The Basement Yard - #199 - Don't Pop My Pimples

Episode Date: July 22, 2019

On this episode, we discuss scary kids shows and pimple popping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. How's everyone doing? How you doing? You gave me the shitty microphone today, didn't you? No, no, no, it's the same one. It's the same one. You got it. You got it. Just Squirt it, squirt it, screw it. You want me to squirt on it? No, don't squirt on it. Yeah, I don't know what that means. Sorry Anyway today, I went to BJ's for the first time in a very long time BJ's like the store. I was about to say PJ's playhouse, but it's what's PJ's playhouse. No, it's nothing It's BJ's warehouse, but I oh, yeah, PJ's playhouse like Peewee's playhouse. Okay, that's where you remember Peewee's playhouse I mean, no, I'd never got it Peewee Herman. Didn't he get busted for like jerking off? Yeah. Yeah It was an adult movie theater though, right? Yeah. Why would you have an adult movie theater if you can't jerk off in it? Well, you
Starting point is 00:00:46 You can but it's still legal Like people go there like bust people like cops will like go on stings and like bust like public Jackers Oh, I thought you meant like No, no, no, like bust them make them bust, you know, they're doing enough of that in there Yeah, there's probably a whole bunch of busting busting cream. Imagine imagine you had the Imagine you had to clean that up like that was your job. Yeah, like it'd be one thing in some of these job It'd be one thing in a regular movie theater to clean up like popcorn and like soda, but like come think about how sticky a Regular movie theater floor is think about how hard it is to even clean that up
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yeah, one of those things you wipe away and it's still there. You're like this I don't think there's anything more disrespected than a movie theater floor The movie theater floor is a trash bin Yeah, it's kind of like a garbage can't yeah, it's a garbage can't it's disgusting Yeah, cuz you're kind of just like leave shit everywhere. I've never finished any food that I've like ordered You said ordered weird ordered No, no, you said it better that time. Oh, okay. You said like would it audit
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yes, it was weird British man. No, no, no, not British but like we ordered it Order you. Yeah, that's more Jason Statham. Yeah, what was that? I don't know. It's not like Bear Grylls. Jason Statham I Got some fucking animal crackers by the way, what animals are in animal crackers Let's find out we got Easy elephant love bang bang. We got a It's a horse. I think that's a zebra is the zebra a horse
Starting point is 00:02:31 It's in the horse family has to be I'm a little off kilter here. I need to be centered. No, no, no We didn't move this we didn't move it Yeah, no, no, no the other way Nope, all right there I don't think so Joseph my OCD. Yeah, this is a That's a fox. No, that's hyena. It's not a hyena either. Uh hyena It's not a hyena. I haven't had an animal cracker since 89 Before I was a boy. I think that's a hyena
Starting point is 00:03:11 No, wait the zebra has the cuts in the back All right This is a sheep That is a bear You're no, it's not that's a bear, dude. It's not a bear. Show it to the fucking camera. It's gone now. I know it is That's a bear. That's 100 of bear that right there is a caribou I don't even know what a caribou is. It's like a moose Caribou
Starting point is 00:03:36 I hate that moose a plural moose is moose moose Fish fish say meese Goose or geese moose should be meese moose or meese. Yeah, fucking that's just like that's just easy pick one You know, all right last one That's a camel After after further review, I would have to agree. I originally thought it was a giraffe, but then now I'm getting camel here Yeah, yeah, but camels and giraffes could be related. Are you all bj's? Great place. I forget better than cosco
Starting point is 00:04:12 Is there a difference? Not really I liked it. Yeah, I didn't get any free samples though. Did they have them? No, maybe it's too early in the day or something. I mean, it's not alcohol like They got shots of jamison like on the fucking island. No, no, no, but like Maybe they maybe they don't do it like certain days like a little ham wraps Like I'll fucking, you know, give me some a little ham or a little fucking, you know, a little pastry or something A little ham wrap? I don't know like a ham wrapped up in like a
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, ew. What? I don't think I would trust bj's ham Why not? Throw a bj's ham. Oh, if it's boar's head Yeah, I think they have a whole section. I'm like, you know, all right. Yeah, they have everything You can buy something went to a bj's a long long time ago. I've I've been to a bj's Dude, they have an entire aisle all candy tile aisle I can't speak today. What's going on? This is just fucking crackers. Yeah, they have an entire aisle of Just candy. Oh, like a big ass like
Starting point is 00:05:12 Deli boxes wholesale shit. Yeah, and it's cheap as shit. What else did you get? I didn't really get like anything crazy I got you got 50 bags of chips Yeah, yeah You know how much that was five bucks. It was eight bucks. Wow for 50 mini bags of chips Yeah, how long is that? How long is that gonna last you realistically a long time? I'm not a big chip guy. Really? Yeah, I'm not So it'll it'll take some time. It's not like I could just sit here and crush chips. I'll tell you what though these animal crackers I'm surprised that they're still even here. Yeah, those things are gonna be slayed. Yeah, those things are gonna be long gone I got some bananas. I got uh
Starting point is 00:05:46 Sweet potato chips the terra or whatever they're called fire. Yeah. Yeah, sweet potato chips are great. What else did I get? I thought we're just running down your your grocery list. Well, it's not a grocery list. I just got like snacks. You said wrist My tongue's all screwed up dude. What is going on? No, no, I'm having that. I'm losing it You bought green bananas You bought green bananas because I'm gonna be away. Yeah, see that's smart very smart I'm worried though because it gets a little It gets a little moist and warm in here. Well, it's very warm in here Yeah, so I'm gonna be away so they might just be ruined anyway by the time I get back probably
Starting point is 00:06:21 Nobody wastes more bananas than you I you have a lot of banana casualties. I've been known to waste a banana. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, are you like as soon as it turns brown like I can't touch this nanner What kind of brown like The whole thing's brown not the whole thing, but it's brown. It's pretty fucking brown. It's got like a very severe bruise Yeah, I mean, I'll probably just pass you'll pass right you won't even touch it I'll touch it. Is that it can that is that a myth What you get sick from that? It's just ugly. It's just I don't want to eat ugly food
Starting point is 00:06:57 It's ugly food. That's american as shit, but I don't care. That's like first world problems, but Who wants to eat ugly food? No one Now do you think it's a waste of time to make presentable food? Like how like how much does presentation mean to you when we go out to eat? Oh at a restaurant? It's a lot. It's a lot, right? You can't just give me some like shit that looks like goulash Or whatever the fuck. You know what I'm saying? I don't know goulash I don't even know if it's an actual thing. My mom just makes I think no I think goulash is a real thing. No, but if like there's like random meat
Starting point is 00:07:31 And like there's asparagus and like corn and like a gravy over the whole thing and just looks like a soup That gotta eat with a fork. I'm like ill like separate this shit. Let me mix it up. Okay Yeah, so presentation matters then where it doesn't matter is when people start sprinkling little Bullshit around and they make like random dots of like balsamic vinaigrette on the plate What's this shit out of here or it's like one arch of like some vinaigrette literally like some fucking What's that other thing called fucking puree? Yeah, it's just like a puree. They would a mango puree and it's like one scallop I hate when they try to make my salad pretty with the dressing. Yeah, I'm like, dude Go get a red solo cup and fill it up with balsamic vinaigrette. I'm dumping this in there. Yes. Yes. You know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:08:13 Do you care? Do you like it when waiters bring you the food and they tell you what you're eating? I if I already ordered it. Yeah I think that would be a little redundant, but they do that sometimes to be like right there. This is the uh, the lobster tortellini And this and oh, I don't mind that I thought you meant like he's going over the whole thing again Like no, no, no baked in the center I feel in the Mediterranean Sea. I'm like, okay where we went to eat That uh, for Keith's birthday. It was kind of like that. Yeah, but that was that was beforehand
Starting point is 00:08:46 Also, they brought out a fucking Juicer juice press like right there. What was it again? I don't know but that contraption reminded me of the titanic Yeah, or like in a scary movie where they're gonna like crush your head or something. Yeah. Yeah. It was kind of like guillotine Or vice. Yes, that's right It was like a mixture of what what was it? It was a bunch of uh, uh pheasant pheasant Wasn't it like pheasant? There's a bunch of game birds. It was like yeah. Yeah, it was like, uh
Starting point is 00:09:16 You know Duck duck was in there duck was in there And then there was a bunch of other like random birds that I don't really know. I wasn't really paying attention I was just like sounds cool Yeah And what they do is they have the meat and they bring the meat out and they put it like in this Eucharist looking thing And then there's like a top that goes on it and then there's like a wheel like do you remember?
Starting point is 00:09:35 I don't know why but do you remember in titanic? Where that guy's like yelling and then he goes over to the wheel and it has like a thing sticking up and he just Starts cranking it like this. Oh the guy that's down in the in the fire area or something or the coal area Yeah, but it's I think it's like turning the ship. I do it. It was weird, but then she started doing it Yes, yes, yes, I do remember and the thing was going down and then it crushes the meat and all the juices go into this thing And they put that with pasta and then you eat that it was amazing, but it was very unnecessary Yeah, it was it was a big old presentation. It was also unnecessary. Yeah that a person had to come out and Do it next to my physical feet in front of us
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah, and I wanted to be like, I'm sorry that you had to come here with this fucking r2d2 looking thing and like juice my meat For me like I'm not you know I'm saying I felt bad It was weird. It looked like r2d2 somebody juiced our meat someone juiced our meat. Yeah, it's fantastic I love getting my meat juice. Yeah, hell, yeah Meaty juice and it was on egg noodles. That's what it was. Yes, holy shit. Yeah It was fantastic. I'm starving. It's also like 45 dollars and not really whole Yeah, I think I know it was good. I think I got quite the bill. I got a filet mignon. How much was mine? That was like 82. It was like 82 dollars and then my steak was 74
Starting point is 00:10:46 I don't know what the hell we got. We got Keith to try lamb chops though Yeah, he's not a big diet like dietary risk guy, right? Dietary risk. Yeah Uh, no, I would say he takes many risks by eating as many Doritos as he does. What would you say keats? This is palette. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you say keats? Uh Breakfast lunch and dinner is whatever your mom cooks Which helps tremendously. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because my mom's a great cook and she cooks like healthy shit for the most part um
Starting point is 00:11:19 I don't know. I think it's sandwich sandwich mom stuff I think it's nothing sandwich mom stuff. Yeah, maybe he doesn't eat breakfast. Yeah, he looks like he doesn't eat breakfast sometimes I don't know He's a he's a walking miracle though. He is he is he's like a An anomaly that's the word i'm looking for nice word of the day Word of the day He's backward it now. I saw I saw a thing on twitter today, uh, mccully koken tweeted out Shout out mccully. Uh, he tweeted out. Um, were there any movies as a kid that were meant for kids that scared you?
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah, oh my god, this is bad. Oh, fuck There was one thing This isn't it's not the only thing but I remember specifically being terrified of this It was the halloween episode of boy meets world Wait, which one's that? Where they're walking throughout the school. Oh, yeah with the scream guy Yeah, yes, I do remember that one that one was kind of scary. I was I was terrified. It was supposed to be funny Yeah, it wasn't really funny. There was a killer around
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah, and people were dying So I was terrified, but I remember uh, this one scene where like the lights go out and then uh The lights come back on and I think it's eric His against the wall with a pencil in his head That's not for kids and then he slides down the wall and it like draws a line And then I forgot who it was. I think it was like Sean or something walks over and he goes
Starting point is 00:12:59 I'll always remember he was this tall and it was supposed to be like a funny moment and I was fucking scared That's that's scary. Yeah panga not scared of her not scared of her had some stuff on her Had some stuff on her that's bombs. Oh, she had some bombs. Oh, yeah I don't really remember she burned a lot of vests in that show. No, no, no I'm talking about like a boy meets world when they went to college Now, yeah, no now also Angela. I think her name is also hot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Sean's girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah Sean great hair
Starting point is 00:13:30 terrible haircut though Great hair terrible haircut like you can have nice you can have nice hair. It's luscious But it's luscious style it wrong. That's all I'm saying. Okay. Wasn't his dad like Vader On one episode. Yes, right? His uncle was Vader He's always wearing jean jacks like quarry. I can't um I live in a trailer, dude. And then who was that? Who's that hot teacher with the motorcycle that became his dad? Uh, oh, fuck not mr. Feeney. Yo, I think he died. Mr. Feeney. Mr. Feeney is not dead. Yeah the actor. I think he's dead
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, I think he died it's trash It's my man's that is my man's too. Yeah, we're fucking asshole. Yo that episode where mr. Feeney retires Whoo tears daddy. Yeah, there's some tears going on. That shit got me those tears Where he like walks over to like the empty thing and he's like Clash dismissed. I was like damn son. Yeah They knew how to make you cry on that show for sure. I'm about to dismiss myself. So I go cry. Mr. Tanner No, no, that's a wrong That's uh family
Starting point is 00:14:38 Family guy I was gonna say family full house full house. Um, family matters was an all-black show. Was it? Yeah, I don't even know that I'm white as snow though. So Steve Urkel dude, you know family matters. Oh, that's the Steve Urkel show. I never really watched that to be honest with you Yeah, it was a great show. You know what show I never watched that like I I Watched when I got a little older and was like hilarious fucking Martin Martin's fantastic. Yeah, I wish I watched it. Yeah. Yeah, you know, but um why is there a show that? Was meant for kids that scared you? Yeah, our real monsters A cartoon
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, because it was that one guy who held his eyes. Yeah, and the other thing too was fucking. Are you afraid of the dark? That is meant to scare children. I know, but that's it's supposed to be for kids Why were they letting us just get fucking terrified like that as children? I don't know the beginning of are you afraid of the dark is the scariest intro to any show ever Uh, I would argue goose bumps I was like fuck. Yeah, turn it up. Yeah, because I didn't like that shit man Even like the suitcase scared me like, you know the dude the random guy in like a trench coat He's like the undertaker. He's walking by. Yes, and the suitcase opens up and papers start flying out
Starting point is 00:15:48 Whenever I would see papers flying and freak me out I could see that though. I don't know. No, but out in in the world I could see that as a kid if you were scared of it, you know there, I would see papers. I'm like, yeah Because you got to think about it children's entertainment was a lot scarier back then I don't think it's as scary now And then also it's like it's there's not a lot of cartoons. There's not a lot. There's no scary shows
Starting point is 00:16:16 I don't think for kids. No, they're not because now it's like oh my my child is scared. It's like, okay. Yeah, we get it I do like running stimpy Yeah, that was for that was for adults. It was mad. There was yo Johnny Bravo, too Yeah, he said that girl remember that line. He's like, do you like your eggs scrambled so I need to side up or fertilized Yeah, that's crazy. It's talking about Fucking internal e-jack. Yeah, that's crazy on a children's show on court your network Talk about cream pies for god's sakes. Johnny Bravo was funny though. He fucked mad girls. Yeah, he did You know what I'm saying? He was fucking yoke too and he was just picking them up and like taking them places against their will
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, very rapey looking back on it. Yeah kind of a rapey show. He would never last today Yeah, but red and stimpy that was another trash show. Well, there was another one that I keep forgetting on red and stimpy was a great show You liked it. Yeah, I hate it. I loved it. I loved it Um, I was big tom and jerry guy Yeah, tom and jerry safe. I mean, it's not really safe. You got you got a lot of violence in those shows Yeah, that's true people hitting each other with hammers and shit I know and then the simpsons made fun of it with itchy and scratchy remember that And it was like extremely violent
Starting point is 00:17:31 You're like cut his head off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Did tom ever catch Jerry Wait, jerry's the mouse, right? Yes I don't know I think tom tomcat. Yes. So tom. Yeah. No, I think you're I think you're right Did tom ever catch jerry? Was there like a series finale?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Where they got well, I think at one point they became friends This is all like I have no idea like where you got to eat them that see that would be, you know Like wily coyote never caught road runner He's a road runner. He runs on the road. It's very fast Me me were you more of a it was all violence driven. I don't think elmer fudge shoot shooting at it That's what I'm saying. Fucking rabbit. Our shows are a lot more violent. Yeah, they were insanely violent And now they're all just like, you know Whenever I don't know spongebob kind of had like a lot of like sexual innuendos
Starting point is 00:18:29 Well, I heard that that was originally for adults, but then it became like a kid's thing. Didn't they say spongebob was gay? The actual man or just the the uh The voice or the actual character. No, no, no, no, no the character Oh spongebob was a gay man. I thought I thought I thought I don't think it ever like there was a I don't think we ever found out if sandy cheeks. You fucking are not Sandy cheeks. Yeah, dude. Yeah She had a fucking fire domain over there word under the sea. Hell, yeah If that existed right I would go
Starting point is 00:19:02 So would I Actually, I'm full of shit. No, no, no, no no Really? No way a fucking Bubble where I could just walk around under the sea they have shit like that like in like Atlantis Yeah, but it's not where you could eat in the ocean basically. Yeah, but you're not on the bottom of the floor Yeah, I mean it would never be that Bright it would be very dark. That's what I'm saying. It would be extremely dark And we'll probably be a lot scarier shit going on the oceans and all that shit scare me
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah, I don't really like the ocean. You know when you go like really really really really down Yeah, and you panic because you're so far down. Oh, no, I'm talking about like places that you haven't been I get to 12 feet my ears I'm not talking about you personally. I'm talking about like in you know in general like if you go all the way down There's like these fish That look like piranhas like they have like big teeth and they have like a little flashlight. Yeah How the fuck how if you don't believe in evolution just because of that I'm worried about you there is a fish With electricity running through its fucking body. I haven't saw apparently. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:08 Plugged into nothing. Don't we have electricity in our bodies? They say though Yeah, but I enough to turn on a light bulb Of course, there's electricity. That's how the heart goes. Yeah when you think about it. That's a little weird, too You know, you know, I always want to know it always. Yeah. Well, I was gonna say how's it pumping how our bodies run on no Like machine machine. Yeah It's just sleep Yeah, what the fuck Isn't that crazy, but we don't have light bulbs. That's true. That's true
Starting point is 00:20:45 But I think a while dude, but I think about it. It's like, you know We've had talks on here like how like humans are like the top of the food chain and everything Do you think at any point ever? That something will come around that's more like maybe an alien from another place but something that's like more sophisticated than a human I hope I'm not fucking around for that shit. Me too. Like if an alien's invaded, I don't want to be here Imagine if another fucking Another planet came here and like enslaved us Oh, man, like shot a beam and it just like shot like a like a circle around the earth
Starting point is 00:21:23 And then we were just trapped and then we were just trapped and they would just like control everything we did and like force us to Suck their alien ass. Yeah, and like and like Do fucking stuff to our butts What if they came down and what did that start? Who started that rumor what the oh aliens pick you up and just shove shit in your ass They do that. They're like, yeah anal. Oh like pro. Oh, yeah probes. Well, who started that? I don't know Maybe they're gay
Starting point is 00:21:53 Maybe the aliens are gay and they're just I mean what Or heavily into the colon like really into anal step into the light We are going to do stuff to your butthole, sweetie A lot of people, um, I forgot who it was. I just watched something recently where they were saying, you know how people like feel very like It's like vivid that they think they were abducted and yeah, those people are nuts. Well, I think They think it's Do you believe in aliens 100%? Yes, I do 100 I believe in that there is
Starting point is 00:22:27 extraterrestrial Yeah, I think that's obvious, you know the universe is so big for us to think that there's not other people out there is insane Maybe not humans, but definitely like life forms of people that look exactly like they're probably disgusting You know, that's that's what it was. It was No, but I think it was um, joe joe rogan recently said this on said this on his podcast where he I think he was talking the other grass ties and he was saying the universe is so big and it's so like There's so many universes and there's so many galaxies and it's just It's so big that we can't comprehend how big it is that
Starting point is 00:23:02 there is An exact replica of you somewhere out there doing the exact same thing at this time That's how many universes there are that no matter the combinations That you can think of yeah of like how you're taking what you can do right now with your fingers You're tapping whatever whatever you're doing doing the same shit There is someone doing the exact same thing at the exact same time as you because there's that many That's a theory obviously because if we're talking about science here, but That's what he says that it's so big and so expanding that we can't even wrap our minds around how big it is because things like that exist
Starting point is 00:23:39 Isn't that the fucking craziest thought in the world like i'm trying to put some real thought behind this No, my brain not so good Yeah, you're gonna get a nosebleed if you think But The human body Is such like it's it's like a uh, it's such a perfectly flawed thing Okay, you know because by flaw it's like, you know, we could catch disease and we could die and whatever and you know We don't live forever or whatever. It's a cat
Starting point is 00:24:11 Fuck probably a wild cat but um I don't know if I believe there's an exact carbon copy of me Okay, but I do believe that there might be another planet that can inhabit Yeah, inhabit humans You think we can go live somewhere else? Yes Yeah, I think I think we can't reach it But I definitely think that there's another earth out there. Oh for sure. There's probably dude. There's probably millions of earths
Starting point is 00:24:41 Like there's no way that there's only one earth. I'm sorry. It's very It's just like, you know, maybe they're but I'm just saying With the numbers that we're given Unlimited. Yeah, it's gonna be hard for you to convince me that there's not another earth There's not another earth out there. There's probably a planet that acts the same way this one does So in theory, we could go there if it was the moon
Starting point is 00:25:04 We could go there. Right. I mean, I wouldn't fucking get in that rocket hell. No way too fast for me scared very scared Is that true that they freeze like? astronauts or just that just made up in movies Excuse me to like make their trip seem shorter They freeze them. What is this Austin powers? Yeah, basically you never seen like, uh I don't think you could freeze a human. No, but there's something that like puts you to sleep like a sleep chamber or something I don't think that's real though. It was in like a bunch of movies Oh, and then one guy doesn't make it into his chamber
Starting point is 00:25:40 So he just ages and dies. Yeah, so he has to like live He has to live for like the whole like three years on his own That's trash. I forgot about the movie though Didn't they send monkeys in the space? I think so that's fire Kind of fucked up Yeah, well fuck this monkey in case anything goes wrong. Yeah. Yeah I would never go to space. No, but like I said in theory, I think there is a another planet out there that could
Starting point is 00:26:09 You know, we could go to and live on and there's probably humans there And they're probably having this conversation I'm like, you think there's other planets out there. They definitely don't speak english, but they're probably more like Well, they had to create their own language. Yeah, that's what I'm saying Who knows what the fuck that's like. Do you think english exists somewhere else? No way, england But uh, other than that probably not When you really think about that, right? There's no way that someone that's why you were saying like, you know There's somebody like doing the same thing with their hands that I can kind of buy but there's no way that they're they're saying the same words as me
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oh, like no, yeah, I don't think that either. Do you believe in multiple dimensions? uh I don't you really I think so like a black hole like yeah, I think those exist. Yeah. Yeah, they do That's fucking terrifying. Yeah, I'm not going in there either The thing that I'm scared of is that I always think of it is like yo is is is the universe like the truman show like at some point you're just like All right, got it. Got the wall. Got it. Well, flat earthers believe that That you get to a certain point it's like boom, it's the end
Starting point is 00:27:26 Go for it guys. Yeah That's why you know Not to be all morbid But You know life is temporary. Yeah If it wasn't I'd be more scared about the stuff that's there's so many possibilities of shit that could happen Yeah, I think living forever is a curse to be honest. I'd never want to be a vampire
Starting point is 00:27:47 I would never want to live. I would I don't think I would ever want to live forever if I aged Because vampires don't age. I would be a fucking vamp, dude. Yeah, but they are all like white skinned and it's fine I'll be a vamp guy. Yeah, but you drink blood blood is disgusting. Yeah, but if you really think about it They probably love you. Yeah, they would suck me so hard. Yeah from any fucking orifice. Yeah Is that the right word? You say orifice. What's orifice? It's orifice Orifice. Yeah, what did I say orifice? All right. You're close. I tried no cigar though No cigar. What is that expression even fucking mean? I don't know close, but no cigar close, but you don't get the smoke
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah, I don't I don't get it. What were you just saying? Uh vampires. Oh vampires. I if I could be a vampire because you do get Like you're as like your physical self when you get bit And then you're also strong as shit Vampires are strong. What you ever seen blade, bro. You ever seen true blood? I watched like an episode of true blood. Yeah, and then it was like suck it. Don't suck ass. It's like southern vampires Sucking ass. No, I don't know. There's a character on there named sucky Oh
Starting point is 00:29:02 And it's played by Anna Paquin. Do you know her? No She's like that. Did you ever see the 25th hour? Okay, wait, is she the blonde one? What? Yeah. Yeah What She's like the star of it and it's like vampires in the south I never liked it. Hicked out vampires. Yeah, it's kind of dope. That's okay. I'm here for you. It's okay Did they have guns?
Starting point is 00:29:34 How do you kill a vampire again? You uh onions Garlic garlic not onions And a steak through their heart A wooden steak. Yeah Or a silver bullet That's a werewolf. Fuck. That's all right. I got all my stuff I would never last in a world where these things existed. You know being a werewolf's gotta be trash Oh another thing that used to scare me when I was another thing that used to scare me when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:30:02 was um What the fuck was the name of that movie? Um We're most gotta be trash. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah every fucking full moon. You just all your clothes rip You become this monster and murder things. How often is there a full moon? I feel like we should know this. I I don't don't they have it on the calendars What calendars like on our phones it'd be like full moon tonight Full moon tonight, I don't know Are you one of those people that like has to look at the moon when it's like doing special stuff?
Starting point is 00:30:36 No, dude, I hate when I hate when people are like that. It's like dude. I got my goggles for the solar eclipse I'm just like I don't give a shit solar eclipse is a scam. Yeah Let's say just fly a filter up there. You know what happened When the when the solar eclipse happened, yeah They were selling these fucking glasses Yeah for like a dollar and 25 cents because like oh you gotta shield your eyes from the sun because if you stare at the sun At the eclipse you're gonna go blind If that were true, which it's not I looked right at that slut. Yeah, I was like overall doggie and I was like
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'll give me all of it. Yeah, it's red cool If that was true Why were you selling them? You trying to kill did you try to make the whole fucking place go blind? Yeah, what about poor people poor people can't afford their eyes Poor people don't even know what's happening. They're probably just looking up at the sky. Go blind. No, it's a scam I saw it with my bare eyes. I saw that shit. That was bullshit. It was bullshit And by the way not cool I'm not impressed by an eclipse. It's a shadow. It's a silhouette. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:43 Who cares? You know what I do get impressed by though? When the sun is out and the moon is out at the same time That's kind of cool. The only reason why I like that is because I grew up liking star wars and you know Like at some point you can see the death star. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right It's just weird that like because we were in line at the end. Wait. Wait. Was that? Yo, we could see that And joe joe wanted to be like it's not that cool at first and he's just like, you know what that is weird Because you were like, yo, isn't it crazy how we could just see that right now?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Like we're looking at it We can see like and that doesn't make fucking sense to me Dude, we could see craters in the moon from here. That doesn't make sense to me. How is that possible? I don't know and what's hitting it out there The sun No meteors and shit. Oh, I thought you meant how are we seeing it? Do you say meteors or meteor? Uh, both I think I think meteors and meteors. I don't know. I go back and forth I don't know. I'm more of a meteor guy. You're a meteor meteor shower. You are a meteor. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:47 Meteor shower Yeah, that's one of the ways my dad wants to die. He has like a top five Does he really? Yeah, it's the top five ways to go. It's like tsunami tornado a hurricane Uh struck by lightning. Oh, no, not a hurricane. Did your dad get struck by lightning? Uh, what? That's not you I know somebody's dad that got struck by lightning. He didn't get struck by lightning, but he said that he He had a really bad weather where he was at and he was hiding in like his baths up
Starting point is 00:33:15 And he said that it hit the house and like it was the loudest thing that bars. Yeah, it was crazy. But anyway Uh, we yeah every time we hear thunder we text each other. Is that we heard that? Yeah Yo, did you get that one? Do you do the counting thing? So far away one My god, three miles away 4.6 miles away
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's all right Moving out west. Yeah, my dad uh psycho well documented on the last episode, but yeah, he has a top five and I believe In no particular order. It's tsunami tornado Uh struck by lightning Uh like a asteroid hitting him in the face Or hit by a plane
Starting point is 00:34:04 Well, how's he gonna get hit by a plane like on the runway or he's just flying around there? Well, you know on the runway Getting hit by a plane Or if he had been parachuting and being struck by a plane that would also make him happy Did you ever see that guy that got sucked up in that jet remember that video when we were kids? Sucked up into a jet. Yeah, and he lived He got sucked into a jet a guy got sucked into a side turbine jet No of a plane no and lived. This is a fake video. It's a it's true and it's very well documented This man was sucked through a jet engine
Starting point is 00:34:40 Man miraculously survived I wrote man. Yo, hold on the government's watching wait. I wrote man sucked. Yeah, and man sucked into jet engine. Whoa. No way What the fuck That's terrifying dude man sucked Man sucked can go so many other ways. Yeah by big latina Yeah, or man or man sucks man sucked lollipop even to get a little more pc Yeah, or man j man that sucked. Yeah, dude that dude got sucked into a jet engine and survived
Starting point is 00:35:18 Sucked through an inch I don't know about this dude. It's true. Does it have a wikipedia page because if so then you know it's true This is a video of it. Yeah, dude Yeah, wait, wait, I didn't see it yet. Hold on. Oh, yeah, bro. He gets sucked hard He gets sucked hard man say say say a say a phrase like three times like something random Like and I'll type it into google and see if we get like think of a different story or something Just like I ready uh kid in a bubble Yeah, there was a kid in in a bubble
Starting point is 00:36:01 A kid in a bubble. I once saw a kid in a bubble. There was a kid In a bubble right that I want to see I want to see a kid in a bubble I would love to be able to search that on the internet. Yeah a kid in a bubble you I should read it I should look it up. Yeah, I should look up a kid in a bubble. Yeah All right didn't work that well I have kid in a blanket. What if I type in kid in a pepsu? I got kid in a candy store, but if you type in kid If remember that kid bubble boy remember that kid
Starting point is 00:36:49 His parents lied about him being up in that fucking aircraft Are you talking about the movie bubble boy? No, dude. You never heard this story No bubble boy. Are you kidding? Dude, what are these fucking myths you have who are you never please believe it or not? Bubble boy kid that was in a fucking this family Lied and said that their son Got lost in this fucking blimp aircraft that their dad built And they called the news and all that shit
Starting point is 00:37:20 And then the son on live tv goes that never happened While he's sitting with the family look look it up look it up wait That's fucking gangster and what did they go? Yes? Wait, so I gotta look this up. So what should I look up bubble boy? Yeah kid, uh, shit, um kid Bubble boy real story the boy in the bubble the new york times what year is that though? 70s no no no no no no bubble boy is like more like a kid in the kid in the what the fuck Kid kid in the uh In the in the hovercraft maybe
Starting point is 00:38:03 Kid in the blimp kid in the blimp blimp boy or some shit. I forgot to give him a name Kid temper tantrum steals blimp takes down police copter and gta 5 Oh shiitake mushrooms. No type in parents lie about son In air Parents lie about son in the air What do you got No, I think I think you made this up. No, yeah, give it to me. Give it to me. No parents You do it on your phone. I'll do the ads here. Okay. Okay, you go find it. Where's your phone?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Okay, all right, let's get to the ads before that we're gonna find out about this kid in the bubble But not before we talk about our sponsors for today first we have Buffy, which is one of the Greatest companies here my new blanket is a is a is a Buffy blanket. That's bank blanket It's a blanket. Um Buffy makes bedding that is earth friendly and cruelty free They have a blanket called the breeze that regulates your temperature So you don't have to sweat at night, which is something that I am very accustomed to for some reason even in Air conditioning the boy sweats, which is strange. Don't know why
Starting point is 00:39:22 It's 100 plant-based design with that's breathable and it keeps you comfortable At night because it's like a nice temperature that it keeps you at okay It's made of eucalyptus fabric, which I don't know what that is but it sounds so scientific and true Okay, it's earth friendly softer than cotton. It's a very soft blanket. I'm telling you right now It's a very very comfortable blanket if you're in the market for a new Comforter This is the one you're going for for folks get your buff get your buff on get your buff on Uh, and it's hypoallergenic
Starting point is 00:39:57 Um, so if you're allergic to certain things no sneezes no sniffles if that's a thing. I don't know if it is sniffles Yeah, exactly. Um Anyway, uh for 20 off your Buffy Comforter visit Buffy dot co and enter the code basement Okay, that is 20 off your new Buffy Comforter visit Buffy dot co and enter Basement all right get a new blanket here folks. All right. Uh next up we have blue chew Um, that's blue like the color blue and they blue chew brings you the first chewable with uh The same FDA approved active ingredients as Viagra or sea Alice. So, you know, they work Basically what we're saying here is if you're a guy out there, maybe you got some ed problems
Starting point is 00:40:42 You got some penis problems. Very very normal. It's a normal thing happens people all the time If you got some penis problems or you don't have penis problems and you're just trying to take your stuff to the next level Get after a blue chew Ladies and gentlemen, you can take them any time day or night even on a full stomach And since they're chewable they work up to twice as fast as a pill So you can be ready whenever and whenever an opportunity arises. That's hot. Yeah, you can arise to the occasion How are you doing dude crush that crush absolutely crushed it Need you say more they are prescribed online and it shifts straight to your door in a discrete package
Starting point is 00:41:23 So no in-person doctor visits. No waiting in the pharmacy and best of all Not awkward. It's no awkwardness. You know what I mean? Right now we've got a special deal for our listeners. You can go you can visit and get your first shipment free When using our promo code Basement just pay five dollars for shipping. Um, again, that's a blue chew spelled blue And the promo code is basement to try it for free. All right, so why not try it out take it to the next level Yeah, chew it up get a nice rocket going
Starting point is 00:41:54 Pop off. Yeah, and your your lady friend will definitely Or or or a man friend. We'll definitely enjoy this whoever you're into everyone enjoys A powerful a powerful a powerful a power hog. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, nothing wrong with that exactly Nothing wrong with that And we have Another sponsor our last sponsor for today is fiverr. Okay, which is uh A marketplace that connects businesses with freelance freelancers who offer hundreds of digital services including graphic design
Starting point is 00:42:27 copywriting web programming film editing and more I've used fiverr like a whole bunch of times for graphic design because The boy is not good at that. Yeah, we're bad at it. Yeah, like you can learn how to edit Can't learn how to be artistic to have like very creative ideas. Yeah So if you need a freelancer you can go on fiverr And and get stuff like that. Um, you can search by service delivery time price reviews
Starting point is 00:42:55 Um and more and no transaction is complete until you're 100 satisfied with the work you receive Which I've had that happen before with like graphic designers where I wanted a certain design If I don't like it like the when I first get it I could send it back and be like, yo, can we change this and that and then once I'm happy with it Then the the transaction happens, which is, you know, amazing and how it should be so you won't get like screwed over in that sense Um, take five and check out spelled f i v e r r dot com And you will receive 10 off your first order by using the code basement. Um, don't waste any more time and get the services You deserve by going to again spelled f i v e r r dot com and use the code
Starting point is 00:43:35 Basement. All right, again code is basement. You get 10 off your first order ladies and gentlemen So you can have other people do the uh, the work that you're not good at Sorry my life Did you find the bubble balloon boy is his name not bubble boy now look it up I love how you went down there just to get a fucking animal cracker and then come back up at the laptop I know what you did. So he was in a balloon balloon boy So happy I found him Whatever happened to balloon boy
Starting point is 00:44:12 Wait The balloon boy hoax occurred in october. Oh, it's 2009 Yeah, it was recent when a homemade helium filled gas balloon shaped to resemble a silver flying saucer was released into the atmosphere above Fort Collins, Colorado by richard and Whatever Uh, they then claimed their six-year-old son falcon. Yes, his name is falcon Damn this dude has a mega dick probably Claimed their six-year-old son falcon was trapped inside it
Starting point is 00:44:41 I Why Come on attention. Yes My son's up there No, it's not. Yeah, no And they hit him They didn't hit him. I said hid And they hit them. They probably hit him. Yeah, that's it
Starting point is 00:45:00 Wait That was an ad um Is that the interview I I want to find where the kid just says it Like I just want to hear him go like oh, yo, nah I told you that happens when you gotta like you bank it on a six-year-old till I think about how big of a scumbag You have to be to say that your kid is lost in a bubble somewhere I then had the kid just ruin it
Starting point is 00:45:40 The dad's face after is hysterical I'm finding that because that was just like a wrap These fucking idiots Because when the thing came down Wait, how long was it up there? It was up there for a while. So people were talking about days Uh, I don't know if it was days, but people were like, yo, my son's up there. So the thing's got to come down It's a balloon. So the thing came down There wasn't there like there's no fucking kid in here
Starting point is 00:46:14 And then they were like, oh, we really thought that he was in there Uh, but then it turns out he was in the garage Can hear me, but was he because I know at some point he fell asleep in that garage But he was hiding out because he thought you were gonna punish him for something that happened earlier in the day Hey, uh, did he hear anything? Did he hear you screaming at falcon falcon? Uh, he's asking falcon. Did you hear us calling your name at any time? You did? You did it?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Oh, oh, they're so bad at acting too. Um falcon Did you remember what a fucking weird creepy white family don't let a six-year-old speak on tv, by the way Yeah, especially when you're lying about stuff Yeah, we did this for a show You didn't come out Um, I heard what he said, but I'm sure not I'm not it wasn't really really clear What was his reasoning why he heard he heard you screaming falcon falcon, and I'm sure he heard his mom screaming falcon falcon So why didn't he come out of the garage at that point?
Starting point is 00:47:30 Why are they doubling up the falcon? I know falcon falcon, and then he used to hurt falcon falcon Well, you know whenever he um Whenever we tell him things like it all it's a bad thing to do. He's probably squeezing this Oh like spine right now like don't fucking yeah, he does go and hide He uh towels down He's breaking like if we're gonna the store and He wants to buy some candy or something
Starting point is 00:48:00 I don't know so he's always behind Mayumi did you think it was possible that the falcon was just hiding out this time and was not necessarily on board that balloon Get him off Get him off Yo, that's hilarious Think about the mom just went no I'm oh my god. I can't believe you never heard about bubble boy. Oh my god falcon falcon the bubble boy balloon boy
Starting point is 00:48:33 Hours after he worried america Sick into thinking he was on a runaway balloon flying over colorado while he was just hiding in the attic six-year-old falcon A.k.a balloon boy appears to be having a larry king live We did this for a show Daddy told me we did this in fun show Oh Yo, he was fucked you could tell that was like oh god. I'm screwed. Yeah, dude Why would you even lie about that?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Like how boring is your life because they were gonna probably write a book and then do a movie and then stupid shit Yeah, I guess stupid chase a fucking being famous like all right. Listen, right? There's a lot of stupid shit that is famous I understand that Tell him about us We'll definitely fix that in post. Yeah, but I saw you go on a fucking fantastic grant the other day What on your instagram about what about um Uh pimple popping the sensation known as pimple popping First of all one. I couldn't agree with you more. I think it's fucking disgusting
Starting point is 00:49:40 Why is that like a like a popular thing people love it? It's pus. I know why you pop and pus. Yeah I get pop and pus pop and pus. I'm I'm down pop that pussy Also down the watch show about it. Yeah, but I'm not and I'm down to pop your pus Yeah, but I'm not down to pop pus. No out of your pimples People that offer themselves up to pop other people's pimples are severely severely disturbed. Yeah, that's disturbing Uh behavior and disgusting. It's disgusting. Why would you do that? I don't know? I I know some people have you ever seen like a siskit like cut open. It's it's it's cheese It's come on you ruining the crackers for me. I'm sorry cheese and crackers
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's not helping at all. Actually that's having a reverse effect Oh crackers coming back up No, but I'm telling you it's fucking cotton cheese comes out of why do you want to do that? Why do you want to see that come out of a person and do it and when I wrote that like some people were like, oh my god it's so satisfying and I'm like it's Gross. Yeah, if that satisfies you, I'm really worried about what else satisfies you. Yeah, you know Yeah, and the fact that there's a big enough Audience for this for somebody's a millionaire off of this now. Mm-hmm. Just from popping pimples
Starting point is 00:51:01 I don't even like to pop my own pimples I don't pop them I find that when I pop my pimples I get more pimples in that area. Yeah You know, here's the fun thing. One thing I do is I scratch bug bites really hard What like do you scratch bug bites until they get like what like mosquito bites? Yeah, like bloody No, yeah, I do that sometimes. All right, it's scratched too hard So you just take it easy No
Starting point is 00:51:33 Can't tell me what to do no no No, the pimple popping is gross. You're not a big pimpley guy though. I'm not a pimpley guy. And you know why? I don't use soap on my face I don't believe in this myth. I don't I don't believe in it. I don't put soap I get pimples here because I wear a lot of hats Yeah, when I wear hats like consistently, I'll I'll get those too Yeah, or if I come back from the gym and I like sit around for an hour Then I might get one like on my upper lip where my mustache is because it collects there the gym The sex gym
Starting point is 00:52:06 Uh, no, but I'll get them there, but I never I never got them like on my face Have you ever got a pimple that just hurts so bad? Yeah, I get those like on my legs. Yeah Like your gooch. Yeah, I get them in between like my thighs like in this area. Yeah the ingrown hair those fucking things Hurts yeah, and it looks ugly. Yeah, it's from friction. It looks like an animal's trying to crawl out Have you ever popped one of those? Yeah, they're gross, but I have to do like surgery like I gotta like cut my skin with like a fucking uh Tweezer you have to like yeah like scratch the surface. Yeah. Yeah, it's a good one. Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:40 I gotta like scratch the surface so gross, but it hurts and it feels like there's a bead in there Yes, is there a bead? Yeah, you know how many times like I went In football I would always You know, you don't really watch like your shit as never so I would get those it's just from being gross Yeah, and I was like, yo, I have like a tumor and I remember I went to the doctor He was just like no and put like that shit that like freezes it And they just went and just drained it and I was just like oh my god
Starting point is 00:53:09 Because it was actually very painful. Yeah ingrown hairs are fucking painful. Yeah, they'll suck. Yeah Do you ever look at your nose and be like, yo, I have mad blackheads on my nose No, do I if I'd have to get Yeah, you got some After this we'll both go in the mirror and pull your nose this hard and then you literally look like remember with the play-doh when uh You would put like their hair and you push it through and it'll come out. That's what it's gonna look like It'll like I'm gonna get some cheese. Yeah a little bit. Ew blackheads
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, yeah But I don't find any joy in that. I think it's fucking disgusting. It is all very gross This is why you don't use soap This whole no soap thing is strange to me. Yeah I'm not the first one to do it I understand that like a lot of people a lot of girls don't wash their hair because they want to like natural oil Well, you're not supposed to do that. Anyway, you're not supposed to use your shampoo every time you take a shower I haven't used shampoo in
Starting point is 00:54:09 Two days Look at this Look at me Look at me look at me. I look like a rooster Yeah, but that's just because of your hair The way it's cut and colored Sorry, what is it? I don't know. I forgot everything Keep going
Starting point is 00:54:28 Um, but yeah, I don't use it. I don't use shampoo every time I get in the shower Uh, and I don't use soap on my face Now is that just because you want to get out of the shower as soon as possible? Are you making a conscious effort not to use soap? I make a conscious effort not to use soap. I don't believe it I get in there immediately. I soap I go right to the dick Yeah, and like this whole area the v like the vish Just no like dick balls gooch anus. Well, I think I think I'm like the superman crest Or a home plate
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, like that's I need to fucking Home plate and then get my taint. Yeah, I need to that's that goes off the board immediately Home plate is the first thing I do and then then I get some more soap I go arms into the chest. You don't use soap. You're using soap on my face. I don't use All right, we're thinking you'll soap on my whole body. That's what I thought you were saying You're like, oh, I don't you saw I was like you're disgusting freak. No, I use soap. Yes cycle. I don't put soap on my face Okay, you know I will put soap on my neck though
Starting point is 00:55:33 I have a problem. You just have sensitive skin. Yeah, but like how do I not do that? Um, I aggravated all the time They say if you use like uh, do you use aftershave gel? No, that's what you should use. Yeah, that helps Yeah, it helps me a bunch. I used to get you out all this shit. Oh, it's not clean now, but it would just become inflamed Yeah, I get a fucking patches like red. Yeah, like my neck would be burning But I use an aftershave And it keeps that shit from like getting like what is aftershave? It's just it's a soothing gel that like kind it's like It's like a aloe for a sunburn. Okay, so it just like makes sure it gets there
Starting point is 00:56:12 You know, howl at your boys at harry's and get something fucking nice in there Yeah, man, but you know what it is like I just I never used it really so I I it's not part of my routine Yeah, but I do everything else. Well because another thing too is that you do a lot of uh Shaping up like you just kind of keep it clean. So you're constantly kind of in that area. So you re-aggravate it I guess, you know, so that's why you need an aftershave gel. You got to take harry also Yeah, I need to get it because I always get like and people are like, oh my god, you get a hickey I was like, I'm a fully grown man. Uh, there's this there's this thing called grown alchemist that julian put me onto It's like a really good skin
Starting point is 00:56:51 Skin product alchemist. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, not an ad by the way, but it's it's nice. It's a good book. Yeah Oh the alchemist. Yeah, I had to read that in high school. What's the biggest pimple you think you ever had? I had assist I had assist. What's that called the ones an abscess an abscess. Do you want to hear some crazy shit inside of your mouth? Oh, dude, you have no idea Listen, this is really this is really bad. My dad had that once and he said it was the one of the worst pains of his entire life I had A tooth and like a cavity or something, right? And like I knew it was there
Starting point is 00:57:24 But I didn't want to tell my parents because I really hate to go into dentists. Yeah, of course I mean I've been there so I hit it from them and eventually that hole gets bigger and it becomes okay This is a root canal. Yeah, but again, I just dealt with the pain I didn't tell my parents because I'm a fucking idiot. Just not eating on like that side of the I'm like eight years old by the way and uh Yeah, I'm eating on the other side of my mouth and shit like everything so the day before I'm about to talk about I was in the kitchen and I don't know ice pack on my face because it hurt that bad and I still
Starting point is 00:57:57 Haven't told my parents The next morning I woke up No exaggeration. My sister has a picture in her phone. My cheek Was this big Jesus literally you could I could have fit my fist in it. It was that big And it was just filled with like like pus I guess dude. You could die from that. Yeah, I know I had a like a really bad. Yeah, you get like septic shock or some. Yeah, so we I woke up and My dad was driving me to the hospital and shit freaked out. No
Starting point is 00:58:28 He didn't care. Oh, yo, my dad If there was bullets flying through the the windows would be walking around Like sit on the couch putting his shoes on he's so cool under pressure But he worked in the fire department for so long. This guy was fucking saving babies and shit Yeah, it was he was dealing with panic So he knows how to be cool in those situations like I remember I dislocated my thumb And I ran up to him and he's like what and he pulled it and it was fine And then afterwards he told me he's like, honestly, you didn't know if that was gonna work
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yeah, it might as well try it save a trip to the fucking but he was he was cool about it But I had a really bad fever and I was like I wasn't passing out But I was very dizzy and remember being in his car. Yeah, dude. You have an infected face. Yeah, dude It was very bad and uh, I finally went to this place and they like Put a drain in so they had to do like a little bit of a surgery Oh, so it was the circular one It came in and came out right what was it It was in my cheek. It was a double hole. All right. I don't know
Starting point is 00:59:23 I thought my buddy kind of had to have that done. That's why this only reasons But this is gonna get disgusting But so I had this big ass thing and they would cut they cut into whatever and they put like a drain in there Dude, I was spitting out pus for like a week and a half I can't even look at you. It was gross Dude, maybe that made you as good looking as you are now. Maybe you were ugly freak back then What is that? What does that mean? Maybe that surgery saved your life. Maybe, you know, even down your cheek bones You have good symmetry of the face
Starting point is 00:59:53 You're good to go. They were not symmetrical that day, but I was I had to spit out pus like I'll do it a lot a lot of pus Like for mad long, right? Okay, keep going keep moving on and uh, I mean some rivers of pus Was it like thick in your mouth? It it tasted like you know when you're sick and you wake up in the morning and you have to like Your mouth just tastes like shit. It tastes like snot. Yeah, it's like that Not great. Yeah, not great. Um And uh, then I had to get the root canal
Starting point is 01:00:25 They didn't just rip your tooth out. No, I'm surprised they let you know because you were young They probably didn't want to take your tooth out All right So I go to get a root canal first the guide the first guy doesn't want to work on me because I'm freaking out and I'm like scared Right. So he's like, I'm not doing this. So my mom had to take me to a different person And when they did it, you know how they put the like the rubber stuff in your gums and then they have to like melt it or whatever Yeah, it's uh, it's uh the if they do it differently now the mold. There used to be a mold Yeah, it used to be a mold that they put in there, but now what they do is like, uh, the that
Starting point is 01:00:56 Whatever it is that fucking it's like a plastic thing that melts with that ray light or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I forgot what that's called But this dude literally had to heat up a metal thing And then burn this mold into my root And he left it on my lip by accident. So he burnt my lip Right, but he got it done. It was like done whatever it was his dentist fucking Queen's boulevard somewhere behind the fucking store I'm gonna tell you right now. What was queen's boulevard? I knew it. It was I knew it. That's crazy that you said that It was on Queen's boulevard. That sounds Queen's boulevard-ish. Yeah, so after that I had a temporary
Starting point is 01:01:36 Filling in there. Yeah, and that came out fire. Yeah, uh, probably my fault and then uh They were like, all right, this has to come out And when they went to go pull the tooth it crumbled So now there's the prongs in there still so they basically it felt like they ripped three teeth out of my face And this is all like when I was like nine years old. It was the worst experience ever, dude It was terrible probably smelled like shit. What? A rotten tooth. Oh, oh, uh, no, it wasn't it was rotten when they pulled it
Starting point is 01:02:13 Like it was rotting on the inside. It wasn't like I had a bad breath or anything No, but it just like turned to dust. Oh, yeah, it was a gross taste in your mouth You know when they do like drilling and you're like, ew, it tastes like smoke. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, dude It was it was crazy. So they did that and then fucking like I'm going to get a deep cleaning in september and I'm not I'm not excited about it. No All this just makes me not want to do it. Honestly, it might if Like I said, were you talking about anesthesia and like afraid of going under? I wish that I could be like, yo put me under
Starting point is 01:02:43 Fix my teeth that I won't have to come back for years Yeah, and then and then wake me up and then I'll just deal with it, you know, I wish that could happen That'd be great. Why? whoever You believe uh Make teeth So fuck up. Why do we got to brush them? Yeah, just let it be fine. Yeah Like what do people do back in the day? I think they just fell out
Starting point is 01:03:11 You want to know what it is? They probably ate a lot less sugar and like processed shit So they probably lasted longer lasted longer. They were more natural. Yeah, they didn't have gum and candy Yeah, there's no skittles back. But dude, I'm telling you right now Skittles back I'm surprised I still have teeth Just from what I've eaten just from all the meth you've done all the meth all the meth I've done, but uh Yeah, dude, I'm afraid I'm I'm afraid of the dentist, but not as as afraid as I used to be I'm terrified of the dentist
Starting point is 01:03:44 Like we think you'll when's the next time you think you'll go to the dentist Until something hurts. Yeah. Yeah That's the only times I go the last time I went to the dentist was because I had a really bad tooth infection Yeah, and it ended up being a root canal the root canal itself wasn't painful. Right. I just I I think I'm very post-op is the worst thing. No, it actually wasn't even that bad. It's a phenomenal job Yeah, it was this little asian man who fucking fucked me up. I'll be honest with you queen's bowler. No, no It wasn't queen's bowler. I've never gone back there again Uh, but uh, no the side this guy did a very good job. It is however very expensive to do that. Hell. Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:19 Yeah, it's like it's gonna cost a thousand dollars or something. It didn't cost me a thousand dollars But my copay was still like 400 right for one. Well, yeah, yeah dental insurance At that time I did. Yeah, you don't have dental insurance now. No, you got to get dental insurance Did I say doe you did doe? Yeah, I actually I don't know if I do to be honest My health insurance is just like what's your deductible? Oh, it's a lot Because I don't I don't go to the doctor So I pay I pay a low premium Yeah, I you my premium is high, dude
Starting point is 01:04:52 Well, you pay like a lot every month $400 a month. Yeah, see I pay like But I have health I have health issues. Yeah, I know you need it mental and In physical. Yeah, it's either double up, baby. I pay like 150 bucks my deductible though. I was like close to eight grand What? Yeah You have an eight thousand dollar deductible that is insane For people that don't know what a deductible is Okay, because people can get confused Joe before his insurance would have to take over any financial
Starting point is 01:05:26 Uh Whatever it costs up to eight thousand dollars. He has to pay eight thousand dollars In medical stuff that is fucking insane. Yeah, man. Mine's 600. Yeah, I did that shit in like three days I'm on purpose. I'm gonna I'm gonna change it because the reason why I got it was because at the time You're getting older, dude. You got to get good insurance. No, no, no, it's not about that Because like yo, I really don't really get sick like sick like that I know but our family is very like blessed in that like none of us really like, you know At least don't have like the
Starting point is 01:06:00 All right, so I'm saying it stops. I don't want to you're one of these people you believe in that. Yes. I do. Do you really? Yeah, I do. Oh god. I do No, what I'm saying is I'm a very superstitious guy. Really? Yes. I am do you believe that that actually has Like Joe, if you knew some of the things that I do before I come here, you'd be like this kid's fucking Even more insane. So you're telling me you actually believe that if I say like You know what? I'm not gonna say the example. Yeah, please don't I'm not gonna say it but uh You believe that if I talk about like, oh, I'm I don't get sick that I'm gonna get sick. Uh, yeah, why I don't know
Starting point is 01:06:35 I just feel like you could put that shit out there. I don't know. I feel like the universe is way more powerful than us and I feel like Sometimes if you put things into it, even if it's not severely sick it's just like Listen, it's coincidental. I'm not I'm not gonna be like, you know, I'm asking if you really believe it. I do I do. I'm superstitious. I'm trying to save it. No, I'm not. I'm just saying like I would recognize that it is That you're you're most likely crazy 100% Okay, 100% you are crazy though. Yeah, but I did I put I put my Left sock on first every day for good luck
Starting point is 01:07:13 Okay, okay Which is I don't know why that that started. Um I heard a thing about a quarterback back in the day named Byron Lefwich People probably don't remember him But he would wake up in the morning and not touch anything with his throwing arm Until he got to the stadium To touch the ball. Yeah But I put so I started putting my left sock on first every day every day
Starting point is 01:07:39 I put my shirt on before I put my underwear on I do everything the same way. Yeah You put your shirt on before your underwear. Yes I you just winnie the pooh that I do yo If you were to hack into my camp my dog camera You would just see me winnie the poohing so hard. I winnie the poo all the time You go dick out dick out with a shirt. Yeah That is the most uncomfortable. Well part of it is my shirt drawer is higher than my boxer drawer So i'm working my way down that also makes no sense to me. My boxer drawer is the top drawer. I know I know
Starting point is 01:08:15 I'm a weird guy I'm a strange guy I also have superstitions where if I get into an elevator I have to hit the the floor and immediately hit door close or I I'm very anxious in the elevator just because I didn't hit the door close button. It doesn't make any sense I never knew this about you. Yeah. No, I have like I have some shit
Starting point is 01:08:42 But I really don't like it's not like crazy. Shit the door close thing I mean, I do that. Yeah, but I get because I want the doors to close. No, but I get anxious Because I'm like why why is the door not closing like why is it taking forever and like that shit makes me anxious Not to the point where I'm like, oh, I can't be in this elevator, but it just like I'm thinking about it It's weird It's weird I don't necessarily believe in all of it. No, no I think I'm in the I think I am in the majority the minority here
Starting point is 01:09:15 I don't I think a lot of people believe what you a lot of people do that It's like I don't get sick and they're like don't say that you never had like sports superstitions or anything like that No, I had routines. I wouldn't call them superstitions. See I had superstitions Like if I had a monster game, I wouldn't wash my jersey Yeah, but see like that kind of stuff is not like no, but it's just like playful things But it makes you feel comfortable It would make me feel comfortable If someone had washed my jersey and I didn't know like I'm not gonna like make a thing about it
Starting point is 01:09:41 I wouldn't like be like I'm not playing tonight coach, but I'd I'd I'd think about it Yeah, I think that's like if I had a bad run I'd be like because I washed my fucking jersey See, I would never do that. Yeah, I don't really and this is and this is the thing I think I get that from my mom. My mom is like really like that. So I think that You can make yourself sick Right. Yes. So you can manifest. That's what I'm saying. You can manifest being sick Right, but if I don't believe in any of it, then it doesn't apply to me Yeah, but if you get a fucking cold and diarrhea, I don't give a shit what you're manifesting. You're shitting, bro
Starting point is 01:10:13 That's not what I'm saying. Oh, I'm saying if I thought you were just being like, no, I could just never get sick ever No, if I if I don't believe in in like, um You know the the umbrella thing, right? If you open umbrella up inside that's bad luck. I don't I don't believe in that shit The why you making it seem like that's stupid and yours is fine. No, because like I'm not saying like I'm not like overly like Don't walk under a ladder Like yeah, but you said that crack it's gonna break your grandma's back
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah, but because I was saying like oh from what I think you would believe that I would believe that I yeah about getting So you're like oh now I'm what's gonna get sick, right? If I don't believe that I can't manifest that right but someone like you who does believe that if you Went on this whole tangent about how I never get sick in this and that and then you didn't realize until after like Oh, fuck. I just said all that stuff You could manifest it if you believe it and I'm being like now There's a good possibility I'm gonna get sick just because I said that right you can make yourself sick because Just another that point. Okay when you're younger and you fake sick. Yes, and you stay home from school
Starting point is 01:11:22 There'd be times where you would start to feel sick. Oh, yeah acting as if you are oh for sure And then it just you know it just follows your mind is very powerful in that 100 but if I don't believe in it I can't manifest okay, but here's another thing another way to look at it If you don't believe it and you don't go to the doctor and that's when you end up the one time you go to the doctor You're like, you know you have this What? Like you should go for regular checkups, dude Yeah, you should see a doctor every year right at least once okay because if you don't it's like, yeah, I'm not manifesting it
Starting point is 01:11:56 But if you go a long time without going to the doctor odds are you're gonna go to the doctor and be like there's some little Oh, yeah, no, it's it's I'm not saying that that I thought that's what you were saying It's like, yeah, I'm not gonna ever go to the doctor until I'm just like No, no, no Like a zombie in your house. No, that's what I thought you were saying No, I'm saying there's because most people they're Prompted to go to the doctor. Yeah, like I have a reason to make an appointment like I have this or I have that so I have to go Right, that's the stuff I'm talking about. Okay. You should do your health like your yearly checkups. That's what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah, yeah, no, I'm not talking about that. Okay. I'm talking about I'm I'm rarely like sick to the point where I was like I need to go get like medication. Yeah that I can't get over the counter. You know, you don't like taking medication No, well for for like a small thing. Yeah, like if I have a headache, I won't take Tylenol Or if like I have a a pain or Some inflammation like I'd rather just like ice my leg than take like meds or something I just don't think it there's got to be stuff in there. That's not great And maybe I'll never know that in my lifetime like that like I won't feel the effects of it But I just know what's happening. Hope not, you know, and then I feel like your body like has like, you know when you're off
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yeah, like for like for real. Yeah, you know like if something's off, but Another thing I wanted to say about you and I don't want you think this is like I'm taking personal shot of you But I feel like you don't like when people recommend stuff Like so say you have like a flu, right? And I'll be like, you know, take thorough flu. It's very good I feel like the defiance in you just gonna be like no No, just because I recommended it. No, I'll be honest with you I'm I'm not I'm not like that. Oh, I'm like I'm like that. I am no doubt about it All right, so I wasn't making that up. No, no, no, but when it comes to health things, I'm I'm not like that because
Starting point is 01:13:51 That's been a consistent This is gonna get too real. No, come on. Let's go. Let's go. Let's what the people pay for here No, when you know I'm in this free shell I'm gonna preemptively say like you don't have to feel bad and you don't have to be sorry for You're not making me say this is what I'm trying to say. Okay. Well, if it's bad I'm gonna feel it's not bad because nobody feels bad easier than me There have been people in my family That have that are too proud to get help for certain things
Starting point is 01:14:20 And then it ends up being a very serious thing. Yeah Or they end up dying All now now I do a little smidgen. I'm not going to but I do no, but I feel like that's important because like a lot of people Especially that are like older They start to feel like I don't want to be a burden on Yeah, my grandkids or my kids or whatever. So they just like Shut down just just chill with it or whether like I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine the whole I'm fine thing
Starting point is 01:14:49 But it's like, you know, if you're not fine Yes, you know, like I like I can tough out a headache and I could tough out like a sore throat Okay, but if I'm like off and I'm sick like I don't give a fuck about inconveniencing anybody like I'll call everyone I know like oh, yeah come get me. Yeah, you know, I'm saying so With with that stuff. I'm not like that. So if but I'm not gonna like what would you say what stuff you are like that? Everything else. Yeah, I would say so right now. Why do you think you do that? I just think I know better than everybody Is that a pride thing or is it I think it's a confidence thing
Starting point is 01:15:22 But I also think it's because I know that I'm willing to recognize when I'm wrong I don't think a lot of people have that I'm serious Sometimes No, you're being funny, but like when it comes to like serious things I know when I'm like when when this is like wrong or maybe I'll realize it later But I always know when I'm wrong or I'll know like if if we're having a conversation about something And you give this whole 45 minute speech about whatever and you're trying to offer me advice for 45 minutes
Starting point is 01:15:52 Maybe four minutes of that. It was all you needed. I'll only listen to the rest of it I'm listening to you say it and I'm like, I don't agree with any of this He doesn't know what he's talking about or like whatever, you know, and and that four minutes So I'll take and I'll use that right with my life, you know and select selective hearing In a in a way in a way in a way. I'm not necessarily shutting you off. I'm saying I'm I'm similar So I'm not saying it like in terms of like, I don't know where you're coming from, right? Like, you know, like I know where you're coming from because I do it. I'm very sure of myself
Starting point is 01:16:25 I feel like I'm I'm very realistic with myself like I know when I'm doing a bad job I know when like I can get this done and that done and I know when I'm being like Good and bad I guess and and uh Oh I'm being naughty naughty boy But I think that I think that's why because um You know
Starting point is 01:16:46 I don't know. I'm I'm not just gonna listen to everyone for no reason No, it was never that kid like even when I was super young and like school and shit Yeah, like I'm not gonna just listen to you because you're a teacher like I have My own thoughts. Yeah, and I feel like you're being a little unreasonable right now Do you know that one time in fifth grade at my parents went to a teacher a parent teacher conference You're being unreasonable I've said that to teachers when I was very young that's safe. I love that. Yeah, I must I'm a little sick but my my my dad told me that he went to
Starting point is 01:17:16 parent teacher conference in fifth grade and my teacher said uh She was you gotta be careful with him She goes because he's got it all figured out and he's he tells me that story all the time That's cool. She goes. He's got it all figured out. That's cool. That makes me sound like a fucking murderer. What do you mean? Well, I've taken it as cool. Now. Let me ask you this. Yeah Me do you consider me to be a little bit of a crazy person? In what way just in it just in terms of my life No, okay
Starting point is 01:17:47 I think I'm far more crazy than you are. That's what I was gonna say. Yeah, do you consider yourself to be crazy? I don't think I'm crazy lack of a better term. I don't think I'm crazy. I do think that I I'm wired like I'll like very differently than most people because just from my experience of you know, whatever But I do love meeting people that do have sort of the same right actually, you know what? I don't even know if I would enjoy myself if I knew me Wow expand on that I don't know if two of those personalities can like
Starting point is 01:18:16 Really match up that well. You probably would end up competing with each other a lot. Yeah, I I I don't know. I don't know if I would I would like me as far as like I would you know Guys we are peeling back layers of this onion today No, I'm not saying like like me as a person. I feel like the personalities. I think just wouldn't match up You know like I feel like a lot of things that you possess. I don't have right and what I possess you don't have Yeah, so it works out perfectly. Yeah, it's yin and yin and yangish Yeah, and you know what just to give you an example me and Frankie, right? Yeah Two dominant personalities. Yes for the most part
Starting point is 01:18:55 There's a there's a lot of like clashing there, but we go back so far that we can kill it But if it's a stranger, I'd be like fuck this kid, right, you know Yeah, yeah, yeah, not because he's he's Frankie But because of those certain personality traits when it comes to little things like Idiosyncrasies and stuff. Yeah, but because we have a history of how we're doing things We don't trust his kids. It's not really a problem You know the operating system of him, right? Yeah, if I met someone with Frankie's personality as an adult and it was like that like whatever this guy
Starting point is 01:19:23 I probably wouldn't enjoy that and he probably wouldn't enjoy me either. No, he probably think you were dick. Yeah You know actually I feel like I'm peeling back on that a lot by the way Oh, like I like you're like you're not a dick anymore Not that I was a dick because I was never I was never a dick, but I think I was very like definitive of like I'm gonna do this and like I was very rebellious And like I really don't care about being rebellious anymore I was so set on being like A rebel. Yeah, but you were a kid. I'm not talking about being a kid. I'm talking about even being like 23 24
Starting point is 01:19:52 You're you're you're kid. Well, technically, but I'm saying it's only three years ago, right? Dude, you know, you've grown so much in the two years. I've known you. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? You were way more Rebellious, but like way more like Closed yeah close minded. I would say right right now You're you're way more open-minded than I've ever seen you at this at this point in your life Yeah, I really think that's like you're way more willing to listen than you were Two two years two years not even close and that's the biggest difference Like I would say shit to you and you just be like
Starting point is 01:20:26 Like You know how they had that story where Kanye West is rapping at Jay-Z And Jay-Z's not even listening to him You know what I'm saying because he's just so caught up in whatever he's doing Yeah, but like you opened your mind to a lot of other things me being one of them. Yeah, you know what I'm saying Yeah, so like that personal growth from that In a short period of time is astronomical For me for you. Yeah, because you got to think about it. You're you were wired the same way even since fifth grade
Starting point is 01:20:58 for you to Come out of your comfort zone in a way and change the entire way you think that's almost impossible For people to change the way they think I mean, I don't think it's like this Giant feet that I've done. I think that it's like natural with it's more it's more than you know It's more than you know, trust me because it changes your complete character as a person Maybe yeah, I do think that I'm way less like closed off because I I used to tell you I had I had a problem Where I wouldn't like stare people in the eyes Yeah, like I wouldn't be able like not that I would do it on purpose, but I love staring at people
Starting point is 01:21:31 But I went out we would talk because I remember one time I was talking to this girl and she's like, you know I just noticed like you don't really like Look at me when you're talking to me and I'm like is it a dismissive thing. This is when I was like, no this is when I was like 21 years old And and this girl told me that and I was like I never noticed it and like I hate that obviously that's terrible Like I want to be like have good communication skills when it's also disrespectful. Oh, yeah, absolutely, but it was uh Yeah, it's very condescending. I don't mean to be but it's just I was but I wasn't there
Starting point is 01:22:01 I was thinking about everything like I was very much a dreamer of like right I want to do this and that but I was I wasn't living in the present It wasn't really like thinking about this right now I was like kind of like drifting and like thinking about other shit So it's like I hate it stuff like that. So that was stuff. I need to work on you were a couple steps ahead in your head Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I was very much like, uh, whatever the fuck they call it this now I want to say a visionary, but I really don't want to say that either. It sounds too like no, but you you You don't want to say dreamer either because it's like kind of a corny thing, but it's like
Starting point is 01:22:33 You had your mindset elsewhere Yeah, but I and you were very two steps ahead all the time right and then what I did was Like now I this is the happiest like balance that I have nice That makes me happy. No, it is a friend. Like I don't give a shit about like that We're talking on the show like as a friend that makes me happy to hear you say that Yeah, it's like the happiest balance I have now because I feel like Um, I think I've talked about it before I've had this conversation with greg numerous times, but even something as simple as food
Starting point is 01:23:03 I feel like I ate the same things over and over again because it's like you know No one's gonna Like when you when you're past the age of 12 No one's gonna go out of the way to make sure you're trying new foods No, and no one's challenging you on that, you know, but it's like that's why I like to go to restaurants also because I mean look at me, but you know But like that's why I like to go to restaurants and it's like, yo, let's just try something like different
Starting point is 01:23:27 Let's go to like a dude a new spot. Yeah now I'll eat whatever. I don't care Like you know every time we go to zz's. I'm like, yo eat this fucking climb eat it eat this oyster Don't just look at it eat it But no, I think I think a part of you over the last two years has been Mentally not liberated, but like expanded I guess, you know, yeah, I I also um I feel like the the balance is with I was in such a Work in business and like whatever the fuck I'm doing
Starting point is 01:24:03 Because at the end of the day everything you're doing on social media is like not your real life No, you know, it's your well. I wrap about titties. Yeah, it's like your real life. I have a fiance You know, it's your well-being and it's like something you enjoy doing like that's why I like the podcast so much because I don't Have to try and do anything else right, you know, like I don't have to try and be this guy I don't have to try and like whatever like we just do this like we do this all 24 7 Yeah, you know So that's why I really enjoy this and I don't think this will ever die I always kind of knew in the back of my mind that youtube would pass right
Starting point is 01:24:34 Yeah, but this I can't really see that happening because I genuinely enjoy doing it. It's it's liberating in a way Yeah, and also to have people that actually care about what you say. Yeah in a sociopathic realm Which I think Everyone is a little bit sociopathic Yeah, and I think it's almost I don't want this to be like offensive, but I think it's almost Healthy in a way to have a little bit of those tendencies Sociopathic ones. Yeah, I think it is
Starting point is 01:25:06 um Because I feel like if you I love this no because you want to know what it is like Not be a full-blown sociopath like don't like, you know, fucking manipulate people and do shit like that But to look out for your best self And kind of be able to go that extra mile for yourself I don't mind it I don't mind it
Starting point is 01:25:32 Yeah, I mean Like I said, and also me me and I think of I think a very important thing too that I've learned to do is that uh separating my work And whatever with my real life and making sure that my social life is like, you know You're keeping relationships with like your family members and your friends and like doing that because for a while
Starting point is 01:25:55 I didn't I didn't do that. I put them on the back burner and like that's when I was like my least happy And now that there's a good balance there. It's like, it's you know, this is like exactly what I want to be doing That's that's the best thing for you. Yeah I think mentally and physically We have we actually have to get the fuck out of here. Oh, yeah Yeah, so oh shit. Yeah, we do. Yeah, and it's also we were an hour and a half into this bitch. Oh, really? Yeah, oh, yeah. Wow. The blue boy took up quite some time. Wow. No, no, I think it was uh, the session's over. Yeah, the session's over Thank you so much. You can invoice me later. Yeah, it's fine. Uh, invoice you. Uh, yeah, you yeah, I'll send over some some some stuff
Starting point is 01:26:30 nice, uh As you can tell I've been in therapy for about a year now, so I could I could get some stuff out of this guy I learned I learned a thing or two. Yeah. Yeah. Why do you think that is but it feels good to talk about stuff like that though? Yeah, it's nice You're glowing am I glowing? Yeah, thanks uh Plug your shit, bro. Uh, dr. Danny low priori you can find me on sock doc Danny low priori on instagram and twitter
Starting point is 01:26:59 Uh, you guys can follow me on adjo san agar on all social media Go support the show heading to slash the basement art to do that All right, and there's some new merch there the san agar store dot com where you can purchase some new merch and Yeah, oh on the instagram at the basement yard and that is all see you guys next time

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