The Basement Yard - #167 - Skating With Mika Zibanejad

Episode Date: December 10, 2018

Mika Zibanejad of the New York Rangers joins us to talk about life in the NHL & how badly Danny needs to learn how to skate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard today me and Danny have a guest our good friend from the New York Rangers Mika Zeibander I'd ride I don't think we'll say it is the bond no Zibanna jet that's like how you say they don't say it right hey Google hey Google who's Mika Zibanna jet why is it why Zibanna jet you're a Swedish professional a centerman or whatever yeah no you're not a hockey player you're Swedish professional you take the face-offs and you get the fuck off it's kind of like across that's literally a position I think how long you've been playing hockey seven you're
Starting point is 00:00:50 gonna talk to that Mike boy everyone starts on like four I feel like I started so late but you played soccer right soccer and tennis tennis since I was four you play tennis hell no I'm terrible I'm alright I'm probably not now I'm that one guy who can get like one cool servant every 45 tries because you go too hard yeah go way too hard always yeah always yeah I could see that I could definitely see that from you you're also lefty yeah my forehand is pretty good like my left-handed forehand like left-handed forehand left-handed forehand I'm sorry you have a right-handed forehand to no no no I'm
Starting point is 00:01:27 just forehand no no no no I'm just saying forehand yeah but it's a from the left my left side we got it we're all over up court up court good cross court no bueno we have more you have more leeway going cross yeah I know it's weird I'm I'm better at going this way well I didn't hit the net I coach tennis what I swear I swear you coach tennis well it was more of a babysitting job those are completely different you were babysitting so I was practicing tennis I was a tennis coach for the middle school that I went to I coach football there I coach basketball there and they needed an emergency tennis
Starting point is 00:02:10 coach so I took it for the money how much it was like a stipend of like $8,000 yeah so it was like I basically got there put the kids in groups and like every kid on that team could beat me yeah yeah every single one of them and they would in practice so wait when was the last time you picked up a racket I would say I'm 29 now 24 probably a shorter I haven't picked one up maybe in a decade yeah I mean that's what you said you would beat me no yeah I said that probably had a couple a couple shots maybe do like Belvedere shots the other day almost lost my mind yeah it's like drinking don't even know it wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:00 even chilled either no it was gross what's the friction nail polish remover yeah that's what it is yeah it's disgusting it's terrible so you start with your drink that what you actually drank that yeah yeah it was gross it was and then nail polish remover oh not that no but it's not exactly you tried it though a couple times yeah exactly at least yeah no I'm not gonna do that you know you could drink mouthwash and get drunk apparently yeah there's like a little bit of alcohol in it you have to like chug a lot oh you know what's listerine you'd have to drink to get drunk how much does listerine burn your
Starting point is 00:03:37 mouth when you do it literally two days ago two days ago I have listerine in there don't know why I hate it it's so hard it's so Bernie it hurts which ones you have it was it's just like the original green like hot as fuck yeah dude I put it in my mouth and I'm like and I like had to pee so I'm peeing it like literally three seconds into my pee I'm like yeah this is burning my fucking mouth did you spit it into the toilet no no no I I didn't want to get it on my dick cuz then it was over from there I would have burned it off and yeah you know it's funny because like the first three seconds of mouthwash is like all
Starting point is 00:04:14 right okay feels clean then it finds that bacteria and then it's like burn it burn it oh my god it's like something put a hot coal in my mouth I'm a bitch bro I'm not good with hot stuff oh it can't stand it you don't like spicy food no I like it I would love to be able to do do the hot ones I literally was just gonna ask that I want I want to do so bad but I have to prepare yeah barely get through Tabasco whatever it's like it's called yeah it's a boss go to boss go bad Swedish browser yeah she's very good though you say your English is bad sometimes yeah well depends on what state I'm at yeah what does that mean after
Starting point is 00:04:52 a couple short days after a couple of sparkling wines after a couple of Prosecco's that Swedish comes out yeah no the Swedish doesn't come out the English doesn't come out yeah that comes out just like so people have asked because like he's me just met a couple of our friends and they've been like yo his English is like really good I'm like yeah his English is like fine like totally fine it's just like sometimes so just be like I just I don't know that word I don't know what it is yeah but when you come up with weird words I've never heard before that's true that you could actually use my language is made
Starting point is 00:05:27 up and we also talked about the other day I think it's like the most confusing like I hate it I think everything else sounds cooler yeah Swedish is very confusing to like grammar wise it's really hard real hard to learn you guys have like dots above certain letters and yeah I can't how many letters do you guys have how many do you guys have 26 you don't know I don't even know 26 yeah ABCG yeah that's 26 might be 27 no no no ABCJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYNZ 26 all right we were right 29 I know I'm just saying how many states are there 50 okay some people are like 51 Hawaii I'm like no that's included dude yeah
Starting point is 00:06:13 Puerto Rico yeah do you know how many letters you guys have I'm a 29 29 oh shit I laughed cuz I thought that was a dumb question no it's not wait so we're actually what you have the two a's and a oh so the first a is with one dot on it the second a is with two dots and oh got two dots see not a dumb question no it was a good question it's a good question honestly all right I have one question about learning English how did you learn English mostly I have one question about learning English how did you learn English like these like cuz athletes will come over here be like oh I learned it from watching TV yeah
Starting point is 00:07:01 that's what I did really yeah friend well we the friends yeah they taught us in school but like to be able to have like because a lot of them a lot of people in Sweden they have like British accent mmm because that's what you get taught kind of yeah and people like it more I don't know why but I figured I come over here because I always wanted to come over here somehow but so I wanted to be like you know you you meet people immediately if you don't speak like regular English they go oh where you from yeah so I didn't want to have that so I watch friends over and over and over again just trying to like imitate how
Starting point is 00:07:33 you speak and how you pronounce words and stuff because like if you if I worked in a store and you came in there I wouldn't think you were from another country me neither but like if I had a conversation with you I'd be like some little fishy going on something going on here I don't know something yeah but there's so like there's so spread with people I meet because some people don't hear an accent at all and some people do yeah I mean I don't really like I feel like if I thought you had an accent I would like hold back on how I would speak like I'd be like let me try and say this yeah that's so true right because when
Starting point is 00:08:06 you know that's exactly why yeah exactly why because I don't do that like I just talk how I talk like I would go out of my way to talk to you like you're a dumb person like a baby like like a baby store yeah you know we're going to eat food today together me you friends food yeah which would be me like you know like the fact that you even we're like you know I'm gonna watch friends that don't have an accent like you cared that much about it like here when it comes to other languages it's like you learn it in high school doesn't you forget it like literally as soon as you walk out the door you're like yeah I took Italian and
Starting point is 00:08:44 Spanish for bad long don't know anything nothing at all is it weird if I say that Americans are very ignorant to everything else around I am so on board with that well if you really think about it everywhere in the world basically what's going on but can we also say though I feel like every country thinks their country is the best in the world that are like not like third-world countries I mean I guess because obviously they're not being like yeah yeah you know we're just going through yeah it's just get it light when the World Cup comes around that's when everyone's like yo Brazil is the best
Starting point is 00:09:28 country it's like yeah you guys are good at soccer all right everyone has like that quarter Brazilian friend who like cheers for Brazil over America my dude you were born in the Bronx bro awesome another thing is 2006 I believe this one Italy one right yeah I celebrated that though yeah but I didn't know like none of my friends growing up I didn't know what they were until that World Cup and soon as Italy won Talia Jack it's fucking belt baffles Rossi jerseys totee jerseys fucking Luca Tony over here like I was like yeah like where was this before they won then it became that how sweet in soccer team not bad they made
Starting point is 00:10:09 it to the quarterfinals this year so they're not in the cup we're not in the cup either right no they were they're gonna be in the cup the cups over yeah but didn't they do qualifiers yeah but that's for euro right now oh for the euro cup that's what it is yeah it just ended the World Cup not I don't know but they like get to like they get after it like right after like but I think you guys have like you guys play Mexico and stuff here right yeah yeah whatever tournament but I don't even fucking know man I barely watch soccer is one of the most confusing sports of all time no it's not yes it is like four rules yeah
Starting point is 00:10:40 but it's also can we say people say hockey is boring sport who says that a lot of people know they say baseball is a boring no no no that's that's what I'm getting to playoff hockey compared to regular season hockey is amazing yeah yeah because I feel like more goals are scored well everyone's and everyone is going crazy yeah but which sport if you had to rank them you're gonna be biased hockey soccer baseball boring one two three playoffs or no playoffs you said hockey is in there just just as a overall yeah go playoff it's all it's all included the most exciting game part of it yeah alright so playoff hockey World
Starting point is 00:11:27 Cup soccer and then World Series baseball which is the most boring I would say you're right no no no no well that is my ranking I think baseball World Series baseball like I could forget about a World Series if like there's just random teams in it and I wouldn't even watch all the games right I'm not missing a game of like the World Cup especially if the USA is in it like I'll watch or just like whatever like this year I was like rooting for like Iceland just cuz I was like yo talk huge underdog yeah let's do it and dude playoff hockey is amazing and I also think that people who are like I don't know anyone
Starting point is 00:12:04 who has said hockey is boring but if they do say that I feel like usually the caveat is like but playoff hockey is amazing yeah you know for the casual fan like I consider myself since I met now I watch hockey cuz I know him now yeah so you know you know so like that's why I watch it but I was always the cash I was always a casual fan your cash because my dad was a sports writer and like covered the Rangers back in the day yeah so like I always noticed that playoff hockey awesome yeah it's great it's insane the atmosphere is insane everything counts I do think though they should make the net a little bigger why
Starting point is 00:12:40 just to make the scoring a little higher but I think that ruined I think where I think like do you think there's not enough scoring you guys scored a shit ton in the last few games yeah there's a lot of goals but there's I mean the pens in the playoffs there's tighter games though because you don't give up as much yeah yeah but that's what's exciting about it because every goal really like matters in that way that's why that's what I was gonna say if you open it up to being games are gonna end like 10 to 13 right it's like not every goal that's why basketball is one of my least favorite sports to go watch in
Starting point is 00:13:26 person because like the first quarter to the third quarter is nobody cares what really is gonna happen that's super exciting like someone's gonna get dunked on and then we like alright like there's no sport better to watch the last two minutes of then like basketball though it's so long but the best I think the best to watch is is like the final four college basketball the tournament oh it's insane that that's fun that's the greatest sports thing that isn't professional sport but do you wish they have was high scoring that college no it's just that making more exciting I think I think it creates more story
Starting point is 00:14:01 lines like college basketball it's also one and done it's one and done so we was playoff football which is obviously I mean we don't know how great that is but like that's over here yeah we were talking like in terms of like people who considered boring sports I really don't think that hockey is in there I don't but there are people that do I don't think that anyone thinks it's boring I think people are just not fans of hockey also has a lot of stuff like you don't understand it's one of those things you have to understand yeah what do you mean I mean there's a lot of people that go through games have no clue about the
Starting point is 00:14:35 rules ask me about like offside and icing stuff but all sides like easy to understand yeah when you know it yeah when you know it it's like big us being able to speak English no no it's the same no it actually same way for me with football like when I came over here I'm like why are they throwing flags on the field even to this day football is the sport that I am the least confident there's calls I have no idea even no I know that but I'm saying like you can still follow it you know why yeah whatever but in the beginning I'm like I don't know what you what can you do and football is so hard like there's
Starting point is 00:15:12 tons of rules on both sides of the ball going on at one time with hockey it's like don't go off sides and icing is fucking two blue lines or whatever the fuck yeah it was more than that though what do you say icing was not to not to blue lines but like I'll be honest with you I'm laughing when you clear it right and it and and gone and the goal and the goalie touches it it could be iced right no that's not what icing is though if the goalie touches it no if they clear it from their side to the other side that's an icing isn't it if no one touches it if no one touches it yeah that's what I'm saying yeah you have to
Starting point is 00:15:55 red line right to dump it down right I meant yeah that's what I meant not to blue lines I meant the blue line it goes past the blue line and the red line without anyone touching it right so yeah I'm your team doesn't it you can be past your own blue line is between blue and red and send it down you have to pass the red line to be able to send it down with it without an icing I think I'm confusing my yes colors of the line there's two blue lines right I know the reds in the middle right yes okay no I did I was right kind of and then you were just like no no no there's these lines and you got a cross one no I like
Starting point is 00:16:33 how confident you were when I was like no this offside and I said well that's easy and then you didn't even know icing no I do know icing and you know what was I was just gonna face your face is getting red because I'm having a good time I can't have it you know you know what offsides yeah I know offsides but it's the same thing in soccer yeah yeah kind of what is that well that's what they always do what is that soccer players oh oh they don't even with the fucking flag now when they go for that fucking through also the other question about the refs you know graceful little fuckers graceful little fucks like
Starting point is 00:17:13 ballerinas yeah they're hopping all over the puck and jumping on the boards if I shoot a puck and it hits the ref in the face is it still in play yeah if he doesn't go down obviously yeah and they blow it down but you need to ask that last time yeah and the other thing is to with the face offs how do they kick you out of there what do you have to do to get kicked out of there because the rep is always like now I don't like you no that's actually happened before I asked the linesman the other day I'm like why do you kick him out he goes well first of all he shot the puck away from me when I was about to grab it cuz he
Starting point is 00:17:48 was Matt from earlier so I'm like I don't know they can just kick anybody out for no reason pretty one I'm like all right really that's funny but they're no like they can't kick you out for no reason right they'll find something and be like no you're over the line or you cheated you came in early whatever it might be that's what I I mean I don't fucking know but I thought it was just like if you come in too early then they're like are you gonna get up you don't get like a warning though that's what I thought no no no tap tap the A button or whatever the stick the right stick back so weird how you guys hold
Starting point is 00:18:17 the stick it's still leaning forward just going back or forth yeah it's gonna sound when you hold a hockey stick it's like this yeah I hold it but when you hold the other way but when you do the face off you hold it like this no no I just turn my bottom hand wait go back to where you were yeah there you go yeah like this yeah yeah you can you just want that yeah I think I did yeah you did 100% 100% crush that have you ever met Wayne Gretzky no I haven't damn no you know probably the most dominant athlete ever now you're getting a little ahead of yourself why are you seeing the fucking the the records I know the
Starting point is 00:18:57 records take away all his assists he still has more points than fucking number two I know but just his goals or maybe it was just no no no it's other way around yeah that's absurd it's I know he was also playing against fucking me and you back then yeah yeah but you know he probably got his ass whips here I mean he's have to work out a lot so I'm trying to wait Gretzky look like a dude who like lived on Cape Cod his whole life yeah like sold bread yeah you know that man never touched a single weight he was just a graceful like back in dizzy and he really have to yeah it wasn't there wasn't like savages out there
Starting point is 00:19:36 and fucking Chara's over there he put Chara back down and slap shot in all over place fucking banging people's heads together guys what was he's seven foot nine when did hockey players start getting jacked dude all sports think about it's insane well it's sports science you would say the way they train I think they over train you guys professional athletes I think that's why people get hurt so much is because they're over over over over training I don't think it's over training as much as it I love how we're doing this again me and him have always opinions like yeah you know what it's not that we refer to him if you get too far off base that's what it is that's all I'm just like a ref here
Starting point is 00:20:20 like no no no I know what's going on that's offside yeah what's take take me from a gate a like a in week schedule what do you have from Sunday to the Sunday well we don't always have like you know we only play Tuesday Thursday Saturdays but give me a three game week okay I'll give you this week so we played yesterday on Monday we won we got the day off today full day off practice tomorrow on Tuesday then we fly to Ottawa play no sorry that's Tuesday today yeah so fly tomorrow on a Wednesday play on we always fly in the night before okay so if anything happens that you're not late to the game and you get one hot and then play Thursday so you probably practice tomorrow a workout and then play on Thursday train in Montreal practice Friday play Saturday come home
Starting point is 00:21:16 play Sunday at home against Winnipeg that's a lot of hockey that's a lot of hockey so there's no real like doesn't sound like there's a whole lot of downtime no there is I think people like underestimate like there are schedule like we're busy but let's say we didn't have to travel tomorrow we practice we leave I leave the house like 839 I come back at 2 I thought long ass practice no but like the travel there is about 35 40 minutes back and forth so you spend an hour 20 in your car and then oh yeah because you guys don't train at the garden you go to no we go to Terry town Terry town Greenberg what would you say no because I think the next day Greenberg yeah the Knicks are in Greenberg that's where their facility is no we have the same one yeah so it's yeah it's technically Greenberg
Starting point is 00:22:04 but it's Terry town all right what is it it's just like it's are you trying to tell us that you know the area yes all right cool no because I used to go I used to spot yeah that's how I'm from there did you use touch for much of you used to skate yeah you want to go ice skating yeah I'll go ice skating he's gonna get triggered right now only skid hates when we say ice skating yeah I can't stand it why do you guys say what do you guys call it just skate now we see people skate people skateboard in Sweden yeah like a roller board what about rollerblading blading rollerblading ah yeah it works what about roller skating oh wait what is that that's like when you go to like you're dancing yeah you can go around the like the roller yeah you just said it roller skating
Starting point is 00:22:50 and you sleep skating to us have you guys ever been to one of those no I've never been to a roller disco movies like in Atlanta they have a lot of yeah yeah that's like a legitimate thing yeah what is that a roller derby that's like we're like a whole bunch of like they big old girls get after it they are they're savages wait what yeah so like there'll be like a team of they're like four of them right yeah yeah and like they're all like jostling to be in the front and they literally like kill each other wait it's not like dancing no no it's like a race it's a race but they're allowed to run around around it's like a full contact race yeah what yeah you never seen that I've never even heard of this girls roller derby they fucking kill each other yeah yeah you know what the fuck can we go yeah I'll
Starting point is 00:23:34 go to one right after this we're going yeah wait I've never even heard of this I've bet you I've been to one of the what's the other one if you saw it just a roller rink roller rink I've been there if you saw it you'd probably be like oh I know what this is no no really I would the way you respond it yeah because the way that you guys are talking about it like I'm I didn't know anyone was racing with roller blades yeah no and they beat the shit out of each other this is great yeah why is this not on tv I don't know remember slam ball do you know what that is it's like basketball on trampolines oh I've seen that jump and like don't can fucking tear you say all or whatever it's like that game that what it was called the there's like a video game but it wasn't
Starting point is 00:24:16 trampolines but the NBA street no no no NBA street was fire yeah yeah another game like can't even remember well it was weird when we went to your house and all your video games were Swedish remember I was like yeah I'm down with this an update came up and we thought this thing said abort we're like that must mean cancel so this isn't bad but the guy was like no that's like update I was like oh all right fuck all right so let's go over here so you what year did you get drafted uh 2011 2011 god that's so long go how old are you now 25 damn dude what did you walk in your fucking high school and pick you up so you're coming with us hey what's up he's ours now yeah you're not going to algebra anymore let's go when can you be eligible to play professional hockey
Starting point is 00:25:04 um I think you have to turn 18 before like august 15th or something that year okay so you have to be 18 coming into the league 18 coming into the league but can you be in the ahl younger no uh no I don't think so all right so you have you have to be professional yet but you don't have to be drafted to be an ahl right no not even an hl not even an hl but that's really rare what number did you get picked six in the first round how many rounds seven damn type race type race and he's on our show ladies and gentlemen oh fuck yo when did you know that you're like all right I'm probably gonna be in the league so uh fuck all this uh I actually wanted to quit hockey when I was 15 14 and 15 I'm like I'm done with this
Starting point is 00:25:56 why because I played soccer and all my friends were like they looked like me and they had like no Swedish connection that's cool I went to yeah uh and everyone's playing soccer or music whatever they were doing other stuff than hockey and uh most of my friends were soccer players so I'm like I'm not doing this anymore yeah I'm not were you like really good at soccer or not uh I would like to think so but I was a goalie so right um I played with uh one of my best friends right now I played with him when I was 14 15 16 and I was about to quit and then my dad and my mom and my brother was like no you're not I'm like all right I don't know what's going on but I guess I'll stick to hockey well 14 15 you gotta have a sense that I'm gonna get drafted no really no no no not even
Starting point is 00:26:42 close why the fuck would he quit if he was like I'm about to fucking go to the league because a lot of people maybe they don't want to do it if they have like inner pressures or yeah being a professional athlete sucks no no no but maybe he wanted to be a professional athlete it's something else okay some people are lucky enough to do that yeah let me tell you this you don't think LeBron could have played in the NFL uh I don't know he's kind of dainty he's kind of dainty jimmy grand plays failed college basketball player he's a gigantic person so is LeBron yeah but LeBron you know jimmy grand played basketball in college yeah you know Antonio Gates he also played at UNC right you know how much football he played in college like eight downs probably zero no and he's one
Starting point is 00:27:22 of the greatest tight ends of all time he's a Hall of Famer yeah basketball that's what I'm saying if there's any crossover sport this isn't LeBron James though hey first round six pick I know but he's not six nine fucking two 80 but he's also playing soccer if LeBron played soccer dude he's a yeah yeah hey I'm not saying he couldn't be a professional that's all I'm saying maybe he had other no there's no way I would be it maybe he had other aspirations in life could be looking at fucking what's that guy's name from Italy I forget his name now god what how do I forget this guy's name buffon buffon um gg yeah yeah yes but talk about a sexy old man but this old man yeah that got him in a Pirlo bag dude you all those guys on the fucking Italy's national fucking soccer team
Starting point is 00:28:09 are just tan I feel like they're all naked on a boat all the time oh yeah they're all just what are you following I'm just saying every time you see them they're all just like those dudes all look like they use so much like hair pomade every yeah axe spray oh my god and never wear boxer briefs they wear like underwear yeah yeah like legit like Versace it'll be like tight ass underwear I feel like as you get further and further into Europe the bathing suits get smaller and smaller you know what I mean what do you wear when you go to bathing it suits swimming what do you wear when you wear shorts you wear shorts yeah but like how short are we talking you could see like the beginning of the quad I guess yeah okay it's not to the knee like why would I do that yeah no I used
Starting point is 00:28:58 to wear like they're tight like I used to wear like you're wearing tight stuff yeah pink that inseam is high pink inseam is super high fuck yeah you gotta keep the net just in case a nut jumps out hell yeah that's how short we're talking I feel like when you're no not that when you're 13 you cut the net out yeah because I need some I need some I need my it's gotta flop around down there dude your dick after like some chlorine and a pool wrap done also that net chafes me up yeah hurts me yeah you get a little you get a little burn at the tip of that yeah for sure add some salt water if it's fresh water a different story but salt water come on it's hurting I might just turn right now just thinking about that you know how to swim right why no some people do not know how to do something
Starting point is 00:29:44 like that people know how to do you know what I mean like ride a bike I swim oh you can't skate yeah but that's not everyone though yeah what about like I feel like skating thank you skating is that is on the brink of like you should be able to do it it's okay if you don't know how to do it depends on where you're from though yeah here where are you gonna skate like if you're Canadian and can't skate people are gonna be like what the fuck's wrong yeah you're not Canadian yeah come on get out of here yeah all right yeah I understand what you're saying but like here it doesn't yeah it doesn't really make sense it's almost like a more accomplishment if you can skate here dude I've seen people at Central Park because like usually like every year I'll go like some of my friends will
Starting point is 00:30:24 just like you know yeah skate have grand old time whatever and you'll see some dudes that are out on dates and they're like I got it and they're just like you know why would you bring a girl there if you can't skate can I be honest you too you're looking at them you can't skate at all not at all you can't even step out on there one time I went to I went to Bryant Park with my girl and literally she can she used to like take figure skating classes and shit is she one of those that goes into the center I was like hold on let me no no no no no no I haven't done this in a while but no but I'm gonna try and do this triple axle real quick no but she could do like oh I nailed it oh no I don't know how I did that but she could do a couple of jumps and stuff
Starting point is 00:31:08 and I was like you know what like instead of holding on to me just go actually go skate a little bit like don't just leave me here it's fine mistake I let go of the wall and I just like this into center ice I couldn't stop myself and I didn't want to fall because I don't know how to get up on skates so I just let like my momentum it literally took me to the center of Bryant Park ice and she had to come and get me and I was stuck there stuck out there that's amazing yeah that's how bad I am I can't do it we gotta teach you how I don't think I can learn he's a professional hockey player yeah but he'll be like he'll be like yeah do it like this I'm like I'm trying that I can't do it no I would help you he could teach you if anyone could teach you how to skate it's a fucking hockey
Starting point is 00:31:55 player who are you fucking uh no I just I'm Brian Boytano over here I don't even know who the fuck that is this well don't look at me like I know he's a figure skater and like they a figure skater from the 80s named three famous figure skaters Michelle Kwan Tonya Harding okay and uh Tara Lipinski who the fuck is that remember she was like that little girl that was like I thought that was the swimmer that just like crushed no it was her name it was like Lipinski or something no no Tara Lipinski that was the swimmer yeah yeah yeah no I don't know I don't know from the 80s I don't know anyone from the 80s well I'm from the 80s you guys are born in the 90s yeah we are um but yeah we're gonna teach you how
Starting point is 00:32:38 to skate I would love to learn how to skate I can teach you from like a person who doesn't really know how to explain it being like yo just kind of you bro I probably don't know how to correctly do it but I can move out there and I'm saying I could get in and out I can get out of Central Park yeah can you zip yeah I could yeah can you stop not that well I don't stop like how hockey players yeah how do you guys stop like that you guys jump on sideways onto the ice and it's just fucking snow you know when I was younger I used to think that was icing I'm like yo this guy just icing all over the place icing everywhere there's not a penalty call something right how do you learn how to do that well you start with um you start differently though
Starting point is 00:33:25 like when you start to like when they teach you how to skate and stop you basically turn your turn your skate this way in in you kind of like what face planting french fry you go depends on how fast you go yeah so you go like sorry about that it's a team it's the coast good off the base man you're good off the base no so they so basically you kind of slow down first so you don't take a stride and then you turn your feet inside like so you french fry into pizza basically what french what what are you talking about like your feet are straight like this french fries french fries and then into pizza is that a skiing thing yeah oh I usually like do the t like I drag one skate behind me just to
Starting point is 00:34:13 slow down that's the only thing I could do that's how you stop on rollerblades I think yeah that's how I just like that's why because like I learned how to rollerblade which is to me it's the same thing not like rollerblading I know to do so then you should be fine no it's completely different it's not the wheels are the wheels are thicker you have more ground like if I feel my foot moving in that skate at all I have no like fucking balance that's actually another thing if you don't time well enough your foot will just shake your feet will bend in yeah I was fucking like shaking you know almost killed a girl at Central Park once well skating I hope no no no no it was summer it was summer I almost killed her uh no I was I was skating because like like I said I could
Starting point is 00:34:58 skate like pretty well we get it you could skate I'm a really good athlete so I was going around a circle and I was just like being a dick like going fast and like skating in and out of people and this girl luckily she was a girl that I was with like with our group and she fell down and her I would have cut her head off obviously I wouldn't cut her head off but I definitely would have like my skate would have went right into her neck and I like had to hop over her and then I was just like whoa whoa whoa save myself though I didn't go down don't go yeah the only times I fall down when we go is when little kids come flying out of nowhere are like people are just like that's the best part about going to it's just seeing people like just lose it whoa
Starting point is 00:35:41 whoa I think that's a big part of it too because I'd be afraid to fall down why because I don't want to fall down I'm a grown man yeah first of all getting you up too is gonna be big trees fall hard big tree falls very hard you know what I'm saying if I hit that ice I'm one ice fall away from like possibly never walking again in my in my mind in my mind we might have to drag you off that ice yeah you might look like what's his name marv marv home alone yeah here's that's a yeah that's a great reference great reference great reference speaking of home alone what Christmas is coming that's true so excited are you spending in the states yeah three days off whoo which one's 24th 25th 26th but I only celebrate 24th anyways is there a different
Starting point is 00:36:29 Swedish Christmas date yeah 24th it's the 24th yeah we celebrate 24th you guys five yeah 25th and you have a different thing is that you got to fight me no I'm just like yeah I told you alphabet different Christmas different Thanksgiving yeah I did yeah I'm on two right now you're two and oh I you know yeah man trying to like conduct a good interview wait why is it the 24th why yeah I'm asking my history teacher I don't know how he asked you why he said why like like it was Fight Club why let me tell you why why you don't deserve to know why you fucking piece of shit you guys don't do Christmas Eve or you do Christmas Eve on the 23rd or Christmas Eve just isn't a thing Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is 24th no yeah yeah so that's what we celebrate
Starting point is 00:37:15 but not the day yeah Christmas day you have to have it if there's an Eve there's a day yeah that's when you're hung over and you just chill yeah yeah that's what I mean yeah we're on the same page here you celebrate on Christmas Eve so like we open our gifts and everything on the 24th that's Christmas no no no so some people do that on Eve that's Christmas some people one gift no that's that's a that's a you think that's one gift on Christmas I refuse to open anything on Christmas Eve by the way I'm out one of those guys yeah wait to the day what yeah I'm waking up tomorrow morning for a reason I honestly wake up or so early on Christmas just to see all the gifts under the tree I want to see whether they're gonna be gone if you wake
Starting point is 00:37:59 up earlier no no no no no it's just like this is nice this is nice because Christmas is a fucking hellstorm if there's kids in your family you don't have kids in your family I'm the kid you're the kid yeah I got nieces and nephews they tear shit up oh we don't do that we do with just our family yeah opens gifts together yeah what do you guys do after that in the morning well we go to like my uncle's house and like just hang just drink and fucking just drink honestly and why basketball is on right basketball is on great usually great games yeah it's like uh it's always like LeBron's always on yeah and the Warriors are always on yeah but um what time did you usually open your gifts on Christmas dude I was up beating my dad's chest like he had a
Starting point is 00:38:45 like a heart attack just pounding on get up Santa brought a bunch of shit yeah and we need to open that yeah what about you we do like um we have this Disney thing we always watch at three o'clock in Sweden like everyone in Sweden in the afternoon yeah so you have to wait so we do like yeah I think so at least that's what we did three o'clock and then after that we open our gifts and we have damn dude you guys are patient as fuck yeah I can't I can't what do you guys want you wait until the 25th oh yes right yeah you get it like 24 hours yeah we're sitting there plus the time difference we're sitting there laughing at you guys you guys are basically on the 23rd what do you guys get oh you don't know yet oh never mind damn it that's like all the Jewish kids they're like I was like oh
Starting point is 00:39:31 you guys don't celebrate Christmas that's kind of sucks it's like not really we got eight days of gifts I'm like all right fuck you guys yeah but from from the intel that I have from Jewish friends they usually would get like one big gift for like that stretch like a car yeah basically probably yeah oh like you'd rather take a car than 15 socks yeah socks yeah trade or two yeah that was my that was my dad's gift every year I got socks and an envelope with money nice that's not bad like I never get money that gift now socks yeah I don't want socks what do you want not socks anything get creative here you know what I mean I got you a gift already you got me a gift yeah and it's creative it's creative it's not really creative is it one thing or is it multiple things it's it's technically
Starting point is 00:40:20 two things in one yeah or they're sneakers no they're not no it's two things that go together what color is it I can't say it would give it away if I told you the color what that's weird things are tons of colors is this something he's been asking for um or hinted at at least see here's the thing here's the thing or you know him that well he does he does he does quite well for himself so he could you could honestly get whatever you wanted if you want like if you don't have it already that's not like a you know a fucking cost a plane yeah yeah so I got you something that I just sounded like such a fucking asshole yeah you did you did I can get everything except the plane also Rich's guy at the table yeah it's fine I love socks Rich's guy over here
Starting point is 00:41:10 but um I would love to sock no I got you something that you you wouldn't get yourself but you're gonna have a lot of fun with it oh I'm gonna have fun with it yes there's two things you can't I'm leaving it at that okay all right before we move on let's get to the sponsors real quick the first one we have is stock x which is something I've been using like crazy especially this holiday season stock x is what I use I use their app I use their website it's what I use to buy all my sneakers if you follow me on Instagram you'll see that I'm I've been buying a lot of sneakers I don't know why it's the end of the year I'm like whatever and I bought some sneakers for my family members for Christmas as well all while using stock x the reason for that is because they make sure
Starting point is 00:41:57 you know they have a revolutionary marketplace and they make sure that everything is 100% authentic like they have the sellers ship to them then they have someone look over the shoe make sure it's all authentic they also have streetwear watches handbags and stuff like that they look at all of it and they make sure it's real and authentic and then they'll ship it to you and that process is usually fast anyway you can even buy and sell pretty owned luxury handbags and watches and stuff like that like you can get a Louis Vuitton school bag or backpack on there or Rolex and but or you could sell them or you could buy them at a discounted price you know because they're pretty owned but they have to be in excellent condition they're very like you know
Starting point is 00:42:41 meticulous in what qualifies as excellent condition but yeah basically their their app their app and their website is like a one-stop shop for you know anything you need this holiday season I think that you could find a lot of cool things for people for Christmas like they have a bunch of streetwear brands like supreme bait palace kith I bought Yeezys on their their app a bunch of times so yeah they also have just have like a marketplace sort of you can like follow a sneaker or a bag or whatever and see when the price comes down or if it goes up or whatever so that you can get it at the price that you want but yeah just definitely check it out it's probably my most used app this month for some reason but yeah go check it out go to slash basement check out their
Starting point is 00:43:34 website and check out their app this is where I'm buying all my stuff again because especially in you know if you're buying luxury things like it's hard to get things that are like real you know so the fact that they have someone look over everything makes me helps me sleep at night okay so check it out slash basement the next one we have here is MVMT movement watches you guys have heard of me talk about them before they're you know we are I'm big fans of their company I have a couple of MVMT watches as well they are affordable watches that are stylish as fuck and they're just $95 and you know if you're you're looking at $400 $500 for the same quality watch in you know traditional brands or like regular stores like that so definitely check out MVMT watches especially
Starting point is 00:44:24 guys it's a holiday season watches are just like an easy go-to gift for anybody everyone enjoys watches you know everyone like they like to wear one on special occasions definitely get them on watch they'll appreciate that and check them out they have really nice stuff it's not like you know shitty quality or anything like that it's very nice stuff I actually have the one I wore the two where was I the other day oh no I think I went out to dinner oh yeah I went out to dinner and I wore a watch and I actually got some compliments on it but it's like a silver watch with a blue face I really like it but yeah go check them out man slash basement all right and today you get 15% off with free shipping and free returns by going to slash basement
Starting point is 00:45:09 there you go you get 15% off with free shipping and free returns on an already affordable watch all right and then they even have some like awesome gift boxes and packages since it's the holiday season so definitely go check them out but yeah they have also have sunglasses and other accessories but but go check out their site again slash basement join the movement everybody and finally our last whoa I almost burped my last sponsor here is now again it's the holiday season chances are you're going to be shipping some things okay you maybe got relatives you're not going over for the holidays but you want to send them presents use they bring all the amazing services of the US post post office right to your desktop
Starting point is 00:45:53 you can buy and print official US postage for any letter any package or any class of mail using your own computer and printer and then the mail carrier just picks it up you don't have to go to the post office or anything it's just the easiest thing in the world basically okay not only saves you time but it also saves you money it helps you print the right amount of postage every time so you never have to overpay and with you get discounts on postage you can't even get at the post office so there's that as well and my voice is cracking of course it is but yeah check out this is a service I've been using for a very long time if I ever have to ship anything I'm using no matter what I'm not going to the post office that's just a personal
Starting point is 00:46:36 you know opinion there right now you can enjoy service with a special offer that includes a four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale without long-term commitments you can go to click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement that is click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement if you are shipping anything this holiday season use it all right anyway that's all I wanted to give you it's a fun thing yeah oh it's fun yes you guys do secrets Santa like in the family not much of a secret is this too yeah yeah it's just like for your families I know we do me and my friends do it you comment just show up oh you have nobody here for Christmas oh I have my friends here I said no to my parents
Starting point is 00:47:22 this year nice how'd that go over that was fine uh because my mom is celebrating with my brother and then uh my dad I was just like he's coming on a dad's dad's trip now next week I think okay so everyone's dad gets to come on a trip we'll go to Florida and Tampa that's awesome met because dad sent you guys out send you guys out I was like yeah wait guys gotta stretch I'm like what are you you guys you also like we were hammering shots with your dad too yeah he loves his tequila he loves that patrol he's like all right guys Mika has practiced tomorrow and I was like and then a whole lot of like Swedish like arguments yeah I've never I've never thought that I would have a professional athlete friend argue with his dad in Swedish about his friends staying over too late so
Starting point is 00:48:12 in this apart I don't live with him I love it so I'm like what are you doing I'm like we're gonna have a talk about this it's just so it's so funny though because like you had to be embarrassed a little bit you think yeah no because why would I I said I feel so bad he's probably so embarrassed yeah which I mean I feel like my dad's the same way like he would come here and be like all right he went like for something else he'd like say something weird you know like he'd come here well it wasn't weird like okay time to uh I'm like uh no it's not no but it's just so funny that it's getting late it's about that time guys tired just starts moving towards the door just in the circle oh god I'm tired you guys should probably get out of here I think we called it
Starting point is 00:48:58 right it's like my buddy he was I feel like it's just funny that like growing up your dad would do that sometimes and just be like all right you know everyone's got to get out whatever you know that should happen and then now it's like you think about professional athletes and you're like yo they're these people that are just like whatever yeah but it's just so funny that your dad's still just like all right that's just some though that's how I know I took it no but it's just it's just funny it's just funny that like it's it's not like I live with him right like you came here to visit me you don't tell my friends to leave I was cracking up once you got out the whole you were yeah yeah I fucking care it was great remember how tired he was when we left the
Starting point is 00:49:44 other night dude first of all we said your name like three times and you were just like sleep with your eyes open shit and Keith would wake up and like he would nap for like five minutes talk and then go back to sleep we gotta talk about you and Keith have this amazing amazing I don't even know dynamic dynamic where you guys just make fun of each other all night long constantly yeah it's every five seconds like shut the fuck up Keith and Keith's like he always calls you you fucking sweet yeah I remember fucking sweet under his breath one time it's like it's like I keep calling him a sweet but I don't know what else to say I will get there oh my god I love it I get worse when Keith when Keith gets drunk
Starting point is 00:50:31 well he was he was falling asleep yeah this kid's a big sleeper that kid falls asleep on the train yeah but I don't know how he recovers that quickly though I don't know he told me that night yo at that night we had to go to Barclay's center and then we went to MSG on the way to Barclays he was sleeping on the car it's like she'd arrest my eyes I was like what rest my eyes it's like what are you 90 rest your eyes what does that mean first of all rest your eyes means go to sleep be just sleeping just so everyone's on the same page no that is sleeping nap napping how long's a nap a proper nap I'd say a minimum nap is half an hour yeah half an hour I would say 20 minutes I would okay 20 minutes an hour and you know you know people say I just
Starting point is 00:51:15 go take a power nap yeah but I believe I believe that though because there is a power nap because if I sleep for two hours I'll wake up and still be tired yeah if I sleep for 20 minutes I could get up and move around that's how I used to do this thing where I drink before games I drink coffee before I go to sleep I drink I drink a cup of coffee wake up 40 minutes later and I feel fresh you don't feel groggy when you wake up oh how do you sleep after drinking coffee because you you're about to fall asleep you're like in bed basically like sugar okay and then you go to bed and then when you wake up you're kind of like when it kicks in look at that damn it's like shooting heroin it's your arm basically basically I had probably the worst tip of my life
Starting point is 00:51:57 from a buddy of mine he goes I have this key nap oh my god the hell is that he goes I sleep and I put like I sleep on the couch put my arm out I put my keys in my hand and then I you know you hold them but when you fall asleep you kind of relax and then you let go of the keys and the minute it hits the floor floor you wake up and then you're done that's terrifying I also that's my arm we get tired about to take a key nap same guy I've done on my phone by accident same guy sleeps and he puts the alarm at four a.m. just so you can enjoy the last four hours he's sleeping oh like he sets his alarm he wakes up he goes I got four hours you know what I kind of like that though I don't because I like waking up knowing I have more time to sleep yeah but I don't like
Starting point is 00:52:45 to be woken up at 4 a.m. I'd rather just sleep what if you what if you can't go back to sleep yeah got a couple extra hours in your day couple you had a lot of fucking that's a lot of you just waking up at four o'clock in the morning it's a ridiculous hour to wake up yeah like the rock does it works out for him and like Mark Wahlberg also I'm up at 4 a.m. you know I'm in the gym eat egg whites and Ezekiel bread yeah all right that's cool dude yeah your man did you also blinded a Vietnamese man oh my god he did he did he did he did he did he went he did time we all hey he's rebuilt marky mark though yeah he's marky mark Calvin Klein adds gonna go down in history all right what a pod that guy oh jeez marky mark funky bunch what's the worst thing you ever ate
Starting point is 00:53:29 before a game I knew it was a mistake lasagna lasagna I can't eat at all before any such like any type of cheese if I go to play flag football I don't eat yo what if you got a shit yeah have you ever had the shit on the ice not even on the ice like once the game starts right the first period starts and you're like oh no yeah like you're about to take the opening face off you like I got a shit yeah what do you like on like when you get to the bench you're like yeah I'm beer right back no I don't think I've ever been a part of that yeah because you guys first of all you guys wear so much shit taking a shit is probably oh my god so you have you're used to by now no but you have that fucking girdle right yeah leg pads uh-huh the pants the socks
Starting point is 00:54:18 the skates yeah but you don't you just need to get your pants off and then you're good yeah wait so wait wait wait wait you don't have to take that big belt off that big girdle thing the back protector like just kind of back it's part of your pants yeah oh is it really I thought it was a separate piece of equipment no no it like sticks up the back yeah yours is always poking out that's why I thought it was no my jersey is always tucked in because I was skates so low so my end the jerseys are tighter now yeah because they're fresh though still waiting on mine by the way um Christmas Christmas is coming Christmas is coming but um yeah by the way I just wanted to bring this up before I forgot your reactions to something like kind of reminded me of it
Starting point is 00:54:59 we like oh I kind of like that though I just why where did this come up was that with you about the reverse the preemptive wash before you go to the bathroom oh that no but I'm a big fan of that what's that when you when you're in like a club or a bar and you go to the bathroom when do you wash your hands after normal people yeah but someone just opened my mind I forget who it was but someone just opened my mind to when you go in there you wash your hands first yeah but then you get tipped the guy extra what he has the worst job of history no no not that guy I'm talking about you might have the worst most unnecessary job ever yeah it is kind of necessary because like you got to give him a thousand dollars no but I always tip him well because I know if there's a
Starting point is 00:55:46 line you always cut because he'll be like not you come here yeah I did that in Vegas I'll always make sure especially with tipping you have to see me tip it's like George Costanza yeah you have to see me tip or I will not tip yeah I have to be like I'm I'm I'm a selfish tipper me too because it's like hey look I'm helping you yeah I that's fucked up isn't I don't want credit actually no I want credit I just like it's not about the money it's about like see that I didn't scumbag you yeah you know yeah like because if I feel about it how often you're going you don't have cash though oh almost almost every time yeah but I feel like it's already it up yeah I leave pretty good tips do you have Venmo yeah so the bartender what's your Venmo I'll just send you yeah I'll hit you
Starting point is 00:56:34 under the table no but like I feel like the preemptive wash though so this is where I'm talking about when you're going to the bathroom right you walk in you wash your hands first and then you go to the bathroom because your dick isn't the thing that's dirty because we showered before we got here you know I'm saying my dick's clean and ready to fuck some right some of us some of us right the bar and the and the subway or the Uber or whatever that's where the germs are so in a way you're kind of disrespecting your own dick if you're putting all those germs on it and then washing it after the fact your dick still got the germs on but if you wash beforehand clean hands clean dick boom bang now you got clean hands you know that actually made a lot of sense
Starting point is 00:57:21 see the preemptive wash yeah but how do you wash your hands though do you like just do water or get soap on there sometimes I just do water if I'm like I'm gonna get out that's not washing your hands afterwards yeah no but if I take a shit I'm like doctor scrubbing in for surgery kind of washing yeah but peeing I'm like I'm peeing you guys friends that don't wash your hands after they pee yeah in my house I never wash my hands that's gross in your own house what if you pee on your hands and you don't even know about it how would I know I think I would know I think I'm not always when my hands are numb I could feel peace piss on them I don't know about that okay if I pee on my hand also how would I get my hand even in front of the hole here maybe you got a big old dung
Starting point is 00:58:06 no but I'm saying if you're no I'm saying when you're out doesn't splash back I mean it sometimes I hate the splash back of a urinal oh I hate it yeah also how far are you from the urinal when you piss in public there are some guys that just go on there and whip that cock out oh my god you know what I'm saying and they're pretty deep and there's two walls get in the wall so you're trying to set a record over here get in the wall all right there's no fucking clown mouth that you're trying to pee in and win a prize here yeah I was fucking stepping there I get in there I get in there I hide this dick I do I do I'm selfish oh this is another pet peeve of mine there's four stalls you pick the one to the wall there's three other ones
Starting point is 00:58:53 why do you go next to me yeah why are you standing next to me dude why why that's a little weird I don't like that yeah even if you go in and there's there's there's it's full the middle one opens up or like there's four of them so you wait it out no you take it they leave the next guy comes in he still has the wall on the other side like one in between you yeah and he still comes stands right next to you why yeah it's close peers that's what it's close peers it's just people with no regard like there's there's rules to this bathroom you can't just come in here and sit on my lap and pee I once I once went to a bar that had one of those ice troughs those are what what is so it's basically like you go it's a sink this was like three years ago I mean sink it's a sink
Starting point is 00:59:42 it's a big sink it's a long sink that you go in and pee in and there's just ice there there's ice just there's no wall floor no no no it's like it's raised like where like a urinal height yeah but it's not your own personal one it's just a fucking long thing it's like pissing in a bathtub basically you're pissing in tubs yeah with ice so I remember I walked into the bar I had the pee so bad I didn't do it what you do I went somewhere else oh and peed in a real bathroom yo that's so dumb that I did that no no no why are we making this thing I don't want to whip my fucking cock out and I'm drunk too I'm gonna be there for 10 minutes peeing yeah I pee forever when I'm drunk yeah but we have we have those especially one stadium uh they have some music
Starting point is 01:00:29 festivals and like soccer they have it's just a wall and there's like it's like a competition it's like there's like different marks on it how high you can pee but there's nothing it's just you're standing on basically like a almost like a fence to whatever floor you're just pissing straight down you have nothing to piss into oh you're just pissing through like a grate yeah almost yeah you're standing on a grate and you're pissing right down and 50 and other guys are standing actually fucking bumping into each other it's piss on the ground I would feel weird piss yeah I round urinals like like yeah those are weird when's the last time you took a piss outside like out in the wilderness yeah in the wilderness yeah I don't know here is when was the last time I broke the laws you're
Starting point is 01:01:15 asking yeah when's the last time you know if you get caught you know you know you know if you get caught pissing in public three times you have to register as a sex offender shut up swear to god I would say after two I would probably stop pissing after one I'd be like listen I got two strikes I can look at I've had friends that have gotten that the drunk in public and public urination I've never got caught obviously I've pissed outside on numerous occasions when's the last time though uh I would say fairly recently like when I'm drunk and I have to pee and like I can only yeah but you guys live out here yeah can't do that in the city no you can't pee in the city I live in the city of course you would no yeah it's hard to piss in the city you can find some places though in the
Starting point is 01:01:59 city yeah like I'd make it work there was one time when I was in the city for st. Patrick's day when I was like 15 years old not 15 I was like 17 years old and I had to piss so bad and all the bathrooms of all these places were like no no no because like they don't want drunk people coming in yeah everyone's underage I had to find a place yeah and I panicked and I pissed but no one caught me but I did one time at a football game I was pissing in between cars and this guy was just I guess looking for a spot just stopped right there I was looking the other way and I'm peeing like I'm already too into this pee to like stop yeah you know what I mean and I'm like finishing out my pee and the guy just turns the other way and he just sees me and I'm just like
Starting point is 01:02:38 what are you gonna do you got me so the guy saw me pissing it's pretty far pretty dope like pissing in front of friends professional athlete always wanted to ask this question here we go are you guys always really naked in there what some guys some guys oh oh in the showers because I know the reason I I was naked in showers but what are you show would you close on that's what I'm saying no no no no no but I'm saying here's why it's because like you're doing interviews in there are you ever doing an interview like they wait for you guys to shower no no they come five minutes after the game so so someone's walking around hang out no no no right behind the locker room and they have a change oh okay oh I thought you could be like yeah you know we dumped it in there pretty
Starting point is 01:03:24 well and then someone's dick is just hanging out behind there it's like yeah you know yeah we're doing the thing you know we're dumping the park we're getting after the ice you know out there and then guys just walk around the background that happened once and if you look online in a football locker room yeah they were interviewing some guy and then someone in the background like their towel wasn't big enough and like you saw half shaft hammer I mean I don't really remember I just remember there being a peep yeah I cannot remember but do you guys have so the garden has private showers like what do you mean but like is it like player showers it's an art locker yeah it's in our locker right I know it's in the locker room but do you have
Starting point is 01:04:05 like a little separation oh he's asking if it's just like a shower like just for you like a door or is it just like an open thing they have they have like stalls oh all right it's like a prison shower yeah it's basically what it is it's open but there's walls there's like drapes for it oh is there yeah see that's what I'm saying the nicks wanted to do like the doors I don't know why but oh wow see that's what I'm saying it's not like how you but no one really cares right yeah we have the hot like the hot and cold tub right behind it so you go to the gym you dump that dick out or you wear a shower at the gym okay you shower you shower and I wouldn't dump that dick out at the gym though I would never dump my dick out I dump my dick
Starting point is 01:04:46 out in front of my teammates though my teammates I never did that I don't really care that much in front of my teammates I don't care you don't have stalls at our training center it's just like four showers four showers yeah just taking shifts oh my god that sounds a lot worse than it is 20 second shifts just like on the ice yeah right all right go go go I'm so soapy I need for fun oh man god that's hysterical yeah but um one thing I wanted to ask you guys a question not not being related to being naked or in a shower but uh I saw an article where this ATM was giving out hundred dollar bills where is it wait giving it like by accident yeah well ATMs don't pay in hundreds of no no no but no it's not so so if you were asking for
Starting point is 01:05:33 like 40 instead of 220s it would give you 200s it would give you 200s what okay what's your question would you call somebody and give the money back or would you keep it who do you even call first of all no is the answer I'm just asking I would take my card out and put it right back in and keep making transactions and take as much money as I could it's an ATM it's not an old woman I'm not robbing somebody yeah but it would be suspicious because that's how they get you on the fraud stuff right oh if you keep using your card and if you keep using for low amounts because that's what you they usually do they try for low amounts to make sure it works and then they go on the higher ones uh yeah it's good are you sure you're in there all right are you actually Mika
Starting point is 01:06:17 Zaybana but no like I would do it but the other thing that I would be afraid of is getting caught if I kept it what are they gonna do make you give it back and do it it's not like a million dollars it's 500 yeah but if you go to get 40 bucks or a hundred bucks and you get 500 bucks you're not going to jail for 500 dollars no no but if 10 people do it that banks taking a hit dude they wouldn't fucking know it's a bank obviously they knew they caught on they was giving out 100 dollar bills it's awesome I know where was this uh I will find out right now close to here we can take my car nothing like that ever happens to me in Texas we'll cut it yeah but what doesn't happen to you you don't find money I like nothing like I've found money before it's the greatest
Starting point is 01:07:15 feeling in the world finding money even finding your own money in your pocket you're like wait what yeah oh my god finding five dollars in your pants after like you haven't worn them in a week 10 million dollars it's 10 million dollars yeah it really is you have no idea what we're talking about do you know I'm sorry but I cannot relate right now it's fine it's fine it's fine we understand what did you do the first time you made a million dollars well it took me two years what was your first purchase like when you were like yeah I'm a millionaire now bought a car what'd you buy bought a lexus rx good for you 300 big body or 350 350 damn I don't know anything about cars it's all right what'd you buy
Starting point is 01:07:59 nothing a house a house that's a real investment I mean I gotta start saving money I wish I would put a car I gotta start saving money no the ATM was in Texas mistaken mistakenly mistakenly dealt at yeah dispense $100 bills wait how can that happen instead of like instead of tens don't they don't they oh my god instead of tens don't they have to like put the money in did they multiply by 10 then is how do I do it so if you got a hundred dollars because you know how you could pick the bills I don't think so yes you can yes you can at chase you can in a bank maybe yeah yeah when you go to the ATM you could pick if you want like 520s it's an ATM though at a bank or like at a like a deli at the ATM you could choose what okay bills you want so they said tens and
Starting point is 01:08:53 they and they gave hundreds yes because how over that yeah because how else will these people be getting a hundred they want to pick intense let me ask you a question okay different scenarios sort of the same all right you're walking down the street right right over here you're walking down the street actually not over here I don't know where you are you're in the Central Park okay you're walking along oh so you're like what is that and there's just like a duffel bag by a tree sort of hidden and you open it there's $500,000 cash do you take the money 100% yes you're not saying it no what am I die that's what I would think I'm like yo someone is not because someone is picking that up yep and someone might be on their way or watching yeah because you wouldn't
Starting point is 01:09:36 leave it and then not watch who's picking it up it's true like you leave it you make sure that they pick it up and then you leave yeah you know what I would do I'd move it and stay there here's why wait what here's why I'd move it to another location right okay and go back to that spot and sit there and wait to see who comes and gets it I'm automatically out as a potential suspect I don't know what's going on I would be more worried that someone would be like where's my fucking money like someone moving it so you can take it after yeah moving it so I'm not taking it I'm taking it no yeah where do you put 500k anyway you can't put it in the bank I find places and you're gonna want to put it in your walls or you're putting your mattress yeah it's a lot of
Starting point is 01:10:24 cash it's a lot of cash it's like physically a lot I know did you see the 9 million with fucking tiger and Phil Mickelson no it showed oh they showed cash yeah it was insane 500,000 dollars probably it's a lot dude like a lot of bills like to hide that yeah but you're hiding and how do you spend it how do you wash it you don't you just don't buy big shit you just go to a strip club and just go no absolutely no would you would you uh would you sell it sell my oh like sell it for like 200k yeah you get this for give me 250 and take the 500 oh no I'm keeping the 500 oh wow no no what are you talking about what are you talking about selling money for less yeah because then you won't be like it's you don't have that 500 on you you would get real money
Starting point is 01:11:13 well it's real money I would say like someone else buys this 500 because it's riskier to have that 500 you don't know who you're dealing with but if someone buys you like it's still 250,000 dollars yeah that you that you found we'll keep the 500 no no no you don't give away the you give you give okay so you have it or I have it I say do you want 500,000 dollars give me 250 and I give you 250 you give me the 500 yeah I see what he's saying I'm keeping the five I'll be too afraid no I would I wouldn't pick it up and start running I'd look around a little there's no one around oh then I'm taking it how are they gonna find me what forensic drug dealers are there out there lifting fucking fingerprints I don't know but there's no way you're leaving 500,000
Starting point is 01:11:59 dollars at Central Park and you don't watch over it that's why I was saying my original plan all right take it hide it return to the scene of the crime see whoever comes around looking for it then I know who I'm dealing with I want to be honest with you but you then they're taking it no no no no no they're not because they're gonna be like oh shit it's not here and then leave see what I'm saying this is really working out well in your favor in your mind no because this is what I would do I would move it okay we get it hide it where would you hide it see that's Central Park it's hard then you might as well just take it home no no no because I would be afraid that somebody was following me oh so no one's gonna follow you to your hiding spot no no no
Starting point is 01:12:43 maybe they do but I would take a chance of me just moving it and then see if somebody came after me I wouldn't want them to follow me home I got people there yo one time I thought I I found mad money like I was on my bike you thought you found that money yeah because listen I was on my bike and I was like whatever I was in the street and I was like oh shit was that a wallet so I turn around I go back and I pick up the wallet there's no like license in it or like credit cards because like I've lost my wallet a couple times and like I've gotten it back thankfully so I was going to give it back but there was nothing in there but there were these bills in it that were foreign I didn't know where they were from or whatever but they were like big ass bills like one was like
Starting point is 01:13:25 ten thousand ten thousand forty thousand forty thousand and then like two thousand five hundred and I was like yo what is this yeah right so I'm like yo I don't know what I don't really remember what country I was from but it was like yen it was literally like 13 bucks fuck I was like why do we have yeah it's like that shit if you find a wallet do you when you were a kid not now not now it finds a wallet when you were a kid if you found a wallet would you take the money yeah leave the wallet yes I'm a big fan of if somebody finds my wallet keep the cash keep the cash give me my wallet I just need the driver's license and I need the cards I would please take the fucking cash yes because what do you you're not going to be able to do anything with the
Starting point is 01:14:11 card cards anyways no no you're going to cancel it you don't need that you don't need my driver's license no I'm sorry you don't look like me just give me it just give me the shit I don't want to go to the DMV I don't want to go there I don't want to sit in line I gotta buy a new one I would be totally okay if the etiquette was like if you find a wallet keep your cash and but return the wallet I have an amazing story for you I would tell a person like take all the money in my wallet as a and I'll keep my cash an amazing story who carries like hundreds and hundreds of dollars listen when I was 17 years old it's like oh no not me I love the casual wallet drop I love it you're paying for everything tonight
Starting point is 01:14:52 Uber too obviously yes and we're going out to dinner it's fucking lit all right here we go no when I was 17 years old didn't have a lot of money and I had the cash on me and like my bank card in my wallet I made a phone call from a pay phone one of the last pay phones I'll never forget it in what in the white planes mall the gallery in the mall white planes I left my wallet there so I go home I have like the gifts that I bought I had like 300 dollars in cash in this wallet lost it left it went back it was gone mm-hmm a week later I get it sent to me in the mail an anonymous letter cash still in the wallet and the person said hey Danny found this hope all as well everything's still in here Merry Christmas anonymous how amazing is that that is not something
Starting point is 01:15:53 I would do I would have took that money yeah me I'm just being honest I would have took that money and left the wallet right there on top of the fucking thing that's that's a story that you hear that would only happen around Christmas time where someone's like you know what I'm feeling giving I'm gonna here's a bang you know like a free ticket into heaven this is good if this was that you said you're not getting that back no no no no no it's funny that you said heaven because honestly I was like yeah this this is an angel this is an angel that did this to me yeah it was I shit you not like one tear came out of my eye I wanted to cry it was so nice they didn't even sign it or anything it was like a really nice script I think it was Santa Claus from the mall
Starting point is 01:16:35 Santa Claus from the mall do you guys have Santa Claus in Sweden yeah all right I'm okay yes I got one before we ended the show so dumb question when did your parents tell you that Santa wasn't real and when did you find out that Santa wasn't real did your parents tell you or did you find out oh I found out I like speculated Google did probably no but I can't remember when it was to be honest with you I was I was old I was old tell I know you've told this story before but tell them the one about how your mom conjured up this amazing fucking fake elf yeah Joe's obsessed with Santa Claus yeah and wouldn't stop writing them no no no I wrote him a letter I was like oh I'm gonna write my letter like blah blah blah and I at the end of it I was like
Starting point is 01:17:23 you know maybe we could be pen pals and shit right oh boy so I write him a letter and then my mom like obviously she's like yeah you should write on her whatever my mom is like she's the secretary her handwriting is like unbelievable she's the maculate yeah it's ridiculous and she wrote me a letter back as an elf named Jingles in the most like cursive fucking like lettering or whatever and wrote me this whole thing about how like you know Santa's busy so he can't be be your pen pal basically like shut me down yeah in the nicest way possible and was like but just you know I'll tell him you said what's that whatever and then I found the next morning I was like when the fucking elf was in here what when do you find out about that 12 no no 12's old you
Starting point is 01:18:09 said late so I thought 12 how old how old are you when you're 12 well you're 12 I'm not like eight like like I gave him a second to correct myself but he just kept looking at it no I'm not like it what grade is that I think sixth grade no it was seventh grade it was before then I think it might have been like fourth fourth or fifth that's late dude yeah it was late and I think motherfuckers love Santa was coming to town hell yeah bro I like speculated and no one was like everyone's like yeah I'm like are you gonna let your kids believe in Santa you I'll kill I'll murder a child who tries to tell my kid yo Santa's not real like yeah really fucking is this real that's a big deal oh no I have the worst story with that one what yeah so we're uh I played in
Starting point is 01:18:59 in Binghamton during the lockout the HL team we have a what the hell is it called it's it's like a booster club is that a thing yeah whatever fuck that is Binghamton booster club this is a fan club I guess yeah for for us and we had Christmas dinner everyone's kids are there and whatever and then you have to go to the rookies then the new guys have to go up and say what's your favorite memory about Christmas one guy comes up the Clayson who plays with me here in New York now he goes uh I love the turkey that's all he says and everyone goes what now I love a turkey yeah that's literally how he sounds like next guy comes up he goes um I love Christmas I love Christmas but I think my favorite memory when I was when I told my four I was 14 and my sister was six or whatever and I told her
Starting point is 01:19:50 Santa wasn't real it got so quiet in that room I've never everyone's like no no no you didn't were there kids in there kids were there oh my god who is this um he got traded to Edmonton from Ottawa oh what a scumbag that was a funny thing I remember part of did he know what he was doing he didn't he must have like a language barrier or something no he's from here he's from oh my god say Louis I thought it was like Russian or something no no no no Santa not real I said Santa was not real to my six sister six sister I will do you when you cry for two days I'll do you when you're six yes I'll do you when you're 12 you know but he he must have been like you fucking idiot his punishment he had to come to the rink and leave the rink in an elf costume
Starting point is 01:20:42 for two weeks yes that's awesome that's great that's great still uh probably not worth the souls that he crushed that day probably not I can't even apologize imagine being a kid and being like oh my god that's a hockey player like yeah bro shitting on your holiday really quick and like all right thanks man Canada's the same Christmas right yeah I think so Christmas I think it's kind of I celebrate I got two Christmas like as I guess out of it when I was with uh my girlfriend we celebrated 24th did all the Swedish food and stuff and then opened some gifts and then we did rest of them on the 25th and we had the whole whatever brunch and lunch okay I'm yeah quick one you two both big followings professional athlete professional something
Starting point is 01:21:38 yeah um what's the weirdest fan interaction that you guys have ever had the weirdest yeah like like something that like place or like what they said both well I mean I have two one of them I talked about someone came to my fucking mom's house on Easter and tried to pay me to go to their party which was absurd yeah I was even home yeah fucking Easter yeah that's insane but also like I've been in bathrooms and like I'm at a year and I was like yo are you Joe and I'm like no I'm fucking pissing yeah first of all I hit that question yeah I know it's like if you know who I am so don't ask that I think that's a question for them to try to humanize you like they don't want to come at you like you're like a giraffe in
Starting point is 01:22:23 the zoo so that's why they'll be like hey are you Mika's a bandage ad oh you're not okay you're never gonna ask somebody that they know who you are dude it's happened before my friends will do that like some someone will call me like are you Joe my friend's like nah and he's like all right what time someone came up to me it was like yo are you Joe I was like yeah man what's up nice to meet you guys no you're not and I was like yeah I am and he's like nah you're not man any left I was like all right so yeah I don't know yo suck my dick then no I mean I thought it was hilarious like I don't mind people coming up to me I just like don't want to it's like unnecessary conversation see but you're in a you're in a profession where like autographs are like a big thing
Starting point is 01:23:09 how many is uh too many I'm saying for me 10 like after I like if I just exerted myself played a game and like I want to go home 10 professional game played a professional hockey game professional hockey sports game a sports game I played a professional sports game 10 and then I'm like hey guys I gotta go like what's the exit line the exit line I hate not signing for people that's what I'm saying I don't think I've ever seen you turn down an autograph ever I always do kids first though yeah kids first and whatever and if I'm like in a rush then I always just do the kids yeah so like if you know like a guy comes up to you with like eight things though you know he's probably gonna try and sell it
Starting point is 01:23:57 yeah like I don't want to sign your care yeah but I know if I know if they're gonna try to sell it because you can only sell it with a blue pen blue marker basically I think that's what that's I think that's a thing so sometimes you go uh so people like back in the days when they did that they go okay who's a four oh they would sign it to this yes but now they found like this eraser so they'll just they go yeah uh to Chris and then when they come home they take that out still sign so what I do with the blue pens if I know like okay I've seen them before whatever sometimes I like I've been told this it's actually a smart idea if it's like you had one of them why do you need 10 I don't get it uh you sign so we it's perfect we're blue so I signed the blue on my jersey so you
Starting point is 01:24:46 can't see my name oh very scumbag yeah you know what uh Daniel Radcliffe did once with like paparazzi I mean kind of the same thing but um when he was I believe he was filming one of the last Harry Potter movies he would leave the studio in the same exact outfit every single day so that they couldn't sell the pictures because it didn't look like a new picture oh so it's like you're taking those pictures but it's like this is from two days ago it's like no you're just wearing the same outfit it's like well it looks that's very smart that's very smart just fucking with the paparazzi like that it's hilarious you know I just learned that Taylor Swift got carried around in like a chest yeah Adele too why like a like a like a suitcase so like so she's like to get in and out of venues
Starting point is 01:25:32 they put them in like roti boxes and carry them in like equipment boxes they'll put her in there and put her in and take her out so nobody knows when she's leaving in an arena but why for security probably yeah but now you know it yeah but yeah now people aren't gonna be like she's in this one you're not gonna have like a check all the box check all the box no but I just don't really think about it it's genius I dude I can't subject myself cramming in I'm Taylor Swift I'm not cramming into this thing I sure for screaming fans Adele's done that why can't I just walk in what's that why what's what's the problem with that when is it to the venue into the venue and out of the venue well no she was doing it all the time yeah like to get on to like stage and you
Starting point is 01:26:17 know like leaving her apartment like she was getting into a box whoa really yes I thought it was just like at venues no way she was just you was boxing it up even venues I don't get it they have the backstage what are they hiding yeah why are you hiding like what are you you're no one's gonna try and assassinate you yeah you never do you never all right but you have the security for a reason right yeah all the passes and stuff otherwise everyone will run around so why because you're for fun because you're nuts no but that's that's actually a thing like when you do something crazy at that it's just because you can't that's what I'm saying we were talking about the other day sometimes you get so famous that you just do that you just do shit because you could do it
Starting point is 01:26:55 normal shit is not is not it's not gonna get you off man I wish I knew someone nuts you know well like famous and nuts or just nuts no like like you're so famous to the point where you're like us like you're like you do psychotic things like like you know what I mean I think Blizzardian like tries to do it he's he's human he's too he's human he's you know what I mean he's human like yeah he could walk around most places and most people wouldn't know who he is even though he has a huge following I would say they would probably recognize him but probably not go approach him right not Jay-Z that's what I'm saying yeah like do you think Jay-Z wants to go to like do normal people shit no I've done it all he's done it all I've already told you that story but
Starting point is 01:27:41 Ed Sheeran said one time he had a he did a concert like at MSG or Barclays or something Beyonce and Jay-Z came to the show and they went to a dive bar afterwards yeah it's amazing I would have paid a million I would pay like 200 bucks okay like 200 dollars just to see them in a dive bar yeah like when is that happening again yeah it's true yeah never real quick question how we doing on time we doing okay all right we're getting there you played in Ottawa and New York right yeah did you get recognized more on the streets in Ottawa or here Ottawa yeah they love their hockey more you would say because it's their main sport yeah I think it's not that they love their hockey more because ranger fans are they're intense yeah oh yeah they're like they're crazy in
Starting point is 01:28:29 a good way yeah but I think it's like I think it's a you know first of all it's like a branding thing too the Rangers are so like it's such a like historical team whatever but with Ottawa it's like everyone breeds hockey there like that's all we have you guys are like the gods up there we're like well I wasn't but like at that point but you had guys were like basically a list yeah right in Ottawa that's crazy just like right there like I feel like in New York there's just so many people too it's like you're not even like paying attention really that's what I mean like I said I think I mentioned this to someone before even if you see me you recognize me yeah you might say hi but you see so many different celebrities are bigger than we are yeah on a daily basis yeah whatever
Starting point is 01:29:17 even at your games yeah you know what I mean like at nick games everyone that's at the game is way more famous than anyone that's on the floor I mean I feel like NBA athletes are like NBA athletes are legit like superstars if you're like remotely good yeah but you got it like Howard Stern watching you every night what more people know who Howard Stern is than they know who fucking Noah Von Lay is sure but I'm you know I'm just saying I know what you're saying they're superstars in their own right for sure yeah of course like even through advertising and shit like that but it's in terms of like getting recognized is that your watch I don't know it's my phone
Starting point is 01:29:56 here the robots are watching I can't handle this but anyway I would think that in Canada they have to be way bigger I also think the cities are just different like New York is a giant city like I'm like I'm what about Toronto like Toronto is a huge city it's not New York City it's it's pretty big it's big it's like it's a cleaner New York City it's nice so like if you're on the Maple Leafs and you're walking around Toronto yeah everyone's gonna know who you are yeah we could walk around with him in New York City people are gonna know who he is but it's not like if he was in Toronto walking around no yeah I'm in agreement yeah yeah I didn't mind it in Ottawa though because people were like
Starting point is 01:30:40 really respectful of it like they're crazy about it and whatever but you didn't want to show face when you were not doing well oh really no but in a way where like you don't want to deal with it like yeah that was a rough one yeah see like I don't I've never hated like I've never like had anything against like fans being really passionate about it but it's just like you don't want to put yourself in a spot where you want to discuss the game because sometimes even with friends I'm like shut up I don't want to talk about the game yeah yeah um but we don't really talk much I don't think we ever talk okay the only time we talk is when you text us you're like yeah I fucking suck yeah no I don't just feel like dude you're great don't worry about it oh thank you let's go get
Starting point is 01:31:22 dinner thank you so much let's go let's go get dinner are you really good we can talk about over dinner all right see I catch teach me how to skate please biggest difference between Ottawa and New York um well I mean the cities there was so much more to do here I have more guests coming no one wanted to come and visit me in Ottawa it was like two flights it's super simple to come here how far is it from Toronto and like Montreal five hours with four and a half hours drive drive drive drive 40 minutes with flight it's not bad all right Montreal is two hours hour and a half is it more so like is it like where is Ottawa I don't know that's what I'm trying to figure it out Montreal is for the most part like right there and then Toronto's like to the left of it right in
Starting point is 01:32:08 between right in between right in between but closer to Montreal obviously oh okay they speak French there they speak French everywhere baby I know but in Ottawa Toronto they speak a lot of English yeah dude in Toronto though when I went a lot of their food products have it in English and then French right yeah because they got people from Montreal probably coming over there no in Ottawa it's like 50 50 it's 50 50 but I think most of them do speak but we have like the downtown goes into Quebec like okay other side of the bridge is like right so well you're paying that New York tax now too it's honestly not much worse than in Ottawa really yeah jeez at least I think I don't know at least I think so much money does
Starting point is 01:32:54 I don't even know what happens comes in goes out whatever it's fucking good fucking hockey players getting paid nowadays I feel like they didn't get paid back in the day well if you compared to any other sport they don't get paid when you if you want to do that yeah but like what's the biggest hockey contract of all time is it like Sydney Crosby or all time no or that kid David didn't he sign David didn't he sign a new deal yeah he signed but like eight years or some shit probably no but you had it I think Kovochuk signed like a 13 or 16 year deal with New Jersey but they front loaded the whole thing so he would get like 15 I don't know I can't I can't remember what the contract was but I think McDavid makes like either 12 and a half or 13 and a half a year and that's
Starting point is 01:33:39 what that's not even like it dude if you're a bum in the NBA that's what I mean like a veteran you're making like two million more you know a veteran's minimum in the NBA no no Kylo yeah veteran's minimum I think is like two million one point five yeah but like Kylo Quinn who was on the next last year yeah makes like nine million dollars a year doesn't play they get paid paid but you guys get guaranteed contracts guaranteed guaranteed that's a key I guarantee it no but they do too no NBA yeah just not football yeah that's why it's great because of the injuries and stuff yeah it's so fucked up it is fucked up it is fucked up one question about fighting have you ever been in a fight no never once in your professional career no all right planning on it either now
Starting point is 01:34:29 is that like a like offensive guys don't fight like do they do they protect the goal score because Wayne Gretzky got protected I feel like yeah no one let him talk back in the days but I think you know you stand up for your teammates but I just never really felt like I had to sense so much horse play going around those fucking games you ever see him like behind like those fucking slaps they're trying to get the ball the ball boy here we go trying to get the puck in there smacking it around and then all they do is slap each other in the face what's that about you guys all paw each other and and fucking yell at each other you gotta mush him what's up with the motion and the push of all I don't want to sit there for five plus minutes and not play
Starting point is 01:35:12 yeah you know somebody somebody on the Ranger got fucked up in the Islanders game was there a fight in the Rangers oh yeah he broke his finger yeah he broke his finger he was dead tight he didn't want to fight we were up two nothing three nothing yeah he's like there's no chance like why would we do it caught some heat and he tried and yeah but he couldn't he couldn't throw a punch because he he I think he twisted or something like that yeah see that's the whole thing there's like a whole fucking gotta hold their sweater throw a couple of these and punching that helmet that thing's gotta hurt that's my aim for the face yeah but also is it soft if you wear a visor no I feel like it secretly is though I think it is no but there's not a whole lot of guys without a visor
Starting point is 01:36:00 you don't wear a visor I just defended myself you would have been like yeah visors are for pussy I think visors look cooler I also like I don't I don't want to get hit in the fucking eyes with a puck no I got hit with a stick in the eye once and I open up and I don't see anything there's just all blood inside of that oh like a red no like I see like well it's like black like I'm oh I'm blind oh I feel like like they stitches on my eyelid nice and then you got back in there yeah next game because I couldn't play because I couldn't see anything so my vision was just yeah and do you guys have a team dentist yeah we do so they can potentially pop your two back in you'll play yeah I don't think you'd do it right and you'd do it after the game probably if you want to
Starting point is 01:36:53 I had it done my first year I played so I played with a cage back home in Sweden got drafted came to the development camp during the summer first came with a visor I'll go hit a guy a guy's like five seven cool comes up hits the helmet right up my tooth half a tooth gone two hours later they fixed it like I left the development camp game and just went this like a scrimmage but just left got it done that's your worst like yeah hockey casualty yeah that not yeah I couldn't do it I wish I played hockey growing up so bad they sweat so much it's disgusting and they fight each other and they all lose their teeth it's a tough sport it's tough sport if whatever you just said it's not for you I don't it's not for you yeah I don't I wish I played so bad why because it's so fun I don't
Starting point is 01:37:44 know it's too hard it's so hard it's like almost people can do it it's like impossible to score like do you remember playing floor hockey in gym class yeah I was fucking nasty dude how frustrating was just floor hockey in in high school hurt my back yeah dude no slap shots allowed yeah man no slap shots why am I here yeah fucking cranking that thing up yeah but you know maybe good maybe maybe be tougher maybe I'm starving but yeah I'm hungry too we should get the fuck out of here we should we're going to see Travis Scott too get dark and I don't feel safe here these guys sort of got started not to feel safe here I'm fucking out here I gotta start with my knife I guess all right well we can wrap this up hour and a
Starting point is 01:38:34 half hour and a half one of the longest episodes we've ever done yeah it's very good free for all and comfort what I just say free for all in conversation free free for all and free for all how much was that one find out on the next find out the next episode of the basement next time how much was that one all right oh my god anyway what is your instagram so people can go follow you well not like what is alexa said it wrong alexa yeah I forgot what they said zabine I just say baby shout that's not that it's a bandage at 93 hmm it's a bandage I'll keep spell it spell the bandage and you got it come on I spelled it right that one time where you were like yo spell it I spelled it I got it right I'll give you the first Z B no okay I'll do this every other
Starting point is 01:39:29 is a val every other is a val Z A I wait we'll start over Z I there you go B yes A N E J A D can go son I only took you like five tries no no no no I just uh I think the first the second letter I don't know if I got the second letter I know about a job but I didn't know about a job yeah yeah but anyway you can find me at jane little fury on instagram and twitter and that's it yeah and guys go follow the show on instagram at the basement yard and the patreon is pat reo n dot com slash the basement yard to support the show appreciate it we'll see you guys next time hockey

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