The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship" (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: January 1, 2025

On this Adam & Dr. Drew classic, we throw all the way back to the episode that started it all...A&D #001. They open by discussing why Filipinos get into nursing and Adam's experience on a few recent v...isits to the hospital. Then they take a calls including a dental student in Egypt who has a longtime crush on a woman who is already in a relationship, a man who wants to revert back to platonic friends with a woman he slept with and more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, get it on. Got to get it on. No choice but to get it on. Mandate, get it on. You asked for it. You got it. It's me and Dr. Drew together once again. By popular demand.
Starting point is 00:00:12 The first of many. So stay tuned, baby, because we're going to make this a regular dance. Again, we're going commercial free today, so you don't have to worry about that. But if you'd like to support the program, you go to and you hit the Amazon banner. That is, if you're buying something from Amazon, because you probably are, because it's around the holidays. So good seeing you there, Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Good to be here. It's the start of a long, what is that saying from Casablanca? Long relationship. A long, beautiful relationship or something like that. All right, couple things. We'll hit each other in a couple weeks. I had an interesting moment.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Interestingly psychologically, you tell me how you handle this. Just all the people who, all the employees out there that don't like doing their job. I pull up randomly to different places that I own with different people that I employ in different acts. Like different, the warehouses and. Yeah, and you never, I'm not there that often and there's a pretty good chance I'm not going to be there but I do pull up.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And so a few moments ago I pulled up to the other warehouse and Gary, not half-tard Gary the one who works here but full-tard Gary the one who's working on the thing, I pulled up and he was sitting in his car as I pulled up not not eating lunch or anything just sitting in his car and Gary's an honest guy and I don't look at him as a guy who's trying to rip me off so I pulled up and my first beat was, great, sitting in the car.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Like, here I am, it's the middle of the day, he's not eating lunch. What's, why are you sitting in your car? I'm assuming you're on the clock. And then as I pulled up, and the worst thing you can do, now it's one of these things, it's interesting psychologically. The worst thing you can do is what Gary did,
Starting point is 00:02:03 which is see me get out of the car and go back in to do whatever it is he should have been doing. See, when you're Gary, or anyone who's sitting in the car when the boss pulls up, start doing something in your car that looks like it might fall under the heading of official business. Or break, or official break. Or yeah, tilt the seat back and just pop the collar on your shirt and just call it call the night yeah don't do the oops you pulled up shit I got to get back to doing because I've now seen the process you see that's the whole thing see if I pull up ten minutes later and you're back in the shop well then we're fine or if I pulled in ten minutes earlier and you weren't yet in your car,
Starting point is 00:02:45 the worst thing I can see is the transition. Yes, the, oh, you got me. Right. Got you a transition. Now whether you're, you know, sitting in your car on the clock or you're trying to, you know, cop a few batteries from the corner drug store, don't do a big flailing move
Starting point is 00:03:02 as you're walking out of the place that draws attention to yourself So now as I pull up Gary sees me and Gary gets out of the car and walks back into the place And then sort of gets busy now. I can imagine what ensued no no no I did not I did not there was no I didn't ask him what he was doing. I know you did. I didn't want to shame him, but I wanted I'm sure you gave the, all right, Gary. No, no, I didn't give him anything. I just walked in and saw him sort of busily
Starting point is 00:03:33 attempting to look busy once again. But anyway, again, if the boss man pulls up and you're in a position, stay there. Stay there for a while, because then it seems like, yeah, I see you, boss man. I'm doing whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing in here for a little while longer. Or even play it like, wow, but this looks bad.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, that's a lot. Just play it like, but this looks bad, but I just took a five minute break, he caught me in it. Jeez, here's what I did this morning. Another decent one. All right, so Drew, you came over, you brought food. Brought you Filipino food from a patient of mine. I saw patients all morning and they brought in lumpia.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Chris, look at Chris. He's all into it. Oh no. Is that what you are, Maxipatta? Yep. What'd you call him? Chris Maxipatta. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:18 What's his name? Loxamon. Uh-huh. Oh, you're Filipino. Part, right? Part. Part, full? Full. Part, full? 100%.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Oh, wow. Are those, is that one of the good ones or the not good ones? Nurses. Oh, the nurses, yeah, oh boy. Man, we got all kinds of nurses now. I gotta say, nurse, when I was visiting my dad in the hospital,
Starting point is 00:04:43 his nurse was a new gender and a new nationality every single time I pulled into that place. It is wide open. It is not, like what I'm saying is, when you go through LAX and you go through security at LAX, you know what to expect. Not a lot of Swedes work in that shift. Same thing at JFK.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Not the same ethnicity, but a reliable one. But they're very reliable, and you have certain jobs you've learned to rely on. As a matter of fact, at least in LA, if the terrorists ever light off a dirty bomb at like LAX it will take out at least three-quarters of the black population of Los Angeles I do not believe we will have enough black people left to actually keep the race we'll have to import black folks because between the guys driving the shuttles and
Starting point is 00:05:39 the guys working the bags and the guys work in the security it It's pretty much it's it's uh It's fubu over there for us by us, baby You guys have a Filipino fubu now the P would be tough to pronounce You'd have to do a pH Fubu Do you guys remember Fubu? Yeah. I don't think they're so hot anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Fubu was popular, seemed like about 10 years ago. It was like the old black clothing company. It's been a couple weeks since I've been in here. Chris has already had enough of your shit. I know. I wonder... Have you been working hard? Have you been doing a lot of podcasts? That's why's just yeah had an ass full you he was he's been going out doing live ones Oh, that's so he's had enough. Oh, I wonder I wonder if the whole Obama thing has taken the wind out of the sale of the FUBU
Starting point is 00:06:35 You know me because you need a little bit of it's us against the man But now once the one of you is the man there's no more you against the man kind of thing. I'm gonna look into this FUBU. We'll see about buying some stock. All right, so anyway, where were we? Yeah, oh, ethnicities. Yeah, so now the, yeah, a lot of Filipino nurses, right? Why is that, small fingers?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Chris, why is that? I don't know, my mom's a nurse. Yeah, it's really, I. Wow, there you go. Yeah, and they're great, they're excellent nurses too. I don't know if they just saw an opportunity and really exploited it and they told their relatives about it and it turned out to be a good thing.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's a good gig, right? Yeah. I mean, it's a weird gig, but it's a good gig. It's a little intimate for me. You don't like cleaning bedpans and stuff? Oh, all the stuff that's going on. I mean, oh my god. Up in there with the catheters and the sheets and the poo and the thing and the that.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And oh my god. It is a thankless job for the nurses. Oh my god. It really is. The physicians take all the liability, but nursing takes all the shit. Literally the shit. The shit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah. Yeah. And get little credit for it too, because then when somebody is angry and yelling, who's sitting there? It's like being the receptionist at a restaurant. Right. That's the one that takes the grief.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah. Yeah. Except for they're not as hot as the receptionist at the restaurant. But yeah, they're all. And the people are half out of their mind. They're old. They're angry.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They want to get out of bed. They got shit strapped to them, and they're taking, and the people, people are half out of their mind, they're old, they're angry, they want to get out of bed, they got shit strapped to them, and they're taking it out on the nurses. Well then the family does understand the condition there, they get angry with the nurses for not allowing them to do what they want to do, whatever it is, it's always our fault. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:08:16 All right, we have questions, what else? So you had Filipino food. Yeah, Filipino food, I saw patients all morning. You had one of the nurses brought some Filipino food. She's a patient, actually. She's somebody who runs a sort of in-home supportive care services, and it's her mother I take care of. And her mother makes me this stuff every time she comes.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Really? Oh, she makes it up fresh. Yeah, yeah. Oh, nice. It's good. Man. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I'm sure you brought stuff in for the nurses when your dad was getting good care. I'm sure you every day in for the nurses when your dad was getting good care. I'm sure you every day, at least, ripped something off. I couldn't get over two very simple facts about going down to Huntington Memorial in Pasadena, which is a nice hospital. I couldn't get over the fact that there was scratched graffiti all over the elevator where you look at the
Starting point is 00:09:06 readout to see what floor you're on. It was scratched like, take a drywall nail and just scratch your gang whatever in there. And then when I got up to the fourth floor, which is like the intensive care thing, and I went to go use the bathroom, it was scratched into the toilet seat, into the sink, into the dispenser. I'm showing you a picture of a very nice updated hospital that has shit scratched into it utterly and completely. So just for a second, you don't forget
Starting point is 00:09:38 that you're a gang-infested piece of shit of a city. Like, just for a second, if you thought you were thinking about your dad or your mom or your son or your daughter or your loved one that is in some horrible condition with some horrible disease, for one second, if you, don't forget for a second, you live in one of the world's shittiest, dirtiest,
Starting point is 00:09:57 most fucked up cities. So then I got up to the fourth floor and they'd scraped stuff into the toilet seat into the toilet paper dispenser You're into the mirror into everything There's the toilet paper dispenser Now these people are there Theoretically you wouldn't get up to the fourth floor unless you're visiting somebody that some doctor possibly was putting back together. It could be a member of your gang that you've scraped into this thing, or it could be your
Starting point is 00:10:31 father or a loved one or a son or a daughter. But the point is, is now the time to scratch this shit into the toilet seat? By the way- And when do the beheadings begin? When do we just start fucking putting cameras everywhere and just start fucking lopping People's heads off and go look if you are so Fucked up if you are so off mentally that you can't go to a hospital and visit But if I loved one without saving this is where you show the respect your life without fucking
Starting point is 00:11:01 Desecrating not saving your life and saving the life of a loved one without fucking desecrating the bathroom Your fucking life, it's saving the life of a love one, without fucking desecrating the bathroom. Your fucking head needs to be removed from your fucking shoulders. Jesus, it's so fucking sad. Then I went back two weeks later and I went to use the drinking fountain on the first floor. By the fountains and stuff downstairs? Yeah, downstairs.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Huge wad of chewing tobacco dispensed into the stainless steel top of the drinking fountain. There's a picture of it. Do you take pictures of this shit as you go along? I have to, I have to. This is a new habit of yours. I don't think people will believe me when I tell them just how fucking undone the society has become.
Starting point is 00:11:42 It's so weird that you're doing that now. This is a new thing. I can show you. I can't imagine you sitting there like, hold on, smile, whatever. I don't imagine you with the camera. That's crazy. Listen, there's nobody in sight,
Starting point is 00:11:54 and I'll tell you what was four feet away from where the tobacco was, a bathroom. A men's bathroom. Could have easily gone in there. There's the men's bathroom. There's the water. There's the men's bathroom. There's the water. There's the water fountain. Four feet away.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Go in there and spit your fucking dip into the toilet and flush it. This is gonna be your new book, Observations by Adam Carolla. It's your new book. It's not Observations. It's the world through the eyes of Adam Carolla. The camera eyes of Adam.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'm moving to Japan by Adam Carolla. It's not Observations. My Observations is a fucking one-way ticket to Japan. I can't fucking live with these animals anymore. I don't know what's going on. What is going on? Everyone's just fucking self-entitled, narcissistic piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Have you gotten more rigid and more of the man now? You can't tolerate this stuff? Is everything's really the bottom, really fall off of stuff, fall out? I think it's a combination of me getting older, paying more in taxes, kind of looking around and going, what the fuck am I, what am I paying for here? And then us with this lack of standards,
Starting point is 00:12:58 everyone's the best, you know, it's your world, we're all just living in it, whether, there's two sides. There's the sort of There's there's the side that is the sort of Reebok side like hey man You're everything you're you know, you're having to the commercials, you know, that's the sneaker commercials Then there's the kids shows with the fucking wah-wah wubbzy talking about you being the coolest to shows with the fucking Wawa Wubbzy talking about you being the coolest to Somebody tweeted me a picture the other day. It was a graduate It was a big sign like hanging in their high school. That's like do the impossible graduate
Starting point is 00:13:37 the impossible graduating high schools doing achieve the impossible. By the way, I don't make motivational high school signs for a living, but if something is impossible, then you cannot achieve it. It's right up there with giving 110%. It's just mathematically impossible. If it is possible, then you can achieve it. You cannot achieve the impossible. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:03 By definition. You can dream the impossible dream. You can reach for the impossible dream. You can reach for the impossible. Right, by definition. You can dream the impossible dream. You can reach for the impossible dream. You can reach for the impossible. But it's impossible. Right, it is reach the unreachable, do the impossible. First off, can you fucking reach the,
Starting point is 00:14:22 here's the deal, is it unreachable or is it not unreachable? And is it impossible or is it possible? I don't know. We'll have to get Elizabeth Warren on this one to figure out just how fucking far the system is rigged. But- Did you see who the sponsor is?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Taco Bell. Taco Bell. I know. You're fucking turning people into retards one bite at a time. Jesus fucking Christ. Seriously, showing people, just the idea that just,
Starting point is 00:14:55 I don't know if it's grammatically or just sensibly, but it's, your poster is fucked up. Like your poster's incorrect. I mean, it's like calling somebody dumb in a tweet and misspelling dumb. Right. Am I right? Reach the unreachable, do the impossible, graduate.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Do I have to make everyone feel like their cock weighs 80 pounds? Fucking high school graduation is the bare minimum. That's the bare minimum we're asking you to do as a society. Is the fridge, is the great fridge, once told me from the Bears fame, when I went fishing with the fridge
Starting point is 00:15:40 and I pulled up a little trout, I said, what do you think now, fridge? And he said, you done worked your way up to a zero. Ha ha ha. I'm going to rest on my laurels. I've achieved the impossible. Drain. That's what I'd understand. How is it so difficult? Why is there a population that's doing the impossible?
Starting point is 00:16:14 And then why are there kids that are killing themselves and competitively in these colleges all over the country? I don't know. It's like the gap. That's where the gap to me is the most obvious. The kids that are, there's tons of kids trying to kill to get into these top tier colleges.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I mean, and they are brilliant, and they work their asses off, it is game on. Way worse than when I was in college, way worse. Right. Ridiculous. My daughter had a little crisis where she was anxious, panicking about her workload, and I told her to just. You want me to yell at her? I do.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Let's call her. Should I call her and yell at her? Mike, pull this thing out for the live show. This is fucking, this is so much worse than I ever thought. Reach the Unreachable, do the Impossible, graduate. By the way, don't tell moronic 16 year olds that graduation is impossible. That's all the fucking motivation
Starting point is 00:17:05 I would have needed to stay home. Like I just looked up at that poster and said, impossible, fuck this, I'm going home. I can't do the impossible. And every time I got a fail, I just said, talk to the fucking poster, it's impossible. You understand? The impossible.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I got news for you. There's a job waiting for you at Taco Bell whether you graduate or not. They don't need to see any diplomas. Not you. Not me. Well, he was not Taco Bell material, everybody. All right. So what happened with your daughter?
Starting point is 00:17:37 So she was saying, I said, look, just talk to your dean, drop that class, but I'll have it incomplete on my. She had a class that was too tough? It was just, she hated it, she had other stuff. She was falling behind, not because she was spending time with the things she hated. Some math science sort of thing? No, Marxist feminist class.
Starting point is 00:17:55 It was like, ah. Ah. Churning out angry dykes since 1872. I've never been prouder of her, by the way. Oh my God. I wanted to get out of that class. Do you guys seriously worry about the fucking poisoning that's going on?
Starting point is 00:18:11 I was with that class. 50 grand a year? She puts her lectures in drop blocks, I get to listen to them. I listen to stuff that she's, because for the 50 grand I might as well get some education myself. And I was listening to that one going,
Starting point is 00:18:21 holy shit, are you kidding me? Oh my God, if she takes that stuff on, and then she started slowly becoming disenchanted. I was like, oh thank God. Anyway, but she literally said, that's gonna be on the transcript, what is gonna happen to my life? Those words came out of her mouth and I went,
Starting point is 00:18:38 oh my God, I am not, you cannot, I will not let you talk like that. That is a zit on your butt, stop it. The drop. And incomplete a zit on your butt. Stop it. The drop. And incomplete at a top tier university. But don't you feel like- Compared that to Do the Impossible. Don't you think she was just saying that to you
Starting point is 00:18:53 because you put so much pressure on her over the years? She does it herself. But you freaked her out. The point is, she's in a campus with 3,000 kids freaking out like that. How could we have those and then we have do the impossible? That's creating a massive difference in what's going on out there. Well, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's gonna be important that your daughter graduate and become very successful so she can pay for the folks that cannot achieve the impossible, which is graduating high school. Yeah, and by the way, she'll have to work even harder with her 73 cents to our dollar. I realized something you know whenever they got that fucking feminist bullshit about 73 cents to the dollar. Every single dude I know works much harder than almost every chick I know. Just more hours, more work,
Starting point is 00:19:42 just more weekends, like more, just more. It could've be possible that guys were just maybe cut out for that. Even if you say historically, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of
Starting point is 00:19:56 historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of
Starting point is 00:20:03 historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. You've been more sort of, you've been more sort of historically. and my wife and maybe my wife is better at being a mom and taking care of the kids and maybe that's why she only gets 73 cents to my dollar. Maybe it's because I do more of that. Maybe, no difference between canyons and Eskimos in the marathon. Just canyons better running. They run harder.
Starting point is 00:20:20 How dare you? How dare we? You know you had your buddy Penn on the Bluff Line last night, and he took issue with saying, making any generalities about any groups or any genders, that the individual variability amongst individuals is really where everything is at, and that we shouldn't be saying it.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Just again, Eskimos and Nigerians or whatever, Eskimos and Kenyans, no difference. Now, the individuals is really where the differences lie. Well, I say to people all the time, like they say to me, look, you know, someone asked you who was funnier, men or women, and you said men. And what the hell, and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And then how do you explain that? Because I know Sarah Silverman is funnier than some of the guys I work with at the sheet metal factory. And you go, yeah, I know, here's how it works. Who's better at basketball, blacks or Jews? Who's better at basketball, blacks or Jews? And then I go, well, if I was gonna pick a team,
Starting point is 00:21:20 sight unseen, I'm just gonna go with blacks. And they go, huh, really? Because I went to college with a guy who was all state who could kick the shit out of Al Roker in a game of horse, and it's like, yes, there are, yes, there are Jews that can beat Al Roker in horse, yes. That's not what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I don't know, when did we decide, and this is one of those things, I know I bring it up all't know, when did we decide, and this is one of those things, I know I bring it up all the time, when did we decide that that was a viable way to argue? To bring up weird exceptions, anomalies, and then shove them in the face of- Because there's fear that whatever you take a general position about any group,
Starting point is 00:22:01 whatever that group might be, even if it's- Why do you think your retarded anomaly is going to work on me? I guess is my, would be a better question for that person. Who could beat Al Roker? There's a guy, there's a Jew? Well, you know what? I apologize, I'd like to rescind my statement.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I'm wrong, I'm now wrong. When people bring up your statement about women being, on average, not as funny as men, what I say is, Adam will concede that the funniest person on Earth may be a female. On Earth, by far, even. But still, on average, men funnier. That's your statement.
Starting point is 00:22:37 That's the question. That was the question. All right, you ready to take some phone calls here? Let's do it. Maybe we should take a quick break. All right. Let's to take some phone calls here? Let's do it. Mm-hmm. Maybe we should take a quick break. All right. Let's take a quick break.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We'll come back. We got Robert from Houston and Mike from San Francisco. Andrew from Ohio. I've got Oxycontin questions and birth control questions, and someone got drunk questions and had sex. We'll do that after this. Hey, it's Adam Kroll from the Adam Kroll Show. BetOnline is the world's most trusted betting platform and your number one
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Starting point is 00:23:58 sports a little more interesting with BetOnline. Bet Online, the game starts here. Yeah, we're back everybody. And by the way, let me get this straight. If you'd like to support the show and you want to click through the Amazon banner, click through the Amazon link on the Adam and Drew show page. So Dr. Drew can wet his beak as well. Yeah. All right, now, where were we? We have your phone calls up there. show page so uh... doctor drew can uh... wet his beak as well
Starting point is 00:24:25 alright now where where we have your uh... phone calls up there we'll take a few also gonna share an article from variety that uh... i think you'll get a kick out of drew someone had sex someone got drunk good to me robert what's going on rob uh... nothing just uh... calling in two of my favorite podcasters.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Thank you. My brother, you have a question? Yeah. So I've had this female friend and she's fun to like go to the bar and have a couple of drinks with but not really like dating material. And I got too drunk and we ended up sleeping together and I kinda just wanna go back to being friends now but I don't know if that's even possible or how I should handle it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Yeah, you've turned on that part of her that is now going to be sort of wanting to bond with you. Or it's already bonded. Or it's already bonded. And the fact that she did it means that it's, I mean you probably know that she liked you, right? Yeah. So now she likes you more and it's gonna be weird.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well let's sort of paint the picture of what a friendship always sets up in a 20-something year old female male situation. It's always the friendship, and I'm not saying that men and women can't be great friends, I'm saying the way friendships get set up in the vast majority of situations, someone is attracted and attracted enough to go and sort of make contact with that person and the other person
Starting point is 00:25:54 does not reciprocate. And the attracted person settles for a friend. And when it's a male, he's waiting. He's waiting for his time. He'll wait years. Right? If it's a female, they'll actually settle for friendship. They actually settle for it. But if the guy then... Yeah, no, it's a sleeper cell. Yeah. Semen cell. Semen sleeper. Oh, they're just waiting for that fucking phone call from Benny Layden to strike, you know what I mean? And they'll just mix in with the local community and hang out for two years. But all you got to do is fall asleep or drink too many beers and pow. Now in the women's situation, the guys will sometimes
Starting point is 00:26:29 do sort of a mercy thing when they're just in the port in the storm kind of thing, and then the women will misinterpret that. And then he's actually hurt her potentially by doing that, and that's why he's freaked out now. He knows he's crossed the line. Right, he knows. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:26:43 So you gotta get it back quick, back into alignment, and she may not be able to tolerate it. Yeah, only way to do that's with a blow job. A well-placed blow job. Rob? Yes. Do you have, now here's what we need now. We need a reason, other than that jerk-off reason
Starting point is 00:27:02 of you focusing on your career and you work at a batting cage you know what I'm saying okay that's my point you can't be focusing on your career and working on jettas all day you know what I'm saying yeah so what I'm what I'm saying what I'm saying to you is, do you have another girl in mind? Sure, I got a couple. Okay, what I'm saying is, you can't just say to her, look, we slept together, it was a mistake, I'm not attracted to you, I'm moving on.
Starting point is 00:27:40 What you have to say is, I cherish our friendship, I feel like we had this thing, I want to get back to the friendship part, and it's gonna seem like just a flat out lie if and there's not some reason why you two can't go out. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. If you have a...
Starting point is 00:28:03 Okay, all right, right listen who cares Rob Gives a shit the fuck I care Do we think I give a shit about these people? Yeah, I used to think so yeah Yeah, I got this right anything go do it. Yeah, listen if you're gonna be fucking reading emails while I'm dispensing pearls of wisdom You can go fuck yourself Dammit should have said that the first day on Loveline. By the way, there's an article in Variety the other day
Starting point is 00:28:35 and they're talking about the pod people and the top audio snatchers, they call it. I think somebody snatchers thing. And they're talking, there's a picture of me in there and they're talking about this and that and the other. And I've said a million times, you have no idea how inaccurate all of these articles are until they start writing about you.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Print, print, we're talking about print. Yeah, yeah. And I assume it's not just articles about me. I'm sure Benghazi and whatever other topic is out there that you pick up at any newspaper, I'm sure they're completely fucked up with those articles still. It has to be because the shit they're writing about,
Starting point is 00:29:14 say about you or me is so sort of basic. All they have to do is get the facts right and the facts are very simple. They cannot do it. Adam, map me be on this, not some of the time, all the time. Right, so I'm reading this article about podcasting and podcasters,
Starting point is 00:29:33 and at the bottom they're talking about Kevin Smith, and they say Kevin Smith, and then they mention Mark Maron. Their program have paved the way for a new generation led by names more familiar to TV and film, including Adam Carolla. So Mark Maron paved the way for me to get into podcasting, except for I was doing podcasting
Starting point is 00:29:57 before Mark Maron was doing it. How fucking off can you be? And here's my question to everybody, whether you're misspelling my name or saying that Mark Maron, who I like, paved the way for me when I was doing a podcast six months before he was, you have a box on your desk. It's called a computer. I said, I remember reading this thing and I knew Kevin Smith had been doing one for a long time, but I was like, Mark Maron, I think I did mine before his.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And all I did was I went to iTunes, which is the easiest place to find a podcast, and I just clicked on Mark Maron's thing, and I just scrolled down and I read, oh, his first review. Because that's pretty easy, because his first review was like September 2nd, 09 and I kept scrolling down and all the dates after that were after September 2nd. So that's his first review.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It means it came out that day or the day before. Then I went to, clicked on my picture and it said February 25th, 09 and that was my first review. And all the reviews were 25th,th 20 and 26 27 28 till now It's almost 17,000 but the point is is in the course of about 35 seconds. I was able to ascertain Through the review process very simple very simple with the computer that they're probably using to type the article on with the computer that they're probably using to type the article on.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Why is everyone so wrong all the time? And how come there's no sense of, well, don't you wanna check this out? I mean, literally saying paved the way. No, no. It's like, it's really, it's like saying, hold on a second. It's like saying Joe Morgan paved the way for, now I'm thinking of the
Starting point is 00:31:50 first black, Jackie Robinson. I got my black guys whipped up. But now it's not quite that bad. But the point is, is no no Jackie Robinson was in the league before Joe Morgan was in the league. And it was important. His history was important. Yes and I understand maybe they're not huge fans or maybe they like Mark was in the league before Joe Morgan was in the league. And it was important. It was important. His history was important. And I understand maybe they're not huge fans or maybe they like Marc Maron or something, but do they have to twist things around that much? Now you need to apply a principle
Starting point is 00:32:14 that I've heard you scream about for years, which is the behavior tells you about the motivation. Yes. Yes. So what's in it for them to be right? Nothing. Zero. So they aren't concerned with being right. So what's in it for them to be right? Nothing. Zero. So they aren't concerned with being right. So what is their motivation? What are they trying to do?
Starting point is 00:32:30 Well, I think they like Mark Maron. No, no, they're trying to make it clever, make it snappy, attract eyes. That's all they give a shit about. So it has to be presented in such a way. So I'm surprised they they're trying to make a story out of it. Make the they don't give a shit about the fact. No, I understand. But there has to be some love such a way. So I'm surprised they're trying to make a story out of it. They don't give a shit about the fact. No, I understand, but there has to be some love for Mark Maron, otherwise you'd say Adam Corolla
Starting point is 00:32:52 and Kevin Smith paved the way for such names as Mark Maron, Joe Rogan, and Jay Moore. Why would you just flip-flop those two names? I agree, I agree with you completely in that circumstance, but I'm saying in general, why print never gets it right. Yeah, there's nothing at stake and they don't care. But there is something in it for them, which is to make it sexy, make it controversial,
Starting point is 00:33:13 make it problematic, therefore, it's necessarily gonna be inaccurate. Well, that's when I laugh about this all the time with Mike Lynch, where we do the thing where I'm like teenager college student kills himself doesn't sound like much much there gay teenager college student kills himself all right I'm listening what What else we got? cyber bullied Teen gay kills himself because he was cyber bullied by his roommate. Okay. All right now now we got something
Starting point is 00:33:52 Now we have a story. I've invented the story basically, but we have a story. Let me let me tell you a recent version of that man in relationship with another man The partner said to start it at 16. Oh, no story there. Man is in the media. Oh, oh, oh, true. What do we got here? Man works with children in the media.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Oh, this is good. It's Elmo. Elmo, oh my God. Headline. Headlines, now we got a story. And it's all BS. Of course. But they don't check it out and they don't say,
Starting point is 00:34:24 they say alleged and therefore they're off the hook. And nobody can go sue them for ruining that guy's career. I know. Doesn't that piss you off? No, but the whole Mark Merritt thing makes me pretty upset. I don't care about the Elmo thing so much. Of course, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:34:40 And that's where we're at now. And by the way, by the way, here's how it goes down when you then see these stories. Now, six months on, I'm talking to Alison, my news girl, and I'm going, you know, I'm talking about that story. And she's like, well, his roommate filmed him having sex and then put it out on the internet. And it's like, no, that's not what happened. That's not the story. That's the story you got because it was salacious.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Nobody ever makes a headline of, hey, we made a mistake. That headline should be ahead of all the other headlines. Of course. We fucked up and we're sorry, we're falling on our sword. What can we do to repair this? No, they don't give a shit about what they did to that guy. Right, all right, there you go. There in there lies some other issues
Starting point is 00:35:30 about scratching your name into the toilet. There's something in all that together. Well, as I always say, my next new favorite game show will be called Stupid or Liar. I will contact the folks from Variety, I will talk to Andrew Wallenstein, and I will say, are you stupid? Because you have a computer, and you could source this.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And by the way, it's not the kind of thing you would know. You'd have to go find out. Let's call him. Andrew would have to find this out. So, you could source it, you could source it, you could check it very easily, or maybe you're just a Mark Maron fan and you decided you wanted a story
Starting point is 00:36:13 where he paved the way for guys like me, even though I was doing a podcast before him. So, stupid or liar, either way you need to go. That's my point, because either you're dumb and you can't work a fucking computer and I can't work a computer and even I can find out the fucking dates on there or you need to go because you're lying. All right, I suspect it's liar and it's not liar. It's wishful thinking liar, but it's still liar. Here's how I want this story to be.
Starting point is 00:36:41 but it's still liar. Here's how I want this story to be. Right, good point. It's tough to be in journalism with a very strong, here's how I wish this worked out. Well, and they're also, they're desperate now because the online blogs and things are eroding their markets and they're desperate to survive, so they're become more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Right. They become, I- All right, find me iTunes, seriously. Pave the way for a new generation. Pave the way for a new generation. Pave the way for a new generation. Sounds like it was years before. And again, I'm nothing against Mark Maron. I'm just saying, I've had my name spelled
Starting point is 00:37:18 two different ways in the same article. I've had, I had a guy write the whole story of me and the Dixie Chicks, and you remember that well, and Natalie Maines and all that, and leave out the part where she asked me to escort her to the Grammys. Just Adam thought one of the Dixie Chicks was in love with this willy-nilly. Right. You leave out the key component of the story is Natalie contacting me and wanting me to escort her to the Grammys and then later on there's all the hijinks that Jimmy Kimmel played. You leave that part off I just seem like a delusional buffoon. And by the way why not just say Raquel
Starting point is 00:38:03 Welch. Why picking Natalie from the Dixie J. Adrienne Barbeau. Right, now we're talking. All right, let's see, someone has a crush on a girl. We should have a new policy, just no more print interviews. Right? Why do them if they come out wrong so much? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:20 At least when you talk to somebody, it's your words. Oh, listen, and by the way, everyone's got a fucking blog and everyone's an idiot and I talk to fucking, it's your words. You just talk to them. Oh, listen, and by the way, everyone's got a fucking blog and everyone's an idiot, and I talk to fucking these people all the time, and the last one I talked to was like, you have something called Mangria, yeah. That's where you mix alcohol? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I heard that was bad. I said, no, it's fine. I heard it was bad when you mix alcohol. No, it's all right. I heard it was bad when you mix alcohol. No, it's all right. I heard it was bad. I said, listen, I sat next to Drew for 10 years. We used to talk about this a lot, mixing, you know, drink beer, drink vodka, drink tequila.
Starting point is 00:38:54 It's the accumulation of alcohol. It's not the mixing. People are insane with the, oh, I can't mix the tequila with the beer. It's no, you drank seven beers and at five shots of Cuervo gold That's why you're vomiting. That's right. Not because you've mixed beer. I Heard it was bad. It was like shut up bitch. I don't know the fuck you are It's like I literally just says are we done? Can we go? Can I go and by the way, she doesn't write for anything
Starting point is 00:39:22 Everyone just calls themselves like they just go, what do you do? I write for Media Blast Off Magazine. And you're like, what's that? Five, 50 million downloads a week. And you're like, all right, next thing you know, you're doing an interview with them. And you realize they don't have to fuck they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:39:36 They don't have anything. They don't do anything. But again, back to the scratching, the name or the gang stuff in the hospital. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. I'm talking. But it's me. It's me, I'm talking. But it's me. It's me.
Starting point is 00:39:47 But it's me. And by the way, whoever told you you were good at this or should even try it? Who said you must interview? It was like literally, so that's bad. I mean, it's like six laps of me going, it's not bad. It's fine. I couldn't sell the product if it was bad or bad for you
Starting point is 00:40:06 or gonna hurt you in some way. Jesus Christ, is that Ali? He's from Egypt? Ali? Ali? Yeah, hi. What's going on? You are literally in Egypt? Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:20 You're calling from Egypt? Yeah, yeah. Oh good, my friend Um Gad Abu Zamzam says hi Um, I mean, I mean listen, I don't mean to get off topic completely here, but Egypt sent some people into Gaza today or is that sort of the buzz on the street there? Yeah, I don't know much about that, but I know the prime minister went there to check it out. That's right. And I think there was this fire for a while there.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Okay. Yeah, listen, this whole Middle Eastern thing will blow over. What? Yeah, by the weekend. It's just a minor argument between two people will blow over in a couple of days. I had it like said, by Sunday, these guys will all be sitting down breaking bread together.
Starting point is 00:41:01 This is nothing. It's just what's called fad. Are people sort of more moderate in Egypt, or are people wanting some extreme measures taken? I'm just sorry to get off topic here, but I heard a guy interview at the BBC last night, I was sort of shocked. He was saying, you know, we want to undo the peace accord
Starting point is 00:41:16 of, you know, Camp David, and we want extreme measures taken. I thought, eh, it doesn't sound like Egypt to me. Turns out everyone hates Jews, and that's the issue. No. Well, no, not, not, not, I'm not everyone hates Jews, and that's the issue. Well, no, not, not, not, I'm not everyone in Egypt, but I just mean ultimately it's antisemitism. I don't, I'm an atheist.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I don't, I don't got a fucking dog in this fight or any flesh in this, in this, in the game. Yeah, I know. I, I listened to the podcast since, like, inception. But I can tell you that they hate Jews. Are you from this country or you live Egyptian? No, I'm Egyptian. Born and raised.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So what do you do? What's the average day for you like over there in Egypt? Well, I'm a dental student. So I go to college like five days a week. Wow. And then you'll be an Egyptian dentist? Hopefully on day, yeah. And now how do you listen to the program? I download it through the website. How did you learn about it? Better question, yes. Mine was a dumb question. The first episode I listened to
Starting point is 00:42:23 was with Billy West, because I'm a big fan of his, and then I loved that show, and then I listened to like all of them, and then I discovered Loveline, and then I downloaded the old episodes, and then I discovered the Man Show on Cranky Anchors and the books and all that stuff. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:37 This guy. Eventually he's gonna crawl right up my mom's vagina. He's gonna keep going. Stop when you get to my mom's vagina, Ali. Please, I beg of you. She's elderly now. Wow. Wow. That's a fan.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So you must be like, you know, you heard the Billy West podcast, right? Yeah, in like 2010 or something. And you were like, all right, I don't know who this Corolla is, but he seems all right. No, I saw you on the roast a couple of times and I heard you like on late night shows. You're pretty funny You're very funny. That's cool. Oh, thank you. And I'm waiting right up
Starting point is 00:43:14 You're okay. No, you're very funny. I'm scrolling over sir. Thank you. Thank you and drew and say you've heard a lot of love lines and you've heard Drew's like an inspiration to me been inspiration to me to better myself and to actually help my community. Fantastic, Ollie, jeez, we need to stay in touch with this guy. We do. Well, your question, sorry, was Ollie. Well, I've been in love with this girl for two years,
Starting point is 00:43:38 but she's always in a relationship. And I can't really ask her out if she's in a relationship. Okay, let me tell you Ali, I have a cult piece of advice. Well a piece of advice and then I've got a kind of a weird question. He's up on his feet so look out. My back's hurting me. Is um I this I wonder I think one of the reasons I want to keep in touch with Ali is I wonder if the cultural context of the male female dance is different there you know what I'm saying because there's so many prescriptions that are different than what we deal
Starting point is 00:44:08 with here. That's fascinating to me. But that that interestingly again doesn't apply to your question. Here's what you do. You have one move. You ready? You go to her. Does she think you're you're her friend? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm a defender. Okay. You have to be prepared to make a declaration that you'll stay her friend but if you if she Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm in the front. Okay, you have to be prepared to make a declaration that you'll stay her friend, but if she should break up with her boyfriend,
Starting point is 00:44:30 you're not into breaking her up, but I just want you to know that I would love to date you. Just put it out there. And she's got your number, maybe we can write your number. I write it on a card too, they love cards. On a card, just say, this is it, I won't bring it up again,'re friends. I may really value but What are you guys up to there as far as numbers go like three digits?
Starting point is 00:44:51 What do you got? Eight eight look out. That's a weird. That's weird. Yeah, we got seven. You're you're kicking our ass, man One of that kid talking about you The number. Number what? Phone number. How many digits in the phone number? Yeah, I wanna know. Wow. It's a different culture I'm trying to learn. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:15 If you ever again say you don't have Asperger's, I'm gonna remember this call. Chris says they're up to five in the Philippines. Moving on up, we just got one the other day. Just got a new number. Six! Celebrate. No, no, they just moved to five. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's where it's going. That's not such a big deal. So seriously, eight digits? Yeah. Well, no, I mean, do you have the prefix? Do you have to dial one?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Do you have to dial one? Mobile phones are completely different. Yeah, but the hard line is like, we'll have like one, eight, one, eight, and then seven digits. What do you guys have? We have like two and then the rest of the number. Two is like the area code and then there's like a three area code and a four area code. So the area codes are just one number. Oh man, man that's a time saver. I gotta move out to Egypt, really save some time
Starting point is 00:46:05 on those hard lines, you know? So, Ollie, what do you think about my advice? Can you do it? It sounds like a good thing to do, actually. Yeah, you just write it down, right? I did that with my wife. I said she was with somebody, and I just said, look, I'm not gonna break anybody up.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You're with somebody, it's fine. Here's my number. Should you break up, please call. That was it. Wow, how long did it take? Few months. Wow. It's great because it's really like the equivalent of like one of the employees here going,
Starting point is 00:46:38 not for nothing. You know, I'm not really here to drop a dime on anyone, but caught fondly or beaten off in the common area again. And anyway, I'm not here to talk about other people. Of course, I have to say something. I mean, I don't think your wife would have broke up with her guy if you had not dropped that number and she had not been interested in you.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I think it makes it easier if relationship is not going well to have she had not been interested in you. I think it makes it easier if relationship is not going well to have a bullpen. I like that. I'm entering the bullpen and I'll be warming up my arm. Also. I'll be fine. I don't have to come to the mound. I'm warming up. Ollie's been warming up his arm for these two years.
Starting point is 00:47:16 When the coach calls for me, I'll be ready. So listen, Ollie, here's the good news. If this doesn't work, and it may not, you will be a professional. You will be a doctor at some point, and you will have your pick of the litter. And right now, you're sort of paying for it. It's the revenge of the nerd sort of thing. That's right. It's delayed gratification. That's right. So if this girl works out, great. If this girl doesn't work out in a few short years,
Starting point is 00:47:48 when you're a dentist and you're driving a cool car and you're making good cash, you will have the pick of the litter. And the guy who was the jock in your high school, who was the big, studly, 145 pound guy who played on the cricket team. What is the sport? What are you guys playing? Hi shit all over there cricket, right? Soccer I'm sorry, but Presti calls it soccer. He'll rest he'll be he'll call it soccer if you grew up in Egypt
Starting point is 00:48:17 He listens to show Yeah, he listens a lot of these very he listen on American television. Oh, yeah. Thanks, Ali Well done Ali. Good luck. Let us know call us again. We're listening I actually really like to talk to you as this I have a feeling this thing that's playing out in the Middle East right now This particular crisis is gonna kind of move along. I don't think this is gonna go well for a while Why yeah, no way, that's impossible Yeah, my'm afraid not. No way. Yeah. That's impossible. Yeah, mine is February 24th, 09, and Mark Merren's is September 2nd, 09.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Those are the first reviews on iTunes. So there you go. Easy to find, if you'd like to find it, but I would argue they don't want to most to most time. All right, let's take Ten minutes. Oh, well why what do you take? I would take your yeah, I want ten minutes. Yeah, Eric What's going on Eric is a guy I listen to you guys for ten years. It's often be able to talk to you I even got my wife hooked on the old love line episode great. That's making me rich Well, I had this story I had a kind of a man Gria ask moments of inspiration
Starting point is 00:49:31 Which I think we should just say it's a man Gria moment instead of Eureka nice Just look to the heavens and say man Gria. I like that no Anyway, what it is is when you're Eric Eric hold on. Let's give him a couple nods. I mean, he was preparing for that moment for quite some time, obviously. His mangria scream with Eureka, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Good one. Yeah, okay, he actually tipped his hat a little bit. All right, I haven't taken any improv classes. I'm still working on my yes hand. No kidding, huh? Yeah. All right, so I invented this thing that's kind of Funny in the morning when I would take a shower I would notice that the bar of soap would get really small and every time it happens about every two weeks every time
Starting point is 00:50:17 I would have the little small bar of soap I was always pissed off at it because I kind of want to chuck it because I don't like using it But it's perfectly good. So I don't want to throw away and just waste it, right? so I redesigned the bar of soap so I went out and I Do some computer stuff for my day job and I modeled in 3d a new bar of soap That's got this concave groove on the top. So it mates up perfectly with the worn down previous sliver you've got. You keep pushing together. You press it into the new bar and they kind of merge together and become one all by themselves. I thought you would love this. So it is for itself, not for
Starting point is 00:50:58 another brand of soap that gets worn down. You can probably fit any. Correct, it's for itself. But you can probably fit. It's kind of an infinite cycle. Right, but it's an infinite cycle, you know, like a snake eating its tail or those Russian dolls or something where as it goes down you keep feeding it back in. Wow, that's a really cool idea. That's what I thought. I thought you'd like that. I do. It's called stack soap. I like that. You know, I don't have a big business or anything, so I went online and kind of found some people that were interested in helping me make it. And we got it made, and now it's available on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Awesome. If somebody wants to support the podcast, they can even go there and click through your website and see it on Amazon. Keyword, mangria. You can, by the way, go to the if you want to check it out. Oh my god, there it is. That's the stack.
Starting point is 00:51:48 That's cool. Or you can get it by the glass at Malfi, my restaurant on La Brea, if you want to check that out. Adam, I know you've been interested before about those machines that Jay Leno had to make custom car parts. You know those 3D printers? The CNC stuff. Yeah, oh yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:52:04 That's what I used to make this so I designed it in 3d and then I can contract it out to a company that gives me one of those 3d prints and from there I could make some molds of it and refine the design like four times before I got the final design done I'll tell you what I call machine I think what's really what's really cool what's really cool is anytime somebody can solve a problem without more materials or moving parts, I love that idea. This is a design idea.
Starting point is 00:52:34 It's not a let's, you know, there's, there's. It's not a manufacturing idea. Yeah, the point is, is you can make anything, you know, you could make anything, you could make a car fender that never corroded if and you dipped it in enough bonderized material or whatever it is. But that putting on more material and adding cost to it
Starting point is 00:52:56 is not really a solution. That's just, you know, like you could, here's what I'm saying. You could make a car safe or safer if you welded a roll bar into every single car that came off the factory line, but that's more weight and more money. But if you come up with a design that makes it safer
Starting point is 00:53:14 but adds no more material, then that's cool to me because it doesn't add to the weight and it doesn't add to the cost. It's using your imagination and intellect to solve problems, right? Right. I wish I used soap, Eric. I really do.
Starting point is 00:53:27 What? I don't use soap. Thank you for calling, Eric. Eric, I had a chat with him on Green Room, which is check out too. It's interesting if you guys wanna talk directly to us, not on the podcast. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I think it's really cool, and I love the idea that everyone, that people talk about the computer opening the door for, oh, well now you wanna record and you have your own recording studio in your garage now because you have a laptop, Macintosh. But what about all the guys with ideas, the designers? You know what I mean? Like he designs this stuff on his computer.
Starting point is 00:54:02 When we're doing the Mangria label, we're doing it on the computer now. It's no more go to the print shop, get the silk screen, the sort of mechanical stuff. You forget about all the little ins and outs. You're never gonna make the wine bottle on the computer, but you can design the wine bottle on the computer and know what it's gonna look like
Starting point is 00:54:22 before you get the molds going. All right, Drew, this guy's been addicted to Oxycontin and wants something fast. Hurry. Oh, you know what? Maybe we'll save him for the next show. I think that's what we should do. All right, let's do that.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Let's wrap this bad boy out of here. I wanna thank you so much. I wanna thank you for supporting the show. Again, more of me and Dr. Drew to come. Just keep listening. We're gonna do this on a regular basis. Until next time, this is Adam Krollen for Dr. Drew, Mike Lynch, and Chris Maxapad a-sayin'. Mahalo.

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