The Basement Yard - #176 - Thirty Years Old

Episode Date: February 11, 2019

On this episode, Danny turns thirty, we discuss reading comments, some of our favorite music and more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, I mean Yeah, what is what's going on? Boy turn 30. Why are you dressed like this? It's my birthday. No, I understand I'm going to a very nice luxurious dinner. I understand But you look like you came in here to kill me. Well, we'll see how they have so goes it just might have to All right, I'd be fresh had to be fresh happy birthday by the way. Thank you I was waiting for that. I mean I said happy birthday today. Yeah, yeah But like, you know, like don't try to do that make me look like an asshole. I need some pizzazz. You need to pizzazz
Starting point is 00:00:33 Happy birthday. Yes. How's that? You know what I hit when go people go? Don't like that one. Yeah me neither stick to regular happy birthday happy birthday You big birthday guy and I yeah It wasn't confident. Uh-uh, I'm not I'm really not a big birthday guy. You don't like birthdays No, I really don't because here's why I don't like as much as you people might think It's if this is a lie. I don't like to be the center of attention like going out Right, like if we go like I don't want everyone to come to like a social event because of me Why not? Because I feel like uh, like who am I? Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:15 Like I much rather go to somebody else's birthday party than my own is what I'm saying Yeah, usually on my birthdays, like I'm sober and like it's like whatever and then other people's birthdays I'm like blacking out and throwing up in a boot. That's what I'm saying And it's like you got to go away to like go out of your way to make plans and shit and like Reserve a play like I don't want to do all that Like I'm going out tonight. I'm having a nice fucking dinner and I'm chilling Your turtleneckin very hard right now fucking fresh dog. You know what I'm saying fresh as shit And I already know that the
Starting point is 00:01:45 The carpet matches the drapes. Oh, you get what I'm saying. Hell. Yeah turtle necks deep dark two turtle doves This one right here Is the first sweater underneath here? Yeah, just need a little reinforcement because it's cold as shit in New York Oh, you have two sweaters on no, it's just in my chest there. Oh, that's what you meant. Okay Not everyone could be a hairless wonder like you my friend. I'm not a hairless wonder I got a little pepper. You have like a little pepper. We've seen it before look at that. You my pepper. Do you have nip hair? Oh, oh, yeah, you have that's like it's like it's like long Scientist hair. Yeah, you know mad scientist when they got like, yeah
Starting point is 00:02:19 You ever thought about clipping your you know that you know that doll from rug rats. Yes, uh angelica. No, no, no That's the girl's name. Do you have a simp? Yeah, what's the fuck the fucked upside of her head? Those are my nipples. Look You have like Homer Simpson hairs Yeah, yeah, those are like homers. You know what I'm saying. Why would you not clip those nips? How with what was I go? Yeah, just boss them I don't know. I should I haven't my chest hair stain. I kind of think it gives me some character. I'm very jealous of like your manscaping like It's low maintenance. Well, I just don't get a lot of it. Yeah, I need like reinforcements
Starting point is 00:02:52 I need all kinds of shave creams machinery all types of stuff heavy machinery too. Like I can't like that should have to be fully charged Can't go have battery with the buzzer. I'm fine You know, that's actually a real thing like I'm laughing But I know even for me my buzzer when it's like your buzzer just kind of gives up on you sometimes when it's low battery it's kind of like You could hear it usually it's like full back Cut your face. That's the worst part because it's like it's always that it always does Yeah, it starts pulling and it always dies at the moment when you're like, I need you the most. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:27 And then And then it's over. Fuck you're like, fuck man. Yeah, man, and I'm having my beard. It's grown back too So it's like, you know, yeah, that's all anyone ever talked about was your beard. I know just guys let it go It's a be it grows back first. First. It was my hair in that Jesus first. It was my hair in that uh, santa gato studios video I don't know what that was about here. That was very strange. Can I say something? I will because this is gonna get weird I didn't want to talk about it. But anyway, no, I want to talk about it I was very upset by it
Starting point is 00:03:55 So I put out a video on the youtube channel slash santa gato studios a lot of good content on there Me and Danny just reacted to childbirth which is interesting. Uh, but Uh, I did a video with Frankie where we just sit on the couch. We have a glass of whiskey Which is kind of just bullshit, you know whiskey talks great fucking show I had just gotten a haircut that morning. So I took a shower. Yeah, and then I just sat on the couch Yeah, and everyone's like, what is this hair joke? We need to talk about your hair Dude, you went from third grade to second grade. You you've regressed and it's like I just didn't put it like now. I don't have anything in my hair
Starting point is 00:04:29 It's I don't have anything in my hair right now. He's sitting. Can I just sit your fucking psychos? The thing I don't get is is that It's um Like the bandwagon comment section. Yeah where it's like, oh, they said something about his hair now Let's all talk about his hair everyone. They did it about my beard. Yeah, I understand And it's gonna grow back if you listen to the episode, you know, why you know why I don't have like, yo Why is daddy's face like because we talked about in the first five seconds as this fucking if you listen to the show You will understand that you will get your answer
Starting point is 00:05:01 Nobody wants to have a bald face. No, I mean some people do some people look good with it But they got chiseled jaws like ronkard abs and they're like have a Mediterranean tan But we're not those guys can't do that yet. Can't do that probably won't ever be able to do Oh, no, you won't you know what I mean either It's a lifestyle having a beard Yeah, what because it needs upkeep. You can't just get crazy. Yeah, I mean I try to make you look You know, I just I keep up. I keep downkeep like below. I just do this Yeah, everything else. I just let go just do your just do your stuff
Starting point is 00:05:30 You ever get like the like the breakout stuff here. Yeah, look at me First of all, that's that's another thing in all all the comments of my videos. Everyone's like, oh joe's got a hickey I'm 26. Yeah Anything getting why would I get a hickey? Yeah, anything's getting sucked on. It's gonna be that peeing peeing Yeah, my fucking penis is getting sucked. Not my neck if a girl. So what is that gonna do for me? If a girl started sucking my neck now, it's stopper Yes, I've never got a hickey in my life. People are gonna be wondering why I'm wearing a turtle neck I don't have any hickeys. Yeah, you gotta prove you gotta prove what you're doing. Yo, I'll be honest with you
Starting point is 00:06:00 This is my first ever turtle neck. I feel the fuck out of them. Do you? Yeah They're gonna be they're gonna be more no, I mean, I think it needs to be combined with something Yeah, like just a turtle neck. You're like Steve Jobs in it. Yeah I don't know. I don't know this and like I had a denim jacket on before which was fly to the gold makes it pop to Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I'm just saying like if you're just gonna wear a turtle neck with like no sweater cardigan jacket open whatever I don't know so like you would need like one of those laser pointers like our next slide like you're one of those guys I think you yeah, I think you look good in a turtle neck though me you do have a brolic neck
Starting point is 00:06:35 So it might make you look make you look jack. My neck is huge. Yeah, like make your traps look big You just got a roll on them. My neck is like 16 and a half. I got measured the other day. That's big. It's a big ass neck I'll do some damage to this guy. That's what I'm saying. It's gonna be hard knocking you out that fucking big old neck No, but if you have like a new chain or am I crazy? Yeah, this is uh I have three angels here. So this is Wonderful. I got an Italy. This is a guardian angel right there. Yeah This is the same pendant, but it's just smaller. Okay, and then this is just like a guardian angel type thing I'm trying to protect yourself at all costs protect myself at all costs, but they represent different people in my life
Starting point is 00:07:16 Am I on there? Not yet Yours is coming. Yours is coming. I don't know about how many more chains you could get on that neck before you're fucking Because they're all just like different sizes. They're getting smaller and smaller. Eventually you're gonna be choking No, yeah, yeah, but they fit well like I could never wear like a long ass chain Yeah, me either. Uh, no, no, no, I think you could wear you could wear layering like this. Yeah, I would like a chain I don't know about a whole like pendant like that angel you got going over there Well, that's why it's on the smallest one and then it sits here. It's white and yellow gold And it just sits above the other two ones
Starting point is 00:07:45 Nice. So it's like it watches over these other two. I'm trying to explain why I spent so much money on jewelry Right. Yeah. Now your angel is watching over the other other angels. Yes Angelception kind of type of deal bracelet you should get. Yeah, wasn't that on the other wrist or am I crazy? Yeah, it was I changed it Why you really want to know? I don't know if I want to know now Well, I don't know if people know this but I am left-handed Oh, I already know where this is going and this is my masturbation for furthand Wait, you ever switch it up? Yeah, of course. Oh, I don't of course. It depends like
Starting point is 00:08:22 Um, which way I'm laying on the bed like I'll start out righty sometimes then roll over and go lefty, you know But uh, wait, you jerk off on your side sometimes You jerk off on your back. Yeah Ew You just come on yourself You jerk off laying to the side like you got drunk at a party your friends like make sure he doesn't throw up Yeah, sometimes then I put my leg up like this. So I have like more range of motion to get in there
Starting point is 00:08:50 Wait, yeah, dude. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. It's awesome. Your sideways with one leg up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes Whoa, that's a power stance. Yeah, because you beat that thing right off your body That's what I'm saying There are certain positions where you masturbate where you could get great like grab more of your dick Like if you're jerking off in pants, you don't have the full extension. Oh, I'm not jerking off in pants. No, no, no, no I let my dick hit the wind. Yeah, that's what I'm saying But you jerk off on your back means you come on yourself almost every time. Yeah, but I clean it up What has just never touched your body? No, I prefer it not to like touch my body
Starting point is 00:09:27 Get over yourself. You make me sick. You just let yourself go right there on your belly bells It's not always there. It's sometimes But yeah, sometimes it does after two days and you're like charged up. It's getting up there Wait, what are you trying to say? I'm saying it's popping up to the top. What's the farthest you've ever busted on yourself? Man, I hope my mom's I want I know me too. Um, I've hit my chest Oh, you're over here jizzing on your own chest To get at me forget some belly button action all I'm saying is I've learned from my mistake
Starting point is 00:10:04 If if I aimed a little bit higher would be I'd be in a different profession. I just can't like this is not comfortable No, I'm telling you try it with the one leg up And you'll be good Yeah, you could do it. You could do it. I feel like I have done that before of course I just Going jay and I turned off coffin style. It's just No, that's like that's like weird
Starting point is 00:10:26 No, I don't stare at the ceiling. I'm about to say that's like indie movie jerking. No, no, no Wait, what that's like how people get jerked off like indie movies. Oh, I I haven't haven't haven't caught that. No, but So anyway, yeah, so I so I switch it to this side one because My tattoo is on this side So I like because it just like pops with that a little bit more And then I just like you have it on this one because I'm waiting for something else on here I Was gonna say am I supposed to provide this maybe it's you're like, uh, I was just waiting on some in a way
Starting point is 00:10:58 In a way you'd be providing for but I'm looking at I'm looking at a couple things Well, I'm looking at some things too. All right, don't you think After 25 26 You should have a nice watch. Yeah a little roly. You gotta have you have to have the roly I think Yeah, you've worked way too hard in your life to not have like if I look at you right now This is why you have more money than me Because you have no problem wearing a sweatshirt. You know what I mean? I don't want to say how much it costs You know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:11:27 Like if you were gonna go out, what would you wear right now that you have in your closet? Where am I going? Just as flies you can be Oh, I'm I'm dressing up. Yeah, but it still depends where I'm going wedding But it's like a casual wedding like not you're not in the wedding. You're just going to the party I would just wear like a suit And like a suit tie Yeah, a suit tie nice shoes a watch, but I don't have a nice watch yet. Yeah, those are the those are coming next Well, I have a nice watch like I don't have an expensive
Starting point is 00:11:57 Expenses I don't have an expensive watch your trunk came out a little bit right there. I don't have any expenses watch Nice, I don't have a expenses Hamurder But uh, yeah, no, I think the next thing for me is it's going to be the roly roly roly with a bag of ranch Dab ranch. Is it dab of ranch or bag of ranch? Where does a bag of ranch? I don't know. It is snowing like a motherfucker outside right now
Starting point is 00:12:23 We're in a snow globe. Christ the vortex is hitting. Did you have a snow globe when you were a kid? What hell? Yeah, bitch. They were awesome. I mean, you would try to spin the shit out of it Yeah, that's where I learned snow snow nato. Yes You know, yo, this little Santa Claus in here. We would be fucked. Yeah talking about jerking off We got most of our our stroke probably from snow globes No, you're on your own. You finger tigger once. Let's not forget that. Why you gotta bring this? I'm just saying you gotta bring that up. I'm just saying you also just on your own chest. You fucking weirdo By accident and also
Starting point is 00:12:57 It was because I use that stupid friggin style that you use laying on your back and jacking it back Back jack a back jack is not is is not preferable But you're also side jack is better. Have you ever stand jacked? You have stand jack stand jack is pretty it's pretty Brings you to your knees sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, it does. Not to your knees, but you know, no, it does It'll buckle you. It'll buckle you up. Whoa. Yeah It's like if someone kicks the back of your knee and your whole leg just collapsed
Starting point is 00:13:22 You ever hold your breath so long And but you haven't like finished yet. So you have to take a big deep breath again Who's that? Just me wait one more. So so like you're doing But but you can't finish and you're like And then you got to restart wait, why do you hold your breath? Yeah, when you when you when you masturbate you're you're holding your breath. I don't think you've ever realized that Wait, what? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I breathe. No, no as you're like climaxing. You're probably breathing Oh, like yeah, because when you're doing this, you're not going
Starting point is 00:14:01 I would hope not If you're a little scared to watch you jet This conversation Hey, what are you gonna do? We literally had no plan coming into this fucking. Yeah. Yeah this podcast We're like, yeah, I just turned them on this all stems from why I changed my bracelet to the other side We still haven't gotten off this bracelet. So anyway, you move the bracelet because you jerk off with that hand Yes, and it was like it was getting caught like I'm on pajamas and stuff and like I just can't have that Also, I don't want a j on this either
Starting point is 00:14:28 That is in in the splash zone. This is in the splash zone, but this is a very nice beautiful piece right here. Yeah So we got to get you some ice We got to ice you out Jesus. Yeah, I have some ice. Do you think do you think? Oh, I don't yeah. No, you don't do you think like, uh Do you think metrosexual is still a thing? Yo, one time my dad thought that was if you're gay and on the subway Shut your fucking I swear and my dad was like metrosexual. What is that? Like you're gay on the subway What do you want to those gays on the train? Were you kissing guys on the train?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Metrosexual, well you get well you get gay on the train you metrosexual My dad literally said that he was like, yeah, what metrosexual was that me kiss men on the train? Like no It's funny because it's true. Wait. So it's just like you you uh, you dress Yeah, like it's a male that is cares about his appearance cares about his appearance back in the day like metrosexual was like a thing Yeah, like I I don't hear that term between your eyebrows Your eyes brows your eyes brows. Yeah, I mean they always add plurals where you're where they're not supposed to have good eyebrows I've never touched them. Me and you both have great eyebrows. We have immaculate eyebrows people have told me that
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yeah, but I also have like this thing. Which one is it this one? That one it extends a little longer. It like goes up Yeah, yeah, you know it goes up like people like you know, we got to fix that and I'm like I love when people tell you you got to fix something No, I don't I don't have to fix shit. Joe. This hair is fucking nuts. Oh, let me go back to that, too This one's gonna be a little overpriced guys Do you guys really care about his hair that much? I was like this kid had a friggin uh, uh spiky
Starting point is 00:16:14 Jimmy neutron hair cut up until like eight months ago. Whoa. I'm just saying I'm just saying you had a branded look Yeah, and if they'd like that Over your hair now these people are nuts These people are nuts Oh god, you know, I love your hair now. I'm so happy you have a new hairstyle Looking back on it. It wasn't very uh flattering. No, it wasn't listen, dude. It wasn't the worst I've seen way worse hairstyles. Sure. I've seen way worse. I'm sure you grew up. You got an adult haircut
Starting point is 00:16:48 You know what sucks, too. It's like that's a 23 year old haircut. It is it's so you know what sucks, too It's like I I started the like I have a haircut like a third grader and like the jimmy neutron thing Right and then everyone runs with it and says it back to me Oh As if that's gonna get a reaction like I didn't fucking create this right. It's like I said it first you fucking thief Yeah, now you're trying to steal my own joke. Do me. I could tell you this right now I could weigh 110 pounds people still gonna call me fat. Yeah, you know Oh god, hey when people just drive things into the ground, you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:17:19 Not that it doesn't bother because listen, I understand I make fun of people all the time I'm not offended by people be like your hand. Well, I will say though Yeah, right because it's one thing if it's funny because with your facial hair that video when people are flipping out like Yo, what the fuck? Where's daddy's? Someone said you look like the guy from game operation, which is fucking hilarious. I That was probably my favorite comment of all of them. That was great Yeah, that one Danny looks like the guy in the cover of the operation game Like I looked at that one and it was one of those ones where I didn't laugh. I just kept like going. I was like
Starting point is 00:17:52 He's right He's right. He's absolutely right. He's right, you know, and I was just like, oh god See like stuff like that like making fun. Yeah, I love it But like for everyone to write the same thing of like What's going on with your hair or his hair like what's going on with his hair his hair and it's like Watch the video say something like be funny. I know you know Yeah Just a little something don't ask me the same question that 45 other people have asked. Yeah, listen
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm I'm sorry like I'm trying to hold it together here, but it is fucking I know I know it's guys. I really wish I could show you what the outside Looks like right now. I'm legitimately concerned. I know Oh, my jacket swayed too. Fuck your jacket swayed. Yeah Did you do what who made your socks who made my socks their Gucci socks? Down to the socks. What about underwear underwear is Calvin Klein? Oh, we're just gonna pretend like that's not like also a designer brand. I guess. Yeah, they're a designer This is h&m. This is Ralph Lauren
Starting point is 00:18:54 These are Versace. My sneakers are Louis Vuitton. Thank you. Thanks to you Christmas gift Christmas gift My pants are h&m too You're just a fly motherfucker. I try to be I try to be you know what I'm saying. I'm trying to influence you, man To do what you have my money. You have the power to be fly the power to be fly. You could be fly on a budget You're not to spend mad money Fly on a budget. Yeah, man h&m makes great shit I'm athletically fly. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, like I look like oh that guy's Looks good for like an athletic kid. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:30 I guess but no one's gonna be an expensive haircut There's nothing really expensive that I have My car's expensive Yeah, that's it. That's cool though. What's cool? Like if I'm gonna spend like a lot of money On something cool like that's cool The car. Yeah, like you could wear like regular athletic shit and pull up in that. You're good You know what I mean? That's usually how it goes. Well, I don't have to spend money on a car So I spend it on other stuff. You know what I mean? I just angels angels
Starting point is 00:20:02 But you know, yeah, that's how it works for me at least and you have a couple apple watches, don't you? I do I do. Yeah, I have an amazing apple watch. Oh, yeah, I didn't even know they made that. Yeah, they do. Yeah, no, that's cool But I didn't wear any watch today because I didn't want to The band that I have doesn't match what didn't match the rest of the clothes. All right. I just want with the gold. Fuck it All right, you know That's how I move you wear watch me jerk off. No, I always take that off too Are you worried about well, they're they're water resistant, aren't they? Yeah, they are they are
Starting point is 00:20:35 They have a little dial where you can go And it actually spit like spits the water out What so on apple watches they have a speaker system So when water gets in the speaker, they play bass I could go And spit the water out of the watch Get the fuck out of here, man. Yeah You twist it with the little like the crown on top and go like this
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's got kaka kaka kaka kaka kaka goes pay a pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa and everything comes out Gets all the water out of your watch So just kaka kaka kaka. Um pa pa pa pa pa. Yeah comes right out. Yeah, man Tell me that is unbelievable. Yeah not as unbelievable as this fucking snow out. No, I know It's he's just cries is very distracting I honestly think this is do you see how? It looks like that's snow obviously? We see this but like there's some smoke out there. I know it just looks smoky kind of looks like the end of the world a little bit I mean I'm not excited to you know after we end this podcast we're
Starting point is 00:21:32 gonna have a conversation about that like an in-depth one yeah yeah yeah that where I'm a little scared yeah for sure but right now we have to kind of hold it together for the show you want to know what it is there's a man out there working right now there's homeless people out there yeah that always bumps me out to damn you really brought me down sorry it's our happy birthday yeah right no it's like oh damn now oh man I'm all fucked up now yeah no it's one of those things though you don't really think about people working like no people people working I think about all the time but like people fucking being homeless
Starting point is 00:22:05 this fucking snowing like crazy out right now how long do you think you could you could like do like a documentary and be homeless like like if you were like hey what's up I'm gonna go like I'm with indie film director and I'm gonna go homeless for X amount of days how many X amount of days could you do one more that doesn't make sense now like realistically one more I think I could do three days I would say five wow I'd be starving yeah well you can go to shelters but it's still no no no you wait hold on where when New York City
Starting point is 00:22:53 right now this oh oh no like what the answer is no I think I could do three days house you could go out there and live in that for three days well I would just go on the train I'd be a metro sexual a jump to turn style and just ride the train all day till till this fucking gave out I think I could be perfectly homeless for three days I just say perfectly homeless yeah I don't know what you mean but I don't know that sounds like a like a like a movie perfectly homeless yeah that does not sound like a movie yeah or a shitty book one of the other or it sounds like an indie film where the guy goes undercover as a
Starting point is 00:23:34 homeless person why would you do that no no no no there is one yeah like they go on like skid row and shit what's that it's like it's a band no yeah it is but it's in Los Angeles oh it's like basically like the home like the gallery of homeless yeah people I don't know if that's the right way to say it but yeah it's definitely like I don't know but it's like well they can't watch this yeah now yeah but it's a strip of homeless people okay so it's like you know how we have like the upper east side the lower east side then there's they have skid row they have skid row where everyone goes to be homeless and there's
Starting point is 00:24:08 like a hierarchy there and shit that's kind of cool the king of the homeless that's probably the lowest king you would ever want to be well yeah I'm not trying to be like funny well I am a little bit welcome to the basement well yeah you gotta fuck yeah I feel like homeless people bang hard why wouldn't you yeah if I was homeless I try to bang a lot turn I get yeah you know yeah but some guy I can't remember the documentary but maybe somebody will remember I bet he was like 23 yeah he was young and he pretended to be homeless had like a wire on and stuff and they were trying to get him like do drugs and
Starting point is 00:24:48 shit yeah it was bugged out it was bugged out so depressing yeah I don't know yeah I'm a bitch though when it comes to like once my feet get like wet oh it's a wrap did you ever put plastic bags on your socks no I did that I just wore mad socks no you got to wear the plastic bag dude and then put it into the boot so I had Timberlands right yeah and then I would put I'm wearing a slippers by the way I have the same ones in black they're great yeah man comfortable hell yeah and pink socks so I would put a regular sock like a long sock then I would put like a winter sock that's like warm as
Starting point is 00:25:29 shit what are those thermal socks thermal socks thermal socks then I would put I'd have snow pants we'll have long johns and then snow pants there you go the snow pants okay the boot okay just tie that fucker fuck yeah yeah but once that one piece of snow got in that boot it was over over son yeah over it was bad I oh that's why you got to go the plastic bag my mom taught me that she was just like hold up wait one second and came back with two plastic bags I was like mom what what are you doing she was like give me your feet I was like okay fucking worked I remember being young and that's nice waiting by the I know
Starting point is 00:26:08 you probably can't remember that now yeah I was 15 15 years ago dog yeah you were yeah but I remember being young and having to wait at the front door for my mom to put my shoes on but come on I know I want to go in the snow that was those were great times what the snow if I could if you could go back and live a week of any age what would it be I think I would go like seven not 2006 yeah but what age is that 14 I don't know you're born 92 right yeah you're 14 yeah crush that all right I'm a little older like this summer going into high school yeah because so much is changing and everyone's like oh we're gonna be in high
Starting point is 00:26:59 school next year like we better hang out every day this summer I know and then me my friends are still all friends and yeah like you still don't live down the street from me like yeah yeah me and me and my friends when it was a time for everyone for the majority of us to go to college yeah it was such like an emotional thing and I'll just like we're still good friends yeah but at that time you don't know though no you don't a lot of people go different ways in their life you know what I'm saying so and then sure you know the thing that was weird was when I was a kid I do I never thought that I would make friends after
Starting point is 00:27:30 the friends that I made for some reason like when you get older it's like it's weird to make friends when you're older I would think yeah I'd be like you're 30 you made a new friend it's weird what are you trying to say no I'm just saying it's not weird but when you grow up with one group of friends yeah and they all leave you're like I gotta start all over I got no friends you got no friends was that tough on you like when your friends went to college and you stayed home like I know you were doing YouTube and shit but like was it weird to like you were like like kind of the only one home because there were a couple that were
Starting point is 00:28:03 I wasn't the only one home but a majority of my friends were holy fuck this no yeah oh this is smoke yeah guys you could barely see outside I'm not even kidding I wish I could turn these cameras around you know when John Snow is like going like pushing off in the boat yeah and the fucking White Walker King is just like that's what it looks like making a blizzard with his hands yeah that's what it looks like it's exactly what it is yeah but like did you have some like not FOMO but like yeah I felt like I felt like an idiot it was one of the only times in my life that I felt like I wasn't sure what the fuck I was
Starting point is 00:28:43 doing like I I've made the conscious decision to drop out of college yeah and at the time I only did it because I was like I just I don't it doesn't feel right for me yeah and and so I just did it because I was just following my gut but I didn't have a plan at all don't recommend that by the way what was like your day-to-day like while everyone was at school nothing really but when I dropped out of college I know it well cuz I did the same thing but right but I dropped out of college I wasn't working I didn't do anything oh yeah I couldn't tell you I I really don't know I think back on that year all the time and I'm
Starting point is 00:29:16 like yo you don't want to be that again but it's very pivotal year for you though what do you mean mentally because you could easily just been like yeah I'm just not gonna do shit no yeah that's how it happens like people it takes one year sometimes like people take a gap year from college and then like you'll never see them in school again yeah I just I don't know what it was I it was weird but I wasn't working and then and then finally you know my parents were like I'm not gonna say they fucking hated me like they were like upset with me because that fucking I wasn't doing anything it's like you know you dropped
Starting point is 00:29:47 out of college like okay like if it's not for you sure but like you have to do something yeah you know and I just wasn't trying to do anything at the time and I just didn't do shit idiots fucking it was fire yeah yeah honestly I don't like if a kid if a kid comes out to you for like advice he says should I go to school or should I not yeah what do you tell him you have your career obviously you're you okay kid has no relationship to you yeah it's a normal kid say you're we're out at a fucking bar or something and he asked you like yeah I don't know should I go to college or not what do you tell him why is there a 17 year old in
Starting point is 00:30:22 a bar you were 17 teen night T night T night was fire looking into the head yeah yeah but I would say yes until I figured out what kind of person this was because I don't think that going the quote-unquote entrepreneurial route is the best for everybody yeah you know I think that I don't I'm not a genius I don't know how what the world's gonna do but just from what I'm seeing it kind of feels like school is losing its value every single day because there are so many ways to just become an entrepreneur and kind of create something from nothing but your fucking phone right you can create an app but then again you
Starting point is 00:31:02 would need to go to school for computer science or like you know coding or whatever but I also think that's something that I believe that coding is going to be like part of the common core of school oh yeah I'm pretty sure kindergarten not kindergarten but like when you're in first grade to eighth grade during that time you're gonna take a lot of coding bro they code in kindergarten now yeah well you know isn't that fucking crazy I don't know how to code I know like basic fucking whack-ass code yo it got it first of all I got darker I can't even see across the street it got dark in here because we
Starting point is 00:31:33 legitimately can't see across the street I wonder if anyone's texting me like hey is everything that's why I'm getting texted like yo this is fucking crazy yo this is the wildest weather I've ever seen in my life I can't see across the street I can't we can't see across the street there's a pole right outside my apartment that's all I can see oh my god and very faintly a tree in the background this is absurd I know I know this is a vortex it is a vortex but yeah I would tell any I would encourage anyone who's in high school and is not sure just to try out cut this go to school I don't I don't yeah I don't
Starting point is 00:32:03 recommend what I did because I I didn't have a plan if you have a plan then sure do that but you also really got to be like sure and you got to be like real real fucking work ethic too because that you got to start working before everybody else like in heart and longer than everyone else and because like if you're in college though like and like you say you know you have a family like they you have a home that you can come back to you can kind of get away with four years with like not having money or like you know just living that college life like people will take care of you while you're getting your degree or
Starting point is 00:32:37 whatever like when you drop out no one's helping you yeah and everyone thinks you're like like yeah an idiot a lot of my family members looked at me weird like my extended family like what do you do it like you know I mean and even my friends are people who just heard they'd be like why he's not going to school like you know I mean because I was never that kid to be like embarrassing though I was it was it was really embarrassing I know that feeling it's not fun to like hear people coming back no one's ever like really said it's me but I could just tell you know and I've heard of people being like confused and I remember
Starting point is 00:33:11 specifically there was a time where it was like five we stayed out all night it was like 6 a.m. and we were at this place and I was just you know it was right before I dropped out of college and I was like telling a couple people and I remember this one kid specifically was saying which I'm still friends with him now he's not one of my close friends but you know whatever he was just like dude I don't think like anything could be really done without that like you're at such a disadvantage or whatever and I always honestly felt at that time like I'm just gonna make it work somehow but not everyone has that mentality so that's
Starting point is 00:33:41 why I'm like I would just tell everyone to go to school because not a lot of people have that mentality yeah I would say you're you're rare like me like like I'm I consider myself like a very lucky guy like I like I caught a lot of breaks like even like with shit like just like off of just pure like of me being like a funny person right like I was lucky enough to get through not everybody could do that right you know so it's like I look especially now everyone's trying that's what I'm saying no one was trying to do it so it was like there was such a void yeah for like internet entertainment because now everyone does it possible
Starting point is 00:34:18 that's the thing though too because it's like if you reach a certain level people think like you have to stop competing yeah it's like yeah we're competing just as hard as people that are trying to start you're right like their shit you know what I mean like your competition too so like we have to be grind just as hard as anybody else as well yeah you know I also think that when you stay home at least for me when I said when I when I dropped out of college and I'm living at home the only thing I'm thinking about is my future yeah I'm not thinking about like the next three I have three years before the real world I'm like I'm
Starting point is 00:34:51 in the real world now you know I mean I feel like when you're in college it's something you can kind of put off because you're like I'm going through the motions here I'm going to class I'm doing my thing so I don't really have to think about this for at least another two years at all you know because I you take the remedial classes or whatever yeah but not remedial class but remedial classes like like what's the word that I was looking for the core the core curriculum remedial math is like you know it's like didn't have such a good year and last year so let me have to hold you back that's so funny that I said
Starting point is 00:35:26 that that's why you're at college too but I feel like you you think about your future a lot more when you're when you dropped out because you're like fuck I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do for the next for my life yeah and everyone else is kind of like well I could still wait and change my major or I could do this I could do that and then you know maybe I'll get my master's so I'll just go I'll be in school for the next six years I don't have to worry about anything I know people at my age that are still in school yeah like when is your life gonna start it's fucking crazy I should bugs me out it's a lot I could
Starting point is 00:35:58 never do school ever ever you want to know why mainly because I was embarrassed people would think I was stupid and now you get to be on the basement yard and just prove it every day yes true yeah they were in a sense they were right it says they were right but like no because I you shout out to my teacher said I never mounted nothing shout out to all the teachers said I was dumb you were right but like you are you got that you had good hunch make dumb work for you oh look we got some more visibility here yeah yeah it was completely black it was and we were trying not to react because we don't want to have these
Starting point is 00:36:30 random scares I can't see I can't see your eyes but I can see your head keep going like all right I'm like yeah that's like yeah like I'm waiting for like the phone thing to go off yeah have you ever been somewhere the ever alert and everyone's phone goes off it's the worst like yeah there's a nuke I was like it's coming it's coming it's over didn't we have one a nuke no a fake like apple alert but didn't we have a weird apple alert one time like a false apple alert I don't know I thought it was like amber alerts and then it was like you know someone's missing or no no no no no no no they can send out like yo like shit's
Starting point is 00:37:09 gonna happen watch I know you don't like me to like bring up my phone that much but let me let me just look it up you know what while you look that up I'm gonna get to the sponsors yeah that's fine so the first one the first sponsor that we have today our lovely sponsors is untuck it okay no guy looks good in a long bulky dress shirt when it's untucked you know my mom used to get on me for that I'm not sure yeah like an Easter cuz I didn't like the look I feel like it looked like an old dad or something my my mom hated that yeah but so I like the untucked look yeah now untuck it is a shirt dedicated to making the button down
Starting point is 00:37:55 or in other types of shirts untuckable another thing is too is like I'm a shorter guy yeah so I would need regular shirts look too long on me you know what I mean yeah that's why right like you know yeah they're not too long not too short clean casual keep me right to the office okay I wore one the other day I was when I went to like a dinner or a restaurant or something I was wearing them I like them I don't like tucking my shirt I'll tuck my shirt very rarely like a suit you got I mean you got yeah yeah well I tucked my turtle neck in well whoa you have to tuck in the turtle you got a tucked turtle sometimes you got
Starting point is 00:38:36 but I am a bigger fan of untucking shirts now absolutely if I never had to tuck anything again in my life I'd be 100% happy right we don't know if that's gonna happen but move forward with more than 50 fit combinations untuck it shirts look great on tall short slim and athletic guys of all ages ages of all ages go to untuck it comm or visit one of untuck it's 50 stores across the US and Canada I had no idea that they had stores I would clear this place out I had no idea I have a lot of untuck it stuff a lot you gotta show me I have a ton you gotta show me some there's that box is actually filled with two shirts there's
Starting point is 00:39:20 two shots in there two shots two shirts what's going on ages and shots you know snow yes it's the snow use the promo code basement for 20% off your first purchase 20% now we're talking yeah if you want the perfect fitting shirt regardless of your shape and size try the original untucked shirt and remember use the promo code basement for 20% off your first purchase okay we're untucking the shirts untuck them and it's not gonna be long and weird looking it's gonna be nice and it yeah all right untuck it by the way it's spelled untuck it comm UNTUCKIT.COM promo code is basement 20% off your first purchase okay next up we
Starting point is 00:40:00 have quip which is the electric toothbrush I know you know I'm a big fan of the quip big quip guy big quip guy I got the veto on the quip now you know who's joining the quip you're joining the quip I'm joining the quip team hell yeah yeah you can put them on the on the mirror I don't have that dude I do I'm sold on it you don't got to sell me yeah I'm a psycho I put my toothbrush in the cabinet and shut it because there's nothing wrong with that you don't want shit to hit that's what I mean I don't want you know but anyway it's a new electric toothbrush that I just feel like I mean there's a bunch of stats here
Starting point is 00:40:35 but I'm just gonna explain it to you in my words because I just love the thing it's it there's a two-minute timer on it it beat it like stops it pulsate pulse pulse pulses pulsates pulsates yeah pulsates like every 30 seconds to let you know like to switch sides I'm like you know what I mean and then it just shuts off when it's when you're done so you're like okay you don't want to go crazy brushing your teeth for 10 minutes and just you know destroy your gums yeah you know or mess up your now you don't want to you know what I mean so yeah two minutes it's all you need dentists recommended boom bang bada
Starting point is 00:41:04 boom bang bong and then you're done right that's a lot of sound effects listen that sounds great for all ages for all ages but another thing that's great about them is that you basically get a new toothbrush every three months I believe yes every three months for just five dollars they will send you brush heads brand new ones just five dollars a month every three months so it's like every three months you get a new toothbrush so you just pop on you pop the other one off then you put the new one on and then you brush with that stuff and you're great you're good to go but yeah quip it starts at just 25
Starting point is 00:41:40 dollars and if you go to get quip comm slash basement right now you get your first refill pack for free that's your first refill refill pack for free a lot of laughs all right at get quip comm slash basement spelled it g e t q u i p comm slash basement brush your teeth in a better way I'm not good at slogan it's all right but get quip all right yep do it do it yeah but I looked I looked it up there was a fake missile alert and you know what it said remember it was in Hawaii no oh yeah this is what it said if I live in Hawaii bad time ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii seek immediate shelter this is not a drill
Starting point is 00:42:26 that happens nah I'm good yeah I'm good on that son I'm not no no no we saw how we reacted to that fucking blue light can you imagine I got an update it's like yo there's a missile coming right for you I'm like yo I'm crying immediately I'm praying to God I'm just like yeah just forgive me for like anything I've ever saved me I would just be like I'd have to just I don't know I'd probably start running yeah yeah probably but I wouldn't even know where to run like I don't know where is it where's west north or whatever no of course I have such a horrible sense of direction I have dude I'm so jealous of guys that are just like
Starting point is 00:43:03 yeah you want to head south on what I'm like this guy no south or south like I know like staring at a flat map south is down yeah or those I'm looking this way I don't know what fucking direction this is I like when the guys look at the direction to be like that's northwest over there so it's got to be so we got south eat all right you had to have southeast right all right you go down baby about point seven point eight miles then you're gonna take a you're gonna take a lift and then when you get there you're gonna come around baby about another quarter mile down from there you gonna make a right all right you be
Starting point is 00:43:36 good all right yeah I'm like I don't know anything can you just give me the address I put in my GPS thank God for GPS my dad's one of those people too who just knows where north is how the fuck do people read maps back in the day what's like hold on let's find out where we are we got we're here gotta get here I'm like yeah there's five thousand rows that lead there I know and they're all like different colors I can barely read my GPS it's like wait there's three different ones this one has a toll yeah like this looks like my grandma's leg yeah I can't read this fucking thing very close veins exactly place that's
Starting point is 00:44:13 exactly what it looks like it's what it looks like an old woman's foot yeah my mom's foot my mom's got crazy veins don't you dare speak about her like that I'm not listen I'm not saying anything about my mom she doesn't do drugs but if she went to bang heroin it'd be very easy her veins are just that she's basically see-through on her feet I wanted you to look like you're fine oh man that's one of my favorite moments we've ever had on here what my mom telling me that she wanted me to look like my dad next year I'm gonna do for New Year's it's I mean I want I'm gonna do a best of what do you mean like a
Starting point is 00:44:50 best of the basement yards good luck with that and cut that all up that's a lot yeah it'll be a lot you're gonna put that in there what you're gonna put that's 100% going in there I think that'd be cool for like next year some look forward to some look forward to you know you should also look forward to what our patreon that was a smooth transition our patreon if you want to head to our patreon slash the basement yard support the show there's some extra content on there and extra episodes of the basement yard absolutely every single month and you get every episode a week in advance hell yeah and
Starting point is 00:45:24 you also oh you ever wanted to ask us a question but like you know we're busy guys sometimes we can't get to all our DMs guess what you can have a head start you could submit questions boom we'll answer that bang guess what bow if you're one of the higher tiers hot tee the highest tier there is saying we'll send you a shout out oh a personalized video shout out a personalized video we're not just gonna be like hey insert name here it's me and Joe you know no we're gonna talk about you we're gonna find your family we're gonna whoa too much so you can't say that dress like that because people are gonna believe you
Starting point is 00:45:59 yeah you walked in here looking like men in black I didn't know if you're gonna try and do that like and then I would forget everything right you're right you're right you're right but go to slash basement yard come help us out if we do reach 1500 patrons I get a raise so if you guys want to help me get that raise time is now let's do it yo someone actually created a petition once that said let's get Danny a raise and a mad people signed it there the first goal was a hundred I think like a thousand people signed it that's ridiculous I don't think it's ridiculous at all I bet you don't turtle neck sorry
Starting point is 00:46:34 you said you wouldn't say that you promised in front of the world do you think do you think what by the time you're 30 there will be like a new social media platform that's like huge yeah like YouTube like something like on the like oh not a YouTube level like is YouTube like the Google of like like what is it video sharing or is it Instagram YouTube YouTube YouTube is Google I saw this this like picture on Instagram the other day that was showing the engagement on Instagram is 10 times more than Facebook like 50 times more than Pinterest which what the fuck is Pinterest I have no idea I think it's a
Starting point is 00:47:27 app for girls please don't get mad at me but they like pin stuff like oh this is cute like what in that and then it's like oh look at this recipe up in that and it's like oh look at these fucking boots up in those that's what they do like my sister has Pinterest safe and like whenever she's on it she's looking at like shelves and shit yeah I'm like what the fuck is it what is this it's like basically you go where like shit you want and you can't afford and you like put it on a page and then people go to your page and like I want that in my house and then everyone's like oh my god this is a bunch of stuff that we're
Starting point is 00:47:56 never gonna buy yeah yeah oh my god what is the point of that um there's like wedding dress my sister loves looking at wedding dresses I'm like you've been married a fucking year like what do you what are you looking at dresses for you you plan on getting divorced and married again how many fucking weddings you're gonna have but you want to know what that is that's like our fantasy like football probably to them now I'm getting points of money out of this that's true that's true can you make money on Pinterest I guess you could maybe sell stuff I don't I don't know Pinterest I don't know I never got either Tom tumbler
Starting point is 00:48:25 back in the day was just like yeah I just keep resharing pictures and it was just I never got Tumblr snapchat I gave up on once they did that update it was a rap yeah it was just a rapid rap I couldn't find anything yeah I don't know where like my story close friend I don't know who my close friends are yeah you how about that update they put like oh here's a map yeah you know that random person you know from Missouri here's exactly where they are like I don't want to know no I don't like that at all now I'm like an accessory if they die get murdered I'm a suspect yeah cuz I'm on your friends list yeah I don't care
Starting point is 00:49:00 that you're in fucking Iowa no I don't care and then it's like a weird cartoon picture of you like I don't want to see that see I never got into that either see I love that what's that called me me oh gee me up me oh gee me I see me on joy me yeah yeah little racism never heard anybody I actually said a word what'd you say I didn't say okay I tried to save myself yeah that vine you did about Asian people was one of the funniest things I saw like before I did before I knew who you were right it was so funny but it is true it's a very good fuck you it's funny it's funny it's a very loud language so when they
Starting point is 00:49:39 speak English it's very pleasant and it'll be like oh like what do you want to eat and then you tell them what you eat and then they immediately turn around and scream at somebody in Chinese I'm like oh my god it was like I just want chicken and broccoli don't yell the guy yeah I'm like God and there's one guy in a fucking the walks fucking yo this fucking big guys so good just fucking flipping all this shit yeah the dudes who cook at Chinese restaurants strongest men alive oh my god this is fucking huge how are you flipping that much chicken in this fucking 60 pound pot and then they just get that thing of
Starting point is 00:50:16 like clear liquid I don't know if it's water or not it's like scars and they shoot it from up here though it starts here this whoa another thing that's very cool Hibachi oh and I've never been whoa we're going okay we're going I've never been yeah you wanted to take me somewhere for my birthday we'll go to Hibachi and they're gonna make that like onion thing where it shoots fire out of it onion volcano yeah they'll do it they're gonna fucking throw shit in your mouth oh my god I'm not into that oh throw it on my face you don't mind that no I'm not good at catching things in my mouth if I was better I'd be like yo
Starting point is 00:50:50 fucking fire that thing yo you know I'm just like some people are really good that yo throw that almond and you're like what from anywhere like whoa I'm afraid I'm gonna get hit in the teeth that's what I'm afraid of too and I'm afraid of it getting going right down my throat you gotta like blocking what you're telling anybody come on come on dude I could barely read that's true but yeah we'll definitely do Hibachi those guys with the fucking flipping and shit yeah that's fucking awesome yeah like when they when they're like I've seen movies of like I wonder are there any white Hibachi chefs is it like too much
Starting point is 00:51:28 though like I'm wondering is there any white Hibachi it's like what's up I'm Steve you're like yeah get the fuck out of your guy should I not no we're good we're good all right I don't trust you I don't trust this white guy anymore did they ever like overdo it and eventually you sit there you're like all right just fucking cook the chicken yeah sometimes cuz like oh oh it's like dude it's been two hours enough with the show stop throwing shrimp in my girlfriend's face and give me a fucking plate now get out of here all right I don't want to see you spin this goddamn spatula again I've seen it just like a
Starting point is 00:52:01 whole 10 pounds of rice in the corner that he just keeps flipping yeah yeah just leaving like so I remember one dude had a spatula on another spatula was talking to us and just going like this and it was spinning and I was like dude that's awesome yeah cook some food but seriously let's get to the yeah I could spend a basketball on my finger all right all right I can do that too but as sooner or later we're gonna want to play we're gonna have to shoot this ball yeah come on guys what are we doing you know I can't do that can't spend a basketball I've played basketball my entire life cannot spin a ball my brother is really
Starting point is 00:52:35 good at it like he could put it on there and like he could put it on your finger like he like transfer like give me your finger remember that guy his whole fucking brand was like spinning like five basketballs it was what happened to that guy he would spin one on a pen and like go like this yeah like cool tricks on it it was like he would start here I don't know how he got all of them to spend this this had to bend a three-man job yeah but he was like down he was like doing like a pistol squat and he's got one on his toe and then his knee and his finger and then his fucking nose and he's just like
Starting point is 00:53:08 yeah would you it's like Jesus dude would you ever like go see the Harlem Globe Trouters no it's for kids no but like basketball it's just like them like throwing like let's let's let everyone in this place touch the ball before we dunk it it's like the circus yeah basically speaking of the circus if a clown sprayed you with water would you be okay with that I'm firing on him yeah son like it's on I'm setting it on that fucking clown first of all fuck clown second of all you want to get you know me yeah just because I came in here and I got a smile on my face don't spray me not not my grill not my shit you want to
Starting point is 00:53:46 spray my shirt that's one thing you think I'm gonna go home be like I let some clown spray me in the face I have just on my own chest yeah the fuck that yeah I what's the farthest you've ever gone up you fucking copped out what you copped out or is the farthest you ever shot on on yourself we're all we're at the beginning of this I just want you to answer the question I don't know I don't keep a ruler and do distances like it's a long jump above your belly button yeah how far yeah of course all right so yeah you're in the chest area too but anyway fuck that clown yeah I don't care for him all right because you want to
Starting point is 00:54:23 do on here sometimes you dodge answers I don't dodge shit so sometimes I gotta come back for you now come back for me I had come back for me I'm waiting something you always say she got some coming her back I think what's that from Chris Pratt yeah yeah she had coming her back in the video I think that was a good line yo outtakes some of my favorite do you remember when movies had outtakes yeah even Toy Story had fake outtakes remember amazing there was a monster sink no it was both I think monster sink fake ones yeah amazing idea outtakes are great rush hour great outtakes oh my they were those are iconic I thought
Starting point is 00:55:00 outtakes show me that's gay ass guys show me ass that's gay ass cops I miss outtakes so much outtakes were great like bloopers and shit yo if you go on YouTube like I love Seinfeld like I'm a big Seinfeld guy not only is that show like longest shit there's like 13 seasons or something there's like 30 episodes in every season you go on YouTube there's hours of outtakes and it's all there it's probably better like some is not sometimes so like better than the show oh my god in the office outtakes they're fantastic they're unbelievable and told me like we like can you write the name of that place and
Starting point is 00:55:42 you write fuck you on it yeah girls I was fucking cracking up yeah he's gonna have a new show apparently who Steve Krill on Netflix he's the silver fox now he is this guy's got white hair do you think he's hot yeah now yeah season one of office not hot dude what was going on his hair was all fucked up all fucked up then he probably got plugged up would you ever get hair plugs yeah you would probably so say you say you went bald bald copper bit yeah would you immediately look into like getting hair plugs if I started to go and I was like yeah I would look into stuff you would yeah so that's that takes a lot to admit
Starting point is 00:56:20 though then I would do it yeah I feel like I feel like some people would have like I have a couple of friends who like they're going and is it okay to ask somebody if they're going bald or is it dickish so one of my friends I was looking at his head and I was like but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna you know so you can't say it to people right is that off limits I think it is yeah but it's weird because like my friends will be more comfortable of being like yo let me see let me how big your dick or like yeah you know you could ask me about my dick but don't ask about my receding hairline right but not even
Starting point is 00:56:59 the receding hairline like I'm talking about like fucked up like top of the head like thin patch if I get a patch in the top of my head I'm shaving my head yeah I can't I can't do that I go on you see guys in like in the barber chair getting a haircut and there's just fucking bald right here what are we doing it's a waste of 30 bucks man yeah get a fucking better haircut just cut it off so it is off limits to ask your friends I think so it's kind of like asking like how like how much money they make that's off limits right I don't care I don't care either you know about money or anything like that I care about money
Starting point is 00:57:39 I won't know I mean like I don't care about if someone asked me that I tell them yeah you know I'm not like afraid to say no like I don't know why that's offensive to people no I think some people just don't like saying I don't like saying it on a large scale like I'm at a bar and like someone asked me in front of six people like I'm not gonna say of course but if it's just me and you talking like I don't mind telling you yeah to anybody yeah it's one person I don't mind saying but to a group I won't just because then I think I come off as like a pretentious like asshole yeah well you got that cover already but like
Starting point is 00:58:08 you know I'm saying I don't want anyone to know is what I'm trying to say I hear I hear you I hear you but I'm just like it's like I guess that's off limits I guess Baldings off limits is it off limits to ask people who they voted for still oh remember how bad people yeah remember how bad that was like 10 years ago dude white people are like very secretive I know I know it's it's like that Dave Chappelle skit you know he says like so true I'm trying to tell you about how I fuck my way from the ass and you're asking me all these personal questions about who I voted for it's true though I love how people call
Starting point is 00:58:43 you after like white guilt me yeah yeah you don't have to make fun of white people all the time I'm like who else is gonna make fun of yeah like why it's fun yeah I love making fun away okay my family gets not they don't get upset at me but they're always just like people have commented been like you know you're white right thanks you crushed it yeah I'm fuck yeah I know I know yeah boom people like like white like white get like it's not about white guilt it's just a funny funny thing to say people don't understand white people do white people shit all right why there's there's listen there's degrees of white let
Starting point is 00:59:25 me ask let me ask you this like Long Island white is different than here white let me ask you this you had to pick a race okay and I'm gonna give you a scenario you guess the race okay you ready you ready this is gonna here we go possibly be edited out here we go here we go now I'm just gonna show you yeah I'm gonna use one example okay blank people throw a birthday party for their dog yeah yeah we do yeah that's what I'm saying I do that shit hard hell yeah we blow candles for my dog that's what I'm saying that dog with that dog is like what the fuck is going on yeah you know that's another thing too I never
Starting point is 01:00:10 noticed like two things dogs in movies they don't know they're in movies you do babies that's what I'm saying too it's like if you're a baby in a movie you have no idea you're in a movie do you think about how confusing it is for them like this guy's kissing me I don't really know him like where are my parents that's weird you know like I was raised by those two people standing behind that camera and this man's kissing me on my forehead and telling me and he's calling me Ben yeah my name is Charlie yeah why am I on the back of a motorcycle right now wait who's on the back of a no it's like maybe like a movie no one's putting
Starting point is 01:00:46 a baby that on the back of a motorcycle you never know Jesus I hope they don't let you have kids I would never ride a motorcycle in my life though those are terrified second of all if I ever have a baby it is going to be the most sheltered baby of all time probably I will not let my baby be touched by anything you are gonna be so hilarious that you think you're a hypochondriac now oh my god when you have a baby it's gonna cough you're like our babies dying yes absolutely yeah if the baby just goes man I'd be like it's not it's not normal yeah what's going on he's screaming he's screaming why is the baby crying yeah why
Starting point is 01:01:23 is it crying you know like sir this is a baby get the fuck out of here why is it crying because it's a baby yeah all right I would I just wanted to know all right I was just checking you know cuz he was crying cuz he was definitely yeah you guys have a good night just always bouncing the kid or whatever I'm throwing up on your back and you're like that's cool that's the weirdest thing it's like we're gonna have to do that one day we're just gonna have babies where we're just like yeah I know like he's just like you try to have a normal conversation see the dolphins dolphins are on fire they're gonna get rid of
Starting point is 01:02:04 Tannehill I mean like come on come on right buddy right how are we not gonna play Kenyan drink it doesn't make any sense I performs you give him you give him opportunities and he performs every time every time I don't understand it listen you know what I mean it's unbelievable exactly that New York just one case please what it's all friends would have what traffic do they even have I don't even know how about Bella check oh my god I still coach it I know I wish you come over here like we're gonna have to do that yeah that's fucking crazy I just like that they have contraptions that you can throw babies in
Starting point is 01:02:39 and they become like normal people like they have those things where they can walk like hello yes they look like little genius babies you just put them in this thing and all of a sudden it's like whoa they have legs yeah and then I think they're like that too they're like oh shit oh shit walking is easy I can walk in this bitch there's like wheels on it they're sliding yeah it's like a little saucer baby just walking around that thing that shit is cool yeah and then they have the ones like those my buddy just had a baby I always see his baby in it like those things that move back and forth like they lay them in
Starting point is 01:03:14 those little cribs and they have a button and they like move them oh yeah I'm back and forth who would have thought that swaying back and forth would make you so happy as a kid I guess I'm not really big on swaying now cutest thing is a baby smile yeah and especially when you make it smile it's awesome when I make someone's baby smile there's just something that goes off in the back my head like this kid likes me more than his fucking parents yeah you're like a cocky fucking asshole whatever you make the baby smile you're like I can have kids it's so easy that's why when I was looking babies I'm like I'm gonna be in
Starting point is 01:03:45 your subconscious forever ever you're gonna remember this because like when you were a baby you have very vague memories of like people yeah of course maybe yeah you ever have a dream and you have a friend in the dream he's like your best friend never seen him before in your life no no no I also heard that you you have seen everyone that appears in your dreams but I don't know how true that it's true it's in your subconscious so how the fuck do you not know someone who's in your best friend in your dream because if I see somebody walking down the street he could be potentially my best friend in a dream all right and I'm
Starting point is 01:04:19 just like yo what's up fucking Tyler Tyler never met him before you know I believe I'm with that the subconscious is very scary yeah you know like people say like oh it's subconsciously I did this but like I did so much reading up on the subconscious that it's fucking scary I don't even know if I want you to regurgitate no no no no I won't well it will save that for a different show but yeah another thing I wanted to add though before we get off of babies yeah I shouldn't have said that that was a weird thing to say you had a couple questionable lines the last couple times do you remember that one episode where I
Starting point is 01:04:56 said something man weird about kids yeah I do remember how I was sitting in the colored section last time we're talking about medieval times they give you they give you you sit in the colored section it was 1954 take it easy Danny it's like no I mean the blue night I had no idea that I was like oh a baby when it grabs your hand I know a finger when it just goes with his little hand and it just grabs it I held my cousin's baby not like a Christmas I was like holding on to it I was just like bouncing a little bit I'm grabbing the back of its head and I'm like I can feel its brain I know you know they have a little soft
Starting point is 01:05:44 thing right here like wise why is your brain not born hard I mean your skull why do you have a soft spot you got to get out of the vagina you can't just like actually pull when you're when your baby is born from what I've heard from what you saw from what I saw on that video the head is a little misshaped because it's still like kind of you know it's kind of like when you take a cake out of the oven you got to let it sit it's got a set and like get hard a little bit is that true about a cake probably not I've never made a cake you know some some food I'm assuming it would it's done that right okay now you're speaking my
Starting point is 01:06:26 language right now yeah once you add that little white jizzy sauce I know you pull them out of the oven yeah they're soft as shit so you're like let me just let these whatever and then they have they get like a little crusty a little hard yeah I think that's kind of like what a baby's head this is all hearsay yeah I don't know I don't know the real answer to that either you know it's like I feel like I feel like once you have a baby I feel like people that say like they're ready to have babies no one's ever really ready to have a baby I think everyone just like kind of they don't fucking know yeah I'm ready to have a
Starting point is 01:07:01 kid I'm like yeah okay let's have this fucking kid let's see how fucking ready you are then you have it and then you're like holy shit and then it popes every eight seconds I know dude my tomagachi died I'm really not ready to have a child if your tomagachi dies is it done forever I don't know I threw it out because I just like yeah you were spending a lot of weird time with that I wasn't it's just that I kept it right there and it would be when it's shit so I would just go clear it if you were spending like it would go off and you leave conversations I loved it no but it would be so I have conversations what
Starting point is 01:07:37 you say have a conversation be like yeah like maybe we should like do this and just go okay and be like hold up one second my god yeah I'm dedicated you want to be pooped so I got clean it up yeah but you know sometimes he shit and go to bed and then once he goes to bed you can't clear it so there's a shit in his room all night yeah do you shit before you go to bed I shit whenever I have to go it's not like like it's not like part it's a part of my morning routine I don't have a routine no you don't have a morning shit routine no dude every morning like clockwork I take the best best dumps the best poops
Starting point is 01:08:10 best poops well I don't eat late at night anymore so I don't really poop in the morning that's weird I think I poop once a day I think you're supposed to poop like twice a day well at least once a day yeah you know but now you poop more than that I've seen you poop a lot you poop before we got on the show yeah that was the one time I'm not gonna poop later yeah you will you gonna eat dinner and poop man I don't know I used to be just like I used to think my body used to work that I would eat a meal right it would be here yeah then the next time I ate it would push this one out and I'd shit as soon as I ate and then this one
Starting point is 01:08:49 would take its place and the next time I ate I would shit immediately and it was just this whole constant eating and shitting just a goddamn line of poop I used to be nervous about like yo what if I go out on a date with a girl we go to a restaurant probably at IBS so yeah probably I think maybe I don't know you can be stressed maybe I don't know I think there was like weird things that was going on with me that like kind of corrected themselves like when I was younger if you go back I mean you can't see them anymore but when I was when my old videos I was so nasal I'm nasal now because I'm congested but like I was so
Starting point is 01:09:21 nasal I'm nasal and I used to have like I used to get sore throats all the time because my tonsils were huge but I never got them removed I've never had a problem since yeah and like my voice is way different now did you get your wisdom teeth taken out no I never got mine did you some people not get them it depends on how they grow in some people just grow they grow in regularly but for the I don't know for the most part but the reason why you get them out is because they're angled and they are they like impact your teeth yeah so they is there like an age where you're in the clear can this happen at any time I
Starting point is 01:09:51 don't know because I've seen those fucking things I don't want to be like that no I feel like like if I was like all like doped up I would say I bet you keep anyone who loves me away from me because I'm gonna say some I'm gonna hire somebody on Craigslist take me to get my wisdom yeah I don't I yeah you know I can't be doing that I just on my chest yeah it wasn't my chest it was my chin it was my it was my entire face I lied on the show oh that is disgusting that is that is that you imagine you accidentally jizz on your face I mean I'd be more proud the shit I could get up there the sheer
Starting point is 01:10:27 velocity wow of ejaculation and you're beating gravity at that point too you're fighting against gravity up and you're going down it's really special yeah in a way yeah I love that you said it was special then explain I just said in a way in a way in a way that probably I'll never explain in a way you know are you gonna when you turn 30 are you gonna have a like a big birthday party you think probably probably but like my birthday is coming up I know in February but like I don't care to do anything maybe if I make a ton of money we'll rent out spin yeah that'd be fine or maybe someone at spin will watches
Starting point is 01:11:13 the podcast can you I just do that for free I'd be fine it's so expensive or like a discounted price hit us up at spin because I looked it up last year I tried to do it for my birthday at the private room they have like two tables and then like a ball open bar yeah and it fits like a good amount of people but it's like $1,500 an hour or invite like 70 people like oh yeah you guys want to come to my birthday it's gonna be a half an hour long fire don't get me I suck at palm I'm pretty good yeah see I wouldn't go cheerly because I'd be embarrassed now you go I'd be yeah I'm go I pay to lose yeah but I wouldn't be a fan of
Starting point is 01:11:57 that no I want to rent it out and just like do my own thing but I don't want your birthday again February 25th 25th what do people do if they're born on leap years don't age they don't age no no no like I what is their ID say February 29th no I think you have to pick a day legally I don't know you probably have a choice of the 20 which the first what would you do the first why because you probably most people get paid on the first of the month so it'd be your birthday and you get paid not bad not bad ideology there not bad not bad it's also like a round number like 28 like fuck that I'd rather be the one Adrian
Starting point is 01:12:44 Peterson's 28 that's true it's one of the greatest running backs full time Stephen Curry's 30 yeah you don't mean Kid Cudi at the same birthday also mean Dick Cheney but uh oh Dick Cheney yeah Dick Cheney Dick Cheney made money off the Iraq war yeah do you have any famous people that has your birthday yeah oh Ric Flair can't beat that can't be that fire yeah I know it's fire also I'm a Pisces so like George Washington also a Pisces you're saying yeah just like first president probably not a good guy to be honest with you know that wouldn't definitely own some people rape some people pillage a ton of villages yeah
Starting point is 01:13:25 but it was normal as they say you know any more wigs yeah how about white dudes in the back in the day just wearing wigs powdered wigs and like makeup talk talk about Metro talk about Metro yeah Metro riding horses can you imagine how like can you imagine those people right the people who wrote the Constitution he imagined they just walked through the streets of New York now ever back yeah nice fucking wig that guy you fucking dork nice hat fucking corny yo your pants is trash kid well you got a buckle on your shoe look at that look at that fucking buckle on your shoe you fucking
Starting point is 01:14:06 dork who's that a fucking top hat pussy one to buckle my shoe why would shoes have buckles you know the pilgrims were big buckle people I don't know the buckle here buckle there buckle on the hat where's the buckle why do I got to secure this thing to my head put it on your head come on we gotta buckle this thing down yamaka I get gotta buckle it down gotta buckle that down guess it's not heavy yeah and it's on the back of your head I used to think that it I was like yo that thing's gonna fly away I didn't know that there was a buckle underneath the yamaka's back yeah yeah they got you know they were up to
Starting point is 01:14:41 something I was like what's under that a buckle so would you pick the 28th of the first I go I go one I go one okay payday get that dough yeah yeah or if you're having a hard time you get those government get those government checks first of all yeah Thomas Jefferson would get eaten alive nowadays oh my god they would have me to the shit out of all the all of them what I got me to but all of them were just got beat the fuck up oh hell yeah stress man weird bro I know why you got blush on and a wig on and like you're like how do they make why are you wearing a petticoat bro no like I've seen like yo people back in
Starting point is 01:15:22 the day wore mad layers mad layers like you have like sweating the fucking seventy-one say it like and you guys showered in like buckets and shit like you guys stunk you know why cuz you wore mad layers you had a jacket and then you had a like a petticoat type shit and then like that that the shirt that's like not really a shirt it just has like the ruffle yeah you know I'm saying like kept fucking Jack Sparrow or whatever yo but even more recently though like the 1920s like poor children wore like a three-piece suit yeah all the time it's like yo are you really you got a suit on a suit would you get that yeah got one of
Starting point is 01:15:58 those little fucking so yeah you can't afford to eat sell your suit yeah go on to those little fucking like a cabbie hats on this guy's got a pocket watch and only assholes wear those hats now I know yeah yeah he does go but that guy owes somebody like $1,500 all the time oh my god those guys have not paid their bookie in years you know those guys you know especially when you when you combine that hat like the little paper boy hat with a wife beater yeah and like a leather coat oh unbelievable those guys like Bruce Willis yeah it's like come on bro carpenter jeans they like haven't been watching months crucifix
Starting point is 01:16:39 tattoo easy praying hands tattoo with the rosebees around it and then a crucifix around the chest something like a grandma related tad yeah you know go bless you got a rest of fucking soul got us just sold it like they like stole so silverware from oh my god who's that in the curl like Bobby bottle service yeah I got it from my mom so it's like it's so easy to know and they and I know they say don't judge a book by its cover come on but if I could take a good enough look at you I could I could know everything if I could just see you and just see the way you walk it's one thing that gives it all away it's just one
Starting point is 01:17:31 it's just one yeah it's just one dude you ever like and those little paper boy heads you're having a hard time financially or you hurt people for a living one of the other either you're here to collect money yeah or you're dodging someone because you owe them yes one of the other in the bar every night every night every night Russian Heineken what do you think there's amount of days in a row a dish the amount of days in a row that you've gone to like out drinking like most in a row out yeah like I have like gone out like yeah we're going out tonight going out tonight aside from going to Vegas I'm assuming yeah
Starting point is 01:18:11 yeah not a vacation like right like real life have you ever done like a five day stretch yeah yeah I think that's like the most I've ever done and then I was like I can't do this anymore but it was when I think I ran out of money one time yeah I was literally in a bar I'd love to come out but I can't know it happened to me in the bar like I remember it like it got declined and this is when I didn't have credit and like couldn't get credit cards I had zero dollars I spent it all like in five days dude I don't drink I'm a what the fuck you doing wait so you have you had zero I had zero dollars and I had to walk
Starting point is 01:18:47 to work for like a week until I got paid yeah go to school now he's got five chains fucking the suit these ridiculous glasses I'm telling you I got these glasses because it's big big as well as my favorite rapper and these are the ones that he wore all right I like Kanye West I'm not gonna get that gigantic chain he wore on the cover of fucking my dark twist of fantasy love that album man it's because when we were talking about favorite albums that's one of my favorite albums of all time me too like like musically nobody's ever match that album the way that's that album sounds sonically even like for
Starting point is 01:19:26 it's a genre even as far as genre yeah no one's ever say genre or genre I say genre say genre yeah I'll say genre genre I say genre but it's genre right no I think it's genre okay you're saying right you're saying genre I say genre wait now you're not saying no I said genre okay John John before you were just like I think I said I was like what I thought there was a point on the other show that that last week where you say something and I had no idea what you were saying I don't need it was just full mumbling yeah I do that from time to time yeah but um I think that album was like one of the that's might be my favorite hip-hop
Starting point is 01:20:07 album all time it was really good the reason why I like that album so much too is because of Good Fridays yeah they were leading up to the album he would come out with a song on every Friday he would drop the artwork to it like the day before and you'd be like oh fuck like these six like yeah mainstream big artists are on this song and they were all fire they're all amazing and he would drop one every Friday and they weren't even on the album when did when did click come out was that around that time ain't nobody fucking what my clay no that was afterwards I think that was after that fucking song is ridiculous yeah this
Starting point is 01:20:39 song was crazy that beat is ridiculous but like I like Big Sean a lot yeah I do too um that of like that modern era because that was 2010 so I still think of that of like kind of the I don't remember the last time an album was like that that I remembered the year now I do think Good Kid Mad City is like a really good album but it was no like hype leading up to it it's like this album dropped and I was like yo holy fuck yeah yeah and that album is ridiculous yeah the bitch don't kill my vibe remix with Jay-Z is fucking ridiculous well all those swimming pools that song is so fire I mean that whole album still
Starting point is 01:21:12 even the song with Drake is fire yeah but my favorite rap album of all times life after death that's my favorite rap album of all time okay but um of like the modern era like I said in the last ten years no one touches that album my dark two is a fantasy no chance yeah yo from beginning to end that's that album is ridiculous do you remember there would also be videos of him like coming out of him he's in like a full tuxedo in the studio hell yeah you're like yo this is so fire yeah that's when he was on like this type of shit like he was dressing like this and like when he does that freestyle will push a tee like up
Starting point is 01:21:52 in fucking hot 97 he's got like a tux on he's like when he does like like what's the fucks of beat or black roach now you got me sitting here fucking coach like shit like that like he was killing it back then you know he's a pusher he wasn't my comment yet asshole yeah push I said push you said comment oh he made great music with count common to go great song J Cole has a good really good remix of that J Cole's new song is fucking ridiculous little job J Cole is my favorite artist now he lost me a little bit after Friday night lights for a little bit dude I remember Friday night and we're going off on a music
Starting point is 01:22:30 yeah fucking my show um J Cole when he dropped the warm-up I just like stumbled upon it by accident I think actually someone I put me on to a song called playground that was the first J Cole song I've ever heard if you haven't heard it really good go listen to it yeah and I was like yo who is this like this is fire like whatever blah blah blah and then that was around the warm-up was already out I think and then I found the come-up was the one before that all these are all ridiculous yeah and then he got signed Friday night lights was that though right yeah it was like with light please and shit on it right light
Starting point is 01:23:02 pieces on one light that's on the warm-up yeah that's the best one he did I think I think the warm-up you know I think Friday night is a better project and I think an overall project but I like so good yeah he was supposed to he was trying to drop an album but he didn't have a single I remember this whole thing like Jay-Z like didn't want to put it out because he didn't think there was like any like whatever blah blah blah that story is great too how he tried to give Jay-Z his album demo before and he turned him down yeah for people who don't know Jay Cole actually went to college up here in Queens at St. John's play basketball
Starting point is 01:23:32 didn't he no I didn't play in the team I thought he played basketball no he was he's like a basketball player he didn't play in the team okay nice bro but yeah but he waited outside of Jay-Z because he knew he was gonna be there for like studio time or whatever yeah like try to give him a CD and Jay-Z like didn't take it and he's like oh man I was on something like fuck Jay-Z a little bit and then he got signed to him which is crazy that's fucking wild and then I remember hearing him for the first time on A Star's Born yeah damn dude that song he was on I remember even like everyone always says this about artists or whatever
Starting point is 01:24:09 but like Drake I truly knew before anybody did like I really like me and Impey right first back then me and him wanted to do a music blog so we were doing that yeah and we had like a site so we were really up on like ground level artists yeah and we knew of Drake right and he put out so far gone before it got like mainstream like whatever because that mixtape is awesome yeah we were like yo this dude's fire he's gonna be mad big one day and then this whole thing happened a little Wayne and you know what's that fucking you my fucking a thing once I heard that song this guy's gonna be huge but yo I remember so
Starting point is 01:24:42 like the first time everyone heard that like oh shit this dude's hot like whatever blah blah blah right and that's and then after that I did the hot 97 yeah with like whatever the phone is shit yeah like you know but different views oh me and Impey were sitting in a bowling alley yeah and best I ever had came on the radio yeah and we both were like yo what the fuck and it was so cool to be like yeah we like called it yeah when I first heard hi for hi for this by the weekend I was like yo this is back in like 2009 2010 I was like yo this guy's
Starting point is 01:25:19 gonna be huge I don't really I wasn't I never got into the weekend yeah he's good have you heard House of Balloons I don't know the name of any of his yeah go listen to that fucking album fire fire son he makes good music it's just off on a music tangent it's not it's just not for me like I'd like to be moderation do you like like I can't listen to a weekend I'm like straight through I can't yeah it's just that that John genre of music doesn't interest me like in that much being like oh I'm gonna listen to an R&B now like R&B like type neosoul type stuff like like in moderation I like moderation like I like all his
Starting point is 01:25:55 songs I have had radio play and like little songs that I'll find whatever but I just can't be like yo I'm about to sit and listen to this whole R&B album you want them bars yeah well like Drake's album fucking scorpion yeah the R&B side I was like oh god I can't yeah too much it was way too much do you think albums should be should be that length no they should be shorter shorter bro I would say the sweet spot for me is is 10 to 12 yeah I think so but like give me an hour of music so I could like actually listen to it all the way through how many songs were on stillmatic like six eight or illmatic yeah I was like stillmatic was
Starting point is 01:26:32 a long album no no no illmatic was like six songs or some shit they're like eight it was short but that one I felt like was too short I want to know before I guess I'm trying to count them all in my head it was written as fire too that's my favorite nozzam yeah I was like a big nozz you're from Queens you better be back in the day like I was like really big on us memory lane might have 10 songs on it I'm looking oh it does have 10 songs yeah no no this is it was written oh no no no oh I'm not thinking of this one what am I thinking of it might be thinking of stillmatic illmatic's got 10 right illmatic has 10 yes see yeah I knew that damn I look like a
Starting point is 01:27:17 nice stillmatic is 15 what am I thinking of then it could have been like like that law his lost tapes album or something whatever I don't know but but uh yeah I yeah like people will say like yo illmatic I like it was written just as much as as illmatic they're all good they're all good hip hop hip hop hip hop is dead nozz one of the best rappers one of the worst beat choosers of all time yeah but he just still does it yeah he just still does his thing was nozz it was written I am nozz is like nozz is half amazing that uh that other shit that they did but um so who's in your top five rappers so it's my top five rappers of all time
Starting point is 01:28:05 like best rappers or like the ones that I like yeah you're it's yours it's yours I like well not yeah nozz is in there Tupac's in there I like they were talking about music we don't really talk about music much yeah even outside of the show I know I know uh nozz is in there Tupac's in there Jake Cole Kanye West and then maybe Jake Cole Kanye West five is always tough yeah see I respect Jay Z so much but I've never been like a huge like oh yeah like I love reasonable doubt but I don't really love everything else right you know and like he has great songs and he's Jay Z bro like he's legendary but like I never was like you boy yeah you know what I mean yeah like the black album did you listen to the black album yeah you know the black album well
Starting point is 01:28:50 it's a good album it's a great album yeah but it's not like it's not reasonable doubt no reasonable doubt wasn't even popular when it first came out that's yours fire bro and then and then it just caught it caught on after once once biggie died new york was kind of looking for like yo like what are we gonna do you gotta think about it like this this is how crazy rap is right 96 pock dies 97 Tupac dies 98 you said pock and then Tupac oh pock dies and then biggie dies in 97 yeah and then in 98 the real slim shady LP comes out what a fucking time to be alive and then in 1998 it's dark and hell is hot comes out so these are how separated these rap superstars were within each other because dmx at one point was the biggest rapper in the world yeah he had two platinum albums
Starting point is 01:29:43 in the same year what that's absurd what about uh 50s album what was that 2003 2003 2002 I remember everything about that about that I could recite that fucking album in my sleep I love that album but it's also just like your favorite song off that album mine's heat I was just it was like he you know he's fine that's why it's my gym playlist I'm getting the other cup yeah the man man is fired to be cocking it up it is no way to stop it yeah that shit used to get me hype in the fucking like what I used to exercise a little white kid when I used to exercise I was like yeah put heat on yeah put up on you with the fangs out I was like yo this fucking shit is fire yeah but get richard died trying that's like over the world yeah yo by the way and then I'll say
Starting point is 01:30:28 1999 sorry 1999 the chronic came out 2001 I don't know why that album came out in 1999 but it was 2001 and then in 2000 the Marshall Mathers LP came out dudes they live through to some music bro and then when did uh graduation come out 2003 graduation I don't know nah yeah it was later I think it was I mean the college dropout what was the college dropout oh yeah no three graduation was 07 college dropout was 03 right that sounds about right for 2004 like what what was going on between 2000 2004 it was like that down south shit like like a gang twins yeah like little john and shit yeah it was like 2000 and then and then
Starting point is 01:31:19 M was still around but then it was 50 uh encore I think it was around encore get richard died trying I think jigga put an album out too around that time but yeah jay-z put an album out on 911 I remember did he yeah I don't remember that yeah what was this yeah 2004 uh yeah 2004 was on court and then when did um when did through the wire drop though 2002 right probably yeah dude I remember being on the bus in middle school remember being the bus in middle school and it was these two kids that were in eighth grade and they were rapping all the words to it and we all had walked yeah that's what happened I don't know the internet dude that's what happened probably it's just albums were so much cooler because it was like that's all you had yeah it was there was no like
Starting point is 01:32:11 music that just dropped you know like there were signals like it was on the radio and it was just like like albums were just really fucking good yeah you know I will say by the way my fifth Lil Wayne yeah yeah yeah he was there yeah lolly pop and all that he was the biggest rap star in the world Lil Wayne yeah he said I'm the greatest rapper alive and he just kept saying it until it was true yeah all of his mixtapes like the drought fucking oh my god the drop three I know every single song they're so far like the carter three was so fucking dope the carter one two and three were all dope yeah damn he was you know the only the reason why I love Lil Wayne lolly pop the remix with Kanye too is uh insane yeah but yo Lil Wayne was on every single song that was on the radio
Starting point is 01:32:56 yep like every song yeah like as soon as the song starts like here's a and you're like yeah like you knew you know I'm saying like and he had bars too though like like wheezy could rap back I loved him yeah I loved him my top five of all time and not at any particular orders DMX um biggie biggie for sure uh Kanye um jade kiss yeah because I'm I'm from that area and he's just he's he's a god to me why is jade kiss as hard as it gets yeah I'm telling you um why the industry designed to keep the oddest in debt and it's a toss up between Nas and M for the last spot I missed M I missed M a little bit yeah you were just like a couple years too young for that tape
Starting point is 01:33:50 yeah yeah but um I knew like the level and I obviously like I lived through like yeah of course you remember seeing yeah yeah you remember almost like the up and smoke tour was fucking I remember running home from school to see like the the high my name is video like watching on trl it's like number one uh yeah and watching that get Carson Dale up there like again for the 419th week in a row we have yeah Eminem yeah then I got the album and I was like yo I should not be listening to this yeah yeah my mom one time I had a kid rock album in my house and the cd was just um just this it was that it was just printed on a cd of a middle finger and my dad's like what the fuck is this was a devil without a cause it was yeah I had like cowboy
Starting point is 01:34:33 and like ball with the ball yeah yeah devils had a call my name is kid yeah that was pretty good too though a little racist yeah little confederate it's a little crazy I was a rapper now I'm racist I was a rapper now I don't know I remember Bubba Sparks call it Bob Bubba Sparks but yeah I think that's my top five puns close to but he died too early where big puns fucking nice y'all it's so hard yo he was in the middle of little everyone knew that's that's a whole one everyone knew that packing a mac in a back of the act that's a sire yeah that song with that show it's like what's that called again twin twins uh deep cover deep cover yeah that song is five yeah the original deep covers fire too with fucking drawings ready for war dog how you want to
Starting point is 01:35:21 bloody spot oh man damn music music sorry about that guys but you're gonna have to deal with that that was just me and Danny yeah um I would say hip hop changed my life what's up hip hop changed my life 100 it's had so much influence on me more than anything else what do you hit Lupe fiasco no I'm just saying think about it though no yeah yeah great think about music does that it's important yeah I think I think music and like comedians were the biggest influences on my life of all time like South Park is such a huge influence on my life never got into it I don't know why but I have to yeah I think I think you would love a lot of their earlier stuff and then um I just hip hop has been hip hop influenced so much like it's just the swag effect of hip hop is just everlasting
Starting point is 01:36:13 wow that was deep as shit I I mean you're a deep guy I'm a deep guy I understand I just turned 30 you know what I'm saying you know how people always say like what kind of music do you like I like everything yeah I truly do though yeah of course like if you look at my my Spotify I have a list I have playlists that are hip hop weird like Avicii style songs house house I should not really house music but like ED man there's obviously hip hop a lot of classic rock I would say that's your biggest genre genre yeah it's classic rock and then like I've dabbled in country the only thing I've never like I can't get into is like opera I I've I listen to opera well I mean like Ave Marie no but like like my my grandma listened to it a lot so it was always around like Pavarotti and
Starting point is 01:37:09 shit I like old shit too like I have like I'm gonna go Charlie I have a old playlist called Black and White Music and it's all like Louis Armstrong and fucking Sam Cook the righteous brothers that's one like I used to hate when my parents would be like we had the best music and I was just to be like nah but I was like yo they were right they did yeah they had the best music fall time I always think about like Leonard Skinner yeah right Free Bird is a ridiculous like that guitar hero it was so fun two guys playing the same shit on the guitar at the same time and somehow it it was just absurd right also like Van Halen like you have Eddie Van Halen playing this fucking solo with the cigarette in the fucking guitar fucking shredding that shit
Starting point is 01:37:56 they had the best music of all time they did they did and I remember I watched a video of Leonard Skinner performing in person I don't know if it was I don't think it was at Woodstock but it was at like that might even be they're doing Woodstock again yeah and people like died no no no they're doing it again oh they're gonna do it again yeah yeah yeah I think it's like the 50th anniversary there's no one around good enough to be like connected to Woodstock it'd be like John Mayer and like a couple of I mean he shreds that's what I'm saying like but he doesn't shred enough to like his music doesn't shred no he shreds he shreds one of those guitars in the world probably um but the video was like an outdoor sort of concert thing yeah and they're playing
Starting point is 01:38:37 and I'm like dude I don't think these people even realize what they're watching right now I know like it's absurd yeah they're so fucking good there's like a lot of like and like the eagles and the stones and the Beatles I know like you got to see all these people and Van Halen and fucking yeah the Beatles had to stop playing live music because it was two people were screaming too much they couldn't hear the music isn't that crazy unbelievable I want to hold you yeah but their music changed so much from like then to like the shit that they were putting out when they like all started taking drugs and shit unbelievable Rocky Raccoon I love that song uh but yeah yeah I mean we think we can wrap up the music yeah yeah yeah we've been talking for an hour 40
Starting point is 01:39:25 minutes yeah it happens sometimes it happens Danny we're gonna find you you can find me at Daniela priority on Twitter and Instagram and uh guys go support the show by heading to slash the basement yard patreon spelled slash the basement yard and uh you can follow me on all social media at joe santa gato and that is all uh happy birthday happy birthday to Danny I said happy birthday to be a fuck you all right happy birthday Danny Danny's 30 guys thanks guys that is all we'll see you guys next time

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