great dog too.
Starting point is 00:07:42 A great dog, it's like every night just open the door, goes out, does her business, comes back in, goes to bed the following day. She's waiting by the door again. Doesn't chew, doesn't do any, literally chews on her. Her stuff. Recognizes the difference between her stuffed animals
Starting point is 00:07:59 and the kids stuffed animals. Wow. When it comes to chewing shit. I don't know why you would know the difference, but no. So get a one-year-old and not a three-month-old. So we're working our way through it. It's always like four or five months old now, and we're getting there.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We're getting there. It's going to be a good dog. You can see the glimmers of what's ahead. But oh my god. Fucking full-time job. In the meantime, he's biting your face. He's biting your clothes. He's ruining the furniture.
Starting point is 00:08:24 It's good times. Yeah, and the thing ruining the furniture, it's good times. Yeah, and the thing about the furniture, or the shoe, or the baseball mitt, all they gotta do is ruin 10% of it, and you gotta chuck the whole thing. Oh, and it takes, what, four seconds for them to do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You take one fuckin' Italian loafer, four seconds later, two Italian loafers are going in the garbage can. And your dog's shitting tassels. That sounds like a euphemism for a guy being super scared. Oh, that's due to shitting tassels. I'll fuck it as soon as I fucking walked up on him. I think we need to sort of get that going. Shitting tassels?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, it's good, I like it. Yeah, he'll be shitting tassels when I'm done with him. All right, you got some calls you like there, Dr. Drew? Let's see here, there was one I liked there. Where the heck happened to him? Well, if you want to support the show, by the way, you can click through the Amazon link at Adam and Drew, and it's on the Adam Kroll page.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That's We appreciate your support. We do. Thank you in advance. Yes. Matt, I'm interested in that guy, line five. All right, let's we appreciate your support we do thank you in advance yes Matt I'm interested in that guy 20-5 all right let's talk to Matt Matt hello what's going on Matt 22 from Lincoln Nebraska I just want to say thank you the free thousands of free hours of entertainment love you love both guys yeah see how the Lord won't let a compliment
Starting point is 00:09:47 clearly come through. No, no, no. Not for you. Your phone went a little, are you Skyping or something, Matt? Yeah, I'm always kind of a... Are you Skype, Matt? Are you Skyping? Shit.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh, geez. Well, listen. Here's how fucked up Skype is. People can't even respond in the affirmative or the negative because Skype is so bad that they literally, I can't answer, are you Skyping? Maybe that's the answer. But it's hard with cell phones now. Well, let me get to what he was saying, because I think it's something-
Starting point is 00:10:23 Drew, do you understand how you work? There's five calls up there. Yeah, I did I know that guy was gonna have trouble with connection I would argue it's more powerful than no you made You made the connection bad. All right You had five choices you picked the one. Yes, I like the way you blame me for that. That's awesome Well, shall I buy? Okay, you're right. Someone needs to be blamed. And? Always.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Always, I get it, yes sir, Mr. Roll. But interesting, his question was, he feels like a normal guy, and girls think he's a little creepy, you can tell. Oh. And that's so interesting to me, how people have their self, I thought you would be interested in this,
Starting point is 00:11:02 I was thinking of you. People's self-concept is so, this goes back to some of the other stuff we've always been talking about, or lately been talking about, not only people not listening, not hearing, and they're robots, but they don't perceive very well how they are seen by other people.
Starting point is 00:11:19 There's a lot about these things. Well, not only not perceive very well how they're seen by other people, but they don't understand what people are saying to them, not verbally, but through their actions. Meaning it's like somebody saying, every time I drive, there's always a bunch of people behind me honking. What the fuck is their problem? And you go, well, maybe it's got something to do
Starting point is 00:11:50 with the way you drive. Now I drive fine. I'm cool. Well, why do you think there's a whole bunch of people honking behind you? I don't know. Well, do you know these people? No!
Starting point is 00:12:01 Is it only in certain neighborhoods? No! It's every time I drive, there's a bunch of people honking at me. Well, they don't know each other? No. They don't know you? No. Well, then maybe it has something to do with your driving. I'm a great driver. See, this ability to go, why does this keep happening to me? And then realize instead of doing some sort of campaign where you inform everyone not to honk at you, which will never work, you change your driving habits. What?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Why should I change? I'm a good driver, what's the matter? Who are you to tell me how to drive? I have this happen all the time Which is like people don't want to work with you or they fire you or they break up with you or they whatever I just tell people the truth and they can't handle they can't handle it I just got I'm just a person that speaks his mind, right? Right, right Yeah, and I have it happen all the time.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I do, you know, it's the basically, I do the work of five, I'm the best employee they have, and I got fired. And it's always, I always go why? For no reason. And I always ask this simple question. What, if your boss was here, the guy who fired you, and I asked him him why did you fire
Starting point is 00:13:25 Fred who does the work of five and is the best employee what do you think he would provide me for an answer he does the work of four he's only doing the work of four employees or do you think he might provide something and then well Fred has it in then there's the boss has it in for me he doesn't like he just doesn't like it's like right again, let's remind ourselves, that's how a second grader sees their teacher when they get bad grades. That's the way a second grader thinks normally.
Starting point is 00:13:51 That's what I'm trying to explain to people that this is an adolescent reaction. It's before adolescence. Before adolescence, pre-adolescent reaction, and your job is to outgrow that. Now, again, if when my son, and this happened, takes $20 from my wallet, ooh, $40 from my wallet,
Starting point is 00:14:20 and I find it in his backpack, well, not me, but the help, and I say to him. He's doing a drug deal? Gone wrong. He's already, he's seven, right? He's into it. I said, Sonny, what's the 40 bucks
Starting point is 00:14:35 thrown in your backpack that came from daddy's wallet? And he said he was keeping it safe. Now, that's the answer that a six-year-old provides. I'm now speaking to 46 year olds that provide the same answer, or at least their version. Same answer. Of the same answer. That means we're failing as a society, because as a society, we're supposed to get those six-year-olds who provide those horrible answers up to adults that provide real answers, truths, and apologies on occasion. Those are quickly leaving our society.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I've become obsessed with it, and again, you can go through life wondering why everyone is honking at you and wondering what's wrong with them and figuring out a way to convince them not to honk at you but again if I spoke to those people and asked them why they were honking I bet they would provide a pretty compelling answers to why they're honking at you and if everyone's honking every time you get behind the wheel perhaps you're a shitty driver and
Starting point is 00:15:38 if you're a shitty driver do me a favor take that rear-view mirror grab it your right hand tilt it down and a little bit toward the left and see who's looking back. See whose reflection you see in that mirror. That will be yours, the shitty driver. And it's a little more subtle than when we're talking about how, say, women perceive a man. When a man, you know, it's a little bit sort of
Starting point is 00:15:58 an Asperger's type thing when people don't pick up social cues. And social cues are hard and complicated, but that's really essence of human relations, is really tuning into those clues and cues, and then adjusting and responding to them. How do you wash creepy out of your hair? It depends what kind of creepy it is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:24 There's probably the creepy guy who feels sort of emotionally disconnected It depends what kind of creepy it is. You know what I mean? There's probably the creepy guy who feels sort of emotionally disconnected and sort of awkward and weird, uncomfortable creepy, and there is no filter creepy, right? Aren't those the two sort of Bane categories? Yeah. And no filter creepy is think before you do anything.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Build a filter. Think about how the people are gonna perceive stuff that comes out of your mouth. Number one, put yourself in the other person's position all the time. Be hypervigilant about what's coming out of your face and mouth. And then the other is awkward creep.
Starting point is 00:16:56 That's probably the harder one to deal with, right? Awkward creepy. Right? Yeah. That's hard. Chris, how you deal with that? No, actually, I'm thinking about Chris, because Chris has the opposite of awkward creepy. He's not creepy.
Starting point is 00:17:14 That's why I said he has the opposite of awkward creepy. That would be comfortable, attractive. That sounds like me. No, what chicks respond to a vibe. They don't respond to, you know, they don't, see here's what guys do. Guys take chicks to the NFL combines. We wanna know what their 40 time is,
Starting point is 00:17:42 we wanna know what their vertical is, we wanna know how much they can bench. And then we keep a clipboard and we start writing numbers down. Chicks, it's incense to them. It's like, either works or it doesn't. They don't give a fuck what you are, they just have a vibe.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Chris has a cool vibe. Ah, got it. I've seen it. Chicks like it. Oh. He has a demeanor. Ah, got it. I've seen it, chicks like it. Ah. He has a demeanor that works with women. Now normally women like sort of danger, don't they? Isn't that sort of the vibe?
Starting point is 00:18:13 I don't get danger from Chris. But you get- I get nice from Chris. Yeah, you get nice, but nice with, I know something that you don't know, and I'm leading a cool life. I get to work with Ace Corolla is what's behind that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah, well he tells them I get to work with him is how he describes it to the ladies at the bar. But either way. I saw him shit tassels today when you came up by the way. Pulled the food right out of his mouth. Shit tassels right there in the front of the building. I would get suspicious if I showed up and he wasn't eating. So I know that's not correct, number one.
Starting point is 00:18:49 But no, he's got, he's nothing on paper. On paper, there's just an X going through the clipboard paper, just the big void going there. But yet, turns on the charm. He has a curious ethnicity, too. Oh, yeah. It's very Johnny Quest, Johnny Quest-esque. Does anybody know Johnny Quest is that?
Starting point is 00:19:11 Johnny Quest villain-esque. Yeah. Does anybody know Johnny Quest is, except Adam and I? OK. What happened with Johnny Quest is we didn't know who we were fighting when they made Johnny Quest. The cartoon. Yeah, we were fighting.
Starting point is 00:19:24 We were sort of Cold War Russia, there was a little Korean conflict in there. There was something going on in the Middle East, kinda. Some Vietnam and a little trouble in the Middle East, so we just made everyone look like they were Egyptian. Asian. Asian and spoke with a Russian accent. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:40 They just didn't know what. And maybe a little facial hair. Yeah, weird facial hair. We didn't know exactly who the bad guys were, so we just made a compilation of all of them. Yeah, and also. Chris got that. Chris got that.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Well, Chris gets the thing too, like, hey, you ever been with an Asian guy? Check that. You ever been with a dwarf? Check. You know what I mean? You just keep checking boxes, you know what I mean? Look at that Johnny Quest villain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Where is it? Oh, look. Yeah. It's like, yes, Dr. Quest. Like, he never knew what their fucking accent was. It's sort of Yul Brenner-esque, that particular one. Is he Russian? Is he Asian?
Starting point is 00:20:18 That's why... Is he Egyptian? Pharaoh? What is he? I always say Johnny... I've always been saying this, Johnny Quest villain nationality. You have no idea what they are.
Starting point is 00:20:30 He's got a weird Chinese beard. When you watch cartoons from the 40s, they were all fighting Nazis. It was pretty straightforward, and when you go before them, it was like Indians. You know what I mean? Now and then, Johnny Quest was done in like 1964 or something. We didn't know who, so we just made them all.
Starting point is 00:20:50 That's crazy. All right. Well, so speaking of villains, I want to bring up another topic real quick. You want to take calls first or make a new topic? Topic. Subways, subway killings. You been in New York lately?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yes. There's weird shit going on on the street, it feels like to me. Like a divisivenessiveness like a weird energy It's just me. Um Yes, good. I was there well first off I I went to STK the steak place and I had two ear drums punctured by some ass wipe who wouldn't stop pumping the Britney Spears, so I can't I
Starting point is 00:21:23 My senses are thrown off. Like when someone threw a concussion grenade into the place, I wanted to eat it at a fucking steak. So I don't know, I'm thrown off. I'm walked sideways back to the fucking hotel. Well, I don't get to go to the high brow places where the man goes, but be that as it may, my daughter and I were getting off a subway in downtown,
Starting point is 00:21:44 and a guy just comes up and goes, give me $5. I'm like, whoa. I was sort of confused and I understand. And I just kind of kept walking in my own business. Guy throws lasagna on my daughter and I. It's like, really? Really? In New York?
Starting point is 00:21:57 That's awesome. That's who we are now? Like what? It was lasagna. He didn't want food because he was eating. How do you know it was lasagna? He didn't want food, because he was eating. How did you know it was lasagna? Because it was not. It was something with big noodles and a lot of sauce. Did it taste good?
Starting point is 00:22:12 No, I did not eat it. Huh? No, I know. You're throwing away lasagna now? I know. It was hard. It was hard. You know me. Yeah. That's true. So, wow.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And then the guy gets pushed on the subway, on tracks. It is a weird energy going on right now in New York. Yeah, well there was somebody, yeah, and that's always a scary one, where somebody just homeless guy just sort of comes up behind you. He wasn't a homeless guy. He was a guy that sort of was a street vendor, worked on the streets, did odd jobs with people.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Well, the guy who's alleged to have done this. They said street, maybe they said street. They initially said that. That's not who he was, apparently, allegedly. Oh, the guy who's alleged to have done this. They said street. Maybe they said street. They initially said that. That's not who he was, apparently, allegedly. Oh, OK. All right. And so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I just thought you'd be interested in sort of keeping your eye on that. I don't know what's going on. Well, I'm interested in this country and the, as I perceive the entitlement and the narcissism and the sort of lack of community, and I always put it to you this way, very simple little tests to, you know, you don't, as I always say, you don't need to do big expensive studies and get samples from every group, you just do little tests. For me, it's very simple. I used to ride a motorcycle in Los Angeles and one of the nice things about owning a motorcycle in Los Angeles is splitting the traffic
Starting point is 00:23:44 when it's bumper to bumper. Because of my hyper vigilance, when I'm in bumper to bumper traffic, driving out to Irvine at 6.30 in the evening and averaging three and a half miles an hour, because again, traffic not a problem in this city, why would we ever address traffic? We click at our ticket, 55 saves lives,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but they do nothing to move the traffic along, why would we address that? So we're going at four miles an hour out to Irvine, and because of my hypervigilance, when I see that motorcycle coming from 100 yards behind me, it's big in my rear view mirror. I see it big time. And it's that thing where I'm looking forward,
Starting point is 00:24:25 I'm talking to Mike August, I'm listening to Graham Parker, but pow, I see a motorcycle like somebody flashes me. And I always do the move where I jog out to the left a little bit. And give the guy a burp. Back in the day. One of my fears is that I'm gonna miss that and go the other way.
Starting point is 00:24:46 That's just like a recurring nightmare of mine. Seriously, I worry about that. You gotta come up with bigger things to worry about. No, because this guy's zoomed by all the time and I'm always afraid I'll lapse of judgment or... Quiet. Ten years ago, nine and a half, eight and a half to nine of the guys who blew past would give the one hand down low. The motorcycles do the down low hand. Thanks, buddy. Yeah. Saw
Starting point is 00:25:12 that. Saw you move out. Saw you kicked it out. I'm driving through a whole line of people who are completely out of it, but not you. Yeah. You recognized me coming and you kicked it out and gave me this wider berth. And for that, I will take my left hand as I'm passing you on the right. I'll not use my right hand, because that's on the throttle. I'll take my left hand and I'll just hang it down low
Starting point is 00:25:35 and give you the couple of finger motorcycle wave. That's how they do it. Now, oh for 10. Don't do it anymore. What happened? What happened in 12 years? What happened in 20 years? That was something that was done. It was simply done. It was never taught. There's never any motorcycle handbook that you go, well when a car gives you more room and you pass on the right, you do the hand. No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It didn't exist. It was created through a type of societal wiring that we had, which was different than we've obviously created now. It's a very simple task. Guys who rode bikes went, thanks buddy, I saw what you did and I appreciate it. Now, this is His Highness passing through. May the seas, may the galvanized metallic seas part Now, this is His Highness passing through.
Starting point is 00:26:25 May the seas, may the galvanized metallic seas part for me. And why should I thank you? It's me. Of course you're supposed to move over. And I'm telling you, it went for eight or nine out of 10 to one out of 20. And now zero? No, one out of twenty. I'm saying on a rare occasion I see it. But I do it all the time and now that's a very simple little test. Why? How? How do you explain it? It was never
Starting point is 00:27:02 discussed. There was never any awareness campaign that was launched by the city. Don't wave, don't take your hands off the, no, no, it's just an attitude. And now that's where we're living. Now it's lasagna on your face. That sounds like something you would yell before a toast. Two lasagna in your face.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So this guy throws lasagna at you and your daughter. Yeah. And what happened? I kept walking. I didn't want to... I got pissed. I'm thinking, am I going to do something? I'm angry. Right. But I think better of it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I just think, okay, well, the weird things are... I just make note. I'll discuss it with Mr. Kral. Mm-hmm. And... I'll try to figure this out, what's going on? And I mean, did you have to go clean up and stuff? It was all in my pants, I said we were going to, you know, we went to a restaurant, I just had lasagna in my pants, whatever. You know, and I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'll tell you the bigger problem from a societal standpoint. You pitched this story to me, the average societal douche, that I happen to fucking come across these days. And you tell me you would like justice. Like you would like something to be done about this. About the guy throwing lasagna. This guy's a criminal. Yeah, and I'll be society now.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Go ahead. You mean I want retribution?, and I'll be society now. Go ahead. You mean I want retribution? Well, let me just tell you what I'm going for. I'm going for him to be punished or I just want to feel better. You? I want justice. By the way, why is this virtually impossible?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Because it's a little confusing. Anybody else confused? I'm a little confused. Nobody else is confused. I said you be you. Okay, I'm pissed. I want to punch the guy in the face. You're saying I want justice.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I want to be able to hit the guy. I didn't say that. All right, what do I want? You want him to be punished. Okay, I'm pissed, I wanna punch the guy in the face. You're saying I want justice. I want, no, I didn't say that. All right, what do I want? You want him to be punished, you want justice. You want him, you wanna get him in trouble. You want this. Okay. Okay, you be you, I'll be society. Okay, I'd like a police officer nearby,
Starting point is 00:28:56 which I couldn't find, by the way, to help me with this guy that seems to be out of control. Help me, before he hurts somebody else. Well, look, first off, this guy's got it rough. You don't think this guy's got it rough? No, I know he does. I sure he does. But I would love there to be a police officer nearby,
Starting point is 00:29:10 just in case this guy gets a little further out of here. Who knows what this guy's been through? You know what I mean? I'm very empathetic for this guy. He may have been intoxicated or I'm not sure. You're doing pretty well for yourself, aren't you? I mean, you're a doctor. You have a nice car.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I'll keep one. Right? You have a nice house. doctor, you have a nice car. I'll keep walking. Right, you have a nice house. Okay, you have money in your pocket, because this guy doesn't have money in his pocket. I should have given him the money, it's the key. I should have given him the money. You know, this guy probably comes from a broken house, broken home, broken apartment, broken condo.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Something he came from is broken, understand? I do. You know, and you haven't lived in his shoes. Have you been in his shoes? Never. Have you walked a mile in his shoes? Never. So you don't know what it's like, do you? I'll keep walking, but I haven't lived in his shoes have you been in his shoes? Never have you walked a mile in his shoes never so you don't know what it's like I'll keep walking, but I will keep walking my shoes. He's going through not good. He's good. I give him $30 Well, obviously he's sort of hungry, but not in the mood for Italian Have you walked in his non-italian loving shoes no okay, so you don't know what he's going through
Starting point is 00:30:03 No, it must be awful to have to eat Italian. What kind of car do you have? Audi. Oh, so that's a nice car. Yeah. So you're doing pretty good. Yeah. Okay, he's not.
Starting point is 00:30:13 If I'd only given him the $5. You have more money than he does, you understand? Yeah. Okay. Let's move on. That's where we're at now. In the past, it would have been the fuck guy's a fucking animal,
Starting point is 00:30:24 get him off the streets. Now, you don't know what he's going through. You don't know what kind of day he's had. You don't know what his history is. When did that change? It's taken place slowly, but steadily. It gets ramped up every election, and we're now in full steam ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I mean, we started off like, it's like the Olympic toboggan run, you know, at the top, they're pushing off, they're trying to pick up speed. We're now three quarters of the way through the run and picking up speed in that department. You know where I really notice it lately? And there's crazy Swedes ringing cowbells as we go by.
Starting point is 00:31:11 No Jamaican pop songs team? Just ringing cowbells as we go by. I just did a special for MTV called I'm Positive. I chronicled the lives of these HIV positive kids. And it was really good, really good special. It's consistent with everything I wanna do in media. And what I noticed was when I went out and did press for it, people were like rolling out the carpet like,
Starting point is 00:31:31 oh, thank you for doing this. And I thought, wow, this is not different than other things I try to do in media in terms of helping people that are educating and stuff. But because I got the right topic and the right thing, people that would normally attack me, you media whore, were like, oh, thank you for doing this. I thought, wow.
Starting point is 00:31:49 It's like, I don't know what to do with that even. It's like, I'm still the same guy, it's still doing the stuff I like that I think is important. You picked a topic that they approve of. That they officially approve of, officially. And it's not, you know, as a clinician trying to help and educate and put information out there, it just
Starting point is 00:32:07 was just another topic for me. That was a good one. That was important. But it was sanctioned now. Therefore, the guys would normally go, excuse me, what are you up to again? What's happening here? And now it's like, thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Thank you for doing this. It's really challenging. And remember I was complaining here about all the negative shit I have to deal with all the time? Something in there, there's something about that. I need to stay in the sanctioned area, which I'm happy to do, I'm fine, that's fine, but it sort of limits what you can do then.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, it's a lot of self-entitled narcissistic people that are being raised by people that are just as self-entitled and just as narcissistic, and a lot of what's the government gonna do for me, what's society gonna do for me, what's anyone gonna do for me other than me, and tons of externalization, very little internalization and trouble. But by the way, if that were really strictly speaking good,
Starting point is 00:33:05 we'd support that, right? Right, I mean if that really created a super race and excellent people and stuff, that'd be great. But I'm not sure that's how it works. Well, what's going on is the difference between the past and now is there was a time when a person, a taxpaying individual, law-abiding individual who was part of society and a thriving member of society, meaning one
Starting point is 00:33:37 of the worker ants in this ant colony that was actually going and bringing back food to the colony and clearing out sand and doing all the things that the worker ants do for the better of the colony. There was a point where that ant would look at the drunken ant who's slinging lasagna and go, hey, other ants, what about this one over here? He's got to get his shit together because I'm tired of dragging food back and having him eat it and then throw it at me now you bring it up you're the priority you're the you're the one who's
Starting point is 00:34:18 out of line for suggesting that that ant get his shit together. That's gonna mean trouble for the colony. Big picture, lots of trouble for the colony because the only thing the colony has is taking those stray ants, which are now growing in numbers because we're not asking them to get their shit together and stop throwing ant lasagna. And that's all we had. Well now, since it's impossible to judge that ant,
Starting point is 00:34:50 we're gonna have a fucking society and it's not gonna be a society. It will be a free for all. And when you start turning the ants that are bringing food back to the colony into the enemy, you have a real ant colony problem on your hands, and that's what we're doing. We're turning the guys that are dragging the food
Starting point is 00:35:12 back to the colony into the fucking villains. Okay. Well, there was, like, that in the 70s, wasn't it, a little bit? A little bit, yeah. Is it the same? Is it back then? You know, it's all, yeah, it's getting back to that.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It reminds me of my hippie mom when, you know, I was telling her how much fucking money after paying taxes, and she was like, "'I thought rich people didn't pay taxes.'" Huh? She literally said it, she's a 75-year-old woman, said, "'I didn't know rich people paid taxes.'" I said, "'What are you talking about? "'I heard they didn't pay taxes, you know? "''t think I didn't know rich people pay taxes. I said, what are you talking about? I
Starting point is 00:35:45 Heard they didn't pay taxes, you know, I thought they didn't pay taxes. I said, what do you think they do? they have you know offshore accounts and Windmills that they invest in and you know a bunch of bunch of guys they employ to you know Find a bunch of loopholes. I said no, I sure you all the guys I know that are rich paid tons and tons of taxes. I didn't know that Well, she didn't want to know it because she was one of the drunken ants eating lasagna Laying around the side of the fucking anthill. All right. Well take a quick break be back with your phone calls next Hey, it's Adam Kroll from the Adam Kroll the show bet online is the world's most trusted
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Starting point is 00:37:13 Bet Online, the game starts here. So Mr. Kroehl, what is the answer? Do we like the new political party? Let's do the Peace and Freedom Party. You run for president. I'll be your campaign manager, or your chief of staff. Peace and Freedom Party. You run for president. I'll be your campaign manager, or your chief of staff. Peace and Freedom Party, where we, hardcore military defense for peace,
Starting point is 00:37:33 and freedom from government interventions in our life. Here's the problem. It's interesting because it came up with me and Dennis Prager up on stage a couple of weekends ago. Very wise man. He said to me, why don't you run for president? And I said, here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And I guys, I want you all to dig this and then we'll hop to the phones. And Drew, agree or disagree or tell me how you vibe. I know I'm not allowed to say no to you, so I won't be saying no, whatever you're saying. You're allowed to present an argument that does have- That keeps the argument moving forward. That has notes of your own opinion involved with it,
Starting point is 00:38:15 but that mostly agree with me. No, and I want all you guys to, all you guys, I can't remember all your names, in the next room. Wow. I want you all to listen to this as well, and tell me if it makes sense. So I said to Dennis, I can't run for president.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And he said, why? And I said, because we're in a new era. I said, if you're running for, if you're student body president of the little Lord Fauntleroy School for albino hemophiliacs, right? Yes, of course. Okay, you're your student body president of the little Lord Fauntleroy School for Albino Hemophiliacs, right? Yes, of course. Okay, you're class president.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Okay, so you and I are running for class president. And I say, all right, here's my plan. It's time to toughen up. It's time to get those academics straightened out, people. I want to shorten lunch by five minutes. I wanna ask people to take an extra class, extra science class, extra math class. Instead of starting at 8.05,
Starting point is 00:39:13 let's start at 7.30 in the morning and let's run instead of 3.05, let's go to 3.30 and let's really see if we can get that GPA up, okay? And then the guy I'm running against says, fuck that. Let's take lunch and go from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. And by the way, Wednesday, free pizza, free pizza. And the guy I'm running against, he wants to start at 730 in the morning. That's an ungodly hour. Nine a.m. is when we start and we knock off at noon. In between, 90 minute lunch. Remember, free pizza Wednesday. Now, go vote your conscience. Who's going to win that election? Probably the pizza guy, but- Right. That's where we're at now.
Starting point is 00:39:58 But how? But as things start to deteriorate at the pizza campus, there's an opportunity to go, you see how we're losing all those basketball games, those football games? I say we become winners again. I say we, and you rally around productivity and about doing better, and you have to sell that. We sort of tried that this time.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You have to, I know. I'm the guy who's out of touch. I know. I'm the guy, oh, I got a freezer filled with frozen pizza, so how would I know? Do I even know how much a pizza cost? You don't even know how much a pizza cost, do you? But you, Mr. Corolla, can appeal to your history.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And you go, no, no, I've been without pizza. I've been where you've been. I've been on a motorcycle. I gave the left-handed sign. And no pizza. Right. And I got pizza. And then the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times is gonna do a story on me.
Starting point is 00:40:48 How do you think that story goes? Man with no pizza lifts himself up by his own bootstraps and rises to prominency? Or Corolla hates people with no pizza? Corolla's, no, no, it'd be a little stronger. Corolla's like a self-righteous bit. I think the news will report. How do you think the news will report on me and my no pizza. Corolla's, no, no, it'd be a little stronger. The Corolla's like a self-righteous bit. How do you think the news will report? How do you think the news will report on me and my no pizza policy?
Starting point is 00:41:09 It depends. It depends on what- It depends? No, no, here's what it depends on. If your no pizza policy gets some enthusiasm somewhere and it attracts, ah, it's just like my HIV thing. If it becomes one of the sanctioned sort of attitudes just vicariously because the people buying the paper kind of dig it, it has to become a thing. Yeah. It's not time yet. Not time yet. I agree. We need more pizza. We have not lost nearly enough football games and
Starting point is 00:41:37 flunked out enough students yet. But don't you think that there's gonna be misery ahead? Of course. Yeah. You can't go this direction. If anyone wants to know, you just look at California, that's the state that has the most, that does the least, and that gives away the most, and there you go, that's where we're at. It is really hard though, Adam. All people getting aside.
Starting point is 00:42:03 By the way, you wanna hand stuff out? Everybody, think about American Indians. They got a lot of stuff handed to them and have had stuff handed to them for the last 50 years. How they doing? How's it working out? Well, once they started taking care of themselves it took time for me to-
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, that's the average American Indian doing. How's they doing, and how's their diabetes? How's their body mass index? How their business is doing? How they doing? Here's a patch of land. I think it's a bad example. You get to live on this patch of land.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Well, I'll tell you, the American Indians that own their own land do much better than the ones who live on the land that the government provides for them. Well, okay. Because they have a vested interest in that land. So therein is really the interesting, where the rubber hits the road here,
Starting point is 00:42:55 because I like being parts of systems that take care of people in need. I really feel good about that. The question though is, is there a way we can do it without taking people's... Who's in need though? Everyone has Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, and needs to travel with a service dog.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, but there's a lot of people with money that behave like that, for sure. Listen, well, I don't give a fuck. If you've got money, go ahead and be as crazy as you like. You go down, pick up cocktail waitresses and shoot them in the face. I don't care. That's your business. and be as crazy as you like. You go down, pick up cocktail waitresses and shoot them in the face. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:43:27 That's your business. It doesn't affect me. The point is this. What the fuck were you talking about? Yeah, taking care of yourself. Hey, look, I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. 46, 47 million people on some sort of food stamp assistance, food assistance.
Starting point is 00:43:45 How many would die if we took 40 million off of that? Take 40 of the 47 million, take their food stamps away tomorrow. Do you think their bodies would start washing up on the shores of America? I mean, what would happen? Would they just boil a sack of beans, a sack of rice, throw a bouillon cube in it and live? I'm guessing they would, because that's what we've always done. So we have 46, 47 million people on food stamps. Ten years ago we had I don't know 20 million people on food stamps. Where's it gonna be five years from now? And shouldn't we start asking those
Starting point is 00:44:20 people? And again not the 7 million. I'm willing to concede that seven of the forty seven million need the food stamps. But I bet the other 40 could figure out a way. And I'm not only asking them to figure out a way. I think we are robbing them of a valuable experience not asking them to find a way. We are eroding their self-esteem. Like domesticating. We are eroding their self-esteem. Like domesticating. We are taking away something that's very inherent and important as a human being. And so we need almost, I wonder if there's
Starting point is 00:44:52 sort of some sort of adjustment we need to make in terms of how we manage these things. We do things that are- Not as long as we're doing the vote on the cafeteria of the student body president and what day's gonna be pizza day and how long it going to be. So as long as we're doing things that way the hour and a half lunch with the free pizza is going to win for a while. So it's the sis, it's the vote, it's the democracy that's failing. It's the yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Well again my good friend Dennis Prager and you can go to and check out an evening with me and Dennis Prager, and you can go to and check out an evening with me and Dennis Prager, Philadelphia Redondo Beach, available on iTunes. As he says, pick any kind of club you like, a stamp collector's club, a football, fantasy football club, you know, an organization, a group, something that requires dues. All right, now, let's give the larger percentage of people who don't pay dues, let them vote on how much the dues should be for the people who pay dues.
Starting point is 00:45:55 How do you think that vote's gonna work? Well, let's raise some dues. I'd like to get some new furniture and carpet in this clubhouse. Yeah, but you don't pay anything. I know so let's raise them now is that a democracy you got 20 people in the fucking club and Sick you have 11 of them They get the same vote that the guy that pays the dues and we're gonna vote on if we should raise dues or not
Starting point is 00:46:22 That doesn't seem to make sense to me. It wouldn't work in a club environment, would it? Well, it's something called the tyranny of the majority, which is something the founding fathers were very concerned about. Yes. So no, if you don't pay tax, I'm all, my whole thing is,
Starting point is 00:46:40 I'll give you one vote for every 10 grand you pay in in taxes. That's the way I like it. Anyway, I'm very conflicted about all this. I really don't know what the solution you'd be conflicted I'll know exactly what I'm doing. All right. Well, that's not talking Megan Megan Megan is 23 call from Missouri. What's going on Megan? Hey, thanks for taking my call. Sure What's going on Oh, Megan. Is it everyone with their cell phone?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Is everyone Skyping? Why don't you ask someone to get on landlines? Huh? No? Too much to ask? See? Now Drew's becoming a dick. Adam, you're infecting me.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Let me explain something. If you asked your average 23-year-old, get on a landline, she'd be like, I'm not at sea. They don't have landlines. That's a good point. Nobody has a landline. Grandpa Carolla and Grandpa Pinsky have landlines. But you don't have these kids.
Starting point is 00:47:39 They don't have landlines. You think Maxipata has a landline? I'm thinking about him. He talks into a coconut. Oh, look at that. I'm thinking about him again as the Johnny Quest villain. Imagine him with those little tiny mustaches at the just upper lip.
Starting point is 00:47:51 No, no, that was a... I like the two side ones. No, two side things are too ridiculous. But just the little Joe Jackson mustache. Think what that would do to him. And then a little one along the chin too. Ooh, he'd look weird. Megan?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Yeah. All right, what's going on? I started dating my ex-boss after we stopped working together. We became really good friends. There is a large age gap, but about three months into our relationship, I started having really high anxiety. I was switching jobs. I was living out of a cat bedroom and we were
Starting point is 00:48:25 two-hour apart we just got talking there was no communication he just disappeared uh... so i think he and my anxiety i might get doctor and all that stuff and now he's interested in pursuing relationship again and i can think of a packet. One, it was my fault because I pushed him away or two, he should have been there for me if he
Starting point is 00:48:50 really cared. How old is he? How old is he? How old is he? He is 49. Oh my god, why are you dating a 49 year old? Well, he does not look or act his age and I do not look or act my age. Well, I look my age, you know. Of course. I don't feel like a 23 year old. Hey, Megan.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Oh God. She feels like a 14 year old to me. Yeah, that's absolutely true. And by the way, 49 year olds who feel and look and act like they're 26 are fucking douchebags. Right. So we're gravely concerned, Megan, about this relationship, just the entire...
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah, all right, she never stops talking. All right, look, fuck it. 49 to 23, I don't see this one going the distance. Right, you can do as you please. It sounds like you're gonna go back to him either way. He is by our definition a douche. 29 of the 23-year-olds a douche. Right. And he's behaved like you with you like a douche. So he's sort of just he's sort of living out what we expect of him. If you want to go back to him, that's fine. It's up to you. But it just doesn't sound like a great situation. All right. Anthony's got a question. Anthony.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Hey, Adam. Thank you for taking the call. Sure, what's going on? 31 years of age. Well, I met my girlfriend in August, about the end of the summer, and we started dating. And the end of October, we were at a bar drunk and told me that she liked me but being a birth control and uh... pregnant and we use and again i have the abortion
Starting point is 00:50:32 uh... my question you guys is that i want to continue the relationship i do care about a lot but how do i get over the resentment and everything that goes with it what's her justification for having lied to you uh... she really did, I asked her you know multiple times, I said you know why what did you think was gonna be the end result in the situation and she just didn't really have an answer. She just kind of looked down didn't really have an answer for me. Okay no answer, I don't dig that. That's not something I would think I would
Starting point is 00:51:00 recommend going forward with. If she were to say you know I'm an idiot. I was trying to entrap you I'm sorry. That's what I was doing. Well, did you have the abortion? Did she have the abortion? We did at first, you know when she first told me I Come from I'm from Boston. So it's a different, you know girls down there. It's it's not really Things would have families when you're in your 20s You want to live your life up here all the the girls get married and have kids very early. New Hampshire. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:29 She was ready to go. I bet she had the abortion. Well, it was, you know, at first, my thought was, you know, we're definitely going to have to go through the abortion. And then she questioned it and, you know, for 10 days. Hold on. But the point is, is she had the abortion. I think that's what he said. I'm not totally clear he said that.
Starting point is 00:51:50 He said that. If she's trying to entrap him or just wants a child or feels like, fuck it, I'm 30, I want a kid, she doesn't have the abortion, even if he has to talk her into it. Probably true. All right. Probably true.
Starting point is 00:52:03 So Anthony. Yes. The thing about women when they're... Wow. Okay. The thing about women when it comes to relationships and they're new in relationships, there's a lot of stuff they say
Starting point is 00:52:22 because they're worried about how they're judged, how they're perceived. There's a lot of stuff. Lies can be told at the beginning. And then they get stuck in them. And they get stuck in them, and then they have to kind of ride them through. I mean, look, it's everything from, you meet a guy at a fucking bar,
Starting point is 00:52:43 and the chick says, oh, I'm 29. Well, maybe she's 35, but she just says 29 because she's had a fucking couple of drinks and she wants to be 29. Well, next thing you know, you start dating, and next thing you know, it becomes kind of serious. And now she's fucking hiding her purse, so you won't look at her ID,
Starting point is 00:52:59 and now you do this thing where you go, hey, you lied to me. Some of it is I brought something up and I had to kind of stay with it. This one's kind of big because you should at least have been given the opportunity to prepare or to prevent. It is. That's what bothers me about this one.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I think I would say to her, look, this is a big issue to me. And the fact that you did this and that you're not providing any answers is troubling to me. And I like you. I wanna stay with you, but understand that if something like this happens again, this will be a deal breaker, and I will be on the lookout for this now
Starting point is 00:53:37 because you're not providing me the satisfactory answer. All right, fair enough. All right, let's see. Let's see, sister, rehab, relapse. All right, Rameen. Let's see, sister, rehab, relapse. All right, Rameen, let's talk to Rameen. Calling from out here in Encino. Rameen?
Starting point is 00:53:53 37-year-old Rameen? From Corolla territory, the valley. Rameen? Rameen. Yes, hi. What's going on? So I just wanna tell you, I'm a huge fan of both of you. I've been listening to you since the Loveline era.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Thank you. I went up going to the Canyon Club, Adam, so I definitely feel your pain in terms of what happened over there with the lovely Mangria. Well, do not worry. So just like to ask you a question, it's about my sister she's uh... about five-year-old an issue early forties
Starting point is 00:54:29 and uh... she's been battling addiction with marijuana uh... alcohol they got to the point that her husband left her if you have to take it so we put her in rehab spend about ten thousand dollars a month on it how i was it more like a vacation. How long was she there for? And the day she came out, she started using again, abusing, became a master liar.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And my parents, you know, they're old. My dad had a heart transplant, actually two. And this was really taking a toll on him. Two, what's he need two hearts for? That they don't wanna go to Al-Anon. I don't get it, man. There's people out there who could use a heart and he's gotta get two?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Oh, separate times, separate times. So they don't wanna go, man. There's people out there who could use a heart and he's gotta get two? Oh, separate times, separate times. So they don't wanna go to Al-Anon. Are you going to Al-Anon? I have gone to Al-Anon, yes. But you know, it's, I mean, they're around it a lot more often than I am, and I think that they would benefit, but I've brought it up many times,
Starting point is 00:55:20 and they're just really resistant to doing it. How old are they? 60s, 70s, how old? They're both 78. Yeah, I have not had great success with people in their late 70s and 80s. Al-Anon sounds like a good last name for you, Ramin. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:55:36 I'm Ramin Al-Anon. Can you guess my nationality? Ramin Al-Anon. I'm gonna go with, let's see, I'm gonna go with Israeli. I was gonna go with Israeli, no, but I'm gonna go with your basic Glendale. What do we got? Israeli is probably the worst choice,
Starting point is 00:55:56 because I'm Persian. Persian, oh, Persian, okay, sorry. So anyway, late 70s, 80s, people with particular cultural points of view, going to a 12 step program is not particularly fruitful. You can get them to a therapist office, maybe with your sister, that tends to be very helpful. Ramin sounds like he's a little resentful
Starting point is 00:56:18 that he's been paying for this and she was treating it like a vacation. Yeah, of course, well she's not ready for treatment. I didn't pay for it, actually my other sister of course. Well, she's not ready for treatment. You know, I didn't pay for it. Actually, my other sister did. Wow. But she's not ready for treatment. She doesn't want to get better.
Starting point is 00:56:30 You can't force somebody to get better. You can try to create consequences and leverage to get them to the point where you break through. But short of that, what you're doing is exactly the right thing. And just you being an Al-Anon and working a program and having a sponsor may significantly change the functioning of the whole system.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So I commend you for doing that, but don't expect the parents necessarily to go. That's a tall order to get somebody in their late 70s to go. If we could just ask you, and I appreciate that, if I could just ask you just one follow-up question, you know, there's only so much you can do for a person. Correct. I mean, it seems like you've hit rock bottom, but probably not. I mean, I'm thinking that there's something bad is going to happen to her.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Something bad is going to happen. That's right. Any action is to really take him. That's right. It doesn't seem like she's anywhere near a bottom. And that's the scary part about this. You have to watch people sink to a place where it becomes dangerous, and you have to let it happen.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And you've got to gotta kinda convince yourself that, I don't know about her case particularly, but that she would die from her disease anyway. You know, and you gotta at least let some sort of bottom or something get through. And I try to precipitate bottoms. You know, get her arrested for DUI. You know, get things to happen that have a probability.
Starting point is 00:57:41 You know, that they get through that. Well, through the rest of her shoplifting, I didn't do anything. Well, keep it going. Keep it going. And she has money, so I don't that they get through that. Well, through the rest of her shoplifting, I didn't do anything. Well, keep it going. Wow. Keep it going. And she has money, so I don't know why she did that. Well, shoplifting in women, that's a bad sign, by the way,
Starting point is 00:57:54 but it often is associated with opiate addiction. She's not on opiates? That means, no, she's just, like I said, she's smoking weed all the time and drinking. No painkillers, no painkillers. No painkillers. They've givenillers. No painkillers. They've given her pills saying that if you take this, you'll die if you drink alcohol.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And probably she says she's taking it. I don't think that really sounds like it makes any sense. A company would prescribe a medicine. I got a question. Well, hang on a second. That's ant abuse. There is such a thing. She's not taking it.
Starting point is 00:58:20 That's what's happening. She's not taking it. Does she have kids or a husband or anything? She has two kids. One is six, the other one is four and her husband you know he's a hard ass he's he's not the easiest person to get along with so he's definitely not supportive and again they're they just file for separation. Here's the deal you get the kids when a woman get the kids taken away that gets their attention so that's maybe where you ought to put the focus. that gets their attention. So that's maybe where you gotta put the focus.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Get a protective top job, take the services, file it. Unite, forget your parents, unite with your rich sister and focus on the kids. Yeah, focus on the kids, because with women, that's off in the bottom when they lose their kids. That's when you get through them. Connor. Hey, Adam.
Starting point is 00:59:00 What's happening? Your girlfriend's going to college in Washington State. How to deal with the jealousy. You're in Virginia. She went from Virginia to Washington State? Well, no, we're actually both. We live in Montana, and I went to Virginia for college, and she just went to Washington.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Charlottesville. That's not UVA. Is that William and Mary? Where are you? University of Virginia. UVA, okay. Mm-hmm. And yeah, and now she's in a sorority or something
Starting point is 00:59:28 and she's cute. Yeah, she's probably going to be. Cougars? Yeah. Washington State Cougars? Yeah. I think that's it. No, she's at Cougars Town in Tacoma.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Oh, oh. That's where all the hunky dudes are. Um, so she's cute, she's away. When's the next time we're gonna see her? I'll actually see her in a couple weeks for Christmas. We're both going back to Montana. Oh, I don't know. This is misery for you, my friend. Trying to maintain a relationship in college when you're a different coast of the country is just so painful. And you're gonna regret it, and you're gonna be tied up emotionally and not be able to engage fully in your own college experience.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And you're going to get angry with her, and she's going to cheat, and you're going to be shattered. And oh my god. Did you guys get further away from each other? Jesus Christ. One went west, one went east. But Connor, so I'm with Drew, and that this is some kind of weird slow death that's
Starting point is 01:00:24 not going to work out, right? One of you is gonna have to transfer or you're gonna have to break up. Where in Montana you from? Whitefish Montana whitefish Of course big financial center that's for all the whitefish Montana. Yeah. Yeah all the big All the fortune 500 companies. No, no, it's all those sort of money managers goes and hang out resorts and nice Yeah, you know why? Jews with their fish. I'm going to big white fish. Listen They love white fish. I am going to big sky in two weeks. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes, I am
Starting point is 01:01:01 You've ever been up there. I we can only afford mediums guy. I've never been big guy. Just like I have medium ramen, I don't have top ramen. We can't afford it. You understand? Yeah, I do. I don't make that kind of money. Yeah, I'm staying at a friend's house, I'm big guy, I cannot wait.
Starting point is 01:01:16 All right, Connor. So, what you don't wanna do is drag this on for a year and a half and then break up and miss a bunch of opportunities. All right, for college. You're gonna ruin your college experience. You go what's your major, what's her major, which college has a better major for that and see about transferring if you guys are very serious about each other or just cut bait. Cut white fish bait. Don't shit tassels about it. Yeah, let's not shit a tassel, everybody.
Starting point is 01:01:45 All right, Dr. Drew and I are gonna be in Santa Barbara coming up at the Libero Theater. That is Saturday, February 16th. Tickets on sale now. Denver at the Paramount Theater in March in Redondo Beach coming up in April, of course, 2013. And again, if you want to support us, you click on through the Adam and Drew link,
Starting point is 01:02:09 and you do it at the Amazon link on our page. And then this will thrive and will continue. We'll do more of this. That's right. That's how it works at So until next time, it's Adam Kirola for Dr. Drew saying, mahalo.

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