The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Michael Che and Phillip Keene Join The Show and...DJ Khalid Sucks (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: September 28, 2024

In this classics episode, the fellas have Michael Che and Phillip Keene on to talk about censorship. They also discuss Bill Cosby and his at the time conviction of sexual assault. They also discuss th...e whole DJ'ing culture and how much they dislike DJ Khalid!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, welcome back for another edition of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics. I am your host, Big Brother Jake, host of the Big Brother Jake podcast here on the Podcast One Network. Let's get to it. First up is episode 192 that aired on November 19th, 2014. Adam and Dr. Drew had comedian Philip Keene and Saturday Night Live's own Michael Shea on the show, and they talked about censorship. Listen to them toe the fine line.
Starting point is 00:00:32 We're discussing Michael Shea's comedic response to a video in which a woman was followed by a pro-go camera all day. I did see that. And she was catcalled a hundred times, something like that. And he made the comment that, oh, it must be really difficult to have people saying, hi, how are you? You look beautiful. It must be almost like when people come up to him, I love you on SNL, you're so funny, it's very tough, this is tough. People attacked him on Twitter, so he said, I
Starting point is 00:00:58 apologize, but now that I have a job, an employer I'm responsible to, and you people have seen intent on interfering with my employment, I'm gonna have to keep my mouth shut. And we got angry with that basically. What did you say? The fact that the world is doing it. I said, silencing comedians is probably not a great way to go in life. And then we covered it on my HLN program yesterday and Adam appeared on my HLN program and defended him further. And Michael and I have been going back and forth a little bit on Twitter and Gary Commandeered my Twitter feed and got Michael to call in. That's right. So he's online
Starting point is 00:01:33 one one Michael Hello. Hello. Thank you By the way. That was so funny because somebody tweeted, they were like, oh, Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew are defending you. I'm like, what do I do now? And then I hear it and it was, what do I do now?
Starting point is 00:01:54 And they're like, oh, I think he wants advice to know how to further. No, I didn't want more advice. It just meant did I do something else wrong? Oh my God. I read it. I read it. The problem is I read it like a robot. I read it like a robot would read those words, you know, with absolutely no intent or meaning and it just got completely misinterpreted. Michael, you have to understand that Drew goes through life like a janitor at an elementary school and when they say to him, we need you to come to the bathroom, he doesn't think, is there cake?
Starting point is 00:02:24 when they say to him, we need you to come to the bathroom, he doesn't think, is there cake? He thinks someone shit up the place, somebody yacked on the floor, like he just grabs his mop and comes running. So if you say what I do now to Dr. Drew, he only takes that as what advice do you need from me. Right. Grab my mop always, Michael. Michael, I must say two things first off a compliment Doing a very nice job behind the desk at SNL. Yes Got off to a shaky first start now I'm saying this because words out of my mouth was dropped in the fumble. So yeah, that's safe to say And I don't want to say this I was watching the show I the the news is always my favorite part of SNL
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's this the part I've always enjoyed and I enjoyed it with Norm MacDonald. I enjoyed it with Dennis Miller I enjoyed everyone all the way through. Yeah, I owe Tina Fey I always enjoy all the way through whoever they put in there. Yeah, and I Know I did and I and I watched the very first one, I didn't know who you were, and I was like, uh-oh, this guy's a little shaky. And then I watched the ones that came after, the next three or four that came after, and you were right back on your game. So nice job. There's actually, Michael, you're going to like this, a psychological phenomenon. It's called fundamentally the banana peel effect, which is that if somebody
Starting point is 00:03:46 has a humanoid fumble in an intense performance situation, it renders them more human and more likely for people to pull for them. So literally, they literally study this, people coming in for like executive interviews, if they like spill their coffee in their lap, they're more likely to get the job. So Michael, well done pretending to fumble. It's just like, based on every romantic comedy, you can drop some groceries and then give the guy. So Michael, we all saw the video and I think we all had the same reaction, which is it seemed like a quarter of the things that were referred to as cat calls were how you doing this evening and I think
Starting point is 00:04:32 that's something that you joked about when you tweeted out about it is was is that correct yeah Well, you know, you just don't want it to come to a point where no one's allowed to talk to anybody on the street. Like, I'm a friendly person. Sometimes I'll see, like, an old lady, not really a hat, man. It doesn't mean I'm trying to bang an old lady, you know. Right. It could mean that. To be fair, Michael, it could be.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It could be. There'd be nothing wrong with it. But, I mean, she's still an adult. She's an old adult. It'd be fine. But, you know, you just don't want it to get to the point where, you know, for women, I mean, she's still an adult, she's an old adult. It'd be fine. But, you know, you just don't want to get to the point where, you know, for women, I understand that it's a very, very tough thing
Starting point is 00:05:10 to be harassed all the time, you know, as a woman. But you also have to know that some guys are just saying, hi, you look beautiful, because you look beautiful, and it's, you should know that, maybe. Maybe not. Well, Michael, I think what you're let me let me flip this script on you because Michael's black. I've very you're very black super black. Yeah and even then I was pulling for you. It's a new
Starting point is 00:05:40 series right 50 Shades of Black. He's 51 shades of black. 51 shades of black, man. I'm gonna write a very good book about that, that Drew's wife's gonna read and piss him off. Here's what I've said as a very white man many times. I would think almost every neighbor I had was racist if I wasn't white. Because I've lived next to some world-class Assholes who were calling the cops calling the Department of Building and Safety just doing shit randomly to like fuck with me And if I were black, I would just assume because it seems so random. Yeah Those are yeah, I you know my neighbors over the years whose house you let burn down Well, that's another that's another story for another day, but the point is is I would assume the person was racist if I was black. Except where I'm not black,
Starting point is 00:06:31 so I just think he's an asshole. And I guess for women, not every guy that says good day as you walk down the street is a potential rapist. Some of them are just saying good day. And I think as a woman you shouldn't take every guy says, how you doing ma'am, as a harasser potentially. And if you're black you probably shouldn't take every old white asshole as a racist. Maybe he's just an asshole. That's absolutely true. But that was the part that i was making fun of it wasn't the harassment i mean there are a bit of a reprimand out there but it's weird out this climate of
Starting point is 00:07:11 like reaction of me jerk reaction where it people are like mad at me for stuff like didn't even say like it got to the point where people would just paraphrase and i'd michael jay says sexual harassment is ok michael j Che says sexual harassment is okay. Michael Che encourages sexual harassment. Michael Che harasses women. Wait a minute, where did that end up? And I wasn't that bad. And it's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. I recommend to everybody, and to you, Michael, too, a book by a guy named Ryan Holliday I interviewed on the Dr.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Drew podcast, Gary's gonna give me the number, called Trust Me I'm Lying, where he chronicles in a very intelligent way this very phenomenon, how the truth does not matter. It just becomes what people are saying in social media, becomes the truth, the facts bear no significance. It's fucked up. It's the craziest thing is you're so deep in a well. I'm used to three months ago where not too many people knew my name. Well, people didn't really care. And even at this point, I'm not famous.
Starting point is 00:08:13 My job is very famous, but I'm not famous. I'm just, if you know my job, then you probably know who I am. And before I could say a joke, and it'll just, if it sucked, it just sucked. But now if I say a joke and it'll just, if it sucked, it just sucked. But now if I say a joke and it sucked, it's a statement and it needs to be reported on, which is it represents the entire institution
Starting point is 00:08:33 that I work for. And it's a very weird, it's a very weird thing, but it was a definite lesson of what you can say and what you can't say flippantly. Well, the problem is this. If a video goes viral and your guy like Michael Che, not only are you a comedian, but you do the news on SNL. So when a video goes viral, you're
Starting point is 00:08:57 almost compelled to comment on it. And as a comedian, when you comment on a viral video, you have to zig if the viral video is zagging and do the opposite. You always have to find that edge and go the other direction with it. So when it's a viral video about a fat kid playing with a kitten, you can kind of say whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Because there's no big lobby there. There's no big issue there. But it's a viral video and it has to do with race or gender or sexual harassment or homosexuality or whatever. You better watch out what you say because if you zig or zag against that video, we're going to have an issue society-wise. So they're just, and I'll also include Filipinos in that, do not comment on Filipinos. Yeah. Well, Chris is gonna lead a campaign. Listen, John Stewart told me,
Starting point is 00:09:53 don't make jokes about Filipinos. It's funny that they can't, I was on a cruise ship and the entire staff, the wait staff was all from the Philippines, you know, very, very, very nice people people but they could not say my name they kept calling mister phillips uh... i have a way to be you from the philippines but i was a little in this begun watch what you say about those people but they're come after you man of chris isle people
Starting point is 00:10:18 chris like some kind of spies you're watching you to report to the uh... yeah i think he talked and is, can I ask you this, just off topic. So, I mean on topic and then off topic for a moment. What do you do the next time you take to Twitter? Do you think long and hard? Do you have a breathalyzer on your keyboard, you know, how do you approach it now? Because society has successfully silenced or at least helped to muffle another voice and another comedian, right? I mean, you got to think before you tweet. Well, that was the conversation we had was about how free speech is under attack. And then I got attacked for not bringing out the point that free speech is fundamentally about the government's ability to interfere with our free speech. But I'm saying we're the government, we the people, and we are attacking free speech collectively
Starting point is 00:11:14 through social media. Anyway, Michael, please. Yeah, how do you... I feel like it's more of just you have to choose your battles. You know, like I don't feel silent as a comedian. The day I feel silenced as a comedian, I don't wanna do comedy anymore. But I just feel like my platform for something that's important like that, or something that's maybe edgier, is the stage or the show where I have more time
Starting point is 00:11:38 to deliver it and respond to it and answer every crack of it so that the message is not just One hundred and forty character island where people can do whatever they want out of it You know like the thing about Twitter is when you write it the context is gone Yeah, so as soon as you hit send it's gone. It's just now everyone can say Angry, maybe I said it don't please like it's all up to the person reading it. It could sound however the headline makes it sound. So on stage, it's a lot less. You can't do that as much because you can hear them on the bullet.
Starting point is 00:12:13 You can hear the setup. You can hear all of my backup. And also those people are there because they want to hear you. They want to watch you. Right. It's a lot easier. Michael, you seem to be studying Twitter like the Zabruder tapes. Gary put a tweet out from my site 12 seconds ago and you called right in.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It just so happened that I was tweeting as that was happening and it said, you know, you got a message from, you got a tweet from Dr. Drew. And I was like, what happened? It was weird. Now what I do? It's going to scare me. Yeah, I'm going to do it now. I have a hangover too and I'm like, oh no, he knows.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So. I'm going to go to the bathroom. Happened it was weird. Now what I do Welcome back to the Adam and dr. Drew show classics up next we have episode 197 that aired on December 6th, 2014, titled, Bill Cosby America's Dad. Man, no pudding pops were harmed in the making of this particular segment. Check it out. Anyway, where are we talking about? Bill Cosby? Yeah. I just wondered what your thoughts were on run all that Everyone knows the story. I Have heard the story I'd heard stories about him for a while mainly that he was an asshole. Yeah, I Have you know, I don't have one thought about it. I have a thought of He he being... the part of it that bothers me a lot is the
Starting point is 00:13:50 part where he's the hypocritical part of the whole thing. Don't distract Drew, Gary. The hypocritical part of the whole thing. Well, but see, I'm with you on that. I've said, look, Richard Pryor was doing blow, free-basing, fucking whores, and God knows what Richard Pryor did to a few women over the years. You know what I mean? I don't say he roofied them, but I'll guarantee you he coked them up pretty good or whatever. He was not advocating better behavior by African-American young men. He was not selling jello to young kids. He was not telling the world he was a child development specialist and trying to be America's father.
Starting point is 00:14:30 That's the problem. But to me, that problem is completely violent. That brand, that sense of himself that he presented to the world is so shattered by the philandering. Forget the roofing and the raping. Just the philandering and the magnitude of the philandering. Forget the roofing and the raping. Just the philandering and the magnitude of the philandering, which everyone goes, oh yeah, that was just him. That's none of our business. They may have an open relationship. That is our business. Well, Martin Luther King did some philandering. Yeah, but this is like major apparently.
Starting point is 00:15:00 He did a dusting of philandering. No, allegedly lots of... No, I'm talking about Martin Luther King. I don't know. Or the Kennedys, you know what I mean? I mean they were officials. But that's an interesting... Or close to it. Right, and I think some of that, and it's an interesting sort of phenomenon to look at is of the time. That was just... Cosby is sort of of that time. He is of that time. Yeah, so some of it is a cultural problem. We like turn the other way with some shitty behavior. Well, whether we did or we didn't, it was, here's how it was. Martin Luther King had a message. The Kennedys had a job to do.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And what they did outside of the message and outside of the job was up to them and their wife or whomever. Their business. What was their business because it wasn't our business, right? Our business was run the country lead the marches Send the message and then your business outside of your business now We go now we go your America's debt and then you're doing this we don't take that No, we don't. Yeah, and I like I said, you know Sam Kenison was Sam Kenison and Richard Pryor was Richard Pryor And that's and you know Obviously when you start the flandering parts one thing the drugging part and I don't know how much of the drugging thing is proved or disproved or whatever it is, but that part of it is obviously
Starting point is 00:16:21 Takes it to a new level another level But I will say for me I just I approach everything from just a psychodynamic kind of I just try to look at everything practically and I try to think to myself and I have talked about it on my podcast but you and I haven't talked about this. I think about, I always picture Rosie O'Donnell circa 1993 and Gary will find a picture of her. Please don't make it black and white in a headshot. Make it with one of the Muppets. Make it at her desk and as festive as you can possibly find it. It does not have to be with a muppet. Thank you. People forget everything was a pastel, everything was cutie patootie chub club, and oh I love
Starting point is 00:17:15 the Partridge family and Keith Partridge. I have such a crush on Tom Cruise and blah blah blah and dancing and frolicking and woohoo! and I knew guys who worked for that show and I'd talk to them and I'd go How's it going? Rosie made me fire another five people today. That's it. Well, I've seen the show She looks like the happiest person on the planet like Way do you see her in those fucking meetings after the show? She's screaming at everyone and I realized oh this is a front. The pastels are a front.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And this is, and you tell me, Drew, because I'm trying to figure out whether the people know it or not. Now look, we all know the story of, hey, I'm Rock Hudson, hey, I'm gay, hey, I'm a leading man, hey, if this gets out, this is not going to work. But in show business, and you're trying to make money. And if people find out that Rosie O'Donnell is the Rosie O'Donnell of now, circa 1993,
Starting point is 00:18:21 I like this Rosie O'Donnell. It's honest. It's intense. It's funnier. You like the one now I do. Yeah, I do but I don't think that would have gone over well working. Yeah for its syndicated Yeah, she didn't thank you now. I need her in something pastel ear. Thank you. I don't need I don't thank you There we go. Okay, I didn't drew brought up the fucking thing I mean, that's Rosie O'Donnell Looking like a different human being right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:50 She does not wear bright orange anymore and have her lips all done up and her hair all whipped up and down or whatever That is that is not her anymore Yeah, but she put put on a front. Yeah, because Here's the question drew Something was lurking that she felt Something was hiding she couldn't go out and do the real Rosie O'Donnell wear a black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt and go up there and spew out vitriol. You know what I mean? Not do that show. Not work with telepictures, not be syndicated daytime show.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Not gonna work. So soon as they stopped the cameras she went backstage and turned into the real Rosie and started yelling at everybody. everybody okay Bill Cosby by all accounts is a dick you know but Bill Cosby we got were either super crazy pastely sweaters that look like the Partridge family bus yeah or sweat jackets sweatshirts hoodies that had colleges on them right and he was dancing at the beginning of his show Yeah, dance and dance and dance will be aware of anybody dancing. Is that the lesson? Well, I can tell you that else Pastels and dance be careful Ellen dances her ass off at the beginning of every show. I Went to a wedding with Ellen not with her but she was at a wedding the band was playing everyone was dancing but not Ellen world-class band I watched her sit for five hours
Starting point is 00:20:29 not one dance so does she like dancing or does she like you to think she likes dancing so you're using it she's doing television well the point is, is Bill Cosby had something that he did not want us to know about. And he then overcompensated, put on the sweater, and turned into America's dad. And what I'm saying is... The way you describe it, I'm actually getting personally offended by all that. Because you and I make an effort to be just who we are and no different and yet people are always trying to interpret who are you really what this is compensation you must be a bit but what are you hiding
Starting point is 00:21:14 but though your judgmental no no it's just it's us and I've troubled by that no I don't I mean I don't want disagree, but I think I always say to people, I can be an asshole because I'm not an asshole. Bill Cosby couldn't be an asshole because he was an asshole. Drew, I think you may be the only person on the planet that really understands where I'm going with this thought, which is I don't look at myself, meaning I don't walk around feeling like Rock Hudson. So if you're Rock Hudson and it's 1959 and a guy comes up and slaps you on the back and goes, good job, buddy, you have to punch him out because you have to think, what would
Starting point is 00:21:59 a straight guy do? I'm allowed to have the guy slap me on the butt and then slap him on the butt because I don't have something lurking inside, like I'm gay, everyone's guy slap me on the butt and then slap him on the butt because I'm not I don't have something Lurking inside like I'm gay everyone's gonna find out about this So I make tons of jokes and make tons of comments that aren't jokes I say what I feel about all sorts of issues about all sorts of colors and all sorts of sexual proclivities And I because I don't walk around and feel like a hateful person. Yeah or bad person or bigoted person Right, you know I make a thousand gay joke. This is the point, but I don't have any wants to interpret
Starting point is 00:22:31 What's really you know? Yes? I don't All time if I really like I really walked around and went fuck. I hate gay people I just hate gay people. I just don't like gay people. I wouldn't make any gay jokes. I'd overcompensate. I'd have a feeling of like, uh-huh, this is something that if this got out... But that's the point. Every people are going, oh, if you're whatever, you advocate or you have a strong feeling about, that must be a compensation for something because he's hiding, uh...
Starting point is 00:23:02 Because the people are accustomed or historically have seen seen this what you're describing with Cosby I Think it's I think it's over. I think no, I don't think it's that I think what I think what it is is this I I don't I don't think you quite have this one right. I think people go out there I think news people I think everyone who's, everyone does this on a micro and macro level, they even do it at work, but the people in the media and stuff, they go out, they have an opinion on camera, and then quietly they go home, they have a beer and they talk to
Starting point is 00:23:37 their friends and they give a whole other opinion. That's what I'm saying. And I will just give you the opinion that I have that's right and That's all I have and you guys Society will buy into the pro wrestlers of the world. Yeah, they will buy into Bill Cosby and What Bill Cosby did on an unconscious level I think is The same thing Rosie did which is I know there's a lot of anger and there's a lot of whatever that's inside of me, and I can't let people
Starting point is 00:24:11 see that, so I must overcompensate. Speaking of overcompensating, how about the way... let's say he did do these things that are being alleged, I have no idea. His attorney defending him and bullying and threatening people who want to talk about it in the public. Attorneys don't have any business even in that conversation. He's part of the problem then, right? And by the way, it's old school stuff that just doesn't work anymore. We'll be right back with more of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show classics. Okay, last up for today we have episode 1083 which aired on May 24th, 2019.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Adam and Drew have a discussion about DJs and how some of them lack talent, in particular DJ Khaled. They aren't a fan. Actually, I'm not either. I can't wait to hear this. Let's take a listen. There's an episode of the Partridge family many years ago. Keith Partridge recently departed. David Cassidy.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Keith Partridge was in love with a beautiful blonde girl. Oh yeah. But she couldn't really sing and Keith was so smitten with her looks that he couldn't really hear her bad voice coming through Cuz I could look at her. So, you know, look at she sings like an angel, you know At a certain point it got to the end and it was like she's gonna have to go up on stage and sing in front of I think They were performing at an army barracks like a camp or something. A USO type thing. Yeah, that kind of thing. And it was like, oh no, everyone will know she's a horrible singer, but the soldiers
Starting point is 00:25:51 were cheering so hard when they saw her in her miniskirt that drowned it out. They're singing. That I get. So that makes sense to you. You sign off on that one. I understand what's going on? DJ Khaled is an unattractive overweight man So now we're left with the talent
Starting point is 00:26:16 See what I'm saying. Yeah, so what is going on? now I have Similar thoughts about pitbull but I feel like that guy, while doing a lot of pointing at the ceiling, does a little more than nothing. So DJ Khaled's going to do nothing and then he's just going to go hammer another check and move on. And I don't get why our society is wired that way. Did he do something, Gary help me with this, did he do something exceptional as a disc jockey? Was the quality of his mixing something unusual?
Starting point is 00:26:46 I say this, there's nothing exceptional you can do as a disc jockey. There's nothing exceptional. Well, you were talking to Steve Aoki, right? How he spent years honing this stuff. But at a certain point, Steve Aoki hits a button and then grabs a giant cream pie and runs to the front of the audience
Starting point is 00:27:04 and jumps up and down and throws pie at people like that's a concert again thoroughly confused thoroughly look I like I you can explain terrorism to me and I will digest it more easily than I will DJ Khaled. This horrific as terrorism is. It makes sense. I can, you can actually. You understand it. Yeah, I can go, not for me, but I still kind of understand what the motivation is.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I have no idea why anyone even knows his name. So in a weird way, DJ Khaled is like a, like he's a black hole to gravity. Like he's this thing that just develops because of the virtue of, the existence of gravity makes this black hole thing develop. And he, given culture, is just this anomalous thing that develops.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah, I don't get why we're so weak or feeble-minded or something. It feels like some sort of side effect of just being what we are and occasionally these these wrinkles will happen I've also I've also Decided that the most important
Starting point is 00:28:18 attribute you could wish your kids to have would be personal momentum and wish your kids to have would be personal momentum. And I know people that are marginally talented with a lot of personal momentum, and they're wildly successful. And then there's people that are really talented with not good in the personal momentum department who have a lot of difficulty. Is that what you like calling it, the engine?
Starting point is 00:28:41 No, no, engine is engine. Yeah. They're a little bit linked, like, that you think you're going to do this, so you tend to do it. Like, the engine and personal momentum are those, but do you know those guys? No, you don't know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm trying to get, nail it. I think I, is it like a salesperson that's gonna sell you something, and they've got this momentum with it, except they're selling themselves. get nail it. I think I know is it like a salesperson that you know gonna sell you something and they've got this momentum with it except they're selling themselves. They believe it. They're selling themselves. They totally believe it. They're also they're the kind of people that would say stuff that would sound incredible
Starting point is 00:29:18 to you. You'd be sitting around a big table and someone might be pitching like a comedy idea and they just go that's not funny And then we should do something else and then someone turned to them and go, okay, what's your what do you got? And they go I don't have anything and they sit down like you'd go like I would never do that I'm so embarrassed to do that right they do that like routinely. I don't have a problem I get it, you know, those guys aren't usually successful. It sounds like Ray. No, Ray's a Tourette's.
Starting point is 00:29:50 With entitlement. Entitlement is a little different than this. This is more Donald Trump. Right, you wanna hear my opinion. And you're gonna love it. And we love it, and it's the best, and I'm the best. So if you wanna be with the best. Is this one of the liabilities of self-esteem. Oh, yeah Yes, this is a little too much parental stroking
Starting point is 00:30:14 Whenever I see this I always look at the relationship with mom and the mom is always way Over the top and way too involved start drilling down on what made this this, it's mom. I was thinking, when you mentioned it, I was thinking of some people that have that kind of mom. Oh yeah, like if you ever had a roommate. Especially around kindergarten age. Like if you ever had that.
Starting point is 00:30:34 That's when that really goes on. If you ever had that roommate with a mom that was like, oh, he made a solid BM, we're gonna case it in a loose site and I'll make a paperweight out of it. If you ever had one of those moms, if you had one of those as roommates, like later on as an adult, they will cook beef stroganoff
Starting point is 00:30:53 and destroy the kitchen that night. And then the following day, you say to them, well, I'm gonna have a couple people over, so be nice if the kitchen was clean. And then they go, yeah, all right. and they watch more TV and then some point you go Well, I guess I'll just clean the kitchen myself and they go, okay Thanks, and they'll just sit there watch you and you'll go where does this come where this person come from? It's that mom That's the mom you didn't have that mom drew. I didn't have that mom
Starting point is 00:31:21 So it's very counterintuitive to us, but for people who did have that mom so it's very counterintuitive to us but for people who did have that mom It's like yeah, why shouldn't you be cleaning my dishes? That's what mama did look at the name of the episode. It's pretty funny That's pretty funny Dora Dora Dora like Torah. Yes, these guys probably Do what that is hot chick must have been named Dora right? So it's like it's like she's a You know, she's barnstorming. Yeah. Thank you, Jim. And now I would like to introduce to you a very vocal young singer who is with us tonight.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I hope you'll give a nice warm welcome to Miss Dora Kelly. You're kidding. Why do they film this just in front of a wall? Yeah. Well, it's an institution. you'll give a nice warm welcome to Miss Dora Kelly. You're kidding. Why do they film this just in front of a wall? Yeah, well it's an institution. I see. Oh yeah. Oh!
Starting point is 00:32:11 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, they don't keep it back in that suit on the floor. Oh! Ha ha, simply god. There's Mr. Pimcaid, the mastermind behind this.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! And there's Mr. Kante, the mastermind behind this. It's kind of hard to keep it going for three minutes though, right? Yeah. TV used to be easier to make. Now you have to do things that are good. Like, look at the young Jay Leno. There's gonna be some raping going on pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You used to just be able to play music and go, all right, we're bringing it on, huh? To be fair, they had these huge jazz bands, right? Full orchestras. It would be exciting when the music would kick in. But that's what DJ Khaled does. I know it's been brought up many times. It's like that episode. Yeah, so she couldn't sing, but who cares? She was wearing hot pants.
Starting point is 00:33:21 All right? Silk hot pants. All right. Silk hot pants. Ruben Kincaid knew what he was talking about when he booked her. Shirley Partridge, the mom, did not agree, but turned out Ruben was right, right? Kincaid was a mastermind. All right. What is, Gary, what is Tabasco on the Scoville? Let me make sure. But I think when I looked it up I got it here still actually the flagship red variety measures between 2500 and 5000. Oh, he just ate Tabasco essentially Yeah, DJ did but my when I said 35 37. That was right. That's right. We're talking about you. Okay. All right. Let's talk to
Starting point is 00:34:04 Kyle 34 Tampa Kyle Hey, what's going on gentlemen? What's going on man? I meant Not much. I heard you talking before the show drew about the terrorist cards. Yeah. Yeah If Gary can look this one up the queen of hearts is one of the funniest looking motherfuckers in the entire world The terrorist cards came up was on this show. Yes, and some yeah, and I was like I just had not heard of it and it's crazy Jordan harbinger brought it up. Yeah But something's wrong there so long as you know that well it's it it struck me as strange that That's something that everybody had heard of. I did not that troubled me.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yes, it's weird. It's got check time. But it's not like it's not like something I can blame on being 60. You know what I mean? That was from probably 10 years ago, right? Yeah, 15. I don't know. But it's in your wheelhouse. 2003. Who here knew the terrorist trading card or terrorist playing cards? Everybody. Everybody, but yeah. Yeah, it's weird. It bothers me. Good.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, it should. All right. That's all for this week. Thanks for listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show classics. I've been your host, Big Brother Jake, host of the Big Brother Jake podcast here on the Podcast One Network. Remember to check back each week for new episodes and while you're at it, don't forget to like, subscribe and rate us 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts. Deuces!

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