The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - Uncertain Paternity (The Adam and Dr. Drew Show Classics)

Episode Date: December 30, 2024

Adam and Drew further discuss Adam's recent interview with Gavin Newsom and the guys selling flowers on Forrest Lawn Drive. Later they take calls on meth addiction and an abortion due to uncertain pa...ternity.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Corolla Digital. Recorded live at Corolla One Studios with Adam Corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky. You're listening to the Adam and Dr. Drew show. Yeah get it on. Got to get it on. No choice but to get it on. Dr. Drew with me back together again everybody. And loving it. How's that song go? No. That's reunited.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Reunited. Yeah. And it feels so good Yeah, if you want to support the show you can donate by clicking the PayPal donation button and you can set the donation Subscription, you know give five bucks a month. Why not? Blessing our heinies for you over there. By the way, dr Drew and I come into a town near you Vegas Salt Lake City, Redondo Beach Napa Just go to my website and check out our tour You can find the live dates on there also me and Dennis Prager. There's a guy you'd like Drew That is a man who why don't we bring him in for a threesome? All right. Yeah, we should let's do that
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah, yeah, we're gonna be at CSUN in Northridge That is this Saturday March 16th at the Valley Center for Performing Arts a guy Who just has a ton of? Good old-fashioned wisdom. Yeah, I died. I would love talk to him. Yeah, it's wisdom with great depth of learning Oh, yes, which is that rare combo man is traveled speaks fluent Russian I mean is incredible ain't talking to academics. Ooh, wee. But you and he will differ on many things academically.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Really? Well, because he never was a student, he didn't like homework. I mean, he was sort of above everything. He was past everything when he was doing it, but. That's a forget differ, I have absolute awe for that. No, you have awe, but it's not the way you would have raised your kids They would have done homework. He didn't do homework and let me ask you drew this homework business. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:02:12 know I seem like I I feel like I've said many times. I am a a I'm a Alien your gene who's come from the future to come back to present time to be annoyed. No, I know. And I keep asking you, I do think you have a keen insight into lots of things. I keep asking you, what is the future? You keep saying we're going to swing back, but I don't know when.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Tell me, oh, alien. What does the next 10 years hold? Who's going to win the Kentucky Derby? I don't know anything, I just know people, and I know what works and what doesn't work. Somebody gonna lob a nuke at us, you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know, whatever we're doing is not working now. Well, but it kinda is,
Starting point is 00:03:02 because I think the generation coming up is getting a little fed up with all this shit And wants to sort of have some autonomy and work hard and I guess we say fed up you mean fat. Yes, you're right They're getting fat up now Here's here's here's but so anyway Riddle me this yeah my kids go to school for
Starting point is 00:03:26 Seven hours a day and they're in the first grade the first grade I take them to a place that our tax our tax dollars theoretically pay for and They go in there and they get educated or whatevered Probably more brainwashed. I called someone stupid the other day. Both my kids said, you don't say the S word. I said, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:03:55 That's like, I thought I said shit. They said, no, it's another S word. It's stupid, you don't say stupid. I said- It was Italian, not Italian, be fair. No, it was both of them. I tell them all the time daddy says stupid all the time and get used to it because there's plenty of stupid people out there and as a matter of fact, there's more of them than there are smart people and Stupid is not a bad word. It's an accurate description of many of the people that are walking this fucking planet
Starting point is 00:04:21 So the idea that we don't say the f-word daddy The idea, oh the F word would be fine to their teachers. But believe you me, fuck would be a whole lot less egregious than stupid in the environment. They met fat, they met fat. They're being grown, yeah, they're being indoctrinated into this fucking culture where I called someone dumb,
Starting point is 00:04:42 they got freaked out about that. So it's all my son explaining to me he was bullied because he was talking to a kid and the kid put his fingers in his own ears. Like literally like if you were talking and I just put my fingers in my ears and didn't want to hear you talk, he considered that bullying. So we're indoctrinating them into pussy university and they're all just fucking soft and weak and all the parents are soft and weak and they're all outraged over nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I don't know, I told you they had a walk for fitness and they walked and they... Did they make it? They survived it? They were being cheered on by dooring parents while they walked on grass in a circle. You could only imagine when you were six or seven doing that, right? Your dad taking the day off work to come down and fucking cheer you on. And then the announcer Coach Rick kept yelling, slow down, slow down, no running, no running, safety first. They're on a grass field run, no running, it's a walk for fitness.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I have no idea what's going on. I have no idea. And I am a fucking heretic because I'm looking around going, I have no idea what we're doing here. What are we doing here? Well, Mr. Alien from the Future, where does this play out? How does this play out? There'll be a backlash and you're already seeing it.
Starting point is 00:06:02 What's the biggest, what is the biggest rising sport? Max Appadum looking at you. That's right. Biggest rising sport? What sport has risen the most over the last five years and ten years? That's right. Soccer. Oh, shut up, dude. MMA. No, we're trying to get people into soccer. No, that's my point. That is an interesting point though. Quiet! Because it's going both directions at once. No, I'll tell you why it's going towards soccer. Because we're dying to turn our kids into pussies.
Starting point is 00:06:34 We're dying and we're working at it as hard as we possibly can, but it's not really taking. Go to the fucking soccer stadiums in the United States. It's not working. It's not look How much Soccer do you see on a saturday on espn have a lot more than when we were kids. Yes, but it's not There's no pay-per-view soccer. There's no big size. There's no shut up. Nobody wants soccer We're trying to foist soccer on everyone. We've been trying for 30 years People give more of a shit than they did. That's because We've been trying for 30 years. People give more of a shit than they did just because they've been pounding us relentlessly with soccer.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Or maybe it's a lot of immigrants who love soccer and you know. Yeah, there's that. Oh no, yeah, it's all Hispanic if you go to the whatever, the old depot center, whatever it is. But listen, Americans, we don't give a shit about soccer. Americans as opposed to Hispanics. Listen, Drew, what I'm saying is we've turned our melting pot into a fruit salad where everyone else just sort of has their own nationalistic part of the bowl.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Right. And they speak their own language and they have their own culture. That's right. And they went, this is what we are. It's not a melting pot anymore, right? Right. This is us. It's not the America that I knew.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I remember when Susan graduated from UCLA, that was the lecture the historian gave. The melting pot is the worst, most disgusting notion foisted by rich white men on a polyglot that we need to have our own separate but equal fruit salad, as you say. Yeah. It's working out awesomely for some and for others. Start melting melting baby. But anyway politicians aren't in the... Well it's not up to them to tell the truth or try to help the part that's not melting
Starting point is 00:08:14 in and they're not doing a very good job of it and that's fine. Anyway, by the way a few weeks back I had Gavin Newsom on the show, Lieutenant Governor, as I told you before. I was explaining to him that when I drive home from this podcast, I see the illegal aliens selling the flowers in front of the mortuary. And I can show you the pile of boxes of trash that they leave behind. Go ahead and take a look there, Drew.
Starting point is 00:08:51 That's the fruit guys, to be fair. No. That's flower guys, okay. Flower guys. Thank you, Drew. No, there's both fruit and flowers being sold out there. No, it's flower. All right. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Flower guys sell their flowers on that corner. Anyway, no, it's flour. All right Go ahead flour guys Sell their flowers on that corner. Yeah, and all long four salon drive, right? So more it's a cemetery they do not yes They do not provide trash cans or any kind of receptacles or recycling anything for them because you can't aid them these guys Eat their fast food bring their boxes that their flowers come in and do whatever, and they have nowhere to put it, so they throw it on the ground. Thus, my drive home is just littered with garbage on the side of the freeway.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Now, the picture you're looking at of the garbage is months old. No one cleans it up. The picture you're looking at in the upper left is me driving home watching one of our finest CHP officers Pulling over a guy in a new BMW and giving him a chicken shit ticket for rolling through a stop sign At the bottom of the off-ramp of the freeway Same strip where the guys are selling the flowers 80 feet down is the guy selling the flowers illegally we've decided to focus on the people that are paying taxes and not the ones that are engaged in illegal activity and by the way who bring nothing to the tax base. This is all underground.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Nobody's being taxed on this. But here's what Gavin Newsom had to say about the proud guy who's selling the flowers. I drive home down Forest Lawn Boulevard or Forest Lawn Drive, there's illegals selling flowers. There's a big mess, a big pile. There's this whole underground culture. Everyone's selling. There's a pile of garbage, by the way.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Those are all the flower boxes they use. And then I can show you a picture of the guys selling the flowers illegally. By the way, it's not going into the tax money. It's not going in the coffers of the state. They just sell illegally. And then I can show you a picture of a highway patrolman, a California highway patrolman, giving out a chicken shit ticket
Starting point is 00:10:54 for rolling through a right, rolling, there. Oh, there he is. Now just beyond him is all the illegals doing their illegal business. But what are we focusing on, Gavin? We're focusing on the guy who didn't come to a complete stop. We should bring in, I have a CHP officer with me, you should bring him in. Bring him in!
Starting point is 00:11:10 Look, that poor guy in the corner selling something that people apparently want. Those flowers. People want heroin. No, he doesn't want it. I'm sympathetic to that. The guy who owns the flower store a mile away who's being undercut. Well, there's competition. There's competition. Making those flower stores more aggressive. Doesn't want it the guy who owns the flower store a mile away who's being under You sell wine
Starting point is 00:11:32 Hey Gavin, I live in California I want to build a little structure on my property cool little competition Just kind of do my own thing fucking hypocrite Because you're gonna come and shut my me down as fast you fucking can know what he's saying is underground black market hardworking that's the way to go I guess so he was very clear about that well he said what's wrong the little competition underground illegal untaxed that's competition that's competition there you go mr. Thank you. That's awesome. So I can just go build my own shit on my own property because I'm just going to do my own
Starting point is 00:12:08 thing. Just a little underground, little underground building community. Just do my own thing, man. That guy's hard working. By the way, he's turning the criminal into a hero. And by the way, I'm not, I don't think these guys are serial killers or anything But one person is engaged in an illegal activity Which is they are selling something that is not being taxed number one number two a little
Starting point is 00:12:41 Competition well the guy down the street in Toluca Lake who has the flower shop He has to pay all your taxes He has to pay all your tariffs and revenues and whatever, God knows special business licenses and special this and special that. I'm sure there's some EPA guy that's charging him an extra whatever for whatever waste when he cuts the fucking baby's breath off the thing and throws it in the dumpster. He can't compete with this guy because of all the regulations you piled on top of him, but that's cool. What's wrong with a little competition he's not paying taxes I thought you
Starting point is 00:13:08 guys liked tax money or maybe only like it from certain people it's his tax dollars did you say it all to him well I said what okay did you keep going well there's more yeah yes that's well here I told my competition so you know it's making those flower stores or you sell wine over here We got a Mexican who makes his own wine. He's gonna stand on your way I admire the small business person the entrepreneur gets up tries to sell a thing or two and wants to make a difference No, he's missing it's in order at least those guys are out there working hard He's missing that it's illegal. He's feeding their family, working hard. At least those guys are out there working hard. He's missing that it's illegal, right?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Well he heard me. Yeah. There's no permits. He's not a hardworking small businessman. Or other than maybe we're all just doing our own thing. Like alright, I'm just going to sell mangreia. Let's get a box and sell mangreia. That be cool?
Starting point is 00:14:03 We'll get a couple cases of mangreia. Let's do a box and sell mangrove. That be cool? Get a couple cases of mangrove. Let's do that, Mike. Let's get a couple cases of mangrove and just set up next to these guys and start selling booze. Why don't you get these guys to sell for you? Oh, that's a better idea. See, my thing is why can't these guys be brought in to the whole system? There is no system.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That would be my... These guys don't want a system. They want me to pay more. That's their system. That's their system. That's their plan. This is a lieutenant governor of California. I'm talking about illegal activity here. He's vehemently defending the illegal activity and defending the CHP who's doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Did he bring the CHP guy in? Yes, I yelled at him. What did he say? He had nothing to say. They're there for our safety. They're there for our safety. These guys just piling trash up. All right, so Drew, what am I, insane?
Starting point is 00:14:53 What's going on? Well, you're an alien from the future. So you see things differently. An alien from the future. Come back to be annoyed. Honestly, for the love of Christ, really. But the same thing, don't you love that those guys are out there hustling? I like that. I do. No, I'm. I love that. So isn't there a way to bring them into the system
Starting point is 00:15:08 a little bit? There would be if someone would address it as a problem. Not even as a problem like as a problem. No, it's a problem. Okay, as a problem that has a solution. Let's solve this thing. Of course, so they all have solutions. Just address it as a problem and shut up with your fucking backpedaling. It's not a problem. It is a problem. You addressed it as a problem and shut up with your fucking backpedaling. It's not a problem. It is a problem. You addressed it as a problem. It's a problem. It has a solution. A solution can be proactive, meaning positive. Win-win-win for everybody. We can get some tax dollars out of this. Yes. But it's not going to happen. Why? They're heroes. You're a bad person because you drive a BMW and you pay taxes and we need you to kick in a little more
Starting point is 00:15:47 so that we can fix this stuff. But they never get around to fixing it. And Newsom has decided these guys are heroes. Small business. Soccer and MMA. Because I think in that analogy is something interesting, which I think is the fact that things are going in two directions simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:16:05 To a degree. Whether it's MMA and soccer or hyperachievement and staying in bed. No, no. Let me, yes. So what happens with that in the future? No, I'll tell you. Australian. Quiet.
Starting point is 00:16:17 We, yes, soccer and MMA are the two biggest, you know, football is the biggest sport. But what I'm saying is, and by the way, is there anything more violent and more aggressive and more, as I've said many times, the beauty of football is nobody sits home, watches a Super Bowl, and sees Anquan Bolden or Larry Fitzgerald and goes, I could cover that guy. No, you can't. And you're sitting at home and you know it.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And that's why it's pure. It's 100% pure. Larry Fitzgerald's dad doesn't own the team. He doesn't coach the team. He's there because of his vertical leap and he's there because he's the best. And we all know it. And that's why we're secretly attracted to it.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I've said it many times, why we love it so much. Because it's the only thing that's pure. Gavin Newsom is not Lieutenant Governor of California because he's the smartest guy in the land. You know what I'm saying? So it's pure and we love it. We love that. Now soccer is being pushed on us.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It's being pushed on us hard. Imported and pushed hard by the pussies of this country. MMA, that's where we go when we're left alone. pushed hard by the pussies of this country. MMA, that's where we go when we're left alone. It doesn't get pushed on you. You go there and you pay 55 bucks to watch it. Nobody I know would pay 55 bucks to watch Spain play Greece and soccer.
Starting point is 00:17:41 But I understand there's certain cultures that are into it, I understand it's bigger and other whatever but as Americans in general they've been pushing soccer on us for the as long as but what about this divide that's open I and the Super Bowl gets incredible ratings and the soccer gets God knows what with America we'd rather watch Super Bowl with the lights out this thing yes this thing that is this divide this chasm is What's going to sort of implode on itself coming up? Oh is that what's gonna happen? Mr. Alien? Yes, we have we have way too. We have way too many people with their hand out saying
Starting point is 00:18:19 You know don't use the s-word play soccer and what's wrong with paying for by the way everyone who's playing soccer You should be paying for their lunch. I cannot tell you it's turning the corner. It's turning the corner. I'll tell you why. Because 10 years ago, this outrage didn't exist. Which outrage? The outrage of having a guy like Lieutenant Governor of one of the Biggest states and one of the biggest economies in the world in the world
Starting point is 00:18:49 Sit here and just fucking make excuses and tell bullshit out of the back of his ass People still accept that stuff But 10 years ago if I would have called him on it, they would have come after me now to call them on it, they would have come after me. Now, my, my, my Tweet-osphere is like, finally, somebody is talking, somebody is stepping up, we have a voice, keep going. Of course, you get the ones, I find comical, I get the ones that's like, they're talking about slavery, it's like, just five generations ago, these people were slaves. And I just write back, so let's just wait it out.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Like, okay, five generations ago, there were slaves. What I'm saying is what would you like to do now? Not what happened five, I recognize that. Three generations ago, my ancestors were peasants. Yeah, yeah, but. Two generations ago, they were worked in a grocery store. Well, that's. But that was the American thing.
Starting point is 00:19:50 My wife's parents weren't born in this country. No, my grandparents weren't. I know, but I'm saying my wife's parents, my wife is younger than you. Yeah, yeah. And her parents weren't born here. I don't know what they have to do with slavery and they didn't come here with a whole pillowcase full of gold.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But that part, we're like, it's only, Rubio is the only guy here talking about that immigrant mentality that we used to promote. Yeah. You know, that helped give people opportunity. The point is, you bend, you bend, you bend, and then basically you get to a breaking point. And now we're at the breaking point. And the people, the guy in the BMW who's getting pulled over for the chicken shit ticket, who's, and by the way, that chicken shit ticket is going to cost him 285 bucks. And if he wants to fight it, you can pay the full amount first, which by the way, seems illegal to me. I don't
Starting point is 00:20:42 know how court systems work but you if you're gonna fight a ticket why do you have to pay the full amount of the fine and then fight and see if you can get it back? That seems very undemocratic. I think what they do is they just cash it and then don't find don't then don't issue it. Well because they're interested in the money anyway. If you fight it you pay it first. And then you can try to get it back. Meanwhile, it just sits in their bank. And then by the way, someone whose bank it's in decides whether you get it back or not.
Starting point is 00:21:13 No interest to you though. No. Look eventually the people who are driving the BMWs, paying the taxes, getting the chicken shit tickets and having the fingers wagged at them, telling them they need to do more, they're gonna snap. And that's what you're seeing now. People are tired of it. And that's what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's a backlash, and it's coming. What's it gonna look like? It's gonna look like more people speaking out when they were formerly afraid to speak out because they didn't wanna be called bigoted or homophobic or everything. The second you open your mouth, you get called something and then you start backpedaling
Starting point is 00:21:57 and then you lose the argument. The voices are gonna start stepping up. You have discussed the fact that there's always new nomenclatures every generation. It needs its own language so people can identify it as an action, just like we have PC, we need the opposite of that. We need some sort of term that people understand
Starting point is 00:22:16 as speaking out. Yeah, well now. What would that be, just speaking out? You know, it's... S-O's it's so So so of you so It's so so That's so so yeah. Well, we're gonna call it something because well you're for the future. What do they call it? Oh true? What you know this thing all the time?
Starting point is 00:22:39 We just think I'm a fucking magic box of pearls, which is true. You declare it all the time. I'm just mining it. That's all. I'm just exploring it. Okay. Let's get our minds wrapped around this. These are people that are tired of being called rich, whitey, class warfare wagers or homoph homophobic bigoted you know all this kind of stuff for basically speaking their mind which is I am saying guy in
Starting point is 00:23:12 BMW not the problem guy selling the flowers part of the problem but can be corrected and turned into it the problem is the guy in the BMW is white and the guy selling the flowers is Mexican quiet and, and that makes me a racist. Now, we need to come up with something other than racist so that we can discuss this problem. And that's what you're looking for, a handle. A handle, yeah. I think the problem is the lieutenant governor, not the flower guy and not the BMW guy. The problem is the lack of leadership. Well the problem with the guy selling the flowers is he's just doing what he's doing. Yeah he's hustling. That's right. Yeah. The guy, although you you not say that if he was
Starting point is 00:23:55 breaking into your car, yeah because that's a junkie just doing what he's doing, just hustling with a brick. But the problem is the lieutenant governor and the guy in the BMW. Because the guy in the BMW should have been outraged in fighting the ticket and attacking the system as I yelled at you calling you a pussy in front of a client a few years, a few weeks back when we had a meeting with a client. You say that to me so often I've forgotten what the hell we were talking about. The client said, when did the people that were earning the money, when did the people that were paying the taxes and taking care of the kids, when did we turn into the bad guy and how did this happen? And I at Drew I said blame Drew don't blame me
Starting point is 00:24:45 I've been saying I'm literally a millionaire fuck all you get to work and that's never stopped never stopped but everyone else is scared and they don't want to get labeled and the only way to correct this problem whether it's fucking Nazi Germany and it's 1938-39 and you speak or it's now sane people the guy driving the BMW start speaking up fight the ticket every ticket you get just fucking fight it every red left turn arrow drive through it it's all I do just do it clog the system fuck the system fuck these people up. Because listen, the Gavin Newsoms of the world, they're going to do what they're going to do for as long as they
Starting point is 00:25:30 can do it. We are advocating civil disobedience, which is a philosophy. I'm saying the same thing Rosa Parks did. Yeah, that's civil disobedience. Right, exactly. It's like we have God on our side. It's the other side of that equation for a different reason that people would argue It's an interesting application of the policy. Look, philosophy. Listen, when the government is allowed to make reasonable requests of its citizens, once it gets past reasonable, we're allowed to resist.'s what I'm this country was established thank you it becomes tyranny at a certain point yeah they're allowed
Starting point is 00:26:10 to ask me for a percentage of my paycheck and stop at red lights and blah blah blah but if they want me to sit there and rot in an intersection outside of Westwood one in Culver City at midnight on Sunday night and look at look down Venice Boulevard which is the straightest law I mean it's literally 17 miles of straight ahead you see the earth curve in the distance and just sit there in what was a shitty neighborhood waiting for them to tell me it's okay to turn left I'm turning left and it's their fault because they should have calibrated or
Starting point is 00:26:43 timed the signals so they didn't do that on a Sunday night but they have no interest in my time they have interest in revenues so yes I'm turning through that I don't know what that makes me civil disobedience all right good fuck them and I've been getting a lot of tweets on this everyone is doing it now everyone's turning through the left turn arrows I got everyone doing it now. Everyone's turning through the left turn arrows. I got everyone doing it keep doing it And I'm telling you don't we need cake. It gets easier and easier Can we find a more productive metaphor than the left turn arrow? Is there other things we could do as I oh well, there's another there's another stoplight on forest lawn
Starting point is 00:27:18 That was put there for the studios. No, I'm not shush Except for we'll get to that except for the studios are closed on Saturday and Sunday, but the light is still red. The gates are closed. Physically the gates are closed. There's closed gates, but signals still turning red. So I drive through that one as well, and I drive through them all. Gary, how many, since you've been with me, been driving through the arrows? Oh, absolutely, and it's even, it's only gotten worse since I moved into your neighborhood. I blow that arrow every single day, twice a day, and I was behind you on the way to work one day and I saw you blow the studio, the Warner Brothers stoplight.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I've been blowing that one every single time too now. This is drive through red lights. Just look around. Look to your right, look to your left. The government fucked that one up. They're not interested. Now, again, parking meters, smartest ones on the planet, they sense when your car leaves and goes back to zero.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So that involves generation of money. That's income. They get smart with that. Signals? Not so smart. Is there other metaphors than blowing through traffic signals that we could do actively to move things in a positive direction? Get leadership out of our leadership.
Starting point is 00:28:25 What we're saying, we're saying something with TT. TT? I don't know why those initials popped up. Talking something. Civil disobedience. No, I'm not saying that we need the, I'm off the nomenclature and just saying what other behaviors can we all participate in, they could move things, you know, in a positive direction, productive direction.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, just everyone start, everyone drive through. Red lights, red lights. No, no, no, just look, here's the thing. Everybody when you, you have to live, you have to live your life. I'll tell you, you do it on a micro level to try to get society back from the lawyers or whoever, the government, whoever. The warehouse you're sitting in. When Barack Obama bought me this warehouse 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:29:21 when I bought this warehouse 10 years ago, there was a guy in it and the guy was using the warehouse for his flooring company and he had, I don't know, 18 months left on his lease. So I bought a warehouse that had someone who had a lease on it. Of course I wanted to use the warehouse but I couldn't kick the guy out he had a lease so I said to the gentleman listen when when you're ready to leave if you're looking for another place and he was I'll let you right out of that 18-month lease you say the word you're out because I'm anxious to move in and start working and making my shot he said
Starting point is 00:30:02 okay I'm looking for places and I'll let you know. I said okay. Six months went by and he said I found a place and I said good for you. This will be your last month's when you move out. You know the 30th. I said okay this will be your last month's rent and that'll be that. And he said I need you to come down here and sign a piece of paper that says I'm letting I'm legally being let out of my lease. And I said, I appreciate that. But I told you when I first met you, I looked in the eye and I said, you can leave anytime you want.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And there'll be no repercussions. And I'm anxious to get in here. And he said, Yeah, but I need you to sign this piece of paper. And I said, I gave him my word. And that's good enough for me. And it'll be good enough for you. And he said, I gave him my word, and that's good enough for me, and it'll be good enough for you. And he said, I need you to sign this document. And I said, well, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Stay in 18 months. I'm not signing the document. So, your choice is, you can leave at the end of the month, and we'll never see each other again. Or, you can stay. But either way, there's no document that I'm signing. Well guess what? He left.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And that was ten years ago. I've had it happen many times where people come here and shot here and then said, I need you to sign a release. After it's done, I said, I told you, you were permitted to come on to this property. I gave you my okay verbally and now it's fine. Well, we need you to sign the release. I said, I'm not signing the release. I said it was okay.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I said, if I don't sign the release, we can't use any of this footage. I said, well then don't use it. And what do they do? Use it. Of course. Everyone does. That's 96%. I mean, I had my stupid telepictures contract and my assistant
Starting point is 00:31:48 J signed the whole thing almost taking a nap I have I have my assistant sign 99% of the shit I do I had my assistant uses fucking thumb in place when I've had something notarized once nice and feel like putting my thumb in place when I've had something notarized once. Nice. Didn't feel like putting my thumb in there. Fuck it. Everyone start doing that. Live your life that way. Everyone do it simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Everyone do it simultaneously. When you go, you know, when you, as I said, I pulled into a parking lot. I had a guy come out. He was a dick. He said, $20. I said, yeah, hold on. Let me park the car. I'm sitting a parking lot. I had a guy come out. He was a dick. He said, $20. I said, yeah, hold on. Let me park the car. I'm sitting on my wallet.
Starting point is 00:32:29 $20 now. I said, let me get out of the car. I'm wearing a suit. I'm sitting on the suit tail. I'm sitting on my wallet. I'll park the car right there. I'll get out of the car. I'll give it the $20.
Starting point is 00:32:38 He said, now. No. No parking. I said, hey, fuck you. And I turned around to go across the street to go park at the other place. And he went, it was funny. I didn't say fuck you. I said, I'm going to go. I said, thanks. I'm going to go park across the street and give him my $20 when I get out of my car.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And the guy went, okay, okay, okay, fine. Park. And I said, fuck you. And I drove to the other side of the street. I t-boned a bus filled with retarded kids. Fuck you and I drove to the other side of the street. I T-boned a bus filled with retarded kids it burst into flames and then I parked and the moral of the story. No Everyone just do that. I'm not saying be a dick I'm not saying me rude just start fucking putting people in their place and start dealing with like adults like adults Yeah, and eventually society will, it'll slowly start coming around.
Starting point is 00:33:29 It seems like a taller order than, tougher to turn than the direction we've been going. Just turn it toward common sense everybody. All right, I'll tell you what. Do call. Let's take a quick, take, tease a call. Find one you like. I want to do a really light two to this is wife of four years wants to get a ball on what? Mike's giving you a signal, but I don't know what the eyeballs down to the chest means
Starting point is 00:33:54 I was saying lying to sounds interesting, but then drew said he wanted it light. I want to buy really easy I've been diving into alien future here, and it's a little bit. Let's go line to what the hell All right wife of four years wants to get an abortion. They're not sure the kid is his All right right after this Hey, it's Adam Kroll from the Adam Kroll the show bet online is the world's most trusted betting platform and your number one source for online betting from the earliest odds to for online betting from the earliest odds to in-game live betting. BetOnline provides you with all the action and the ability to watch and bet on games as they happen with the largest selection of odds on everything from football, NBA, college basketball as well bet online has NHL MMA and championship boxing all your betting needs in one place
Starting point is 00:34:49 Head to bet online today to get in on the action with America's most trusted site for online Wagering so have some fun make these games in these events in these combat sports a little more interesting with bet online bet online. The game starts here. All right. Back with Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew, give us a nice plug. Well, first, I want to say remember my podcast Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Dr. us a nice plug, come on. Well first I want to say remember my podcast,
Starting point is 00:35:25 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,, iTunes, and the Adam Carolla app. Really, I'm really pleased with those shows. And this show, keep it up close. You get some good guests on that show. Let me just jump in and say there's some really cool people coming in and out of this place. Yeah, but what I like is the interview I have with them
Starting point is 00:35:43 is nothing I've ever heard before. I mean, it's really interesting. And this show,, Adam and Dr. Drew, I beg your pardon,, donate at PayPal, donate button, set a donation subscription, and also click through the Amazon link at There you go.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah, never quite with Augusto, but I know you feel bad asking for things. That's true. All right. Brian Jose. Jose. Jose. All right, guys. 28. Call him from Phoenix. What's going on? All right. Well, my wife had a one night stand affair in December. She had a period that month and we, I got her to go to counseling and we started doing pretty good and you know we started getting intimate ourselves and she was pregnant. Doctor said January 10th was her pregnant date and now she wants to have an abortion because it was just too
Starting point is 00:36:44 too close for her for her comfort and doesn't want to end up with a surprise and break up our family All right couple things. So how did you find out about this one night stand? Well, it was actually two separate occasions She had just started a new job and there was a guy at her new job We had got into that boring couple stage. We stopped paying attention to each other a little bit this new guy We're just I don't know if I was with you. I don't know you like your man does Do and she's just a bad liar and I caught her the day up Wow, kind of long story. All right, I got you and I caught her the day out. It's kind of a long story.
Starting point is 00:37:23 All right, I got you. Listen, these fucking douchebags out there, I'd treat you like, of course you would. You'd give me, I don't care, give me a Ferrari. That first week, that's gonna be a love affair. Year number 11, it's gonna be the car I drive. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And of course that's how it works. Oh baby I'd treat you. Yeah you would treat
Starting point is 00:37:50 her different if you met her in an office ten years ago. Jose would. Ten years. Yeah. That's how it goes. That's how we're wired. Chicks fall for it. All right. I'm glad to hear about the counseling part. Yeah. Jose. Right. I'm glad to hear about the part where you're keeping your family together and you're you're you're taking mature and appropriate steps I don't know how to advise them on the abortion. Well, she had her period After she had sex with him, which doesn't mean everything right? It's a good Reassuring sign. It's a good indicator. Yeah, it's a good indicator. What would you say? It's 95% or what would you say it is?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Was it a normal period? Sorry. Was it a normal period she had after the... He gives it a four and a half. Yeah. Wait, I gotta jump in. Oh, is it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:43 She said she had her period, or she had her period? Because if she said she had her period, and now she's pregnant, and she wants an abortion, she may not have had her period. Right. Yeah, no. The New Year's Eve, we went out, and we were out drinking. And we actually ended the night making love
Starting point is 00:39:05 and it was you know I could I red-wing status or whatever I don't know you want to use but yeah all right all right so she did have her okay she did ever how many kids do you have we have a three-year-old all right what's the nationality of the guy she had sex with? The Mexican Chicano and we back and what what part of Scotland are you from? Actually Nova Scotia what Jersey freaked out by showing with a sense of humor. You can't process it. So you're Hispanic yourself? Yes. Small businessman selling flowers on forest law? I have every morning.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Let me ask you this. From an ethnic standpoint, if you saw the kid, are you going to be able to tell? Maybe not. We were looking at paternity tests. Maybe that's the trick, to do that. Philosophically, people would say, well, it's not the child's fault that it was the product of this kind of situation. It's hard to defend abortion on this basis, even though I understand it. It's hard to defend it
Starting point is 00:40:26 So it's real. I don't know what to tell you. All right Hold on. Did you get the paternity test? Yeah, at least do that How soon can you get a paternity test? I don't know the number off that Look at the key guys look that up online I mean you have to wait to the kid kids old enough to go on more pove. No, they can do in utero testing, I believe. That's what I'm. That's what I'm.
Starting point is 00:40:50 But I don't know if it's soon enough to be able to still clearly adopt the abortion. And then it's a weird thing where you do a paternity, you know, you do a paternity test in utero. Gary, as early as the eighth week, it says. Eighth week. So there you go. All right. And then you can get your abortion. Yep, which now makes you a little weird
Starting point is 00:41:08 because you're Pardon me, uh right to lifers or life to right to choose You're kind of taking a life. Yeah, uh, well wait a minute true It's the mother's it's the mother's choice um, but you are now punishing a creature. A bystander. And don't get me wrong, I don't care. But you now have to make an interesting decision,
Starting point is 00:41:39 which is I may not believe in abortion. If this was my DNA, this thing would come to term. But it's someone else's DNA. So now this thing's never going to college. It's kind of a weird position to put yourself in. Yeah. I mean, there's many different sort of philosophical conversations to be had.
Starting point is 00:41:57 One is that from an evolutionary perspective, humans have done shit like this for a long, long time. Well, and also people have raised other people's kids in times millions. That's right. And the real question is, what is your obligation to see a life safely into fruition? Is it send them through college?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Is it just get them full term and give up for adoption? Well, the problem too is, if this person is a living reminder of this affair. I understand. It's a tall order for them interpersonally. I am going to say. What is their obligation? Here's what I will say. I'll break this off into pieces.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I will say let's get a paternity test. For sure. Eight weeks in. Yep. And then. they're already there Okay, then let's take that information and let's sit down with people that we think are wise and Really discuss this yeah, okay, so call back all right drew long childhood I'm gonna brace out of the way. I just want to take a little breather here. Bryson breather, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Hey, how's it going? Good, 19 from Michigan. Question. Yeah, I just wanted to get your take on Celebrity Apprentice. I mean, when you were on there, you didn't really seem to be the kind of the screwball you are today. And you just seemed very calm and then seemed like you gave up. Okay, well, what do you need to know from me then? And this seemed very calm and then seemed like you gave up
Starting point is 00:43:27 Okay, well, what do you need to know from me then? well, I mean How was it staged at all or why did you kind of put yourself in a chopping block? Well, you have to understand and if you have to understand strategically if I told you You're playing this game dig drew dig You're playing this game with a bunch of other people and you want those people to respect you and feel In debt it indebted to you and so and so forth right right and you basically said Look, we're gonna go in there and we're gonna play one hand of blackjack against the other team. Now, if we lose, I'm gonna take you, you and you, and you're gonna come back to me
Starting point is 00:44:09 and we're gonna see who's gonna get fired from this casino. But what if you look down and you had an ace showing? And you went, well, I know I'm, I don't know I'm gonna win, but I feel really confident that I'm gonna win this. Well, then it would be strategically advantageous to you to say hey everybody I'll take the bullet I'm gonna take the bullet because you've seen you don't think you're gonna get the bullet so now
Starting point is 00:44:34 your whole tribe is going well there's a stand-up guy yeah I'm not gonna take him I'm not gonna haul him in there next time you bought yourself a lot of goodwill because you were the dude who stood up and said I'm not gonna haul him in there next time. You bought yourself a lot of goodwill because you were the dude who stood up and said, I'm not bringing any of you back and I'm not changing my mind. That's where I stand. So that strategically would be pretty good because it'd be a long time before somebody brought you back
Starting point is 00:44:58 into the boardroom. So part of it is that, it's a strategic, look, it's doubling down. It's when you split aces when you play 21 you get two aces you split them Yeah, you don't know you're getting two Kings you may get a king and a three but the way the game is played split them Yeah, and I Kicked ass so royally on What they'd asked us to do? That I was wildly confident that we won,
Starting point is 00:45:26 and so was everyone else. I didn't know that the game was misrepresented to me, it was explained to me. Their producer, Off Air, told us to do it differently than what they would have liked, which was a big fat mistake on his part, and that I would be punished because Michael Andretti didn't step up
Starting point is 00:45:44 and take the challenge and blah blah blah. So that's what happened to me. Yes, they fucked up and they edited around it, but their off air producer gave me marching orders that then got me eliminated. I've heard they play games like that. Well I don't think he meant it, but it. Yeah. Yeah, it was it was it was it were they play games like that Well, I don't think he meant it but it was it was perfect. It's exactly what you want drew which is Literally we're doing a presentation we're launching a new Buick piece of shit and they go Okay, and then the guys giving you the briefing with no cameras rolling and he says
Starting point is 00:46:22 And then the guy's giving you the briefing with no cameras rolling. And he says, do it like a Steve Jobs presentation. And you go, Steve Jobs? Yeah, Steve Jobs. Think of Steve Jobs presentation. Then I go back to the war room as the leader and the car expert. And I say, all right, we're all gonna go up on stage
Starting point is 00:46:40 and we're gonna do a group encounter group for guys who won't buy American cars. They only buy European cars. But how do we get going to do a group encounter group for guys who won't buy American cars. They only buy European cars. But how do we get them to buy? And then Penn Jillette goes, didn't you hear what the guy said? Steve Jobs presentation. That's you on stage with it with a presenting with this. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:58 With the microphone. And I said, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But what if we all did a sketch or skit or something where we all got up on stage? And he said, the guy said Steve Jobs. And then I saw the guy later on, the producer, when we test drove the car and I said, hey, I wasn't listening really clear, but Penn is on this thing because he's smart. You think we should do this? This should be done as a Steve Jobs type presentation?
Starting point is 00:47:23 He said, absolutely. I said, all right went back and I said all right I'm gonna be Steve Jobs I'm gonna be on stage I'll bring Michael and dready up on stage because I know they'll kill me if I don't bring the professional driver up on stage and I have you guys in the audience asking me questions okay and then you know it Penn Jillette's gonna go I'm a big man I can't fit in this car and I'm gonna go yes you can right then at the end a big man, I can't fit in this car. And I'm gonna go, yes, you can, right? Then at the end, the criticism was
Starting point is 00:47:47 is I didn't involve enough of my teammates. Right. Because, and then they edited it in such a way where like Penn Jillette was like going, I told him. Yeah, yeah. It made me seem like the guy went, hey, I'll handle this, I'll do it all. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Trump asked me who I should fire. I said fire the producer told me to do the Steve Jobs presentation because that's exactly what I did. What did he say when he said that? Well they edit that part out. But what did he say though? He just stood there. He doesn't know what's going on. So that's the truth. So I was misled by a producer who should have frankly kept his fucking mouth shut. He should have kept repeating that so they couldn't get it. They couldn't edit around you. You can't. That's the truth. Did you get asked to do the All-Star thing?
Starting point is 00:48:29 No. I think I talked a little bit too much about what went on. And look, I'm not bitter. I wanted to go home anyway. I'm fine. Just saying don't edit it and make me look like an asswipe. We actually had an edited version that they made the mistake of sending me where they cooked it.
Starting point is 00:48:47 They were asking me, sorry, Gary, but Gary's bitter. I'm bitter. Fuck them. They made it seem like I did this and I did that. I didn't do it. But I've talked to a number of people flying off that show with the same feeling, same note. Same note, that they were told they were manipulated by a producer, then edited a certain way.
Starting point is 00:49:05 And when you hear that on a reality show, you just go, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure. But that's what they do. I thought they were above this. But the game type shows, nah, the game shows, they kind of have to do that. Because they know who they want to move forward, they know who they want to win, they know who they want at the end. Well, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah. Arsenio won. Arsenio has a talk show on. And guess who's producing Arsenio's talk show? Oh. Donald Trump. Ah. I like Arsenio, but Clay raised almost twice as much money
Starting point is 00:49:35 for the final, final challenge, fundraiser, raised, doubled Arsenio's, and the show was a little better. But our sineos still won. Isn't that interesting? Well, no one said these shows have to be truthful. No, they don't. Just so long as you guys understand how things work. All right, and yeah, and they also sent me,
Starting point is 00:50:01 they made me a mistake of sending me a tape that had Ivanka Trump like They put words in her mouth. They edited it like her Yeah, I can't remember what it was dubbing of her talking when she hadn't been Right during the during the boardroom. Yeah, of course Yeah, we're surprises you guys know, but this one crossed the line a little bit because it was literally creating a line, painting a picture that didn't happen in the room.
Starting point is 00:50:32 That happens all the time, really. I understand it. All the time. I just thought the Mark Burnett stuff was a little higher. Listen, I've had to wrangle people away from the patients at celebrity rehab to make sure anybody could get near them Hey Brian Bryson Bryson no no no that answer your question
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yeah, I appreciate it. Thanks. Take my call. All right. Thank you. All right, let's talk Idaho Meadow Hello there. I like you Meadow What I didn't hear you he likes the cut of your jib. I like you. Oh Thank you. I appreciate you guys very much first of all I'm really nervous, but since I've been waiting for two hours my nerves have kind of gone down so My sister she was She was on drugs probably about 10 years ago and she got clean around 7 years ago.
Starting point is 00:51:33 But she still drank and smoked pot and that sort of thing. Okay, so let's tell the story properly. She never got clean. Okay, she stopped doing methods I guess we thought that she we thought it was okay because she wasn't doing that. No, it's never no What what goes on with the persons like stop it or her current stop her right? Wow, I see it on TV shows all the time too. Just stop. Nobody can be heard. I mean like with like my show on HLN, that's because there's a satellite fucking delay
Starting point is 00:52:11 that drives me insane, makes it look like I'm interrupting everybody all the time. Meadow, shut up! Go ahead, Drew. Meadow, if she's using a substance, she is not sober. And she, it will progress again, she will go back and she will die. That's the nature of this disease. If somebody's not daily engaged in recovery, they are in trouble. If they're daily using, they're in serious trouble. So what's happening now?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Well, I just found out today that she's doing meth again. Of course. And I just don't know where we're supposed to go. Well, you need to go to Al-Anon. You've been doing nothing so far. So you need to go to Al-Anon, everybody. Al-Anon sponsors for each and every one of you, regular meetings, that's what you do. If you do not do that, and this is an order, if you don't do that, you are contributing to her demise actively. Do you understand me? All right Meadow, Al-Anadow. Hang on a second. When I say that
Starting point is 00:53:06 people hear, well, lessen the fat in your diet, maybe exercise a little more. I'm not saying that. I'm saying take this medication or your sister will die. That's what I'm saying. No, I completely understand. Is she your older sister? Yes, she's seven years older. Okay. First off Meadow, as much as you can, let's not have this ruin your life. Well, that's the years older. Okay, and first off Meadow, as much as you can, let's not have this ruin your life. Well that's the Al-Anon, that's the whole idea. Let's go to Al-Anon, let's take care of yourself. You're a good person.
Starting point is 00:53:32 And let's get your sister some help, and part of that help is you getting involved in this. And then she needs treatment, she needs long-term treatment she's been using for decades. She needs long-term intensive treatment. There's a place outside of Portland, you're in Idaho, a place called Springbrook that's excellent. That's where I like people to go. She can get sober anywhere though, just to get her in a sober living, get her instruction environment. She's got to get with the program.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Thanks Meadow. Take care. All right. Thank you guys so much. So sorry about all this. It's heartbreaking. I'll tell you what's not heartbreaking. Go to meeting baby. Go to meeting. You can collaborate with all your office mates without having to go to that smelly dank office. You use go to meeting with HD faces brought to you by Citrix. It's powerful. It's simple. That's how you collaborate in the 22nd century. 21st century. Is that the one word?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Share documents and spreadsheets and collaborate in HD. You have the video and you just launch, you can host you can attend meetings for anywhere. And you can use your Mac, your PC, your iPhone, your iPad, your tablet, all that good stuff. Tablet.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Simultaneously the oldest thing on the planet and the newest thing on the planet. Tablet? Mm-hmm. Ten Commandments? That's right. iPad. That's right. It's the newest and the oldest. It's nice. It's like it's a big box. You know, in fact, the Egyptians used to direct these things called steli. Strangely, they looked like the Ten Commandment, like one part of the Ten Commandment. Really? Well, Moses, the word Moses, Egyptian word for child.
Starting point is 00:55:11 All the kings, Tut Moses, Ram Moses, they were all Moses, all the kings. Interesting. Nobody makes that connection. Maybe Moses came out of Egypt, maybe. Maybe he was an Egyptian king, they went bad. He came out of Florida State Had a celly celly with with a story on it
Starting point is 00:55:36 All right. Well, why oh I see I mean like it wasn't we saying he didn't he didn't lead the Israelites I think the story is kind of crushed a bunch of things mushed together. Okay. I think he was an Egyptian king I think he might have been Ocknotton in Well, listen you ought not and avail yourself of this technology Go to meeting and tried for free free everybody 30 you gotta stop reading all those books Go to meeting free 30 days visit go to meeting comm click on the tried free button and use the promo code Adam all right me and dr. Drew in Vegas, Salt Lake City, Redondo Beach, Napa all coming up, basically end of March through middle of May. You can find the dates and all the locations on the website if you're motivated. Come see a fun show.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And again, if you'd like to donate, keep the pirate ship afloat by clicking through the PayPal donate button or you can, better yet yet set a donation subscription and show us a little love. Drew is a busy man and $250,000 worth of education. We're going to pay that back. More than $250,000 worth of education. More than like 500. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:40 You told me at some point it was 250. I said half. I said half. Oh, 250 is half. No, I said half. I didn't point it was 250. I said half. Oh, 250 is half. No, I said half. I didn't say quarter million dollars. I said a half million dollar education. I did? I said 250. I said half million. Oh, that's a half million. Right, somehow the half I heard.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I'll do the math. All right. Yeah, but still. So until next time, this is Adam Carolla for the almost million dollar man, Dr. Drew and Chris Maxpada and Gary Haftar and Mike Lynch. Sayin', mahalo.

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