The Basement Yard - #252 - Let's Discuss Everything

Episode Date: July 27, 2020

Just want to take this time and thank everybody, including Danny, for their support all these years. Thank you all! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Basement Yard. What's going on everyone? So as you can see, it's just me today recording and you know, I haven't recorded an episode in a very long time, so this might be a little weird and it's not gonna be like a very long episode because I kind of just want to use this episode to kind of update people on why I'm recording by myself. You know, what happened, what's gonna be happening moving forward with the show.
Starting point is 00:00:24 So last week, you know, Danny announced that he's not gonna be recording, you know, the Basement Yard anymore and I just want everyone to know that we're good me and Danny. You know, we talked on the phone for a very long time. I don't even know how long it was but it felt like a very long time and I think that we have like a very you know, good understanding of each other because you guys have to understand
Starting point is 00:00:50 like Danny is not just like some dude you know, who, because I haven't known Danny for that long but he's one of my best friends and we got very close like very fast and originally when I hired him, you know I had just met him maybe for just like a few months and something happened as far as, you know, my business and company goes and I was like I need to hire someone right now and
Starting point is 00:01:20 he was just there, hired him, worked out perfectly and originally I just needed him to edit stuff but then once we started recording together, you know, it was very easy, it was very obvious to me that the rapport that we have is amazing and it's very good and it's gonna work and it's hilarious, like I genuinely enjoyed doing the show I think that, you know, he's made me ten times funnier than I was, you know
Starting point is 00:01:52 because with Danny, it's like, dude, Danny's one of the most talented people I've ever met in my life like that's just straight up, like, I got nothing bad to say about him but don't have corona but he's a talented dude and I knew that when I first met him and when we would record the show, for a while it felt like, I was like damn dude, this kid is just completely outshining me here you know, because for a long time it was just me
Starting point is 00:02:25 who I was doing the YouTube videos and then Danny, and then I would have like my friends come in and whatever but they're not really performer, I'm not, I mean, you know what I mean, like they don't do social media stuff, they're not in front of a camera, they don't, you know, whatever so they don't really understand how to translate their humor in that way and then, you know, here comes Danny and he's on the show and we're recording it and he's just, I feel like he's just, I mean he is just funnier than I am, like he's just a funnier dude than I am
Starting point is 00:02:58 like that's just true and I was like fuck man, so it kind of like forced me to get better, you know, because I couldn't just get left behind and have everyone being like oh this guy sucks but Danny's funny, you know, which is what all my friends say to this day and that's fine but yeah, so I'm very appreciative of everything that Danny has done for me personally and for the show and I know that, you know, everyone really loves Danny and like cares about him, like as I do, you know, and I just don't want anyone to like overthink this
Starting point is 00:03:38 and think that we hate each other because we don't, you know, we definitely don't hate each other and everything's good, you know, and like, obviously this is shitty and it's a big change and, you know, so it's weird in that regard but it's not the end of the world, you know, Danny's gonna be fine you know, I'm gonna be fine it just sounded like I was about to cry when he was fine
Starting point is 00:04:14 but everyone's gonna be fine and like, I'm excited to see, you know, what he's gonna do and I'm very, you know, I'm very proud of Danny because you guys don't really know, I don't think anyone really knows Danny like I know Danny, you know and because like I said, when we were, uh, when we first met or when we first started working together and we were doing the show it just so happened that, you know, it would take us hours to edit shit and like the way that we were going about work was just like not efficient so sometimes we would be there until like 11 at night or whatever
Starting point is 00:04:53 and back before he became sober, we would be like drinking sometimes and then when you drink with your boy and it's like night time, it's like, alright, we're gonna start confessing shit even before we started working together, I remember we were sitting on a bench near his old apartment in the city and just like confessing shit to each other and for whatever reason, we just kind of feel that way about each other where it's like, you know, we know a lot about each other and we confided in each other like very quickly
Starting point is 00:05:26 because he's one of the most like compassionate and like sensitive dudes that I know he's a good dude and, you know, then, you know, the whole thing with the... he started having anxiety, panic attacks and he's talked about that, you know, but he was having panic attacks and we got even closer through that because I had dealt with panic attacks before so I was trying to like, you know, talk him through that and like this and that and just seeing what he was able to do with that because I'm telling you
Starting point is 00:05:57 no one really knows the extent of, you know, what happened during that era like when I met Danny and then the person who was going through this like anxiety this very new thing where he was having panic attacks and like this I don't really know, I don't want to label it anything but I was like, he was just a different person, you know? and then during that, like, that was sad to see but then it was just like wild how quickly he was able to just take his life in his own hands and just completely turn it around and fix everything, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:46 like he, I mean, as you guys know, he's sober now for years, two years, I think and he did that called turkey and it was never, I've never even and I know it wasn't easy but he made it look so easy so like, you know, I'm very confident in that Danny will succeed in life, you know? because he has that in him and the reason why I'm just telling these like random stories is just so you guys know like how we feel about each other, you know? he's a very important dude in my life
Starting point is 00:07:25 I think that, you know, I'm better because I met this guy, you know? sounds like we're dating but it's true, like he's, you know, he's taught me a lot about things and I've taught him a lot about stuff and we've had very long talks that I haven't had, sometimes with any other person like Danny will know stuff about me that maybe no one will ever know just him and I'm saying all this because I just want everyone to know that
Starting point is 00:07:54 although the show is, you know, going to be different moving forward like without Danny me and Danny are good and I just want that, I don't want there to be like conspiracies or, you know, anything of the sort and he knows that too, you know? this isn't something that I'm saying and he's going to hear it and go, wow, I didn't know like he knows, you know, and especially because when we had a long talk on the phone last week and, you know, it all came out and we know, we have a good understanding and
Starting point is 00:08:34 yeah, I'm just, you know, fully supportive of him and whatever he does in the future like I'm a fan of his, obviously, like I'm his biggest fan, bro, like Danny's, I've seen Danny come into this fucking place and he'll, like the middle of the day while editing will just like put on a beat and freestyle for like an hour or one time I was like, yo, I'm going to order lunch. Do you want anything? And I ordered lunch and or like dinner or something, you might have been like working late or some shit, but we uh, I ordered dinner and when I hit the button to like order the dinner, he started just like recording some like song just like fucking around and uh, when the food got there,
Starting point is 00:09:31 I was like, yo, food's here. He's like, yeah, I'm just like finishing this thing up and then I was like, all right, because that's, I mean, Danny does that. He just fucking like goes in there and he just like fucks around, you know, recording shit or doing whatever. And then uh, he comes out like 10 minutes later and goes, oh yeah, I just like, I just did this song and I went in there and I listened to the song and it was like, I'm like, yo, this is fucking amazing. Like this is a great, like this is, this is awesome. And he would know what song I'm talking about too. I forget the name of it and I'm not going to say because if he ever like, you know, I don't know, but my point is like you can expect a lot from Danny in the future, I think. I think that he is, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:13 a talented dude and I told him since the day I met him, like, you know, I'm not half as talented as you are. Like you are just like naturally, like he's just like naturally gifted at shit, you know what I mean? So yeah, I mean, dude, I love Danny. And like I said, I'm happy for every episode we did together. And it's been fucking hilarious. The show was amazing. And you know, I'm just grateful for that. And you know, and he's not, we live in the same neighborhood. He might move to like a different borough, but like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm going to see Danny. And it's not going to be, you know, weird. It's not going to be, you know, whatever. Like I'm going, we remain in contact. It's just that the show's going to
Starting point is 00:11:11 be different moving forward. And you know, I understand how that may be like confusing. And it's not really, I really don't care to disclose intimate details of the reasons why this is happening. And I know some people feel like they may be entitled to that, but I don't, I don't feel like you're entitled to that. Because some things are just more important than others. And I feel like the reason why this is all happening is very important. And I feel like everything is going to work out just fine. And I'm not worried about, you know, anything. I don't think anyone's getting left out to dry. I don't think there's been any sort of, you know, whatever. I just feel like some things are more important
Starting point is 00:12:14 than others. You know what I'm saying? And, you know, I care about Danny as a person more than I care about him as, you know, a co-host. Even though I do care about him as a co-host like a lot, but like I'm saying like as a person, you know, I obviously want Danny to be fully like good, you know what I mean? His future, everything. I have, I, it would kill me to see him like in a bad situation, you know what I mean? Like I would never wish that upon him. And I don't, that's why I keep like hammering this point home of like, we're good, definitely like, I don't, I don't, I haven't really planned what I was going to say during this whole thing. So it's like, that's why it's like really hard for me. I may be repeating myself and
Starting point is 00:13:07 I may be like reaching for these things, but it's just hard to explain. It's hard to kind of get my point across. But I, you know, the main thing is that, like I said, moving forward, Danny's not going to be on the show. We're still in contact. We're still friends. You know, there's not some big giant fight. There isn't, you know, whatever. It's just, it is what it is, you know, like I'm sorry, but you're never going to get a definitive absolute intimate details of a reason. And it's just because it's not, it's none of your business. But it's, it's not something drastic, you know, like it's not, he's good, he's healthy, mad healthy, because by the second, like I'm good, no one, there wasn't like a, you know, whatever physical, I mean, he's in
Starting point is 00:14:09 Florida, I don't know, physical altercation or anything like that. Like it was, you know, whatever. I'd have a black eye right now. But, but yeah, so that's what's happening. But yeah, I just wanted to use this episode to kind of talk about it, because I know there were some people who were kind of upset, like, yo, when are you going to say something? Like, how could you just like, blah, blah, blah? And it wasn't that I was, you know, that I didn't want to say anything or like, whatever, I was just waiting for this opportunity, because I felt like this was the best platform to say it on. And not only that, but like, as much as it is sad for everyone else who's watching, it was also sad, I mean, I'm on the show with the kid. So it is sad, and it's weird,
Starting point is 00:14:54 and it's a change. And that has an effect on you, you know, so I just kind of took some time also to myself to just kind of toss that around a bit and see how it makes you feel and see how, you know, whatever. But like I said, that's what it is. You know, you'll see, like, I'm not just going to say it, but you'll see me, I'm going to be fully supportive of anything, you know, Danny does like once he stops, starts dropping like music and shit, like, I'm going to be bumping that shit, posting it, like, you know, I Danny's like a brother to me, like he really is, he's like brother to me. And he he means a lot to me. And, you know, like I said, anything he does, and he's it's going to be fucking cool shit. I mean, we've seen Danny come in here. Naturally, he's just good,
Starting point is 00:15:50 like whatever. So whatever he does, I'm fully confident in him. And I already told him, like, if you ever need my help, or you want me to, you know, whatever, you want to want to toss some ideas around or whatever, or some advice, anything, like I'm here, like whatever you want. And I think he knows that and he and he's said the same thing to me, you know, and all the things that I've just said, have been reciprocated, you know, it's not just me being like, saying all these things and he's just not like he's, you know, we're just, I haven't really said anything, but like, you know what I mean. But yeah, so that's, that's, that's what's going on there. Another thing that I wanted to say is
Starting point is 00:16:34 that this Instagram account, it's like TBY questions, right? On Instagram. They made a video. I don't know who's running the account. But there was a two, it was two parts. And it was like two Danny and a bunch of fans of the show sent in a video of them basically saying like, just being very supportive and being very nice and saying, you know, great things to Danny and like how much he means to them and like what he's done for them and what the show's done for them. And, you know, anyway, I just wanted to say like to everyone who was in that video, I mean, obviously they're going to be watching this, but everyone who was in that video, I thought it was fucking really cool. I thought it was amazing. It was extremely emotional.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And Danny texted me when he saw it, he's like, did you see this shit? And I was like, yeah, I did. It's rough. But I just wanted to say like, that video also put in perspective of me of like what this show kind of does for people because I am sort of disconnected in a way of, you know, I live in New York, I don't live in LA around all these people and this sort of lifestyle where everyone's vlogging and everyone has run-ins with, you know, all their fans and this and that like the fans of the show are kind of spread out throughout the country and other countries. And there are some like run-ins and this and that, but that video just kind of put in perspective and just sort of like change things for me in a way because you, I never really understood
Starting point is 00:18:23 how someone can get super attached to me and Danny, like our show. Like we've had conversations in the past of being like, it's so crazy that people feel this way or that we'll get messages sometimes of, but it's one thing to read it, you're sort of desensitized to it at like at a certain point because when you do what we do, people send you nice messages all the time and part of you tries to not take it to heart and to like blow your head up and just constantly be thankful for all like the compliments. Like sometimes, like at least for me, I'm not going to speak for Danny or anyone else in the world, but I feel like sometimes you take it for granted, you take it for granted that someone is going out of the way to compliment you and they're telling you something
Starting point is 00:19:16 real and they're telling you like, you know, I went through a hard time and this show really helped me and it really made me feel like I wasn't alone or just kind of distracted me and it was sort of my escape and my outlet. And it's like, you hear that so much that eventually you become desensitized to it, especially when you're reading it, right? But when I saw that video, it's different because like I saw your faces and the emotion and your voice and the emotion, you know, in your face and just hearing the nice things that you were saying about the show and about Danny and about like, you know, our rapport and the back and forth, like it really like meant a lot to me and I don't mean to get all like, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:07 sentimental, whatever, but I, you know, like I said, this isn't going to be like the other episodes where we talk about this and that and this won't be the show moving forward, by the way, like I'll get to what the show is going to look like. But yeah, I just kind of wanted to take this time also to just really thank everyone who's, you know, ever said something nice to me or Danny and who's been supporting the show, our patrons who have been, you know, supporting not only emotionally, but like financially as well every single month. It really means a lot. And like I said, seeing that video and being able to see your faces and the emotion and hearing, you know, the nice things, like it's one thing to read it because you get a
Starting point is 00:20:48 lot of tweets and DMs and comments of people saying really nice stuff. And the reality is, like I said, I mean, it's a sad reality, but you just become desensitized to it. And you feel like not, not as disrespectful as this is about to sound, but it's like, here's another comment of someone saying something nice, you know, so it's like, it doesn't hit as hard. And that's horrible, you know, that's terrible of me to say, but that's like the reality of it, you know, and I think a part of me does that because you don't want to constantly read compliments and be like super affected by it, because it might change who you are, like you might think that you'll become less humble. Maybe that may just be a stupid thing
Starting point is 00:21:41 that I'm thinking, but I feel like that's the reason why sometimes people become desensitized to it of just seeing it over and over again and reading it over and over again. It's just like, it's crazy, you know, but I just want to say like, I do appreciate all of you. And even when I say I'm, you know, desensitized to these types of messages and these types of comments, it's not all the time, because some people have messaged me some very long things, and I'll reach out back out to them and be like, yo, this just like meant a lot to me like, thank you for like reaching out and like writing that taking the time to like tell me all that, you know, and, but it's just, yeah, I'm just very thankful for everyone who's been supporting me, man, I've been doing this a very
Starting point is 00:22:23 long time. And, you know, I've done a bunch of different shit, and I've done, you know, whatever. So it really means a lot that I'm still able to be doing this, because I don't know what I would be doing if I can't, you know, kind of do this sort of thing. You know, it's been my life for the last basically 10 years, you know, or nine years, whatever the fuck. And not a lot of people get to do it for that long, you know, a lot of people do it for, you know, whatever it is, four years, five years. And then they kind of like fade out or they get a job, but you know, this and that, and it's just not the same, but it's, but it's been pretty steady for me. And I've been really privileged. And I'm just extremely thankful that people are still supporting me. And,
Starting point is 00:23:12 you know, dating back to a very long time ago, where I feel like the content's not even the same, you know, it kind of changed over the course of nine or 10 years. And there's just been like, you know, eras, different types of eras. And, you know, this, the one that is seemingly coming to an end was the Danny era. And what a fucking era it was, I'll say. But yeah, so like I said, I'm very thankful for all of you. And I'm extremely thankful for Danny and everything he's done for me and for the show. And, you know, just I ask that everyone just be fully supportive of him as well. To your benefit, I mean, like I said, he's a talented guy. And you're going to enjoy the shit he puts out. I mean, before I even knew who the fuck Danny was, I loved his shit. You know,
Starting point is 00:24:06 he's fucking funny. And yeah, so don't worry about either of us. We're going to be good. He's a strong dude. I'm a strong dude. I mean, you know, we're going to move forward with the show. And this is going to be extremely awkward. And I'll probably get in trouble for saying that, but I have to do the ads for this show because, you know, contracts and whatnot. But after these, we'll get into what the show is going to look like moving forward. And yeah, we'll kind of wrap it up in that way. So let's get to these ads. Yeah, so first we have a advertisement here from cuts. Cuts clothing. Okay, cuts clothing is this fashion company where they make like the perfect t-shirt, they say. Okay, you could shop by your cut, choose your collar, crew,
Starting point is 00:25:09 v-neck or Henley. You know, you can get an elongated shirt, a split hem, or the classic curve hem. Okay, which I have a bunch of shirts from cuts and they're good. They make you kind of look jacked in a way. Like they're tight in the areas that you want them to be and loose in the others. You know what I mean? That's what these like cuts and curves and all whatever we're talking about here are. They have a great mix of long sleeve, short sleeve collars, cuts and colors to be ready for any sort of situation. The idea behind these shirts is that you can wear it in a very casual setting, but also a very formal setting. So it's like you could wear it to work, but you also could wear it just hanging out with your boys. So it's nice. They say it's the only shirt worth wearing.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Okay, once you wear a cut shirt, it's impossible to choose regular t-shirts ever again. They are very nice quality. You should check them out. But yeah, loved by your favorite athletes, entrepreneurs and even podcast hosts. Hello, that's me. Get 15% off your first order by going to slash yard. That is cuts slash yard for 15% off the only shirt worth wearing. All right, that's high praise. And trust me, the shirt is fucking very nice. So go check them out. Cuts clothing, C U T S slash yard. Go check them out. Next, we have features which are socks. Okay, they help you achieve your best day every day. And now on the golf course to targeted compression, hugs the arch of your foot,
Starting point is 00:26:46 keeping the sock in place and preventing it from bunching, slipping, or sliding down into your shoe, which if I had to rank the most annoying things in the world, that's probably number four, where you're wearing a sock and it's so old or it's so like, whatever the word is, that it just slides into your shoe slowly. Absolutely hate that. But lifetime guarantee, okay, features, they're so durable and long lasting that if you're unsatisfied at any point, they'll give you a replacement pair. No questions asked. That's nice. Okay, the features is a proudly family owned business, you know, founded in 2002. It's very nice. Socks are great. And they have different types of sizes. Okay, you get that no show,
Starting point is 00:27:32 you got the like, little, I don't know what the other thing's called, it's probably in here, but I'm not even gonna look for it. But you know what I'm talking about, a little higher than that, the one with like the lip out the back, it's very nice. All right, it's an athletic sock. But I love the socks that hug your foot, nothing better. Loose socks, it's gross. You can get $10 off your first pair of features when you use the code of basement at spelled F E E T like feet, U R E S F E E T U R E promo code is baseman for $10 off your first pair of features. Okay, so go get some new socks and stay tight on that foot. All right. All right, now
Starting point is 00:28:16 the show moving forward. Right. So this episode I'm doing by myself, but this is not going to be the show. I just, by the way, full disclosure, this is, this is like the eighth time I've recorded this. Because I wanted, I didn't want to say the wrong thing, especially in the beginning, I kind of wanted it. Like I just kept fucking it up. And like, like I said, I haven't done an episode by myself in so long. And it's not the easiest thing to world in the world, especially when you're talking about something like fucking sort of serious here and, you know, kind of explaining a situation and using the right, you know, vernacular. So nothing gets sort of like, wait, what, what the fuck did he say? But yeah, so moving forward, my buddy Frankie is going to do
Starting point is 00:29:06 the show with me. You guys know him from, you know, the slam poetry videos on standing out studio. He is a funny dude. I've known him since pre K, I believe, or maybe even before that. But, you know, we've been friends for a very long time. And he just seems like a person that kind of gets how the podcast should go. And like the fact that it's like a show, because for a long time, especially when I first started doing the podcast, I would just have like random friends on all the time. But it's, it's, if you don't do a podcast, like when you do a podcast, it's not just like we're just chilling, having beers and doing whatever. Because I've done that. I've made that mistake as well. Like there's been times
Starting point is 00:29:55 in the past, I've had like four of my friends on three of them in there, or three more of them were in the hallway just like being loud and doing whatever. One of my friends one time, I don't remember which episode it was, but it was like in the very beginning, drank a whole bottle, like a bottle this big of Jameson throughout the episode. And he started in the beginning, like you can hear him talking. And then you didn't hear him. And he was like this far away from the mic. And he was just going, yeah, man, you know, you just hear him in the background. So like, I've experimented with all these things. And I think, you know, having a person who's going to show up and sit in the chair with you is probably the best thing for that, because you kind of
Starting point is 00:30:40 build a rapport and you can, you know, you start to get it. But to just have like a cast of characters kind of sitting in and out all the time, just like it's rough, especially when they don't do podcasts. So I was like, you know what, let me just have Frankie do it. He also was doing Stank with Danny. So, you know, we all got along. Frank's been on the show a bunch of times, like I'm pretty sure everyone who's listening and watching knows who Frank is. But yeah, so he's going to be doing the show with me moving forward. And yeah, I mean, like I said, it's unfortunate that, you know, Danny is not going to be on the show anymore. Um, that sucks for sure. But it's, I'm excited about, you know, moving forward for everyone,
Starting point is 00:31:32 you know, I'm excited to see, you know, what direction the show kind of goes in and what is going to happen. I mean, for the most part, you know, I think the show is going to remain sort of the same as far as the content goes. Like we're not going to get on here now and start talking about fucking, you know, serious shit or, you know, whatever. There's been times where me, Frankie and Danny have hung out for hours and it's just, you know, just ridiculous. I'm just thinking about the crazy. There was one time that me, Frankie and Danny were hanging out in my old apartment. I believe Danny was drinking at the time. And we got drunk in my apartment because it had snowed and I had a karaoke machine that would add layers to your voice or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And we just, we're doing standup bits. It's like, how's everyone doing tonight? And then it would be me and Danny in the couch like, woo, good. And then everyone would go up and do a set. And then, you know, it ended with Danny singing like gospel music or whatever. But yeah, so the show is not going to change as far as like, you know, the content or the feel or, you know, whatever. It's going to be, you know, ridiculous. It's going to be, you know, whatever. We're going to do our best to entertain you every single week like we have been. And yeah, but I'm excited to see, you know, kind of what happens moving forward. I mean, you know, you could look at it and just kind of dwell on the fact that things are going to be different and
Starting point is 00:33:08 things are, you know, seemingly like, like it's like a very oh no sort of moment. And I'm not really one to sort of dwell on that, especially because there is no reason to do that. You know, like I know that Danny is going to, I mean, for lack of a better term, just fucking turn up. Like I think that he really is. Like I really do believe that he is going to, you know, find his way and it's going to be fucking awesome. And like I'm excited for that because like I said, I'm a big fan of Danny's. And, you know, once Danny gets his shot to be like like a crazy viral moment or like whatever, or I don't even know how to explain it, but the world is going to love Danny. And I think that's going to happen. And I'm excited for that, dude. Like I
Starting point is 00:34:03 have no desire to see him fail or to see him do good, but not as good as me. Like I'm not one of those dudes either. Like I just want to see what he comes up with. Like I genuinely, genuinely love it. And everyone I know fucking loves it. Like he's just fucking talented, dude. Like he sent me a video joking around singing fake Italian opera and it was fire. Like I was like, this is, this sounds like fucking Andrea Pacelli. It sounds like a guy's singing this in the hills of Tuscany. Like, you know, so I'm excited for that. I'm excited for the future. And listen, I don't want anyone, like if you're going to be a person who's going to be like, you know, Danny's not on the show anymore. So I'm not going to watch it. Like, all right, I get, I like, I understand.
Starting point is 00:34:52 All I'm asking though, for everyone is, you know, the chance to, you know, give it a try, not give it a try, but like, bro, the show is not going to change like that much. And listen, if it does, it's really not your cup of tea, then you should, then you should leave like you should. Because that's what we are here. We are the, in a, in entertainment. And if you're not entertained, like, am I going to sit here and cry? I'm just going to figure out ways to try and entertain, you know, like I'm, I understand that. And I know it's a different, you know, thing that, you know, one of the hosts of the show is, is leaving. But I am confident in that me and Frankie can do a very good job at delivering a great podcast, you know, and I'm,
Starting point is 00:35:41 I would never compare them to in any sort of way. I think they're both great in their own right. And, you know, this isn't about like who's better than who or anything like that. It's really just, you know, we come in here and we're going to try to put on a good show for you guys and, you know, hopefully we continue to hear from you and see you. And that's another thing going back to what I was saying before about the video that I saw that you guys put together for Danny. I would like to see more of that. Like I, I, when I saw that I was like, seeing everyone's face, seeing people's faces and getting to know them is important to me because that's something that you get from Twitch. I'm pointing because I have my Twitch set up like
Starting point is 00:36:31 in a closet over there. And when I'm streaming, I do like a subscribers only chat. So it kind of limits the amount of people that can type in there. You have to be a subscriber. And now when I go on and I stream, there's people in the chat that I kind of, not that I know them and I don't know what they look like or anything, but I talk to them whenever I go on there. So it's like we have a sort of rapport. And I would really like that with the bass when you are listeners because it kind of, you know, it's a very detached thing for me in a way because I, we come in here, we've record and I'm talking to someone and then it gets uploaded and then we're already working on the next episode. There's not really a lot of time for me to go back and
Starting point is 00:37:19 sort of talk to people or this and that. So I want to figure out a way for this to be a little more interactive, whether it be people sending in videos and editing that into an episode or, you know, questions or something. Like I would like for the viewers to be a part of it in some way because I really did enjoy hearing and seeing everyone and being like, and just like how different they all looked to, you know, like someone's got a Southern accent and you're like, you know, and just kind of looks like a Southern white dude. And then there's someone completely different. It's like a fucking, like an Indian person from the UK. And you're like, this is just, you know, it's like, it's just, it's cool to see. And like that may sound crazy, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:38:09 I don't know. I try not to think about it because it would drive me crazy to, to realize what's going on here and realize like how many people are actually listening and how many people actually care. I don't really know how many people actually care about me talking this long about this shit because it's really not what this show is. But I think it's necessary. And, you know, I think I at least owe it to you guys to say my piece and sort of explain what's going to be happening moving forward. So I apologize if this isn't the most entertaining episode of the Basement Yard, but I can promise you that, you know, we, you know, the next episode that comes out is not going to be something serious. It's going to be what the show is. We're going to get
Starting point is 00:39:03 right back into the swing of things as best as we can. And, you know, that's that. But I just wanted to take this time to kind of talk to everyone and let them know what the hell is going on here. But thank you so much to everyone for your continued support of the show and for me. And I know Danny really appreciates you and he loves you guys and, you know, just keeping in touch with everyone. Like I said, very thankful for you guys, extremely thankful for Danny and everything he's done for me personally and, you know, with this show and with this company and, you know, uh, yeah, it's just been, it's been cool. And we'll see. We'll see what happens. Nothing's set in stone. Nothing's written in the fucking,
Starting point is 00:39:53 I was going to say nothing's written in the sand. I don't even know. Is that, it's like, it's like a half, I don't know what the fuck it is. I don't know what I'm talking about. But what I'm saying is nothing is definite. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is whatever. Who knows what's going to happen in a year. Who knows, you know, whatever, anything could happen. Who's going to foresee this even three weeks ago or four weeks ago. I didn't know what the hell was going to happen here. So it's like you, you never know what's going to happen. So don't take this as this very big, um, dark cloud over things, you know, just see it as a change. And when change happens, then, you know, good things can come of that as well. And I'm confident in that, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:37 everyone's going to be fine. Everything's going to work out. And, um, yeah, I think you're going to be seeing a lot of us. I think you're going to be seeing like a lot of, you know, the basement yard and, and Danny and, you know, obviously I want everyone who watches this show to support him. I want, you know, if you're not following him on Instagram, it's at Danny Low Priori. Um, but yeah, I'm, I'm excited for everyone. You know, it's kind of, as much as it sucks, and there was that point of just sort of dwelling on everything. Now I'm at the point where it's like, okay, and now what do you do? You know, like you dwell and then people kind of figure out, figure out where they're going and just find their way.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So that's the next step in all of this. And obviously there's no definitive plan. It's kind of like, let's just fucking go try some shit out. So that's what we're going to do. We're just trying shit out and, and we'll see, you know, I think I'm going to start streaming more as well on Twitch. It's slash Joe Santagato. And, you know, I hope to see some of you guys there because there it's just like a little more organized and easier to kind of keep in touch. Um, with the people like in the chat while I'm streaming and talking and whatnot. So hopefully, you know, we can do that. And, um, yeah, that's, that's pretty much how much, how long are we going to do that? 42 minutes. It's actually longer than I thought it was going
Starting point is 00:42:12 to be. Uh, but yeah, that's, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. I didn't want to drag this out or like make the first half serious. And the second half, I'm like, you ever take a shit? Like I wasn't going to do that either. Um, but yeah, we'll be back next week with the, with the regular shit, but I wanted to just kind of put it out there. And again, I know I've repeated myself a thousand times in this episode, but I'm talking to myself for 42 minutes. You have to understand like what kind of psychosis that like entails. But, um, um, bottom line, you know, I, I fully support Danny, anything that he does, he's a very talented dude, more talented than I'll ever be. And I'm excited to see what he comes up
Starting point is 00:42:59 with. Um, and yeah, I'm just, I'm his biggest fan and I can't wait for that shit. And I want everyone who watches this show to support him. And I want everyone who watches the show to stick around and support this show as well. Um, yeah, man, I'm excited. And I'm excited to, to, to see, you know, how me and Frankie are going to do on the show as well, because, you know, with, with Frankie, like I said, I've known him a long time. So I know that he's, you know, excited to get started recording as well. And it's, yeah, it's just, you know, it's all good. I just want to ever know it's all good. I know it's like sad or I know it's like a change or whatever. And maybe this is over the top and too dramatic for whatever. I know some people out there are like,
Starting point is 00:43:46 oh my God, we get it. But, you know, these are, these are, you know, great people in my life. And they, they mean a lot to me. So, you know, talking for 43 minutes is the least that I could do. Um, but yeah, that is all for this week's episode. We'll see you guys next week back with the, with the regular shit. All right. Take it easy.

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