The Basement Yard - #245 - Going To The Club At 16 Years Old

Episode Date: June 8, 2020

On this episode, we discuss how fire it was to go clubbing on "Teen Night" & MUCH more! Enjoy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Welcome back to the basement yard Danny. How you doing? You look like a little cabana boy. Hey Ideals meal claro Casey and Jojo dude. You look like you've been doing mega mounts of coke on You know been there done that been there done that it looks like you're just fucking crushing it though Honestly, it looks like you haven't been to 7-eleven in a while I've been hiding out from 7-eleven I've really I've started the boycott the boycott is out the boycott is real never going back That's really cute. I like that. You look fucking cute. Do I?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah, I feel like yeah, I feel like you could be a sunglasses guy, but you're just not into it I mean, I'll be into it. You want me to be a sunglasses guy? Just wear them 24-7 ever see that But I got I got beautiful. I got beautiful things Hey, Hazel eyes. No, I don't know if they're hazel. What color is hazel? I don't even fucking know I think I think it's like greenish gray Yeah, I don't know, you know, I just put it. I put green on my my license and I don't think that's right Like I think they're just Brown, you know, it's weird. You know, it's weird. Have they make you put your height on your license
Starting point is 00:01:13 But you're sitting down when you get pulled over That's interesting, right, maybe maybe it's for bars. What do they need the height for though? But also everyone's like around like everyone varies from like five seven to six foot for the most part, right? I would say so. So like what are we really doing here? Like obviously I'm not gonna try and use some yalmings fucking License to get into a club underaged You know, I don't miss those days at all. Do you remember the fucking stress? And the fuck and the absolute throbbing of your heart that would happen as you were like, wait Do they go hard? Do they go hard on do they check?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Yeah, you just have to know like the like the you know, like what's the ID stitch? Which may not they're cool. No, they're Madeline. I'm like, all right, cool. Let's go. They're Madeline Dude, I was going to clubs when I was like a senior in high school And it was so obvious that everyone in there was underaged and it's like how do these people have a liquor license? It's just out of control. Yeah, he's gonna like posh a teen night and shit Bro pot yo teen nights back in the day. I used to blind on so much ass dude teen nights Teen nights were where it was at because it was the oldest you could get and the grossest you could get in a controlled environment
Starting point is 00:02:35 And there was no alcoholic drinks. It's like you go to a teen night Everyone's dressed up, right? And we had like baggy ass jeans and shit And then we get in there and then fucking gasoline it will come on It's like to bring about my coming on my door and you're like Won't they will come on he was like, I'm trying to throw a fucking table right now The pay on ron pay was so powerful. Oh, so pay it was crazy I'm like, God damn I have no idea what daddy Yankee saying daddy Yankee. I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:03:19 Daddy okay, I have no idea you're saying you be yourself. Yeah, yo, that shit was fucking dope though I used to go to teen night. It was cool. Have you ever did you ever go to Palladium? What the fuck is that? What is that a spaceship? I think I think you're a little bit young Oh, I want to talk about that spaceship by the way You're a little young maybe for Palladium, but Palladium used to be like this teen night place and it used to in New York and it used to always be we're like Everybody as soon as here's the thing about teen nights as soon as you enter through the door. You thought you were 27 years old Yeah, and also there was about like eight groups of guys looking at you like they wanted to fight you for some reason
Starting point is 00:03:59 I don't want to fight. That's the next thing I was gonna say Everybody wanted to try and kill someone on yeah I don't know what the fuck that was about, but everybody wanted to kill somebody a Lot of me looking for love. Oh, she's looking for love. I know that you're looking for me because I'm looking for you Looking for love. Yeah That's a Danny Lopiori exclusive. Okay. Yeah, man, I wrote that song on a bridge You remember that will Farrell gap commercial he's like I wrote this song on the back of a Dixie cup Oh
Starting point is 00:04:38 Man damn you I miss tea night. There was a club over here called Remi And that's and like that's where we used to go, you know, and I remember one time You know, we went to a teen night and we went to Remi And we had it was some girls like birthday or whatever And then we left and we were sleeping at my friend's house and his older brothers came home And they were all Moroccan so they had like and they were like, you know They had like broken English and shit And I remember this one dude came back and I was like, you know, just a little this little white kid and he goes
Starting point is 00:05:06 Oh, this kid he looked like a sperm and I was like Violated me. Damn. He said you look like a sperm. Yeah, which I don't look like a sperm How would he know he's Moroccan? He doesn't know what sperm looks like. I mean, what does that mean? Aren't they not allowed to have sex until they get married? Dude, he's he's spermed He's obviously spermed. No, I don't think I don't think you're allowed to sperm No, I think you can sperm. I don't know where you're getting this You can you sperm by accident back then, don't you when you're like when you're like 11
Starting point is 00:05:40 Don't you just like you're sperming at night or something? I don't have I didn't ever had wet dreams Let me tell you I never woke up like yo, I'm soaked in my own stuff of my own gravy. I was sperming. I was sperming Yeah, and it wasn't Accident This is purposeful sperm. I was sperm and it was no accident Yeah, so I'm trying to see what else is on that outfit of yours over there. I'm trying to like get a little gander I'm trying to actually make I'm making my FaceTime a Screen bigger so I could see more of you. You know, I just got a hat. I got some glasses. I got a long sleeve on
Starting point is 00:06:14 You know what I'm saying? I got you know, you look awesome. You look awesome How do you feel about this Elon Musk fucking spaceship shit Yeah, I don't know what is going on He was supposed to go to space and then it rained. Yeah, then it rained. I didn't know rain would affect I didn't know rain would affect space. Yeah a rain affects a fucking rocket What is the rocket not gonna catch fire? It's a rocket You know what I looked up the other day
Starting point is 00:06:46 This is very morbid. I'm sorry Remember when the Challenger that spaceship blew up. Oh, yeah, I've went down that rabbit hole Oh, yeah, apparently they didn't die on the explosion Yeah, they they plummeted they plummeted to their devs Yeah, it was yeah, it was fucked dude. I That came on TV not too long ago. There was like a quick mention of it and I asked my mom like do you remember this? She's like, yeah, I Don't because I wasn't alive, but um, I remember like learning about it in school and for some reason
Starting point is 00:07:17 I remember I think there was like a woman like teacher. It was like the first woman ever in space Yeah, I don't know if that they were gonna send up and she died This I watched that and I remember me you and Pete had an argument about how we should go back to the moon would be dope Now it's like now. I'm fully on board with Pete Not going to the moon. Yeah, because it's too dangerous. I Mean, yeah, it is Gonna go there though. Yeah, I mean Elon's gonna go there didn't he name his kid like AX
Starting point is 00:07:52 Like infinity symbol. Yeah, he's named his he named his kid like some algebra problem or some shit Like it was like a equals B squared C. It was like the Pythagorean theorem or something He named his kid after the Pythagorean He named it something dude something that I don't know what do you proof What are your thoughts on like names like that like a part of me feels like all right That's kind of cool. Like you break the mold name your kid after a fucking robot. That's dope, but like It's a little OD at the same time. No, it's OD bro. You can't you can't like, you know be yelling You know equations to come downstairs and for dinner like that's ridiculous. I give him a name. Yeah, just a parentheses
Starting point is 00:08:38 Get downstairs Yeah, a squared plus B squared equal C squared get down here right now all three of you Yeah, I don't want to like, you know, you will not you will not believe You will not believe what quadratic equations had to me today Yeah, wait till your father hears about this quadratic equation. Is that the right thing? Quadratic equation. Yeah brought him out of the game. So I mean you had Syllables, I would have believed you if you said anything dog. Yeah, I mean listen if Elon Musk wants to go privately to the moon Let him go privately to the moon go crazy. Go crazy. Don't make me go though. Don't make me go
Starting point is 00:09:21 Don't make there if there's a like listen I know back in the day there was a war and then there was a draft, right? Yeah, there's a if there's an outer space war with aliens do not draft me because I'm not going into space ship that way aliens Yeah, because as Americans we never fight here except for the Civil War when we fought each other Yeah, we don't fight here. So we would definitely have to go to space There is no way you're getting my brown cheeks on a fucking spacecraft. You couldn't fucking pay me I don't like going that fast. You know what I'm saying and like even in a plane
Starting point is 00:09:58 I don't like looking at the clouds because if they start moving quickly I realize how fast I'm going and then the boy gets shook up. Oh, yeah Would you rather be in a disaster on a spaceship or a submarine? Okay, what the fuck first of all space ship spaceship elaborate Well, actually Yeah, think about not not spaceship because then at least it would be pretty you dying a submarine. It's just black I mean, it's not like you could it's not you unless you're in the Bahamas and you're in that blue fucking water
Starting point is 00:10:29 That you could actually see sure all sharks while I'm suffocating. So you get the like just float away Yeah, no, I I don't know. I don't know if there was an Armageddon Like space team assembling and for some reason you had some weird trait that they wanted you to go I just had like this skill. Yeah, you just had this weird skill Like they went around like the mighty ducks just like picking up picking up kids and alleys that like had bad parents and like made Oh Shit just grow out like rounding up these fucking like like, you know
Starting point is 00:11:05 Knock around fucking Astronauts and you were one they picked you. Yeah, it meant that the entire human race lives. Are you gonna go to space? No, but I would put up a like a really good master class So people could pay $10 to like learn what I learned, you know what I'm saying? So I'll teach someone how to do it, but I'm not going to space. Would you go in one of those zero gravity airplanes? Oh My god, dude. No, I'd I'd rather have a pretty decent burn on my leg than do that I'd rather like sign up to like step very quickly into lava You would never go one of those zero gravity planes, dude people like vomit on those like all the time
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's it's like insane. That's a small price to pay to float be floatless. What what what? That's not it. That's not it, dude to be wait anything you get a lot of float. You're not floatless. We're floatless right now We need some float Imagine Yeah, gravity's so weird because this is why we should never this is why we should have never went to space We should have never figured out that gravity cannot exist because now I'm afraid that one day The gravity is just gonna stop on earth. Just reverse just reverse and we'll just be floating Can you imagine that you wake up and you're like an inch from the ceiling and then you have to swim back down to your bed and you're scared
Starting point is 00:12:35 What if I take a poop? You take a poop Poop, you know is affected by gravity poops. Just now. There's just poop in you know Everywhere now you have to grab it. It'd be like this like this thing just floating in the air Yeah, and you have to and you have to fucking you know grab it and stuff it in a What I don't know. Yes, or would you just shit up shit shit upwards? Yeah, I'm pointing my asshole up to the sky and shit upwards It would affect weather and shit if you don't Be man-palooche, dude
Starting point is 00:13:08 And you would know when anybody took a shit like it would come out your chimney I'd be like yo somebody at Joe's house just took a shit. Damn dude someone just took a major shit over there Couple houses down I Would pay money to shit in space wait is there smells in space like can you smell stuff? No? No smells I think there are no stink Didn't we bring a moon rock back I Didn't bring shit back dude I don't know what you're talking about and also with the thing would smell here because we have you know gravity
Starting point is 00:13:42 I think gravity and smell kind of go together But I don't think things smell in space like you can't smell an asteroid or like you know Like you could smell when it's about to rain like if you're in space you're like damn you I smell something coming. Yo, how good is the smell of like rain on like a like on concrete? I love that smell man. It's like damn It makes me want to like like walk around and just cry or something. Yeah, like it feels like everything's okay Like everything's gonna be alright What the fuck is rain
Starting point is 00:14:17 Water bro we got it We have stuff that falls from the sky and we just accept it. We just drink that bitch. We're just like now. It's just cool Yeah, man, I don't like to think about stuff like this cuz like once I start thinking about like, yo, what is rain? Why do we just accept the rain? But we just do like what would be what else would we be willing to accept is what I'm saying I don't I definitely not if people started shitting in the air. I would accept air shit No, I would I can't I can you'd be walking around like dodging them like they're fucking mosquitoes to be little pellets of poop everywhere I'd be like it's like probably like when you shit in a pool. That's what it is
Starting point is 00:14:58 I've never shit in a pool nor experienced shit in a pool. I can only imagine though It's like, you know, I've poured like a little bit of milk into a glass of water and it just spreads. That's exactly what it does That's exactly what it does. That's exactly what it does. But yeah, my whole thing is I'd rather I think I'd rather be in a submarine Oh, but I don't know how deep a submarine goes cuz like deep Yeah, but you have at least a better chance to get to the top than you do to get back from outer fucking space Yeah, cuz you know To the surface can't swim your way back into the atmosphere even if you did swim your way back to the atmosphere You're flying towards the ground. Hell. Yeah. Wait, can you just swim back into the atmosphere?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Dude, can you swim in space? Yeah, I guess hold on hold on To move in space it probably doesn't take that much force because there's no gravity, right? So if someone just gave me a quick push then I would float who knows how far so if I was outside of the Atmosphere and someone just pushed me and I started going towards the atmosphere I don't know if this is the right terminology and then I broke the atmosphere, right? Would I just start making a beeline for the fucking ground? Yeah, you would burn up Yeah, I would burn up before I even landed my teeth would just land in some fucking random ranch in Idaho or some shit I'll tell you this though. What a fucking way to go out. What a way, dude
Starting point is 00:16:27 How did Joe how did Joe die all right entering the earth's atmosphere, dude He said he was a meteorite. That's how Okay, like the dude was a meteorite He was out of the atmosphere and swam his way back into his death so and then that's the other reason why I would die in a submarine there other reason I would die in a submarine is because It would be quicker. What if you just got in space and now you're just floating in space, dude So you starved to death, dude I'm sure I'd be sucked into a like a black hole and then I'd end up in some weird upside-down thing where people have asses where their
Starting point is 00:17:02 Mouths are and shit like some weird upside-down Have you kind of fire though and I'd be like a thousand years old like immediately like I have my whole life I'd just be a thousand and I'd be Asian I Just parted I Gotta make sure to boost the audio there No, yeah You 100% for sure be Asian
Starting point is 00:17:33 Feel like Asian people could live to be a thousand, you know, especially in space Yeah, yeah, yeah, because isn't the fourth isn't the fourth dimension time What does it have to do with Asian people also, I don't even know if that's correct I don't know what the first dimension is The what are the wait, what are their dimensions I dude, I know 3d. That's it 2d is like flat 3d is like it pops out a little bit 1d is a is an English pop band and 4d is you know, that's up in the air. I don't know alright the three dimensions of the universe
Starting point is 00:18:13 What the Classic physics theories describe three physical dimensions from a particular point in space of directions In which we can move our up down left right and forward and back but Yeah, I don't know what any of that means if you search 1d you'll get a whole lot of one direction songs and Oh, it's fire. It's length width and height What's that Those are the dimensions the three dimensions
Starting point is 00:18:50 No, yeah Those are dimensions of like Physical things like this table the length the width and the height not like no, but I think in 3d Yeah, but I think that's being able to see it like can't some people only see 2d like there's like a condition. Oh wait No, yeah, like oh, yes Wait, wait, what'd you say some people can only see in 2d. Yeah, I think some people can only see in 2d There's a there's a like to have Minecraft brains I don't think that's true. Do you think that they see the world as just a flat surface, bro?
Starting point is 00:19:24 There's a piece of paper dude I'm telling you there's people that have a 2d like Disability so what if you just stand in front of them? They're like your piece of paper like stand sideways in front of them They wouldn't be able to see your length your width or your height. Yeah, okay. It's called stereo blindness is what it's called It's the inability to see 3d using Stereo pisses stereo pisses or a stereo vision resulting in ill and in a bit fuck Resulting in an inability to perceive
Starting point is 00:20:02 stereoscopic depth by combining and comparing images from the two eyes individuals will only Want with only one functioning. I have this condition. So yes, you could see shit in 2d. You could be a 2d scene motherfucker Yes, dude, I'm telling you whatever dude At the end of the day this all comes down to the fact that I'm not going to fucking space I don't care how many d's are up there, bro. I would get so gay in space Why because no one could eat no one's gonna know I don't think anyone would know if you got gay down here. Let me
Starting point is 00:20:41 They could smell you definitely can't smell gayness up there There's no sense in space. Imagine if you could tell somebody is gay just by smelling him The same same same say we went to a tea night and we were just like yeah, somebody gays in here Oh What's that smell smells gay Even though like you know that if something could smell gay it would smell mad good probably You know gay people smell fantastic Yeah, why do babies smell like that? Why do babies and puppies smell the same?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Why do babies smell like a like a like a thermos or some shit I could yeah They they smell like like like a old soup can that has been hollowed out Yeah, I could smell that baby's head all day smelling a baby's head is awesome I love it as much like how I love candy corn where it's like I don't I don't really love it But I can't stop smelling this fucking baby's head. Yeah, baby's smells like it smells like a thermos Or like one of those old long lunch boxes with nothing in it There's nothing more disgusting Than the smell of like a protein shaker
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah, after you've left like some protein in there for too long. Yeah, it is the worst smell ever Babies don't smell like that. No, babies smell way better. They smell like a like a low form of milk babies kind of smell like an empty room But like for young people No, but like you know when you go to like to see an apartment, right? I'm like, oh, this is the master bedroom and you walk in and you smell that babies kind of smell like that Yeah, yeah, they smell like a master bedroom in an empty apartment, dude
Starting point is 00:22:42 I do brother Another great smell though is a puppy's breath Yeah, even if it stinks you're like God, I love this just keep breathing in my mouth Yeah, I don't like when anyone breathes in my mouth, but I'll let a dog breathe in my I wouldn't even let a baby breathe in my mouth Because I'm afraid of you know, they just vomit randomly dogs though. You could breathe in my mouth all you want You know think about how dumb babies are we've talked about this But I would love to be a baby for one day like if they could if they could conduct an experiment You were a baby for mad days
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, yeah with your consciousness if you could like if someone came to you they're like hey listen for like ten thousand dollars You could go back and experience your birth. Would you do it? And I'd be aware you'd be aware I don't know. I heard like doing DMT is like that Some people have experiences where they like They feel like they were born like they relived their birth listen, I've had my fun with extracurricular activities I Feel like when people use drugs though like
Starting point is 00:23:59 The way they explain it is way like crazier than it actually is Yeah, also, there's nothing appealing like if someone was like You know like I don't know just to me cuz I'm a control freak or whatever Someone's like yo you got to do DMT because you're gonna see your inner demons And then you're gonna fuck the Lord and you're like I don't want to do any of that shit dude And yo, I was walking down the street and the fucking earth just turned into lava But my feet were fine and then elephants were swimming in it and I'm like bro. I don't want to live in this world Like listen, I did shrooms once
Starting point is 00:24:34 No, here's the only thing about hardcore drugs you get so high that you have a point where you just go Yeah, I don't want to be high anymore. I'm good Like all music was just like And I'm like shit was melting and I was like, yeah, I'm good like I don't need to do any of this shit ever again in my life Yeah, I don't even I don't I don't have an interest. I'm too afraid of shit like I think at some point you might get so rich that you'll get bored and start doing drugs Is that what rich people do yeah, dude speaking of rich people dude I watched the Epstein documentary the whole thing yesterday
Starting point is 00:25:15 Oh, I gotta watch it has dude not to be funny But this is a very serious statement not trying to like incite laughter that dude fucked so many children I'm serious It's insane that it's like We knew we knew it was bad, right? The student had an island shit when you watch that doc you go this guy fucked way more people like children than I thought Which I thought was impossible
Starting point is 00:25:45 Because one is enough and like 20 is also enough, but when you figure out he's been doing this 20 years You're like how many children like it's just fucking it's sick It's disgusting and it's all rooted in money and power. I'm just being like yeah I'll cover it up because you'll give me this amount of money or you'll like whatever and there was just kids It's just you know I'm just getting fucking and the dude was getting massages from children every night in in fucking Florida. It was just it was just gross Florida
Starting point is 00:26:18 Florida Palm West Palm Beach. Yeah, real nice big house get the hide all the children in it Dude, he had the same routine No, I mean The way I'm just saying it's funny But like he would just have children come over Right in Asia and he would make them recruit their friends and pay them all like $300 and just come over and they'd be given a massage and then he'd turn over with his dick out and then stuff would happen It's crazy to me that parents
Starting point is 00:26:52 Like even back to Michael Jackson parents have a price for their children's assholes Which is crazy to me? I Mean they didn't I mean here's the thing I think that people were just blinded by Michael Jackson and they're like, oh my god Michael Jackson But even if I was a parent No, but seriously, but I think that even like as I'm not a parent But I'm just thinking like logically like I'm trying to think of someone like the LeBron James
Starting point is 00:27:21 Really wanted to hang out with my son and he would come over my house and play with my son in his room I'd be like dude LeBron James is a fucking weirdo Like great basketball player. I'll wear your jersey, but you're not staying the night dog Get the fuck out. I asked my mom. I said because my mom did a music video with Michael Jackson once Um What? Well, yeah, yeah, she worked on them on a music video with Michael Jackson and Spike Lee it was that song They don't really care about us. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so they did two videos They did one in a jail and then he did one in like Brazil
Starting point is 00:27:56 She did the one in the jail with Spike Lee So I was like mom like when you were around Mike like was he weird? She was just like he was like very quiet and like he had an umbrella all the time and shit And then I asked her And then I asked her I asked her I said listen mom Have you watched the the Michael documentary and she was like no, I haven't watched it I said mom if I was eight years old and Michael Jackson asked you to let me sleep at his house Would you and she said yeah, I would probably let it happen
Starting point is 00:28:28 This is how blinded people are by celebrity I was like mom. What are you talking about? You would never let me sleep at a man's house at eight years old What's wrong with you? And then she was like not she was like no now that I think about it like no I probably wouldn't let it happen, but like I wouldn't think anything bad would happen. I go there it is That's the same thing. It's the same thing. I'm just thinking of like yo, what does a grown man one with my fucking child who's 11? That's just that's the only thing that bothers me about stuff is like settlements It's like, you know, like this person did this or whatever like expose them fuck ten million dollars Yeah, but I'm just saying like yo my kid like a grown man wants to come over and play trains with my kid like the fuck dude
Starting point is 00:29:17 I'm like what happened Jackson. I'm like trains with some fucking else. Yo You could go play with actual trains if you're Michael Jackson. Why would you play with toy trains like it? I'm multiple cage Was that what was the Epstein documentary like good or was it just like ridiculous? Define good like it's like oh, that was a really good documentary like informative. I Mean it wasn't formative because I learned like like they go all the way back To you don't even realize how long ago this started and how he just manipulated his way into his wealth and into like just this thing And also they had co-conspirators that were helping him recruit these girls and they all got off too like what is going on
Starting point is 00:30:03 And I saw um It always brings me back. Remember like Jared Fogle. Did you ever hear his phone call? His phone call. Oh, yeah with some woman Yeah, he's a freak Sex trafficking is one of the scariest things in the world Yeah, I don't yeah, like it always makes me think of like taken like I would love to just like Liam Neeson like a sex trafficked house Just kick the door
Starting point is 00:30:33 Start popping off. It's just it's it's wild but anyway All right, sir, so let's get to these ads though, okay First Liquid IV use this the other day. I was a little hungover but liquid IV helps with Hydration, okay, each serving provides as much hydration as two to three bottles of water plus vitamin C B3 B5 B6 and B12 you got all those bees, okay in this one thing It's a little packet you open it you put it in I believe 16 ounces of water you mix it up and they taste amazing They have three flavors passion fruit lemon lime and some other shit that I can't remember at the moment
Starting point is 00:31:16 But they're all good. I've tried all of them I have them all over there in the corner next to my coffee machine because it's either coffee or liquid IV in the morning To be honest with you this morning. It was liquid IV lemon lime. How you doing? But but Dehydration occurs in three out of four people because you people aren't draining enough water So if you want to feel more hydrated more energy, you know, this is an easy way to stay hydrated Go to liquid IV comm use the code basement at checkout You get 25% off anything you order when you use the promo code basement, okay liquid IV comm
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Starting point is 00:33:32 Wow, that's great. That's good. What'd you want? Didn't you want to talk about something that? Yeah, I did I wanted to do a test. I wanted to do a test here. Oh, I thought you wanted I thought you wanted to talk about My my OPL appearance that's gonna be coming out. Oh, we're gonna get to that. Oh wait, let's just talk about that briefly Yeah, yeah, yeah, so on other people's lives another show that me and Greg do We interview people about something, you know Wild or unique or whatever some fetish or whatever they're anonymous So they are very open about it and we learn a lot on that show and I love it I'm a big fan of it because it's just me interviewing me and him interviewing, you know this guest
Starting point is 00:34:13 But we're getting all the information in real time So it's like super interesting and we had an erotic hypnotist come on and talk to us and then at the end of that episode She gave Danny an erotic hypnosis Yeah Yeah, so let me just paint the picture for you, right me and Greg you guys can go watch it by the way right now Like if you leave this video go to slash other people's lives There's a video there about erotic hypnosis and then in the second half of that video Danny is being hypnotized
Starting point is 00:34:49 erotically And I and then as soon as it was over Danny texted me and he goes I'm hard I'm actually hard right now, and I was like all right cool But so the lady was just telling us about you know like hypnosis obviously you put people under and like get them relaxed and like They go to this different space or whatever so she does that to Danny and then out of not out of nowhere But she slowly started working in like sexual things and like it started to get like Hot oh, yeah fucking dude as hot as shit and Danny is no stranger to meditation So it's kind of similar in that sense, and when I tell you that his breathing
Starting point is 00:35:30 Was the funniest thing in the world? I Was trying to hold it together because every so often she'd be like and then you're Down on the grass and then Danny would just go Oh Dude it was so funny I'm so excited for you to watch it because it wasn't actually it wasn't like funny It's funny because it's Danny, but it actually worked and Danny took it seriously and That's why I asked you afterwards. I'm like how was that you know, it's crazy
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah, no, it was it was it was wild because like I get to spaces like I meditate enough that I do get in the spaces Where I can clear everything out and like you know like when you're doing like a sexual hypnosis Like you think like you know you have a couple giggles in the beginning But then like you get to this point where you're just like holy shit. Yeah, I'm in it. I could see this I could like I felt it. I felt like the sex. Yeah, yeah, I could feel the actual sex So you felt you felt like you were 100% like I felt like I was like I was fucking Yeah, yeah, it was what now anything No, but but the thing was is like I could must have been in space
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah, no, but it was it was very sunny like in my like this is a lot of visualization And I could feel like the sun on my eyes and shit like on my cheeks like I could feel everything and Wait till you guys hear like the the setting and like how it went down. Oh my god, but It just felt so real Dude, and it was like she spent a good amount of time like setting up the the setting and and I Remember just feeling like like my eyes weren't even closed and I was like whoa like she is crushing this right now Cuz it made me feel like I was kind of there and then there was you know
Starting point is 00:37:20 There was other stuff that happened that you guys are just gonna have to go listen to it But it was basically the sex version of get out Yeah, that's what it was I was in that I was in that sunken place and it felt good. Yeah Sank right down into your chair cuz because I would I would be honest I would be honest and be like nah, it's all right Like I would be honest. I wouldn't want to just be like this, but the fuck and that shit actually worked Yeah, that was it was it was cool. Yeah, you guys you guys go check it out Just type in other people's lives into YouTube and you'll see the channel go subscribe to I love the fucking show
Starting point is 00:37:59 So and we have this is my favorite season so far. We're not done recording We have like five episodes done and we usually do seasons of ten episodes the five that we have though are fucking Amazing, you know and like so you go watch this this one right now Unless you're a patron then you're you're getting it early, but like When this comes out on YouTube for everyone you can go watch it YouTube comm slash other people's lives And the first episode was about how this girl thought that her dad killed her sister and like this whole thing It was like a true crime podcast. It was crazy So it's a cool show go check it out
Starting point is 00:38:30 but I wanted to talk to you Danny about today because I had this quiz that I found on the internet and Right off the bat. I'm just gonna ask you a question, right? What percent? Like How gross do you think you are? percentage-wise Now when you say gross What is that in tail? I
Starting point is 00:38:55 Guess like your hygiene and like these little things like I don't know Like your hygiene and just like gross habits, I guess I'm gonna say 26% Okay, I'm gonna say 20. I think I'm more gross. I think I'm more gross. I think that I Think I'm like 41 Okay Yeah, I'm anywhere from like 26 to 31% gross
Starting point is 00:39:29 Okay, I think I'm 41% gross, but I could be higher. I have no idea, but I have the test. I haven't taken it I just looked at the first three questions and I was like we have to do this. Oh, it's a test. Nice. It's a test Yeah, so it's so here we go First question how often there's multiple choice by the way How often do you change your underwear every day every couple of days or whenever it starts to smell bad? I This is a very long pause you know where the same underwear two days in a row No, no, no, no, cuz I'm trying to think like I never go to bed with the same underwear on I'll change
Starting point is 00:40:07 I'll get into fresh underwear to get into bed So let's just go with every day, but I oh it's it's fringe, but let's just go every day change every day I'm gonna say every day too, but there have been times Where I'm like where I'll put on a pair of underwear that I've worn before But it doesn't happen often. No, I've done that. I won't do that. Yeah, I've done that So all right, we're go every day Do you ever pick your nose? No, that's disgusting only in an emergency like I can feel a boogie and got to get it out Or yes, quite often. I secretly enjoy it every day
Starting point is 00:40:42 Quite often, and I enjoy the fucking shit out of it Pickers bitch if you don't fucking if you don't pick your nose You don't care about your nose I would almost argue that it isn't gross picking your nose is better than blowing your nose Blowing your nose is a is a mockery of the nose cleaning game, and it's a public disturbance Yeah, these people white people blowing their nose is some of the loudest shit in the world Would you blow your nose into a handkerchief at a restaurant? Into a handkerchief. No, yes, I I've seen people do that
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's one of the most disgusting fucking things I've ever seen you can't blow your nose into a restaurants thing They do it people do it you got to blow your nose if you have to blow your nose use a napkin You don't blow into a handkerchief. I agree with you whole heart. I think whole heartedly, but yes Okay, the fuck out of my nose. Yeah, I picked my nose to fucking suck me. I don't care Do you do you fart in public? Oh my god, never how gross sometimes they or that's the first one Sometimes they just slip out, but never if I can help it or lol. Yep better out than in I do fart in public, but like I'm not gonna rip ass Yeah, I mean I fart in public, but I'm not gonna be like guys guys guys wait listen to this one
Starting point is 00:41:58 You're in church like father one second Oh Gina fog I will do the spread my cheek silent. Yeah, it's all How you do that is you sit to one side and then you just and then you press your one cheek against the chair And then you open up so that when it comes out, it's just Nothing better. Nothing better. Nothing better, dude dog. I dog fart in public. Yeah dog farts Okay
Starting point is 00:42:42 Do you spit in public? No way that is repulsive if I absolutely have to I might or yes How else can you get rid of flim? Only if I have to yeah, that's my same answer to I don't like spitting Who just spits in public for sport like what are you fucking Rose Dawson on the Titanic just Spitting on the lower class on the floor below It's one of those things that if I do it It's not repulsive if I saw somebody else. I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. Yeah That's how it is for me
Starting point is 00:43:14 But it's only like if I burp and like something comes up in my throat like I'm not gonna re swallow this I'm spitting it out. Oh, I and I won't do it in front of people like I'll try to like wait until no one's around to spit Yeah, but You know, I I do it if I really really have to but it's not something I just like You know every time I get out of my car. I'm like, yeah fucking Yeah, or people who like dip in public and just spit on the street. What's the matter with you? Freaks, okay, would you eat food that fell on the floor?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Hell no if it was something dry that couldn't have picked up too much dirt. I might or three-second rule The dry thing like if I drop pizza on the floor the dirt and get stuck to it I'm not eating that right, but if you dropped a piece of toast or like a bagel. I'm gonna eat. Yeah, I'm gonna eat that shit Yeah, I don't if I drop stuff. I don't eat it. No if I drop it. I'll eat it. It really depends. I guess Where am I dropping it if I drop it like outside I'm not eating it no matter what if I'm in a public place or if I'm outside if I'm in my apartment and I drop something If I'm not in the bathroom, then I'd probably pick it up and eat it if it was dry
Starting point is 00:44:26 Anything that hits the floor where I'm like is my habitable living space. I'm eating it Okay, so what should we put uh if if it's not like, you know, if it can't get sucked up All right, okay How often do you change your socks? Every day every couple of days or whenever they start to stink to high heaven and sometimes not even then every day Yeah, I change mine every day too as long as I have socks that I fucking are clean Yeah, like I won't put on Worn socks. I'll go sockless. I'll wear like sandals like I'm not gonna do that
Starting point is 00:45:01 Right Would you use your significant others toothbrush? No, that's vile in an absolute emergency if I had no choice or sure It's not a big deal if I had no choice Okay, my answer to that one is fucking I would rather my teeth fall out That is I don't know why but that More than anything is just I guess because when I was growing up my dad used to just use my toothbrush And when you when this man would brush his teeth Hit the bristles would be flattened like a crop circle. Yeah, that guy was the fucking dude
Starting point is 00:45:34 I don't know what he was brushing but it looked like he was jamming in his fucking ass Because the bristles were just flat And I'm like dude toothbrushes can't look like this like this is insane I just feel like females have cleaner mouths like I'd rather use like my significant others toothbrush before Like if anybody else is like I'm not going to just use a random friends But like my significant other like we kiss and shit like I'll use that toothbrush faster I can't I don't know. I just feel like all the stuff you ate and like there's bacteria that I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, I just I can't get by Um, would you use a stranger's toothbrush? Fucking hell. No, I've never done it, but maybe I wouldn't Okay, fucking Yeah, if you use a stranger's toothbrush, you are a sick sick person. Yeah, you're a disgusting piece of shit Yeah, uh, do you ever touch your bum? Clearly a fucking Brett wrote this one. Uh, do you ever touch your bum and not wash your hands afterwards? Yes. No, no Or maybe but only the cheek never the crack or yeah, I've been known to do this if I'm honest. Yes Every time every time I scratch my asshole. I have to smell my fingers
Starting point is 00:46:43 Damn, I wish I Wasn't gonna be on this boat with you, but I am I have to it's I'm checking in on my asshole Wait, so I want you to be honest here for a second. Yeah when you scratch your hole, right the good old bh And then you smell your hand to see if like Do I smell poopy? What are you hoping for that? I don't smell like there's a whole bunch of shit on my asshole. I'll go up That's a smell test
Starting point is 00:47:12 Sometimes though sometimes I'm not even gonna lie though when it smells when my finger smells like poop I kind of get excited Yeah, I don't mind it I don't mind it one bit But like a part of me is like I usually do it like if I'm out for a long time And I was like I have to check in on this asshole. Yeah. Yeah The worst is when you're sweating and you feel that bead of sweat Go right into your bubble. It just funnels into that crack right down that little
Starting point is 00:47:39 And you know, it's crazy the smallest bead of sweat once it enters the crack of your ass It feels like a fucking river flew through this asshole because it's just soaking wet now Yeah, it just becomes a tsunami off one drop Yeah, it's crazy. It takes one pebble to make a wave also Yeah, also not for nothing, but When you scratch your asshole You know what it's going to smell like before it gets to your nose
Starting point is 00:48:10 You could scratch your ass and be like this is not going to be good I'd be more worried about people if they didn't smell their asshole after they scratched it Yeah, because you know, at least then we know we have to wash our hands and we have to scrub this ace But if you don't smell your hand then you could be walking around with a shitty hand and a shitty ass Don't want both, baby. Don't want both only want one of those. Yeah, I'll take one. I'll take one Next, uh, do you examine the snot you blow out into a tissue? How horrible no sometimes but only if I know If I need a fresh tissue or oh my god. Yes. I love seeing how goopy and gross my snot is
Starting point is 00:48:46 Uh, it's yes um because I'll Sometimes I like to see like if there's any blood in my boogers I just like to see it I'm just curious for some reason I can gauge all of my health through my poop and my boogers You know what it is. I just like I just like blown my nose and being like damn I got a lot out and then you go. Yeah, look at all that snot Yeah, it's like, yeah, I did it like I need to check in and see if I blew my nose well enough
Starting point is 00:49:16 But there's something different that people have to understand a new york booger From the pollution Is sometimes has outrageous outrageous Sometimes it's got dirt in it. You ever see Birds shit That's kind of like what boogers in in new york are like it's like you blow your nose and it's like for the most part It's just it's just like the egg white and then there's some like yellow, but every so often wait. I'm talking about eggs now It's like clear and then there's like some black in it. That's what I'm trying to say
Starting point is 00:49:48 There's big city boogers. That's what they are whole different echelon Okay, do you openly talk about your poos? Yes I mean, obviously we do the show, uh, but The answers are no, that's a private matter or only with my very closest people The last one is I talk about my poos with anyone who'd listen to be honest I'm gonna say that because I do it every week Exactly
Starting point is 00:50:15 Okay, uh, do you leave your nail clippings on the floor? No, I always make sure I throw them in the bin Uh, maybe a few escape or I'll admit it. Sometimes I just cut my nails and don't look where they go You know, I always toss that shit out. That should be disgusting Yeah, I did that too or I cut them on top of like the sink you do it all the time Well, not while I cut my nails in the sink or I'll cut my toes on top of the toilet Yeah, you always cut your nails in the sink and I'll find them in there Okay, do you ever pick and eat your dry skin? Um, I don't but I have
Starting point is 00:50:50 So there is very rarely very yeah, let's go very rarely. That's fucking gross Yeah, but I you know, but I haven't done it in years I've never done that. I wouldn't think to eat my skin I remember like 10 years ago. I got sunburned and I like I bit it because of gold finger and austin powers That's funny. Yeah, uh, yes, it's so I'm gonna say no, I guess but I do I have done it before Okay, what answer should I go with? I I already put very rarely. Okay, because it's happened. Uh Do you bite or chew your nails? Yes
Starting point is 00:51:27 I said, yes, I can't stop myself from doing it. No, I could stop myself from doing it But I do it says if my nail tears I might try and even it out But do you do it just to do it? No, that's what I'll do cosmetic reasons only Okay Cosmetic reasons. Oh my god Uh, do you piss in the shower? Yeah every day
Starting point is 00:51:48 Oh, it says it says nope. I sometimes Piss in my own shower or I piss in my shower and public showers I piss anywhere. They'll let me Me too y'all be pissing there's water. I'm peeing bro. You ever pee though and it stinks Oh stinky pee stinky pee is the worst stinky pee is so bad, dude I start to think I'm sick and like You know I'm saying also when piss is just hot you're like damn. I've been boiling this piss all day Yeah, there's sometimes where I have super hot piss
Starting point is 00:52:22 Dude when I went to Vegas, I remember specifically going to the bathroom and peeing and being like, dude, this is desert piss This is hot pee. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. Could have been a uti from the pools too though. I don't know that too Do you ever piss in the bath? No How is that a question? Who pisses in the bath? I don't even piss in pools Yeah, I don't do that either I'll piss in a lake though. I'll fill that lake up I'll piss in the ocean
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, I don't go in the ocean enough to like be pissing in that. I actually won't piss in the ocean because I'm afraid of animals Oh, like your piss will attract like a shark or something. Yeah, there's somebody be like, oh my god There's a seal around and like confuse me with a seal You know I'll just eat my piss and then my leg try to fuck you try to fuck my leg or something my leg What am I saying? Okay, um, do you enjoy the smell of your own farts? Whoa, yeah The answer is like it says no all farts are gross. Okay. I may have thought this once or twice and the last one is lol Of course I do. Yeah, that's me
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah, farts are fucking great. Oh my god. There's so many questions love small my own farts Do you feel satisfied when you get a big bit of earwax out of your ear? Oh, yeah Yeah, who doesn't like that you ever have those weird feelings where it rolls out of your ear Yeah, it scares the ever-loving shit out of me Why because I think it's a bug. Yeah, I think there's a bug in my ear That's one of my worst fears when you see videos of people like they have tweezers and they pull out like a whole Cockroach out of their ear. What the fuck my mom got a ant A spider stuck in her ear and she could hear it crawling on her eardrum. What they did was they put peanut butter on a q-tip
Starting point is 00:54:06 It was an ant excuse me not a spider It was an ant and they put a q-tip with peanut butter in her ear and it crawled onto it and they pulled it out That is the scariest thing I've ever heard hold on before you move forward I have to tell you something and I'm not sure if I said it on the show before But I have to say it again anyway my father Once came like I saw him recently And my dad always has some weird shit to say but this time I was like wow
Starting point is 00:54:32 He goes because I had mentioned to like a tape worm And he goes do you know how they get rid of tape worms? And already I'm like this is going to be wrong Whatever he says, right? This is a literally do you know what I'm gonna say? I know this story Dude, he told me that they put a plate of food On a table in front of you and then the person just opens up their mouth like this And then the tape worm will slowly come out of their mouth
Starting point is 00:55:02 And then they keep pushing the plate back until the tape worm comes out And he's like and that's how they take it out, right? He said that to a 28 year old Fully grown adult and I literally said to him I was like dad I'm almost insulted that you think I'd fucking believe that for a second What a psycho to actually think that's a thing Dad or they give you a pill and it dies and you shit it out or that You don't snake charm a fucking a fucking tape worm out of your mouth This is probably a guy who's been to the hospital also like four times in his entire life
Starting point is 00:55:41 Dude, and then like I remember telling that story to like vin my sister's husband and she and and uh He's like where did he get that? I'm like he literally probably heard that at like some guy at a gas station I was just like yep going with that and he just believed it and that's how he went about his life What a ridiculous thing what a legendary man. Yeah, he's insane Do you get a certain pleasure from squeezing a juicy zit? Oh, yeah I don't I hate that shit. I love that shit. It says yes. I love seeing the pus come out How often would you go without washing?
Starting point is 00:56:17 No more than a day I'd go two days max or I've gone several days without washing in my time two days max Okay That's realistic. All right. We have arrived at your grossness 60 What I'm more gross than clean Yeah, you're filthy here. We go here. This is a description a description You are medium level gross. I would argue that's pretty high dude You are medium level gross a healthy normal amount of gross and it means you're probably pretty comfortable in your own skin
Starting point is 00:56:52 You secretly enjoy doing a loud fart and sometimes you bite your nails. Whatever life's too short to worry about these things I agree. I agree with that entire thing 60% just high Yeah, whatever. I'll be fucking gross. Good thing. It wasn't a sexual quiz Oh, man, do you want to shit in a map? By the way, I don't know if I oh When I when I told you that I was getting all those weird DMs You would be surprised how many people have been like, yeah, my ex like At like they asked me to shit in their mouth
Starting point is 00:57:30 Anybody do it No I would I didn't really inquire too much like I was kind of just like flipping through but a lot of poop a lot of poop out there I would do it if somebody begged me to do it You would shit and like wait Not like somebody not not somebody I was like dating but if it was like a spur of the moment thing and like somebody was just like Yo, like shit my mouth. I would do it There's no way you do it. Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:57:55 If that's gonna get you off shit. Yeah, it's not I'm not I'm not getting pooped in I Pooped it. I'm not getting pooped in You ever try to piss When your body is submerged in water Yes And you're and at first your dicks like we shouldn't no we can't we shouldn't we shouldn't do this and then once you start peeing It's like, okay, we're peeing, right?
Starting point is 00:58:17 Now imagine that but shitting my asshole would just be fighting me. It would be like The pinball game It'd be fighting me. I think you're selling yourself short. I think if somebody wanted you to shit you could do it No, no, no, I can't my body wouldn't let me shit out like I don't know if I could like I am I've shit outdoors But only because There was nothing else that could happen here, you know I I had no choice my butt fought as long as it could and we lost
Starting point is 00:58:49 You know and that's only happened a few times in my day. I've more often than not. I'm winning that battle That's okay But yeah, but sometimes you got to lose sometimes you lose and you poop outside Okay, it's not every time that you wipe your ass with umbrella, but you know Sometimes that happens as well gotta do it gotta do it, you know gotta do gotta do it but You know I don't know if I could shit into someone's mouth
Starting point is 00:59:16 And then I would throw up I think you'd throw up as well because you have I think you have a weaker stomach stomach than me, no No, no, no, no, no I have a pretty strong stomach If you shit in someone's mouth and then you turn around and they're just like enjoying it and eating it and they're like gargling it All right, well now that you're painting the picture i'm a little bit out and i'm out i'm out i'm out And for that I am out If this was shit shark tank i'm out you convinced me. I don't want I don't want I don't want to invest
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah, like I could shit into like a glory hole And it fall and like it get into someone's mouth, but I don't have to see it You know But if I got a shit And the lights are on I can't I can't do this Are you a sex light guy What like do you do you prefer darkness sex or do you prefer light sex?
Starting point is 01:00:16 Um, I don't mind either way You don't have a preference though. You know what it is. I don't like um I don't like overhead lighting Right. I like natural lighting. Yes natural lighting and maybe one small side lamp A small side lamp or one of those things that you plug into the wall that like it sprays something to make your room Smell nice, but it also has a little light on it. Yeah. Yeah, like a little night light or maybe one of those sea salt lamps Those Himalayan salt lamps. Yeah, it gives it a warm feel dude sea salt lamps are
Starting point is 01:00:50 Hot So fucking the same room as a sea salt lamp as a Himalayan sea salt lamp. Yes, dude multiple times Oh, it's nice. It gives you a nice pinkish hue to the room. Oh, so fucking hot It feels like you're fucking in a cocoon or something like a warm teepee It makes me feel it makes me feel safe like sexually safe Imagine being sexually in danger. That's nice too Oh What?
Starting point is 01:01:19 No, I didn't know where to go with that one. I was Oh, yeah, I think I don't like I don't understand people like at night They go home and they have sex and they turn on their overhead lights. Like that's psychotic to me Yeah, anyone that uses their actual apartment overhead lights lunatic lunatic get a fucking lamp you maniac get some warm lighting Yeah, well like unless you're filming like a car commercial or conducting like a science experiment turn your fucking overhead lights off Seriously, like you can have lights on in your kitchen. Yes overhead lights in your kitchen cool
Starting point is 01:01:57 But in the living room in your bedroom overhead lights Yeah, Jesus Christ, that's like you're having like uh Like sex strictly for science Yeah That's what that's like. Yeah, that literally is strictly for Moon lighting is a real thing Moon lighting. Oh, baby. Yeah Yeah, you ever have some of those days where the moon is just so bright for some reason and it hits your fucking
Starting point is 01:02:32 Your window and just comes right through and you're like Dude, it's like someone's spying on us. I know it's like the the universe back to space space is watching Yeah, like the aliens are looking at our tits. Do you remember how blown away I get it when you could see the moon as the same time as the sun is out Yeah, it makes no sense. I mean it makes sense. I lose my mind every time I see that every time Every time yeah You know when I was younger I was a star I was a star wars fan and I thought the moon was the death star See that's cool though. It was awesome to believe that That just sounds cool
Starting point is 01:03:11 A lot of my younger childhood like revolved around star wars Like I remember you said I used to do this shit like the force and try to like grab the remote Yeah, first of all, I do that anytime. There's a fucking automatic door or an elevator. I do it every time. Yeah, you're like Always because it feels real Yeah, because because it is real Uh, the other thing, uh, I know you wanted to talk about I just wanted to remind you is uh the john krasinski thing Oh my god, this fucking john's krasinski Just give me your quick your quick thoughts on this entire situation
Starting point is 01:03:46 I saw you getting vocal about it on twitter and when twitter joe goes He goes he goes I I didn't go too hard on that. I mean I had a more I had a Bigger conversation in my group chat about it that I was not going to have like on the internet But basically people are upset that john krasinski who plays jim halpert in the office and you know a bunch of other shit now, but That's what he's known for. Um, he created this thing called some good news Uh, he created it during the quarantine because he felt like the news was very depressing and it was very sad
Starting point is 01:04:19 So he wanted to create this space where it was only feel good stories And blah blah blah and it was free and it was on youtube Then now, you know as the quarantine slowly kind of you know, they're lifting some restrictions and this and that he The idea was bought by viacom So he sold the structure of the show and the idea to viacom for probably millions of dollars And he's going to be an executive producer on it He's not going to host it anymore and people lost their minds
Starting point is 01:04:53 As if he did something like horrible and dishonorable was the word that I saw That really pissed me off as if there's something like dishonorable about creating this Great idea and then selling it to a network that can put it On tv the uh the downside was that they're going to put it behind a paywall So they're like oh now this thing that people you know, we're getting a good feeling from now It's behind a paywall blah blah blah, but yeah to call john krasinski who by the way is a fucking producer and actor Not a fucking youtuber
Starting point is 01:05:29 Like dishonorable it's just insane Yeah, you know like knows dishonorable if you're a spy and like working for the soviets Yeah, like treason Okay, yeah, and it's like dude this guy didn't do anything fucked up man Like that's just the way of the world. It's the business of it You know and like I challenge anyone to go out there and be like I'm going to create this thing And I'm going to you know, put time into it and work on it because make no mistake This dude put together a show like that took effort dude
Starting point is 01:05:59 Like you know what I mean like the thing that especially that he did with the whole office fucking Cast like this was work that he was putting into this thing and he knew the endgame like this is an idea That's great and listen It's still a great idea because he could sell it to viacom and then they have like this news outlet That's only good heart warming stories. Cool. It's not any bullshit. It's not any tabloid celebrity shit It's like just feel good stories It exists now because of john krasinski and he's dishonorable because he sold the idea to viacom When he's not going to be a youtuber. He's not going to host this show. He's a fucking actor
Starting point is 01:06:34 And he's a producer Or a director whatever the fuck he did. I think he wrote or some shit. I don't know. Yeah, or he directed it I don't know, but it's like that's his job. You're asking him to just throw away his career For this idea to make you feel better like you're insane. That's just not the way it goes And then there's no there's nothing dishonorable about that. It's just I think he did the right thing You know like you create something it does so well good Quarantine's coming to an end He's eventually gonna have to go back to work if you can make millions of dollars off of that and let it
Starting point is 01:07:05 Continue to live on then okay, but what's the alternative is is like all the honorable thing to do is to Quit your job and to keep doing this show for free on youtube and just you know make people happy and just forget about your career And and or or go back to your career and just let it cease to exist Just let it die and no one else do it and and that's that or you make a bunch of money And it and it and it continues to live on It's an easy decision And my biggest thing the reason why I get mad is because there's these fucking verified freelance writers for fucking no one knows magazine
Starting point is 01:07:41 And they just have to fucking write some bullshit and they're from Ohio And they live in new york city and they have a fucking fire escape and they feel like oh I know the struggles of being the fucking writer who struggled like fuck you like you like You just need something to be upset about and you want to be contrarian and have this opinion That's just bullshit, dude And I'm and I just don't agree with any of that and I think it's fucked up and I think that what he did was great So anyone who's fucking could disagree with that can suck ass Anyway, let's get to these ads
Starting point is 01:08:17 No, I I agree with you, bro No, but I just think it's I think it's corny though when people do stuff like that. It's like You know what else is corny? That let me ask you this how important it is it to you that you're verified on twitter? I don't care Give me your verified sticker though You can't do that. That's fake If you could would you do it?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Sure No, you wouldn't All right. I mean, it's fake. Like you can't do that. Why not? All right. So let's trade handles right now Trade handles. Yeah, that's different. We'll just trade accounts. What's the problem? No, that's totally different. I'll get uh 800,000 more followers No, I don't really use twitter like that and it's like, you know, whatever it's only just to go off king I Mean, I don't know. I don't think it means that much. I think it adds some sort of like It gives you a look
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah, but it's not like I used to really care about it though It's crazy that we live in a society that people take you more seriously if there's a blue check next to your name I don't know if that they take you more seriously more than they just like Read your opinion I Know you know what you're kind of right because it's like You but the the reason why is because you don't know if this is an actual person saying this or if it's like a bot Or someone hiding behind some like random lady gaga account, right?
Starting point is 01:09:45 But if you're verified then it's like, oh, I assume this is you so it's like that's why right it's strange Yeah, and I want it so bad Yeah, I you know this question for me to get verified has been one of the most disheartening things of all time I need more media shit Some what what does that mean? I need like more like like Hey guys people out there and the major things I need people to write about me So I could use these as references to get verified. I think that's all bullshit like I don't think those things matter because Most of the people that I know that are verified are verified through an agency
Starting point is 01:10:20 like I got verified on instagram because of my agent right and I got verified on twitter because What the fuck verified on twitter because of When I worked at elite daily, they verified the whole company And that was also through an agency which I believe was the same agency that I'm with now Where it's like, oh, we have this company and that's why like you see these random accounts Like all Meteorologists are like fucking verified, you know when I when I see people with 1400 followers and they're verified
Starting point is 01:10:47 I want to lose my fucking mind I want it. I just want it so bad. I don't know why it's the instant Gratification of the verification. I try, you know, I submitted you twice. I know you did and it's because like I don't have like press shit I don't know. I don't know what it is. I think what more do I have to do? First of all, I Let me suck your titties will never die I mean, I am ingrained in culture for the rest of my days Let me just get a blue check. That's all I want is a blue check is all I need was a blue check people take me more
Starting point is 01:11:21 So Um But yeah, it's it's it's one of those things that the day that I have that can we have a party? On uh on on FaceTime, yeah nice Nice nice Very nice. Yeah, I just need you should actually you should actually manager I will pat what the fuck
Starting point is 01:11:45 I think I think he'll uh, I think he'll be able to do that for you. I think so. I think so. I'll ask him Remember when Schultz said he'd get you verified. Yeah, that fucking piece of shit. Yeah, he's a piece of shit I texted him a couple times during quarantine Uh, tell him are you doing a hyenas today? I am I'm going on the history hyenas patreon. They have a show called no nets that they do cool and uh That is going to be Fun Yes, it's going to be wild as always with those guys. They they want to get you on there, too
Starting point is 01:12:21 Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Don't you have a phone call or something you got to go do? Yes, I have a phone call to go to in seven minutes. So we should wrap this up Danny, where can I find you? You could find me at Danny little priory on instagram and twitter and uh, I wanted to take just one minute Uh, I want to dedicate this episode to george floyd Um That man was murdered People need to know that I know a murder when I see one. I don't want to stay on it for too long
Starting point is 01:12:52 But that man was murdered on video and that's all I need to say about that Uh, Danny well said check out the show at the baseman yard on uh, instagram in the patreon slash the baseman yard and Yeah, go to uh, my other youtube channel slash, uh, joe sanagato and also opl the show that we were talking about before Uh, slash other people's live to go check that show out. Uh, and we'll see you guys next time. Peace

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