The Basement Yard - #238 - New Hobby Joe

Episode Date: April 20, 2020

On this episode, we hear all about Joe's new quarantine hobbies, animals and lawyer commercials. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Oh, welcome back to the basement yard. How's everyone doing on this fine Easter Sunday? If you're Catholic Do do other groups celebrate Easter? Do Greek Orthodox? Don't they have their own nother? Yeah, it's like next week or something, right? They take an animal into the backyard they slaughter it and then they slowly cook it While standing around it smoking cigarettes and talking about the you know how Greece's dollar isn't doing too well Yeah, yeah, that's that yeah. Yeah, I'll tell you what I went to a Greek Easter once Right and as brutal as it is to just see the animal kind of like it still has a face
Starting point is 00:00:46 I like my dead animals without faces, you know, like when you see a piece of steak, you're like there's no face I need a headless animal. I don't want it. Yes, I could see the feet I see the aunt I see the face and then also there's always that one Fucking Greek guy that comes up. So you have some of this and it's like a weird body part. He's like, oh, it's the ACL It's the best part. I'm like, I don't eat that. No, no, no, what do you think the best cut of a human is? That tastes the best. Yeah, what part of us tastes the best? You I would say your ass because it's fucking juicy Not mine though. My ass would be crying
Starting point is 00:01:23 You know, you'd have a you'd have a gamey ass Yeah, I'd have a gamey ass. Yeah, your ass would be it would be hard to cut You ever get a piece of chicken that like is you're just unlucky about it and it's like what is this shit? Yeah, you know, it's weird when you cut in the chicken and it has like that weird like Line in it like a vein. Oh Yeah, and you're like, did I is this the artery? That's why I don't like to eat chicken wings anymore. I I squeeze I used to be
Starting point is 00:01:53 Squeeze squeeze me You know, it's just it's good No, I don't eat chicken wings anymore because I hate the way the tendons end up in between my teeth And then they stay there for a long time and I try to get them out and I can't and then I'm just I'm picking up my teeth and then I start to lose my fucking mind because there's a fucking chickens Achilles tendon in my fucking bicuspid Your your what your bicuspid. What is that? That's it? That's Those are bicuspids right here. Oh I didn't I didn't know that. Yeah, your teeth have terms for them
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, I don't I don't care. Yeah I hate them. No, but my ass would literally it would probably be like the like calamari It would just be like how am I is good. Well, I'm just saying if you didn't dip it in in breading Okay, all right, it would just be like a whack thing But yeah, I don't I don't I don't know maybe like the under part of my arm. Maybe it would be tasty They keep they can eat that agree. I probably have a I would have a pretty good calf Like my calf muscle is like seems like it would be like, you know, you could like
Starting point is 00:03:07 Do you want to eat hard stuff though? You want to eat soft stuff? It's only hard when I like flex it but when I when it's not it feels like a nice boob It feels like a sea cump. It feels like a fucking you put a nipple on that thing and I'll start sucking on my calf Yeah, I would suck calves if they had nipples on them Anything that's got nipples on it. I would suck it besides animals. Yes. Yes, that's that's how we got here to the coronavirus All right, so we're not gonna suck any animals over there and we want they were sucking animals No, and now we're staying inside so I Still can't get over that like I it's just this guy ate a bat and now the whole world stops
Starting point is 00:03:43 Do you know how easy it is to know? to not eat a bat in A soup Bats don't even fit in a bowl. That's how you know it reminds me that always sunny episode when they eat Frank's meat Do you know that one? Yes, you know and they go to like that Asian market and they're just like they don't have monkey here like we got monkey Like he probably just wanted to eat like an exotic weird like thing and that's what happened dude Have you ever seen like Japanese muck bangs?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah, there's always a small woman. She eats like a slug or some shit. No dude She'll eat like an entire blue whale or something. Yeah, or she'll eat something That's a lot like she's eating like a squid, but the arm in the front just like The whole time one time. I saw this like fucking 80 pound Asian woman She's got chopsticks doesn't use them, right? She picks up this fucking thing that looks like a giant whale dick Bites into it and then it squirts all over her. Oh, yeah, I remember that was like What the fuck is that? I don't know, but she was like Yeah, it was like she bit into a whoopie cushion that was filled with come
Starting point is 00:05:06 Dude, you know think about how much comedy would take to fill up a whoopie cushion Years years Not years. No, you need pressure just to get in there So you have to even just hope that you have enough pressure in your ding dong to get that going to build it Yeah, I'm well you can't open it up. That's just not gonna happen You know, it was weird how like a straight like a feet of strength was to be able to blow like one of those hot water bottles up What the fuck remember like those leather water bottles?
Starting point is 00:05:35 They would like leather not leather, but like rubber Why would they heat water bottles and the people would be like? Yeah, you have to look this up look look it up look up man blows up hot water rubber thing Hot water bottle with nose Is it is it made of rubber? It's like a bag It's weird fuck is this dude I go on YouTube I type that in the thing that's a recommended is ten real circus acts that shocked the world and it's a picture of a guy with
Starting point is 00:06:15 Three eyes two nose two teeth one mouth. What the fuck is that? I love that you could join the circus whether it's either you're really talented or you're disgusting one or the other that's it oh I see this thing. Yeah, and it was like a feet of strength if you could blow it up and make it explode in like the 1930s That's fucking stupid. Yeah, but they also played with like Like they would kick around a piece of ice and think it was soccer. Have you noticed that? Have you noticed like everyone from Tiger King is just doing like every podcast in the world. Yeah, we should we should I'm gonna I'm gonna reach out to Jeff Lowe dude. We could easily get Jeff Lowe on the show I'm gonna come on the show. I'm gonna call Jeff Lowe on the morning meeting which by the way
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'm doing from my apartment Every morning Monday to Friday on patreon so go subscribe slash the basement yard Every morning we're doing we do like a mini podcast there, but I'm trying to call Jeff Lowe and we should deal is I want to know See, I don't even want to know any tiger stuff. I just want to know if he gets that much pussy. Oh He gets pussy. I mean It's well documented this guy puts tigers on a bus and fucks. Yeah, but he's got a bandana Under a hat. Yeah. Yeah, he's got the Hulk Hogan bandana and a hat and inflection t-shirts That nobody even wears anymore. Yeah, this this guy would have been cool 20 years ago
Starting point is 00:07:46 But it's 20 years and now it's today. So I don't know if this is all true. Did you have an Ed Hardy shirt? Did you have an Ed Hardy shirt? No, don't fucking lie to me, bro I never did but I did have this like Shirt that did have like a fucking bedazzled tiger on it. It wasn't my god It wasn't bedazzled, but there was some shiny glittery substance and you wore it outside You like you actually wore it and thought it was cool It I did I didn't buy it and I don't know where it came from I like found it and I was like this is sick and I put it on and then guess what it wasn't fucking sick at all
Starting point is 00:08:24 It was fucking trash, dude There's no worse feeling than buying clothes and then being like why the fuck did I buy this dude? It's the worst it's the worst fucking feeling in the world to buy clothes and be like what in my mind told me that I wanted this Dude, I literally with since I've been in this apartment. I did it when I would lived here, right? So within the last two years. I was on Instagram Scrolling and and there was a pair of pants, right? You got instant pants. I got instant panted Okay, because I was like these look cool. I'm just gonna buy them. There wasn't even a model wearing them They were just the pants. So I was like these are great
Starting point is 00:09:07 Dude, I bought them. I swear to God. I opened it up and I'm like what have I done? God forgive me Just to give you an idea. Okay, the mate. They were like corduroy sort of right and they had a strap That was orange. What color was? 90% of the pants baby fucking blue I Bought baby blue corduroy pants that had an orange strap open them up and was like It's just weird that at one point you're like, oh man, this is cool
Starting point is 00:09:44 Dude, and it just took it took three days for you to realize this isn't cool I Dude as soon as I open them. I'm like, what am I? Who do I think I am that I could pull this off? I I just started pulling off jeans. I can't jump to baby blue and orange pants. How many corduroy's how many pairs of jeans do you have I Have and also that I wear and also wear all them also how many times can you wear a pair of jeans before you have to wash them If you get nothing on them Right, why wash them? I don't I I would say Three or four I left my fucking favorite pair of pants in Austin and I can't I haven't gotten over it
Starting point is 00:10:31 See and I I saw them Right, I didn't know if they were yours though Because everyone was still packing up their shit. You saw them and just left them there I packed my shit up first. So I saw a pair of pants. So I was like, I don't know who stuff that is So I'm just whatever so I didn't know they had a chance. They had a chance to make it Like oh, no, these were these were jeans like Did you forget another pair of jeans there or no, yeah We just leave all your stuff in Austin, you know how I am dude
Starting point is 00:11:09 I leave shit everywhere. I have like two outfits at your house I have like two outfits of like random people's houses. I don't even know. Yeah, you do They were forgetful boy. Oh the other thing too. I wanted to say a Corona related I have to sneak out at night because I like to like sneak out late at night And there's a 24-hour spot over here That has yeah, yeah, yeah, Eli's deli. Oh the deli. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm like, yeah, let me go here and just get some like Toilet paper and stuff and I went live on Instagram And I can't stand people being like, oh, dude, you should be inside
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like oh like go inside like this at one point. I just kind of broke I was like, yeah unless you're gonna come here and wipe my fucking asshole for me Don't tell me not to go out and get toilet paper Why it's just like dude, I have to go outside to get toilet paper. Yeah I mean, yeah, there's ways to social distance without going outside like there are other that's why I go late That's why I go late. Nobody's out. There's other countries where like they can't go outside So maybe they're confused by that but even me like I Have been running and the only time that I go outside is when I go to my car to drive here to work
Starting point is 00:12:27 And then I drive my car back to my mom's but then I go running on the street and I'm not running in a pack Like a bunch of fucking wolves I'm just running on the street and I'm staying away from people and I'm not like whatever but people were just like I like posted on my story when I got because I did a long run That was like six and a half miles and I got three miles in and I ended up at some park so I took a picture of the park right and There were a bunch of people in my DMs like oh dude If you're not gonna stay inside and don't post about it because you're gonna influence people and I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:05 fine because This is like whatever and I actually made it a point to tell people like dude. I'm not Talking to people. I haven't seen any of my friends. No only people that I have seen are the people that have seen me Yeah, like they're not seeing I saw Pete and Ralph for like two seconds Yeah, distance I'm not seeing I saw Pete once Well in the beginning when we were doing the workouts in the park, but then I stopped seeing him
Starting point is 00:13:34 So I haven't seen haven't seen them at all, but I haven't seen you I haven't seen anybody so everyone's just like whatever So now I'm just like fuck it. I'm gonna do my runs. I'm not gonna like whatever post anything or whatever So I was like Let me just not but I pee yeah people are freaking out But I mean if we're good, I would rather that then no one say anything because at least people are like Holding each other accountable in a way. It's just annoying because I know I'm doing the right thing Yeah, and it's like I don't go outside and I need fucking toilet paper. Why is everyone fucking yelling at me? Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:06 Everyone's screaming and yelling. I don't like it screaming. Yeah, like Speaking of Tiger King Didn't you have something you want to talk about like animals or some shit? Oh, yeah I'll get to that, but I wanted to actually you know what fine. I've been watching a lot of animal shit Yeah, right. Oh, what would have been like your top three like quarantine like go-tos like watching was Netflix anything so you're not gonna like this Okay, but I I have suddenly enjoyed watching Jeopardy a lot
Starting point is 00:14:49 Okay All right, not that I'm great at it But I hate that you're using this quarantine to be smart like But I'm reading books watching Jeopardy next episode you're gonna fucking glasses on watch Yeah, but I need them because my eyes are stupid my eyes are dumb too. Yeah, you got dumb eyes. You do have dumb eyes No, but I don't know. I just like watching Jeopardy So I've been watching Jeopardy, but they only have these three episodes where it's the same fucking person Who's like winning all the days?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Okay, like remember when that dude Ken went on like a fucking 50-day shriek or whatever was that like the weirdo like the Coffee house weirdo or whatever that guy's name was do you have a beard? I Don't know. Oh, there was one guy that had a beard who was like super like introverted and weird Dude, they all are because at the end of the so I've noticed right at the end of the first round of Jeopardy they do interviews of the contestants and it's just wild dude these people like yeah So I like to paint my cat on top of my cat I just give her a new coat every week and you're like what this one lady says she collects nail polish I'm like get this fucking freak at it here
Starting point is 00:16:08 Collect all weird shit. Why don't weird people collect stuff? Weird people love to collect things. I think anyone that collects things. Don't get it out of me It's a little weird now collecting anything is weird Yeah, do you know what Keith did one time he collected the tops of cans You know like the thing that like yeah the pull tab yeah, why I don't know there was one person I knew who like Remember when like those state coins came out Yes He like went and called all these banks to like go and get like every state when they would come out
Starting point is 00:16:52 And then like when like the second Julia came out. Yeah, he like went and got those now You know nobody gives a shit about those things. Yeah, and then what wasn't there another person on the golden? Coin not her. There was a man on there On the golden coin wasn't that Harriet Tubman? Or my bugging Harriet Tubman I called her a man She has man in her last name at least I Guess you can make that correlation Harriet Tubman. See this is what I think about too like you know how like
Starting point is 00:17:27 This is what I think about too like people's last names have a genesis, right? So it's like, you know shoemaker somebody made shoes definitely made shoes Smith usually probably comes from black Smith, and they just cut it down the Smith Tubman Built tubs built tubs or enjoyed a tub because then I would be a tub man. I've been taking tubs. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's another thing too. I've been taking major tubs. I I've had a really love hate with you over this quarantine. I would never say I hate you, but it's I'm very hateable right now I'm very aware of that. Yeah. Yeah, but you're kind of winning the quarantine
Starting point is 00:18:05 So it's like I don't really feel like I'm winning it like I'm having a good time Like putting my apartment together and shit and like that's really cool But like I haven't really picked up any other hobbies that that involved being like intellectual or cultured So I hate you a little bit because you're cuz you're a cultured freak now and all you do is drink wine and tubs and and read books and Fucking you tell me something about some fucking club. You started and I just couldn't I just couldn't hear it and I was like I was like, I can't hear this anymore. I gotta go do something productive and then I sat on the couch For five hours. Yo, I took a nap the other day and woke up
Starting point is 00:18:49 Did had no idea what time it is. I've lost all track of time days I don't even know what month it is like today's Easter only reason why I know it's Sunday and I still almost thought it was Monday Yeah, I I've been doing the same thing. I don't know what date is I don't know what fucking whatever all the days are blending together I'm really trying to like the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind is like in the beginning of the quarantine I started just feel like the days were just passing and I was like, dude I feel like I'm wasting months of my life
Starting point is 00:19:21 Like, you know, how like they say like every cigarette you lose a day of your life or whatever Yeah, like I feel like because of the quarantine like we're locked inside and it's like a very pessimistic way of looking at it It's like dude. I'm just like my I'm being robbed of four or five months of my life So I was like, I just be super busy and just I don't know well That's not gonna keep you from going Banana fruitcake over there. Yeah. Yeah, but I've been taking tubs man. Just I love it. I love a good tub Hey, you're a tub man. Just I'm a tub man. I'm a Joey Tubman, but even with these things. It's like
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's crazy to think about That We could still be productive during these times, but just thank God like we can still do the show and everything But like I'm really starting to see it now like motherfuckers have no jobs You're starting to see it the fucking unemployment rate is like That's what it was. I know but like the couple times. Yeah, it's it's ridiculous But like the even like the couple times that I've gone out and it's like close close close close close Close, close, close, close, everything is fucking closed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:32 like Do you rough man and then they still they closed all the New York City schools Yeah, I knew that was gonna happen though. That one's not shocking. I mean it's April. So there's two months of school left And like it's we're not you know, do you graduate? I Don't know Because they probably like schooling they probably make them go to online school. Yeah, so that's probably why like that's fucking trash You know imagine you know how unlucky you were to be born Where this year is your senior year anywhere?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, like you suck you already said goodbye to your friends in high school. It's done Oh Hey, what do you want to what do you want to call yourself? I don't know vitamin C. Yeah, like what the fuck kind of name is that lady? Vitamin C did she make any other song is that song about graduating or fucking killing yourself? Yeah, actually I Vitamin C, I think that song's about fucking killing. I did vitamin C. I'm getting vinegar and fruit. What the fuck is Vitamin C featuring apple cider vinegar money is what song is that? Graduation song, I think it's called no, no, no, I know but I typed in vitamin C me myself and I
Starting point is 00:22:12 But like she's got other songs Bitches 47 she wasn't even in high school What year was that that was 99 dog she was still out of high school Fucking quadruple senior Yeah She has a song on from a 2001 album called sex has come between us What does that even mean vitamin C? Missy C. What does it mean you grow in minute? You're graduating high school and now sex is coming between you
Starting point is 00:22:50 There was a friend that she has a song called busted And she has another song called I guess I'm just screwed Is this lady have any good memories? Who's naming these songs a fucking 75 year old man? Who's name at her clearly just someone who's charging names isn't good over here at some point somebody said to her I want to be vitamin C. Oh Also vitamin C on the same album as graduation song has a song called unhappy anniversary Pick an age group she like let's just make an album for every age demographic there is Song on there like the arthritis song like what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Not that kind of girl turn me on vacation. I don't know Bitch is crazy. Um, anyway, yeah, so I I didn't help diseases have weird names like Hodgkins. I Mean, I'm sure it's just a dude's name mesothelioma That one I don't get that one sounds like a faraway land and what? Yeah, like it's like yeah, like last summer I went to mesothelioma And I'm like, did you see? Did you see elves and unicorns at mesothelioma like the fuck is that dude Narnia?
Starting point is 00:24:12 I've been dying to go there. I've been dying to see mesothelioma, but fucking movie tickets are insane right now And why is like mesothelioma like the most like you could sue anybody if you have it for some reason Every commercial I see is this like if you have mesothelioma like you could fucking sue. I'm just like who me suing Yeah, it's like yo, do I want it? It's just like yeah, it's like yeah, yeah, yeah, we're gonna sue somebody Cuz of mesothelioma and asbestos you say spestos or asbestos asbestos Asbestos, it's a stupid name. It's a stupid name that for something that kills so many. Yeah, you're you're making us Sound like we all have a lisp asbestos asbestos
Starting point is 00:25:00 Asbestos and then also asbestos sounds like something that could be kind of good like I'll have the asbestos Yes, I'll have the chicken parm also kind of get a side of asbestos. Yeah. Yeah, you know, and it's like listen I don't even know. I honestly don't know what asbestos is. I think it's like stuff in your wall is insulation So it's illegal now, but people used to do it because it needs to be an insane Temperature in order to burn or an end to like melt or whatever So it would like help insulate the foundation of houses But well, how do people get sick from it? They eat it. No because so when we redid our basement there was asbestos in our floor and
Starting point is 00:25:41 We and as long as it's not kicked up, you can't breathe it in once it gets into your lungs That's when it can cause cancer. So So if it's just there you have to wet it so that it does it can't move So you have to like soak the asbestos so that it becomes like a muddy sort of substance I would have got the fuck out of there. Oh, I wasn't there for that. Yeah. Fuck that. I'll pay somebody to catch asbestos I don't know. What do you even catch? I? Don't know you got it like I don't know I think they're linked. I don't know man. I might have to call fucking Salino and Barnes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:18 Hey, what can I help you with? Messothelium? All right, we got a case This is a layup Let's get another messy Oh, no, oh, no, you're gonna die, but but let's get you paid first, but your kids are gonna get some dollars Um Animals oh, oh, no, no, no, I wanted to talk about so asbestos did you know so you've seen where's it of us? Yeah, grace through it the scene where Dorothy falls asleep in the poppies
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah, wait on her way to Oz and they all kind and she falls asleep and they're all kind of there Oh, no, they all fall asleep right so that line goes down ten man, whatever In that scene For them to wake up Galinda shows up with her wand goes like this and it starts snowing and that's what wakes them up Right the snow in that scene Is asbestos no way yes it is That's a fun little fact about where's it of us the snow in that scene is all asbestos
Starting point is 00:27:30 Jesus two of those people died of cancer, but when they were like much older But they died from cancer and it could have been from that it could have not been who the fuck knows But the the snow in that scene is all asbestos And didn't they say like one of like the little people hung themselves during that movie like it looks it really looks like it It doesn't buddy, but he didn't from what I read that's not true But there was a lot of other fucked up shit about where's it Yo, I went down a fucking rabbit hole one day of Wizard of Oz shit if you want to go there we can go there cuz I'm telling you dude. I think somebody killed themselves on there and they covered it up cuz somebody is
Starting point is 00:28:09 Swanging well they pretty they pretty much killed Judy Garland Yeah, because she was like 14 or some shit when she did that movie, right? They would give her sleeping pills to go to sleep after working her for like 15 hours Give her sleeping pills so that she would sleep then give her pills so she could be up for a long time Eventually this woman obviously developed a fucking drug problem and was addicted to God knows what ended up dying from that early And when she died dude, she was like how old was Judy Garland? She died Judy Garland Jesus she was 411
Starting point is 00:28:51 Spinner she was like 47 and she looked a thousand. Yeah, she did not look good at all dude, and this is a beautiful woman Do you like black and white wonder? Wizard of Oz or you like the color you gotta give me call fucking black and white get the fuck It's also like sepia tone kind of Also, so the director of that movie which there were many because many from walked off the set because they were just like It was crazy The director in a scene once Judy Garland can't couldn't stop laughing
Starting point is 00:29:24 So the director pulled her aside and slapped her in front of everyone. No Slaps a shit out of her and she was like 14. Yes, how old was she when she did that how old was Judy? Fuck Garland during Wizard of Oz 16 So this guy took a bitch lap the 16 year old Took her off to the side in front of the entire cast and crew and slapped Judy Garland in the face During the Wizard of Oz. Yep And everyone was like all right back to work
Starting point is 00:30:03 That just shows you how far we've come as people. I'll tell you what you know what it was. It was the times It was the times Also, but it had asbestos snow asbestos snow and that's the craziest part They knew at that point that it was dangerous like they knew in 1930 Wait, what year was the Wizard of Oz? No, I don't know. I'm looking at a wizard. What the fuck? It was released in 1939 Okay, so this is like right around World War two
Starting point is 00:30:42 Dude and also they they were the director of the movie Victor Fleming he fought for Somewhere over the rainbow to be in the film because everyone else wanted to cut it and he's like I'll fucking walk off right now If you don't put it in and that's the reason why it's in Also, the fucking bitch who was the wicked witch That pain that pain that they have on her is an ordinary pain
Starting point is 00:31:11 And in one of the scenes there was like some fire or whatever and she's like caught fire She had major burns on her bodies from the pain How the fuck do you know all these weird Wizard of Oz facts? Yeah, this movie sounds like a fucking nightmare to it was dude. It was it was it was insane I'll tell you right now. I wish they made a Netflix series about like the truth about Wizard of Oz I would watch the shit out of that dude. It's incredible Also, the the famous Ruby slippers From that right like you just got bars. I got bars the famous Ruby slippers from that thing some guy who was like
Starting point is 00:31:52 Didn't have like a crazy position. What is the director? He was like the lighting guy or something my knowledge He ended up being able to take those shoes and they're worth millions now. He just has them. Yeah, I think so He's got to be old we could get those you want more facts now on the site I remember these now Dorth a todo the dog. Yeah made more money than the fucking munchkins. I Mean I see that a Toto is kind of a big deal Munchkins, you know one was hanging in the back, you know
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah Dude The shit is crazy Wait, where's the where's it? It was like where's it of Oz? Weird facts or something Not so wonderful. Not so wonderful. Mm-hmm All right, I need like two more Yeah, so this is Margaret Hamilton was her name. She was like 410. She played the wicked witch. She had fucking
Starting point is 00:32:57 burns from her makeup The wiki witcher the Westboro Yeah, I love that video. I love that fucking video. She comes down in a bubble dog Thank you The wicked witcher the Westboro there was something in here about like Yeah, Victor Fleming slapped Judy Garland in order to finish a shot Today would be considered abuse and grounds for immediate dismissal But 76 years ago slapping your star across the face was not only condoned. It was actually it actually produced results when
Starting point is 00:33:34 When Judy Garland couldn't get her giggles under control When the cowardly line they made his big entrance director Fleming Victor Fleming didn't have time to play games He took Garland aside whacked her on the cheek and in order to go in there and work Fire Imagine slapping the star that would that would be like if you like if I was laughing too much on the show And you took me off camera slap me and made me sit back down do the rest of the show Go in there and work go in there and work. I'm just a bitch. This is condoned It's fine. Don't it's fine. It's fine because it's condoned. It's going to work. I swear to God
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Starting point is 00:38:31 You don't have to pee ever. I peep I drink water a lot during the show tonight the pee pee The way you just Have to pee pee Animal stuff. No, no, no Fuck the animals for now. I keep trying to get yeah, fuck animals No, it's all right. No, no, no, no, we're gonna get to it. So yeah, this yesterday I posted on my my story an excerpt from this book. I'm reading right. It's called the psychopath test and It's basically what you pass what you pass. No, I don't
Starting point is 00:39:08 Okay, well I'm in the middle of the book So I don't really know if this is like the end all be all kind of thing But at a certain point they had a list of 21 questions that if you if they all applied to you Then you were considered a psychopath or if like a majority of them applied to you but In this book man the excerpt I'm gonna read it again Right and there's a follow-up that I didn't post
Starting point is 00:39:37 but Basically, so The idea of psychopaths Was foreign to many people back in the day before they were you know There's a deep dive into mental health and psychology and all this stuff. So a lot of these psychiatrists would perform these Weird sort of Study groups or some shit these experiments with people with psychopaths with schizophrenics and shit Just to try and understand it a little more of blah blah blah right in this one particular instance
Starting point is 00:40:11 This guy got a grant. He was Canadian. So the government allowed him to do this He got us a room that wasn't that big painted it green and all these psychopaths and Schizophrenics had them stripped naked All right, and now they're oh wait hold on this that's actually different So that was that actually happened but before that there was a different guy who I forget his name. It's a bit bingeroom He would do naked
Starting point is 00:40:42 like psycho Analysts with these groups of people. So he would get a bunch of crazy people and make them get naked and study them They weren't necessarily all crazy. Some of them were were like Psychopaths nor yeah, some of them were just like hippies who are like free spirits and wanted to try this like weird thing Okay, so one of the things though, right? So this is this is the excerpt Bindram's most divisive idea was that he termed crotch eyeballing He didn't struck a participant to sit in the center of the circle with legs in the air
Starting point is 00:41:17 Then he'd command the others to stare at that person's genitals and anus sometimes for hours While he sporadically yelled. This is where it's at. This is where are we so damp? This is where we are so damned negatively conditioned I like I like this is where it's at because that's kind of cool look at that dude Imagine staring at someone else's dick in asshole. This is where it's ours This is it. This is it right at the pinnacle The epicenter of love was in that deep ass look at his ass This is where it's at. This guy's a sick freak and the follow-up is
Starting point is 00:41:55 Quote Tell Katie what things happen in your crotch Bindram ordered her Katie was Lorna's vagina Say Katie. This is where I shit fuck piss and masturbate and Then there was an embarrassed silence Then quote I think Katie already knows that Lorna eventually replied I Know about that wack ass dick is what she's trying to say. That's crazy, dude. That guy. That's a wild thing
Starting point is 00:42:30 I would do it, but he believed that When someone's naked they Most vulnerable Yeah, and there's less of like I don't know. He's like it just he think he thought it like would expedite Opening up completely Yeah, and it's a wild book so far It's like a deep dive into the because so the the author this guy John Ronson. He's I mean Greg kind of uh You know referred me to this guy, but he uh, I was surprised he
Starting point is 00:43:07 He does these like journalistic dives into Certain industries or whatever that are like sort of niche and this one. He's just like kind of dives into like the basically the history of Psychopaths and psychology and all this shit. So it's like you're reading about these extremely weird Experiments to try and understand why psychopaths Tick like how they take but like make a guy get naked And like put his legs up and scream at his balls and ask a little gay in it. That's mega gay
Starting point is 00:43:40 And also weird. Yeah, you're supposed to be the doctor. Why are you doing that? It's schizophrenic supposed to do that on his own. What kind of person Thinks that then you name his balls an asshole Yeah, what kind of person thinks that? Let's form a circle put someone in the middle with their legs in the air stay at their genitals for fucking hours And then let's scream at his balls And then what's gonna come of that? I could just imagine someone screaming at my balls right now
Starting point is 00:44:13 That sounds great Sounds really good Spoiler alert by the way. Yeah, check out wednesday, uh, new santa gato studios video where we scream at each other's balls That'd be hilarious, um Spoiler alert so like the other thing i was talking about where a guy painted a room green and then he had Schizophrenic psychopaths in this room for sometimes 11 days, right? And they would do weird stuff. They would encourage them to Claw out the walls and scream and and do whatever right and just be
Starting point is 00:44:49 I don't even know very animalistic shit Be schizo be schizo in a way And they would feed them through like straws in the wall like it was weird. It was weird It's like tiger king for humans. Basically. Yeah, no, it's way worse. Um, but i'm never gonna financially recover from this Yeah, that guy says that the first thing there's someone with no arm and like down the street and you're like It's gonna fuck out my money. Um, but uh This this guy this this thing that they had right Is it was interesting because like with the with the schizos and the psychopaths that were in there
Starting point is 00:45:27 After like at the end of the experiment they all were seemingly More in tune with like emotion And like that's one of the things if you're a psychopath like you have you you don't really have you can't read human emotion And it's like this weird whatever But they seemed more in tune with it and they were more understanding. They were helping each other blah blah blah And then the study came out years later and it was like Psychopaths who have like raped kids or killed people or done these horrible things uh
Starting point is 00:46:00 They're 60 percent 60 percent of them are likely to reoffend when they get out Right, so to commit another crime In that specific group that this dude was doing with the green walls 80 percent No, and they enter yeah Yeah, when you feed them with straws through the walls guy, all right But yo when they in they interviewed one of the guys right who who was like a psycho who like killed a person or whatever Okay, after he got out
Starting point is 00:46:29 He was like, yeah, you know actually the the group if anything like kind of helped me Mask my psychosis and I was able to act more like a person and I knew what would blah blah blah So it like helped it was like school For psychos. Oh, yeah, and it made them worse I look at it like this though, too. It's like uh If like If those people are already like criminal minded like some of them are like past offenders or ever and like
Starting point is 00:46:59 They're in that that thing you got to think that they're gonna get some kind of criminal education there Well, yeah, they just no being around that I think you just kind of feed off of everyone's energy You know like this kind of behavior is rewarded. This isn't so this is how I can mask my shit I would never ever sign up for any kind of weird focus group. I hate people that are like that. It's like you all do it I'm like, uh, why? also like Those groups where it's like you get to just test things. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:32 I don't I want the final version. I don't want to test eight different types of coca-cola No, just give me the one you guys land on white people love trying stuff. Oh my god. That's why they flock to cosco Yeah, I know they love to try they love trying It's always this it's always a hand on the face and a point like I think I'll I think I'll have that Yeah, and then the other thing I hate to keep going back to tiger king But it's just one of those things that one normal girl who was like, yeah, I'll try like I'll get fake titties and like Be like bogdads like bitch or something. It's like, yeah, what are we doing here? Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:48:11 None of them are normal that that shows just It's a lot of elements. That's what happened. What happened just happened to normal people Where are they they exist? They're just not I don't know any I don't know any I don't know one normal person. I wish I knew one person who's just normal Why am I not normal? Oh, you're a fucking maniac Guy over here fucking reading books tub in fucking
Starting point is 00:48:40 If anything, I'm I'm more normal. I I'm living my life like I just got out of a Divorce no and the kids moved out to college. Yeah, I'm having a wine in the fucking tub. I'm reading running Yeah, but it's like it's ins and outs. You know what I'm saying like you've been a you a youtuber Oh Yeah, don't run from it. Don't that's what I am So it's like, you know, you're gonna be a little bit crazy Because you got to create content all the time. That's what drives people crazy
Starting point is 00:49:13 People don't understand trying to create content all the time. It can make you go a little crazy I also think just talking to it. You know how many I for years I talk to a camera Yeah by yourself That already that already makes you crazy. Yeah does I think because you enjoy it too, which is kind of crazy Yeah, you know many people go throughout their day not the thought to even talk into a camera doesn't even come into their mind That's the first thing on your mind almost every day It's I have to talk into a camera today by myself You maniac and then you're out here doing other shit, too
Starting point is 00:49:52 Why don't you tell these people what else you're doing out here running around all over the streets? And then you're going out here fucking Starting clubs and shit not starting a club. You're getting progressively wider throughout this quarantine. I that I'm yes Yeah, I'm a white bitch now. It's a white joe Yeah, I haven't drank. I'll say this. I haven't had white claws. I had one white claw this entire world quarantine This entire world this entire world entire world I've had one in this entire world. This is the world now. This is quarantine world. Yeah, it is Um, but I've only had one so I'm less white in that department
Starting point is 00:50:30 But I'm more white pretty much everywhere else. Yeah, you're grown in white. You're watching. I'm I I literally This was my day the other day I woke up I read for a little over an hour Then I worked Came home No, then I ran Right, I went for a nice run. Then I came home took a bath
Starting point is 00:50:53 With a glass of red wine that turned into a bottle of red wine Sounds about right And then I watched jeopardy Who am I And the other thing is Fully enjoyed every part of that day. Oh, I Saying it back now. I'm hard. Yeah, it was a great day. You wish you were doing one of those right now Believe it or not, I wish I was reading that book. Yeah, see see what see what this is. This is this is change everything's changing
Starting point is 00:51:29 Everything's changing Change is right Change, yeah Also, you've been kind of like very inspirational on the internet and you've been tweeting a lot more I will I will thank god For a couple of things that have happened during this corona thing I know it's a terrible thing people are dying people get sick. I understand people are losing their jobs but
Starting point is 00:51:55 Instagram live battles have been very cool if you like music Yeah, when they had RZA and premier yesterday To my favorite producers of all time got to see that Tori Lane's his quarantine show hilarious Okay, that's just gonna sell way more records just because of that 100% he dropped an album the other day and it's actually pretty good um three Joe's tweeting
Starting point is 00:52:23 And they're fucking deep They're deep and then he he's listening to more music you're getting sentimental with some of your music too I know you've cried during this quarantine at least once. No, I haven't you haven't cried yet during this quarantine No, uh, dude, I got you beaten that category. I cry everything though I haven't been tweeting that much yesterday I was tweeting about the albums because it was the thing was like four albums. No skips was trending So I did what the four albums did you do get rich? Yes Get rich coloring book has a skip or two on it
Starting point is 00:52:56 Not really. I like that album. Let me see. I like that album a lot too. I love that album Get rich or die trying hotel, california, which is that's my favorite album and then my dark twisted fantasy It's hard for me to come up with off the top of my head the albums I just know that when that coloring book I remember when it came out I would listen to the entire thing multiple times like I would put it on and not skip anything Hell, yeah, maybe maybe there are some songs on it that I Don't prefer as much as the rest of the album, but like I still wouldn't skip them. I would just listen to them Are you acid wrap or coloring book?
Starting point is 00:53:30 I'm coloring book I feel like that's where it comes down to I never got into acid wrap like I missed that whole thing like I it's a good fucking mix tape, but Like shit with him and like donnie trumpet like that old shit Yeah, if I had four Oh no, man See like for me, I would if if I could do this over and add mix tapes I would take the drought three
Starting point is 00:54:00 Jot three is my favorite mix tape. It's not even close. I love the drought three I think it's the best mix tape maybe of all time I really missed that era though like the mix tape era where you had like little wane was dropping them Like jadekiss was dropping them and it was 30 socks. Yeah And they were amazing It was great Oh drought three no ceiling. Oh my god little wane bro
Starting point is 00:54:27 He would drop he was he literally for anyone who didn't live Through that time or maybe you live through that time, but you weren't like into music like that yet, which is understandable Just to give you an idea a little wane No exaggeration not trying to be funny not trying to stretch the truth at all Was on every single song on the radio Every single one had a little wane feature. It was like he did a thousand songs that year. It was insane He's on everything I feel like he doesn't get the respect he deserves
Starting point is 00:54:59 At at certain times because there was the era of wane and it was ridiculous That I've never seen something like that like people are seeing the drake era and it's it's not even comparable And he signed and he signed a little wane Yeah, and dude it was like dude little wane's reign was the craziest shit. I've ever seen in my life It was on every song Whether whether how you feel about him or not like I loved a little wane. I love wazy I loved him. I have fucking ever since like fireman and shit even back in the day bling bling I remember was a good song. I didn't really like little wane wasn't really a thing back then but
Starting point is 00:55:34 like Go dj. Who's my shit? I used to listen to that on my mp3 on the way to middle school Cash cash Yeah, he was the man. Yeah, he still is but like his music is not that great anymore because he like skates and like smokes We need too much Yeah, also friday night lights the the mixtape friday night lights if that was an album It would be j Cole's best album not even close to my opinion. Yeah. Yeah Uh, I mean, I'm still a big j Cole fan, but like not as much as I used to be
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'm still a j Cole fan. I I a big j Cole fan. I think all his albums are good The all is that all of his albums are good. I just wish that he would let somebody else produce his album and he would just rap on it The only project the only project he's ever put out that I didn't Absolutely love was for your eyes only and it was like a fucking ap or whatever. Yeah, it was okay I didn't really I didn't really like it that much There's still good songs on it, but when middle child came out we listened to that fucking song like 700,000 times in a row Hell yeah, that sounds a fire a fire flame, bro
Starting point is 00:56:43 The the fucking The come up you sounded like that kid outside in the fucking god damn God damn hey, um the the the come up fire Warm up ridiculous. That was also a great mixtape then friday night lights Sighline story was like, okay Born Center was fire force. He'll drive fire kod is fire
Starting point is 00:57:14 These are all great albums like they're just they're just good. I enjoyed all them thoroughly. I will say I'll go on record born centers Born Center is fucking good I listen to that mad times, but Big j Cole guy, which one has mr. Nice watch on it born center. That's silent story. That's not a story I didn't let me see I bought that album I actually had the physical copy of that, um That story is crazy how he gave his demo to jz once
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah, that's awesome. Then he ended up signing him later on Can't get enough lights, please Lights, please turn up Uh, mr. Nice watch cold world Uh, god's gift maggots on workout. Nobody's perfect lost ones in that's a good. That's a good album. That's a maggot album Yeah, yeah, also rise and shine shady. I fucking love that song That's a good album. That is a good album That is I think it's only because like in the morning was like out
Starting point is 00:58:16 Already lights, please is from the warm-up. So that's not really like it carried over He monetized it probably. Yeah And he had those like I think lost ones was out too Yes before yes, but drake you can't say drake's reign is pretty fucking crazy. Oh, yeah, it's it's ridiculous I mean, it's been how many years now 11? Yeah, it's insane No signs of slowing down really either it's kind of weird, but you know what's crazy I There's not a drake album that I that I love as much as like
Starting point is 00:58:54 A j-call album Yeah, as far as it being just like for the most part good because I feel like drake's albums Like the singles are fire and then the the filler songs like you never hear them Yeah, I mean he's got some fire some fire albums, but he does take care is fucking awesome. I love take care take care of a great album and and um Never be the same Never be the same was good too. And like like I said, there's songs on scorpion was kind of wack Scorpion was super wack at my yeah, the whole r&b side is trash
Starting point is 00:59:29 Nah, there's some fucking flamers on there, dude, but I feel you though. I feel you though I'll tell you three flamers off that alone The song with after dark with ty dolla is fire um Tell me in my feelings. No, no I but it's a great pop record Ty what he's gonna song with michael jackson. Yeah, how many spins did that get don't matter to me wasn't great. Um The song with ty dolla peak is good and jaded is good. Those three songs are fire records
Starting point is 01:00:09 This album has 15 fucking song. It's just too long. Even he said it was too long Yeah side a is good. Yeah, but even then like can't take a joke Sandra's rose Even talk up Woodjay Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's like where is these songs mob ties is good Um mob ties meant non-stop is good survival is good. Uh god's plan. I'm upset um
Starting point is 01:00:41 Nice for what you know nice for what? Is in my opinion one of the greatest songs drake's ever done. Yeah That song is fucking amazing dude song is ridiculous murder beats kills that I love that fucking song. Um, but Yeah, music People do look kind of like they like when we talk music though from time to time Even crushing youth lagoon No
Starting point is 01:01:12 Lagoon it I also I always listen to that album for I tweeted and people didn't know what I meant That album truly has no skips. I never skip song that album, but uh, it's called the Uh year of hibernation by youth lagoon. It's a very weird Sounding thing that not everyone's going to be into and I understand that but white Very white. Um, but it's it's very I love it. It's very good Yeah, if you have to like Think about stuff for like a couple hours put that album on To me, it's like a
Starting point is 01:01:45 Version of it was it was lo-fi before I discovered lo-fi Uh It was just like this very relaxing calming music that I would listen to you kind of put me on the lo-fi really Yo, everyone who I like have put that on around it's like, oh dude like they love it. I listen to lo-fi every day Yeah, I start my mornings with that. Yeah Well, I usually like would throw it on the tv here and I would like make my coffee and like do whatever while it's playing Yeah, um the lumineers album cleopatra is the same deal. Come on, dude Pack self suitcase, dude. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:24 So good I just want to wear I just want to wear suspenders and live in the woods. Hell yeah, I'm blowing to a fucking jug Why did everything have xxx on it What remember in cartoons like jugs and bags I've heard somebody say this But why did they have xxx on all the jugs and bags because jugs are tits and tits are xxx Isn't xxx like poison or something I know it's fucking porno I know it's porno too. I think I think five x is is poison five
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, that's a surplus of x's Yeah, plethora of x that's a yeah, that's a plethora of x I really wonder Like obviously everyone's on the internet now because you have to be yep You know how like they're saying like you know the unemployment rate like skyrocketed like 200 percent or some shit I want to know what the fucking pornhub numbers are like Massive probably they have to be insane
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah, I haven't been watching a lot of porn. I haven't watched any turn of the teen Turn of the teen. I'm gonna watch a little bit. I've had no porn. I've no no teen porn. No teen porn um Oh my god, you just said well teen porn is legal She can be 18 19 so you're not in that deep of water. Don't worry. Okay, but you can't say you know You can't be like I've watched minor porn I watch I watch more porn, you know preteen
Starting point is 01:04:08 You know, then I do I've watched more preteen than post teen. I've I've watched more preteen than post teen porn In my day, you know what I mean. Oh speaking of that I've watched Oh, no, no, no, no Well, actually, yeah, I've watched so much fucking to catch a predator. It's unbelievable. Great show There's nothing better than going on youtube and finding a uh to catch a predator that you haven't seen yet It is the best
Starting point is 01:04:39 It's like finding new episodes of like your favorite show. Oh my god And then there's like uncut versions too. Where you hear like the cursing and stuff And I'm like, oh, this is what I need. This is what I need. I don't want to cut up What's your favorite to catch a predator ago? Um The one where the guy's naked It's classic when the guy's naked. He's like hollow And then he catches him like three days later at a mcdonald's. He's like, I'm just getting something to eat Yeah, I'm just getting something to eat
Starting point is 01:05:09 Like what are you doing here? It's like I'm just eating. I have two favorites one Is uh the guy who shows up and he's just eating pizza. Oh jeffrey socle I know I know this fucking name. He's a whole favorite. He's like, what are your dad or something He's like I fucking knew it He's eating. He's eating pizza Well christianson's about to send him to jail
Starting point is 01:05:34 And then he offers it to the crew. He's like, you guys want some pizza? Anybody want to eat? I mean, we got it here. Might as well eat it. He's like, you said you were gonna marry her dad He said you were gonna marry her. I mean, I mean immediately like down the line or something Fucking freaks My favorite my absolute favorite is this guy And uh christianson goes You know, she was 14 He goes, you know, she was talking to her and then she and then he goes you asked her
Starting point is 01:06:10 If she wanted to do anal and he goes, it's just a question And then christianson is so defeated he goes and then christianson is so defeated he goes But you're asking it to a 14 year old girl I'm just talking No, then it was he goes. What's the problem with that? What's the problem with that? It's a question These dudes are better off just being like dude got me send me to jail. I'm sick Yeah, I remember one
Starting point is 01:06:40 I love I love this one too and the guy's like I try to be on tv dog A little late for that dog That's what he says so little late for that dog I love when handsome drops fucking bars dude He always does because like there was one time a guy comes down He goes, oh, I brought chicken sandwiches and then he just appears from behind this like Chinese changing curtain thing and just goes And she goes chicken sandwiches. I love chicken sandwiches. Why don't you have to see it right?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Oh my god, there's another one too. He's like he calls our decoy boo He's like, hey boo. I want to hang out with you tonight. Maybe eat your ass. Hello. I I would love One shot to be able to do those voiceovers I would be so much better than these people that do them now. I'd be like, I don't know. I don't really like older guys T like that's already better Smiley wink smiley wink. It's like maybe we can hang out. I don't know fuck Like they're always so like whack with their shit But this one guy keeps calling this girl boo and he follows her into another room and chris Hanson just pops out with the fucking uh
Starting point is 01:07:43 With the binder or whatever and she goes, hey boo, why don't you have a seat right over there? Sons of immediately You know I also found something a loophole in it not a loophole in it But like he's always like is this your first time doing this and then they'll be like, yeah, that's my first time. He's like You know, I hear that a lot I hear him say I hear that a lot way too much as well And there's no way these guys have done. This is your first time doing that
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah, no, I feel like there's never a first time that you do that Like you ought there has to be but you automatically start with like 10 of them Dude, it's fucking that is the most wild shit. Also. There was that thing where it's like There was an episode where the guy's like, what are you doing here? You're from connecticut Yo guys like I was driving by it's like you've lived two hours away He's like this one predator drove three and a half hours Imagine you wanted to bang a 15 year old boy's butthole so bad that you drove three and a half hours to do it Dude, I don't want to bang a lot
Starting point is 01:08:50 There was there's maybe four people in the world that I would drive three and a half hours to bang their butt I love how you settled on the number four There's jaylo Okay, there's angeline and jolly during mr. And mrs. Smith. Okay, there's jennifer anison and there's and there's chris hamsworth Yeah, um, yeah Um, dude, I watched mr. And mrs. Smith the other day just like the ending Brad Pitt and angeline and jolly are so fucking irresponsibly hot. Yeah, it's bad. It's disgusting. It's bad. It's bad. It's bad It is just like yeah, of course
Starting point is 01:09:35 He left jennifer anison like did you not see they're shooting guns? Yeah against people and they're in fake couples therapy They're gonna have the sex. Yeah, they're gonna fuck each other's butts all over the house All right, my floor is rihanna um rihanna I mean I would say jaylo but like that's yours. You can have it. Yeah, I would literally kill you eva mendez
Starting point is 01:10:05 Love love eva mendez big evil guy um Billy crystal Yeah, and julia louis dryfus Elaine that's a good fucking pick. Thank you. I don't you know, I love her Like love her hell. Yeah, she's one of she's probably don't watch you don't watch veep though, right? No, you would love veep starting
Starting point is 01:10:30 I'm afraid to watch it because then I become obsessed to be honest I literally more than jennifer lopez like everyone knows how much I love jennifer lopez julia louis dryfus. I can literally like I don't think me and jayla would vibe No, no, no, no me and julia would fall in love though. I would have a great time with jail day I would I'm almost upset that she doesn't know I exist I just want I just want to hug her she was one of my she was one of my first crushes ever I'm I'm I love her dude
Starting point is 01:11:02 My parents my parents would watch seinfeld and I'd just be like I like her she makes my pee pee do stuff Not only that but she is still to this day gorgeous. Yeah for sure Dressed like a fucking asshole on seinfeld though. Yeah They all did though. It was the times Yeah, it was the times you could throw a lot of stuff to the times 100% Can we get into this fucking thing about animals how many times I gotta ask about it? Oh, yeah So, I mean, it's not it's not a big thing. I just wanted to let you I just wanted to let you know that uh
Starting point is 01:11:34 Have you ever seen a ducks dick? Oh, yeah, it's like a squiggly straw. It's a corkscrew I just found out the other day and also duck vaginas corkscrew They just oh, maybe that's where screwing comes from it's like Maybe that's where screwing comes from it's like a pipe cleaner in a way. Did you know that ducks are monogamous? Are they? Yes A mallard and a drake So if you see them together, that's a couple
Starting point is 01:12:10 I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, but yes you would Two things two two ducks two ducks because drakes have the green head No, no mallards have the green head And the brown butt and then the drakes are some other color. I don't know You remember when those ducks drakes are half white half black and jewish. Yes. I do remember when that duck bit me Do you remember when I fed that squirrel a nut? Yeah, I do that was pretty sweet and it took like an hour Yeah, but I got it the whole park was looking at us like what are these two freaks doing and then when it happened
Starting point is 01:12:46 Everyone was like kind of rejoiced a little bit in their own hearts like they didn't make any noise, but did you It's like a man fed animal Let's go and I was like I need to wash back then I didn't wash my hands. I fed a squirrel didn't wash my hands Yeah, I probably just went home and stuck your fingers in your mouth and your ass. Yep Went to bed. Yeah, that's a full day for me. Yeah. Yeah I don't ask too much of myself these days. You know what I mean? Yeah, I understand it gets overwhelming at certain points You know what I mean? All right. Listen, it's it's east to sunday. So we're gonna wrap this up And uh, you know go eat a bunch of jelly beans or something
Starting point is 01:13:22 Or some shit like that. Please tell your family. I said happy easter. Yes, you too. All right And where can they find you bud? Uh at daniela priori on instagram and twitter um and uh Yeah Happy easter everybody out there Hope you had a good one Guys you can follow the show at the basement yard on
Starting point is 01:13:44 instagram and uh Yeah, go check out the patreon. We have the daily show coming out still monday to friday slash the basement yard and that is all See you guys next time. Jesus Jesus Oh

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