The Basement Yard - #270 - Can Men Wear Dresses?

Episode Date: November 30, 2020

After hearing about all the backlash Harry Styles received for wearing a dress, Frank & Joe discuss whether they think men can wear dresses or not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard Frankie. How's it going man? Oh hanging banging dog I know Frankie Jackson just told me before we turn the cameras on that he's turned on by black males Hold on so hold on. That's what you said. No, that's not I said and I quote I'm turned on by black male like if so one black man like for instance Which guy if we were to say something like just like stupidly offensive Yeah, and like Josh were to like cut it and clip it and hold it He would have blackmail on me and that kind of you know, it makes me a little horny For him for or the danger the danger you like being in danger
Starting point is 00:00:40 I guess I mean I didn't think about it until right now, but I guess I do I guess I do I Feel like there is some sort of correlation between danger and like being horny because You ever played like hide-and-seek and you're hiding you know, I have a weird like we're feeling in my penis Dude, any time I've played hide-and-seek. I have to pee the whole time. Yeah, it's like oh my god It doesn't it doesn't matter it doesn't matter where I'm hiding when I'm hiding I could have just you know emptied my bowels minutes before and I got a pee That's not your bowels You know the front bowels. Yeah, okay the front parts your bladder that one okay that one that one that one got you got you
Starting point is 00:01:15 But yeah, yeah, so like sometimes you get inside excited. You're just like oh my penis feels tangly dude You like I I kind of understand you know those people that like fuck roller coasters and shit like that I kind of understand that to stop. We're gonna back up. You're gonna go who what you never heard about those people They fuck a roller coaster Yeah, like they'll like lay under roller coasters and like fuck the like fuck them like finger themselves or jerk off While touching a pipe or some shit. I've actually seen the guy who kisses his car. That's what I'm saying It's like objectivism or some shit like that like objectism or yeah I saw him like laying under his car and like kissing like the the the bumper and then he did the guy who was like
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, sometimes I sit in the back seat and I just like crank it. I'm like damn dude There was one that I saw this lady was like she like walks up to a roller coaster and starts like giggling They're like, what are you thinking about? She's like, I can't tell you She's girls just full-on horny for this fucking roller coaster. He came to con just be like oh Dude and then she starts like taking like the grease and like it okay Sniffing it and shit like that. She sniffs the grease so fucking horny for the grease. That's so awesome It's for her. I you know But like I can't understand that because you ever been on a roller coaster and like you're going over bumpies and it's like
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, but I never get horny you you don't know what it is though I know it's not horny You know no, you don't also for someone like that when you go to Six Flags And like that must be just like seeing your wife just get torn apart dude by a thousand men But people are into that too. That's what I'm you're a cock hole You're you they're into it like the they're being a cock for a roller coaster. That's yo just like watching fucking That's a book cocky just watching El Toro just get fucking rode on by a bunch of people Yeah, yeah, you know what I can Spanish Spanish Spanish roller coasters El Toro just get fucking torn up
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's what I'm saying like this elder you're just watching just like oh shit man like that's fucking things going pretty fast That's got to be like the most intense like orgasm you can have if you if you're attracted to a roller coaster And you're going on it like can you imagine that fucking drop? Yeah, just coming the whole way down. Yeah, I don't think those people should be allowed in in a Six Flags though Can't be can't be that horny imagine doing that like riding it and they're like kids next to you Or oh, that's weird. Is it illegal to be like hey, man, you're fucking my roller coaster Yeah, like little kids. Yeah, you know what I mean? Is it illegal to be horny in the vicinity of kids? Like I always think about that just to be horny. No, I think it's the action is what's illegal of being like
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm just gonna like get heart like I think you have a responsibility as a man that if you're horny around children You got to hide that bone Yeah, but like a dog hide your bone. That's that's tough. It's tough when not tough You just you just kind of like dip it down or you start walking around like this Man, you've done that the other day. I had to pee with a Raging bone. I don't even know why dude. I can't tell you how difficult it is sometimes Well Becca and I will be fast asleep in the morning and Miles will jump into bed with us And it's like dude you're chill take it easy. Yeah, dude
Starting point is 00:04:26 I got a thing going on and like he always like cuddles with her like not me Thank God because like, you know men in the morning We're half staff cock barrel ready to load it to go You Know what I'm saying like we're bad dude. We're ready. You know, we're militia down kitchen a tent in there Dude, it is a fucking full-on. Yeah, it's a yurt. It's a yurt. It's a yurt exactly what it is Yeah, but like he needs to be careful You know what I mean like and I need to be careful too because one day he might jump in and just fucking just just kick
Starting point is 00:04:58 Me right in the bones. Yeah, dude, and I you know that would scar him and you'd probably get an actual scar on you Yeah, I probably would dude. He's legit kicked me in the balls like multiple times Jesus like we like wrestle and he I told you one day He like hit me with like a step up in Seguri, but like stepped on my dick and balls and then just fucking Just kicked me right in the cheek. Oh Man, what were we just talking about roller coaster fucks. Yeah, but after that we went somewhere and I had something to say and I forgot About being horny around kids. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah being horny around kids. You got to hide your bone. Oh, that's what I was talking about the other day
Starting point is 00:05:33 I had a rage. You know when you have like every once in a while you get a boner and you're like this thing It's just out of control. It's like out of my this is concerning Yeah, and sometimes it's just like it feels like there's like a force field around your penis and you're like I can't even fight This thing. Yeah, there's nothing. It's just time time will heal all you know You know when that would happen to me when I was in middle school I was any day I was driven to school almost every day by our friends dad You know the road gets me horny nothing else. I would have massive. Well, not you know Appropriately size. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:06:07 Realistically size. Yeah, but just like yeah, you could cut through fucking valerian steel with this shit. Yeah, it was hard Dude, I don't know why that is I think it's like the bumps and it became this game for me Like I'm on the bus like going to school and like every time we hit a bump my dicks like pulsating really yeah Like every time we hit a bump, so I'm like trying so hard to like hit a bump and not like you know You like throb your dick kind of so like I try so hard not to do that But it gets me every time do that You know this is what's fucked up about cars is that they're made to have sex with and you just like no one get back up
Starting point is 00:06:41 And unpack that what do you mean like big tailpipe in the back big-ass warm hole and then you get in there I mean a whole fucking thing is vibrating, but it's not nice. You don't know you ever done it No, exactly That's what I'm saying these things are made to have sex with and then we're meant to be put in them and not be horny the whole Time, you know what I mean like they got to start figuring it out Make a car that doesn't vibrate make a car that doesn't look juicy is all hell You know what I mean like you see a Volkswagen Beetle pull up That thing's got a dragon behind that back Caboosh. I think that we have different views of cars
Starting point is 00:07:13 I mean, I'm not I'm not attracted to cars, but let's be honest If there was any object if I start taking down it's a car I mean if no Like who I mean like, you know socks and like You know also not for anything like First of all, I don't think that's the same. No real no no like you're saying like cars without for anything Did I say not for yeah, you're like not for anything not for nothing No, but I was gonna say like if you had to like, you know start like, you know
Starting point is 00:07:41 Eventually, you know at first you would just probably start with like animals before you went to cars Josh edit that out I Took our thing. No, I like animals. I'm saying you would bang animals before anything, you know, that's how AIDS started Isn't it gotcha? Yeah, so I slammed a monkey and now here we are to town on a monkey and like fucking 1981 and now here we are Yeah, I mean animals are hot, but like they're not Yeah, no, just in case just in case I'll get it out. I'll get it out I'm just saying like something tells me like I'm I'm I would be more inclined to take down a car than an animal You know what I mean because the car doesn't I want to stop. I don't know what you mean
Starting point is 00:08:24 Because animals are way more like exactly you would feel a lot worse Having sex with an animal in a car. Do you know I would you know what now that you just said that I don't know what which I would rather be caught doing because they forgot about being caught You're you're you're dog Charlie. You're fucking behind him and you're just going to town. Oh, that's my son. Okay Pick a random dog. Okay. All right chase. You're just my other dog All right Finn That's my cousin's dog. So not your dog though. Okay, you're just behind Finn. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on And he looks back and gives you this
Starting point is 00:09:03 Frankie stop it. That's what I'm saying. No, what's the worst a car can do fucking start you can start up and then I got no more dick No more dick. You're dick. You're not fucking the engine and the fucking turbines. I don't know what cars have You're a fucking plane. Yeah, you're hitting up you're hitting up the the tailpipe I know but the last smoke is blowing into my p-hole smoke. You're driving a car from 2010 at least I'm fucking 1968. I mean we're talking about banging hybrids. So I could get an electric charge in there. There you go That's not good. That's not bad. It's it but it's not good. It's not not healthy Is what the word I want to use why you get a jolt jolt in your junk. Yeah, it's a fucking good old day Dude, I don't know pretty sure that's what horny goat weed people bottle that shit and sell it all the time
Starting point is 00:09:48 I feel like if you get a jolt in you then it could it could you know rewire some stuff and you could like learn a new language And you would know that's awesome. That's great. Yeah, but you would probably forget english So what do we do it? Well, how what am I gonna do if I'm just I was speaking french and nothing else I can't do anything first of all that would make you eons hotter. We all know that and we all agree with that Yo, I honestly don't get why people think french is hot to me. It sounds dumb dude Becca told me that the hottest accent she knows is the boston accent and I wanted to fucking kill myself Listen, I would never speak badly about her in my life, but I want you to know that she's a disgusting freak I have to leave her now. Yeah, I have to she said that's the hottest accent
Starting point is 00:10:25 She was like, oh, I find it. She made me not have said the hottest but she was like, it's so sexy I'm like, what that's it said. What like a hey, sweetie. Sweet. Hot sweet. Yeah Why you pop that kaboosh over at my leg? Dude, I don't know why I feel like everyone feels the opposite. I hope so I want to make sure the world knows that she's psychotic in that opinion Yeah, but I'm not a big french guy because it's like it all sounds like You know it does I hate fucking uh Portuguese brazilian portuguese in particular. I mean, I've never
Starting point is 00:11:01 Dude, you know, I I dated a brazilian girl years ago Yeah, and I cannot wait to hear this It's like when she would speak portuguese, it was like spanish, but also like russian So she'd be like russian is sharp russian is like No, that's when they're speaking english. No, that is what do here There's a lot of k's and like these I feel like is there vultus cause she could push you that's yeah, but like british and british Brazilian portuguese was like a mesh of the two nice. It was spanish and russian
Starting point is 00:11:39 So it was like, what are you doing? So she'd be like And i'm like what How does anyone find this even fucking remotely attractive? I don't know and then you have like to be fair though like I What language do you think is like the most attractive? I think I think spanish. Yeah, I think spanish is like That is he I think spanish is is it sounds really good too. I think that russian english and I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:15 Russian and english to me are like ugly english like american or english like oh, okay No, american english is like not great. I don't think there's certain like accent It doesn't sound like poetic like other languages like sound like like spanish sounds like You know But listen to what i'm saying like it's not i'm not it's not about like english is all the word like italian italian sounds really nice too Yes, but but italian it's it's the accent that you hear it's not necessarily the wordplay with english It's the wordplay someone can go up to you and be like, you know, uh, you know Recite some fucking english poem and it's like whatever you're speaking like this
Starting point is 00:12:53 You know what I mean, but like when someone does it in spanish in english They'll be like I need to tell you like you have that timbre. Yes And I like french I don't hate any language, but it just you know, I mean I don't hate any language But the one that I cannot see people speaking sexy in is like australian No, I could hear that really. I mean it would be aggressive That's where I think they live all the time australians like I think like you know in the bedroom like you know They love calling people cunts. No, that's pretty about their cunts. Well them too. No, really?
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yeah, no, they like they can't they can't a lot. I feel like it's all mate with them It's me. Ah, ah, good. Hi. Good. Hey. Good on ya. Good on your cunt Ah, good. Hi You know, I think it's fucking they're down with them. Ah good on ya That's what they did. Good sex. Yeah way to go. Good pump They're fucking they sound like that all the time all the time some russian russian some australian girl that I know She told me that There's a saying
Starting point is 00:14:14 What do you think this means? I'm not here to fuck spiders. That's what it is. Oh, well, obviously that means like I'm not here to get into trouble No, it means I'm not here to like fuck around like I'm like I'm dead serious. I'm kind of close. I'm kind of close You know what I mean? I'm not here to fuck. What? I don't think anyone's here to fuck spiders You know, I think it's very clear. No one is here to fuck spiders. You know what I mean? Even when I'm messing around I don't know. No one wants to I still don't want to fuck. Forget about like they wouldn't want to but they also wouldn't be able to Pick any other thing. Literally. Spiders. I need a fucking penguin Like that would make more sense like oh, okay, like you're not here to fuck around no penguins for you
Starting point is 00:14:56 That's how I believe every australian speech is with a good just with a fist out of you know Everything they say includes the fist Make the call make the call Call the australian prime minister. What do they got? They got a president of prime minister. They got it all King But yeah, no, the friend I think the french could be a little sexy Like oh, well, yeah
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah, like what am I talking to a skunk, you know But that's where it came from like people. I guess the popular pew is sexy. So now they're just all about french No, that dude was a rapist. Yeah, we know that. Yeah That cat was in for trouble I thought it was also a skunk. No, it was a skunk who thought it was a skunk, but it was a cat Peppie lapieu was the skunk. Yeah, the girl was a cat Oh, that's why she didn't like him because she he's stunk That's what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:16:04 Jesus christ While we got the downtime though, you guys can check out the patreon go to slash the basement yard to get every single weekly episode that you are watching right now Every week you get it a week in advance and you get exclusive content that people don't get access to which the tapesuit episode Uh, I I'm gonna we're gonna be doing the one chip challenge pretty soon since we hit 5000 So, uh, make sure you check it out again. That's slash the basement yard It's worth it. Thank you to all the people that are already patrons tell you friends tell you parents Don't tell your kids. We don't want we don't want to get in trouble. Don't tell we don't want to watch
Starting point is 00:16:38 um But I wanted to talk to you about this thing because I was like going back and forth people on twitter about it Like the the harry stiles People don't know harry stars wore a dress on the cover of uh vogue magazine I believe it was like the first time that a man was on it Or something like that. I don't I don't subscribe to vogue Me neither But so he he wore a dress obviously harry styles in the past has like at the met gala
Starting point is 00:17:05 Like the dude was like hat like, you know, he had some like fucking halter tight top. I don't even know what a halter top is It's it's a woman one. Yeah, so he just you know, he he likes to you know Dabble yeah in the closet Of not that one. I don't know actually maybe he isn't yeah, maybe he's switching boys. Let's go craze. What's your boy? awesome, um, but yeah, so he wore it and uh, You know people were freaking out that it was like an attack on masculinity, which I just found was like hilarious and The one tweet that I like started this whole thing. I think it was canis owns You said there's no society that can survive without strong men
Starting point is 00:17:42 The east knows this in the west the steady fenmen fenn Feminine Isation of our men at the same time that marxism is being taught to our children It's not a coincidence. It is an outright attack bring back manly men Right, so that's what she says immediately. I go. Oh stretch Stretch such a stretch a stretch. Yeah, like what are we talking about? Like it just makes me so upset when people like like yo, you're unbearable to be around You know what I mean? Like people was like
Starting point is 00:18:13 To me that Interpretation is kind of like when you're you're at the bar at your friend and I'm like, oh you want a beer? And you go instead of just being like, yeah, I'll have beer like we're watching the game And you're just like you know that uh the germans like invented beer and they like been putting stuff in the beer And like it's a conspiracy and I'm like shut the bitch Take the beer. Yeah, these conspiracy theorists are getting out of fucking hand I honestly don't even care if you're right. Just shut up Like there's like a certain like you know what the saying like ignorance is bliss
Starting point is 00:18:41 Like sometimes you want to just live in it and listen. Maybe our world is controlled by fucking lizard overlords Maybe but guess what I don't like I don't care Yeah, because like yeah life is not great for a lot of people But that's not figuring out the lizards are there and going to change it Yeah, if and also like if they're listen If lizards are running the world Right, we're saying that we have to say that I know if there's lizard overlords. What is this halo? What is that? It's exactly so a lizard overlord if they're running the world
Starting point is 00:19:14 And we go yo, it's the same thing with flat earth the earth is flat and they go. Yep. It is and then you go Okay What are you doing? What are you going to do? We're still with the lizards. Yeah, we're hanging out with lizards I don't understand what world people look at that and like they're like this is Uh Masculinity is under attack. It's a joke. You know, it's not shut up First of all, no one gives a shit about your masculinity second of all what people are considering to be toxic masculinity Were centuries of men just beaten the ever living dog shit out of women
Starting point is 00:19:46 So like if you're saying bring back manly men, it's like yeah Bring back an oppressive society that fucking doesn't value women's rights or bodies Not only that but it means nothing to be wearing a dress like yo if listen Bring back manly men. Who's the the rock is like what the manliest man I use pretty manly you put a dress on him. Guess what what happens to him nothing He's still the rock. He's still the rock. He's wearing a dress. He might be a little less mobile in there depending on the size of it That's right. But if he gets the size when he gets a tailored dress, he's still the rock You can still kick the shit. Well, guess what?
Starting point is 00:20:18 We'll figure out how to make dresses more mobile once men start wearing them I'll wear a dress right fucking now every man and then fuck you up. Oh You know every man should understand what it feels like to wear a dress and have it blown up by a fucking great You know what I mean do the Marilyn Monroe that I don't think I don't think so, but I will say this I will say this I'm not into dresses like I'm not gonna wear a dress and yes, maybe like I'm not gonna pretend also that dresses aren't a feminine item of clothing
Starting point is 00:20:50 They are is it manly? Whatever the hell that word means I'll even be on your side and be like not not really not really manly But does that make the person not manly? No, but not even whoa, but not even just that Does that mean that a person wearing a dress attacks your ability to be the person that you want to be? No, but like she's just because look I wouldn't wear personally I'm not going out wearing a dress. Why because I don't want to I also can't pull it off man Yeah, those you think it's harry styles fault that he looks good and everything dude this guy's so fucking hot Honestly, the only problem that I have with this whole thing is that harry styles is so fucking hot that he could pull off anything
Starting point is 00:21:28 And now he's just rubbing it in my face like I'll even put a dress on it's still better than you Fuck he set up a really really really high standard for me personally I've been told I look like him once or twice and and now I feel like in order to really Sit there and align with what people believe is good looking I need to wear a dress which I don't want to do but guess what just because I don't want to wear a dress Doesn't mean that it makes the person any less of a person Maybe here's a concept Maybe the idea of someone having the fucking bravery to go outside and wear whatever the fuck they want is more admirable than men
Starting point is 00:22:03 That are sitting there jerking off with fucking sandpaper and corn in one hand and beans in the other singing fucking hi-ho silver Maybe one of those is a lot cooler than the other singing hi-ho Like calm down everyone I know what you mean and like I'll be honest with you right like forget about the idea because I know a lot of people go online And they go, you know, it's actually more manly to You know wear whatever you want and do this and like I'm not even talking about that Like I I know that's a thing that people say and like I don't even know where I stand on that like whatever I just don't care like whatever you want to wear wear whatever you want to wear that means nothing to me
Starting point is 00:22:37 To me that has no effect on whether you're manly or feminine or whatever you want I don't care do throw out your paint in their nails doing whatever things that were traditionally just for women But it's like that doesn't do anything to a person's character or who they are as a person You're pressed because a dude's wearing a dress to the point where you go on. I'll tell you what's not manly Wining on the internet that you're masculinity is Under attack. Do you know how dramatic that is the irony that it's like, aren't we're us men? You're wearing a dress dude like we're supposed to we're not gonna be Dude shut up. Dude. How about the founding fathers of this country used to wear makeup wigs and fucking?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Clogs and there's no doubt in my money petticoats that they were probably some of the gayest people in history It just gave each other syphilis dude. They loved being gay probably George Washington saw Tommy Jeffy once and it was fucking go time Ready to go. That's what i'm saying. Yeah, you know the british are coming That's what paul revere was riding through they didn't tell you who else was on that horse with him You know what i'm saying It just it doesn't make sense the idea that just because something doesn't line up with what your opinion Something is means that it's under attack is fucking insane. Also. You want to hear about manly men? Might be wrong here, but i'm pretty sure I know i'm just gonna generalize
Starting point is 00:23:54 ancient greeks Nailing boys dude spartans Everyone wants to sit there watch your yard butler and 300 and you're like, yo, these guys are gangster They were nailing boys so gay. They were the gayest. Yeah, they're literally unless that's less feminine than wearing a dress I remember when I was in my marxist history class And I remember it was literally we were going over world history and it was like in order to be a spartan warrior You needed to be like a little you needed to be another warrior's bitch. Yeah a little bitch boy Dude a little bitch butt boy a big big old bitch butt boy. Yeah, you know what i'm saying like so people are sitting there and are like spartans
Starting point is 00:24:30 Oh The awoo Came from the you know the back What's what i'm saying like everyone fucking chill Yeah, I just think it's ridiculous dude. My my whole point is this dude like people especially like And this is not the first time that people like dudes are wearing like dresses and shit someone was sending me
Starting point is 00:24:52 Like brad pithead wore a dress on the cover of some magazine. I don't know what it was Mick jagger. I thought was a woman until my my early 20s Uh Dude steven tyler. That's someone's grandma. That's a woman. Let's be honest One of my favorite musicians of all time was the king of being androgynous and that was fucking david bowie Dude david bowie was out there lipstick and just Crushed probably just crushing peepees. Yeah, but also made some of the greatest music that these people still listen to
Starting point is 00:25:20 You know what it is joey? There's a certain classification of people that I have that just need to just chill And I call them the cheers folk Okay, it's the it's the it's the men that are now in their 60s and you know late 60s late 50s Between those two times ages that just loved the show cheers So they said it's about all they do the you know, and you worry about this guy wearing a dress, huh? Because you can't be a guy no more But imagine being so scared that like masculinity is under attack and I love if it's just like the east the east knows this it's like
Starting point is 00:25:53 Dude who fucking gives a shit like how does that even make any sort of sense? Like there's just no correlation. Like I just think it's such a stretch and it's such like a Unnecessary point of view to have like it would be one thing if like Like I don't even know like I don't see a correlation between how people dress and like they're masculinity or like whatever the fuck But let's just say hypothetically that all of a sudden there was this thing sweeping the nation where men Were now just wearing dresses dresses wearing style. Well, what does that mean? Like does that mean is that we're also basing this off of other like countries that do have forms of toxic toxic masculinity That's really what it comes down to is when people are saying like let's bring back manly men
Starting point is 00:26:36 Unfortunately tied with manly men are forms of toxic toxic masculinity, which have led this country to devalue Fucking women the gays the trans community fucking anyone lgbtq Any any unprotected class so that toxic masculinity doesn't just exist here It also exists in these other countries that you're saying the east are laughing at us You know what? I mean, there are other countries that do celebrate people that choose to you know I mean There's such a small like example of it, but like look at korea. Look at kpop. Look at bts. They're basically chicks You know
Starting point is 00:27:14 You're gonna get killed for that. I know No, I love them bts awesome dynamite That's what i'm saying cool But what i'm saying is like look at them. They're not they're not conforming to this idea of manly men But they're they're celebrated and that's how it should be I just like don't see the the I don't know man the correlation. Yeah, there is no correlation for me. It just doesn't make sense and like i'm not even coming from a point of view of
Starting point is 00:27:41 being like You know, everyone should Do what they want to like i'm not even being like all like disney and whatever even though I do feel that way but like i'm not even coming at from that point of view I just the irony of going on twitter and Being like i'm under attack is just that's not manly But you're like like I just also Here's a concept
Starting point is 00:28:05 Can both things exist and be okay Yeah Could we have could we put two people in a room one looks like nick offerman The other looks like david bowie and just be fine with both of them There's there's an eye. Why does it need to be one or the other? They're so afraid that everyone like think about this logic, right? With that logic from that tweet you think because harry stiles wears a dress on the cover of old magazine that Eventually people are going to be inspired by that
Starting point is 00:28:33 And then guys are going to be like i want to wear dresses too and then all the men are going to wear dresses And then the rest of the world's going to laugh at us because all of our men are in dresses First of all, what first of all, he's not american all of our women don't even wear dresses. Can we can we He's from the england He's not even american the england. Yeah, he's not even the england the american. He's the english It's a American magazine, but who gives like i know it's just i just like i don't i don't i don't really get it It's just like and that's what it is. I think that it's such a stretch for a reason like
Starting point is 00:29:08 she just People like that just aren't are unbearable to me. It's like this is so simple This has been around people have been doing this like we just named all these like rock stars They're like in the same industry as him and from fucking Like mcjagger and shit or like what is the difference between them? They're the same people to me They're all english david bowie mcjagger The hairy styles and they could pull it off for whatever reason they can crush it fran mercury wasn't wearing a dress but Crushed that mustache that dude was yeah, crushed that much. I just i have i have such and that mustache got crushed
Starting point is 00:29:42 I just i have such an issue with people that believe because it doesn't line up with their own personal beliefs. It is trying to Do away with them like there is a place in the world For every point of view In terms of how you want to dress how you want to look how you want to carry yourself That is fine Just because it is not conformed to what you believe you want to do Does not mean that you are being attacked or criticized for not doing it dude. Look at me
Starting point is 00:30:08 I've never wanted to dress in my life outside of joey criticizing me for wearing hawaiian shirts I have never been criticized for not wearing a dress or anything for that matter You know what i'm saying except for that one time i wore fucking You know tidy whities into my adult years But outside of that like no one gives a fuck and you shouldn't either Just because you sit on a bus next to someone that's wearing a dress in there and man Does it mean like you're less of a person or anything about you is going to fucking be forced to change do your thing yeah, and it's like and
Starting point is 00:30:40 my my thing too is just Especially now like with this past year with the election and everything like everyone is just so extreme and it's just so Fucking annoying that like very clear about something too Also the other end You know because in this regard we're talking about political spectrum here. We're talking about the far left We're also talking about the far right people that are super liberal They could suck a fuck back back Mix that up suck a fucker. No I said when I
Starting point is 00:31:06 The liberals are the far left what i'm i didn't i'm saying like both Like the people that wanted to cancel baby yoda for eating a fucking egg in the show Yeah, shut the fuck up dude. You stupid you stupid idiot shut up. What is wrong with you? It's so like that shit is so like people are so extreme and like that's why like the cancel culture thing is like it's it's terrifying because You want everyone to be inclusive and you want everyone to be whatever because i'm like Super liberal and all that really means to me is that I want everyone to have a fair shot and everyone to like Live in harmony, but it's not like an attack On people that have made mistakes, you know like when people bring up old tweets of these like celebrities
Starting point is 00:31:46 Or some kid gets drafted in the NBA draft and they pull up a tweet from 2006 when he was 13 years old And says I love titties or he says like pretty full awesome tweet He says something like homophobic or some shit, but not even like directed towards gay people just like Fucking I don't even know all lebron james is gay or something like oh the problem at and it's like You also have to understand this too, right? Different world back then in like 2006 than it is now and it's just like I compare things like that to smoking Now it's different when if someone if someone in 2006 like had tweeted stuff like that like multiple times and then like There was like hate behind it like that's different like having a viewpoint in that way
Starting point is 00:32:28 But I also believe that people can like change their point of view But like with smoke I compared to smoking in that people used to smoke all the time They smoke indoors on planes in front of babies like blow it into their lungs and shit Uh, and then you got all this education about what's wrong with that and like it kills people or whatever And now people who smoke like the number is so small comparative to that If we were all held at the standard and my point was like in 2006 around that time There wasn't this like liberal boom of people who were educating like no actually when you use that word It's like super offensive and it doesn't even matter like the intent behind the word
Starting point is 00:33:04 It's offensive to me to hear that word. So you change you go. Oh, yeah, of course. Like I don't want to do that You know, it also has to do with education It also has to do with political mindset too Like we can't be judging people and listen like full on believe like the founding fathers of this nation the united states Like they did some incredible things. However, there were blemishes on their record, but I'm looking at I'm looking at that through the mindset of my 2020 political opinion, you know what I mean? Like unfortunately back then political opinion was very very different and if we consistently hold Each and every single one of us to the same opinion that we have now to what we were
Starting point is 00:33:37 Doing and saying when we were fucking 12 13 14 or you know, old people that are older 20 25 That's stupid. That's very stupid. Yeah, there it shouldn't be like, you know It shouldn't be like everyone should be perfectly if you say dude, if you bring up I I tweeted about this the other day Let's hope my space is dead and gone forever Because I said and did things that were really fucking stupid And what happens is through time as you realize those things are stupid and you realize they're wrong You get the opportunity to become a better person now if you're held to the standard at which you know 12 year old Frankie said this like We're all fucked. We're all fucked. Yeah, and it just it just doesn't make sense to
Starting point is 00:34:17 Do that because like I said like people change you You know you give people time to figure it out and become adults and like do whatever now with that being said It is totally different than just like saying things and using like the word like oh man That's so gay and it's different than like being up gay people or like being saying like Calling a gay person like you're a faggot, you know, like that's different like that is like Obvious hate but misusing words and just like because it's whatever like people were saying these things in movies and on tv Dude I watched the hangover the other day. Yeah, have you seen it recently? Oh paging that's what I'm saying like it's it's all like even and that's only what 10 years old 11 years old
Starting point is 00:35:00 So it's it's just it's just different and then when when the change happens then you go like, you know, you understand Uh, you know that these things are offensive and whatever and then you don't say those things anymore and you don't you you act accordingly you know, it's just I don't know. So the the the point of that whole thing just being like Going back in time On purpose to try and just bring people down is dangerous because eventually you get to the point where You are just it's becomes a crazy amount of censorship Right, so if you're constantly attacking people for like things they've said in the past
Starting point is 00:35:36 Or like every little thing like hanging on to these little things then Eventually people are just not going to talk to you or not going to they're just going to be weird like everyone's everyone's interaction is going to be like when the media is asking like Players in the mba like after a game like how it went like we know what they're going to say like, oh, you know We fought tough and like whatever they're giving the political answer Like because they can't be like, yo, fuck that fuck them like they cheated and like this guy's a bitch And like they can't say that because they're representing this organization whatever So they give this like very political answer and we hear the same things over and over again like, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:36:06 We worked as a team tonight. We thank for whatever eventually That's what it's going to be like communication between people But if you want to keep it authentic you can't bring people down for every little thing Like you really have to look at the intent behind their words and the reason why they're saying it and being whatever an example Recently one of our friends who's Spanish He works for this company and he said that he handed something to his boss That you know, she needed and she goes oh, gracias and then immediately she was like, oh my god I'm not saying that because you're Spanish. I don't and he was just like like
Starting point is 00:36:36 That's not a world that I want to live in that like she feels like I have to apologize because it's like gracias to a Spanish person You know, it's like you're it's not you're being offensive. You're just using a Spanish word to a Spanish person. It's like Now I have I feel like I have to apologize like that to me is so extreme and it's like If you can't understand that this woman wasn't being offensive offensive It would be different if she was like, oh, yeah, thanks frank Enjoy your burrito and you know like whatever like going crazy with it and like doing crazy shit like that But it's different if just being like, oh, you know, gracias like why people love saying gracias People love seeing gracias. Yeah, you know, so it's like or the real funny the real comedians. Gracias
Starting point is 00:37:15 I definitely have done that. I know you have fucking geek No, but you're you're right. I mean, there's really not not much more I can I can add to that because people like and that's the thing that bothers me about cancel culture I was having this conversation with a family member not long ago. It's like if like The whole like because it's like cancel culture. Yes, let's get these people out of there Yes, you should get people out of there that have fucking the wine scenes of the world The Cosby's of the world that have fucking done criminal acts that are just irreprehensible Yeah, obviously, we're not talking about that like the whole me too movement
Starting point is 00:37:44 Get them all but like Kevin Hart being you know stepping down from hosting the officers because in 2010 He said something was gay or something like that like that's the level at which if we're going to hold people to You you yourself. Fuck you like like hold yourself to that same standard because there's no It is completely impossible. There is a level of human error to errors human and that's true And you need to understand that in every single point in life people are going to fuck up And you need to it's not about them fucking up It's about them taking the opportunity to on the back end do something to make up for it Not only that but also our generation which when we were growing up
Starting point is 00:38:17 We didn't have the internet there was no social media or any of that and then you Get these tools and you don't realize the power of what these things are going to become And what the severity of putting your words out there and like whatever you could say and like what could happen So people recklessly were just saying whatever They know like it was the first time in human history that they felt they could say whatever to whoever and not fucking like No repercussion, but they didn't think anyone was like watching that's what I'm saying. Yeah, you know whatever like It's it's just different like even like a joke that I would say to you about you I wouldn't say in public because people would misconstrue that or they would take it out of context
Starting point is 00:38:52 Like you get it because it's just me and you but like people to see that on just in public It would be different, but we didn't know what was going on at the time So like now maybe it's a little different because kids are growing up immediately with social media They know like the impact of it and like this and that but it wasn't until You know We were getting out of college Well, you were getting out of college that you started to realize like oh I have to go back in my social media and like take down pictures of me drinking because people are going to look at it
Starting point is 00:39:18 Dude like I can't tell you like I there was something in college I went to I don't think it's around anymore But it's called it was called the tolerance museum and basically the whole thing was about how words can really fucking hurt people Yeah, and it's like you don't realize you get in a college shoot. I got in the college everything Fucking gay like that's like it was it was not only what we were around But also a lack of awareness for the lgbtq plus community like I didn't have it But then when you take the time to realize that like why words mean something like When you understand that gay and fag and and all those like derogatory terms were used literally when fucking gay people were being
Starting point is 00:39:54 Not just anyone in that protected, you know the lgbtq plus community were being fucking Dragged and killed and murdered and fucking beaten and hanged because of who they were why those Words bring back those fucking feelings like oh, all right. It makes sense. Maybe not use it Yeah, you know what I mean like easy decision very very easy decision You know, but then again, it's also about like you need to understand your fucking audience And you need to understand like who you're censoring in front of what you're censoring And to what extent you're censoring because I guarantee the way that I speak to the rest of the general public Excuse me. I know the way I speak to the general public is not the way I fucking speak to you
Starting point is 00:40:30 Right, you know what I mean, but that's because you know me as a person I know you as a person and like we have now at the same time We're not sitting back here and just popping n words off and being like, you know like screw them all but like We also understand that there is a level of When you get to like there's depth to the person and that's not necessarily just their words Right does that make sense? No, yeah, because that's what I'm saying about intent like people the intention behind the word like her saying Gracia's was not her
Starting point is 00:40:57 ridiculing him for being Spanish or something It was just like a phrase like saying thank you and like It's just not you know what I'm saying like it's just not like a fan like to me It's just not like offensive and yeah, it's not my call because I'm not Spanish But you know for the most part I just feel like the intent behind it means something like I I mean I'm white like nothing you can really say to me is really gonna I have nothing to Be offended by mayonnaise graham cracker piece of shit. Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:24 graham cracker it's white aren't they're brown You look like a graham cracker kind of Canceling No, but I just you know, I just I just think that you know the the intent is the biggest thing and like listen like I I am one of the most like very Open-minded people in the world and like I even I can understand that you know people make mistakes
Starting point is 00:41:49 Like I have no intention like yeah, I'm I'm liberal and I'm I'm left and I'm you know, whatever I have these beliefs and I It's very obvious where I stand on like social issues and whatnot But I'm not For attacking and bringing down other people like I want people to just like live in harmony and like together like You know people make mistakes there are with that said there are mistakes that are unforgivable And like people should definitely be you know feel the repercussions for that But a lot of the things that we're like going out and choosing and picking are to you know
Starting point is 00:42:18 Get upset about just aren't worth it in the end You know and you can see that because on social media like people make a big stink about something and then like two days later Like no one cares and it's like was that worth ruining someone's life But also the the what makes the news is the extremists on both ends like course I'm very well aware that not every single conservative is a racist You know gay hating person But also understand that not every single liberal is this progressive person marching in the street that thinks that baby yoda Should be canceled because he ate an egg in an episode of the Mandalorian or like demanded that we take anjamaima off the syrup
Starting point is 00:42:50 I mean A little different, but I'm not I'm saying like it's Okay, what if like when that happened it was like yeah, we take anjamaima and uncle ben off the she's like all right cool What the fuck does that change? It's it's that's a that's a no at the time like there was there was things that were going on It was like this is not what we're talking about. Yeah, it was it was it was smoking mirrors to like make it appear Like it was doing a lot. I hear what you're saying, but at the same time like Like just like maybe just have a conversation with people
Starting point is 00:43:18 Just fucking talk Just just like and everyone should everyone every person should be required in this country to have one Gay kiss just so you could just connect to people like you and I should just make out on camera right now And venmo me to get it to happen. Let's get six thousand patron. We're gonna get to the ads No, you're not in charge of any of this patreon shit anymore because of this fucking chip slash the basement we're gonna get to these ads right after the gay kiss All right, so we're doing you know, we're not I'm saying like the fact that you were talking about it. All right. So anyway, so this uh week for our
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Starting point is 00:48:48 When you get into it like before When you were going, oh, you're trying you're trying to make fun of americans Um, when like when you get like really into something and it's just like you're doing on the roll And you don't stop like I sometimes worry if you're gonna take a breath or not Yeah, I sometimes it just flows out of me at that at a speed that is hard to understand sometimes Have you ever said to yourself like I have diarrhea in the mouth. I need to shut up more. No, I have Diarrhea of the mouth. Yeah, you never heard someone say that I have I just think it's like Like when I think of diarrhea, I just feel like shit. You think of jinked. I do man. Yeah, it's gross
Starting point is 00:49:24 It's really gross. You ever diarrhea your pants What do you mean by that? So any yeah, yeah, well, yes Okay, so then why couldn't you just answer it because anytime that I've shit myself It's not been because it's a solid shit. You could hold that in. No, you can't I can I mean sometimes Dude, the ones that make it out are the ones that are like You got a bucket of or two back here. Oh, no Really? Yeah, it's like kinetic sand that comes out of you. Yes. Oh, well a little yeah
Starting point is 00:49:52 Like kinetic sand if you put like a teaspoon of water in it Have you ever wanted to see what your butthole looks like when it's going to the bathroom? I Have you what like have you ever wanted to see like what it looked like maybe put like a camera in the bowl And take it right out. That's what I'm saying. Like have you ever wondered what it looks like? Well, I know what that looks like because we watched two girls one cup recently and like you saw that butt poop Yeah, you still never posted the video about watching that But on better, you know second thought don't do it
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's it's a bad video. It's a lot worse than I thought it was I I was on my uh, I was streaming like after we I like spoke about that and someone told me that apparently one of the girls in that died of dysentery like two days later That'll do it. I don't know if that's true. What is dysentery? Like you're dying about isn't a diarrhea. Am I blugging is it? I don't know. I don't know But like didn't people back in the day you should just like organs tell people were just like getting crushed by dysentery Let's look at uh, I'm pretty sure it's a diarrhea. It's just like a fancy diarrhea. Let's look it up A fancy. Yeah, it's a fancy diarrhea. Like you get you get diarrhea, but you but you have a british accent That's dysentery infection of your intestines that causes bloody diarrhea. Yeah, so it's an infection. It's it's fancy diarrhea
Starting point is 00:51:05 That's not fancy blood doesn't make things fancier. Yeah, it does. No, it doesn't not like I'm saying like it's like an elite version That's not elite. That's pretty sub-lead. No, I mean a diarrhea and then like a really good diarrhea If we're talking about bad things would be something worse than like regular diarrhea, which is like disgusting Why did you start talking about diarrhea? You brought up dysentery. I brought up what I Believe dysentery was you said diarrhea of the mouth. I didn't bring up diarrhea I brought up because people say sometimes that you you know not you in particular But they're like I have diarrhea in the mouth one one to ten peptobismol. Oh, that's a solid eight. It's good, right?
Starting point is 00:51:42 It's really good. It's nice. It's a little minty for me. I was watching yo Do you remember back in the day? Dude, you scared the shit out of me Doesn't matter Do you remember back in the day when you would get sick and then the doctor would be like, yo Here's this bubblegum medicine and then you put in a syringe and shoot it into your mouth like an addict Dude was awesome. Dude, that shit was good. It was like tastiest. I could drink the shit out of it I don't know what it was, but it was like sludge. It was fucking amazing I couldn't get enough of that medicine. Dude now. I understand why people take scissor or you know like cough medicine
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, yeah, dude. That shit was good. If that bubblegum fucking medicine Rolled in here right now. I'm chugging it. Sign me up. It was like strawberry milk And I'm pretty sure like kid medicine just makes you stronger like you can't die from taking too much kid medicine I mean you probably get some dysentery or something. You think so? Not from kid medicine if anything the medicine is doing the opposite of the dysentery Well, you can't you you can have too much medicine and then I don't know what happens I mean you could take like too many pills, but like kids medicine. It's made to be like adorably cute and tasty I think it is also like why
Starting point is 00:52:47 Where do we put that in like syringes? I don't know the whole way of ingestion was weird, dude I remember our friend ricardo back in the day. He was sick and he was taking that bubble. He's not dead I don't know why I said r.i.p. Yeah, he's not to our friendship. We haven't spoken No, but this kid ricardo had that fucking pink bubblegum medicine in class And I remember watching him shoot it into his mouth and I was so fucking jealous. I was like, oh my god That kid had a lot that I was very jealous of. He also had the perfect Solid iced fucking water bottle with the aluminum foil around it. Yeah, dude. He kept that shit cold Coldest ice bitch. Yeah, dude. I remember I was like he was a sweaty man too. So I was good for you
Starting point is 00:53:26 He was he was sweaty. I remember I went up to him once and I and he was drinking I was like you drinking your mom's nipple He got up and started walking to the back of the class to tell on me and I followed him the whole way like Yo, come on. Don't tell me please And he did suck it on your mom's nipple. Yeah, what which teacher? Mackie. Oh, oh, she fucking shit How do you probably load it on me this one? Yo, our second grade teacher one time Like It was the end of the day
Starting point is 00:53:51 Like we weren't doing work or anything and my friend Dennis who wasn't in our class was like sitting in the back of our class For some reason And it was like in-house suspension when they get in trouble in their own class they go to another class Oh, is that what it was? Yeah, you don't remember? That makes sense why she was because I walked over to him because like everyone's just out of their seats doing whatever And I walked over to him and miss macchio came out of nowhere And fucking barked on me like he's my guest and I was like damn dude the timber
Starting point is 00:54:19 I know this motherfucker the timber in this woman's voice. No one is scarier than like 70 to 80 year old white women with just white hair. This woman had fucking base in those lungs Let me tell you scary man. She she was white too as fuck like her hair was like milk and her skin was like yogurt Dude, it was she was very white. Yeah, and not like the white that gets red during the summer It gets whiter during the summer. It gets dry. It gets whiter during the summer. It's insane I remember as clear as day like I would there was one day where I was like sitting next to her And I put my hand on her because I wanted to feel her skin And and it didn't disappoint. It was very weird
Starting point is 00:54:58 It was like a dead person skin not really but by the way, have you ever touched a dead person? Yeah, have you ever done the finger trick? Yeah, that's weird, right? Yeah, so do it So if there's a finger trick where you and your friend go like that we're going on your camera mine My camera. Okay. Well, we're on both right now. Oh nice. Nice. So if you go like this That's what it feels like to touch a dead person to touch a dead person. It's fucked up Yeah, so like if you do what we just did you have to do it with a buddy. You can't do it yourself Yeah, if you do it yourself like yeah, this is like you're you're you're close to throwing up gang signs now
Starting point is 00:55:29 Yeah, it's careful But if you do it like that you with your friend you're gonna do it too. You're gonna find someone to do it and you go like that That's what dead people feel like remember this Do I remember that? Yeah, dude. It was the first pee pee I ever saw. Just kidding me. This is my this is a pussy Which which no, it's not which like which no which no, it's not it's a little more involved It's a lot more involved. It's a dumbed-down version of a giant vagina If you want to like explain to your kids what a vagina looks like can I say this too? Yes, sir Obviously in your lifetime you've had your fingers inside of a vagina. Well
Starting point is 00:56:04 Do you like I never know my way around no idea where I'm going It's like sometimes I run and I'm like that's like no Like it's not just like there's just like like I feel like sometimes there's a there's a new bed sheet That's up and I'm like, what is this dude? Sometimes you get like on the inside and it's it's like a 13 year old's bedroom one morning They wake up and everything's in one spot the next day all over the place Yeah, like hold on. Do you renovate it in here, dude? And you've got to like I remember as clear as day when I was like a real young boy
Starting point is 00:56:32 Not like young boy, but like when I first like started like, you know becoming a sexually active young man I remember as clear as day being like What's in here? Yeah, it's so many textures. There's a lot and it's like it's like it feels like Ivan oozes palm You know what I mean? Like there's just so much going on in there Yeah, you don't know what's left from right. What's what's high from low? Yeah, it's just I just lose sense of direction in there. It's kind of like if I went in there with a compass I feel like it would just spin it's like in the aliens, you know like in like like a like a crop circle That's what I'm talking about. You walk in a crop circle. It's like microwaves don't work and like weird shit
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's kind of like that same like in a vagina. Absolutely. Yeah, I was in there because it's like it's warm It's wet and like you couldn't find a feel you feel around you're like, all right It's cool being in here like cool But then you know the next day you get in there and then you see you touch something that you never touched before You're kind of like when did this get like did you move furniture around? And also you got to worry about like you don't know what you're touching So like this could be like it's like that, you know in like fucking bomb movies How there's like six wires and if they accidentally cut the wrong one, you're gone
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, you don't know what you're touching. This could either lead to just great happiness Or you can snip the wrong wire and it could just be boom. Yeah. Yeah, it's a dangerous place It is it is it is and sometimes it's very hot and you're like damn you might have a fever in here I don't know it's a very warm place Sometimes it's like if you if you were wearing sweatpants the whole day, then you're like it's kind of you got a favor in here Yeah, absolutely. I get that man. I get that sometimes listen the warmest part of my body all the time Is my grundle and I could only imagine if it was like women's Bodies are made to be warm down there because it's like this like where life begins, you know from the vagina
Starting point is 00:58:08 Okay, so it's like walking into like a nice warm room like when babies are born It's like you're outside playing, you know in the snow all day you come into the radiated heat Yeah, they they left it on that's what I'm saying, you know, like that's how babies come into this world Right. Yeah, the electric bill in there is high very high natural gas radiator to high. It's a sought-out commodity. Yeah But it's probably a high bill. Right. Yeah, it's probably a high bill, but it's worth it in the end I don't know how people still listen to us talk about women's anatomy That whole thing is now Dude, and you know how fucking you know, it's funny like we're being funny about it, but I'm so serious
Starting point is 00:58:49 There's no part of me. That's like like maybe a little it's we're dressing we're dressing it up But the the context of what I'm talking about like I really do feel that way. Yeah, no Like sometimes I'm like what is going on. It's really like you ever you know How like there are like artists that like paint pictures of like flowers and like people are like, oh vagina It's like everything is vagina And I just can't figure out how ever like how vagina is everything, you know Because it's like it's a hard thing to kind of pin down like they there's so many different variations and like
Starting point is 00:59:22 You know, it's it's just like it's like a moon like it's like phases it changes I remember as clear as day we were in like High school and there was like a list on the internet that was like the many different types of vaginas and it was like the california closet You don't remember this I got to look this shit up the california closet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah There was so many Like the type the many different what kind of closet so they got in california. I assume big ones. Oh big closets I thought you meant them just like the very different types of vaginas like a new york closet sounds like a small closet got it So this website first of all picture of a fucking that's a gina
Starting point is 01:00:01 Everything is gina. What is that like a pomegranate fruit? Oh, it's a great. I don't even know what pomegranates look like So here are the apparently according to this website, which I think it's from australia. There's five different types There's miss barbie Oh, that's just they even give you a picture Yeah, it's like it literally just looks like a line. Yeah, it looks like a bird stepped on a like a pie crust Yes, it looks It looks like an old-timey cartoon anchor Oh my god
Starting point is 01:00:36 The least this is the least common shape who the pie the the pie crust The barbie the waxers seen as when the labia minora are totally contained within the labia majora Yeah, it's all indoors major indoor dining majora's mask inside the the labia all right indoor dining That's not allowed now. Okay, so then there's mrs. Puffs Which now this one looks like there was a little sneeze a little hiccup like a You know what I'm saying can I see yeah, you know what I'm talking about. It's a little more rounded Oh, it's yeah, this is this is what I believe would be more It's like it's a thicker not thicker, but there's just like it's a little bingo a little puffier. Yeah, um
Starting point is 01:01:17 And there's miss curtains Miss curtain that looks I mean look they're all beautiful, but like that can I see I don't know what I'm looking at I think that's when things are like like kind of like that looks like when a river is like getting into the That's like when someone wears a robe outside the house. You know what I mean like can I see that again? And you get closer this curtains get a look You better look yeah, there's some stuff Oh, it says uh
Starting point is 01:01:46 Description is when the labia minora Uh minora. Oh my god, it's got a little Jewish in there. It's very Jewish The labia my minora Extends past the labia majora. This is like big dipper a little dipper sticking out either a little or a lot so I think that The the miss curtains thing there's a big there's a big a uh scale on that Because I would say most of the vaginas I've seen it's not like
Starting point is 01:02:18 You know I can't see anything here, you know the the bird stepping on the pie crust thing. I think it's rare. Yeah, then there's the miss horseshoe um I don't I don't think I've ever seen anything like this But again, that just looks like a thumb war that does that does look like a thumb war That one I don't even yeah, that does that looks like two eighth graders battling over You know who gets first in the lunch line. Yeah, and then the miss tulip Which I think it's a little bit of a combination of everything
Starting point is 01:02:48 You know what I go back. That's the one that I think is the most common. Yeah, I think the miss tulip is the most common Yeah, um, because it kind of just looks like a this is one I've said before it looks like this It looks like a sideways macaroon. Yeah, exactly exactly like exactly like that. Yeah, so there's that beautiful either way honestly None of it is a deterrent. I will say it is not It is not a coincidence that everything in this world in one way or another looks like a vagina fruit A lot of times looks like a vagina not banana trees Sometimes look like a vagina, you know, but like the best fruit
Starting point is 01:03:30 apples oranges peaches Nectarines sometimes plums What is a nectarine? It's an orange, right? It's like a mix between a peach and a plum. I think I don't know plum. It's it's like a mix. There's different types of plums. I've you want to hear something crazy. Yes, sir I don't know if I've ever had a plum. They're good. They're juicy. They're fucking sexy. They're juicy, right? I've seen you eat a plum and it's like a sexual experience. You see me eat a plum. Yeah, like you had him at lunch I feel like and growing up you like ate a plum and I was like damn, dude
Starting point is 01:04:03 I mean, I remember I in when I was in college. There was like a english lit Uh, litter literature. I can't even say lit anymore because people think like turn up Oh That read a poem and it was called like peaches and it was like the most sexually driven thing I'd ever heard of because it was just about biting into a peach. Yeah, it's like the love shoe is juicy drips Spilling out all over the dock. Yeah, but like like flowers look like vaginas You know everything in this world is vaginas and vaginas are everything I mean, I couldn't have said it better myself bingo to be honest with you. I'm a fucking art
Starting point is 01:04:37 I am a great person with words I just shot myself from the foot there. Yeah, you did Needed a source for that one. Yeah, you know what happens. I'm not perfect Uh, oh man, I mean just so everyone knows like we're adding as you can see we keep adding to this to the set here Um, we're adding more stuff behind Frankie. I have some stuff coming in But it's gonna look really nice and we're we're really happy with the way the show's looking and we appreciate all of our patrons We're over five thousand now. I think like close to five thousand one hundred and fifty at the moment Which is crazy. I'll tell you right now. The number is if you really want to know as a recording
Starting point is 01:05:18 Why are you talking like that and touching me? well You know, I love to touch you. Uh, so yeah, so we really appreciate all the support. Thank you guys for the show and You know, we're we're trying to make the the best product possible 51 51 as of recording today 51 51 and you know, that's a hot number It's a hot number. We're well over the five thousand mark that I had set for Christmas and at the time when I said that I was like, I think it's doable, but it's like gonna be hard and we just crushed it So we appreciate all you guys you guys apparently like our pain
Starting point is 01:05:51 Um, because of that one chip challenge thing, which you're still very mad at me about I am which I get I'm I am not even kidding like There's times where I'm having a good day and I'm like, you know laughing whatever and then I think about it And I'm like, this is gonna happen. Well put it like this. Um, it it'll be Are you gonna phone call? Yeah, who's anyone good? No I wish it was our Spanish friend But what I'm saying is like, uh, there I lost my train of thought. Oh, it'll be over soon We just have a couple of what uh, not what our milk here will be good. We'll be good to go
Starting point is 01:06:23 We'll do it. We'll be good. We'll be all right. We're doing it after Thanksgiving So we don't fucking lose our taste buds like come Thanksgiving Um, so it's gonna be good that will only be on the patreon and also that that one that we recorded last time The songs. Oh, that's an all-timer. Yeah, that is a fucking all-timer. Yeah, you want to see you want to see two grown man Talk about music. Yeah, we did like the the the bracket for like the best karaoke song of all time a lot of singing It and I was hitting notes dude Very Very very impressed
Starting point is 01:06:58 Get what is there one song that you think you like when you sing you're like, you know, I I do pretty well with this one Uh sunday morning. Yeah, I remember in five. Yeah, the only reason why I think that is because I was drunk of shit At a karaoke bar and I'm not saying carry. I'm saying normal day to day Like is there one song that you sing or you're like, no, I don't sing it every day But I'm saying like that's the song that I'm like, I feel like I can hit that one. Give me a give me a little I'm not gonna a little baby I lost it You see this is kids don't grow old. This is what happens to you. You fucking lose your voice
Starting point is 01:07:33 Yeah, I do that with the the Hamilton soundtrack Don't I'm not gonna I'm not gonna but I'm saying like with um With you'll be back The king song I crushed that you know, but and I I nail it. I absolutely nail it. You know what I was thinking about that though How does a bastard orphan son of a whore in Wisconsin dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the caribbean of properties of properties of squalor All right. I'm done. Okay. Where can they find you? Oh, we're done. Yeah. No, no, no, no Really I can't wait for the day that you stop doing that. I well, it'll never come because I enjoy every single waking fucking second with you
Starting point is 01:08:12 Okay, that foul was a jerry at five on twitter and if you want to come Funny bone play video games with me on twitch monday and tuesday nights and uh thursday of every month We do a subscriber only stream slash f l for days or eight five and then the frank albert's on instagram and cameo and yeah You guys will go follow me at joe sanagato on everything and also go follow the show at the baseman yard on tiktok and instagram And again, thank you to our patrons if you want to support the show by going to slash the baseman yard We really appreciate it you get every episode a week in advance and you get an extra episode every single week and that is all
Starting point is 01:08:47 See you guys next time

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