The Basement Yard - #234 - Corona Virus, It's Gettin' Real

Episode Date: March 23, 2020

On this episode, we discuss...guess? Yeah, it's the corona virus.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Welcome back to the basement yard Quarantine edition you know what I'm saying? Oh Yeah, so I gotta make you louder on my People can see how fucking makeshift this whole thing is it's just it's it's amazing think it's it they could see it They could see it. I I literally have my camera on top of a Coca-Cola fucking piggy bank type of thing Yeah, I'm sitting on my floor, and I can't feel my feet. So this is gonna be a great episode. You're sitting on your feet
Starting point is 00:00:38 Well, I'm sitting Indian style, so I'll make a couple adjustments adjust these you can't say you can't say Indian style. Oh Is that it's a it's a criss-cross applesauce, which I don't know criss-cross applesauce native american style No, you can't say that either. I don't think oh shit because they all don't sit that way I don't know did they sit that way? I I've never seen a native american sit. That's I've only seen them. That's true. They're always up and moving They're always up and moving and Gathering Yeah, anyway hunter hunt
Starting point is 00:01:12 But everything cool with you. No, no, no anything. No, well, we're all locked indoors. So there's that Yeah, remember when I said that coronavirus is gonna be a thing and you're not come on man like three people Saying that and that's not true Yes No, it 100% is cuz I was like, hey, man This is gonna be a thing and you were just like nah, man. Look at the statistics now. I can't go outside This dude, I got I got the whole study with I don't have a project that I'm doing you were like You're like it's in China and three people have it and I don't even know the numbers. That's completely false
Starting point is 00:01:50 Go back to the tape the tape. Yes, so yeah I honestly I don't remember but I will say this I didn't think it wasn't gonna get here I just didn't think we were gonna be like, you know, we can't go outside dog It's kind of crazy though how you you become like you did a complete 180 You're like dude, no one's gonna get this shit. No, no, no, I didn't say that Corona Now I'm just kidding. But you're like, yeah, like, you know, no one's gonna get Corona It's not, you know, it's not a big deal like swine flu is worse. They closed my school. They closed the earth Yo, the world is closed. I know all right. That's how crazy world clothes, dude
Starting point is 00:02:34 This is crazy. I was Thank God though electricity can't get the Oh my god, electricity can get the flu if you like if I didn't have Wi-Fi or like the internet or anything I would have probably like the next time you would have saw me you'd have been like this kid has no eyebrows He died his hair purple And half of his beard look like Tom Hanks. I would look yeah, I would look like Tom Hanks and cast We're all gonna look like Tom clothes
Starting point is 00:03:03 Because you can't get haircuts. I know we we can't go get haircuts. That's how bougie. We are though We won't cut our own hair. So we'll just look like shit until we can get like a hundred dollar haircuts First of all, I would look really fucking bad if I tried to cut my own hair Yeah, me too. So I'm not even I'm afraid. I'm afraid to cut my own hair. I've I've got I went to Costco yesterday Where proper protection I did wear protections first time long time I wore protection and I was honestly at a point where I thought Had to stop and think in the store like yo like all these people are probably in fear for their lives
Starting point is 00:03:45 I'm not really afraid though for some reason. I'm afraid for other people's lives cheap look But It's crazy how Like as the youth we have control now Well, like we what? We have control of the world, bro No, cuz it's like if we go outside the whole earth gets sick. That's how I look. Yeah, but we get sick, too
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah, but if we get sick some some of us aren't gonna die. I'm high risk as fuck. Yeah, you're diabetic Dan with some hazmat I'm a yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I got I got asthma. Yeah, I got asthma real bad and I've diabetes real bad so oh Underlying conditions galore over there Underlying conditions boy. That should be my new that should be my rap name underlying conditions, but the it's spelled with a Z underlying underlying like a lion Yeah, yeah, yo, they call me underlying conditions. I come sick already Yeah, that's what it's gonna be. I know but I was walking around Costco and I was looking at the people and I was like, oh my god
Starting point is 00:04:58 These people are all afraid of dying. Yeah, two people are fucking dropping like flies It was like 800 people who died yesterday and fucking Italy or something. I Love that New York has just become like the Mecca for Corona though. Well, it's obvious I mean, it's the Mecca of the world, but it's it's just like the thing is people are gonna get mad. It's like New York it's the It's it's typical New York shit. We're like first of all Everyone's just kind of like yeah, whatever it's gonna happen, but it's not a big deal Then everyone's getting it and we're like, oh shit and like no one gives a fuck still
Starting point is 00:05:29 I went to the park the other day to do a workout in the park. There was like no one around was like me and Pete There's 25 kids playing basketball. I'm like, what the fuck are you guys doing? Like do you not realize what's happening here? Have we become old enough to tell people to go home? I mean, I don't have the heart to do that. I'm a pussy. So I can't really be like hey, hey get out of here kid I'm so afraid to tell a group of kids to go. Yeah, I'm like terrified of kids because I'm afraid they'll like Put me in like a weird tick-tock and make me look like an asshole or something or like dab on me or some shit Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'm just afraid to be like hey kids you should probably go home. It's like shut up. You'll fuck damn I don't think anyone would call us an old probably a diabetes Shut up your pump you asthmatic bitch Shut up and take your abuteral bitch Yeah, but I don't know man this whole thing's been kind of crazy A part of me wants to Like believe that none of this is real and that's just a conspiracy theory that is based on nothing Oh, let me hear this a
Starting point is 00:06:38 Part of me feels like this should be good. No, no, no, no, no, no, it's it's obviously What I meant by not real is I feel like way more people have it and they're not telling us. Well, yeah Obviously like way more people have this fucking thing and Everybody fucking knows it like in the government and they just don't want to tell us so we don't flip the fuck I think they just that's why they tell us stay home. No, I think that like already people Know that a bunch of people have it the only reason why we the number the cases aren't that high is because we haven't been able to test But then Cuomo got on TV. It was like oh, we did 10,000 tests yesterday and then the next day we had like fucking 4,000 more cases so it's like as you do more testing more things are gonna come out
Starting point is 00:07:21 But they project that like 40% of the country is gonna get it 40% of the country's gonna get it. Oh My god, I'm fucked. Just don't leave your house Dude, it's hard for me to not leave my house. I love so many things. I Know you've left your house in the middle of this thing and got fucking hand tattoos. I saw that I Did get a hand. No, you get you got hand tattoos. Yeah, I got multiple tattoos That's why you can't leave me alone for more than I know I was worried I was like, I want to go help Danny because you know, he might get a face tat in the coming days
Starting point is 00:07:54 But I actually I actually called to get more tattoos, but she was like dude We're not doing anything and I was like, I feel you but like can I come get another tattoo? What were you gonna get? Something like an elephant First of all, let's see the tattoos that you have The tattoos that I have. Yeah, it's a they could see them. They might have to punch in it's a X on my finger and it's a cross on my hand because we need Jesus. Yeah now more than ever Everybody needs Jesus. Don't be picky. You know what I'm saying? I think I think everybody Needs to talk to Jesus a little bit. I prayed two nights. Did you it went great?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, I did I prayed for like the first time in like first time long time first time long time Mike and I swear and I don't want to sound crazy But he answered me He answered me. He told you to get those tattoos No, he said hey cool tattoo now. You could talk to me. I wasn't sure about you, but now Jesus is sure about me For sure. I don't think that was him Yeah, no, I think it was my downstairs. I think so as well Did I tell the story on here about how my neighbor chased me up the street? No, we haven't recorded in so long
Starting point is 00:09:10 Just so everyone knows it's Sunday at 1 30 right now. Also if I have a little bit of a lisp It's because I have one of those like Taste bud things that like it's like a little sore or whatever. Oh You have like a little like an inflamed taste. I'm I've been talking like I have a retainer in like it because it hurts so bad Those are the absolute worst. Yeah, I hate to shit. I Hate those those are the worst But people are dying and we have canker sores like I'll take that any day I don't even have a canker store. That's the thing. You know what? I have something that's way easier to deal with than that
Starting point is 00:09:47 But what the fuck is a canker? It's it's a I mean it comes it derives from the word anchor So it's just like it, you know, it holds you down and then Kane Like sugar cane it just it's a symbol of strength. So it's a strong anchor of the sore You know, it's funny though also How people are dying and people are like, you know, you guys coming out on Monday Yeah, I think and And a part of me wants to be like, dude, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:17 But then a part of me is like, you know, we got to be a beacon of hope This is as close to Batman as I'm ever gonna get I can lift up communities with you, of course But like, you know, I'm saying like we can lift up communities and like change the world and shit All right, you need to pull this back. Okay You don't think we're you don't think we're changing the world one We could be the canker of a community for sure. Thank you Let's canker this kid. Let's canker this hunker down canker the immunity and we'll be fine. You know what I mean? No, but I do understand people saying that because like for me, dude
Starting point is 00:10:58 Like spending all this time inside is just You know, I have to like today before we before I got here to start recording I like just drove around for an hour. Like I just had to like change the scenery went outside of my car In your car, which has recycled air in it and you're breathing in fucking. Oh You can't get it from the air Yeah, you can dude. If you're within six feet of anyone that has Your car head maybe your car if there's a fucking Infected man in my trunk
Starting point is 00:11:31 Breathing into my back seat that maybe I have a yeah, but I think that's not the case All right, can we get into how drunk you were two days ago? Yo, joe's so drunk One had superb wine teeth going just superb wine. Yeah You look like you just got laid off from like your job at like bedbath and beyond like like a retired mom And I was like this woman is wasted. Yeah Was that the drunkest you've been since Nashville? um
Starting point is 00:12:03 Like judging by how everyone was talking to me. Yeah Yeah, you know what it was my boy was fucked. Yeah, I'm not I'm not happy about it I actually hate when that happens I've been noticing that I get really fucking like upset with myself when I get that drunk for some reason. I don't know why Oh, yeah, as soon as I saw how drunk you were I said I could not wait to talk to joe tomorrow He's gonna not feel good. No, man. I really hated and then you told me I called my mom a retard on instagram live And I was like Jesus what am I doing? You called your mom a retard on instagram live
Starting point is 00:12:39 For the world to see Yeah, it was a lot Um, my mom's here My mom's my mom's a retard and I was like, you know what? Let's come I'm I think that I'm gonna blame everyone around me for not being like, all right. That's enough of the phone Yeah, maybe they should have slowed you down for sure. Well, there was there was no slow in the train That was the problem because I I had a bunch of like want because we made steaks that night
Starting point is 00:13:08 So I was like, oh, it's a perfect excuse to drink some wine And then I was listening to I was sitting outside because it was a beautiful day out that day It was gorgeous. You know, we've had a lot of beautiful days during this fucking pandemic. Yeah, but I uh, I had some red wine And uh steaks and I was sitting outside. I was listening to the youth Youth lagoon album. So I was just in that like Oh, fucking fear. Yeah, I was just like enjoying my time with my family and then you know one thing led to another And then I'm face down on the floor playing mario kart somehow coming in second place I mean, as long as you were able to play mario kart. That's all that. That's all yeah
Starting point is 00:13:47 Are you gonna take a drinking hiatus now? I don't think you can in this pandemic. I wish I still drank during this pandemic I'll tell you that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take a hiatus. I'm not gonna make any more proclamations I'm gonna that's I'm like giving that up for lent even though It apparently it is lent. I didn't know that but Yeah, I didn't know it was lent either. Oh fucking Easter is fucked It's not one of the like a huge holiday. Anyway Yes, there is a huge holiday dude food wise and it's the Fucking jesus came back. That's not huge news. We're gonna have to Jesus is gonna have to take a longer nap this year
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah Is jesus gonna be like the groundhog? We need jesus to see a shadow this year in coronavirus Yeah, I think that's what's gonna happen He didn't see a shadow guys. It's three more months three months Dude, it's it's it's fucking it's crazy to think about like I the first couple of days like now I feel like I've As as the days go on I think it'll get easier and I've slowly kind of accepted the fact that like this is gonna be my life for the
Starting point is 00:14:53 I'm assuming through the summer This quarantine like stay away from people thing is gonna last for months It's gonna last for months for months. Yeah, and I'm I'm just like I'm just kind of preparing myself for that And like but here's the thing right if everyone does what they're supposed to do and just stays inside right like if if you Just stay in your apartment and you like, you know, you could go outside and take a walk or do whatever like that but if you don't go like to A party or some shit or like be around a bunch of people then in parties are cool though parties are great
Starting point is 00:15:31 Um But if you do that then in like 15 20 days We'll know for sure that none of us have it or if we did have it It's out of your system like blah blah blah and then we might be able to spend time together. You know what I mean Josh 100 had it and I hope you're fucking watching josh. You fucking had that shit. Why? Because he was like, oh my throat is fucked up and josh isn't one to be sick and call out. That's my job. Yeah That's my job. That's my so someone's gonna So someone's gonna take that job from me. It better be corona
Starting point is 00:16:04 And I think he had corona And I'm not trying to make light of corona because I know people are dying But you gotta find some comedy within this thing. Oh, yeah, I mean that's what we're I feel like so much has happened Tom brady went to the buck in the ears. What the fuck was that? And why then like all these people are getting traded and it's like dude Like you can't even go to the other city that you just enjoyed because you're gonna die Not only that but like there's no sports There's no nothing yesterday. I watched four movies
Starting point is 00:16:34 You watched four movies yesterday. I watched goodwill hunting deep goodwill hunting great d3 mighty ducks D3 mighty ducks great film and I watched uh creed 2 All great americans how was creed 2? It's okay. It's the same movie Yeah, you know like I'm gonna fight this guy. You shouldn't fight him. I can't train you. Damn it. Oh, I'm gonna train you now. We win Did Stallone like have any of those like fucking where you can't I mean all of them. Yeah, you gotta put your head down. You gotta work hard. You gotta focus You gotta do all that and get in there
Starting point is 00:17:14 Apparently, I would love so I would love to hear Sylvester Stallone address the nation on prone rise You know, you gotta fight No dig deep fight against It's not how many times you get corona. It's about how many times you can't get corona in this environment What are you saying? Yeah, I heard dogs can get corona now dog and I'm sure No, I think it's like Two there was like two cases and they were like weak positives. Whatever the fuck that means. I don't know what that means
Starting point is 00:17:48 Let me tell you something. If something's a weak positive. It's a pause. Yeah, why? It was a strong pause Yeah, it's like, hey, what's up, dude? You got hiv, but it's weak Hiv I don't want any. I don't want a weak hiv Yeah, it's like, yo, you got weak beaties. I'm like, I still got the beaties You do you do technically have the weak beaties, right? I do I do I do have weak beaties. I have type two type one people come from my neck. Yeah. Yeah It's like you weren't born with a cuss. Yeah, you know, you don't belong you you self develop this cuss. Yeah, um
Starting point is 00:18:23 I don't you don't have one of these bracelets cuss But yeah, I uh, I I felt like I was slowly going insane Also, I'm trying to stay away from all like the news or whatever because it's just depressing And it's just like did you see what? Did you see Cuomo and his brother talking? Yeah What the fuck was that? I think there was just fucking around I don't know, bro. Me and you were brothers Which I can't feel it. Yeah, but if we were like related
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I was a news anchor And you were the governor and I was like, yo, have you called mom yet? Like come on, bro How unprofessional no, I think they were joking around to be honest. Also, I'll say this right Cuomo crushing it Cuomo is not backing down Cuomo like I don't know anything. I don't know his track record I don't know anything about Cuomo would to be honest with you. All I know is the way he's dealing with the fucking You know the whole pandemic thing. I think he's crushing it for new york, but we'll see
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'm just afraid of I just but I get my news from twitter. Yeah So like I see whatever's breaking on there or what's about to be said I love that people like spoil. It's like yo spoiler alert like state of emergency trumps gonna announce at three o'clock dude First of all, how many how many fucking text messages Have you gotten in the past three days with everyone being like, yo, my brother's sister's aunt Works for the cdc and martial laws coming and we're not going to be able to breathe anymore So lock your doors and you're like what it's it. I didn't know that everybody had a sibling in the sea
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah, what is that that is that is taking time out of their day to text them. It's like, yo, what's up? Yeah, the entire government shutting down in five yo my uncle Founded the fbi and his mother-in-law works Inside of the virus and she knows where it's going. All right Yo, what's up? So my grandfather worked on the actual original corona the coveted one So he knows how this is going to progress So you have to make sure to get as much toilet paper as you can because once it gets to covet 23 They have to shut down the entire that's another thing
Starting point is 00:20:36 What is the obsession with the toilet paper? What is that? I don't know. Are people that worried about how many shits are people taking they're like, we gotta buy all this Like dude, I have I bought toilet paper literally Once since I've lived here. It's been almost two years You buy a big thing of scots And you're good I bought a thing of toilet paper when I moved in here and it's still here
Starting point is 00:21:02 Also I have taken some of the best shits of my life during this entire defined best Just perfectly not too much wiping double tapered amazing. Nice just coming out like a hard rock Yeah, it's just like I'm literally like an assembly line just passing it off just giving it the last stamp of approval and it's out Nice. That's all that's all it's like pooping like a nerf football like Yeah, it's perfect. It's perfect. How's your family been? They're good. Keep it in good spirits. I guess I like basically moved into my mom's house because I uh, because like I don't know just like I feel like being by myself I was going insane. So I have my all my video games and shit
Starting point is 00:21:40 All right, my mom's house and I put them in the basement So that me and Keith because Keith's like pc setup is down there. So you can like play call duty or whatever the fuck we want to do and uh There's a pullout couch down there So I just sleep there and I come here during the day to work or do whatever the hell I need to do This in a weird way has kind of been like Christmas break for adults And I know some people are struggling. It's a long break
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's a long. Yeah, this is like remember like when we went to college for five minutes And yes, it would it'd be like, you know, I can't wait to get to Christmas because you're off for a month. Yeah College kids, I don't think they understand how amazing they have it It's like dude, you go to you go to school for a couple months You do a whole bunch of drugs you get drunk. You have weird sex And then when Christmas comes around You get a whole month off. They don't even care if you're a Jew You get a whole month off
Starting point is 00:22:42 You get a whole month off. It doesn't matter who your Jesus is or who your god is you get a whole month off Yeah And their summer starts in May Mm-hmm It's a great time. Enjoy your life. You got a good life. Go life. Got a good life. You got a good life. Yes. Stay healthy Yes, stay healthy I love the people down in florida though that are just getting wasted and partying All right, I'm gonna say this because I forgot about that until right now those fucking idiots
Starting point is 00:23:15 That are in florida like bro, if I get cron I just like I get it, bro Like it's my fucking birthday, bro. Like I'm turning 30 fucking one, bro. It's like, yeah I know it's a I know it's a global pandemic right now, but it's like, yo I just turned 21 and I gotta fucking take an ice luge out of a girl's asshole to celebrate I don't care about yeah, and it's like I'm not gonna die like I'm not fucking 85 with with uh breathing problems It's like dude, you are a fucking idiot Yo, it's not my fault of 84 year old people have respiratory issues. I'm fucking fine, bro. I'm fucking good dude
Starting point is 00:23:50 And who knows what kind of fucking shape all those kids lungs are or all the jeweling that's probably going on Yeah There's a lot of jeweling a lot of jeweling tons of jeweling on beach But those kids those kids are fucking idiots, man Like anyone who is is like still going out and like spending time with people and like You know doing this doing that it's like dude just stop Like the only time that I see anyone that isn't my immediate family now is I go to the park and work out with like p uh espo and ralph
Starting point is 00:24:17 But like we're not like fucking spotting each other spitting each other's mouths and you know That kind of workout I mean, that's a good workout. I mean, yeah, I don't mind that The thing I'm worried about the most is that Just give me a timeline Give me a timeline at some point just be like, yo, this is like two more months and like we'll be okay The fact that we don't know Is we can literally be doing this for like the next seven months. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:45 well, the thing is I think we're gonna be completely different people and i'm gonna get Fat is shit I need to start exercising like a meaty should I worked so hard to get down to this weight. I tell you this right now if I see another fucking Yo, I bought two huge things in it tell you yesterday I'm afraid to open one. Oh dude, why don't you open it pandora's box? Pandora's box
Starting point is 00:25:11 This natella Is so attractive. Yeah That I I don't even want to say what I thought about doing this thing having sex with it. I said just just continuously dipping Just continuously dipping I can eat and I have six pounds of natella in my house Jesus, why the fuck did you buy so much natella? What was the plan because because I went to cosco And then when you go to cosco, you realize this is for people with families and I'm like, uh, I'll do it Anyway, dude, I have so much sliced roasted turkey. I could hand it out for fucking Thanksgiving Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:44 And like a fur coat and like feed this entire cosco is crazy man Costco you should only go to if like you're starving because you go there and they're like Well, you could get one box of honeycombs for two thirty five or you can get 15 Boxes and it'll close out to eighty nine cents a box and you're like, well, I'm gonna get 15 fucking boxes then I'm gonna have to go with these boxes. Yeah, and then uh, were they handed out samples because that's dangerous That's dangerous. There were no there were no samples. There were no samples given And I was very upset about that. Yep. But the other thing that I was upset about too Is that somebody stole
Starting point is 00:26:20 I had my first queen's robbery Huh, so I I had so I moved to queen. Yeah, everybody knows I moved to queens Um, so I'm living in queens now And I I think I've officially become a member of queens because somebody Stole my delivery and I think that's what the most queen's thing that can happen to you. It's almost like an initiation so If you don't know me very well, I don't have a couch I'll tell you this. Yeah, if I wasn't forced to buy a couch
Starting point is 00:26:57 All right, I was forced to buy a couch And I said to myself, you know, I'll buy this couch couch is fine That didn't get stolen, but I bought two bedside lamps to be by this couch You got lamp jacked Yeah, I got lamp jacked damn And then pillow jack too. They stole two pillows from they pillow jacked you and they jacked your lamp They pillow jacked the shit out of me. I got pillow jacked
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yo, that honestly sounds super awesome To oh, it's like if they put like two your penis in between two pillows and fucking jack. Well, I'm just saying just the I mean, not I mean, I don't know what I was going I don't know really where I was going with that. I just know like pillow jacked. It sounds like it would be Kind of it was something you do on your prom night Yeah pillow jack like I got pillow jacked. It's like a like an introduction to a hand job. Yeah, or like a pseudo tit fuck or something
Starting point is 00:27:53 You know, it's weird. There's probably gonna be a A pseudo tit fuck You know, yeah, you know, it's weird though There's gonna be a lot of coronavirus based porn now Yeah, I saw that on porn hub like I saw like a screenshot on twitter of like two two people with masks like kissing It's like what the fuck Just be like covid patient gets anal. I'm gonna be like, what is this about? Yeah, like what what is this? What's going on? Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:23 Have you been eating though? Have you been eating like shit? Oh, yeah Yeah, I've been eating like dude, but like really good I dude I took a shit the other day And it just smelled like I'm trying to think of just like mint You took a shit that smelled like it was like It was like mint dirt. There was some dirt, but like oh, you mean like mint condition or like mint like the the No, I I mean the herb the leaf
Starting point is 00:28:56 So it had you had a mojito bait. Yeah Dude, it smelled like ocean drive in south beach like I was like Dude, it was weird and I haven't had anything minty. I don't really like the minty It smelled like ocean drugs Did bro I was like, I was shitting. I was just like what is I thought I was going insane Like I thought there was something wrong with me like I was like, wait, what what is happening here That's kind of dope though
Starting point is 00:29:22 It might have been the coffee that I had because I had coffee at my mom's house It was some I don't know what the fuck brand it was and I was like, is this making my poop smell like A sunny beach or whatever Whatever's coming whatever you're putting in I gotta get because I want my poop to smell good. Yeah speaking of poop I came home yesterday in my entire apartment smelled like Everyone on my block came into my living room and took a shit Because you live near like the water
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah, and I was like, yo who broke into my apartment farted for three hours and then left and didn't steal anything That's what I thought happened farted for three hours Yo, I came in here as soon as the door opened it felt like somebody farted into my mouth And there was nothing I could do about it And you know like when you're farting a bunch in your room you have like that lingering Oh, yeah, that's what it smelled like if it smelled like goldilocks came in here and just shit in every room Yeah, until she found the right To shit and and she never found the right room. She just kept going right room. She went to the neighbor. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:33 So it smelled so bad And I was so embarrassed Like to be like, yo like I'm just living dwelling in this shit. Yeah Corona shit Smell. Yeah, it was terrible. I know it's you know, sometimes Oh, fuck that was funny. Um, you ever fart so much during the day you just start laughing at every fart after it's like now It's just gotta dude First of all, I'll say this I just had fucking like that food poisoning wherever that 24 hour fuck was when I was in
Starting point is 00:31:05 Vermont Major diarrhea, but one thing one one silver lining with mage diary is that My body I guess from just like forcing out stuff also also sucks in a bunch Yeah, and I'm dude. I'm setting it off It's inside dude Like just like long Fucking dude if dip low lived in my apartment
Starting point is 00:31:33 He would have sampled one of my farts and made a fucking hit record with it And it would have been there's nothing better. There's nothing better than sucking air into your It's the best, you know, it's definitely top three Yeah, dude, it's any giggle so much after it's like yo, I'm sucking air through my butthole You ever been like laying in bed and then you fart but it comes out extremely hot and you go Okay, I got a hunker down here and just like really pulled splint because I can't smell that I like to do before I like lift my leg so it goes out that way and not towards me You ever do you ever do I think we've talked about this but for the new people uh new people to the show
Starting point is 00:32:11 um You ever pull one ass cheek apart so you could get a silent like air fart. It's just like Yeah, it's like There's something so because it hits your other ass cheek and that's fine it ripples out that way But I love spreading my butt apart and farting. Yeah, because Oh my god, I wanted to tell you you know how he made that joke Well, it wasn't a joke. It was a real life, but like when uh, you fart on the toilet bowl And it makes that sound it's like so
Starting point is 00:32:49 Dude The other day I didn't even feel like I had to fart. You're right And I think this is just from eating like fucking burritos my you know, I ate three days in a row I had a chocolate bar just like a hersey's chocolate bar just randomly like not even in the mood for it Just ate it because it was there I just I've just been eating because I'm just like I don't know what else to do I'm like, well, I might as well eat. I'm doing nothing like it's I'm gonna be a disgusting freak But I didn't even feel like I had to fart and I sat down on the toilet in the morning and two
Starting point is 00:33:21 gigantic farts shocked the world Dude, they came flying out of me and I was so confused. I was like Because you know Yeah, of course I always love when my body surprises me like if I get impressed by my own fart. I'm like Are you eating? It's also freezing cold now
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah, my coffee's super cold now too. Another thing I wanted to ask you though is Are you still like genuinely worried for like your close family or are you genuinely worried for like just the earth now? I'm I'm I'm I am not too worried about my The only person I'm worried about my mother. Obviously she's 64 years old So but but also she doesn't have to go back to work and she's not gonna go anywhere I already told her that she can't leave And yeah smart. She shouldn't go anywhere. She doesn't need to go anywhere. She doesn't she has everything she needs there
Starting point is 00:34:30 so I think I feel all right about my immediate family because I know we're doing the right thing and we're not like Doing unnecessary travel. We're not going here and blah blah blah blah Like I had to go to brooklyn to meet up with greg but we like we're outside You know, like we were like walking walking around and not spending a lot of time like Sitting next to each other like going to like a crowded coffee shop or like doing anything crazy like that As long as we're not doing that then I feel okay. I do think that
Starting point is 00:34:58 A lot of people are gonna die though. I think a ton of no seriously like I think I talk I think a ton of people are gonna die because of just the hospital situation We're not able to like they're overrun and like they're they're gonna it's gonna be it's gonna become something like with italy And italy they had to start telling people over the age of 80 or even 70 like we're just not gonna treat you Because you don't have a good chance of surviving Because it's not enough ventilators. It's not enough doctors. It's not enough beds. So they're gonna I I heard from someone who like has You heard from your cousin. I heard from my my aunt's twice removed father
Starting point is 00:35:35 that uh There was an ICU that they set up for patients that are strictly on uh, 35 years old and younger That's smart though. They should do that because those people are gonna like They're they'll more than likely make it But people who are older that have some stuff like they might not and you know If they're gonna have to start making decisions like that like that's gonna be fucked up And that's why i'm trying to like distance myself from the news because like I know that's coming Like I know it's gonna come where they're gonna start saying
Starting point is 00:36:01 People are gonna start dropping like flies and it's already started in italy like 800 people died the other day And then in germany, I think They had like a fucking they had a day where hundreds of people died Also, and that's just gonna start happening here, dude. Like it's just gonna it's just gonna happen Like we can't just handle the amount of people that Are coming into the hospitals Yeah, i'm legitimately afraid Like just for like anyone that I know that is like somewhat 50. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:30 Because that if it gets to that point where like they're like, you know, we just can't treat you because like you're too old And too far gone like you're just gonna be dead Like That's a horrible reason to die Yeah, man. I mean it's just like, yeah, that's why we have to stay inside That's why I was saying goes back to my point about why young people kind of have some power here Just to stay the fuck home. Yeah, just don't be fucking stupid like It's not about you personally. It's about like everyone else like
Starting point is 00:36:57 You know like I just want to be able to like I am optimistic that I don't think it's gonna be over by june I think this will probably I think this will last until we have a vaccine I don't think it's gonna like go anywhere until then but i'm optimistic that like by june We can lift some of the like
Starting point is 00:37:20 Things that are in place now like maybe you could be in groups of 10 now Or you could be in groups of 20 or something like it'll slowly work its way back But I mean, I don't know dude like it's just it's it's trash I heard they closed jfk for a little bit yesterday. Yeah Because uh, somebody somebody popped Popped for a positive Yeah, I don't doubt it and they were like, yeah, we gotta shut it down for a little bit. I don't doubt it man When we flew to austin, it was a fucking ghost town in jfk. There was no one in there. Yeah, it was
Starting point is 00:37:53 I walked right through the security like it was like nothing Felt sick as soon as I got off the plane. Yeah, that's scary And joe has not wanted to see me since joe has been like my fucking dad The last two weeks. He's been like, where'd you go today? Where have you been? What did you do today? Where are you? No, what are you doing? Who are you? That's a lie What time are you coming home? I was just like, oh my god. No, because you fucking You kept tabs on me. I kept tabs on you because you have to come in here and I got a fucking old ass mom that I see Yeah, that's true. That's true. And also you're out here going to fucking
Starting point is 00:38:30 Uh, carbone fucking pottery class taking ubers like there's not a pandemic. I like pottery Let me do pottery in peace. What is this ghost? And I want the it is ghost. I felt like patrick swing. How'd you do? I did fucking awesome, dude. I made a little coffee creamer cup, which was do you get to have it? Uh, it got glazed and then everyone got sick. So it's not gonna come Okay But uh, it was cool. It was a very cool experience and I actually went to carbone the last night And then they closed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:03 And I've been in quarantine ever since Listen guys I love everybody And I especially I know when people are right I shouldn't have went to the restaurant, but I shouldn't have I should enough and I feel bad about that No, why there's no reason to feel bad No, because everyone was like, yo
Starting point is 00:39:26 Oh people were people people were mad at you Oh man came from my head. Wow, really people coming from my neck and I love everybody And you want to know it's hard you want to know what's really hard though? And I don't I'm not blaming this on why I went to carbone really but like Uh, this is gonna get serious for a second, but like there's people are They do understand that like a lot of people with mental health issues like staying inside all the time is is horrible So it's like I was like, yo, I have to live some kind of a normal life But then it just got worse and worse and worse in the news and like everything just started closing closing
Starting point is 00:40:02 So now like if I don't go outside for a walk or something like I'll lose my fucking mom Well, you're not a lot on that because I feel the same exact way Like I have to leave I have to like be able to go outside and even like that's another thing my mom's house Like if but if I don't think this will happen But if they tell like you can't leave your property like she has a backyard in the front yard So at least I'll be able to like be outside Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like, you know and like the other thing too is like Now it's getting to a point. So how the fuck am I going to get my medications?
Starting point is 00:40:30 Like no, you'll be able to do that this mad shit. You'll be able to do that I hope so they're not going to cut that off like they're not going to shut supermarkets They're not going to shut like You know the essentials at this non essential businesses are all shut down I don't think that the that the quarantine will get worse than it is right now. There's no reason for anyone to go outside Um, yeah, but we'll see also. Let me just get to these sponsors real quick and then we'll jump back into this No, you'll be able to get your luxury pro. Uh, let's uh, let's go to this sponsor real quick. Don't worry. You'll get your fucking meds No, but it's actually interesting because these all of these uh sponsors I've that are for today
Starting point is 00:41:12 I have used in the past two days The first one being liquid iv which I've been using every single day mostly because oh hell, yeah I've been crushing because of the consumption of wine. I need to be hydrated afterwards um But liquid iv uh, it's the fastest growing wellness brand. You can find them everywhere these days Basically, it like turns a cup of water into like three cups of water. Okay There's uh, if you're dehydrated one stick and 16 ounces of water hydrates you two to three times faster and more efficiently than water alone Plus you get the added bonus of vitamin c b3 b5 b6 and b12
Starting point is 00:41:45 um Which so it gives you energy it makes you feel good and like it's the perfect way to uh, You know get it going after you've had a long night drinking or if you're you just want to take it anyway Just to keep hydrated, you know what I mean? But yeah, so go check out liquid iv Uh, and it's also it gets to your system faster than water alone as well So it gets delivered there quicker Um, get 25 off when you go to liquid use the code basement and check out 25 off anything you order
Starting point is 00:42:12 Um, again, the promo code is basement for 25 off liquid Promo code is basement. Okay Next we have uh raycon. These are Uh, wireless earbuds Uh, ray j these are his fucking ear earbuds, um, I Raycon Um, but I use I use these the other day because I was doing some meditation because I'm in the house
Starting point is 00:42:37 And I don't know what to do with my life sometimes and I'm like, you know what I'm gonna meditate So I did like a nice 10 minute and it felt good um And these are great they stay in my ear I usually have a problem with buds that not not staying in my ear, but these they stay right in your ear They're like noise canceling. I can't hear anything else when they're in They're great and uh, their newest model the everyday e25 are the best ones yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing Uh, a lot of bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit
Starting point is 00:43:04 Um, but yeah, they're really good. I really like them. So go check them out Uh, you get 50 off your order at buy slash basement. That is buy raycon r a y c o n dot com slash basement For 15 off. Okay And lastly this I've been using like crazy because we can only order stuff online now because we can't go to the source um, it's honey honey is basically a Online shopping tool that automatically finds the best promo codes and applies them to your cart So, you know how You know, you save in money without even realizing it you put stuff in your cart
Starting point is 00:43:39 It tells you like, oh, we got a promo code for this. We got a coupon for this and boom. There you go um So you can use it on amazon you could use it on whatever you want macy's targets of fora best buy whatever you want Um, but yeah, it has over 100,000 five star reviews on cool chrome store Um, and it's great. So go check it out. It's free also, which is the best part Uh, just installs in a few seconds go to join honey dot com slash basement Uh for that, uh, again, that is join honey dot com slash basement, okay
Starting point is 00:44:12 And those are the sponsors for today I'm getting a pop tart. You're getting Danny's getting a pop tart Uh a pop tart Yeah, I didn't want people to watch me eat pop tarts, but I got pop tarts. I got Three six packs of these How much is that how many are those? What If there's six there's 12
Starting point is 00:44:37 And I have 36 pop tarts and are they all the same one? They're all straw bear ill Why are you saying ill? Why is everybody fucking saying this? We got s'mores. We got cinnamon whatever there were no s'mores There were no s'mores. I even screamed in cosco. This is the only flavor you guys have What about what about cinnamon? There was no cinnamon. It was just a plethora of strawberry. That's all it was the plethora of strawberry tarts She bought 36 I bought 36 because that was the only thing they sell at cosco
Starting point is 00:45:09 They want to feed small armies and and and hispanic families and they gave it to me. Yeah That's what it is. They knew they're not terrible They knew the hispanic side of me was gonna crack when I saw the pack and I did and I broke nice. I broke I yo, let me ask you a question ask away Triscuits yay or nay Do I have a glass of water around? Yes, there is water. I'll take it then Triscuits are a good fucking quarantine snack. They're a quarantine snack. They're what's your top five quarantine snacks?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Pop tarts is one. I've had a pop tart during this a s'more pop tart. Yeah Um, you had a s'more pop tart. I had a s'more pop tart the other day. I'll be honest. I've been crushing hummus or as I like to call it Jew butter Hummus is Jew. That's what it is. Sure. So I've been 100 I have like a bunch of these in my fridge. It's like a little like Servings of it. It's like a little thing Yeah tops everywhere. Um, but yeah, this hummus is great. You dip chips or pretzels or whatever you want into that Jew Jew butter. Yeah, it's so funny. That's what it is Hummus
Starting point is 00:46:31 No, because yeah, you put it you put it on toast you put it on whatever and Jewish Jewish people love hummus It's like it's it's amazing and I was late to the fucking party as far as hummus goes But it's great and this one is the roasted red pepper hummus fucking fire. Oh Roasted red pepper hummus is fantastic. I love I love hummus. I love I don't have any hummus here though And it's it's satiating as well. So it keeps you full What what what's that word satiate satiate? Like you What the fuck does satiate means?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Satiates not a word. Yes it is There's no way that the word satiate is real. Hold on. Uh, can you hear this? I'll turn it up Satiate Satiate satiate Like satiate. Yeah, like you could satiate it, but we know you did mommy satiate satiate say she did right now Tell me she ate right now satiate yeah
Starting point is 00:47:35 This is my top five foreign snacks Triskets hint of sea salt or olive oil and herb fantastic, okay Pop tarts s'mores and their strawberry. I got two sitting in my lap right now and they're cooking because my undercarriage is steam and hot right now Ha three Little seaweed snacks. Oh garbage How are they going? They're so good. It's like eating a korean barbecue flavor. Oh, those are actually good. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:03 Yeah, those are good. The korean barbecue flavor is It's so goddamn squish Squish four Peanut butter filled pretzels. Oh, yeah You got a tub of that and you just start destroying that and then five I've been sneaking little nutella bites and this is how you save your nutella kids at home Put your nutella in the fridge. Oh, yeah Don't leave it out because then it is this goopy goodness. Yeah that you just spoon feed it to yourself like a sick
Starting point is 00:48:33 Dive in a freaking three. Yeah But if you put it if you put it in the fridge And let it harden It becomes like a little snack that you just lick the spoon for a little bit and it just gets all over your mouth And then it gets all goopy and then it melts in your mouth and then melts down your throat Yeah, and then all the way down your saffa guy into your into your stomach. Is this saffa guy? Yeah, it's more than one esophagus Esophage that's the that's the plural version. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:05 Damn dude, satiate my esophage That's that's what i'm trying to do, dude Uh Satiate my esophage, dude Um, wait, what you're just taking like spoonfuls in the tub or what are you doing? Are you dipping stuff? No, because I fast in the morning. I don't really eat till like noon or one o'clock um So sometimes at night
Starting point is 00:49:33 I like to sneak into the kitchen like a little Puerto Rican mouse And and and i'll sneak in there and i'll be like, oh, what's this? And And another thing I have to ask you to after this because I was I was floored by Danny lives alone sneaking into his own kitchen I like to sneak into my kitchen when no one's around There's something about sneaking into your own kitchen at one o'clock in the morning feeling like you could get caught by no one Like your mom's gonna be like, hey get up to bed I I still feel like my mom is in here and she's gonna be like hey get away Do you remember how hard it was to make a sandwich at like one in the morning when you were a kid?
Starting point is 00:50:13 That shit was like trying to like the hurt locker I was just like yo like I need to be as quiet as possible To fucking get this fucking sandwich. Yeah Peanut butter. Do you put it in the fridge or you leave it out? No, I leave it out This is news to me. I thought peanut butter was always refrigerated. That's not a fridge thing Peanut butter is a fridge like you cannot fridge your peanut butter You fridge peanut butter, especially if it's all natural and it gets fucking disgusting and it looks like it's been sweating overnight No, but the fucking peanut butter is
Starting point is 00:50:49 Especially like natural peanut butter is already like quicksand. It's impossible to like spread it now. You're gonna make it hard I like to freeze my butters Yeah I'll freeze a butter. I'll freeze a butter. Yeah I do like though a nice Grape jelly is shit
Starting point is 00:51:14 It's not my favorite Strawberry jam Fuck's dude. I would like nail strawberry jelly Dude, I have strawberry jelly here and I just had it on a crystal jelly or jam jelly or jam It's it's jam. It's jam. I'm sure but what do you prefer? Jam for sure jams are better than jellies. Wait the difference is like the seeds, right? I think the difference is the seeds and like the good the fucking it's like
Starting point is 00:51:43 Siphon through a bunch of body parts the jelly And what the fuck is a marmalade? I don't know I think that's just I don't know what marmalade is. I think marmalade is a mix of jelly and jam. I think I don't know. It's a marmalade. Yeah, and then there's another one A spread no No, no, no It's like marmalade jelly jam. And then there's like a fucking another one. What is it marmalade marma, uh
Starting point is 00:52:12 marzipan marazepan Marazepan is that a anti-depressant? Yeah, it is I Don't know bro marmalade. It's some it's weird shit Another thing I put in the fridge too Or sometimes in the freezer grapes. Yeah, we went over that. That's not a bad idea frozen grape is a great idea I bought two huge bottles of lemon juice. What the fuck am I doing? You're not really prepared for this whole thing, right?
Starting point is 00:52:46 Dude, I'm not prepared at all. Why do you have so much lemon juice? What do you need it for? What are you making? You're gonna make a chicken Uh, what's that fucking shit called the lemon chicken? Chicken franchise Yeah, I'm chicken franchise Fucking every night I'll make a franchise. I'll you do you do you eat? Garnish when it's like if a meatball comes with like a basil leaf on top. Are you gonna eat the basil leaf? sometimes
Starting point is 00:53:14 Sometimes I take it off. Are you not supposed to take it off? Sometimes I take it off But then like if it's if it's too ingrained in the meatball like there's sauce on top of it. I'm like, well, this is part of the ball now So I gotta eat that ball Yeah, you know what I'm saying Um, can we talk about donald trump for a second? Yeah You know, it's no idea what's going on. It's like dude. I have no idea what's going on, but he really has no idea what's going on People just read him things and he's like, all right, we'll do that
Starting point is 00:53:47 The biggest thing though with him is that how he just said that these two Fucking I don't even know like these two like Medications or whatever. He's like when you take him It's doing a great job. And then the doctor gets on right after me goes. Don't do that because we don't know I love how the doctor said that. He's like no Also, don't fucking that guy dr. Fauci. What the fuck his name is he looks like the old grandpa from eight crazy nights
Starting point is 00:54:17 He gets up there and he's like listen Uh, don't do whatever the fuck he just said because we have to run tests Okay, that's that's how science and medication works. All right. We gotta test this He looks like the butler from wedding crashers He's not a butler He's like a priest I bought so much pellegrino though pellegrino poppy Yeah, I just I just have hummus and like seltzer and I have uh two cauliflower pizza crust
Starting point is 00:55:01 We're actually I'll probably fire one up like as soon as we're done here 100% 100% Yeah, I've been The days have kind of been going fast though for some reason. I don't like it, dude It's it's kind of scary. Like it's just another day down Another day down in this weird Corona verse. You know what's the craziest part is like I feel like we're losing
Starting point is 00:55:26 a Time in our lives, which is a bad way to look at it So like this is how I first originally like was looking at it of being like fuck, dude If this lasts until like september, we just lost all that time But that's a very like pessimistic way of looking at that's 100 the most pessimistic outlook on life I've ever heard but it's like hard. It's hard to No, I agree with you. I agree with you. It's hard to like See at first that this could be like a positive in a way because you have to try and be as positive as possible, but it's like
Starting point is 00:55:58 during this time now You have so much time to like create new habits and it's like you you can't you can't be distracted by bars restaurants like Work to a certain degree sports There's just a lot of time a lot of free time for you to do whatever the fuck you want to do And it's like are you gonna just complain the whole time because this could be months So you're gonna complain the whole time and not be productive Are you gonna start creating new habits and like starting to like You know put some things in place so that when things do go back to normal you're better for it than you were going in
Starting point is 00:56:29 One I couldn't have said that any better myself And and the other thing is too. It's like even you like even you said You've been doing some emotional tweets Yeah, because it's my boy's been emotionally tweeting and I feel no i'm not i'm not making funny I'm not making funny. He's he's been emotionally tweeting. This should be a great time for you to just build whatever relationship that you have whether it's with your family significant other whatever Take the time out and talk to some people even if it's via text and all that shit Just go out there FaceTime your family. Thank god corona hasn't affected the internet yet
Starting point is 00:57:07 You know, it's just been really nice to be able to just talk to people about life And about you know, they're distant cousin in the cia who's planning the lock. Yeah But you know, it's been really it's been really really nice to do that I I was telling this to my sister the other day because we were sitting this was like at the beginning of the wine night Um, and I was feeling nice and I was still coherent, but I was just like I saw this post on instagram. I put it on my story of like It was like a like six swipes of different examples of people in italy like
Starting point is 00:57:42 Making the best of their situation And it was like a guy with like a dj his dj equipment out on his balcony And he was blasting music and people were going crazy. There was old people dancing on their balconies There's people singing like doing whatever hell yeah, and like that kind of stuff makes me so happy because it's like We were kind of forced into doing that and I know it's not a person that Like the virus isn't a person, but I like to imagine that if the virus had some sort of uh Conscience that it would it would be it would see those posts and be like Jesus. What do I have to do?
Starting point is 00:58:17 To break these people's spirits, but it's like I just love that's a great outlook No, but I I was I keep telling people this like I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how creative people can get With how to pass their time because no one's just gonna like completely give up And and just like sit in their house and not do anything like they're gonna think of ways and like humans are just like that Where they create really cool things out of nothing and like this is a time But we're very limited to what we can do but people are doing stuff like they're having Like uh happy hours over FaceTime and everyone's like drinking and talking together and like yeah That kind of stuff is like really cool to me
Starting point is 00:58:52 And that stuff makes me feel like happy and makes me feel good because it's like I like to see where You know humans can kind of push it and it's nice that in a time where there's a fucking worldwide pandemic And people are dying and like whatever like people are trying their best to stay in like good spirits And it's just I don't know that's just like that part's just like dope to me. I like that a lot I would have never made quarantines Exactly You know what i'm saying? So I think this is the best time for people to just try and like you said find some new hobbies
Starting point is 00:59:25 Or expand on some hobbies that you've been trying to like, you know Nail down This has been a long three months Of a year. Yeah And it's only going to get longer. It looks like so you got to try And just put yourself in the best position the kind of better yourself With I think like you said not having bars not having restaurants not having places to really go Besides really the internet
Starting point is 00:59:55 Like you should be you should try to be creative even if you don't feel like a creative person This is a great time for you to try and get out there and actually pursue those things you want to do because Everybody's home. That's what i'm also thinking about like social media and shit like that. Yo, everybody's home Everybody's on their phone If you this if you're gonna do anything at this time, this is the time. All right, email that producer Email that whoever try to get on as much as you can because everybody's checking their phones right now So try and do that try to see the good in this fucking wacky ass shit that's going on and uh Master bait
Starting point is 01:00:33 Also, I just that's it. You know, you know, it's cool too. Like I feel like uh This whole thing has made the world feel so small because like I'm checking I'm checking in on German news on it Italy like how's Italy doing and like this and that like and it's it just feels like There's nothing more Unifying than like a common enemy, you know and like we're all kind of facing this thing. So it's like we're all kind of on the same team uh Kind of like going through this whole thing and it's like it's also nice to know that you're not alone in like all the shit that you're doing
Starting point is 01:01:07 So it's like We're all kind of having the same suffering in a way not, you know, to the same degree Obviously, but everyone is kind of stuck in this situation. Like right now your favorite fucking Artist who otherwise would seem untouchable has to be has to stay in their house It's probably a you know, better situation than our situation But uh, yeah for sure, you know, they're they're they're confined to their house. Just like we are like we're all going through this shit together Um, but yeah, even even if you're not like a creative person and you don't want to do ever like for me I I want to start
Starting point is 01:01:43 You know, I have all the time in the world to do whatever the hell I want now So it's like what are you going to do at that time? Like create new Things to do like you can still go outside for the time being so like set like dude Start going running start reading every day start, you know, you want to start doing meditation You want to start doing yoga you want to start doing whatever like start creating these healthy habits So that when you do get to the point where it's like, okay now everything comes back You already have these things ingrained in you with the more time this goes on You can either take it and make it a fucking miserable time or take it as just like you're
Starting point is 01:02:18 You're away at a school for your habits in a way I'm also reading a book about Like creating and breaking habits Uh, what's the name of the book? It's called atomic habits Who wrote it? Uh, his name is james clear um But I was recommended the book and usually like I don't get through these types of books
Starting point is 01:02:42 Because they're very vague and like general and like whatever but this one kind of gets into the science behind Habits and like dopamine and like cues and the blah blah blah like it's like a little more like whatever so I Am a little more than halfway through it So I usually get halfway through one of these books and I'm like, all right I'm I know what this is like a throw it away But this one i'm gonna finish and like it it seems like a good a good read so far, but um Yeah, I just think that like everyone should just
Starting point is 01:03:09 Create a schedule for themselves, dude Like you're gonna have all the time in the world the worst thing you can do Is just kind of wake up and go. What do I do today? Like you should already fucking know and at least just have some things in place that You get to do every day be like i'm gonna be up at this time I'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that and usually It just feels like on my days off. I just do whatever the hell I want for the most part But now your life is a day off now, you know, that's the craziest thing is every day is a day off
Starting point is 01:03:38 Like you don't have any responsibilities. I mean some people do that I mean they're working from home and shit and I get that some some people but it's like, yo It's like other than that though. Yeah, there's a lot of people not doing shit Yeah, and it's it's you know some people are getting laid off. I don't know how the fuck they're gonna pay rent Or how they're gonna do whatever and like that is just You know, that's the thing that worries me the most. It's like, you know the economic fucking That's what i'm worried about honestly. Yeah, dude. I've had family members get laid off Yeah, me too and and not only that but
Starting point is 01:04:08 Fucking all the businesses that are around that like once I just opened up or like bars that are like whatever like an in-between Kind of place like they're gonna be shut down, dude. I'm not gonna recover a lot a lot of uh That's really the sad thing is that you know small businesses are going to Go out of business because of this and it's fucking terrible And it's uh, it's one of those situations where you know It's not just about getting sick. Yeah You know that that's the crazy part. It's not just about getting sick like that's Almost to the least of some people's worries is about getting sick
Starting point is 01:04:45 It's about how they're gonna pay their fucking rent, which is terrible or take care of their kid Yeah You know, I just think that a positive and a light at the end of the tunnel if you do need that to hear it is like I Remember when we had this conversation We were on flagrant to it with schultz and akash and shit and we were talking about 9 11 And when 9 11 happened in new york It was like this terrible thing and it was whatever but the the days after that
Starting point is 01:05:12 And like the for a long period of time after that It really felt like everyone was on the same team and they were like proud of like where they were from And it was such a good feeling in the city and now it's the entire world So to think about what's gonna happen after this is like, yes There's gonna be like the the market's going to shit people are gonna lose a lot of money people are gonna lose their jobs People are gonna become homeless like it's just gonna be bad but I do I'm optimistic that it's going to feel very inclusive and it's gonna be like a
Starting point is 01:05:42 Like we're gonna look back on this time after this and and be like You know, that was just a great time where you see people coming together and like being on the same team basically So hopefully You know, that's the case and i'm i'm pretty optimistic that that will be the case because i don't really see a fucking alternative Now it's just gonna be crazy at one point. We're all gonna be sitting somewhere and be like, you know, remember corona virus? Yeah At some point that's gonna happen and be like, you know, that fucking shit was crazy. Yeah Because this is unlike anything This is i've never experienced anything like this in my life. No, like there was i mean, there was like there was 9 11
Starting point is 01:06:19 there was the fucking The stock market crash and then but like those kind of things like 9 11 happened And then everything was back to normal like five days later Not everything in the world, but like your day to day for the most part was back to normal like within a week Motherfuckers were playing baseball and basketball and shit. Yeah, you know, like they were like they were out like There's nothing going on. Yeah, there's nothing happening. This is the world is a ghost town. Yeah, so it's I did see if yeah, it is I did see a funny ass video of In california, these people were playing. Oh, well, there was a helicopter going over
Starting point is 01:06:55 It's like it's basically ghost town out here and they pan over and it's just a full court basketball game going on I was just like yo, these people don't give a fuck. Yeah These people are out here hooping. Yeah, I was like, you know, it's weird. It's fucking weird Yeah, it's just strange like now. It's like you see somebody outside. You have to get mad at them I honestly a lot of people I see a lot of people exercising a lot of people just going for runs and shit Yeah, like I need to go for a walk today. If I don't go for a walk today. I'll lose my fucking shit. Yeah, you need to yeah Because it's and thank god it's like the weather that it is now It's kind of like we're getting a really good day and then we'll get like a bad day. It's gonna snow tomorrow
Starting point is 01:07:35 I think it's gonna snow. I think it's gonna rain because it's too hot not hot But it's too warm for that, but it did have snow on the fucking thing, but I think it changed the rain, but I'll change. Can you imagine it was like dead winter freezing and it was like, oh like It'd be I guess it was like that with hurricane sandy. It was cold as shit Yeah, but that also was like that wasn't long Bro as long as I got power I'm getting through this thing. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:04 I'm getting through it. I'm getting through it. Yeah And you know just fucking stay inside Don't fucking hug your don't go see your grandma for for a month. Yeah You know stay inside eat a pop tart and chill the fuck out. That's all you gotta do That's what I'm saying. Dip your pop tarts in your Nutella Dip your pop tarts in your Nutella get a carrot, you know crush coffees wipe down Yeah, yeah, and you know don't spit in anybody's ass. Yeah stock up on the Jew butter because it's good Yeah stock up on Jew butter and you're good to go
Starting point is 01:08:37 Your life is good and that's it. We'll be fine and uh Yeah, we're gonna make it through this. We're gonna make it. Do you have anything that you that you're like You're gonna try and like implement into your life during this time Exercise I'm being forced to exercise And uh for me Uh The one thing I really want to get a grasp on during this entire thing Is uh
Starting point is 01:09:06 Like I said before just relationships with people reach out to people I haven't talked to in a little bit check in on people's families and shit You know see how people are doing and then just like you said just try and find the positive and do positive things During this time like thankfully I'm here. I get to put my apartment together a little bit So there's some stuff that I was putting off Because of like work or just like finding excuses not to do shit now It's like I have to do all this shit So like you know, I'm just trying to just keep moving forward. That's that's really it
Starting point is 01:09:34 But the exercise is the main one for sure. Yeah Any my again, just to reiterate. I mean, yeah, I'm trying to My main thing is just creating a schedule for myself because there is a lot more free time now That too that too create create a productive schedule that I have to like Abide by like I have to be up at this time and I have to read for this amount of time And then I have to go exercise and then I'll come here and start working and stuff, you know And then like like work like this should be like secondary Like that to that other. Yeah, and you need to like work
Starting point is 01:10:08 Like you need to just have things like if you're laid off from your job or like My mother works in a school that's like shut down. So she's not doing anything You know, like yeah minimal work from home for her So it's like I've been telling her like just create things that you need to do, you know, like for sure That otherwise you wouldn't necessarily need or you wouldn't have the time for because That's the only thing that's going to keep you sane through this whole thing. Otherwise, you're going to go nuts Otherwise, you're going to start, you know, leaving your house and going getting random tattoos all over you God do it
Starting point is 01:10:41 God do it. God do it. I'm going to get a whole bunch of more tats though for sure Dude, uh, when this is over, I'll get a celebratory fucking tattoo. I don't give a fuck Yo, we have to go get a celebratory. I almost got a santa gala studio statue. Oh my god. Are you serious? Yeah, I did I almost got it But then I realized that I would have you tattooed on my name forever and god forbid you ever fire me it'd be tough I can't believe you considered that Oh, I did for sure And then I was like the logo
Starting point is 01:11:12 Yeah, I was gonna get the logo Now what I what I was gonna do is on the chain, you know how it's on a what is this thing called a slate? A slate. I was just gonna get a slate To just like represent the studio on my hand But then I was just like, all right, let's chill. Let's see how this corona goes first and make sure I still the job Honestly, the slate is a is a better way to do it because at least then you could like it's cool. You could like lie about what it means Yeah, yeah, so it's like, yeah, just I love film I got a slate. I love film
Starting point is 01:11:44 I'm always ready to take another take at life. Yeah. Oh, whoa. Yeah. Yeah. It's my take at life first take First take first take. Yeah, but uh, yeah, man I'm just happy. I mean, if you know, uh, if I'm texting you like, you know, I can't wait to get back to work That's when you know, it's bad. Yeah Yeah So I'm happy that we're able to do this. This is how me and danny are gonna be recording from now on by the way Yeah, for for the foreseeable future But uh, I'm just happy
Starting point is 01:12:13 That we were able to do it today and uh, bring some light to everybody and just stay positive You know what I mean? If you, you know, have an hour and sometimes just distract yourself and uh, remember to um You know spend your money on essentials food water pop tarts slash the basement yard Uh, three pounds of netella Three pounds of netella and uh, yeah Keep your head up. Yeah, I think mother. I think mother Teresa said that she did she did say that right mother's Teresa And then tupac or even next thing. Yes
Starting point is 01:12:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, all right, cool. Where can they find you bud? You could find me, uh, hunker down I've said hunker. I've said hunker down Maybe 40 times since this fucking quarantine started I've never used hunker down ever in my life. I've used it way too much Yeah, I feel like an old white dad like oh, we got to hunker down and really give it our all like You guys you guys got to hang you guys got to hunker down. What am I coaching a softball team? Yeah, you got to hunker down get to the plate
Starting point is 01:13:19 Swing away Come on. Can you hunker down now? Uh at Daniel Lerperie on instagram and twitter and uh, I've been doing these series of lives Teaching people how to take proper shower so you could check me out doing that All right, you haven't seen you haven't seen those Last few days. I've been gone live from the shower teaching people how to properly, uh, bathe during the quarantine nice Yeah, educational. There you go Guys, you can follow me at jose and I gotta go follow the show at the baseman yard and uh, yeah
Starting point is 01:13:52 That's all See you guys next time We love you. Bye Oh

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