The Basement Yard - #267 - Infiltrating Amish Country

Episode Date: November 9, 2020

Frank spends a weekend in Amish country and reports back to Joe with some interesting stories. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. Frank, what's going on, man? Ah! You're so married right now. I'm so married right now. Franky got married over the weekend. Yeah, well, by the time this is recording, by the time I came out. Oh, you've been married forever now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Two weeks forever. One of the first things my brother asked me, he's like, How do you feel? I hate that question. How do you feel? In any regard, on birthdays, on, you know, anything. It's like, so how do you feel? And she would go, shut the fuck up, Uncle Jerry. So I gave him the answer he was, I assumed looking for.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I was like, slightly gayer. Get married, get gay. You got it. That's the only way that the only out, I guess, right? Yeah, I guess so. But I'm not looking for an out. No. Anyway, that was an actual clear.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It wasn't like a, that wasn't like a subtle under the table. Yeah, I wouldn't even know what it would mean to be honest. Yeah, I get it. So anyway, you know what it might mean. How do you feel? I fuck you. Yeah, fuck. I feel great.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I feel good. I feel great in the hood. We're going to edit that out, I think. Why? Because it just was, it sucked. It didn't suck. It sucked. Nothing, let's be honest about some real upfront off the bat.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Nothing I do sucks. It's maybe not great, but it doesn't suck. Gotcha. You went on a mini moon. I did. I did go on a mini moon. And I'll tell you all about it right after I let people know here that they can check out more of BasementYard at
Starting point is 00:01:21 slash the BasementYard where you can get an epi, poop, poop. You get poop. If you come to our Patreon, you get poop. All right, get jammed. I had it. We'll shit on you. I had it. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:30 I fucking, I was, I was coasting. We should set a thing. If we get 10,000 patrons, we'll poop on one lucky patron. Boy, they know what? We might get people seem to be into that into the poop. People are always asking you for like your feet and your pee-pee picks, right? No, my feet. Just your feet.
Starting point is 00:01:46 The my feet? Like I don't, my feet are trash. I've never, can you see them? Yeah. I'm not wearing socks too. So I'll put these bitches right on the, yeah. You have a fucking steel plate for a big toenail. Dude, what is that?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Jesus Christ. Touch it. Touch it. It feels like a dung beetle's like shell. Yo, that's- Isn't it weird? That's impressively- It feels like a diamond.
Starting point is 00:02:07 That's very hard. Dude. You know who else has one of those? Hard toes. Well, just like a fucking like- Shovel? Shovel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Espos. Oh, Espos got disgusting freak feet. Dude, this kid's fucking big toenail. I kid you not, can kill a family of four. One slice. Yeah. Take a head off. And he's got a heel like a fucking-
Starting point is 00:02:27 Just disgust. It is gross. I've never seen it. His whole feet, they suck. His feet situation's fucked up. What were you talking about? About the Patreon. Oh, the Patreon.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah, you get an extra episode every single week of this show and you also get promo codes on merchant shit. And it's a good time. Changed to win a thousand dollars. Yeah, you get a thousand bucks. Which by the way, I kind of looked into that. That might be illegal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh, I think I said this. Did you? I think I told you like- Well, I looked up like the terms on Patreon and it was like, we can't do contests. It's not a contest. I'm just, you know, giveaway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 What's the difference between a giveaway and a contest? Guys, don't tell anyone. That's what we're trying to say. You're not like- I'm still gonna give it out. You know- I'm still giving it out. You're not like doing anything, Joey.
Starting point is 00:03:03 If you get this Patreon shut down, so fucking funny. No, dude, no. That's not gonna happen. But like, think about it. You know what I mean? Like, think about- Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Like, if they're not doing anything for the money- Yeah, they're just there. It's just, you know, it's not a contest. Contest. But yeah, I also think that like, there's, it's, you know, it's just like a small little, you know- Listen, do they know-
Starting point is 00:03:23 Do Patreon know who you are? They're not watching this shit. They don't- Well, I don't know. Be careful. You never know. Mr. Patreon might be on here. It's true.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But go to, slash the basement yard, to check out the Patreon. So tell me, how was your mini-moon? It was good. It was good. I told you a little bit about it. Yeah. We had a nice chill and relaxed time.
Starting point is 00:03:42 See, I'm not like- I hate the beach. I'll fucking kill myself before I go on the beach. So you went to the antithesis of the beach. The antithesis of the beach, which is Amish country, baby. Frank, you went to Amish country. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Did you make milk? I didn't, but I did buy like wildflower raw honey. Oh, cool. Just as good, right? Right. Just as good. Oh my God, dude. We went-
Starting point is 00:04:05 So we went- It was- First of all, I really did love it. It was fucking awesome. It was like small, quiet. Yeah, the country, yeah. It's nice, you know? And we went to like the small farmers market
Starting point is 00:04:14 and we're walking around fucking- I love shit like that. I really do. A farmers market? Farmers market. Like you buy the- Like you buy the egg right out of the chicken's ash hog. You have to take it out of the ass.
Starting point is 00:04:24 No. Well, is that where they give birth? I think there's only one hole on a chicken? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think they have one hole that does eggs and puss and puss. And now I know what we have to do. Google chicken vagina. I have to Google-
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, I have to Google chicken vagina. How many animals like vaginas do you think you've seen? Um, one, two, I would say three chicken vagina. Yeah. Wait, do I want to see this? Yeah, they got vaginas. They do? Ew!
Starting point is 00:04:52 Dude, they're red! Really? Dude. How red? I don't know if this is real. Oh, no, it is, dude. Oh, this sucks! Dude, the chicken vaginas are not cool.
Starting point is 00:05:02 They look like a pimple that's like ready to pop. Let me see. Let me see what? That looks like a pimple, doesn't it? Dude, yeah, yeah, yeah. It looks like an infected pimple. Dude, it looks like every boss in every Star Fox game ever. It's just that white part is the weakness and you have to shoot it.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It looks like that thing that they were throwing people into the desert. Oh, the Starlack pit. In Star Wars, yeah. Just a little less teeth? Yeah, I hear you on that. Yo, chickens, get better vaginas. Dude, you figure it out. You think after hundreds of millions of years of being chickens.
Starting point is 00:05:30 You get better vaginas. You'd think so, because they're probably ridiculed for having just disgusting vaginas. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But like, so like, we're going and I'm going to buy this honey. Okay. Dude, fuck your honey. I'm talking about, I got a vagina, a chicken vagina on my screen. I can't argue with that.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I can't look away yet. Where does honey come from? Bee's vaginas? Oh. Honey? Yeah. No, no, no. They, what is that?
Starting point is 00:05:56 I don't even know what it is. Spit, isn't it? They spit it out? They do. What should I type in? What is honey? Where does honey? What is honey?
Starting point is 00:06:04 So, well, the reason I'm asking is because we were at a farmer's market and Becca, you know, sometimes honey is like extracted with a machine. It's not necessarily from a honeybee. Okay. Okay. So this farmer, like, yo, is this honey actually from the bees? And the farmer looked at her like she wanted a fucking kid. She was like, oh, it was a woman farmer.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah. Yeah. They don't have a different dude actor actress kind of thing. Oh, they're not. They're real, I think. I don't think they're actors and actresses. No, no, no, no. I'm saying like farmer, you know, like, there's like actor, actress, waiter, waiter, farmstress,
Starting point is 00:06:37 farmstress. Is there, is this a sexist? I don't know. I'm afraid. I think it's, let's just call it a farmer. Cause she's doing a lot of work probably. She's, I mean, she's, she's jerking those bees for that honey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's not. It's not how it, I honestly don't know what honey is. Dude, honey makes no sense. It's like syrup, but not. It's like not, but syrup is not, dude, I've touched mad flowers. I've never gotten any honey on me. Yeah. Like bees pissing out.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I mean, like, that's what I think it might be. Piss. It might be like bee piss. It's got to be. We're drinking bee piss. Listen, I know we're getting a lot of shit for that, but you also don't know what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Oh, people. And there's a couple of people that just learned about it and you're fucking junior of high school. Fuck off. Yeah. Unless you're fucking- Cause we're not learning about bees in the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 The only people that I'm taking fucking information from is going to be an apurist. And I guarantee you're not one of those you idiot. Apurist? Apurist. What's that? That's beekeepers. Jesus. You didn't know that word, did you?
Starting point is 00:07:38 No. You meant to say like a purist, but you said it weird. And I was like, I don't know how this- Apurist. No, I think it's apurist. Apurist. I'm pretty sure that's how it- You learned that this weekend, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:07:48 No, no, no. I learned that from the office. I learned that from the office. And then I looked it up. I was like, what the fuck is he talking about? Nice. But like, yeah. So honey, just bee jits.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Or BP. Yeah. BP or BJ. Ooh. Wow. That'd be nice. Nice. You're going to have your own- oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Now, Joey's going to be like, I'm going to come in next time. Yo. So I'm coming up with a new brand of honey. Here we go. It's going to be called BJ. Yeah. Or BP. Or BP.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Well, we already got BP. The oil people. BJ? Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't want to buy a bottled BJ from Joe Sanagato? Well, BJs. Ah, yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:20 That's wrong. Some copyright issues. We'll figure that out. Yeah, we'll figure it out though. But dude, this woman like wanted to fuck her up. That's good. Like legit. Wanted to punch a pregnant woman.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Was just she Amish? I don't know. I don't- like, I think- Well, she weren't. She was like- Like net, like, horn hat. You know what I mean? No.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You know what I mean? A net horn? It's like- It's like a- Like a milk maid? It looks like it, but it's like horns. She was wearing a horny hat? It wasn't horny, but like it didn't come out like horns.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It was just like here. Fuck. If you knew what I was talking about- Oh, now we got to look up Amish woman hat. Well, then she was Amish. I think so. Did she have a weird accent? Like she sounded like she kind of like Dutch?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Amish. Do Amish people like have a language? Amish woman. You know what's crazy is that we're probably offending people here, but- The Amish? They can't listen. They're not allowed. They're not allowed to listen, though.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Isn't that not allowed? Unless they're on Rumspringa? Oh, man. If they get on that Rumspringa, they're crushing it. By the way, for people who don't know, Rumspringa for the Amish is like- You're like Amish your whole life. And then you hit- You get this like spring break from your religion or whatever, you know, Amish is.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And then they can like go out and go anywhere, go to Times Square and like bang hookers or like, you know, they don't- I'm assuming they don't do that. I mean, I'm sure I'm sure one or two- I mean, wouldn't you? If you had to go experience like- If you were like living in a very small, you know, quiet community for so long. It's kind of like this, Joe.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's got a little bumpies. Oh, that's a- What's it called? You know, under his eye. Fucking- Yeah, something like that. What is that called? What's that show?
Starting point is 00:09:56 Hamming's Tale. Yeah. But wouldn't you- If someone- And you don't leave this room for your whole life. Okay? If I get outside and I go to Times Square, like dude- That's going to be an assault in the senses.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah. Dude, my dick pop, like my butt fall out. Your dick is popping. Yeah, like I feel like crazy stuff would happen. I feel like I would like cry. Like it'd be too much for me, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially here.
Starting point is 00:10:18 You know, fuck yeah. But at least from what I experienced, you know, like I didn't like go into an Amish community and talk to people, but like they were like out and about like in stores and stuff like that. And I figured to be in some way like integrated into the community- I'm going to look up some facts. Maybe not at the level at which other people would expect, you know. But like they didn't have cars.
Starting point is 00:10:37 They were horse and bugging all the way down the road. But they had lights on the back. Of the horses? Of the- Of the wagon. Of the wagon. There was- Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:47 There was literally like hazard lights. But you stop a horse by pulling the reins. Whoa. Well they stayed on. They basically just stayed on the whole time. The lights. And like people like you drive around. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You know? Wow, that's fucking dope. Yeah. I looked up some Amish facts just now and the first one I saw is some Amish kids play with faceless dolls. I don't trust these people. I'm trying to think if I saw- I don't trust the Amish.
Starting point is 00:11:12 You play with a faceless doll dude? It's a horror movie. That's written out. You're a demon. You're like you, you know what you do. You know what you do. But I asked my father-in-law and I was like, oh what is the- Like why do the Amish practice the way that they practice?
Starting point is 00:11:28 And he said basically from what he explained, now listen, I have no clue. He said like basically it's pretty much in line with Catholicism. But the only difference is that they believe they should only live in an environment that has the technology that was available back when the Bible was written. Which- Cool. You gotta move forward somewhere. Somewhere.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You gotta do something, you know? So no light bulbs. There's gotta be an Amish like Jebediah just like going down the road just watching a fucking like four tourists drive by and it's like, god damn it. Yeah, why do they all have those like encyclopedia names? Like they just find- Like you ever like- You ever like just skim through an encyclopedia and you're like I've never heard of any
Starting point is 00:12:09 of these words. There's so many consonants. I'm gonna look up- We're gonna rate right now. We're gonna rate top Amish names. Wait, hold on. Also I have more facts. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:18 They're not allowed to listen to music or play instruments. Really? Yeah, no. What are they just saying? Well this is off of the site that I typed into Google so I don't know how true this is. Yeah. But maybe they can sing. Here's a really good one.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They can't pose for pictures. So you have to like catch them. You have to catch them. Yeah. Basically like if you wanna like- If you want to bring Pokemon Snap to life you go to Amish country because they're not allowed to fucking pose for pictures. You gotta catch them in the wild.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Boy, we're definitely offending some people. They're not listening. Yeah, but like you know there's someone out there that's like listen, I know Amish people and I'm offended for them. Like dude, fuck you. All right. So I mean go try and take a picture of your Amish friend then and tell me I'm wrong. If they pose, narrow out.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I'm not saying it's for a bad- They're throwing them out. I'm not saying it's for a bad reason. I'm sure there's some religious belief they have behind it and I support them. However, you gotta get a candidate of an Amish person. Of course, dude. Now I almost want to get one. I almost felt a little bad because like some of the places we were going it was like oh
Starting point is 00:13:23 go on a tour of Amish country and it's like we're kind of exploiting these people and their communities for like our gain. Well, it's just not normal. It's not your norm. Like you get these people who are just like- But I think normal is subjective. So for them- No, I'm talking about the majorities.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Majorities is like normal technically, no? Again, I think the term normal has to do with a perceived majority way of living. Yes. However, in their communities what they perceive to be normal is different from ours. I know that. But what I am saying- Got them, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, like my normal-
Starting point is 00:13:56 I fucking got them. My normal is different than your normal. Damn right it is. My normal is better though. See? This is where you get this that's bad. Kids are not allowed to go to school past eighth grade. I mean because they instantly start whittling shit.
Starting point is 00:14:09 They're known. Carpenters- I mean, Amish are known to be like incredible carpenters. You ever see- Like it's like a joke. Like they've had it on like Family Guy. But like the Amish can put up a house in like 30 minutes. Exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:14:22 But very close to being the reality. But like what's with the dolls? I think that's just their way of saying like stay the fuck away because at night we'll kill you in your sleep. That's what I think but like there's a thing written here that says- Um. This is fucking funny. This is actually hilarious. It says some Amish kids play with face of stalls.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I tried to purchase one from a well off the beaten path Amish shopped recently. What? And was told that they usually just sell those to their own people. And then it said I kind of liked that response. What? That came from someone that's also racist. That was so weird. I kind of like- I like their moxie.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. You know what I mean? I believe in that. I can get by in this. No they were like- I mean I didn't like interact with many- But like they had like Amish kitchen restaurants and stuff like that. So like- What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:15:20 It was- it said and I quote outside like typical Amish food. Beans. I would say wheat and rolled out bread and you know maybe just like fresh from the titty milk. That's kind of sick. Really? No. You'd be going- they also had like weird types of milk. They had like orange cream milk.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Excuse? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They had bottles in like fridges. It was like 97% fat milk. You know. What? Yeah. Isn't that not good?
Starting point is 00:15:51 I mean it's from the- it's literally from the farm. 97? From the tits? To the bucket? Isn't milk that you buy in stores like 2%? Oh no. I think it's just like- I think it's like 2% fat free. So it's like only 2%.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So it'd be- yo, we're fucking idiots dude. All right, all right. I gotta look this up now. Oh by the way. These top 10 uncommon Amish male names. Go. All right. Now hold on.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I need you to rank these. Give me a thumbs up or thumbs down. Edo. IDDO or Edo. That's all right. Edo? Edo. Edo.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Edo. Okay. Wally. But W-O-L-L-I-E. Wasn't that a movie that I never saw? It's a good movie. Harness. Like honest?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Like Harness. How do you spell that? This next one? Sofire. Jethro. Oh like Jethro tall. Like Jethro tall. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I know it's like a song. It's a- it's a band. But think of that. Jethro. Jethro's dope. That's so fire. That dude wears a lot of black. Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Okay. Eww. Leander. Leander. That's a- that's a Pokemon's name. It's got to be. This next one is a- it is a difficult and tight rope to walk. Fienus.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Whoa dude. Dude. That's close to penis. You're real close to being penis. Fienus? Fienus. Are you sure it's not like Phineus? It's a form of Phineus.
Starting point is 00:17:30 But it's Phineus. Eww. Phineus. Yeah. Achilla. That's kind of cool. That's fucking sick dude. Yo like an Amish rapper named Achilla.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah. Achilla the Amish. Oh wait a second. You're going to kill the Amish? Oh no. You guys heard that obviously. Okay. Absollum.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Sucks. Absollum. Yeah. It's a biblical name. It sounds like in the beginning of- It means father of peace. Absollum sounds like the beginning of like- A hymn?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Like an Arabic term. Careful. Careful. And then Arden. That's not bad. Arden's not a bad name. But Jethro. Jethro's cool.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Jethro's fucking fire. Well I've been in like Ezekiel and like all these other you know. Yeah. I wish I had a cool name. My name is just like- just sucks. Joseph? Yeah. Your name does suck.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Like it's like ugh. Okay. Whole milk contains more fat because it's higher in calories than the 2% milk. It's higher fat milk. Yeah. It's whole fat. Yeah. It's whole milk.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I knew that. It's the whole thing. I knew that. Hold on. It's the whole entire milk. Skim milk. There's like a thing where it's like whole milk is like 3% technically or some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah. It's- I don't know. Why aren't we just talking about cows, tits? We were talking about cow, titties. Last episode, right? We were always talking about cow, titties. Cows of all the animals I've seen have the nicest titties. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Who? Who? Dogs? I won't- they don't- dogs don't have areolas, this is not weird. They only have nipples. They just got nipples. Yeah. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah. I won't say who it is. No bras. No bras. We knew someone that used to suck on dog titties. You remember this? No. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Let me get a letter. No? What's it gonna give it away? I mean there's only one person- Give me a last name letter. No one's gonna know that. G. I don't know that. I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:19:33 We had a friend who sucked on dog titties. Dude. Dude. He used to- on his bed, the dog would stay above and he would lay under and suck on the fucking teetie. Ew. Yeah. I was- I never saw this.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yes you have. Nope. Yep. No way Joey. You saw this guy sucking these dog titties. No way. Yes you did. Dude.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yes you did. And I can tell you the name of the dog. Oh no. That would give it away too. I can't. I don't want to know. I gotta tell you now. I have to tell you after.
Starting point is 00:20:06 It was a girl. That was the stupidest question. Oh my god. Girls are not that dumb Joey. No. I'm saying it was a girl dog. Yeah. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Well no. Boy dogs have titties, nipples. No they don't. Yeah they do. I think you're wrong here Joey. I am not. Let's agree to disagree. We're gonna just know.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I have a dog. Okay. You checking his nipples all the time? Dude. Yeah. I've cleaned his fucking dick out for him. Not out. But like you know I've done.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I've washed it. Unscrew it. Clean it. And then screw it back in. Yeah you get the inside. Ugh. The red rocket. No no no.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Sometimes you know it gets a little like you've got some stuff. You know. Sometimes you gotta wash your dog. There's no nipples on this thing. Alright. Whatever. Regardless we knew someone that sucked on dog nips. I'm sorry that I don't.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Gee. Gee. And once you know who it is you'll be like that lines up. Are we friends still? We have not been for a very long time. We're not not friends with them. But like it's been a long time since they have been around. Like we went to school with them.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And we were friends with them. Like we would hang out. Like neighborhood friends. Yes. And we would hang out quite frequently and then in they were going home. Fucking sucking on them. To their defense. They were like 5, 6 or 7 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:20 They were like 14, 15 sucking on fucking. Oh. Okay. So this is a young f- Oh. This is the. He peed on us. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oh my god. Oh yeah. We had a friend who chased us with piss. Yeah. Peed on us. So do we tell a story? I'm sure we have at one point. There was a kid we used to know who used to he was running in public.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I hope. Wait. Hold on. I hope we haven't told this story and used their name. I mean, nah, I mean, hey man, we, it's like, it's all alleged. Whatever. Allegedly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:54 We haven't buried into an Amish conversation anyway. Can't wait till we get that cease and desist letter. Oh, that's going to be great. Dude. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. He did that.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah. I definitely don't remember that. Oh yeah. I didn't really go over there. Oh, I was there quite frequently. I remember me saying that. I was there quite. I can confirm.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I never partake. Partook. I mean. You've never sucked a dog's tits. I've never sucked a dog's tits. Oh, God. They're not even like cool. They need Ariel.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I mean, no. No. You're going to have, you're going to have nip, no air. Think about, think about how weird if people didn't have Ariolas. They've got, I mean, there are probably, there are all types of boobies out there with nipples and all types of nipples. I'm sure that there's at least one or two in the world right now that just have nip, no ariola.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I mean, I'm sure they have little tiny ones, but there is some Ari. There's no, there's no zero Ari in just nipple. There's definitely. There's definitely. No, that's Joey. Listen, listen. Humans have nipples. Listen, listen to me.
Starting point is 00:22:51 There's always the exception to the rule. Always Joey. Do you think there's ariolas nipples? Look them up. No. I'm done with this phone. I like not knowing and just thinking I'm right. You think I'm wrong?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. There you go. Exactly. You're good living in your own encased world of being right. You don't like to admit that you're wrong. Because I'm wrong. Oh, you're going to say wise. Oh, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:14 They go hand in hand, Joey. But yeah, the Amish were, there's a, dude, honestly, fuck the Amish dog nipples now. Amishly fucking 10 out of 10 would recommend going to Lancaster PA. So much fucking fun. Interesting. It was a lot of fun. And I will say also a lot of crack heads in the city. Crack heads.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh yeah. Amish crack heads? No. Those are like oxymorons, you know, biggie smalls, jumbo shrimp, Amish crack head. They don't work together. Understood. But like we were sitting down eating lunch and there was just a lot of crack heads walking around us.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Damn. How'd you know there were crack heads? You see, you see a crack head, Joey, you know a crack head. You know what I'm talking about. You see a grown white woman wearing a size small, I should stop, right? Was she drinking a Mountain Dew? She was wearing a size small SpongeBob shirt with flip flops and shorts. It's a crack head.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Sounds like another day of Walmart, honestly. You know, well, is crack heads in Walmart? Walmart's crazy, man. Dude, Walmart is wild. I remember when I first... You should do videos about people from Walmart. I remember when I first started that series on YouTube, someone had reached out to me like multiple times.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I had seen it like a couple of times. People were like, yo, you should look up Walmart. I'm like, what the fuck? Like I've never... Because I've never... I went to a Walmart one time when we drove to PA with Nick and that was the only time I've ever been to Walmart. Mad Hasidic juice there, by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That was so random. No. The one that you're talking about was one we went to up in the Catskills. That's... Oh yeah, not PA. It was upstate. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:07 So it was just like mad random. But like that was the only time I was ever in a Walmart. So I was like, why am I looking this up? And then it looked up like, you know, people at Walmart and it's just insane the amount of people who shit themselves. Like it's one big bathroom that sells stuff. There's so much poop in Walmart. Dude, Walmart is like, take it from someone that worked in retail.
Starting point is 00:25:26 People legitimately treat retail like it is their garbage can and their toilet. Yeah. Like they just walk in and like, Joey, you need to use the bathroom. You get anxious. You get... You set it yourself. You set it in a bathroom instantly. There are people out there that are just like, I'm cool with just...
Starting point is 00:25:43 Isle 7. Right here. Yeah. You know, right next to the Enfamil formula. I'm just dropping one. Yeah. Right in front of the dog toys. Curse...
Starting point is 00:25:51 Splat. It doesn't... And you hope it's a curse splat. It's easier sometimes for a curse splat. It's usually a... No. Sometimes it's just a... Oh, like a heavy...
Starting point is 00:25:59 You know what I'm talking about? Like a good don't bump and then a... Like it rolls underneath something and you can't find it for a month. I don't know about you, but I feel like whenever I have to really go to the bathroom, it's never like solid. Like I can hold a log in. I can't hold in water. You can't hold in spit.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah. Yeah. I don't have a dam. You know what I'm saying? I hear you. Can't hold it up. I hear you. I mean, there's no like...
Starting point is 00:26:30 Hmm. I have to use a bathroom, but it can wait for me. It's like, I have to use a bathroom right now. Yeah. Or I'm gonna... Dude, that happened to me the other... Like literally yesterday, I was playing Call of Duty and I was on the headset with like Keith and Steve and I was like, yo, in like 15 minutes, I'm gonna have to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And then literally like 27 seconds later, I was like, remember when I said 15 minutes? I meant fucking right now. I was like, get the load out. I'm hiding in the house and I went in there and I barely made it. In my own house, I almost should have... I will tell you that the fuck, first of all, in your place, you're lucky enough that you have two bathrooms. I share an apartment right now with my wife and my wife and with a five year old.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So like... Is he poop? My pregnant... He poops in the regular toilet. Yeah. He's been crapping all over the place. Did he ever set it off in there and you're like, yo, what the fuck? I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 00:27:27 He's been pretty... He's a little kid. He takes a big shit. Dude, there was one day where he shit, I kid you not, black. Not like dark or green. Like the cups of coffee they didn't have. And I remember it as clear as day because he stood up and he goes, whoa, what did I eat?
Starting point is 00:27:44 And I was like, no way. That's bad. That's like blood, isn't it? He was all right. I mean, I think it's okay. He was just hungover. The worst thing we had for him is when we started potty training him, which was about two years ago, he, like two and change.
Starting point is 00:28:00 You start with a fake toilet. Yes. So it was a kitty toilet. It was like a fucking... He just like shits in that, like in the living room. That's what I'm talking about. It was in the bathroom. No water.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It was in the bathroom. No water. Nothing was... He was a child? Nothing is worse than just in like raw in the air room temperature shit. You know what I mean? Yeah, dude. So like, and it's got like a weight to it, but it's like that weird weight where like
Starting point is 00:28:22 you put like water on a plate and if you move one way, you're like, oh, God, that is so gross. And then when you have to dump it into the toilet. Yeah. Dude, I don't even think about these things. Like when it comes to children and potty training, you're shitting into just a bucket like a cat. Dude, this kid, no, at least cats can cover it up with some fucking kitty litter.
Starting point is 00:28:39 This kid's just shitting in the wind. Friends over at Pretty Litter. There's a free plug for you. Um, no, this kid was just shitting into a just not even a bucket, it's not deep. It's just a cup. This kid's just basically shitting in a bowl. Just like a like a shallow bowl. And then he always gets up and then it's good boy too.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And then, well, yeah, because you're, you're, you want to, you know, happy. The best thing we did, we bought for him was like the hybrid toilet seat that was like adult seat. And then it's another one slid down and it was like baby seat, very smart move on our part. But like then you got a teacher about wiping their ass. How do you even do that? You tell them to just don't stop until you, until you get the green.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Don't stop. Do you get enough? You know what I'm saying? Like just, just, just go, just go for it. So literally how, like if I'm, you know, how would you explain wiping my, cause like how confident are you in your ass wiping ability? Uh, you know, I've never changed a diaper. So I'm going to have, I'm going to, no, no, no, no, not for someone else.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm talking about for your own. Oh, at a 10, I'm a, I'm a three at best. I don't think I'm that good either. I'm a three at best. You know, sometimes I get itchy and I'm like, I had a bad, I could sit there and just, just fucking like, you know, like sandpaper wiped down my entire body and it'll still, you know, like, like, it's like a marker. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Like there's nothing you can do. You're just doomed from the start. Sandpaper? Yeah. Just like, you could get as close to the grain as possible, but you're a torsion your ass, but it just doesn't matter. Yeah. You know, but, um, yeah, with kids, like, I remember with Miles, we, we would teach him
Starting point is 00:30:18 to wipe and then wait, are you guys like as a team in there? Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It was like pretty much all Becca. I can't even really, the only part of this process that I could take credit for was the Twizzlers. And that was his reward for using the, the, the potty. This is literally like training a dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:37 That's exactly what it is. So when he would wipe his ass correctly, you'd be like, here's a Twizzler. Yeah. We would say sit on the toilet, use the bathroom, wipe and you get a Twizzler. And it would, they were the pull and peel ones. They were the best ones. Those are better than the fucking other ones. They're all great.
Starting point is 00:30:52 But, um, and then like he would usually wipe two times and then he would go, all right, check. Oh my God. No. And then like we would just like give it a courtesy wipe just to make sure it was good. You've courtesy wiped him? And I'm sure I have once or twice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's a kid, dude. I know. It was crazy. He's crazy. You're going to be so fucked when you have a kid. No, no, no. I don't think I like care. You're so fucked.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I went to like change Shannon's kid, like, like Michael's diaper, but I also like in my head, I'm like, you know what, I shouldn't know how to do this. Like, I'm going to, you know, but then I always just go, no, I know I was like when, when I first moved in with Becca, I think Miles was on type. He was on diapers, like it's crack. He was like in diapers for like, maybe two months. And then we started potty training him. And I remember actively saying like, yo, I'm, I'm not doing this.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Yeah. Because like, I don't like, I won't have, I don't think I will. A baby is a different story, but like it's like a two year old, but like, I don't think I'll have an issue with my child's shit, but that's because it's my child's shit. Right. I will have an issue with other child's shit. Right. Especially when they're two, like when they're baby, it's like, all right, whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But like two, it's like, oh my God, we could, you could talk to me later. Yeah. You know, he was not your kid is what I mean. We knew it was time to potty train him when he like, we knew like, he knew he was shitting in his diaper and like, we knew that he was able to express that he shitted in his diaper. And he was like, yo, I took a, I don't know. He would literally, he'd go into the corner of the room and he'd come back and he'd be like, Miles, did you poop and he'd be like, oh, he's a liar.
Starting point is 00:32:42 He's a little lying idiot. And then we'd be like, all right, by the way, we need to come up with a better way of checking for kid's shit than putting their ass in our fucking face. Can I just like turn a color? Like sometimes like shit or you piss in the thing, the outside turns green. They have ones like that where it'll be like a blue strip. But like for the most part, like if you want to check if a child's shit, you like pick them up and just like hold their asshole in your face.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Or you like open their pants and you check at that point, like you might as well change the diaper anyway. Yeah. Like now I'm looking at a shit dick. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's worse dude. Dude, Shannon, I was at her house one time just kind of hanging out, trying to have a
Starting point is 00:33:24 nice morning and trying. She was like changing the baby, but the baby was like crying a lot and she like picked him up and she's like holding him now, like naked baby screaming. And then she just looks at us and she just goes, in this tone, he's shitting. And I'm looking and she was not lying. Baby was spuffing all over dude because it's like whatever they have for those first few months and they don't shit. It literally goes right through them.
Starting point is 00:33:53 So they'll literally be sucking on the nipple and then it'll just be firing like fucking out the back. You know what I mean? That's the only thing that's going to be tough for me is like you ever hear like your parents say to you like, I used to wipe your ass. Look at you now. Not that you're that's not your dad. mom but like you know what I mean like I didn't realize like what kind of power
Starting point is 00:34:15 that had and what that can do to fuck someone up until now yeah like I'm gonna see like my I don't mind wiping a butt but when you have to apply the this stuff like the like the cream or whatever the fuck oh the butt paste or whatever yeah you gotta paste them you gotta paste them up yeah that's that's like I'm gonna look like I'm gonna have my beautiful daughter in my hands I'm gonna be like oh my god like I'll do anything for this girl you know she's gonna love you she's gonna grow up to be a beautiful woman and then I'm just thinking about like she's just gonna be just fucking all like just firing off rounds out of her
Starting point is 00:34:48 asshole yeah you know like that's gonna fuck somebody up hey yeah you oh yeah that's what's gonna happen yeah yeah yeah and there's like no rhyme or reason to it they could be just like having the greatest day of their life and just fucking you know dude one time I was holding Michael like he's small so I can have like basically his whole ass like in my hand this dude farted into my hand and I thought someone like threw a rock at me it was like oh I was like yo my palm caught all of that it was insane dude they have so much velocity they got a lot there you wouldn't think they're basically just gas in skin yeah
Starting point is 00:35:30 they shit and piss so hard like a baby's piss can fly that's the only thing I haven't experienced yet baby pee pee like dude literally they could piss like they always say like a porn star can squirt not just comparing a baby to a porn star Joey way to go every porn star starts as a baby I guess I guess we you know that's profound Joey exactly like that that's how you do it yeah let's get to these ads do it all right let me get to these ads pull them up we looking for something that you can put that on oh that box over there all
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Starting point is 00:37:24 this thing is like buzzing next we have quip the electric toothbrush everyone knows I'm about that quip life I still got my quip I have a red one it's fire but yeah the quip smart brush connects to the quip app with bluetooth tracks how when and how well you brush you can also get tips and coaching to improve your habits all right because none of us are brushing correctly you think you have nice teeth and you go to the dentist and they go this sucks and then you have to you know and everyone else are you about flossing I don't like it I hate it I hate dentist but with the quip electric the quip toothbrush it's amazing I it's
Starting point is 00:38:01 honestly my favorite toothbrush I'm never going back but yeah join over the 5 million mouths who use quip and save hundreds compared to other bluetooth brushes when you get a quip smart brush for just $45 all right so go check that out it's another good you know gift to have around the holidays start getting rewards for brushing your teeth today and go to get quip comm slash basement right now to get your first refill pack for free because it does come with refill packs every couple of months they send you a new brush head and some toothpaste so it's like having a new toothbrush like all year round you never
Starting point is 00:38:33 have to buy another one all right but yeah again that your first refill pack for free at get quip comm slash basement spelled G E T Q U I P comm slash basement all right get that mouth nice and shiny brush your teeth this is the toothbrush you want okay and now we're moving on to another one we have liquid IV big liquid IV kind of girl all right has the hydration multiplier plus immune support all right they got a cutting-edge blend of vitamin C vitamin D zinc well-immune inconvenient single-serving packets all right you just take the packet you open it up you pour it in a glass of water they do the rest
Starting point is 00:39:14 all right they have ones that keep you they have the wellness one that gives you like immune support they have energy boosters they have hydration ones which whenever I like plan on drinking I'll drink one before I go out and then in the morning I'll have another one it's fucking amazing so go check out liquid IV also their promo code is 25% off anything when you order using the promo code basement at liquid IV comm they're also available you know at Walmart or you could order online 25% off liquid IV comm and use the promo code basement at checkout definitely check them out they have a lot of cool products
Starting point is 00:39:52 and yeah I take them all the time next here we have express VPN all right express VPN basically it hides your IP address and lets you control where you want sites to think you're located so when you're able to do that you can choose to be like all right I want to you know have access to the Japanese Netflix so you can watch certain anime shows they have available there instead of that aren't available in the US with express VPN or you know you can watch shows like Rick and Morty on Netflix if you set it to the France Netflix which is really cool also I I need to get on that show I started watching the first
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Starting point is 00:41:51 you have quotes on your phone this is what you wanted to tell me yes so there have been times Joey we're like I come up with things and I'm like and you think they're profound and I'm I think they're profound and I'm like you write them down and I write them down and since 2012 since 2012 I don't have a lot because I haven't wrote I forgot this existed for quite a while and I just recently found them and I think it would be good to kind of go over some of them right now this is I guys this is the most Frankie fucking shit of hold on wait how's that how's it the most Frankie shit of all time clearly it is he's doing it I'm doing
Starting point is 00:42:22 it well just because I do something doesn't make it the most for each of all time if I'm doing something that might necessarily means that it conforms with something else so what do you mean this is the most Frankie shit of all time fuck you sometimes I say things and I think they're profound so I write them down I can I cannot wait to hear what this is why because if you could come up if you could guess what one is I don't they're gonna be not profound why not I think some of them will be profound I don't think you this is gonna are they are they serious they're all serious they're not jokes none of them are jokes
Starting point is 00:42:51 oh my god this is so much better none of them are jokes oh my god I remember as clear as day I had a good friend she's still a good friend and I told her like okay I'm gonna I'm in a one day write a book and these quotes are gonna be the chapters for the book the chapters the chapter titles you know like chapter six you know so on and so forth and so wait chat or chapters just like names they're not senses well some of them could be themed they could be whatever the fuck they want you know they could be whatever you want them to so I need you to prepare yourself wait hold on seriously I'm like be serious with me you I just
Starting point is 00:43:31 want because I need to know like it's gonna make it funnier you wrote these down because at the time that you wrote them you're like you know this is like amazing yes it's not funny one of them one of them now that I'm reading it was kind of funny but I remember having like a serious like outlook on it this is gonna be so good okay um so I'll just start you off with some of them oh god and let me know do you have dates I don't have dates but I can tell you they were all from like 2010 2011 2012 any I don't think any of them are past 2013 okay this is prime this is prime r.a. frank that's yeah so wait yeah yeah so some of them might be profound
Starting point is 00:44:08 all right I'm gonna I'm gonna I'll start off with one walk directly through any crowd of men that's it what are your thoughts I thought there was gonna be more that's that's just one of them what that's just one of them is that like be confident or something yeah like you know you're walking down a street there's a crowd of men coming toward you don't go around walk through a crowd of men you know walk directly through a crowd of any crowd of men think about it can you tell me like well like
Starting point is 00:44:56 I remember I remember there was I wouldn't say I remember as clear as day I was um with friends on my college campus and we were walking you know on campus and there was like the there was like two big fraternities on our campus men yeah and one of the like the opposing because we weren't like rivals or anything but the other group of men were from the other fraternity and they were walking by and I remember the people like veered off to the side to like give them the sidewalk and I was like fuck that I'm gonna walk through them and you did and I did the bit yep no but like that's what it is like don't just walk through any crowd of men you know what I mean like and think about that like if you don't have to conform or like give it up like it's about confidence yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:45:53 god that was so okay fucking much better than I thought it was gonna be all right I can't believe there's more how many are there one two three four five six seven so there's six more left thank god all right number two and again all of them are serious except one it was like kind of joking let me know when that one I'll do the jokie one now okay okay okay I fear the day that my arms will betray the rest of my body and I remember because I remember because there was a joke that's the joke I remember because I was in like our like dining hall and you know when like you do one of these really quick where you sit down and pull a chair in at the exact same time okay I like joked and said like one day my arms are not gonna do it and I'm gonna fall down who were you during this
Starting point is 00:46:47 time period people must have been burned like Frank we're just trying to eat lunch like one day I know I like I fear the day I fear the day that my arms will betray the rest of my body think about it like if your arms like just like like give up on you betray you yeah like Judas like one day stabbed or like you're gonna go like you're gonna go like sit down and like you're gonna pull the chair in at the same time but your arms don't do it and you just go straight down think about detrimental like that would be to your psyche and your ego lots unpacked man so much unpacked you know so I got the joke went out the way okay next I can't believe that was the joke yeah next uh life is an interview what do you think about that one that
Starting point is 00:47:42 was pretty good though that was pretty profound think about it life looked at me from the side you're like life is an interview that one's a good one give me that yo I don't even know who this person is yeah you do you know who this person is life is an interview thing but it's true everything if you approach everything in life as an interview you'll be a lot more like better off oh god you know what I'm saying this is going so much better than I thought you're still holding that but I'm holding it can you put it on your knee or something we're fine dude you're okay what do you do you was already betrayed yeah see you're lucky do you agree that life is an interview I mean I guess yeah you want to like it's about first impressions and and if you agree and believe
Starting point is 00:48:36 in an afterlife this is all just an interview to just get there one day I don't know if I do and that's not why I wrote it I wrote it mainly because like every interaction you have with someone in a way you're like trying to sell yourself you know mm-hmm like you I you know I'm your interview and me for your role as a friend every day mm-hmm you see what I'm saying yeah that was not bad okay that was not bad it's just funny to picture you doing this I can tell you like I would get these ideas and be like oh yeah like it's a no-brainer have you ever read these to anyone else uh yeah my friend her name is Melissa very good friend did she go whoa I think I think she was just pandering to me where she was just like yeah those are good yeah yeah I think she was
Starting point is 00:49:27 definitely pandering to me got you she's a good friend she's a great friend are we supportive of course uh some of the other ones she might she I wish she had maybe been a little more upfront about uh so the next one never break eye contact again that's that's just a good that's just good advice for anybody that's one of them that's one of them that's not profound that's profound that was like that's literally like a thing that you just do that's profound wait never never okay always keep eye contact okay you know what I'm saying because the person that does and I remember I had an expert like I remember that my logic behind this one was like there are three types of people in this world ones that never break eye contact or when they see you they look down
Starting point is 00:50:17 and it's like they're submissive or they look up and they think they're better than you so always keep eye contact in the middle a healthy balance healthy balance they look up and think they're better than you yeah like you ever like if you like you're trying to like break eye contact with someone you have eye contact and they're like uh like uh uh and this guy you know what I'm saying and then people are submissive or like I guess yeah if there's like dude it's flawless logic I just this is great do you agree with any of them so far I get your point it's just like I said it's funny to imagine you like just do it so you get my point that one was easily the worst one because it was just it would be like fold your hands like it's like
Starting point is 00:51:04 have good manners like yeah I mean you know sometimes it's good to know they never break eye contact to never to never have to feel like you are you have to give in you know what I mean to always be your own person yeah those are good advice words yeah those are good advice words all right the next one uh some dreams are not worth chasing I was told this one was profound by one of my smartest friends some dreams are not worth chasing you think you came up with that I know I did no you did it it's written on like things yeah we're Joey where have you seen it before means yeah tell me show me a meme dated before I said this exactly all right some dreams are not worth chasing so unpack that for
Starting point is 00:51:56 me please so my buddy sly uh he was like he's the one who told you that this he goes I'll tell you exact interaction my buddy sly he goes what was your he goes what was your dream job like we were like we were just like talking casually and I was like oh you know like SNL you know and I was like you know sophomore in college at this point you know going to school for criminal justice and he's like why didn't you ever chase that dream and I go literally I didn't like think about it I didn't step back I just like bang on the cusp I just went you know some dreams are just not worth chasing and he literally he goes wow that is that is profound that's exactly what he said why are you saying it like that because that's he has an accent
Starting point is 00:52:39 he does not that one sly yeah he does what I don't even know what accent you're doing Sylvester is this accent where he's like so trust me thank you if anyone here knows him so like I'm so Francisco that is so profound he calls your friend he always calls me Francisco I love it and uh he's the person that smacked me in the ass and almost made me pass out that one time oh yes wow he's got a big he's got a dude he's got a big old hand he's got a he's got a he's got some power behind he's got some girth behind that palm nice but he said he was like that's profound and I then that was an invitation to elaborate more got you just think about it you just said invitation whatever it's so it's true sometimes some dreams it's just not worth chasing I understand
Starting point is 00:53:25 you know okay you got to really think about like the effort that would go into it do you have anything to say on any no it's good I get it no I in a in a serious tone like yeah I understand what you're saying some things are just like you know you got to know when to kind of give it up you know yeah um wait which number are we on uh I think there are one two three more okay okay why do you say like that I don't know all right this is real these all next three are very serious okay I don't know why this one was serious but I remember like it's serious if you forget someone's name okay hold on that's not it I have to add a little context here if you forget a man's name call them Richard so you can freely call them dick
Starting point is 00:54:29 so the theory behind that one yeah the theory is that how many times is someone like just like a dick you know what I mean but like if you pretend you forget their name if you want to call them a dick and call them Richard instead or Richie so then when you do call them a dick they think oh it's because they think my name was Richard that is one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever heard in my entire life that is so wildly fucking stupid on so many levels that I am shocked that that was like a reasoning to the point where you thought I need to write that down so I remember it put it in a time capsule bury it under my house and hopefully people in 200 years dig it up no think of it like if you forget
Starting point is 00:55:28 you just call them dick I thought the original one was if you forget someone's name and that was the whole thing are you trying yeah even you have to not fucking awful that is 20 year old Frank he's got all the answers it's a smart way like for instance if I forget someone's name no matter what it is I always ask them like oh am I like how do you spell that I do that too I go how do you spell your last name yeah yeah yeah and it's like all right and you know how do you spell your full yeah yeah like yo just spell your first and last name for me so I could put it in my phone or something like and it's just so much easier it could be like Bob and they'll be like b o b and I'm like all right
Starting point is 00:56:10 Bob thanks dude I've done that because like I used to get when I would get text from people and you don't know who it is I'd be like oh yo can you just send me your full name because I I like having my contacts being like first that's what I do too I say that that's what I do too but if I get a number if I get I mean it hasn't happened in a very long time but if I were to get like a text message from a number that I don't know let's be like sorry I don't have this number like I'm just like straight up like who is this like I don't have this yeah now at this point like I don't get text but it's a smart thing to do you know just like it's like just like pretend like it's more like to get the upper hand on them you know what I mean like to call them dick is that what you're
Starting point is 00:56:51 saying like I should be like oh rich you know that's fucking that's great man that's awesome dick you know also who started that Richard and dick I don't know I don't know where that came from not even close dick chard like why why call someone like rich richy rich dick is dick chaney Richard chaney I think he might be or is he just dick I don't know dick Kovett is was he Richard Kovett you don't know who that is I have no idea who that is um I thought I honestly remember at the time all right these next two are I believe the most profound and this is not a joke okay god um so at the time I was on a college campus in West Haven kind of a rough area would often go into downtown New Haven also kind of a rough area so I gave advice to my male cohorts to quote always
Starting point is 00:57:47 carry a knife and a condom on you you never know when you're going to need to poke someone you you didn't write that I did it's in there oh my god always carry a knife and a condom you don't know where you're going to poke someone you don't know when you're going to need to poke someone I need to fuck someone right now I need to stab someone you know I mean like think about it like two things can happen when you're on you you probably thought that was so clever I was so fucking happy you were hyped on that I was so hype so hype I can't even tell you I was sitting on my car you never know when you're gonna need to poke someone bingo oh man that sucks
Starting point is 00:58:38 it's great advice no why not where's your knife and condom well not anymore because I got I have literally no condom you know what I mean no knife and I don't need a knife because I have keys just as dangerous in the right hands literally not you know what I'm saying you never know when you're gonna have to poke someone never know you never at the time oh by the way anyone who's watching who it's your senior year in high school and need a senior quote one of these oh god if someone listen to me right now if someone use these my arms my arms walk through it directly through any crowd of men that would be a nice woman's senior quote I mean I think that'd be great if anyone uses these their actual senior quote in a yearbook I will fucking
Starting point is 00:59:32 love you I will send you Joey's shirt all right it's my last one are you ready before I get to this last one out of 10 how good of these been two with one being the best no no no like bad these are horrible they're not horrible they're good advice they're not profound they are profound they're not new thoughts they are first of all they're all new thoughts they're original thoughts from you from you yeah exactly but they're original thoughts from me that came before you no yeah no one came before me you came first you my dad I guess hey like I guess I guess uh no I think these are honestly like I mean I could have polished them up a little bit but at the time the way that our mentality Joey you were a dumb 20 year old too
Starting point is 01:00:20 yeah you used to rap don't think I forgot that that doesn't that doesn't first of all what uh second of all one out of 10 10 being the highest obviously yeah I can't go higher than a 5.8 just because the like the the the two in the middle weren't great this last one is gonna bump it up to at least a seven oh okay I think okay oh man live life come on let me get through it live life as if you're driving on a highway no matter how fast you're going there's always someone ahead of you and someone behind you be sneezed there baby that one you're super proud of that one I'm very proud of that's a good one
Starting point is 01:01:13 dude there's someone ahead of you and so no matter how fast you're going mm-hmm always someone ahead of you and always someone behind you know which I guess unless you unless you live out in Montauk no there's always someone ahead of you not if you live at the end of the Long Island there technically where you're going there's always someone in front of you not behind you but there's always someone behind you too no because if you live in the last house they're trying to get to where you are and you're trying to get elsewhere that someone else could be see this is a profound one I don't even know what that meant this is profound all right think about it Joey right now you do I didn't say close your eyes okay you're doing like well for yourself
Starting point is 01:01:51 like you know you're happy you know you have a good job 800 million last year 600 and no matter how like you're always attaining more you always want to get more there's always something else that you want to do with your life but there's always people behind you that want to get to where you are right now right so technically there's always someone ahead of you on the highway there's always someone the metaphorical highway that's what I'm saying not necessarily the real highway it's like a cul-de-sac no matter how fast you're going and even a cul-de-sac right that's right you know because what about a dead end even though if you're going to a dead end you're going to the dead end with the with the mindset of getting somewhere else so that elsewhere that
Starting point is 01:02:31 you want to get someone is already there but what if you live at the end of the dead end but there's always more space because when then then technically that's your starting point at another point in time fucking good right 7.3 I'll go 71 that's passing that's great yeah yeah that's 71 that's unbelievable you know those are good quotes I mean I can't believe those are real so all all seriousness 100 authentic there's no part of those that were made for the show fact check if someone out here listens and knows my friend Melissa you could ask her she'll tell you she remembers and I said I wanted to write a book man what were you gonna title it I'm sure I had a title but I don't remember at the moment yeah I mean we could write a book and I could take
Starting point is 01:03:21 all the profits um 70 70 percent of the profits there you go oh wow really well let me give me 70 Frankie no more than my two that's more than my two but yeah so do you have any quotes because I know there's been profound Joe of course but like but you hid them I hid them smart no but I don't I never like wrote down I would write down quotes at one point in my life of like other people that I thought like resonated with me but you never came up with them some yourself I don't think so I'm sure I like did but like I didn't like write them down like I'm gonna keep these and like you know what I used to do oh this is actually insane I used to uh hear certain songs and be like this would be good in like a a move or like I would think of like a scene that it would be like a good okay and I would
Starting point is 01:04:14 have it and it was basically like a soundtrack not like a soundtrack to my life but like if there was a story about whatever like there was songs I'm like oh this would be a good song to play like during a scene like this I used to write that down for some reason did you ever write a screenplay or something yeah recently oh really yeah I wrote one with uh with Greg a pilot oh no but a screenplay like a like a movie no I mean it was like a it was a pilot episode but we did plan out like a whole season gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha but I never but there was only one part of it that I was like oh this song would be perfect for this part gotcha and it was iris spy google of course it was
Starting point is 01:05:15 dude that song fucks we're gonna find you that song's mad good dude oh um I always think about him just like isn't he like in like a watch tower and that don't remember that it's like I don't remember that I wrote a screenplay when I was in eighth grade like the first like seven lines please have it I don't have it but I remember the opening line it was gonna be a rom-com duh and I fucking Joey I remember this like yesterday it was gonna be a rom-com and the opening line was gonna be a narration by the couple that said um it was fuck what was it hold on hold on hold on it was um uh were you ever superstitious enough to knock on wood and then the girl would chime in and say and touch red what the fuck does that mean what the fuck does that
Starting point is 01:06:05 mean suspicious enough to touch wood knock on wood you ever hear this say like oh knock on wood what's red apparently red is also a superstitious thing too it's like oh touch red oh oh yeah yeah that was the opening line yeah why do you remember I remember it as clear as day we were sitting in a starbucks who was we my then girlfriend oh and you were writing it with her yeah and she was adamant about the touch red the red the red yeah it's a good addition it's you know it's something what was the superstition is this it was like it was a rom-com like about like you know like things happen for you know gotcha they get together somehow gotcha gotcha yeah that was
Starting point is 01:06:52 when I wanted to become like an actor nice and I went to uh an audition a kid audition in eighth grade yeah why did I know this you didn't know that no yeah it was for what it was a big topic of contention in my family because it was like one of those like radio things it's like do you want to get famous you know like brenna song and it was like her ad agency in new york was holding auditions for kids and you went and I went with my dad and my sister who the whole time told me don't go and I was like I just need to experience this myself why didn't why she didn't want you to go because there's a scam which it was nice and I went and they were like it was a thing and it was like at the end of it it was like all right you need to pay for acting classes which were like
Starting point is 01:07:36 for like five it was like two thousand dollars so I was like trying to save up to take acting classes yeah I read an ad for a gatorade commercial do you remember the do you remember the first line of that no no no didn't work out no but now I have to look up her agency because they were the they were the people that tried to I mean she might not be with the same agency now brenna song is that the girl from uh Disney channel uh yeah yeah yeah child actress she was in the social media movie right yeah social network I mean yep got you brenna song child actress agency um it's so irrelevant frank no it's I mean all right it's more for me than anyone else but yeah we'll talk about that another time another time you guys know
Starting point is 01:08:19 where to find me f albert's h5 and nope eight I heard a gurl f albert's eight five f albert's eight zero eight five on twitter and if you want to come hang out and play video games with me Mondays and Tuesday nights on twitch f albert's eight zero eight five on there as well and then the frank albert is on instagram yes go follow uh the show on instagram too at the baseman yard and our patreon slash the baseman yard um go check us out and we have uh an extra episode every single week you get promo codes and you could earn some money too um but yeah also go follow me at joe sanagato you go follow the show actually on tiktok at the baseman yard um go check that out as well um yeah that is all see you guys next time

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